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Canabisul noua tendinta a dependentilor

Rita: Fumam cannabis pentru a ne simti euforici, radem, ne destindem. Deci suntem mai putin
dependent de cannabis decat de tigara, dar dintr-o data nu ne mai putem opri, riscurile devin
mult mai mari: dureri de cap, ameteli, problem de repiratie, de memoorie, cardiac. Asta te face
sa te mai gandesti…

Sebastien: Nimeni nu poate nega ca de sarbatori, sau cand ne simtim bine cu gasca de prieteni,
nu putem refuza o tigara ieftina in fata tuturor. Bine , asta provoaca efecte amuzante, suntem
impietriti, ne prapadim de ras… Dar chiar avem nevoie de ASTA pentru a ne simti bine?

ules Examples
 cof-fee
 bor-der
When two consonants come between two vowels in a word, divide
 plas-tic
syllables between the consonants.
 jour-ney

 em-ploy
 mon-ster
When there are more than two consonants together in a word,
 en-trance
divide the syllables keeping the blends together.
 bank-rupt

 ca-jole
 bo-nus
When there is one consonant between two vowels in a word, divide
 plu-ral
the syllables after the first vowel.
 gla-cier

 doz-en
If following the previous rule doesn’t make a recognizable word,  ech-o
divide the syllables after the consonant that comes between the  meth-od
vowels.  cour-age

