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SURVEY - 2018

MAY 25, 2018




1 Public expenditure on social services in last few years has

a. Increased
b. Decreased
c. Almost constant
d. No definite conclusion can be made
Answer – d
The expenditure on social services by the Centre and States as a
proportion of GDP has remained in the range of 6 per cent during
2012-13 to 2014-15. There has been a marginal decline to
5.8 per cent in 2015-16 which has further moved up to 6.6
per cent in 2017-18 (BE)

2 Right to Education Act 2009 stipulates

1. Physical infrastructure of schools
2. Both school-wise and class-wise learning outcomes
Select from the codes below
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None
Answer – c
• RTE Act, 2009 lays down the guidelines for maintaining the
norms and standards relating inter alia to
a) Pupil Teacher Ratios (PTRs)
b) buildings and infrastructure
c) school-working days
d) teacher-working hours
both primary and upper primary schools.

• Towards improving the learning outcomes at elementary

school level, Central Rules under the RTE Act have been
amended in February, 2017 to include the defined class-
wise, subject-wise learning outcomes


3 The average number of pupils (students) per classroom in a

school in a given school-year is called as School Classroom Ratio.
In this context, consider the following
1. About a quarter of schools in India have SCR greater than
2. With the increased enrolment in schools, India has
witnessed increase in SCR as well.
Select from the codes below
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None
Answer – a
• SCR is defned as average number of pupils (students) per
classroom in a school in a given school-year. The ideal size
should be at 30 students per classroom.
• At all India level, percentage of schools with SCR greater
than 30 students declined from 43 per cent in 2009-10
to 25.7 per cent in 2015-16. Though, SCR improved in
almost all of the States, there are variations in the
improvement across States.

4 Consider the following

1. India has better Pupil Teacher Ratio amongst the BRICS
2. The recruitment and deployment of teachers is the
responsibility of State governments.
Select from the codes below
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None
Answer – b


While India had a PTR of 23:1 at national level for primary

schools in 2015-16, at primary level and upper primary level, the
PTR should be 30:1 and 35:1, respectively.

The global average of PTR in 2015 was 23.4:1. In countries as

China, it was 16.3:1, 20.9:1 in Brazil, 19.8:1 in Russia and
33.6:1 in South Africa.

• The recruitment, service conditions and redeployment

of teachers are primarily in
the domain of respective State Governments and UT

• However, the Central Government through the flagship

programmes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) at elementary
level and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA
Integrated) at secondary level provides assistance to the
State Governments and UTs for additional teachers to


maintain appropriate PTR as per the prescribed norms for

various levels of schooling.

5 Consider the following about education of girls

1. Gender Parity Index probes the inequality of education
attainment between boys and girls.
2. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao seeks to fill the gap of inequality in
education at secondary level as well.

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• Gender Parity Index (GPI) in education is a valuable
indicator which reflects the discrimination against girls
in access to educational opportunities. In higher
education, gender disparities still prevail in enrolment for
which continuous efforts are being made by the Government
to improve net intake rate for women in higher education.
Gender Parity Index (GPI) is a socioeconomic index usually
designed to measure the relative access to education of
males and females. This index is released by UNESCO. In its
simplest form, it is calculated as the quotient of the number
of females by the number of males enrolled in a given stage
of education (primary, secondary, etc.)

• With consistent efforts by the Government through

programmes like Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao, the GPI has
improved substantially at the primary and secondary levels
of enrolment


6 Consider the following about the Ease of Doing Business

1. It is released by World Economic Forum.
2. In the recent ranking, India has substantially improved on
indices of taxation, insolvency and enforcing contracts.
Select from the codes below
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None
Answer – d

The index developed by World Bank on the basis of 10

parameters or 10 sub-indices

• India jumped thirty places to break into the top 100 for the
frst time in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Report
(EODB), 2018
• India leaped 53 and 33 spots in the taxation and insolvency
indices, respectively, on the back of administrative reforms
in taxation and passage of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Code. It also made strides on protecting minority investors
and obtaining credit, and retained a high rank on getting
electricity, after a 70 spot rise in EODB,
2017 due to the government’s electricity reforms
• India continues to lag on the indicator on enforcing
contracts, marginally improving its position from 172 to
164 in the latest report, behind Pakistan, Congo and Sudan.

7 Consider the following about exports of India

1. There was no direct data on international exports of states
before GST.
2. Larger firms account for majority of the exports.


Which of the above is correct

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None
Answer – a
The distribution of the GST base among the states is closely
linked to the size of their economies, allaying fears of major
producing states that the shift to the new system would
undermine their tax collections. Data on the international exports
of states (the first in India’s history) suggests a strong correlation
between export performance and states’ standard of living. India’s
exports are unusual in that the largest firms account for a much
smaller share of exports than in other comparable countries.

8 Consider the following data unearthed after implementation of

1. Formality in the non-farm sector is high compared to
previous calculations.
2. Indirect taxpayers have decreased.
3. The manufacturing states are losing revenue compared to
the earlier tax regime.

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 1 and 3 only
c. 2 and 3 only
d. All of them

Answer – a

• India’s formal sector, especially formal non-farm payroll,

is substantially greater than currently believed.
Formality defned in terms of social security provision yields
an estimate of formal sector payroll of about 31 percent of
the non-agricultural work force; formality defned in terms of


being part of the GST net suggests a formal sector payroll

share of 53 percent.
• There has been a fifty percent increase in the number of
indirect taxpayers. Adjusting the base for double and
triple counting, the GST has increased the
number of unique indirect taxpayers by more than 50
percent_a substantial 3.4 million. They were not captured
earlier because of their total turnover, business-to-
consumer (B2C) transactions account for only 17 percent of
the total. The bulk of transactions are business-to business
(B2B) and exports, which account for 30-34 percent apiece
• The distribution of the GST base among the states is closely
linked to the size of their economies, allaying fears of
major producing states that the shift to the new system
would undermine their tax collections.

9 Consider the following about the private non-agricultural

formal sector in India
1. Such firms are about a quarter of the total firms.
2. They produce about half of the total production in the non-
agricultural private sector.

Which of the above is/are correct?

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – d

• The size of the formal sector (defned here as being

either in the social security or GST net) is 13 percent of
total frms(71 million) in the private non-agriculture sector
but 93 percent of their total turnover.


• The registered below-threshold frms account for 32

percent of total frms but less than 1 percent of total
turnover, while the largest account for less than 1 percent
of firms but 66 percent of turnover, and 54 percent of total
tax liability
• Registered smaller firms seem to be equally involved in
selling to consumers (B2C) and selling to other firms (B2B).
Medium and large firms, in contrast, have a much greater
presence in B2B than B2C transactions

10 Weighted average tax rate under GST is around

a. 15%
b. 20%
c. 12%
d. 10%

Answer – a
• Revenue Neutral Rate RNR Committee had estimated a base
of Rs. 68.8 lakh crore and the GST Council had estimated a
base of Rs. 65.8 lakh crore. GST tax
base (excluding exports) is Rs. 65-70 lakh crore, broadly
similar to these two previous estimates
• The weighted average collection rate (incidence) is
about 15.6 percent. So, as estimated by the RNR
committee, the single tax rate that would preserve revenue
neutrality is between 15 to 16 percent

11 Which of the following states has the highest indirect tax base
under GST
a. Maharashtra
b. Madhya Pardesh
c. Uttar Pardesh
d. Tamil Nadu


Answer – a
• In the run-up to the GST, there was anxiety amongst the
manufacturing states that the switch to a destination and
consumption-based tax would transfer the tax base toward
consuming states.
• State-wise share of the total GST base suggests that the top
states are Maharashtra (16 percent), Tamil Nadu (10
percent), Karnataka (9 percent), Uttar Pradesh (7
percent), and Gujarat (6 percent). So the biggest tax bases
still seem to be in the biggest producing states.
• It is true that the share of Maharashtra’s and Gujarat’s tax
base under the GST is lower than their share of
manufacturing. But because these two states also have a
signifcant presence in services, their tax base share remains
in line with their share of GSDP.

12 Smaller firms are opting to be part of GST regime despite

having the option of Composition scheme. What is the most likely
reason for such behaviour?
a. GST has lesser taxes.
b. They purchase from the larger firms.
c. Larger firms purchase from them.
d. GSTN technology is more easy to use.

