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As posted/shared in fb by Lanie Bermundo (1-15)

1. These two inter-agencies have been mandated to prepare the national and regional
physical frame work plans respectively. (PPT chapter 4 by EM.Serote:

a. NLUC and NEDA

b. NLUC and RLUC
c. PLUC and RLUC
d. nota

2. What UP's college course in Los Baños that was introduced by the American in the 1990's?
(PPT By EM Serote C:5 Q&AAuthor:Engr Dindo C. Corda)

a. College of Engineering
b. College of Foretry
c. College of Agriculture
d. College of Arts

3. What property domain mainly concerned to forest with context of watershed and fisheries
that comprised within the coatal zone? (PPT by E.M.Serote Chapter 5:
Q&A Author: Engr. Dindo C. Corda/Land Use Planning as Natural resources Mgt.)

a. Public Domain
b. Ancestral Domain
c. Private Domain
d. Coastal Domain

4. The NPFP was prepared in response to the Presidential Directive LOI 1350 tp formulate
an Intergrated National Land Use policy agency that would guide the :
l. allocation
ll. utilization
lll. development and management
lV. mobilization
V. creation
(PPT chapter 4 by: E.M.Serote: credit to Arch. Wayce)

a. l,ll,lll
b. l,ll,lV,V
c. all
d. l,ll,lll,lV

5. PPT chapter 4 by Serote: credit to arch Wayce.

Focuses on spatial distribution of shelter, insfratructure and network and services.
a. Production land use
b. Protection land use
c. Settlement development
d. Infrastructure Development
6. On December 17, 1986 designated HLURB as a regulatory body for housing and land
development. (PPT by serote: Chapter4:credit to ar. Hiquin Bibon)

a. EO 648
b. EO 71
c. EO 72
d. EO 90

7. What is the mandated time frame that all physical framework plans must be updated and
revised every 6 years. (PPT Chapter 4 by EM.Serote:)

a. 10 years
b. 20 years
c. 30 years
d. nota
8. What are the interlocking dimensions of land use planning? (Property, Patrimony &
Territory Chapter 3 : by lanibee
I. Technical
II. Political
III. Environmental
IV. Ideological
C. I, II, IV
9. Under LGC 7160, the LGUs are mandated to co-manage the natural resources but still DENR
ruled on the following subjects.
(Property, Patrimony & Territory: Credit to Engr Dindo C. Corda
Chapter 3 – Land Use Planning in the Philippines: Philosophy, Politics & Practice,
Co-management of the Environment & Land Use Planning in Practice)
I. Supervision
II. Control
III. Review
IV. Evaluate
V. Assess
10. With the end of dictatorship in 1986, Ministry of Human Settlement was abolished and
was replaced by the_______. (PPT by serote: chapter4: credit to ar Hiquin Bibon)

11. What are the major land use policy areas of RPFP?
l. production
ll. protection
lV. infrastracture developement
a. l,ll
b. ll,lll,lV
c. l,lll,lV
d. l,ll,lll,lV

12. This government agency is formerly called The Ministry of Natural Resources. (PPT by
Serote: Chapter4: credit to Ar. Hiqun Hiquin Bibon)

a. DAR
b. LMB
d. DA

13. All except one Under the Philippines Constitution the State shall regulate the absolute
right to the following over the land as property remain with the state which exercises
sovereignty over all lands within its territory. (Property, Patrimony & Territory
Chapter 2 Credit to Arch. Wayce Gabrillo)
I. acquisition
II. ownership
III. land Use
IV. use
V. disposition of property and its increments
a. I,II,IV,V
14. Factors considered in the evaluation of cost & benefits of alternative use to arrived at the
highest and best use for a particular parcel of land. (Property, Patrimony &
Territory Chapter 2: Credit to Arch. Wayce Gabrillo.)

a. Physical determinants
b. Social determinants
c. Economic determinants
d. Socio-Economic determinants
15. According to Serote, land definition has 5 senses? (Property, Patrimony & Territory
Chapter 1: Credit to Sir Dindo C. Corda)
I. Common sense
II. Legal sense
III. Economic sense
V. Sixth sense


As posted in fb by Emmanuel Carreon David

16. It's an international convention were in phi. is a participating government it aim to
adopt 21 century brings earth to sustainable future

b. Kyoto protocol
d. Montreal Protocol

As posted in fb by Jay Vee (17-20)

17. What are the three(3) territorial domains?
l. Public
ll. Eminent
lll. Private
lV. Ancestral
A. l,ll,lll
B. ll,lll,lV
C. l,ll,lV
D. l,lll,lV

18. According to serote, factors that constrain us from making use of any piece of land.?
l. Geophysical
ll. Environmental
lll. Topography
lV. Social
V. Economic
A. l & ll
B. l,ll,lll,lV
C. l,ll,lV,V
D. ll,lll,lV,V
19. ________ is the right to possess, use,misuse, abuse and even destroy by the owner.