 cli-ent
 po-em
When there are two vowels together that don’t represent a long
 cha-os
vowel sound or a diphthong, divide the syllables between the
 li-on
 qui-et
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Jocuri Robby
Pagini esti aici: Articole >> Diverse » Lunile anului in traditia populara
Articole Lunile anului in traditia populara
Ianuarie, februarie, martie, aprilie, mai, iunie, iulie, august, septembrie,
Forum octombrie, noiembrie, decembrie...sunt lunile anului. Nimic nou pana aici!
Stiri Ceea ce poate nu stii inca este ca, in traditia populara romaneasca insa, lunile
Albume anului sunt considerate a fi ''cei 12 fii ai Anului'' sau ramurile unui copac
foarte batran. Fiecare dintre ele avea in lumea satului romanesc o cu totul alta
Trimite mesajedenumire decat cea precizata la inceput si mai ales o semnificatie aparte.
prietenilor Fiecare luna sugera prin numele ei, fie o activitate din viata oamenilor, fie
tai!!! aminteau de o anume traditie. Majoritatea este formata din acele luni al caror
Tickere nume se identifica cu observatiile oamenilor asupra starii vremii.
Anunturi Cel mai mare dintre fiii Anului, Ianuarie sau ''Gerar'' era cunoscut in
trecut si sub denumirea de ''Genarie'', ''Ghenarie'' sau ''Calindariu''. Este
luna in care se dadeau petreceri de inceperea Noului An si in care se vedea
cum va fi vremea in perioada urmatoare: daca in ianuarie nu e timp geros,
Downloads atunci asa va fi vremea in martie si aprilie. Daca insa era frig, cu siguranta in
Contact februarie avea sa ninga.
Februarie, ''Faurar'' sau ''luna lupilor'' era considerata a fi o luna
deosebit de nemiloasa, venind cu geruri si viscole mari. In traditia populara
se spune ca in februarie 2 saptamani ingheata tot, iar in urmatoarele 2 se
dezgheata. Denumirea populara ''Faurar'', sugera inceputul pregatirilor pentru
muncile agricole si nu numai, ce aveau sa inceapa din luna urmatoare cand
vremea era mai blanda.
In luna martie (''Mart'') incepe primavara, vremea se incalzeste treptat.
Legendele spun ca Mart a luat cate o zi din fiecare celelalte luni pentru a-si
depasi toti ceilalti frati. Acum incep si zilele Babelor (zilele Martei sau
Dochiei), traditie imbogatita de o multime de povesti ce ilustreaza lupta
dintre iarna si primavara, dintre intuneric si lumina. Martie mai este denumit
si ''Germanar'' (''Incoltitorul''),natura incepand sa prinda viata si culoare.
Aprilie (''Prier'') este o continuare a zilelor babelor Marta si Dochia.
Denumirea de ''prier'' se datoreaza faptului ca se considera ca aceasta
perioads din an este una foarte prielnica. Cu toate acestea, timpul e inselator
de la o zi la alta ceea ce dauneaza plantelor si animalelor mici. In zile foarte
friguroase si cu vant uscat luna aprilie era denumita in popor ''Traista-n Bat''.
Mai (''Florar'' sau ''Frunzar'') este luna ierburilor. Acum se considera ca
Raiul coboara pe pamant, pajistile sunt verzi si pline de flori multicolore, iar
frunzisul padurilor si livezilor tresare sub adierea vantului.
Iunie este luna cireselor drept pentru care in popor ea era cunoscut sub
denumirea de ''Ciresar'' sau ''Ciresel''.
Iulie, luna lui ''Cuptor'', este in traditia populara perechea lui ''Faurar''.
Asta pentru ca vorbele din popor spun ca, pe cat de frig e in vremea lui
''Faurar'', pe atat de cald va fi in luna lui cuptor.
August, luna cunoscuta ca ''Gustar'' sau ''Secelar'' este una din lunile ce
abunda in legume, fructe si recolte de tot soiul.
Septembrie, ''Rapciune'' este luna ce deschide usa toamnei, cu vreme
schimbatoare. Totodata este si luna vinului - ''Vinitel'' acum strangadu-se
rodul viilor. Dat fiind ca acum incepe un nou anotimp, traditiile populare fac
iarasi legatura intre luni si vreme. Astfel, daca de ''Rapciune'' e cald, atunci
luna urmatoare, ''Brumarel'' timpul va fi rece si cu multa umezeala. Daca tuna
in septembrie e semn de multa zapada in ''Faurar''. Daca in septembrie
infloresc scaietii, atunci toamna va fi lunga si frumoasa. Daca randunelele se
duc repede, atunci e semn ca si iarna e aproape.
Lunile octombrie (''Brumarel'') si noiembrie (''Brumar'') nu aduc
evenimente si traditii deosebite. Ele sunt insa cele care prevestesc iarna ce
bate la usa. Acum cade bruma, apare promoroaca, iar vantul bate mai cu
putere, toate acestea spunand ca iarna ce vine va fi blanda. Daca in aceste
luni va ploua marunt, atunci iarna va fi grea.
Decembrie (''Undrea'' sau ''Ningau'') este una din cele mai bogate luni
ale anului in sarbatori crestinesti, cantec si voie buna. Deschizatoare de
anotimp dar inchizatoare de an, aceasta luna e foarte bogata in prevestiri
pentru anul ce va veni. De Sf. Andrei praznuit in ultima zi din noiembrie si
sarbatoare ce deschide luna cadourilor, se pun la incoltit in vase boabe de
grau pentru a vedea cum va fi anul ce vine. Aceasta sarbatoare este de altfel
una foarte bogata in obiceiuri si superstitii populare. Pe de alta parte, daca in
''Undrea'' e ger, atunci anul va fi manos; daca e zapada, atunci va ploua in
timpul lui ''Ciresar''.
Se vede cum in traditia populara romaneasca lunile sunt strans legate intre
ele, datorita acestui fapt probabil anul fiind reprezentat in legendele populare
vechi de 12 frati.


NARRATOR: Once upon a time, a king and queen ruled over a distant
land. One winter day, the queen was doing needle work while looking through
the window, when a bird flew by distracting the queen and she pricked her
finger. A single drop of blood fell on the snow outside her window. As she looked
at the blood on the snow she said.

QUEEN: Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin as white as snow,
lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony.

NARRATOR: The queen got her wish when she gave birth to a baby girl who
had skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony. They named
her Snow White, but sadly, the queen died . Soon after, the king married a new
woman who was beautiful, but proud and cruel. She had studied dark magic and
owned a magic mirror, of which she would daily ask.

STEP-MOTHER: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful of them
MIRROR: You, my Queen, are the most beautiful of them all.

NARRATOR: This pleased the queen. She knew that her magical mirror could
speak only the truth. One morning the queen asked.