Answer – b
• Before the GST was introduced, it was expected that small
dealers who sell directly
to consumers would chose the composition scheme while
those who sell to bigger
companies would opt (or be forced) into regular registration,
because purchasing frms would not buy unless they could
get input tax credits
• Small B2C frms want to be part of the GST because they
buy from large enterprises. In fact, 68 percent of their
purchases are from medium or large registered enterprises,


giving them a powerful incentive to register, so they could

secure input tax credits on these purchases.

13 Which state accounts for the largest share in India’s exports

a. Gujarat
b. Maharashtra
c. Tamil Nadu
d. Karnataka

Answer – b
Five states—Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and
Telangana—in that order account for 70% of India’s exports

14 India’s internal trade is 60% of its total trade. Which state has
the largest trade surplus in inter-state trade?
a. Haryana
b. Maharashtra
c. Gujarat
d. Odhisa

Answer – c
Interstate trade
• The fve largest exporting states are Maharashtra, Gujarat,
Haryana, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
• The fve largest importing states are Maharashtra, Tamil
Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and Gujarat
• The states with the largest internal trade surpluses are
Gujarat, Haryana, Maharashtra, Odisha and Tamil Nadu.

15 Conisder the following about India’s GDP growth rate

1. It is about 4% higher than the global GDP rate.
2. It is slower than the average of emerging market and
developing economies.


Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – a
The growth is around 4 percentage points higher than
global growth average of last 3 years and nearly 3 percentage
points more than the average growth achieved by emerging
market & developing economies

16 Consider the following statements

1. India’s savings as a percentage of GDP is around 30%.
2. India’s food production is consistently growing year by year
over the last decade.

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – a


17 Consider the following statements

1. India’s manufacturing growth rate is continuously growing
at more than 8% year-on-year after the announcement of
‘Make in India’ scheme.
2. Public sector constitutes major chunk of the growth in
services in last few years.

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – b


18 It is said that India has moved from “socialism with limited

entry to marketism without exit”. Which of the following
mechanisms is likely to help the firms to exit?
a. Insolvency Code
b. Bank recapitalisation
c. FDI liberalisation
d. None of the above

Answer – a
• Facilitating “exit” has been one of India’s most intractable
challenges, evoking the generalization that over the last 50
years India had gone from “socialism with limited entry to
marketism without exit.” The IBC resolution process could
prove a valuable technology for tackling this long-standing
problem in the Indian corporate sector. The recently
proposed Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance
(FRDI) bill would do the same for fnancial frms.
• In the case of the TBS challenge, exit has proved
particularly intractable because the
objectives are many, conflicting, and politically diffcult.
Policymakers have had to fnd a way to reduce the debts of


stressed companies to sustainable levels. At the same time,

they have had to minimize the bill to taxpayers, limit moral
hazard, and avoid the perception of favouring controlling
equity holders (promoters). The IBC aims to solve these
problems through the expedient of transparently auctioning
off stressed frms to the highest bidders, excluding those
which are toxically blemished.

19 Consider the following

1. Before GST, there was no systematic firm level export data.
2. India has lesser concentration of a few companies over
exports compared to other countries.
3. India’s export profile is unique due to substantial service
exports vis-à-vis other countries.

Select from the following codes

a. 1 and 2 only
b. 2 and 3 only
c. 1 and 3 only
d. All of the above

Answer – d
• Until now, no such analysis has been possible for India
because frm level export data
are diffcult to construct. (In principle, DGCIS and Customs
have these data but they have not been systematically
compiled or used by researchers.) However, with the new
GST data it is possible to construct frm-level exports.
• Export concentration by firms is much lower in India
than in the US, Germany, Brazil, or Mexico. For
example, top 1 percent of frms accounted for 72, 68, 67,
and 55 percent of exports in Brazil, Germany, Mexico, and
USA respectively but only 38 percent in the case of India
• There is one caveat which could help explain the atypical
Indian distribution: unlike in other countries, Indian


data includes exports of services, where concentration

ratios tend to be much lower than in manufacturing

20 Consider the following organisations for social security in

1. EPFO provides for medical benefits to private sector
2. ESIC provides for pensions for the private sector employees.

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – d
• In India, government provides this for its employees, and
the Employees’ Provident
Fund Organization (EPFO) provides it to private sector
employees in respect of pensions and provident funds.
EPFO contribution is mandatory for industries employing
greater than 20 workers, and whose monthly wage/salary is
below Rs. 15,000. Above that level, contributions are
voluntary. Of the total active members (for whom the
monthly contribution is deposited by the employer), 86
percent earn less than Rs 15,000, and about 98 percent
have opted for a combination of the ‘provident fund-pension’
• Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) in respect of
medical benefts. ESIC contribution is mandatory for certain
frms, employing greater than 10 workers, and for workers in
these frms whose monthly wage/ salary is below Rs. 21,000.

21 Which of the following sectors are exempted from GST?


1. Education
2. Health
3. Electricity

Select from the codes below

a. 1 and 2 only
b. 3 only
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

Answer – c
“Less than 0.1 percent of frms accounting for about 14 percent of
turnover are in the social security net but not in the GST net.
These are mostly frms that are in GST-exempted sectors (such
as education, health, electricity), although there are many
frms that appear to be outside the GST even though they are in
the GST-included sectors.”

22 Consider the following

1. There is a meagre percentage of firms which are in both tax
net and social security net.
2. There is a meagre percentage of firms which are tax
exempted but are covered in social security net.

Which of the above is correct

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer - c
• About 0.6 percent of frms, accounting for 38 percent of total
turnover, 87 percent of
exports, and 63 percent of GST liability are what might be
called in the “hard core” formal sector in the sense of being
both in the tax and social security net.


• At the other end, 87 percent of frms, representing 21

percent of total turnover,
are purely informal, outside both the tax and social security
• Around 12 percent of frms, accounting for 41 percent of
turnover, 13 percent of
exports, and 37 percent of tax liabilities are in the tax net
but not the social security net. These frms are relatively
smaller than those in both nets, since they have a lower
average turnover and average tax rate, 7 percent compared
with 16.3 percent
• Finally, less than 0.1 percent of frms accounting for about
14 percent of turnover are in the social security net but not
in the GST net. These are mostly frms that are in
GST-exempted sectors (such as education, health,
electricity), although there are many frms that appear to be
outside the GST even though they are in the GST-included

23 Consider the following

1. Government is seeking “Capital Restructuring of CPSEs”
than disinvestment.
2. BHARAT 22 is a new ETF to realise restructuring of CPSEs.

Select from the codes below

a. 1 nly
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• Budget 2016-17 focused on the need to migrate from the’
disinvestment based approach’ to ‘investment based
approach’ for CPSEs. Accordingly, renaming the Department
as ‘DIPAM’ with expanded mandate denotes a paradigm


shift in the thinking process of the Government on its

strategy to manage its investment in CPSEs
• Department also laid down comprehensive guidelines on
“Capital Restructuring of CPSEs:” in May, 2016 for effcient
management of Government’s investment in CPSEs by
addressing various aspects, such as, payment of dividend,
buyback of shares, issues of bonus shares and splitting of
• The commitment for time-bound listing of CPSEs has been
taken on-board as an integral part of the reforms initiatives
of the Government by making an announcement to this
effect in the Budget 2017-18
• Government started using index based ETF to offer an
investment opportunity in CPSEs to pension funds and
retail investors in India. And pursuant to the announcement
made in the Budget in this regard, a new ETF, namely
BHARAT 22 was announced in August, 2017.

24 Which of the following are NBFCs

1. Peer to Peer
2. Account Aggregators

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) bring in
diversity and effciency to the financial sector and make it
more responsive to the needs of the customers.
• Peer to Peer (P2P) and Account Aggregators are the new
categories of NBFC that have been introduced recently.


• To further fnancial inclusion through direct interaction

between small lenders and small borrowers and to address
the associated consumer protection issues, the Reserve
Bank has introduced a new category of Non-Banking
Financial Company (NBFC) called NBFC-P2P (NBFC- Peer to
Peer Lending Platform) with light touch regulation and
emphasis on adequate disclosures.

Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered

under the Companies Act, 1956 engaged in the business of loans
and advances, acquisition of
shares/stocks/bonds/debentures/securities issued by
Government or local authority or other marketable securities of a
like nature, leasing, hire-purchase, insurance business, chit
business but does not include any institution whose principal
business is that of agriculture activity, industrial activity,
purchase or sale of any goods (other than securities) or providing
any services and sale/purchase/construction of immovable

25 Consider the following about the NBFC sector

1. Their balance sheets mostly comprises of public funds.
2. CRAR of NBFCs is only around 10%, making them hugely
3. NBFCs have a considerable share in bank assets despite
having meagre share in deposits.

