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A compound in bone synostosis by using ...

+ tight…tissue
As a result of injuries in men 47 years old damaged anterior roots of the spinal cord. Scion which neurons are damaged?+dendrites….columns
At what age histologically drug tubules of the testis can be seen in the form of bands, devoid lumen? Sertoli cells predominate in the
composition of the wall, of which we have only isolated spermatogonia.+1-3 years
Between which anatomical structures are the aortic sinuses+aortic…flaps
By means of what sheaf the uterine end of an ovary is connected with a uterus body?+ lig. ovarii proprium
By reducing the number of detecting glucagon hormone levels, any function of pancreatic cells is impaired in the patient?+A-cells…islets
Call the short branches of the sacral plexus:+Femoral
Define lower border of the lungs along scapularis line as normal? +10 rib
Due to metabolism of what substances, the liver affects the filtering of urine in the kidneys? + protein metabolism
For what age is characteristic moderately expressed sinus arrhythmia?+healthy…periods
Gistopreparate body with the cortex and medulla. Cortex consists of cortical peripheral zones which are located in the lymph nodules, and the
para cortical area. In the medulla determined brain cord, sinuses and trabeculae. Which authority has the morphological characteristics?+ lymph
Histological examination of the aspiration biopsy of the gastric mucosa in a patient who suffers from a stomach ulcer found to increase the
number of granulocyte that have oxyphilous properties of the cytoplasm. The formation of gastric juice components provide these cells?
+Hydrochloric acid
How are called pleural cells that are damaged as a result of exudative pleurisy?+Mesotheliocytes
How can we interpret the boundaries of relative cardiac dullness in this case?+expanding the boundaries of the left
How is changed metabolism in hyperthyroidism (thyroid gland hyperfunction)?+ will increase….carbohydrates
Specify the most anticipated findings in hyperthyroidism? + decrease of…and increased….T4
How is thedailyquantityofurineless than300ml?+ oliguria
How many lines you can determined the size of the liver by Kurlov?+By three
If it affects any of the cranial nerves occurs dysarthria?+ hypoglossal nerve
In Addison's disease there is hyperpigmentation of the skin. This is attributed to common sources of melanocytes and the adrenal medulla. What
is the source of their development+mesoderm
In an experimental model in rats caused by morphological violation distal nephron epithelial cell divisions. What are the functional processes in
the kidneys at the same time weakened?+ reabsorption….water
In chronic inflammation of the salivary glands is observed damage to the epithelium of the excretory ducts. What epithelium is damaged while in
striated ducts of the major salivary glands?+columnar….striation
In histological specimen submitted slice precentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex. Specify which layers are most developed in this layer?+
In light of the root level on the anterior surface of the esophagus adjoins+trachea
In newborn pancreas is located in the vertebral level+XI-XII thoracic
In what part of the nephron is a wonderful arterial network+in…corpuscle
In what phase of the cardiac cycle is formed apical impulse? +slow….blood
In what time frame takes a period of stabilization of the histological structure of the heart? +20-30 years
On a microscopic human lung specimen, a patient with pneumonia, cell damage may occur which are responsible for respiratory function. What
is a cell?+alveolocytes type I
Specify the ECG signs of left ventricular hypertrophy?+RI<RII…V3-V4
Specify the possible symptoms of transfusion reactions?+A and B
Specify the projection dome of the pleura+from behind-VII…2-3 cm above the clavicle
Specify the weak point of the capsule of the elbow joint+posterolateral…section
Specify the weak point of the hip joint capsule+ from behind and bottom
Specify where venous outflow from lungs and bronchial tubes is carried out?+in azygos….veins
Than associated lower pole of the thymus gland+aortic arch
The examination of the patient revealed an anomaly of the liver. What is the source of embryonic suffered damage?+foregut endoderm
The lower pole of the spleen in a vertical position adjacent ligament+ lig. Hepatogastricum
The physician infectious disease found in patients with acute enterocolitis syndrome with impaired digestion and absorption of fission products.
