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1. Type and screen; blood is A pos and aby screen pos: what do you do?
a. ID antibody
b. ID antibody and phenotype units

2. Patient with a hgb of 8.1 is given 2 units. What is this patients level now?
a. 10.5
3. What is the primary objective of crossmatch?
a. reveal phenotype of the patient

4. Cause of transfusion associated fatalities:

a. clerical error

5. Compatibility testing procedures don’t require for transfusion of plasma products:

a. true

6. Massive transfusion is considered:

a. 8-10 rbc units in 24-hr
7. Which is not a guideline for donors?
a. blood type

8. An example of a temporary deferral:

a. malaria

9. Autologous donors must have HGB of:

a. 11 g/dL

10. Donor unit processing involves:

a. abo/rh, weak d, and ABS
11. Citrate phosphate dextrose is used to store the blood for:
a. 21 days

12. What product is given to neutropenic patients?

a. granulocytes

13. Cause for deferral:

a. hct 37%

14. Cause for a permanent deferral:

a. hep after 11th birthday, positive hep C result, positive anti-HBc result

15. Which of the following is an incorrect shelf life?

a. platelets 30 days

16. ___________ requires equipment that uses intermittent flow centrifuge when only one
venipuncture is done and blood is reinfused through the same needle after component is
separated and kept for patient use.
a. apheresis

17. All donor blood testing must include:

a. Rh phenotyping

18. Correct storage temperature for FFP?

a. - 20C

19. RBC issued at 9, returned at 9:10, unopened, but not refrigerated. What is the best
course of action?
a. record the return and place unit back into inventory

20. Optimal temperature for storage for RBC:

a. 4
21. Cryoprecipitate must be transfused within what period of time following thawing:
a. 4 hrs
22. Optimal temperature for storage of platelets is:
a. 22

23. Once thawed, FFP must be transfused within:

a. 24 hrs

24. What component contains the most factor VIII relative of volume?
a. cryoprecipitate

25. Upon inspection of a unit, platelets have visible small clots but otherwise appears
normal. technician should:
a. do not use and send to micro for quarantine for gram stand and culture

26. The best component for a patient with anemia:

a. RBCs

27. Patient with vWF deficiency will most likely get:

a. platelets

28. A patient has had a massive trauma involving replacement of 1 unit of blood. She is
currently experiencing oozing from surgical incision. Her lab values are:
PT: normal, PTT: normal, platelets: 20,000, bleeding time: prolonged, Hgb – 11.4
The best choice blood product would be best choice for this patient?
a. platelets

29. What blood type must be transfused when crisis does not permit the time to collect a
test a patient sample?
a. o-neg

30. Describe 3 ways sensitivity of antibody detection can be increased.

31. What is the minimal acceptable levels in allogenic and autologous donations?
a. weight: ________110__________
b. temp: _____99.5_______________
c. pulse: _________50-100__________
d. blood pressure: ______180/100______
e. hgb, hct: __________________

32. Interpret the XM result:

A+ IS 0 37: 1+ AHG: 2+ CC: 4+

A+ IS:0 37: 0 AHG: 0 CC: 2+


33. In your own words, write the procedure for a crossmatch. Use the whole sheet
completely by drawing your tubes. Be sure to include all of the reagents that you use in
a full crossmatch.0000000000000000000

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