Which of the above statements is correct?

a. 2 only
b. 1 and 2 only
c. 1 and 3 only
d. All of them

Answer – c


• NBFCs depended largely on public funds for funding their

balance sheets, like borrowings through Non-Convertible
Debentures (NCDs)
• The Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR) of NBFC
sector declined slightly to 22.5 per cent as on end-
September 2017 from 22.8 per cent as on March 31, 2017.
The gross NPA ratio (per cent to advances) of NBFC sector
declined to 5.5 per cent as on end-September 2017 from 6.1
per cent as on March 31, 2017
• NBFC sector, as a whole, accounted for 17 per cent of bank
assets and 0.26 per cent
of bank deposits. The consolidated balance sheet size of the
NBFC sector is `20.7 lakh crores.

26 Which sector has seen most defaults since outlining

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
a. Steel
b. Banking
c. Coal
d. Telecom

Answer – a



27 Which of the following sector accounts for highest growth in

non-food credit generally
a. Services
b. Personal loans
c. Industry
d. Agriculture and allied activities

Answer – b
Bank credit
lending to Services and Personal Loans (PL)
segments continue to be the major contributor
to overall NFC growth

28 In the industrial sector, which sub-sector has the least credit

growth rate
a. Micro and small scale
b. Medium scale
c. Textiles
d. Infrastructure

Answer – b


Credit growth fnally picked up in industrial sector after

remaining persistently negative from October 2016 to October
2017. However, growth of credit to medium scale industries
has remained negative since June 2015.

29 Comparing the performance indices of NBFCs with Scheduled

Commercial Banks (SCBs), which of the following are true
1. CRAR of NBFCs is higher than SCBs.
2. Gross NPAs ratio of SCBs has been increased.
3. Both Return on Assets and Return on Equity are higher in

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 and 3 only
c. 1 and 3 only
d. All of them

Answer – d

• Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR) of NBFC

sector declined slightly to 22.5 per cent as on end-
September 2017 from 22.8 per cent as on March 31, 2017.
Capital to Risk-weighted Asset Ratio (CRAR) of SCBs
increased from 13.6 per cent to 13.9 per cent between


March 2017 and September 2017 largely due to an

improvement for private sector banks
• The gross NPA ratio (per cent to advances) of NBFC sector
declined to 5.5 per cent as on end-September 2017 from 6.1
per cent as on March 31, 2017. Gross Non Performing
Advances (GNPA) ratio of Scheduled Commercial Banks
(SCBs) increased from 9.6 per cent to 10.2 per cent
between March 2017 and September 2017.
• The Return on Assets (RoA) of the sector increased to 2.0
per cent as on end September 2017 as compared to 1.6 per
cent as on end-March 2017. The Return on Equity (RoE)
increased significantly to 9.0 per cent (annualized) as on
end September 2017 from 7.0 per cent as on end-March
2017. SCBs’ Return on Assets (RoA) remained unchanged at
0.4 per cent between March 2017 and September 2017
while their Return on Equity (RoE) declined from 4.3 per
cent to 4.2 per cent.

Difference between banks & NBFCs

NBFCs lend and make investments and hence their activities are
akin to that of banks; however there are a few differences as
given below:
i. NBFC cannot accept demand deposits
ii. NBFCs do not form part of the payment and settlement system
and cannot issue cheques drawn on itself
iii. deposit insurance facility of Deposit Insurance and Credit
Guarantee Corporation is not available to depositors of NBFCs,
unlike in case of banks.

30 The term “economic convergence” refers to

a. Less developed countries growing faster than High income
b. Reducing inequalities between the poor and rich people
c. A term used by World Bank to refer the impact of
environmental degradation on growth


d. None of the above

Answer – a
A major driver of these good times, is “economic convergence,”
whereby poorer countries have grown faster than richer countries
and closed the gap in standards of living. The convergence
process has been broadening and accelerating for the last 20-30

31 Voluntary National Reviews is related to

a. Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals
b. Implementation of Paris Climate Change Goals
c. Voluntary contribution of developed countries to Green
Climate Fund
d. Reform in UN Security Council

Answer – a
India is one of the countries that has volunteered to take
part in the Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) at the High-
Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2017. India presented its 1st VNR
on implementation of SDGs on 19th July, 2017 in the HLPF at
United Nations, New York. The VNR report is based on an
analysis of progress under various programmes and initiatives in
the country. The VNR report focused on 7 SDGs: 1 (No Poverty); 2
(Zero Hunger); 3 (Good Health and Well-Being); 5 (Gender
Equality); 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 14 (Life
below Water) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

32 What are the possible reasons for middle income countries to

be entrapped in stagnation of growth after years of high growth
1. Presence of low cost competitors to manufacturing
2. Rapid higher movement in value-added chain

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only


b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – a
• The reasons for the trap/stall were supposed to be twofold,
operating as a kind of pincer.
• On the one hand, as countries attained middle income
status, they would be squeezed out of manufacturing and
other dynamic sectors by poorer, lower-cost competitors.
• On the other hand, they would lack the institutional,
human, and technological capital to carve out niches
higher up the value-added chain.
• Thus, pushed from below and unable to grasp the top, they
would find themselves doomed to, well, middle income

33 Which of the following are in the process of formulating

indictors comparable to SDGs at the national level
a. NITI Aayog
b. Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation
c. RBI
d. Both a and c

Answer – b
• In the light of the global SDG indicators endorsed by the UN
Statistical Commission,
the draft national SDG indicators are being developed by
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation
with inputs from Central Ministries and various other
stakeholders and are now at an advanced stage of
• In the light of the global SDG indicators endorsed by the UN
Statistical Commission,
the draft national SDG indicators are being developed by


Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation with

inputs from Central Ministries and various other
stakeholders and are now at an advanced stage of

34 Consider the following

1. Gravity model of trade suggests that smaller economies
trade more than larger countries.
2. The world is witnessing intensified trade after global
financial crisis.

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – a
• Basic gravity theory implies that smaller countries
tend to trade more than larger ones. A world made up of
two equal-size countries will experience more trade than a
world in which the larger country accounts for 95 percent of
world output. Over time, the world is becoming more equal
in the distribution of the underlying output. For example,
between 1970 and 2000, it was as if there were 7.0 – 7.5
equally sized countries trading with each other according to
the gravity model. Since 2000, as more countries have
started catching up with the rich, world output has become
more dispersed.
• But this globalization has led to a backlash in advanced
countries reflected in the decline in world trade-GDP ratios
since 2011


35 Consider the following about urbanisation in India

1. India’s urban population is around 25% according to 2011
2. Issuance of municipal bonds is allowed through 74th
Constitutional Amendment by the municipal bodies which
satisfy certain conditions.

Select the right statements

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – d
• According to Census 2011, 377.1 million Indians
comprising 31.16 per cent of the country’s population
live in urban areas. India’s urban population is projected
to grow to about 600 million by 2031.
• In July, 2015, the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(SEBI) notifed a new regulatory framework - Issue and


Listing of Debt Securities by Municipalities Regulations

for issuing municipal bonds in India

36. Premature industrialisation is the stage in countries like

India where the human resource shift from informal sector to low
cost production process, thereby impeding industrialisation. In
this light, consider the following in respect of India about
premature industrialisation
1. It has been high in both pre-liberalisation and post-
liberalisation eras
2. It is increasing in the 21st century

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• Successful development requires two kinds of structural
transformations: 1) a shift of resources from low
productivity to high productivity sectors (as highlighted by
Sir Arthur Lewis); and 2) a larger share of resources devoted
to sectors that have the potential for rapid productivity
growth. In many cases, however, resources do not shift in
this way. They shift instead from informal, low productivity
sectors to ones that are marginally less informal/more
productive. These are cases of “thwarted structural
• There is a solid positive relationship, suggesting that richer
countries attained higher levels of peak manufacturing and
earlier in the development process. Thus China has lower
premature industrialisation than India, and both have
higher than US.


