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DR. K. M.



Third Edition-

With Ayurvedic, Unani-Tibbi, Siddka, .4ttopathic,
Homeopathic, Naturopathic &- Home Remedies,
,Appendices & Indexes

.(Originally edited by theJate Dr. K. M. NADKARNI, F.S.SC.,

L.A., (Lond.): M:C.S. (Paris) M.BR.PH.C. (Lond.) etc.)

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t5tt{\\t~~'~ Third Edition ENCE.
\,~~~\~\l\~' Revised & Enlarged by


PROCESSE~ . .' ,

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Printed by G. G. Pathare at Popul"r Press (Born.) Ltd., .
35, Tardeo Road, Bombay 7 and Published by G. R. Bhatkal,
jointly for the Popular Book Depot (Regd.), Bombay 7 and
Dhootapapeshwar Prakashan Ltd., Pan vel.
Part II

Part In

I. ·Drugs . (offi~:qal and non-officinal) ac-
cording to tnerapeutical and physiological
actions 235-274

II. Drugs, preparations and their Specific and

more important uses in diseases 274-313

III. Equivalents and substitutes for important ..

foreign etc. drugs 313-326

Therapeutic Index of diseases and ail-

ments (with 'their equivalents in Sans-
krit) and their remedies ·327-400

IV. App{oximate percentage, compositi()n,

and calories etc. in foods and dietetic
articles 401-415

V. Vitamins in foods and dietetic articles;

(vitamin requirements of man) 415-526
Vitamins in Fruits 426-435
Addendum to above table of vitamins etc .
. including Fish Food-value chart 436-487

VI. Principal forms of Ayurvedic medication

and methods of their preparation and uses
in brief 487-506
~­ 1Io
,. VII. Therapeutic Agents, with their defini-
tions, brief explanations and a few
examples 506-528


Index List of Plants in this book arranged according

to their Natural Orders 529-615
Index List of Natural Orders, Genera and Families,
appearing in this book, with their respective
alternatives, English and Indian equivalent
names 616-622
Index List of Indian Plants and Drugs from which
Mother-tinctures and Extracts etc., are pre-
pared according to the Homoeopathic system of
medicine 623-637
Index of Preparations, Combina~ions, Substances
and allied products of all kinds 638-664
Index of Chemical Constituents (Major and minor;
significant and insignificant) 665-714
General Index-Cross Index of Synonyms (in all
languages, dialects, etc.) 715-968

'Acc No. 15262
"To be a Physician is to my mind the
grandest thing in the worLd. A good physician
is a God-send in any community and a bLess-
ing in the consuLting room."

\ -Dr. Jones, M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D.

* * *
"There is neither East nor West, nor Border,
nor Breed, nor Birth, when too strong Forces
of Civilisations and Cultures' stand face to
face, tho' they come fr01n the e'1fds of the

-Dr. Walter Eugene Clark, Ph.D.,

Prof. of Sanskrit in the University of Chicago

* * *
"We Live i1J- times of aNew Renaissance. Old
vaLues, ancient tradition'S and out-dated con-
cepts are cmmbling fast under the impact of
a changing worLd. Thinkers exhort alL to
think and act in terms of a greater humanity,
to raise above the mean Limitations that crip-
pLe our growth and retard our progress, to
consider everything and being as our brothers,
irrespective of aLL accidents of birth and con-
spiracjes of circumstances. And, in all things
that affect us to gaze at new horizons and
(hitch our wagons to the stars'. Humanity is
one! Truth is real! Culture is our food
and drink-Unity and Progress through
Culture!!!" .





Sans.-Heeraka; Hira:kam~ Vajra. Eng.-Diamond. Fr.

Diamant. Pers.~Ahnas. Hind. Ben. & Mah.-Heera. T€l.-'-
-Bajat. MaL & Tam.-Vairani~ Vayaram. Can. & Kon.-
Source.-Obtained tram mines, formerly from Goi-
conda (Deccan); 'noW mostly from Johannesburg in "So~th
Characters.-A gem of the most valuable kind con-
sisting of pure carbon .and remarkable for its hardness and
clear transparency and brilliance.
Classific~tion.-It is divided into classes according to
its colour and form:-The white col9ured; the red coloured;
the yellow variety; the black variety. The round sized one
with high gloss and line or spot is termed male.
Purification & Preparation.-Diamond is purified by
being enclosed within a lemon and boiled in the juice of
the leaves of Agati grandiflora. It is reduced to powder thus.
-A paste is made of the root of a cotton plant with the juice
of some betel leaves, both the vegetables being not less than
three years old. The diamond is theri enclosed within thi's
paste arid roasted in a pit of fire. This process is repeated
seven times, when the stone is easily reduced to a fine powder.
Another process consists in toasting the diamond enclosed in
a paste made, of hdrn-shavings for three times in succession;

it can also be purified after having it beaten with horse's

urine and then cooking it. in the putapaka process.
Action.-Diamond th~s prepared is a powerful alterat-
ive, tonic, stimulant, improves nutrition, increases the strength
and firmness· of the body and removes all sorts of diseases.
Dose is about 1 grain. It generates the secretion of semen
and is always preferred for medicinal purposes. For internal
administration prepared or purified white diamond is pre-
ferred, the red-colored is beneficial in various diseases and
prevents premature death. The yellow variety gives strength.
The black variety is also beneficial in several ailments.
Uses.-Diamond forms an ingredient of several alterat-
ive and tQnic medicines such as Trailokya Chintamani Rasa.,
Ratnagiri Rasa, .Sarvangasundara Rasa etc. which contain be-
sides di~on.d, pearls, gold, iron, talc, mercury, etc., in vary-
ing prom)rt,ions and are used in similar cases. Trailokya
Chintamani Rasa contains diamond, gold and pearls one part
each and iron, talc and Rasa Sindura 4 parts each, rubbed
~ogether with the juice of Aloe indica and made into two grain
pills. Another preparation called by the same name contains
the above ingredients minus iron and also prepared coral,
orpiment, realgar and aconite. It is useful in gastric dis-
orders, general debility, asthma, phthisis, diarrhoea, colic,
anaemia, sexual debility etc. Dose is 1 to 3 pills of one grain
'each, ·thr~ 'times a day.


Sans._:Sphatika;ri; Surashtr~ja; Kamakshi; Tuvari. ~ng.­

Alum; Sulphate of Alumina and Potash or of. Aluminium and
A):I1monium; Aluminous sulphate. Pers.-Shap-i·;yemeni; Zakc
bilor; Zake-safed. Arab.-Shabb-Zaje-abyaz; Zaj.. Hind.-
Phitikhari; Phitkari. Ben.-Phatkiri. Bom.-Sambe-mani.
Guj. & Duk.-Phatka,ri. Mah.-Turati;- Phatki. Tam.-Pati-
karam; Padikharam; Shinacarum. Tel.-Pattikaramu; Padi-
.kharam. Can.:---Phatikara. Sinh.-Shina-karan. Burm.-
Khin; Kyouh-kyen; Ke,a.-khin. Malay.-Tawas.

Source.-Chiefly found with peroxide of iron in SHajit

or in Alum earths of Nepal or prepared from the alum shales
in the Punjab, Rajputana, Bihar and Cutch States. As
found in the, bazaars', it is often mixed with .impurities; it may
be rendered fit for medicinal purposes by dissolving it iIi. boil-
ing water, straining the solution and evaporating it so as to
obtain crystals, which should be preserved for use. Alum is
a general name for a class of double sulphates containing
aluminium and' such metals, as potassium, ammonium, iron,
Characters.-Colourless,. transparent crystals, with. acid,
sweetish astringent taste.
Action.-Astringent, causti~,. haemostatic~ antispasmodic
and antiseptic; irritant and purgative in large doses; emetic in
repeated. doses. It cQnstringes small vessels' and organic fibres
and thus acts in diminishing the exhalations, secretions and
supply of blood to a part.
Uses.-It is useful in leucorrhoea, haematuria, haemop-
tysis, menorrhagia, gastric and intestinal .catarrh. and· 'other
haemorrhages; in fluxes of the .respiratory passages with pro-
fuse ropy mucous phlegm; iri chronic diarrhoea and dysentery
ani in atonic discharges generally. In. 'chronic diarrhoeas, a
mixture containing 10 grains of alum, 5 drops of laudanum arid
1! ounces' of infusion: of, acorus root, given thrice daily' is
useful. .In the· diarrhoea preceding cholera and in the diar-
rhoea of phthisis, a compound powder of alum~ catechu and
cinnamon each 10 ·grains mixed with. honey is given in repeated
doses. It is useful ·also in strangury and. vomiting in. small
doses i.e., 2 to 10 grains. Ten grains of it avrests the spasms
of asthma, In. narcotic poisoning in. children it is a good and
efficient antidote. In whooping cough, after the first or acute
stage has passed,. alum in doses of 2 to 4 grains according to
age of the child, given twice or thrice a day" iri the :form of
powder or in solution, in Omum water (1 in 60-) in doses of.a
teaspoonful to a dessertspoonful for a child from 1 to 4 years
old, given thrice a day is most beneficial. For asthma and
cough alum 5 grains, in half an ounce of rose. water is given
twice'a day. Persons: bitten by serpents ,are' made to drink
buttermilk or water mixed with 6 mashas (72' grains) of good

alum powder-(J. L. Duveji). In obstinate cases of malaria

desicca,ted alv,rrt in 5 grain( doses with some aromatic compound
,powcler to disguise' the taste :gfven 2 hours before the expected
'rigou1,' with only a teaspoonful of water has given very satis-
facto:r;y results. In injuries which result in concussion of the
,brain or spinal cord or in severe sprains or fractures the first
thing given is alum 5 grains with tre'acle or sugar. In croup
a teaspoonful mixed with honey or syrup is an excellent
emetic. In obstinate hiccup one-drachm doses given two or
three times a day induce vomiting and stop hiccup. If the
powder .is taken with very little water there is less likelihood
of its inducing vomiting. In frequently repeated doses of
30 grains alum relieves lead colic by precipitating soluble salts
of lead. Alum 45 grains mix.ed with, treacle is given inter-
nally for guinea-worm. Alum in 5-grain doses thrice a day
with the juice <?f Adhatoda vasica works wonderfully in cer-
tain forms of leucorrhoea, especially when the flow is tinged
with blooP.. In haemorrhages from kidneys, uterus and other
internal organs alum in doses of 10 to 12 grains thrice daily
with or withput opium is 'given with benefit, but not when
much fever is presertt. Alum whey or 'lime whey' prepared
,by boiling for 10 minutes two' drachms of powdered alu!p. .in
a pint of milk and strained is 'beneficial in doses of ! to 2
ounces thrice daily in menorrhagia and bleeding piles. "As
a ha~mostatic, its use is recommended in bleedilJ.g from tttp ,
nose,and other mucous surfaces."l pr. H. C. Sen has "derived
satisfactory results" from alum-whey in cases, of enteric cfever .•
It is palliative in diabetes and albuminuria also. Externally,
alum forms one of the ingredients of some hair dyes and hair
lotions. It is applied in a saturated solution, i.e., 5 per cent
in bleeding .from the nose, gums, vagina or the rectum; as a
styptic, in leech bites, cuts etc.; in prolapsus ani and prolapsus
uteri. Locally applied.it checks sweats in the armpits, groins
and sales of the feet. Weak solution (1 to 2 p.c.) is used as
a lotion to ulcers and chilblains; as "an astringent gargle
in a strength of 2 drachms to a pint of decoction of gall or
Babul dark or of plain water"2 it is used in relaxed or ulcerat-
ed sore-throat, aphonia, atony of the larynx, spongy or bleed-
ing gums, loose teeth;' ,;lcers of the mouth and tongue, fissures

of the tongue in consumption, in ex.cessive salivation etc.; it

is locally applied in. diphtheria, croup and pharyngitis; as a
collyrium (preferably mixed with rose-water) it is used in
chronic and purulent ophth<;llmia, chronic conjunctivitIs,
generally in: what is known as country sore eyes, especially
among children for whom a solution of 3 to 6 grains to an
ounce of distilled water ,or rose-water is sufficient. Its solu-
tion is also used as an injection in gleet and leucorrhoea.
"Alum lotion, internally, is administered. to check haemorrhage
from lungE), stomach, kidneys and other organs or to arrest
excessive menstrual flow".3 In inflammation round the ear,
a paste made of alum and 19ypsum equal parts and Gile-armani,
(Armenian~le) is applied; in otorrnoea it may be dropped
into the ear. In recent ecchymosis, contusions, sprains 'etc.,
p01Lltices made of wheat bran and the solution of alum or
of 30 grains of powdered alum mixed with the white of an
egg are highly useful; the latter are useful chiefly in cases of
severe blows on the eye and the' consequent pain, heat and
swelling. In aphthae and thrush, spongy gums and other
affections o£ ~he mouth powdered alum with honey, is used
with benefit. It is often sprinkled over indolent ulcers,
especially ch~onic umbilical ulcers of infants, and used as a
snuff in epistaxis; or a. gauze wet with alum lotion (5 p:c.) is
plugged in the nose'. Similar alum plugs combined with
glycerine or alum douches may be used in: leucorrhoea. The
solution may be used also as a nasal spray if the lesion 1.$
higher up ill the nose. In G{lSeS of post: partum haemorrhage
or menorrhagia, sterilized ~ottOI1 plugs saturated with alum
powder or sterilized alum lotion (5 p.c.) immediately stop the
bleeding. A lotion made of alum and borax 40 grains each
and 8 ounces, of water is useful in weepin:g eczema. Alum
powder mixed with talc and zinc ,oxide is a good remedy for
sweating feet. A powder composed of alum 1 part and gile-
armani and Catechu t part each, is an application to swollen
gums and in toothache. In bleeding piles, cloths saturated
with a solution of alum in decoction 6£ galls or of Babul bark
(in the proportion of 2 drachms of alum to, 8 ounces of the
decoction) are kept constantly applied to the parts; this is
useful in prolapsus of the anus especially in children. A

weaker solution, i.e., of two drachms to the pint of the decoc-

tion, forms a useful gargle in· diseases of the mouth and throat
above-mentioned and as, useful injection in leucorrhoea and
other vaginal discharge~. In discharges from the urethra;
caused by a sore or excoriated surface between the prepuce.
and the head of the, penis often confounded with gonorrhoea,
a 4 p.c, solution applied twice or thrice daily is very bene-
ficial. For gleet and, urethral stricture, Zad-Garib prescribes
for injection a lotion made of alum 1 tola, Nila tutiya (blue
vitrion 70 grains and water 1 seer, dissolved by aid of heat,
strained and cooled'. This 'is used for urethral injection. In:
chronic gonorrhoea 1 or 2 p.c. solution with potassium perman-
ganate is used. "In old ,chronic, spr~ading and gangrenous
ulcers qp application made of finely powdered alum 4 drs.,
finely powdered catechu 1 dr., opium ~ dr., and ceromel or
Kpkum butter or ghee 1 or 2 ounces, applied on a soft rag,
night and, morning is very excellent".4 For bed sores 01'
where these ,are likely to occur, a mixture, of 30 grains of
.burnt alum ~nd the white of an egg, is painted over the part.
For traumatic swellings and enlargeIlfent of the joints especial-
ly that of the knee and for other swellings from blows, bruises
or sprains, cloths wet with the lotion of alum 4 drs., vinegar
and Arrack 1 pint each, are kept applied to the affected part.
In scorpion and insect bites, alum moistened with water and
locally' applied affords instantaneous relief.-(Dr. Saunders-
(1), (2), (3) and (4)-Chopra's "I. D. of 1." pp. 563/564.

(Dried or burnt alum) is used ,as, an astringent and caustic
to check unhealthy granulations; used in indolent ulcers and
.and ulcerative stomatitis.

(Sans.-Kharyamitti. Eng.-Felspar; Clay; Silicate of Alu-
mina. Hind.-Chikni 9r Sufaid mitti; Lang-i-dalam. Duk .....,...
Khar: Dhoi-huvi-khar1. Pers.-Kadi; Gilsufeid. Guj.-Khadu.

Tam. and Tel.-Namon. Mal. and Can.-Nama} under peculiar

drcumstances and by the action of the Carbonic acid ~as of
the air suffers after a long time complete decomposition and i:;;'
converted into a soft, friable mass of earthy matter resembling'
soft mortar. When the de<tlnposing rock contains, besides'
felspar, oxide of iron, the clay produced is iron-coloured. The
dark appearance of some clay is due to its containing' bitumi-'
nous matter. ,Prepared or purified pipe-clay is used in medi-
cine as a dusting powder. '


(Sans.-Shoraktri. Hind.-Pani-soka. Ben.-Sugandamittl)'

is so nained from a lake called Gopi, near Dwarka, wherefrom I
it is taken. It is a kind of clay-a manganesium iron and an
aluminium yellow earth found in, pieces of various shapes.,Its
smell re~embles that of Multani mati, another kind of clay.;
Water poured upon it is :soon absorbed. It is uS,ed as an absor-
bent powder dusted on unhealthy ulcers and wounds. It is'
cooling and desiccant. It is applied with rose-water, as a paste, ,
to the forehead to relieve head.ache, an~ also to inflamed boils.

(S'ans.-Gairika; Krishnamrittika:. Eng.-China clay; ,
Kaolinite; Kaolin; Porcelain clay; Red ochre. Ben.-Giri-
mati; Gainika. Hind.-Chikmimati; Geru. Sinh.-Kiramatti) .is
a native white aluminium silicate found in Ceylon, China etc. '
It is obtained by purifying native whit~ felspar or aluminium
silicate by elutriation which removes silica and undecomposed '
felspar. It is thus converted into a soft, friable, whitish earthy
mass. It is pulverizable, 'insoluble, in water or in dilute acids. '.
Pure Kaolin contains alumina 70, silica 26, and iron oxide
4 p.c. It has been in med'icinal use since the earliest dawn of'
medical history. Discorides of Cilicia, who lived about the'
dawn of the ChristIan Era, describes five different kinds of'
clay in medicinal use in his materia medica. Galen attributes '
its discovery to Hermes Trismegistes, the teacher bf Aescu- I
lapius. A visenne, most famous of Arab physicians (980 to

:J.039 A.D.), describes the various kinds of clay lin medicinal

use in his era. In the ~ddle ages it came to be extensively
used for all sorts of complaints, such as epilepsy and cardiac,
diseases, and not unnaturally fell into disrepute under such.
improper usage. Subsequently in slight demand as an exci-'
pient for pills and paste~, it has remained for Stumpf qf Wurz-
burg in 1898 to almost re-introduce this valuable medicament:
to the. profession. His attention to its value was first drawn
by noting in 1882 that a corpse which had been buried for 37
months, and which was then exhumed for medico-legal exa-
mination, had been buried in a clay soil and was in a most
extraordinary state of preservation. In 1886 he commenced
to use clay as a paste in the treatment of old standing septic
wounds with most gratifying results a~ to deodorisatio~, pro-
tection from irritation, and healing. In 1900 Stumpf began
the internal treatment of cases of cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea
and septic wounds by oral administration of kaolin. During
the period after the Treaty of Bucharest when the Serbian
armies returned to their homes, Dr. Kuhne was in charge of
a chol~ra camp in Belgrade and also of a similar one at Nish:
During this period Dr:. Stumpf came to Dr. Kuhne and begged
to be allowed to treat the cholera cases with kaolin. Cases
which were apparently desperate were handed over to him.
with the result that next day they were not dead, but recover-
ing. Persevering in this line of treatment, ·the mortality in
these cholera camps dropped from 44 p.c. to 3 p.c.! It .proved,
far more efficacious than injections of anti-serum, injections of
iodine, or hypertonic saline treatmeJ1,t. Also it was far more
practicable. Dr. Kuhne writes that. he pas now adopted kaolin
treatment iI} ~U general cases of intestinal c;lisorder in place of
bismuth, charcoal; talc etc. Ill' the. treatment of cholera, the
following prescription is advocated.-Into 250 c.c. of colci boiled,
water pour 100 gms. of finely puiverised kaolin. This is shaken
until a J?erfectly homogeneous, yelJow-white creamy liqUid is
obt&ined. A tumblerful of this mixture is given to the patient
or~ly every half hour or every hour to six or more dosE;!s. As,
a rule; after the sixth dose the patient falls asleep and all
acute symptoms are over. The treatment is continued with
smwler'dosage over the' next few days and the patiept shpuld

be <;lble to leave hospital infrom 5, to, 10 days' tiI1le. If'it should

prove impQssible to administer the emulsion by the mouth it
may be given, by the stomach tube or by enema,-giving at
least three litres of the suspension per dose in the latter case.
When making the emulsion the kaolin should always Pe added
to the water, and not vice v,ersa. Other a~cessory tr~atment,
the author considers to be superfluous. Eor the first 18 lto~r~
after the admission nothing else should be given py the mouth
except plain cold water. The advantages of kilolin treatment-
if it be as successful as the .author claims (says the Indian Me-
dical Gazette, Feb. 1926) are obvious. It. can be administered,
by anyone, even by the pa#ent himself; acc,urate dosage is
not necessary; in an hour 'a medical ?tteqdant can deal with
a hundred patients; the ~eatment is not pai~ful, is free ;from
danger, and requires n() special appliances;, it can be uj;ed as.
a prophylactic measure; it is equally appllcable to all forms
of diarrhoea and dysentery; lastly it is very cheap. Should the
true diagnosis' be choleraic diarrhoea and not true cholera, only
good and not harm 'is done;
Kaolin probably owes its value to (a') absorption on the sur-
face of its'jine'molecules of toxins; thus, it is of great value in:
cases of food poisoning also; (b) its mechanical protective coat-
ing of the acutely inflamed gut. Finally, the range of thera-
peutic applicatioq of kaolin is not confined to intestinal dis-
orders, and in telieving bleeding from internal organs; i't is of
value in infantile diarrhoea~ as a local application in: diphtheria
of the throat. and on burns; for local treatment in leucorrhoea,
and in vaginal and. 'uterine inflamma:tion and lastly, for disin-
fection of the surgeon's 'hands before 'operatioil, where thorough
rubbing of the hands with puri.fied kaoliri will-it is believed-'
remove all .septic infection from the skin 'without causirig the
irritation of the skin so coinmon with the use of the usual'
surgic;::il antiseptics! "PersOrially" says the editor of the Gazette
"we have now been using kaqlin in 'the treatment of intestinal!
disorders for some two years-especially in the treatment of,
bacillary dysentery. MQrson's electrically precipitated "Osm:
a-kaolin" is probably the best preparation. It iilay be sa'id that'
sueh treatmerit is exceedingly well tolerated by the patient;'
is often very suc'cessful from a clinical point 'of view; and is a:

measure of distinct therapeutic value. The usual dose given

is 2 qrachms susPended ip. water or milk every four hours:
during the acute dysent~rl.c phase". For other uses of kaolin
see B.P.
The different kinds of clay are the mineral deposits from.
the disintegration of felspatruc rock. They are, besides Kaolin,.
as follow:-(l) Red bole or Ochre (Guj. & Hind.-Gerumati)
is a Silicate of Alumina and oxide of iron; this relieves bleed-
ing from internal organs. (2) Bole Armeniac (Guj.-Gule-
Armani. Hind.-Ghermumitti) is Silicate of Alumina, Mag-
nesia and oxide of iron. This is refrigerant, astringent, ab-,
sorbent and ahtiseptic; (3) Multani Mati and Gopichandan
are both varieties of Bole Armeniac; (4) Pipe Clay (Guj.-
Khadu) above referred to, and (5) Silicate of Alumina, Lime
and oxide of iron (Hind.-{}ill) uses of this are like 'multani
A mixture of clay qud vinegar is used by. peasants in some-
districts as a cooling local application in fevers.- In the treat-,
ment of aneurislp., in neurosis of the heart and in the treatment
of the disagreeable pulsations in .hysteria, clay is applied with
succes~; ~fte:r; an ClPplication of a paste of clay to a pulsatile:
tumour, not only the su_bjective conditions as the asthmatic.
symptom and cardiac pain, but also the objective symptoms
namely the pulsation and the. volume of the tumour become di-J
minished.-(ProL Botkip,. Dr. Pirogoff and other Russian. sur;.'
geons). In cases of hysteria, not only the epigastric pulsa-:
tions be,come reduced but also the intensity of the, other dis-.
turbat].ces of the abdominal organs, with the. disappearance of'
the vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pains, became notably'
reduced. In Wologda (Russia)· women soothe the pains of
hysteria by applying clay to the soles of the feet. Dr .. Louea-;
d]:levitch reports several cases of gonorrhoea} epididymitis'
promptly cured by th.e application of white moulding clay or
Sculptors 'made into a paste with water. The dressings arel
removed twice a day; the swellings are said to' subside on. the l
2nd or 3rd day. Pale or yellow Ochre (Indian Bazaar:___,.;;.
Mllltani mati) is used e;xternally in combination with fresh
lemon juice and oil or ~urd and rose;-wate:r; :for. rubbing and:

washing head, which removes dandruff, softens the hairs, and

keeps the head cool. Pipe clay and ammonium chloride in
equal parts made' into. a paste are applied to the temples fn


(See also:-8aline Substances)
(Sans.-,Navasara; Navasagara; Chulika lavima. Eng.
-Sal Ammoniac. Arab.'-Armina; Milhunhar. Punj. &
Pers.:-Noshadar. Kash.--,-Nausadan: Hind.-Navasadara;
Nousadar. Ben.-Navasagara. Nishadal. Duk. Guj.
Mah. & Kon.-Navsagar. Tam. & Sinh.-Nava..:
charam; Nava-charum. MaL. & Tel.-Navasaram.
Burm.-Lovas; Zarasa) as obtained in the bazaars is
generally very impure in dirty white or brownish translucent
cakes, "as it is manufaptured from a kind of clay' found at
Karnal in the Punjab".-(Chopra). It is obtained by the com-
bustion of excretions of various animals or of animal matters
or by burning coals or comnion salt. It is a S'econday product
in the manufacture of coal gas. It is generally obtained in
India from unbutnt extremities of brick-kilns in which manure
of animals, especially camel's' dung is used as fuel. To this,
coal and common salt are added and sublimed. It is thus
obtained in white granula:r crystals or lransparent masses. It
is readily soluble in water and is highly deli'quescent. It
has a saline, disagreeable, nauseous arid plingent taste. It can
be purified and made into a powder by diSSolving in hot water
-and evaporating to dryness arid then bottling. It is alterative,
expectorant and cholagogue in small doses; in large doses pur~
gative. It has a marked stimulating action on the mucous
membranes, increasing their secretion also on the absorbent
system 'and on gland structures. It relieves hepatic conges.:.
tion and modifies hepatic secretions; useful is cases of hepatic
abscess; chronic hepatic. congestion and in dropsy connected
with the liver and ovarian diseases; in cirrhosis and in jaun-
dice from catarrh of the bile ducts,. Fo~ hepatitiS,
• I
niac 8 to 15 grains, mixed with 105 grains of Absinthium (worm

wood), rubbed well in a lll_9rtar with a, little water and given'

in a single dose will give relief (Hakim & Vaidyan). In
gastric cata,rrh in biliousness with. coated tongue, foetid J:>reath,
flatulence etc., in bronchial and vesical catarrh, in chronic
pharyngitis with glairy mucous secretions and whooping cough
it is valuable, combined with liquid extract of glycyrrhiza or
syrup of Country liquorice and with a few grmns of powdered
cinnamon, in cases of whooping cough. In amenorrhoea, dys-
menorrhoea, gleet, leucorrhoea, chronic dysentery and other
similar chronic discharges from. lungs, stomach and other in-
ternal organs it is given dissolved in conjee water .(2 drachms
to a pint) in wineglassf_ul doses every second or third hour.
"In hysteria, nervousness, jaundice and other liver complaints
and gastric catarrh, doses of 10-20 grains three times daily
are beneficial. It is often prescribed as a stimulating expec-
torant in chronic bronchitis and in. pneumonia in the stage of
~~solution."'-(C49P~a). In variQ1,ls forms .of neura.lgia, in
chrollic liver diseases, organic or functional, in rheumatic af-
fections of the face ~tc.,· it is given in infusion df Indian Sarsa-
pa,rillai in ~termittent fever, ill sick or nervous headaches.
a<;:ute alcoholism and in delirium tiem~ns its action is very
marked} given dissolved in, camphor julep. In dropsy due to
liver disease and in that £c:>llowing fevers, it is administered
with infusioll. of Moringa or geco~ti()n of Astercantha. As an
alterative it acts by slowly modifYing the nutrition of the
tissues; it is a useful agent in chronic inflammatory diseases of
the glands. such as thyroid body, liver and. spleen and in indura-
tion of the uterus, ovaries anq the _prostate and externally for
fomentation in the form of a lotion (1 in 8Q). In urinary dis-
eases chiefly where the urine is full of lit.hates it ,is very use.,.
ful. Externally its solution cofnpined with nitre is a nice cool,.
ing ~d stimul~t application to th~ head in. headache, "sprains,
rheuma1;i~m, lumbago, sciatica" (Cho.pra), mania and apoplexy,
and for inflamed, erysipelas and hernial tumours; in inflamed
hydr.ocele, indolent tumour.s, in enlarged glands, in (mammary)
milk aQscesses occurring <lfter cOllfinement and abscesses in
other parts of the body before formatiol} of matter, in chronic
skin diseases and as a dressing for bruises and blows on the
eye (bhlck eye). For milk abscesses etc., it is: used Cls lotion

with Arrack and rose-waier (Un 8 and 160 parts respectively).

Mixed with sulphide of arsenic, it is used as an application to
scorpion bites. As an inhalation. in affections of the air pas-
sages its vapours proclu~ed ~y ,heating a gr;:\Cpm of it on a
dish, are useful. Ammon~um Chloride is recommended f.or
local application in cases of catarac;t.-(Ilaj-ul-Gurba).


(Sans.~Srotonjana; Sauvira. Eng.-Kermes mineral; Black
antimony; Sulphide of Antimony. BdL.-Surma. Hind.-Anj::.n;
Surmaka-patthar. Arab.-Ismad; ~ohal. Per.s.-Sagl-surmah.
Guj.-Surmej Kuhl-anjan. Duk.-Anjan. Mah. & Kon.-
Surmav. Tam.~Anjanamai. Tel.-Nilanjanam; Katuka. Can.
Anjana. Burm..-Tay-lak-youk) is foun,d in Vizianagram and
in several parts of the Punjab. It is a tersulphide of antimony
purified by fusion and reduced to a black powder. The pow-
der is used as an applicatIon to the eye-lids and eye~brows
especially by woinen in Upper India and as a cosmetic to
improve the personal appearance. When thus applied it is
supposed also to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun by
absorbing the rays. An Anjan or Collyrium is recommended
by Pdt. J. L. DU'veji as a cure for impaired eye-sight, ophthal-
mia, cataract, itching, reUness, i~ritation etc., in the eyes, in
short as a remedy for several eye-complaints. It is prepared
thus.-Take half a tola each of 'borax, purified ammonium chlo-
ride, cuttle-fish-bone', saltpetre, Sang-basri,. alum flower, kernel
of Butea frondbsa root, and l{ernel 'of mustard seeds and ten
tolas of antimony (sulphide) and pestle them well in a mortar
for three hours mixing lemon juice. Sieve well after getting
them dried in a shady place before filling in phials which should
be kept well corked. Internally anttmony sulphide is seldom
used; except occasionally as a tonic for horses.

Sans.-'Rajata; Rupya; Tara., Eng.-Silver. Fr.-Arzgent.
Ger.-Silber.; L. Argentum. Ben ......,..Rupa. Ar.ab. ~azzeh;

F~ddah. Pers.-Nokra. Hind. & Mah.-Chandi. Guj.-Rupun.

K01J,.-Rupeh. Tam. & Nfal.-Velli. Tel.-Vendi. Can.-Belli.
Sinh ....,...-Peddi. Burm.-Ngway.
Source.__;Found througnout the mineral kingdom in a
metallic state often alloyed with other metals, gold, arsenic',
copper etc., or combined with sulphur, iodine, chlorine etc.
There were silver mines in Sind, Agra, Delhi and Lahore--
(Ain-i-Akbari). In ancient times silver was obtained from
galena (lead sulphide) which contains a minute quantity of
silver. Even now silver: is derived from this source in many
places-(Jour. Ayur, ,Fe}? 192(?).
Characters.-A soft, white, brilliant and ductile metal; it
does not oxidize'when exposed to the air, but is soon tarnished
by vapours of sulphur. It is purified in the same way as gold.
Preparations.-Silver leaf is prepared like gold leaf;
Tara Bhasma (I}lack oxide of silver). Silver leaves are
treated with twice their weight of Cinnabar and heated in the
~1,lbliming, apparatus. The plercury rises up and collects in
the upper vesseL and silver in powder form remains in the
lower vess~L :Prepared silyer is thus su~phide of silver and
not oxip.~ of silver. It contains 84 p.c. of silyer and 16 p.c. of
sulphur. Dose.-of the leaf,-1 to 2 grain~;, of the powder,-
i grain.
Action.---'Silver leaf and Bhasma (powder) are tonic,
stimulant and aphrodisiac. Silver is said to be "acidulous,
sweet, astringent, cool, demulcent, purgative, emetic, cons-
tipative, alleviative of wind and bile"-(N. N. Sen Gupta).
According to Rasaratna Samucchaya it is "acid-sour in taste,
sweet in action, cooling, purger, destroying of Vayu and
Kapha, appetiser, enervator of digestive heat, rejuvenator and
nourisher of memory and, intelligenceY
Uses.-The silver leaf and powder are given in combina-
tion with stimulant confections and with various aphrodisiac
medicines. They are highly recommended in .excessive heat
in the body, hectic fever, phthisis, chest affections, impotence
and seminal weakness; also in painful and irritable condition
of theCiomach and intestines, in heart-burn and in chronic

diarrhoea, in uterine diseases as leucorrhoea, menorrhagia etc.,

and in irritability of the, uterus. Silver enters into. the com-
position of several remedie,s as Y ogaraja (See under Asphal-
tum), Jayamangala Rasa, Vrihat vata gajankusa etc. In
hysteria, hypochondriasis and other nervous affectio~s, a
ccmfection made of gaozuban, amber, silver leaves and sugar
equal parts is useful. As an alterative tonic and aphrodisia,_c
in general debility, impotence etc., a pill known as Maha-
lakshmibilas Rasa, is used; 'it is made up of the oxides of
silver and orpiment (prepared) 1, prepared Talc 8, prepared
mercury and sulphur each 4, prepared tin 2, prepared copper
!, camphor, nutmeg and mace each 4 and seeds of Argyreia
speciosa and of dhatu,r.a each 2 paris, all mixed together,
rubbed with the juice .of betel leaves and made into 'pills 6f
about 6 grains each. In dy~pnoea of phthisis a 'preparation
known as Kanchanabhra is recommended; it is composed of
gold and silver, red sulphide of mer<::ury, burnt coral and
pearl, iron ancl mica, musk, realgar, and embelic
myrobalan. In asthma and oth~r complaints. of difficult
breathing a preI;Jaration named Swasa Gajankusa .made of gold
and silver, mica, tin, camphor, red sandal wood, close, malati
flower (Echites caryophyllata?) with juice of Adhatoda vasaka,
is recommended. In cases of obesity, a preparation made of
silver leaf 4, long pepper 6, black pepper 2, Cyperus rotundus
2, rock salt 2, and borax"'4 parts; the whole triturated in cow's
urine is useful. Dose is grainS 2 to 10 or even 20. It also
increases appetite etc.-(Khory). Externally the powder has
been used and on sore nIpples, foui ulcers etc. Silver leaf
applied to ulcers forms a soluble alhuminate with the serum
excreted. Other actions and uses of silver are similar to those
of gold, b,ut somewhat inferior.


San$.,:-Sankhav.isha, Darumucha; Sambalakshara. Eng.-

,Arsenious Acid; Whit~ oxide of arsenic; White arsenic; flowers
of arsenic. Ara:b.-Sammula Jar. Pers._,.Margemosha. H.ind.
-'-Sankhy'? Duk.-Safed sambala. Be'fl,.-Sumbulkh~ Guj.-

Somal khar. Mah.-Sankhya sambala. Tam.-Vella pasham:lri. /

Tel.-Tela pashanum. pan. & Kon.-'Sankhya pashana,
Burm.-Tein; Hyps6. Sinh.-Sudu pasanum: Mal.-Waran-
Source.-Found fn arsenical ores as arsenates of iron,
nickel or cobalt; commercial arseniqus acid is obtained by
roasting the native ores, in the form of ct sublimate. The
metal arsenic is widely distribut~d in nature, but in small
quantities. With oxygen it forms arsenious acid.
Characters::-The- byaptoducf arsenioUs acid exists as a
sQlid, heavy, white, powder, or stratified masses or minute
transparent and glass-like crystals, tasteless, soluble in water
(1 in lOO), in boiling water (1, in HI), in glycerine (1 in 5),
very slightly in alcohul, in alkalies and .their carbonates and
in hydrochloric acid.
Action.-In very small doses, it is stomachic, general and
nervine tonic; alterative and antiperiodic; and a cardiac, res-
piratory, intestinal and sexual stimulant. Externaliy, irritant.
"Arsenic alters our constitution in Sllch a manner that our
vital resistance becomes capable of combating many diseases"
-(H. C: Sen).
Purification.-White arsenic is purified by being soaked
in lemon-juice or the juice of the plantain tree. Dr. H. C.
'Sen's method consists in boiling the powdered arsenic tied in
a cloth for about 3 hours in milk on a slow fire and subJpning
it in a closed vessel. This boIling in milk mitigates its action;
sublimation increases its penetratIng power.
Uses.-It, is used in a variety of diseases; but chiefly in
fever, either alone or combined with other substances. Some
physicians administer ghee containIng arsenic (sublimed or
atomised after being boiled in milk on a slow fire for a: long
time, so that the sublimate may be absorbed in the cream)
in gradually increasing doses from a minim to two with milk.
This preparation has better effect than that of the B. P. To
increase immunity from diseases arsenic is administered in
gradually increasing doses, generally in the beginning of
winter "i'r in the rainy season. To prevent' the cumulative

action of the drug and also to soothe, its irritative effect a mild
purga~ive" genez:ally tpei infusion :of :the,1 three myrobaUms ,in\
purgative dbSe.s is taken ;during the course Of arsenic. Du"ring
the course plenty ,0{ fatty !food like milk, ghee, butter etc.,
should be taken. In cnronic liv.er complaints, in lienteric(
diarrho!!a,. a:rs,enic .jn mhll.,lte, doses is very useful. In very!
bad casE% of 'gia:rrhQea with anasarca, :minute' doses of arsenic
with opium, ,are. ~ C:l.dministe:red 'with, great henefit;, but salt!
and water are: stopped altogether until the patient is .fairly<:
convalescent-(H, C; s.en).. A preparation knoyvn as, Juarli.:-;
brahmastra prepared in cow's urine and in the juice of Celsia 1

coromandeliana (Kokdsima)_ and, 'pre~cribed ill "Tantroctah'"

(book) for recent and, chr:_onic fevers, ague and remittent;
fevers is administered, in :minute quantities (the weight of ID
mustard---,about one-ninth, of a grain) with a .lump. of sugar
in interrojttent fever before the paroxysm ,comes on" An-I
,other prepcn::ation .called Ddrubrahma:ra~a is. recomm"'nded 'In:
"Sankshipatasarah" (book); it, consists of white arsenic, cinmi-,
bar" datura seeds and long: pepper~ equal parts, 'made 'into
four-grain pills with .lemop. juice; they are given with the
juice of .ocimum sqnctum in remittent :fever with 'shivering,
incoherent speech or wandering, profuse' perspirC!tion or much;
heat of hody and difficult: breathing" 'Chandesvararasa is yeti
another preparation recommended 'by the same authority' andi
consisting of equal parts ~of mercury, sulphur, aconite, pre-'
pared copper and white arsenic,. prepared in the' juice of fresh
ginger and in the juice of Vitex' negundo, and, made into pills,>
about ,a, grain 'each and administered, with the juice of fresh,
ginger, Along with this medicine, inunction with oil,. cold,)
bathing and nourishing food should be used. In Malaria, Dr.
R. L, Puranik of Nanded (Deccan)' has, been using-concentra:ted
infusion of chiretta with Liquor Arsenica:lis: in :minim doses
and the 'preparations of lGulancha with great sUCCess, even
whei:~ quinine and neo-salvarsan have failed. Pills made of
Arsenic, suiphide of'mercury, chebulic inyrobalans and Trikatu
a,re used in malaria, anaemia" diabetes, psoriasis etc., in doses
of, 1 to 4 pills of 1 grain each, Three times a day after meals.
These were tried in 59 leases of malaria, in the out~'Patient's
J.)epa1;'tment of the. General Hospital,· Madras, and "founa to De

Useful in checking the a~tacks of malarial fever" -'(Ind. Drugs,

Rept. Madra§), Dr., H. ;G. Sen says that "the use of arsenic..
(prepared in the Ayurvedic m~thod) 'With the three myro-,
balans (triphala) or. simply chebulic. myrobalans or any othep
mild purgative to prevent its cumulative action is sufficient·
to save the villagers from ,dyspepsia or malaria. Arsenic'
when taken in large doses and .continued for a· long time often
leads to emaciation and gastric and intestinal catarrh. As a
rUle it should Qe taken after meals. Enlarged lymphatic;
glands. often 'yield under its treatment. By its use obesity is .
cured. It is lJ.seful in .chorea occurring in delicate children,
in neuralgia of the. 5th ner.ve. intercostal neuralgia and that of
miasmatic origin., In neuralgias it should be combined with!'
quinine. and giv~n in large doses.. In: pulmonary 'phthisis, in
clu;-onic coryza, bronchit~s .acute and chronic, and in gastro-l
intestinal distur.banc~ assQ,ciated with diarrhoea, arsenic isc
highly useful. A preparation known as B,'ihat Kasturi~ .
Bhairab consisting of arsenic, gold and silver, musk and cam-
phor, copper and mica, the dried seed of Mucuna pruriens and...
Pavonia.odorata, Embelia ribes, Cyperus rotundus and ginger,: •
is I:ecommended in dyspnoea with fever, collapse, delirium
etc. It is very effectiye .in sloughing of the mouth, 'sore throat
aIJ,d cancrum .oris.. In. leucorrhoea. and. diabetes it· has been'
found usefUl. In chrotiic diarrhoea in children minute doses·
of arsenic judiciously used have given good results.
ExternaLLy it is used to remove large growths as cancer',
l::\nd ~upus; also used locally to kill vermins in the head and'.
Qther hairy parts. Cigarettes made of tissue paper impregnat"-'
~ with. the solution of arsenic are used with benefit in asthma.
~s a caustic, arsenic is applied to piles, A butter or oil of
ars~'!tic prepared by chuming a mixture of it and a paste i
mSlde of the roots of Calotropis gigentea and Nerium odorum.
is. used as, a .nervine tonic and aphrodisiac. It is useful iIf;
asthma, coiiga and seminal weaknesS; it is administered ill!
betel-leaves" by giving them .a. coating 'of the oil by means of,
a stick or probe. Dose of the oil 'is one-sixtieth of a grain.·
A. ghee is prepared ,by .taking ~ dr, each of white arsenic and \ \
opium, and four ounces of Nerium odorum, finely powdering. .
and mixing them with '8 pound~ of ghee and heating the whole l

o;ver a fire for 4 hours_ and .filtering and- keeping, for. use when
required. Also an oil is prepared by powdering' seeds of
Abrus precatorius a.nd croton seeds, aconite and white arsenic,
all in equal parts, and mixing. them with goat's niilk and ex-
pressing oil out of the mass. This oil is kept for use when
required. These_ are useful as external medications in im-
potence etc. A few simple useful, remedies:-(1). Take of
So'mala. bhasma, (prepared by taking purified. arsenic and sub-
mitting it to a process of roasting) 1 gr. Borax 100 grs. Make
a paste in the. leaf juice of Azadirachta. indica. pose is. 10 to
20 grams; used i~ quartan fev~~. (2) Take of: Somala bhasma,
and Sulphide of Merclu:'y, each. 1, Anacyclus pyrethrum 5,
and Pistacia khinjuk 4 parts., Make a pill mal?s.with honey.
Dose is 3 .to .5 grains, Used in secondary or. tertiary syphilis.
(3) Take of S<:muilabhamna 1, Solanum jac9.uinii 20, lime juice
20 parts. Make a pill mass. Dose:is 1 grain;. used in syphI-;"
Htic rheumatism, cough and: asthma. (4) Take of Somalar
bhaS1]1a 1, Carbonate of Soda. 1, impure. carbonate of potash 1,
Piper longum, apd piper .nigrUni, each 5 parts', Dose is gr. i;
used in: asthma. (5) Take .of white. arsenic 1 grain and white
sugar 1,000 grains.. Mix, and powder them fine1y in a mortar;
dose is ,~ tQ 4; gr.<iins as alterative and anti-emetic-(Hakeem
Ahmed ud' qe~n__Saheb, Lahore).
During adminiStratiOn of arsenic, chillies, oil, -asafoetida
and other hot and spicy - things should- be avoided. ~,
sugar, .gliee, butter; grams and other nutritious substances
should be taken in Targe quantities.

11. ARSENII DISULPH;IDUM; Bisulphuret of Arsenic;

ArsenicunI ~ubrum

(Sans.-Manashila. Eng.;-c-B.e;;llgar Qr Re:d 'orpiment;

Arsenic disulphide., Port.-Rosalgar. Fr.-Sulphure
rouged arsenic. Oer.-Arsen-sulphl,lr. Arab.-;:-Zurneik
surkh. Pers.-Yaranikhee surkha. 'Hind.-La:1 Hara-
tal; Lal Sambal. Ben.-Manaswila. Cuj. Mah. Kon.
&- Can.~ManasiL Tam.-Kudire-palpashanam. Mal.-
WaranganJ .is artificially prepared by fusing' arsenious -acid ~5

'parts with sulphu_t 3 pants. Jt is, pu~ified by :being rubbed with

the. jUiC2 otlemo~ ot ,<;>f ging_er .. It is,lused as an alteratj,ve,
,febrifuge. and tonic, given 'in fever, cough, asthma .and skIn
diseases; in these last',it.'is used, also externally. _ Locally: it is
.applied to' fistulous .sores. In fever· it. is generally used in
combination with mercury •. orpiment etc.,. as in . the follow-
jng:-ChC!-ndesvara· rasa already m~ntioned. under "Arsenious
Acid" is recommended in Rasendrasarasangraha for remittent
fevers. Svasakuthara. Rasa, is another preparation mentioned
in the same, and consistihg. of realgar, mercury, sulphur, aco-
.nite, borax, black pepper, ginger and long. pepper, is recom-'
,mended in asthma with cough and in remittent fever with
cerebral complications. Dose is 4 grains in pill form. In
coma from remittent fever, these pills are powdered and used
as. a snuff to rouse the patient; also used similarly in cepha-
lalgia, hemicrania, ozoena etc~ Realgar mixed with the ashes
of Achyranthes .aspera is applied to patches of leucoderma or -
white lepra. In leprous ulcers a liniment' composed of realgar .
and orpiment 2' parts each, black pepper 4 parts, 'sesamUID 011
20 parts and the juice of Calotropis gigentia 5 parts is ·recom-
;mended as application in Chakradatta. The, same recommends
Jor application to the eye, in affections of the internal tunics,
tumours or other growths, night blindness etc., a preparation
known as Chandraprabh(L Vq,rti, which is made of, l;"ealgar,
galena, conch-shell lime,. seeds of Moringa pterygosperma, long'
pepper, liquorice and the kernel of belleric myrobalan in equal
parts rubbed together with goat's milk, dried and made into
small pastils. These are rubbed with a little honey and ap-
plied to the eyes as a collyrium. Bhavaprakash recommends
an oil for application to fistulous sores; it is. prepared as, f01-
lows:-Take of sulphur, realgar and turmeric 8 tolas each,
mustard oil 1 seer, juice of datura leaves 1 seer & water 4
·seers. Boil together in the usual way.


Trisulphuret of Arsenic
(Sans. Mah. & Ben.-Haritala. Eng.-Orpiment;
Yellow sulphuret of at-senic, Yellow Arsenic trisulphide. Hind.

& Duk:-Harata~a·., Arab;'---'Ursaniguni~ PerS.-=-Zarneik-zard.

Qu,j._ArataL: Tam:t'.-:;--Arridar.ain; Yellikud 'pas;hanam. Teb
_DgddiRashanum; Can. ,& Kon,~Ardala. 'Burm:~Hsaydan. .
Shwayw.a, Sinh.-A~~dala) -is.,found native in' China and
Persia, Orpiment occu~sl.in two ,forms' vi.?" in smooth shining,
gold-colored scales called \ Vansapatri ,haritala and in fine
lemon' yellow opaque. ,mass.es .called Pinda._ haritala. Tl161
£orm~J;' is' p:t;eferred for .internal, us~ as.. an a~terative. 'and febri ..
fuge. , }
ActiQti~-=-Fmmenagogue. Hai'itala . is ,purified lon
internal administraJ;ion, by being 'successively boiled in
Kanjika, the, juice of th~ £:ruit. of Benincasa .cerifera, sessamum
oil an,q a d~oction of 'the th:r~e mYi:obalans for three hours in "
each fluid; or, it ,ma~ ,be boiled in the mixture of 'all these.
fluids tog~they to s?ve tim~; as dorje by some physicians. The
dose of the purified QrpimE:int is, 2. "to, 4 g~ains. lU is, generally
known' q§ h,arit,a! ~h:asma'l ~,\s an antiperiodic and alterative
tonic; it is g~Yen to.¢ure, f~vers and SKin ,diseases; to increase'
strength and bea_uty i:md to' pr.olong life; also in incipient,
phthisis and, asthm;1; pa,raPlegia; hemiplegia, monoplegia, and,
facial p;n:alysis,. in cough,. chr:onic fever; gonorrhoea:, epilepsy',
d:n>p~y e.tc: H is generally used in, cQmbination with other in-
gredients.. Pills ',~Qwn ,as ,Ramban"Rasa composed of orpi-l
ment, sulphur; and i!safoet~da .ar,e. -recommended in: asthma and,
chronic sk;in ,diseases"as eczema; psoriasis. etc;; in"ddses..ot 1 to:
4 pills. of Qne grain ,each with ghee three' times a day after,
meals, ,"Thi~ pI;epar.atiqil, was administered to cases of asthma
and r:he'!1D)atism anp \Va~ foaiJ;"ly :p.:eileficial iI1 giying relief to"
the pati(i!llts .i:tt. those diseases'~--,(Jpd. :Q:t:_ugs :Rept.. , .Ma_dras) •.
A p:t:epa~atioI1 ,C1'!~~d, ,Mab-.alakshmibi_l_(:L_s c9mpos~d of. mercury
and . sulphur, .arsev!c;, ~1;'9n, ,Il,lica,' _tilJ.,. ",~opper,' aCQ-:
nite_, caII;lph9r, :n\lt!Jl~g, mace ,and ::;e'ed_, Q£',Gmelina: asiatica js.
recommende,d in 1{ay't_(; &- KaplJ,a. (asthrria):. Jt is given,.rubb~.
with b~telleaf juice. .Ill fey~rs ~t.'i~ l,lse,d in CQ~1:>inC:J.tion w.ith
mercury, aconit~ ~tc:.; Jor:- ~xample.,J;he 1leta_la:·rdsa recoll}mend-:;
ed in Bhaisajya.l'~tl)avali,. is ,made of eq!l.aL paris ,0£ purified,
m€:rcl,l1;'y" .suJphlJI;;· ()rpjql~l,lt, ,a.corii.te .l:mdJ bla(!k; p,epp_e.J:'i' these;:
pills of tWQ gliaips.r~<!~.h ~t~,given. with the'juic~, of fresh ginger
i.n :t::emitt~Jlt'fev~r._with .a.ff~!!tion; of ,the 'l?:t:qin. (l JnI ~nlargement:

of spleen and other abdominal viscera. Vidyadhara rasa 'des:'

cribed in .RasendrasaraSjingraha is recommended; it is made
up of mercury, sulphur, prepared copper, iron-pyrites, realgar
and orpiment in equal parts, rubbed together and then soaked'
in a decoction of long pepper and in the milky juice or Euphor-
oia nerifolia, and made into. pills of 6 grains each. These are:
givEn with .honey,. In chronic irregular fever With intestinal
worms and blood parasites, a preparation called Kitari' Riisa
consisting of realgar, mercury and sulphur, indrajav, bonjoWcillJ
and palash and juice of Luffa amara is given with the juice Df
Phaseolus roxburghii and sugar as vehiCle. For all sorts Dr·
chronic skin d'iseases Bhavaprakasha prescribes, a compotlilCI
called Talakesari rasa which. is composed 6f orpiment, realgar,
iren pyrites~ mercury, borax and rock salt Dne part eacli, suI..'
phur and burnt cDnch shell two. parts each, rubbed' tegether
for a. day with lemen juice, then with aconite 1/30th part of the'
weight bf the whele mass; dose is 5 to 10 grains with butter;,
this sheuld. he fellewed by two. dtachms of'the powdered seeds
of Vernenia ·anthelmintica mixed with hDney and ghee. A
similar prescriptiDn is given in Sarangadhara under the name
Qf Mahatalesvara. A cure fDr leprosy has been advDcated by!
Pandit J. L. Duveji and it is trus:-"One ratti Dr half Df harifalJ
bhasma to. be taken daily with' beteL Oil ef Cepaiba sheuld;
also. be rubbed Dver the affected parts. This is it successfti]t
remedy. The patient should take: sweetmeats". As ani
external applicatien fer' skin: diseases, especially in psorIasiS'
Sarangadhara prEscribes a :pa.ste nYade ef orpiment, woed ef
Berberis aristata; seeds ef Raphanus sativus, woed ef Pinus'
deedara and befelleavi!s 'each two. tolas and burnt conch-sheiF
half a tDla, beaten, together with water irlte tl thin paste. Also·
as a depilatory, erpiment forms·.an ingredient ef several for-'
mulae for the' remDval) of hair: e.g., a paste made up Df cench.,·
sheU;,lime (soaked in: the' juice 6f .piantai'n tree) and of orpi-'
ment in equai parts; or or conch-shell-lime two parts,. orpiment
and impure carbonate 'ot sdda ·one. part each and realgar half iil
par.t rubbed together. with water, boih Dr these are' recom-'
mended in Sarangadhara. Fbi' leprous ulcers a li7iiment madef
of orpiment and realgar 2 'jjatts each; black"pepper 4 parts,l
sessamum oil 20 parts and' the mIlky juiCe of Calotropis.

gigentia ~ pl;l.rts, is useful. For:warts and corns the liqUor of

purified orpiment is applied, locally. In. cases .0£ ringworm an
ointment made of harital 1. part and sweet oil 2. 'parts is useful
.for exterI\ql application. For suppurating scrofulous. glands
an oiL JP.Cide 'of yellow aIld red orpiment, marking nut, carda-
moniS, Indian (i16es, ~dalwood, Valeriana hardwickii and
Jasmine each 1. part, Neem oil 40 parts and water 10'0 parts,
.boiled together ;and prepared.' in ,the~ usual way, is' a highly
useful application. I

13. A~P~TUM
Sans:-Silajit; Silaras; Eng.,-Asphalt;' Mirieral pitCh;'
JeW's pitch. Hind. Guj. Mah. &' ·Can~-Silajita. Ben:.-
Silajatu. Arab.-Hajar-ul-inUsa.· ·Pers.__;Morniai Faqurul
Yahud. Hind.-Ral-ya'iutdi.· Tam;~Perangyurri; Uerang-
Source.-Ejected out qf rocks: during hot, weather 'in the
lower Himalayas" Vindhya, :and other mountain tracts 'and
Nepal where :it<m abounds, naturally flowing out. from be~­
ween the fissures·.in the: rocks; .or it may be: a 'tan formed in •
the eanth from the decomposition of vegetable substances.
"Large quantities are imported .into India from K:hatinandu
(Nepal). A white-·yarie.tX ~"said to b~ .collec:t~!1 from rocks
:ip MOl).:q.~. Abu '(~).Plltana)."---(Chopra). '''1
Remarks.,-'IAlum earth of Nepal which. is sold in Cal-
'Cutta as white shilajit is ,quite a .different substance from, the
Silajit used :in the Hindu'Materia Medica.. A productl called.
'Momia' resembling Silajit,· :is obtained ft:oni sOme' of; the
mountains in .~rllbia C\I\<;! r:>er~~a":-(C~oJ?ra).. . .:
Varieties .and their Characters.,-"Four vatieties. of .sihijit
·are' described by the ancient .J:1;indu: write:rs:,--{l) 'the. goJd
'silajit which_ls red;; (2) 'the, siLver silcijit which is white; (3) 'th~
-copper silajit which is .blue colo.tired; and'(4) .ir.Qn siLaj,it·whj.ch
is blackish brown. Blue ,ahd ,~d siljit ate, :n.ot fo.und co~
monly and the' yari~ty most available 1s th.e~ 1!9ur1;.h. ·yade.ty
which, from the- ;therapeUtic point of yiew, 'is C9.n.sigergd.:.J;_9
:be active".-;--;(Chopra's. ".I:D. .of I." p: 433}. , :_ . .:. i

:r ., 'fSilajit is a'bitummous 'suostance, 'which IS: a compact

lmass: of vegetable o"Iiganic matte~' composed' of dark-rea
!gummy (sticky imd, un~tuous). matrix interspersed with1vege-
table fibres, sand and ,eatthy. matter:".-(Chopra).' ~Silajit IS
-0£ a bitter taste and ,o~. a smen tesemblin~i' cOW'S stale urilie.
IThis is known as gomut1ira .sila:jit: The other Variety foufid
in ~e bazaars 'is called Kq_rpbdra Silajit whit!h occurs in white'
·p14tes.l On ignitiUg, it leaves' a-,large quantity 01 ash consist_'
ing of lime, magnesia, silica and oxides of iron. :'j_1he 'black
variety is the one mostly__used..in..medicine, after purifying it
by certain processe~:_ ~"_P~.r~ed ~Si1~jit' (Shodhita) is just
like the concentrated 'watery' extract of the crude stuff. Both
~the' ~rud~, and -puliwed s<pnp'~es: hqv~"a decide<;l :LfrinQus odour
,and ,slightly hitter, salin~, s\)m~whq~ pun:gentr and, ~tringent
Ja&te. The, P4rmed s,ubstanc~ is .n~l'!rly,co!llpl~teJy solub,l~ in
_water. and,,1;l,as an acid, r.ea~ti.<?n"'7(~hoPlia). ' . ~
Constituents.-"The gummy substance of silajit dissdlves
·in. water and when'washed away leaveS' an" 'earthy matter ~
vegetable; fibres 'and a' few black rouna button-like' ma:sses;
·(lfSth irickin ~:liam.) resembling peas, 'The 'insoluble matter
• -is removed, by straining through, 'a thiCK: cloth Or .flcinn:el. The
fluid'is"'allowecl to stand, in the, Sun' when a crea:my substan:te
trises to the top":-'...,(Chopl'a:). ' 1,'

.- ( "Sila:]it contains arl. all 'which when distilled is known as

ichthyol. Benzoic acid and benzoates ~whi'ch are present 'in
-sifajit'iri large quantities are considered 'by Chopra to be the
'main, active priilciples.- ''Iuiy' (1930) is of opinio:d that tliere
hnust' be some other. ~a~trve prinCiple" Or some unknown: body
'l:)I-; pyridin derivat'ive, in:' si1ajit.l?~(Chopra). T r

It contains' liS' p·.c~ ~f urea. .An~lYsed by 'Hooper ft' y'[~rd;_

ed:-water ·S.85 p.c., organic matter' 56.2tr 'p:c., and mIneraI
lrnatter:'34.95 ·p.c.' containing.. nitrogen. l;(}3 j lime', 7:S0, potash
''9;07\ pliosphoric acia 0.16 .and. Silica: 1.35 p.c. It dissolves in
swater 'and .is neuttal-in. reaction. "The organIC matter' yi~ld;..
ed, to rspirit a small percentage of brownish..coloured wax-1ike
'substance . Which melted Jon heating and' 'burnt -away With_:-a
(smbky Ramel It retained the peculiar. 'odollr'(:>£ the: drug ,and
had no marked taste. It was neutral in reactIoh and did not
:assume:a cxiystalline stru'cture'wfien ~carefu:llY' evapbtated' fro'm
alcoholic solution. The tests would indicate the·presence of' a
ro,iner.al ,hy.drocarbo,J;l 'of fl: ,bitu~IiQ1l.,s !J;attil:e.: ,The bulk of
the dark bro~ organic matter had tb~ pr,.op~rties of huniic
acid. The drug, from a chemical point of view, should have
some valuable manurhil properties')'.-(Chopra's "1.D. of 1."
'p. '434):' - ~ •. ,')

The results of samples analysed by Chopra and 'his co-

workers are as follows~':__
White SiZajit:-A sample of white silajit, which is consi-
dered to be more effective than the black' variety, W?S also
examined by Chopra, iIt was a cream-colour:ed _cr~stalline
with a .strong nauseQus odour. It. yra!? app~r~Iltiy of "animal
origin and afforded g~'eous ammonia when 'mixed -with :slaked
iilrte.' It'Yi'elded -6,4r per C~ht. btf'IlU~e u~a 'When td~termined
from the' arilount' of ·nitrogen giverr'''off';y rrteails Of 'hypo-
bromite' 6f'sodiuin, 1{appecu'ed 'to -be' 'crude ~r'ea- ev~porat.:; or
~ time iIi a. solid state:'. f'- _ ' ,r " I
~ ,r·r -.- . " ' , .. in, ~ 'T t,.. ~ •
A careful a:nalysis of the orqiriary silajit.I was
:- 1 " ' ' ' ' - . f" -, _. L,
carried out
'.' 'j," ,.,~ t'

by the author' aI}d_ his. ,cq-workers. ,It,. does Ilqt contain any,
compouh'd Of the nature of an alkJloid. The followmg tabl~
shows the percentage of dried extracts ~fter disfiiling' off the
solvent. '- J'

Solvent • ,- . ~. Crude silajit Purified silajit

l I pmount dissolved c amo~nt. ,dissRlved
t", in Per cent. in per c~l}t.
Chloroform _, 2.15 I?et;. cen~'1 " .- 5..88 pe~ cent. ,(cryst.)
Ethyl.acetate .£ 1,12" 1.37 " l'
Alcch9~ .(80 per cent.) ,",' 29.25" 30.81 ,; " '(cryst.)
Water' • ."." 22.66" 28.32., I, _ "
" o· " ~ ." If ..... -- .
Both the alcohol~c extracts crystallised after. .several days
and were found to .c9);ltain benzoic OjlC.id;, th~ ash left. after
ignitio:Q., showed the .p;r;esence of a larger q4-!;lntit~, o:f~ lime.
The crystals under the) microscope looked like those ,of cal-
cium'-benzoate. The: ethyl acetate extract was crystalllne in
nat~lI:e:._- ~It-.cotit?iiied':a' substance soluble::in :~dctlhol and ·parti.,
ally soht'ble'in_hot water,. but practically, msoluble in. ethEl'r
and chloroform .. The. crystals .had 'a melting 'point,"oLl8'i o C

and were identified by nrrther examination to be ihose' ,of

h.ippuric acid.
The 'result of the analysis show; that sU,ajit Is comp<>soo
l)"f the following substances:
Orgt;Lnic Constituent.s
Crude. silajit Purified Silajit
per cent. per cent.
Moisture .12.54-' 29.03
Benzcic acid . .6:~ 8.58
Hippuric acid 5.53 6.13
Fatty acids _~. 2.M .' 1,36~

-Resin and waxy matt€:r 3.28 2.44

Gums - .' il5.59 17.32
Albuininoids i9.!il " . 16,12
Vegetable matter; sand, etc: 28.52 . 2.15

M!?istllre was .determined·1;>y: drying· the isubstanc;e in- the

.steam ()ve,n a,t a te~perature :~ot ~xceedtp.g ~9°G.' ~\bu~­
_minoids were calculated from the tot~l ni~mgen,. dete:nnined .
by Kjeldhal's process (modified) after dedu~ting ,the pt~n:_e:Qtr
age .of nitrogen in tlle hippuric acid present. J

. " Th~ rcineral constituents, as 'Obtained h:om. the ash by,

incineration of the, substance' at' a dull x~ he~~; are .also .ap:
pended 'in ~he fo1io:win~ table:- I

Crude silajit Pure .silajit

per cent. per cent.
Moisture - 12.54 29.03
Loss on igriitio~ 64.58 52.63
ASh 22.88 ]8.34
Silica (residue insoluble -in HCI) 4.60' 2'.69
Iron (Fe 2 0 3 ) 0.51 0.64
Alumina (A1 2 03) 2.26 2.61
Lime (CaO) 6.83 4.82
Magnesia (MgO) 1.29 1.2'0,
Potash (K 2 oy 4.60 3.81
Sulphuric acid (SOi) 0.64 0:97
Chloride (NaCl) 0.26 0.57
:Phosphoric acid (P2 0 5 ) 0;28' 0,24
Nitrogen ~.64 ik36)
From a compaiison of the above results; it appears that
:there is not much difference between the crude and: the pud-
fied ·silajit. The crude stuff leaves _a residue after extraction

with wat~r 'which amo.unts to about 30 per cent" whereas the

residue in th~ pu!ifi~. dr.ug is only about· 2/3 'Per .cent_ rrhis
play lead one to suppose that the pu:rified silajit ,contains more
~xtractives than the. crude fo~m.. This would have be:en the
case were ~t not for the fact that the high ,percentage of mOIs-
ture in the purified su\;>stance. countez:-balanced !th~ insoluple
matter in the crude stuff. The maIn pOInt of 'differenc~ bet-
ween the varieties: i!?' that the ·chlorof()rm.:and ethyl acetate
~xtracts .of the purified substance deposit crystals of benzo'ic
and hippuric acids, but there are none in ,similar e~fracts made
from ~he' crude. silajit. It would, appear, ~herefore, -that a
pprtion. of the ltenzoic and hi:Rpuric acids rem~s free in the
purified silajit. .Pr.obably the salts of the. benzoic ~and hip-
puric acids. In the..crude silajit are. hydrolySed during the pro-
cess. of pU);ification..

From. the physical characteristiCs imd, from a microscopical

examinaUon. of ,the ~sidue left aft!'!r.· extraction with waterj'
which wasLm~j,n.ly. compqsed of sand, ea:dhy. matter and vege..
table fibres, sHajit would appear, to be ,a substance: of vege-
table origin. Its chemical. composition, .however, -shows the
presence of. hippuric ,acid a~d a. high percentage of. albu-
minoi.ds, which makes this supposition doubtfuL If hippuric
acid is 'fonned from the H~cQmp_Osition and decay ·of .vegetable
protein substances Without animal intervention, the amount
of proteins must be in unusually higher proportions than is
ordina:r:ily met with in. ·the; v.egetable, kingqom.· It.is well..
,kn0WI;l t}lat b~U:zok .acid can b_e easily :formed .from hippuric
~cid, in .fllct this is one· of ,the -comnierciaLme:iliods of its manu..;
facture; It is, fUl:the:n found that benzoic; acid manufactured
from_ hippuric acid. pos&esses .a, decided 'uritious odour. and we
have alr~_ady mentioned. :that, the cr.ude. and the. purified silajit
:poss€~~ this gdo:ur.. . The. pre~ehce of gum and resin is also a
point. in favoull of _its vegetable odgin'. The other possibility
is that silajit_ may .he. composec,i, Qf the excr;t~ments of some
animals: which have been washed off by the _rains from the
pill-side and have. .been d~posiled in theJcrevic.es_aiid_low.-lying
:J:Qcks.. During:,the 'Sumiher. the heat .of the sun .remoyes jth~
moisture. andJeav'es jhe .residue. :like.an. exudation~ on. -the .rockl

TIle .whole of. the subject of the production of snajl! 'requires

further investigation... ~Ch~pra_"fI:~;'~()£_ I.'~ '!Jp. 434 to 4~6'). '
, Act'ion;-Locally' ~tisepHc) "anodyne, parasitici~~ and
antiphlogistic. Internalr. alterative? toni< ~lightly, laxativ~:'
chQlagogue, re,spirjltory stimulant, dlsinfectant and expector-.
antI iritestii:uil antiseptic, diureti<}',and lithontr~ptic.
Uses;~haraka· says "11hereds hardly any curable disease
wbich cannot be controlJed or cured. with .the aid of .8ilajit",
It .is used -by Kavirajas .and Hakim'S 'in:a great~.' variety' 0:£
diseaSes. ..If .is. spe~ially employed in g~nito-urinary disease~
arid in diabetes; in .gall ,stones, j~undice, enlarged spleen, fer-~
mentative ·dyspepsia~. 'iWormS, digesti~e troubles,~ .piles, adlpos:o,'
itY',.;Tanasarca, :renal stone; renal ,an:d 'bladder 'calculI, anuria
etc., hysteria, neurasthenia, epilepsy and .insanity, :nervous
diseases; amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea and m·<morrhagia;
scrofula, tuberculosis, phthisis and leprosy; eczema, 'elephan-
tiasis, anaemia, anorexia, biliary congestion, chron'ic· bron-
chitis, asthma, .frac,ttire of bones' etc.;. in diabetes in which it
re'guces the quantity of sugar and 'urine. But it i'lJ-creiLseS' the
quantity 'of urea; therefore,. it! should· never ,be given in uric
acid calcul.us. iIt, diminishes phosphaturia ·,and is useful in:
phospl).atic concretions. It jSLalso 'useful in ascites, uraemia;
cholaemia and, the like; It is,'valuable in. cases of diabetio
albuminuria, where. both casts an'd album:in diminIsh; it is said
to be a cure. fOli diabetic amaurosis,. "Under :the influence of>
silajit, thirst, polyuria, burning sensation and e~haustion dis-
appe£\r' ,quickly... It'markedly helps' the' assimilation of ·sugar.,
Kavirajas use silajit in .combination: with milk or grape ·juice";·
.+-(Chopra). An extract is m:ade, from: crude Silajit by: mak-
ing an emulsion of it 'With hot. water 'and 'repeatedlY' ,expo-smi
the_1emulSion to the :sun. A cream floats .on~the surface and:
it is removed and collected, The process is· continued as long
as .'any cream rises, The, ex:tract of silujit. thus collected- .is·
sun-dried and then pU'rified by being soaked in a deCoction of
tr.iphala. and' dashamu.la. "PurIfied silajit is,also recohmiended
to b¢ soaked in the decoctions of on,!:! or m0re"of .the following
plants. as this us said to-increase its efficacy:,=-Shorea,Tobusta::,
Buchana'nia latifoH:a; Terminalia tomentoSa; Ac~iil 'iarnesiana:;c

Ca.tchu .nigr~m; TerIl1irt~l!a, ~hebj.lla; and Sjda... co:r;difolia".-=

«:hopra). Hi is a :powerful .topic au.d alterative useful jn, a
variety qf <lisE.!p_&e.;?" "Pose of this purified product is 5 grains
taken al? piJls-one. piU. tq .be taken 10 minutes after f06d,
followed "Qy an ounce br two· Qf milk'\-(Andhta .M.edical
Journal).. Bltt it is generaHy begun wit.h 1 grain .or so, and
gr~dual{y. in~e~seq.., Dr:., KQmal)., s~ys that. he had used this
medicin~ with Abhrak bhQ-J3fr1,a, .in two cases· of diabetes (22
grains o(glgar to the Qunce .and S6 grains to the ounce) ;and
the sug~ (;l.,isilP:p~.ared completely a_fter about :3' We.eks' .tJ;eat-;
.ment, the accompapytng symptoms such a_s e}!:cessive flow of
.urineJ thirst, neuriti~ of l~gs etc.; having also &ubsided, to a
consid~rab~e. ex.tent. Both the patients w~re on milk ~d
bread diet~ f,Ie a)sq adds that a .few years ago he '''saw ~ cas~
of chIionic cystitis' qeriving much heriefi~ frQm. the use of
,Silaj.it~. whi!!h was admini.st~red QY an Unani physicJan" .-
,(1nd. 1)rugs ~~pqrt, MadrasJ.. $ilajit is used as, a past? ~d
bhlJsma,; t9 prepare paste, .ffiqcerat.1? $i~ajit m the juice of
Margosa leaves, gy,lap,cb,a and. ghee; and to p);ep.al'e qhasma,
take S.ilajit an,d ~ulphlJr' 20 parts each and orpime.ot, 1Q parts,
mix together:, triturate ip: the jl.l,ice o£ bijorun and ropst. Pose
is 1 to 2 grains. B.hasma is given in retention of ul1ine, scald-
ing due ·t9 .grayel, ,~O:riQrrhoea~ leu,corrhoea, also in cough,
diabetes, consumption, etc. As a tonic it is give~ -in anaemia
and general debility; as ~bortifacient it causes uterine con-
tractions and promotes expulsion of the foetus. As an anthel.
~tic, its s'!+PpQsitories are used to remove ascarides from
the rectum. "It is -also used as an antiseptic in parasitic
diseases of the skin and as an antiphlogistic. Unani physi-
cians used it. as an antidote to poisons and. in the treatment
of other diseases. Hakims use 'Momia' as an external appli-
cation for .i1).fll'!-mmqtory swellings, arthritis, etc."...,.,-(Chopra).
Paste ,is locally applied to relieve rheumatic pains in joints;
used as an embrocation in par~lysis, contusions etc.; also in
sprains and bruises. "When applied externally, silajit has
.been, cr.edited with antiseptic, parasiticidal, anodyne and anti-
phlogistic properties by Kavirajas; these are in all probability
due to the free benr;qic acid which' it contains. It is well-
known that benzoic acid which i_n ~oncentrations .of oyer 0..1,

per :cent, produces moderate local irritation, may in this' way

be useful as an applic,tion to sprain~ and bruiSed parts.
Benzoic acid is also r"esponsible for 'the beneficial action of
silajit on the appetite and its use in dyspepsia. Its good
effects in affections of the liver such as jaundice, its mild
narcotic action, its antispasmodic effects in colics of all forms
and spasms ot muscular tubes and asthma may also be attri-;
buted to the presence of this acid and its salts. Silajit is used
by the Hindu physicians in acute and chronic bronchitis and
benzoic acid and benzoates are administered in these condl..:.
tions ill the Western medicine, especially for· children and to
old feeble persons with profuse thin secretion. It undoo:bt.:.'
edly promotes expectoration, probably reflexly, by causing
irritation of the throat aIia. stomach. The Vaidyas prescribe
silajit in arthritIs and pulmonary tuberculosis; 30 years ago),
benzoic acid and its salts enjoyed a reputation iIi the 'Western
medicine as a remedy for these conditions, but are 'given up'.
The indigenous practitionerS alSo used silajit as a diuretic and
lithontriptic.. Similar properties were attributed to benzoic
acid in Western medicine. It will be seen, therefore, that
most of the p:ropert~es ascribed to silajit can be explained by
the presence of benzoIc acid an.d benzoates, which are present
in it in large, ,quantities and which Chopra considers are the
·main active principles Of silajit.", (Chopra's "LD. or Li~
pp. 437-438). Internally silajit is very 'useful ,in chronic
dyspepsia, ahd dyspeptic diarrhoea, given with the decoction
of eineolic myrobalansl in biliary colic and jaundice with the
decoction of the. three rriyrobaians (triphala) or of dasamuld.
In dyspepsia due to hepatic derangement, silajit is used in com.:.
bination with other cholagogues~ In the' first stage of ascit~s
it is used ",fih iron-rust together with m:ilk diet; salt and wate1"
is stopped altogether. Rice and 'milk boiled together into gruel
is a good dietary in cominencing cIrrhosis ofthe liver of adtiltJ..
In the firSt stage of infantile cirrhosis silajit is used
with other cholagogues like the juice of the leaves of
Andrographis paniculata, of Ccijanus indicus or of Nyc L
tanthes arbor-tristic. tn false angina pectoris even during the
a'bsence of paroxysms it is recommended. It is very useful iIi
acute and chronic bronchitis and in bronchiectasis, in asthm£

with bad liver and indigestion, in the asthma of g~uiy peopie.

in pulmonary phthisis, in diabetic' 'phthisIs and in Intes-
tinal tuberculosis. IIi sexual weakness it is generally ad-
ministered, with Asvagandha, in spermatorrhoea with grape
juice or infusiun of the three 'riiyrobalans (triphdZa); in chroniC
gonorrhoea and gleet, with prepared oxi'des of tin, 'lead, silver
etc. It can also be us~d alone With: much benefit'. In func·
tional menorrhagia complicated with: biliousness and hepatic
derangement it is commonly ·gl.ven with the decoction of em..;
blie myrobalans, 01: combined with astrlngent drugs like ca":
techu, flowers of W oodfoi'dia floribunda or syrup of the corm
of red lily~ In leucorrhoea from debility it is given with milk
or with: 'astringents. In strangury or painful micturition Silafit
is used with other diuretics and demulcents like the decoctioti
of Tribulus terrestris, Glycyrrhiza glabra etc. In albumi..:
nuria. and chyluria'it is beneficial with the decoction of astrin·
gents like cateChu, Shorea' robusta, juice of leaves of Cajamis
indicus, or of garlic. In hysteria it is generally used with in·'
fusion of Valeriana' jatamansi or decoction of Alhagl'Mouro.
rum and in insanity with the infusion of the three myrobalans'
(triphala) or decoction of dasamula.-(H. C. Sen). As an al-
terative tonic it is used in combination with iron as in the fol-
lowing confection called Yogaraja mentioned in Chakradatta.
It is mad,e of Silajituf pr7pared iron, iron pyrites and' silver
each 5,' parts, the three myrobalans, ginger, black pepper and'
long, pepper, plumbago root and baberang seeds each 1 part,
and, sugar: 8. parts;.,a~l powdered, mixed: and made into a con-
fection with honey. Dose is about half a tola; used in anaemia"
jaundice, consumption, chron,i,c fever, ~kin, diseases, urinary
diseases, p'~les etc.' A pill mad~ of SiZajit ~ parts, Tribulus<
terrestris 5 ~arts and hqp.e,y 2 l?arts.is used, in urinary: diseases,)
scanty urine, cystitis etc. Dose, is 10 to 15 _grains. A i>owder
call~ Pachanlibheaa, ChurniL made of C9,ual p~rts of Silaji~"
Carbonate of iron and. '1ime, long pepper, Trichpsanthes
cuc\imerrna, 'is us~d in gonorrhoea, leuc9r;hoe~ and other mu-,
COllS discharges. Dose' is 10' fo 15 grains, Dr. "II. C. Sen
concludes that Silajit should be tried extensively in obesity,
dia:betes, dyspepsia, anasarca, entargerrient of liver <.IDd
spleen, painful and bleeding' piles, asthma; strangury, Tenali

~iseases ClI!d .functional~ ut~ri.n.e\ t~o1,lbl~&;_ .that4 Go_ntinued •.USe'

of this remedy appears to remoye the tendency to formatiQIl:-
of renal and biliary calchli;, that H is, far better and safer thrut
morphia injection ~in ,bil~ary colic;, .B.ecause morphia relieves
temporarily" but sjlajit ,r:::ures per.manent1y, and morphia does
h~rm ~o t~e liyer in, thl? lo:p.g ;rqJ;l; :Qy ~t9ppil1g the secretiorr,j
whereas Si~aji"t ,is a "v~IUilb~e !;holagogue and laXative'')
"ChoP.J:a'~ trial of J?urifiefl_ ;si!aj_it) "!Jy "itsel~ (in pill form) 'till 'a'
max:i~uI?- of ~o ,graips' a day during .24 hqurs,. in a series of,
~ases of dia_be.tes melli~us, 'a!1p. ,dQses ra,nging from 5 grainsi
to 10 grains, three ti~nE!s a day, f()r a period of 8 to 12 days.,
~, <!- ~e:ries, _o~ ~~ q~a~~~~<;::_:p~.ti~I\t~J _h~s:_l nQ. effes.t = :Whal..,
ever either on the. blo.od ' sugar or sugar ,in the
ui~e. 'l)lerE;! was n\) dec:r:e~se !n ,th~ total q~antitY' of ther
y.~ine ;passed, and there was ho arri.~lioratj9n of such symp-'
tt;_>ms as thir:st, exhau~tipn etc. 1'he' ~si?imilation, of carb~
pydrates was,. I1qt iplpr9ved in ~y way! ,Ray (1930) :has\
sho,:,"n ~hat injections of, extrCicts of silajit ,produce a rise in:
t>lpo<;l pressure and stimulation of ,respi:r:<.ltiQn in e;"perimental
animals" .-(Chopra's "LD. of I." pp. 437-438).


• Sarts..:--Suvarna. Eng.-Gold. Fr. & Ge'r.~Geld. Arab.·
7-"Ziiliab. Pers;---,-Zara rita. Hind.. & Mah.-Sona. Guj.-'
Sonum. B.e.n.-Son,a:r:. Tam.-Ponnu. Xel.-Bangaroo. Mal .
.,-Tangam. Can.-Hondu; Chinna. Kon.-Bhangara. Sinh;-
Ran-ta-hadU. Bur'm.:-Shue~saku.
Source.-Found ·in primitive rocks, in aluvial deposits it}.
small partiCles called gold dust. It is found' commonly alloy-
ed with other metals such as
iilvert copper, iron, etc.
Characters.-Pure gold has a metallic lustre, reddish
yellow colour; it is the most ductil~ of all metals, softer than'
silver. It acquires lustre under pressure. It is not attacked
by any acid except selenic acid and a mixture of which like
nitro-hydrochloric acid, contains nascent chlorine.
Preparations.-Gold leaf and gold ashes. Dose: of the
~o~c:i leaf 1/30 tQ 1/1? wain; ?f the powder 1/6 to 1/3 grain,;

of the bhasma 1/10 to 1/4 grain. Gold leaf (Sona vardk) is,
prepared by beating gold into extremely thin leaves. Gold
powder or ashes (Sona bhasma) is prepared by rubbing to-
gether two parts of mercury and 1 part of leaf gold mto a
lllass with lemon-juice; placing it in a crucible with three
parts of sulphur. The crucible is then covered and exposed
to heat. This process is repeated 14 times when the gold
completely loses its metallic character, and becomes reduced
to a dark brown 'impalpable powder. This process is, advocat-
ed by Kaviraj Binod Lal Sen. But according to books gold
should be .rubbed with mercury only the first time and ill
roasting it afterwards sulphur alone should be placed in the
crucible with the gold.-(U. C. Dutt).
Action.-Gold and its preparations are nervine and
aphrodisiac tonic, re,solvant, emmenagogue and alterative,
They increase strength and beauty, improve intellect and
memory, clear the vo~ce and increase sexual powers; also
stimulate the activity of the stomach, and of the skin an,d
kidneys ca.using diaphoresis ahd diuresis. They also increase
the flow of menses in women. In large doses, they act like
irritant poison setting up gastro-enteritis with convulsions,
cramps, insensibility etc. The antidotes are egg albumen,.
milk, flour etc.
Uses.-Preparations of properly reduced gold are used
in fevers, consumption, insanity~ diseases of the nervous' sys-
tem and urinarY. organs, hysteria, epilepsy, leprosy, asthma,
nervous dyspepsia, amenorrhoea, impotence, sterility, habitual
abortion, chronic Bright's disease, chronic metritis, syphilis
and scrofula. Gold leaf is generally eaten with betel leaf;
when given in the juice of Eclipti:l prostrata, it stimulateS' virile-
powers and acts as alterative; with the juice of Ayapana or
juice of garlic or juice of Cactus grandiflorus it is given in
tuberculosis; when given with Punarnava it improves the
sight. In case of poisoning it is' given with the juice of
Nirbishi (Ayapana-the sensitive· plant), in insanity, with the
powder of dry ginger, round' pepper and cloves; as a rejuve-
nator with butter or ghee or cream of milk; as an aphrodisiac
with milk and sugar or candy powder; as a memory invigo-

rator, with sweet flag; for lustre of health, with saffron; for
heart-disease with mn~ an-d park of T~rIllinalia arjuna and
cane sugar. Suvarna, Vasanta, Malti, a preparation containing
leaf-gold, pearl, red sulphide of mer.cury, zinc carbonate and
black pepper is used in impoten-ce, chronic fevers, gonorrhoea,
syphilis ~tc.; dose is .2 to 5 grains in pill form mixed with
honey. RasendrasHrasangraha recommends a pill known as
Jayamangal~ Rasa which contains besides gold, sublimed
mercu:ry, cinnabar, prep:ared copper, tin, sulphur, borax, pre-
pared iron and silver" irQn pyrites etc. Dose is 4 grains. It
is taken with cumin ~eed powder and honey; useful in old
chroni~ fevers of all sortsi it is a powerful tonic and alterative,
administered with suitable adjunc:ts in many diseases.. IIi the
same book is recommended a powder called Mriganka R,asa,
which consists of mercury, prepared gold, sulphur, pearls .
and borax; it is administered in doses of one to four grain~
with about twenty grains of black pepper powder, in phthisis.
Two other preparations named Pottali Hemagarbha Rasa and
Ratnagarbha pottali Rasa which are used in this disease are
made up of the same Ingredients but in varying proportions.
Suvarna Parpati is another preparation, which is composed
of mercury, gold and sulphur and used 1ike Rasa parpati in b-
chronic diarrhoea and anasarca. Milk dfet is enjoined and
water and salt are prohibited. Dose is grains two gradually
increased to ten jh the course of 21 days, to be again gradually
reduced, to the original dpse of two grains in another thr:ee
weeks. Another prepa,ration used in the same diseases is
Vijayaparpati wh~ch contains diamond, P!'!arls, silver,. copper
and talc in qddition to gold, sulphur and nfercJlry.