STEP-MOTHER: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who´s the most beautiful of them

MIRROR: You, my queen, are the most beautiful; it is true. But Snow White is
even more beautiful than you.

NARRATOR: The Queen was angry and ordered her huntsman to take Snow
White into the woods to be killed.

STEP-MOTHER: Go to the forest, take the girl and kill her!. And as a proof,
bring me her heart!. Ha,ha,ha,ha.

HUNTSMAN: Yes, my Queen, I will do as you say.

NARRATOR: The poor huntsman took Snow White into the forest, but could
not kill her.

HUNTSMAN: Snow White, I cannot do this, you have to escape, go, run, run!.

SNOW WHITE: Thank you good man, I will always be grateful for what you
have done.

NARRATOR: Then the huntsman killed a deer and took his heart to the Queen.

HUNTSMAN: Here, my Queen, I did as you told me. Take her heart.
STEP-MOTHER: Ha, ha, ha, ha, now, I am the most beautiful of them all!.

NARRATOR: Meanwhile, Snow White was at the forest.

SNOW WHITE: Oh, I am all alone in the great forest, I don´t know what to do.

NARRATOR: Then she began to run. And just as evening was about to fall she
saw a little house and went inside.

SNOW WHITE: Oh, this house is so beautiful. Everything is so small and clean.

NARRATOR: The table was set, and there was food on the plates.

SNOW WHITE: I am so hungry. I will eat a few vegetables and a little bread
from each little plate and from each cup I will drink a bit of milk.

NARRATOR: Since she was so tired, she lay down on one of the little beds and
fell fast asleep. After dark, the owners of the house returned home. They were
the seven dwarves who mined for gold in the mountains. As soon as they arrived
home, they saw that someone had been there.

DWARF 1: Who has been sitting in my chair?.

DWARF 2: Who has been eating from my plate?.

DWARF 3: Who has been eating my bread?.

DWARF 4: Who has been eating my vegetables?.

DWARF 5: Who has been eating with my fork?.

DWARF 6: Who has been drinking from my cup?.

NARRATOR: But the seventh one, looking at his bed, found Snow White lying
there asleep.

DWARF 7: Look over here, come quick!.

NARRATOR: The seven dwarves all came running up, and they cried out with

DWARF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: Oh good heaven, this child is beautiful!.

NARRATOR: They did not wake her up, but let her continue to sleep in the
bed. Next morning, Snow White woke up, and when she saw the seven dwarves
she was frightened.

SNOW WHITE: Oh, no!.

DWARF 1: Don´t be afraid of us. What is your name?.

SNOW WHITE: My name is Snow White.

DWARF 2: How did you find your way to our house?.

SNOW WHITE: My stepmother tried to kill me. Then the huntsman let me free
and that´s how I had to run the entire day through the forest. Finally, I got to
your house.

NARRATOR: The dwarves spoke with each other for awhile and then said.
DWARF 1: If you will keep the house for us.

DWARF 2: and cook.

DWARF 3: make beds.

DWARF 4: wash, sew, and knit.

DWARF 5: and keep everything clean and orderly.

DWARF 6: then you can stay with us.

DWARF 7: and you shall have everything that you want.

SNOW WHITE: Yes, with all my heart.

NARRATOR: So, Snow White lived happily with the dwarves. Every morning
they went into the mountains looking for gold, and in the evening when they
came back home Snow White had their meal ready and their house
clean. Meanwhile, at the palace.

STEP-MOTHER: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is the most
beautiful of all?.

MIRROR: You, my Queen, are beautiful; it is true. But Snow White, beyond the
mountains with the seven dwarves, is still a thousand times more beautiful than

STEP-MOTHER: Now I understand!. Oh, that huntsman deceived me. I have

to think of something.
NARRATOR: She went into her most secret room, and she made a poisoned

STEP-MOTHER: With this poisoned apple you will die, Snow White! Ha, ha, ha,

NARRATOR: From the outside the apple was beautiful and shiny. But anyone
who might eat a little piece of it would died.