• In particular, based on the detailed study of India by

Amirapu and Subramanian, dynamic sectors are those with
high levels of productivity and potential for unconditional
convergence. Such a list comprises manufacturing, fnance,
telecommunications, and professional services.
• Therefore, good growth comprises growth accounted for by
labor share shifts into these good sectors and their
productivity growth. . In particular, based on the detailed
study of India by Amirapu and Subramanian, dynamic
sectors are those with
high levels of productivity and potential for unconditional
convergence. Such a list comprises manufacturing, fnance,
telecommunications, and professional services.
• For China, the average, share of good growth over the entire
period is 53 percent while India’s is 37 percent, falling to
about 32 percent since the Global Financial Crisis

37 Saubhagya scheme seeks to


a. Achieve 100% electrification of all villages

b. Provide adolescent girls with scholarships for higher
education deterring early marriage
c. Reducing mortality rate in the newly born children from
d. None of the above

Answer – d
• Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY)
scheme was launched in 2015 to achieve 100 per cent
village electrification
• Saubhagya scheme launched on 25th September, 2017, to
provide energy access to all by last mile connectivity and
electricity connections to all remaining unelectrifed
households in rural and urban areas to achieve
universal household electrifcation in the country.
Status of rural electrification
As of August 2017, about 1% of the villages in India remain un-
electrified (3,146 villages). However, with regard to households,
around 23% (4.1 crore households) are yet to be electrified.

Definition of an electrified village

An electrified village is defined as one that has the following:
(i) provision of basic infrastructure such as distribution
transformers and lines in the inhabited locality
(ii) provision of electricity in public places like schools, panchayat
office, health centers, dispensaries, and community centers, and
(iii) at least 10% of the total number of households in the village
are electrified.

38 Lewisian model talks about

a. Shift from farm to industrial sector
b. Implications of world trade on nation’s economy


c. Inflation and employment are complimentary

d. Interest rate is directly proportional to GDP growth rate

Answer – a

Successful development requires two kinds of structural

a. a shift of resources from low productivity to high
productivity sectors (as highlighted by Sir Arthur Lewis)
b. a larger share of resources devoted to sectors that have the
potential for rapid productivity growth

The dual-sector model is a model in developmental economics.

It is commonly known as the Lewis model after its inventor W.
Arthur Lewis. It explains the growth of a developing economy in
terms of a labour transition between two sectors, the capitalist
sector and the subsistence sector

39 Which of the following states have achieved 100% household

1. Kerala
2. Punjab
3. Nagaland
4. Gujarat

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 and 3 only
c. 1,2 and 4
d. All of the above

Answer – c
• Out of 18.1 crore rural households in the country, 14.2
crore (78%) rural households
have been electrified


• Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Gujarat and

Punjab have achieved 100 per cent electrifcation of
• In contrast, Bihar, Jharkhand and Nagaland have achieved
less than 50 per cent.

40 Consider the following about ASER survey

1. A sample of school children is tested on reading and
arithmetic in rural India.
2. There are no significant differences between boys and girls
in learning outcomes.

Select the right statements

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• Learning poverty headcount (LPC), which measures the
number of children who do not meet the basic learning
benchmark, has been possible through possible by the
Annual Survey of Education Reports (ASER) that have
over time tested a sample of children between the ages
of 5 and 16, residing in rural India. Students are tested
in terms of a set of tasks in reading and arithmetic, which
have remained constant over time
• There are no signifcant differences in the LPC for boys and
• It is sobering enough that learning poverty counts are
around 40 percent, roughly where India’s consumption
poverty numbers were in the 1970s. But if technology going
forward is going to be even more human capital intensive as
current trends suggest (dotted yellow line), the wedge
between the opportunities offered to the future labour force
and the capabilities to take advantage of them will widen


even further. That is the true magnitude of India’s human

capital challenge.

ASER – By Pratham (NGO)

• annual survey that aims to provide reliable estimates of
children’s enrolment and basic learning levels for each
district and state in India.
• ASER has been conducted every year since 2005 in all rural
districts of India.
• It is the largest citizen-led survey in India
• It is also the only annual source of information on children’s
learning outcomes available in India today.
• Unlike most other large-scale learning assessments, ASER
is a household-based rather than school-based survey. This
design enables all children to be included – those who have
never been to school or have dropped out, as well as those
who are in government schools, private schools, religious
schools or anywhere else.

41 Consider the following statements

1. GDP growth of low income countries has been higher than
those of high income countries after global financial crisis.
2. Agricultural productivity of low income countries has been
higher than those of high income countries.

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – a
• The poorest have been growing faster than lower
middle income countries, who have been growing faster


than upper middle income countries who in turn have

been growing faster than the richest.
• Growth rates for richer countries have been consistently
greater than for developing countries in each time period.

Agricultural productivity of low income countries has been lower

than those of high income countries.

42 Consider the following about renewable energy in India

1. The share of renewable energy in total installed capacity has
tripled in a decade.
2. Solar and wind tariffs are currently falling.

Select from the following codes

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c


• As on 30th November, 2017, the total installed capacity of

electricity in India was 330860.6 MW out of which 18 per
cent was from renewable energy sources. The share of
renewables in the total installed capacity has been
increasing over the years and the current share is
around 3 times what it was in the year 2007
• Between March, 2016 and December, 2017, the installed
capacity of solar power increased from around 6.8 GW to 17
GW. In recent years, India has been witnessing falling solar
tariffs. While this has a positive impact on the cost of
power, it has also initiated certain discussions about
renegotiation of already signed power purchase agreements
(PPAs) by certain states. The recent auctions for solar
power procurement have led to discovery of very low tariffs.
Auctions for wind based power were frst held by Solar
Energy Corporation of India in February, 2017 which
realised a tariff of ` 3.46/unit

43 Match the correct ones

1. Gender Inequality Index – United Nations Development
2. Global Gender Gap Index – World Economic Forum
Select from the codes below
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None
Answer – c
Both are true.
Gender Inequality Index (GII) is an index for measurement of
gender disparity that was introduced in the 2010 Human
Development Report edition by the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP). According to the UNDP, this index is a


composite measure to quantify the loss of achievement within a

country due to gender inequality. It uses three dimensions to
measure opportunity cost: reproductive health, empowerment,
and labor market participation

Global Gender Gap Report was first published in 2006 by

the World Economic Forum. R eport examines four overall areas
of inequality between men and women in 130 economies around
the globe, over 93% of the world’s population:
1. Economic participation and opportunity – outcomes on
salaries, participation levels and access to high-skilled
2. Educational attainment – outcomes on access to basic and
higher level education
3. Political empowerment – outcomes on representation in
decision-making structures
4. Health and survival – outcomes on life expectancy and sex

44 Consider the following about Employee State Insurance Act

1. The scheme under the Act is applicable in all districts of the
2. Family members are also covered under the scheme
Select the right statements
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – b
• Employee’s State Insurance (ESI), Act has been
extended to all 325 complete districts as well as 93
district headquarters area. The scheme is also partially


available in centers in 85 districts. Arrangements are being

made for further extension of the scheme across the country
by 2022. Under the scheme, insured persons are entitled to
various cash benefts in the event of abstention from work
due to sickness, temporary disablement, permanent
disablement, dependent beneft, unemployment allowance,
maternity beneft etc.
• The family members of the insured persons are also
entitled to medical beneft. As
on 31.03.2017, the number of insured persons covered
under ESI scheme is 3.19 crore and total benefciaries
including their family members are 12.40 Crore. ESI has a
network of 152 hospitals, 1467 dispensaries, 628 branch
offces and 62 regional /sub regional offces across the

45 Consider the following about economic participation of women

1. India has gender gap of employment more than 50%
2. Most women are employed in low skilled jobs compared to
3. MGNREGA has more than 50% of workers as women for the
last couple of years

Which of the above are true

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. All of the above

Answer – a
• In the case of India, the gender gap in labour force
participation rate is more than 50 percentage points.
The lower participation of women in economic activities
adversely affects the growth potential of the economy


• Women workers are the most disadvantaged in the

labour market as they constitute a very high
proportion among the low skilled informal worker
category, and are engaged in low-productivity and low
paying work. Owing to this, women earn very
low wages, mostly piece rates in highly insecure jobs
• (MGNREGA) is one of the important schemes which ensures
participation by women in the economic activity by
stipulating minimum 33 per cent participation by women. In
the last financial year, of all the workdays, 54 per cent were
generated by women, 22 per cent by Schedule Castes and
17 per cent by Schedule Tribes.

46 Mahila-e-haat seeks to
a. Enhance health outcomes of women
b. Encourage women entrepreneurship
c. Protect women workers from exploitation at informal
d. Make available agri loans to women farmers without having
land in their names

Answer – b
For economic empowerment of women through promoting the
spirit of creating selfemployment ventures, Mahila E-Haat, an
initiative for meeting aspirations and needs of women
entrepreneurs has been launched with the objective to
provide an e-marketing platform by leveraging technology for
showcasing product made/manufactured/sold by women

47 Consider the following about women participation in politics

1. The average number of women in Parliament of India is 11-
2. More than 40% women are elected representatives at
Panchayati Raj level.


