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This study aspires to have an unconventional and alternative source of fiber for paper

making. This was conducted in order to produce a paper out of durian pulp mixed with a binding

agent. Specifically, the mechanical properties of the different treatments were evaluated in terms

of density, tearing strength, flammability and water absorption. In order to accomplish the paper

made out of durian peelings, there was a collection of raw materials, the papermaking process

and the testing and gathering of data. The results from the test and statistical analysis showed

that the handmade abaca paper is denser than the other three treatments. Treatment 4 was the

strongest paper in terms of tearing strength and took the longest time before it completely

burned. In terms of water absorption, Treatment 3 absorbed most of the water. Based on the

findings of the study, Durian Peelings can be a potential source of fiber for papermaking.

The paper can also be improved by varying the amount of peelings and binding agent, so

that the paper can be thinner and easier to be written on or printed upon. The pulping process can

also be improved. The future researchers can use different techniques in making the pulp more

refined. They can also prolong the time in soaking the peelings in caustic soda in order for it to

be more refined.

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