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Animators, Writers, Voice Actors, Graphic Designers,

and Video Editors. The Team Konoha Filmz will be
holding an open email audition from June 1st 12:00
a.m. EST - June 14th 11:59 p.m. EST for an upcoming
series that will be known as “Boruto Shippuden”. If
you’re interested in any of the positions above
directions on how to apply and or audition are down

Animators-​ If you’re interested in becoming an
animator for “Boruto Shippuden” please email either
content you’ve already made or a short 15 second
fight of Teen Boruto vs. Kawaki, Teen Sarada vs. Teen
Sumire, or Denki vs. Mitsuki. A background is not
required if you don’t want to make one as long as the
characters are fighting. You may send in more than
one fight if you choose and if you choose to make the
fight(s) longer you can but the minimum has to be 15
seconds. In the email you are required to leave
something so we can contact you whether it’s your
social media(s), phone number, alternative email, etc.
If you do not respond within 72 hours of us contacting
you our offer will be off the table. The email to submit
everything to will be at the very end. We’ll be choosin
5-8 animators.

Writers-​ If you’re interested in becoming a writer for

“Boruto Shippuden” write a script for an episode. The
episode script can be written based solely on Naruto
related things. You can use whatever existing
characters you want and create a few new ones if you
want to. If you choose to write a script for more than
one episode you can. We’ll be choosing 2 script
writers. You are required to submit something for us
to contact in the email. If you don’t respond within 72
hours of the email you’ll be passed on. The email to
submit scripts and contact information will be at the
very end.
Graphic Designers-​ If you’re interested in becoming a
graphic designer for “Boruto Shippuden” email an
original Naruto/Boruto style character drawing/design
or create an original Naruto/Boruto style thumbnail. If
you want to do both or send in both and make multiple
you can that’s all up to you. 2 people will be picked to
be graphic designers. In the email include your
contact information and or social medias. If you do
not respond within 72 hours of the email you’ll be
passed on and someone else will be chosen. The
email to submit your graphic designs will be at the
very end.

Video Editor-​ If you’re interested in becoming a video

editor for “Boruto Shippuden” send in videos and
content you have edited in the past as well as contact
information and or your social medias. 3 video editors
will be chosen. If you do not respond within 72 hours
of us contacting you your spot will be given to
someone else. The email to submit video content will
be at the very end.

Voice Actor-​ If you’re interested in becoming a voice

actor for voice actor for “Boruto Shippuden” you can
send in a video (.mp4 file) and or voice recording
(.mp3 file) of you voice acting the lines for any of the
characters below. In the email be sure to include your
name, contact information, and what character you’re
auditioning for. You can audition for more than one
character if you want to. The email to submit all the
characters, contact info, and or .mp4/.mp3 file will be
at the very end.

Sasuke Uchiha

Line 1: {Concerned} Are you sure you can take him on

by yourself, Boruto?
Line 2:​ {Happily} I’m proud of you Sarada.
Line 3: {Confident} He starts to understand the way of
a ninja more and more everyday. A few years ago you
said he reminds you more of me when I was younger. I
think he’s more like the both of us, Naruto. Better yet
he’s more than you or I. He’s Boruto Uzumaki of the
Leaf Village.
Sakura Haruno-Uchiha

Line 1:​ {Angry and Confused} Why….Just answer me

and tell me why you would do this!??!!??!
Line 2:​ {Angry} No one messes with my family I don’t
care who you are.
Line 3:​ {Happy} I guess it is the time to teach you isn’t
it *Giggles*

Hinata Hyuga-Uzumaki
Line 1:​ {Encouraging} It’s ok you’ll be as strong as
him someday.
Line 2:​ {Informing} If you really want to know more
about Hyuga style taijutsu and your Byakugan go see
Hanabi and your Grandfather.
Line 3:​ {Sad} I’m sorry but I have to send you back to
your grave. I’m sorry we’ll meet again but in the next

Himawari Uzumaki

Line 1:​ {Assertive} Please let me do this. This is

something I have chosen for myself now please let me
join you.
Line 2:​ {Confused} He is? Are you sure? Why would
he work with them it doesn’t make sense.
Line 3:​ {Confused and Very Angry} Why are you doing
all this? This isn’t for the sake of peace this is for your
own satisfaction. You can’t say this is for peace.
Peace had already been achieved until you showed

Konohamaru Sarutobi

Line 1:​ {Angry} How dare you. You’re not a

peacemaker you’re a power hunger war beast.
Line 2:​ {Proud and happy} I want to leave behind a
legacy everyone will remember and protect the Leaf
even if it cost me my life. That is my ninja way.
Line 3:​ {Confident} I am Konohamaru Sarutobi, and
you are………...dead.
Sarada Uchiha

Line 1:​ {Confident} *hmph* Don’t underestimate the

will of fire.
Line 2:​ {Angry} Is this what you wanted? Answer me
is this what you wanted all along. You were our friend
how can you do this. Everyone trusted you and you
do this.
Line 3:​ {Sad} Please stop this. You don’t need to go
any further please stop.