Select the right statements

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• As per the report ‘Women in Politics 2017 (IPU & UN)’ Lok
Sabha had 64 (11.8 percent of 542 MPs) and Rajya Sabha
had 27 (11 per cent of 245 MPs) women MPs.
• As on October 2016, out of the total 4118 MLAs across the
country, only 9 per
cent were women. Among the State assemblies, the highest
percentage of women MLAs were from Bihar, Haryana and
Rajasthan with 14 per cent followed by Madhya Pradesh
and West Bengal with 13 per cent and Punjab with 12 per
• There are 13.72 lakh elected women representatives
(EWRs) in PRIs which constitute 44.2 percent of total
elected representatives (ERs) as on December, 2017.
Women sarpanchs (chairperson) accounted for 43 percent of
total gram panchayats (GPs) across the country, exhibiting
active leadership of women in local governments

48 Consider the following about Clinical Establishment Act

1. The clinical establishments have to charge the rates within
a specific range decided by National Council for Clinical
Establishments in consultation with States
2. The Act is applicable in all states

Select the right code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both


d. None

Answer – a
• Under Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation)
Act, 2010 and Clinical Establishments (Central
Government) Rules, 2012, the clinical establishments (in
the States / Union Territories where the Act is
applicable) shall charge the rates for each type of
procedure and services within the range of rates
determined by the Central Government from time to
time in consultation with the State Governments. The
clinical establishments are also required to display the rates
charged for each type of services provided and facilities
available, at a conspicuous place both in the local language
and English. The National Council for Clinical
Establishments has approved a standard list of medical
procedures and a standard template for costing of medical
procedures and shared the same with the States and UTs
• Act is applicable in 10 States/UTs, which needs to be
taken up by remaining States while ensuring strict
compliance as well.

49 Consider the following statements about housing in India

1. Share of rental housing has decreased since independence
2. Vacant houses percentage has increased in urban areas

Select the right code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• Policies related to housing need to recognize that India has
an increasingly fluid population. A successful housing
policy should enable horizontal or spatial mobility, namely


the ability to move to, between and within cities as job

opportunities arise.
• Share of rental housing has actually been declining in
Indian cities since independence from 54 per cent in
1961 to 28 per cent in 2011
• Despite the shortage of housing in urban India (more than
18 million households in 2012, there is also a trend
increase in vacant houses: from 6.5 million in 2001 to
11.1 million in 2011

50 Consider the following about logistics sector in India

1. A new Logistics Division has been created in Department of
2. Logistics Performance Index is released by World Bank

Select the right code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c


• By recognising the importance of the logistics sector, a new

Logistics Division has been created in the Department
of Commerce to develop and coordinate integrated
development of the logistics sector, improvement in
existing procedures, identifcation of bottlenecks and gaps,
and introduction of technology based interventions in this
• Global Ranking of the World Bank’s 2016 Logistics
Performance Index shows that
India jumped to 35th rank in 2016 from 54th rank in 2014
in terms of overall logistics performance.

Logistics Performance Index (LPI)

1. It helps countries identify the challenges and opportunities
they face in their performance on trade logistics and what
they can do to improve their performance.
2. It is the weighted average of the country scores on six key
a) efficiency of the clearance
b) quality of trade and transport related infrastructure
c) ease of arranging competitively priced shipments
d) competence and quality of logistics services
e) ability to track and trace consignments
f) timeliness of shipments in reaching destination
within the scheduled or expected delivery time

51 Which state has highest growth in the services sector in the

last financial year
a. Bihar
b. Maharashtra
c. Gujarat
d. Tamil Nadu

Answer – a


• In terms of services GSVA share, Delhi and Chandigarh are

at the top with over 80 per cent share, while Sikkim is at
the bottom with 31.7 per cent share. In terms of services
GSVA growth, Bihar is at the top and Uttar Pradesh at the
bottom with 14.5 per cent and 7.0 per cent growth
respectively in 2016-17

52 Consider the following about National LED programme

1. Seeks to replace incandescent lights with LEDs in
2. Seeks to replace conventional street lighting with LEDs

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
National LED programme includes two components
a. Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LED for All (UJALA) providing
LED bulbs to domestic consumers with a target to replace
77 crore incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs.
Note : This programme has been recently emulated by
the Malaysia
b. Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP) to replace
1.34 crore conventional street lights with smart and
energy efficient LED street lights by March 2019

53 Consider the following about water transport

1. More than 90% India’s trade by volume is transported
through sea
2. Jal Marg Vikas Project is launched on National Waterway 1


Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• Shipping is an important indicator of commodity trade of
any country. Around 95 per
cent of India’s trade by volume and 68 per cent in
terms of value is transported by sea
• ‘Jal Marg Vikas Project’ on National Waterways-I (NW-I)
in river Ganga, a large integrated IWT project, has been
launched between Varanasi and Haldia covering a distance
of 1380 kms at an estimated cost of `5369 crore.
It is being implemented with the financial and technical
support of the World Bank. The Project entails development
of fairway with 3 meters depth between Varanasi and

• On NW-2 (River Brahmaputra), Ro-Ro services have

commenced between Dhubri and Hatsingimari in July 2017
on an Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) vessel.
Roll-on/roll-off (RORO or ro-ro) ships are vessels designed
to carry wheeled cargo, such as cars, trucks, semi-trailer
trucks, trailers, and railroad cars, that are driven on and off
the ship on their own wheels or using a platform vehicle

• Further, under the National Waterways Act, 2016, 106

additional inland waterways have been declared as National
Waterways (NWs).


54 Consider the following

1. India’s share of freight transport for roads is lesser than
that of US
2. India has higher road density than US

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c

India’s road density at 1.66 km/ of area is higher than

that of Japan (0.91 km/ sq km), USA (0.67 km/ sq km), China
(0.46 km/ sq. km), Brazil (0.18 km/ and Russian
Federation (0.08 km/ sq km)

55 Consider the following statements


1. India’s ranking in latest Logistics Performance Index has

2. It is released by World Bank

Select the right code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• India has improved its ranking in the “Logistics
Performance Index” (LPI) from 54 in 2014 to 35 in 2016
• Indian logistics industry is estimated to be worth around
US$ 160 billion in 2016-17
and has grown at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
7.8 per cent over the past fve years. Considering the impact
of implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), the
Indian logistics market is expected to reach about US$ 215
billion in 2019-20, growing at a CAGR of 10.5%.

56 Which sector attracts highest FDI flows

a. Service sector
b. Manufacturing
c. Mining


d. Agriculture

Answer – a
• The services sector accounted for two thirds of global
FDI stock in 2015, though a large part of this relates to
affliates of primary sector and manufacturing multinational
enterprises (MNEs) that perform services-like activities, and
fall under services as a default category.
• The share of services in total value of announced Greenfeld
projects increased to 58.2 per cent in 2016 from 54.1 per
cent in the previous year.

57 Consider the following statements

1. Investment in share market has grown since demonetisation
2. Flows in mutual funds is about 1% of GDP

Select the correct code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• The government’s campaign against illicit wealth over the
past few years—exemplified by demonetisation—has in
effect imposed a tax on certain activities, specifically the
holding of cash, property, or gold. Cash transactions have
been regulated; reporting requirements for the acquisition of
gold and property have been stiffened. In addition, rupee
returns to holding gold have plunged since mid-2016,
turning negative since mid-2017. In addition, previously,
stock prices had suffered because reporting requirements
were higher on shares than purchases of other asset. But


the attack on illicit wealth has helped to level the playing

• All of this has caused investors to re-evaluate the
attractiveness of stocks. Investors have accordingly
reallocated their portfolios toward shares, with inflows
through stock mutual funds, in particular, amounting
in 2016-17 to five times their previous year’s level

58 Which state has the highest percentage of women

representatives at Panchayat levels
a. Rajasthan
b. Kerala
c. Gujarat
d. Karnataka

Answer – a


59 Consider the following

1. SDG 3 relates to health and well being
2. The share of private sector is larger than that of public
sector in health in India

Select the right statements

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for
all at all ages is essential to sustainable development


60 Mahila Shakti Kendra seeks to

a. Develop leadership skills of women
b. Empower women with skills to protect themselves in
sexually distress situations
c. Encourage to make consortium of women SHGs for better
bargaining in availing credit
d. None of the above