A. Free Use
B. Fee simple
C. Owner rights
D. Property use

20. What are the determinants of urban land value by Eugene Brigham?
l. Accessibility
ll. Amenity
lll. Topography
lV. Utilization
V. Historical factors
A. l,ll,lV
B. l,ll,lll,lV
C. l,ll,lll,lV,V
D. ll,lll,lV,V

As posted in fb by Dindo C. Corda

21. According to Serote, land definition has senses to wit: (Property, Patrimony &
Territory Chapter 1: Credit to Sir Dindo C. Corda)
I. Common sense
II. Legal sense
III. Economic sense
IV.Ecological sense
V. Sixth sense


As posted in fb by Dong-Hun Lee

22. It is a documentation of the actual cumulative environmental impacts and effectiveness
of current measures for single projects that are already operating but without ECC's
a.) Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan (EPRMP)
b.) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
c.) Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Report
d.) Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP)
As posted in fb by Bahana Roces
23. Instrument w/c have been instituted by society to regulate the exercise of certain basic
rights pertaining to property on land.

a. Production right
b. Land use controls
c. Land Policy
d. Pecuniary right

24. The benefits of land utilization are varied and are mostly expressed in the terms of___.

a. Money value
b. Cost value
c. Income Value
d. Price value

As posted in fb by Enp Jeffy Narulab

25. Which of the following are protected areas?
I. Tourism sites
II. Heritage sites
a. I, II
b. I, II, III
c. I, II, III, IV
d. II, III, IV
e. III, IV
As posted in fb by Mohaimen Lagoyo

26. What is the other term of power over territorial jurisdiction?

a. Power of Eminent Domain
b. Power of Taxation
c. Political Power
d. All of the above
27. Why does a wealthy businessmen despite their plenty of money/capital but still
borrowed money from the banks?
1. to increase leverage
2. to maximize return on investment (ROI)
3. to liquidate their fix assets
4. to have tax empose
5. all of the above
6. none of the above

a. 1 and 2 only
b. 1,2 and 3
c. 5 only
c. 6 only

28. Environmental Planning is process of facilitating decision making to carry out land
development with considerationn given to;
1. natural environment
2. social
3. political
4. economic
5. governance factors

a. 1 and 2 only
b. 1,2 &3
c. 1,2,3 &4
d. all of the above

29. Per RA 7160 or the Local Government Code, LGUs are vested with two Powers. One is
the power over territorial jurisdiction, how to manage it by through the formulation of
the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP). What is the other one which refer to
the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP)?
I. Police Power
II. Power of Taxation
III. Corporate Power
IV. Escheat
a. I, II, III
b. I, II
c. II
d. I,III, IV
e. II, III
(For 30-34) Datu Mohaimen Municipality of the Province of Sharif Kabungsihan,
Autonomous Region in Moro Mindanao was granted a P30,000,000.00 loan facility
from Island Bank of the Philippines for the construction/renovation of its old and
dilapidated municipal building. The loan is payable in 10 years at annual interest rate
of 12%. P250,000.00 plus interest is the monthly amortization.
Datu Mohaimen Municipality has the approved annual budget of 95,000,000.00 broken
down as follows:
1, Internal Revenue Allotment…………………..P62,000,000.00
2. Real Property Tax……………………………..P12,000,000.00
3. Business, license fee…………………………P 8,000,000.00
4. Other Misc. Income……………… ………….P13,000,000.00

30. What do you call the P250,000.00 plus interest payment?

a. Amortization
b. Debt Servicing
c. Loan repayment
d. All of the above

31. How much is the Municipalities Development fund?

a. P19,000,000.00
b. P14,000,000.00
c. P10,000,000.00
d. None of the above

32. How much is the total revenue of the Municipality?

a. P62,000,000.00
b. P95,000,000.00
c. P30,000,000.00
d. P50,000,000.00

33. Equivalent to how many percent of ______ is the

development fund?
a. 10%
b. 15%
c. 20%
d. 25%

34. What percentage of the annual development fund is for the

debt servicing?
a. 22%
b. 30%
c. 21%
d. 25%

35. Who is the chairman, comittee on Urban Planning, Housing and Resettlement in the senate?
a. Senator Honasan
b. Senator Lacson
c. Senator Ejercito
d. Senator Villar

36. According to this principle, the maximum market value is reached when a reasonable degree
of economic and social homogeneity is expected in a foreseeable future.
a. Consistent use
b. Increasing and decreasing return
c. Conformity
d. Contribution

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