Prepared gold in doses of two grains daily with the addi-

tion of honey, ghee and emeblic ·mYl:obalan; or root of Acorus
calamus: is recommended tQ be taken for a. lengthened period
-(Sandehabhanjanee). It is also given to feeble infants in
a few days after birtp, as! it imparts strength and beauty, in
the following compo~ition:-Take of powdered gold, root of
~corus calcwlUs. and .Aplotaxis a:uriculata, Chebulic myro-
balans and leaves of Herp.estes :rnonniera equal par.ts; poWdeJ:i
and mix. Dose is' two grains with honey .and ghee. The

principal alterative tonic of the Ayurvedic physicians is a

well known preparation called Makaradhwaja. .

(See:---":"Hydrargyrum" also)
Source.-"This is an inorganic preparation of the Hindu
Pharmacopoeia from the time of Bhav~misra the renowped
Bindu physician, of the 16th century."l
Characters.-"It is claimed by the Vaidyas that 'Makara-
dhwaja' is not ordinary red sulphide of mercury but is a com-
bination of sulphide of mercury With gold. This gold is not
in a chemically combined condition but its presence in a
very roe state of diviSion a1ters the 'property of the drug to a
considerable extent."2 "According to Ayurvedic Pharma-
copoeia a great deal depends on the method for preparation
adopte·d. Various methods have been described in books on
Hindu medicine".-(Chopra).
Mode of Preparafion.-"8 Parts of pure mercury and
1 part of gold leaf are mixed together to form an amalgam.
To this mixture! 16 parts of sublimed sulphur are added and
the resulting mixture is rubbed very thoroughly in a stfme
mortar for 24 hours or more until the whole is conve:t:ted into
a lustreless, fine, impalpable powder of uniform consistence.
This powder should be light enough to float on water and
there should be absolutely no lumps or grit in it when rubbed
between the fingers. This is known as 'kajjali' in Sanskrit
and its chemical composition is said to be the same as black
sulphide of mercury. This preparation forms the basis for
the 'makaradhwaja'. The 'kajjali' IS placed in a narrow-
mouthed bottle and is gradually heated on a sand bath. When
the temperature reaches a certain limit the bottle is filled
with reddish fumes of various hues. On cooling, 'makara-
dhwaja' is found deposited on the inner surface of the bottle.
The sublimed powder. .is' 'collected by breaking the neck of the
hottle and scraping; off the deposit, which is then preserved ih
a clean dry 'vessel for future, use".,-(Chopra).3

Composition.~Chemic"ally 'makaradhwaja' is identical:

with the red sulphide qf mercury. This sulphide occurs in
nature as the mineral ore called 'cinnabar' in many parts of
the world, particularly in California, China and Spain.4 For
further particulars see "hydrargyrum".
Constituents.-"Although gold is used in the preparation
of 'makaradhwaja', properly speaking it is a preparation of
mercury and' sulphur, sublimed in the form of red sulphide
as in the preparation of mercury called 'Rasasindura'; the
gold may possibly exercise some catalytic influence during the
process of sublimation".-(Chopra).
Purification.-" A great deal of stress has been iaid by
the Hindu physicians on the purification of mercury employ-
ed for the preparation of this drug. The mercury used has
to be passed through variolJ.s methods of purific;ation laid
down in the Ayurvedic books, before it can be accepted for
use. These processes are known as 'Sodhana', and are very
tedious and complicated."5 "Mode:t;n chemical methops of
purification are preferable to the old 'Sodhana' processes".-
Action.-" 'lVfakaradn,waja' and other sulphides of mer- ~
cury in a fin.e state of division undergo solution in 5 c.c. of a
0.2 per cent solution of, HCI at, 100°F. in an hour. This is also
true when these sulphides are digested with filtered gastric
JUIce obtained artificially frorp a healthy patient. If sulphide
of mercury is broken up ip. this. manner by the' acid of th~
gastric juice, it is likely that absorption will take place.-
(Ghosh). Experiments. on animals have shown that 'Makara-
dhwaja' is not absorbed either from the stOl;nach or from the
small intestines. It is, however, likely that yery minute quan-
tities are absorbed and excreted and the ordinary chemical
tests are-jnot' sensitive enough to detect its presence. Further
investigations with improved methods of identification of mer-
cury are, therefore, clllled fQr.
"Excretion of 'Makaradhwaja' in urine of healthy, young
men who were under strict control, was studied by a new ana-
lytical method of Booth, Schreiber and Zwick (1926), and no

traces of mercury were detected. Excretion of 'Makaradhwaja'

in stools is' also being studied by the same analytical method,
and the results have to be ,called for from the Tropical School
Indian Medicine, Calcutta."6
"Recent work (:upto 1932) has shown that the mercury ion
in a high state of dilution has a definite stimuiant action on
animal tissues. One in one mission of mercuric chloride add-
ed to the perfusate distinctly stimulated the isolated, mamma-
lian heart and increased its force of contraction. It is, there-
fore, likely that if absorption does take place in very small
quantities, 'Makaradhwaja' would :produce a stimulant action
on the heart."7
"It is quite possible that in 'Makaradhwaja' we have an
insoluble preparation which by action of the gastro-intestinal
juices is rendered absorbable to ill.lch an extent that minute
quantities of mercury ions sufficient for stimulation of the
tissues and no more, are ,taken into the system and are acting
on the tissues".-(Chopra).8
Administration & Uses.-" 'Makaradhwaja: is seldom used
aLone. In the majoiity of cases, it is mixed with varlous drugs
called (anupana' or a'djuvants. In cases of indigestion and
diarrhoeal 'Makaradhwaja' is mixed with, powdered Aegle mar-
melos fruit; for fever and cough it is given with the juice of
ginger, pepper, betel leaves l and leaves of Ocinum virl,de; in
heart disease, it is combined with musk. In the absence of
proper 'anupana' (adjuvant), honey may be used in every
case".9 "The usual procedure is to take a dgse (approximately
one grain) ,of 'Makaradhwaja' daily with 60 drops of the 'anu-
pana' or honey or other suitable adjuncts, and rub It for
someti:::He in a stone mortar before administration",Hl and given
in general a~d nervous debility, in convalescent patients after
acute illness, brain fatigue from excessive mental work,
habitual constipation, womb complaint~ after delivery, sper-
matorrhoea etc. "This., may be used both for ~dults and
children, the dosage being regulated according to age."ll
. Mixed with some stImulant drugs, viz: camphor, nutmeg,
black pepper and cloves each 4 parts and musk 1/16 part to

every part of Makaradhwaja, it is used, as an aphrodisiac

under the name of Chan'd,rodaya Makaradhwaja. Dose is one
pill of ten grains, each given with milk or enclosed in betel
leaves to be chewed. D~et ought to be generous consisting of
milk, ghee, pulses etc. It is useful in nervous debility, im-
potence, premature old age etc. A pill named Brihat Kapha-
ketu which is mad'e up of gold, pearl, burnt coral, mica and
Makaradhwaja, JTIade into pills with motheris milk is generally
used in the asthma of children, with irregular pulse and cold
extremities. 'Makaradhwa3a' when taken regula~ly as per
the indigenous system of medicine is a wonderful tonic and
will increase the longevity of the patient".12 "In failing cir-
culation and in cardiac asthenia, it is a sovereign remedy.
Tried in some cases of myocardia1 disorders following acute
specific fevers, have shown distinct clinical improvement; yet,
further trials are necessary. 'Makaradhwaja' is, also used as
a laxative with good results, particularly in those cases when
there is visceroptosis and atonic condition of the gastro-
intestinal tract. As an intestinal antiseptic also, it is said to
be of great utility and is supposed to relieve the gaseous dis-
tension of the bowels due to fermentation"_l3 Brihat Kasturi
Bhairab containing gold, silver etc. (mentioned under
"ArSEnic") is useful in dyspnoea with fever, collapse, delirium
etc. In dyspnoea of phthisis ,and pyameha, Brihat Kanchana-
bhra is recommended; it consists of gold, silver, c0j:Jper, tin,
iron, mica, pearl, coral, Ra.sasindur, Baikranta, musk, cloves
and: mace. An exhaustive list of preparations containing goid
as used in a large number of diseases is given in the "Journal
of Ayurveda" of March 1925, to. which the reader may refer.
Dr. H. C. Sen highly commends the use of chloride of gold in
low continued fevers, Especially of typhoid state, for "keeping
up the vital centres and heart". He generally used oxide or
chloride of gold in very small doses. To prevent spasms and
to give tone to the nervous system he used the bromide of
gold "With satisfactory results". He used chloride of gold. In
doses of 1/20 to 1/12 of a grain in many cases with or without
the decoction of Semecarpus anacardium to remove the tre-
mors noticed in the ,muscles of the wrist and fingers of patients

exhausted from continued fevers and to steady the functions

of the brain after menIngeal troubles. The chloride of gold
has been much lauded as a remedy for confirmed' dipsomania.
The tribromide of gold (dose t to I grain in pill made with
Kaolin) is used for hysteria, epilepsy etc. The use of gold in
tuberculosis is also recommended by some modern western
authorities:-"In 1890 Koch showed that a salt of gold inhibit-
ed the growth of tubercle bacilli in a solution as weak as one
in a million. In 1917 Relot and Spies introduced a pre-
paration of gold named "Knysolgan" which was used in the
treatment of tuberculosis. Prof. Holger Moellgaard has a
neW inorganic compound of gold and sodium under the name
of "Sacrocrysin" which is said to materially check the growth
of tubercle bacilli in a solution of one in a mIllion ana to Cirrest
it completely in a solution of one in 100,000. Serum from a
tuberculous animal was given by 'intramuscular inJection in
doses of 20 to 40 cc. m. and proved :potent in counteracting
the tuberculin shock caused by the sacrocrysin. In non-
technical language, a serum is injected into the blood to .pre-
pare it for digesting the dead tuberculosis bacilli. Either
before or after the blood is thus prepared, a new substanc_e
"Sanocrysin," is injected In weak solution; Sanocrysin kill!)
the bacilli; the serum eliminates the pOIsons which have been
caused by the presence pf the dead bacilli. Sanocrysin ac-
cording to "Medical Science" review; IS a compound salt of
gold and sodium. It is a solid snow-white substance compos~
of long needlelike crystals. Its activity is amazing. A soh.i-
tion of 1 in 100,000 kills the bacilli and of 1 in 1,000,000 pre-
vents its growth. Sanocrysin without the serum kills the
bacilli, but it also kills the patient when it, is tried on animals.
But where its administration IS combined with a serum it has
healed animals even when the case was an advanced one.
Upto 1927 the use of Sanocrysin was only in its infancy, but
good medical opinion heid that the world was on the eve of a
discovery which might revolutionise treatment and perhaps
exterminate tuberculosis! Refer 'Hydrargyrum" also for some
more information.
(1) to (13)-Chopra's "I.D. of I." pp. 414/421.

16. CALCIUM (Eng.-Lime)

Several sorts of lime are used in Hindu medicine; thus
we have lime fro,m Liinestone (Sans.~Churna); Calcined
,cowries (Kapardak{L bhasma); Conch shells (Shankha bha:s-
ma); Bivalve shells (Shukti bhasma); Snail shells (Shambuka
bhasma). The variqus ~inds of lime are found free in nature.
These shells are purified b:y being soaked in lemon juice an4
are prepared for use by being calcined within covered cruci-
bles. Lime is used internally in dyspepsia, enlarged spleen and
other enlargements in the abdomen and externally as a caustic.
Lime enters into the composition of a great many prescriptions
of different S01,"ts of dyspepsia; e.g.-A compound pill called
Amrita Vati prescribed .in Bhaishajyaratnavali for loss of ap-
petite and indigestion <;!ontains calcined cowries, aconite and
black pepper in 5, 2 & 9 parts respectively, made into two-
grain pills. In the same is mentioned anoth~r compound pill
named Agnikuma1'a Rasa containing calcin~d cowries, conch-
shells and aconite 3 tolas each, borax, mercury, and sulphur
1 tola each, and black p~pper 8 tolas, all rubbed together for
12 hour& with lime juice. and made into t.welve-grain pills.
'l'his medicine incr~ases appetite and cures indigestion.
Bhavaprakash recommends calcined conch-shell (Shankha.
bhasma) in half-drachm' doses to be taken with lime juice in
enlarged spleen. In jaundice, urinary trouble and acidosis a
preparation called Krimi-dhuLijqlapraba Rasa containing
,Shankha, bhasma, tin, mer:cury and sulphur and emeblic myro-
balan has been recommended-(Joul'. of Ayur. Oct. 1925)..
As a caustic, lime is! used in various combinations for differ-
ent diseases; e.g.:-as an application to enlarged glands and
tumours, a mixture of Conch-?hell lime (Shankha bhasmaJ,
impure ,carbonate of soda (Sarjika) and the ashes of Raphanus
sati,vus is recommended 'Qy Chakra'datta. A. mixture of lime~
carbonate of soda, sulphate of copper and borax is applied as
,a caustj.c to tumours and warts. As a depilatory, a paste
made of Conch-shell lime 3, tolas, orpiment and the ashes of
Butea frondosa one t6la each rubbed together' with the juice
of plantain stalks or of Calotropis gigentea, is mentioned in
Sharangadhara. It is applied seven times to the part from
which the hair is to be remov,ed.


(Eng.~Chalk; marble. Hind.-Vilati-chuna. Ben.-

Karimatti. Arab.-Kits. Pers.-Gil safed. Gttj.-Chaka.
Tam.-Seema:vchu:hrtambu. MaL-Kapur ingris. Bttrm.-
Tounghpyu) occurs in 'nature as lime..:stone, white marble etc.
It consists of infinitesimal shells composed mostly of carbonate
of lime contaminated with iron oxide, clay, organic matter etc.
and forms rocky beds. Chalk exists in plants and can be oh..
tained by reducing them fo ashes. In the animal kingdom it is
found in the hard parts of Corals and in oyster shells. Thus
it exists in all the three kingdoms of' Nature. Carbonate of
lime is an ordinary ingredient of mineral and common waters.
In crystallized form it is known as calcareous spar. The crusts
which envelop crabs and lobsters are made of carbonate of
lime mixed with phosphate of lime. In the bones of animals
they are met with in equal quantities. Chalk occurs in ir-
regular, white, amorphous pieces, sometimes as a powder.
Prepared chalk or Creta Praeparata is a native friable car-
bonate of lime freed from impurities by elutriation i.e., the
chalk is powdered, washed with water, decanted and allowed
to subside. The sediment left is a pure carbonate of lime
free from soluble salines and flinty and sandy matters. Pre-
pared chalk or Cretae (Fr.-Craie. Ger.-Kreide. Hind.-
Khariya. Ben.-Khari) ~dministered internally neutralises
the free acid, of the gastric juice; it is 'useful in dyspepsia due
to acidity of the stomach, and to check sour eructations; in
gout with excessive uric acid and in rickets (rachitis) with a
deficiency of lime in tlie system. Dose 'is 5 to 20 grains of the
powder. Prepared chalk is an antidote to poisoning by mine-
rals. Externa11y chalk 'is' used: as a -desiccant, absorbent and
an antacid; 'useful in slight abrasions and burns, intertrigo
of children, and erysipelous inflammations. For scalds whIch
have much injured the skin, application of chalk ointment .is
useful. lV[atron Crooks recommends for burns the application
of a mixtuye of chalk and linseed or olive oil with the ad.dition
of vinegar just enough to ieduce it to the consistency of treacle
or thin honey. ~ach "renewal is said to bring "fresh relief
and 11 ;most gratifying coolness".-(Health, Nov. 1925). In
~ .•

purulent discharges from ulcers, in combination with burnt

cocoanut shell it is u~eful; it brings about a healthy action and
lessens the discharge.'
Red Cha1k is a ~i'nd of earth of red colour; Lat.-:Ferrttrn
Haematite (Sans.-~uvarl1a Gairika. Ben.-Lalgiri-mati.
Hind.-Sitageru. Eng.-Red Ochre. Fr.-Ocre rouge). It
consists of the mixture of the hydrated sesqui-oxides of iron
with various earthy materials Pl'incipally Kaolin and Quartz.
It is used as an antidote to arsenical poisoning. It is qsweet,
astringent, cooling, antibilious, anti-phlegmatic" generative of
bile, preventive of haemorrhage and beneficial in hiccup, piles,
vitIated blood, poison and burns. The electuary prepaTed
with its powder and honey instantly relieves the hiccup of
children.-(N. N. Sen Gupta).


Calcii hydroxidum; Cal!;!ium. hydroxide; Calci hydror
xide; C~lcium hydrate. (Eng.~Slaked lime. Sans.-Churna.
Hind'.-Chuna. Ben.-Ghun. Pttnj.-Kalai. Gttj.-Chuno.
Tam.-Chunambu. TeL-Sunna. Arab;-'-Kils; Ahu. Pers.-
Nurah. Bttrm.-'-Thon:..phiyu) enters into the composition of
numerous compound powders and used in the cure of
dyspepsia. Locally it is applied to tumours and warts. Lime
water is prepared by adding two ounces of slaked lime to a
gallon of water and decanting off the supernatent dear fluid
after the whole mixture has been allowed to stand for a time.
-(Chopra). Lime water given internally forms a good antacid
in dyspepsia and heart-burn; it is given with milk to children in
acidity of the stomach. Dose. is 1 to 4 drachms, for children.
Another form called the Saccharated solution of lime, better I

adapted for administration to infants and children, is prepared

by carefully miXing together in a mortar one ounce of slaked
lime and two ounces of powdered white sugar and adding this
to a pint of water and shaking well and allowing it to stand
for some hours. The supernatent liquid should be kept in a
we11 stoppered bottle. Dose is 15 to 20 drops in milk twice or
thrice daily. The uses of lime water are many and varied:-In

acidity of the: stomach, in heart-burn, in those forms 6f diges-

tion due to acidity of the stomach and of indigestion, when the
urine is scanty and high colored and when vomiting and acid
eructations are prominent symptoms, lime water is best given
in milk, in doses of H to 2 ounces of the lime water. In diar-
rhoea arising from acidity it is best given in a solution of' gum
arabic or other mucilage; in obstinate cas\eS 10 drops of lau-
aanum may be added to each dose . • It may also be advan-
tageously combine,d with omum water. In chronic dysentery
the same treatment in addition t6 enemas of lime water diluted ,
with an equal part of tepid milk or mucilage has been bene-
ficial. In the diarrhoea and vomiting' 'of infants' and young
children, resulting froni artificial feeding one part of lime water
diluted with four to six parts of milk is suitable ahd the sac-
charated solution of lime interhaily is also of great s'ervice. 'Ob-
stinate vomiting, diarrhoea, in consumption, in po~soning by
mineral acids, vomitIng' attenda~t on the advanced stages' of
fever, even the black'Voinii\ of yellow fever, and pyrosis or
vlaterbrash sometimes yield to a few ,doses of lime water 4 or
5 ounces being added to a pint of milk. In scrofula and in
those cases in which abscesses and ulcers are continually
forming, and also in cases of wart§ Qf children, lime water in
doses of half ounce in milk three or four times a day and
preserved for some time hqs proved beneficial to some extent.
In consumption as we'll as in diabetes lime water and rrillk
has been strongly recommended as 'an ordinary beverage. In
poisoning by any mineral acids, and al~o arsenic] lime water
given plentifully in milk is an antidote. Externally, "Cald-
urn popularly used in the form of lime-water, is a w~ll-known
lemedy in all inflammatory swellings"~(Chopr'a), in pruritus
ani and pudendi (distressing irritation of the genital org~llis),
bathing the parts well with tepid lime water three or four
times a day affords much relief. Leucorrhoea and' other vagi-
nal discharges have in some instances been mi"ti~ated and even
cured by the use of injections of a mixture 6f 1 part 6f lime
water to 2 or 3 parts 'Of w~ter. Scrofulous and other ulcers
with much discharge hav~' been found to improve unde'r the
Use of lime water as' a local applicatIon. For 'syphilitic uicers
or chancres one ·of the best applications i~; a inl.xttite' 6f lhue

water half a pint and calomel 30 grains (commonly known as

Black Wash); it is, cpnstantly applied to the part by means of a
piece of lint or clean rag moistened with it. Many forms of
skin diseases attended with much secretioIl; ,and vy-ith. ~~eat
irritation or burning, burns and scalds, and sore or cracked
nipples are benefited by using lime water as ~n emollient,
either pure or conjoined with some bland oil Diluted with
equal p~n:ts of water or ~ilk it forms a useful injection: ,in
discharges from the nose and ears occurring in scrofulous and
other children. For thread worms in children, enemas of '3
or 4, ounces of lime water -repeated two or three times have
sometimes effected a cure. To burns and scalds lime liniment
called Carrpn oil, composed of equal parts of lime water and a
bland oil (oliye' oiL or -sesarnUIll oil, perferably linseed ,oil)
thoroughly sha.ken well together so as to form a; uniform mPe-
ture is a popular r~medy;. the parts scalded sho,uld be kept
covere9, with rags constantly wetted with the liniment. Thjs
liniment on cotton wool applied. to the pustules of small pox
is said to prevent pitting.


Calcium Oxide .or, Calx or Lime Ko (Sans.-Sudha;
Shudhakshara. Eng.-Burnt lime; quicl<.lime; caustic lime.
Hind. & Ben.-Kalik~-chuna; Chun;:tm. Arab.-Kilo;
Apag. Pers.-Ahaka-nurch. Punj. & Kash.-Ch:tma; Chun.
Guj.-Kalichuno. Mah, & Kon.-Chunno. Can.-$unna. Tam.
& Tel.-Chunnambu;, KaI:-shunnambu. T.e~.-Sunnam; Rall~­
sunnamu. Mal.-Nur:a. Bt~r1l'1.-H'tonphia. Si:nn,.-Hunnoo.
Malay.-Kapor) is an alka.!ine eru:th occurring in both the
miner:al anq vegetaple kingdoms. In the mineral ~ingdom it
is found .combined iJ,1 the form of carRo.nate, sulph~te, phps-
phate, silicate, and bibo;rate of lime. FloW,s!mr is a combina-
tion of lime with fluorine etc. In the vegetable kingdom it is
fQund in combination with vegetabl,e acids. It i;:; obt~ined py
calcination or by burning chalk, m~I:Qle or lime !itone with
coal or coke in a wind furnace known as kiln. It exi,sts in
light lumps of dir,ty wh~te colouI:; it slakes rapidly if water is


ured upon it, leaving a white, bulky powder. Lime is made

rroorn burnt shell or Hme stone. Its action is antacid. It is of
a pungent, acid and caustic taste and slightly soluble in water.
It is called slaked lime (Calcium hyiJ,rate) and the water
above is lime water. Slaked lime, the residue left after re-
moving lime water is a soft white powder of a strong alkaline
taste and reaction. Lime water is obtained by pouring water
on recently burnt lime, or when vapour ceases to bE;! dis-
engaged set it aside to cool., It. is also obtained by adding,
water to slaked lime and shaking well for a few minutes and
allowing it to settle down for about twelve hours. The
supernatent liquor is lime water. Quick lime shell or
unsl aked lime is used as a caustic. A paste made qf q4ick
lime and pearl ash e,qual parts is a useful application to remoVe
warts. An ointment prepared py mixing ~ell 3 parts of
butter and 1 part of, wet chunam, lightly, applied ~o develop-
ing witlow, twice dCJ,ily, morning and €\l,ening, .cures it. Mixed
with sulphuret. of arsenic ~t is used. as a cure for: indolent 1.llcers.
In ringworm or Dhobie's itGh an applicCJ,tion made of quick,
lime 1 ounce apd precipitateq s1.llphus two OUI\ces boiled in
15 ounces of water 4ntil reduced to 10 ounces and then thf)
water decanted, i~ used every night for three or fpur days
for a cure. In combinat\on with sulphuret of sodium, sul-
phuret of b?rium or sulphlJ.ret of arsenic in the proportion Qf
3 to 1, it is used to remove superfluous hair. For tbis purpose
a paste made of quicklime 4 parts, yellow orpiment 2 parts,
seeds of Butea frondosa 2 and Calotropis gigentea 3 parts is
in general use. It is also useful to destroy noevi and is a
useful caustic application on the bites of rabid dogs. In
neuralgic headache, applied to the 'part, it gives relief; applied
to relieve painful and gouty joints. For this purpose a paste
made of quick lime' 2 parts and the gum re~in of Ga~cinia
pictoria or morella (gamboge) 3 parts is used. Quicklime is
also useful in jaundice, acidosis, urinary trouble and enlarged

20. CALCII Sl,JLPHAS (CaSo42H20), or

(Sa11s.-Saniirahat. Eng.-Alabaster; Plaster of Pads;
Exsiccated Calcium Sulphate; Gypsum; Satin Spar. Sind._
Karicheri. Pers.-Sangmakrani. Hind.-Sufed Pathar. GUj.
-Gabhana. Mah.-Godanti; Haratala) in primitive form oc-
curs generally in long, :flat; dirty-white or 'alabaster' whiteness,
transparent scales, crystals or regular four-sided prisms, and
is an hydrous sulphate finely grained, cut to the shape of an
egg, having a fibrous structure and a pearly opalescenc~.
Action:-Plaster of Pads is coollng, antacid and astringent.
For medicinal purposes it is prepared by overburning and
then: grinding the ashes and is then known as Piaster of Paris
(Latin.-Gypsum selenite; Hind.-Kulnar) or carbonate of
lime. Plaster of Paris is used to retain broken bones in <1:
fixed position. In fracture of the limbs and ribs and in
diseases of the spine it 'is useful. Carbonate of lime-ash i~
well rubbed in curd and then locally appli~d to painful and
swollen parts or to the chest with reHef. Internally it is an I

astringent and antacid and is useful in menorrhagia and aci-

dity of the stomach? and is given as gr_uel in feyer. In_ inflam- I

mation -round the ear, a paste made of -Carbonate of lime 5,

alum 5 arid Gile-armuni (Silicate of alumina, magnesia and
oxide of 'iron) 4 parts 'is applied outside the ear; in otorrhoea
it may be dropped into the ear.


(Eng.-Wood charcoal; Medicinal charcoal. Hind.-
Lakrika,.koyelah. Du_k'.~Lakrika kolsa. Ben.-Kash-tha-
koyala. l\1ah.-Lakdacha-kolsa. Gu1,.-Lakdu-koelo. Puna.
-Koilah., Kash,-Tsuing. Tam.-Aduppu-kari. Tel.--,-Katta-
boggu. Mql.-Muttikari. Can.-Kattige-iddalu. Burm.-
Then-muswe. Sinh.-Anguru. Malay-Ahrang) is an impoIlt-
ant article from the sanitqry, medical as well as economical
point of view. It is used as a deodoriser in sickrooms by
hanging this muslin bags loosely filled with roughly powdered
charcoal; the cha~coal req,P-ires to be renewed occasionally.

Water is purified by boiling it with a good-sized piece of

freshly prepared charcoaL Charcoal is used in: respirators
and sewer traps to protect from poisonous gases. It also
forIUS an excellent filter placed in alternate layers with river
sand. Finely powdered charcoal mixed with fine powder of
the Areca or Betel nut forms an excellent toothpowder. Char-
coal poultice made by adding finely powdered charcoal to a
common rice poultice in the proportion of one part of the
former to three or four of the latter, with a little
charcoal powder also sprinkled over the surface of the poultice
is an esteemed application to foul ulcers ana wounds. An
efficient charcoal poultice is made up of 2 ounces 'of bread
crumb boiled in 10 ounces of water for 10 minutes, then H-
ounces of linsee,d meal or dce flbur added and the whole
stirred t.o form a poultice to which t ounce of wood charcoal .is
finally added, and ·a like quantity of dry charcoal is sprinkled
over the surface of the PQultice~ It corrects bad odour and
stimulates healthy action. Internally a mixture of charcoal
and rhubarb powder 5 grains each is given after food in dys-
pepsi~ with benefit; also in flatulence and acidity of the stomach
and intestinal tract; a.1so in diarrhoea, dysentery' and typhoid
fever cha:t:coal powder is. used internally as antiseptic and
stimul~lI1t, in:. bi?cuit or capsule$. The most palatable way is
to mix it wit.b. chocolate., pose is 1 to 2 drachms. Charcoal'
of Butea fron<:}osa has th~ property of decolorising like animal
charcoal. pry char,~oal h::l.s the. power of condensing. oxygen
withiI). its pOres which then becomes a powerful oxidiser
rapidly destroying organic substances.· When thoroughly
wetted it loses this power.

Sa:ns.-~amrai Slw.lya; Ravi; Mlec;hhil-m,uka. Eng.-
Copper. Arab.-Nehass. Fr.-Cuivre. GE:!r.-Kupf~r. Pers.
--Misa. Hind.-Tamba, B?ng ..,-Tama. Assam.~T?-m, Guj.
-Trambo. Mah. & Ko.n.:_Tambay. ;Ta:m.-Shembu. T?l.-:-
Tamberam; Ragi. Ca:n.-Tambra. Mal.-Tamhaga.; Burm.~,
Kyani. .

Source.-Found extensively free in the metallic state and

also in various combinations as sulphide in copper pY-rltes
and as carbonate, ph6sphate,. and arsenate; with-oxygen as
cuprous or red oxide and as, cupric or black oxide. Copper
ores are found in se~eral of the independent States of Raj~
putC\na, and in the districts of Ajmer, Singbhum and Hazari~
bag (Bengal). In. minute quantities it is found in natural
springs and in the animal and vegetable organisms.

Characters.-A brilliant, sonorous, ductile metal of a

reddish colour; impure copper is black; when mixed with ifn;
purities it breaks on being hammered. Copper is a good
conductor of. heat and electricity. Its chief solvent is nitric
acid. Its most important alloys are four.-(l) Brass (an alloy
of copper with 25-40% of zinc). (Sans. & Indian Languages:- ,
Pittal. Pers.-Biring. Tel.-Atdi. Can.-Hittali). After,
purified and reduced it is said to 'be "saltish, bitter, cool and
beneficial in jaundice, wormS and spleen."-(N. N. Sen
Gupta). Calx of this' compound metal is used as tonic and
alterative. A preparation called '''Pittul Bhasma" is advertised
as astringent, expectorant and diuretic useful in bleeding piles,
anaemia, colic, asthma and> other hmg complaints. Dose is 2
to 4 grains with milk; Brass is of two kinds-'Ritika' and
r'~ '~'l" ,.:r. 'E,.:akatundi'. The former on being' heated and plunged into
I, ~'~!" ,~:::-,;~ '~' r gruel turns copper-coloured. BrasS', Which is heavy,
': ,
;::e".;.:,"', "~'=:.i. of yellow colour, ca.pab~e: ~f resisting strokes': is to be r:~
. ~ \!. '-:;;;;:: Imended. Brass, whICh IS hght and of offenSIve odour, IS
J'.-,cu' "C' '. "=,
'~~.;t~,='. ': good for medicinal purposes. Brass, smeared
',<3 '~i '~~ ':h a paste of lemon juice, orpiment ahd sul-
> ::l ;.~ . ~=~ ur and roasted 8 times, is reduced to ashes. The pro-
~"X:.,,)=: S of killing brass is the same as that of copper.-(Sir P. C.
'~ , .. '=J-~ y's H. of H. Ch., Vol. I, Page 114). (2) Bronze (Sans.-
«, ''):'( ~. nsa; Kansya. Pers.-Roeen; Taliqun) contains 12 p.c. of
'_, ~>: ~~, also a little zihc, copper and lead; (3) Bell metal (an
alloy of copper, zinc, tin and antimony) (Sans.-Kansa. Pers.
-Tualiqun. Hind. & Ben.-Kansa. Guj.-Kanso. Mah. &
Kon.-Kanshe. Tel. & Can.-Kanchu) contains 25 p.c. of tin.
Bell-metal is also made by melting together 8 parts of copper
and 2 parts of tin. "It is completely killed by being ro~sted

5 times with sulphur and orpiment.-(Sir p" C. Ray).

(4) German Silver, an all?y of copp~r, zinc .an~ nick~l. Bell
metal and Brass' are sometimes used m combmatIOn With other
metals as for example, in the preparation called "Nityananda
Rasa." They are regarded as tonic 'and alterative. They are
purified and reduced to powder in the same way as copper.
Vartaloham:-is produced from Brass, copper, bell-metal,
iron and lead; hence it is regarded by metallurgists as an alloy-
of 5 metals ........ It is killed with the aid of sulphur and
orpiment.-(Sir P. C. Ray).
"There is a copp~r or~, bornite or erubescite (Cu3FeSjl)
which, on account of its peculiar colour and iridescence, is
known as 'peacock' ore. It occurs ip several parts of India",
_(Sir P. C. Ray, in H. of H. Ch., Vol I, Page 138).
Preparations.-Thin plates of copper which can be pierced
by a pin are purified by being boiled in cow's urine for three
hours; then reduced to powder by smearing the thin leaves
with a paste of sulphur and lemon juice and beating them into
a mass aneJ exposing to heat in a covered crucible within a
sand-bath for 12 hours. The powder thus produced is rubbed
with Kanjiku (fermented rice or paddy liquor) and made into
a ball which is intI:Oduced into a tuber of Amorphophallus
campanulatus as in a crucible and roasted. When cool take
out the ball and powder; tfie sulphide of copper thus produced
is innocuous; this last process is called Amritakarana which
makes copper fit' for internal use, freeing it from its toxic
effects of causing purging, vomiting, vertigo etc. The copper
powder (Tamra Bhasma) is a dark-black powder, somewhat
,gritty to the feel. Another method of preparing .Copper
Rhasma is by rubbing together mercury! and sulphur 2 parts
in the juice of Calotropis gigentea and adding old copper coins
(which are. supposed to be of purer copper than new ones) and
submitting the whole to processes of oxidation and calcination
as in the preparation of gold or silver bhasm,a. Dose is ! to
1 grain. As alterative, the dose is 2 to 4 grains. As emetic,
in cases of poisoning, the dose is 24 grains with sugar or honey.
Action.,-Astringent, sedative, antispasmodic, alterative,
antiseptic, emetic and purgative. In small doses it is astrin-

gent; in large doses .it is alterative and in. very large doses it
it> emetic. Copper is absorbed from the stomach, intestines
.and mucous membranes probably as a colloid and stored up
~ the liver, small amounts being found also in the spleen and
kidneys. It is excreted by the liver, kidneys and the salivary
and intestinal glands.' Colloidal copper increases activity of
cell-metabolism-(Dr. Gers. Med. Press' 1910).

Uses.;-Copper enters into the composition of several medi-:-

cines for ague, remittent and relapsing fevers,. heart disease,
skin diseases, phthisis, enlarged spleen etc. Copper is used
in combination with aconite and the juice of dhatura leaves,
in epilepsy, gout and rheumatism; also in chronic skiIi diseases,
leprosy, asthma,·chronic diarrhoea and gonorrhoea. As anti-
septic copper salts are good in diarrhoea and bacterial infec-
tions e;g. Bacilli Coli. Owing to its antiseptic qualities an-
cient Hindus preserved water in bright copper vessels (Tamra-
patraJ. Externally, Tamra-Bhasma is r'ecommended in Ayur-
veda for local application in piles, leprosy; skin-diseases, and
ozoena. Modern researches have shoWn colloidal copper to
be useful in cancer. It diminishes pain and produces marked
improvement~ Internally prepared copper in small doses (gr.
1 to 2) is considered valuable for chronic diarrhoea and sprue
-even cholera. Copper is highly poisonous to lower forms
of plant life, but not so on the higher forms of either plant or
aIlimallife. Copper has been used "in all forms of cholera and
diarrhoea with uniform success and satisfaction. Its greatest
usefulness is in the prevention of all these diseases, the most
important of which is typhoid fever"-(C. Wifekofi Cummins
in Jour. of Med. Soc. of N. J., June 1912). The effect of 1/24
grain of copper sulpho.-caz:bolate on choleraic diseases is mar-
vellous; all of the serious symptolllSJ abate in a -few hours,
When using the copper nothing is used to con-
trol the diarrhoea directly unless it seems to be too
debilitating. ThEm a little camphorated tincture '0£ opium is
added and perhaps some cinnamon. In flatulent swelling of
~ntestines and Tabes Mesenterjca (Gulma), prepared copper
in two-grain doses rubbed with ginger juice and enclosed in
betel leaf is use£u~- (Rasendrasara Sangraha). A compound

preparation known as Gulma Kalanala Rasa is recommended

in this disease; it is given in dosesi of 8 grains on empty
stomach mixed with honey and a decoction of chebulic myro-
bolans. As antiseptic, prepared copper is useful in small
intestinal worms-(Rajanighantu); it may be .tried in hook-
worm. The same recommends it in acid dyspepsia as an
alterative, sedative and antiseptic. Prepared copper in small
doses is useful in bronchitis as an expectorant and also prob-
ably for its effect on the bronchial nerves. This (Tamra
bhasma) "was tried given with honey in a few cases of asthma
and bronchitis and found to give relief in those cases"-(Ind.
Drugs Report, Madras). As an emetic in large doses it is
useful to expel excessive mucous from respiratory tract; also
in asthmatic fits caused by the Vagus reflex. For this, Shar-
angadhara recommends a preparation of copper named Surya-
vanta Rasa. IIi phthisis also it is recommended. In this
disease Nighantu Ratmi.kar recommends a preparation called
Tamraparpati in -! to 2 grain doses. In modern times Luton
has reported favourably on the use of copper in tuberculosis.
-(Prevo M~d., Dec. 1912). Jalodarari Rasa containing copper
and 1/3 grain of croton seed with other ingredients in each
pill is recommended in ascites and dropsy.
In case of acute poisoning from use of unprepared Copper
(no case of poisoning from the "rectified" copper preparations.
of Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia is known to have occurred) with
violent gastro-intestinal symptoms, potassium ferro-cyanide
should be given at once followed by demulcents such as milk
and ghee or infusion of Isaphgol. To relieve pain applr
counter-irritant over abdomen and give opium. For chronic
poisoning produced by taking small quantities for a long time,
with symptoms of ga~tro-intestinal irritation, pharyngeal and
laryngeal catarrh, anaemia and wasting l profuse perspiration
and nervouS symptoms,-Saline purgatives for daily evacua-
tion, large quantities of milk and ghee and freshly made in-
fusion of Isaphgol are to be given.



(Sans.-Sasyaka; Tutta; Nella tutia; Tuttham; Mayura

tuttham; Sikhigrivam. Eng.-Verdigris; Crude Copper sul-
phate or Copper acetate; Basic Copper acetate; Blue cop-
peras; blue stone; Roman vitrioL Beng.-Tutia. Hind. & Pun;.
-Nila-thotha; Nila tuta. Guj. & Duk-Mor-tutta. Malay.-
Toorshi; Turi. Burm.-Doutha. Tam.-Mayil-tuttam; Tut;.
tam turichi. Tel.-Mayilu-tuttam. Can. & Kon.-Mayil-tuttu.
Sinh.-Palmanikam. Arab.-Zajul-akhzar. Pers.-Zake-sabz)
is prepared by roasting copper pyrites with sulphur, dissolv-
ing the roasted mass in water and evaporating the solution to
obtain the dark-blue crystals of the sulphate. Copper sul-
phate occurs in blue crystalline masses. "Blue vitriol is in-
deed a semimetal of copper as it i~i derived from copper"-
(Bhavaprakash). The stuff obtained from the bazar is usually
impure. It may be purified by dissolving in: water and re-
crystallising, and for internal use it is purified by being rubbed
with honey and/or ghee and exposed to heat in a crucible; it
is then soaked for three days in whey or water, and -dried
in the sun. Copper sulphate thus prepared will be free from
.toxic effects and will not produce vomiting. Its incompatibles
are alkalies, lime water, mineral salts (except sulphates) and
most vegetable astringents. It is a powerful astringent, eme-
tic and antiseptic; externally stimulant, styptic and mild
caustic. Dose, as an astringent is 1/8th to 2 grains; as an
emetic it is 5 grains, used in CaSeIj of poisoning by narcotics
such as opium, nux vomica, arsenic etc. In chronic diarrhoea
and dysentery, purified copper sulphate in doses of i to 2
grains is beneficial; and in the diarrhoea of the advanced
stages of phthisis, copper sulphate and opiU1l1 ! grain of each
in pill form, mixed with honey is given thrice daily. It is con-
tained in medicines named Grahanikapata Rasa which is use-
ful in bowel diseases such as chronic diarrhoea and dysentery
and Especially sprue,; in Garbha1:Hlasa Rasa or Sutikabindu
(Ras,endrasarasangraha) which are recommended for puer-
peral diseases like puerperal diarrhoea, and indigestion during
pregnancy; in Jayamangala Rasa, Mahamrityunjaya Lauha,

putapakwavisamajwarantaka Lauha, Jvarankusha (Bhava-

prakash) and Chaturthakari (Bhaisajyatantra) which are
used in intermittent and relapsing fevers with enlarged spleen
and liver. In cases of diarrhoea in children a mixture ma,de
of copper sulphate 2i' grains, Ajowan water 2 ounces is useful
in doses of a teaspoonful thrice daily. In caseS of diphtheria
and croup in children a solution of copper sulphate (5 grains
to an ounce of water) in teaspoonful doses every ! hour till
vomiting is produced, is useful. In cases of poisoning, copper
sulphate 4 grs. dissolved in hot water is given every few:
minutes till vomiting occurs. Externa~ly copper sulphate is
applied to indolent ulcers, exuberant granulations, sinuses
and fistula in ano in solid or preferably liquid form as solution:
(2 grains gradually increased to 10 in an ounce of water). An
ordinary "pichu" or clean cotton or a piece of cloth boiled in
Samundra lavana 1 tola in 1 measure or Padi of water, and
these cloth pieces preserved in wide-mouthed glass bottles so
as not to be contaminated with dust, are used in lieu of gauze
etc., as dressings for wounds. Where sodhana is required,
these cotton' pieces may be dripped in a solution of Tutha
(copper sulphate) 1 grain to 4 ounce:; of solution, and applied.
For foul and obstinate indolent ulcers, Chakradatta recom-
mends an ointment of copper. An ointment known as Oleatum
Cupri (B.P.) is highly recommended in parasitic diseases of
the skin, in ringworm, indolent ulcers etc. In prickly heat
a solution of copper sulphate in rose water (1 in 50) often
gives relief. In ringworm an ointment made of copper sul-
phate 10 grains, powdered galls 1 dr. and an ounce of ceromel,
rubbed on the affected parts, though it smarts, is very effec-
tive. In eye diseases, Chakradatta' recommends a weak solu-
tion of Copper sulphate (1 in 500) to be dropped into the eye
in opacity of the cornea. A half per cent solution (copper
sulphate 2 grains, alum 2 grains and water one ounce) may be
used in conjunctivitis and ophthalmia with copious discharge.,
In haemorrhage from the nose (i.e., epistaxis) and other forms
of bleeding from mucous 'qurfaces, solution of copper sulphate,
4 grains to 1 ounce of water, is effective as' a nasal douche
even when alum fails. If there is excessive bleeding from
wounds, due to leech-bite, application of a little powdered

copper sulphate is useful when alum fails. In leucorrhoea

and gonorrhoea it. may pe used as an astringent and antiseptic
vaginal or urethral injection. In ulceration of the mouth
copper sulphate 2 grains in a little honey may be applied to the
ulcers. In cases of poisoning by opium, dhatura, nux-vomica,
Cocculus indicus, aconite, arsenic etc., (where immediate
emptying of the stomach is, necessary and not in other cases)
copper sulphate solution (5 grains in a pint of tepid water)
given at a draught acts promptly as a good emetic; this may
be repeated a second or third time if necessary. Vomiting
is promoted by <!opious draughts of warm water. If the sul-
phate causes any unpleasant effects the white of egg is the
best remedy. In cases of burns from phosphorus, cotton pads
soaked in 1 per cent solution of copper sulphate are useful;.
this immediately coats the phosphorus with a black layer and
renders it inert".-(Dr. D. C. Walton-J. Amer. Med. Assoc.).
For spongy gums Aksir-ul-Imraj recommends an application
made of copper sulphate, alum, pellitory root, black pepper"
each 2 maskas and honey 1 tola; it is to be applied to the,
gums. Vaidyas prepare a collyrium called ((Tutham" or
."Tuttaniana" made. of copper sulphate and root of C. luteum.

Sans.-Lauha; Hyam. Eng.-Iron. Arab.-Hadida. Pers.
~Ahana. Urdu.-Lohchun. Hind., Ben. & Duk.-Loha.
Guj.-Lodhun. Mah. & Kon.-Lokhand. Can.-Kabbina.
Tam.-Irimbu. Tel.-Inumu. S'inh.-Yekada. Burm.-
Than. Malay.-Basi.
Source.-Rarely met with free in nature', though very
widely distributed in both the organic aQd inorganic king-
doms. Found in nearly all rocks, soils, etc., variomJy cOPl-
bined with oxygen as haematite, magnetic iron ore etc., with
sulphur as iron-pyrites, and as carbonate of iron, in. spathic
iron; in the ashes of plants and even the blood (red corpuscle:?
of the blood) of animals; also in the bile, chyle, gastric juice,
lymph, milk, pigment of the eye and in the urine.

Classification.-According to Rasaratna Samuchchaya

there are three \rarieties of iron:-(l) C~ast or Wrought Iron
(Mundam) , which is again sub-divided into three varieties:
(a) Mridu is that variety of iron which easily melts, does not
break and is glossy; (b) Kuntham, that which expands with
difficl,llty when struck with a hammer, and (c) Kadaram, that
'&hich br:eaks when struck with a hammer and has a bla*
fracture. (2) Steel, i.~., properly cast-iron; (Tik,shnam)----
which is again of six varieties: (a) Khara-rough, free ftorr\
hair-like lines and on breaking ,shows the lustre of quicksilver.
and break easily py pending; (b) Sara-the variety which,
breaks in the side~ by hammering; it h?s hair-like lines and
is a product of brown soil; (G) ?:r,innala-it i~ b1ac;k in c<;>lqurT,
shows seed or beak-like • lines_'
and is yery difficult , tot ,cut;·
j ...

(d) Bajir Lu"uhrt-it is of sky colo~ and shows thin line~,~

(e) Tarabatta-not described; (f) Kala or Kalayasa;-blue.,
black colour, ,brilliant, plain, heavy and does, not break even.
by striking, with an' iron. hCllJ1Iller. (3) Wrought iron,
(Kantam); Its charaders:-"It poss~~ses oI).e, t~o; three, four
or five faces, and qften many more faces, (with which tq attract
iron) and is of yellow, blac}} and red colour ,respectively. It
is also su'Qdivided into five varieties;~(a) Bhramaka-"~h~i
variety which makes all kind~ of iy;on move about";,
(b) Chumb~ka-"t}lat whjch kisses any oth~r :piece of irpn";~
(c) Karshaka-iithat which attracts another pIece of i1;"on''';
(d) Dravaka-"that ~which can at once melt other sorts of
iron", and (e) Romakanta,-Ftha~ whic;h when broken, .sho,ois
forth hair-like filaments". Of ,all varieties described abov~
Bhramaka and Chumbaka are well suited in curing diseases;
Karshaka and Drav,aka, i11 RasayQna for rebuilding of the' lost
tissues of the system. Romakanta: is.,best s,uited in bindin,g Q:r;
treating mercury. "Mercury i§ like !m ir}tqxicated ,elephant
and Ka:ntam is like the bent h99k wh~r~wi1;h to restraiI.J., i,1:.,
The wise man digs it out of the mines. That which has re-
inained. exposed to the sun and the atmosphere is to' be a~oid­
~d".-(Rasarn.ava). '''if water IS ke!,Jt in a vessel and 'oii
poured over it: and the oil do~s not spread about; if asafoetid~
gives up its odour, and decoction·o{Melia azadirachta ,'(nJe~j
Its bitterness, and milk beIng boiled' in it, 'does 'not overthrow

'but rises high like a peak--if such be the characteristics of the

vessel, know that it is, jIllade of Kanta iron (Kanta Lauha).-,
(Sir P. C. Ray's H. of H. Ch., Vol. I, p. 109), Kanta Lauha is
recommended for use. ip preparation of medicines.
Purification.-Iron IS purified by the following methods:-
(1) It is first of all beaten into thin plates, which are then
heated in fire and when red-hot, plunged into the following
liquids one at a time:--oil, whey, conjee, cow's urine and a
decoction of Dolichos uniflorus. This is repeated three times j":
in succession. (2) To get rid of impurities, boil one and half
seer of water, reducing to quarter and then soaking in it half
a seer of thin plates of cast iron which have l;>een previously
heated. Repeat the process seven times. (3) "Powdered iron
is to be macerat~d a while in the ~ecoction of the three 'ltl-yrp-
bilans, (triphala), in cow's urine and then to be mixed up
with clarified butter and f:d.ed in an earthen vessel and
stirred with an iron rod until a blade of straw thrown over it
catches fire. The iron powder is to be pounded and the
above process repeated five times. Or, iron is roasted four
times in a covered crucible with the decoction of the myro-
balans and is reduced to fine powder. ~aves of Tik~hna
'iron (steel or cast~iron) are rep~afedly to be heated and
plunged into water and then to pe powdered in a stone mortar
with an iron pestle ... The 'powder of iron thus obtained is to
be roasted twenty times in a covered crucible in combination
With mercury' and sulphur, and after each roasting tpe powder
of iron is to be pounded as directed above"""":iron t4us r~duced
to ashes is to be used in medicine.

Take one part of iron and twentieth part of its weight of

cinnabar and rub them witft lemon juice -and sour gruel and
roast the mixture in a covered crucible. The operation being
repeated 40 times, Kantam, tikshnam and mundam are killed.

Take; of mercury ~ part, sulphur 2 parts and iron-powder

3 parts and rub the:g1 with the juice of India!). (lloe and afteli
~ -hours transfer the mass to a brass-vessel and cover. it with
the leayes of the castor-oil plant. At the end of an hour and
·a half the mass will become heated. It is then buried under

a heap of paddy grains and taken. out after three days and
then powdered very fine and the contents passed through
linen. All the three varieties of iron are thus completely
kiIled.-(Sir P. C. Ray's H. of H. Ch., Vol. 1, pp.109-110).
Tests for Killed Iron.-"Killed iron is that which in the
shape of impalpable powder floats on water and when rubbed
between the thumb and the fore-finger enters the lines; which
on being mixed with treacle, Abrus precatorius, honey and
ghee, and heated, does not revert to the natural state; which
floats on water and does not sink down even when heavy
things like paddy grainl> are placed over it.
Killed iron is that which on being heated with silver does
not mix (or ctUoy) with it.-(Sir P. C. Ray's H. of H. Ch.,
Vol. I, p. 119).
Characters of Prepared Iron (OxIdes of Iron).-It is a fine
impalpable powder of a dar~ reddish brown colour which
floats on water.
Preparation, of. Lauha Bhasma.-;-The most easy method
of reduction of iron is by soaking it for seven successive days
in the juice of pomegranate or Jam leaves and drying it in
the sun. Then the iron is roasted (by putas) as usual. By
this. method only 6 to 10 putas are sufficient for efficient reduc-
tion of iron:-;-,D.ose is 6 to 12 grains.
Action.-Iron improves the quality .of blood. Iron pro-
duces constipatfon and this is why it was recommended to be
adrniriistered with Triphala powder. Iron stimulates the func-
tional activitY of all the organs of the body and. is therefore
a valuable general tonic. La'l,fha Bhasma is a powerful altera-
tive, astringent, tonic and restorative.
Uses;.;;_Iron and its preparations are generally given with
cer1;ain selected, vehicles. In consumption it is given with
black pepper and long pepper. In hectic fever Lauha, Bhasm.a
is given with honey and dry ginger. In gonorrhoea it is given
with guggula. As a haematinic tonic prepared iron is used,
in many diseases:-Anaemia and chlorosis:,-Iron is of great
vallte in· both simple. and secohdary anaemias. The benefit is:

specially marked in cases. of chlorosis and in anaemia caused

by malaria, kala-azar, chronic discharges or repeated passiVe
haemorrhage. Among ~he various preparations Navayasa
Lauha is very useful and -isl very commonly used in all forms
of. anaemia; it is prepared thus:-Take of pre!_lar:ed iron 9
parts, ~inger, Icing pepper, black pepper, t:uber of Cyperus
rotundus, Plumbago root, each 1 part; !_lowder and mix. bos~
in 4 grains with honey. The dose is increased gradually every
second day by 2 grains till the maximum dose of 16 grains is
reached-(Chakradatta). Guduchyadi Lauha is a similar
preparation with the only difference that it contains also
Gulancha. Lohasava is another similar preparation contain-
'ing, beE:ides the above drugs, triphala, ajwan and vavading.
It is' useful in anaemic dropsy and diseases of the s!_lleen. Dose
is i to 2 tolas. In secondary anaemia from chronic intermit-
tent fever, iron is very useful adjuvant to apti-pyretic drugs.
Vrihat Sarva-Jvara-hara-Lauha, Visama Jwarantaka-Lauha
and Jaya 'Mangala Rasa are 'well known prep~rati'ons contain-
ing iron and are commonly used. In haemorrhagic diseases
such as haemoptysis, haematuria, bleedIng from piles, etc.,
iron is commonly given with good results'. In leucorrhoea'
leading to anaemia, preparations containing iron are useful,.
Iron is a valuable' remedy in Bright's disease and not only"
·cures the anaemia but also lessens the albumin. It is usually
prescribed with Yavakshara, for which Tryushanadi Lauha re-
commended in Rasendrasara Sangraha is used. It contains:-
iron 4 parts, Yavakshara, ginger, long pepper & black pepper,
each 1 part, made. into 6 grain pills with water. It is useful.
also in chronic dyspepSIa with anaemia, scrofula and tuber-
~ ,~

culosis and in anaemia due to intestinal worms. Iron is of

'great value when given internally in some skin diseases, i.e.,
erysipelas, carbuncles and faruncufosis. Th(!' use of iron with
vegetables containing tannic acid, produces tannate of iron
which is insoluble ·.in water and it is a very strong illustration'
of chemical incompati1;>ility', But, Dr. ·H. C. Sen says "recent
investigations have shown that iron in its mineral state is not
absorbed. The only way in which it 'enters the system is as
vegetable or mineral compound. Large quantities of iron. db·
produce effect on anaemia. This is due to the power of iron

to educate the cells to take. irQn .from vegetables and animals.

I~on is not- absorbed in any other way. We have apout
46 grains of iron in our system. If it were not for this fact,
and 3 doses of ferri carbonas saccharatus ought to have cured
every case oJ anaemia. We know, however, that this is far.
from being true. The iron goes out with the faecal matter as
sulphide. The gradual effect of iron in anaemia is due to its
teaching the intestinal and other cells to do their duty of selec-
tion more cqrefully. Whq_t is t:t:ue of iron, is true of many
other things." A light diet of fine rice etc., .should be adppted,
and all indigestible food should be avoided during the use of
this medicine,. A preparation called Chandayw,dya Lauha is
recommended jn Rasendrasarasangraha for all sorts of chronic
intermittent fevers and fever with enlargeq. sple~n; it; co('l,tajns
iron, together with a number 9f vegetable drugs, all rubbed.
together. Dose is ten grains to be taken with the fresh juice
of Tinosppra cordifolia and Hedyo~is biflora. Rasayanam,rita
Leha is a confection containipg prepared ,iron and a .numberr
of vegetable medicin~s and rock S?lt prepared with the aid of
lemon juice, decoction of the myrobalans, sugar' and ghee is
useful in enlargement of abdominal visceral anaemia, jaundice
and chronic fever. Dose: is 1 to 2 to las. Visamajvarantaka
Lauha is also l,lseful in ~l,lch cases. It is prepared out of sub-
limed mercury' and sulphur, prepared gold, -prepared iron, cOP'i
' ~

per and talc; prepared tin, red ochre and corala, roasted pearls,
conchshell and bivalve shell, and beaten tog~ther into a mas~
with the aid of water, ?l).d the mas~ then enclosed within bi-
valve shells covered with ,a layer of clay and roasted lightly in
fire burning with cowdung cakes. Dose of this is four grains
given with the addition of long pepper, rock salt and asafoetida
each 4 grains and a little honey! daily in the mqrning. Seve-
ral preparations of iron are used in piles such as Mana Sura-
nadya Lauha, Arsari Lauha, Agnimukha Lauha etcl .. Mana
Suranadya Lauha is prepared thus:-Take of the root-stocks
of Colocasia indica and Amorphophallus campanulatus l of the,'
roots of Ipomoea tm:pet,hum and Baliosperum montanum,
marking nuts, the thred myroba:ans (triphala), black pepper,
long pepper, ginger, seeds of Embelia ribes1 root of Plumbago
zeylanica and the tubers of Cyperus rotundus, equal.parts, pre;;:

pared iron in quantity equal to all the above ingredients. Pow-

der and mix. Dose is ,bout a scruple. This medicine is use-
ful in piles with constipation. For haemorrhagic diseases
Kandakad.ya lauha, Suil,lwnidhi rasa, Amalakadya lauha, etc.,
are recommended. The last is prepared thus:-Take of emeb-
lic myrobalan and long pepper each 1 part, sugar 2 parts, pre-
pared iron 4, parts, powder and mix them together. Dose is 6
to 12 grains in haemoptysis, haematuria etc., with suitable ad-
juncts-(Rasendrasarasangraha). In anaemia and dyspepsia
with anorexia an organic compound of iron calied Kalpam
made of iron powder, pepper, garlic and limes, was tried and,
"found very beneficial in improving the blood, strengthening
the patient and also in creating an appetite"-(Ind. Drugs Re.;.
port, Madras). In dropsy due to anaemia, Bright's disease and
heart affections, Shoathahar Loha the chief ingredients of
which are trikafu, Yavakshara and Loha bhasma (Calcined
iron) is recommended in doses of 1 to 4 pills of 6 grains each
three times a day after food. For chronic dyspepsia giving
pain after digestion, and for chronic fever, diar--
rhoea, phthisis etc., Bhavaprakasha gives a con-
fection containing vavading, mustaka, triphala, tri-
katu, gulancha, danti, trivrit chitraka, prepared iron,
old iron rust, prepared talc, purified mercury and sul-
phur. Dose is 10 to 30 grains with milk or cold water.' For
anaemia, jaupdice and dyspepsia a preparation called Dhatri
leha made of prepared iron 32 tolas, emeblic myrobalan 64 tolas
and liquorice root 16 tolas, all powdered and soaked into
Gulancha root-juice seven times successively is used. Dose is
20 to 40 grains. In asthma with constipation due to Vayu-pitta,
iron is used in the form of Mahasvasari lauha and Pippuladi!
lauha which are similar in composition viz:-prepared iron,
prepared talc, triphala, liquorice root, raisms, long pepper,
kernel of jujube fruits, bamboo-manna, taZispatra, baberang
seeds, cardamoms,· root of Aplotaxis aurictilata, flowers of,
Mesua ferrea, honey and sugar. Dose is 20 grains taken with
honey two or three titnes a day. In enlarged spleen Rohitaka
lauha is the favourite form in which iron is used. In enlarged
liver, spleen, jaudice etc. Yakridari lauha mentioned in:
Rasendrasarasangraha is usedr it is made of prepared iron, talc

and copper 4 tolas each, root of Citrus Bergamia and burnt

deer-skin 8 tolas each, rubbed together with water to make a
pill-mass. Dose is 9 to 18 grains. In anasarca it recommends
TrYl.lshanadi lauha already mentioned in connEctio_n, with
Bright's disease. It gives also a number of iron preparations
for various kinds of diseases; e.g., ery'sipelas, carbuncles and
boils, a pill called Kalagnirudra rasa is recommended. It con-
tains mercury, sulphur, prepareq talc, iron, iron rust and iron
·pyrites each 1 part rubbed together with water and the mixture
roasted within a covered crucible, and when cool, one-tenth
part of its weight of aconite is added, mixed intimately and the
mass divided into 22 grain pills. For chronic fever, anaemia,
jaudice etc., and urinary diseases as gonorrhoea, strangury
etc., a preparation called Mehamudgara rasa is recommend-
ed. It contains prepared iron, black salt, triphala, trikatu
and a number of other vegetable substances, 'beaten into a
uniform mass with ghee. Dose is 22 grains with water or
goat's milk. In diabetes and other urinary diseases, female
complaints etc., pills called Vrihat Somanatha rasa are recom-
mended to be administered with honey. It contains prepared
iron, talc, tin, silver, calamine, iron pyrites, sublimed and puri-
fied mercury and gold. Dose is 4 grains. For diabetes, late
Hakeem Ajmal Khan Saheb of Delhi prescribed 1 grain of
reduced emerald and ! grrin of reduced iron, mixed and made
into one dose to be used with.a Majoon (confection) suited to
the disease-(Hakeem & Vaidyan). A preparation similar in
composition to the above and called Somesvara 'rasa is given in
leucorrhoea and other female complaints. In "worm
affecting the liver and causing jaundice and in blood parasites
with constipation and ulceration in eye and throat" a prepara,.
bon called Krimi-kalanal Rasa, containing iron mercury and
sulphur, lead, aconite, and Vidanga, is recommended and for
"blood parasite causing jaundice or dysentery, another pre-
paration named Krim!irogari Rasa containing .iron, mercury
and sulphur, lead, aconite, Cyperus rotund us, triphala, trikatu,
Cissempelos pareira, Pavonia odorata, Aegle,.marmelos, Wood-
fordia fioribunda and jui~e of Verbesina calendulaceae, is re-
commended-(Dr. Ashutosh Roy-Jour. of Ayur., Oct. 1925).
Another haematinic vermifuge mentioned by the same and

called, Vidanga Lauha containing vidanga, iron, mercury ~d

sulphur, arsenic, black I pepper, nutmeg, cloves, ginger and
borax is good in worms and blood' parasites with chronic fever
and other troubles of gastro-intestinal tract.
Besides the preparations me~tioned above numerous other
combinations of mercury, iron and talc with the addition of
gold, silver, copper etc., in varying proportions and combina-
tions are described under different names. In fact, mercury.
iron and talc constitute the basis of the great majority of the
pills used by Kav,irajas. Iron forms an ingredient of hair dyes.
e.g.-a paste made of powdered iron, chebulic and emeblic
myrobalans 2 tolas each, mango stones 5 t01as and belleric my-
robalan 1 to1a rubbed together with water in an iron vessel
and steeped for one night. This paste is applied to grey hairs
for turning them into black-(Bhavapraka;ha). '


Ferri Oxidum Praecipitatum Fuscum (B.P.C.) or Ferri Pe-
roxidum Rubrum (Sans.-Manduram. Eng.-Ironrust; impure
oxide of iron; Magnetic iron oxide; Magnetite. Arab.-Khabsul
Hadid. Pers.-Zang-e-ahana. Bom.-Loheka janga. Hind.-
Lohaka-Zang. Ben.-Lohar-gu. Duk.-Lohaka-gu; Mandur~
Guj.-Lodhano-kata. Tel.-Innupa chittumu. Tam.-
Irumboo Chittam. Mal.-Irambak kitane. Can.-Kabbinada
Kilubu or kitta. Sinh.-Yakada kittam. Kon.-Lokhanda-gu.
Burm.-Sanpia; Tambia) is prepared iron rust consisting of
small particles of iron or forge scales scattered round the
blacksmith's anvil, when hot iron is beaten on it; these by
exposure to air become rusty' and brittle; then they are con-
sidered fit for use. They are then roasted lIgain and powder-
ed very finely. Mandura is thus purified and prepared for
use like cast iron. The properties of Mandura are similar to
those of cast iron. "The qualities which reside in killed iron
are also to be found in the rust of ir'm; hence the latter may
be substituted for the treatmevt of diseases"-(Rasaratna
Samucchaya). Dose is 2 to 6 ~rains. Mandum is specially
useful .in anaemia, atnenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia,

chlorosis etc.; also diarrhoea, chronic bowel complaints, dyspe~

psia, intestinal worms and nervous. diseases; neuralgia of the
5th nerve due, to debility, kidney diseases, albuminuria etc.-
The mpst important conditions under which the use of Man-
dura should ibe aVQided are feverishness produced either by
chronic diseases or by local irritation as in dyspepsia attended
.with constipation. Guda Mandura is a favourite medicine for
dyspepsia with pain after taking food. It is made thus:-Take
of iron rust 3 parts, emeblic and chebulic myrobalans, and old
treacle each 1 part. These are rubbed together with honey
and ghee and made into boluses; to be taken in divided doses
before, along with, and after meals-(Bhavaprakash). Man-
dura Laha, the chief ingredients of which are trikatu, chitraka,
vidanga, makshika bhasma and mandura bhasma is used in
asthma, general debility, sexual debility, intermittent fever
with enlargement of spleen and heart disease. Dose is 1 to
4 pills of two grains each twice a day after food. For dyspe-
psia, congested liver etc., a powder composed of Mandura and
panchalavana (the five salts) 5 parts each and Amla 4 parts
is useful. Dose is 10 grains. To women with scanty men-
struation Ma:ndura is given in combination with aloes and
other stimulants. Following are a few useful Home Remedies
containing Mandura.-(I) Take of Mandura 4 parts, Oxalis
corniculata, Piper longum, each 1 part, and sugar 2 parts. Mix
and powder. Dose is 10 grains; ;sed in haemoptysis and hae-
maturia. (2) Take of Mandura 5, Cinnabar 1, Tr,ikatu 5, Cloves
2, Arillus of nutmeg 3 parts, Mix and powder. Dose is 5
grains; 'Used as an alterative tonic in the pregnant state. (3)
Take of Mandura 4, Impure carbonate of potash 3, and TrikatiL
1 part. Dose is 3 grains; used .in anasarca.. .Externally an. oil
made of sweet oil 4 parts, Mandura, triph,ala and Indian sarsa:.
parilla 1 part each and the juice of Bhangra 15 parts is used
with much benefit in alopaecia.

2.6.. FERRI SUL-';-HAS

(Sans;-Kasisqj H.ura-tutia. Eng.-Green Vitriol; Gre~:ri
Copperas;. Copperas Q£ Comme:t:ce; Sulphates Q£ Iron (FeSo);
Crude Ferrous Sulphate; Iron S\llphate; Salt of Steel. Fr.__'

Sulphate ferreux. Ger.-Schwefelsaures Eisehoxydul. Ben.-

Hira-kas; Hirakosis. Cp.n. & Kon.-Hirakasa:. Arab.-Zaje-
Asfara. Pers.-Zankunnadni; Tutiya~saba. Hind.-Haratutia;
Kasis; Hira-kasis or H~era-Kasus; Kahi. Gl£j.-Hara-kasis;
Kashis. Punj. & Kash ..-:sang~i~sabz. Can. Tam. Tel. &
Mlil.-Annabedi. Malay.-Madukalpa. Tel.-Tagramu) was
divided into' two varieties by the ancient Hindu chemists:-
(:1.) Valukd-kasisa. or Dhatu-kasisa, the green variety (ferrous
sulphate); (2) Pushpa-kasisa, the yellowish variety which is
probably -iron sulphate covered with the basic sulphate of
the sesquioxide from absorption of oxygen.-(Rasaratnasamu-
.chchaya). "Copperas of commerce, is produced principally
from the so:..called alum shales from which alum is prepared.
As is the case also with alum, copperas is found sometimes as
a natural exudation upon alum shales and other rocks which
include iron pyrites".-(Sir P. C. Ray in H. of H.Ch. Vol. I,
.p. 150). It is a: salt usually obtained by the decomposition at
iron-pyrites by the action 'of atmospheric, moisture. It can be
obtained alsQ by dissolving iron. wires in sulphuric acid by,the
aid of heat. It occurs in pa1e bluish:-green oblique rhombic
prisms. Crude; greenish-blue crystals of sUlphate of iron are
:ayailable in all the bazaars in India. Its taste is very astrin-
gent or styptic and without any odour; acid reaction; soluble
in water, insoluble in alcohol. It is a valuable haematinic,
.tonic and astringent. It i9 apt to irritate the stomach. Pre-
parations made of it are generally Bhasma, oil and solution.
Bhilsma is prepared by taking equal quantities of iron-sulphate
and sulphur, reducing them to fine powder, mixing and roast-
ing the mixture or mass. To this is added triphala (the three
myrobalans), black pepper, honey and ghee and the whole is
triturated. Dose is t to 2 grains twice a day with honey and
milk along with triphala ..powder and pepper. The Bhasma
i2 alterative and diuretic and is gIven in ozoena, consumption,
.enlargement of the liver etc. According to Ayurvedic works it
is rarely used internally. Only Chakradatta had recommend-
ed a linctus composed of iron sulphate and pulp of wood in
hiccup. Iron sulphate, on account of its astringent properties,
is used as a lotion. in erysipelas, anaemia and constitutional de-
bility, following on malaria, Kala-azar, etc., the following pre-

and ~ade into pills;: to. be given with honey and juice of 'the
leaves of ',Tul§i ',(Holy Basil). Mercury is used in syphilis
'l!Joth externally and internally; e.g., Karpura Rasa::,_,.Make a
.paste. of "\Vheflt~ floqt;i~ith water. Take some of it 'i:md pYess
with. a finger in such a way 'that a depression is produ'ced ill
the pa~te. Put a: grain. and'a half of mercury in this depression
,and roll the pa~te to make: a .pilL. No mercury'shouid escape
'from the depr;ession;. Now coat: -this pill by clove..:powdet arid
,swallow the pill cm;eJullyrv.:ith water, so,that it does not c'<ime
in contact witl;i the: teeth. I:.ater· chew a betel .leaf. Avoid
acids gnd salts, also fatigue, exposure to ·the" sun, exertion
and coitiop. $aptashali. Vati.' recommended· in Bhavaprakttsh •
is made up, of: ,mercury, and 'pulverised catechu 'each! tala
(48 grains); pellitory roOt 1 tola (96 grains). and honey 'Ii
.tola ~lM grains). Grind all these' together with a pestIe and
mortar tm: the; g19bu1es of mercury disappear: and divide into
seven pill~, Or b,oluses. One pill .is administered every morn-
ing 'with, watgr: ,in primary· syphilis: Acids and salt are, for;..
bidde,I1' .d.uring tne. use 'of this, medicine.. ChanN,roaaya 'Rasa
made. up pf ,merGl!ry (Kajjali) , Abhraka_ 'f;>hasmai Vanga
bhq:;rrJ,a) sjlp.jjt) ,and..c,h:damQms.in equ<.J.t parts, mixed together
and ~riWrate9,.i!l the,juice ot plantain tree ,to' form.a pill mass
is used.ju gono:n:hoea, syphilis, leprosy, jaundice, etc, Dose
is 2 to 1 grains" Calome~ (Rasakapura or Rasakarpura.j is
pre5crib~!:L PYi ;I3havaprakasb, in. syphilis, and he gives' the
following ,re.cipe for ,prepa,ring Calomel:=-~!Take of purified
mercury, ired .ochre; brick-dust, chalk, !llum, rO'ck salt~ earth
from ant-:hill, impure ,stilphat~ of soda" and :red ear.th used iIi
colo11ring ,pots" il1 equal parts; rub together ,and 'strain :through
..clp{1:t. c:!}lac{t,1be,' .Jilix;t,u:re· in, an, ,earthen pot, ~over it with
another Pilt, face. tb face,' lute .the ,twO! together. with lay~rs
of d?y and dolh. The 'pots' so -l.uted are' then lplac-ed 'oh' fire.
ahd heated fQt fuur days,~ after) w:hich they are opened, and
the, white camphor.;.like:<"deposit in :.~he 'upper-part:''is collecfed
for use"" A-preparation used by, fIakims in cases'"O£ ,syphilis
-is made of 'mercury, mastiche 'anai,sugar 9: mashas, olib-anum
15 mashas, and Frankincehse 7 mashas, tritufated and m'aue
into pi11s.: Dose .is. 3 mashas. continued £9r' a: w~ek, As" a
:tonic alterativ.e,:.,userul inLheiniplegi0">, paraplegia and: paralysis,

a pill, called Ekangav'eera Rasa containing Kajjali, Vanga

bhasma, Loaa bhasma, Naga bhasma. (Calcined Zinc), Tamrft
bhasmci, Abhraka bhaSma and Nux vomica is recommended.
pose Js 1 to 4 pills ot 2 grains each twice a day. A com::'
poWld, pill called Vataraktantaka Rasa containing mercury,
sulphur, iron, orpiment, realgar, silajit, triphala and a num-
ber of other vegetable, substances,. is recommended in nervous
dis.eases such as hemiplegia, paraplegia, facial paralysis,
rhe1J.lllatism. etc. Dose is 1 to 4 pills of- 2 grains each ·three
times a day:. "It was, .given to a case of nemiplegia in an old
,man with,considerable benefW';-(IIld, Drugs Report, Madras)...
• Pradararipoo Rasa. containing cinnabar, Naga bhasma (calcin"
,ed, tin 9li .zinc), .Rasanjana (ex4"act of Berberis aristata) and
Symplocos racemosa is useful in leucorrhoea and chromc
diarrhoea. Dose is 1 to .4 pills three times a day with rice
water., "It proved to. be efficacious in :both the diseases":-,-
(Ind. DI:ugs Report, .Madras). For externaL appilcation in
syphilis (Mercury inunction)-48 grains of mercury is rubbed
over the body with the juice of leaves' 0:1) Michelia champaka
by hand as long as mercury does not entirely disappear. The
fomentation is'to be !lpplied by means' of'warmed hand apply-
ing over the body, to .facilitate absorption. The inunction is
to ,be done for 7 ,days. Av()id acids and salis; another method
is, that, about a drachm (48 grains) of mercury IS recommend-
ed, to be rubbed between the palms with the. juice of the
leaves of Sida, cordifolia 'till the globules of mercury are no
longer visible. The palms are then to be warmed over the
fire till perspiration breaks out from ihem.=-(Bhavaprakasha).
For (Mercury fumigation) fumigation in primary SyPhilis:
Mercury, sulphur and rice, each 192 grains, are pounded "to-
gether and made into a paste. The syphilitic, is subjected to
the fumigation for 7 days, by puffing each~part, into fire each
day;-about half a drachm of tlie, black sulphide mixed with
t part of wheat-flour is employed daily for seven days In suc-
cession.. In secondary syphilitic eruptions, a powder com-
.posed of two parts of cinnabar and one of realgar is used for
fumigation. About 15 grains of this is used at. a time.
Powders for fumigation are heated over a fire of jujtibe tree
woo~ ~nd the vapour is applied to the skin under cover in a

closed room. In skin diseases like ringworm, eczema, prurigo,

psoriasis etc., several applications containing mercury are
used; e.g.:-Take of cinnabar, sulphur, red oxide of lead, rock
salt, seeds of Cassia tora, baberang, Cleome felina and the
root. of Aplotaxis auriculata. in equal parts, powder them and
reduce to a thin paste: with the juice of datura, neem or betel
leaves-(Sharangadhara). For lice in the hair, mercury
rubbed with datura or betel-leaf is recommended to be ap-
plied to the scalp-(Chakradatta). Oleate of mercury and
morphine is used as an external application in obstinate .and
painful. tonsillitis and inflammation of the lymphatic glands-
(Ringer). An ointment of cinnabar is applied to bring about
the resolution of buboes. An ointment made by boiling equal
parts of sweet oil and cinnabar till it becol1les bla<;k and then
adding to it camphor and stirring uniformly is a useful appli-
cation over boils. A powder of Cinnabar, dusted into the eyes
is a useful collyrium to cure ()phthalmia.

Sans.-Seesaka; Naga. Eng.-:Lead. Arab.-Ressas.
Pers.-:Anuk. Hind. & Ben.-$isa" Guj;-Kalun, sisun. Mah..
& Kon.-Shishay. Tam.-'-Iyam. Tel.-Sheeshamu. Can.-
Sheesa. .Mal.-Tismahitam, Burm.-Khaipok.
Source·.-Lead :never occurs free in Nature, but is gene-
rally met with as sulphide i.e. galena from which it is obtained
by rO.listing. It rarely occurs as oxide (minium) most fre-
quently as carbonate (white lead ore'). The red oxide of
lead of minium was manufactured by the Ancients under the
name of Sindura.
Purification.-(l) Lead is prepaI:Eld anq purified by roast-
ing galena (sulphide of lead) in a crucible, then dropping the
melted liquid through a hole into a vessel containing decoction
of triphala or in the milky juice of. Calotropis gigantea, when
cool it is. purified lead. (2) Leaves of lead ~e to' be smeared
with a paste of orpiment and the milky juice of Calotropis
gigantea and roasted in a covered crucible till the metal is
entirely killed. (Sir P. C. Ray's H. ofR. Ch., Vol. I, p. 114).

Characters.---,Lear;l is re?dily fusible; yery,heavy, presents

a black and brig~t apPf~rance on. fra;t'ure, is of foetid odour
and black e~tenor,. (SIr P. C. Ray s H, of H. Ch., Vol. I,
p . 112).. It -is l?luish gr¢y, spft, flexible metal, very malleable
. and slightly tenaciou;' fr~ely soluble in nitric acid.. It is not
-son01:oUS when pure. When heated, to a white heat it vola-
tilizes and the vapour when collected.is .known as oxide of
lead or flow~rs o£ lead; when heated to fusion and exposed to
a~r it forms a dross or pellicle or a yellow powder known as
protoxide of lead or Massicot (H:i7J-d.-Murdarsing); at q still
'higher temperature over a brisk fire i,t fot:ms crystalline scale~
of a hri~k fed colour: known as Litharge.

Methods of Preparatfon.-(f) Seesa bhasma or Naga

bhasrria (lead ash); it is prepared by reducing lead and calcin-
ing it with sulphide of Arsenic, then adding the juice of betel
leaves and rubbing into a fine powder. Dose is ! to 2 grains,
with milk. (2) "Take of lead 20 palas and apply strong heat
to it and drop into the molten metal one karsa of mercury and
throw into it one after another the ashes of Terminalia arjuna,
T. bellerica, pomegranate and Achyranthes aspera, weighing
. one pala each. The Vlass being vigorously stirred with an
,irori spoon for 20 nights in succession,- the metal IS calcined
yielding a bright red ash." (3) Rub lead with the jUlce of
Adhatoda vasica and melt it in an earthen pot, add to it one-
fourth of its weight the ashes of Adhatoda and Achyranthes
-·asperq and stir the mass with a rod of Adhatoda vasica and
heat over a fir~. Repeat the process seven times. The lead
will be turned to ·vermiliop-like power".-(Sir P. C. Ray's H.
~of H. Ch.,. Vol. I" p. 113).

Action.-Se2sa bhasma IS astringent; it ~s also i3- diuretic

~d ver~ifl.lge (anthelmintic). 'Externally it is used as seda-
·'tive and astringent.
Uses.-It is useful in urinary diseases and in expelling
'Wprms; in <;hron~c diarrhoea an<;l other chronic discharges as
'l~ucorrhoea, gonorr40e~, menorrhagia, excessive suppuration,
;itlc~r,atiou of the stomach,' i):1te,rpal haemorrhages as haemop-
~y'~i~, .hael!l-i3-t~mesis .(etc'j also., us~d in cough with profuse ex-

pectoration, iri" mght sweats; also employed with benefit in

aneurism of the aorta, hypertrophy of the -heart and in epilepsy.
In caseous pneumonia it is giyen with digitalis and opium.
ExternaUy it is used in the form of ointni.ent for excoriations,
contusions, sprains, skin diseases accompanied with irritation
etc.; as a su1?po$i~ory it is lAsed, in haemorrhag~ from the rec-
tum as weli as to so~the, t~e irritation, of .pile!,... Prof. Blair,
the Director of Can,c~r.· Research at tIle Liverpool Infirmary,
has told' the ?:,oronto Academy Qf Medicip.e, of a number of
cases of cancer which }laye been, cured in. ~iy~rpool by the
injections of 1~C\d. Dr. Aqami, the Vice-C~an,c.ellot: q£ the
Liverpool Un~vers,~ty~ said thp.t.Prof. Blair's, declarations had
been forced as th~ J,"e!,uIt of ,astolllJ-ding cures. of <!- :n;umber 9(
cases that had, hitherto b~.en regarded as incurable. So many
of these cases had been cured that the matter could not be
kept prJvate any ionger., He B:dded that owing to tlr~ natur:e
of the treatment it .had peen pr9yed that it is possible to :treq._t
only those c.ases that hadpeen_~iven up as hOI?eless, He added
there had peen, case~ Qf .r:ecrudesc~nc.e o~g to dps~s being
too small but he declare9, that the, success achieved indicated
great strfdes-(Pr<!-cticaL M~dicine, Feh, 1926}.


