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SIEMENS ler Kvaemer PTD SE PT4 Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) Rev. 03 Aker Kvaerner San Cristobal Project Minera San Cristobal C-479 San Cristobal Gearless Drive Harmonic Analysis Power Transmission and Distribution Seno Network Analysis & Consulting No of order PTO SE NotoA248NK9 Date: January 1, 2008 dior Kurt Keger ‘diss: Paul Goss S100 Reviewed and leased 91082 Eringen Ta 490131) 7-30528 Fax 49 0181) 7-33048 Responstiy mall thunder cam SIEMENS ‘Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PT4 Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) Table of Contents Page 1° Introduction 3 2. Power factor, harmonic limits and voltage band 3 21 Distortion limits for interharmenise 4 3. System Data 4 4 Loadiow and voltage band 6 4.1. Normal operation with 2 transformers 6 4.2. Emergency operation with 1 transformer 7 4.3 Load rejection scenarios 7 4.3.1. Sudden stop of 2 Ball Mis anc the SAG Mil 7 43.2 Load rejection at 230 kV level 7 5 Impedance characteristic ofthe system 8 5.1. Idealized system with inductive network source 5.2 Real system with OHL line 180 km at 230 kV level 5.3 System with OHL line 230 KV, fier set connected 10 6 Harmonic distortion 10 6.1 Simulation setup 10 6.2 Harmonic curent generation of BALL Mill and SAG Mil 2 6.3 Harmonic curent mis 14 6.4 Harmonic curent distortion without and with fiters 4 6.5 Harmonic voltage distortion wit fiters 7 7 Filter circuits and breakers 1° 8 Append 20 8.1 Data of the drives 20 SIEMENS ‘Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PTA Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) 4 Introduction San Cristobal mine will operate 3 large converters fed drives at 11 KY main substa- tion. Siemens isto perform a harmonic study for zis arrangement. Basie data for the study isthe electrical system diagram dated 05 May 05 and answers fo e-mail ques- tions dated 27.6.05 and comments to Study version REVO. In adaiton power ow data from Oct 26, 2008, transmitted via email datod November 3, 200 are Included, PCC ist 11 KV main bus. The total installed load ofthe plants about 77 MW, peak load about 68 MW and running load about 60 MW. 2. Power factor, harmonic limits and voltage band Voltage band in SC Substation will be = 5% in normal condliions and + 10% in ‘emergency ones. ‘Compensation to 0.95 must be considered on fitering system. ‘Allowec THD (voltage and current) at 11 KV level is 5%. For 230 KV level the THD will be 2.5% for current and 1.5% for voltage, “The POC (point of common coupling) willbe 11 kW buses of main switchgear. Total Harmonic distortion THO Is the sum of harmonic components, SIEMENS ‘Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PT4 Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) 2A Distortion limits for interharmonics ‘According to IEC 1000-2-4, 61.42 loves fr the next higher even harmonic may be taken as guidance for each interharmonic frequency. Fig. 21: Limits for interharmonics according to IEC 3. System Data Fig, 3.1 shows a simplified single ine diagram of the plant. The 11 KV bus of the plant fed via 2 transformers and an OHL of 172 km. The feeding electrical system fat the remote end of the 280 KV line is modeled as a source with a short crcut [power of about 386 MIVA to 351 MVA. ‘This short circuit level is further reduced by the 230 kV/11 KV step-down transformer Altagether the short circuit power at 11 KV plant side is about 204 MVA (163 MVA with one transformer in service). “pro senersto¥e se 499 rr SIEMENS ‘Aker Kvaerner ‘San Cristobal Harmonie Fierng and Power Factor Correction Fig. 8:1: Basic arrangement of San Cristobal intercomection Prose nossa rir SIEMENS ‘Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PT4 Harmonie Analysis (Rev. 03) 4 Loadflow and voltage band 4.1 Normal operation with 2 transformers Loadtiow is calculated fora voltage level of 100% atthe 11 KV bus and peak load of, 166 MW. This way the total active power is 64.6 MW and 47.3 MVAr, which come ‘sponds to an apparent power by 2 transformers of 40.0 MVA and a power factor of 0.81. For purpose of compansation to a power factor of 0.95, fiters and compensa- tion circuits with a total size of 2 x 12.5 MVAr are inserted. This causes a voltage inrease to 107.3%, ifthe feeding source isnot adjusted ‘According to single ine diagram (document: 050519 Plant Single Line_6208K001.pd)), the step down translormers are equipped with a load tap changer, range + 10.5% - 17.5% (32 steps of 0.875%, +12,-20) This means thatthe. voltage increase by the insertion of compensation can be controlled by the tap changers. T1kY | apparent powers | power | active power | reactive | voltage at voltage vay fector | pany power | 230kV pave |Punutuma oe ue oa | 