If the damage which cells of the intestinal epithelium are observed such violations?+columnar…limbic
Till what substances hydrolysis goes to "brush border"? +to monomers
To what adjoins the rear wall of the left atrium+esophagus
Towhatageisnormalthere is a formationof secondary sexual characteristics?+ 11-12years
Under the influence of unfavorable factors occurs in the thymus organ restructuring, which is accompanied by a massive loss of thymocytes,
their eviction in peripheral organs, proliferation epithelial reticulocytes. What do you call this phenomenon?+ accidental involution of the
What a hollow tubular organ of the respiratory system, fibrous cartilage shell of which consists of islands of cartilage? +bronchi of medium
What anatomic formations are located below the pulmonary artery at the root of the right lung+upper pulmonary Vienna
What anatomic formations formed by the right border of the heart+the right….edge
What anatomical structures adjacent to the medial side of the adrenal glands+ solar plexus
What are modes of the muscle contractions?+Single, tetanic, tonic
What are the figures indicate that blood pressure of hypertension?+140/90 mm Hg and above
What are the functions of lymphocytes?+ participate…immunoglobulin
What are the structures of the kidney filter is filtering?+glomerular…podocytes
What are thestructuresofthe aortic wallpainted by orsein?+elastic fibers
What bowel is situated in area of left area?+descending rim
What cardiomyocytesare part of the sino-atrial node? +pacemaker
What changes of indexes Tiffeneau and Gaenslar are the indicators of obstructive disorders?+ decrease indexes T... and G..
What defines before transfusion of donor blood to the recipient?+blood…Rhesus…donor…recipient
What does diminishing of speed to glomerular filtration allow to diagnose?+violation…filter
What factors lead primarily to an increase in ventilation during physical activity?+change…temp (…muscles)
What from the indicated reflexes areas, does not cause a cough?+in a mediastinum
What hormone stimulates the interstitial cells which produce testosterone?+luteinizing
What is called a symptom of weakness and fatigue of skeletal muscles?+myasthenia
What is heart educated right border of the relative dullness?+ right atrium
What is the angle in the radial direction in the radiocarpal joint, in norm?+ 30 -40 gr.
What is the basic structural and functional element of the respiratory system? +acinus
What is the bone marrow fills the brain cavity of a tubular bone in adults+ yellow
What is the correct discrbe about reflex?+ the response….system
What is the life span of red blood cells?+100-120 days
What is the role of surfactant? +in the…wall alveoli
What is the structural unit of skeletal muscle tissue?+muscle fibers
What is the substance in the saliva has antibacterial properties?+lysozyme
What is the tidal volume of air in a healthy person?+0,3 - 0,8 l
What kind of education adjoins from behind kidney+psoas
What kind of education form the root of the lung+bronchus….vessels
What kind of education is between the thyroid capsule and her vagina+loose cellular tissue
What maintenance lymphocytes in leucogram (in %)?+20-40 %
What method define rate of glomerular filtrations?inulin…method
What nerve innervates the muscles of the tongue+n. hypoglossus
What nitrogen compound substances are excreted by kidneys?+ uric acid, urea, creatinine
What organs are front walls omental+stomach…omentum
What pathology can under mandibullaries lymphonoduss increase at?+pathologies of amygdales
What pathology can violation of appetite testify to as an anorexia?+cancer of stomach
What reflects S wave of ventricular complex on ECG?+depolarization…septum
What settles down in front from a cerebellum?+bridge and medulla
What syndrome is dulling of percussion sound characteristic at?+of….tissue
What termis characterized by a significant decrease in the number of red blood cells, white cells and platelet sinperipheral blood?+pancytopenia
What unanemic factor is produced in the stomach?+mucoprotein
Whatever organ does behave to the system of organs of hematogenesis?+kidney
Whattotalmobilityofbottomedgeofrightlungisequaltoon l. mediaclavicularis+are a 4-6 cm
When a biopsy of the thyroid gland in the preparation determined thyrocites cylindrical colloid rarefied vacuolated. For a violation of pancreatic
function observed in this patient?+Hyperactivity
Where closes knee-jerk reflex arc? +3-4 sacral segments
Where closes reflex arc of the Achilles reflex?+ 1-2 sacral segments
Where is the right border of the heart in norm? +on 1 cm to the….sternum
Where there is a super ficial cardial plexus?+between an…trunk
Which pancreatic hormone causes hypoglycemic effect? + insulin
Which event is most important for the prevention of diabetes in the presence of family history? + revention of obesity
Which show clinical signs of disease, accompanied by the release of catecholamines?+pheochromocytoma
Which statement applies to noradrenaline?+intensively….stress
Which vessel is in the fossa posterior surface of the liver+lower hollow Vienna
With the defeat of what area of the cortex occurs motor aphasia (logaphasia)? +3….left
With the help of some structures contractile cardiomyocytes are interconnected into functional muscle fibers? +Intercalated disk

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