Answer – a
• For leadership development and to address women’s
issues at village levels, Mahila Shakti Kendra scheme
has been launched at the village level. Over 300 thousand


student volunteers are being sent out in 115 most backward

districts under this new scheme. District Level Centres for
Women are also being set up in 640 districts under this
scheme, which will provide convergence at the district level
for all initiatives related to women.
• Besides, Nai Roshni, a leadership development programme,
is also operational for benefting the women belonging to
minority communities

61 Which state has the highest net irrigated area to total cropped
a. Gujarat
b. Punjab
c. Uttar Pardesh
d. Kerala

Answer – c

62 Consider the following statements

1. USA, UK and EU account for around 90 per cent of the total
IT-ITES exports


2. North East is in the special focus for BPO sector in India

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• India’s IT Business Process Management (IT-BPM) industry
grew by 8.1 per cent in 2016-17 to US$ 139.9 billion
(excluding e-commerce and hardware) . IT-BPM exports
grew by 7.6 per cent to US$ 116.1 billion from US$ 107.8
billion during the same period. E-commerce market is
estimated at US$ 33 billion
• USA, UK and EU account for around 90 per cent of the
total IT-ITES exports. While, there are new challenges
surfacing in these traditional geographies, demand from
APAC, Latin America and Middle East Asia is growing and
new opportunities are emerging for expanding in continental
Europe, Japan, China and Africa.
• “To further promote this sector, many initiatives have been
taken. These include the establishment of BPO Promotion
and Common Services Centres to help create digital
inclusion and equitable growth and provide employment to
1.45 lakh persons, mostly in the small towns; setting up a
separate Northeast BPO promotion scheme as well”

63 Consider the following statements

1. Business services constitute the highest share in India’s
service imports by value.
2. Travel constitutes the highest share in India’s service
exports by value.

Select the right code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both


d. None

Answer – a

64 In the Consumer Price Index (CPI), Consumer Food Price

Index (CFPI) is a subpart with about 39% share. Which of the
following types of food constitutes the highest share in CFPI?
a. Cereals and products
b. Milk and products
c. Vegetables
d. Pulses and products

Answer – a


65 World Investment Report is released by

a. World Bank
b. IMF
c. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
d. G20

Answer – c
As per the World Investment Report 2017 published by
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD), following a surge in foreign investment in 2015, global
FDI flows fell by 2 per cent in 2016, to US $1.75 trillion, amid
weak economic growth. Global FDI flows are projected to increase
by about 5 per cent in 2017.

66 Recently the government has approved enhancing the buffer

stock of pluses. Consider the following in this respect
1. Both domestic and imported pulses can form part of buffer
2. All schemes with nutrition component will utilize pulses
from the buffer stock, including armed and paramilitary

Select the correct code


a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• Government approved enhancement in buffer stock of
pulses from 1.5 lakh MT to 20 Lakh MT to enable effective
market intervention for moderation of retail prices.
Accordingly, a dynamic buffer stock of pulses of upto 20
lakh tonnes has been built under the Price
Stabilization Fund (PSF) Scheme through both domestic
procurement as well as imports. Of this, 3.26 lakh MT
has been released for market intervention and buffer
• Pulses from the buffer are being provided to States/UTs for
PDS distribution, Mid-day Meal scheme, etc.
• In addition, pulses from the buffer are being utilized to meet
the requirement of pulses by Army and Central Para-
military Forces.
• Recently, it has also been decided that all
Ministries/Departments having schemes with a nutrition
component or providing food/catering/hospitality
services would utilize pulses from the Central buffer for
their operations.

67 Government has removed restrictions on export of edible oils

recently. Which of the following oils are still banned from export?
1. Sunflower
2. Palm oil
3. Musturd oil

Select from the codes below

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3


c. 1 and 3
d. All of them

Answer – d
• Export of edible oils was allowed only in branded consumer
packs of up to 5 kg. with
a minimum export price of USD 900 per MT.
• With a view to incentivizing domestic production this
restriction has been removed
on oil except for palm oil, mustard oil and sunflower

68 Consider the following statements

1. Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) is a metric which is
used to enhance productivity of differently-abled people
2. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana seeks to provide
adequate rest to pregnant and lactating mothers through
cash incentive
3. ICDS also takes care of lactating and pregnant women
besides children

Select the correct code

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. All of them

Answer – b
• DALYs express the premature death and disability
attributable to a particular cause, and are made up of
two components: years of life lost (YLLs) and years of
life lived with disability (YLDs). YLLs measure all the time
people lose when they die prematurely, before attaining
their ideal life expectancy. Ideal life expectancy is based on
the highest life expectancy observed in the world for that


person’s age group. YLDs measure years of life lived with

any short- or long-term condition that prevents a person
from living in full health. They are calculated by multiplying
an amount of time (expressed in years) by a disability weight
(a number that quantifes the severity of a disability). Adding
together YLLs and YLDs yields DALYs, a measure that
portrays in one metric the total health loss a person
experiences during their life..It is a collective effort of Indian
Council of Medical Research (ICMR), PHFI and IHME,
University of Washington
• The earlier Maternity Beneft Programme, for the eligible
pregnant women and lactating mothers (PW&LM) has now
been named as Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana
(PMMVY) a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, in January,
2017 for providing partial compensation for the wage
loss in terms of cash incentive so that the woman can
take adequate rest before and after delivery of the frst child.
• ICDS scheme aims at the holistic development of
children upto 6 years of age and to meet nutritional
needs of pregnant women and lactating mothers.
Recently, rationalization, restructuring and continuation of
four child centric schemes such as
(a) Anganwadi Services (in place of ICDS)
(b) Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG) (in place of SABLA)
(c) Child Protection Services (in place of Integrated Child
Protection Scheme)
(d) National Crèche Scheme (in place of Rajiv Gandhi
National Crèche Scheme)
of the Ministry under ‘Umbrella Integrated Child
Development Services’ Scheme has been approved by the

69 There is seasonality in food inflation compared to general

inflation. In this context, consider the following about inflation
pattern in India


1. Food inflation is highest in summer months.

2. Vegetables witness the highest change in inflation number
over a given year.

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• The price variations/fluctuations in items arising from
supply shocks during certain periods of the year are
characterized as seasonal in nature. General (Headline)
inflation is more volatile than core; it fluctuates more due to
large changes in the relative prices of certain food items
vulnerable to supply shocks.


70 Consider the following about Baltic Dry Index

1. It is an index which speculates on freight trade
2. It has regained its earlier positions after its fall in 2008

Select the right statements

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – a
• Baltic Dry Index, a freight index and a good proxy for
the robustness of trade and shipping services which
fell from a peak of 11,793 on 20 May 2008 to a low of 663
on 8 December 2008 and was in the red at 290 on 11
February 2016, improved since then and was at 1,164 on
17 January 2018


71 Consider the following about space services of India

1. Foreign exchange earnings has increased from both satellite
launching and satellite mapping
2. Antrix is the arm of ISRO which deliberates India’s
commercial space services for countries

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – b
• Foreign exchange earnings of India from export of
satellite launch services increased noticeably.
• India’s share in global satellite launch services revenue
has also increased to 1.1 per cent in 2015-16 from 0.3
per cent in 2014-15. Antrix foresees greater utilization of
PSLV, GSLV and GSLV-Mk-III launch services by the
international community for launching their Low Earth orbit
(LEO) satellites.
• In Satellite Mapping, there has been a decline in the
foreign exchange earnings in recent years, primarily due
to free and open data policy adopted by many space


agencies. India is negotiating with the customers for renewal

of contracts. Antrix currently enables direct reception and
processing of data from Indian Remote Sensing (IRS)
Satellites namely Resourcesat-2, Oceansat-2 and Cartosat-1
at International Ground Stations/ processing facilities
outside India, while there are efforts on to rope in ASEAN for
availing mapping services from ISRO.

Antrix Corporation Limited was incorporated as a private limited

company owned by Government of India in September 1992 as a
Marketing arm of ISRO for promotion and commercial
exploitation of space products, technical consultancy services
and transfer of technologies developed by ISRO. Another major
objective is to facilitate development of space related industrial
capabilities in India.