Kagura Karatachi
Line 1:​ {Assertive} Yagura might be my grandfather
but I won’t do what he did. So just leave unless you
want to anger me.
Line 2:​ {Reassuring} One day I hope you will takeover
as Mizukage but until that day comes you can’t slack
off on training.
Line 3:​ {Encouraging} Don’t you dare give up. If you
give up it’s over. We’ll be pawns to their whim. Do you
want that?

Kaiya Kishimoto
[Kaiya Kishimoto is a character that will be introduced
in this series. She is the Mizukage's apprentice and
candidate to be the next Mizukage. She also is the
wielder of Shinjitsu, The Blade of truth and healing.]
Line 1:​ {Begging} Lord 7th please. There has to be
Line 2:​ {Confident}With each strike from my blade you
will know my truth.
Line 3:​ {Assertive}If you think for a second you’re
getting past me you’re sadly mistaken. So leave now
or be prepared to accept your punishment.


Line 1:​ {Calm but angry}I will show you no mercy

except what you have caused.
Line 2:​ {Protective/Assertive}We must protect the
villagers at all cost. Evacuate every villager that is not
a shinobi in the the sand.
Line 3:​ {Sad}I know, but I can try anyway.

Midori Suzuko
[Midori Suzuko is a character that will be introduced in
this series. He is the current Tsuchikage and
grandson of the second Tsuchikage. He has 3 Kekkei
Genkai. His kekkei genkai are lava, steel, and boil
release. He also has 2 kekkei tota known as Dust
Release and Cement Release. Dust Release uses lava
and steel based chakra while Cement release uses
Boil and steel based chakra.]
Line 1:​ {Arrogant} Please, your power is nothing
compared to mine. How can you really call yourself a
Shinobi. And you say you’re going to be a Kage
someday? Please, give me a break.
Line 2: {Angry}​ You’re no longer my brother. As of
now you’re nothing more to me than a rogue ninja
who does nothing but betray me and my village. Leave
my office now. If you don’t I will have them come and
kill you now. I’m only letting you go for our parents
Line 3:​ {Relieved} It’s finally over.

Misato Suzuko
[Misato Suzuko is a character who’ll be introduced in
this series. He is the grandson of the second
Tsuchikage and younger brother of the 5th/current
Tsuchikage. Along with being the younger brother to
the 5th Tsuchikage he’s also his aid, bodyguard, and
candidate to be his successor. He’s able to use 3
changes in chakra nature. The 3 changes in chakra
nature he’s able to use are fire,earth, and water. He
also has 2 kekkei genkai abilities known as Lava and
Burn Release.]
Line 1:​ {Concerned}Older brother please reconsider. If
you don’t then the entire village will be in danger.
Line 2:​ {Assertive}It’s because of my love for this
village that I can’t let you do that. So instead of asking
I’m going to tell you. Change your decision.
Line 3:​ {Sad but calm} I’m sorry it’s come to this.
Please just step aside so I don’t have to fight you.


Line 1:​ {Calm}Calm down let’s listen to their offer.

Line 2:​ {Happy}I’m sorry *Laughs*
Line 3:​ {Demanding}Before you can become Raikage
you must learn a few moves and jutsu’s that’s been
passed down to each Raikage. Even if you never use
them you must learn them.

Line 1:​ {Concerned} Bee Sensei hasn’t returned from

his mission yet. I’m starting to get a little concerned.
We’re going to go after him.
Line 2:​ { Confident}Let me show you something that
will leave you in shock.
Line 3:​ {Irritated}Shut up!!! You’re really annoying

Denki Kaminarimon

Line 1:​ {Humble}I’ve been training a lot so hopefully

I’m as strong as you think I am.
Line 2:​ {Confident}I’m the Hidden Shadow of The Leaf
tell if that sounds familiar.
Line 3:​ {Calm}Attack if you like but you’re not going to
even come close to hitting me.

Metal Lee

Line 1:​ {Nervous}Da...Dad what are you doing here?

Line 2:​ {Calm}I guess I have to get serious.
Line 3:​ {Hype}7th gate, Gate of Wonder, Open.

Sumire Kakei
Line 1:​ {Sad/Angry}I….I thought you said you’ll be
following right behind us. Why…..why did you stay
and fight?!!!?!!!
Line 2:​ {Happy}Do you really mean it or are you just
saying that because that’s what I want to hear?
Line 3:​ {Determined}Please teach me. I’ll even fight
you to teach me.