! ,

(Eng.-White lead; Basi<; Lead Cw_bonate; Fl,ak!Ol whiJ~

lead; Basic Carbonate of Pb .. (Plumbum); Hair powder.
Arab.-Isfedaj. Pers.-Sufeadba. Hind. Duk. & Ben.-
Sufeda, Guj. & Mah.-$J~peta; ,~arn.~Velliyya. Tel.-Shish.
Mal,-Timaputih) kfound in Nature both as cry'stallized and
in a massive statl; iTt IS a soft heavyIwhite powder, artificially
prEpared, 'by suspending sheets of lead bver the vapburs (;>:f
heated vinegar; when the! air' 'beCbmes charged with c_a~bo:ri_ic
acid gas a:nd: the vapour of viil:egar 'cottod~J the plates, ,·th~
corroded rust when colled'ed' is known as Sufeda. It is "ru;ed
locally as sedative arid astringent, ·to protect irritated surfaces
as in erysipelas, erythema,' futeririgo etc. It should never be
used whew the skin' is broken or abraded. CombIned with
butter it 'is ufied :a~,biritrn1nt· to eruphon~' on: 1he -scalp, -to s~per'!

ficial burns, over the unbroken skin in swollen and inflamed

parts and ex~oriations and in smal~ pox.
• 1

(Eng.-Lead oxide; Flowers of lead. Massicot; Litharge;
Monoxide of Lead. Arab. Pers. Hind. Ben. Duk. & Mq.h.-
Murdosing. Guj.:--Bodarakakaro. Tam. & Tel.-Muda-
rasingu. Can.-Mudadashr"ingl. Mal.-Niudarsinka) is
met with in pieces or powder: It IS of a light yellow colour
mIxed with red and has a metallic lustre. It resembles mica
very much iti appearance. The powder is here and there im-
pregnated with brick colored clay. In smell and taste it re-
s-embles Gopichandana. It is a powerful local astringent,
cooling and an insecticide. It is never us~d internally, but
externally as ointment etc., for baldness, itching and skin
diseases. Its paste is a useful application tor unhealthy ulcers.
Dissolved in vinegar or in rosewater it is used in prickly heat,
for eczematous eruptions' and in removil}g freckles and acne,
Its ointment is used for closing wounds. An ointment com-
posed of Oxide of lead '3, Rc:isakapur 1, (Tamarix orientalis) 2,
Simple oil 5 and wax 5 parts is a useful application to syphilitic
chancres. Its plaster called lead plaster or Litharge plaster, is
used to prevent b.ed sores, as a protective to wounds and
ulcers, and as an application to keep the dislodged parts in
:situ and also to relieve pain from the inflamed parts.


(Sans .....,.,.:a,aktanag; Sindu:r:a; Nag~ Sambhava. Eng.-Red
lead; Minium; Red Oxide;of Lead:; Lead oxidfl. Artib.,-Isrenj,
l!ers...:......Suraj-sang. Hind.--lngur. Ben. Guj . Dltk . .Mah. and
J{o:n.-Sindur. Can.-Shindhura. Tam.-Sagappusinduram.
Tel.-Yerrasendur~mu. Mal.-Chinturam; Galanggam. BUTm,
-H'sang) is obtained by heating oxide of lead to a v~ry high
temperature. It is bright, orange-red or red, granular" crystal-
~Ple powder. On applying mQre heat'it becomes 'redder than
purple and finally b1tlck. It ii a local stimulant, used as oint-

1.Jl.ent or ,liniment in ~ruptiv~ 'skin: diseases as eczema,; pUstular

eruptions etc.; {o prqmQte maturation of boils and abscesses.,
and the healing proc~~es jn all kinds of ulcers and wounds.
As ointmen~ r_nade, of Sindura and powdered black pepper with
butter is ap'plied in chronic eczema" An oil called Sindura-
dyataila (Chakradatta) mCilde up of mustard oil one'seer, water.
four seers, sindura 4 tolas and cumin seed 8 tolas, boiled to-
gether in the usual way, is used in eczema and other eruptive
skin diseases. "The'powdl?r is used sometImes as 'a fumigation
in syphilis. Rajmrigank Rasa: which is used in phthisis and
chronic bronchitis, contains s.indura together wit,h some other
miner~ls as&oid, arsenic" copp~r ~nd sulp~lUr.


(Sans.-Anjana; Sauvlranjana; Krishna surma. Eng.-
Gaiena; Sulppide of Lead. Pers.:-Anjana, Arab. Hind. ,Ben.
and other Indian Languages.-Surma) is obt~ed tr:Qm th~
mountains of Sauvira, a country along, th~ lnd,us, whence ~t
derives its name. Th¢ Sulphide or Lead is of glirn.wering
lustre) and is an ore of lead" ~ccurs in cubic masses destit\lte
of rays and' is ta1mlar In its crystalline arrangement. SrotoJ1.;-
5ana ,or suffed' s1,Lrma (white ~urma) is produced in the Qed:
of Jamuna and other rivers. It, like the black SUTnta or
sauvir anjana is used as a <;ollYl'lum f6r the eyes, but is CQ:p.-
sidered inferior to the black surmOil or galena. Sauviranjana
or galena is w,\ed as a (!osmetic for the eYeS and IS supposed to
strengthen thes~ organs, Improve their appearance and pr~,
serve them from aisease. 1t enters' into the compqsition of.
some coliYrla for eye diseases: Galena heated over a fir~ an«(
cooled in' 'a aecoctl.~n, of the thre~ :rpyrobaiqns for seven times,
in succession is rubbed wHh human milk ~d used in various~
eye dlseases_:'_(Sharangadhara\. 'Another preparation recom-'
mended by the same is made up of purified and melted lead
and mercury 1 pcii'i each; galelial two ,parts; 'rubbed' well and
reduced :to; powder, to' 'which is added alid, mixea: intimately
camphor 1/10th in weight of the 'maSs. 'This' preparation is
useful in eye diseases. Sticksomacfe of su.'T'7'IUi; camphor, tr1,phala.

miXed tDgether in juic~ of Eclipta prostrata, Eugenia jarribo~

lana and Citrus limoilUm and dried and made into sticks or
probes are used as an a~plicatl6h inside the lids in ophth~lmia:
Pessarie~ of suitable sizes ate rrfade 6f equci! 'p~J.:rts Of sulphide
of lead; rose petals; .olibanum, ·alum, borax, galls and gum
aJ:abic, for use 'as' astringent pessary. .
, I


~r ''(Sa1is.__,:YavaksI1ara;tDarulawaii~. Eng.-lmpure ,or fac-
titious carbonate of Potash; Impure 'potash carbo~a:te; Fot~sh
carbonate impure; Salt of TC!rtl:!r;. Pearl Ash; Potash. Arab.
& Hind.-Javakhar; Khar. Duk.-Jhas-ka-namak. Guj.-
Kharo. Mah.-Jhadichamitha .. ' Kon.",-Papau:..Khar, Tam.-
Mara-uppu; Sambal-uppu; Yavacharam. Tel.-Mannu-uppu.
Mal.~Kar~in:; Pappatak-~ora':uJ?pu. CCl;n'-1VIa~:ada-upp~)_ ~
ftil,lhd In alJ the three ki.ri.gdoms of Nature, In the vegetaBle
:khigd6ril it is found either ,as carbonate of pot"a~.h or as' potash
in combination - with other organic acids.
- s~· " , • , " !
Plants• absorb . it'\
from the 'soil and 'when _incinerated their asnes give Yavak-
s1i~f.i:t. ,fSucculen( pian:t~ cqnta'iri' ~ l~rger p~ioRo;ti?n of it tlian,
tlie woody parts. "Impure potassium carbon.ate has been
kn:6WIi froin very, aricieht tlfues. Its principal ,source in India:
is wood a:sl_les' be'cause potash is 'an indispensable element for
the growth of most pia"rits.' But wh~re it is associated wi,tll
iliuch silica 'and phosphoric a<:;id the ashes cpniain not littie~
_ ~"'
and are' not .avallable
for - the manufadu're of' potash:
, . r. ,,- ....
This,. for instance, holds good for straw-ash. The value 9f. ai(
~sh for the manl,lfadw'~ of p_Qiash is c.hie'fly dependent up6n~
th:e~ quantity of potassic carhonate it' will yield upon the:
. ,""'.......' ." . ).
abundance of the woc;>d or other vegetable "'prQduct and. the.
cost of' labour. The 'Undermentioned woods yiela on the
'rVeI:age, Jar ~OOO pat1;s, the fon~Wihg quailtiTi~s-,9f potash:j~~
't \ ' " ., ..
"'f ' P~l)e- 0,45; Eee_ch ;:LA5;'; Qak' 1,53; Willow 2.85;' - Wheat;
• '!'ltra:w 3.~Q; Barley 'stf.tw 5.80;' Vine-\v.ood 5.50;' stems .:on
.' ,maize ·(India,n, corn} 6.50.;. sunflower stemS 20:00;. :dried)
i: "wheatlplant, pr_evio.us to blooming 47.00.

The preparat.ion of potash frbm vegetable matter is affected

in three operations, 'viz: (1) The l~iviatioIi of the' ash; (2) The
boiling down_ of the crude liquor; (3) 'the calcination of the
crude potash.--'-("Industry", Calcutta, ;April 1942, p. 12). In:
the mineral.kingdQm 'it is bbtained from 'rocks where it exists'
as sulphates, nitrates, carbonates and silicates. It"is also
found in, the felspar bf gramte.' It is obtained by fusing rock~~
salt. It is an in:gredient b£ various mineral waters. Of 'the'
animal kingdom it is an-essential ctmstitiiehr. It IS found in
the milk, flesh and urme bf 'persons who take' citrate or tart..:
rate of pbtassiu.m. It. is' 'prepared by reducin~ to ashes the-
green spikes of the barley., 'dissolving ··the ashes in water,
straining the solution, ihr:dugh 'thick cloth and evaporafing It
over' the :fir~:' The
resultihg salt is ,ii'clear amorphous powder
with a saline and partly. 'acid taste. Chemically it is carbonate
of potash w:ith' some implliities: ''It is -'stomachic', laxative,
diuretic; ant?cid, resolvent .and alterative. r ' , . l

Action &. ·'(jses in; AYUl;,yed q ~,Sid~hq,-Katu lavanct

rasam, ushna veery amI katu 'l'ipakam), tikshnam" ruksham,r
lagu, kaph~nl,!·ascite~ due .to vatha, ,~tones;, mootra, krichram;
,. c, .hear~-~onic,
. rakta ,pittam, .pleeham. '

. t
Action, ~ Uses.~n.rUhani,-Hot j3°, Dry 3 0 , carmfnatiye~
rem!wes" obstr4~tion in passages, in col~c, digestiv~, co,ugh.~
(Theiap~ulit' N6te~j. ~ :: . . ' n +. • ,
.. • ;". ' ".. .. I ...

.-Vses.-It iis used, in urinary- diseas~:;;, uric' acid 'diathesis,.

leading to 'gout and rheumatIsm, u'ter,ine'irritapility; piles
sh1tla (colic); cardi~lgia! :acid. eructation, dyspepsla!r·enlarge.:
rnent. pf lymp.batic. and, secretmg glands' as the breasts, testicles,.
mesenterje; ~nd scrofulous glands/also of the liver, spreeii andt
saliv(;lry" glands. Ardecoction' 'of' chebulic" mytoba:Iim-s an&
rohitaka bark (A. ~OO7', 7:oh~taka;) is given with! tlie"addItiofi 6:&
Carbonate of potash and long pepper in enlarged spleen and
liver and in tumours in the abdolllen called gulma-(.~ha1;'.anga-.
) .", ~ b . err
r • ~ i- 'C
I I, 1I . r,.t.'~ ':" .,1
J.1 f it
nil j • 11 .' "". .-
dhar'a)'.'-'-In strangury·or ~ainful rriictUrition,' 'carbonate 'of
potash with stig~~'· it chtiKi'([et~d' 'a' 'viI~~·J.effi~~cious remedy.
Carbq~ate of rotash is given to p,ersons, who are gluttonous in
eating ·~(l d1:'il!~~g~_ ' It.)s 'pse£ul :in:,:d{opsy.· It ,enters, intOt

the <;omposition of numerous saline medicines. The follow~

ing are a few useful, simple r~medies:-(l) Yava~shara;. 10
grain~, leaf-,juice o~ Aahatoda yasaka, 10 dtops and clove
llowder 5 grains, mixeq together and, given with, ,betel-leaves
is us~f~l in bronchitis. J (2) A compound powder containing
Yavakshara~ Saindhava~ dry gihger, e.ach :5 parts; chebulic
myr obalan,.10 parts]r'~~ W~~q a~d ::gowdeI;ed is useful in doses
Qf 10 grains" with buttermilk or whey, ,Or co.nje.e or hot. lea; in:
cases of piles t dysentery,: c.olic etc., A modaka; 01; confection
contain~n~, powders, of Y,ava~shara .! tQla. triurit. and triphala
H ,tolas ea<;:l1, l?ab~ra,ng se~ds aI;ld rO\lncl 'pepper i tola :each;
mixed.. well with sugar ang ghee or tre~cle; is adminIstered in
required doses :as an ,all-round purgative, It is "very effec-
tive in. allaying abdominal cysts, pelVic cellUlitis, disiriclina-
tion to' f09d, inte~tinal worm!> and -many other diseaSes arising
out of t4e derang~d condition of Kapham ,and V(tyu" :(Kamala
Kanta Sharma, Jour, of Ayur. June 1925). (3) Karabudfn
Kadri recommends for emphysema, a compound pill, contain-
ing equal paris of Y avakshara~ long pepper and dried juice of
Cal6tropis giganlea; made intO' pills 'about the size of a pea.
Dose is one pill four times a 'day. Locally the solution of
carbonate of potash 'is hseful "in chronic' skin diseases such as
lepra, pityriasis, acne, urticaria, and lichen, relievi,ng itching
etc. Its solution is added to bath to relieve g01,lt and rheuqla-
tisrh and to promote the growth of eruptions, if suppressed, 'as
in measles, small-pox, scarlatina etc. Pundit J. L. Duveji pre-
scribes an external application containing potassium carbonate
~ a "remedy for plague". It is thus prepared and applied-
"lVIix well Potassium Carbonate :in sesame oil and boil till a
thick consistency ,is arrived at. ,Apply this, coating: on the ill.:.
fected glands which should he well covered with betel leaves'.
Heat a bunch of cotton over the fire and 'apply this over the
cov~red ,glands: repeatedly so as' fo.'produce warmth".


(San.-Yavakshara; Saindhava, ,Hind. Be~, Pun;." &
Duk.-Shorai SOl:a;.Shorakhar, Eng.-.:saltpetre; '·Nitre; Nif...·

rate of Potash;..Purified Nitre. Ar,ab.,-Abkar; Vbkir.·. Pers.-

Shoraba; Shore. Hi~d. & Guj.-Shora. Mak.-Shora-mltha.
(}t£j.-Shorakhar.. ·Tel.-Patlu-uppoo; Chitloo-Bhusmoo,
Tam.-Pottil-uppu. Mat- Veti-uppu. Can.___,.Patluppu; Sen-
dur lavana. Kon.-Sindurlavana. .sinh.~Potlunu. Malay.~
sundawa. Burm;-Yandzeing;, Yan-zin) occurs extensively in
Bengal, Punjab and Upper'India, naturally as· an efflorescence
on the soil; but the nitre "obtained in the bazaars is generally
impure. For medicinal. use, the earth containing' the crude
salt is dissolved in water, strained. and recrystallised by boil..
ing and evaporation. It: is also obtained from collections of
the saline earth after the rains, from the land ~nundated dur-
ing the rains and from mud~heaps, mud 'buildings~ and other
places on which it is formed and then subjected to ·a process
of solution and filtration. through a crude mud filter. The im-
pure nitre is. known as. Dhoah and contains about 45 to 75. per
cent of the actual salt, the remainder being sulphate and
chloride: of sodium and .Insoluble matter. It is again dissolved
and crystallized before it is sent; under' the name· 'of' Skora
Kalmi (refined) to the bazaars' for sale while' it IS fUrther re-
crystallized in Calcutta and elsewhere before being sold for
use. Pota$iiium nitrate in solutIon is a refr'igerant, efficient
diUretic and dlsphoretic" 1t acts on the vascular system' and
thus reduces the frequency of the pulse. Given in the ·solid
form or in concentrated solution it acts as irrItant, In WeaK
30futions, 1 to 2 drachms in quart of thin warm rice conjee
it is an excellent refrigerant drink .in fevers with :hot and dry
skin, parched tongue, with great thirst and scanty and high-
coloured urine. It may' also be sweetened with honey' or sugai'-
candy; or tamarind .or lime juice: rimy' be added to improve the.
flavour if desired. It is 'useful also' in the-earlY'stages of dropSy,
in cases of smallpox, measles, influenza, catarrh, gonorrhoea,
acute rheumatism, bleeding from the lungs, stomach, uterus
or other' internal organs' attended by' fever. ' In colic, a pow-
der containing nitre, black pepper and .sa.nchilla salt in equal
"parts is recommended to. be given in doses of io ·grains in li:i:ne-
juice, and in bronchitis.i~ children above 5 years, a powder
composed of nitre 5. sulphate of' iron. 'ammonium chloride and
Sulphur' 4 parts each 'is :recommended to ..be given, Dbse is i

grain- (Khory) . A ,compound preparation known as Laghll.

Sankha Dravakam~ which sm~ls strongly of nitrous ·fumes
and which is made of <;!ountry rtitre 6' piLlams, alum. 4 palams,
Yavakshara, AmmoniUl;n chloride, borax and vit salt 2: palamS
each, and gandhaka vad~uppu (R nitre v.ariety)., soda. carbonas,
ferr6\ls sulphate, .coppei' sulphate and black salt (Suvarchala.,..
uppu) 1 pdlam each, all powdered and distilled, is recommel1d...
ed for the :J:elief o(allliver complaints, by Vaidyas: This was
te_s~~d by,Dx. Koman. and .he said:-"In one of my cases (cirr-,.
h()~is of the, Jiv..er with ascites) which is under lreatment from:
14th August 1918, it. is doing. some. good; as the patient h~d
tQ b.e tappe.d.only once. :Q.ve weeks· ago, and very little fluid has
f!~c'ilm41ate.d since. ;then"-(Ind. Dt:ugs Report, Madras, Dec.
1918). .In gonorrhgea a. mixture of ,nitre 10 grains in a wine.
gla::;sJJ.ll·of.decQction of: Abelmoschus esculantus twice or thrice
a day' is a nice. remedy~ Zad,..Garib recommends 'a powde~
made qf e,qual~parts of saltpetre, cardamoms, cubebs, soap·
~to.ne, olibanum ;ar;td Cucuma Ibnga. Dose is 3. ·mashas or 35
grains thre_e times a day. ,A'mixture of nitre 2 parts aJ].d leaf~
juic~< cif the. Radish 1 part is given in doses of 80: grains. ,to
relie.ve scalding and. retention 'of urine" also suppression. 'or
s~antiness of -qrine. A t::onfection made :of nitre .5, cinnamon
4, Ghehulic :myro1:>alah and Iris pseudocorus; each 3, cardamoms
5:a:nd sugar 2.0~ parts is used in' clu:onic. gonorrhoea and gleet.
pos~ i&, ,1 drg__chm. In, 'obstinate cases. of leucorrhoea a com..
bination, 9t nitre. 10 :gr.ains. and ,alum 5 grains IS recommended
to, 1JEl tak~g·thr.ice daily:, It may be advantageously given with
infu~i6n .of .lV!Ql'inga r.oot. In the early stages of inflammatory
sore-thr:oatj.l:! small pkce of nitre allowed to. dissolve slowly
in- the mouth is a SucG~ssfutpQPu:lar r.emedy. .In asthma, m
~hronic ~brQncl1itis and other ~p_asrriodic .cougps, inhalation of
th~ flJm€s 9f pw::ning nike p.apen;, previously soaked in satu:-
rate~l :sqlUtiR!l '.of ~11~ .nitr?,te..and dde.d (sometimes combined
with, D.attl,ra,·and other drugs) gives. great'Xelief. For. this 'pur,.
P9S~,- pieces of, IIloderate.ly tqic¥: blottmg paper' are. usedi
.When~yer ian -attClck -threatens, cone or, if lnecessary" two .pieces
of this 'p~pe.:r::,,-a:re,,;burnt in. the patient's. bed-room so"that the:
.fume!,? may be freely inhaled, preferably at bed: time, care
peing t;:rM:e~ ·to preyent) the e&C~pe of the fumes; but~jt,snotild

not be held too near the face. or the. "fume's .may prove too irrita-
ting, and increase rather ~lJ.an Qiminish. the symptOl;ns. So:ution
of Nitre is a good toplcai application for br~ises a:l~d abrasions
and for the cure of freckles. Locally nitre is employed for the
relief Qf, headach~ and ,deliriJIm in feyers in the. .form of a
cold 'and agreeable lotion for the head, m~de by dissolving
two ounces each, of nitre and ,sal ammoniac in a. big ,bott1e full
.of water)' this is, applied by constant, relays of freshly:.wetted
clothes. In acute, rheumatism, a strong solution of nitre, (three
Qunces to a pint of water) fonns a more'soothing application
to the swollen arid painful joints; Cloths! saturated with it should
be kept constantly applied; the case which it affords is often
very great. Also internally it may be given in doses of 40
grains gradually increased t'o 60, 90, up to 120 grains twice
daily, the vehicle being half a ,pint of Warm ,ric~ cQnjee. The
quantity of nitre m,ay be dimini~hed as the severity of the
symptoms subsides.

, 3~, SIL.ICUM .(Eng.-Silicon).
S'6urce.-Vety common non-metallic element obtainable
in 3 different fdrms, ·the amorphous, the graphitoid: and the
crysta'lline-frbm Sillc? bi pure flint: found in Nature a's
Silicon dioxide in 'rocks, crystals, 's'and, flint, quartz, agate
and v~ri6u's' 'other stones, and in 'earths and day; also as Sili:..
cates 'in baysalt,' felspar, granite, I'p:ica, porPhyry' i.e'., minerals
and metallic oxides', etc.,' .
,. I ' ""'," • ' _" . ~

Manufl1c_ture.-Hea.~ toge.th~~ flu_orid~ of J?otas$~um an~

silicon with its ~1Jal w~ig~l of metallic 'potas~~1J?? +prow
the fused mass int9 cold -.,.vater, whell silicqn win ·pe left, b~;-
hind. I

Characters.,.--'Crystal or, . aqlor,phous; dry ,dark-brown

powder, Ilon~f4siple, insoluble, @d nQ!1-vola~ile. Heate<;1.in
"the air it l?ecom~s con,!e:r:~ecl mtQ ~.ilica. . '
Uses:-,-Usecl poth externally: or iIiterrtally, in the form of
an, alkaline> silicate chiefly-some 'forn1.s .in.
dentifrIces, and
others in pharmacy.


(Falspar or Clay)-See Aluminii Silicas .
.~ .


(Ben. ~ Hind.-Gil. Ind. Bazaar.-Gil-i-abrorshi; Gil-e:-
Iar; Hasan dhup) is a variety of <;lay~ existing in amorphoUS
irregular' masses of' a :yellow colour of somewhat astringent
taste and o£ smell resembling that of Multani 'I'lULtj. It it found
in the deposit from minera1' sprfugs containing sulphur. Its
'action and uses are similar to those of M ultani mati.


(Eng.-Armenian Bole; Native Ferric-oxide. Pers.-
Gile-armani. Arab.-Tene armani; Hajrarmani. Punj.-
Harmazi. Hind:-Gheruniitti.' Mah.-Phula-geru. Tam.-
~ime-k~vikallu. Tel.---:Sima-kayirai) is a calcareous mineral
9ften made into small ca~es apd stamped with cer~ain im..,
pressions. It is us~ally prepared by mixing pipe-clay or com-
.mon chalk with oxide of iron or red ochre. It 'occurs ,in.
" ' , • ~ . I

powder or irregular: pi~ces of a reddish, brown or variegated

colours. It is soft and 1'00;n~w.p.a~ heavy. On section it is
granular and sprinkled with white particles, and the cut por-
tion resembles q piece of rhubarb. When exposed to the air,
it abi50rbs moisture very rapidly. If thrown into water it
re~diiy crumbles 'into atoms. When put "into the mouth it
sticks firmly to the tongue. It is renigerant, astringent, ab.-
. I

sorbent and antiseptic. It is used as a powrozr-ror paste. Dose

1s 5 to 30 grains. Internally' 'the powder with, cream is given
'in advance Cqses of dysentery. A past~ made of it 2 parts,
alum 4 and rose water 10 paris is given iriternally for scalding
in the urine. Ex.terrt.ally a, paste of it is applied to inflamed
,and swollen glands, al.5o to ulcers and raw surfaces. A paste
of it and Vernonia anthelmintica equal parts with a sufficient
quantity of Subja-no-t;asa (Cannabis sativa) makes a useful

application to glandular' swellings. Gopichandan and' M ultani

mati (Eng,;-Fulle.r's Ear:th. Pers.-Gil. Tam. & Tel.-Gope)
are both varieties of Armenian Bole.


(Eng,-Bole Ru'bra; Red Earth; Ruddle qr Red Ochr~.
pers.-Gile-surkh., Arab.-:MagrahaL B,ans.-Gairika; Rakan,;"
pashana, Htnd.-Gerumat~. Mah.-Gerl..l. ram. Tel. &, G~j.
-Sona-gerui Hiringl powdee) ,is a clay ·fol,lp-p,. ~. lead an~
iron are and contains an exce~s ofoxide of i:r;OI;l over any oth~.r
clay. There are two yarieties:-bole (yellow) and r~d o~hr.e,.
Th~ rea ochre cori~in~ more iron than' the bole ~n,d is :used. in
me~i<;:ine. ~t sometimes O~Cllrs. in powder .and sometim~s as
hard' I?ieces, ,', ~ Gairika': hematite, "Which ,is r.ed Md often hard,
and 'limonite which is yellow or qr.own:, both occur in the
form of ochres.';-Sir P. C. Ray. H rapldly (iqsorqs water if
poured u.l?on it, It is .~uri11.ea by being spaked, in ..:qli1~ seyen
times~ and is sweetish, astr~ngent, cooling, useful as a, local
application to burns, ulcers, boHs, pustular eruption~ and
aphthous sores about the mouth. It is rarely used internally
except as an ingredient of ,some compound preparations con-
taining a large number of mineral drugs, for .instance Jvara-
kunjara Paridrii Rasd \vhich contains nearly all the mineral
substances. Bes~d~s gairilca sev~ral other, varieties of earth
ar~ oc.casio~~ily ~se<i, in medicine; ,e.g.-:-;_a sweet .~G~nted ear.tb.
brought frol1l Sl..lrat and, called $aura)$tra Mrit~ika is, ps:trin~
gent ana usefl,ll in, haemorrhag~~. It enters into the co~posi:­
tion of severaL ~f;dic.ines for ,r~li~yipg bleeding from internal

. .- LIME

(Eng.-Fossil :encrinite. Pers.-Sang-e-yahuda. Hind; &

Bom.-Hijrata,.Hciu) is''a fossil stone occurring as a petrified,
oplong,: o.btus,ely ,pointed' fruit sometimes with a ~talk. It is
about -! to 1l inches'long; The surface is 'ribbed Tongitudinal-
ly; each rib is tub~rculated. Extei"oaliy the colour is dirty;.

grey t~aversed with dar~ b:t;"own :iurrows, and greenish white

. ~

~ithin. A paste oUt ~s :wepC\+,.eg by' 'PPlu:;jhg boiling water on

the stone and allowing the ip.JlS~ to cool. A bhasma.is -pre-
pared by braying the stone in lime-juice and incinerating. It
is cooling and demulcent and given in gonorrhoea with benefit.
As a drink itJ is use{1,ll to c.h~l_( VQmiting. A paste made of
the bhasma brayed in lime juice is a usehll application to
vesicular eruptions in children, to itch, rjhgworm etc. Sang-e-
Sira Mahi is also a Silicate o( Hme, a v~rJety o£ lime stonel
·resembling in colour, form <pid ?ppearance, human incisor
,teeth. Externally it Is ~hining, glabrous and of a brownish
'white -colour, biconvex an"d broad at ~ne end ana obtuse at tbe
other. The action and uses are simllar to those of Sang-e,.,
:Isa:ma ·~hich is. the Silicate and Su1Ilhate of' Hn{e. "It 'is a kind
:of marble, 'of various' sIies, of a dark broWI;l. col'orl po_Hshed
smooth and mottl~d with ,light-re<,i. spots; when cut fnto, the
m'terr6r 'Is of; a de~p grey colour and looks as if 'sprinkled with
particTes of mica. 'Brayed in wat,er it is used as a diuretic
and llthonttiptic; it 'IS giVen In I'eten~itm of urille and..iIi
diseases of the u'rinary org?ns. Externally it is applied as ~
cure for itch and other chronic skin diseases.,
. f

,. '
(Eng ...---JHYdr·ated Magnesium Si1ica~e; So~p stone; Talc .
.Pers: &- Hind;::""':"Singe jerciliata. Mah.-Shankh~ jiri. Guj._:'
'Sailkha Jlrun. Can.-Ve~saj. Tam.-Bulpam) occurs in
hrownish-white br grey flat 'irregular pieces 01:: thIck inasses~
-smooth and unctuous to the touch, appeatlng like a soap. It
is insoluble in water, tasteless, easily puverizable, yielding a
soft slippery powder. On section the cut sll.l'face is silvery,
shining and granular. It is a powerful astringent, desiccant
and styptic. Dose is 5 to 20 grains. With milk, cream or
brown sugar), it is used interbally'iIi 'dysentery, diai1r'hoea,
menorrhagia ~nd leucof,rhoea.~ -A compoUnd powder 'ihade up
of the soap-stone and. V~1I,saJa,vcina (Silici!)us', concretions' of
bamboo) .~ part~ flach, clloebs ana cardamoms 4 parts each,'\is
,~sed:- i~: gonorrhoe-a, 9y~entery~ menorrhagia etc., in doses of

10 to 15 grains. Locally it is applied to syphiHtic sores' and

ulcers; also checks bleeding from the nose and wounds!, A
compound ointment made of Sankhajiru'l1' 5~ asafoetida and
J{ide of lead, each 2 parts, Kamala 3, neem leaves 4, wax
~nd simple oil each 10' parts, is usefur for foul ulcers, chancres
etc. A paste of it is applied with' whey to hurns and scalds
with benefit. A paste made of it with catechu (5 to 1 part
respectively) with the addition: of sufficient ghee is a useful
application in: syphilitic ulcers and sores.


(Sans.-Gorochana. E'I1g.-Bezoar st0l1:e; }Vlineral stonei
Sapent stone. Pers.-Padzahre~kanf. Ardb.-Faduj madanl
or Badzabra; Hazr-ul-bahr. Hind.-Pedaru bazara. Duk.-
l{ani-pas-zehar. 'Bom.""":Pouzera Madani. Guj.-Zera Mohra.
Sinh.-Visagul. Tam.-Vishq-kallu; Pamu 'kallu. Ter.-
Geruda-petsaprai) is a variety 6f soap stone occurring in very
hregular and angular pieces of light yellow colour of various
shapes and sizes, 1t res,embles pieces of marble or tamarind
stone.. The surface is generally rough. '1;'he taste ~s astrin-
gent. T4e smell resembles that of pipe clay. It is a I;lervine
tonic, deobstruent and astrJ.ngent. Dose, is 1 to 2 grains. It
is used in cholera, obstinate vomiting, diarrhoea in children
and in profuse or troublesome and' ,painful meI;lstruation. f\.
paste of it is uS,ed as a gargle in salivC!t~Qn. With Ter~nalia
chebula its paste 'is applied; .to the, mout4 of childre!l in stQma.,
Silico-Fluoride of Sodhim.-See 'Sodii Silicofluoridum;
under Sodium.


Saline substances inClude Salts and Saline earths. There
are two varieties of salts us'ed in MediCine:-(a) Those which
exist in Nature and are known as naturai salts and (l;» those
which are art~ficially prepared. The 'natural salts are:-

(1) Saindhava; (2) Samudra lavana; (3) Sambhar. Susruta

describes the following yarieties of salts viz., (1) Saindhava;
(2) Samudra; (3) Vit' or Vid lavuna, (4) Sauvarchulai
(5) Romaku; (6) Audbltid; (7) Gutika; (8) Pansuju also
called U shasuta. The fi~st, five pass by tM name of Paneha
la~ana or the five salts and are of~en used in combination.,
Pancha lavana is a carminativ~, laxative,. stomachic, tonic,
given in colic,. indigestion, and, enlargement of the liver and·
spleen. It is made up of Saindhava 1, Samudra 2, Sambara.
3, Sanchal 4, and Vid lavana 5 parts. The other varieties of
salts are rarely used in medicine. Audbhid lavana is a name
applied to .Shor.a or sal,t-petre.

Saindhava literally means produced in Sindh, or the coun-

try along the, Indus. The term ,is applied to rock salt which
is regarded as the best of salts. Three varieties of rock salt
are recognized, viz., white, red and crystalline. The pur~
\vhite crystalline salt is preferred for medicinal use. ;For ali-
mentary purposes also, rock salt "is considered superior to the
other varieties.

Samudra literally means produced from the sea, i.e.,

derived from the evaporation of sea-water. 'The term is ap-
plied to sun-dried sea:-salt~ which is called karkach. OrthodoX'
people 'consIder common salt as "impure owing to its having
undergone the process of boiling, and who take only rock salt.
substitute karkach for rock salt', if the latter is not available.
Sun-dried sea-salt is described as somewhat bitter and laxa-
tive. In other respects its properties resemble those of rock
salt. Uses:-In the place of gauze, ordinary 'pichu' or clean
cotton or a piece of cloth boiled in Samudra Lavana 1. tola
and hot water 1 measure or padi (120 tolas) may be used fo~
ulcers, wounds or abscesses after their operation. These
pieces of cloth may be preserved in wide-mouthed glass bottles
closed so as not to be contaminated with dust.
Source.-Vit lavana, Vida or Vidam is an artificially pre-
pared salt in dark-red shining granules, in Upper India chiefly
at Bhewani in Hissar Dist, (Sans.-Krishna lavana; Sancha1,
Enp.-Black salt; Sa,nchlill Salt. Hind.-Padelon; Kalanimait.

Ben.-Kale-nun. Mah.-I<:.alamith). It has a mild, saline

and somewhat nauseous taste. "The salt has a reddish-brown
colour and consists mainly of Sodium Chloride with traces of
sodium sulphate, alumina, magnesia, ferric oxide, and sul-
phide of iron. 'Most of the samples ex;;tmin~ were found to
evolve minute quantities of sulphuretted hydrogen when
treated with an acid; even, when placed in the mouth the taste
of this gas was distinctly felt. It is very probable that when
the saline mass is fused with the organic matter (T .. Chebula),
a portion of the sodium sulphC\te is reduced to sulphide, which
by double decomposition converts the traces of iron salt pre-
sent into the sulphide'. The sulphide was detected both in
the insoluble residue as (FeS) as well as in the aqueous ex-
tract".-.(Sir P. C. Ray;s H. of H. Ch., Vol. I, p. 245). It is
manufactured thus:-

1st Method:-56 ibs. of 'sambar salt are mixed with 20

ounces of dried emblic myrobalans; t of these materials is put
into a round earthen pot with a narrow mouth, which is put
in a fire-place made of clay. The fire-place has 'a hole at the
bottom for introqucing the fire-wood. After the fire has been
lighted about an hour, aJ;ld. the materials in the pot apJ?ear to
be heated, the rest of th~ materials are added by degrees.
The whole is then exposed to a strong red heat for about 6
hours. The fire is then allowed to die away, and the pot to
cool; which upon p~ipg broken is. found to contain about 48
lbs. of Vitlavan.

2nd Method:-"Heat together in a large earthen pot

82 lbs. of common salt, 1 lb. of the fruit of Terminalia chebula,
and lIb. of Phyllanthus emblica, and 1 lb. of impure carbonate
of soda, until by fusion of .the salt the ingredients are well
mixed, when the pot is removed £rom the fire and its contents
allowed to cool .and form a hard cellular mass".-(Sir P. C.
Vitlavana, besides PQss.essing the properties of salts in
general, is carminative, •aperient, tonic and stomachic, and
useful in enlarged spleen and livet:, flatulence, colic, dyspepsia,
indigestion, bowel complaints etc.

Sauvarchala (Hind.-Sonchal; Kalanimak. Bom. & Mah.

-Soratimati. Can."'-Turarimannu.
tika) is aromatic, agreeable and digestive and useful in the
same sort of cases· as Vitlavana. It is "a dark coloured salt
made by dissoiving cominon salt in a solution of 'sajimati'
(crude soda) and evaporc(ting it; this salt contains chloride of
sodium, sulphate of soda, caustic soda but rio carbonate of
soda". It is "stomachic, digestive, purgative, demulcent, bili-
ous and beneficial in SuIa, abdominal tumours, intestinal
worms and dyseriteryl'.-(N. N. Sen Gupta).
Romaka, also called Sakambari, Sa.mb-harnuna or Goda-
Iavana, is the s~lt produced from the Sambar Lake near Aj"-
mer. It is called Vadagru mithu ip Bombay, Savara mith in
Hindi, Sambar luna or mitha in Marathi. It is obtained by
the evaporation of salt water from the river in the shape of
clear rhomboidal crystals like alum. It has a pungent taste
and is laxative and diuretic, in addition to possessing the
other properties of salts. It is said to be the best and purest
of evaporated salts.,
Audbhid (Vern.-Reha; Kalar) which enters in the com-
position of 'panch-tavana', is producetl of itself from the eartQ,
as efflorescences on reh lands. "The efflorescences thus pro-
duced consist of three groups; 1st: the neutral, which contain
no carbonate of soda (these consist chiefly of sodium chloride
and sulphate, and frequently magnesium sulphate); 2nd: the
alkaline chlorides and sulphates, but no lime or magnesian
salt; 3rd: the nitrous efflorescences". (Dr. Center's Note on
Reh quoted in Watt's Dictionary of the "E.:::onomic Products-
of India", Vol. VI Part I, pp. 410-417.) "This is a ready ex-
,planation of the conversion of mercury and other metals into
their chlorides when they are heated in cQmbination with
audvidlL and other salts. The magnesium sulphate would
readily yield sulphuric acid, which with sodium chloridE;! anq.
nitre, might be expected to produce aqua regia 1.l. (for further
information, see under "Rasakarpura" or the chlorides of
mercury). It contains 'principally of sulphate of soda (sodium
.sulphate) with a little chloride of sodium, (sodium chlorIde).
In addition, there are,sometim~s carbonate of soda, and some

rnagne$ium sulphate. It is alkaline, bitter, pungent and'

nauseating. It is said to 'be so. abundant in some parts of the
punjab as to render the soil quite barren. Some physicians
or rather writ~rs substitute this article for sam-bar salt in the
composition of pancha 'lava""a or the five salts.

Cutika salt, mentioned by Susruta and some later writers,

cannot be identified C;lt present. The name gutika is s1;lid to
be derived from the ,circumst,ances of the salt assuming a hard,
granular or nodular shape from boiling; so that it is 'a sort of
bailed salt. Susruta describes it as stomachic, digestive and

Pansuja or U shasuta literally means, salt manufactured

fram saline earth. Panga or common salt, manufactured from
earth impregnated with salt water, would come under this
head, It is !'demulcent, stimulant, stomachic, generative of
digestive fire, laxative, bilious and pro.ductive of burning".~'
(N. N. Sen Gupta).
The saline ear.ths include:-(l) Javakhara. (Po.tash Car-
banate impure); (2) Navasagara (Ammonium Chlaride);
(3) Papadkhar (Pearl Ash); (4) Sajikhara (Carbonate of.
Sada); (5) Sharakhar (Saltpetre); (6) Tankankhar (Borax).


Sans.--:Sarjikakshara; Trona or nairan'. Eng.-Dhobi's
earth; Washing Soda; Salsoda; Crude carbanate ,of soda or
sulphate of soda; soda carbonate; Barilla; Sodiull). Carbanate
-Crystalline; Soda Ash; Soda crystals;' Crystai carbonate.
Pers.-Shikhara; Tine-gazur. Arab.-THe-milahul-gi1e.
Hind. Cuj. Mah. & Kon.-Sajji~har; 8ajikhara. Duk.-Cour-
ka-namak; Sajjinoon. Tel.-Savite-maIinupu. 'Tam.~Choan­
tao-munnoo; Sanchhikaram.
Source'& V<;!rieties;-There al:e threer vati~ties ,af Carpo,-
nate of Soda, each ,knQwn ,by its peculia;r; chataders. These
are:-l. Sajjikhar or Barilla; 2. Sajjikhar..,naphul or Wa'sh~

lng Soda or Soda crystals; 3. Bangada-khara or very impure'

carbonate of soda, which contains a large quantity of Silica.
All these varieties are found fn the ashes of Chenopodiaceous'
plants, a species of salt )vOfits ~rowing near the sea. "Crude,
carbonate or sulphate 6£ soda is an alkaline earth found in
large quantities where white granite forms the sub-soil. It is
generally found in the hot weather as an efflorescent sandy
deposit covering large tracts of open country. It is scraped
off the surface t6 about 3 inches deep and then boiled with a
little quicklime and made into cubes for sale, in cart-loads.
Also obtained from keip or barilla by incinerating sea-weeds,
from Dhobi's earth by adding quick lime to the earth, and
boiling repeatedly with water.
Constituents.--It contains 25 p.c., of Sodium carbonate.
Sodium carbonate (washing soda) is obtained by lixiviation
and crystallization of barilla. Chemically it consists of carbo-
nate of soda with certain impurities such as organic matter,
sulphate of soda, potash etc.
Characters.-It occurs In porous, granular masses, of a
greyish white color or as heavy hard pieces, with a strong
alkaline taste of soda.
Action.-It is antacid and alterative; also a diuretic. The
properties are generally like those of Yavakshara, but inferior
to it.
Uses.-It is useful in dyspepsia with vomiting, diarrhoea
and flatulence. It is an efficient remedy in urinary diseases,
as uric acid, gravel and suppression of urine. In Bright's
disease of the kidney with abundant sediment in the urine; and
in diabetes the habitual use of this salt has a marked bene-
ficial effect. In rheumatism and gout SajjikTfar is given inter-
nally with benefit. A, powder known as Sajjikadya Churna
made up of Sarjikshara and Yavak:shara and Pancha lavana
all equal parts, powdered and soaked in lemon-juice or the
juice of pomagranate fruits and dried ill the sun, cures dys-
pepsia with severe' pain 'after meals, ascites and loss of appe-
tite. Dose is 20 grains-(Sharangadhara). A powder made
of' Sarjikakshara andrYavaksfCara 5 parts each, dry ginger and

Sanchala 4 parts each and pipli 3 parts is given in hot tea for
colicl indigestion etc. In amenorrhoea a paste made in milk,
of equal parts of Sajjikhar~ nayaphataki pana (Heart pea),
sweet, flag and Asana is usefuL Dose is 1. drachm. It is used
in the form of a bath in lichen, prurigo lepr:a and pityrial'lis;
also in burns of the s~cond and third degree. In herpes of the
,Scalp anp, in, scaly disease~ Q~ the ~kin it is an efflcien,t tqpical
remedy. A sa,t4rated salutian of it is applied to burJ?~ and
I'lcalds, alsa, to rhE;!u.matic, joints. A cry?taJ of socia dipped ~nto
water and then gently appHed to' the burnt spat gives instan-
taneous relief of pain in hl,lrns of the first degree. In those of
the 2nd and 3rd degree, a compress wet with a 10 p.c. solution
-of the sada may be applied. A week solution of it is in]~cted
inta the vagina to check leucorrhoea. A paste made of equal
parts o~ Y?-vakshara and ~aOjik.1J,ara with watfi!r is aI?plied to
abscesses for opening them and f<;>,r the r:emoval \)f local ,in-
flammatian. An ointment made ~f Sajjikhar, slaked lime and
seeds of Psaralea corylifdlia each 4 parts and copper sulphate
1 part and ghee 4 parts is useful in itch.

Sans.-Tankana; Tunkana; ,Rasashodhan. Eng.-Sodium
Biborate; Sodium Bar~t~;"Biborate of Soda; BOJ;"ax tynkal;
Borax; Biborate .of Sodium; Pyraboratfi! .or Tetraborate So-
dium; Sap,ium Pyroboratfi!. Hind:-Tinkal; Tincal; Soha~a.
Ben. Dt~k, & punj.:-Sohaga; S-uhaga; Tinkar; rillkql. Kash.
~Vavut. ,A rab.:-Buraekes-saghah. Pers.;-Tinkar-t~mkar.
Tib2tan~Chusal, Bom. & Guj.-Tankan-khar; Kuddia-khC:\r.
Kon. & Mah.-Kankankhar. Tei.-VelHgaram; Elegaram.
Tam.- Venkaram; Y€1).garam. Mal.-P.onk9.r?ffi. Can.-Bili.,.
gara. Si'!'Lh,-Plol,shq:ra., .Bur,m.-Lakqiya. ",M:alay.__:Pijar;
Source.-It occurs as a :natural deposit. Crude barax is
found in masses by evaporatIon: of water', on shores of dried
'up lakes in India and Tib~t; ifis also' obtained"from'the mud
:0£ lakes surrounded 'bY' hIlls in Nepal. In this' crude state it
is known as Sohagoor or' tinkala. When purified by dissolving

,it in water, straining through cloth; evaporating to dryness

and crystallizing, it is, call~;d borax or tankan khar.
Characters.-It is c0iri.pased of boric acid and soda. In
the native state it exists 'asl an impure saline incrustation ot a
dirty-white colour. It exists as cr;ystalline tough masses or
in the form of translucent irregular masses. Exposed to the
aIr it becomes opaque. Another' yariety known as TeLio
tankana is an impure' salt met with in smaIl pieces or smooth',
translucent SIx-sided' prIsms. The colour is greyish-white; on
exposure it becomes opaque or dirty white. It has a faintly
balsamic odour and tastes like papalia khar.
-Purification.-Borax is purified py being steeped for a
nigh~ in KanjiklA (whey) q~<;l dried ip th~ sun.
Action.-Diuretic, emmenagogue, astringent, antacid and
local sedative and antiseptic:
Uses.-B()rax is given internally .in dpse,s varying from
10-30 grains, in acidity of the stomach, amenorrhoea, dys-
menorrhrea, menorrhagia, puerperal convulsions and to pro-
mote uterine pains during labour. As a solvent it is given in
uric acid diathesis with good re'sults: "Dose is from 20 to 40
grains for an adult. In tbe Kaphaja, type of fevers a pill
~aiied Kapha-ketu. 'Rasa made of. aconite, bora~ and reduce~
conch-shell in ~qual parts, powdered, mi~ed' well and soaked
over three times in the JUIce of fresh ginger and made mt6
pills of' two grains each is given with 'honey and ginger-Juice.
ThIS' is 'used in all sorts of phlegmatic complaints from com-
mon catarrh to bronchitis and pneumonia, even 'attended with
discharges {rom 'the ears and the n'bse. In prolonged and
tedious labours due to want of action or power 111 the uteruS
to expel the foetus; and in abortion under the same circurri-
stances, 30 grains of borax with 10 grains of powdered cinna:..
mon in a little warm conjee may be given everyone or two
hours to the e?'tent of three or- ,four doses. This_ may al?o be
'given in convulsions attendant on labour. In cases of suspen:-
:sion or irregl,llarity of the menstr.ual discharge and in ~OJ;ne
chronic uterine, 'affections, dose? of 10 gr;lins with 10 grains
of cinnamon :occasi9nally' prove useful. It acts with betel:-

juice in, 4 to 8 gr?in doses' as preventive of ague. In smap'

dosEs it is given to children as a laxative. It is also used in
loss of appetite;. painful dyspepsia, cough, asthma and diar-
rhoea. As an antiseptic" it destroys low vegetable organisms,
hence given ih foe tid. stools of diar:rhoea in children., As a
~edat~ve to the mucQus membranes in irritable .condition of
the j'a4ces and. pharyIJ.;X, in chronic bronchitis of children, in
cystitis etc~, it is given with benefit. A few -grains of borax
or boric- acid wHl sometimes remove an obstinate cough in a
young child, and espeGially if this ,be associated with an ,irrit-:
able cQJ)ditibn of t4~ fauces or·pharynx-(JudSOri). Glycerine
of bora~ i,n 10 to 20 drQp-dos.es is very beneficial in the treat.,
ment of 'Surllm~r diarrhoea of infants. It checks the griping
pains, deodorises' the -offensive motions. and stops the diarrhrea
(Dr. E. A. SymRson). IUs used by:Hakims and Vaids in the
convulsions of infants and children, in doses of 1 to 5 grains~
given in m_other,'s milk, according to the age of the child. Five
grains of 'borax -and thr.ee :grains of pepper with a teaspoonful
of honey, given thri.ce a day is' v~ry effective for bronchitis
and asthma in agultsi for··children the. dose is proportionate to
thei:r; age. ~L'{e grains of borax eaten with betel leaves has
been found to be effective in .importance. Five-grain doses
with tre?cle has been employed. .as, a, deobstruent in internal
tumours of the apdomen.~ In epilepsy it is useful where brQ-
mides have no effect. Dr. Gowars has found borax useful in
some c~ses of inveterate epilepsy in which bromide has no
influence; but that the, influence of borax is not comparable
to that of bromides in cases in which this is effective. He says
that the administration of the drug may be continued for years
in dose.s, of 15, to 30 grains thriCe a day after mel;i1s; witho).lt
any' ill effects beyond a possible eruption of psoriasis ameJ:1able
to arsenic. Gastro-intestinal disturbance usually occurs at
the beginning of the treatment, but diminution of the dose is
said to be all that· is :necessary to correct this. 'Borax enters
into the composition of numerous f~rmulae: for dyspepsia, loss
of appetite and indigestion, 'silch as the' An~ritak(Llpa rasa,
Tanka:rtadi Vati etc. A'mritakalpa rasa. is. prepared thus:---'
Take of .mercury, sulphur and aconite, one ,part each, borax
three parts, soak them for three days in the fuice 'of: Wedelia

calendulacea and make into two-grain pills. Tankanadi vati

contains the above ingrediepts with the addition of ginger and
black pepper, all in equal parts. Another pill composed of
borax, nitre, a:safoetida, Krintham, (magnetic oxide of iron),
purified iron pyrites, opium, garlic, kernel of bonduc seeds;
all in equal parts powdered, groUhd in ginger-juice and turned
into 2 or 2!- grain pills, is given in painful dyspepsia; a iaxa-
tive of triphala should be given. A mixture of equal parts of
borax, long pepper and baberang seeds is given for five days
at the menstrual periods for the purpose of preventing concep-
tion. It is also used for procuring; abortion and inducing
labour pains. The follQwing are 'some useful 'prep'arations
containing borax:----,(1) Take of borax, aconite, Alpotaxis
auriculata, alum, long pepper, Embelia ribes, cloves, nutmeg
and Helleborus niger. Mix and make a 'pill mass in honey.
Dose is 2 to 5 grains, given with betel; leaves, in cough.
-(2) Take of Borax, 'impure~ carbonate of potash, trikatu;
triphala, Curcuma longa, pancha lavana, Cassia: 'lanceolata
powder, Embelia ribes and Aconitum heterophyllum equal
parts and Balsamodendron 'mukul equal in weight to all. Mix:
and make a pill mass. Dose is 3 to 5 grains; given in milk or
Conjee; useful in -gonorrhoea; rheumatism,. heart disease;
epilepsy, hysteria etc. (3) Take of Borax 4, ,Pinus 10ngifolia
3, black pepper 2, Anacylus pyrethrum 2, Datura seeds 3
and aconite 2 parts. Mix, add honey and make a pill mass.
Dose is 5 grains, to be given in the juice of betel leaves, for
asthma. (4) Take of Borax 2, triphala, dry ginger, long pep-
per, coriander seeds; cumin seeds, sanchala salt, each 1 part,
cinnabar, Ferri peroxidum, sulphur, and black pepper each
2_ parts and. honey 5 parts:. Mix and make a pill mass. Dose
is 5 grains. Used in chronic bronchitis with profuse expec-

Externally borax is used in lotion (1 in 40 of water) in

acne, freckles, chloasma 'etc., to allay itching in urtIcaria,
psoriasis, pruritus pudendi, vulvi, -scroti and ani, in gangren-
-ous buboes, and, sloughing ulcers: It is _applied on rags well over
the whole sore. and renewed frequently by night and day .
.For' dressing Delhi sorefi and ,other forms, of ulcer?, and

for stimulating them to healthy action a favourite application

is an ointment made of a mixture of borax, sulphur and
catechu, one drachm each in fine powder and qn -ounce of
ghe e . To sore nipples and in prickly heat and other- forms of
skin eruptiQns, a soLution of borax (1 in 8) is applied before
and after· sucking the infant; or it may be employed in the
form of ointment 1 in 8 of ghee. These applications are also:
serviceable in inflamed and painful piles, In the. distressing
irritation of the genital organs both in males and females,
cloths saturated with a strong solution of borax (1 in 16) kept
to the parts afford much relief. In the case of women, the
solution should be used' in the' form of vc;lginal injection. The
solution (1 in 5) proves very :useful ai? injection in cystitis,
leucorrhoea and gonorrhoea and in lithic acid deposits. In
the treatment of vaginal leucorrhoea. Rosch deposits in the
fornix 0.5 gm. (7 or 8 grains) of boric, acid at first daily and
then three times a week. The course of treatment lasts from
one to three weeks. For ringworm a solution of borax in
distilled vinegar (1 in 16) is an effectuaL application. In
aphthae or thrush and soreness of mouth or throat to parasitic
stomatitis, to the urethra in urethritis, to cra'cked tongue, a
mixture 6f one drachm of powdered borax and one ounce of
honey or other suitable vehicle, is an excellent application,
especially suitable to infants and young children; for this the
official MeL Boracis and GLycerinum Boracis are efficient sub-
stitutes. It should be applied with the flnger. to the spot
twice or· thr'ice daily. In hoarseness of the, throat ,to which
songsters are liable it is' locally applied with· benefit. In ul..;
ceration of mouth, fissures or cracks in the tongue ih· adults,
which occur in the· advanced stages' of' consumption, fever,
etc., an application twice the strength of the above proves
highly serviceable. In mercurial sa~vation a solution of
borax (1 jn 16 of water) makes an excellent gargle. As a
resolvant of enlarged glands and tumours,- a paste made of
equal parts' of borax, alum and milk-curd· is -applied. Boro-
gLycerine (1 in 45) is use~ul as an antiseptic lotion in purulent
ophthalmia and diphtheria.


(Sodium F'luosilicate or Sodium Fluosilicas, Silicefluoride
of Sodium, Sodium Silicofluoride) occurs in 'crystals or white
granular powder without az1.y odour or taste, soluble in water.,
It is non-irritant, disinfectant, antiseptic, germicide, (anthel-
mintic), deodorant and styptic. As an injection (2 p.c.) it is
used in gonorrhoea; as a mouth wash or gargle in diphtheria:
and sore-throat; as a solution for carious teeth, wounds and
for irrigating abscess ·ahd other cavities.


(Sans:-Saindhava. Eng.-Rock.:salt; Sea salt; Bay salt;'
$odium chl\)rate. Arab".-Mil-he-tabazard. Pers.-Namake":-
sang. Hind.-Sendhalon; Sedha:lbn. Duk.-'-Sondanimak.
Guj.-Sipdhaltma. Tel.-Saindha:lava:nam. Tam.-Indu-uppti.
Can. Kon. & Mah.-Sendhurlavana. Mal.-Intu-uppu. Ger'.__:
Natrium chloricum). '
in Nature in , extensive
l ,
beds mostly _,Cl'i- -¥

sociated with clay and ~alci~m sulphate. To obtain it, holes.

are dug into these rocks which sOQn become fined up with
salt water;, the water' is evaporated and the salt is left ready
~~. '
Characters,-;lt is. f01JnQ in small white crystalline grain.s
or tI.:ansparenj; cl!oes. It is bro~ish white e~teIJlally and
white int~rnally. It, has a pure saline taste. :lild burns with a
yellow flame.
Action;-.In small. go§es it is' highly carminative, stoma~hi.q
and .digesth!e, It promotes the 'app~tite .and .assists digest.ioIl,
and. a~;>imilation.. ,In large dpses (1 to .~ dradl~l$) it is cathar-:.
tic; in still larger tioses, (4 to 8 dJachm§) it is: ,emetic:' Ro~
salt possesses strQI).ger purg<:ltive, pr.operties than cream g£
tartar; l;>U,t lil~e t4~§ it is not a satisfactory cathalrti.c; giV!'ln
alone. Combined w.ith other Pllrgatives it is equal, if n9~
superior to it. . ,
Uses.-It is given in dyspepsia and other abdominal dis-
orders. To rouse digestion weakened by diarrhoea, rock-salt

and Yavakshar (alkali-Potassium carbonas impura) are given,

in convalescence. When heated it is uSed to foment painful,
swollen and such other parts. Rock salt with warm water
is used as an emetic. A compollnd powder caned Vadavanal
churna containing rock salt~ long pepper, pipli, cubebs, chitrak,
ginger, and 'myrobalans in equal parts, mixed and made into
a powder is used in anorexia, flatulence and biliousness. Dose
is 5 to 15 grains two or three times a day with water. A
medicinal salt called Nariekelakshara is' highly recommended
in Chakradatta as valuable in the form of dyspepsia which is
attended with pain two or three hours after meals. It is thus
prepared:-Take a cocoanut-fruit full of water, make a hole
in it and fill the cocoanut with rock-salt and dissolve' it in its
water. Then close the opening, cover the nut with a layer
of clay- and roast it In a pit of fire, The salt thus roasted is
given witn the adqition of long pepper~ Dose is about a
quarter tola. A powder made of rock salt 10_ grains, Kaladana
1 drachm and' dry ginger 10 grains is a good laxative, in a
single dose. As a digestive, a COTI"Lpound: powder made of
rock salt, chebulic myrobaliom, emblic myroba'lan ,and long
pepper in equal parts is recommended in doses of. 10 grains
twice' a day. A powder- containing pancha lavana 5 parts,
impure oxide of iron 5 parts and Emblic myrobalan 4 parts is
useful in ,doses of 10 grains in dyspepsia, congested .liver etc.
A medicated oil named SfLlpa Masha Taila is used as an appli-
cation 'in rheumatism, contrclCted knee joint, stiff shoulder
joint etc'.


(Sans.~Lavana; Samudra Lavaha; Dronilavana. Eng.-
Common salt; Table salt; Muriate or Sodium; Muriate of -Soda.
Arab.-Milhuls-aajin. pers~-Namake-khurdam. Hind.-
Namak: -Lun Nun. Duk.-Nimak. Ben.-Nimok; Lesu. Guj.
-Mithun. Bom. Mah. & Kon.-Chemit Meeth. Can.-Droni-
upjm; KadluIJpu; Uppu. Tel. Tam. & Mal.-Uppu. Burm.-
Themg-dan-hsa. Sinh.--Shih-yen; Lunu.)
S'ource.-Sodium chloride or salt is found in Nature form-
ing 2.5 p.c. of the waters of the ocean. It is obtai'ned by li'xi-

viation of saline soil or by evaporation of brine springs or sea·

water. When obtained from sea-water it is known as Samudrc
Characters.-Salt occurs as transparent cubes or smaT
brownish-white crystalline ~rains, odourless, of saline taste an(
neutral reaction, soluble ill wat~r, insoluble in alcohol an:(
Action.-Antiseptic, antiperiodic, anthelmintic and de
obstruent. Common salt is an ingredient of our body ane
keeps. the globulin of the blood in solution. We are conti
nually losing .it. through sweat, wine, tears etc., and therefo'r'l
its want causes disease and even death. It increases thl
secretion of the gastric. juice and should therefore be taker
with discretion by the dyspeptic. It should be. taken wit}
caution by stout. persons, patients with dropsy and those suffer
ing from excessive thirst and skin diseases. The salt of the se,
water contains a smaLl proportion of iodine, which renders i
essential for the human being as a preventive of goitre ane
other glandular enlargements. Dr. Barclay, President Qf the
British Radiological Society, Manchester, declares (Montreal
Pharm. ,Jour.) that in communities near the sea there are
few, if any cases, of goitre, and proves his theory from the
fact that there is much less goitre in· England than in the
United States where the people are far from salt water. He
thereby prO'l.:'2S that goitre is caused by insufficient iodine in
the human system. Internally in small doses it increases the
secretion of the salivary and gaE'tric glands, sharpens appetite
and promotes digestion of vegetable food. It excites thirst
and thus assists absorption of liquid food. In a diluted form
it enters the blood and dissolves albumins and globulins. In
a concentrated ·form it is an irritant to· the cut surfaces to the
mucous membranes, muscles and nerves. It ~ also a rube-
facient. It decreases the secretion of mucus, promotes ab-
sorption of effused products. It .is eliminated in the urine.
In large doses i.e.) 2 to 4 drachms in .solution, salt acts a~ an
emetic, and in still larger' doses it is a powerful. purgative.
Uses.-Being one of the constituents of the blood and of
the body. generally, it ,forms an important dietetic agent and

is used as a condimept. Swami Lavanananda speaking of

salt in its relation to longevity of life mentions eight civilized
countries from British Isles and United States down to India
and gives the national consumption of salt per head in com-
parison with their average longevity. He gives 72 and 48 lbs.
of salt per head, per year in British Isles and U.S.A. respective-
ly, where the aver;:tge length of life is 45 years, whereas in
India it is only .23 years, owing, he says, to the fact that the
average consumption of salt per head per year in India is only
12 lbs. He therefore preaches the value of saline nasa,l douche
and salt-water drink to make 'us more healthy and the Gov-
ernment more wealthy through salt-tax. But in contrast to
this view a l;>ook published by the Theosophical Publishing
House, Adyar,. Madras, and styled 'Salt-A Superstition' gives
copious illustrations and e~tracts to prove the justification for
its total discontinuance as an article of diet! It is mentioned
that in, Ayurveqic '~reatment a saltless diet. is generally pre-
scribed in diseases such as dropsy qnd that Bhagvath Githa
refers to a salted diet a~ causing "pain, grief and disease." At
any rate" exc~ssive and improper nse of salt is not commend-
ab .e. In moderate doses it has a tonic effect, observed especial-
ly in some cases of 'colwalescence where there is an intense
craving for it. In fevers, dyspepsia and bilious diarrhoea in
childrEn it is given with benefit. A powder named Vaishnava-
?tar Cht~rnam, made up at common salt, ajowq_n, ollium seeds;
long pepper, ginger and chebulic myrobalan, is useful in, doses
of 20 to 60 grains twice a day, as gast:r;ic stimulant: and. carmi-
nati've, For an attacl5: of acute indigestion with difficulty to
breathe a very simple remedy is tQ put a pinch of table salt,
dry" on th~ tongue ,and while it is dissolving it is acting· on the
saliva very quickly and when this is swallowed it' assists in the
digestiQn of whatever article of .food has re:tp.ained undigested
eSl?ecially st;lrchy foods. A contributor to the "Ipdian Medi-
cal Record" says with regarg, to the usefulness of salt in
typhoid fever etc.:-"This saved my life wheh :recovering from
typhoid and I have told. many persons of it and they have
been helped; it acts. bett~r when dry than when dissolved in
either hot or cold water and drunk, as then the salivary
glands are not .exci~ed to activity".__ (Health a:ints in Indian

Medicai Record, Nov. 1925). Biochemists in America have

round from experiments made, that salt serves the valuable
function of reducing 'uric d~id in the blood especially of those
on a diet too rich in either; proteins of carbo-hydrates. Sea
water collected from a depth bf ·five fathoms far out :in the
Atlantic in sterile ,drums is 'beingl used for curative purposes
in disease'. It is said ,to work miracles in anaemia, gastric
ulcer, catarrh, neuritis, neurasthenia, and all cases of debility:
Experiments are now being made in America by Drs. Leaman
& Gibson with some success in the treatment of vomiting 'with
the, administration of a 2 p.c. solutIon of sodium chloride. The
relief was Immediate, though transient. Also a few cases of
duodenal 'ulcer' with nausea and pain after meals, are reported
to have, been relieved though temporarIly by giving a teaspoon""
ful of salt diEsolved in a glass of cold water. Dr. Brooke says
that common salt is an effica'cio1)g' remedy in 'malarial fevers',
that only one dose or even two doses of the common salt are
required to check an attack of any kind of malarial fever! He
suggests the folloWing mode of admiriistration:-"A good hand-
ful of clean sodium chloride is first thrown on a well-washed
frying pan which is being kept warm by the application of
heat from underneath to drive off fully the 'water of crystalli-
sation contained In the common salt. Such an application of
heat is continued until the sa:id salt took the brownish tint.
Dosage:-For adults-one tablespoonful of this roasted salt
which IS equivalent to 'one ounce. This amount of salt after
being well mixed with one glass of hot water should be taken
in an empty stomach iIi the morning of the day before the
date of an attack of fever. In quotidian type of malarial
fever, after the remission or its cold stage being removed, it
shpuld be taken in an empfy 'stomach. Not more than one
ounce should be admInistered per - mouth. .But the dose
should not be less than one ounce. It would be of no effect if
medicine is' not taken. in an empty stomach. Consequently;
the patient should not be given any food or even water before
the medicine is administered. Although true patient becomes
very thirsty immediately utter the medicine is taken, still 'he
should not be, given any other food except water. This water
should be shghtly warI}1ed and -should be drunk at a time

in a qrachm quantity off and on. If the patient becomes very

hungry, he should not be given any other food except light
.diet e.g. chicken broth after 48 hours. Withi1l; 24. hours after
taking the saLt .water he. should drirtk only Little water off
aHd Qn, othllrw_ise· he would derive· 'I'l,0 benefit at all. Regarding
diet he should be -very careful. Further. he should remain
careful as. to cold exposure within. 48 hours after the adminis-
.tratio'l1, of me_dicine. He should ,be instructed in. such a way
:that he Sh9lJld wear always a warm coat and stockings. Dr.
Brooke in, his 18 years' experience;,in the medical practice did
not get baffled in his object of curing patients after following
the above principles. He. was able to cure, each patient by
using this :r:oasted saltt after 48 .hours. None· had. the relapse
of fever. This medicine was rarely' used :twice in ·a patient.
In HungCl.ry, hundreds .of patients are cured by adoptmg the
above procedure. In hot· countries of America nearly 400
English,men are attacked. with malarial fever each year. None
had the relaps.e of iever- (PracticaLMedicine, ·Sept. 1925). As
a saline in.travenous..injection or enema it is given during col-
1apse stage after oper.ations and in uterine haemorrhages. In
cholera, an i~tr.av.enous injection of Rogers mixture is useful.
It consi~ts of sodium chloride 2 drachms, potassium chloride
6 grains a~d calcium ·chloride 4 grains in 1 pint of water. In
plague cases accompanied .by vomiting and purging Dr. H. C.

Sen recommends) hypodermic injection of norrIial salt solution.

Surgeons .make free use. of intravenous: or subcutaneous in-
jection of salt water in critical times. The same or better
result can be obtained bY' Jay people by putting s'alt water in
the body through nose or mouth. Marine-plasma or deep
sea-wate.:f is used in France to improve the vitality of ·children.
The same can be achieved by salt water drink. It is noW ad-
mitted that saline. nasal douche (salt water snuff) prevents 'in-
fluenzg. It increases leucocytosis .and improves. vitality. We
can pr~y~nt pne'Umonia and other chestr disorders by salt
water., It is not a very difficult task to give saline nasal
douchE\·to the child. Prepare a cup of salt water by dissolving
-powdered salt i11, the proportion of one tola to a seer of water
or 6 grains of salt to an ounce of water. Put a few spoons in
each nostril and a few in the mouth of the child. Dr. H. C.

Sen recommends administration. ot tepid normal salt solution

freely by the mouth in e'fery cas~ of blood-poisoning or im-
poverished condition of the blood'. He says that if it is riot
rejected by the stomach, .0ral administration should riot be
superseded by :rectal, hypodermic or intravenous injections.
As an e,nema it relieves 'flatulence and colic, destroys and
brings away worms from the large bowels. and. prevents the
pa:t:oxysinal. attack of epilepsy. In neuralgic: headache etc., it
may be used as a snuff. It relieves haemoptysis :ahd; migraine.
One per: cent solution of it is a topical appll.catlon to stop.
haemorrhages from woul1ds and a wash or a sniff: in the cold
and .catarrh of the nosJxils ill! ozoena and a gargle in cnroI"lic
dise<i!:'les of the phary,nx and. larynx. The sniffihg of a little
salt, wakr every morning: improves the health .of children
who do not breathe well. Salt is us.ed as an antidote in poison-
ing. by .:'ljlver .nitrate' or· after 'swallowing a leech. Heated salt
.~s lq~gely used a_s dry hot fomentation for the relief of .painful
jQi_nts and swollen scrofulous glands. About a pound of
powdere.d common :salt .enclosed in a lQose bag heated over a
fire and applied for 20 to 3U minutes at a time relieves gas-
t.p1_lgia or dyspeptic colic. .Salt wat~r· (1 in 30) 6r sea-bathing
is reco.mmel1cled. for, the cuie of various' skin affections;
rheumatic; and muscular pains and spr.ains. ·etc. The follow-
ing is r~commen,ded, as .a bath ,to soothe tired nerves:-
"Dissolve ,four Ol.illceS of sea-salt in a qua:r:t of hot water and
let stand until CQol; pour 2 ounces each of spirits of ammonia
and 0.£ spirits of camphor into 8 ounces of alcohol; add this to
the sea-salted water and shake well. Wet the body all over
with a sponge dipped in this mixture and rub vigorously till
the fie.sO glows. The r.elief is almost magical. The worn
feeling vanishes, a sleepy sensation creeps over- the tired
nerves and one si,nks away into slumber sw:eetly."-(Practical
Medicine. ~pril .1926) . "Salt water is' the: best thing for the
daily cleansing of the teeth'J.,.--(Sir Harry Baldwin, Surgeon-
Dentist to thE; King). WhEn used as a bfeservative 'of animal
substances such as' meat etc., salt modifies the nutritive pro-
perties rendering it (meat eta.) le:ss fit to nourish and sustain;
hEnce fresh' meat .is. hettJer than the meat preserved by salting ..


(Sans.-Svarnavanga. Eng.-Mcsa:ic gold; Bisulphurette of
tn) is a powder and a goldEn preparation of tin having a beauti~
iU! golden lustre and flaky texture. It is prepared thus:-Take
Equal parts of mercury; 'sulphur ,and tin":foils arid rub them
together; then take Sal ammoniac in quantity equal to all the
above ingredients' and rub these together in a mortar. Put
the mixtm;e in a glass bottle and heat in ~ sand b?t4. Tht
rEsulting powder i$ ~he bisulghuret of tin. It is "us.ed in com:-
plaints of generative organs, both in male anq female. It is
specially effective in gleet. It is indicated as a rejuvenator
and toniG ~f high potency which induces health-vigour, im-
fToves the appetite, increases memory, generates semen of
high quality, cures gonorrhoea, spermatorrhoea, leucOl:rhoea
and allied troubles of the generative organs". Dos~ is 2 to 4
grains mixed with honey before use-(Kaviraj Bisharad &
Dr. S. K. Mukherji-Jour. of Ayur., Sept.~ 1924). In im-
potency it is given as a rejuvenator with 4 grains of the
powdered roots of Mimosa pudica. As an appetiser it is given
with the water obtained by soaking 1 tala powder of Ernblic
myrobalans in 4 ounces of water soaked overnight and strain-
ed through a linen in the morning. For memory it is given
with the fresh expresEed leaf juice of Indian penny-wort. In
gonorrhoea it is given with the juice of the raw turmeric or
leaf-juice of glomerous fig tree (Ficus glomerata) or leaf-
juice of Himsagar (Pashanbhedi, lr"1·issp). In sper~atorrhoea
it is given with cubeb powder 12 grains. In leucorrhoea it i-;
given in the decoction of red sandal wood' (1 tola of
powder in 8 ounces of water boiled down to 2 ounces). For
thinness of semen, it js given as for impotency, or in th~ leaf-,
juice of Aswagandha; or witb powdered' roots of Mimosa
pudica-12 grains per dose or \vith decoction of the root bark.


(Eng.-Perchloride of tin).

Sans.-Vanga; Ranga; Trapu. Eng.-Tin; Pewter-calx.
Arab.-Rasas; Abruz. Pers.-Urziz. Hind.-Kathal; Rang.
Ben.-Banga. Guj.-l'Q~lai. Mah.-'-Kaloi. Duk.-Kathil.
Tam.-Tagaram. Tel.- Vendi; Sisam. Ma~.-Kalang; Timah.
Can: & Kon.-Tavaray. Si1l:h.-Sudu-iyam. Burm.-Khai.-
Source.-Rarely met with in a free state; found as oxide
in native plates or tin stone or in combination with sulphur
as sulphide. It is abundant in Burma, Tennaserim and
Characters.-As met with in the bazaar tin is a bluish-
white metal, silverlike, softer than gold, harder than lead,
bending with a cracking sound, malleable but sparingly duc-
tile with little elasticity. It is obtained by heating tIn-stone
with charcoal. In Ayurvedic works two varieties of tin have
been described.-(l) Impure tin (Misraka meaning mixed),
is dirty white in appearance. Arsenic and Sulphur" are the
chief impurities in tin ore. (2) Pure tin (Kshuraka), white,
soft, cold (to the touch), readily fusible and bright and does
not clink when struck-(Rasaratnasamuchchaya). Only pm:e
tin (Kshuraka) should be used in the preparation of medi-
Purmcation.-Tin is purified by melting it over fire and
pouring the melted fluid iI1to the milky juice of Calotropis
gigantea. Another process is to drop the molten tin into the
juice of Vitex negundo mixed with turmeric: the process be-
ing repeated three times, the metal undergoes purification.-
(Rasaratna-samuchchaya). For medicinal use it is prepared
by melting purified tin in an iroI1 cup adding to it one-fourth
part of its weight of Yavakshara an'd pcrw-dered tamarind
shelIs, agitating with an iron rod till the mass is reduced to a
fine powder. It is then washed. .in cold water and dried over
a gentle fire. Other r.nethods consist in-(l) melting correct-
ed tin in an earthen P9t and adding to the molten metal, an
equal weight of powdered turm~ri~ and psychotis ajowan and
cumin seeds and afterwar~s the ashes of the powdered bark
of Tamarindus indica and Ficus religiosa and continuing stir-

jng over fire till the tin is reduced to ashes (powder), which
is then washed to rid it of vegetable-ashes-(Rasendrasara-
sangraha); or (2) smearing tin-foil with a paste of orpiment
and the milky juice of Calotropis gigantea and then covering it
with the ashes of the bark of Ficus religiosa arid Tamarindus
indica and roasting till reduced to ashes-(Rasaratna-samu-
chchaya). In this process orpiment plays an important part in
the reduction. The best method 'of reducing tin is this:-Tin
is melted over fire in an iron vessel. Powdered Achyranthus
aspera plant is then added to the molten tin in the jron vessel
and stirred continually with iron rod when it is reduced to fine
powder; wash and put it in a covered crucible and burn re-
peatedly by the putapaka process in mild heat- (Kaviraj A.
C. Bisharad & Dr. S. K. Mukerji M.B.). The resulting pro-
duct is a greyish white powder consisting chemically of oxide
of tin (Vanga bhCl!Sma) with some impurities.
Uses.-It is chiefly used in diseases of the genito-urinary
organs, blood and lungs. Dose of the powder is 3 to 5 grains
twice daily with honey or butter. In the West, oxide of tin
has been advocated as a therapeutic agent in staphylococcal
infection in the treatment of boils ek In India it has been in
use from a very ancient period in several diseases in a variety
of forms. Misrakam (Impure tin) is useful in urinary dis-
orders. In urinary diseases tin-oxide is recommended; it is
usually combined with the~juice of Ocimum sanctum leaves or
with juice of betel leaves in cases of difficult micturition. In
painful micturition a preparation called Trinetra Rasa is given
with a decoction in milk made of the juice o£ Cynodon dacty-
lon" liquorice toot, gum of Bombax malabaricum, and Tribulus
terrestris. It is prepared thus:-Take of' prepared tin, mer-
cury and sulphur equal parts, rub them together in an iron
mortar and soak seven times 'respectively in the juice of Cyno-
don dactylon and the decoctions of liquorice root, gum of
Bombax malabari'cum and Tribulus terrestris. Then roast in
a covered crucible, again soak in the above mentibned fluid
medicines and make into four-grain pills. In gonorrhoea,
Zad Garib prescribes a compound powder made of tin oxide.
Bambbo manna, cubebs, coriander and cardamoms in equal
parts. Dose is to begin with 1 masha (11 or 12 grains)

gradually increased up to 3 mashas. In diabetes Vangeshwaru

Rasa which consists of Rasasindura
(red sulphide of mercury)
and Vanga bhasma in equal parts is recommended. Dose is
4 grains taken once a day with honey. Well-known prepara-
tions of Tin, such as Somanath Ra.sa, Basantakumara Rasa,
Tarakeshvar Rasa, Gaganadi Lauha etc., are recommended for
diabetes. Vanga blasma with honey, turmeric and juice of
the root of Bombax malabaricum is generally used. Another
compound preparation recommended in Bhaisajyaratnavali
for diabetes is Vrihat Vangesvara Rasa. It is given with the
juice of the ripe fruit of Ficus glomerata. It acts as an altera-
tive tonic and cur.es, 'all sorts of urina:ry diseases. It contains,
prepared tin, mercury, silver and talc, sulphur and camnl10r
each 2 t01as, prepai'ed gold and pearls, each. half a to1a, mixed
wgether and soaked in the juice of Eclipta prostrata and made
into 4-grain pills. In spermatorrhoea. tin oxide is given with
nutmeg powder and ghee. ,In phthisis it is given with tur-
meric juice for haemoptysis. In asthm.Cl it is used with cop"
pET. In paralysis it is used with garlic juice. In general
weakness Sharangadhara recommends it as a tonic and altera··
tive. It "improves health, strengthens the organs and
nourishes the whole body". In weakened vitality, sexual
debility and impotence it is used with the leaf-juice of Achy-
ranthus aspera. As ,an ,aphrodisiac it is best and combined
with musk. For putrid smell .in the mouth it is given with
camphor., In dyspepsia it is given with Eithet powdered long
pepper or with juice of betel leaves. In. constipation it is
prescribed with betel leaf-juice. In jaundice it is used with
clarified butter. In: skin disease it is given with catechu dis~
solved in water. In leprosy also it is recommended and is
prescribed with leaves of Vit~x trifolia. Oxide of tin }las
given excellent results in acne vulgaris, anthr~ and styes. It
"is now used either as tables for oral administration or as
solution in lipoid medium for injection"-(Jour. of Ayur.,
Sept. 1924) ..


San,s.-Garidhaka. ·Eng.-'Brimstone; Sublimed Suiphur.
l:lind.-Gandakj Gundhak. 'Ben.-Gandrak; Gandhak. Kash.
Guj. Mah. Ron. Duk . .Can. & Sinh.-Gandhak. Tel. Tam., &
Mal.-Genpagum. Tam.-Gandakam. T'el.-Gana.ha~am.
punj.-Qandhak; Kibrit; Anwlasar;; Gogird. Arab,,__:KjprUql.
pers.-Gowgird; GangIrd. Burm.-Kau. Malay.-Balirang,
Sulphuric acic;l (H2 S0 4) is call!,!d in Tam. Tel. & Can ...,....,.
Gandagadravakam. .H ind..,--rezqb,
Source.~A non-metallic :element found free in beds of
gypsum and in a state of sublimation in regions, of 'extinct
volcanoes; also in combination with several ores called "pyrites,
as sulphates and sulphides of ii'on, cppper, 1ead, zinc, 'mercury
etc,. ~!1 India it occurs;' naturally in some parts, in N~pal,
Kashmir, Afgi1aniE,tan and in Burma, It is a 'constituent of
various vegetable· and animal substances 'such as albumen etc'.
It is obtained by roasting, fusion or by sublimation.
Characters.-As'met in the bazaar, it is' of 'four kInds:~
(1) Yellow variety or vitreous' or precipitaled sulphur or
Arrilasar gii:n;dhdka, bcc~ts ill serhi.:transparEmt cry~ta1s re-
sembling the translucent' ripe fruits 6f the Amalciki. This is
-employed for internal uSe in combination 'with mercury'.
(2) The white variety Ifnqwn as' ~611 sulphur 'is fourid in sticks
about :two inches in WIdth and 3' to 5' inChes long; the' taste is
bitter and astr'ing~nt and the 'smeil is nauseous. Tt is very
brittle; it is' somewhat 'sticky to touch. 1t 'beIng' inferior to the
yellow variety is preferred for external application. (3) Tlle
red variety is called Rafi Hir'akdsi or Lal-ganahak; it occurs in
small" fiat ,or 'irregUlar crystalline pieces 'oF a' shinin:g- orange-
red, purple or bribk ,dust colour. The taste i"s acrid and bi'tier.
It burns with ~ faint Iblue flame and emits'the smell of sulphur~
(4) The' black variety, Le., Silblimed sulphur (Gandhaie-na).
phul) is a purified' fbrm of sulphur and''lS prepared 'by washing
Gandhaka ih milk. It is first dissolved in an iron ladle smear-
ed with butter and then gradually pouf~a info a ·basih 0'£ milk.
When cool aria soliClified'it is fit for use. It is a H'ght yellow
powder .of 'a bitter: astringent taste and of it peculiar smell.
Dose is 12 to 24 grains with milk or other vehicle ..