72 Consider the following about antimicrobial resistance

1. It is true for both fungi and virus.
2. India has set up National Surveillance System for Anti
Microbial Resistance

Choose the correct code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when
microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and
parasites change in ways that render the medications
used to cure the infections they cause ineffective. It
occurs naturally but is facilitated by the inappropriate use
of medicines, for example using antibiotics for viral
infections such as cold or flu, or sharing antibiotics. Low-


quality medicines, wrong prescriptions and poor infection

prevention and control also encourage development and
spread of drug resistance.
• World Health Organization’s frst global report on AMR in
2014 reported that it is not a country specifc issue but a
global concern that is jeopardizing global health security.
AMR is of particular concern in developing nations,
including India, where the burden of infectious diseases is
high and healthcare spending is low
• India has fnalized a comprehensive and multi-sectoral
National Action Plan aligning to the Global Action Plan and
adopted a holistic and collaborative approach involving all
stakeholders such as UN, WHO, FAO and other UN agencies
towards prevention and containment of AMR
• Government of India has initiated series of actions including
setting up a National Surveillance System for AMR,
enacted regulations (Schedule-H-1) to regulate sale of
antibiotics, brought out National Guidelines for use of
antibiotics etc

73 Consider the following about Swach Bharat Mission Gramin

1. It is implemented by Ministry of Rural Development
2. Quality Council of India undertake surveys on toilet usage

Select from the codes below

A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both
D. None

Answer – b
• It is implemented by Ministry of Drinking Water and


• “The surveys conducted by National Sample Survey Offce

(NSSO,2016) and Quality Council of India (QCI, 2017) on
usage of toilets by the individuals who have access to toilets
reported more than 90 per cent of individuals using toilets
in 2016 and 2017.”

74 Consider the following about measurement of housing

1. RESIDEX is released by National Housing Bank
2. House Price Index is released by RBI

Select the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• The first official housing price index for the country named
‘NHB RESIDEX’ was launched in July, 2007 by the National
Housing Bank (NHB). Overtime, the base year has been


revised to FY 2012-13 to ensure capturing the latest

information and accurately reflect the current economic
situation in the country. Currently, National Housing
Bank is publishing NHB RESIDEX for 50 cities on
quarterly basis with FY 2012-13 as base year. Among
50 cities covered are 18 State/UT capitals and 37 Smart
Cities. NHB is not computing the composite all India
housing price index as of now.
• Reserve Bank of India (RBI) began compiling a house
price index (HPI) in 2007 with a quarterly HPI for
Mumbai city (Base 2002-03=100). Since then, it has
extended its coverage to 9 more cities, revised its base to
2010-11=100, and started publishing a composite All India
HPI. RBI’s quarterly HPI is based on transactions data
received from housing registration authorities in ten major

75 Consider the following about the structure of agricultural

1. Share of livestock is increasing in Gross value added in
agriculture in last decade
2. Share of crops is decreasing in gross value added in
agriculture in last decade

Select the right code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• The share of livestock in GVA in agriculture has been rising
gradually, the share of the crop sector in GVA has been on


the decline from 65 per cent in 2011-12 to 60 per cent in

• In 2002-03 the share of livestock in total farm incomes was
just 4 per cent which increased to 13 per cent by 2012-13

76 Consider the following statements on tourism

1. Foreign tourist arrivals in India is less than outbound
tourism of Indians
2. Domestic tourism is less than both foreign tourists and
Indians tourists to abroad


Select the correct code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – a
• In India, the Tourism sector has been performing well with
Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) growing at 9.7 per cent
to 8.8 million and Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) at
8.8 per cent to US$ 22.9 billion in 2016
• Outbound tourism has also picked up in recent years,
with the number of departures of Indian nationals from
India growing at 7.3 per cent during 2016 to 21.9
million from 20.4 million, in 2015. This is more than
double the foreign tourist arrivals in India
• Domestic tourist visits grew by 12.7 per cent to 1,614
million in 2016 from 1,432 million in 2015. In terms of
number of domestic tourist visits, Tamil Nadu, Uttar
Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Karnataka
were the top 5 destination States, accounting for 61.3 per
cent of total number of tourist visits in 2016.

77 The burning of crop residue is the most important factor for

pollution in Delhi-NCR. In this respect, consider the following
1. It has increased after the use of combine harvesters began
2. Most of the crop residue is due to wheat
3. There exists a National Policy for the management of crop

Select the right code

a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3


d. All of them

Answer – b
• Crop residue burning is a practice that came with
combine harvesters — machines that harvest, thresh and
clean the separated grain at one go. It takes barely an hour
and `1,000-1,500 to cover an acre of paddy using combines.
The same job through traditional sickle-harvesting and
manual threshing cum-cleaning requires about 10 men
working a full day, and costing `4,500 or upwards. But
combine-harvesting also leaves behind 14-15- inch long
stalks in the felds that farmers have to, then, fnd a way to
get rid of.
• According to a 2014 study by the Indian Agricultural
Research Institute (IARI), in 2008-09 the country generated
620 million tonnes of crop residue, of which around 16 per
cent was burnt on farms. Of which, 60 per cent was
paddy straw, whereas wheat accounted for just 22 per
cent. As per estimates, Punjab alone produces 19-20
million tonnes of paddy straw and about 20 million tonnes
of wheat straw. About 85-90 per cent of this paddy straw is
burnt in the feld, and, as the satellite images show, wheat
straw is also increasingly being burnt in recent years.
• In 2014, the Union government had released the
National Policy for Management of Crop Residue, which
NGT directed the states to implement. Under this policy
each state needs to have an action plan to stop residue
burning by involving people at different levels—from
communities to panchayats to state governments. It also
calls for a mechanism to alert to cases of crop burning.

78 Consider the following about Panchayats

1. Their per capita spending is increasing consistently over the
last few years
2. Their per capita spending in their jusrisdiction is higher
than those of urban local bodies

Select the right code

a. 1 only


b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – a
• The central and state governments spend on an average
15- 20 times more per capital than do RLGs. ULGs
spend about 3 times more.
• More importantly, this gap has persisted over time despite
per capita spending by RLGs increasing almost four-fold
since 2010-11

79 Which of the following schemes can attract Indian diaspora for

engagement in science and technology within India
2. INSPIRE Faculty Scheme
3. Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship

Select the right code

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. All of them


Answer – d
• There are today more than 100,000 people with PhDs, who
were born in India but are now living and working outside
India (more than 91,000 in the U.S. alone). However, with
the strength of India’s economy and growing anti-immigrant
atmosphere in some Western countries, India has an
opportunity to attract back more scientists
• There are a number of government programs such as the
Ramanujan Fellowship
Scheme, the Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired
Research (INSPIRE) Faculty Scheme and the
Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship, that provide avenues
to qualifed Indian researchers residing in foreign countries,
to work in Indian institutes/universities, and the Visiting
Advanced Joint Research Faculty Scheme (VAJRA).
There are many such schemes. Please go through the link below

80 Consider the following about local bodies share in tax

1. For India’s most municipal corporations, their own tax base
in total revenue is comparable to urban local bodies of
advanced countries
2. Around 90% of the revenue of Gram Panchayats is devolved
to them

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None


Answer – c
• At the third tier, India’s rural local governments (RLGs)
stand out on both counts. RLGs’ reliance on own resources
is just 6 percent compared to 40 percent for third-tier
governments in Brazil and Germany
• India’s urban local governments (ULGs), meanwhile, are
much closer to international norms. Their own revenues
as a share of total revenues are actually higher than Brazil
and Germany, while their direct tax share (about 18 percent
of total revenues) is only marginally lower than Brazil (19
percent) and somewhat lower

81 Consider the following about Patent applications

1. These have increased substantially for Indian residents
2. These have decreased within India.

Select the right code

a. 1 only


b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• While India’s patent applications and grants have
grown rapidly in foreign jurisdictions, the same is not
true at home.
• While Indian residents were granted over 5000 patents in
foreign offces in 2015, the number for resident flings in
India was little over 800. The decrease in grants could have
been due to a stricter examination process. But evidence
suggests that there is a severe backlog and high rate of
pendency for domestic patent applications. Reports indicate
that due to manpower shortages there is a backlog of almost
2 lakh patents pending examination.

82 Which state has the lowest share of serives sector in its GDP
a. Delhi
b. Sikkim
c. Bihar
d. Uttar Pardesh

Answer – b
• In terms of services GSVA share, Delhi and Chandigarh are
at the top with over 80 per cent share, while Sikkim is at
the bottom with 31.7 per cent share. In terms of services
GSVA growth, Bihar is at the top and Uttar Pradesh at the
bottom with 14.5 per cent and 7.0 per cent growth
respectively in 2016-17

83 Consider the statements below

1. India’s public spending on science and technology is less
than 1% of GDP


2. DRDO has the highest expenditure share in public research

institutions of India.
3. Most of the research is done within universities against
public institutions.