Line 1:​ {Happy}Thank you for everything, Shikadai. I

truly thank you for your kindness.
Line 2:​ {Tired but happy}Only if I could see them one
last time. *Laughs*
Line 3:​ {Confident}I will protect my friends. I don’t
care how strong you are, you won’t get passed me

Cho-Cho Akimichi

Line 1:​ {Happy/Reminiscent}We’ve all become

stronger since those days, especially Denki. He was
so weak when we were younger but now he’s become
a shinobi known through the nations.
Line 2:​ {}Everyone relax. Let’s just talk about it at
thunder burger over some nice delicious Burgers.
Line 3:​ {Happy and a little conceited}He was
handsome. A girl like me deserves someone that

Shikadai Nara

Line 1:​ {Annoyed}What a drag. Why doesn’t Lord

Hokage send another squad on this mission.
Line 2:​ {Calm}Listen let’s be honest he has no chance.
Why don’t we just go home? There’s no point in
watching this fight.
Line 3:​ {Assertive/Condescending}If you attack me
you’re basically declaring a state of war against the
Leaf so I would think about what I do next if I were

Line 1:​ {Confident/Calm}You ask what my name was.
My name is not important. You won’t be around long
enough remember it.
Line 2:​ {Calm/Cold/Intimidating}I speak very little so
when I talk you should listen.
Listen 3:​ {Calm}Let me make this clear. I didn’t do it
for you. I did if for my passing whim.


Line 1:​ {Calm}I’m Yodo of the Sand.

Line 2:​ {Assertive}Speak now or be imprisoned.
Line 3:​ {Calm/Happy}You must be that Shikadai kid I
fought back in the chunin exams.

Shikamaru Nara

Line 1:​ {Calm}Lord Hokage the Feudal Lord is here to

see you.
Line 2:​ {Upset}I never thought this would happen
Line 3:​ {Angry}Whoever did this will pay in blood.
Rock Lee

Line 1:​ {Loud/Energetic}If you never remember

anything else I told you at least remember this. No
matter how old you are you can still be in the
springtime of your youth.
Line 2:​ {Confident/Loud}Don’t underestimate him. It’s
because of his taijutsu he’s come this far. And unlike
me he’s able to use ninjutsu.
Line 3:​ {Calm}Your journey as a shinobi is not over
yet. If your still able to stand and your giving up
you’re not working hard enough.

Temari Nara

Line 1:​ {Calm/Happy}Shinki you should train with

Shikadai. I could benefit the both of you.
Line 2:​ {Serious}I’m going to teach you wind style but
I want you to understand something. It’s not going to
be easy to learn and even if you do learn it it’s going
to be hard to master.
Line 3:​ {Assertive}We’re going out tonight so put on
something nice . NOW.

Inojin Yamanaka
Line 1:​ {Calm}I’ll handle him. You two just go I’ll be
following behind you in a minute.
Line 2:​ {Sad}I can’t believe we have to fight you. You
were once our friend but now you’ve fallen into
darkness. I wish I didn’t have to be like this, but
except you death.
Line 3:​ {Confident}This jutsu utilizes techniques I’ve
learned from both of my parents. Super Beast

Line 1:​ {Reassuring}Everyone art is different. You can
use your art how you see fit.
Line 2:​ {Happy}Of course I love her Inojin. I know at
times I seem emotionless but that doesn’t mean I
don’t feel emotion.
Line 3:​ {Angry}Don’t get involved with the ANBU
Inojin. That’s not something you want to be apart of.
Don’t make me repeat myself.

Kakashi Hatake

Line 1:​ {Serious}Unlike any sensei you had before me

I will not be taking it easy with you. If you’re not ready
then you shouldn’t ask me to be your sensei
Line 2:​ {Reminiscent}Sarada, you remind me of one of
my old friends. His name was Obito and he was also
an Uchiha. He wanted to become Hokage just like you.
Line 3:​ {Skeptical}I am the copy ninja. Who’s asking?

Line 1:​ {calm}We have a new vessel we need to
Line 2:​ {Calm/Sinister}Capture Boruto Uzumaki.
Line 3:​ {Happy/Maniacal}We close to completing our

Kashin Koji

Line 1:​ {Calm}I am a man whose linked to this village

by fate. My name is not important.
Line 2:​ {Evil}You’re not truly worthing of being a
vessel. I’ll be taking your seal.
Line 3:​ {Happy/Sinister}When I’m and near you seem
to always notice I’m around even though I’m an
assassin. You’re impressive.

Mirai Sarutobi

Line 1:​ {Assertive}Konohamaru, Leave. Trust me you

don’t want to do this.
Line 2:​ {Happy}One day I want to be a well known
ninja just like my dad. After that find someone my
family would approve of but that’s all in the future.
Line 3:​ {calm}Provide support from distance. I’m
going to rush in.