STEP-MOTHER: I have to disguise myself so she can´t recognize me. Now I will
go to those dwarves´ house.

NARRATOR: She traveled to the dwarves house and knocked on the door. Snow
White put her head out of the window, and said.

SNOW WHITE: I must not let anyone in.

STEP-MOTHER: Would you like to taste one of my sweet apples?.

SNOW WHITE: No, I cannot accept anything from strangers.

STEP MOTHER: Are you afraid of poison?. Look, I’ll cut the apple in two. You
eat half and I will eat the other half.

NARRATOR: But only one half of the apple was poisoned.

SNOW WHITE: Well, all right, I see that you are also eating part of it, so give
me the other half.
NARRATOR: She barely had a bite in her mouth when she fell to the ground

STEP MOTHER: Ha, ha, ha, White as snow, red as blood, black as ebony wood!.
The dwarves shall never awaken you. Good-bye Snow White!. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

NARRATOR: Back at home she asked her mirror.

STEP MOTHER: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is the most
beautiful of all?.

MIRROR: You, my Queen, are the most beautiful of all.

NARRATOR: When the dwarves came home that evening they found Snow
White lying on the ground.

DWARF 3: Snow White, wake up, what happened to you.

DWARF 4: She is not breathing at all. She is dead!.

NARRATOR: They lifted her up and looked at her for a long time.

DWARF 5: Snow White, wake up, talk to us, please.

NARRATOR: But nothing helped. She was dead. They laid her on a bed of
straw, and all seven dwarves sat next to her and cried for three days. They were
going to bury her, but she still looked as fresh as a living person, and still had her
beautiful red cheeks.

DWARF 6: We cannot bury her in the black earth.

DWARF 7: Let´s make a transparent glass coffin made, so we can see her from
all sides.

NARRATOR: And they did it, then they put her inside the coffin.

DWARF 1: We have to place the coffin outside on a mountain, and one of us will
always stay with it and watched over her.

DWARF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: Yes, we will do that.

NARRATOR: One day a prince entered these woods. He saw the coffin on the
mountain with beautiful Snow White in it.

PRINCE: Let me have the coffin. I will give you anything you want for it.

DWARF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: We will not sell it for all the gold in the world.

PRINCE: Then give it to me. I cannot live without being able to her.

NARRATOR: The good dwarves felt sorry for him and gave him the coffin.

DWARF 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: Take good care of her, we will always love her.

PRINCE: I will. She will be my most precious treasure.

NARRATOR: The prince had his servants carry the coffin away on their
shoulders. But then it happened that one of them stumbled on some brush.

PRINCE: Be careful, watch your steps. I will never forgive you if something
happens to her.
NARRATOR: But this dislodged from Snow White’s throat the piece of poisoned
apple. She opened her eyes, lifted the lid from her coffin, sat up, and was alive

SNOW WHITE: Where am I?.

PRINCE: You are with me. I love you!. Come with me to my father’s castle.
You will be my wife.

NARRATOR: At that moment Snow White fell in love with him. Their wedding
was planned with great splendor and majesty. Snow White’s wicked step-mother
was invited to the wedding, but before leaving her castle, she asked her mirror.

STEP-MOTHER: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is the most
beautiful of all?.

MIRROR: You, my Queen, are beautiful; it is true. But the young queen is a
thousand times more beautiful than you.

STEP-MOTHER: I have to see that for myself!.

NARRATOR: When she arrived at the wedding, she saw Snow White.

STEP-MOTHER: No, you`re dead!. You`re dead!.

PRINCE: Take this woman away from this land!.

GUARD: Yes, Prince.

NARRATOR: And no one saw the evil queen again. And Snow White and the
Prince lived happily ever after.









NARRATOR: Once upon a time there was a very beautiful blond girl who lived
in a village near the forest with her mother. One day her grandmother gave her a
very nice red riding cloak, that is why everybody in the village called her Little
Red Riding Hood. One day…

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Did you call me, mother?.

MOTHER: Yes, darling. Your grandmother is very sick. I want you to go to her
house and take her this little basket with some bread and honey.