Select the right code

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. All of them
Answer – a
• Investments in Indian science, measured in terms of Gross
Expenditure on R&D (GERD), have shown a consistently
increasing trend over the years. GERD has tripled in the last
decade in nominal terms – from Rs. 24,117 crores in 2004-
05 to Rs. 85,326 crores in 2014-15 and an estimated
Rs.1,04,864 crores in 2016-17 – and double in real terms.
However, as a fraction of GDP, public expenditures on
research have been stagnant – between 0.6-0.7 percent of
GDP – over the past two decades.

• India is also distinctive in another dimension: its

universities play a relatively small role in the research
activities of the country. However, publicly funded
research in India concentrates in specialized research
institutes under different government departments. This


leaves universities to largely play a teaching role – a decision

that goes back to the 1950s.

84 The effects of climate chnge has been varied even in respect of

change in temperature. In this respect consider the following
1. Uttar Pardesh and Punjab in general have become colder
compared to half a decade ago
2. Jammu Kashmir has become more hotter compared to half
a decade ago

Select the right statements

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• Temperature increases have been particularly felt in the
North-East, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Rajasthan and
Gujarat. Parts of India, for example, Punjab, Odisha and
Uttar Pradesh have been the least affected.
• In contrast, extreme defciencies are more concentrated in
Uttar Pradesh, North-East, and Kerala, Chattisgarh and


85 Consider the following statements about agricultural GDP

1. Agricultural GDP rate in the decades following Green
Revolution upto liberalisation was higher than the rate post
global financial crisis
2. India’s agricultural GDP rate is more fluctuating than
China’s after 1990s.

Select the correct answer below


a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) 1 and 2 both
d) none
answer : b


Less fluctuation signifies lesser dependence on the vagaries of


86 Consider the following statements

1. Service sector accounts for most of the employment in many
of large economies except India and China.
2. India is increasing its share of employment in services in
last decade faster than China.

Select the correct code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – a
• As per the ILO’s estimates, among the top 15 economies,
the services sector accounted for more than two thirds
of total employment in 2016 in most of them except India


and China, with India’s share of 30.6 per cent being the
• While China had the highest increase in the share of
services employment (10.2 pp) during the period 2006
to 2016, increase in India was 5.2 pp

87 International Solar Alliance has programmes on

a. Scaling Solar Applications for Agricultural Use
b. Affordable Finance at Scale
c. Scaling Solar Mini-grids
d. All of them

Answer – d
• Presently ISA has three programmes
a) Scaling Solar Applications for Agricultural Use,
b) Affordable Finance at Scale
c) Scaling Solar Mini-grids.
• In addition, ISA plans to launch two more programmes on
Scaling Solar Rooftops, and Scaling E-Mobility & Storage.
• Strategic and fnancial partnerships have been entered into
with the UNDP, the World Bank, EIB, EBRD and the
Climate Parliament to further the mandate of ISA.
• United Nations including its organs are ISA’s strategic
partners. ISA is also developing “Common Risk Mitigating
Mechanism” (CRMM) for de-risking and reducing the
fnancial cost of solar projects.

88 India has established eight Global Technology Watch Groups

to tackle climate change in various areas. Under which
mission/programme were they set up?
a. National Mission on Strategic Knowledge on Climate Change


d. International Solar Alliance

Answer – a
• As part of the mission on strategic knowledge on climate
change, India has established 8 Global Technology Watch
Groups in the areas of Renewable Energy Technology,
Advance Coal Technology, Enhanced Energy Effciency,
Green Forest, Sustainable Habitat, Water, Sustainable
Agriculture and Manufacturing
• The mission is a sub part of National Action Plan on Climate
Change, which includes eight national missions covering
solar, energy effciency, agriculture, water, sustainable
habitat, forestry, Himalayan ecosystem and knowledge.

89 In case of incipient climate change, which of the following

impacts are likely
1. Kharif crops will witness more decline in productivity than
rabi crops
2. Cereals are more immune to the climate change than pulses

Select from the codes below

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• There is varied susceptibility of different crops to
temperature and precipitation.
• The clear pattern that emerges is that crops grown in
rainfed areas— pulses in both kharif and rabi—are
vulnerable to weather shocks while the cereals—both rice
and wheat—are relatively more immune.


90 Consider the following about irrigation in India

1. Less than 50% of area is under irrigation in India
2. Maharashtra is among the least irrigated state
3. India is world’s most groundwater depleted country

Select the right code

a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 3
d. All of them

Answer – d


• In the 1960s, less than 20 percent of agriculture was

irrigated; today this number is in the mid-40s.
• The Indo-Gangetic plain, and parts of Gujarat and Madhya
Pradesh are well irrigated. But parts of Karnataka,
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh and
Jharkhand are still extremely vulnerable to climate change
on account of not being well irrigated
• India pumps more than twice as much groundwater as
China or United States. Indeed global depletion is most
alarming in North India


91 Consider the following about investment in India

1. According to latest economic survey, it is more important to
revive investments before savings.
2. Investment rate can be revived by solving Twin balance
sheet problem, besides more public investment

Select the right code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• The notion that growth is constrained by saving has a long
and illustrious pedigree going back to Ragnar Nurkse,
Arthur Lewis, Rosenstein-Rodan and others. But it is clear
that investment slowdowns are more detrimental to
growth than saving slowdowns, a conclusion that was
earlier reached by Rodrik. So, policy priorities over the
short run must focus on reviving investment.
• India’s investment decline seems particularly diffcult
to reverse, partly because it stems from balance sheet
stress and partly because it has been usually large.
Taken together, the results suggest a clear and urgent
policy agenda which the government has launched; frst with
the step-up in public investment since 2015-16; and now,
given the constraints on public investment with policies to
decisively resolve the TBS challenge.

92 Consider the following about tax status of states

1. Their total revenue constitutes only 60% of the taxes from
their own sources with the rest coming from the Centre and
other grants


2. Direct tax forms less than 10% in their total revenue

Select the correct code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c

• At the second tier, all countries are broadly comparable in

their reliance on devolved resources, but India stands out as
a country where the second tier (states) generate a very low
share of its revenue from direct taxes: about 6 percent in
India compared to 19 percent in Brazil in 2016 and a hefty
44 percent in Germany.


93 Rural Economic and Demographic Database is conducted by

a. NITI Aayog
b. Ministry of Rural Development
c. National Council for Applied Economic Research
d. Observer Research Foundation

Answer – c
• There is little data on how rural local governments (RLGs)
have fared over the past 25 years. There has been no
comprehensive survey of how RLGs have fulflled their
• And the only database on the effectiveness of RLGs in
providing goods and services is the National Council of
Applied Economic Research’s (NCAER) Rural Economic
and Demographic Database (REDS), which has not been
updated since 2006-07


94 Consider the following about spending of rural local

1. Most of their funds go in irrigation works
2. Basic services like roads receive the least funds

Select the right code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – d
Given the overwhelming reliance on devolved funds which, to a
large extent, are tied to sectors and schemes, it is not surprising
that gram panchayats (GP) spend the bulk of such funds on
earmarked areas, such as roads, other basic services, sanitation
and community assets.The spending on purely local public goods
like irrigation are not a priority out of such funds

95 Consider the following statemets


1. Most developed countries against emerging ones have

higher proportion of direct tax as compared to indirect tax
2. Natural resource base contributing to non tax revenue may
result in unresponsive government
Select the right code
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c
• Advanced countries collect a substantially higher proportion
of their taxes as direct taxes than do emerging
markets.Direct taxes account on average for about 70
percent of total taxes in Europe.
• The “aid” and “natural resource” curses illustrate what
happens when countries rely on non-tax sources of
government revenues: economic and institutional
development is stunted

96 Consider the following statements

1. Fall in investments in India since global financial crisis is
largely due to decline in corporate investments
2. Fall in savings after global financial crisis is largely due to
fall in savings of households and government

Select the right code

a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Answer – c


• Private investment accounts for 5 percentage points

out of the 6.3 percentage point overall investment
decline over 2007-08 and 2015-16.
• The fall in saving, by about 8 percentage points over
the same period, has been driven almost equally by a
fall in household and public saving. The fall in
household saving has in turn been driven by a fall in
physical saving, partly offset by an increase in the holding of
fnancial assets. Within the latter, there has been a shift
from currency and bank deposits towards market
instruments, viz. shares and debentures


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