Action.-Sulphur is described as of bitter astringent taste

with a peculiar strong smell. It increases bile, acts as a laxa-
"five and alterative and His preparations also. act as alterative~
laxative, diureti.c and'insecticide. Sulphur, when taken inter-
~ ~
nally and in small doses, becomes absorbed and may be detect-
ed in the sweat, milk ;lAd urine., It is a stimulant to the
secreting organs such as the skin and the bronchial mucous
membtanes. It has a specific action on the rectum and in-
creases the haemorrhoidal secretions. The sulphurous and
mineral waters as they contain earthy and alkaHne sulphates:
act as laxative and. 'diuretic, while the sulphurous acid disen-
gaged from them 'acts as a diaphoretic. In large doses it a:cts
as a purgative.
Uses.-In combination with mercury it is used in almost
all diseases. It readily combines with and fixes metallic mer-
cury and is therefore extensively used in combination with
that metaL In combination with jaggery or cream of milk,
sulphur is given in diseases like haemorrhoids, prolapsus and
stricture, also in chr,onic skin diseas,~s; .in sk.in dise9s,es sglphur
is used both internally and. ext?rn~JJy. Inte;rr~ally it is given
with milk or in the shape of a sulphurated butter, which is
prepared frqm milk boiled w:ith the addition of. sulphur, then
cooled and converted into curd ~4i~p is a£t~r frequent churn:-
ing converted into whey ang but~er; bl).~kI; i$ next· boiled when
it becomes, converted into oil; or it may be prepared by tri-
turating sulI>hur in the jl).ice of lemons and adding to it milk
and boiling the whole and theq allowing it to cool; an oily
liquid will separate. This is called Gandha tail.a ?!tQ,.is taKen
internally in doses of 1 to 2 minims and applied externally in
skin diseases-(Sandeha B4anjani). Sulphu~ and Yav.akshara;
mixed with mustard oil is' appJ!ed in pjtyr_iasis, psoriasis etc.
In chronic skin diseases a confection 9£ ...sulphur called
Gandhaka R,asay.ana is used as an alterative. D.o~e is '1 to. 2
drachms. Gandhakc: IJ,asayand in doses of 10 grs. each; given
,every morning with honey, ip Gases o£ advan.ced leprosy,. and
in doses of 15 grs. each with hpt wilte.r before evel'Y meal, in
acute ,leprosy;: has . been beneficial. It IS made
thus:-Take of sulphur 2 parts and mercm;y 1
part; to this' ad,d "the ju!ce of aloe' leaVes ana

triturate the whole to form a. paste. Then beat it and wh~n

cool add honey and ghee each 2 parts. Sulphur enters into
the composition of a large number of applications for skin
diseases as, for example:-AdityapakG! taila which is recom-
mended by Chakradatta in eczema, scabies etc. It is pre-
pared by taking madder, the three myrobalans, lac, turmeric,
orpiment, realgar and sulphur in equal parts, in all one seer,
mixing them with four seers of sesamum oil .and exposing the
whole to the sun. Sulphur' is useful in cough, asthma, con-
sumption and general debility; alsQ in enlargement 0.£ the liver
and spleen, chronic fevers etc. In chronic rhe,umatism, lame-
ness, cough, asthma and skIn diseases, a confection known as
Sinhanada .guggula is recommended by Chakradatta. It is
prepared by taking sulphur and bdellium each 8 tolas, decoc-
tion of. three myrobalans 72 tolas, and castor oil 32 tdlas and:
miXIng and boiling them together in an iron vessel till re-
duced to the consistence of a confection.. Dose is one drachm
twice daily. In constipation a thin paste called Gandhaka
kalka .is recommended; it is made of sulphur and chebulic'
myrobalans and butter each 1 part and juice of Eclipta 3 parts
well mixed together and made into a paste. As sulphur is a
mild laxative, for habitual constipation, in the presence of
haemorrhoids, equal parts of sublimed .sulphur and cream of
tartar with a little hOl1ey or milk in doses of 1 drachm is taken
before each meal. Dose is half to one teaspoonful once or'
twice da'ily. This also acts beneficially in cases of piles and
chronic dysentery. There. are certain Ayurvedic preparations
containing sulphur. which are, useful in asthma and other forms
of "Swasa."; .and the chief .0£ these. are:-Swasa-kuthar Rasa
(see "Arsenic" & ".Mercury")' Swasa-Ch_intamani and Brihat-
swasa Chintan:ani, Swasa,; kasa Chudarnani, Maha Lakshrrii- -
bilas (see "Silver-"), Mri6ifunjaya Rasa (see "Mercury"),
Suryavartha Rasa (see "eopper"), Maharaj Vati & Vijaya Vati.
In fevers. also preparations like Mrityunjaya Rasa: are used,
especially .in the Vayu type of remittent. feyer and that of
typhoid·. In worms and several blood parasites with cODsti-
pation 0]; with fever, co.ugh and indigestion, vermifuge com-
binations" Isuch. as: .Kitamardti rasa ..and ,Krimimudgar t,asa con-
taining ajowan and vidimga, besides sulphur etc. are reG.om-

mended. For external applicqtioll in skin diseases sulphur

ointment made up of powdered .or sublimed sulphur 1 part and
Kokum butter or any bla~d oil 6 parts, or better still so called
"balsam of sulphur" which is simply a .solution of sulphur in
warm olive or sesamun1 oil js useful. ,A suLphur bath is
generally efficacious for 'Skin diseases, as itch, acne, rosacea,
sycosis and chloasma and jnternally .sulphur powder or mine-
ral sulphurated. waters are given with benefit. The' sulphu~'
bath is commonly' made by adding the sublimed sulphur or
"mO~ of sulphur'; to boiling water and using it when s,uffici-
ently cool. "Sulphur baths of Vajr:eshwari near: KaJyan in "the
Bombay Presidency are highly useful in the treatmeJ;lt of
chronic .muscular r.heumatism, gout and cutaneous affections"
~(Khory). In many households sulphur is used to disinfect
rooms by lumigatibn. .For ringworm Aksir-ul-Imraj recpm~
mends the use of a paste made of sulphur, sulphate of ,iron,
borax, pitch-resin and lead car.bonate in equal parts, for local
application; and for .scabies Ilaj-ul-Gurba .recommends an
ointment made of .sulphur ,4 mashaJs, seeds .of Cassia tora l
seer., cow's milk 1 seeT and ghee 4 chattaks. .In scabies and
many other parasitic ,diseases, of the skin, powdered .sulphur
in half chattack of bland oil is ,an Je.f1iclent .remedy. In cases
of chronic rheumatism a liniment icomposed of two ounces pf
powde:r:ed or sublimed sulphur and q pint of .ne.em oil well
Tubbed in, twice daily, is very benefiCial. F.or xheumatic,
13crofulous and other p~infu1 joints a .plaster called Gandhaka
Lepct made of sulphur triturated in the leaf-juice of Cassia
fistula is useful. In Cases of rheumatic joints, relief is.obtain-
ed from dusting the affectEd part with flour bf 'sulphur at bed
time, enveloping it in flannel and. covering the whole with
plantain lea! to prevent the' esca}?e of £he fumes. Antipara-
sitic and vermifuge pills. such as KrimighatinirGntika 'are also
usefuL In worms and blood parasites with chronic, fever and
other troubles of gastro-intestinal tract, haematinic vermifuge
such as Vidanga..Lauha .is recommended. A preparation. call,
ed Chaturmukha Ras_a (descrlbed under "rnercury'1) is useful
in phthisis, asthma, epilepsy and other nervOus diseases. Dose
is 1 to 4 pills of 1 grain each taken twice a .day after food.
'''This was administered to a caSe of chronic bronchitis" which

was "cured"-(Ind. Drugs Report, Madras). For phthisis

and chronic bronchitis with fever, Rajmriganka Rasa (des-
cribed under "Plumbum") is also useful. For acidity and
dyspepsia Agnikumara NaBa (see "Mica") is useful. In
cholera a paste made of sulphur (precipitated) 5 Pllrt,S, onion
juice 3 pa~ts) garlic juice 2 parts; mustard and Bishop's weed
(Ajwan-ka-phul) each 4 (larts, is given internally. For tym-
panitis, colic, ascites etc., a drastic purgative named Maha-
naracha Rasa made of su1rhur, mercury and black pepper '2
parts each, ginger 3 parts and purified croton seeds .8 parts,
rubbed together for 12 hours and made into 2 grain pills, are
given with cold water. After the ,operation of this medicine
rice should be given with curdled milk and sugar. For dys-
entery Vajrakapata Rasa. and Gandhar Rasa (described under
"Mercl1ry") and for chronic fevers with enlarged syleen
Jvarasani Ra·sa (see "Mica") are r!,!commended. For rheu-
matism anq gout, Sarve~hvar Rasa cc;mtaining sulp1ll1r, mer-
cury, copperl iroIi, cinnabar, etc.) is used a~ an alter~tive. Dose
i~ 2 fo 4 grains. In meningitis and fevers complicated with
cerebral symptoms, Panchavaktra Rasa containing 'purified
mercury, 3.conite, sulphur, black pepper, borax and dhattL1'a
juice in equal parts" is administered. Dose is 4 grains. Along
with these pills a decoction of the root of Calotropis gigantea
with the addition of long.. pepper, black pepper and ginger is
recommended to be taken. Sulphur is often an excellent in-
tercurrent remedy' in involuntary and too quick discharge of
semeh, in impotency; In weakness of black and threatening

54. TALCUM ,PURIFICATION ,(Creta GaUica ,Purificata)

Sans.-Abhra. Eng.--Powdered Talc; Purified Talc;
Muscovy' glaEs; Mica; Glimmer; Purifi"ed French chalk. Pers.
& Duk.---'Talk. Arab.-Kabubul-ars. Hind.-Avrak. GtL}.
& Mah.-Hingool. Tam.-Appracam. Sinh._;_Kin. Can. &
There, are four varieties.-White (pinaka» red (naga),
y~llow (manduka); and black ,(vajra), of these, the black

variety (Vajrabhra, Krishnabhra or Sheabhra) is used ill'

Source.-Chiefly found in mountains. In India it is
found chiefly in the distric,ts of Nellore and Hazaribagh and
in the hills of the Central Provinces and Rajputana. It
occurs in a natural state either as an essential constituent of
igneous rocks or as a product of mineral silicates by weather-·
ing or contact.
Characters.-A kihd of crystalline mineral, of a foliated'
texture capable of being divided into extremely thin flakes
or leaves, having a sensible elasticity and a metallic lustre.
The, flakes are transparent, soft and can easily be scratched.
When divided across, the plates seem :t:ather to tear than break.
Constituents.-Mica is a rock forming mineral. It is a'
silicate of aluminium togEther with alkalies and basic hydro-
gen-(Jour. of Ayur. July 1924). It contains 4 to 6 p.c. of
water existing as basic hydrogen or as hydroxyl replacing
Purification & Preparations.-"Mica th~ layers of which
can be easily separated (by knife) is preferred" (Rasaratna
Samucchaya). It is purified by boiling it in the decoctio;rl of
Triphala or of dried plums for a long time and roasting or
calcining it over a fire alternately, soaking it in the juice of
lemons till the scales are separated. The calcined scales are
ultimately mIxed with the paste of Amar.anthus polygamus
and finally dried. Or it is first heated and washed. in milk,
The plates are then separated and soaked in the juice of Ama-
ranthus polygamus and Kanjika for eight days. Talc thus
purified is reduced to powder by being rubbed with paddy
within a thick piece of cloth,. when the powdered talc passes
through the pores of cloth in fine particfes and is collected for
use. Talc thus reduced to powder is called Dhanyabhra. It
is hard, heavy, very fine, black and of saline earthy taste. It
is prepared f~r medicirial use by being mixed with cow's
urine and exposed to a high degree of heat within a closed
crucible, :repeated for a hundred times. Sometimes the pro-
cess is repeated a thousand times. When this is the case ~e

preparation is called Sahasraputi Abhra and sold at high

price. Some soak it in the juice of Calotropis gigantea in-
stead of cow's urine, "before calcining. It is ,of superior effi-
cacy. Ayurvedists believe that burning and pulverising re-
peatedly of the minerals produce a "potency" or. peculiar
molecular change 'in these and aod to the therapeutic value
of the product. Dhanyabhra or Talc powder consists of Sili-
cate of magnesia with iron in excess. 4bhra, ,bhasma, is pre-
pared by heating together Dhanyabhra 1 part and borax 2
parts and triturating the whole in milk and evaporating. It is
generally given with Lohabhas'ma. Dose is 2 to 5 grains.
Abhra .Kalka (emulsion). .is prepared by: mixing together
Abhra bhasma, emeblic. myrobalan, ginger, pepper, long pep-
per and Vavadinga in equal parts, reducing the whole to a uni-
form mass and then adding honey. Dose. is. 10 to 40 grains.
Action.-Mica is a disinfectant to some extent, but is
seldom used as such. According to Rosenheim and Ehtmann
(Deut ..Med. Woch, .20, Jan. 1910), .aluminium. silicate when
taken into the stomach, reacts with the excess of hydrochloric
acid in, the gastric juice to form silicic. acid and aluminium
chloride, the latter. acting as a protective to the gastric mucosa
in a manner similar to bismuth. It will be interesting to see
whether prepared mica which is also a silicate has. any such
in the stomach as it has' always been .found useful in acid
dyspepsia and gastric ulc~r, e.g., Vidyadharabhra:-(JQur. of
Ayur., J'uly 1924). Silicilic acid -is present in various percent-
ages from 0.81 p.c. down to a trace, .in the muscle, livex.,
spleen, lymph and intercellular fluid and also found in, the
various excreta:-urin~, faeces and sweat. Mica being a sili-
cate its action. as a therapeutic agent .can thus be. surmised.
Reduced mica is described in Ayutveda as a general tonic and
alterative. It is said to stimulate metabolic activity of tisslie
cells generally. It is also used as aphrodisiac. Reduced mica
removes the derangement of the tridc<shas anq establishes their
equipoise. Dhanyabhra is tonic and aphro.disiac. Generally
the preparation~ .of Mica' are astringent, tonic .aphrodisiac and
alterative. Abhra Kalka' is alterative and restorative.
Uses.--:Abhru Bhasma is giy!=n in aJ::laemj.~, j~}lndice,
chronic diarrhoea and. dysentety, nervo:us debil,ity, chronic

fever, enlarged spleen, 'urinary diseases, impotence etc.; also.

in dyspepsia, asthma, hectic. \
fe.ver, and consumption; and in
cachexia due to long continued discharges from fistulae,
abscesses, gonQrrhoea, leucprrhoea etc., it may be given with
honey and pipaLi with benefit.. As an astringent it is largely
used in diarrhoea, especiall~ .of. nervous or.igin. As an alter.,
atlve it is used in enlargement of glands" Dose js 2 to 6 grain!>
generally with honey, twice a day. In phthisis or' tuberculosis
it is given in doses of 2 to 3 grains twice daily either with a
little honey 01' with. honey and some vehicle. as the fresh juice
of Vasaka or with the fresh juice of the ripe fruits of Cactus;
grandiflbra. The mica supplies silica to the ¢onnective tissue.
cdls and thus helps them to form. defensive barrier around the
tubercles or the pus-for.ming bacteria. In asthma, reduced.
mica is given with the juice of Vasaka. In iritestinal w~rmSt
reduced mica is given with seeds of Embelia ribes and a tea-
spoonful of clarified butter. In cases of biliousness and
jaundice it is prescribed with sugar and milk. In gonorrhoea,
it is given with honey alid powder.ed peepul and turmeric 12
grains per dose. In chronic spermatorrhoea, .it .is given with
the juice of gulancha and cane sugar. In anemia and chlorosis;
it is given in combination with iron (Loha bliasma); in scurvy
it is administered with :honey and lemon 'juice. In :rheuma:tism
reduced mica is given with a decoction prepared from ginger,
root-bark of Aplotaxis' auriculata, Clerodendron siphonanthuG
and Withania somnifera ea,ch i tala arid water 8 'Qunces, re-
duced by boiling to 2 ounces, which. is quite sufficient as an
usual dose for an adult. In farunculosis and cancer, reduced
mica is prescribed with Senevieria zeylanica. In piles, re'-,
duced mica is given with the peduncles of the ripe fruit of
Semicarpus anacardium. Abhmka Kalka is given to improve
digestion and in semihal. debilfty. In chronic lever and en'"
larged spleen Jvaras{lni Rasa is recommended in BhaisajYa.,.
ratnavaH. It is .prepared thus:-Take of mercury, sulphur.
rock salt, aconi te -and copper, one part each, prepared ir_on and
talc, five parts each, rub together with the juice of Vitex ne-
gundo leaves, then add one part of black pepper and make into
two-grain pills. They are administered with the juice of betel
leaves. In chronic diarl)hoea and indigestion the sam'e recom-

mends Agnikumara Rasa and it is prepared thus.-T9.ke of

mercury, sulphur, borax, iron, aconite,. ginger; long pepper,
black pepper, ajowan and opium each one· part, prepare_d_ talc
ten parts, rub together for three hours' with the. de.coction Qf
Plumbago rosea and· make. iDtO! pills of the size· of black pep-
pers. In loss of appetite, disinclination iOll foo.d, d,Y-spepsia,
vomiting, urinary' diseases, anasarca and debility, Sulachafl,a~
mritabhra is prescribed in .Rasendrasarasang;aha., It .is thus,
prepared:-Take of 'prepared talc 3 .tolas', :rub it with 8. tola§.
each 6f the fresh juice '01' decoction 0:£ the following drugs"
viz., pulp. of Ziziphus. juj.uba; Chavica officinamm, rOot of
Andropogon muricatus, pomegranate :fruit, lemon; juice, em...;
ebEc myrobalan .and Oxalis GornicuIata, and make into pills.
about 6 grains each. This is tonic, alterativ.e and aphr:odisiac.,
The preparation: called Kandarpa kumarabhra. is; very similall
to the a'bove in composition. .In convulsions, hemicJ;;ania a:p._rl
neuralgia, pills called Lakshmmarayen Rasa, the chief ingr,edi-:
('1}ts of which aD8 AbhTaka bhasrnfh. .Ras:lsindura, a_c:illitEi!"
Katuki and· bark of' Holanrhena antidysenterica,. haye. beEn
used. These Were tried and found to: be useful in tedl,lcing the
temperature and causing diaphoI;esis in remittent; and inter-
mittent fevers. DO$e is 1 to 3: pills every three hours during
fever----' (Ind. Drugs Repont~ Madras).. In disordeX$ of the,
urine, pills called HiLr'isankara
Rasa. prepar_ed by soaking, pre-.
l_ar~d tak in. th,<2 1uke Qf eme.h~ie m~n::Qhalal;ts. se'leDJ. times. in.
the course of a week and made into two-grain..pills, is: recom:--
mended in, the 'same., 'rlle same prescribes for hear_t disease,
pills called Arjunabhra, wbich are prepared by soaking ,some
prepared talc ih the juiCe· of the bark of: Terminalia '<:lrj1JlJct
seven times aha dividing the mass. into two"grain pills; .arjuna
bark being considered a specific for this complaint. In, phthisis
and chronic bronchitis; four-grain. pills called Sti.1~gw'(q,b-ltra
recommended' in Sa:vakaumudi, are used. They ~on.s!st. of
prepared, talc, purified .sulphur, ~e]jcurYi camphor and a. m~m­
bel' of stimulant, aromatic and expectorant vegetable drugs.
Dose is one pill c·hewed. with betel Ie aves. and ginger followed
by a little water and taken three or four tim~s daily. The.
diet should consist of ghee, milk and broth. F.or <:lstlp;nCl aC-
companied with fever Brihat Chandramrita, Rasa, containing:

mica and iron, mercury, sulphur, gold, copper,. camphor and

a number of vegetable drugs and prepar~.d in honey, is recom-
mended. In Vayu.-kaphd, variety of "Swasa" with fever imd
phlegm in chest, Jwara,!>ani Lauha or Mahaswasaa1'i Lauha
{described under "Ferrum"} is given. The former contains
besides mica and iron, mercliry and sulphtlr, tock $~lt, aconite,
copper, black pepper and Vitex negungo. Besides these there
are other allied preparations' containing Mica viz., Jvarari
abhra, Dameswer abhra:, Brihat Kanchan_ab:hra, Kalyansunder
abhra etc., which are useful in these complaiJ;lts, ul)der'differ-
ent conditions, For general debility" impotenc~, etc., Maha-
lakshmivilasa Rasa (see "Argentum") is recommended. An-
other preparation of similar composition and called, Manmatha-
bhra Rasa is also used for .the same coinplail1t~. Vishag-
bhushari Kaviraj A. C. Bisharad mention.;; GTQur. of Ayur.
,Aug. 1925) a case of paralysis of tongue in an .old lady of 80
rendering her unable to utter a single word, arid which was
given up by her attending Doctor, rapidly cured by him under
the treatment of Lakshmibilas Rasa internally and for external
application in the whole region of the tongue and the throat,
of the concentrated extract of the leaves of 'wild fig tree
(Audumbar). Lakshmibilas, Rasa is composed of reduced mica,
and sulphide of mercury 8 toras each, camp,ho,r 4 tolas, seeds
of Gmelina asiatica, of datura, of Can,na,bis indica, Ipomaeia
.digitata, Asparagus racemosus, roots of Sida spinosa and Sida
cordifolia (yellow variety), seeds of Tribulus terrestris and
Eugenia acutangula 2. tolas each, finely pulverised, well mixed
and the whole soaked with the juice of betel leaves and
rubbed well in a stone mortar for days together 'so as to re-
·duce it to a: pill-mass, which is, divided. into pills of 6 grains
each, dried well and preserved jn a glass-stoppered bottle. This
medicine allays many serious and complicated. conditions. In
small-pox with high fever, delirium and severe pain in the
sides etc., Kastur bhus_an (described under Hydrargyrum) is
administered with honey and paste of Rudraksha. In leprosy
with ulceration of the toes and fingers, Galithkusthuri Rasa
described in Bhavaprakash is given. It is made of prepared
talc arid the seeds of Pongamia glabra 4 parts, 'each, mercurYJ
:suiphur, prepared copper and' iron, bdellium, plu,mba.go r90t,
,~ -

silajit, nuxvomica and triphala each 1 part, !,ubbed together .

with honey and ghee and preserved in an earHlen pot smeared >,
with ghee. Dose is ~bout a drachm. ';I'he diet should consist
of fine rice,. milk, sugar and honey. The pa.tient mUl1t live
apart from his wife. Abhra bhasma with iron, an~ silajit
basmam prepared with a n).lmber of vegetable drugs added,
has been extolled as a specific for diabetes meJlituS. This has
been referred to under Silajit (Asphalt) which see. Dr.
Koman used Abhra bhasma (calcined 100 times), or Sata-
putabhrakam (i.e. the black ore containing impure· mica,
which is burnt down 100 times at a very hi$h temperature,
so as to form an atomised powder), in four cases of diabetes
mellitus, ip doses of 2 to 6 grains morning and evening (twice
a day) with honey, say, half a teaspoonful before food. In all'
cases of diabetes mellitus he say~' there was a gradual dilJli-
nutlon in 't'ne quan'ti'ty 01 sugar e\irrima'ten itt 'lYre -m;IIllt. emu
the patiel1ts gained strength.-(Ind. Drugs Report, Madras).,
'The following "additional remedks containing talc are useful
in various complaints:-(l) Abhraka bhasmam ? gr~ins and
Triphala churnam 20 grains mixed together, ond divided into
12 doses, alid ecwh powder-dQse given ever)' 4, hours with
plenty of honey, to PCJtient'l suffering from oiabetic abscess,
have found great relief. (2) Take of 'Abhrak(L bhasma 2,
Para k,ajali 2, Balsamodendron mukul 4, fecula of Coc<::ul\ls
cordifo!ia' 8, apq Tri1:;lUhIs terresttis 5 parts. Mix, then add
the juice of Vitex negundo and Cocculus cordifolia. Macerate
well, and dry. Dose is 2 to 4 grains with the decoction of
long-pepper; used in rheumatism. (3) Tal;e of Abhraka
bhasma 3, sulphur 2, Croton seeds 2,. borax 2 parts. Mix and
triturate in the juice of Citrus limonurri. Make a pill mass.
Dose is 3 to 5 grains with rice conj,ee; used il1' ijltestinal worms,
colic, etc. (4) Take of Abhraka bhasma, Para kajuli, Mun-
·dura (Ferri peroxidum) equal parts. Mix aI1d macerate the
whole in the JUIce of Asparagus racemosus. Dry' the paste .
over a sand bath. Dose is 1 to 3 grains witn blad~\ pepper and
sugarcandy; used in consumption, fever~ etc. The virtues of
the Swetu, or white variety of mica ar.e highlY' extolled as' be-
ing of greater efficacy in eye-diseases, so mucb so that a grain
.or two of 'this preparation taken daily for some length of time'

is said to endow the blind with sight! The process of re-

ducing white mica is thus:-Take 12 tolas of white mica and
purify it by soaking in co\v's 'urine for 7 days. Then having
dried it, heat it in fire and gradually soak it in (1) Mansha-
Kshir ():Ililk of Euphorbia ineriifolia); (2) Bata-kshir (milk of
banian tree); (3) Arka Kshir (milk of Calotropis gigentea)
seven times each. Then dry it and soak in vinegar for 40 days,.
after which it should be taken out and rubbed arid pulverised.
Mix this powder with l tola mercury (previously purified by
treating with slaked lime) a:nd flower of' Acacia arabica 1 tola
and rub till well mixed and prepare small cakes, and again
soak in vinegar in a storie mortar rubbing daily for three con-
secutive days. When it assumes the required consistency pre-
pare into small cakes, dry them in the sun and bum in a
covered crucible (Gajaputa). This process of soaking in vine-
gar and burning should be repeated thrice when the white
mica is reduced. Then correct this in the usual process of
Amritikaran, before it is ready for use. The following is the
process for Amritikaran or' final "vitalization"-The reduced'
powder 1 seer, cow's ghee 24 ounces and the decoction of the
TriphaLa or the three myrobalans one and a half seer should'
be gently boiled together in an iron pot. When the watery
portion is evaporated, let it cool. When dried and pulverised
this becomes ready for use. Dose-! to 2 grains daily with
honey and the decoction of'the three myrobalans.-(jour. of

Sans.-Yashada; Tuttinaga. Eng.-Spelter or'impure com-·
mercial zinc; zinc-ore. Hind,..-Jasta. Ren.-Dasta.
.,.- Guj.-Jasad .
Duk.-Jas. Tam.-Tutanagam. Tel.-Tuttunagam. Can.-
Sattu. Mal.-Nagam; Tambaga-putch. Kon.-Tambaku.
Source.-Never occurs free in Nature, but exists variously
combined with elements to form salts. It exists combined
with oxygen as red oxide, with carbon as an impure carbonate,
with sulphur as sUlphidf or sulpJ,luret (Blende) or with Silica
, , -
· . .

as silicate. It is obtained by subliming carbonate or oxide of

zinc with charcoal.
Characters.-It is a bluish-white metal of a granulated
crystalline structure with considerable lustre soluble in the
weakest acids. It is ductile, malleable and can be drawn into
wires or rolled into sheets. Melted zinc on cooling becomes
brittle and may then be reduced to powder. The fused mass
if dropped into water, forms granular zinc. Pure zinc becomes
tarnished by exposure to air. When melted with copper it
forms an alloy known as Brass.
Purification.-It is purified and reduced to powder in the
same way as tin.
, .
A.ction. & Uses,-These are similar; to those, of Vanga
bhasma or Tin powder. Zinc bhasma is useful in eye diseases,
various forms of debility, urinary disorders, anaemia and
asthma. "Zinc Bhasmam has a great reputation in Northern
Circars as an effective remedy in cases o~ infantile biliary cir-
rhosi~. The course of treat~ent usually to be adopted is as
follows:-Rasnadi Tailam 1 oz:-a teaspoonful to be given with
fresh ginger swarasam extracted as. follows:-(1) Take fresh
raw ginger, Gr. 30. Extract a teaspoonful of fresh juice by
adding the required quantity of water. Add half a teaspoon-
ful of honey. Give the powder made of Zinc Bhasmam Gr. 1
and Anandabhairavi Gr'~ 1, along with the swarasam thus pre-
pared. Give the same powder in the evening with honey.
After a week when the patient improves, give the Tailam and
ginger swarasp.m every alternate day only continuing the
powder morning and evening, with honey".~(Dr. A. Lakshmi


(Sans.-Kharpara; Rasaka; Kharpara-tuttha. Eng.-CaIa-
mine; Carbonate of zinc; Zinc subcarbonate; Zinc carbonate.
Hind.--Kala khaparo. Guj.-Khapario. Bom.....,-Sang·:i-basari)
is prepared by calcinirtg native Calamine (Zinc sulphate and
carbonate) and reducing it to powder. It is an impalpable
powder; found in.the bazaar as' a 'fine, greyish-black and porous

earthy mass, composed of agglutinated granules, very brittle,

odorless, tasteless, insoluble in water, soluble in dilut~ sul-
phuric acid with effervesce~ce. In shape it resembles pieces of
broken white clay-pipes. Chemically it was found to consist
of carbonate and sHicate of zinc with tra,ces of other metals
as iron, baryta etc. It is used as a dusting powder. Kharpara
bhasma is prepared by taking equal parts of Calamine, lac, tur-
meric, haradan, ral and borax, finely powdering them and then
heating the mass over a fire till reduced to ashes. Dose is ~ to.
2 grains. A compound kharpara powder or J vararasa or
bang-i-rasa is prepared by taking Calamine, prepared mercury,
orpiment, copper sulphate, borax and sulphur equal parts and
reducing them to powder. Dose is t to 1 grain. Karpara
Anjana is prep'ared by adding calamine to decoction of triphala
and stirring and then adding sulphate of copper, rock salt and
borax, mixing well, drying over a sand bath, and adding when
dry, one-tenth part of powdered camphor and mixing intimate-
ly. It is used as a collyrium in eye diseases. Vaidyas use ca-
lamine as a nervine tonic and alterative lik::: oxide or carbo-
nate of zinc. The compound powder is used in syphilis, scro-
fula, skin-dIseases, etc. Calamine is one of the chief ingre-
dients in the preparation known as Suvarna Vasanta Malt-i
(see under "Aurum") which is· used with honey and long
pepper, in chronic fever, gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea etc. As an
ointment or as dusting powder it is soothing, protective and
astring_ent, used as an application to abrasions and to inflamed
skin; it is used as a lotion with mercuric bichloride (one-sixth
grain to each ounce of lotion) for eczema and acne.


(Eng.-White zinc; flowers of zinc. Pers;-Tutia; Jist.
Hind.-Putty. Guj.-Jasata bhasma; Jasata-na;-phula), is a
soft, white, tasteless and inodorous powder, changing- to pale
yellow by heat. It is prepared, by oxidising and roasting car-
bonate of zinc. It is insoluble in water, soluble without effer-
vescence in dilute acids and in ammonia water. It is exter-
nally mild, soothing, ast:)ingent a~d desiccant. It is dusted over

as powder in eczema, impetigo, excoriations, bed-sores and

cracked nipples, or applied as ointment to wounds, burns, vesi-
cular eczema, chronic skin diseases etc. Internally ~t acts as
a nervine tonic, sedative antispasmodic and astringent. It has
a specific control over epilepsy, cholera and other spasmodic
diseases as whooping cough, asthma, hysteria, dipsomania etc.
H is a good remedy to check profuse sweating. For its astrin-
gent property it is given in bronchorrhea, and in colliquative
sweats of phthisis. Dose is 2 to 6 grains. A preparation called
Tutanag pashan is given in gonorrhea, leucorrhoea and sper-
matorrhoea with benefit. With J atamansi it is given in epi-
lepsy with good results.


(Eng.-Sulphate of zinc; zinc sulphate; White Vitriol;
White Copperas. Pers.-Suffed)




(Eng.-Land snail. Bom.-Nakhala). ~)1ell is used for
preparing m,edicated 'Oil.


(Class-Pisces:-Fishes) .
Eng.-Sturgeon's ,air bag or Swimming, bladder; Isinglass
Dr Icilthyocolla prepared from it. Bom.-Aisinglasa. Arab.-
Gerius Samak. Hind. & Duk.-Machhika-Siras. Pers.-Sera-
sham-e-Mahi. Tam.-Minvajaram. Tel.-Cheppu vajaram.
Malay.-Palog-pongikan; Ari-ikan.
Japanese or Chinese isinglass is known as Agar Agar.
*Aci-swift. Pinna-wing or fin. Huso-A bladder from
Huyzen bIas. The swimming bladder is so called as by its
expansion and contraction these fishes swim. It contains oxy-
,gen ,and nitrogen.
Par~s used.-The swiIIlllfing bladder or sound found in
front of the a,bdomen of several species of Sturgeons prepared
and cut into fine shreds called Isinglass.
obtained from Gadus Marluc"cius (Hakefish) and from Otoli-
thus regalis (weak-fish) occurs in thin sheets or ribbons.
Characters.-It is white, 'in6dorous and very light. It is a
kind of gela,tin; but it is insoluble in colq water. An aqueous
solution of 1 in 32 of boiling water forms on cooling a good,
transparent, hard jelly.

Constituents.-In composition it is similar to albumen; it

, contains pure gelatin, an in~oluble membrane 5 to 30 per cent
and ash 0.5 per cent. It is, a constituent of animal tissue,
chiefly of bones. .
Action & Uses.-It is,l)1ighly nutritious, demulcent and
,emollient. Mixed with starchy.food and with soups it is given
in. chronic diarrhoea in children and for invalids. As an emol-
lie"nt a plaster of isinglass, made of isinglass 10, 'alcohol 40, gly-
cerin 1 part and hot water, is applied on one side of the cloth
'- for cuts and abrasions.
Animal gelatin is obtained from gelatinous tissues such as
skin, tendons, ligamep.t~, cartilages of bones .etc. It is prepared-
by boiling these tissues in water and drying the resulting jelly
in the air; it forms translucent sheets, layers or shreds. It ,dis-
solves in hot water and solidifies into a jelly on coollng; it is
insoluble in alcohol or ether. It contains carbon 50 p.c., nitro-
gen 18, hydrogen 7, oxygen 24 and s1,llphur 0.5 p.c. It is, used
as Calf's feet jelly; it is a basis for suppositories, pessaries, pills.
lozenges etc.
Chondrin is obtained from the cartilages of the ribs ana
• jother non-ossifying cartilages and is analogous to gelatin. It
,. ",,~, 'is used as emollient, nutritive and protective. The watery so-
-:Jution of its j'elly is precipitated by alum acetate of lead, Jerrie
? salts, acetic and mineral acids but not 'by tannin and mercuric·
. , chloride.


Lath., is a bird;' (Eng.-Bank-Myna. Sans.-Atipakshi;
. Saral-pakhi. Ben.-Gang-salik;- Ramsalik. Bom.-Bagali-
pakshina). .Flesh is beneficial in ;vitiated ·wind-and cough'.
_Action:-Cardiac: and stimulant. j

(N. O.:-Sus scrofa; Famiiy:.-Suidae) .
. "
Eng.-Lard; purified internal fat of the hog. Indiarn
~ Bazaars.-Charbe~.

Source.-Fresh fat of the aBU'omen of th~ pig, especially

the fat over the mesentery, omentum and kidn~ys of blood and
its external m~mbranes. , • ~
Preparation & Purification.____:It is first eXDosed to the air,
then cut into thin slices, beaten in ~ ~ortar ahd reduced to a
uniform mass. It is then put into a vessel surrounded by
water and h~ated till the fat m_elts and separates from the·
membranous matter; it is then strained: To remove the nau-·
seoUS odour, alum 15 grains and common salt 30 grains is added
to every pound of the lard.
Characters.-It is a soft white unctuous mass of a faint
odour, bland taste and neutral reaction. It dissolves entirely in
ether, benzin and bisulphide of carbon.
Constituents.-Olein about 60 per cent, and palmitin,.
mar garin, and stearin total about 40 per cent.
Uses.-It is used for preparing benzoated lard which con-
tains lard incorporated in benzin powder 3 p.c. and which is.
employed for preparing ointments. Lard oil (Oleum Adepis)
is obtained by expressing the fixed oil from latd at a low tem-
perature when the stearin becomes separated from the olein;
it is often adulterated with cotton oil and pantffin oil. Some-
times it is uSed in the preparation of nitrate of mercury oint-·
ment. q

(N. O.:-Ovisaries; Family:-Bovi<iae).
(Eng._..:._Anhydrous wool fat) is a purified cholesterin-fat
of sheep's, wool; also found .in human skin"hair, feathers of
fowls and variow,:; parts of other anim<;lls. F()r further parti-
culars see B. P. .& Extra Pharmacopoeia.


(Eng.-Hydrous wool fat; lanolin; agnin) is a yellowish

'white 'unctuous mass. It is not misCible with glycerin, but

,miscible with water. It contains lanolin, cholesterin, palmitic,

:stearic, oleic, and valerian\c acids and ash. It is emollient; has
·a great affinity for the skin. It is better for ointments if mixed
'with an equal part. of soft paraffin. It is a good application for
-excoriation of the mouth, nose, anus etc., also for burns
and scalds: For further uses etc., see BoP. and Extra Pharma"


,(Eng. Common-lora). See Clamator jacobinu5, Bodd.

See:-Lacerta agilis.

See:-Gallus Bankiva.


(Sans.-Upachakra. Ben.-Chakor). Flesh is astringent,
:generative of strength and stomachic.


, (Sanso-Amber-Sugandaho Bng.-Ambergriso Arab. Hind.
'Ben. Bom. Mah. & Kon.-Amber: Pers.-:;-Mushk-amper;
Shahabula. Guj.-Ambara. Tam.-Minumber. Sinh.-Mus
Sumbra. Burm.-P;3.yen-anbhat) is a morbid ·excretion con-
tained in the intestines or caecum of the sperm-whale-: It is in
the form of a concrete .fuass found floating on the Red Sea or
cast on the shores of Africa. A single whale's excretion has
rbeen found to weigh 750 lbs. It is opaque, seldom white, often
.darkish brown, ashy-cq!Qured 011 grey or of a pink_colQur. The

odour is peculiarly fragrant, resembling that of 'musk; it is

nearly tasteless. It melts in hot water, but not in cold; soluble
in ether, fats, volatile oils and hot alcohol. It contains am-
brein 85 per cent, a little of balsamic extractive and ash. It is
stimulant, antiseptic, and antispasmodic; used in general weak-
ness, epilepsy, spasms and nervous debility; also given in high
fevers with insensibility or delirium and in the collapse, stage
of cholera, plage and other infectious diseases. Dose is 5 to
15 grains; used as a confection. Used for mixing with per-




Sanskrit writers divide flesh into two classes, namely
Jangta or land, and Anupa or water animals:-Anupa mansa
(flesh of Anupa animals) is said to be "sweet, soothing, heavy
of digestion, demulcent, fattening, checking appetite, phlegma-
tic, excitive of wind (vata) and generative of flesh"-(N. N.
Sen Gupta). Animals' living on land are sub-divided into eight
orders as follows:-JangLa or animals living in the wilderness
as deer, aptelopes etc. The meat of JangLa animals is broad-
ly speaking sweet and astringent causing slight constipation.
It is light, easy of digestion, strengthening and appetizing,
checking tridosha and increasing vitality .
. Vilasiha, or animals living in holes underground as :oer-
pents, lizards, porcupines etc.-Meat of such animals checks
Vayu, is sweet to taste, heaty, increases pitta, is strengthening,
lessens excretion of urine and faeces. Guhasaya or animals
living in caverns, as tIgers, lions, bears, etc.--Meat of such ani-
mals checks Vayu, is difficult of digestion, s,trengthening, some-
wha,t 'good for those suffering from eye and rectal diseases.
Parnamriga or animals livirlg .on trees, as monkeys, squirrels,
pt('-Mp~t ('If <:l1('h ~nim"l" dirr'l111~t"" ",it~litv i" dnni! fn.,. .,up"
,:,. ,
,promotes floW of urine and faeces and is good in certain res-
pirato:r;Y di~eas~s and pilei' V_ish~ira or birds which take th~ir
food after tearmg OJ;" 'scattenng It, ,as fowls, peacocks, qUalls,
partridges, etc.-Meat of ~uch 'birds is sweet and astringent,
cooling, easy of digestion, strengthening, checks tridoshas and
is very good. Pratuda or bi~ds which strike with their beaks, as
pigeons, wag-tails, cuckoos, etc.~Meat of such birds is simi-·
1ar to those of VU!hk,ira, except that it increases Vayu, but
~hecks Kapha and Pitta. Prasaha or birds of prey, as the
'ha'w~{£alc'on-e(c.-The meat of such birds is very heaty, deran-
ge,s, pitta," induces acidity and diseases like ulcers and sinuses,
general weakness and even insanity. Gramya or domestic
~~J;lip~ls: as ox, ~oat, horse, sheep, etc.-.--The meat of such ani-
'rrtals.relieves flatulence, produces kapha and pitta, nourishes,
i,s sweet in taste, non-acidifying in reaction, stimulating and
enhancing metabolism-(Susruta).
:;'.~~r:' Animals living in water or marshy lands are subdivided
,Jp,J9 five classes as follows:-Kulechara, or animals grazing·
t! r ,in marshes, as buffalo, yak, rhinoceros, etc.-Meat of such ani-
mals checks vayu and pitta, is str'engthening, vitalising, sweet,
cooling and soothing, increases kapha and promotes urinary
secretIon. Plava, 'or birds which swim in water, as geese,
ducks, cranes, etc.-Meat of such birds checks pitta, is soothing"
heavy of digestion but cooling, stimulates secretion of faeces,
strengthening and vitallsing, increases Vayu and Kapha.
Kosastha, or animals enClosed in shells, as conch-shells,
bivalve-shells, etc,-Meat of such animals is sweet and sooth-
ing, cooling, strengthening, vitalising, increases faecal refus2,
checks Vayu & Pitta. Padina, or footed aquatic animals as tor-
toise, crocodile etc.-Meat of such animals is similar to that of
Kosastha. Matlya, or fishes:.l_Meat r of fish is ..,soothing, but
heating after digestion, increases Kaphu ~d Pitta and checks,
Vayu. It is strengthening, vitalising 'and palatable and is
specially s~othing to alcohoiics, good for sensuous individuals
having strong digestion.
Of these classes, Jangla and Vishkira are considered'
superior to the others in an alimentary point of view. Flesh
of the goat, domesticdowl (Gallus domesticus-flesh is:

stimulant, demulcent, cardiac stimulant, nutritious and gene-

rative of semen; beneficial in disturbance of the three humours,
phthisis, vomiting and remittent fever), peac<;Jck and partridge
is easily digested and suited to the sick and convalescent. The
flesh of the francoline (see-Francolinus pondicerianus), part-
ridge (Titir). Flesh of the white variety is astringent, refri-
gerant, demulcent, easily digestible, constipating, cardiac sti-
mulant; used to improve memory, allev.iative of the Tridoshas.
Beneficial in cough, phthisis, fever, epistaxis and hiccup. (N.N.
Sen Gupta). Pigeon's flesh is demulcent, tonic, cardiac, nu-
tritious. Used in constipation, beneficial in phlegm, bile, vitia-
ted blood and wind, lepr.osy, and is prohibited in jaundice.
Flesh of peacock (Nila-mayura) is "excitive of wind, cardiac,
tonic, generative of memory, beneficial in the diseases of wind,
ear-diseases and eye-diseases. The. egg is sweet, cardiac and
highly beneficial in loss of semen, heart-diseases· and ulcers".-
(N. N. Sen Gupta). Soup made from birds' meat (white
'meat) or from meat of deer is a. diet in chronic cases of en-
larged liver and spleen. Meat soup of deer and other wild ani-
mals: (to replace the tissue waste, e.g., albumen in the dis'
charge) is a diet for fistula in ano, when there is no fever.
Meat of the deer, sambar, hare, quail and partridge is recom-
mended for habitual use. Fish, beef and pork are 'considered'
hard to digest and unsuited for daily use. "Beef is very heavy
and difficult of digestion, i~ soothing but excites Pitta and
Kapha,. checks Vayu, is 'strengthening', good in cough, chronic
wasting fev.ers, disease of the nose, catarrh, phthisis, dyspepsia:
where there is a morbid craving for food, very suitable food
for people of active habits and not suitable in any other season
except winter.-(Charaka). From the' above it is evident
that 'the ancient Hindus used, to take' beef when they came
from Central Asia. (Dr. Ashutosh Roy in the journal of
Ayurveda, Feb. 1926).

Flesh of various animals is used in medicine chiefly in the

form of ghrita or taila paka. Following is a list of the more
important and <;ommonly used ghrita.s and oils' made, with the
flesh of different animals:,-Hansadi ghrita, prepa;red with the'
flesh of g:eese, and used in cephalalgia and ,nervous diseases.

Kukkutadi ghrita, prepared with the flesh of fowls, and used

in chronic cough. Siva ghrita, prepared with jackal's flesh
and used in insanity. Chagaladi or Chagaladya ghrita, pre-
pared with goat's meat ~nd used in nervous diseases. Meat;-
soup is contra-indicated after "Pitta" or "Vayu-Pitta" causing
diarrhoea. When indica~ed, the meat recommended is that of
game birds like partridge, "Lava", "Gonshi" and wild animals
like deer and rabbit. Meat-juice is advised for diet in "vayu"
variety and "kapha" variety of "Arsa" (piles). Meat-soup of
.jungly animals is a diet in piles. Sambukadi taila is an oil
prepared with the flesh of snails and used externally in ear
diseases. Nakuladya ghrita is prepared with the flesh of
mongoose and used'in nervous diseases.

The following are two illustrations of preparations with

animal flesh:-Chagaladya ghrita: Take of goat's meat (see
Capra-aegagrus, i.e., goat whose flesh is nourishing, cardiac and
stimulant) 6l seers, the ten drugs called dasamula 61 seers in
all, water 64 seers; boil till the latter is reduced to one-fourth
and strain. Take of clarified butter, milk and the juice of
Asparagus racemosus 4 seers each; and the following sub-
stances in the form of a paste, namely, Tinospora cordifolia,
bamboo manna,. Withania somnifera, Hemidesmus indicus,
berries called kakoli, bulbs called kshirakakoli, pulse of
Phaseolus trilobus, and of Glycine debilis, Caelogyne ovalis
(jivanti), and liquorice root, 1 seer in all; boil them together
and prepare a ghrita. TMs preparation is given in facial para-
lysis, deafness, loss of voice or indistinct speech, convulsions,
hysteria, sciatica, paralysis and other diseases of the nervous
system. Masha taila:-Take of goat's meat 8 seers, water 64
seers; boil together till the latt~r is reduced to 16 seers. Take
of the pulse of Phaseolus .roxburghii, linseed",.harley, root of
Barleria prionites, and of Solanum jacquinii, 'X'ribulus terres-
tris, bark of Calosanthes indica, jatam:a:L16I root, seeds of
Mucuna pruriens, e';ch 1 seer, water 64- seers; boil down to 16
seers, TaRe. of cotton ~eeds, seeds oJ 'Srotolaria juncea, pulse
of Dolichos uniflorus, dried pulp o,r Ziziphus jujuba, each 2'
seers, water 64 seers; boil down to 16 seers. Take of ginger,
long pepper, dill seeds, root of Ricinus communis, of Boer-

haavia diffusa, Poederia foetida, Yanda roxburghii, Sida cordi-

folia, Tinospora cordifolia, and Picrorrhiza kurroa, equal parts
in all 1 seer, and reduce them to a paste. Boil the above-
mentioned decoctions and the paste with 4 S>2ers of sesamum
oil in the usual way. This oil is rubbed externally in convul-
sions, paralysis, wasting of limbs and other diseases of the
nervous system.-(Bhaishajyaratnavali). Testicles of a sheep
or goat are boiled in cow's milk and sugar, prepared as
payasam 9r Halwa, and given internally increases man's viri-
lity.-(Vatsyayana's Kamasastra). A man who eats sesamum
seeds prepared again and again in milk and cooked with the
testicles of a goat, or the two testicles of a goat prepared with
ghee and milk, together with salt and molasses, increases viri-
lity in him.- (Ratirahasya).


(Eng.-Gander or Drake. Sans.-Hansa. Ben.-Hans.
Bom.-Ballaki). Flesh is stimulant, difficult to digest, demul-
cent, nutrient, phlegmatic, corrective of voice, alleviative of
(vayu'. Egg is stimulant, easily digestiOle, cardiac stimulant
and aphrodisiac. Flesh and eggs are beneficial in cough, heart
disease and ulcers.


(Eng.-Indian Crane. Sans.-Sarasa. Ben.-Saras).
Flesh is beneficial in diarrhoea and piles. Action:-Flesh is:
difficult to digest and antibilious.


(Eng.-Indian antelope or Black Buck. Sans.-Ehamriga.
Hind.-Farisail Harin). Flesh is astringent and stomachic.
Flesh is useful in fever, u,lcers, phtl;lisis, piles, jaundice and


A. indica; A. dorsata; A. florea, etc.-see also Mel.
FamiLy :-Apidae-the hiv~s or the honey bees belonging to
Hymenoptera class, are fo"\.md in most parts of the Globe.
There are two medicinal pr;oducts prepared by the bee. These
are:-Mel or honey, a saccharine secretion. deposited by the
insect in the honey comb; and Cera or wa;x;; (which see under
. their respective heads).


(Eng.-Heron. Sans.-Krauncha. Ben.-Konch Bak).
Flesh is used in fever, phthisis, cough, oedema, loss of appetite,
. swoon and stone in the bladder. . .

19. ARLUS ARIUS, Ham. & Buch.

(Eng.-Fisb.. Sans;-Ari-matsya. Ben.-Armach). Action.
-Demulc~nt, cardiac and stimulant. Flesh is difficult to, digest;
improves memory, wind and. phlegm.


(Eng.-Owl. Sans.-UIooka. Ben.-Pechak). Flesh is sti-
mulant, produces 'vayu~ cholagogue. Useful in oedema, insa-
nity and loss of semen.

(Eng.-Whale. Sans. & Ben.---'Timi). Flesh is stimulant,
demulcent, difficult to digest, (constipating); indJces dyspepsia,
and phlegm, and is a cardiac stimulant and carrninative.

2!'~ iBttOAR
(Eng.-Serpent stone; gall-stone. Pers.-Hajaratalbaqr;
. Gaorohan. Hind. Ben) 1I:1ah. and Gtii~Gorochan. Tel.-

.aorochan~mu. Tam.-Gorochana) is a concretion found in the

..stomach and in the' gall-bladder of an ox or cow and occurs as'
light, yellowish or green, solid or spherica.l concretions. In
_Hindu medicine it is highly prized and extensively used. Dose
is 1j6th to 1/4th grain. It is cooling~ and aromatic. Prescribed
in miscarriage. Artificial bezoar is a substance made up of ox
gall mixed with hair;- 'Wood, magnesia, phosphate of lime, pipe
.clay, etc. For fur~her information see F~l Bovis._

2:t BIVALVE SHEL, belonging to Mollusca class

(Sans-Sukhali. Eng.-Chhip. Guj.-Chhipa) is a hard,
transparent, brilliant substance consisting of two halves joined
together, as in oyster-shells, of colour varying from white, red
.or yellow to black. The shape is 'rhomboid and fan-like. Each
valve has its upper surface cOI).vex and under surface concave.
A preparation known as Chhipa bhl1:sma (Cl).hip I?owder, puri-
fied) is prepared like Cowri hho~srna; its action and uses are
similar to those of Cowri bhasrna. A paste made of Ch1iipa
bhasma 5, bisulphuret and trisulphuret of arsenic Nlch 4 parts
and Sajjikhara 6 parts, is applied as a depilatory to remove

24. BOMBYX MORI, MQth. & B. Mylitta '

(Eng.-Silk-pod; raw silk cocoon; siik worm-moth. Ger.
-Serikos. Arab.-Abre-shama. Ben.-Pat. Duk.-Reshm-ki-
keedi. Guj.-Resham-na-potan. Mah. & Kon.-Reshmi-chi-
keed. Tam.-Putloo puchie. Tel.-Puftoo purughu; Narputtio.
Can.-Reshmi-hula). The former are' the worms which feed
on the leaves of Morus (Shetura). Those who feed on the
leaves of Rhamnus jujuba are known as Bombyx mylitta. The
cocoons or oval sacs are 'coverings sIlun by a group of silk
moths during their metamorphosis. Each moth is about an inch
long, half .inch thick. Internally the sac contains dark"brown
dried remains of a caterpillar. The cocoon-ash IS the prepara-
tion used in medicine. Dose is 3 to 10 grains. It is used as a
'styptic, tonic and astringent, to check profuse menstruation,

leucorrhoea and chronic diarrhoea. It is generally given in

combination with other as~ringents. The silk-pod. is regarded
as an aphrodisiac, generally used. in confection for eye diseases
and catarrh.

25. B,OS BUBALUS, ,Linn.

(Eng.-Buffalo. Sans.-Mahisha. Hind~-Bhais. Ben.-
Mahish. Tam.-Dumaputu). Flesh is stimulant, demulcent,
difficult to digest, cardiac-stimulant. Milk. ~s refrigerant, dim,
cult to digest, demulcent, cardiac-stimulant, aphrodisiac, phleg-
matic and hypnotic.

26. BOS TAURUS, Linn.

(Sans.-Gau; Go; Gabhi. Eng.-Ox or Cow. Hind. Guj.
Mah. and Kon.-Bail or Gal. Ben.-Van; Go; Goru. Arab.
-Bakana. Burm.-Niva; Pyoung. Tam.-Mada. Can.-
Etthhu; Dana) is an animal found in all parts of the world.,
Different parts of this animal are used in medicine, viz.: Fe!
Sovis; Fer' Bovinum Purificatum; Lactus, etc., 'which 'see under
their respective heads. Fresh cowdung laved on the bumt parts
alleviates the pain of burns and wounds; applied to a cut or a
bruise, it stops the bleeding and h~als the wound. In cases of
pains in consequence of falls or wounds, plasters made of fresh
cowdung heated on 'fire are applied with much benefit..




(Eng.-Camel. Sans.-Ustra. Hind.-Ur. Ben.-Ut) .
For action and uses of Milk, Ghee, Urine, etc., see the respec-
tive sections.



(Eng.-Goat). See-Animal Flesh; Lactus; etc., Sections,

for action" uses, etc.



Sans.-Gendha. Eng.-Castor. Arab.-Ashbutchegan. Pers.-
Kundbadastar. Hind.-Gondabadustan; Jundp. Duk.-Gavad.
Guj.-Zanda-bidastara. Tam.-Kasturi munai. Tel.-Zanun;
Naru; Kukka-bejam. Mal.-Alu-Beeyum.
Source.-Dried preputial follicles and. secretions from, the
Beaver Castor fiber.
Parts Used.-The concrete secretion from the dried pre-
putial follicles and secretions from the two sacs situated near
the anus.
Characters.-It is a resinous product; when fresh it is of
flesh colour. After drying, it becomes brown or black. Its
odour is pungent and resembles that of cat's urine. The taste
is acid and bitter.
Constituents.-A volatiI~ oil having carbolic acid 1 to 2
per cent, acrid \;lit.ter resin 15 to 58 p.<;., crystalline substances
such as castorin, chqlesterin and salicin.
Action & uses.-It is a stimulant of the exhausted nerv-
ous system, and antiseptic. As an antispasmodic it .is useful
in hysteria, epilepsy, asthma, muscular tremor and tympanit~;::;.
It has a specific influence over the· uterus and is given as tinc-
ture in uterine colic, as an emmenagogue in· amenorrhoea and
dysmenorrhoea. It is we,aker _in action than musk, valerian,
camphor, ether on ammonia. Dose is half to one drachm in
powder or in pill.



Sans.-Laksha. Eng.-Lac. Hind. Mah. & Kon.-:-Lakh.
Ren.-Gala. Mal.-Laksha. Can.-Aragu; Laksha. Tam.-
Kombarakku; Araku. Tel.-Laksha; Lacca; Lukkah. Guj.-
Lakha. .
Source:-"Lac is a resinous substance usually of a red-
dish or dark-brown colour,. with a disagreeable smell and
easily breakable with a cracking soupd, deposited on the
twigs of trees such as the banyan, croton, acacia and peepul,
by a small insect called the "Carteria lacca". Writers are at
variance as to the formation of lac. Some state that the in-
sects attack the young branches of the trees above mentioned
.and fix themselves to the hranches; the female insect after
oviposition is effected dies, giving out from her body a reddish
liquid which solidifies and forms a crust about an inch thick
round the branch attacked; others again affirm that the sting
of the insect affects the sap or gum of the trees, which forms
the lac. Another writer is of opinion that the deposit is the
excreta of the inseds".-(Manual of Jail Industries (1931),

Origin of Lac:-"The minute Hemipterous insect

'Tachardia Lacca lives upon the plant juices, sucked up by its
proboscis. In the adult state, the females have no power of
locomotion, but the males at attaining maturity, emerge from
theIr pupal cases, become possessed' of a pair of long trans-
parent wings, and flyaway to visit the females and shortly
after die. At two (in some cases three) seasons the swarming
of the larvae takes place, viz: Jllly and December or also
January. The larvae are seen to emerge from -the dead bodies
of the :females and .tq crawl away in, quest 9f fresh feeQing
grounds. They are then minute creatl..lres of an orange-red
colour; have no responsible separation of body in-to head,
thorax and abdomen; have fully formed fe~lers and powerful
legs, but are devoid of any characteristics by which they can
be separated into male and female. They measure about
1/40th of an inch in siEe. For .some days the swarming con-

tinues until the twigs become distinctly reddish in colour and

literally alive. The vast majority, .however, perish, the more
fortunate are wafted on the breezes or carried by the bees,
birds, squirrels, etc., or by their own exertions, to new situa-
tions. The larvae thus become fixed, and their legs, being
useless, drop off. Lastly, a resinous excretion begins to form
around their bodies, which by the aggregation of many, in
time assumes the condition of a more or less complete encrus-
tation of the twigs. If, at this stage, the encrus-
tation be cut open lengthwise, it will be seen to be of cellular
structure."-(Manual of Jail Industries, 1931, Madras).

In cold weather the branches of the lac plant (Laksha

taru) often swarm with the lac-insects and seem covered with
a red dust. The insects (female) produce small nipple-like
incrustation on the twigs, their bodies being apparently glued
together by a liquor which forms a cellular texture. The ani-
mal resembles a small bug. After a time the young qnes
escape: leaving empty cells on the branches. Stick lac is the
name given to the twigs encrusted with lac (the radiated cellu-
lar substance) that are collected from the trees. These twigs
are dried in the shade. The wood then shrinks, often leaving
the lac as hollow tubes, but some of the wood still adheres.
Various forms and sizes are given to stick lac. Thus when
the resinous concretion is"taken off, the twigs broken, tritu-
rated and washed in water iIi mortar, the greater part of the
colouring matter IS dissolved and the remaining granular mat-
ter is known as seed lac. In other words, seed lac is stick lac
crushed and reduced to roundish pieces that more or less cor-
respond to the -female's cells. The dust produced when sift-
ing the seed lac is called' "Kaud". Seed lac breaks off into
small particles'. Grain seed-lac when melted over a fire and
squeezed through a pIece of calico into troughs, spreads out
into thin glossy flakes known as shell lac, i.e., seed lac is
specially washed and bleached and miXed with a proportion
of arsenic and resin. This is put in bags and placed over a
fire. The lac is fused through the meshes of the bag. The,
molten lac is spread out in sheet .form and allowed to cool-
the result being shell lac or shellac. (Manual of Jail Indus-

tries, 1931, Madras). If dropped in rounded masses it is

known as button lac; if in! larger pieces, it is called sheet lac.
Action & Vses in Ayurveda & Siddha.-Kashayarasam,
seetha veeryam, kqtu vipclli:am, pitta-kapha-haram, snigdam,
balyam, in Ricca, kasam, ,haemoptysis, thailam, dhatukatha
Action & Uses in Unani.-Rot 2°, Dry 3°. Tonic for
liver, stomach and intestine, haemostatic, resolvent of obstruc-
tions, jaundice, dropsy, kidney, reduces fat in the adipose
U ses.-:Shell lac finely powdered, half, a tola mixed with
honey and prepared in the form of an electuary, is given in
haematemesis. Lac is a specific application fqr caries and
diseased teeth. It is also used for inunction in the fOrI]:l of
several medicinal oils as Lakshadi taila. It is prepared thus:-
Take of shell-lac 2 seers, water 16 seeTS, boil till reduced to
4 seers and, strain. To this decoction of shell lac, add 4 seers
of prepared sesamum oil, 16 seers of whey, and 2 tolas each
of the following substances:-Withania somnifera, turmeric,
Devadaru wood, root. of Sanseviera, zeylanica, Pandanus .odo-
ratissimusi Yanda ro~burghii) dill seeds and liquorice root in
the form of a paste and prepare an oil in the usual way; lastly
add 4 tola9 of camphor. This oil is much used for inunction
in chronic fever and consumption; and is applied to the chest
in remittent fevers accompanied by cough and dyspnoea; also
used in lumbago, myalgia, epilepsy and hysteria, as an appli-
cation to the nape of the neck and spine. If this oil is applied
to the body of a pregnant woman the foetus grows fatter. A
decoction of shell lac is also used in the preparation of other
medicinal oils such as' Chandanadi ·taila, Angarika taila, etc.,
prepared in a similar way with the addition of various medi-
cinal substances in the form of paste. Locally shell lac is
used as a stimulant application to indolent, scrofulous and
scorbutic ulcers. The fl,uid lac dye obtained by dissolving the
crushed stick-lac in water is called Alakta.

See Os Sepie; Sepia officinalis.

34. CERA

(Sans.-Siktha; Madhujan.: Eng.-Wax. Arab.-Shama.

pers. Hind. Ben. & Duk.:":':'Mom. Guj.-Mina; Min. Mah.
Can. & Kon.-=-Maeha. Tdm.-Mellugu. Mal.-Taenmazhacu.
Tel.-Mai-nam. Kash.-Sinth. Burm.-H'pa~noung; Phayouii.
.1\1alay.-Lilin. Sinh.__:Mietfie; ltti) exists in the pollen and
surface 'Of the leaves of many plants, chiefly the wax myrtle.
It is extracted "by the honey bee and used in the constr~ction
of the honey comb. Cera flava or yellow beeswax is obtained
by squeezing or pressing the comb (when the honey is ex-
tracted) and melting it in hot water and' allowing to cool. It
is purified by repeating this process .several times and finally
casting the wax into moulds. It is a yellowish solid mass (Cera
Flava B.P.) harder than butter, with honey-like odour. It is
insoluble in water, soluble in cold alcohol (3 p.c.) and in
chloroform (25 p.c.). It contains hydrocarbons 12 to 15 p.c,
cerolein, cerinor, cerotic acid which crystallizes from boiling
alcohol, myricin or myricyl and me}issyl palmitate, ceryl alco-
hol etc. Myricin is a principal constituent, crystalline, solu-
ble in hot ether, almost insoluble in boilin~ alcohol. By the
action of potash it is converted into palmitic acid and myricil
alcohol. Wax is an emollient and demulcent, chiefly used ex-
ternally as basis, in the preparation of ointments, plasters
etc. Smoking Op~U);rl or beeswax in a hookah- is said to give
relief in scorpion bites' by counteracting the effects of poison!
Equal quantities of Balsamodehdron mukul, B. pubescens,
wax and sesame oil are melted together and when applied over
boils in the form of plaster, are effective. A paste made of wax,
soap and root of the castor oil plant, in honey, is used for
application to ulcers; this is used in dysentery where ulcers
are suspected to be present. An oil made of wax by boiling
<Over a fire, a mixture of yellow wax, common salt and sand
and filtering and cooling the filtrate is also useful as a mild

protecting sheath, when applied ipJp the rectum in dysentery

where ulcers are suspected to exist. It is also applied with.
benefit to painful rheumatic joints. The oil occurs generally'
as a liquid, but sometimes :as a solid mass of a brownish dark


(White beeswax) is yellow.beeswax obtaine9. from the
honeycomb, and bleached by expqsure to moisture, air and
ligqt. A past~ made of white wax ? tolas, Lawsoni~ alba or
senna leaves 2 mashas and rose watE!:f 4 tolas is recommended.
by Hakims, as a loc;al application for fist~la in ana.


See :-"Cera".


See:-~~>tHniss or Kumyss.



39. CERVUS nAMA, Linn.

(Satls.;-Mrigasring; fIaranasing. Eng.-~art's horn;
Deer horn) is used in the form of a powder. It is of white
colour, without odour or taste and contains 57.5 p.c., of phos-
phate of lime. The powder is prepared by burl1in~ hart's.
horn in closed ve~~els anp then reducing the ashes to a fine
powder. The powder i~ nutritive and demulcent; it
is given internally in painful affections of the jointsJ sciatica
and lumbago, in cardialgia, pieuroayl}~~ and other affections;
v ...

of the heart. Dose is 15 to 25 grains with ghee, milk or cream.

Fumes of Horn are recommended as giv:ing relief in hiccup.
(Practically the same as "Spirits of hart's horn"). Its chief
use is in cough and asthma, in low fever, loss of appetite and.
phosphaturia especially of ~hi~dren.

40. CERVUS ELEPHUS or C. Aristotelis or C. Equinus

(Sa.ns.-Sambarasinga. Eng.-Stag's 'horn. Pers.-Maral;·
Gookorh. Hind.-Barasinga. Ben.-Ghous or Gaoj; (female):.
_.Bhalouje, Guj.-Sambar singdun. Mah.-Meru. Tel.-
Kannadi. Can.-Kadavi; Kadaba) is used in the form of
powder and paste. The horn consists of three 'anterior antlers
curved upwards, .of a dark~brown or pale yellow ~olour, gene-
rally marked with longitudinal ridges which are irregularly·
tuberculated. On section, the interior is porQus', hard in the
centre arid. compact at the margin. When freshly' cut it smells.
like burnt sugar. Sambarsinga bhasma (ash) is prepared by·
burning the horn in an open fire or by soaking its pieces in.
the milky juice of Calotropis gigantea and then. roasting. Dose-
is 5 to 15' grains. This,.corisists mainly of Calcium phosphate.
James' powder may be prepared by mixing the bhasma with
sulphuret of antimony ana subjecting the mixture to white-
heat. This will yield antimony oxide and calcium phosphate;
Sambarsing paste is a liquid cream obtained by rubbing the
staghorn on a piece of stone, pouring hot water over it, from.
time to time. Sambarasinga is locally astringent and sedative;
internally a. nervine and blood tonic. The bhasma is given.
internally as a restorative tonic, with honey, in diseases of
the respiratory system, as cough, asthma, consumption; also-
weak heart, enlarged ~lands and in, s~minal deb~lity. ~t is a
specific- remedy in doses of 4 to 8 grains for ple'\-ll;-isy and pneu-
monia with honey and essence of ginger. The pq.ste is given
internally in dy&entecy, and locally appliet;]_ with stimulating
ingredients like ammonia; brandy etc., .to spra.ins, contusions,
cracks and fissures and to the forehead in headache and to.
relieve itching in chronic skin diseases; also to orchitis and

other enlarged glands. It is a useful :remedy for the relief

-of rheumatic pains, and for pains in the ribs.

(Eng.-Spermaceti B. P. Urdu & Hind.-Whale
:Machhli-ke-Barki charbi. Arab.-Mann-ul-qeetas) is a
concrete fatty supstance contained in the large
,cavity in front of the large Cranium (near the
upper jaw) of the Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus),
found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It, is obtained niixed
with sperm oil or oleum ceti. The semi.:fluid substance is ob-
tained from the head of the whale; it is then dried in suitable
bags and afterwards submitted to strong pressure to. remove
the oil; the pressed cake is melted in warm water and 'any
impurities removed; then boiled with a weak caustic soda
-solution to solidify and this .is Spermaceti. It is a pearly-white,
translucent, crystalline unctuous mass of the consistence of
lard, with a mild bland taste and a faint, fatty odour; it is
reducible to powder when previously moistened by alcohol; it
becomes rancid by exposure' to the air:; it has a .neutral reac-
tion. It is insoluble in water, soluble in fixed and. volatile oils,
ether, chloroform and boiling rectIfied spirit. It contains
cetyl palmitate, or acetylic alcohol combined with palmitic
acid forming a fat cetin. It is a. demulcent. Given,.in alvine
'ar:d urinary irritations; also used as a base for ointments and
cerates. As an emollient dressing it is used for blistered or
,excoriated surfaces and ulcers.

(Eng.-Turtle) is found on the sea coast of Southern
India and gulf of Manar. The oil extracted from it (Hind.-
Kachakru. Guj.-Kachbo. Mal.-Lisk; kurakura; kulitpaun)
is a pale yellow liqUid of a fishy odour and disagreeable taste.
It is used as alterative, nutrient and demulcent; fat is chiefly
-given in scrofula, rickets, anaemia and pulmonary affections.
Dose is 1 to 2 drachms.¥

Vaccine from tortoise.-This is a cure recommended for

<consumption. The report of the Commission appointed in Ger-
many to e_xamine the efficacy of Dr. Friendman's vaccine for
the treatment of tuberculosis says.-HThe. vaccine is valuable
in the anti..,tuberculosis struggle as having given surprising re-
sults after one or two injections. The vaccine is composed of
the pure cultures of the tubercle bacilli of the, tortoise".

43. CLAMATOR JACOBINUS, Bodd. or Hirundo rustica,

Linn. or Aegithina tiphia, Lim1.
(Eng.-Common lora; Swallow. Sans.-Chataka. Hind.-
'Tokka. Ben.-Chatak). Flesh is refrigerant, stomachic, car-
<1iac stimulant and nutritious. Used in epistaxis and phleg-
matic ailments.

44. CLUPEA ILISHA, Ham &. Buch


45. COCCUS CACTI (Dactylopius coccus-Family:-

'Coccidae) belonging to Insecta class and Hemiptera Order
(Eng.-Cochineal insect. Pers.-Danaha. Hind.-Beer-
bouhte.e; Kirminj. Guj.-Kiramaja. Tam.-Kiramjee; Kochi-
nil-puchi. Tel.-Kiramju; Cochinil plirugu. Can.-Kiramjee)
is an insect of a scarlet (red) colour and little larger than
a bug, resembling a grain, found in Mexico, and feeding upon
a prickly plant, a species of Cactus (called the Nopal plant
in Mexico). The dried bodies of the fecundated female in-
sect containing eggs and larvae are used in
medicine. The insects are collected from the
branches and leaves of the Cacti, crushed and immersed in
boiling water, spread o'ut and dried ready for use. When
dry they can b;e easily reduced to powder. Dose is 1 to 10
grains. It contains caqnine (the colouring matter) or car-

minic acid 10 per cent, wax coccerin, fatty matter consisting'

of myrestin, liquid fat an~ fatty acids 18, moisture 6, salts:.
and ash 3 to 5 per cent. The carmine prepared from the in-
sect is a brilliant red powder with a Jaint odour and bitterish
and warm taste; it tinges the saliva violet-red. It is soluble
in water and alcohol, entireiy soluble in ammonia water. It
has acid properties and hence called carmiric acid. It is used
only as a colouring agent, as an adjunct to expectorant mix-
tures. It possesses sedative and anti-spasmodic properties. It
is useful in whooping cough, neuralgia etc. There are two.
sorts of Cochineal:-Silver and Black. Silver is more valued;
it has a gr~ish red' colour.


(See:-Cateria Lacca; Tachardia Lacca).


(Eng.-Pigeon. Sans.-Kapota; Hind.-Kobutar. Ben.-
Payra). See "Animal Flesh" paragraphs for action and uses.


See:-Iris nobilis. Class.-Polypi.
Sans.-Pravala; Vidruma. Eng.-Coral. Ger.-Korallian.
Ital.-Corallo. Fr.-Corail. Arab.-Bussud. Pers.---cMarjau.
Hind.-Parvara; Munga. Duk.--::-Gulli. Mah. & Kon.-Po-
valay. Guj.-Parvala. Tam.-Pa;alarh; Can.-H~vala. Tij!l.-
Pagadamu. Mal.-Poalam. Sinh.-Bubalo. Burm.-Ky-a-
ve-khet. ,
Source.-Red sea; Persian and Arabian Gulfs, Me-diter-
ranean sea and Atlantic Ocean.
Characters.-In appearance it is a small shrub in a pen-,
dant or reverse position. It occurs in slender, cylindrical and
generally branched pieces"of brick-ted colour. Coral is made:
,;-" _. .~

up of numerous minute pieces; each piece is minutely and

longitudinally furrowed. In smell it resembles frankincense;
jt easily breaks with crackling sound. In a raw state the stems
.and branches are covered with a cortical substance which is
-the habitation of soft small polypi.
Constituents.-Animal or organic matter 8 p.c., carbonate
-of lime 83 p.c., magnesium carbonate 3.5 p.c., and oxide of
iron 4.5 p.c. The red colour is due tb its containing iron.
Parts used.-The Calcareous shell or skeleton.
Preparation.-Coral is purified by being boiled in a decoc-
tion of the three myrobalans and then prepared for medicinal
use by being calcined in covered crucibles and then reduced
to powder. PravaLa Bhasma (Coral ash) is also prepared by
.soaking coral for sometime in lime-juice, then putting it in
fire and calcining and finally reducing it to' a fine powder.
Dose is 5 to 20 grains.

Action.-Antacid, astringent, nervine tonic, laxative and

.diuretic; als() "emetic antiphlegmonous and antibilious"-
(N. N. Sen Gupta).

Uses.-As a local astringent it is used in the preparation

of tooth-powders. Its chief use is in cough, phthisis, asthma,
low fever, urinary' diseases, spermatorrhoea, gleet and gonor-
rhoea, carbuncle, scrofulous affections, and as a nervine tonic
i!l headache, giddiness and vertigo. Dose is :3 to 12 grains
twice a day: after meals. It was administered to ccfses of chro-
_nie bronchitis ahd pulmonary tuberculosis and found usefuI
in both classes of diseases. It is given as an antacid to check
'Vomiting and to cure dyspepsia and bilious headache. Vasanta
Kusumakara Rasa. described in Bhaishajyaratnavali, contain-
ing coral and pearl and also prepared gold, tin, iead and iron,
talc and camphor is prepared with a difficult process into &
pilI mass and divided, into 4-grain pills. These are given with
sugar, honey and ghee ~ urinary diseases, impotence, gleet,
diabetes, consumption and general debility. It is also a valu-
,able alterative tonic in chronic gonorrhoea' and spermatorrhoea,
given in combination with an extract called Kusavaleha which


is made up of the five' roots of lkshu, Sara~ Kasa, Kusa aI_ld.'

Darba with sugar.


(Eng.-Crow. Sans.:-Kaka. Ben.-Kak). Flesh is sto-
machic, nutritious, cardiac-stimulant and beneficial in ulcer"
phthisis and eye diseases;


(Eng.-Crocodlle. Sans.-Kumbhira. Ben.-Kurnir).
Flesh is demulcent and refrigerant; beneficial in vitiated bile~


(Eng.-Green dove. Sans.-Harita. Hind.-Harial. Benr
-Hathela-Ghugu). Flesh is astringent, refrigerant, easily
digestible; produces 'vayu' and alleviate's thirst and epistaxis"


(Eng.-Porcel9-neous shells; Cowry; Marina shell. Sans.-
Varatika; Varataka. Arab.-Sadaf. Pers.-Khar-mahra. Hind.
-Cowrie; Sipi. Ben.-Beya. Guj.-Codi. Tam. Mah.
Kon. & Can.-Kavdi. Ttel.-Gavalu. Sinh.-Pingo) is the
name given to small, convolute glossy shells of variegated'
colours, of oblong oval shape varying in size from a tamarind
seed to an almond. The upper. face is smooth, shining and
convex. Base is compressed with a cleft in the «centre which
runs longitudinally. The margin of the cleft I;; serrated on
one side and depressed on the other. Three varieties of CQW.-
ries, white, red and yellow, are used in medicine. Ancient
Hindu alchemists preferrea shells which were of yellow colour,
knotty and possessed of circular lines on the dorsal side. The
fresh shells consist of a cellular gelatinous tissue filled with
calcareous matter (earthy salts). They are insoluble in water,.

soluble in hydrochloric acid with effervescence. They contain

phosphate, flouride and carbonate of calcium, magnesium phos-
phate, mang~nese and sodium chloride. The. cowries are first
purified by bein~ soaked or macer~ted for 3 hours, in lime-
juice or rice conjee (sour gruel) and then calcined in covered
crucibles;, the process is repeated 10 or 12 times. Another'
method of purifying cowries, as given in "Rasendrasarasan-
graha" is:-Dig a hole In the ground and fill it partly with the
husk of paday; now' place on it a crucible containing cowries;
cover it with cowdung cakes and set fire to the mass. By this.
process the cowries are teduced to ashes. It is the lime thus.
obtained which is ofte:p. used in medicine. Cowri bhasma
(shell-ash) is pungently bitter, also alterative and expectorant.,
It is recommended in dyspepsia, jaundice, enlarged s9leen and
liver, asthma and cough. The ash is given internally ~n scald-
ing and gonorrhoea. Dose is 5 to 10 grains. It is externally'
used as caustic as various forms of ointments. Shula Gaja
Kesari is a compound pill made of purified shell, mercury,
borax, rock-salt, asafoetida and carui seeds all in equal parts,
mixed and reduced to a pill-mass with the aid of the juice of
betel leaves. Dose is 3 to 5 grains, useful in colic and other'
Pl!ins in the intestines.


This is the bile of the 'rohitaka' fish;'
it is used either singly or in combination
with the bile of buffalo, wild boar, goat and pea-
cock, under the name of Pancha pitta or the five biles. Bile·
is laxative and is chiefly used iIi soaking powders intended
for being made into pill masses. Udakamanjari Rasa describ-
ed in Rasapradipa containing bile of rohitaka fish, is given_
with ginger juice in recent bilious remittent fever. If there-
is much heat of head, cold water should be applied to it.


See:-Coccus cocti.


(Sans. & Kon.-Hasti. Eng.-Elephant.. lfind. Mah.
Duk. & Guj.-Hathhi. Ben.-Hati. TeL. Tam. Mal. & Can.-
Aanay) is a large-sized anImal belonging to the class of Pro-
boscidea; it is common in India, Burma and Africa. The teeth
or tusks of this animal are the parts used in medicine. The
ashes or powder of the teeth (Eng.-Ivor~. Arab ..,-Sin-ul-fel.
Sans.-Hastidanta. Hind.-Hathidant. Sinh.-GaUah. Burm.-
Hsen. Pers.-Dandan-i-fe1. Mah. & Kon.-Hastantra) is pre-
pared in the same way as Sambarsinga bhasma. ~Dose is 5 to
15 grains. It is used a~ astringent in leucorrhoea; also given
in jaundice and to remove sterility in fema.les. Paste made
of the nails of the elephant 2 parts, .copper sulphate 1 part and
saffron 3 'j?a:J;ts, in milk. is appfied' in conjunctivitis.


See:-Elephas indicas


(Eng.-Ass. Sans....,.,.-Gardqbha . , Hind::-Gaddha.) See:- -


(Eng.-Horse. Sans.-Ashva). 'l,VIilk is stimulant a.nd de-
mulcent. Urine is bitter, stiml}lant, stomachic and purga-
tive.. Urine is beneficial in ringworm and intestipal worms.


(Eng.-Cuckoo; the Koel. Sans.-Kokila. Hind.-Koil.
Ben.-Kokil). Flesh ·is phlegmatic and antibilious.


(Eng.-Fresh ox gall. Arab.-Safraul-bagaz. Pers.~·
,Zabrahe-gaw. Hind.-Bail-ka-sofra. Dnk.-Bail-ka-pit), is
fresh ox-gall secreted by the liver and collected in the gall-
bladder; it is a dark or yellowish green viscid liquid of a pecu-
liar unpleasant pdOUli 'and bitterish taste. It is neutral or
faintly lalkaliJ;le in rea~tion, spluble ,in water and alcdhol.


" "
" ," , I
or Fe} Tauri

(Eng.-Purified ox-gall or ox-bile. Sans.-Gorochanam.

,Arab.-Hajr-ul-bahr. Pers.-Pad-Zehare-Havani. Hind.-
Zehar-mohra. Duk: M.ah. }Con. & Gan.-Gorochana. Guj.
_Guruchandan. Tam.-Gorojanai. Tel.-Gorojanam. Sinh.
-Visagul. BiLrm.---.:Gdyazin) is prepared by evaporating ox-
gall tb one-th'ird, adding alcohol, filtering, distilling off and
evaporating 'until it acquires: a suitable consistence for making
pill~. Gorochanam is'lignt' and' can be easily broken between
the fingers. It, 'is laxative, anti-spasmodic', cholagogue, cooling
and aromatic. 'It is' speciall:y indicated: in measles and small-
pox, to redUCe excessive )leat in the body; also in whooping
.cough an:d watery stools and choleraic symptoms. It is used
in C()]:lvuls16ris, hysteria, spasmodic' diseases, melancholia and
intestiriru disorders with deficient 'secretion of bile, in jaundice,
etc., and in 'abortion. :It is 'given to Infants !for 'stopping green
sitool:, and (ill' small doses) as a laxative. The usual adult
dose is from 5 10 10 grains~ It enters 'into the composition
of some 'medicines used for skin diseases.


(Eng.-Tiger). Tig$r's fat is, :used in leprosy" and rheu-




See:-Fel bovinum purificatum.


(Eng.-Grey Partridge. Sans.-Tittiri. Ben.-Titir. Tam~
-Toluk-peHa). See "Animal Flesh" Section, for action and


Denotes wild form of the genus; & var.


Is a domestic cock and hen. The Jndian. domesticated game-
cock is known as Gallus pugnex = Gallus pusillus o,f Lin-
naeus. See:-Phasianus;-(Sans. & Ben.-Di,ffiQa)., The part,
used, in medicine is the egg pf it (Sans. Hi'ft,!j.. & Ben.-Anda.
Arab.:-Baiza., Guj.-Bed1,ln., Mah.. & K;on.-Kavta. Can &.
Tam.-Mott~y. T~l.,..,-G<J.dda), The white is the Ovt album~n,.
often called also Albumin:-the liquid album~n of egg; (other
varieties are called, ,after thei:t: sources or characteristic-
reactions) ,as acid-albumi~; alkali-albumin; ffiuscle-an~umin;:
serum-albumin; ovum-albumin; vegetable-albumin etc. :t'fpr-
mal albumin is the, type of a group of proteids known as albu-
,mins). It, contains albumen 15 to 18 p.c., a little muc1,lS, fat,
sugar, extractive matter, lecithin, ash consistin~ of alkalille
salts and water 82 to 85 p.c., ',I'h~ albqmen ,is distinguished
from albumen of the serum of bloQdj by being,_,coagulated by
ether. In weight it is about 5 drachms in one egg. The yolk
or Ovi vitellus is a ",dense viscid, yellow or reddish-yellow
opaque alkaline liquid. It consists of water 50 p.c., -vitelline
16 p.c., inorganic, salts 1.5 p.c., oil globules, fat 30 p.c., sulphur
and phosphorus contained in a sac or bag. Agitated with water
it forms a milky emulsion. It is coagulated by heat and by
alcohol. Action:-Eggu is emol}ient, demulcent" laxative &

nutritious. The egg shell or Ovi Testa is a white hard fra-

gile calcareous substance composed of carbonate of lime, phos-
phate of lime and traces of sulphur and iron, some organic
matter 1 to' 5 p;c. and salts as the chlorides, iodides, sulphates
and phosphates of potassium, calcium and magnesium. Th~
oil known as the yellow oil is prepared by boiling the egg
hard, removing the yolk and acting on this by hot Movara
spirit or brandy. The' oil globules separate and dissolve in
the hot spirit; this· is used as an embrocation. The ashes are
prepared by indnerating the shell. Glyceritum Vitelli or gly-
cerine of yolk is a dietetic 'preparation containing the yolk
of egg 45 'p.c., and glycerine 55 p.c. Mistura Spiritus Vini
Gallici is another preparation: made up of yoU~- of 2 eggs;
brandy 4 ounces, Cinilamon water 4 ounces and refined sugalZ
4 drachms. Bose· 'of' 'this inixture is' 1 to 2 ounces. Egg Wine
prepared by beating up o'rie egg with a tablespoonful of cold
water and a mixture of a glass' of sherry' and half a. glass of
water previously heated together, (not boiling) poured over
this and stirred all the time, then sweeten:ed with white sugar
and a little grated nutmeg to taste and taken with toast or
biscuits, twice daily is more digestive and nourishing t6 in-
valids. Egg syrup is prepared by beating 1 lb. of eggs with
lIb: of water and then straining it through a cloth and then
beating ·it to a froth and then adding Ii lbs. of powdered sugar I'

and 20 drops of orange,-blossom water. When used it -is mixed

with 10 times its volume of water. 'Egg is a complete food;
it contains all the elements required by the blood. Eggs
covered with boiling water and allowed to stand for 5 minutes
are more nourishing lind digestive than eggs' placed in boiling
'l.Vat2r and allowea to boil f'l.irioHsly for 3t minutes. Eating a
hard-boiled egg when angry produces the same effect as eating
a toadstool according to Dr. Hilton Ira Jones., a noted chemist
and psychologist. "The poison in toadstools is a chemical sub-
stance called muscarine,i. Dr. JoneS says:-"The greater part
of an egg is composed' of cdlin, a harmless substance. When a
person is angered, the aci~ity of the stomach is increased, oxi-·
dismg the colin. When oxidised the colin of the egg becomes
muscarine, the poison in toadstools. That is why the effect is
the same." One of the oddest food cures. recently advanced is

that of medicated eggE. Hens are fed on wheat mixed with

a salt of iron. The eggs ,they lay three or foul' days later are
l'ich in iron already digested, so that even the most delicate
patient can take it. The\ Albumin i.e. white of .egg is useful
in cases of poisoning by corrosive sublimate perchloride of
mercury" soluble ~alts of lead, copper, zinc, c:r;eosole etc. In
poisoning by other acrid metallic salts it acts mechanically by
enveloping the poisonous particles and also coating the mu_cous
membranes of the stomach and intestines. Mixed with hot
brandy and alum its paste is used as an: emprocation or lep
(plaster) in erysipelas. The, yolk of egg is demulcent, more
nutritious than the 'white and in. large doses; laxative. The
giving of egg-yolk to infants above the age of tWo months is CI.
preventive against rickets. Yolk of egg is' an extremely use-
ful foqd for anaemic persons. LocaLly with lime 91' mixed with
nitrate or· oxide of mercury, it is used as a Zep and a!JP1i~d to
plague and other bubO€s. and to bQil§ to promote s.uppuration.
As a restorative, mixed with brandy it is· given internally to
the weak and anaemic; also to the dyspeptics.. It is used fOli
emulsifying oils, oleo-resins and resi~. The ash is antacid and
styptic and used as a powder: in) gravel and in; cases \)f cancer.


or GA£TRQPOl)A (Mon{lv~ve or Uni.valve s4eU-a Gro;up -
of .SheH Fishes)
(Class:-Mollusca) .
Sans. Bom.-Shankha. Eng.-Conch; Gonch-shell.,
Duk~Sukk.. G'l!-j. ,Mah. Kon. & Can.:-Sha.p.kqa. Tam.:-
Sanka; Sangu. Tel.-Sehkham, Ben.-Sa.p.kh.
Source.-Indian Oceah coasts.
Gharacters.-A porcelaneous shell of an oblong or conicql
{onn. The oblong form is bulged in the middle and-tap~:ring
at each end. The conical variety is. peculiar. :The U!Jper por-
tion is like <;orkscrew t twisted and tapering' at th~ en:d. The
base is broad. The interior is hollow. T~e surface. is. hard,
of a dull white colour.J The upper $urfaGe is highly tuberclJ.-

l1:1ted, the under surface shining, very brittle and translucent.