MOTHER: But don´t stop in the forest, and don´t talk to stranger. Do as I say,
and get soon to your grandmother´s house.


NARRADOR: And Little Red Riding Hood went through the forest with the
little basket for her grandmother who lived in a nearby village. Along the way,
she saw many beautiful flowers in the forest.
LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Oh, what a beautiful flowers!. I will take some
to my grandmother.

NARRATOR: She left the little basket in the ground to pick up some flowers,
when suddenly.

WOLF: Good morning Little Red Riding Hood!. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Good morning, Mr. Wolf.

WOLF: Where are you going so early?.

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: I am going to my grandmother´s house to take

her this little basket with some bread and honey.

WOLF: Ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, and does your grandmother live far from here, Little
Red Riding Hood?.

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Oh no, Mr. Wolf, she lives just across the forest
in the first little house in the village; the one with the white door.

WOLF: Good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood. I hope she gets better. And look, do
you see that road?.


WOLF: Just follow that road and you will get soon to your grandmother´s

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Oh, yes I will, thank you!

WOLF: Good-bye, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!.

NARRATOR: Little Red Riding Hood kept looking for flowers disobeying her
mother who told her not to stop in the forest and to get soon to her
grandmother´s house. Meanwhile, the wolf knocked at Little Red Riding Hood

GRANDMOTHER: Who´s there?.

WOLF: It´s me grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood, and I brought you a
basket with some bread and honey.
GRANDMOTHER: Come in my little daughter, push the door.

NARRATOR: As soon as the wolf entered he gobbled up Little Red Riding

Hood´s grandmother. Then he put on a nightgown, jumped into bed and waited
for the little girl. A few minutes later Little Red Riding Hood arrived at her
grandmother´s house. She knocked at the door.

WOLF: Who´s there?.

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Grandmother, it´s me, your granddaughter,

Little Red Riding Hood. I came to bring me a little basket with some bread and

WOLF: Come in my little daughter, push the door.

NARRATOR: Little Red Riding Hood entered the little house. She went straight
to her grandmother´s room, and in the bed there was the Wolf dressed with her
grandmother´s clothes.

WOLF: Come in, my little girl. Rest for a while

NARRATOR: Little Red Riding Hood sat in a chair, and looked at her

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Oh grandmother. how large arms you have!.

WOLF: They are to hug you better, darling.

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Oh grandmother, how big legs you have!.

WOLF: They are to run faster, sweety.

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Oh, how big ears you have, grandmother!.

WOLF: They are to hear you better, honey.

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: And how big eyes you have!.

WOLF: To see you better, Little Red Riding Hood.

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Oh grandmother, and why do you have those
big teeth and that big mouth?.
WOLF: They are to eat you better!. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!.

NARRATOR: And the Wolf gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood. Then the wolf
fell asleep. Meanwhile a woodsman was passing by the little house, when he saw
the door opened. He entered, looked for the old lady, and then he saw the wolf.

WOODSMAN: The wolf is sleeping!. And he´s so fat!. I hope I am on time!.

NARRATOR: Then he took the wolf by the neck and made him spit out the poor
Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood who were still in one piece.

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Thank you, good woodsman.

GRANDMOTHER: This will be a lesson for you, Little Red Riding Hood. Now
you will never disobey your mother again.


Author: Brothers Grimm


Once upon a time there was a very beautiful blond girl who lived in a village near
the forest with her mother. One day her grandmother gave her a very nice red
riding cloak, that is why everybody in the village called her Little Red Riding
Hood. One day…

And Little Red Riding Hood went through the forest with the little basket for her
grandmother who lived in a nearby village. Along the way, she saw many
beautiful flowers in the forest.

She left the little basket in the ground to pick up some flowers, when suddenly.

Little Red Riding Hood kept looking for flowers disobeying her mother who told
her not to stop in the forest and to get soon to her grandmother´s house.
Meanwhile, the wolf knocked at Little Red Riding Hood grandmother´house.

: As soon as the wolf entered he gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood´s

grandmother. Then he put on a nightgown, jumped into bed and waited for the
little girl. A few minutes later Little Red Riding Hood arrived at her
grandmother´s house. She knocked at the door.