325 20 | 10020% 700% wa a | 325 Tz aT% 05% wa 095 | 328 0s 080% ‘Table 1: Losdfiow with 2 transformers in service. Values in the table are shown for cone transformer for voltage levels of 95%, 100% and 105% with a total of 2x 12.5 MVAr of compensation SIEMENS ‘Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PTA Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) 42 Emergency operation with 1 transformer 11k | apparent power | powertactor [ active | reacive | voltage at volage aval power | power | 230KV paw | pve | Punutuma 8% oz var] 6s3_] — 246 708.1% ‘ORTON | — ame 65 | Transformer Fara | sazsoeras | _ load cepabilty ‘Table 2: Loadfiow at emergency operation with 1 transformer with a bial of 2x 125 MVAr of compensation In case of emergency operation with 1 transformer the total load remains within the second step of cooling (74.5 MVA\. 43. Load rejection scenarios 43:4. Sudden stop of 2 Ball Mills and the SAG Mill Yottage will increase from 100% operating level to 108.0% unt fters are tipped or TC is operating, which wil last somo minutos. 43.2. Load rejection at 230 kV level I the total plant load is tipped at 230 KV level, he votage will increase to 106.1% from 100.65% pre-aul level SIEMENS ‘Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PT4 Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) 5 Impedance characteristic of the system 5.4. Idealized systom with inductive network source Impedance: 11kV_BB_A ~ \ Bu 2] Fig. 5.1: Impedance characteristic wth idealized network source For purpose of comparison the impedance characteristic of the San Cristobal plant connected to an idealized inductive network source itis could be for instance a set ‘of generators) Is shown in Fig. 5.1. However in the real system, the 11 KV plant is fed via an OHL of 172 km, Thus the inherent characteristic ofthe long line with se- ries and parallel resonances changes the impedance characteristic considerably as cisplayed in Fig. 62 SIEMENS ‘Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PT4 Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) 5.2 Real system with OHL line 180 km at 230 KV level ‘Impedanz: 11kV_BB_A *12) Fig. 6.2: Impedance characteris with real newerk source and OHL characteristic ‘This real system with operation ofthe big drives does not fulfil harmonic distortion requirements. Therefore fier circuits need to be installed. This wey the impedance ‘characterise Is change tothe characteristic as show in Fig. 5:3. SIEMENS ‘Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PT4 Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) 5.3 System with OHL line 230 ky, fiter set connected Impedanz: 11kV_BB_A Z 10h) fe) Fig. 5.3: Impedance characteristic with real network ource and OHL characteristic ‘and fiter cuits proposed 6 Harmonic distortion 64 Simulation setup ‘The main components used for the harmonic simulation setup are shown in the aitached POF-file (b3_Inputpdf). A concontrated form witha focus to harmonic gen- eration and filtering is shown in Fig, 3.1. This setup ircludes @ model of the OHL with the homogeneous line characteristic, the step down transformers 230 KVI11 KV. Filter circus are proposed for 80 Hz, 125 Hz, 250 Hz, and 550 Hz. These fter cir cuits are of second order damped type to avoié megnifcation of interharmonics at points of parallel resonance. Each one has @ nominal power of 6 MVA¥ at 11 KV. For purpose of simulation, the intrharmonic curreris of the ball mill and the SAG rill according to Table 6.3 were fed in for nominal speed as showin in the bar chats InFig 6.1 and 62. SIEMENS ‘Aker Kvaerner PTD SEPT4 Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) Harmonic currents generated by the excitrs of ball mil and SAG mil are modeled asa set of 6pulse currents \VSD Drives are modeled as 6-pulse current set or 12-pulse current set. ‘Order | infed harmonic umber | “curent 3 20 7 2 1" 2 8 65 7 3 19 45 2 35 25 32 Table 6.1: 6-pulse current sets for drives at LV level Order | infos harmonic rnumber_| “cuents 5 3 7 12 1 2 B 65 7 23: 0 18 2 35 25 32 “Table 6.2: 12:pulse current sets for VED drives at MY lovel SIEMENS ‘Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PT4 Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) 6.2 Harmonic current generation of BALL Mill and SAG Mil ea ‘SA tm the warps im tmz vane 02 ° o2 10 age. 03 ast °3 iso oa ais oe 8 05 0 os a us. 103 36 sos sis “0 13 o 13 6s 598 163 ar ve 17 205 7 88 1a ° 8 9 ae zt ° 24 1s bat Be a3 2a i 25 fl 23 i us 3 38 oo 3a ° 105508 ar 208 sD a ° 2S 341 5 ° 200 ? ° 308 18 8 305255 83 ast aso 87 ° 7 ° 03 ° 95 ° 136 38 022 ° 88 ° 598 402 ° 598 403 38 ° 102 38 ° Nor 0 162 108 978 o in 22 47 5 0 Bi ns 308 ° ur 38 ° ne 5 598 122 ° 3a 123 205 ° Ba bz o 8 ° 138 ‘3 aut wo sso 651103 0 nas 6s ” 1858 684208 0 “a7 Gas st © ia oD aa iat Toso 25 ia 720 308 mm us ms 9 1s sai is 750 976 0°" 183 788 res 162 17 78838 mes 0 sei aos "9 161 005595 “Table 63: harmonic currents of bal mill and SAG mil for nominal operation SIEMENS Aker Kvaemer PTD SE PTS Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) armonic currents of SAG mill and bal mill used tr simulation are listed in Table 6.3 ‘and shown in bar chart Fig. 6.1 and 6.2. cre pecrum of 0-8 : rill GPE IP IS I OSISS Fig, 61; Harmonics and interharmonios generated by the SAG mil at minal speed ‘Curent specu ft it (ate pee) lh. callin Fig, 6.2: Harmonies and interharmanics generated by a Ball mil at nominal speed SIEMENS Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PT4 Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) 6.3. Harmonic current limits For harmonic current distortion at 230 kV level the lim for THD Is 2.8% for curent. ‘At11 KV level this level is 6%. That means if the limit at 230 KV is kep, the limits at 11 KV are also fle. ‘The distortion level fr votage THD is 1.5% at 290 KV end 8% at 11 KY. Current base for the THD current lmit i the nominal base is the nominal curent of the 2 transformers rated 40 MVA each. Thus the reference current Is 201 amps in total or 100.5 amps per transformer. A limit of 2.5% than corresponds fo 2.51 amps. per transformer, 6.4 Harmonic current distortion without and with fiters. ‘Without fiter circuits harmonic currents passing into the 230 KV system per trans- former are shown in Table 6.4. The THD limits exceeded by about 100 % [Onder Fregueney 1 THD rombor (ie) a) 3 150 (O48 5 250 267 7 350 407 ° 40st " 5503.96 13 65018 5 750 Oo 7 850085 19 950 Oss 2 1150 or 25 1250 O82 ‘Table 6 4: Operating the plant without ters SIEMENS ‘Aker Kvaerner Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) ‘With fiter circuits proposed in service the harmonic current limit is kept as shown in PTD SE PT4 Table 6.5 ‘Order Frequency HD THD romber Te) PW) 3 150 (O07 5 250 1,00 7 350 1,09 a 450 (0.2 " 550 0.6 8 650 Oa 5 70 Ot 7 35005, 8 950 0.36, 2 11590 0.33 25 1250028 198 ‘Table 6.5: Operating the plant with fiers SIEMENS Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PT4 Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) t er te = oar Table 6.6: Voltage distortion of hamonics and interharmonics at 11 KV bus without er circuits “or ne $a $s SIEMENS Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PT4 Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 05) co bt Al A teallleallllssullltlll | AST ESES ESSE LES ERE ESTES NESEY Fig. 6.3: Bar chart of harmonic distortion resuts 6.5. Harmonic voltage distortion with fiers \with fiter circuits proposed in service the distortion limit for THD at 290 KV level is kept. Calculated value 1.39%, limit value 1.5%. For individual components please rer to Table 6.7 ‘Onder Frequency HD THD umber tH) BPH 3 150 048 5 2500.96 7 350 037 ° 450005 " 5500.14 8 650 (Oat 6 750 05 w 50 0,50 9 950 Oe a 1150 0.09 2 1250 0.08 139 ‘Table 6.7: Voltage distortion at 230 KV side of San Cristobal transformer SIEMENS ‘Aker Kvaemer PTD SE PT4 Harmonie Analysis (Rev. 03) For the PCC at 11 KV side THD voltage distortion is also Kept. Calculated ‘THD=1.91%, limit value = 5%. For Individual companents please refer to Table 68. oH 191 Pee eee* fs Fig. 64: Bar chart of harmonic distortion results SIEMENS Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PT4 Harmonic Analysis (Rev. 03) 7 Filter circa and breakers Fiter circuits proposed show the fllowing data: Grout Nominal reactive power: 6 MVAr Tuning frequency: f= 84 Hz “Type: Second order damped iter (highpass) Get 2 Nominal reactive power: 6 MVAr “Tuning frequency: fy= 125 Hz ‘Type: Second order damped fiter (ighpass) Creu 3 ‘Nominal reactive power: 6 MVAr ‘Tuning frequency: fp = 260 Hz “Type: Second order damped fier (hahpass) Girouit 4: Nominal reactive power: 6 MVAr ‘Tuning frequency: fp = 850 Hz “Type: Second order damped fiter (highpass) Itis proposed to connect crcut 1 ard 2 to the lft side of the 11 KV bus, circuit 3 and (out to the right side ofthe 14 KY bus. ‘he elreult break itching must be capable to successful ‘sconnect the filter circuits and withstand the TRV voltage. The same re- ‘auirements apply to the upstream ciroult ‘SENET rr SIEMENS Aker Kvaerner PTD SE PT4 Harmonie Analysis (Rev. 03) 8 Appendix 8.4 Data of the drives Nennbetit Urieting te Latting 7a30 kw Froquenz 50 He Wirursgres 064 Powerfacor 088 Netespannung a ky Nene ou ak ‘aah Poe se eenaronean! 1208. pm Nemivequene 562. He 9.786 MIVA, 8122 MW. 5,458 MVAr Nennbetried tseteg " sting 19080 kw Frequens 0 Witangsard 0960 Powerfacor a3 Netespareung HW Nonerohzah 9154 rpm Nemiroqwone 6.98 He 16225 KVA, 13 467 KW. 7512 KVAr

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