Action.-Anodyne, carminative, digestive and ~stringent.
Flesh is demulcent, cardiac stimulant, nutritious & phlegmatic.
Preparations & Uses.-Shankha bhasma or conch shell ash
(silicate of magnesia) is prepilred by soaking the shell in lime
juice and calcining in covered crucibles ten to twelve ti~es,
and finally reducing it to powder (ash). It is anodyne, carmi-
native, digestive and astringent. Dose is 2 to 6 grains; used
for ear-ache, ulcers and for eye-troubles and internally for
dysentery, gonorrhoea, colic)_ dyspepsia and jaundice; with
whey it is taken in tympanitis, flatulence, colic etc. A com-
pound pill called Shankhavati contains Shankha bhasma 40,
tamarind seed ash 20, the five salts (pancha lavana) 4, asafoe-
t:da, ammonium chloride, pepper, carui, caraway, ginger, long-
pepper each 4 parts, purified mercury and aconite each 2 parts,
mixed together and the whole triturated in the juice of lemons
and made into a pill-m:ass. Dose is 3 to 5 grains. Shankhavati
is used in dyspepsia and acid urine as also in irritability of the
intestines as in diarrhoea, chronic dysentery etc. A mixture
c£ Shankha bhasma 5, aconite 2 and black pepper 9 parts made
into two-grain pills is useful in loss of appe-
tite, dyspepsia and indigestion. A compound powder made
up df Shankha bhasma 5, bonduc seed 4, asafoetida 3, trikatu
and rock salt 4 each parts,.mixed and powdered is used in the
colicy pain in the abdomen. Another compound powder
containing equal parts of Shankha bhasma, Ficus religiosa,
borax and aconite is -used in catarrh, sore-thoat, cough,
asthma etc. Dose is two grains. Kaphaketu Rasa (see "Sodii
Biboras") containing conch-shell lime is also useful in these
cases, and also in discharges' from ears, nose etc. In all sorts
of Kaphaja type of fever it is used as an expectoraht, a resOl-
vent of the phlegm arid febrifuge. Flesh is useful in phthisis
and abdominal tumours.

Eng.-A kind of, lizard. Sans.-Musali; Ben.-Tak-
shakha. Hind;'--Chipkuli. Tam.-Paillie. Used in leprosy.


(Eng.-Kingfisher, Kilkila. Ben.-Macch-ranga). Flesh is
refrigerant and demulcent. Useful in epistaxis and produces


& H. australis.
(Eng.-Dugong oil or Oil of Sen Ho~). This oil is a sub-
stitute for cod-liver oil.


(Bom. & Guj;-l\l"akhala) is a fresh water Mollu:;;k, The
shell is of dark-brown colour and mad~ of numerous plates
placed one upon another, just as in bivalve shells. It i$ hard,
bony and opaque, concave ,on its qpder-supf.ace where the, rpol-
lusk rEsides; the ,other s.urface is convex. 01), this surface the
layers are most, distinctly marked. The shell is used in ihe
form of a paste, as a,.pedume and in the.preparation of v~riov.s
medicated ,oils.. .It is an ing;re9.ient of Dh'H,p~la tela. As, a hair
cosmetic it is. highly recommended.

(Eng.-A group of winged ins,ects. P~rs.-Shaker­
e-tigala. Hind_.-Shakara tagara) occur.s as irregular
gall-like piece;> of a dirty,. :vhite colour an~ oblon&
or pval or sometimes of irregular .shape. It. is hollow within
and generally contains a dead beetle or ::rqp<i pf an oval shape
and black colour. It tastes like starch and after chewing it
leaves an acrid sensation in the mouth. 1t is an antispasmodic
and useful in hysteria, gout, renal diseases, dropsy, gonorrhoea
and, jaundice. It is generally used by Mahomedan Hakims.
A compound powder consisting of it and ,almonds, pistachio,
babul gum, bark of MimusopS! elengi and dry ginger all in

equal parts, powdered finely and mixed. together, is used in

old chronic coughs. Dose is grains 5 to 10; tW() or three times
;2 day.


(Eng.~lVIedicinal leech.)


(Class.-Annelida) .
Sans.-Jaluka. Eng ..:.......:Speckled L~ech. Arab.-Aluk.
Pers.-Zaloka. Hind. Ben. Duk. & PunJ;-Jonk. Kash.-
Drik. Guj.-J'alo. Mah. & Kon.-Jahi. T.dm.~Attei. Tel.--
Attalu; J elagalu. Can.-Jiganl. Mal.-Attah. Burm.-Him-
yau; lVIeiyon. Sinh.-Kudallu; ·Pudal.
Source.-Leeches are found in a clear shallow or deep
pool of water containing water lilies and othet ,"quatic sweet
smelling plants. They are colle.cted on a piecE! of Calico con-
taining some red. clay;. wl}.E;:p. leeches are requir~d to be preser-
ved, for some !lays the ro?ts of water lilies are given them. as
Chara.cters.-Leeches are of both aqliati"c and terrestrial
habits. Small and middle sized leeches 'are bhe- best for medi-
cinal use. They are black, or ot- art biive colour, marked with
6 longtitudinal stripes. The body is elongated 2 or 3 inches
long and tapering at each end. It is conveit and wrinkled
transversely. Thet'e 'are other varieties of leeches," some of
which are venomous and these are found near ,putrid fish or
animals, in foul, stagnatJ,t 'and putrescent wate'1'; Such leeches
rire consequently to be avoid·ed.
Action & Uses;-Antiphlogi!Stic, used for the local abstrac-
tion of blo<;>d; also anticoagulant. Depletion by leeches is ana-
logous to the abstraction 'of blood py venesec.tion, by lancing
or by moist cupping. The :q~antity of ploocl drawn off b:y

each Indian leech is about .1 to H drachm. The antiphlogistic

action is $low. They malfe a limited or gradual l.ocal impres-
sion. They are used in *cute inflammation of the glands, as
the mammae, parotid etc'i also in incipient abscesses, boils, in
bruises, sprains and blows, in inflammations of the serous
membranes and in inflafnmaiion affecting ,ihe skin or bones.
This is generally followed by hot fomentations to relieve the
pain and the inflammation. Obstinate vomiting may occasion-
ally be checked by a few leeches to the pit of the stomach
after ordinary means have faile'd. In violent headache leeches:
are applied to the temples with benefit. In fevers with severe
headache they are applied but only in the early stages of the
disease; they are appHed at the nape of the neck if relief is
not obtained, by applying to the temples. In severe pain in
the chest or abd_omen occurring during fever 8 to 10 leeches
applied immediat~ly over the seat of pain qften afford mani-
fest relief. In severe ,headache or. fulness of head depending
upon the stoppage of a discharge of blood from piles, leeches
close to the anus frequently afford great relief, but care. is
necessary lest they creep' up into the rectum. When the head-
ache depends upon the' sudd'en stoppage of the menstrual dis-
charge the leeches should be 'applied to the inner part of the
thighs. In acute dysentery a few leeches (6 to 9) to' the yerge
of the anus are often serviceable in relieving the pain ahd strain
ing at stool. The same measure is also useful in congestion
of the liver, when p~~ced over the, region of the liver, and, pre-
ferably at the verge of the anus. When leeches are scarce and
it is intended to abstract more blood, the leeches may be pun-
ctured with a needle just near the tail, while still .suckin,g or
when nearly gorged with blood, when the blood is drained out
of their body' and they begin to ..s,u,ck ag~in.

To stop the bleedil;lg, continuing after the :removal of the

leeches, various haemostatics are used, such as 'bu;rnt cotton,
desiccated a1um, copper sulphate, tannin, turmeric, "burnt rags,
cobweb; scraped lint etc! Pressure with the finger over the
bite' may be usefull• In obstinate cases solution of the\'perchlo-
ride of iron is used' with. benefit Even a very fine' point of
caustic nitrate of silver is inserted into the wound with benefit.

'Touching the bite with the point of a red hot needle or c;lp-
plying a ligature or pressure by linff and bandage has also·
been tried with success.

Precautions.-To make a 'leech bite' on a particular spot

cut a small hole in a piece, of paper, lay this ovel' the spo! and
apply the leech over the spot which should be previously
cleansed and smeared over with cream or sugared milk or the·
skin scratched so that a little' blood oozes but. To fadlitllte
the action of leeches or to promote the bleeding from
leech bites. the affect~d part should be. thoroughly washed
ot' cleaned wit_h,hot water . .In some cases l?oultic~s or fomen-
tations should be applied to stimulate the skin. Leeches should
not be applied immediately over a large prominent vein, ')'tor
to the eye lids ?lor to the bosom of a woman, especially during
pregna')'tcy, nor t9 the loqs,z skin of the eyelids, mammae, penig
or scrotum as the bites ,in these situations are apt to he follow-
ed by infiltratiqn or inflammation. Great caution is necessary
in appJying leeches to young children· as they bLeed much more
freely than adult~; they should,. when practicable be appliea
where (J. bone is near the surface, so that in case of excessive
bl.eeding pressure may be made against it. Generally one
leech is sufficient for every two years of the patient's age up
to adult life, or six is theJimit for ordinary cases; even upto
adolescence; for appLication, mo:rning is the best time. It
should not be put on in the ev,ening, lest there be serious con-
sequences from haemorrhage ,rrLd want of proper attendance.
Applications.-If the leeches do not fix quickly apply a
drop or two of milk or blood to the part. Some apply clay
• to the part, others prick it with a fine ne€dle to make the skin
hesmeared with blood, which will induce them to fix them'-
selves more· readiiy. When the leeches are sucking, sprinkle
a few drops of water upon their bodies, When the leeches are
to be removed, sprinkle a sman quantity of salt upon: their
bead to make them drop off. After their removal the part
upon which the leeches have been is to be smeared with honey,
cold water and: astringerif substances. If the bleeding con-
tinues the abovementioned measures are to be adopted. Ii
after their removal it is necessary' to abstract more blood, poul-

tices of bran or bread or varalians, of Nirgundi leaves or of

N eem leaves may be appl~ed.


See Corallium Rubrum. -

'75. K_OUMISS or KUMYSS or KUMISS (Fermented Milk)

Cerevesia Lactis
Is a fermented liquor obtained from cow's, mare's or' camel's
milk. It is prepared 'by adding sugar of milk W ,fresh milk in
an open vessel and beating it till it ferments or by adding
some acid to fresh milk to as'sist lactic acid fermentation. Dur-
ing fermentafion caselne and butter are skimmed off and the
fermented whey is collected. It contains 1 to 3 per cent of
alcohol, sugar, lactic acid, salts, carbonic acid and ether. Dose
is 2 to 4 ounces. Kumyss is a dietetic, nourishing and restora-
tive agent~ given in diabetes, in irritability of the stomach and
in obstinate vomiting: For process of Artificial Koumiss,
refer Extra PharmacopoeIa.

76. LA,C<";A
See:._,,_,.Cateria Lacca; Coccus Lacca.

77. LACERTA AGILIS (Agama Agilis)

belonging to Reptilia (Eng.-Sa~d Lizard. Pers.-Rege mahi.
Guj.-Sarado. Bom."-Ghilodi) i~ a species of a sand fish with
thorny spines. It has a head ~nd four legs; when dry the
skeletons appear more like a fish without head ,pnd: legs. It is
of a light brown colour, about six inches in length with dark-
i~h brown reticulations on its back. It is usecl".in the form of
,ash or bhasm.a in dos~s of 5 to 8 grains as a nervine.- topic, Sti-i
mulant and aphrodisiac' in gEn~ral debility, spermatorrhoea,
.and seminal weakness. It is u~ed by Unani physicians with
the yolk of eggs.


Action.-Flesh is tonic, stimulant, alteratiy~.
Uses.-Flesh is 'useq in s~'philis. Oil is aphrodisiac.

79. I,.A<:;TUS
Sans.-Dugdha; Ksheera. Eng.-Milk. Arab.-Halib .
.Pers.-Sher: Hind. Guj. Mah. & Kon.-Dudh. Tam. &
T<el.-Pa:lli. Mal.-'-Musu; Pala., Can.-Haalu. Sinh.-Ella
Source.-Mammary glands of females, cows, she-goats,
ewes, she-?sses, mares etc.
Characters.-Cow'~ ronk ~.& an opa,gue, white or yellowish-
white, emulsive~ faintiy. alk~line fluid, a httle IDore yiscQus.
than water; taste. is sweet and bland, odour taint and pecu1iar;
kept for ,~ long time it ferments. Specific gravity is between
1.027 t9 1.03.4! and the milk with .a higher 'fat ,content having
a lower specific ,gravity. lJnder the misc1;oscope, numerous
minute fat globuh~s, are seen floating in the form of an emul-
sion, w~ch on standing for some hours settles out producing
the familiar phenomenon known as creaming, i.e., a scum,
rorms on the surface in tne form of cream, which when churn-
ed; separates into butter and butter-milk. rhe yellowish
white. colour of the milk is due to the suspended fat globules.:
On standing, the milk settles! out into 3 layers. The layer at
the bottom of the vessel contains bacteria, cells a.TJ.d .dirt~ That
at the middle contains milk. plasma, and a small amount of fat;
the layer at the'top ,contain:> fat ox cre?ih and ,a c.onsiderable
numhei:: of bacteria.. which are carried tIP b~ipgt ClttCJ,!!h.~d to fat

globules., This,s.ettling '0£ milk .enables one to isolatE:! the, butter-

fat and to control the' amount ,of fat the, milk shall contain. Raw
-rriilk becomes ,spoiled after 10-12 hours; after which it is ~ndi-·
-gestible' and harmful and dcts as poison; to ,the: sysbem. Such
milk should ,be avoided. _l
Constituehts.-Milk contains all the, elements necessary
for the growth arid hutrition of bones, nerves, muscles and

other tissues. Milk contalus also vItamins which are Nature's

antidotes to rickets, scurvy and other results of defective
nutrition. The constituents of milk vary according to the ani-
mal and the kind of food it 'takes. Cow's miLk contains on an
average albuminoids (caseIn) 4, fat (butter) 4, sugar- (milk-
sugar) 5, various salts etc., 1, and water 86 per cent. It con-
tains a large proportion of Calcium J;>hosphate, an important
salt required for the formation of bone and also for the pro-
per coagulibility of the blood. 'The other mineral constituents
of Cow's: milk are potassium and magnesium phospha,tes.- ,S9-
ditifn chloride and a trace of phosphate of iron. The inorganic
constituents of milk are gases as carbon dioxide, nitrogen and
C'xygen ill solution, and min~ral salts as compounds of calcium,
potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron sulphur and chlorine.
The first four are present in slightly higher amounts than neces-
sary to combine with sulphur, phosphorus and chlorine avail-
able, the excess being principally calcium which is combined
with casein as calcium caseinate. The composi.tion of milk.
especially the fat and to some extent the protein content)~ va-
ries from time to time. Buttermilk IS composed of water 91%,
fat 0.5%, sugar 4%, lactic acid 0.5%, protein 3.5% and ash
0.7.% Whey is compo'sed -of water 93%, fat 0;32% to 0'.36%,
lactose 4.9 to 5.4% protein 0.84% to 1.0%, and ash 0.4'9,% to

Cow's milk contains a: ,little moTe' salts and fat and much
less sugar thah the breast, milk. Still, the protein content of
the cow's milk is much less efficient than that of breast milk.
Cow's milk consists ot fat globules, and bacteria, cells and par-
tides of foreign matter suspended in 'a' flUid, 'i.e. milk plasma.
in: large numbers. Though secreted from the alveoli in a
sterile condition, bacteria are introduced into th~,milk through
the milk duct from the teats, from bits_ of manure and dust
flying in the' stable, froni the milker's hands br from saliva
droplets. The ba:cteri~l content of the milk is the'best single
index of the cleanliness with which the, milk is handled and
scrupulous care should be taken to keep it at the lowest 'by
milking healthy cows, kept in cleCln surroundings, employing
bealthy milkers with cle~n hands ~nd using clean,.' well-scalded

receptacles. The milk so obtained should be chilled .as soon

~s possible after milking.
In cow's milk the protein is present in the form of casein
in combination with calcium and is in the form of colloidal
particles which can be seen with the ultra-miscroscope. The
other protein constituents are lactalbumin and lactoglobulin.
A comparison of the breast and cow's milk proteins:-The
proteins are. made up of various combinations of aminoacids,
of which about 20 have been identified. In the breaking up
of proteins into amino-acids, there are several stages, viz:.-
Proteins-albumoses---'-polypeptides-peplides.,--amino-a c· i d s~
Of the -amino-adds about four are essential 'in ~ child's diet.
These are tryptgphane, lysine, crystine and .hystidine. The
value of ·a protein depends upon the number- and proportion of
amino-acids that go into its make up and! its ability to be
digested and absorbed.
Lactalbumin contains 4.08 per cent of cystine while casein
contains only 0.26 per cent. So the greater iactalbumin con-
tent of the breast milk makes' it more vruuable than the COWlS
milk. Hence it is that breast-milk protein is more adaptable
for the infant tt-an the cow's milk protein. However, cow's
milk protein is the next best .and to supply an adequate amount
of prQtein, a iarger quantity, hearly double the amount of
cow's milk should be' given to infants. The following table
\>Jill prove th~ relative 'value of the' last two in relation to
breast-mllk; and that Indian COWlS' milk approaches more near-
ly il;r' composition to the breast-milk. Coniposition of milks,
per 100 parts:-
Comp::ments: Breast Cow's Buffalo's
Milk Milk Milk
Salts 0,1 0.5 0.7
Fat 3.0 3.5 6.0
Solids { Not fat 8.0 8'.\:) 10.5
(\f these Casein 004. 2·.8
prot~ins Lactalbumin. .1.1 0.7 I~'

Sugar :6.5 4.5

Total solids 11.1 12.0 17.2
W.ater 88.9 88.0 82.8

Percentage composition of European mother's and Euro-

pean cow's milks:-
Protein Fat Sugar
European Mother 1.5 3.5 6.5
European Cow. 3.0 3.5 4.5
"Ordinarily, the amount. of protein in European cow's milk..
is double that of European mother; the fat content is the same
in both and the sugar content .is a little less in the cow's milk.1>
Hence .it .is that the. European medical man ad\dses that the
the cow's milk should be diluted with an equal volume of
water an equal volume of water and that the fat and sugar
deficiency in such. a mixture should he made good by the addi-
tion of one teaspoonful of cream to every three ounces of the
prepared milk. This is,the 'humanised milk' of every Euro.,.
pean Text-Book. If this advice is followed in the case' of
Indian children using Indian cow's milk, then the child so fed
will be virtually sllffering from a deficiency of. not only pro-
teins, fat and. carbohyp.rates but also. the essen#al vitaD;lins:
and salts.
Factors influencing the Composition of Milk:-
1. Differences in breed and in, i'(l,dividttals of the same
breed: l'he average of some br~e4s is, as a, rule low. Jersey
milk. contains 5% of fat. In some di;;tricts and. those bred in the
Agricultural College (Coimbatore) Cow-breeding Station pro-
duce higher quality milk than those bred el,sewhere. Cows
:met with in Madras City, though they appear tall an4 ;;tout
and yield a large quantity of milk, the milk is of a very poor
2. Difference in the same ani~L:-Morning milk con-
tains more fat than the evening milk. Stripp'i'llgs are richer
in fat content than the fore milk.
3. Changes in the composition during °Zactatioil::-·
During the first 3 weeks, the colostrum contains a hIgher. per- t

centage of fat and ash. From the 3rd to the 6th week, it
decreases and remains constant until the last two months before
going dry. During the)ast two .months, with a gJ:adually de-

creasing quantity, proteins rise markedly, fats increaSe SOme-

what, sugar dedines, and ash, rises. Gestation is apt to short-
en the period of lactation.
4. Ampunt and character of f09d:-Abundant, well-
balanced diet is essential to maximum milk production. More-
milk with higher fat content js produced on a high fat' di~t.
5. Richness' of the pasteumge:-The quality of' the pas-
teurage is reflected in the richness and body-building prop~r­
ties of the milk.
6. Cows aiiowed to graze 'in the open air and. in sun-light
yield more and. better quality milk than those confined to the
backyard of the house.
7. $kiU of the milker :~As the cow 'has partial voluntary
control over' the sphincters of the lactiferous sinuses, unless:
this is relaxed she iliay hold l;>ack part of the milk. Only a
skilled milker can be able to relax the cow and get the 'richer
strippi,ngs higher up in the udder.
As the cpmpositioll of the same cow's milk varies from
time to tjroe, to ensure an uniform supply, it is better to use
mixed herd milk obtained from a number of cows, while feed-
ing milk to infants, The mixed herd milk is often of the'
sa'l'ilo2 compositiOJ1' ~

Buffalo's milk is richer than the cow's milk and yields'

more butter. Ass's milk contains less of salts and fat and
more of sugar. Human milk contrups more of fat and less of
salts. It contains all the necessary !elem,ents for the t~nder
baby and nothing more or less. Not a single specimen of art-
tificial food is a substitute for. motlter':s milk. The food. con-
stituents of goat's milk contain excess of calcium and vary
only a litHe, from. that of human milk., Then comes the ass's
milk; then comes the cQw's milk which differs much more from
human milk.
PTl2parations or Milk Products:-Where cow's milk of re-
liable and standard quality is not available especially in cities,
products prepared from fresh cow's milk are :used, such as
powdered milk; evaporated milk; condensed milk; lactic acid
milk; peptonised milk; butter-milk; and whey. 'Of these the
.last four are used only in feeding invalid, small, weak or pre-
lLature children. This is especially so in the case of cheese,
protein-milk, lactic-acid-milk and whey during the preparing
of whi::!h only pasteurised-milk should be used. Cream (Sans.
:Santanika), butter (Navanita), skimmed milk. butter-milk
(Takra) , Curd or curdled milk '(Dadhi) , Whey (Mastu) ,
Cheese" Ohee (Ghrita) and Milk 'sugar or Saccharum lactis
-containing jLact,bse. .p(Lsteurised rnilk is. absolutely safe ana
conserves the vitamins which boiling destroys. Coni:lensed
milk is sweetened fresh milk) i.e., milk to which 15 to 17 per
,cent of cane-sugar and an alkali is, added to fresh cow',s milk
and concentrated to 'half its volume by evapqrating it i,n a
vacuum till it becomes dark and all the useiess ~ater of the milk
,J-,pvtng gone off in steam. Sugar is added as a preservative so
as 'to do away with. the need of sterilization. Oil being i'e'-
liquified, it becomes equal to wbole milk plus 15 to 17 per
-cent cane-sugar; vitamin content is' destroyed .in toto; pro-
tein content is minimal. As it contains a high carboh1ldrate
and a low protein content, it is not suitable for healt}~y 1'wrmal
infants. Premature babies and babies with 10w~r weight
-than nOl:inal, thrIve well on it. ~ac;tose i,s the carbohydrate
content of miik. When reduced to a fine powder, mllk is
, " I ,
known as Powdered milk or desiccated milk or L(LCtogen
which is obtained by removing all the water-content from the
milk. The drying is done so Instantaneously and carefully
that the vital propertie~ and solid constituents of the milk
remain absolutely intact, though the milk is left as a fine white
powder. It is easily soluble in water, and when dissolved i:n
the proportion of 1 to 7 or 8, it has all the nutritional proper-
ties of fresh whole milk, with, the sing'Ular exception of vita-
mins A & B which are d'esiroyed in the proc;eS's of manufac-
ture. The chief are:-Allenbury's Infant Foods Nos. 1, 2 & 3;
Glaxo; Horlick's Malted Milk; Cow & Gat~ Sta~dard Milk
Food and Half-cream Milk Food.

Merrell Soule Process, California Process, Hot Roller

Process are the various processes by which Powdered Milk is

(a) Evaporated MiCk is essentially fresh cow's milk that

has been reduced to half its volume by evaporation in vacuO.
It is fluid in consistency a:nd has a characteristic cooked taste.
It forms small curds and on dilution with an equal volume of
water forms a suitable substitute for ,fresh milk. Th:e vitamin
content is destroyed in the process of manufacture.
(b) Lactic Acid Milk is milk boiled in a double boiler to
sterilize it and break it, into \s~all curds. It is allowed to cool.
When ice-cold, 0.4 per cent of lactic acid is added, drop by
drop" slowly ~d with c.ontlnuous stirring;. The casein under-
goes changes, cl.ue to the addition of the acid, the curci becom-
ing very finely divlded.~
Lactic acid milk may be prepared by bacterial fermen-
tztion. By the action 'of lactic acid fermenting organisms, the
lactose is fermented by the lactic acid and the milk beeomes
soured. When W 'certain degree of 'acidity is ,reached, the
growth of the organisms is' inhibited and the process of fer-
mentation stops;' :depEnding upon the temperature, from 8-13
hours are Tequired., As it contains lactic acid and as' the
curds are small~ friable and easUy digestible, this: is very use-
ful as 'a'rr infant'lS food. The only objections! to 'its use are its
sour taste and, acid smell. E.g.~Cow & Gate's Lacidac.
(c) .Skimmed Lactic .to/cid Milk is made by using skimmed
milk in the ;I?lace' of fresh. whole milk.
(d) Protein Milk-Though this is not useful in feeding
healthy babies, this is useful for feeding infants suffering', from
dIarrhoea. Its :composition is water 89,%, protein. 3.75% ,and
salts 0.65%. ,Exainple'-=-Cow & Gate's Prolac.
(e) Citratf!d Milk (i.e., cow's milk to which two or thre~
grains of Sodii citras has been added to every ounce) is also
used in infant feeding. Sodii citras throws the casein in the
milk into small easily friable curds, whi~h ,a child is able to
digest wi~hout any difficulty.
(f) Peptonised MUk is intended for feeding invalid in-
fants who cannot digest the usual diet. Example:-,Cow '&
Gate's Peptalac: Composition is: Water 87.9%;. Fat 2.8%; Pro-

teins 2.4%;' Digested Proteins 1.0%; Lactose 3.9%; Carbo-

hydrates 1.2%; Salts 0.8% = Total 100%. Pzptonised or
· predigested milk food is p~epared by heating milk with water'
(2 to 1) to a temperature of. 140°F.,. and addirig to it when
· cool peptonising powder ~r: Sodium carbonate 10 grains and
Liquor Pancreatis (Liquor Pancreatini-B.P.C.) 2 drachros in
· .one pint and boiling the product.

(g) Plasmon is a pure spluhle milk product prepared by

separating Casein of milk and leaving the albumen unaltered~
It is a colourless white powder, containing 92 per cent of
proteids, odourless and tasteless, soluble in soup and milk. In
water the powder swells up to a gelatinous mass which dis-
"solves as more water is added. It contains albumen, phos-
phates of ammonium, sodium and potassium and a small
.. quantity of common salt. Cheese is prepared by coagulating
cow's milk by me~ns of rennet- or. an acid or with yeast and
after separation submitting it to pressure. Like albumen it is
~not coagulated by heat but is pre<;ipitated by ?cids. It con-

tains mostly albuminoids (casein), fat, salts, other non-nitro-

· genous matter and water. Cheese.is extremely rich in the
'growth of vitamins and most of the minerals in the original
milk go into, the cheese. Euc.asein is. a casein ammonium
compound. It is milk-casein in a soluble and easily diges-
tible form, prepared solely from the pur~ milk of the cow.
It is a soluble powder containing about 95 per cent of pure
absorbable albumen without any odour or taste. Used as food
'it is highly nutritive. Butter (Hind. Guj. Pers. & Bom.-
Mackhan; Muska., Mah. & Kon.-Lonee. Tam. & TeL-
Venney. Can.-Bennay) is a principal fatty matter of the
milk. It is obtained by heating milk and allowil1g it to stand;
· butter glob~,I1es rise to the surface ,together with some casein
and serum forming what is caUed cream-butter, The fat glo-
bules or butter alone. is separated fro~ casein by churning.
Butter consists of olein 30 per cent, palmltin and' stearin 6S
per cent, glycerides of b4tyric, carponic, caprylic and caprinic
acids 2 per cent. Milk from which cream is separated is
known as skimmed milk. Butter-milk is skimmed lactic acid
milk and is a residue oE casein, serum and a trace of butter

left after the butter is removed by churning. It is called

ButtermiLk because it is a bi-product in the manufacture of
butter. When cream is allowed to sour, the fat-globules, on
being churned, accumulate into one mass of butter, leaving
back the skimmed milk. This is free from fat. Cream (Pers.-
Qimaq. Hind. Ben. Mah. & Guj.-Malai) is the only part of
milk which is very 11,utritive and agreeable but not easily
digestible. ·Ghee is clarified butter, obtained by hoiling fresh
butter and removing the impurities which settle down.
Curdled milk (Pers.-Jugrat. Hind. Ben. Mali. Guj. & Kon.-
Dahee. Can.-Mosru) is prepared by adding some acid, lime
juice or rennet or a little curdled milk as a ferment to milk
previously boiled. In the course of 12 hours the whole of the
milk thus acted upon is changed into a more or less thick,
acidulous, jelly-like mass. ' It cOhtains a large proportion of
nutritious substances. Whey (Hind. & Bom.-Chans) is the
fluid watery portlon of milk left< after· the casein or curd (fat)
is separated. When evaporated it yields sugar of milk, one
or two nitrogenous elements, lactic acid and salts. Whey is
prepared' by adding two teaspoonfuls of rennet or a little lime
juice to' It pints of milk heated to 104°F, carefully, but
thoroughly breaking up the clot which forms, i.e., allow the
curds to settle, and then filter or strain through muslin. This
supernatent fluid' or filtrate is called Whey. Taste,. if very
sour, dilute by adding water' and enough sugar to taste.
(Allenbury's Torch-Brand Rennet tablets provide a conve-
nient means of preparing whey). Lactose of milk sugar is a
crystalli.sed, greyish white, bdourless, faintly sweet, hard mass,
gritty when chewed, obtained from the whey of milk.
N.B.-Very instructive· notes appear in an article entitled
"Artificial Feeding of Infants" by Dr. T:. V. Muthu Swami
Chettiar, L,M.P., in "Medical Dige'it" Special Pediatrics Num-
ber, February 1936, of Bombay, and if any mor:e information
seems necessary it can be read from the following headings:-
(1) Choice of a milk product.
(2) Bottle Feeding.
(3) Additions to the child's diet.
(4) Invalid Foods.

Action.-Milk is generally .considered cooling, nutritive,

strengthening and vitalizing; also demulcent and emollient.
Milk is the vital fluid food of the class of the animal of which
it is the product, Action of Ibacteria on mil!c:-Bacterial
.action destroys milk by' fermentation anQ_ putref~ction. Fer-
mentation or souring. is the usual change and <::onsists in break-
iug down the lactose to lactic acid which, in turn, causes pre-
cipitation of the caseip. If the milk is soured by llonpatho-
.genic organisms it. is good, as then it becomes a perfectly
healthy food. P~trefaction is less COffi1Tlon. It consists in the
precipitation of the casein followed by peptonising the curd .
.It occurs, usuCllly in boiled .milk in which the spore-forming
bacilli, especially the hay bacillus and c~1"tain anaerobes hav~
jntrocluceq,. Putr<2fied milk consists of products of protein
decomposition and,. so it is. apt to be poisonous. Alcoholic
fermentation can be pr.oduced by inoculation with certain
yeasts. Kumiss and Kefir: are alcoholic beverages made. by
this means. Cow's milk is demulcent, nutrient, cardiac tonic,
excitive of memory' (proqIQtes mem01Y), and is pleasant to,
take, very wholesome, prpmotes strength and longevity and
increas.esJ tJ;w ·secretipn of sem.en.r Its chief defect is its ratlJ,.e't'
,constipating effect. Boiling, Which kills the disease germ."!,
only seems tQ incr:,ease, the constipating. effect which can be.
'counteracted to ,a certain extent by eating, wholemeal bread
with it. Ten ounces of such bread with a pint, of skim-milk
supplies a cheaper nutritious hmch! and forms a third of the
nutriment teq{Jired for the whole day. In Ayurveda, proper-
ties of cQw'S milk according to Golour of skin are, mentioned
as follows':-(l) Milk of black cows,-very wholesome and
zood in "Vayu" disease; (2) Milk of yellow cows-good in
"'Vaytf' and "Pitta" disease; (3) Milk of white cows-heavy
of digestion alld deranges "Kapha"; (4) Milk of"- red or
'Speckled cows-good 'in "Vayn" disease; (5) Milk· of small
hill cows-more oily and .heavy of digestion; (6) l\1i1~ of
scanty eater cows-heavy, in.creases· "Kapha", is very good
tonic; (7) Milk of cows with .calves-good; (8) Mill}: of cows
without calves-not good; (9) Milk of cows .calved, long ago-
good tonic, checks "Tridosha.".--,-(Jour. of Ayur. March 1926).
Among the South Indians, th~re exi~ts an extraOl'ctinal'Y and. r


universal but disastrous belief that the fat content of the

cow's milk is inimical to the child's health and gives rise to
enlargemEnt of the liver and spleen.-(Dr. T. V. Muthu
Swami Chettiar, L.M.P., Tirupur P.O., S.I.Ry.). BuffaLo's milk
if; sweetEr, heaviei: and more oily than cow's milk; refrigerant,
difficult to digest, demulcent, cardiac stimulant, aphrodisiac,
phlegmatic and hypnotic. When taken in large quantities it
induces deepiness, spoils appetite and brings on cold. With
some persons it causes purging. Buffalo's milk contains more
fat than the cow's milk and is heavier. Use of Buffalo's milk
ill, infant feeding:-"Unfortunately, there is an errOneous be-
lief that feeding children on buffalo's milk is apt to cause
~ catarrh of the children's respiratory tract. On the other hand,
it is of great value, easily' obtainable, contains a lot of cream,
and if properly prepared, is an ideal substitute for human
milk. It may be given to children when they are six months
old or after the sixth month. Buffalo's milk should be diluted
with 1/3rd its volume of water and the sugar defiCiency made
up by' the additi.on of a teaspoonful of sugar to every ounce
of milk so prepared. This will prove an ideal substitute for
breast-milk. For older babies (six months and after) buffa-
lo's milk may be given, as such, undiluted and in quantities
of foUr ounces twice or thrice a day".-(Dr. T. V. Muthu
Swami Chettiar, L.M.P."Tirupu.r,. S.I.Ry.). Goat's milk is sweet,
coollng, astringent, 'and constipating. It is very invigorating
and promotes appetite and ·digestion. Ewe's mi:,k is saltish,
heating and oily, and not easily digested; it contains .fat 6.18
p.c., it causes eye-trouble. It is good for growth of hair but
causes. respiratory trouble, ulcers on tongue, lips and gums.
Mare's milk is saltish, acidulous, strengthenin:g, stimulant, de-
mulcent and alleviative of Kap'ha and Vata. It is generally
used by: the. Moguls. Ass's milk IS saltish and easily
digestible; stomachic, 'cardiac stimulant, antiphlegmatic. Flesh
is cardiac stimulant; urine is stimulant, stomachic and is use-
ful in gout. Camel's milk is light, sweet, sllghtly saline and
laxative; easily digestible, stimulant and stomachic. .Sheep's
milk. is alleviative of· phlegm and bile. Human milk is light,
astringent, stomachic; refrigerant, demulcent, nutritive and
strengthening. Elephant's milk is sweetish, astringent, muscle-

builder, heavy, fattening, increa,ses vigour and strength. The

l ..,

milk milked in the mornings due I
to the cooling influence
the night and lack of exercise isl heavy, constipative and refri-
gErant; the evening milk, as the animals are warmed by th~
sun, exercise etc., relieves rheumatism and fatigue and i:=j
beneficial to the eyes. Raw milk (except human) is heavy;
boiled milk is lighter, but becOlhes soon contaminated anC!.
hence the need of care. Some are of opinion that milk is not
suitable to Indian stomach and not so easily digested as in
European stoIDCl.ch. European medicine has noted th~t milk
in sOPle person~ causes constipation, in others diarrhoea. The
,latter: is' generally the case with Indians and pure milk, diet
to Indian patients in diarrhoea is, therefore, cQntra-indicate{i. ,
Yet in certain: cases of c1:t.ronic diarrhoea 'U)ith fever, with <i .
suspicion of tuberculosis it is n()t desirable to semi-starv..e the
patient w_hen pure milk diet with mercurials (Parpatis) is
given w#h benefit, and' no other food or drink (inclu,ding
water) is given. Buttier from cow's milk. is topic, 'cardiac,
,stimulant, invigorating and· stomachic. Butter from buffalo's
milk is "sweetish, astringept, refrigerant, demulcent, genera-
.tive of semen, alleviative of wind ahd bile"., Butter-milk is
astringent, light, cooling, appetising, nutritive and tonic.
Curds or Curdled milk is agreeable, digestive
and cooling; it, is acid and astringent, "re-
lieves Vayu, produces marrow, semen; strength and blood,
aggravates pitta and kapha, helps digestion, and is an appe-
tiser"; taken to excess it causes biliousness and catarrh. It is
good for meat-eaters in whom proteolytic coli predominates',
It aggravates amylolytic 'fermentation: and hence Ayurvedic
restriction for its free USe by vegetarians. Ghee (Sans.-
Ghrita; Ghrittham. Hind.-Ghi. Ben.-Ghee; Ghrita. Tam.
& Tel.-Neyi) is chiefly prepared from the milk of"tows and
buffaloes. Cow's ghee is stomachic, mltritient, anti-bilious,
tonic, improves memory. Ghee is considered cooling,. emol-
lient and stomachic. It increases the fatty tissues and ~e~tal
powers, improves the voice, 'beauty and complexion. "Whey
.has properties similar to those of curdled milk; in particular
it favours the circulation of the animal fluids and therefore
.useful in constipation. Whey fr'om buffalo's milk is "phleg-


anatic and generative of oedema"; Curd of milk (kilataka) is

nard of digestion, but is nourishing, tonic, and suited to per-
sons with strong digestive powers. Cream is also hard of'
.digestion but nourishing, agreeable and demulcent. Powdered
mi~k (desiccated milk or Lactogen) is claimed to be sterile,
readily soluble in wafer., forming a homogeneous solution,.
which does not cream, and forms small soft curds. Lactose is'
nutrient; also uteririe, stimulant and tonic. It is harder, less
soluble and less sweet than cane-sugar and therefore is a
better excipient. and diluent for powders that require tritura-
tion. Lactose is a powerful diur'etic-a re'nal diuretic like
caffeine and theobromine. Dilute aCids convert it into glu-·
cose. Nitric acid converts it into oxalic ahd mucic acids-a
.differentiating point from other sugars.

Uses.-As an article of diet, milk is peculiarly adapted'

for all-the" children, the aged, wounded, emaciated, starved
or those exhausted; by' sexual excess, for suckling women, for
patients suffering' from chronic fever', mental diseases, gastric
catarrh, ulcer and cancer of the stomach, gastric disorders
such as dyspepsia, intestinal disorders as diarrhoea and dysen-
tery, albuminuria and other urinary complaints, ascites and
anasarca. But in ""low fever" according to Susruta
~(milk should not be drunk as it might even cause
,death." A pure milk diet to the exclusion of every
article including salt and water even, is often prescribed"
in the later stages of anasarca, ascites and chronic bowel
-complaints; along with this diet some medicine as Dugdhavati,
Suvarnaparpati or Manamandu is usually prescribed. Milk is
useful in relieving irritation of the respiratory and digestive _:_"
tracts or organs. A mixture of equal quantities ot skim milk
and cream IS an 'excellent natural cure for acid stomach or"'
n.eart-burn. For persons troubled WIth insomnia a cup of hot
milk before retiring to bed is recommended. Malted milk is
also good for this condition. Persons complaining of a feeling"
of distension after a drink of milk are recommended to add"
and dissolve a pincl\ of s~lt to each cup of milk to be taken.
Milk is a very effective remedy in poisoning by corrosive sub-
1imate, copper sulphate and even by corrosive acids. According"

to Allopathy, in enteric fevers and mucous diarrhoea, milk is

administered freely dilJlted with I
barley water or with lime
water or any othex dilueI).t., A¢cording to Ayurveda, milk is
not given in mucous diarrhoea . . Kemp says that sour milk is:-
beneficial in some. pati,2nts havtng mucous diar.rhoea, 'but ag-
gravating iv, pthzY's! .According to Allopathy in, the treat- ,
ment of low-fevl.;'r ca~es" fr~sp milk wen djlute<:l ?ng peptQni§e~
is useful. Milk is frequent~y used a~ a vehicle to poultices.,
Dr. Moravesik of Budapest.states that milk injections are more
effective in parasis thaIl anti-syphilitic tJ:ea~ment-(Lapcet).
In acute iritis from whate,ver cause improvement after milk
injections is pr0mp.t, especially the subsidence of pain"-(Prac-,
tical Medicine, March 192p). In infants who are constitu-,
tionally predisposed to eczema (parental) injections of 1 to,
4 cc. of milk are given. Repeat the injections every fourth
day till 5 or 6 or even 10 injections are given-(Junagadh
Rosullkanji Hospital Bulletin). Milk protein injections:-
'.'Dr. Geo. Gelhorn says"-"While milk protein injeGti9ns.
cannot be expected "to raise the dead" they do. much, to build;
up the natural immunity to the patient in certain
crises. Ophthalmic physician& and surgeons are
using them in corneal1l1cp,T with 100 p.c. ;r:esults. Injection of
milk 5 cc. the first, 8 cc. the thin~ day and 10 cc. for following
injections with an interval of one .or two days between injec-
tions; this interval to be lengthened if Severe reactions occur~
Reactions, as a rule, occur after the first two or three injections
only, and the severity of the reaction has nothing to do with
the results accomplished. The course of treatment consists-
usually of ten injections, although remarkable results have
followed three or four doses. The white cell count was dis-
tinctly raised, althOlJ.gh quite gradually, after injections to full
normal. He stated that he was using milk proteiLl' before
operatiQns".-(ClinicallVIedicine). As an embrocation to clear
the skin and C'omple:x;ion, milk is applied to the body and
within half an hour the application is followed by a warm
bath. Goat's milik/ plain or medicated, is useful in phthisis.
(consumption), bile (pitta), cough, chronic diarrhoea and vo-
miting in children; "pitta" variety of "Arsa" (piles); cures
dyspnoea,. bronchitis, chronis:: cases .of enlarged liver and

r spleen, and gastrorrhagia. With barley-gruel goat's milk is.

recommended when the patient suffering from dysenteric
diarrhoea is weak, and goat's milk alone an.d ghee from it are
by themselves very good diet in convalescence after diarrhoea.
Ewe's or Sheep's milk is beneficial in obesity, flatulence and
!I gonorrhoea;' is a good diet in rheumatism and hectic cough.
Ass's milk is useful in general debility, high coloured alid
I scanty urine; It'is extensively'used as a remedy against cough
and liver. compi&ints especially among children and old people,
and in chronic bronchitis, pertussis and consumption. Mare's
milk is beneficial in the rheumatism of the extremities.,
Camel's. milk: .:s useful ip. oedema, dropsy, asthma, phthisis,
leprosy, general scrofulous conditions, inflammations, cancers,
piles, intestinal worms, skin lesions, abdominal tumburs 'and
poisonings. It is used in Asia: Human milk is recommended
as a collyrium Cind as an application to head in eye complaints,
and in epistaxi3, for irrigation of the nose, as wen as for irri-
gating the eyelids. It is recommended also to grown up people
suffering from chronic asthma and consumption. In China
those suffering from chest diseases suck women and find relief!
Elephant's milk. is beneficial to the eyes. Its curd
is beneficial in sula 'pains and in diseases resulting
from vitiated Kapha'. The butter aild ghee is stoma-
(,hie, antiphlegmatic, antibllious and anthelmintic. Butter from.
cow's 1hilk is USt,d with sugar in phthisis, piles, chronic dysen-
tery; anorexia, fpcial' paralysis, etc. It agrees best. with the old
and young. It is given in irritation of the alimentary canal in
albuminuria and'in diabetes; it is beneficial in chronic dysen-.
tery, piles, trbmus and anorexia~(Charaka). In dysentery
it is used with sang jirun. Use of plenty of butter and other
fatty foods is a preventive and curative of Beri-beri. Locally it is
smeared over the leaves of Calotropis gigantea, Argyreia spe-
ciosa, etc;, and used as, soothing applications' over the abdomen
in colic. Two tolas of cow's butter 'washed in water one hun-·
cired times and mixed with half a tola of sandal oil is an appli-.
cation that cures all sorts 9f sores:-Paridit J. L. Duveji. Plan-
tain leaves' besmeared witb. butter are 'used as a coatmg 'Over
burnt or blistered surfaces. Butter from goat's 'milk is "sto-
machic, c~rdiac, alleviative of'tridoshas and b'enefieial in eye-

,diseases; alleviative of cough, phthisis and phlegm (kapha).

Butter from any milk is a fatty food and is used also as an oint-
ment base. Butter milk is effidaciou~ in cases of dyspepsia;
and is of great llse in feeding infants, suffering from ,diarrhoea.
It is a fine remedy for most cases of digestive disturbance, es-
pecially those accompanied by feyer. It is ,a sovereign bever-
age for those who are 'Predisposed to attacks of appendicitis,
a nice beverage 'in a tropical country like India and is largely I
used by the middle and poorer classes. It is. found to contain I;
vitamin C. Butter-milk or water mixed with 6 mashas (70
grains) of alum powder or,Bhringraj leaves pestled in a mortar
cause vomiting and thus 'counteract poisonous effects in cases'
of serpent-bites. Whey is: highly useful ill phthisis, dysentery,
piles, tumo,urs, colic, catarrh, and fresh whey, from cow's milk '1
is especially recommended, medicated with carminatives, ac-
cording to Ayurveda, in chronic diarrhoea when carbo-hydrate,
is contra-indicated, and particularly when "Vayu" is deranged,
in excess in order to ch~ck fermentation; in convalescence after'
<liarrhoea:, and in chronic cases of enlarged liver and spleen.
Whey is, genera1iy very good, particularly so in "Vayu-Kapha"
varit;ty of piles, when the internal channels are blocked, and,
is excellent when given with rock~salt. It is also recommend""
ed in strangury, in constipation, splenitis, stomatitis, adiposis,
flatulence ahd also in jaundice where it is given with carbo-
nates of potassium ,and sodium. In fevers attended with cor-
yza and anoreXIa, whey mixed with trikatu is given with m~ch
benefit. A diet of whey, fruit and vegetables is much in vogue
for those who have lived tpo freely., In gastro'-intestinal dis-'
iurbances of children whey in doses of 2 to 4 ounces per fe,ed
every three or four hours is given. Whey can very well be
used whenever a, fat-free dieUs required, especially in feeding
small, weak or premat:ure babies or invalid 'Children \yho can"
not digest fa:t. Curd is lJsefully given in anorexia, nausea, vo-
miting and rheumatism. It is given with pomegranate bark
01' sanga-jirun, in diarrhoea' or dysentery in children. Whey
from buffalo's 'i'ltilk is "beneficial in spleen, piles, diarrhoea and
cholera." Curdled milk is useful in jaundice fever and urinary'
disorders, and is an antidote of copper. Curds mixed with
black pepper administered tq the person bitten by serpent

js said to counteraGt the effects of poison.-(Pundit J. L.

Duveji). Ayurvedic practice .is not to give c.urd (fermented
milk) in mucous diarrhoea, but a solution of milk, salt and
sugar by curdling the milk by lime-juice and straining the
.curd, t4e watezy portion left is gi:v~n. Ghee by itself or mixed
with honey, is much esteemed.·as an application over wounds,.
inflammatorY swellings, aI1d blist.ered surfaces, with either'
betel or plantain.leClves, for promotion of quick healing; ghee
.is also used in the preparation of n'l~dicated. oils, and. as. an
ointment base. It is locaily a,nnointed in .irritahility of the
~kin, used a§ a,r~ injecJion ,in wgsting diseases. Internally it is)
givEn with honey, ~tlgar and with mineral ashes (Bhasmas) or
Mutras in tympanttis, painful dyspepsia and retained secre.-
-tion~. "Ghee, sugar-candy or: honey mixed is a medicine for
all ordinary complaints of children." "To thos_e children whol
incessantly cry and do not sU(~k 'mother's milk give sodium.
chloride mixed with gh¢e artd. sugar-~andy"-Pdt. J.L. Duveji.
Ghee is dropped i.li.tQ the. nose in coryza and. applied to' the.
face to improvr~ complexion and impart beal,l,ty. According to
Darpana, in strong fevers, an em.ulsion of s<:;lndalwood and of
old ghee or clarified butter that has been washed a hundred
times.in cold water, or an emulsion of"black pepper and ghee,
:is used for applying to the Rody of the. patient, followed in
about half an hpur by a tepid bath; then he is made to lie on the,
bedding made of the leaves of Nelumbium speciosum. Furana
ghr{ta (old ghee) or ghee more than ten years old has a strong
pungent odour' and reddish-brown colour. It is a very valu-
able external application in pleurisy and painful affections of
joints. Ghee or clarified butter a hundred years old is some-
times available; SQme specimens of..it are quite dry and hard
and nearly inodorous. They look more like some. sort 6£ earth
than an animal substance', It. is first repeatedly washed with
cold water and .then rubbed with cold water till it is reduced
to a soapy frothy fluid which is used as a liniment. It is re-
·garded as cooling and emollient and is much use,d as a lini-
ment in nervous diseases such as insanity, e!;>ilepsy, neuralg~a)
para1ysis, cephalalgia and' asthma, in rheumatic affections, stiff
joint:>, burning of the body, hands or feet, affections of the eyes
.etc.-(Chakra). It has also a great reputation for reducing

the temperature in fever. This is doubtless due to the free-

perspiration induced by the a!jplication. For pains in the
breast, old ghee mixed with the powder of dry ginger proves

highly beneficial. Ghee whlch is IiI years old is called Maha-

ghrita. It is "demulcent and alleviative of wind and phlegm".
Ghee from buffalo mi[k .is "flatul~nt, cardiac, excitive of diges-
tive fire, and generative. of the secretion .of semen, and is bene-'
ficial in piles and diarrhoea". Ghrita (ghee) from camel's milk
is refrigerant and stomachic, and is good in 'IVayu!' variety' of
"Arsa" (piles), useful in convulsions, worms and leprosy._
Cream is used as .a vehicle fol' certain calxes administered unto
a patient of pulmonary consumption, cough and asthma.
Lactose is userul in debility, phthisis, gastric irritability, and
for sweetening the food of infants. It is specially useful ill'
the dropsy of cardiac 0r rehal origin. As 'uterine stimulant
it is given in protracted labour, after the os has been fully
dilated. Buttermilk, whey, protein milk and peptonised milk
are commonly used in feeding invalid children.
Purity of milk is most important. Dangers of, impure-
milk are many. Spread of disease by milk, through contami-
nation of milk supply:-
(1) ,By 'contamination from the udder, bovine tuber-
culosis and Malta fever or brucella infection 'are transmitted.
(2) Milk sickness is a poisoning caused. by drinking milk
of cows sufferi:::lg from trembles, a disease or the cows due to,
poisoning from eating the rayless golden rod.
(3) Scarlet fever, septic sorethroat, typhoid fever, diph-
theria, dysentery, diarrhoea due to bacillus enteritidis or some
such organism, are the common dis~ases spread as a result of
contamination by inf~cted persons handling milk. -.
(4) By contamination of milk supply by flies, almost any
diseases with discharges, suppuration or excreta as 9ysentery,
cholera, typhoid group of fevers, diarrhoea, pyogenic or septic
infections may be trlms:(l1itiecl. .
Prevention of these diseases is by pasteurising the milk.;
soon after it is obtained. ..
----_ ... -- --


Milk is rendered safe from tubercle et!=!., by heating it over

the flame of a gas-ring turned very low and slowly or .over
any other form of slow heat to about 170°F., and then taking
it off and allowing it to. stand in a coo_! larder 01: pll;lce; skim
off the cream next mQr!).ing fln.d the resid:ual "scald" milk l?~­
comes fit for use. Pasteuri~aHon consists i:n killing the bacter;ia
of milk by h~atjp"g it to a temperat:ure of 142°E., to 145°F., for
30 minutes, ~hilling it .at once and, protecting it from any sub-
s~quent contamination by caref.ul handling. Effects of boil-
ing milk:-(l) Milk becomes sterile, ,all the bacteria having
been killed. (2) JVIilk takes ,on a yellowish tinge due to chan~
ges in ~he milk .proteins .and partial c?fp.malisation of lactose.
Albumin is coagulated, apd casein, partially breaks. down. (3)
Fat g~o.b\lles a~'e, broken up and clusters of ,globules separated
so. that a creal!). line forms less .r~qdily ...(4) Some of the cal-
cium is p~ecipitatec;l o~t as insoluble calcivm phosphate. (5)
Small ;;:tm_ounts of .antisGorbutic and 'ant~ricketic v:itamins pre-
sent in fI:e.sh milk are destroy~d. (6) EnzymeS' present aI:e
rendered inactive. Hess and Matz of .New Y,ork (J.A.M.A.,
May 17, 1924} say that ".lemon juice may be added directly to
cow's milk, 41 C.c. (p.bout,5! drachms) to a quart Qf milk, with-
out pJ;,Oducing curdling. In this way the milk is re.ndered ,more
digestible and its true ,acidity in the stomach is ma<Je to resem;-
ble ,J;YlQre neariy that of ~uman milk. Inf;;mts thrive well .Oll
it. Lemon. juiGe also supplies the ,antiscorhutiG yitamin". :Ad,..
vantages .of t}~e us·e ,of boiled milk ,in infant. fe"eding arE!:-(l)
It is sterile and s() free from disease-~.?using o.rganisms. (2-)
Casein is J?redpitated in small,. easily friable ,c~:rds, j.e.·" in an
easily digestible form.

, l'o avpid any geficiencies in infant-feegiI)g" for .every one

ounce of .preast-milk, one and a half ounces of undiluted cow's
milk should b\~ givell; with half to one t.easp.oonful, of sugar
per O'\.lnce. "During the fi~st six months after birth, when the
child ~s ~xpected to liv~ enti,rely on mother's milk, if the mo-
tber is a delica~e and weak individ,ual, ~acking in the quality
and quantity of 1;>reast-milk neceSSgry for the: .child, .the child
besides being given a,rtificial feeding, cow's milk pro:perly 'hu-
m?ni~ed' may be used during ibis period .six months to sup-

plement breast-feeding. After the sixth month, cow's milk

with wheat and ragi flour made, into conji is gradually super-
actded. The patent foods now flooding the market and strain,·
jng the financial resources of pa~ents cannot have the vitamin
value of fresh milk and fresh 'wheat and ragi flour. It is,.
therefore, essential that both from the economical and the nu-
tritional points of view, the fresh cereals, wheat and ragi, which
contain sufficient protein, _carbohydrate and vitamms, 'should
be preferred to the patent foods. Most of our infantile trou-
bles and mortality are due to bad feeding and could be obvia-
ted by the judicious use of our nourishing cereals with cow's
milk".-(Rao Bahadur Dr. M. Keshava Pai, O.B.E., M'.D.). The
usual practice of infant feeding is to dilute the cow's milk with
an -equal volume of' water, then boil it, allow the cream to set-
tle, and remove the cream so settled; it is given to the child,
adding sugar just to taste. Though such removal of the cream
does not totally deprive the milk of its fat content, the remain-
ing fat is quite inadequate to meet the child's requiremehts._
By this practice, the protein, sugar, fat and salt (not to speak
of the vitamin~-) contents of the milk are very much lowered
and the child so fed suffers from malnutrition, emaciation and
c0nstipation. When the child so fed is constipated, under the
erroneous belief that it is the fat content of the prepared milk
that is causing constipation, the milk is still further diluted
'and thus -the fat content removed in its (almost) entirety, and
the child is fed on milk so prepared. The result is that the
'existing constipation is aggravated, the liver hypertrophies as
its functions are not fully exerted and the spleen also hyper:...
trophies. Only in the later stages (i. e., by the time the liver
atrophies and becomes smaller in size either on account of dis-
use, disease or toxic irritation) do~s the enlargement of the
'spleen becomes obvious. Meanwhile, the ehild re-
quires a rectal injection: of -glycerine every, day to
have a regular -bowel motion. These cases, if not
attended to early and if the dietary deficiency: is
not made good at an early date, almost, as a rule, seek an
early grave. On the other hand, when a child is fed on a
mixed feeding of breast-milk and such diluted cow's milk, it
does not suffer from severe~constipation, enlargement of the
.. ..."

liver or spleen,. but growth and develoPment are considerably

delayed and symptoms of rickets set in.-(Dr. T. V. Muthu
Swami Chettiar, L.M.P., Tirupur, S.l. Rly.).


(Eng.-Rabbit. San!l ..,..,.-8asaka. Ben.-Khargosh). F'lesh
i:; refrigerant, astringent, stomachic and cardiac stimulant,
beneficial in fEver, jaundice, diarrhoea with fever, phthisis.
cough and piles.

80. MABUIA CARINATA, Schneill.

(Eng.--Jndian Skink Punj.-Regmahi). Oil is restorative~
stimulant, aphrodisiac and antisyphilitic.


(Eng.-Monkey. Sans. Hind. & Ben.-Banar). Flesh is
difficult to 'digest and ha€matinic; beneficial in eye diseases"
phthisis, cough and pn~s.
> ~

82. M~L

(See:-Apis MeilHica)
(Class !-HYmenoptera)
Sans.-Madhu; Makshika. Eng.-Honey. Arab.-Injubin;
Asatulnahl. ,Pers.-Shadad Angabinl:!. Punj.-Saht. Kash.-
Mhacll. Duk.-Sha'had. Hind. Ben. & Guj.-Madha. Mah.
Madh. Kan.-Mhou. Tam. & MaL-Taen. TeI.-Taenu.
Can.-Jaentuppil. Sinh.-Mipanny. Burm.-Pya-ya. Malay.-

Source.-Beehive or hon~y comb, where it is deposited by

the honey-be,e. It occurs in the nectaries of flowers where-


from it is sucked by the bees, and then stored up in the comb~

The finest honey is the virgin. ,honey which drains itself from
the comb, and that which is freshly procured from the hive.
Honey sold in the bazaars is derived from the honey~comb of
several species of wild bees. ~
Charadtrs.-It is a viscid, s;:tccharine substance, semi-
translucent liquid of a light ye1Iowish-brown colour, of an
aromatic odour and of a sweet acrid taste. After a time it be-
comes opaque &~d crystalline.

Constituent~.-Grape-sugar or dextrose which becomes

crystalline, fruit-sugar or levulose which remains liquid; wax;
volatile oil; proteids, mucilage, colouring matter, formic acid

and ash; (rich in carbohydrates)·~ Some of the substances

contained are pollen dust, ethereal oil, various phosphates,
lime (calcium) and ir:on. Most of the elements found .in the
human body are, in sman proportions, present in honey. The
dextrose and levulose present in. it are monosaccharides and
are absorbed easily. As regards the vitamin content, it is
stated that honey cOlitains both the fat-soluble and water-
,soluple pripcipie§. Hqney contains a special protein secreted
by the be~. 111 addition jt contains a diastatic fe:o:nent simila:t
to that of saliva and having the power o£ converting starch
into sugar. In short, chemically, honey is mainly a mixture
of dextrose and levulose.

Varieties.-Eight sqrts of honey are described by Sus-

ruta:-(l) Mabhika <;>r the honey collected by the common
bee called madhumakshika. (2) Bhramara, or the honey col-
lected by a large biack bee called bhramara. This is bene-
fi!;ial in phlegm, cough, fever and epistaxis. It is used as a
linctW;;. (3) Kshaudru) or honey collected by a sort of sma,ll
hee of tawny colour, called Kshudra. This is useful in eye
diseases. It possesses a11 the properties of MaksMkl?- madhu.
(4) Pauttika, or honey collected by a small black bee resem-
bling a gnat, called puttika . .(5) Chhatra, or honey formed by
tawny or yellow wasps which makes their hiyes in the shape
of umbrellas. This is beneficial in haematemesis, worms, leu-
·coderma, gonorrhoea and ~lle.viative of giddiness, hysteria and

poison. (6) Argha or wild honey collected by a sort of yel-

low bee like the bhramara. This is beneficial in "eye diseases,
piles, cholera, cougl;l, phthisis, jaundice and ulcers." (7)
AudaLaka is a biHer and acrid substance found in the nests
of white ants. {8) Dala or unprepared honeyc found on flowers.
It is "produciv~ of digestive firEt, generative of bile and bene-
ficial in phlegm, gonorrhoea and vomiting". Of these varieties
the first four only are described by writers and the first alone
is used in medicine.
Adion.-New honey is considered demulcent and laxa-
tive· Honey more than a year old is astringent, demulcent,
cetergent, pectoral, emollient and laxative. It also possesses
nutritive propel'ties. T!1e fatty acids present in honey stimu-
late peristalsis arid digestlon. Honey in moderate doses has
a beneficial effect on the diges_tion arid appetite of those with
weak stomachs and loose bowels. Its value lies in providing
a readily absorbable food. It is the most potent fuel to pro-
vide energy for muscle, and conseq_uently most valuable for
that all-important, most vital muscle-the heart, which knows
no complete physical rest. Lime in honey is wonderful in
regulating the secretions of internal glandular organs, being
equally good for persons of both sexes, irrespective of age-
from infancyc to old age. Again it has hypnotic action in bring-
ing sound sleep if taken with cold water before going to bed
in doses of 2 te[lspoonfuls in a big cupful of water. Babies
generally fall asleep after taking honey. It decreases flatulence
and increases general metabolism and also the quantity of
urine among children. Locally applied it stimulates the mu-
cous surfaces, when in an atonic condition. It also actsc as
styptic. A special protein secreted by the bees contained in
honey, when inoculated into rabbits causes the formation of
antibodies in the cserum.
Uses.-Honey is much used in the preparation 9f confec-
tions and electuaries and as an adjunct to decoctions,c pills and
powders. Of all the natural foods rich in carbohydrates honey
i~ the most wholesome, valuable and delicious. As a demul-
cent, honey and warm barley water are given internally in
constipation an,d indigestion, in bronchial affections, asthma,

chronic colds, troublesome coughs and sore-throat. It is a

useful laxative for children \yho take it readily; and it is safer

and far better for them than cane-sugar. When combined with
milk, honey fo:rms an ideal foqd for growing children and adults.
A mixture of honey and distilled vinegar or lime-juice in
equal parts melted together by gentle heat is an excellent ad-
junct to cough mixtures and for the coughs of children this
combination with an equal quantity 'of water with or without a
few drops of paregoric is an excellent remedy. Honey is a
pleasant vehicle for administering bitter mixtures for cough
and fever especially in children. In severe cases of malnutri-
tion with heart weakness and ip cases of pneumonia" honey
has been found to have a marked effect in reviving the heart's
action and keeping the patient alive. Dr. G. N. W. Thomas
cites (Lancet-Health, Feb. 1925) a case of pneumonia in
\vhich the patient consumed 2 Ibs. of honey during the illness;
and there was an, ~arly crisis with no subsequent: rise of
temperature and an exceptionally good pulse. Instead of de-
pending on milk and beef-extracts, as is done in so m~ny
cases of fever where the stores of sugar in the body are being
rapidly used up, he suggests that honey should be given for
,general physical repair and above all for hear~-failure and
grapes constitute a valuable a9juvant. He flJ,rther states.-
"If ~ugar and pre-eminently honey be the most potent energy
for muscle, should we not. remember to give it for that all-
important and most vital muscle of all-the heart which gets
no complete physical rest: other m,uscles, yes, but for the
heart, no respite-until the tale is t,old." In the West, honey
is coming into more and more exten~ive use in curing rickets,
marasmus, malnutrition, scurvy and other conditions in which
various malts) like cod-liver oils and other patent foods were
formerly prescribed. In old age honey is specially useful in
providing energy and ht:1at to the body, which has little of it
at that stage. In addition to it "it dries up' the phlegm and
clears,the system of mucus which are the two necessary' weak-
nesses that a man generaIiy falls victim to in his old age." A
teaspo'onful or 'two in a cupful of boiling water and taken while
still warm is a refI.:eshing and strengthening draught, giving
much relief to those suffeHng from asthma. The use of honey

internally and of sunlight externally to the body direct, has

been -eulogised as an ideal remedy to regulate the secretion of
the internal glands and calcium: metabolism. Practitioners of
Hindu-Greek-Arabic Schools of Medicine give honey to dia-
betics with many of their medicinal preparations. The fer-
ment and a special protein as 'well as the Vitamins in honey.
perhaps account for the beneficial action of honey in diabetes.
Since honey consists of velulos2 it is not harmful in diabetes.
A paste of it with flour- is a popular application to promote
maturation of abscesslOs, ulcers and buboes. As an emollient,
it is used as a gargle to cure aphthae in the mouth and as a
vehicle to other agents; it is l,lsed as an application to the
throat in thrush and pseudo-membranous deposits. As such
it is also applied to Sore nipple·s and to swollen mammae for
drying up milk. With lime (chuna) it is used as an external
application to the temples in headache, to the abdomen or
round the navel .in ,colic and to other painful parts, such as
bruises and sprains. Honey by itself' or mIxed with ghee~ ap-
plied ,to burns-, ulcers, scalds and wounds soothes and heals
them rapidly. Rubbed over the teeth WIth charcoal powder
it makes them clean and white as; snow. Rubbed over greasy~
dirty ,banqs, .it ~Jean;;<'fs them rapidly.
it is said that Goliath and Hercules of ancient times and
Rarriamurthi the great In~lian Sandow, were in the habit of
taking dally honey in their diet. Hence tnelr might, strength
and infinite capa:city f9r work. Not only to those who wish
to build up a strong' b¢dy, but also to those suffering from
diabetes, honey IS a wholesome food, :as those cannot indulge
in any kInd of S\lgar.


(Eng.-Clarified honey) is the honey of Commerce, melt-
ed in a water-bath and ';t~ained while )1Qt through flannel
previously moistened with water. It is a VIscid translucent
liquid of light yellowish or brownish-yellow colour, gradually

becoming partially crystalline and opaque, of characteristic

odour and of very sweet, taste. It is demulcent, laxative, and
nutritive; "\lsed chiefly ~s a vehicle for other medicines, e.g.,

powders; it is also Qne of the be$t vehicles, for medicines used

for curing cough, asthma" f\:!yer, dyspepsia, etc. It consists
mainly of yarip!1,s kinds of sug9rs~


(See :-Gastropoda.)


Sans.:-Ka,sturi; Mri~anabhi; Mrigamadha. Eng.-M~sk.
Arab. & Pers.-Mishk. Hind. Ben. Guj. Mah. [{on. Can. T(1,m.
Tel. & Mal.-Kasturi. Duk.-Mushk. Sinh.-Urula. Burm.:_
Kado. Mabay.-.Jabat.
Source.:-Musk producing animal (Musk·deer)' is found
generally in China, Russia, Assam, Centra:l Asia, and pine
forests and the inaccessible cliffs above 8000 feet of the Hima-
layas. "Musk is found in these al1imals only in the rutting
season and is undoubtedly for the purpose of attra,cting the
female."l "Chinese traders say t1;lat the best kind of musk
is not obtained from captured animals, but is gathered fr.om
the favourite haunts of the deer after the rutting seasRn,
when the animal breaks the gland with its hoof and empties
the contents on the ground. Musk of this kind is extremely
difficult to obtain and is, therefore, rarely seen on the
market."2 ...,'
Characters.-Musk proper is an inspissated and dried
secretion (testicular extract) from the preputial ,follicles of
the male musk deer (Moschus moschiferus). "The material
is found embedded in a sac which is oval or r()und with a
diameter of about H inches; the upper surface is flat with a
, membrane and the v under surface is covered wIth stiff

hairs arranged concentrically round a small opening".3 The

animal on an average yields 2 to 4 drachms of the secretion.
Each animal (male) yields one musk-pod 2 inches in dia-
meter. It occurs iIi irregular, reddish black, slightly unctuous
grains. "Musk when f:n~sh is milky but latE;!r Wrns viscid
anq assumes a brownish-red ~olour. It retains its strong dif-
fusible odour for a 'iong time aJ;ld has a bitter aromatic taste";4
it is soluble iIi alcohol to the e;xtent of about 10 per cent.
in wa~er t,o about 50 per; cent, ~lso in, ether and alkaliei? The
watery S91ution is faintly acid. It st,ains the I;laper yellow ~nd
when burnt it gives off urinous, smell, leaving greyish ash
about 8 per ~ent. The, smell entirely di,sappears when tritu-
rated with cam,phpr, powdered ergot, valerian, bitter almonds 1
fennel, garlic, hydr,ocyanic acid or oily s~eds, or when, long
dried over .the fumeS of sulphuric acid. The odour returns
on eXPQsure to the air and Ip.oisture. "Musk. is remarkabl~
for the power! permanency, aDd stability of its, odour, ~very­
thing in, its vicinity becoming affected by it and retairiing the,
scent Jor a long time".5 •
Constituents.-Musk contains ammonia, oleine, choles-
terin, fat, wax, gelatinous matter, albuminous substances and
leaves an ash. Ash is composed chleHy of the chlorides of
potassium, sodium and c~lcium. "Musk yields by distilla-
tion with steam and subsequent purification, a small percent-
age of a viscid, ,colourless oil with a very powerful and agree-
able odour of musk; this oil appears to be a Ketone and has
been termed muskone."6
Varieties.-Bhavaprakash descrihes three varieties of
musk, viz: KamruPl Nepala and Kashmir9- musk., Assam
musk or Kamrup musk IS of a very strong 04011r" of black
colour, super,ior to th~ otpers, and hence costlier.. I~ is prob-
ably China or Tibet (Chinese) musk brought via Kamroop,
Nepala musk is described ~i? of 'Qluish-black in colour and
intermediate g,uality. Kashmira musk is infedor to all.
"Russian, musk possesses a poor fragrance and hence is, not
much esteemed".7 "Chi,nes.e or 'T,onkin' musk j$' at present
the most highly prized because of its freedom from any un-
pleasant smell sqggestive of ammonia which is sometimes

found in the inferior brands. A variety of musk known as

'Cabardine' musk which co~es from the northern parts of
IVlongolia and Manchuria" ii'\ not used for first-class products
because of its penetr~ting l1tipleasant odour".8
Remarks.-The fetm "inilsk" is loosely applied to a n~m­
ber of products of both animal and vegetable origin charac-
terised by the peculiar odour of the true perfume. The season
during which musk is present in the skin gland covers about
one month and in order'to secure the valuable secretion of the
gland, the animal must be caught in the' Tutting period. No
musk is obtainable from animals in the other seasons of the
year. The contents of the pod vary in bulk with the age of
the animal. A yearling yields scarcely any musk, and a two-
year-old fawn has in its skin gland contents one-eIghth of an
ounce of musk, which is milky, and has an unpleasant smell.
A full-grown buck gives about two ounces, but specimens
containing one-third to one-half of an ounce of musk are com-
mon. s ('Tpe odour of musk is so strong' that it can be per-
ceived at a distance when the animal is shot and it is said that
the' hunters very frequently suffer frqm the strong odour
emanating frqm the fresh musk as it acts deleteriously on the
nervou,s system, ey~-sight a,n9, hearing."l0
Action.-According to Ayur.veda, musk IS a diffusible
stimulant, anodyne, antispasmodic, cardiac, expectorant, dia-
phoretic, diuretic, laxative, antiseptic, and aphrodisiac. It
acts principally on the heart and the nervous system. It
exhilarates the mind and stimulates the.' brain,. spinal cord
and the peripheral nerves. It improves the circulation and
raises arterial tension. It is a stimulant of the urino-genital
organs. It is also reputed to stimulate the res)Jiratory cen,tre.
It is eliminated in the 'urine, sweat and 'mille When taken,
Its first effects are to stimulate the vascular system and the
br'aln. After a time it acts as a nar.cotic or soporific.. Its
effects are more manifest in excitable and hervous persons
than in others. '''In Westetn mediCine, according to Muda1iar,
David and Reddy's experiments in 1929 of musk-solution and
tinc,ture of musk administered orally in doses of 2 grains, and
intravenous injections of :).0 to 20 lJlgm. of ·the soluble portion

of musk in 1 to 2 C.c. of water respectively, to animals, have

shown that musk has no sedative effectll and has a well-
marked effect on the cellular elements of the blood. The
total number of leucocytes are said to be increased after oral.
administration. This effect is particularly marked in
patients who have leucopenia, the total leucocytic count be-,
ing doubled. in some patients after musk, while comparatively
Httle change is produ~ed in normal in'dividuals or in those
with leucocytosis. They administered 10 to 20 minims of
tincture' of musk in an ounce. of water and found that within.
half to one hour after administration the total leucocyte count
showed a definite increase. These observations were later'
disproved by experiments at the Carmichael Hospital for
Tropical Diseases!"12 "Experiments in animals under ure-
thane anaesthesia have shown, that injections of musk-solution
and ap{Jlication of same tp nasal mucous membrane, showed
that musk has got no special a~tion on the respiratory system.
Valeptin (1903) has estimated that a total of 0.02 mgm.
(0,00,000,009 mgm. per litre) can be distinctly smelt by human
beings. From this, the strong sensory stimulation which is
produced may be easily imagiI}ed';.13.

Action & Uses in Ayurveda & Siddha.-Mathura tikta

rasam, katu anurasam, ushna veeryam, kapha vat a haram,
guru, aphrodisiac, in poisoning, antispasmodic, vomiting,
cold, foul smell, tonic, cough, rakta.-pittam.-(T4e:r:apeutic

Action & Uses in Unani.-Hot 3°, Dry 2°, tonic to heart

and brain, increases' vitality, nervous diseases, paralysis, apo-
plexy,.. increases hararath. In cold, diseases of cold in head,
pregnancy, low temperature and anti-kapha.--::-{Therapeutic
Uses.-Musk is largely used in perfumery, its aroma be-
ing very lasting and holding more evanesc~I}t perfumes with
it. "Perfumers use mu~k, for imparting ~n Qd.Q'u,r to soaps,
powd~rs, and mixing liquid perfumery".14 "In indigen.ous
medicine~ of In9~a musk is used' a~ l1eJ;'ve sedative in epilepsy,
hysteria and ~onvulsions in children",15 and "as an antispas..;

modic and anodyne in low fevers, chronic cough, general

debility and impotence. Itsi fame as a cardiac stimulant is
so great that it is almo'st the. last resort when everything else
has failed to support the heart".16 In Western medicine as a
diffusible stimulant it is used in various adynamic fevers as
typhoid, typhus, and typha-remittent fevers and in all typhoid
conditions as collapse of delirium tremens, coma, typhoid-
pneumonia; as an antispasmodic it is given iIi. "gout, in lock-
jaw or tetanus, hydrophobia, epileptiform and hysterical at-
tacks, chorea, whooping cough, hiccup, asthma, colic, laryngis-
mus stridulus, etc."17 Under its lise the patient gets refresh-
ing sleep. "In removing rigidity of plague cases or menin-
gitis it has no equal'l.-(H. C. Sen). As an aphrodisiac it is:
given in combination with other aphrodisiacs in seminal weak-
ness and impotence. "Tincture of musk is very largely used
by medical men in India in doses of 10 to 30 minims as a
cardiac stimulant, in depressed conditions of the nervous sys- •
tern and as an aphrodisiac."ls Musk extern:ally applied to the
body acts through the pores as' a rejuvenator. In palpita-
tion of the heart it is usefl;ll. "It is 'prescribed sometImes'
,alone and sometimes in combination with 'Makaradhwaja~
(insoluble sulphide of mercury) and Sida cordifolia".l9 "Dr.
Mitra of Kashmir (1898) found musk of great value in cardiac
,asthenia due to plague. He used powdered musk with great
'benent".20 "Tamil physicians in South India, prescribe musk
combined with opium, to children in cases of convulsions."21
"According to Allopathy, in convulsions of children where
no definit~ causative factor. can be determined, musk has been
used with promising results in combination w,ith chloral
hydras (gr. 5 to gr. 10 according to age) and tincture of musk
(10 drops to 30 drops)".22 Musk is used, in brain affections
which are generally a tonic. "Crookshank (1905) spoke well
of musk in acute specific infections resulting in toxic involve-
ment of the central nervous system. He used 5 grCiins_ of' the
powdered musk every 2' hours with satisfactory results".23'
In the advanced stages of, cholera infantum its good effects:'
are due to its preventing effusion upon the brain. In mental
and bodily fatigue leading to sleeplessness, musk is 'very use-
ful. It is contra-indicated in cases where there is a deter-

mination of blood to the brain or where there is any organic

complication. Musk is also reputed in curing dyspepsia and
colitis. In metastatic gout where the disease affects the sto-
mach or the head, musk gives immediate relief. Dose is one-
tenth of a grain for adults; and for children one-sixtieth to
one-fortieth .of a grain. In low fevers with prostration, "an-
aemia and general debIlity as a result of" chronic ailments"2\
two grains of musk with two 6f Makaradhwaja are given
every twelve hours with the addition of honey. In renilttent
fever of low type $valpfL Kasturi Bhairava Rasa recommend-
ed in Rasendrasarasangraha, is given. It contains cinnabar,
aconite, borax, n1.ltmeg, mace, long pepper, black pepper and
musk, equat parts made into four~grain pills. In hoa,rseness
and loss of speech 11 linctus known as lVi:r~ganabhyadirabaleha
prescriped in Bhavaprakash, made up of musk, ~ardamoms,
cloves, «;:in;namon and d"ates in equal. parts witll honey and
clarified butteJ;" is given. For gen~ral; depression a pill made
of 1 grain of musk and 3 gr,ains of camphoJ;" is uS,eful. As an,
alterative tonic in a variety of diseases, especially in chronic.
affections of the lungs supposed to be caused by deranged
phlegm Vasantatilakarasa described in Rasehdrasarasangraha
is given; also in dyspepsia of phthi'sis and other grave
conditions In weak patients. It is prepared thus:-Take of
prepared gQlcl 1 part, taI<; and tin 2 parts each, Iron 3 parts,.
rasasindum ahd calcl.ned pearls and coral, 4 parts each; mix
them together, s01lk f6r seven days in the juice of sugar-cane,
of the ftlEts Tribulus terrestris and of other strengthening
vegetables. Enclose the mass in a covered crucible and roast
it in a sand-hath for three hours'. Lastly add to It four parts
of camphor and four of musk arid make into four-graih pills.
Vish~gbhushim Kaviraj A, C. Bisharad reports (Jour. of
Ayur., Aug. 19.25) a: case of paraIysis of tQngue in an old lady
of 80 years, rapidly cured by a mixture of Musk, Makara-
dhwaja, 'reduced gold and mica, reduced coral and pearl 1
grain each, dividing the "mixture in three equal doses a~d
administered with the concentrated decoction of the roots of
Sid a cordifolia: a~d the r~ot-bark of Arjuna tree ! tola each,
in addition to Lakshmibilasa rasa one pill at 2 p.m. administer-
ed together with 12 grains of rock salt ahd 30 drops of ginger

juice-(See under "Mica"). The following simple remedies

are also very useful.:-(l) Ta~e of musk! drachm, dry ginger
2 drachms, asafoetIda 4 drachms, black-pepper 2 drachms.
Mix and reduce the whole. to .a fine powder. Dose is 5 to 20
grains; used in spas:r;nodic alid convulsive affections, such as
asthma and hysteria, (2) Take of musk 1, Andtppogon
muricatus 5, cloves 5, ambergris 1, gold leaf 2, and honey 28
parts. Mix and wake a pill mass. Pose is 1 to 2 grains; used
in colliquative sweats.
N. B.:-"Chopra's work, both experimental and clinical;
does not bear out the cardiac-tonic and leucocyte-raising
properties";25 that "there· appears to be no foundation for
belief in its efficacy iIi epilepsy, chorea and ill convulsions
of children, and hysteriform attacks; that in whooping cough
and colic, its action resembles the drugs of the essential-oil
group; and that the importance of inusk in the indigenous
medicine iIi India, ha:s been very much over-rated and that
it has not got any marked physiological or therapeutic
I. Musk in the .Jlnima~ and. Vegetable Kingdoms:-It is
interesting to note that odorous substa!).~es of the nature.
of musk occur both in the a!).imal and vegetable kingdom ill
the different parts of the world. According to Gerardin, the.
following animals secrete musk or similarly odorous sub-
stances:-Besides the male musk-deer, Moschus moschiferus;
the gazelle, Antilope dorcas; the marten,. lVIustela foina, the
faeces of which are said to have a musk-like odour; the
alpine goat, Capra ihex, the dried blood of which sme.lls like
musk; the musk-ox, Ovipos moschatus which dissemillates a
decided musk odour and the meat of which, though it has a
repulsive odour and taste, is eagerly eaten by the Itldians; the.
zebu, Bas indicus; the pecari, DicotyZes torq'l-tat:us; the musk
duck, Anas moschata, which is found on the Gold-Coast,. in
Jamaica and Cayenne; the desman, Myogal· moschata;. - the
Nile crocodile, Crocodilus vulgaris; val'ious turtles, e.g.,
Cinosternon pennsylvanianum; and various India!). snakes.
The musk odour is also found quite commonly in the
vegetable kingdom. It is :(pund in Malva rrwsch,ata and the

seeds of Hibiscus abelmoschus, Linn. (Malvaceae) which are.

utilised in perfumery; Brassica oleracea, Linn. var, capitata
(Crucifera~); Erodium Trtoschatum, Her. and Geranium triste
or Pelargonium nor:t1t()Lens of Western Africa which is
odorous· at night (Geraniaceae); Rosa moschata
(Rosaceae); the wax gourd, /3enincas(J) cerifera,
Say. and the ,I~dian hottle gourd Lagenaria vul-
garis, Ser. (Cucurbitaceae); Adoxa moschatellina,
Linn. (Caprifoliaceae); Achillea moschata, Jacq., Aster
argophyrtus, Labill. and Moschm:ia pinnatifida, Mol. of Chile
(Compositae); Hyssopus ofjicinalis, Linn. and Moschosma
species of India and Af:rica (Labiatae); Miinulus moschatus of
Chile and North America (Scrophulariaceae); Moschoxylon
swaytzii, J uss., the, musk wood of Jamaica (Meliaceae); Guarea
grandifl()fa of America and the poisonous Serjania curassavica,
Radlk. of AtnEriCa (Sapindaceae); the wood of the American
Clu,sia eluteria (Chlsi_aceae); the Asiatic Lawsonia in ermis,
Lam. (Lythrarieae); the E~st Indian Ferula sumbul, Hook.
(Umbellif~rqe);, the wopd of Cordia rumphii, Bl. of Java
(Boragineae); Pedalium; mu,rex-Peturaga cingul of Ceylon
(Pedali~eae); Cestrum nocturn'I,Lm, Linn. of South America
(Solanaceile,) and the Mexican wonderfioweJ, Mirabi:is
IO'll9iflora, Linn. (Nyctaginieae), the last two named exhaling
a mt,lsk odour at night. ...
Despite the large number of products capable of afford-
ing more or less a musk-like, odorous substance, the musk-
deer remains the only important commercial source of thi~
substance. .
Preparation of Musk for the Mw·ket:-Ther,e are several
ways ~f ,preparing the cqmmercial musk, and the pest method
is, to dry the pod by sunning and airing immediately af~er
it is taken from the animal. The article, because of its
powerful diffusion of odour, is usually packed in hermetically
sealeq vessels and wooden Qoxes lined with tin JoiL The
pods from the places o£ production are always paaked in small
ski,V b,ags singly, t4e pod inside the bag being covered with
the animal's hair or: similC;lr stuff to keep it~ odour from
diffusing a~ w~ll as to ,protect it from the influence 'of tpe

weather. For home consumption, Chinese traders occasionally

pack the pods in silk-wrappe«l packages of two or three dozens
each. Musk is collected from the hunters by a class of
traders, who ate also engag~d in exporting medicinal herbs
and other products of the highlands of the Szechwan Tibetan
border, no Chinese mercharit being engaged exclusively in
the musk trade. (From_:-Chopra's "1. D. of 1.", pp. 423-424).

