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Physics 11th
ch 3 short questions ,examples ,problems marks 15 time allowed 1 hour

Q#1. SHORT QUESTIONS attempt any three marks 3x2=6

a). An object is thrown vertically upward. Discuss the sign of acceleration due to gravity, relative to
velocity, while the object is in air.
b) Can the velocity of an object reverse the direction when acceleration is constant? If so, give an
c). Motion with constant velocity is a special case of motion with constant acceleration. Is this
statement true? Discuss.
d). At what point or points in its path does a projectile have its minimum speed, its maximum speed?
e) Define impulse and show that how it is related to linear momentum?

Q#2. PROBLEMS attempt any three marks 3x3=9

a) Find the angle of projection of a projectile for which its maximum height and horizontal range are
b). A 100 g golf ball is moving to the right with a velocity of 20 ms–1. it makes a head on collision
with an 8 kg steel ball, initially at rest. Compute velocities of the balls after collision.
c). A ball is thrown horizontally from a height of 10 m with velocity of 21 ms–1. how far off it hit the
ground and with what velocity?
d) A ball is thrown with a speed of 30 ms–1 in a direction 300 above the horizontal. Determine the
height to which it rises, the time of flight and the horizontal range.
e) A truck weighing 2500 kg and moving with a velocity of 21 ms–1 collides with stationary car
weighing 1000 kg. the truck and the car move together after the impact. Calculate their common

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