Line 1:​ {Angry}You young bastard.
Line 2:​ {calm/sinister}You have no business
interfering with organization business.
Line 3:​ {Mad}Do you have any respect for you elder?


Line 1:​ {condescending}Let’s just say I’m an

insurance policy.
Line 2:​ {Calm}You lack determination you can’t win.
Line 3:​ {Confident}That jutsu won’t work on me.

Line 1:​ {calm}Sir Jigen. The vessel has been located
in the land of fire.
Line 2:​ {nervous}If you make one wrong move the trap
will slice you in half.
Line 3:​ {Assertive}As the “inner we have to come to a
decision. Now.

Izunami Senju
[Izunami is one of the leaders of the Kara organization
who’ll be introduced in this series. She is a very
powerful women who’s mother was an Uchiha and
father was a Senju. She is also the cousin of Tsunade
Senju and Granddaughter of Hashirama Senju.]
Line 1:​ {Sympathetic/Calm} You’re power is is inferior
compared to mine. Why do you even bother to try.
Stop trying to resist for your sake.
Line 2:​ {Calm}We’ll all be taking assignments today.
Both inners and outers.
Line 3:​ {calm}Why………{starts to get angry} why why
why whyyy. Why do you keeping getting up. Stay
down so I can at least spare your life and continue my

Asiyo Senju
[Asiyo is one of the two twin brothers born to Izunami
Senju that’ll be introduced in this series. He is the
elder of the two brothers as well as a member of Kara.
Him and his brother were both born with two special
kekkei genkai.]
Line 1:​ {Calm}Our goals and Ideals may not make
sense to you right now. It’s pointless explaining.
Line 2:​ {Loud}Calamity and destruction is necessary
for peace!!! After destruction the birth of a new world
follows. {Angry} If you suffered half of the pain,
destruction, mayhem we’ve seen or experienced you
would try to get rid of it to.
Line 3:​ {Upset}Don’t comment on peace when this
constantly failing shinobi system is the main cause
for everyone’s missouri.
Ariyo Senju
[Ariyo is the second of the two twin brothers born
onto Izunami Senju that’ll be introduced in the series.
He’s the younger of the two brothers as well as a
member of Kara. Ariyo posses 2 special Kekkei
Genkai just like his brother.]
Line 1:​ {Calm/Intimidating}I am a Senju with blood of
an Uchiha. You can’t win.
Line 2:​ {Calm}If you would just surrender your seal
this would be easier. We would even spare your life.
So do you wish to surrender it?
Line 3:​ {Angry}I will fight all day if I have to. I don’t
care about the peace you thought you reached. If not
everyone is at peace then it’s not true peace.{Starting
to calm Down} That is Karma. Karma is an eternal
peace we want based on good will and morals.

[Huzayma is a rogue ninja from the hidden sand who
attempted to Assassinate the 5th and 6th Kazekage.
He’ll be introduced in the early on in the series.]

Line 1:​ {Sinister}Lord Kazekage. Let’s have a little

Line 2:​ {Calm}My reasoning is actual very simple. This
system is a failure and I’m going to reinvent it.
Line 3:​ {Sarcastically}I’m starting to notice a lot of
your ninjutsu exhaust a lot of chakra. If you’re careful
you might run out of chakra before I get serious and
we don’t want that.
[Amado is a S ranked criminal and assassin from the
Mist. He is a very capable shinobi able to take on
kages. He is a member of the Kara who specializes in
Kenjutsu as well as combining Ninjutsu into his
Line 1:​ {Confident}I’m going to slice you in half.
Line 2:​ {Annoyed}Your arrogance makes me sick to
the point I want to vomit. I swear if you were not apart
of KARA I’d kill you myself.
Line 3:​ {Angry}What do you new generation shinobi
really know about pain and combat. You’ve been
given everything since birth. What could you know
about my pain?

[Shigen-Dono is a Rogue S ranked criminal from the
Hidden Stone who has now joined KARA. He was the
4th Tsuchikage’s Bodyguard and Advisor. He has now
turned to KARA because they have the same goal.
True eternal peace.
Line 1:​ {Calm}I was never able to achieve peace on my
own. So i joined kara because we all had the same
common goal. Of course I don’t like how they kill
unnecessarily sometimes but that’s just how it has to
Line 2:​ {Aggravated}If you go out there and die this
would all be for nothing did you think about that yet?
Line 3:​ {Commanding}Stay here. You still haven’t
recovered from the black flames Sasuke struck you
with. I’ll dispatch some outers and inners.

Submit everything to ​​. In the

email make it clear what position you’re apply for. If
you’re apply for voice actor roles make it clear who
you’re auditioning for. Also submit your name along
with contact information and or social media @’s and

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