Little Red Riding Hood entered the little house. She went straight to her
grandmother´s room, and in the bed there was the Wolf dressed with her
grandmother´s clothes.

And the Wolf gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood. Then the wolf fell asleep.
Meanwhile a woodsman was passing by the little house, when he saw the door
opened. He entered, looked for the old lady, and then he saw the wolf.

Then he took the wolf by the neck and made him spit out the poor Grandmother
and Little Red Riding Hood who were still in one piece.


Did you call me, mother?.

Yes, mother.

Yes, mother.
Oh, what a beautiful flowers!. I will take some to my grandmother.

Good morning, Mr. Wolf.

I am going to my grandmother´s house to take her this little basket with some
bread and honey.

Oh no, Mr. Wolf, she lives just across the forest in the first little house in the
village; the one with the white door.

Yes, I do.

Oh, yes I will, thank you!

Grandmother, it´s me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood. I came to
bring me a little basket with some bread and honey.

Oh grandmother. how large arms you have!.

Oh grandmother, how big legs you have!.

Oh, how big ears you have, grandmother!.

And how big eyes you have!.

Oh grandmother, and why do you have those big teeth and that big mouth?.

Thank you, good Huntsman.

WOLF: Good morning Little Red Riding Hood!. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

WOLF: Where are you going so early?.

WOLF: Ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, and does your grandmother live far from here, Little
Red Riding Hood?.


Good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood. I hope she gets better. And look, do you see
that road?.

WOLF: Just follow that road and you will get soon to your grandmother´s

WOLF: Good-bye, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!.

WOLF: It´s me grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood, and I brought you a
basket with some bread and honey.

WOLF: Who´s there?.

WOLF: Come in my little daughter, push the door

WOLF: Come in, my little girl. Rest for a while

WOLF: They are to hug you better, darling.

WOLF: They are to run faster, sweety.

WOLF: To see you better, Little Red Riding Hood.

WOLF: They are to eat you better!. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!.

Who´s there?.

Come in my little daughter, push the door.

This will be a lesson for you, Little Red Riding Hood. Now you will never disobey
your mother again.


Yes, darling. Your grandmother is very sick. I want you to go to her house and
take her this little basket with some bread and honey.

MOTHER: But don´t stop in the forest, and don´t talk to stranger. Do as I say,
and get soon to your grandmother´s house.

WOODSMAN: The wolf is sleeping!. And he´s so fat!. I hope I am on time!.

Present perfect simple

Positive statement: I have cooked, I have written , He has cooked, He has written (I've cooked,
He's cooked)
Negative statement: I have not played (I haven't played), He has not done (He hasn't done)
Question: Have you worked?
Negative question: Have you not bought? (Haven't you bought?)

This tense is made with the present simple form of the verb to have (have, has) and the past
participle (cooked, written). It is similar to other perfect tenses.
See also how to make the present perfect in the passive voice.


1. We use the present perfect simple for activities or states that started in the past and still

We have lived here since 2001.

She has known me for more than two years.
I haven't seen her since Christmas.
How long have they been here?

It is often used with expressions indicating that the activities come up to now, such as: for 10
years, since 1995, all week, all the time, always, lately, recently ...
We have always worked in York. (We still work in York.)
It has been quite cold lately. (It is still cold.)

If the activity started and ended in the past we cannot use the present perfect.
I have smoked for 5 years. (= I still smoke.)
I smoked for 5 years. (= I smoked, for example, from 2000 to 2005, then I stopped.)

2. We use it to describe some experience that happened in the past (the time is not given), but the
effects are important now.
She has been to London. (And so she knows London.)

I have already been to Greece. (experience - And I want to go somewhere else now.)
I have been in Greece for two weeks. (state - I am stlill in Greece.)
When we use this tense to express some experience, we can use following adverbs - ever, never,
already, often, occassionaly, yet, before ......
Have you ever tried it?
She has never read this book.
We haven't seen it yet.
Have you fallen off a bike yet?
I haven't met her before.

