Visa Interview Questions-Answers

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1. Why study in US?

 The quality of education is very high in US and the classes are more
practical and industry oriented. More over the research and the work
going on there are the most latest in the field of Computer Science. So
the exposure that I can get during my studies there will be invaluable
for me.
2. Why pursuing this program?
 I want to build my career on the technical side of things. For this an
MS degree in Computer Science will be a good value addition since it
is considered highly by firms in India.
3. Why did you choose this university?
 The first reason for selecting this university is its Software
Engineering program. Software Engineering course was first started
here in US and it is considered as very good.
 The second reason is the faculty in Computer Science department.
Most of the faculties are PhD holders and their research also matches
my interests.
4. Why not study in India?
 Unlike in India the education in US is more industry oriented. More
over the research taking place in US is more cutting-edge.
5. What are your career objectives?
 My career plan is to first acquire a Masters degree in Computer
Science and then join the Software industry as a technical specialist
back in India.
6. Will you come back to India?
 After my MS my job prospects in India will be very high where I can
be placed package of 10 to 15 lacs. Also my family is settling back in
India, where I have strong family ties. So I’ll definitely come back to
7. What are your employment prospects?
 An MS from a reputed US university is considered highly by the firms
in India. More over I have been working in the industry for the past 2
years. So I think that my work experience combined with my higher
education will give me very high employment prospects.
8. What do you know about the professors in the university?
 Most of the professors are Phd holders and experts in their respective
 Dr D T Huynh – Department Head as an example

9. Why study now?( this question is only for the students who are having work
 I believe that I am having good industry experience now since I have
been with the industry for about 2 years. I believe that this is the best
time to pursue my higher studies as my experience combined along with
my masters degree will help me climb up the career ladder fast.
10.When did you first decide to study abroad?
 I had decided to study abroad during my engineering years itself. The
education system in India is more theory oriented and the exposure that
we receive here is much less when compared to abroad. Hence I always
wanted to do my masters abroad so that I can receive the exposure and
get a more practical view, where in I will have an edge on the subject.

11.What is your family’s annual income?

 My family’s / Parents annual income is 10laks per annum.
12.What are your parents doing and how many children do they have?
 Both my parents are working or my father is working in ----- company
and my mother is home maker I am having a younger sister who is
doing her studies----.

13.Without scholarship, will you sustain?

 For the first year my family is financing me and for the second I will
sustain with the help of bank loan.
14.Where did you get the money?
 Both my parents are working and the money is the savings which
includes their bank deposits all our other assets, with education loan
from the bank.

15.Why did you apply for bank loan?

 Firstly I didn’t want to dry up our family funds, Also the loan
repayment system in India is quite flexible which allows me to repay
the money after my studies.
 I am quite sure that I will be able to get into a good job here in India
since my MS would be a good value addition to my profile.
16.How will you repay the bank loan?
 I am sure of getting good job that fits my profile once I come back to
India after my studies. And since the bank provides a flexible time of
repayment I can pay back the loan quite easily.

17.What kind of part time job will you seek after arriving at USA?
 I am not indent to take any part time jobs since I have enough finical
resource to complete my 2 years masters, so my total time is
dedicated towards my studies.

18.Why did you have arrears in your degree?

As I had one back in my 1st year 2nd semester since I was more involved in
my college feast in our dept where I was little deviated from my studies that
reflected on my studies. (For more them 3 backlogs, the answer need to
justifies on case by case)

19.Why low GRE/TOEFL?

Answer will be given case to case.
20.Why are you shifting/changing your major?
Not shifting. If any major shifting then the answer need to given as per
the profile.

21.What are the details that you know about the program, which you are going
to take? Is it related to what you have studied? If so in what way?
 I am planning to do my MS in computer science with specialization in
Software engineering. I have already done by bachelors in computer
science and for the past two years I have been working as a software
engineer at Infosys Technologies. I believe that pursuing my higher
education in the same will help increase my career prospects.

22.What do you know about the location (Dallas)?

 ??? (What are the details that I should metion?)
About campus / climate / international students

23.How many universities did you apply to?

- I have applied at 5 universities universities of which I got accepted at 3

24.How did you come to know of this university?

 I did a good research on the universities in US before I applied for the
programme. I had also consulted my seniors who are currently
studying in US. Thus I came to know about this university.

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