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Risk Assessment Form Risk Ratin, Matrix

Activity Name: Year 2 STEM Event: Bees Insignificant Minor Moderate
Almost Certain
Medium High H;gt,
Location: School Hall
Likely Medium Medium H;gt,
Date: 16/08/2018 £

Possible Low Medium H;gt,
Unlikely Low Low Medium Medium High
Completed by: Melissa Morrison &
Bianca Yeatman Race Low Low Medium Medium Medium

Hazard Likelihood of Severity of Overall Risk Hazard reduction measures to be undertaken

Risk Score Risk Score Score
Bees in an enclosed area causes Unlikely Minor Low Follow experts recommendations regarding bee behaviour, remind students of expectations of
bees to react adversely appropriate behaviour
Creating beehives
Cuts/scratches from sticks Possible Minor Medium Clearly explain event rules, supervise construction, include adult assistance with
Dropping of Besser bock Possible Minor Medium Clearly explain event rules, supervise construction, include adult assistance with
construction to minimise dropping risk
Interacting with bees/tasting honey
Allergic reaction to honey/bee Possible Major High The use of Native bees eliminates bee sting risk as Native bees do not have stinger. Permission
slips sent home to gain parental permission for students to interact with the bees. Medical
forms completed to confirm possible allergies.
Slips/trips/falls Possible Minor Medium Make sure First Aid kit is available , remind students of expected inside behaviours
Dirty Hands Likely Insignificant Medium Get the children to wash their hands after constructing beehives

NB: Do not proceed with activity unless the results of the Risk Assessment determine the level or risk is minimal, and/or there are adequate control measures in place.

Likelihood Impact
Almost certain Is expected to occur in most circumstances Insignificant Injuries not requiring first aid
Likely Will probably occur in most circumstances Minor First aid required
Possible Could occur at some time Moderate Medical treatment required
Unlikely Not likely to occur in normal circumstances Major Hospital admission required
Rare May occur but only in exceptional circumstances Severe Death or permanent disability to one or more persons

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