3. It is used for activities that have a present result.

The bus hasn't arrived. (It did not arrived on time and we are still waiting now.)
I have bought a new house. (I did it last month and it means that now I have a new address.)

For such activities we often use these adverbs - yet, already, just.
They haven't finished their homework yet. (They can't go out now.)
Has she signed it yet? (Can I take the document?)
I've already sent the letter. (There is no need to go to the post-office.)
We have just heard the news. (We know about it.)

Compare to other tenses:

1. With the present perfect tense we do not specify when the action happened. We say that
something happened and it is important now. The time of the action is not relevant. If we give
the time or it is clear from the context, we must use the past simple tense. The time of the action
is relevant.
Have you had breakfast? But: Did you have breakfast at the hotel?
I've read your letter. But: I read your letter last night.
They have told me. But: They told me when we met.
Have you had the operation? But: When did you have the operation?

2. The present perfect tense is used for actions that began in the past and continue at present. It
expresses how long the action has been.
The present simple is used for actions that are repeated at present. It expresses how often the
action happens.
She has worked here for a long time. But: She works here every day.
How long have you worked here? But: How often do you work here?

1.In secolele 7-6 î.Hr au fost întemeiate pe țărmul nord dobrogean al Pontului Euxin,colonii
grecești. Enumerați-le.

2.Care este istoricul grec care îi pomenește pe geți, spunând despre ei că sunt: "cei mai viteji și
mai drepți dintre traci".

3. Cum s-a numit sfetnicul de nădejde care l-a ajutat pe Burebista în rezolvarea problemelor
politice și militare?

4. A existat vreo deoosebire între statul dac condus de catre Burebista și cel condus de către
Decebal ?

5. Care este grupul popoarelor de origine neolatină din care face parte și poporul român ?

6. Care sunt cele mai vechi formațiuni politice românești semnalate în interiorul arcului
carpatic ?(Transilvania).

7. Enumerați 3 bătălii antiotomane purtate de voievozii români.

8. Domn al Pricipatelor Unite care a domnit șapte ani, timp în care țara a fost înzestrată cu o
legislație modernă, europeană.

9. Politician român care la 9 mai 1877 a proclamat independența României ?

10. Numiți blocurile politco-militare care s-au înfruntat în Primul război mondial.
11. În vara anului 1917 armata română a obținut victorii la :

12. 1918-2018 centenar……..

13. Cum s-a numit regele care a realizat Unirea tuturor românilor.


1. Numiți planetele care fac parte din Sistemul solar în ordinea apropierii de Soare.

2. Enumerați și explicați geosferele Pământului.

3. Care sunt munții cu cea mai mare altitudine din lume, din Europa,din România ?

4. Care este compoziția aerului ?

5. Ce reprezintă Oceanul Planetar ?

6. Enumerați tările și capitalele prin care trece fluviul Dunărea ?

7. Care sunt părțile componente ale unei ae curgătoare și ce formează la gura de

vărsare ?
8. Care sunt elementele naturale care definesc țara noastră ?


1. Care este denumirea completă a Marii Britanii?

2. Ce țări alcătuiesc regatul Marii Britanii?

3. Care este capitala Marii Britanii ?

4. Ce culori are steagul Marii Britanii ?

5. Ce culori are steagul SUA ?

6. Cum se numește autobuzul supraetajat care circulă în Londra?

7. Numiți trei simboluri ale Londrei.

8. Ce fluviu traversează Londra ?

9. Cine conduce Marea Britanie ?

10. Care este capitala Franței ?

11. Numiți trei simboluri ale Parisului.

12. Cum se numește imnul Franței ?

13. Cum se numesc locuitorii Parisului ?

14. Ce fluviu traverseaza Parisul ?

15. Numiți trei simboluri ale Franței.

16. Definiți atomul.

17. Ce sunt electronii ?

18. Cât reprezintă o moleculă de apă ?

19. Cum se numește "boala mâinilor murdare"?

20. Ce reprezintă conul brazilor?

21. Numiți părțile component al plantelor superioare.

22. Unde se desfășoară "bucătăria plantei" ?

23. Definiți procesul de fotosinteză.

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