Artificial Musk:-Since musk fetches a high price on

the market, the unfortunate little animal-the musk deer'-has
been ruthlessly hunted for its valuable scent pod. Fear has
been expressed by foreign riaturalists for the early extinction
of the animal if the present rate of destruction is allowed to
go on without any restriction. It is estimated that at least
twenty-two pods are required to make one 'catty' of musk.
(1 catty = 1-1/3 lb.) Thus' twenty-two' male deer must be,
killed before· the trade can bring one catty of musk pods to
the market. As the musk sac is fbund on the abdomen of the
buck only, and as there is ho distinction in appearance bet-
ween the male and the female deer when seen at a distance,
many more animals of both sexes must be caught or killed
in order to secure a catty of musk pods. As the animals are
hunted or trapped during the rutting season, they are gettIng
exterminated and this fact, coupled with the increasing 'con-
sumption in perfumery of the article in France, ha;:; led the
chemists to look for some substitute of the natural article
which can be prepared in the laboratory. Compounds having
the odour of musk have been prepared synthetically but such,
substances have an entirely different chemical structure from
the natural musk, These are, however, not p'oisonous and are
largely substituted in the' cheaper forms of perfumery for the
expensive riatural product. The musk substitute"'S at present
known are trinitro-r'neta-tertiarybutyl-toluene and the cor-
responding compounds' obtained from the homologq_es of'
toluene and the dinitro derivatives of the ketones which l'lre
formed by the interaction ·of acyl chlorides on derivatives of'
toluene. Of these, Trinitrobutyltoluol Co HNO'I CH3 C 4 H, has
been considered to be the best. Its odour is very akin to the
natural musk and is sold in ,perfumery under the name of at-

tificial musk. (Chopra's "I.D. of I." p. 426).

Adulteration of Musk and Their Tests jor Genuine-
ness:-On ,account of the great demand and the difficulty of
obtaining it, musk is very frequently adulterated with inert
substances such as dried blood, liver, etc. Vegetable products
such as beans, wheat grains, barley grains, etc., are also mixed
with the commercial artiCle at" the time of preparing. As
musk quickly imparts its peculiar scent tl? other substances
with which it comes ~n contact, detection of adulteration from
smell becomes difficult. Several methods are in vogue
amongst the Chinese and Tibetan dealers! which tJlOugh not
very scientific, are said to afford fairly good indications as to
the genui'neness of the article. Whenever any d()ubt exists,
a few grains are extracted trom the, pod and placed in water.
If these remain granular the musk is genuine! and if these
melt tlle musk is false or adulterated. Another test is to place
a few grains on a 'live piece of charcoal., If. these me1t and
bubble, the musk is pure; if they at once harden and become
cinder, it is adulterated. Genuine musk even when buried
does not chan!$e its odour, while impure or adulterated musk
gives out an entirely different smell. Adulterated musk can
also be detected by touch. Ge~1Uine musk is soft and adulterat-
€d musk is stiff to the touch. An interesting popular test for
musk has been reported from the Punjab. A thread is passed
through asafoetida and then through the musk pod. If after
this, the smell of asafoetida remains, the musk is not genuine.
(From:-Chopra's' "I. D. of I." p. 425).
(1), (3) ~ (9)-ChQpra's "I.D. of L" p. 422; (2) &. (10)-p. 423;
(4), (5) & (14)-p. 424; (6), (7) & (8)~pp. 42~-425; (11), (12) & (15)-
'Pp. 427-428;· (13), (16) & (19) pp. 429-430; (17), (19) to (25)-p. 431;
(26)-p. 432.


(Eng.-Common Wagtail. Sans.-Khanjana. Ben.-Bond.-
na-cha.) Flesh is Iaxativ.e. and is benefic,iaI, in diseases origi-
nated from vitiated phlegm and bile.


(Eng.-Mouse. Sans.jMushika. Hind.-Chua; Mush.
Ben.-Indur). Flesh is demulcent, cardiac stimulant and use-
ful in worms and piles. '


(Sans.-Indravadhi. Hind.':__Indrag;opa; Bira.bavati.
Guj.-Chomasan? rata; makhamali kida) are insects of a
bright scarlet colour, and velvetty,.found)n the .commencement
of the rains. They are, very common in garden plants. The
dried specimens as found .Ill. the 'bazaar are of a saffron. colour.
In shape, they are nearly oblong less than! inch long. In the
form of powder or ashes they are a ne,rvine tOIll.c ~uJ.d antispa-
smodic and are used in paralysis. In coli~ they are given wtth
nutmeg. An ointment of them made with wax i~ a useful ap-
lication to swollen feet and hands.




(N.O .;-Coleoptera).

(Eng.-Telini fly; Chinese Blistering fly; Mylabris beetle.

Hind.-Telenimakhi. Ben.-Telinlpoka. Duk.-'-Budhoki
zerangi. Mah.-Telni-mashi. Tam.-Puis~Tarinai. ,Tel.-
EJaloo) is a blistering insect (beetle) about 1 inch long and i
inch broad. M. chicorii is found throughout Indi~ (northern)
especially, Kashmir, Gwalior, Hyderabad, and Deccan, China,
Southern Europe, South and Ea$t of Asia. "M. pustulata has
recently been collected" in fairly large quantities in fields of
cereals and vegetables in the neighbourhood of Bangalore"-
(Iyer & Guha). The best season for collecting these insects
is before sunrise and just before the setting~in of the monsoon.
They should be killed by., ammoni~, steam of boiling vinegar,

or sulphur dioxide or by heat, and thorol;gMy dried in the

sun and preserved in well-stoppered bottles. "Most of the can-
tharidin exists in the free state and only a very minute quan-
tity is in combination as salts". "M. pustulata yields about 2.9
per cent cantharidin 11S compared to the maximum yield of
1.9 per cent from Chinese beetles; the yield from Chinese
beetles is eVEn less (1.2 p.c. apI?roximately}." The dried insect
is used in medicine; it contains a fatty acid 'cantharidin' 1 to
2 per cent. 'Cantharidin' is a colourless crystalline lactone de-
rived origitiaJly from the dried Spanish 'beetles known as "Can-
tharis vesicatoria". "The bye-product ethyl~acetate cart be ob-
tained from M. pustulata available in India in large quantities"
(Chopra), It,~ tincture (1 in 80) and liquor (1 in 10 of acetic
acid) qre uS,ed. Dos.e of the tincture is 5.to 10 minims. As a
vesicant it is very powerful and acts without pain and without
irritation of the urinary organs. It is very efficient substitute
as a, vesicant for the well-known Eur~pean qrug Cantharide:s
or Can,tharidin. Other blistering, fli~s exist in many parts of
India) and Mylabr.is pustulata (Eng,-Cantharides; IUnd.-
Teleni-ma.khi; .internally stimulant and diuretic; externally
a powerful and valuable counter-irrita,lft and vesicant), and
Mylabris inQ_ica etc., in the Peninsula. Telini fly or Cantha-
T\din contained 1n it is generally used in the form of plaster for
its cOllI1te:r:-irritant, rubeffcient and vesicant properties. Can-
tharidin is contained iq ;more than a dozen Western medicinal
prepara'tfonsJ most of which are meant for external appifcation.
Owing to its irrItating properties, internal administration. is
not common but ih small doses it has been often used, alone
or in combination, In such diseases as lupus cystitis, inconti-
nence of urine, spermatorrhoea, etc. Its use as an ingredient
of hair-lotions, hair-oils and several other cosmetic prepara-
tions like pomades etc., appears to be getting inore and more
popular· every y'ear. The plaster is prepared as follows:-Take
Telini fly finely powdered, white or black dammar, beeswax,
and suet (mutton of goat) of each two ounces; liquify'the three
latter with a gentle heat, then remove from the fire and sprIn-
kle in the Telini; mix tlle whole thoroughly and continue to
stir the mixture while it IS a110wed to cool.


or Pinctac:la margaritifera
Sans.-Mukta; Maracata; Muktikam. Eng.-Pearl. Arab.
-Loalao. Pers.-Marwarid. Ben.-Makta. Hind. Guj.
lVlah. Ben. & Kon.___:Moti. Tam. Can. & Sinh.-Muttu.
Source.-Found in general molluscs inhabiting ,shallow
seas and sand-banks.
Characters.-:..Pearl mussel has nearly a semi-circular
shell, greenish without and ornamented with the most beauti-
ful nacre within. The nacre is, employed in: the arts and fine
pearls are produced from the extravasation of nacre.
Purification & Preparation.-Pearls are purified-(l) by
being boiled in the juice of the leaves of 8esbania aculeata or
of the flowers of Agati grahdiflora; then prepared for medici-
nal use by being calcined in "covered cruclbles and finally re-
duced to 'powder. (2) "Powdered pearl is to be rubbed with
the juice of Rumex vesicarius and then transferred inside a
lemon and stowed in a mass of paddy. At the end of a week
it is heated 'in a crucible and liquefied".-(Sir P: C. Ray's H. of
H. Ch., Vol. I, p. 103)'. Dose of the powder is 2 to 6 grains.
Action.-The power (ash) is highly stimulant, tonic and
aphrodisiac. Other medicinal virtues ascribed to pearl are
"laxative, sedatiVf~, emetic and nutritive." Pearl ash is chiefly
carbonate and OXide of lime and acts also as an antacid.
Uses.-The powder is used in heart-burn and, bilious af-
fections. Mukta-bhasmfL is- useful in cough, phthisis and
asthma, ~iven tWice a day with honey. Its chief .pse is in low
fevers giving rise to burning: sensation in the eyes, palms and
soles, so common in India. It reduces the yello';':i~h ting~ in
the conjunctivae and in the urine due to low fever and checks
the burning during micturition. It. is also used as a cereb,ral
tonic in nervous diseases as chronic headache, epilepsy and
other convulsive attacks. It is used in piles also, in leucor-
rhoea and spermatorrhoe~ and ~rpP9tence. The powder is one

.of the ingredients in numerous Indian preparations used for

impotence, heart disease, consumption etc. Pittantaka rasa,
described in Rasendrasarasangraha contains it .tpgether with
.several other substances and is, a mt:>dicine useful in diseases
.supposed to, be caused by dercmge.d bile (pitta) such as dyspe-
psia, jaundice, biliousness, vomiting of bile etc. It is ma~e up
.of nutm~gs, mace, jatamansi root, root, of Aplota~is auricu-
lata, talispatra, aconite" h:on pyrites, iron, talc, and re~lgar on~
part each, prepared pearls eqllal in quantity to an the above,
.ingredients beaten together into a paste with the aid pf water
and made into four-grain 'pills. Another Preparation con-
taining peads and known as Vasantakusumakqra, r(lsa (See
"Corallium rebrum") is: given with sugar, honey anQ.. ghee in
urinary diseases, impotence, gleet, diabetes, consumption and
,general debility. This medicine is a valuable alterative tonic
ill chronic gonorrhoea and .spermatorrhoea and much
prescribed in these complaints in combination with an
extract calleCl KusavaL2ha.. Fm; consumption ,and othei'
chest diseases a compound preparation made up of pre-
pared pearl and mercury taken in equal parts, triturated well
in honey and water and then the whole mass dried over a
sand bat.b. till all the wC\ter has evaporated is ,recommended and
given with sugar; the dose of the medicine is 1 to 3 grains. For
seminal weakness a compgund pill made up of Mukta bhasma,
Panitis succenifer (succinum) .2, Red coral bhasma .2, nux-
vomica 6, Daronicum s.corpioides 15, Borneo camphor 1Q, car-
damoms 15, Ciiinam:omum tamala 12, cloves 10, 'zande. bidas-
tara (dried testIcles of the beaver) 10, dry ginger 12, long
pepper 10, musk 12 and sugar 50. parts, mix ,and make a pill
m"a:ss; the dose is' grains 10, to 15. Dava-ul-mulk is a confection
made up' of 29 ingredients, among which the important are
pearls, amber, .silk cO,coons, silver .leaves and. musk. It is a
nervine tonic giving strength to cardiaci muscles and to the
central nervous system. It is very useful in functional affec-
tions of the heart.· Dose is i to i tola given twice a day with
milk. "This was given to 'a patient. sdreiing from neurasthe-
nia in t tola· doses. It did give tone to the nerves of the pa-
tient"- (Ind. Drugs Rept" ,Madras)" J avarish-i-lulu is another
preparation containing pearls, zedoary, Daronicum scorpiodes

and cinnamon each 2 parts, Aquilaria agallocha, cocoons of

silk moth, cardamoms, saff~on and cloves each 1 part, dried
testicles of the beaver· and ~atarnansi each i part and honey
sufficient quantity, is used asl a tonic and. aphrodisiac, It is also
given to prevent abortion. DO'se is i to 1 drachm. In doses
of 1 to 2 drachms it is useful, iri paralysis, asthma, epilepsy and
impotence. A compound powder'made up of Silajit; Loha
bhasrna and Moti bhasrna each. 2 parts, trikatu 3 parts and
triphala 4 parts, is used in :general Jebility, leucorrhoea, dia-
betes etc. Ancient Hindu alchemists used to prepare a pow-
der of pearl compound 'with following constituents:-Pearl,
sulphur, powder of iron, copper and silver, all killed by being
roasted with sulphur.-,(Sir P. C. Ray).


(formerly Lepus ruficandatus, Geoff,) (RaJ>hit).


(internal shell of Sepia officianalis, Family:-Cephalopoda)

belo~ging to M.ollusca Class.
(Sans.-Samudrapheri:i. Eng.-Cuttle-fish bqne. Ger.-
Kuttelfishbeim. Hind.-Darya-ka-kaf. Pers.-Zuddulba--
her kafdarya. Guj. and Mah.-Samudraphina. Tarn.
and Mal.-Kadal noray. Can,-SalJludranalig<:iY'
Tel.,_·Sorupenka; Samudrapunuragu) is often found floating'
on sea-water. It is 1 to 3 inches in width and 5 to 10 inches
in length. The skeleton' is an oblong, elliptical or oval, flat
substance, of whitish colour, v.ery hard and brittle. H can be
easily scratched with the nails' and is highly pulve_risable. It,
contains calcium carbonate 80. to 85 per cent, ~lso phosphate.
and sulphate with silica. It is antacid like chalk; 'also ast.rin--
gent and local sedative. When powdered it is used as a dusting
powder to relieve the pam of ear-ache or in qtorrhoea.
Its paste' made with lime-juice is usefully applied in itches:
and other skin diseasest also with rose water: to the pody iIl.,
.. ..."

prickly' heat The powder is an .ingredient of ~tboth-powders.

A medicated. 'oil prepared by boiling fine scraping of' the bone
in: sweet or.sesamurh 'oil is. useful for droP9ing into the ear in
oto:r:rhoea. A .thin paste" made of cuttle-fish bone and rock-
salt in.:ros:e water .is a useful application. to the eye's in: con-


or O. gryphoides, Schl. (Common. Indian species)
,l$? O~ Vir~ini3Aa
(E;ng.:---:Go~on Oyster shell; bivalve shell. Fr.,-Nacre.
Ger.-Os.teon, Port,-Ostras. Hivd.-Sipi. 9u.j.-:K?lu) is a
sh.~ll, found in the Atlantic pnd Indian Ocean coasts. It, has
a sIllall, ho~lpw, <;lv.ate excavation. in which the: animal with a
soft, f1.~shy s,iQorb~~ular 1:>ody i~ enclosep, 'I'4~ shell h.as a sort
of .hinge .at, .on~ end an,d .opens into two valves; Qne shallow and
the other deep which is found adhering to the rock. _ The shell
is hard, externally grey or dark-brown and rough and marked
with lateral undulated streaks and internally white, smooth
and shining. It contains calcium carbonate 85 to 95 per cent,
phQsphate and sulphate· of call.:!iurri and magnesium, oxide of
iron,. ?-luminq., and. sUica, The inner layer is chiefly used in pre..
paring. ,the ash, calleq Kalu bhasrna. The ashes a:r:e antacid and
alterative and used in cases of diarrhoea 9-nd: .chrQnic ,intestinal
disorders. Dose is 5 grains. The animal is supposed to pos-
sess aphroej.Jsiac propertiRs. an~ ,is. the_refore eaten raw or
cooked. A ·Jpast~ of ·the shell is used as an absorbent for the
same purposes as otheP shells~ Mother-of-pearl (Sans.-Jala-
dima. Ben.-Jala:sukti, Jhifmk) is another species of mollusc,
the snell of which :is .used for the same 'purposes as oyster
shell. Mukta-Sukti (Eng.-Pearl Oyster. Ben. & Hi'nd.-
Mukta~Jhinuk. Mah. Kon. & .Guj.-Motisimp) is another
kind of shell whi9h. p'roqw~es pearl. Medi9ipally its flesh is
"acrid, p_emulcent, excitive of digestive fi:r:e, palatable anQ_ be-
neficial 'In: phthisis" siaa ana diseases of heart"-(N. N. Sen
Gupta). The shell is: u'sed 'in medicine 'after pUrlfication and'
reduction. Its ashes (Sukti-hhasma} are oen'e·ficfal in su7a,
dyspepsia, abdominal tumours; liver .,md spleen enlargements,

and loss of appetite. The lJime obtained by burning the hard

cover of it possesses the same properties as that of Sukti-
bhasma, Jalasukti (Eng.-Oyster.I
Beli.-Jhinak) is a kind of
aquatic, animaL Its :flesh is "acrid, demulcent" stomachic, diges-
tive, cardiac, generative of 'the inclination for food and bene-
ficial in abdominal tumours, sula and diseases of poison"~
(N. N. Sen Gupta).


(N.O.-Ovis-F'ainily:--..:.Bovidae) .
(Sans.~Meiha. Eng.-Goat'. Hind. Ben. Duk. GuJ. &
,Mah.-Bhakra. Kon.-Bokodil. Tam. Can. etc.-AedJ) is ah
animal of ruminant and mammal class; covered with, thick
wooly hairs. The flesh of it .is "sweet', refrigeran~, heavy of
digestion, flatulent, nutritibus and excitive of' bile 'and phlegm"
-(N. N. Sen Gupta.). See also Aaeps L'anae and Sev'i1i:p.

98. OVIS VJ;GNEI, ~th.

(Eng.-Sheep. Sans.-Abika; Mesha .. Ben.-,-Bhe:rrl,. MesM1
Flesh is difficult to digest,.. excitive: ot bile anCl, phlegm. Urine
is stiniulant and benefidal in: lepr'osy', piles,' "sula"; dropsy,
oedema and gonorrhoea.

99. PALAEMON CURCINUS, or: P., Lar. Lhm.

(Eng.-Prawn. Sans.-Chingati. Ben ..,-Chingri). Flesh·,
is difficult to digest, constipating, cardiac stimulant, phlegma:",
tlC; beneficial in obesity, bile and vitiated blood. Highly eg.;
teemed with curry. '"


(Eng.-House Sparrow. $ans. -'Chataka. Jiirui.-Cha-
buranja. Ben.-Char<:ti-pakhl.) .. Flesh is palatab,le, .r~friger.ant~
demulcent, cardiac stimulant and aphr:qdisiac. .

101. PAV<) CRISTATUS, Linn.

(Eng.-Peacock. Sans.-Nilkantha. Hind'.-Mur. Ben.-
Maur: Bom.-IvIur. Tam.-Mail). Flesh is used for con-
tracted limbs. Grease is used medicinally.


(Eng.-Common Indian Part~idge. Sans.-Krakara.
Hind.-Kayar. Ben.~Kaikati. Bot1i.-Kardhanka). Flesh is
cardiac stimulant; improves memory and digestlop, useful i:q
wind, bile and In eplstaxis. -


(Eng.-Diver. Sans.-Val?1):aka. Ben.~P.ankauri). Flesh
is demulcent, difficu~t. to digest~ refriger.ant~ and a11eviativ~ of
104. PHASIANUS-See allus hankiva, .etc.



See Mytilus margaritiferus.

(Eng.-Flsh. Sans.-Matsya. Hind., & Ben.-Machchi.
Mah.-Masiee. Kon.-Maslee, Jhalk.ay. Tam. Can. & Mal.
Meenu) is an aquatic vertebrate animal with giils and fins
inhabIting the waters of oceans, rivers, lakes, wellsJ etc. In
Ayurveda different proper.tie~ h~ve been ascrIbed not only to
different fishes, but of the same fish living and growing in dif-
ferent w~te-rs. Fish 'from different so:urces are also recom-
mended to 'be taken in different seasons as, fo11ows:-
Properties of Fish. from different sburces:--,(l) l1iver fish
is sweet to the taste, heavy of digestion, 'che~s Vaytt, deran"
ges p"itt~ .and blood, heating and increases :faecal'refuse (causes

bulky stool); (2) Shallow-water' fish is sW'eet but deranges

pitia; (3) Tank and Pond fish is palatable and. checks Vayu
Pitta; (4) Large lake fish i,s difficult tq digest (heav:y of diges-
tion); (5) Fish near ,spring~water is similar in properties to
No.4; (6) Well-water fish deranges Kapha.
Fi.sh from different sQurces tor be taken in different sea-
sons:-.(l) Fish from wells-in ear;ly wL.'1ter. (2) Fish from
pond-in late winter:, (3) Fish from river-in Spring. (4)
Fish from pond a~d tarik-in Suinrner. {5) Fish from 1akes-
in Rains. (6) Fish near spring water-in Autumn.
Properties & Uses of dijJer.ent fishes:-Arlus arius,
Ham. & Buch. (Sqn$.-Ar;i-matsy:;J.. B~Il'.;-ATInach); flesh is
difficult to. digest, demulcent, cardiac stimuiant, improves me-
mDry, wind and phlegm. Ban fish (Indian Eel) checks Vayu-
Pitta~ is light and appetising: Barbils sophore, Ham. & Buch.
(Eng.-Mahseer. Sans.-PrDshti. Ben.-Punti-machh). Flesh
is sweetish b.i,tt~rJ c.!em]lkent,. antiphlegm,atic, alle:viative of
vayu; beneficial in the diseases Df mDuth and thrDat. Boyal
fish (Scioenidus .Pa1P,a.-\Vhiting) is carnivDrq\l~, incr.e,a,ses
kapha, is s'trengHiening; induces) sleep, ihcreases pitta and
deranges blood; if continued for sometime it induces leprosy
and Dther; ,skill d.iseas,e.,s pf the: ,g~oup i(vid~ Hutchinson's fish
theDry Df leprosy) .• " ~h,?tk~ fish lil~g sea-fish ,checks vayu-pitta
and increases kapha: CaLlichrous pabda. Ham. & Buch. (Eng.-
Butterfish. Sans.-Parbata. Ben.-P::tbda); flesh is demulcent,
cardiac, stimulant, and carminativ:~. Catla-catla, Ham. &
Buch. (Eng.-Telescqpe-fish. Sans.-Katala. Ben.-Katala);
Flesh IS stimulant, diffi'cult to. digest; beneficial in disturbances
of'the three humDurs. Carchardon carcharius, Linn. (Eng.-
White Shark), Oil is ,richer in iodine 2nd phDsphoru,s than cod-
liver oil, but cDntains less, brDmine and sulphur; ..oil is ,a substI-
tute for cod-liver oil. Hils~ fi.sh (InClian herring)., is. very sweet
to the taste, due to excess of fat: deranges Tridqsha. AnabeL!!
scandeonus. (E'l1g.-Climbing perch. Sans.-Kabayee.- Ben,_;
Kai or KDi. Hind.-Ka'Qai). "Flesh IS astringent, demuicent,
easily 'digestible, .sweet, sODthi'ng', appetiser; checks vayu, in-
creases pitta- very' slightly;' cardiac stimulant. Clarias· batrci-
chus, Linn. (Eng.'-Catfish; Magur. Sans;-Madgura)o. EJesIt

is demulcent and is used in diarrhoea; light and strengthe.ning,

checks ·vayu, incr~ases kapha slightly. Clupea ilisha, Ham. &
Buch. (Eng.-Sabli-fish. Sans.-Illisa. Hind.'"--Hilsa. Ben.-
Ilis). Flesh is demulcent, stomachic, bilious, phlegmatic aqd
.carminative. Mourola fish (Opio cephalus or Serpent-head)
is tissue-producing, vitali sing and, galactagogue. Mugil; plani-
ceps, Cuv. & Val. (Sans.:-Bhokani. Ben;-Bhangan); fl~sh
is refrigerant, phlegmatic, difficult to digest. Nata or Gorai
fish is sweet, bitter, astringent, checks Tridosha, is appetiser,
light, strengthening and good in goitre. Punti fish-large
variety-is slightly bitter but sweet, cooling, appetising and
-checks pitta and lwpha; small variety-is very bitter, pungent,
very slightly sweet, light and checks vayukapha. Rahee or
Bahu fish (Labea rohu; or Labeo rohita, Ham. & .Buch.
(Sans.-Rohita. Hind.-lhhu. Ben.-Rui-machh. Ta.m.-
Eraminu) is the best of' all fresh water fishes; fl~sl:t, Is sweet
to the taste but slightly 'bitter, increa~es vitalitYl checks vaytL
but increases pitta. Flesh is astringent, slightly stimulant,
-difficult to digest, demulcent, cardiac stimulant, strengthening,
slightly' bilious, beneficial in vitiated wind. Its bile is laxative
and is useful in bilious remittent fever: 'Scomberomorus com-
mersonii, Lacep. (Erig>-Seir fish. Hind.-Surmoyi. Tam.-
Konam). Used as a substitute for cod or shark oil. Shole
fish is astringent, sfi:ghtly,sweet and good to taste. Singhi fish
(Sacchobranchus fossilis, Bloch.); (Sanls.-Sringi. Ben.-
Singi). Flesh is demulcent, easily digestible, cardiac stimu-
lant, aphrodisiac, galactagogue. Used in dropsy, jaundice, bile,
phlegm and wind; checks 'vayt£, deranges kapha, is soothing,
bitter, astringent, light. and appetiser. rangra fish (Macrones
Tangra, another variety of Cat fish) stimulates brain, decreases
marrow, IS appetisirig and increases vayu-pitta. Fish egg's are
very vltalislng and soothmg1 tissue-repairer, llght, increases
kapha, increases marrow and strength ahd 'is good in urethral
discharges. Trichogaster fasciatus, Bl. Schn. (Eng.-Fish.
Sans.-Khalis. Ben.-Khalse). Flesh is astringent, constipa-
ting, produces wind and ,alleviative of 'c'sula-"~

Preparations from Fish:-(l) Sutki fish-dried in the sun

for preservation. It is difficult of digestion, constipating and

not strengthening. (2) Burnt fish-outer layer is burnt on

charcoal when the inner fle~h becomes more easily digestible,
good and strengthenmg. (3) Fish Spup is contra-indicated
after "Kaphal ' or "Vayu-K'p_pha" derangement causing diar-
rhoea. When indicated, th~ various fishes recommended are
smalL white fish like "Mourola" or black fish like "Singhi" ~
"Kai" or "Koi", or "Magur". (4) Fish-liver oil.

Analysis of some Fish:-

Percentage of
Name of Fish Nitrogen Fat Salt
Rohu fish 17.5 16.4 2.36-
Magur fish. 18.9 5.0 1.80
Kai fish. 23.6 2.84 2.99
Singhi fish 24.56 4.26 2.7S
Ban fish 17'.9 28.4
Tangra fish 17.2 0.3' 1.3

Fish, th~refore, contains les~ proteid generally than b~ef

or goat's meat. exce_l)t Kai. and Singhi (cat fish). It is more
easily cooked amI easily digested except those which contain
muc.h fat, e.g., big ~ohu, HiLsa or Inliian Herring, Ban or In-
dian Eel, etc.-(Dr. Ashutosh Roy, "Jo.ur. of Ayur." March


(Family:-Psittacidae) .
(Eng.-Parrot; Sans.----,Sukha; Be~ ..,_Tia). Flesh- is easily
digestible, refrigerant, stomachic, car<iiac-stimulant an<i consti-
patingj benefi~ial in cough and phthisis.

- j
(Eng.-Gall-bladder). Used medicinally.


(Sans.-Bheka. Ben.-Byang). Flesh is cardiac-stimu--
lant, phlegmatic, slight bilious; alleviates thirst, gonorrhoea"
phthisis, leprosy and vomiting.

(Eng.-Reptiles). Lizard; Serpent Poison; Gecko verticil-
latus, Laur; Mabuia carinata, Schneid; Varanus b,engalensis,
Daud, Varanus salvator; ~n these have been separately and
independently d,ealt with 'in their respective alphabetical'


(Eng.-Th e grea,t one-horned Rhinoceros; Salls.-Khargee.
Ben.-Gandar). F_Iesh is astringent, difficult to digest, nutri-
tious and "ca:r:diac stimulant; alleviative of yomiting and epis-

113. SACCHARUM LACTIS (Milk-sugar)

See Lactose under "Lactus".

114. S'ANGUISUGA 'MEDICINALIS (Th~ Speckled LeC(!h)

(See:-Hirudo Medicinalis.)


(Eng.-Crab. Sdns.-Karkataka. Ben.-Kankra). Flesh
is antibillous, diuretic, loxative, haematinlc, cardiac stimu-
lant and alleviative of Svayu'.

116. SEPIA OfFICINALIS (Cuttle-fish)

(See:-Os Sepiae & Cephalopoda).

(Eng.-Rennet or Rehnin; Hind.-Paneermaya; Pes).


Sans.-Sarpavisha; Garala. Eng.--Cobra-venom; Snake-
D .. C. butt says that It has been used in Hindu medicine
.since a very recent .period only. Because prescriptions con-
taining it or references to it are found in modern works only,
such as Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Sarkaumudi, etc. '''Although
the venoms of other snakes are mentioned, the venoms of the
Indian cobra: and Indiah viper 'have been chiefly used."l
The poison oHhe' black cobra is colIected:-(1) by making
~'epfile bite on a piece of stick or wood when the po'ison is
poured out and received on a pIece of plantain leaf;· (2) "by
forcing open the jaws and squeezing the glands into a sterile
petri dish or by making the reptile bite a petri dish with a
rubber mempr~pe .stret~hed over; ,it",2 It., i? preserved in
two ways. The' liquid poison is allowed to congeal and dry in
a cup or it is rubb~a with a fourth pa~t of mustard oil and
spread out on a piece of plantain leaf. Thus treated it rapidly
coagulates .into a: gr.aIiular" agghitinated mass. of 'a yellbwish:-
brown colour. When allowed to dry' spontaneously, "or under
,a bell jar in the sun or over concentrated sulphuric acid, ser-
pent poison loses 50 to 7() per cent of water"3 and coagu-
lates into shining, "crystalline yellowish-white granules, which
-can be ppwdered, "The dried venoll} retains <!-11 the properties
of the fresh venom".-I Cpbra Poison of "Inman Cob:r<!-s:-
Naja tripudians and Naja bungar1,.ts are, the tWQ f01;mid::j.ble
varieties out of the several met with in India. Naja naia ve~
tripudians species is distJ;ihuted throughout the whol~ of Sou-
thern Asia from the, _sQut~ (if the Caspian. Sea to sQ1.1tb. of China,
India and the Malay ArchipelagQ. Indian vip.ers:-Two poi-
sonous snakes belonging to this group com~only occur in
India: (1) Daboia russellf ve~ elegans, fo}-md all over the
.o~ -

plains, of In~ia, particularly in Ceylon, Siam, Burma, 'Rajpu-

tana & Bengal; Kulu and Kashmir valleys at an altitude of
.5,000 to 6,000 ft. though generally it is an inhabitant of plains
,and valleys up to 2,000/3,000 ft. (2) Echis carinata IS another
viper frequently met with in India-N.W.F. Province, Bahl-
-chistan, the Punjab, Sind, Rajputana, Central India and' some
parts of Madras and Ceylon".5 Of cobra poison, Dr. H. C.
,sen says "when ,fresh it is a clear trarisparent fluid, varYIng in
..colour from a yellow to a straw tint to complete colourlessness.
It has a faintly acid reaction; its consIstence' varies from that
.of water' to that of the white of an 'egg. Its specific gravity has
.a wide margin of 'Variation. Speciihens taken from several
cobras and mixed gave a specific gravity of 1.058. It has a very
'bitter taste, 'which is chiefly perceived 'along the margin of the
'tongue,. and a faint sickly odour. Dab6a venom is', however,
-without this bitter taste. When cobra poison is evaporated,
..~ it loses fro~ 50 t9 75. per cent of_ w~te~; ~d a ,ye~owish ~~b­
.stance" easIly pulverlsable, resemblmg gum arabIC or drIed
-€gg' albumen, is left behind. This' (Ided sU:bstan~e' possesses
all the physiological properties of cobra 'poison, and it can be
kept ih this state for years. Chemically; analysed Jby'Dr. Arm-
strbn'g the snake poison is found to contain Carbon 45.76;
nitrogen 14.3; hydrogen 6.8; sulphur 2.5'. When kept in the
liquid state, cobra poison 'quickly' becomes, first neutraf and
then alkaline, and a few feathery and cubic crystals will form.
""When kept in hermetically sealed ampoules in a cool dark
place, it r€1ains Its"pbtency for a 'long period".1i If preserved
in a loosely corked 'test-tube, it will become cloudy, smefl
-offensively and will swarm wiH! 'bact"eiia in: active movement;
but it will still remain poisonous. The alkalinity now 'lessens
.and the reaction again becomes acid and the fluid then coagu-
lates inlo a firm -«ihitish, opaque substance, soinewhat like the
-coagulated white' of an egg, but of a lemon colour. If a small
-quantity' of fluid is left uncbagulated it is' poisonous and the
washlngs of the coagulum are also 'po'isonous. When water is
added to the coagtifum aecompo~Hion ~ i!'apidly sets in, and the
-products 'canhOt' be qistlnguished from fh~se of any other
similar orga:I)ic body." The changes 'ire greatly dependent on
the physical conditions to which the poison is' subjected.

Coag).llation o~curred in some poison kept at. 29°C. in 10 days.

whereas weeks were reqpired when the temperature was
20°C. "Of all the stimulantt>" Dr. Sen states "the fresh venom
obtained from strong, young, black ,£!obra is regarded as the:
most ppwerful, arid, its effects more lasting' than those of other

Physical, & Chemical Gharacterj§ti'cs.-The venom is.

composed Q£ variable ?mounts oJ proteins, albumoses" pig"..
ments, inUC;u~, epithelial debris, fatty matters, salts -like
chlori,d~s and ,phosphates of calcium, ammonia, and magnesium,"
an,alqgous to: the const,it1J.ents of normal 'saliva.

The chemical nature of ,the, venom, however, is yery-

vari?bl~ and uncertatp. It resembles protein ;in, its reactions;
since it can be precipitated w,iJh aleohol, tannint>, et<;,., and,
does not diffuse through the dial~sing ,rriembr9-ne. Armand
Gautier (1883) believed that the venom Gontains an alkaloid"
which could be separated out by 'Pulverising the venom with:
carbonate of soda and systematically extracting the mixture
with al<;oholic ether at ,50°C., but other workers have not.
sl1cceeded in separa~ip.g any alkaloid. Mitchel and Reichert
(1884) showed that the cobra venom com;ists of 98 per cent
of albumin an9, only 2 p:er cept ,of globulin., Vipe:r; venom •
on the other pand consists of nearly 25 per cent globulins.

According to Martin and Smith (1892) the cobra venom

albumoses ,can be fractionated into hetero-alhLlmoses, 'proto-,
albunlOses and deutero-albumoses, but the a~bumins contained
in it are devoid of all toxic power. 1.\lany chemical suQstances.
like 1 per c,ent solution of potassium permanganate, gold chlo-
ride, chloride of lime ,and even hypo-chloride of.;;:alcium (1. ip.
12), chromic, acid, bromine water, 1 per cent, trichloride of
iodine, modify or delay the action o,~ ven.om. there has .beell.
much discussion rega~ding the ,nature of the toxic prin,ciple:
in the different venoms (l~W,2). According to, Faust H910-1911}
the ,chief. toxic substances in the cobra and rattle~sniike v,enoms'
are ,some non-nitrogenous 'principles.! Thes,e. are not ,gluco...
sides Rut otherwise res~mble savonins in their physical, che-
..:1- -

mical and pharmacological properties. They are responsible

for its action on the central nervous system. Cobra venom can
.stand the temperature of 100°C., for a short time. without los-
ing all its activity. The toxicity of the cobra venom is not
modified by ·filtration through a porcelain candle, while that
of viper; venom is altered considerably. In this way the non-
diffusible albuminoid coagulable at 82°C., and diffusible non-
coagulable albumose can be separated. The :former which
produces haemorrhages has been ca:lled haemorrhagin and
the latter which acts on the. nerve cells of the respiratory cen-
tre has been called neurotoxin. Most of the colubrin and vi-
perin snake poisons -contain the haemolytic principle. In gen-
eral it rna:? .be said that the first effect of- the venom is to pro-
..duce agglutination of the erythrocytes followed by their solu-
tion after ,a variable interval, which depends on, the' kind of
snake and the potency of the venoin. The. 'agglutinating po-
wer' of: the venom -is destroyed at a tempe'rature, between 75 to
808 C.' maintained for 30 minutes.- Different venoins differ in
their haemolytIc powe:t:; Cobra venom is the most active in
thiS- respect and then follow' the, venoms of water moccassin,
copper head" rattle-snake in the ord0r harned. Variations in
,susceptibility to this reaction are present in different animals.
Dog's blood is most qu_ickly and ea!'ily haemolys'ed in high
dilutions, while the ox's ,corpuscles' are least susceptible. The
ititermediate animals are the sheep, g'.linea-plg-, pig and rabbit
etc. The variation, it is 'suggested, lS due to variation in the
lecithin content of the: 'blood. 'OX's blood can be haemoly1;ed
eveh :in very high dilutions of the venom iii the presence of 1'2-
--cithini The haemolytic power Df the! 'venom is only slightly e£~
fected if the venom is expose'd to 10Q°c. for 10 to 15 mihutes.
Acton &' 'Knowles (1913-14) 'have shown that most -of the
venom's consist of (a) haemorrhagin which has' the property of
destroying the endothelial cells lining ·the finer 'blood vessels
and of giving. rise to ecchymos'is and extravasation of blood,
.(b) a, ,cyto~ysin which dissolves both the r~d and white blood
corpuscles, 'and (c) a fibrin ferment which causes an intra and
·extra-vascular. .clotting'lel'lding to pulmonary embolism arid
death from asphyxia and (d) -a neurotoxin which acts 'on the
.central .nervous system -as well as· on the ner,ve endings.

The venom is Cil~o said to possess the power of destroying:

, the bactericidal prop~r,ties Qf:,the norclal blood sera. Welch &
Ewing (1894) explained that'the ra!,>d putrefaction which sets.
in in the animal~ after pQ_iso:(1ing w;ith, cobra 'IT,enom is due to
this, property., This ,reduction of the bacteriCidal power of
the normaJ ,Sera) is due to the. fix~tion of the :serum ,complement
qy the venom., The Venom has no action ,on the ,intermediary
body of the serum. C?lmet_te's: antiv~nin, has the. restraining
act~o:q upon the venom, haemQlysis aild, venom ,bacteriolysis.---'"
(Chopra'~ "1.p" of. ,1." pp. 44D-M2)j

Pharmacological Action of CO,bra Venom:-It w:as believed

that th~ acti,Q"Po .of the cobrq and viper venoms was the same
and that th~ 9.i;Vergenc.e of :symptoms noticed ill the, t:wo case's.
were only due to the ~liffe,rence in the degree of toxicity. It
WCiS suggested later that these, two venoms have. entirely dif-
ferent sea~s of action. Epsteip. (193Q) studied. the action of
the South Afric,a:q coqra, Naia, flav,a; (Naia vivea) and found
that it produced death by respiratory failure. The, venom also-
has a direct action on the, myoluntal:y muscles, lcontraction
being £oJJQwed by r,elaxati,on. Chopra.&.Iswariah (1931) ,have
made a pharmacological study of the ,action :of the venom.
pf the Indian cob1:<1, Ndia, naia vel trfpudians. ,+he. M.L.D. of
the venom varies with the' species of. the animals; cats and rats.
are less, SJ,lsceptible; dogs, rabbits arld ,man are mOre, easily.
affected. When given intravenously the venom produces an,
immediate effect, the Cinimal dying within a few minutes .of
r€,spiratory failure provided a large enough dose is given .. The·
aqsorption is ,slower when the venom is given by the subcu:-
taneous, an_d intra-muscular routes, death taking, place in 4 to
24 h9urs. Th~ ve:qom ,is not ,absorbed at all, from the, gastro-
intestinal traGt or 9ther mucous membranes. The'venom has.
no effect on the activity of salivary, gastric and pancreatic sec,.
retiQns of man in vit.ro. It, slightly incr~ases the tone ,of the'
musculCJ.t4re 9f the gastro-intestinal tract iIi cats and -rabbitS'.
Injection:;; of sub-lethal doses of the venom prodl,lce a sqlall
b).lt persistent rise of blood pressure in 'experimental animals~,
'!}his ris,e is n'qt due to ,any stimulant ~ction on the accelerator'
mecha,ni,_sm of the. h~art_ or Jon the. myocardium. None ,of ,the-
.0""" -

cpncentrations of the venom, however high or low, produce de-

finite stimulation .of the heart especially when it is failing.
Very large doses appear t~ act directly on the heart producing
a marked depression and stoppage. The rise of blood press~re
appears to be associated with tlie stimulation of the vasomotor
centre in the medulla as it is absent in decerebrated animals.
The fall of blood pressure produced by large doses has been
shown to be due to paralysis of the vaso-motor centre. The
main action of the venom in lethal and sub-lethal doses on 'the
animals is on the .respiratory centre, the effect being one of
initial stimulation and final paralysis. The venom appears to,
have no effect on the motor end-plates in the diaphragm or
other respiratory muscles; Observations on animals show that
the venom produces initial stimulaticn of ,the 'higher parts of
the brain followed by paralysis. It has been shown by Chopra
& Chowhan (1931J that contrary to the general belief the
cobra venom has: a toxic action on lower organisms such as the
Paramoecium. caudatum.-(Chopra's "LD. of 1." pp. 442-443}.
:Pharmacologi~al Action of Daboia Venom:-The venom of
Russell's viper produces local abscesses, cellulitis or necrosis
of the tissue at the site of the bite. This marked local action
is due to large quantities (25 per cent) of the globulins. The
systemic effects are haemorrhagic effusions in the splanchnic
area and ascending paralysis of the ::entral nervous system.
The toxicity of the dahoia venom is ;reduced to one-third when
it is mixed with formaline and incubated for some time. It
digests ,fibrin on. Cl-~~Qu,n,t qf the Il~esence of fibrin. f~rrpent, try-
psin. Lamb. found that viper yep9,m loses .its coagulati()n po-
w~r when i~ is· heated to 75° to .80°<;. The neurotoxic coagu,.
lant sub~tarit;:!=~ ,prese,nt in, it. can be precipitated. wt with
There has been a good deal 'of divergence of opinion re-
garding .the causes of death with.. VipEr' venom. Cunningham
(1894) reported that death in the animals bitten by Indian 'da-
boia .is. dqe to its direct action on the ,central nervous system.
Martin (1897) believed the ca,us.e of death to he intravascular
clotting. Later~ Lamb anel H;anna (;l~03). working' on th,e
Indian daboia also . showed that the death wp,s due' to extensive

intravascular clotting. The' minimum lethal dose for the rab'-

bit is found to be 0.26 m~m. per kilogram intravenously.
Fowls bitten by this' viper die within 30 seconds, dogs in 7
minutes and cats in about an hour;; the horses die in about 11!
hours. Acton and Knowle~ (1914) found the minimum lethal
dose to be 0.5 to 2.5 mgm. 'per 100 gms. of the wild rat, death
occurring in 8 to .14 hours. In rabbits and guinea-pigs 'when
lethal doses were given the, action was not so rapid as is the
case with cobra venom. The action appears to be mainly
local, the venom 'being' fixed locally on account of the clotting
action Qf the blood. In case of wild rats', 8 to' 9 ·mgm. intraven'-
ously was fatal in 2 to 4 hours in a:J.imals weighing 700 gm:.
The animal at first showed restlessness, breathlessness and
then became dyspnoeic, asphyxial convulsions and 'paralysis
of the hind limbs following. The death occurs .owing to res-
piratory failure, the heart 'continuing to beat for some time
after the respirati9n stops. Frogs' are least Isusceptible.
Chopra & Chowhan (1932) have shown that! the viper venom
unlike cobra venom has little or no action on the protozoal
organis)l1;;. In experimental an~mals the bl06d pressure falls
with a ;rise in the volumes of the s!?leen ana l.nte:;;fines and wIth
engorgement of the splanchnic blood vessels,; the heart dilates
at first aDd then stol?s in diastole. Thp. effect of the venom ap-
pears to be like. that of histamine. Saline-infusions and ad-.
renqlin~ injectiolls revive the animal by increasing the bloo.d
volume and constrictin& the systemic 'blood vessels.

The pharmocological action of the ven'om of 'Echis carinata

is similar to that of 'Indian daboia. It is marked by intense
local in1lammation, severe pain and gangrene- at the site of the
bite. Haemorrhages and sero-sanguinous effusions are found
in all the serous cavities-pleura, pericardium and
...- peritoneum'.
The blood pressure sh.ows an enormous· fall, the reflexes are
reduced· and finally the heart becomes 'very feeble and stops in
diastole.-(Chopra's 'II.D. of l}' p. 443).
Action.-It is said that the pathological effect of any given
venom on mali varies with the dose'injected, and that though
large doses may be lethal, small doses may produce beneficial
physiological effects.-(Chopra's/'I. D. of L" p. 444).

Uses.-Different kinds of pills containing different pro-

portions of snake venom are used in the collapse stage of fever, .
cholera and many other complaints from time immemorial.
Its use is advised with the fresh juice of sugarcane, by Sus-
ruta in the treatment of ascites. It is irritant to the bowels
and hepatic stimulant, so most of it is thrown out owing to its
purgative action. "Certain Classes of people in India take
.small doses of snake venom habitually by the mouth with the
idea that it protects them from the effects of poisons and dis-
eases".7 It was known to the ancient Hindus that bile miti-
gates the action of snake-venom. This observation has been
verified by Prof. Fraser. In Hindu medical works, many pre-
scriptions contain snake-venom ~nd, bile of different animals.
In some prescriptions arsenic is advised to be mixed with the
venom. This also mitigates its action. Whatever the modus
operandi may be "I am confident" Dr. Sen says "that snake-
venom is a powerful stimulant if administered by the mouth.
I have shown Major Gibbons the beneficial effect of snake-
venom treatment in many bad cases of plague. , Civil Hospital
Assistant Nrityalal Mookerjee, then Resident Medical Officer,
Cambell Hospital, would not probably have recovered if the
,snake-venom pills were not administered to him in heroic doses
as advised by Major Gibbons. Many men are living who have
recovered from plague after the administration of snake-venom
pills. Many of them feel the burning sensation even now, and
have to put cold water on their head to relieve the burning
.sensation. I think in cases of blood-poisoning like plague,
where red blood corpuscles undergo disintegration as in snake-
poisoning, it is safer to use snake-venom by the mouth in
preference to hypodermic injectiom. Dr. Cunningham had
shown that snake-venom cause~ disintegrati~h of red blood cor-
puscles. Injection of snake-venom in plague cases should be
done very cautiously, for the treatment itself is capable of
addin~ fuel to the fire. I, therefore, prefer to use the venom,
mitigated with bile or arsenic, by the mouth".-(Dr. H. C. Sen).
Cobra venom is also said to afford a m:eans of diagnosing can-
cer-Formachidis Test. This test depends upon the'activation
by cobra venom of the haemolytic action of serum in the devia-
tion of complement test, and the assertion is that the test oc-

curs only with the serum of persons suffering from malignant

disease.-(Chopra). , "Fresh I
poison of the cobra is now . recom-..
mended in inoperable cancer on the basis of the experiments
carried out by Calmette and his disciples. 1I100th mouse-unit
is injected at first and the :dose then increased to 1I10th; 1 and
5 mouse-units, injected subcutaneously at intervals of 3-6 days,
gradually advancing to the proximity of the tumour. The sen-
sation of tension due to the injection disappears immediately.
The growth of the tumour is arrested. In several cases com-
plete cures are said to have been effected. My experience in
a case of lung tumour (Sarcoma?) was negative".-(Dr.
Madaus). In botulism cobra-venom injections have proved of
value. Snake-venoms have been recently used in the Weste'rn
medicine in the treatment of epilepsy, chorea, black-water
fever, haemophilia etc.-(Dr. Madaus).

As regards the action of snake venom on blood, whatever

its ratio to blood may be, it has been found from experiments
made by Dr. Cunningham that a unit of dried venom is capable \
of effecting at least 156,000 times its weight of blood to such
an extent as to interfere with its respiratory property to' a
fatal extent. Cobra venom not only affects the respiratory
property of blood, but likewise its coagulability, and at the
same time acts on the. red blood corpuscles as their solvenir.
Wonderful formulae containing snake-venom in different pro-
portions are to be found in the Rasa Granthas or Works con-
taining valuable prescriptions with rasa or mercury as one of
their ingredients. The following are some prescriptions con-
taining snake-venom and their uses-(1) Suchikabharan~
Rasa.-Take of mercury, sulphur, oxide of lead, aconite and:
~obra venom 1 par'{ each, mix and soak in the bile of the follow-
ing animals.-(a) rohu fish; (b) wild boar; (I;:) peacock; (d)
buffalo; (e) goat. The pills are made of the size of a mustard
see~. It is. g~ner~lly ad~inist:re~ \\'ith. the jui~e of ginge:.
ThIS preSCrIptIOn IS especIally mdlcated In low fevers comph-
cated with looseness of the bowels. The dose is that can be
taken up by the point of °a needle. (2) Brihat Suchikabharam.
Ra:sa.-Take of mercury, sulphur, oxide of lead, reduced black
talc, aconite and cobrq venom ~qual parts. Soak as above in

the bile of .five animals. The pills are generally made of the
size of a mustard seed. These are generally administered with
cocoanut water. This prescription is very useful in all fevers
with brain complicatIons and tendency to cardiac failure; also
in cholera, choleraic' diarrhoea and obstinafe pneumonia.
Cocoanut water should be administered freely. Dahi and soft
rice are generally advised as diet, wen cooked meat may also
be given freely; there is no restriction about diet; the patient
may have aI_1y food according to his liking. Dr. Sen used to
give his patients plenty of sherbats (acidulated sugar solu-
tions). To relieve the burning sensation he advised sesamum
oil or sesamum paste to be applied to the burning parts. He
says it is a mistake to be afraid of baths in these cases; over-
cautiousness often spoils the action of the medicine. (3)
Aghore Nrisingha Rasa.-Take of oxide of copper 1 part; re-
duced iron 1 part; oxide of tin 3 parts; prepared talc 4 parts;
swarna makshik (iron pyrites), mercury, sulphur, and mana-
shila (red sulphide of arsenic) 1 part each; snake venom 4
parts; ginger, long pepper and black pepper, altogether 4 parts,
nuxvomica powder 22 parts, and aconite 88 parts; these are to
be soaked in the bile of the above animals, excepting that of
goat. Dr. Sen has used this preparation il). chronic malarial'
fevers. It was particularly useful in those cases where the
liver showed a tendency to cirrhosis. Cases of malarial fevers
which do not yield to th~'i combination of cinchona febrifuge
and arsenic are said to yield to this prescription. Often two
or three pills suffice to check a very obstinate fever. The pa-
tient may have any food to his liking. Baths are strongly in-
i:licated. (4) Ardhanariswar Rasa.-Take of mercury, sulphur,
aconite root and exsicated borax. Rub them together so long
as the powder does not become black. Put this inside the
mouth of a black cobra; use mud to close the mouth of the
cobra. Put this head of the cobra, covered with salt, in an
• earthen vessel; cover this earthen pot and apply mild heat for
12 hours. When this vessel is cool, take out the medicine and
triturate it again. Two grains of this is used as snuff; when
introduced into the left nostril the fever of the left side is said
to disappear next day; when it is insufflated into tHe right nos-
tril, this takes away fever from the right side of the body.

Many,people believe in its efficacy. If tak~n internally it pro..

duces the same.. febrifuge rffect.. It appears that mild heat
through thick layers of salt: does not. oe:'ltroy the snake v~p.om.
(5) Kalallala Rasa.-Take ,of black cobra p'oison, sulphur,
white arsepic, aconite, bJack pepper, long pepper, ginger,
, iron.and copper oxides
, ' . equal parts; soak them
in 'the five kinds oLbile as mentioned above, and make into one-
grain pill with the juice of datura root. These are given in con-
tinued fever complicated with coma, delirium, cardiac and res-
piratory weakness etc. Dr. Sen further says that there are:
many other formulae containing different proportions of snake-
venom;' ·Snake-venom is said to be inert if administered by
the' mouth. It·is;inert as regards producing fatal results, for
it is thrown out with the stools, because it is a stimulant to the
liver and glands of the alimentary tract'. He says that there are
hundreds' of cases where snake-venom treatment has produced
highly satisfactory results. Shafa-ul-Imraz states that the
blood of a black snake (cobra?) is the best application over
the patches of leucoderma.

"In the treatment of epilepsy, the venom is given in doses

of 1/200 gr. by hypodermic injections, 3 to 5 such injections
being given at 8 days' interval, afterwards two more injections
of 1/75 gr. at 14 days' interval. If the symptoms do not dis-,
appear another dose of 1/25 gr. is recommended. The dose and
the interval of the administration had to be varied according
to the age of the patient and the nature of the injury. Fitzsi-
mons (1929) pointed out that this method of treatment is not
f7ee from danger unless the venom is properly prepared by
skilled hands...-(Chopra).

Spangler (1925) used for non-specific therapy intramus-

cular injections of the protein of the venom of the rattle-snake
(crotafut) which contains a peptone and a globulin. He took
the degree of eosinopliilia produced as a gUide to dosMe and
frequency of administration oLthe proteins. Usually the high-
est rise in the percentage of eosinophils following venom pro-
tein injections in doses of 1/400 to 1150 gr. occurs by the second •
or third day. In from 5 to 7 days after injection, the eosino-
phils will usually have droP"ped to 4 per c.ent or less, and the
.. 1-' -

patient may be given another injection. The strength 'of the

dose is not increased if a given strength produces an increase
of 8 to 10 per cent eosinophils by the second or third day after
'an injection. By continuing the injections, the rise of eosino-
phils gradually becomes less, and finally does not exceed nor-
mal limits. The patient is then non-specifically desensitized.-
Injections of venom of Viper a~is are also said to protect
animals against fixed virus of rabies. Experimental work by
Chopra and his co-workers has'shown that cobra-venom is
not absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract. It is, therefore,
difficult to see how the venom given by the mouth can produce
the effects it is claimed to produce by the practitioners of indi-
genous medicine. Besides its irritant effect on the gut, it does
not appear to produce any other marked action. As regards
Hie stimulant action of the venom on the circulatory system,
it is clear from the experimental data obtained that cobra-
venom has no direct effect either on the myocardium or on the
accelerator nerves in the heart. It undoubtedly produces a
small but persistent rise of blood pressure probably on account
of its stimulant action on the vasomotor centre in the medulla
when it is given intravenously. This effect would not be pro-
duced when the drug is gi'l.en by the mouth. The margin bet-
ween the stimulant and the paralytic dose of the venom on the
medullary centres is too small to warrant the ,use of the drug
by injection. There also appears to he no rational basis for its
use in the treatment of epilepsy, chorea, haemophilia, etc., for
'Yhich it is given by injection by the practitioners of the West-'
ern medicine~-(Chopra's "J.D. of J." pp. 444-445).
(1) to (6)-Chopra's "LD. of I." pp. 439-440, (7) pp. 444.


(N.O. :-Ovis. Family:-Ungulata).
Snake venom-see:-Serpent poison.
(Eng.-Prepared Suet. B.P., Arab.-Samin. Pers.-Paiyah.
Hind. Ben. Guj. Mah Duk. & Kon.-Charbi. Can.-

;~ubbu. Tam.-Kozhuppu, Tel.-Kovu) is the purified inter-

,nal fat of the abdomen of jthe sheep from round the kidneys.
It is prepared by cutting the fat in thin pieces, melting, strain-
ing and purifying or boiling in water and collecting the floating
fat. It is a white, smooth,i solid, unctuous mass, harder than
lard, of a bland taste without odour, becoming rancid by keep-
ing. It is insoluble in water and cold alcohol; is freely soluble
in petroleum spirit. It contains stearin, palmitin and olein;
salts of oleic, margaric and stearic acids, with a common base
glycerin; also a trace of herein, some colouring matter, and·
odorous principles. It is an ingredient base for cerates, oint-
ments, plasters and liniments, which are used as emollient
dressings for blisters and as a protective for excoriated sur-
faces, chapped hands, cracks, fissures etc.


See:-Serpent Poison


(Eng.-Sponge. Arab.-Ispanga. Pers.-Aberamura-

depa. Hind.-Badala; Mua~ Gttj.-Vadulun. Duk.-Badalun)
occurs as a light lump ,of porous nature, yellOWish-brown, soft,
elastic and irregularly shaped. It is collected by divers from
submerged rocks to which it adheres. When quite fresh, it is
covered with a gelatinous substance which must be removed
. to prevent putrefaation. Dry sponge consists of gelatine,
albumen and iodine. Its ashes are obtained by burning sponge
in a closed vessel. The ashes are used as deob?truent and as-
tringent. Mixed with oil it is applied to swollen glands (goitre)
owing to its containing iodine. It is also given internally in
dysentery, diarrhoea and bowel complaints. Sponge is gener-
ally used for ab~rbing liquids, cleaning, washing, dilating ca-'
vities and for supporting prolapsed parts.
J' I



(Eng.-White shark) is found on the sea-shores of Indian

coastal towns. The oil extracted from its liver is called'Oleum
Squalae (Eng.-Shark liver oil. Hind. etc.-Machhi-ka-tel.
Tam. etc.-Meenaennay). It is extracted by boiling fresh
livers in water. It is a fine, amber coloured oily liquid with
a fishy odour and taste like Cod liver oil but more strongly
marked and more disagreeable. Left for a time it deposits a
white granular substance "Stearin" to which the name of
Squalin has been applied. Dose is 1 to 4 drachms. It is richer
in iodine and phosphorous than Cod liver oil, but contains less
bromine and sulphur. As emulsion it is used in doses of 1 to
2 drachms three times daily as nutrient, demulcent and altera-
tive, given in cachexia, pulmonary consumption, atrophy of
body from any cause, scrofulous affections of the joints and
bones especially rickets, scrofulous ophthalmia and scrofulous
abscesses, suppurating glands, ulcerations, discharges from the
nose or ears and skin diseases; in the mesenteric affections of
children with tumefied belly with loose and clavey stools, in
their obstinate constipations, in stricture of the rectum, in
chronic hydrocephalus, in the advanced stages of
spasmodic coughs such as whooping cough and
other lung affections -and in cholera, epilepsy, neural-
gia especially Tio Doulouroux, in chronic rheumatism causing
atrophy, in some form of paralysis and in leprosy. In all the
above cases the remedy should be persevered for weeks ,or
even longer. The best time tor administering the oil is imme-
diately after or during a solid meal. Taken on an empty sto-
mach it is almost sure to nauseate. Those who cannot retain
it at any other time will sometimes retain a dose if given the
last thing before going to bed. For disguising the nauseous
taste and preventing subsequent eructations, a good plan is to
take a few grains of common salt, both immediately before and
after a dose. As a vehicle a little omum water, or a little
orange wine, or quinine solution or lime juice or hot strong
coffee without milk have been recommended. The vehicle
should not exceeGl a table-spoonful with, at first a teaspoonful
of the oil, gradually increased to a tablespoonful, so that the

whole may be swallowed. at a single draught. ,The diet during

the Course of the oil shou~d be plain and nutritious:-bread,
fresh meat roasted or boiled, poultry, game etc., with a fair
proportion of vegetables arid fruits and a moderate quantity of
liquids. All rich articles Of food as pastry, fat, meat, cream
etc., should be avoided. During its use the patient should be
as much a.s possible in the open air and take gentle exercise.


(N.O.:-Hemiptera; Family:-Coccidae).
(Eng.-Lacca. Sans.-Laksha. Ben.-Gala. Bom. &
Tam.-Lakh). Used in haematemesis and caries.


(Eng.-A kind of shell-fish) .-See "Gastropoda".

124. TURNIX m. tanki, Blyth., & Tumix dussumieri, Zemm~,

(Eng.-Birds called Button-Quails. Sans.,-Laba. Hind.- ' I

Lawa. Ben.-Baterpakhi. Tam.-Labuwapetta),. Flesh {s
astringent, demulcent, constipating and stomachic; beneficial
in disturbances of the three humours.

125. UNIVALVE-See Gastropoda.

126. URINE
(Sans.-Mutra. Hind.-Pesab) of various animals, viz: of
(1) Sheep; (2) Goat; (3) Cow; (4) She-buffalo; (5) Elephant;
(6) Camel; (7) Horse; (8), Ass; (9) Ox; (10) Human, are used
in medicine and their properties are described in Sanskrit
works. Of these cow's urine, which contains ammonia in a
concentrated form, is much used ,both internally and externally.

Internally it is highly reco:rnIDended for cirrhosis of the liver

in doses of one to two ounces. It is also laxative and diuretic
and used in the preparation of various medicines such as
Punarnava mandura, Marichadya taila for enlargements of the
abdominal viscera, painful dyspepsia, ascites, anasarca, jaun-
dice, leprosy, chronic prurigo and other obstinate skin diseases.
It is recommended by Chakradatta as a vehicle for castor oil
given as a purgative. In congestive fever with constipation,
chronic malaria, flushed face and headache, an ounce of fresh
and warm cow's urine is given as a domestic medicine. It is
used externally in the purification and roasting of various me-
tals and in the preparation of oils, decoctions etc. Goat's
urine is given internally as a laxative and diuretic; it is given
mixed with a compound decoction of J atamans root, dasamula.
etc., recommended by Susruta in the treatment of epilepsy.
Ancient Indian physicians advocated that consumptive patients
should sleep with goats and inhale the' ammonia given off from
their urinary excretions.-(Dr. C. Muthu, M.D.). It is also
used for fever and headache. Ox's urine (Sans:-Brishamu-
tra) is "stomachic and alleviative of jaundice, worms, oedema
and diarrhoea". Horse's urine is )'bitter, stimulant, stomachic"
purgative, excitive of bile, alleviative of wind and beneficial
in phlegm, ringworm and intestinal worms".-(N. N. Sen
Gupta). Camel's urine is stimulant, bilious, cardiac stimu-
lant and is useful in dropsy. Human urine is stimulant, sto-
machic, cardiac stimulant. Useful in wind, worms and skin

127. V ARANUS BENG~ENSIS, Daud-Iquana.

(Eng.-Monitor. Hind.-Gosamp). Used in consumption.


(Eng.-Monitor.) Cures cutaneous disorders.



of ViverriW;te family
(Sans.-Gandha-marjara. Eng.-Civet Cat. Arab.-Gatt.
. I
Bom. & Hmd.-Ladana; Zawad-bander. Ben.-Khatase;
Mach-bhander. Tam.-Punugu-runey. Tel.-Sawad-puney.
Mah. & Kon.-Punuga-majar. Can.-Punugina-Bekku) is a
small animal of the feline species found in Malabar, (India)
South Asia and Africa, resembling a cat, the semi-liquid, un-
ctuous secretion of which is used in medicine. It is an odorous
secretion of musky perfume contained in the pouch of the
civet cat, situated between the anus and the genital organs. It
is a dark coloured lumpy mass resembling Rasavanthi in ap-
.pearance and consisting of a homogeneous extract mixed with
small hair, fibres and pieces of wood and ammonia. Its con-
stituents are free ammonia, resin, fat, extractive matter and
volatile oils to which its odoriferous properties are due. It is
used medicinally in the form p£ extract, aromatic pastilles and
liniment; the dose of the extract is from 2 to 5 grains. The
usual tincture consists of 4 ounces of Civet to 1 gallon of alcoo:
noI. It is stimulant, aphrodisiac and antispasmodic given in
hysteria and nervous exhaustion. Formerly it was used as
·an antispasmodic and stimulant, like musk.
Now it is mainly popularly used for perfumery, and in
-Oriental incenses.


See:-Turbinella rapa.


Drugs, (officinal and non-officinal) according to Therapeutical

and Physiological Action.
N.B.-Non-vegetable drugs, and the like have been printed
in italics.

ABORTIFACIENTS:- Desmodium triflorum.

(See also:-Emmenagogues). Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Gymnema balasamicum &
Abroma augusta. lactiferum.
Achyranthes aspera. Leptademia spartium.
Aloe litoralis. Tinospora cordifolia.
Anona squamosa.
Carica papaya. ALKALIES:-
Crotolaria juncea. Calcium salts.
Daucus carota. Lithium salts.
Ergot. Magn'esium salts.
Euphrobia resinifera. Potassium salts.
Ferula foetida. Sodium salts.
Gossypium herbaceum.
Hydragyrum. ALKALOIDS:-Containing
Luffa echinata.
Morinda citrifolia. plants. (A Few).
Moringa pterygosperma. Aconitine (Aconitum ferox).
Nerium odorum. 4tisin (Aconitum heterophyl-
Nigella sativa. lum).
Peganum harmala. Berberine (Berberis aristata).
Plumbago rosea, & zeylanica. Brucine & Strychnine.
Plumeria acuminata. (Strychnos nuxvomica).
Pyrethrum indicum. Cannabin (Cannabis indica).
Santalum album. Daturine (Datura fostuosa).
ACIDS:-See General Index Hyosciyamine, Choline, Hyos-
of synonyms, alkaloids, etc; cine & Scopolamine. (Hyos-
cyamus reticulatus).
ADIPOGENOUS AGENTS:- Margosin (Azadirachta indica).
Convolvulous paniculata. Nicotine (Nicotiana tabacum).

Nyctanthin (Nyctanthus Fumaria officinalis.

arbortristis). • Gynocardia odorata.
Oleandrin (Nerium odorum)l Hemidesmus indicus.
Pangamine (Pongamia glabra). Hydnocarpus inebrians.
Piperine (Piper longum; IP. Hydrargyrum and several of
nigrum, P. cubeba). I its compound preparations.
Thebaine, Morphine, Codeirie, Hydrocotyle asiatica.
Narcotine, Papaverine & Ichnocarpus frutescens.
Landanine (Papaver somni- Ipomrea digitata.
ferum). Lepidium sativum.
Ricinine (Ricinus communis). Melia azadirachta.
Vasicine (Adhatoda vasika). Mimosa pudica.
Vernonin (Psoralea corylifo- Myrica species.
lia). Panax pseudo-ginseng.
Piper longum.
ALTERATIVES:- Plantago major.
Podophyllum emodi.
(These comprise some altera- Pongamia glabra.
tive tonics also)-(See also Smilax China, S. glabra, S.
Tonics). lanceaefolia, S. ovalifolia.
Acorus calamus. Solanum dulcamara, jacqumi,
Adhatoda vasika. & nigrum.
Agave Americana. Spermacosre hispida.
Albizzia lebbek. Sulphur.
Ammonium chloride. Swertia chirata.
Aplotaxis auriculata. Taraxacum officinale.
Asclepias asthmatica & giganta. Tinospora cordifolia.
Bauhinia variegata. Tribulus terrestris.
Bombax malabaricum. Uraria lagopoides.
Bdyonia epigrea. Vernonia cinerea.
Calotropis gigantea & procera. Vitex negundo.
Cassia tora. Withimia somnifera..
Celastrus paniculata.
Cephalandra indica. ANAESTHETICS:-
China smilax.
Cichorium intybus. , Acacia fernesiana.
Cinnamomum glanduliferum, & . Acor_us calamus.
parthenoxylon. Camphora officinarum.
Clerodendron inerme, & serra- Caryophyllus aromaticus.
tum. Datura fastuosa._
Coccinea indica. Erythroxylon coca.~
Cocculus cordifolia. Ferula asafoetida.
Echium, sp. of; Ehretia GYmnema sylvestre.
buxifolia. Helleborus niger.
Embelia ribes. Herpestis monniera.
Eclipta prostrata. # J.lJJelia azedarach.
Euphorbia antiquorum. -:_;:;- Nardostachys jatamansi.

Picrorrhiza kurroa. Berberis aristata.

Saraca indica. Bombax malabaricum.
Calophyllum inophyllum.
ANALEPTICS: see- Cedrus deodara.
"Nutritives"; "Tonics". Curcuma longa.,
Datura fastuosa.
:8ambusa arundinacea. Feronia elephantum.
:Brerrhavia diffusa. Freniculum vulgare.
Cocculus cordifolia. Glycerrhiza glabr~.
cynodon dactylon. Hyoscyamus niger.
Desmodiu'm triflorum. Myrica sapida.
Emblica officinalis. N auclea cadamba.
Glycerrhiza glabra. Nelumbium speciosum.
Glycine labialis. Nymphrea lotus & stellata.
Gymnema aurantiacum, balsa- Papaver somniferum.
micum, lactiferum & spartum. Saraca indica.
Hemidesmus indica: Semecarpus anacardium.
Hydrocotyle asiatica. Saussurea lappa.
Mimusops elengi & hexandra; Shorea robusta.
Nymphaea lotus & pubescens. Typha angustifolia.
Phaseolus trilobus. . Zingiber officinale.
Prunus amygdalus, communis,
dpmestica, padum, padus & ANTACIDS:-
Terminalia chebula. Apamarga ksharam.
Yanda roxburghii. Churnodakam. ......,.,
Vitis vinifera. Kadali ksharam.
Potassii carbonas.
ANAPHRODISIACS:- Sarjaksharam.
Agati grandiflora. ANTHELMINTS OR
Camphora officinarum.
Colchicum' luteum. ANTHELMINTICS:-
Hyoscyamus niger. (Antiparasitics; Insecticides &
Myrica nagi. Parasiticides; Vernifuges;
Nelumbium speciosum. Helminthics, & their Adju-
Nicotina tabacum. vants) :
Papaver somniferum. (Adjuvants are in Italics).
Saussurea lappa. Acacia anthelmintic a or Albiz-
zia anthelmintica.
ANODYNES: - (See also:- Achyranthes aspera.
Hypnotics; Narcotics, Sedat- Acorus calamus.
ives; Soporifics & Somnifa- Adhatoda vasika.
cients). Aegle marmelos.
Amomum subulatum. Agropyrum repens.
Anisi fructus. Albizzia anthelmintic a see
Aquilaria agallocha. Acacia anthelmentica.
--_. -----------------


Alkaloids Embelia ribes & "E. robusta.

Allium cepa & saH"vum. Enzymes.
Aloe species. Erythrina indica.
Alstonia scholaris. Ferula asafoetida.
Ananas sativus. I Ficus laurifolia.·
Antimony, its compounds. & Garcinia pictoria.
potassium tartrate (tartar- Gardenia Campanulata & G.
emetic) . gummifera) .
Areca catechu. Gentian violet.
Arecoline (in areca or betel- Gisekia phainacecides.
nut). Hagenia abyssinica - see:-
Aristolochia bracteata. Brayera anthelmintica.
Artemisia, absinthium & brevi- Helicteres isora.
folia, & cina, & indica, & mari- Helleborus niger.
tima. Holarrhena antidysenterica, &
Asclepias curassavica. H. pubescens.
Azadirachta indica. Hyoscyamus niger .
Benincasa cerifera. Iron & ammonium citrate.
Brayera anthelmintica or Hage- J uglana regia.
nia abyssinica. Kaolin.
Butea frondosa. Legnaria vulgaris.
Cresalpinia bo:qduc. Magnesium sulphate.
Calcium gluconate & C. lactate. Mallotus philippinensis.
Calotropis gigentea. Mangifera indica.
Carica papaya. Margosine.
Carum copticum. :Melanorrhoea usitatissima.
Caryophyllus aromaticus. Melia azadirachta.
Cassia tora. Mineral oils.
Canthelminticum, Chenopo- Monarda punctata.
dium ambrosioides, & C. Moringa pterygosperma.
botrys. Mucuna pruriens.
Chrysanthemum cinerariae. Nigella sativum.
Cinchona officinalis & its alka- Nyctanthus arbor-tristis.
loids. Ocimum sanctum.
Cinnamomum camphora, C. Oleum cajuputi, O. eucalypti.
zeylanicum. , _ Ophioxylon serpentinum.
Cltrullus colocynthis. Organic acids, . their salts and
Cleome viscosa. ~sters. ~ .
Clerodendron infortunatum. Papain.
Cocus nucifera. Peganum harmala.
Colycopterus floribunda. Picraena or Picrasma, excelsa.
Compounds of Mercury.. J -see Quassia excelsa.
Costus speciosus. Pimpinella anisum.
Croton tiglium. Piper longum & nigrum.
Cucurbita maxima, & C. pepo. Plantago ovata.
Curcuma longa. S' I Polyporus anthelminticus.
Dryopteris filix-mas ..• ...,;~ ~ Pongamia glabra.

psoralia corylifolia. Citrus aurantium and vulgaris.

ptychotis ajowan. Cocculus cordifolia & villosus.
punica granatum. Emblica officinalis.
pyrethrins.. Eriodendron aneractuosum.
pyrethrum indicum. Eugenia jambolana.
Quassia excelsa. Picus Benphalensis & glome-
Quisqualis indica. rata.
Rhamnus cathartica. Gymnema sylvestre.
Ricinis communis (oil). Lodoices seychellaram.
Ruta graveolens. Mica (bhasmam).
Salvadora persica.
Santonin. ANTIDOTES:-
Sassafras venifolium.
Semicarpus anacardium. Achyranthes aspera.

Semi refined or unrefined plant Albizzia lebbek.

products. . Aristolochia indica.
Bragantia wallichii.
Simgrulla officinalis & S. Cordia myxa.
Amara, & glauca.
Curcuma longa.
Sodium sulphate. Dremia extensa.
Styrax benzoin. Eupatorium ayapana.
Tanacetum vulgara. Euphorbia neriifolia.
Terminalia belerica. Gymnema sylvestre.
Thymus vulgaris.
Trachyspermum ammi. Ichncarpus frutescens.
Tribulus terrestris: Leucas aspera.
Vernonia anthelmintica. Notonia corymbosa.
Vitex negundo. Ophiorrhiza munghos.
Ophioxylon serpentinum.
ANTIBILIARY:- Pterocarpus santalinus.
Rubia cordifolia.
ANTIBIOTICS:-Refer to se· Salvadora wightiana.
veral modem synthetic drugs Strychnos columbrina, & s.
and preparations. potatorum.
Trichodesma indicum.
ANTICOAGULANTS: - Cit- Vitex negundo.
rates, Heparin. Hirudin.
Andrographis paniculata. ANTIDYSENTERICS:-
Phyllanthus emblica.
Picrorrhiza Kurroa. Holarrhena antidysenterica.
Trichosanthes dioica.
Vitis vinifera. ANTIEMETICS:-
Andropogon muricatum.
ANTIDIABETICS:- Citrus medica.
Aconitum ferox. Cynodon dactylon.
Asphaltum. Erythroxylon coca (cocaine).
Cassia auriculata, fistula and Eugenia jambolana.
sophora. Hordeum vulgare.

Mangifera indica. Antimony sulphide.

Melia Azedarach. Aplotaxis auriculata.
Myrtus caryophyllus. Argemone Mexicana.
Punicum granatum. Arsenous bisulphuret & trisul-
'Strychnos nuxvomica. phuret.
Zizyphus jujuba. Baliospermum montanum.
Balsamodendron pubescens.
ANTlGALACTAGOGUES: Berberis aristata.
Bryophyllum calycinum.
-Cedrus deodara. Calotropis gigentea.
Cocculus cordifolia. Camphora officinarum.
Cyperul'l rotundus. Carum copticum.
Hemidesmus indicus. Cassia alata, tora, sophora,
Holarrhena antidysenterica. fistula. .
Picrorrhiza Kurroa. Cedrus deodara.
Stephania hernandifolia. Cinnamomum cassia.
Zingiber officinale. Cleome visco sa.
Cocculus suberosus & cordi-
(Or ANTlMALARINAL). Copper sulphate.
Coriandrum sativum.
Allium sativum. Curcuma longa.
Andrographis pa:hiculata. Cyperus rotundus .
.Berberis aristata. Datura fastuosa.
Caletropis gigantea. . I Embelia ribes.
Cinchona calisaya & C. ledge- . Emblica officinalis.
riuna, C. officinalis, C. succi- Erythrina indica.
rubra, etc. Ferri sulphas.
Eclipta erecta. Ficus benjamina & glomerata.'
Picrorrhiza kurrooa. , Gardenia gummifera.
Piper nigrum. Glycerrhiza glabra.
Vitex negundo. Holarrhena antidysenterica.
Indigofera tintoria.
ANTlPARASITlCS~-See also I pomrea turpethum.
Vermicides; Paraciticides; An- J asminum grandiflorum.
thelmintics. Jatropha curcas.
J usticia adhatoda. '
Acacia catechu. Kalanchoe lach~iata.
Achyranthus sativum. Luffa amara.
Acorus calamus. Mallotus philippinensis.
Albizzia lebbek. Melia azedarach. .
Allium aspera/ Moringa pterygosPerma.
Alstonia scholaris. Myrica sapida. .
Amomum subulatum. Nardostachys jatamansi.
Andropogon citratis. Nerium odorum.
Anona squamosa. Nicotina ta:bacum.
Anthemis nobilis. , -- Ocimum basilicum.

Piper cubeb a, P. longum, & P. Eucaliptus globulus.

nigrum. Eurycoma longifolia.
pongamia glabra. Fagrre fragrans.
pterocarpus santalinus. Ficus oppositifolia.
punica granatum. Geniosporum prostratum. .
Quassia excelsa. Hedysarum gangeticum.
Randia dum~torium. Helleborus niger.
Ricinus communis. Hemidesmus indica.
Salvadora persica. Holarrhena antidysenterica.
SauSsurea lappa & auriculata. Hydrargyri sulphidum rttbrum.
Semicarpus anacardium. Hymenodictyon excelsum.
Shorea robusta. J usticia gendarussa.
Sinapis alba. Melia azadirachta.
Sulphur. Michelia champaca.
Symplocos racemosa. N auclea ovalifolia.
Taraktogenos kurzii. Ocimum sanctum.
Terminalia arjuna & chebula. Oldenlandia herbacea.
Trichosanthes dioica. Papaver somniferum.
Vateria indica. Picrorhiza kurrrea.
Withania somnifera. Piper nigrum.
Zanthoxylum budrunga. Plumbago zeylanica.
Pterocarpus santalinus.
ANTIPERIODICS & Putranjiva roxburghii.
FEBRIFUGES:-See also 'Quinine'.
Antiseptics) . Roylea elegans.
Salix tetrasperma.
Aconitum heterophillum. Soymida febrifuga.
Acorus calamus. Strychnos nux-vomica, & S.
Adansonia digitata. colubrina.
Alstonia constricta scholaris & Sulphur.
A. Swertia Chirata.
Andrographis paniculata. Thevetia neriifolia.
Aristolochia indica, & A. brac- Tinospora cordifolia.
teata. Toddalia aculiata.
Azasiracta indica. Trichosanthes cucumerina, &
Berberis aristata; B. asiatica; dioica.
B.lycium. Vernonia cinerea.
'Cresalpinia bonducella, & C. Viola odorata:
coriaria. Vitex negundo.
oCedrela toona.
Clerodendron inerme & C. ANTIPHLOGISTICS:-
Cocculus Cordifolia. Aloe litoralis.
Coptis teeta. Berberis aristata.
'Corydalis govaniana. Datura fastuosa.
'Coscinum fenestratulll. Hibiscus populnea.
Dremi!l extensa. Nerium Odorum.

Santalum album. ANTISPASMODICS:-
Tabernremontana coronaria.

ANTIPYRETICS: See also:- Acorus calamus.

(Anti-periodiCs, Antiseptics):- Andrographis paniculata.
Andropogon muricatum.
Aconitum ferox, A. heterophyl- Argyrea speciosa.
lum, A. napellus. Balsamodendron mukuL
Alhagi maurorum. Brassica nigra.
Alstonia scholaris. Cresalpina bonducella.
Andrographis paniculata. Carthamus tinctorius.
Azasirachta indica. Celastrus paniculata.
Berberis a;istata. Datura fastuosa.
Cinchona succirubra & C. offici- Dodonrea viscosa.
nalis (see cortex). Elettaria cardamomum.
Cissampelos pareira. Glycerrhiza glabra.
Cocculus cordifolia. Gymnema balsamicum.
Coriandrum sativum. Hedysarum gangeticum.
Coscinum fenestratum. Hyoscyamus niger.
Dremia extensa. Linum usitatissimum.
'Dashamula roots'. Moringa pterygosperma.
Desmodium gangeticum. Nardostachys jatamansi.
Emblica officinalis. Oroxylum indicum.
Grewia asiatica. Prederia fcetida.
Hemidesmus indicus. Phyllanthus emblica.
Hydrargyri Sulphidum Picrorrhiza kurroa.
Rubrum. Ricinus communis.
Melia azedarach. Santalum album.
Melia azadirachta. Semecarpus anacardiu;m.
Nyctanthes arbortristis. Sesamum indicum.
Ocimum sanctum. Sida cordifolia.
Oldenlandia herbacea. Solanum indicum & xanthocar-
Picrorrhiza kurroa. pum.
Piper nigrum. Sphreranthus indicus.
Prunus padus. Tabernremontana coronaria.
Pterocarpus santalinus. Trichosanthes dioica.
'Quinine'. Uraria lagopoides.
Rubia cordifolia. Vanda roxburghii.
Salvadora persica. Vitex negundo:<
Santalum album. Vitis vinifera. ,.
Swertia chirata.
Terminalia chebula & belerica. ANTISCORBUTICS:-
Tinospora cordifolia.
Trichosanthes dioica. Aegle marmelos.
Vermonia cinerea. Carica papaya.
Viola odorata. Citrus acid a, & C. bergamia.
Vitex negundo. } Feronia elephantum.

Lycopersicum esculentum. Melia azedarach.

Mangifera indica. Melia azadirachta.
Moringa pterygosperma. Mimosa pudica.
Musa sapientum. Momordica charantia.
Phyllanthus emblica. Nigella sativa.
pyrusmalus. Nymphrea stellata.
Tamarindus indica. Oleum chaulmoogrre.
Oleum hydnocarpi.
ANTISEPTICS: (See also "Dis- Piper cubeba.-+
infectants", Germicides, "Ver- Pix liquida (tar stockholm.-
micides". See:-"Dyspepsia & Tar distilled from pine of
Indigestion" in the Index of various kinds).
Diseases & their ~emedies. Plumbago zeylanica.
Pongamia glabra.
Acacia catechu. Potassii chloras.
Acidum sulphurosum Pterocarpus santalinus.
Allium salivum * Randia dumetorium.
Aloe literalis. Rock salt.
Alstonia scholaris. Rubia cordifolia.
Andropogon muricatus-+ Saccharum purificatum.
Antimony sulphide Santalum album.
Asparagus racemosus. Sodium borate (Borax) .-+
Barleria prionitis. Stercospermum suaveolens.
Berberis aristata-+ Swertia chirata.
Bombax malabaricum. Terminalia chebula & belerica.
Cresalpinia sappan. Tribulus terrestris.-'-+
Calophyllp.m inophyllum. Trichosanthes dioica.
Carum copticum. W oodfordia floribunda.
Caryophullus aromaticus. * Intestinal. + Urinary
Cassia fistula. antiseptics.
Cera jtava.
Cinnamomum camphora. * ANTISPASMODICS:
Cocculus cordi:folia. See "Antirheumatics".
Cupri sulphas.
Curcuma longa, & C. zedoaria. Abies webbiana.
Emblica officinalis. Adhatoda vasica.
Ferula fcetida. * Allium sativum.
Flacourtia ramontchi. Alpinia officinarum.
Ghee. Andropogon citratum.
Glycerrhiza glabra. , Aplotaxis auriculata.
Gymnema sylvestre. Artemisia indica.
Holarrhena antidysenterica. Balsamodendron mukul.
Hygrophila spinosa. Blumea balsamIfera.
Hyoscyamus niger. * Borax.
Ichnocarpus frutescens. Calotropis gigenta.
Ipomrea digitata.-+ Camphora officinarum.
Mel depuratum. Cannabis indica; C. sativa.

Carum (Ptychotis) ajowan, &: Piper nigrum.

C. copticum. . Semecarpus anacardium.
Caryophyllus aromaticus. Smilax china.,
Castoreum. Sulphur.
Chenopodium ambrosiodes. Tinospora cordifolia.
Cinnamomum camphora, &. C.
zeylanicum. APERIENTS:-
Clerodendron siphonanthus. See PURGATIVES
Crocus sativus. APHRODISIACS:-
Datura alba. & D. fastuosa.
Dracontium polyphyllum. Aconthopodium hirtum.
Erythroxylum coca. Acorus calamus.
Euphorbia neriifolia. Allium sativum.
Feruia asafoetida. Alpinia galanga.
Gardenia gummifera, & G. Amorphophallus campanulatus.
lucida. Anacardium occidentale.
Gynandropsis pentaphylla. Aplotaxis auriculata.
Hyoscyamus insanus, & H. Areca catechu.
Niger. Arsenic. *
Justicia adhatoda. Asparagus adscendens, A.
Lobelia nicotianrefolia. gonocladus, A. sarmentosus,
Moschus moschiferus. & racemosus"
Nardostach~s jatamansi. Aurum. *
Nicotiana tabacum. Balsamodendron mukul.
Papaver somniferum. Bambusa arundinacea (bamboo
Pinus webbiana. manna).
Potassii Nitras. . Bassia latifolia.
Saussurea lappa. Batatas paniculate.
Sodii biboras. Belladonna (atropine) .. *
Stannum. Bombax malabaricum.
Styrax benzoin. Camphora officinarum.
Valeriana hardwickii. Cannibus indica, & sativa. *
Viverra zibetha. Cantharides. *
Zinci oxidum Castoreum.
Celestrus paniculatus.
ANTISYPHILICS:- 'Cinchona'. *
Cinnamomum camphora.
Acacia catechu. Conium maculat\,lm. *
Antimonium. Crocus sativus.
Arsenum. Curculigo ensifolia & orchi-
Balsamodendron mukul. oides.
Calotropis gigantea. Cynodon dactylon.
Hemidesmus indicus. Dolychos pruriens.
Hydnocarpus wightiana. , Echinops echinatus.
Hydrargyri sulphidum 'Rubrum 'Ergot'. *
Hydrargyrum.. ~ Erythroxylum coca. *
Pinus. deodara-. Eulophia campestris & vera.

Ferula asafcetida. Tamarix articulata, & orient-

Ferrum. aliso
Gaultheria procumbens. * Terminalia chebula.
Ghee. . Tinospora cordifolia.
Glycine labialis. Tribulus terrestris.
Glycy'rrhiza glabra. Tricholepsis glaberrima.
Gossipium indicum. Trigo\lella fcenum-grrecum.
Gymnema balsamicum & lacti-' Vanga bhasma.
ferum. Vitis vinifera.
Hamamelis virginiana. * Withania somnifera.
Hemidesmus indicus. * Internal.
Herpestis monniera.
Hygrophila spinosa. APPETlSiERS:-
Ipomcea digitata.
J uglans regia. See:-Canninatives.
Lepidium sativum. Abies webbiana.
Leptademia spartum. Coriandrum sativum.
Mel depuratum. Elettaria cardamomum.
Mimusops hexandra. Nigella sativa.
Moschus moschiferus. Plumbago zeylanica.
Mucuna pruriens, M. prurita. Punica granatum.
Mutella occidentalis.
Myristica fragrans, & officinalis.
Nardostachys jatamansi. Aromatics:-(See also
N erum odoratum. "Ft:agrants". )
Orchis mascula; O. latifolia. Abies webbiana.
Papaver somniferum. * Acorus calamus.
Pedalium murex. Carum copticum.
Petrosalium sativum. (active Caryophyllus aromaticus.
principle, 'ApioI') * Cinnamomum camphora.
Phaseolus radiatus & roxbur- Coriandrum sativum.
ghii. Cuminum cyminum.
Phosphorus. * Curcuma longa; & C. zedoaria.
Piper betle. Cyperus rotundus.
Pistacia khinjuk. Elettaria cardamomum.
Pyrethrum indicum radix. Mesua ferrea.
Rhus succedania. Myristica fragrans.
Saussurea lappa. N ardostachys jatamansi.
Semecarpus anacardium. Piper cubeba.
Shorea robusta.
Sida cordifolia. ASTRINGENTS:-See aJso:-
Sinapis juncea. " Astringent tonics" under I
Smilax chinen sis. 'Tonics'.
Solanum indicum.
Stannum (bhasma) Acacia arabica, & A. catechu.
Strychnia. * (Strychnos nux- Acidum tannicum (tannic acid)
vomica). Aconitum heterophyllum.
Krameria triandra.
Acorus calamus. Lawsonia alba.
Aegle marmelos. . Lycopodium imbricatum.
Ailanthus mala~arlca.
Alstonia scholans. Mangifera indica.
Alumen . Mel depul'atum.
Aplotaxis duriculata. Memecylon edule.
Areca catechu. Menispermum glabrum.
Bassia latifolia. Mesua ferrea.
Bauhinia variegata. Mimosa pudica.
Blumea balsamifera & densi- Mimusops elengi.
flora. Morinda citrifolia.
Bombax malabaricum. Myrica nagi, & M. sapinda.
Borax. Myristica fragrans.
Butea frondosa. N elumbium speciosum.
Cresalpinia coriaria & C. Odina wodier.
sappan. Panicum italicum.
Careya arborea. Papaver somniferum.
Cassia auriculata. Phyllanthus emblica.
Casuarina muricata. Pistacia Khinjuk.
Cinnamomum Cassia, C. zeyla- Plumbum salts.
nicum. Psidium guy ava, & pomiferum.
Coccus lac ca. Pterocarpus santalinus.
Copper sulphate. Punic a granatum.
Cordia angustifolia. Pyrethrum radix.
Cynodon dactylon. Quercus infectoria.
Cyperus rotundus. Rhus coriaria, & R. Succedanea.
Diospyros embryopteris. Rottlera tinctoria.
Elephantopus scaber. Rumex crispus.
Emblica officinalis. Santalum album.
Eucalyptus resinifera. Saraca indica.
Eugenia jambolana. Sesbania grandiflora.
Feronia elephantum. Shorea robufita.
Ferri su!phuretum. Spondias mangifera.
Ficus Bengalensis, & glomerata, Strychnos potatorum.
& religiosa. Sulphuret of antimony.
. Garcinia mangostana. Symplocos racemosa.
Gossypium indicum. Syzigium jambolanum.
Grislea tomentosa. Tamarindus indica.
Hamamelis virginiana. Tamarix gallica, &'<T. orientalis.
Helicteres isora, & ~. pubes- Terminalia arjuna; belerica, &
cens. chebulax tomentosa.
Heliotropium indicum. Uncaria gambier.
Holarrhena antidysenterica .. Urlica dioica.
Ipomcea digitata. Viburnum foetidum.
Ixora coccinea. W oodfordia floribunda.
Jasminum grandiflorum. Wrightia antidysenterica.
J uglans regia. Zin.cum saUs.
.. ....


(See Stomachics, and "Canni- Ferri sulphas. ..
natives"). Hemidesmus indicus.
Hydnocarpus wightiana.
Aconitum heterophyllum. Melia azadirachta.
Ailanthus excelsa. Piper nigrum.
Alstonia scholaris. Psoralea corylifolia.
Andrographis puniculata. Pterocarpus santalinum.
Aristolochia indica, & A. 'Rubia cordifolia.
reticulata. Sulphur
Berberis aristata. Tinospora cordifolia.
Brerhavia diffusa. Trichosanthes dioica.
Cresalpinia bonduc. Vitis vinifera.
Calamus rotung. Withania somnifera.
Cardiospermum halicabum.
Citrus aurantium, var sinensis, BRONcmAL ANTISPASMO-
& C. limonia. DICS: - See "EXPECTOR-
Cocculus cordifolius. ANTS".
Corchorus capsularis, & C.
trilocularis. CARDIAC TONICS:-
Gentiana kurroa, & G. lutea. See "TONICS".
Holarrhena antidysenterica.
Jateorhiza calumba, & J. pal- CARMINATIVES: (including
mata. flavouring agents, which are in
Luffa amara. italics). See: - " Stomachics";
Melia azardirachta. "appetisers" & (aromatic sti-
Momordica charantia. mulants").
Ophiorrhiza mungos.
Picrrena excelsa. Abies webbiana.
Picrorrhiza kurroa. Acorus calamus.
Quassis excelsa. Alpinia nutans & species.
Sphreranthus hirtus & indicus. Amomum aromaticum, A.
Swertia chirata. xanthiodes.
Tinospora cordifolia. Andropogon citratum, nardus,
Yanda Roxburghii. martini, & muricatus.
Anethum gniveolens; & A.
Anisomeles malabarica.
Abies webbiana. Anthemis nobilis.
Acacia catechu. Acquilaria: agallocha.
Adhatoda vasica. Artemisia indica.
Andrographis paniculata. Balsamodendron mukul.
Bambusa arundinacea. Blumea balsamifera.
Berberis aristata. Boswellia serrata.
Calotropis gigantea. Calophyllum in.ophyllum.
Cinnomomum camphora. Capsicum frutescens, C. mini-
Coccus lacca. mum.

Carum (Ptychotis) ajowan; C. Myrica sapida.

(Ptychotis) roxburghianum; Myristica fragrans, M. malaba-
Carum Carvi & C. opticum~. rica, & M. officinalis.
Caryophullus aromaticus. Myrtus caryophyllus.
Cassia species. Nardostachys jetamansi.
Cedrus deodara. Nigella indica, & sativa.
Chavica betle; C. officinarum; Origanum marjorana.
C. roxburghii. Peucedanurrt graveolens.
Chrysanthemum roxburghii. Pimpinella anisum.
Cinnamomum cassia, eucalyp- Pinus deodara, & P. longifolia.
toides, C. Iners, malabari- Piper cubeba, & P. nigrum; P.
cum, tamala, & zeylanicum. longum; P. betle, & aurantia-
Citrus limon. cum.
Coleus aromaticus. Plumbago zeylanica.
Coriandum sativum. Ptychotis ajowan.
Cratreva niligiosa. Punica granatum.
Crocus sativus. Rock salt.
Cuminum cyminum. Rumex vesicarius.
Curcuma amada, aromatica, Saussurea lappa.
longa & zedoaria. Semecarpus ana cardium.
Cyperus pertinuis. Shore a robusta.
Elettaria cardamomum. Sida cordifolia.
Embelia ribes. Solanum jacquini.
Emblica officinalis. Strychnos potatorum.
Eugenia caryophyllata. Tamarindus indica.
Eupatorium ayapana. Tectona grandis.
Feronia elephantum. Terminalia chebula, & belerica.
Ferula asafoetida. Trigonella frenum-grrecum.
Foeniculum, capillaceum, F. Vernonia anthelmintica.
panmorium, & F. vulgare. Withania (Punceria) coagu-
Grewia asiatica. lans, W. (Physalis) somni-
Hedychium spicatum. fera.
Hyssopus officinalis. Zanthoxylum alatum & species.
Illicium verum. Zingiber cassumunar, officinale,
Kaempfera galanga & K. & Z. zerumbet.
Lavendula officinalis. CATHARTICS:-
Liquidambar orientalis.
Melaleuca leucadendron. See:-Purgatives.
Mel depuratum.
Melia azadirachta. CAUSTICS:-
Mentha piperita. See "Escharotics".
Mesua ferrea.
Micromeria capitellata. (Ashes of. the following
Mimusops indica. plants are used as caustics for
Moringa pterygosperma. opening abscesses):-
Murayya . (Bergera) Konigii. Abrus precatorius.

Achyranthes aspera. Sesamum indicuin.

Allium sativum. Sodium chLoride.
Alstonia scholaris. Trichosanthes cucumerina.
Butea frondosa.
Cresalpinia bonduc. COAGULANTS:-
Calotropis gigantea. Blood-platelets.
Cassia fistula. Calcium salts.
Cedrus deodara. Heavy metals.
Cupri suLphas. Viper venom.
Echites dichotoma. Vitamin K.
Erythrina 'indica.
Euphorbia nerifolia. CONVULSANTS:-
Gmelina arborea.
Holarrhena antidysenterica. Strychnos nux-vomica.
Justicia adhatoda.
Luffa pentandra. COOLING:
Musa sapienta. (See also Refrigerants).
Nerium odorum.
Plumbago zeylanica. Andropogon muricatus.
Pongamia gIabra. Aplotaxis auriculata.
Semecarpus anacardium. Bambusa arundinacea (Bam-
Shore a robusta. boo manna).
Stercospermum suaveolens. Borax.
Symplocos racemosa. Cinnamomum camphora.
Terminalia species. Cuminum cyminum.
Curcuma zedoaria.
CHOLAGOGUES:- Elettaria cardamomum.
Emblic myrobalam.
Ammonium chloride. Ghee.
Bombax malabaricum. Hygrophila spinosa.
Calotropis gigenta. Ipomoea digitata.
Carthamus tinctorius. Mesua ferrea.
Cascaria esculenta. Mollugo cerviana.
Cassia lanceolata. Piper cubeba.
Cichorium intybus. Potassii cal'bonas.
Cocculus cordifolius. Punica granatum.
Cosmostigma racemosa. Rock-salt.
Eclipta alba. Santalum album.
FeZ bovinum purificatum. Vitis vinifera.
Glycerrhiza glabra. Zingiber officinale (raw). I
lpomrea digitata or paniculata.
Lawsonia alba. COOLING DRINKS &
Moringa pterygosperma. SHERBUTS.
Nymphrea stellata. Aegle marmelos.
Pinus longifolia. Andropogan, muricatum,
Podophyllum emodi; P. pelta- Citrus acida, & Citrus
tum; P. indicum. aurantium.

Hordeum vulgare. senegal & speciosa.

Oxalis corniculata. Althaea officinalis.
Phyllanthus emblica. Amarantus spinosus.
Punica granatum. Amomum subulatum.
Tamarindus indica. Acquilaria agallocha.
\ Arachis hypogaea (oil) .
COUNTER IRRITANTS:-;- Asparagus adscendens.
Astragalus gummifer.
See also:-Rubifacients. Bombax malabaricum.
Abrus precatorius. Borassus flabellifer.
Ammannia baccifera; A. Canarium commune.
vesicatoria. Clitorea ternatea.
Argemone mexicana. Cocculus villosus.
Berberis aristata. Cocos butyraceae, C. nucifera~
Brassica alba. Cordia domestica; latifolia, &
Calotropis gigentea; C. pro cera. C. myxa.
Capsicum species. Curculigo orchisides.
Cass,ia alata, & C. fistula, C. Curcuma zedoaria.
foetida, C. tora, C. occiden- Cydonia vulgaris.
talis. Cyperus rotund us.
'Celastrus paniculata. DipterocaT.pus turbinatus.
Cleome viscosa. Ghee.
Cuminum cyminum. Glycerinum.
Cyperus rotundus. Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Dalbergia odorata. Gmelina parvifolia.
'Gynandropsis pentaphylla. Gossypium indicum (oil).
Gynocardia odorata. Gracilaria lichenoides.
Holarrhena antidysenterica. Gynocardia odorata.
Lectuca scariola. Hedysarum alhagi.
Melia azedarach. Hemidesmus indicus.
Moringa pterygosperma. Hibiscus rosa sinensis & H.
Mylabris cichorii. esculentus.
Piper longam & nigrum. Hygrophila spinosa.
Plumbago zeylanica & rosea. Ipomoea digitata.
Pongamia glabra. Lepidium sativum.
Psoralia corylifolia. Linum usitatissimum (oil).
Salvadora persica. Lycopodium clavatum.
Semecarpus anacardium. Mel Depuratum..
Sinapis alba. Mimosa species.T

Zingiber officinale. Nelumbium speciosum.

Nymphaea lotus & stellata.
DEMULCENTS:- Ocimum gratissimuin, pillosum
& basilicum.
(See also "Emollients"). .Onosma bracteatum.
Abelmoschus esculentus. Oryza sativa (starch, husked
Abrus precatorius. seed, ground and sifted seed)
Acacia arabica, farnisiana, Panicum frumentaceum.

permelia perlata.
Pedalium murex. REFRIGERANTS:- '"
pistacia integerrima.
Plantago ispaghula, & P. ovata Andropogan citratum; A.
species. muricatus.
poa cynosuriodes. Berberis asiatica.
prunus amygdalus (oil); & P. Cyperus rotundus.
communis. Leucas linifolia.
punica granatum. Murraya koinigii.
pyrus cydonia. Nelumbium speciosum.
Rhus succedanea. Ocimum sanctum.
Saccharum species. Pavonia odorata.
Salvia aegyptiaca. Pinus cedrus & P. deodar a, or
Sesamum indicum. (oil & Cedrus deodara.
leaves) . Prunus pudam.
Sida species. Pterocarpus santilinus.
Solanum tuberosum (starch). Zingiber officinale.
Symplocos racemosa.
Terminalia catappa. \ DIAPHORETICS & SUDORI-
'l'iaridiulll indicum. FICS:-(See also: - Refrige-
Tribulus terrestris. rants). .
Trichodesma zeylanica.
Triticum aestivum & T. sati- Aconitum ferox.
vum (starch). Acorus calamus.
Typha angustifolia. Andropogon citratum, A. muri-
Vitis vinifera. catus, & species.
Zea l!lays (starch). Anisochilu5 carnosum.
Anisomeles malabarica & A.
Balsamodendron mukul. Artemesia absinthium.
Cinnamomum camphora. Berberis asiatica.
.Curcuma zedoaria. Blumea balsamifera .
Moschus moschiferus. Boerrhavia diffusa & B.
Santalum album. procumbens.
Cal9tropis gigantea, & C ..
(CARDIAC):- Camphora officinarum.
Capsicum fl'utescens.
Aconitum napellus. Carthamus tinctorius.
Celastrus paniculata.
DESICCANTS:- Cinnamomum camphora.
Bole armeniac. Colchicum luteum (sudorific).
Kaolinum. Coriandrcm sativum.
Lycopodium c1avatum. Crinum asiaticum, C.
Plumbi carbonas. toxicarium.
Quercus infectoria. Cyperus pertenius & C.
Zinci oxidum. rotundus.

Elephantopus scaber (sudori- Terminalia chebula.

fic) . Zingiber officinale.
Eupatorium ::ya1?ana.
HemideslUus mdlCus. DISINFECTANTS:-See aJso,
Hordium vulgare. "Antiseptics", & "Deodorisers",
Justicia gendarussa. "Germicides" & "Vermiddes".
Lactuca scariola. Achyranthes aspera.
Meriandra strobilifera. Balanites roxburghii.
Mesua ferrea. Calotrdpis gigantia.
Mimosa suma. Caesalpinia bonduc.
Moringa pterygosperma. Cissempelos hernandifolia.
Naregamia alata.
Cocculus cordifolia.
Ocimum balsilicum & O.
Gloriosa superba.
sanctum. Heliotropium indicum.
Papaver somniferum.
Melia azadirachta.
Pinus deodara. Picrorrhiza kurroa.
Plumbago Zeylanica.
Pongamia glabr;:".
PotassiuTn Nitrus. PterocarpuiC santalinus.
Quassia excelsa. Senseviera zeylanica.
Ricinis communis.
Santalum album.
Scindapsus (Pothas) officinalis Sodium chloride impura.
Sesamum indicum. Tragia involucrata.·
Sulphur. Trichosanthes dioica.
Symplocos racemosa. Vanda roxburghii.
Tylophol'a asthmatica.
Zingiber officinale. DIURETICS:-
Zizyphus jujuba.
Abutilon indicum.
DIGESTIVES:- Achyranthes aspera.
Acorus calamus.
Caryophullus aromaticus. Agati grandiflora.
Carum copticum. Allium sativum.
Emblic myrobalan. Ammonii cal'bonas.
Eclipta erecta. Andropogon muricatus.
Coriandrum sativum. Apocynum cannabinum.
Curcuma longa. Asparagus racemosus.
Cuminum cyminum. AsphaltuF'1"
Ferula foetida. Azima tetracantha.
Mesua ferrea. Barleria longlfolia.
Moschus moschiferus. Berosma betulina.
Myristica fragrans. Berberis aristata.
Piper longum & its roots, P. Beta mal'ituma. 0

betle, P. cubeba, Piper nig- Boerhavia diffusa; B. er~cta &

rum. B. repeils.
Plumbago zeylanica. Borax.
Potassii carbonas. Butea frondosa,
Rock Salt. ~, Camellia sinensis.

Celastrus paniculatus. . pelos pareira).

Cinnamornum camphora; C. Parmeha perlata & P. perforata.
zeylanicum. Pedalium murex.
Cissampelos pareira & Phyllanthus niruri: & P.
hernandifolia. urinaria. l
See: -Pareira brava. Physalis alkekinji; P.
CitrullUs vulgaris. somnifera.
CHtoria turnatia. Pinus deodara.
Cocculus cordifolius. Piper cubeba.
Costus speciosus. Pistacia lentiscus.
Cratoeva religiosa. Plantago ispagula & P. ovata.
Crinum asiaticum. Plectranthus sculellaroides.
Cubeba officinale. Poa cynosurioides.
Cucumis sativus. Portulaca oleracea & P.
Cynodon dactyIon. quadrifida.
Cyptfrus rotundus. Potassii carbonas & P.
Cytisus scoparius. nitras.
Digitalis purpurea etc. Pothos officinalis.
Dipterocarpus laevis. Premna spinosa.
Elettaria cardamomum. Raphanus sativus.
Erigeron canadense. Saccharum offiqinarum; -S.
EuphorbIa nivulia. , spontaneum & S. sara.
Glycerrhiza glabra. Santalum album.
Hedysarum alhagi. Saxifraga ligulata.
Hemidesmus indicus. Scilla indica.
Herpestis monniera. Sesbania grandiflora.
Hibiscus esculantus. Sodium salts.
Hordeum distichon. Solanum, S. jacquini, S. nigrum
Hygrophila longifolia; H. & S. xanthocarpum.
spinosa. Strychnos potatorum.
Hydrocotyle asiatica. Taraxacum officinale.
Ipomoea reniformis. Trianthema portulacastrum.
Juniperus macropoda. Tribulus lanuginosus; T.
Ledebouria hyacinthoides. terrestris.
Luffa amara. U rginea indica.
Lycopodiuni clavatum. Viola odorata.
Michelia champaka. Vitus -vinifera.
Mimusops elengi. Withania (Physalis) somnifera
Mollugo cerviana. Xanthium indicum & X.
Morjnga pterygosperma. strumarium.
Myristica fragrans. Zingiber officinale.
Nardostachys jatamansi. ECBOLICS:-See "Abortifa-
Ocimum O. anisatum, cients "; " Emmenagogues ".
basilicum, O. citratum, & '0. Oxytocics; Parturifacients' &'
sanctum. "uterme. contractors".) '
Panicum frumentaceurn.
Pareira brava (see: -Cissam- Aristolochia indica.

Carum roxburghianum. Ledebouria hyacinthoides.

Claviceps purpurea of Secale Luffa species.
cereaJe. Mallotus phillippinensis.
Ferula asafoetida. Mel.
Gossypium herbaceum. Melia azedarach.
Piper longum. Momordica charantia & M.
Saraca indica. monadelpha.
Tylophora asthmatica. Naregamia alata.
Nicotina tabacum.
EMETIC9:- Pentapetes phrenicea.
Physalis flexuosa.
Abrus precatorius. Piper longum.
Acalypha indica. Plumbago zeylanica.
Achyranthes aspera. Podophullum emodi.
Acorus calamus. Ptmceria coagulans-see:-
Alangium decapetalum. Withania coagulans.
Alumen (repeated doses). Ranqia dumetorum.
Andropogon serratus. Rock salt.
Anethum sowa. Scilla indica.
Anthemis nobilis. Secamone emetica.
Barleria cerulea. Sinapis alba, & S. juncea.
Barringtonia acutangula. Sinapis dichotoma.
Bassia latifolia & B. longifolia. Sodium chloride.
Bombax malabaricum. Strychnos potatorum.
Brassica juncea. Tylophora asthmatica.
Calamus rotang. U rginea indica.
Calotropis gigantea, & C. Vangueria spinosa.
. procera. Withania (Punceria) coagulans .
Cassia tora.
Cephalandra indica. EMMENAGOGUES:-See also
Citrullus colocynthis. ( Abortifacients )
Clitoria ternatea.
Copper sulphate. Abroma augusta.
Crinum asiaticum; C. deflexum, Acalypha indica.
var, toxicarium. Allium sativum.
Crotalaria juncea. Aloes indica, & A litoralis.
Cucumis pseudo-colocynthis. A mmonium chloride
Cticumis trigonus. Andropogan muricatus.
Echites antidysenterica. Anthemis nobil1s.
Entada scadens. Balsamodendron mukul & B.
Euphatorium ayapana., myrrh.
Ficus oppositifolia, & F. poly- Bambusa arundinacere.
carpa. Blumed balsamifera; & B.
Galedupa arborea. lacera.
Hedysarum alhagi. Bra&,sica nigra.
Holarrhena antidysenterica. Calotropis gigantea.
Lagenaria vulgaris. I Carica papaya.

Cichorium intybus; & C. Ghee. .

indiva. Gossypium indicum, etc.
Cinnamomum cassia. (oleum gossypii seminis).
Cow's urine. Hibiscus rosa sinensis.
Curdled milk. Linum usitatissimum (oleum:
Cubeba officinalis. lini).
DaucUs carota. Mel.
Erythroxylon coca· Olea Europcea (oleum olivre).
Ferrum. Prunus amara; amygdalus; P.
Ferula asafcetida. . communis; P. dulcis, (oleum
Gossypium herbaceum. amygdalre) .
Gossypium indicum. Sesamum indicum (oleum
Khito (a kind of Pea). sesami).
Lycopodium clavatum. Sevum prreparatum.
Michelia champaca. Shorea robusta.
n[oringa pterygosperma. Terminalia arjuna, & tom en-
Nardostachys jatamansi. tosa.
Nerium odorum. Theobroma cacoa (oleum theo-
Nigella sativa. bromalis).
Peganum harmala. Zizyphus jujuba.
Plumbago rosea.'
Rubia cordifolia. ERRIDNES:-See:-
Ruta angustifolia, & R. graveo- Stenutatories.
lens. '
Saraca indica. Acacia sirisha.
Sesamum indicum. Achyranthes aspera, & fruti-
Strychnos nux-vomica. cosa.
Trigonella foenum-graecum. Aconitum heterophyllum.
Thevatia nerifolia. Acorus calamus.
Vinegar. Allium sativum.
Balanitis: Roxburghii.
. EMOLLIENTS:-(See also Bassia latifolia.
"Demulcents") Betula bhoorja.
Borassus flabelliformis.
Acacia catechu, fernasiana & Calotropis giganta & procera.
senegal. Cardiospermum halicacabum.
Acidum oleicum (oleic acid). Citrus medica.
Acipenser huso. Clitoria ternatea.
Adeps. Embelia ribes.
Arachis hypogcea (oleum ara- Ferula asafoetida.
chis). Flacourtia cataphracta.
Buchanania latifolia. Galedupa aroorea.
Cera alba, & Cera flava. Garcinia xanthochymus.
Cetaceum. Gymnema sylvestre.
Cocos nucifera (oleum cocos). Halicacabum cardiospermum.
Diosypros glutinosa. Hedysarum alhaji.
Ficus carica. J asminum grandiflorum.

Momordica monadelpha. Blumea balsaIllifera.

Moringa guilandiana; M. hype- Boerhaavia difi'usa.
ranthera; & M· pterygoi- Cactus indicus.
perma. Calotropis 'gigantea, & procera.
Nerium odorum. Call1phora officinarum.
Nicotina tabacum. Caryophyllus aromaticus.
Ocimum & album sanctum. Cephalis acuminata, & C.
Phyllanthus emblica. ipecacuanha.
Piper longum & nigrum. CinnaIllomum camphora, & C.
Pongamia glabra. Zeylanicum.
Pyrethrum indicum. Clerodendron serratum.
Saccharum sara. Cocculus cordifolius.
Salvadora oleoides, & persica. Corallium rubrum (calcined).
Shorea robusta. Coriandrum sativum.
Sinapis alba. Crinum asiaticum.
Sodium chloride. Cubeba' officinalis.
Tachardia lacca (shellac). Cupri sulphas.
Xanthochymus pictorius. Curcuma zedoaria.
Zingiber officinale. Dremia extensa.
Dipterocarpus turbinatus.
ESCHAROTICS:-See Dorema aureum·
"Caustics" . Elettaria cardamomum.
Erythroxylon coca.
EVACUANTS:-See Eucalyptus globulus.
Euphatorium ayapana.
"Purgatives", etc. Euphorbia hirta, E. perviflora;
E. pilulifera.
EXPECTORANTS:- Feruia asafretida.
(See also:-bronchial \ Glycyrrhiza glabra & gianduli-
antispasmodics) . Grindelia camporum (bron-
Abies webbiana. chial anti-spasmodic).
Acalypha indica. Hydrocotile asiatica.
Achyranthes aspera. Ipomoea digitata.
Adhatoda vasika. J usticia adhatoda.
Allium sativum. Lactuca scariola.
Alpinia officinarum. Ledebouriahyacinthoides.
Ammon.ium chloride. LiquidaIllbar altingia; L. orien-
Anisochilus carnosus. talis. <r'

Apiotaxis auriculata. Lobelia nicotianifolia (bron-

Aristolochia indica. chial antispasmodic).
Balsamodendron mukul, B. Mel.
myrrh; opobalsamum; & :B. M oschus, moschiferus.
pubescens. Myrica sapida.
Bmnbusa arundinacea. Mytilus margaritiferus
Barringtonia acutangula. ( calcined).
Benzoinum. t N aregaIllia alata.

Nelumbium speclosum. Cumimum cyminum.

Nicotina tabacum. Curcuma zedoaria.
Nigella sativa.
Nymphrelotus. • GALACTAFUGES:-See
Ocimum b~silicum & O. sanc- also:-Lactifuges.
Opuntia dille~ii. Chavica betle.
Pimpinella amsum. Jasminum sambac.
Pinus sylvestris, & P. web- Meriandra strobilifera.
biana. Phaseolus mungo.
Piper longum; cubeb a & nig-
pistacia integerrima, & lentis-
Polygala crotalarioides; P.
senega; P. telephioides. . Ahelmoschus esculan~us.
Prunus serotina (bronchlal Allium sativum.
sedative). Alee litoralis.
Quillaja saponaria. Andropogon muricatum.
Rhus succedanea, & Kakra- Asparagus racemosus.
singi. Cocculus cardifolius.
Ruta graveolens. Cyperus rotundus.
Saccharum officinarum. Gossypium herbaceum.
Saussurea lappa. Hordeum vulgare.
Hygrophila spinosa.
Scilla indica.
Scindapsus bfficinalis. Ipomoea digitata.
Jatropha curcas.
Sisymbrium irio. . .. Nigella sativa.
Solanum indicum; JaqUlm &
xanthocarpum. Oryza sativa.
. Styrax benzoin. Piper longum .
Terminalia belerica. Poa cynosuriodes.
Ricinus communis.
Tylophora asthmatica...
Urginea indica, & marltlma. Saccharum officinarum; cylin-
Viola odorata. dricum; & spontaneum.
Zizyphus vulgaris.
GERMICIDES:-See also:-
FEBRIFtiGESt See:- "Antiseptics; Disinfectants &
Antiperiodics; Antipyretics;
Antiseptics GLUCOSIDES:-
FRAGRANTS:-(See also:- Aloin (aloe vera).
"Aromatics". ) Amygdalin (Linum usitatissi-
mum; Amygdlre dulCis; Pru-
Aplotaxis auriculata. nus pudam).
Caryophyllus aromaticus. Colocynthin (Citrullus colocyn-
Cinnamqmum .camphora. thus).
CoriaIJdrum sativum. Croci'lt (Crocus sativus).

Glycirrhizilz, (Glycyrrhiza Calotropis giganta.

glabra). j Cephalandria indica.
Indican (Indigofera tinctoria). Coccus lacca.
Loganin, (Aconitum ferox). I CratCEva religjosa.
Neriene & Rosaginin (!':JeriuIilj Ferric salts.
odorum). Gymnema sylvestre.
Phloridzine (Apples, Plums & Moringa- pterygosperma.
cherries). Plumbago zeylanica.
Picror1'hizin (Picrorrhiza Pongamia glabra.
curroa). Pothos officinalis.
Saponin (Celastrus paniculata; Premna serratifolia.
CratCEva religiosa, Randia Sanseviera zeylanica.
dumetorum) . Sesbania aculeata.
Sinal bin (Piper album). Solanum indicum & xanthocar-
Sinigin (Piper nigrum; Bras- pum.
sica alba, & nIgra). Terminalia arjuna: bellerica, &
Cont' g plants:- HAEMOSTATICS &
Acorus calamus.
Alee vera. (N. B. Asterisk marked drugs;
Balsanlodendron mukul. are st~tics.)
Butea frondosa. Acacia catechu.
Calotropis gigantea. Aconitum heterophyllum.
Cinnamomum Zeylanicum. Acorus calamus.
Curcuma zedoaria. Aegle marmelos.
Euphrobia antiquorum. Andropogon muricatum.
Feronia elephantum. Asclepias curassavica.
Ficus bengalensis; F. glome- Balsamodendron myrrha.
rata; F. infectoria; F. reli- Bassia latifolia.
giosa. Berberis aristata.
Gardenia gummifera. Bombax malabaricum.
Glycyrrhiza glabra. Borassus flabelliformis.':<
Mesua ferrea. Cocos nucifera.*
Pinus longifolia. Colocasia antiquorum. *
Pongamia glabra. Crocus sativus. -<
Saussurea lappa. Dalbergia ougeinensis.
Shore a robusta. Desmodium 'triflorum.
Diospyros glutinosa~
HAEMATINICS:-(See Eugenia jambos.
"Anaemia" in the Index of Eupatorium aY<:lpana.
Diseases and their Remedies); Ficus indica; F. glomerata; F.
infectoria; & F. religiosa.
Aegle marmelos. Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Asparagus racemosus. Gmelina arborea.
CCEsalpinia bonduc;
.. .."
Hcilarrhena antidysenterica.,

Hopea odqrata. oj; . ,' INSECTICIDES & .

Jatropha curcas. INSECTIFUGES:-
Jonesia ashok.
Mangifera indlca. Acorus calamus.
Mel. Anamirta cocculus,-see
Mesua ferrea. Cocculus, jndicus.
Nelumbium ·speciosum. Aplotaxis auriculata.
Nymphae stellata. Azadil~a0ta jndica.
Pentaptera arjuna 'Chrysanthemum cinerariafci-
Plantago U;pagula. lium, , (PY1::ethrum).
Plumbago zeylani<;a. Citronella oil (from Andropo-
Premna serratifolia. gun genus etc.)
Punica granatum. Sassafras officinale; S. varii-
Quercus infectoria. folium.
Sodium chloride. • Vernonia anthelmintica.
Solanum indicum & xantho-
carpurq. IRRITANTS:-(See also
Stereospermum suaveolens. Counter~Irritants;
Symplocos racemosa. Rubefacients) .
Terminalia chebula.
Tribulus terrestris. Abrus precatorius.
Uraria lagopoides. Aconitum feI'ox.
W oodfordia floribunda. Allium sativum.
Ammonium & its preparations:
HELl\UNTHICS:-See:- Oleum amygdalre volatile puri-
Anthehnintics; etc; ficatum.
Oleum anisi.
HYPNOTICS:-(See also:"- Asclepias curassiania.
Sedatives, Anodynes; Narcotics; Baliospermum montana.
Soporifics; Somnifacients.) Balsamum peruvianum (from
Cannabis indica. MyroxyIon pereirre).
Hyoscyamus niger· Balsamum tolutanum (from
Lactuca scariola. Myroxylon 'toluiferum).
Myristica fragrans & " Bee-Venom.
officinalis. Brassica alPa.
Papaver somniferum. Buchu folia (of Barosma
'Picrotoxin' (glucoside, from betulina).
seed of Anamirta paniculata:). Oleum Cad'inum (oil of cade;
ij,auwolfia serpentina. juniper tar-oil).
Strychnos nux-vomica. Oleum cajuputi ('cajuput oil
from Mela:leuca leucoden..
INSECTICIDES::-:(Slel" 'dron) .'
"Anthelmintics" Cal,ot;ropis gigantea.
"ParasitiddeS") Camphor oleum (Camphora
officinarum ) .
Derris uliginosa. Cantharidinum (fi'om Cantha-
Pis.lict (stratiotes). ris' my lcibris) .

Capsicum (from Capsimum orientaleis) .

minimum)· ! Oleum Terebinthinae (oil of
Oleum cari (from caraway). turpentine) .
Cineol-see: --:Eucalyptol Thymol (from Thymus vulga-
herebelow. ris).
Cinnamomum zeylanicum. Valeriana officinalis.
Citrallus colocynthus. Zingiber officinale:
Colophonium (colophony
resin) . LACTAGOGUES:-See:-
Copaiba (from species of co- "Gal~ctagogues" -
Coryophyllum (from Eugenia LACTIFUGES:-See:-
aromatica) . "Galaclafuges" .
Crinum asiaticum.
Croton tiglium. LAXATIVES:-See:-
Eletteria cardamomum. "Purgatives"; "Salines".
Eucalyptol or Cineol (from
Eucalyptus oil). LITHONTRIPTICS:-
Euphorbia antiquorum & E. Asphaltum.
neriifolia. Barleria prionitis.
Feruia foetida. Butea frondosa.
Foeniculam vulgare. Calotropis giganta.
Gloriosa superba. Capparis trifoliata.
Jatropha curcus. Coleus aromaticum.
Oleum juniperi (from Junipe- Copper sulphate.
rus communis). Crataeva religiosa.
Oleum lavandulae (from La- Ernblica officinalis.
vandula officinalis). Euphorbia nerifolia.
Lagenaria vulgaris. Ferri sulphuretum.
Limonix cortex (from Citrus Ferula asafoetida.
limonia). Herpestis monniera.
Luffa amara; L. echinata. Nymphaea stellata.
Oleum menthae piperitae Pentaptera arjuna.
(from Mentha piperata). Plectranthus scutellaroides.
Menthol (peppermint Poa cynosuriodes.
camphor). Saccharum spontaneum.
Myristica fragrans. Saxifraga ligulata.
Myrrh (from Commiphora Scindapsus officfnalis.
molmaI). Sodium chloride, impura.
Nerium odorum. Terminalia arjuna, chebula &
Randia dumetorum. balerica.
Oleum Rosmarini (from Ros- Tribulus terrestris.
marinus officinalis). Vanda Roxburghii.
Oleum Santali (from Santalum
album). LUBRICANTS:-
Strychnos nux_'vomica. if Cera [lava.
Styrax (from Liquidambar Oleum ricini.

Oleum sesa~. Dhatura alba;' D. fastuosa & D.

MYDRIATlCS:- Gymnema sylvestre.
Herpestis monnifera.
Datura alba (daturine). ,Hyoscyamus aureus; H. niger;
Scopolia Iurida. H. reticularis, etc.
Solanum nigrum (solanine). Nicotiana tabacum.
Papaver somniferum.
MYOTlCS:-Papaver Rauwolfia serpentina
Somniferum. Sida cordifolia.
Solanum nigrum.
NARCOTICS:-See a15o:- Strychnos ignatii, & S. nux-
Sedatives, Soporifics; vomica.
Anodynes; Somnifacients; Withania somnifera.
Aconitum ferox. NUTRIENTS:-See also:-
Aplotaxis auriculata. Nutritives.
Artemesia absinthium. Glucosum liquidum (liquid
Cannabis sativa, & C. indica. glucose).
Celsia coromandehana. Hordeum distichon. (Extract
Cocculus indicus. of malt).
Datura alba, & D. fastuosa. Laevillosum (laevulose, fru-
Hyoscyamus insanus. tose).
Lactuca scariola. Saccharum purificatum
Meconopsis aculeata, & M. (Sucrose).
'Melia azedarach. NUTRITIVES:-See "Tonics"
Myristica malabarica. & Nutrients; Analep,tics.
Nicotiana tabacum.
. Papaver somniferum. Asparagus racemosus .
Santalum album. Cocos nucifera.
Withania (Physalis) somni- Cybium commersonii.
fera. Ghee.
Gracilaria lichenoides.
NAUSEANTS:- Ipomoea digitata.
Mel depuratum.
Ferula foetida, F. narthex, etc. Oleum sessami.
Valeriana officinalis, etc. Punic a granatum.
NERVINES·:-See:-Tonics. Squalus carcharis.
Tinospora cardifolia.
Aconitum ferox, & A. hetero- Withania somnifera.
Canabis indica, C. orientaljs & OXYTOCICS:-See:-
C. sativa. Ecbolics, etc.
Canscora decussata.
Centipeda orbicularis. PARASITICIDES:-See:-
Delphin:ium denudatum. Antiparasitics.

S ee:-"Ecbolics" etc., Rock salt.
Aristolochia ?racteata.
Cannabis sativa. ." PURGATIVES &
Ch 'ca roxburghu. LAXATIVES:-( Cathartics,
Ho:d~um decorticatum c:sc, Salines, Evacuants &
Oryza sativa (Er~ot from Aperients). (Laxatives are
these two drugs). . :with asterisks).
Ophioxy16n serpentinum.
Abrus precatorius.
PECTORALS:-- • Acacia concinna. '. .
Aca1pha inCUca.
Achyranthes a~per~. . Achyranthes asptrra.
Andropogon cltratISj A. lwar- Aegle marmelos.*
ancusa; A. martini and A. Agati grandiflora.
muricatus. Aleurites triloba.
Asparagus racemosus.
Alhaqi maurQrum.
Boerhavia diffusa.
Cassia fistula; C. lanceolata,. Aloes barbedensis & A. indica~
(anthrac~ne purgative). Alee:
and C. sophora.
literalis; A. vera.
Clitoria ternata.
Anthericum tuberosum.
Desmodium triflorum.
Argemone mexicana.
Embelia ribes.
Asclepias geminata.
Glycine labialis.
Baliosperm.um montanum.
Hemidesmus indicus.
Hygrophila spinosa. Barihgtonia acutangula.
Berthelotia lanceolata.
Ichnocarpus frutescens.
Bignonia Suaveolens.
lPomrea digitata:
Mucuna pruri'ens. Boerhavia diffusa;* B. procum-
Myrica sapida.
Ocimum sanctum, & O. hirsu- Bombax m.alabaricum.
Butea frondosa.
tam. Cresalpinia bonquc.
Ricinis communis.
Calotropis gigantea.
Ruta graveo1ens.
Sid a cordifolia, & S. spinosa. Cans cora decussata.
Cardiosp~rn)um helicacabum.
Solanum indicum, S. xantho-
carpum & S. nigrum. Carthamus tinctorius.
Cascara sagrada.
Strychnos nox-vomica.
Cassia absus (ckastic purga.:.
Tragia invo1ucrata.
Tribulus terrestris. tive). C. acutifolia; C. a1<;1ta;
C. fistula; C: angustifolia,
U raria lagopoides.
Vitex negundo. (anthracene pUl;gative); C.
lanceolota; C. occidentalis
Vitis vinifera.
(drastic purgative); C. so-
phora & C. tora.
Cissampelos hexandra. .
Ghee. Citrullus or Citrus colocynthls
Honey. (drastic purgative).

Cleome felina. purgative) .

Clitoria ternatea. Luffa acutangula; L. aegyp-
Convolvulus turpethum. tica; L. amara, and L. echi-
Costus speciousus. nata.
Croton oblongifolius; C. pava- Lycopersicum esculentum.
na; C. polyandrum & C. tig..: Magnesium sulphate.
Hum (drastic purgative). Mallotus philippinensis.
Cucumis hardwickii & C. tri-' Mengifera indica.
gonus. Melia azedarach.
Cuscuta reft'exa (cholagogue Mirabilis jalapa.
purgative) . Momordica charantica.
Desmodium triflorum. Oleum ricini.*
Eclipta alba, & E. erecta (cho- Oleum sesami. *
lagogue purgative). Panicum frumentaceum.
Emblica officinalis. Pavetta indica. .
Euonymus atropurpureus (cho- Pharbitis nil or semina.
lagogue purgative). Picrorrhiza kurrooa.*
Euphorbia nerifolia (drastic Plantago ovata. '"
purgative) . Plumbago zeylanica.
Fer bovis, or F. bocinum. Phosphate of sodium.
Ficus carica. * Plumeria acutifolia.
Fumaria officinalis & F. parvi..:, Poa cynosuroides.
flora (cholagogue purga- Podophyllum emodi, P. mdi-
tives). cum, P. peltatum (cholago-
Garcinia indica; G. morella & gue purgative).
G. pictoria; G. purpuria & G. Premna serratifolia.
xanthochymus. Prunus amygdalus,* p. com-
Gardenia campanulata. munis,* P. domestica,* P.
Geledium cartilagineum,* G. institia.*
corneum lamouroux. Punica granatum.
. Glycyrrhiza gl<!bra. Pyrus malus.*
Ginelina arbor ea. Rasakarpt~ra;* Rock~salt. *
Grewia asiatica. Rhanus purpureus, & purshia-
Halicaca bum cardiospermum. nus (anthracene purgatives)_
Helleborus niger (drastic pur- Rheum emodi (anthracene pur-
gative). gative.
Hemidesmus indicus. Rheum palmatum.
Hordeum hexactachon. Ricinus communis.
Indigofera tinctoria. Rosa damascena, & R. glandu-
Ipomoea batatas; I. crerulea, 1. lifera.
cymosa, I. digitata, I. hede- Saccharum spontaneum.
racere (drastic purgative). Salvadora persica, S. wighti-
I. pescaprre, 1. purga, 1. remi- ana.
formis; & 1. terpethum Senna indica.
(drastic purgative) . Sida cordifolia.
.Jatropha curcus; J. montana. Sodium & Potassium tm-trates
Lagenaria vulgaris ( drastic & citrates.

Solanum xanthocarpum* & oleander.

S. indicum. Picrorrhiza kurroa.
Sterospermum suaveolens. Plumbago zeylanica.
Sulphates of Potassium, of Pongamia glabra.
sodium, Ricinus communis.
Sulphur (& of magnesium; Rubia cordifolia.
carbonate (& oxide of ~- Semecarpus anacardium.
nesium. Spondias mangifera.
Tamarindus indica.* . Symplocos racemosa.
Taraxacum officinale (cholago- Terminalia arjuna.
gue purgative). Woodfordia fioribunda.
Terminalia species.* Zizyphus jujuba.
Trianthema monogyna.
Trichosanthes cucumerina; T. REFRIGERANTS:-See
.. cuspida; T. dioica; T. laci- also:-Diaphoretics, etc.,
niosa; T. palmata (drasti~ Sudorifics.
purgative); T. nervifolia.
Uraria lagopoides. Acorus calamus.
Vitis venifera. * Adansonia digitata.
Zizyphus jujuba; Z. laccifera Andropogan muricatus.
& Z. napeca. Aloe indica & A. litoralis.
Asparagus racemosus.
PUSTULANT8:- Borassus flabelliformis.
Cicer arietinum.
Aegle marmelos. Citrullus vulgaris.
Andropogon species. Citrus bergamia.
Bas~a latifolia. Cocculus corrufolius.
Boswellia serrata~ Cocos nucifera.
Buchanania latifolia. Coriandrum sativum.
Butea frondosa. Cyperus rotundus & C. perta-
Calotropis giganta. nuis.
Cedrela toona. Embelia ribes.
Cinnamomum tamala. Glycerrhiza glabra.
Ciss~mpelos hexandra & C. Hemidesmus indicus.
hernandifolia Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.
Croton tiglium. Nelumbium speciosum.
Ficus Bengalensis; F. glome- Nymphrea stellata; N. rubra;
rata & F.' religiosa. N. alba; N. ottorata; & N.
Gloriosa superba. cyanea. .
Glycerrhiza glabra. Oldenlandia herbacea.
Mangifera indica. Pavonia odorata..
Mimosa pudica; & M. sylva- Piper longum.
ticla. Plumba,go zeylanica.
Mimusops elangi. Potassium nitras.
Nauclea cadamba:. Pterocarpus santalinus.
Nelumbium ·speciosum. .. Punica granatum.
Nerium odorum & N. Rosa damascena.

santalum album. Cleome viscosa.

Sugar. Ferula asa£retida.
Tamarindus indica. Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Trichosanthes dioica. Moringa pterygosperma.
Vitus vinifera. Nymphre lotus.
Zingiber officinale. Pimpinella anisum.
Piper longum, & P. nigrum.
RUBEFACIENTS & Plumbago zeylanica.
COUNTER·ffiRITANTS:- Plumeria acuminata.
Psoralea corylifolia.
Anacardium occidentale. Pterocarpus santalinus.
Andropogon citratum. Rubia cordifolia.
Anisomeles inalabarica. Rumex vesicarius.
Argyreia speciosa. Semecarpus anacardium.
Beliospermum (croton) mon- Sinapis juncea.
tanum. Zingiber officinale.
Capsicum fastigiatum.
Chavica betle; C. officinarum; SAUNES:-See Laxatives &
C. roxburghii. Purgatives.
Croton oblongifolius & \.
Euphorbia antiquorum, & E. -These are contained in.:-
tirucaIli. Acacia concinna.
Gynandropsis pentaphylla. Celastrus paniculata.
Jatropha curcas & J. glanduli- Cratreva religiosa.
fera. Randia dumetorum.
Moringa pterygosperma. Sapindus trifoliatus.
Myrica sapida.
Myristica malabarica & M. SEDATIVES: (Cerebral &.
officinalis. local):-(See also:-Hypno-
Piper nigrum. tics, Narcotics, and Anodynes).
Plumbago rosea, & P. zeyla-
nica. Achyranthes aspera.
Salvadora wightiana. Amomum subulatum.
Semecarpus anacardium. Berberis aristata.
Sinapis juncea. Borax.
Vateria indica. Cardiospermum helicacabum.
Cinnamomum camphora.
RUBEFACIENTS & Clitoria ternatia, & C. marina.
IRRITANTS:-See also:- Curcuma longa.
Vesicants. Datura alba, & D. fastuosa.
Embelia ribes.
Allium sativum. Ferula fretida.
Andropogan muricatus. Hyoscyamus niger. •
Argemone mexicana. Moringa pterygosperma.
Calophyllum inophyllum. N ardostachys jatamansi.
Caryophyllus aromaticus. Nigella sativa.

Ocimum basilicum; O. sanc- Potassium nit1'as (also cerebro-

tum; O. gratissimum and O. spinal).
villosum .. Prunus padus.
Papaver somniferum. Pterocarpus santalinus.
Piper longum; P. nigrum; & Santalum album.
P. aurantiacum. '
Rauwolfia serpintina. SEDATIVES:-Nervine:-
Salvadora persica.
Sinapis alba, & S. nigra. Commiphora molmol.
Sodium chloride, & S. impura. Ferula fretida.
Xanthoxylon alatum. Valeriana officinalis.
Zingiber officinale.·
& Astringents:- .
(Pulmonary) : - Berberis aristata.
Bombax malabarica.
Gostus speciosus. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.
Curcuma zerull1Qet. Premna integrifolia.
Emblica officinal is. Terminalia arjuna.
Phyllanthus ni:J;uri.
Rhus succedania. SIALAGOGUES;-
Solanum xanthocarpum, & S.
indicum. Anacyclus pyrethrum.
Terminalia chebula. Aristolochia retit!ulata.
Zizyphus jujuba. Ascelpiqs asthmatica, & A.
SEDATIVES:- Brassica alba.
Chrysanthemum roxburghii.
(Vascular) . Erythroxylon coca.
Gentiana lutea.
Aconitum ferox (also cardiac Glycyrrhiza glabra.
and cerebro-spinal). Hydt·argyrum.
Andropogon muricatus. Hyperanthera pterygosperma.
Brassia latifolia. J ateorhiza palmata.
Cocculus cordifolia. . Jatropha curcas.
Eucalyptus globulus (cerebro- Menespermum fenestra tum, &
spinal) . M. hirsutam.
Glycerrhiza glabra. Myrica sapida. <0(
Gnielina arborea. Nicotina tabacum.
Hemidesmus indicus. Piper species.
lchoncarpus frutescens. Plumbago rosea, & P. _Zeyla-
Lactuca scariola (cerebro- nica.
spinal). Pyrethrum radix.
Nicoilina tabacum (also cat- Sinapis ·juncea.
diac). Solanum jacquini.
Nymphrea stellata. Swertia chirata.
Pavonia odorata. Zipgiber officinalis.


SOOTHING:- Buchanania latifolia.

Aplotaxis auticulata. Ficus glomerata. '
Asparagus racemosus. Grewia asiatica.
Bamboo-manna. Hordium hexactichon.
Bombax malabaricum. - Oriza sativa, ( variety of).
Ghee. Phcenix ,sylvestris.
Glycyrhiza glabra. Punica granatum.
Mel depuratum. Sacharum officinarum.
Oleum sesami. Zizyphus jujuba.
Plantago ovata. (Va.scuLar).
Saccharum officinarum. Acorus calamus.
Terminalia Balerica. Aquilaria agallocha,
Capsicum annam·
SOPORIFICS:-See Cassia auriculata.
"Hypnotics", etc. Cinnamomum {!amohora
Ferula asa£cetida (also cere-
STERNUTATORIES:-See bro-spinal) .
"ErrhinesH • ' Myristica malabarica.
Piper longum.
STlMULANTS:-See also. Pre'mna serratifolia.
"Carminatives", Ptychotis ajowan.
J Solanum xanfhocarpum.
"Antisp~smodics" & "Tonics". Tabernamonatacoronaria.
(Respiratory):- Thea assamica.
Anacardium occidentale. Zingiber officinale.
Andropogon species. (Cerebra-spinal).
Arrack (country-spirit). Allium satiVUin.
Bassia latifblia, & B. longifolia. Cannabis indica.
Borassus flabelliformis. Castoreum.
Cannabis sativa. Erythroxylon coca.
Caryota urens. lYIoschus moschiferus.
Celastrus paniculata. Nardostachys jatamansi.
Cocos nucifera. Papaver somniferum.
Costus speciosum. Saussurea auriculata.
Curcuma zerumbet. Strychnos nox-vomica.
Elettaria cardamomum. ~ITIMULANTS CARDIAC:-
Ferula asafretida.
Nardostachys jatamansi. Camphora officinarum.
Ocimum sanctum. Cane-sugar.
Peganum harmala. Digitalis lanata; D. purpurea.
Phyllanthus niruri. Ephedra vulgaris.
Rubia cardifolia. Glucose.
Rumex vesicarius. STIMULANTS-
Salix caprrea. GENERAL:-
Salvadora wightlana.
Vitex nigundo, & V. trifolia. Allium cepa, & A. satjvum.
, (Spinal). Alpinia galanga.

Anacyclus pyreth~um. STIMULANTS-

Andrographis. pamculata. TEREBINTHINATE:-
Aplotaxis aUrIculata. Ailanthus malabarica.
Caryophyll~s aromaticus. Balsamodendron mukul, & B.
Citrus medIca. pubescens.
Clerodendron siphonanthus\ Boswellia floribunda.
Coffea arabica. Calophyllum inophyllum.
Coriandrum sativum. Canarium· commune, & C.
Crocus sativus. strictum.
Dryobalanops aromatica. Dipterocarpus lrevis.
Gaultheria fragrantissima. Dorenea aureum.
Melia azadirachta. Pinus deodara, & ·P. longifolia.
Moschus moschiferus. Pictacia cabulica, & P. Khin-
Myristica fragrans. juk.
Piper nigrum, & P. longum. Shore a l'obusta.
Terminalia arjuna. Vateria indica.
W oodfordia floribtmda.
Zingiber officinale. STIMULANTS TO ULCERS,
SPECIAL STIMULANT Argemone Mexicaria.
APPLICATIONS IN Azadirachta indica.
AFFECTIONS OF THE Borassus flabelliformis.
EYE:- Eupatorium ayapana.
Gardenia gummifera.
Argemone mexicana (juice). Hydrocotyle asiatica.
Berberis lycium <extract}. Mirabilis jalapa.
Cassia absus, & C. Auriculata Myristica malabarica.
(powdered seeds). Vitex negundo, & V. trifolia.
See:-"Rubefacients"• Allium sativum.
Alpinia galanga.
Anethurn sowa.
STIMULANTS IN SKIN Balsamodendron mukul, &
DISEASES:- B. myrrha.
Argemone mexicana. Bambusa arundinacea.
Bignonia xylocarpa. Cinnamomum <;;amphora, & C.
Cassia alata; & C. occidentalis; zeylanicum.
C. Sophora; & C. Tora. Ruta graveolens.
Ficus bengalensis. Semecarpus a:q.acardium.
Pinus deodara. Sesamurn indiCurri.
Pongamia glabra.
Rhinacanthus communis.
Santalum album. "Bitters & Bitter Tonics,"
Thespesia populnea. & "Carminatives".
Tiaridium indicum. J' Aconitum. heterophyllum.

Acorus calamus. Picrorrhiza kurroa.

Adansonia digitata. Pimpinella anisum.
Aegle marmelos. Pinus webbiana.
Alstonia scholaris. Piper longum; P. chaba betle;
Andrographis paniculata. P. nigrum; & P. aurantia-
Anethum sowa. cum·
Anthemis nobilis. Plumbago zeylanica.
Artemisia maritima. ·Premna herbasea; P. integri-
Asparagus adscendens. folia; & P. serratifolia.
Berberis aristata. Ptychotis ajowan.
Brerrhavia diffusa. Pyrus malus.
Capparis trifolia. Quassia excelsa.
Carica papaya. Rheum emodi.
Carum carui. Scindapsus officinalis.
Caryophyllus aromaticus. Sida cordifolia.
Cassia fistula. Siegesbeckia orientalis.
Cedrus deodara. Sinapis alba.
Cinchona cortex. Stercospermum suaveolens.
Cissampelos hexandra. Strychnos nux-vomica, & S.
Citrus indica. potatorum.
Cocculus cordifolius. Swertia chirata.
Coptis teeta. Tamarindus indica.
Cuminum cyminum. Terminalia chebula.
Curcuma longa, & C. zedoaria. Ti-igonella fcenum-grrecum.
Cyperus rotundus. Uraria lagopoides.
Eclipta alba, & E. verbesina. Zingiber officinalis, & Z. ze-
Elettaria cardamomum. rumbet.
Embelia ribes.
Emblica officinalis. STYPTICS: See:-
.Erythroxylon coca. "Hcemostatics".
Ferula asafcetida.
Ficus glomerata. SUDORIFICS:-See
Flacourtia cataphracta. "Diaphoretics"; Refrigerants;
Fceniculum vulgare. TANNIN-containing plants.
Gentiana kurroa.
Glycerrhiza glabra. Acacia arabica, & A. catechu.
Gmelina arborea. Aegle marmelos.
Hibiscus abelmoschus; H. po- Areca catechu.
pulnea; & H. rosa-sinensis. Bauhinia variegata.
Holarrhena antidysenterica. Eugenia jambolana.
Hydrocotyle asiatica. Mangifera indica.
Hyssopus officinali~. Mesua ferrea.
Melia azadarach. Mimusops elengi.
Mentha sylvestris. Myrica sapida.
Mesua ferrea. Punica granatum.
Momordica charantia' M. Quercus infectoria.
myxa; & M. dioica. ' Saraca indica.

Terminalia arjuna, & T. to- Mesua fen·ea.

mentosa. Michelia champaca.
Woodfordia floribunda. Ophelia angustifolia; O. Chi-
Zizyphus vulgaris. rata; O. densi.folia; & 0 ..
felegans .
. TISSUE BUILDERS:-S~ Ophiorrhiza mungos.
also "Tonics". Ophioxylon serpentinum.
Papaver somniferum's noci-
Emblic myrobalan..
Bamboo manna.
Picrorrhiza kurrooa.
Tinospora cardifolia (satwam)
Rhazya stricta.
Sida acuta, & S. cordifolia.
Withania somnifera.
Strychnos nux-vomica.
Swertia chirata.
TONICS: Aromatic & Thalidrum foliolosum.
Bitter. .
Tinospora cordifolia, & T.
(See also:-Bitters & Bitter crisp a, (cardiac).
. Tonics). Toddalia aculeata .
Aconitum heterophyllUin. Trichosanthes cordata, T. ner:-
Acorus calamus. vifolia; & -T. palmata.
Ailanthus excelsa.
Andrographis panicul~ta. TONICS: ASTRINGENT.
Antiaris saccidora. (See also:-'-" Astringents'~;
Aristolochia indica. "Nutritives" & "Tissue-
Artemisia indica. Builders.)
Berberis asiatica & ·species.
Brucea (Nima) quassi6ides. Alstonia scholaris.
Ccesalpinia bonducella. Arum campaimlatl.lm.
Chrysanthemum ro·xburghii. Azedirachta indica.
Cicendia hyssopifolia. Cedrela toona.
Cissampelos pareira. Diospyros melanoxylon.
Clerodendron infortunatum. Flacourtia catapbracta ..
Cocculus villosus. • Holarrhena antidysenterica, &
Coptis teeta .. H. Pubescens;
Cordia latifolia, & C. myxa. Hymenodictyon excelsum.
Corydalis govaniana. .... Mimusops elengi.
Coscinium fenestratum. N auclea ovalifolia.
Cratceva religiosa. Rhus succedan~.
Cyperus pertenius, & C. rotun- Soymida febrifl,lga.
dus. Terminalia chebula.
Erythrcea roxburghii. Xylocarpus granatum~
Eupatorium ayapana. .' . TONICS:,-(See 'also
Exacum bicolor; E. peduncula- "Nutritives"; Altemativ:es;
tum; & E. tetragonum. & "Tissue -Builtters" &
Ficus oppositifolia.
Gentiana kurroo.
Luffa amara. "
Allium sativum.

.Ambra grisea . Hemidesmus indicus .

.Amygdalus dulcis (See: Herpestis monniera (nervine).
Prunus amygdalus) . Hydnocarpus \vightiana.
.Anthemis nobilis. Hydrocotyle asiatica.
,Aquilaria agallocha. Hygrophila spinosa.
Arsenious acid (nervine). Ichnocarpus frutescens.
Arum campanulatum. Ipomcea dig'itata, & 1. batatas.
Asparagus racemosa· Lansonia alba.
Asphaltum (nervine). Melia azadirachta.
Auram, calcined. Mimosa pudica'.
Balsamodendron mukul. Mimisops elengi.
Bambusa arundinacea. Moschus moschiferus.
Barleria prionitis. Mucuna pruriens.
Bassia latifolio ; longifolia; Nardostachys jatamansi (ner-
& butyracea. vine).
Bauhinia variegata. Nerium odorum.
Benincasa cerifera. Onosma species.
Berberis aristata. Pedalium murex.
Brassica campestris, & B. jun- Phaseolus trilobus.
cea (nervine). Phcenix sylv'estris.
Buchanania latifolia. Phyllanthus emblica.
Cresalpinia digyna. Pi stacia vera.
Calotropis gigantea. Prunus amygdalus (See:-.
Canscora decussata (nervine). Amygdalus dulcis).
Casearia esculenta. Pterocarpus sahtalinus.
Cinnabar. Pyrethrum radix.
Cinnamomum camphora. Rubia cordifolia.
Clerodendron siphonanthus. Saccharum purificatum.
Saraca indica ..
Cocculus cordifolia.
Convolvulus paniculatus. Semecarpus anacardium.
Cordia latifolia, & C. myxa. Sesamum indicum.
Sida rhombifolia.
Coriandrum" sativum.
Smilax china or chinensis.
Curculigo orchioides.
Stereospermum suaveolens.
Curcuma longa.
Strychnos nux-vomica (ner-
Desmodium triflorum.
Eclipta erecta.
Embelia ribes. Sulphur sublimatum.
Emblic myrobalam. Symplocos racemosa.
Erythroxylon coca. Tacca aspera.
Eugenia jambolana. Terminalia belerica; T. che-
Ferri sulphas. bula.
Ghee. Tinospora cor<;lifolia; T. crispa.
Glycyrrhiza glabra. Tribulus terrestris.
Gmelina arborea. Trichosanthes dioica.
Gymnema balsamicum, & G. "Triphala." . .
lactiferum. Uraria lagopoides.
Gynoc~l'dia odorata. Yanda roxburghii.

Vitis vinifera. UTERINE STIMULANTS:-

Withania somnifera. See:-Stimulants.
parasitics", & Anthelmentics".
Acacia catechu.
Adhatoda vasica. VERMIFUGES:-See
Aplotaxis auriculata. "Anthelmintics" .
Apocynum cannabinum. '
Artocarpus lakoocha. VESICANTS: See also:-
Carissa corundas. "Rubefacients", "Irritants", &
Citrus medica. "Counter-irritants".
Coccus lacca.
Digitalis purpurea, & D. VESICANTS:-
Hydrargyrum. Epicauta nipalensis.
Mangifera· indica. Lytta assamensis; L. gigas; L.
Mel depuratum. violacea. ,
Melia azadirachta. Melre trianthema.
Moringa pterygosperma (diu- Moringa pterygosperma. ,
retic). Mylabris cichorii; lVI. punctum;
Prunus species. M. pustulata; & other spe-
Punica granatum. cies.
Rumex vesicarius. Plumbago rosea, & P. zeyla-
Spondiac mangifera. nica.
Strophanthus gratus, & S. Salvadora wightiana.
combe. Semecarpus anacardium.
Sulphate of Iron <haematinic}. Sinapis j uncea.
Tamarindus indica.
Terminalia arjuna. VOLATILE AND FIXED
Urginea scilla. OILS ARE DERIVED
Achyranthes aspera.
Emblic myrohalan. Acorus calamus.
Moschus moschiferus. Acquilaria agallocha.
Solanum xanthocarpum. Aleurites moluccana.
Tinospora cordifolia. .... Allium cepa, A. ~ativum.
Alre vera.
UTERINE CONTRACTERS:- Alpinia galanga.
See "Ecbolics", or "Oxytocics" Andropogon citratis;, A:. lani-
. ger; A. muricatus.
etc., .
Apium graveolens.
UTERINE SEDATIVES &. Arachis hypogea.
ASTRINGENTS:-See:- Argemone me'xicana.
, Bassia longifolia.
"Sedatives". ,_ - Bhimea balsamifera.

Brassica alba; B. juncea; & B. Michelia champaca.

nigra. Myristica fragrans.
Canarium commune. Nicotiana tabacum.
Capsicum nepalensis. Nyctanthes arbortristis.
Carthamus tinctorius. Ocimum sanctum.
Carum copticum; C. caruL Prederia fcetida.
Cassia auriculata. Pandanus odoratissimum.
Celastrus paniculata. Papaver somniferum.
Cinnamomum cassia; C:" cam- Pimpinella anisum.
phora; & C. zeylanicum. Pinus deodara.
Citrus acida. Piper be'tle; P. chaba; P. cu-
Cocos nucifera. beba; P. longum; & P. nig-
Coriandrum sativum. rum.
Crocus sativum. Pongamia glabra.
Croton tiglium. Pseudanum graveolens.
Cuminum cyminum. Psoralea corylifolia.
Curcuma aromaticus; C. longa; Pterocarpus marsupium.
& C. zedoaria. Ptychotis ajowan.
Cymbopogon citratus; C. fla- Raphanus sativus.
xuosus; & C. pachnodes. Ricinus communis.
Elettaria cardamomum. Rosa damascena.
Embelia ribes. Rosemarinus officinalis.
Erythroxylon monogynum. Santalum album.
Eucalyptus globulus. Sesamum indicum.
Eugenia caryophyllata. Sphceranthus indicus.
Ferula fcetida .• Styrax benzoin.
Fceniculum vulgare. Terminalia catappa.
Garcinia morella. Valeriana jatamansi; ,V. walli-
Gaultheria fragrantissima. chii.
Guizotia abyssynica. Vitex negundo.
Helianthus annus. Zingiber officinale.
Hibiscus sabdariffa.
Hymenodictyon excelsum. VULNERARIES:-
Jatropha curcas. Bombax malabaricum.
Juniperus communis; J. oxy- Cocculus cordifolia.
cedrus.: Glycerrhiza glabra.
Linum usitatissimum. Grislea tomentosa.
Liquidamber orientalis. Mimosa pudica.
Mallotus philippinensis. Myrica sapida.
Melaleuca leucadendron. Stephania' hernandifolia.
Melia azadirachta. Symplocos racemosa.
Mentha arvensis. . Uraria lagopoides.
(1) Guide to Indigenous Drugs (1949) by Dr. J. R. GoyaL
(2) "Halliya Vaidya~', (Canarese) (1945), by Vaidya Madh-
vacharya Burli.

(3) Druary's Pharmacopreia of India, (old edition).

(4) Pharmocology, Materia Medica & Therapeutics (1949) ~
by Dr. B. N. Ghosh.
(5) 100 Useful Drugs, (1927), by Dr. A. Lakshmipathi.
(6) Practical Bazaar Medicines, (1920), by Col. G. T~
(7) Students' Pharmacology & Materia Medica (1933), by
Dr V. G. Rele. '
(8) Pharmacology & Therapeutics (1948), by Dr. M. A.
(9) Catalogue 1950 of the Homceo-Chemical & Pharmaceu-
tical Works, Ltd., & Laboratory, 22, Gorachand Road,.
Entally, Calcutta.
(10) Domestic Duty (1905), by Manmathanath Dutt.
(11) Forest Trees of Mysore & COorg (1894), by John
(12) A 'rreatise on Tropical Therapeutics (1950), by Col.
R. N. Chopra.
(13) A Handbook of Ayurvedic Meteria Medica with prin-
ciples of Pharmacology, & Therapeutics, Vol.·1 (1950),.
by Dr. H. y. Savnur.
(14) Aphrodisiac Remedies (1925), by Practical Medicine,.

Drugs, Preparations and their specific and more important
uses in diseases.

Abelmoschus esculentus, in bronchitic cough, and in

diseases of the intestinal and genito-urinary organs.
. Abies webbiana, in cough and phthisis.
Abrak bhasma, in combination with other..d.rugs as a.
tonic in chronic diseases, such as diarrhoea, dysentery, fever,
diabetes, ancemia, jaundice, etc. .
Abroma augusta,' in menstrual disorders, and -dysme-

Abrus precatorius, in nervous debility and locally leuco-
derma, alopecia, sciatica, stiff joints, paralysis and obstinate
Abutllon indicum, it\ diseases of the bladder and urethra ..

Acacia arabica, in pulmonary and bronchial diseases;

diarrhrea, piles, prolapse of rectum, gonorrhrea, typhoid
fever, irritability of the genito-urinary organs, and leucor-
Acacia catechu, in diarrhrea, sore throat, mercurial sto":
matitis, and in ulcerations internally and externally.
Acacia concinna, in Asthma.
Acacia se'negal, in bleeding piles and other hremorrhages.
Acalypha ,indica, as an emetic.
Acampe pappilosa, in rheumatism, sciatica and neuralgia.
Achillea millefolium, for colds, promoting perspiration;
and fevers.
Achyranthes aspera, in cough, asthma, enlarged spleen
in malaria, painful menstruation and toothache, and occa-
sionally in renal dropsies.
Acipenser huso, etc., (Fishes) in .chronic diarrhrea and
Aconitum ferox, in fever, diarrhrea of children, cough.
asthma, diabetes, nervous diseases, spermatorrhrea, and
locally in neuralgia, rheumatism and guinea" worms.
Aco'l1jitum heterophyllum, in dyspepsia and chronic
Aconitum napellus, internally in inflammatory fevers
in early stages, and externally in neuralgia, sciatica, mus-
cular rheumatism; and inflammatory joint affections .
. Acarus calamus, in gastric and respiratory diseases,
dyspepsia, dysentery, worms, to promote micturition and
labour pains, and in tetany, epilepsy, wounds, ulcers, vomit-
ting, hysteria and spasmodic complaints.
Adansonia digitata, in dysentery, diarrhrea, dyspepsia,
acid eructations and externally painful joints, and syphilitic
Adeps, (Lard), in excoriations, burns and scalds.
Adhatoda vasica, in cough, asthma, bronchitis, pertussis,
tuberculosis of lungs, (respiratory spasmodic diseases) and
ague fever.
Adiantum capillus veneris, for coughs, hoarseness, and
colds. .
Aegle marmelos, in chronic obstinate, mucous and catar-
rhal diarrhrea, dysentery, and scurvy, and early stage of
spru~ and consumption, and typhoid, chronic constipation,
and certain forms of dyspepsia.

Agati grandiflora, in .enteric fever.

Agrimonia euphatoria,1 in coughs, diarrhrea, relaxed.
bowels, kidney and liver derangements.
Agropyrum repens, in cystitis, nephritis, and bladder
complaints, generally; alsQ for gout and rheumatism.
AiLanthus excelsa, for aebility_
Alangium lamarckii, to produce temporary fall of blood
pressure, and to increase the tone and peristaltic moVement
of the intestine.
Aleurites moluccana, as an aphrodisiac.
Allium cepa, in bronchial complaints, piles, infantile,
epileptic and hysterical fits.
Allium sativum, in acid dyspepsia, hiccough, infantile
convulsions, tetany and nervous affections; oil externally
in paralysis.
Alocacia indica, in anasarca and dropsy.
Alee barbadensis, in eye affections and internally in piles,
coughs and colds, and as an external application to inflamed
and painful parts of the body.
Alee indica .01- A. litoralis, in internal and external in-
. flammations, constipation, bleeding piles, and dysentery,
hysterical fits, and flatulency.
Alee vera, in lymphatic glands_
Alpinia ofjicinarum, in "dyspepsia, preventing ferme.nta-
tion and removing flatulence.
Alstonia scholaris and A. constricta, in catarrhal and
malarial fevers and chronic bowel complaints (diarrhrea,
dysentery) .
Altheea ofjiQinalis, for coughs, colds, bronchitis, ascites,
anasarca, asthma, gout, dysentery, kidney trouble, inflamma-
tion of lungs, intestines and bladder, and is invaluable for
Alumen and its preparations, in hcemoptysis, epistaxis,
menorrhagia, chronic diarrhrea, and dysentery, diarrhrea of
phthisis and cholera, gastro-intestinal, renal,' <uterine and
genito-urinary catarrah and hcemorrhages, vaginitis, -leucor-
rhcea, bleeding piles, strj:rogury, gleet, vomitting, hiccough,
asthma, croup and whooping cough, narcotic poisoning, ser-
pent bite, malaria, concussion of the brain and spinal cord
fractures, painful joints, lead colic, guinea~worm, enteric
fever, diabetes, album~uria, and externally in epistaxis,
gums, vagina, rectum, c~s, etc.,' ulcers, bed-sores, fissures,
APPEl'iprcES 27'1 .

sore-eyes, recent-ecchymoses, a:phthre, thrush, eczema,

sweating feet, etc., prolapsus of the anus, urethral discharge,
scorpion bites, etc.
Amm'antus spinosus as a diuretic. I

Ambra grisea, in general and nervous debility, epilepsy,

spasms, high fevers with delirium and colhlPse.
Ammonium chloride, in hepatic congestion and dropsy,
<enlarged liver and spleen), colic, tetany, alkalosis, jaundice,
billiousness, laryngeal, bronchial, pulmonary, vesical, gastro-
intestinal, and genito-urinary catarrhs and inflammations,
intermittent fevers, neuralgias, and externally headache,
mania, and apoplexy, chronic rheumatism. inflamed erysipe-
las and hernial tumours, enlarged glands, abcesses, milk
abcesses, chronic skin diseaSl;s, bruises, and blows on the
eye, etc., cataract, scorpion bites etc.
Amomum subulatum, as a carminative.
Amorphophallus campanulatus. in hremorrhoicis and
piles. .

Amorphophallus sylvaticus, in piles, dyspepsia, debility,
amenorrhrea, and locally boils and opthalmia.
Anacyclus pyrethrum.. in nerve affections, chroriic powel
affections, and seminal debility.
Anamirta cocculus, in pediculi.
Ananas sativus, in gastric irritability llnd billiousness,
and as an anthelmintic.
Andrographis paniculata, in general debility, convales-
cence, dysentery, diarrhrea, dyspeptic conditions, kalazar,
children's torpidity of liver and constipatioIl.
Andropogan citratis, in colds, catarrhs, vomitting and
fevers, flatulent and spasmodic affections of the gastro-
intestinal tract and externally in lumbago, rheumatism and
neuralgia. .
Anemone obtusiloba, externally as a blistering agent.
Animal flesh preparations,. in convalescence, hysteria,
paralysis, insanity, cephalalgia, and other nervous diseases,
. cough, phthj.sis, eye and ear diseases, and externally convul-
sions, paralysis and wastjng of limbs.
Anisomf!les Mltlab~rica, in catarrh, intermittent ·f~vers
and gastro-intestinal affections.
I 'Annona squamosa, in tumours.

Anthemis nobilis, (See also:-Matricaria chamomilla),

for hysteria and nervousness in women and as a tonic for
debility. I
Antiaris toxicaria, in dysentery, and as an arrow-poison,
and by regulated doses· for: cardiac failure.
Aqua stychetis, in acidity.
Arachis hypogece, IS a tonic and is used in piles.
Areca catechu, in worms, diarrhcea, tape-worm, watery
discharges from genito-urinary organs, and bleeding gums.
Argemone mexicana, for herpetic eruptions.
Argyreia speciosa, as tonic in dullness of intellect, ema-
ciation, infirmity of old ag~, and externally in abstesses.
Aristolochia bracteata, for maggots in the nose, syphilis,
gonorrhcea and skin diseases.
Aristolochia. indica., in venemous insect bites and inter-
nally in intermittent fevers and bowel complaints .

Aristolochia serpentaria, very efficacious in feverish
conditions, antispasmodic tonic and nervine.
Arsenic (Bisulphuret of), in fevers, coughs, asthma, and
skin diseases, and locally fistulous sores and other skin dis-
eases, cephalalgia, ozena (ozcena) and coma.
Arsenic (Trisulphuret of), in chronic fevers, skin dis-
eases, incipient phthisis, coughs, asthma, paralysis, epilepsy,
dropsy, and externally warts, corns, leprous ulcers and as a
Arsenious acid, in chronic fevers, liver complaints, lien-
teric diarrhcea, neuralgias, chorea, enlarged lymphatic glands,
obesity, chronic coryza, and externally cancer, lupus, para-
sitic diseases, asthma, cough and impotence.
Artemisia absinthium, good for enfeebled digestion, anli
consequent debility, also expels worms in children.
Artemisia maritima, as a ~:tomachic, and in round worms.
Artemisia species, in dyspepsia, hysteria, @ilepsy, ner-
vous irritability, depression and exhaustion, worms as sto-
machic, and externally. skin diseases, foul ulcers and as snuff
in headache.
Artemisia vulgaris, for' female irregularities, nervous
and spasmodic affections.
A;Paragus species, in boils, general debility, (to increase
manly vigour), leucorrhcea, epilepsy, hysteria, calculus affec-
tions, gastro-intestinal disorders,' colic, etc.

Asphaltum, in genito-urinary diseases, gallstone, renal

stone, anuria, jaundice, enlarged spleen and liver, fermenta-
tive-dyspepsia, round worms, piles, anasarca, obesity, nervous
,diseases, 1.lterine troubles, scrofula, tuberculosis, leprosy,
eczema, elephantiasis; anremia, anorexia, asthma of. gouty
people, phosphaturia -(contra-indicated in uric acid calculus),
ascites, uraemia, cholremia, chyluria, albuminuria, chronic
cystitis, diabetic amaurosis, and locally rheumatic arthriti~,
paralysis, contusions, sprains, and bruises.
Astercantha longifolia, in dropsy, rheumatism and uri-
nary affections.
Atropa -belladonna, internally, in intestinal obstruction,
heart ailments, spasmodic affections, night-sweats of phthisis,
renal calculus and externally in sciatica, piles, female ail-
ments, and eye complaints.
Aurum (prepared), in chrohic' fevers, consumption, in-
'Sanity, and other diseases of the nervous system and of the
urinary organs, hysteria, epilepsy, leprosy, asthma, dyspep-
sia, amenorrhrea, sterility, habitual abortion, chronic Bright's
disease, chronic fuetritis, chronic and obstinate dysentery,
syphilis, scrofula and impotence.
Averrhcea carambola, in scanty micturition.
Azadirachta indica; (extract), in periodic fever, (mala-
ria), and suppuration, for foul ulcers and chronic skin dis-
eases, round and thread worms.
Balsamodendron mukul, in abscesses, and rheumatic,
nervous, scrofulous, urinary and skin diseases,
Balsamodendron myrrh, in dyspepsia, stomatitis, chest
complaints, amenorrhrea, and other atonic uterine affec-
tions, and externally in thrush, guinea-worm, inflammations
and ulcers.. j

Balsamodendron opobalsamum, in genito-urinary dis-

eases and locally indolent ulcers, cuts and bleeding wounds.
Bambusa arundinacea, in thread worms and internally
bronchial (cough and asthma). consumption, fevers, to pro-
mote micturition, spasm.odic affections.
Banga bhasma, is a general tonic and alterative used
in diabetes, anremia, and skin diseases.
Barringtonia acutangttla, etc., in small doses in colds,
catarrhs, headaches and, ophthalmia and to promote vomit-
ting in children.
Basella S'pecies, in catarrhs of the bronchial and genite-
urinary tracts a'nd externally ,in headaches, and insomnia.

Bassia latijolia, in. skin diseases, cepha~~lgia, and inter-

nally rheumatic affectI()n~ and general debIlity.
Bauhinia variegata, in worms, piles, diarrhcea, dysentery,
dyspepsia, flatulence,. coughs, scrofulous affections and skin-
Beninkasa cerijera, in' internal hremorrhages, nervous II

and spasmodic diseases, vegetable poisons, dyspepsia and

Berberis aristata, in malarial fevel~S, with biliousness,
jaundice, blood-pressure, liver and spleen diseases, piles,
and locally leucorrhrea, Delhi-boils, menorrhagia, and eye
Berberis asiatica, in leishmania" .cardiac complaints, and
oriental sores.
Berberis vulgaris, in jaundice and liver complaints, indi-
gestion and constipation.
Betula alba, a bitter astringent, used for skin diseases
and eczema,-can be used internally or externally.
Bezoar, in abortion, measles, typhoid, piles and s"kin
diseases. .
Bixa orellana, in dysentery, gonorrhrea, and fevers.
Blumea species, in cough.
Brerhavia dijJusa, in asthma, anremi~, inflammatory
and dropsical affections, hepatic disorders, rheumatic and
gouty complaints, kala-azar and chronic peritoneal .condi-
tions, heart-diseases, and kidney ailments·
Brerrhaavia 1'epens, in dropsy due either to cirrhosis of
the liver or when associated with kala-azar, and ascites due
to chronic peritoneal conditions.
Bombax. Malabaricu7n, in diarrhrea, dysentery, menor-
rhagia, gonorrhrea, calculi, renal and bladder inflammation
and ulcerations.
Bombyx mori, in profuse menstrual flow,'" leucorrhoea,
chronic diarrhrea, eye diseases, anc;l catarrh.
Barago offLcinalis" for fevers and chest trouble.
Boswellia glabra, etc., in rheumatic, scrofulo{is and
spyhilitic affections, piles, cough, influenza, enlarged scrotum
due t(.l injury, urinary, uterine, and pulmonary diseases.
BosweHia serrata, in bronchitis and chronic laryngitis.
Brassica alba, for hjp baths .in fevers, cerebral conges-
. tions, stimulant, cataplasx:; and sinapism, and internally in


nervous . complaints, indigestion, flatulence, costiveness,

colic and dropsy.
Brassica campestris, used for culinary and . anointing
Brassica funcea, in rheumatic and chest affections.
Brassica nigra, as digestive condiment, in gouty, rheu-
matic, inflammatory and febrile cases.
Brunella vulgaris, is used as a stimulant expectorant.
Bryonia epigcea, in diabetes, rheumatic and syphilitic
Bryphyllum calcinum or B. pinnatnm in boils, wounds,
bruises an!l bites of insects.
Butea frondosa, and B. monosperma, in diarrhrea,'.dysen-
tery, dyspepsia, and round and tape worms and externally
in skin diseases (ringworm) swellings and ulcerations.
Butter, in consumption and piles.
Ccesalpinia bonduc, in malarial fevers, debility, epileptic
fits, hysteria, as antidote against opium, aconite, arsenic, and
copper poisoning; gastric and hepatic disorders, and exter-
nally in inflammations and guinea-worms.
Calcium and its salts, in enlarged spleen, jaundice, uri-
nary troubles, acid dyspepsia, heartburn, infantile diarrhceas,
scrofula, consumption, menorrhagia, and e'xternally fractures,
and painful swollen parts, headaches, gouty joints, bites of
rabid dogs, ringworm, Dhobie's itch, etc., warts, small-pox,
burns and scalds, sore and cracked nipples, chancres, scro-
fulous and other ulcers, leucorrhcea, and other vaginal dis-
charges, prurites, ani, and pudendi erysipelas and other
skin affections, and as a depilatory.
Calcium oxide or Calx, to prevent curdling of milk,
heartburn, prosis, vomitting, pruritus valve and cracked nip-
ples, & in gastric acidity.
Calendula ofjicinalis, internally for fevers, to promote
perspiration and to prevent suppuration.
Calophyllum inophyllum, in genito-urinary diseases.
Calotropis gigantea and C. procera, in constitutional and
syphilitic affections, ~isceral enlargements, leprosy, asthma,
"fevers with enlarged liver and cough, and skin diseases.
Camphora officinarum, in eruptive and other fevers,
spasmodic, chest, respiratory and cerebral affections, worms,
colic, and bed sores.

Cannabis sativa, in all

diseases requiring a 'Stimulant,
exhilarant, aphrodisiac and an~yne action.
CapseUa bursa-pastdriS, for kidney complaints, dropsy,
and chronic diarrhcea.
Capsicum annum, in sta"mach-ache with acidity, and
cholera. l'

Capsicum frutescens, in pharyngeal and gastro-intestinal

Capsicum minimum, in diarrhcea, constipation & dys-
pepsia. ~
Cardiospermum helicacabum, in urinary and nervous
diseases, rheumatism, piles, amenorrhcea, and locally ear-
ache, li"heumatism, and amenorrhcea.
Carica papaya, promotes menstruation and is used ,in
croup, diphtheria, dyspepsia, enlarged spleen and liver, chro-
nic diarrhcea, amooic dysentery, and round worms and other
,intestinal disorders, and externany elephantoid growths, and
Carthamus tinctorius, for female irregularities, fevers
and eruptive skin diseases.
Cmoyota urens, in seminal weakness, and urinary dis-
orders and externally in hemicrania.
Carum carui, D.r carvi, in flatulence and colic.
. Carum copticum, (Aqua ptychotis) in aci~ity, colic, fla-
tulent dyspepsia, and spasmodic affections.
CaryophylltLs aromatictLs, in flatulence and indigestion.
Cassia acutifoLia, to cleanse alimentary tract.
Cassia alata, etc., in poisonous insect bites and skin

Cassia angustifolia, &. C. lanceolata, in chronic constipa-
Cassia }istt~la, in ague, fever, gastric complaints, as con-
stipation, flatulent colic, epistaxis, piles, scanty -ormicturition,
etc., and externally rheumatic and skin affections.
Cassia occidentalis, in dyspeptic symptoms, 'and exter-
nally in skin diseases and poisonous bites.
Cassia sophora, in bronchiar, spasmodic affections, rheu-
matic and inflammatory fevers, and externally in skin dis-
Cassia tora, in obstinate skin diseases, as ringworm,
foul ulcers, etc. "

Castoreum, in nervous debility, hysteria, epilepsy,

asthma, muscular tremor., uterine colic and disorders.
Cedrus deodara:, in bilious fevers, rheumatism, and ato-
nic inveterate diarrhrea.
Celastrus paniculatus, oil used externally in painful
joints, hemiplegia, ulcers, skin diseases and piles.
Centella asiatica, (See also~-Hydrocotyle asiatica), in
skin diseases and as a tonic.
Cephalandra indica, in skin diseases and diabetes.
Cera alba, etc., in ulcers, fistula in ano, etc.
Cerbera manghas, (See also:-Cerbera odollum), is pur-
gative, emetic, used for criminal poisoning, and to raise
blood pressure.
Cervus dama, etc., and preparations, in painful affec-
tions of the joints and muscles, cardialgia, pleurisy, pleuro-
dynia and other heart affections, cough, asthma, low fevers,
seminal debility, dysentery, and locally spraiiIs, contusions,
cracks, and fissures, chronic skin diseases, orchitis and other
enlarged glands.
Cetaceum, in alvine and urinary irritations and locally
blistered and excoriated surfaces and ulcers.
Chenopodium ambrosioides, in ascaris and ankylosto-
Chondrus crispus, in chest and bronchial affections, in
irritating diseases of bladder and kidneys.
Cichorium intybus, in liver and spleen disorders.
Cimisifuga, racemosa, for rheumatism, female com-
plaints, and glandular swellings, in children for diarrhrea,
whooping cough and St. Vitus dance.
Cinchon; cortex, in intermittent fevers, spleen enlarge-
ments, and as general gastric tonic during convalescence,
Cinchona succirubra, a powerful tonic, ext~nsively used
in neuralgia, dyspepsia, and debility. Overdoses sometimes
cause headache and giddiness.
Cinnamomum camphora, in lumbago, sciatica, chordee,
spermatorrhrea, .pruritus, asthma, delirium, insomnia, diar-
- l~hrea, ptomaine poisoning, prickly heat, sloughing ulcer and
eczema of genitals. -
Cinnamornum cassia, etc., as gastro-intestinal and ute-
rine stimulant, and in influenza, and locally in rheumatic
pains, headache, and toothache.

Cinna11wmum iners, etc., in fevers, flatulence, dyspep-

sia, and coughs. I
Cinnamomum Malabaricum., in diarrhrea, dysentery, and
Cinnamomum zeylanictL1n, in flatulence, dyspepsia, diar-
rhrea, dysentery and fevers, and to stop nausea and vomit-
Cessempelos Pereira, in dyspepsia, diarrhrea, mucous
discharges from the intestines and bladder, nephrites and
externally snake-bites, & scorpion stings.
Citrullus colocynth is, in hepatic, abdominal, visceral
(dropsy dysentery, etc.,) and cerebral congestions, neuralgic
affections, as a drastic purgative' in constipation, fever and
Citrus acida, in scurvy: as gargle for spongy gums, anti-
dote to castor:,-oil and croton-oil poisoning, and locally for
mosquito bites.
Citrus aurantium, in bilious and gastric disorders,
scurvy, rickets, eczema, etc., and externally, in gout and
Citrus bergamia, in cholera, scurvy, scorbutic affections,
internal hremorrhages, rheumatic, dyspeptic and diabetic
complaints, and externally in cutaneous irritations.
Citrus medica, in bilious fe\'ers, dyspepsia and inflam-
matory affections.
Cleistanthus coUinus, for foul ulcers.
• Cleome visco sa, in worms, foul ulcers, maggots in the
nose, otorrhrea,· and internally in infantile convulsions.
Cle1'odendron species, in fevers, scrofulous and venereal
diseases, worms, bronchial and pulmonary affections.
Critoria ternatia, in croup, visceral enlargements, cystic
and urethral irritations.
Cocculus' cordifolius, in fevers, gastric disorders, general
and seminal debility, liver and splenic enlargements, urinary
diseases, rheumatic and syphilitic affections.
Cocculus indicus, as an ointment in ob-stinate skin
Cocculus suberos1I..s, etc., in epileptic and paralytic
affections, night sweats of ·phthisis and externally in parasi-
tic skin diseases.
Cocculus villos1{s, in gonorrhrea, rheumatic and syphili-
tic cachexia, bilious dyspepsia arid skin diseases.

,Coccus cacti, in whooping cough, neuralgia, etc.

Coccus lacca preparations, in chronic fever, remittent
fever, consumption, cough and dyspnrea, muscular rheumat-
ism, epilepsy, hysteria, indolent, scrofulous and scorbutic
Cocos nuc:ifera, is good in hremoptysis, chronic broIlchi-
tis, distention due to dyspepsia and promotes expulsion of
worms, cocoanut ghee is good in hemiplegia, burnt shel)
ashes mixed in oil are useful in leucoderma, shell oil is use-
ful in skin diseases, Ghee of cocoanut is almost equal to
Cod-liver oil.
Coffea Arabica, in spasmodic and hysterical affections,
chronic diarrhrea, and cholera infantum.
Cola acuminata & C. vera, good tonic for nerves, and
safe and good for muscular weakness of heart. .
Commiphora myrrh a, decoction for sore and ulcerated
throats, thrush, etc., as gargle and mouth-wash.
Copper sulphate, in granular lids, exuberant ulcers, con-
junctivitis, gleet, fleucorrhcea, chronic diarrhcea, d/iptherja,
bronchitis, prickly heat,' and opium poisoning.
Coptis teeta, as an application to sores, especially in the
Corallium rub1"Um & its prepa1'ations, in boils, broncho-
pulmonary affections, low fever, genito-urinary diseases,
scrofulous affections, carbuncle, nervous troubles, dyspepsia,
biliousness, diabetes, impotence and general debility.
Corallocarpus epigeotts, is an alterative in syphilis.
Corchorus capsularis, etc. , in gastric catarrh, hepatic and
intestinal colic, worms, genito-urinary diseases, visceral ob-
Coriand,rum sativum, in flatulent colic, dyspepsia, bleed-
ing piles, mucous diarrhrea, rheumatism, neuralgia, cepha-
lalgia, and locally in eye affections.
Cratmva nurva1a, in calculus, syphilis, renal and urinary
complaints, scrofulous, grandular and internal inflammation,
and locally ozcena and flatulence. .
Crocus sativus, in headache, spasmodic coughs and
catarrhs, and gastro-intestinal and uterine disorders, semi-
. nal debility, neuralgias, rheumatism and locally bruises and
Croton tiglium, in dropsy, lead poisoning, cerebral
hremorrhage or convulsions and congestions, apoplexy, intes-,
tinal obstructions, and externally gout, rheumatism, arthri-,

tis, lock jaw, mania, chronic laryngitis, bronchitis and ·to

increase manly vigour.
Cubeba ofjicinalis, in laryngeal, b:r;onchial, leucorrhrea,
genito-urinary, gonorrhre!l, gleet, and cystitis and renal
Cuoumis species, ill inflammatory fevers, urinary irrita-
tion, and suppression and calculus affections.
Cucurbita species, in pulmonary hremorrhages, and
Cuminum cyminum, in chronic diarrhrea, dyspepsia,
hiccough, worms, gonorrhrea and urinary. complaints.
Cupri sulphas, locally in exhuberant granulation, indo-
lent ulcers, tinea-tersi, ringworm, and pseudo-membranous
C1Lprum and its salts, in chronic diarrhrea, and bacte-
rial infections, sprye, typhoid fever, Tabes-mesenterica,
bronchitis, asthma, and externally foul ulcers, sinuses, fistu-
Ire, ringworm, conjectivitis and ophthalmia, epistaxis, exces-
sive and obstinate hremorrhages, leucorrhrea, burns from
phosphorus and prickly heat.
Curculigo orchioides, in gonorrhrea, leucorrhrea, men-
strual derangements, asthma, jaundice, diarrhrea, colic, semi-
nal weakness, and delibility of old 'age.
Curcuma amada, in skin diseases, enlarged glands, spleen
and liver.
Curcuma angustifolia, in gastro-intestinal inflammation,
and ulceration, and urethral irritation.
Curcuma aromatica, in sprains, bruises and skin dis-
Curcuma longa, in worms, jaundice, inflammations,
wounds, bruises, insect bites, sore eyes, skin diseases, piles,
sprains and bruises, and internally gastric disorders, (flatu-
lence & dyspepsia).
Curcuma zedoaria, in malarial fevers, vomiting, hiccough,
worms, flatulence, dyspepsia, pharyngeal and laryngeal
inflammations, and discharges from genital organ.s, and local-
ly skin affections.
Cymbopogon citratus & C. ftexuosus, in lumbago, myalgia,
chronic rheumatism, etc. .
Cynodon dactylon, in vesical calculi, urinary irritation,
dropsies, internal hremorrhages, catarrh, ophthalmics, want
of vitality. T

Cyperus species, in remittent and chronic fevers, gastric

derangements, diarrhrea, worms, and locally scorpion stings,
and ulcers.
Cyprrea moneta, in dyspepsia, jaundice, enlarged spleen
and liver, asthma and cough, scalding in gonorrhrea, colic and
other intestinal pains.
Dalbergia spinosa, roots-powder in a tumblerfuI of water,
destroys effects of alcohol bordering on delirium tremens.
Datura alba, & D. fastuosa, etc., in asthma, spasmodic
lung-complaints, hydrophobia, dysmenorrhrea, maniacal
affections, rheumatic pains, and locally painful and glandular
inflammations, lumbago, pleurodynia, and abscesses.
Datura stramonium, internally in bronchitis and ·asthma.
Daucus carota, for dropsy, retention and irregularities
of urine, gravel and other bladder affections.
Desrnodium species, in malarial fever.
Digitalis purpurea, in diseases of the h,eart.
Diosypros species, in internal inflammations and hremor-
rhages, and externally boils and tumours.
Dipterocarpus turbinatus, in bronchial and genito-
urinary diseases, (gonorrhrea, gleet), leprosy and other skin
Dolichos species, in diarrhrea, leucorrhrea, hremorrha-
ges from internal org<;ms, coughs, and calculus affections.
Draksharishta, in constipation and consumption.
Dryopteris felix, for expulsion of tape worms.
Echinops echinatus, in impotence, dyspepsia, hysteria,.
syphilis and scrofula.
Eclipta erecta, in hepatic disorders, asthma, hiccough,
splenic enlargements, cephalalgia, elephantiasis, poisonous
wounds, and internally uterine hremorrhages.
Elephas indicas, etc., in jaundice and sterility of women
and externally leucorrhrea and conjunctivItis.
Elettaria cardamomum, in stomach complaints, bilious-
ness and vomiting.
Embelia ribes, etc., in intestinal worms, tape-worms, gas-
tric disorders, piles and locally toothache, headache, indolent
ulcers, and other skin diseases and in lung inflammation.
Emblica ojJicinalis, in worms, acidity, inflammations of
the lungs, and eyes, ulcerations, gastro-intestinal disorders,

and discharges, painful micturition, and internal hremorrha-

Entada purscetha, (Se~ also: -E. scandens) , used as an
emetic and in uterine disorders, and as poison to fish.
Ephedra pa'chuclada, (See:-Ephedra vulgaris), is an
excellent cardiac stimulan~ and relieves asthma. .
Erigeron canadansis or canadense, in kidney diseases,
diarrh~a, gravel, and as tonic.
Eriodendron aneractuoStLm, in gonorrhrea, dysentery,
hremorrhoids, menorrhagia, impotence and diabetes.
Erythrina indica, in intestinal worms, dysentery, dys-
menorrhrea, strangury, spyhilis, and locally in opthalmia,
toothache, rheumatism, etc.
Erythroxylon coca, in general debility, catarrh, cold,
asthma, etc., and as local anresthetic.
Eualyptus globulus, in respiratory affections, diphtheria,
fevers, purulent catarrhal affections of the bladder, urethra
and vagina, chronic bowel complaints, and locally wounds,
fretid ulcers, chronic skin diseases, and spongy bl~ding gums.
Engenia caryophyZZata, in flatulency and indigestion.
Eugenia jambolana, in leucorrhrea, cholera, enlarged
spleen, colic, acne, diabetes, chronic diarrhrea and dysentery.
Eupatorium ayapana, in ague, gastro-intestinal deran-
gement, hrematuria, hremoptysis, and 10caUy to bleeding piles,
ulcers, and venomous bites.
Eupatorium perfoliatu1n, for fever, catarrh, asthma,
E-ttphorbia species, (Euphorbia antiquorum in rheumat-
ism; E. neriifolia, in warts and earache), in dropsy, palsy,
syphilis, leprosy, enlarged liver and spleen, spasmodic respi-
ratory complaints, and extemally to neuralgias, glandular
swellings, painful joints, rheumatism, whitlows, warts, ear-
ache, scrofulous and other inveterate ulcers, venomous bites,
and syphilitic nodes.
E11phorbia pilulifera, in bowel & lung complaints of
children, asthma, dysentery, gonorrhrea, spasmodic dyspnrea
and coryza.
Euphrasia officinalis, .useful for weak eyes, ophthalmia,
Fagonia Arabia, etc., in sore mouth, stomatitis, renal
colic, gravel, inflammation,s, intense scratching and skin
irritability. I "


FeZ Bovis Purificatum, in measles, small-pox, heat in

the body, whooping cough, diarrhcea, and other intestinal dis-
orders, hysteria, convulsions, spasmodic diseases, jaundice,
deficient secretion of bile, abortion and externally skib dis-
Feronia elephantum, i.n diarrhcea, dysentery, biliousness,
dyspepsia, scurvy, affections of ~he gums and throat.
Ferrum and its salts, in diabetes, anremia, chlorosis,
dropsy, hremorrhagic diseases, leucorrhcea, chronic dyspep-
sia, scrofula, tuberculosis, intestinal worms, and blood
parasites, erysipelas, carbuncles, farunculosis, enlarged
spleen and liver, diabetes, and other urinary diseases, ascites,
anasarca, uterine troubles, chronic bowel complaints, general
and sexual debility, neuralgia, rheumatism, and externally
foul syphilitic ulcers, and various skin diseases, fistulae,
bleeding piles, ozoena, rectal prolapsus, and eye diseases,
alopecia, and grey hairs.
Ferrum preparations, in anaemia, debility, bleeding
piles, and prolapse of anus, and as laxative tonics.
FeruZa asafoetida, etc., in dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhoea,
'Cholera, diabetes, colic, convulsions of weak children, ner-
vousness, hysteria, spasmodic and obstinate coughs, worms,
1iver torpidity, uterine affections, habitual abortions, nervous
paralytic and rheumatic complaints.
Ficus Bengalensis, etc., in diabetes, hremoptysis, gonor-
Thcea, spermatorrhcea, dysentery, diarrhoea, and locally
toothache, bruises, cracks, and rheumafic pains.
Ficus Benjamina, in cough, indigestion, dFopsy and in-
Ficus carica, in constipation, renal and vesical calculi,
vesceral obstructions, piles, gout, and externally ulcers, gum
boils,. cracks in the mouth, etc.
Ficus glomerata, in dysentery, menorrhagia, consump-
tion, diabetes, bilious affections, and locally aphthre, ulcers
'even leprous, scrofulous, and cancerous.
Ficus indica, in cholera.
Ficus religiosa, in gonorrhcea, leucorrhcea, skin diseases,
'Cracked feet, and anal fistula, aphthous sores, and internally
-ilysentery and as nutricious cooling drink in heat of body.
Famiculam vulgare,' in headaches, flatulence, colic,
diarrhcea, dysenteny of children, indigestions, painful mic-
turition,_ suppression in menSQs, and general heat of the body,
jaundice, hremoptysis and epistaxis.

Fraxinus excelsior, is laxative and purgative, in inter-

mittent fevers, ague, etc~, ~d in gout and rheumatoid arthritis.
Fraxinus ornus, is a laxative; also a strengthening food;
wiry useful for sick chilqren.
Fucus vesicu[osus, is :most effective Jor obesity, and used
for kidney trouble.
Fumaria officinalis, for stomach, liver derangements, and
skin affections. .
GaHum aparine is excellent for gravel and other urinary
disorders; also a tonic.
Gallus bankiva var domesticus, in invalid and anremic
conditions, convalescence, emaciation, general debility, and
locally buboes, boils, cancer, etc. .
Garcmia mangostana, in chronic diarrhcea ang. dysentery,
leucorrhcea gonorrhcea, gleet, and locally tonsilitis, prolapsus.
ani and vaginre.
Garcinia pictoria, etc., in hepatic obstructions, gouty
arthritis, apoplexy and cerebral congestion and locally sprains,
bruises and swollen hands and feet.
Gm'cinia pttrpurea, in dysentery, mucou,s diarrhcea,
pulmonary phthisis and scorbutic diseases, and locally burns
and scalds, fissures and ulcerations.
Gardenia gummiferfl, in toothache, worms, malarial fevers,
skin diseases, colic, foul sores, and maggots in the nose.
Gasterpodfl and its preparations, in dysentery, gonorrhcea,
colic, dyspepsia, jaundice, tympanites, flatulence, catarrh,
cough, asthma, dis~harges from ears, nose, etc.
Gau~t,heria fragnntissirna, in rheumatism, fibrostis,
lumbago, and sciatica.,
Gendarussa vulgar;is, in fevers coughs and colic of child-
ren, chronic indigestion and dysentery, and locally glandular
swellings and rheumatic joints.
Gentiana kurroo, in general dEFbility, convalescence after
fevers, dyspepsia, gout, torpid liver, spleen enlargement.
anremia, and worms.
Geum urbanum, is an excellent restorative III weakness~
debility, etc.
Ghee, in cancer.
Glycyrrhiza glabra, in sore throats, colds, hoarseness,
catarrhs, coughs, bronchial aff~ctions, bilious fevers, in-
fluenza, leucorrhcea, apd other. uterine complaints,

GrneLia arborea, in fevers, indigestion, waterbrash,..

anasarca, and locally headache.
Gossypium indicum,in dysentery, piles, strangury, g~vel,
uterine disorders, and as antidote to datura poisQning and
externally to sores, 'boils, wounds and gouty joints.
Gratiola monniera, (see also:-Herpestl!s monniera,) as a
nervine tonic in insanity and epilepsy.
Gymnema sylvestre, ill snake bites, swollen glands, and
visceral enlargements, and internally in cough, diabetes and
Gynandropsis pentaphylla, in sprains, round worms, con-
vulsive affections and locally otitis, otalgia; b.oils and other
external inflammations.
Gynocardia odorota, in leprosy, scrofula, and other skin
diseases, chronic rheumatism, gout and secondary syphilis.
Helicteres isora, in intestinal complaints, (colic, flatulence~
diarrhrea, and dysentery), diabetes and locally in otorrhrea.
Heliotropium indicum, in boils and scorpion stings.
Helleborus niger~ in chronic fever, 'apoplexy, dropsy,
mania" hiccough, jaundice, melancholia, and worms.
Hemidermtts indic1.ts, in chronic cough, syphilitic cachexia.
]eucorrhrea, gravel, strangury, dyspeptic and nutritional dis-
orders, genito-urinary diseases, chronic rheumatism and
impurity of the blood, debility and skin affections.
Hermodactyl1.ts gol, in intermittent fever, bronchial
catarrh, and congestion, hysteria, dysentery, chroni.c gout,
torpid liver, dropsy and enlarged spleen.
Herpestis monn,iera, in insanity, hysteria, epilepsy, and
bilious disorders, anurea and obstinate costiveness, remittent
Hibiscus species, in fevers, hysteria, gonorrhrea, urethritis,
catarrhs of the bladd& and air passages, seminal weakness, and
externally bruises, sprains, insect bites, inflamed joints, and
skin diseases.
Hir1.tdo medicinalis, in acute inflammation of the glands
and ?f the serous.' membranes and of the skin or bones, (but
not .~ the .affectIOns of the scrotum or eye-lids), obstinate
vormtmg, VIOlent headache, severe pains in the chest or the
'abdomen, menstrual deficiency, acute dysentery and conges-
tion of the liver. .
Holarrhena antidysenterica in amrebic dysentery and
diarrhrea, piles, intestinal worms chronic chest affections
dyspepsia and externally rheumatism and toothache. "

Hordeum vulga1'e etc., as a diluent drink in fevers, nutri-

tiou~ food for infants andl a demulcent in the irritation of the
bladder kidney, urethra, etc.
Humulus luplllus, is :a valuable tonic for stomach' and
nerves; also for in~igestion and worms.
Hydnocarpus specles, in leprosy, phthisis, abscesses,
sore-eyes, and wounds,· scrofulous nodes, skin diseases,
syphilitic or otherwise, gonorrhcea, vaginal foetid discharges,
internally as wsll as externally.
Hydrargyrum and its preparations, in fevers, diarrhcea,
dysentery, anasarca, dyspepsia, hyperacidity, chronic gastritis,
worms, jaundice, dropsy, liver diseases, bronchial affections,
nervous diseases, diseases of the female and urinary organs,
mental and physical debility, uric acid diathesis, gravel,
syphilis, gonorrhcea, paralytic troubles, rheumatism, and
externally syphilitic eruptions, skin diseases, inflamation of
lymphatic glands, buboes, etc., tonsilitis, boils 'and ophthalmia.
Hydrastis canadensis, an excellent tonic and a splendid
specific for liver and digestive complaints.
Hydrocotyle asiatica, in leprous, scrofulous, syphilitic and
other skin affections, tetanus, tetanic convulsions, epilepsy,
chronic rheumatism, elephantiasis, dysenteric and other
bowel complaints, various sorts of fevers, including remittent;
insanity, and hypochondriasis, and as a nervine tonic.
Hygrophila spinosa,·etc., in rheumatism, gravel, gonorrhcea
leucorrhcea, and other genito-urinary diseases, dropsy,
hepatic obstructions, impotence, and dianhcea.
HyoscycLmus niger, etc., in mental and nervous irritabili-
'ties, spasmodic and irritable affections of the lungs, bowels and
genito-urinary organs, (cystitis, prostatis, calculus,) gouty and
other inflammatory swellings.
Hypericum perjoratum, in coughs, colds, bronchitis and
lUng diseases. '
Hyssopus ofjicinalis, for coughs, colds and lung complaints.
. Ichnocarpus jrutescens, in chronic skin diseases, syphilis,
elephantiasis, and loss of sensation.
Indigofera species, in elephantiasis, leprosy, cancer,
secondary syphilis, calculus affections, nervous affections
enlarged liver and spleen, kidney complaints and -locally ir:.
aphthre, various skin affections, hremorrhoids, wounds ulcers
venomous bites, burns and scalds. "
Tpomcea species, to ·promote the growth of the fcetus in
utero, and in spleen ar{cl.liver enlargements, gout, rheumatism,

gono rrhrea , and dropsies, colic, constipation and to.rpidity of

bowels, emaciation and general debility, fe~ensh attack,
neuralgia, headache, melancholia, cutaneous dIseases, para-
lysis, and locally ulcers, rat, scorpion and snake bites.
Iris jlorentina, used in tooth pastes, powders, etc., for
Iris germanica, in skin diseases.
Iris pseudoco1'US, in scanty urine and anuria.
Ixora coccinea, etc., in diarrhrea, dysentery, gonorrhrea,
leucorrhrea, and locally ulcers, boils, headaches, and sore
Jasminum species, in insanity, hysteria, amenorrhrea.
bronchial obstructions and externally in obstinate skin diseases,
headaches, ear and nose diseases, ulcers in the mouth, mam-
mary abscesses and eye complaints.
J ateorhi:::a calumba, in dyspepsia, weakness of stomach,
Jatropha species in enlargement of spleen and liver,
glandular swellings, constipation and flatulence, and externally
boils, itches, herpes, eczema, and abscesses, hremorrhages,
spongy' gums, obstinate skin diseases, rheumatic joints, sinuses
and paralysis.
Jonesia asoka, (See: -Saraca indica), in female diseases.
Juniperus communis, in scanty urine, chronic Bright's
disease, hepatic dropsy, pectoral affections, chronic gonorrhrea,
and leucorrhrea, and locally rheur::atic swellings, and certain
skin affections.
Justica adhatoda, See: -Adhatoda vasica.
Kaolinum, in cholera, 'dysentery, diarrhcea, gastritis,
gastric and duodenal ulcer and hyperacidity, and locally
diphtheria, burns, vaginal and uterine discharges, neurosis
of the heart, hysteria, gonorrhreal epididymitis and dandruff.
Kumyss, in diabetes, irritability of the stomach and.,
obstinate vomiting.
Lacerta agilis prepa.ration, III general debility and
Lactus and its preparations, in gas.tric catarrh, ulcers and
cancer, gastrorrhagia, dyspncea, hectic cough, chronic
diarrhcea, and other intestinal disorders, flatulence, jpiles,
worms, albuminuria and urinary complaints, anorexia, ascites,
and anasarca, splenitis, stomatitis, acid 'stomach, heart-burn,
appendicitis, jaundice, insomnia, poisoning by corrosive
sublimates, copper sulphate and corrosive acids, enteric a:pd

other low fevers, eye-diseases, and externally syphilis,

acute iritis, heredit~ry eczema, colic, sores, burns, blistered
surfaces, wasting disease~, irrita"?ility o~ . the skin, cOl~yza,
nervous diseases, rheumatlc affectlOns of lOIDtS. eye'-affechonsi
burning of the body, han~s and feet, and chest pains.
Lauha, or Loha, or Mandm'a bhasrna, in nervous anaemia;
aiarrhrea, and dyspepsia, and as a blood purifier.
Lawsonia aLba, etc., in headache, diarrhrea, dysentery;
jaundice, hepatitis, splenitis, calculus affections, menorrhagia,
vaginal discharges, leprosy and other depraved conditions of
the body and locally bruises, sprains, inflammations, burns,
gonorrhrea, leuconhrea and small-pox.
Lens esculanta, in debility, mal-nutrition, and externally
small-pox and other foul ulcers.
Lepidiurn sa~ivum, in constitutional diseases like scrofula,
syphilis, rheumatism, diarrhrea, dysentery, hiccough, and skin
diseases, chronic enlargement of the spleen, etc., seminal debi-
lity, leucorrhrea, scurvy and externally in skin diseases,
sprains, bruises, dislocation and rheumatic pains.
Linum usitatissimmn, in bronchial affections, irritation of
the genital and urinary organs, spasmodic affections of the
bowels, piles, and externally as poultice in ulcerated and
inflamed surfaces, deep-seated inflammations, burns and
Lobelia nicotianifolia, in asthma and bronchial affection!:?
Lt£jJa species, in ascites, enlarged spleen, infantile cir-
rhosis of the liver, piles, jaundice, worms, colic. dysentery,
dropsy, and externally in headache, jaundice, carbuncles, and
other foul ulcers, splenitis, haemorrhoids and leprosy.
Makaradhwaja in indigestion, fever, nervous debility, and
as an intestinal antiseptic.
Mctllotus philippinensis, in tape-worm and ringworm.
Malva sylvestris, -in coughs and colds ..
Mangifera indica, etc., in throat diseases, diarrhoea,
chronic dysentery, bleeding piles, round-wornas, leucorrhrea,
menorrhagia, acute gonorrhcea, scurvy, hrematemesis aphonia;
diabetes, and externally in parasitic skin diseases: bruises,
and cracks in the feet, etc.
Marrttbium vulgare r for colds, coughs and as a tonic.
, Matricaria chamomilla.-See:-Anthemis nobilis.
. Mel and its preparations, in bronchial affections, chronic
colds, pneumonia, heart-weakness, rickets, marasmus, scurvy;
infirmity of old age, mtmorrhagia, piles, diabetes and locally

aphthre, thrush, sore nipples, h~adache, colic, bruises, sprains,

burns, scalds, ulcers, inflamed glands.
M elanleuca leucadendron, in flatulence, colic, diarrhrea,
hysteria, hiccup, dyspnrea, dysmenorrhrea, ne~ralgia, rheuma-
tism, and low fevers, and externally rheumatic, muscular and
neuralgic pains, earaches, and skin ·affections.
Melia azadirachta, in intermittent fevers, (periodic-
ague, malaria) convalescence, atonic dyspepsia, rheumatic
complaints, syphilis, intestinal worms, piles, urinary diseases,
uterine flux, jaundice, catarrhal affections,. and chronic skin
diseases, (leprosy) and externally in cases of small-pox.
rheumatism, foul ahd indolent ulcers, parasitic skin affections,
(erysipelas) scrofulous and glandular swellings, bruises, and
Melia azadirach, in leprosy, scrofula, intestinal worms,
splenic enlargement, and locally nervous headaches and
eruptive skin diseases.
Mentha arvensis in diarrhrea and dyspepsia.
Mentha piperita, etc., in colic, vomiting, flatulence, and
other gastric disturbances, dysmenorrhrea, hiccup, palpitation
of the heart, as cordial for infants, and locally diphtheria, tooth-
ache, neuralgic and rheumatic pains.
Mentha viridis, as a stimulant to allay sickness and to'
relieve flatulency.
Menyanthes tnfoUata, is a good tonic, useful for liver
trouble, scurvy and other skin diseases.
Mesua fen'ea, etc., in bleeding piles, dyspepsia, dysentery,
and locally severe colds and skin affections.
Mica and its preparations, in anremia, chlorosis, jaundice,
biliousness, chronic diarrhrea, dyspepsia, dysentery, nervous
debility, impotence, chronic fever, hectic fev~, phthisis,
enlarged spleen, urinary diseases, anasarca, s<:urvy, cachectic
conditions, asthma, intestinal worms, chronic bronchitis, colic,
gonorrhrea, spermatorrhrea, rheumatism, piles, heart-diseases,
paralysis, leprosy, diabetes, and eye-diseases.
Miche~ia champaca, etc., in flatulence, dyspepsia, chronic
gastritis, colic, gonorrhrea, and renal diseases, and locally
abscesses, gout, rheumatism, cephalalgia, and fretid discharges
from the nostrils.
Mimosa species, in calculus complaints, piles and fistula,
diseases arising from eorrupt blood and bile, and externally
fistulous sores, hydrocele and glandular swellings, eye-in-
flammations, white leprosy, skin eruptions, boils and bums.

M' usops eiangi, hexandlt'a, etc., to increase fertility in

wome~:nin painful mic~urition, stone in the bladder, and in
fevers, as nutr~tive tomc, ~nd. externally wounds and ulcers,
headache, obstmate constIpatIOn, loose teeth, spongy gums,
salivation, muCOUS dischctrge from the nose, bladder and
111omordica species, in bilious affections, piles, jaundice,
worms, leprosy, dysmenorrhoea, and externally intractable.
ulcers, and other skin affections; burning in the feet, night
blindness, liver complaints of children; headache and inflam-
mation caused by contact with the urine of the house-lizard.
Moringa oleifera, in intermittent fever, epilepsy, chronic
rheumatism, dropsy and dyspepsia.
Moringa pterygosperma, etc., in ascites, gout, calculi,
rheumatism, enlarged liver or spleen dropsy, intermittent
fevers, influenza I coughs, spasmodic affections of the throat,
bronchi and the bowels epileptic and hysterical fits, and
externally in fainting fits, comatose conditions, glandular
swellings, headache, earache, toothache, bites of rabid animals,
inflamed parts to relieve spasms and to expedite delivery.
Moschus Moschiferus and its preparations, in hoarseness,
chronic cough, typhoid conditions, low and adynamic fevers,
delirium tremens, coma, meningitis, brain affections, tetanus,
epilepsy, hysteria, colic, spasmodic affections, palpitation of the
heart, colliquative sweats, mental and bodily fatigue, insomnia,
metas~ic gout, lung affections, dyspepsia and t9 increase manly
Mucuna pruriens, etc., in dropsy, dyspepsia, worms, colic,
leucorrhcea, spermatorrhcea, impotence, nervous diseases and
externally for elephantiasis and scorpion stings.
Musa sapientum, etc., in sprue, catarrhal and inflammatory
diarrhcea, dysentery, dropsy, piles, scanty micturition, scurvy,
acidity, healtburn, gastritis, flatulence, gonorrhcea, intoxica-
tion of drunkards, dysmenorrhcea, menorrhagia, strum.ous
affections and externally hremorrhages, and as eye-shade in
Syrup banana, in bronchitis.
Musscenda frondosa, in collapse, fainting, and enlarged
glands, ulcers, etc.
Myrica sapida, etc., in throat and lung affections, phthisi-
cal diarrhcea, chronic gonorrhcea, and gleet and externally
scrofulous and aphthous ulcers, earache, nasal catarrh, and
headache, toothache, arld, piles. '

Myristica jragmns, etc., in summer diarrhcea, cholera,

humeral asthma, colic, neuralgia, spasmodic cough, obstruc-
tions of the liver and spleen and' externally chronic rheuma,-
tism, sprains, paralysis and painful cramps in cholera. '
Myristica malaba;ica, in nervous diseases and externally
chronic rheumatism, earache and indolent ulcers.
Myrtus caryophyllus, in dyspepsia, indigestion, asthma,
mucous diarrhcea, debility and externally rheumatic pains,
headaches, toothaches and coryza.
. Myrtus communis, in affections of the respiratory organs
and the bladder, diarrhcea, dysentery and externally rheu-
matic affections, hremorrhages, fcetid ulcerations, deep sinuses,
skin diseases, leucorrhcea, prolapsus of the uterus, wounds
and baldness.
Ivlytilus margar.itiferus and preparations, in impotency,
cough, phthisis, asthma, heart-burn, ardor urinre, nervous
diseases, chronic headache, epilepsy and other convulsive
attacks, piles, gonorrhcea, gleet, leucorrhcea, spermatorrhoea,
heart disease, dyspepsia, jaundice, biliousness, diabetes,
general debility, urinary diseases, and to prevent abortion.
Nardostachys jatamansi, in typhoid symptoms, epilepsy,
hysteria, and other nervous, convulsive ailments; palpitation
of the heart, gastric disorders, general and semin91 debility.
N elumbium speciosum, in coughs, heart diseases, phthisis,
diarrhcea, menorrhagia, chronic fevers, bleeding piles and other
hremorrhagic affections, externally leprosy and other skin
affections, cephalalgia, and to cool the head and eyes.
Nerium odorum, etc., in menstrual and renal complaints,
and externally hremorrhoids, cancers, ulcerations, and other
skin complaints, snake and other venomous bites, and in
Nicotia'na tahacum, etc., for external use/in rheumatic
affections, spasmodic coughs, nervous irritability, chronic
giddiness, and fainting, colic and gripes, and to the spine in
Nigella sativa, etc., in intermittent fevers, diarrhcea, loss
of appetite, worms, dropsy, puerperal and uterine diseases,
locally in aphonia, skin diseases, swellings in hands and feet,
. and to preserve clothes from the ravages of insects.
Nyctanthes arbortristis, in chronic bilious, malarial and
intermittent fevers, colds,' rheumatism, sciatica, and externally
to cure scurvy and affections of the scalp, etc.
Nyrllphcea species, in heat of the body, diabetes, piles,
dyspepsia, diarrhcea, internal hremorrhages, and externally in

ophthalmia, and as lotion for bad legs and ulcers, and in putrid
sore-throat as a gargle. ,
,()chrocarpus langifolius, in dysentery, irritability of the
stomach, excessive sweating and externally toothache.
Ocimm1L species, in colds, catarrhal fevers, respiratory
affections (asthma), dysentery, gastric, genito-urinary and
renal diseases, hepatic. affections and externally earache,'
rheumatism, nasal myosis, ozcena, swollen hands or feet and
skin diseases.
Oldenlandia herbacea, in malarial fevers:
Onosma echioides, for cutaneous eruptions, as cardiac
tonic in rheumatism and diseases of the heart.
Ophelia chirata, (See: -Swertia chirata) , in fevers a:nd
liver ailments.
Ophio1'rhiza nmngos, in bites of snakes and mad dogs.
Orchis mascula, in phthisis, diabetes; chronic diarrhcea,
and dysentery, impotency, hemiplegia, paralytic affections.
Origanum. vulgare, lor female complaints, colds, fevers
and to promote pel,"spiration.
Oryza sativa, in irritable and inflammatory state of the
stomach, bowels or kidneys, dyspepEia, gastric ~d duodenal
ulcers, eruptive fevers and externally inflammatory affections
of the skin; burns and scalds, wounds and ulcers. .
Os sepie and its preparations, in itches, prickly heat and
other skin diseases, otorrhrea and conjunctivitis.
Osterea edulis and its preparations, in diarrhrea, dyspepsia,
and chronic intestinal disorders, phthisis, abdominal tumours,
enlarged liver and spleen, loss of appetite and seminal weak-
Oxalis c01·niculata. in dyspepsia, datura poisoning, dysen-
tery, enteritis, prolapsus of the rectum, piles, difficult micturi-
tion, and externally in bilious headaches, and to remove corns
warts and other skin excrescences. .,.'
Pmderia, fmHda, in colic, spasm, rheumatism, gout and
externally in rheumatism with contraction and sfiffness of the
joints, and in toothache;
Pceonia emodi, in colic, uterine disorders, epilepsy, bilious
obstructions, diarrhcea, an'd externally bruises, sprains, etc.
Pandanus odotatissimus, in sterility and threatened
abortion, and externally ,headaches, rheumatism, earache,
epilepsy, and throat affections.

Papaver somniferum, in diarrhcea, dysentery, diabetes,

coughs, bronchitis, asthma, Writable heart and angina, rheuma-
tism, tumours, cancer, carbuncle, abscesses and ulcers, in-
somnia, colic visceral obstructions, intestinal and genito-
urinary irritatipns and spasmodic inflammatory pains, nervous
weakness and exhaustion, neuralgia, mental excitement, violent
delirium, and externally sprains, contusions, spasms, uterine
affections, iITitable ulcers, toothache, earache, ophthalmia,
chronic rheumatism, enlarged and inflamed glands, painful
piles, and pains of various sorts.
Par'fl1elia perlata, in dysentery, diarrhcea, dyspepsia, sper-
matoIThcea, and amenorrhcea.
Pavetta indica, in ascites, renal dropsy, visceral obstruc:..
tions and externally painful piles.
Pavo'nia odorata, in internal hc:emorrhages and inflalllma-
Pedalium mnrex, in calculi, urinary irritations, impotency,
uterine and puerperal diseases, and locally ulcers.
Pegannm harmala, in asthma, coliG, jaundice, amenprrhcea,
tape wonus, intermittent and remittent fevers,_ including
ro.alaria, and locally palsy and lumbago.
Pericampylus inca nus, in snake bites.
Periploca aphylla, in cerebral fever.
Peteroselinum sativum, in uterine and rellal diseases,
epileptic fits, and externally sore eyes and breasts.
Peterospermum species, in uterine diseases, lepros)r, blood
diseases and externally nervous headache.
Peucedanwm sper;ies, in flatulency, gastric:: and intestinal
disorders, and externally rheumatic joints, boils and abscesses.

Phaseolus species, in gastro-intestinal catarrh, or inflam-

mation, piles, paralysis, cystitis, rheumatism, liver and nervous
affections, leucorrhcea and seminal debility, and externally
aching bones and joints, abscesses, inflammations, ophthalmia,
and neuralgias.
Phoenix species, in general debility, ague, bronchial and
genito-urinary affections, and externally headaches, piles,
ophthalmia and corneal opacity.
Phyllanthus species, in jaundice, genito-urinary diseases,
dysentery, diabetes, and.t!xternally ulcers and inflammations,
spongy and bleeding gums, uvulitis and tonsilitis.
Physalis species, in ciiarrhcea, dysentery, an<emia, gout,.
rheumatism, nephritis and urinary diseases.

Picron'hiza KU1"Toa, in intestinal obstructions, dyspepsia,

and neurosis of the stomach and bowels, worms, elephantoid,
bilious and malarial fevers.
Pimpinella anisttm, in bronchial and gastro-intestinal com-
plaints and locally headache and flatulent colic.
Pinus spec,ies, in hronchial affections, chronic rheumatism,
skin diseases, flybites, sciatica, gout, cholera, dysentery, used
as an astringent injection in certain female complaints, leu-
corrhrea, gleet, urethritis, seminal debility, gleet and
gonorrhrea, externally indol~nt ulcers, abscesses, enlarged
liver, flatulency, colic spasm, convulsions, parasites, lice
tympanites, and painful chest.~
Piper cubeba, in leucorrhrea, bronchitis, and laryngitis.
Piper nigrum, in cough, stomach-ache, worms, malaria
and piles.
Piper species, in couh and catarrh, Inflammations of the
nose, throat, larynx and bronchi, constipation, worms, colic,
tympanites, dysPepsia, diarrhrea, gastritis, and renal diseases,
acute and chronic gonorrhrea, gleet, and cystitis, visceral
enlargements and externally boils, piles, paralysis, toothache,
earache and painful eye affections.
Pistacia species, (See also:-Rhus succedanea), in gonor-
rhrea, leucorrhrea, impotency, phthisis, sluggish liver, catarrhs
of the respiratory and urinary passages, and externally dental
caries, toothache, sore mouth and tongue. ,
Pla,ntago 'ispagula; P. ovata, etc., in irritable and inflam-
matory conditions of the respiratory, gastro-intestinal, and
genito-urinary organs, intestinal ulceration, (acute and chronic
dysentery), piles, and externally rheumatic and gouty affec-
iions, swellings and irritable surface of the skin.
Plantago majm', for insect bite,S, diarrhrea, piles, and in
Plantago ovata, in chronic dysentery, cystitis, gonorrhrea,
and functional derangements of the digestive system.
Plantago species, in secondary syphilis, skin diseases,
leprosy, piles, liver and spleen enlargements, gastric and
digestive complaints, ,abortion, post-partum haemorrhage,
(uterine ailments), rheumatic complaints, and externally in
skin qiseases, enlarged glands, rheumatic and paralytic
Plumbago zeylanica, increases digestive powers, useful in
dyspepsia, piles, anasarca , diarrhre:;t and skin diseases; applied
to abscesses. ~'-

Plumbwn and its salts, in chronic diarrhrea, and discharges

from gastro-intestinal and genito-urinary organs, night sweats
of ,phthisis, epilepsy, aneurysm of the aorta, and hypertrophy
of the heart, and externally excoriations, contusions, sprains,
baldness, itching, skin diseases, small-pox, piles and eye com-
Podophyll-u,m emodi and P. hex(tndnLm, in torpid liver
bilious fevers.
Podophyllum peltatum, a powerful medicine, exercising
an influence on every part of the body. Small doses frequently
given are the best; excellent for scrofulous and dyspeptic
Pogostemon patchaul'i, in scanty urine and in biliousness.
Polyporus officinalis, in night sweats, of phthisis, spasmodic
cough and extemany inflamed breasts and leech bites.
Pongamia glabra, P. pinnata, etc., in flatulency, dyspepsia,
diarrhrea, bleeding piles, gonorrhrea, urethritis, diabetes; bron-
chitis, whooping cough and externally skin diseases, (scabies,
herpes and foul ulcers, psoriasis and pityriasis), rheumatism,
lymphatic glands, fistula in ano, and leprosy.
bladder and bowels, scurvy and externally erysipelas, burns,
scalds and various skin diseases.
Portulaca species, in diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys,
bladder and bowels, scurvy and externally erysipelas, burns,
scalds and various skin diseases.
Potassi nitras, in cough, externally on painful joints and
asthmatic fits.
Potassium carbonas impura, in dropsy, erythema of skin,
and typhoid fever.
Potassi1pn salts, in urinary diseases, gonorrhrea, uric acid
diathesis, uterine irritability, haemorrhages from internal
organs, enlarged lymphatic and secreting glands, enlarged
spleen, cirrhosis of the liver, with ascites, dropsy, asthma, and
bronchial affections, piles, dysentery, colic, intestinal worms,
dnd locally chrome skin diseases, gout and rheumatism,
eruptive fevers, bruises and abrasions, headache an? delirium.
Prunus amygdalus, etc., in bronchial diseases, earache,
painful urinary and kidney, affections, diabetes, torpid and
enlarged liver ~nd sple~n, piles, gonorrhCEa, and externally
neuralgias, irritaMe sores and skin eruptions.
Psidimn gti:yava, etc., in constipation, g,out, diabetc~.
prolapsus ani, SQUrvy and locally swollen gums.

Psoralea coryUfolia, in leucoderma, leprosy and skin

Pterocarpus -marsupium, in diarrhrea, pyrosis etc., and
locally toothache, boils, sOljes and other skin diseal?es.
Pterocarpus species, ui bleeding piles, hremorrhages,
chronic dysentery, leucorrhrea, gastralgia and locally inflam-
mations, piles, headaches, and superficial excoriations .of the
genital organs and herpes zoster.
Ptychotis ajowan, etc.) in flatulence, indigestion, colic·,
dyspepsia, diarrhrea, cholera, biliousness, hysteria, worms,
spasmodic affections, dipsomania and externally rheumatic
and neuralgic pains, cramps in the limbs, poisonous insect
bites and diseases of the ear and nose.
Punica granatum, in chronic diarrhrea, dysentery and
other chronic bowel complaints, tapeworms, chronic feverish-
ness, consumption, splenic enlargement, piles and locally
relaxed. sore throat, vaginal and uterine discharges and
P'Lltranjiva Roxburghii, for sterility .in women.
Pyrethrum indicum, in rheumatism, gout, enlargement of
the liver and spleen, and worms.
Pyrus species, in dyspepsia, gonorrhoea, dysentery. and
other inflammations of the mucous membranes, calculi, gouty
and rheumatic complaints, sick headaches, chronic catarrh of
the mouth and throat.
Quassia excelsa, etc., in dyspepsia, anorexia, bilious fevers,
hysteria, worms, and locally thread worms.
Quercus infectoria, in diarrhoea, gonorrhoea, gleet,
leucorrhoea, and other vaginal discharges, (menorrhagia) and
internal haemorrhages, and locally prolapsus recti, relaxed
sore-throat, enlarged tonsils, haemorrhoids, etc. '0

Quinetum, in gastric disorders, intermittent fever, con-

valescence, and debility after fevers, enlarged spleen and neu-
ralgias. 'oy

Quinine, in fevers, (intermittents and agues)., pneumonia,

and acute. rheumatism, pyaemia and all exhausting suppura-
tive conditions. '
Randia dumetorium, 41 diarIjhoea, dysentery, colic, rheu~
matism, asthma, bronchial and chest affections and locally
headaches, orchitis, acne, etc'.
Raphanus sativus, in gonorrhoea, piles, gastrodynia, and
other gastric affections l urinary diseases and scurvy .

,Raupya bhasma, in inflammation of mucous membrane.

neuritis, and neuralgia.
Rouwolfia, serpentina, in bites of poisonous reptiles, and
insects, corneal opacity, and internally colic, cholera and other'
painful bowel affections, insanity, to reduce high blood pres-
sure, (i.e., in hyperpiesis), and insomnia.
Rhamnus wightii, in enlarged spleen.
Rheum emodi, in diarrhoea and that due to teething,
atonic dyspepsia, chronic dysentery, duodenal ~atarrh, and
jaundice; externally used on plague glands, but prohibited in
gout, rheumatism, epilepsy or any uric acid disease, owing to
the oxalic acid it contains.
Rheum palmatum, small dose will cure dip.rrhoea, large
dose is a safe aperient.
Rhinacanthus communis, in ringworm, and Dhobie's itch.
Rhus succedania, (See also:-Pistacia integerrima), etc.,
in cough, asthma, enlarged glands, catarrhal fever, and bron-
chial troubles, infantile diarrhoea, etc., due to teething and
externally obstinate skin diseases, bleeding gums, epistaxis,
gleet, leucorrha>a, and other mucous discharges.
Ribes nigrum, for hoarseness, sore throat, coughs, and
catarrh generally. .
Ricinus communis, in inflammatory condition of the
bowels and urinary organs, jaundice and enlarged spleen, in-
fantile diarrhoea, lying-in-state, piles, painful affections of the
rectum, any foreign and "irritant body in the stomach; ner-
YOllS and articular rheumatic affections, and locally gouty and
rheumatic swellings, deficient mammary secretion, sore nip-
ples, conjunctivitis, foreign body in eyes and ears. -
Rosa species, in sore throat, enlarged tonsils, night sweats
of phthisis, uterine and pulmonary haemorrllages, and locally
throat affections, aphthae, burning of. tl).e skin, and eye-diseases.
Rosebay, in gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, constipation,
chronic affections of the testes, and filariasis,
Rourea santaloides, in rheumatism, scurvy, syphilis, dia-
betes, pulmonary complaints, and externally ull;!ers, and other
skin diseases.
Rubia cordifolia, etc., in dropsy, paralysis, jaundice. ame-
norrhoea, and visceral obstructions and ext~rm;!lly inflamma-
tions, burns, ulcers and other skin diseases.
Rumex a~etosci, 01' R. acetosella, in kidney complaints,
fevers, and a~ a cooling drink as well as a salad.

ex crispus, efc., in scurvy and other skin eruptions,

hTUin scrofula, d yspepsla,
. h epatlc
. d'Isor d ers, r h euma t'1sm,
f~/t~~~ubles, laryngeal cAtarrh, chronic dysentery, piles, and
, locally toothache, spongy gums and burns.
Ruta graveolims, in flatulent-colic, hysteria, female com-
plaints, infantile convulsions, worms, bronchial and pulmonary
affections and externally paralysis.
Saccharum officinarum, etc., in disorders due to pitta and'
vata, lead colic, urinary diseases, dystenery, strangury, sperma-'
tordlOea, and in poisoning by copper, arsenic, or corrosive sub-
limate, and externally foul ulcers, carbuncles, boils, bums,
obstinate headache, poisonous insect bites, country sore eyes,
foreign bodies in the eye, mammary abscesses, night sweats
-of phthisis arid haematuria.
Saline substances, in colic, indigestion, flatulence, en-
larged liver and spleen, dyspepsia, bowel complaints;' abdo-
minal tumours, intestinal worms, dysentery, etc.
- SaUx alba, in fevers of l;heumatic origin, diarrhoea, and
Salix nigra, in ovarian disorders, and as a poultice.
Lalvadora species, in low fever, amenorrhcea, scurvy,
snake-bites and poisons of various sorts, enlarged spleen,
rheumatism, tumours and lithiasis, and externally to streng-
then teeth and gums, and to paiful tumours, piles and rheuma-
tic jonts. "
Salvia nworacroftiana, in bronchial affections and colds.
Sansevieria zeylanica (See:-S. Roxburghiana), as a pur-
gative, tonic and cardiac stimulant.
Santalum album. in .gastric irritability, dysentery, gonor-
rhoea, gleet, urethral haemorrhage, pyelitis, chronic cystitis,
etc., bronchial c8tarrh, and externally scabies, and other skin
diseases, and eruptions, prickly heat, profuse sweating, pim-
ples on the nose, headaches and fevers.
Santalum rubrnm, (decoction), in leucorrh!?,ea.
Sapindas trifoliatus, etc., in colic, worms, venombus bites,
hemicrania, hysteria, epilepsy, gout, rheumatism, paralysis,
and extsrnally poisonous insect bites, amenorrhoea, apd diffi-
cult and delayed labour.
Saraca indica, in uter,ine affections especially in menor-
rhagia, and haOO1orrhages, bleeding piles, and dysentery.
SaUSS'LLrea lappa, etc., in cough, bronchial asthma, dys-
pepsia, cholera, chronic rheumatism, and externally skin

-diseases, tumours, cephalalgia diseased jointsJ w~und~" and


ulcers. <. '. : 0,:. !.~ ~

"s.' ,

. 'Saxifraga ligUlata, in diarrhoea, cough, grave,l, and. ~n~'

in bladder, uric acid;diathesis, opium.poisonj.ng; and externally,
in teething' among chHdren; boils and eye~affections~ .' ; l ' I
Soilla Indica, in cough, strangul'S, dysuria and dropsy_ ;
• > .

. S~indapsus ofjici:nalis, 'j.p. diarrhoea, asthma and phlegrrtatic

affeHions.·· :! . .; , " "',

. .:' S~:n'ecarpus anacardi1i:';~J \n scrqfulous affet:tions, :s~h1lis!

leprosY, palsy, paraplegia, epilepsy \ and other nervous diseil~es,
dsypepsia, asthma, bronchitis, anaemIa, som,~ '£~vers, ',enla'rged
spleen, piles, acute arthritis, rheumatic and. gouty complaints,
chrpnie gastritis, neuritis;' chronic arsenical poisoning, dysme-
norrhoea, amehorrho~'~, and· externally scrofulous,' venera!
and leprous affections, enll!rged glands, warts and, piles,
'S~rpent poison pl:epara,~ions, in ~ol1apse stage of fever;
cholera, ascites, plague, low fevers With brain coinplication~
and.c~rdiac and resP4'atory weakness, chr,onic malarial fevers;
an~', ~xt~~ally le':lcodern'u~, . " .
., S~sa:mum indicum etc.; iIi gonorrhoea, dysenteri~' bleed.:
ing piles,. amep.orrhrea, dysmenqrrhrea, and externally butri~;
scalds, wounds, ulcerS and other- 'skin' diseases and eye:'com-
plaintsl; ..
". Sesbania sp'ecies, in diarrhoea, 'menorrhagia, enlarged
spleen, smallpox, eruptive fevers, worms, and externally in,.
flammatory rheumatic .swelli:ngs, hydrocele, boils, abscessesi
and cutaneous eruptions. '
-Sevum preparatum,' in excoriations, cracks, fissures:. etc .
. ShHh;r,jaitt" or dShilajit" 'increases flow of digestiVe !;eere!
tion arid helps absorption, in diabetes. sexual wea:kness,
gonorrhoea and gleet, chronic bronchitis, 'phthisiS, asthma; ner.J.
vous diseases. ., ,
Shore a 'robusta, in dysentery, diarrhoea, bleeding p'i1es~
gonorrhoea, and externally lumbago, chilblains, ulcers and
other skin diseases.
Sida acuta etc., in febrile affections, convalescence, dy~­
pepsia, chronic bpwel complaints, intestinal worms, rheumatic
affections, gonorrhoea and externally boils and abscesses.
Sida cordifolia, as cardiac and ~ervine tonic, in bleeding
piles, colic, tenesmus, gop.orrhoea, haematuria, strangury,
spermatorrhoea, leucorrhoea, cystitis, chronic dysentery, ner-
vous diseases, and externally elephantiasis, nervous and rheu-
matic affections, ophthalmia and boils.

S'da rhombifolia, etc., in rheumatism, calculus troubles~,

ono~hoea, gleet, and scalding urine.
g S'egesbeckia oriental'iS, etc., in ague; rheumatism, renal
r c t scrofulous and syphih'tic affections, diseases of the
~~:thra, and externally ringworm and other parasitic erup-
tions and gangrenous sqres.
Silicate of magnesia, ill diarrhoea and to heal wounds.
Siticium salts, in dysentery, ardor urinae, anuria, internal·
haemorrhages, gonorrhoea, calculus affections, obstinate vomit-
ing, diarrhoea, menstrual disorders, and locally bums and
scalds, syphilitic ulcers, chronic skin diseases, aphthae, epis.-
taxis and inflamed glands.
Sinapis juncea, in drunkenness, narcotic and other poison-
ings, and externally in apoplexy, convulsions, delirium, violent
headache, sleeplessness, cholera, colic, spasms of the bowels,
vomiting, retching coughs, difficult breathing, whooping cough,
toothache, faceache, and other neuralgic pains and chest affec-
Smilax china, chinensis, etc., in rheumatism. gout, epi-
lepsy, scrofula, chronic nervous diseases, seminal weakness
and syphilitic cachexia.
Smilax ornata, as general purifier for the blood.
Soda carbonas impura, in distention of stomach and colic.
Sodii Biboras, or Sodium Biborate, in thrush, sore nip-
ples, inflamed piles, pruritis of genitals, parasitic ulcers, 'ir-
regular menses, uterine inertia, tedious labour, dyspepsia and
liver complaints. .
Sodium chloridum, in cholera, chronic rheumatism, scia-
tica, joint diseases, liquifies sputum in children; externally to
wasp stings, to rdestroy lice in hair, jaundice, to black~n hair,
and to reduce inflanunation.
Sodium salts and preparations, in acidity of the stomach,
cholera, painful dyspepsia, diarrhoea, flatulence, anorexia,
congested liver, urinary diseases, uric acid gravel, anuria.
Bright's disease, typhoid fever, malarial fever, influenza,
rheumatism, gout, ascites, menstrual irregulafity, and puer-
peral convulsions, spasmodic and phlegmatic complaints, epi-
lepsy, heart-disease, Qysteria, intestinal worms, and externally
in skin diseases and sloughing ulcers, sore nipples,- fissures,
inflamed piles, distressing irritation of the genital organs,
vaginal discharges, aphthae, thrush, sore throat, parasitic
stomatitis. urethritis. gonorrhrea, J?urulent ophthalmia, diph-
theria, inflamed glands, influenza, chest diseases, thread worms,
neuralgic headaches, oz.oena, rh~umatic and muscular pains.'
i APP}'1NDICES • '307

Sola1tunt dulcama1'a, in scrofula, syphilis, chronic rheumat-

Ism, skin diseases and catatrhal affections. >. •

Solanum indicum, etc., in asthma, dry and spasmodic

cough, chest pains, chronic fevers, colic" flatulence, worms,
dysl,lria, dropsy enlarged liver and spleen, and externally tooth-
,Solanum jacquini, in cough, asthma, catarrh and pain in
'the chest.
Solanum nig1'um, etc., in anasarca, heart-disease, fevers,
coughs, enlarged liver and spleen, and externally rheumatic
',and gouty joints, skin diseases and painful swollen testicles.
Solanum tube1'osum, in scurvy, chronic cough, gout and
locally burns.
Solanum xanthocarpum, in kidney diseases.
Sonchus species, in ascites and hydrothorax.
Soymida jebrifuga, in dysentery, diarrhoea, intermittent
fevers, general debility, and externally rheumatic swellings. .
Sphae1'anthus hirtus, etc., in bilious affections, goitre and
other tumours, worms, ble~ding piles, jaundice, glandular
swellings, impotence and skin diseases.
Spilanthus oleracea, etc., in toothache, irritation of the
gums, salivation, headache, paralysis of the tongue, stammer-
ing, and locally inflammation of the periosteum of the jaw.
Spinacia oleracea, etc., in headache, indigestion, applied
to head to promote hair growth, fevers, inflammation of the
lungs & bowels, urinary calculi, ankylostoma and locally sore
Spondias mangijera, etc., in bilious dyspepsia, scurvy,
dy~ntery, gonorrhoea, and leucorrhoea, wounds caused by
poisoned arrows, and locally earache.
Spongia ofjicinalis, in dysentery, diarrhrea, and other
bowel complaints, and externally for absorbing liquids, dilat-
ing cavities and suppurating prolapsed parts.
Squalus carcharius, preparations in cachexia, pulmo:p.ary
consumption, atrophy of body, scrofulous abscesses, suppurat-
iI,lg glands, affections of the joints and bones, ulcerations, dis-
,charges from the nose or ears, and skin diseases, stricture of
the rectum, chronic hydrpcephafus, spasmodic coughs and af-
fections, chronic rheumatism, and neuralgia. '
Stannum preparations, in diseases of the blood, lungs and
genito-urinary organs, gonorrhoea, spermatorrhoea, diabetes,

'gleet, loss o.f me.mo~y. h~n:optysi7' .~al'aly,s~s, asthrnlitf im-

potency, dyspepsIa,. uaund1f,e, ,:constipatIOn, and ,skin, c;lis~~es.
,. Ste'rcuiUj.';acYj1tiin!ita;' hi ·physical··and 'netvouS fatigu~. and
.locallY wotihd~fJetc .. · ,,' t 1; ,: ,.. ~'.) , ,'1 i " , "'.':.,'"
} Strychn6; ~o7.iib'rina, 'etc'.; ;in ; obstilia't~' )mala:rial fev.~fs,
cachexia and dyspepsia. . l;' ,.;
St;yc'iinbs i~'itatiit, in' choiera, a'sthma, dropsy, pil~~, and.
externally swellings. )
> '1' :~,.'~~rydt1~okt'1~~¥,~vp'~ntc~J: 1in. 'b:on~hitis" di~betes, In~k~it-
''teIits, aysp(:lpSla,' chrome constIpatIOn, from atony of the bowels,
";chf1Jrit6 ay~elYierY;;ktbnic''drarrhoea, 'prolapsus of the re<iitiIh,
;"'goulYj rheumatic;. 'patalyti<:: and 'neuralgic a:ffection~, 'worms,
tobacco-amaurosis, insomnia from over-fatigue,' hydi_.o~hobi'a,
bronchitis, emp.hY$~ma, :phthisi.:,?, impoten.cy, spasmodj.c di-
seases, sperm.~~o:q.l:lO~a,j 1?;x~eSsive v~~erYI alcoholis!U,.: opium
and lead poisoning'; ~·dch.irmil iiicontirience, retEm.tion
arid externally headtich~~; sw61lep, glandS, bedema of the 'hands
or urine

fe~t lilid abdorrH~h, ra:t~ bifes" iirld 'ibites of' venbm'o'us\ reptiles,
r muscular and .chronic rhev.matism" palsy; and hypodermically
in narcotic poi's~ning,. Rllfonic alc'oholism and snake-bites.rl:'il
Strychnos potatotum, in' chronic') diarrhoea, diabi¥tes.
gpn~rrhoea"Clnd ir!(itatiol\ oflthe llrin.ary' organs, and ex~ernal­
ly iri lachrymatjon;
. _! . . \ \. t
f ,
,ch~rnosis in _the
J' ~. l !.
conjunctiva and to boils.
• •. . • . •

.'_'li.\Styrax'b·enzbiJn, in 'jaundice, inc6rl:tine'nce"of rirlni:!, ~al~ul-

• ~u~"J?i~orders, ~,istre~s~ng <;pughs, apd e){t~~tfanY, l?pr~geal,
t>ropchlal and spf1~modl$ t coughs, cuts anc! wouu;<ls, foul. Jnd:<>-
lent ulcers, and .irtitable~, ~kin .eruptions" and uterine ;dis-
'charges. . ' . , ; ,
Sudarshana ~hunta, ,in perioqic fever ..1
, . Sulphur and iM preparations,. in habitual con,stipatib-n,
piles, prolapsus, st!ictut'e, chronic dysentery, epilepsY"'IDld
nervous diseases, chronic skin diseases, coughs" phthisis,
chronic bronchitis with fever,' asthma, enlarged liver and
spleen acidity and dyspepsia, gout, chronic fevers, rheumatism,
worms and blood parasites, tympanites, colic, tiscites, mehin-
gitis, and externally skin diseases, scrofulbusl rheumatic and
other painful joints.
Suvarna makshika, (See: -Aurum), as a biood pii.rifi~l:.
,swnrna bhaS1Jw., (See,: -Aurum), in nervousness, chronic
fevers, tuberculosis, neurasthenia, heart-disease, and anremia.
Swarna or Suvarna Vanga. (See:-Aurum), in leucor-
rhoea and spermatorrh6~a.

Swertia chirata, etc., (See: -Ophalia chirata):, in chronic

malarial fevers, anaemia, dyspepsia, catarrhs, enlarged .spleen
and. liver.
Swertlia decussata, (See also:-Aspha'ltum), 'as nervine
tonic. ' 'i

Symplocos racemosa, etc., in bowel complaints', <lropsy,

liver affections, fevers, uterine complaints, acute dysentE;!ry.
chyluria, filariasis, and externally eye diseases, spongy and
bleeding gums relaxed ovula, boils and other malignant.'
Syzigium jambulanum, in diabetes.
Tabernamontana species, in diarrhoea, worms, and exter-
nally ophthalmia, toothache, abscesses, and' other skin' dis-
eases.' ' ':.... " ,
Tamarindus indica, in acidity, dyspepsia, constip~tion,
intoxication from datura and spirituous liquor,s, scu,rvy, bili-
ousneSs, bleeding piles, dysentery, scalding' urine, colic 'and
externally inflammatory sw~Ilings, aphthce, whooping cough,
sore throats, and indolent :ulcer~. ' ,
'Tamarix ga.llica~ etc., in leucorrhoea, dysentery, diarinoea,
cOl:ighs'1 and chronic' discharges, and exterrially' sloughing
ulcers, and phagodenic bubces~ , ", .' , ,.,
Taraxacum officinale, in 'liver and kidney obstructions,
viscetal diseases, dyspepsia, jaundlce, dropsy, chronic skin
disecises and cachectic disorders.
:. Techoma
! A., !
·~t . t·
in'spleen diseases.
-:. I .

'l'erminalia arjuna, etc., in haemorrhages, and other flux-e,s,

diar,rhoea, dysentery, sprue, heart-diseases,. spermatorJ;l;l.Oea,
goiior'rh~a,' fractures, C'Ontusions, and e::dernfllly' ulcers; acne,
and other skin diseases. . , ," .' I' . : r::
,I;~ Term,i1wlia belerica, in cough, sore tbJ.:oat, night p61Jution,
wpRJS; qyspepsia, dysppcea, dropsy, piies;C and diarrhcea, and
e~illfnally to inflanied parts, rheumatism,' opHthalmIa', etc:
Terminalia. catappa, etc., in headache, colic and locally sca-
bies, leprosy, and other skin' diseases.
, ':Terminalia chebula, in fevers, coughs, . asthma,' 'urinary
diSeases;7piles, eye affections, worms, muscular rheumatism,
atonic dyspepsia, chronic diarrhcea, vomiting; dysentery, flatu-
lence'" colic, enlarged spleep and liver, and externally aphthae,
chronic' ulcerations . burns, . scalds ahd other skin, diseases,
bleeding piles, and some vaginal 9iscnarges. . J' . i'
, • Tehn:inaUa tomentosa, etc., in atonic diarrhcea, and'local-
ly indol«;!nt ulcers. , ,~ . .- .'. \ I 'll S 1 <'

Thymus vu10?-ris, as a tonic and antiseptic generally us~d

in combination wIth ·others.
Tinospora cordifolia, ip chronic malarial fevers, chronic
rheumatism, and dyspepsi? after fevers.
Toddalia aculeata, etc.~ in remittent and malarial fevers,
diarrhoea, constitutional debility, convalescence after fevers,
and other exhausting diseases and externally rheumatism and.
Tmpa bispinosa, etc., in bilious.affections, diarrhoea, ner-
vous and general debility, leucorrhoea and menorrhagia.
Tribult~s torrest1'is, etc., in diseases of the genito-urinary
system, calculous affections, bloody urine, gleet, cystitis, gonor-
rhoeal rheumatism, gout, uterine disorders, impotence, Bright's
disease with dropsy; spermatorrhoea, and phosphaturia, ,
Trichosanthes species, in bilious fevers, worms, skirl dis:
eases, leprosy, and externally headaches, earaches, sores in the
ears and nostrils and other ulcers, epilepsy and mental
troubles, congested liver and alopecia. . . '>
Trigonella foenumgraecum, in dyspepsia, colic, flatulence,
dysentery, puerperal diarrhrea, rheumatism, chronic coughs,
dropsy, enlarged liver and spleen, scrofula, rickets, anaemia,
and externally leucorrhoea, burns, and inflamed parts.
Triphala churna, in constipation.
Triticum sativum, in lumbago, painful joints, epistaxis,
menorrhagia, poisoning by salts of mercury, copper, zinc, silver,.
tin and iodine and externally inflamed surfaces as erysipelas,
burns, scalds, tetter, ringworm, hollow ulcers and other skin
lesions. i'

Tussilago farfara, for cough and is used as a basis of her-

bal smoking mixture. .
Tylophora asthmatica, in dysentery, diarrhrea, respira-
tory affections, (bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma), syphili~
, . rheumatism, gout, impurity of blood and locally gouty,
pams. ...
Uncal'ia gambir, as ointment with ghee in cancer, alone
in diarrhcea, chronic ulcers, obesity and frequent mic.turftion.
Urginea Indica, etc., in bronchitis, emphysema, .spasmodij::
croup, cardiac and renal dropsy, chronic Bright's disease,:
rheumatism, calculous and paralytic affections, :leprosy and
skin. diseases, and externally inveterate corns, warts and
burning of the sole~ of feet.,
Urine (cow's) and preparatiorr,s, in enlarged abdominal
viscera, painful dyspepsia, ascites, anasarca;. ,jaundicel
• •'"""'!""

leprosy, chronic prurigo and other obstinate skin diseases.

Urine (goat's) preparations, in epilepsy, as laxative
and diuretic.
Urine (horse's), in phlegm, ringworm and intestinal
Urine (Ox's), in jaundice, worms, redema, and diar-
Unica dioica, in bronchial and uterine catarrh, and
hremorrhage, nettle rash, asthma, and as a blood purifier and
tonic <Pld locally burns.
Valeriana species, in hysteria, neuralgia, epilepsy, chorea,
and other nervous conditions.
V mula Roxburghii, in secondary syphilis, rheumatic and
nervous diseases. .
Vateria Indica, etc., for external use in chronic rheuma-
tism, and other painful affections, carbuncles and other
Verbascum thapsus, in coughs, asthma, bronchial and
other pulmonary complaints and locally inflamed parts.
Verrwnia anthelmintica, etc., in round-worms, thread-
wroms, white leprosy, and other chronic skill diseases and
externally for the same and rheumatism. •
Vernonia cinerea, etc., in malarial and other fevers,
dropsy, spasm of the bladder, strangury, worms, blood-shot
eyes, and externally leprosy, guinea-worm and chronic skin
diseases. .
'Viburnum fretidum, in uterine diseases, post partum
hremorrhage, threatened abortion, dysmenorrhrea, and after
Vinegar, for sponging the body in fevers; uterine
hremorrhage, and as an application to bruises, headache,
scorpion bites and pruritus.
Viola species, in bilious and liver affections, kidney
diseases, prolapse of the rectum and uterus, coughs and
tightness of the chest in children.
VisCttm alba, or V. album, etc., in splenic and hepatic .
-enlargements, menorrhagia, hremorrhages, hysteria, epilepsy,
St. Vitus dance (chorea), nervous complaints, palpitation of
the heart and locally abscesses.
Vitex n-egundo, etc., in catarrhal dengue, and puerperal
fevers, splenic enlargement, irritable bladder, / rheumatism,
dyspepsia, colic, worms, diarrhrea, liver diseases, hremoptysis,

intestinal hremorrhage and' externally acute rheumati~.,

arthritis, orchitis, gonorrllreal epididymi,tis, enlarged spleen,
catarrh and headache, fretid, gangrenous and scrofulous
sores, glandular swelling, sinuses? syphilitic skin diseases.
Vitex peduncularis, in malaria, kala-azar, black-water
feyer, and. hremoglobinuric fever. ..
Vitex trifolia, .in intermittents, enlarged spleen, amenor-
rhrea,. and locally rheumatic pains and sprains.
i' 'Vitis quadrangularis, etc., in bowel complaints, indi-
gestion, irregular menstruation, scurvy, asthma; and· exter-
nally fractures of bones, otorrhrea, and epistaxis.
Vitis vinifera, in bilious fever, anre~ia,' wasting diseases:
Heart-diseases, Bright's diseases, gout,' acid dyspepsia,
genito-urinary diseases, coughs, catarrhs, jaundice, rheuma-
tism, chronic diarrhrea, piles, stone in the bladd e1l·',;and
Vive1'ra civetta, in hysteria and nervous exhaustion.
. Withq,nia somnifera, etc., in alcoholi~~, emphyse~atolls
dyspnrea, consumption, general and seminal debility, nervoUs
exhaustion, loss of memory, leucori-hrea', spermatbrrhrea,
sterility, . lumbago, scrofulous and oilier glandular swellings,
and externally skin diseases, obstinate' ulcer's, carbuncles and
rheumatic swellings: "
;' 'Wpodfqrd~a flo;ibunda, in diarrh~a, 4ysen~~iy app, '0!4el:
bowel complamts, mternal' hremorrhages,' leucorrhcea,. ~en~
orrhagia, piles, liver disor<Jers, and externally foul' ~lcers'
a#d wounds. ' . .}" ..
:.~: ~'
.:: •
Wrightea antidysenterica, in chronic dysentery.
. Wrightlia ti?tc~oria, in piles, fever, diarrhrea, round wc;>rms
and colic. , """" '
Xanthium strumarium, etc., in malarial fever, urinary
and renal complaints, gleet, leucorrhrea, menorrhagia, cancer
and struma. ....
Xanthoxylum species, in fever, dyspepsia, . urinary
diseases, skin diseases; rheumatism and locally to~th~che.
Zea mays, in irritable bladder and lithiasis.
Zinc salts, and preparations, in syphilitic and scrofulous
affections, chronic fever, gonorrhrea,' leucorrhrea, epilepsy,'
hysteria, whooping cough, asthma, dipsomania and exter-
~ally eye-dise_ases, abra~iohs, infl~med skin, eczema, wQunds,
l?urns and other skin afie_;:tions .

Zingiber officinale, or officinalis, in dyspepsia, flatulence,

colic, stomach ache, indigestion,. biliousness, vomiting, spasms,
diarrhcea, colds, coughs, asthma, throat complaints, inter-
mittents, general dropsy, (but not in that of Bright's disease,
chronic heart disease>, gout and chronic rheumatism, and
externally neuralgias, headaches, cramps, fainting, vaginismus
and in the collapse s.tage of cholera.
Zingiber zerumbet, in coughs', asthma, worms, leprosy, and
skin diseases.
Zizyphus jujuba, etc., in bilious affections, diarrh<Eli, de-
lirium, pectoral complaints and externally boils) abs<;esses,
carbuncles and other 1Jlcers.


.. 1. Art of Dispensing & Pharmacy Management (1935),
by Anant S. Oltikar, Bombay.
2. Catalogue 1950 of The Homeo Chemical and Phar-
.maceutical Works, Ltd.; & Laboratory, Calcutta.
3. Practical Bazaar Medicines, (1920), by Col. G. T:
4. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, (194S), by D.r. M.A.
5. Compilrative Study of Ayurved, (1927), by Lt.-Col.
.: Chitale. ,.,
.6.. F?inous Book of Herbs, by Heath & Heather, Ltd., St.
.•. ' :t. Albans. .
7>'Pharrriacology, Materia Medica & Therapeutics,
(1949) by Dr. B.M. Ghosh.
8. Indigenous Drugs Inquiry: A review of the Work,
(July, 1939) by Bt. Col. R.N. Chopra.
9. Indian Crude Drugs, Minerals, Economic Produce,
Arts and Manufactures (Price-list 1924) -by S. N. De,
'. M.Sc., (Botany) B.Sc., (Geology).


Equivalents & Substitutes for Imported Foreign etc.; Drugs

Substitute for
Drugs obtainable in India Foreign or other drugs includ
ing British Pharmacopoeial
Abrus precatorius, .:root &
Extract respectively. Liquorice root and extract
. ,respectively.

A • bark-decoc-
.n.cacia arablca, Oak bark-decoction..,.-A~acia,
tion I
Senegal. ' , , .,~
Acacia catechu (Extrac~
from wood~. •. Uncaria gambier.
Acacia farnes~ana, l?~' , Gum Arabic; Acacia Senegal
Acalypha indlca, JUlce of
plant. Senega, (root).
Aconitum chasmanthum. Aconitum napellus.
Aconitum ferox & other
species (root). Aconite or Monkshood.
Aconitum heterophyllum,
(root). Cinchona & its alkaloids.,
Adansonia digitata, (bark). Quinine.
Adhatoda Vasika. Senega.
Ailanthus malabarica. Calumba root and Quassia.
Aleurites triloba, (oil). Linseed oil.
Aleurites triloba, (oil of
seeds). Castor oil.
Alhagi maurorum
(Saccharine exud). Manna.
Allium cepa & A. sativum. Smelling salts.
Aloe barbadensis; A.
indica; & A. litoralis ,
(inspissated juice). Barbadoes & Secotrine
aloes; Aloe species. ,
Alstonia ~holaris (bark). Cinchona & its alkaloidS.
Althaea officinalis. English marsh mallow.
Amomum aromaticum,
Amomum Xanthioides,
(fruit), Cardamoms.
Andrographis paniculata,
entire plant, (stalk &
roots). _ Himalayam chireHa; &
Andropogon citratus & Quassia.
other species, (volatile
oil). Cajuput oil, (oil of cajuput).
Anethum graveolens or . '"
Anethum Sowa, (fruit). Common Dill.
Arachis hypogrea (oil of
seeds). .'. Olive oil.
Areca catechu, (extract
from fruit). ", Pale catechu.
Argemone mexicana, (oil
of seeds). Castor oil.
Aristolochia bracteata ;
(juice). Quassia.

Aristolochia indica
( alkaloid) . Colchicine.
Aristolochia indica, (stem
& root). Texan Serpentary (Serpen-
taria root) i.e., Aristolochia
_Artemisia brevifolia.
Artemisia maritima. Santonin; (Artemisia Cina
Astragalus strobiliferus. Astragalus gummifer.
Atropa accuminata, Atropa belladonna.
_Azadirachta indica (bark). Cinchona & its alkaloids.

Beliospermum montanum
(oil of seeds). Croton oil.
Balsamodendron mukul &
B. pubescens, (gum-resin) .. , Myrrh.
Banga Bhasma. . Stannoxyl (patent).
Bassia latifolia, & B.
10ngifolia, (spirit distilled
from flowers). Wine; Brandy; & Proof and
Rectified spirit.
Berberis aristata, root. Taxan (Serpentaria root,
Serpentary) .
Berberis aristata, (bark-
extract). Cinchona bark-extract &
Berberis asiatica, & other
species, (root bal"k). Cinchona and its alkaloids.
Bertheiotia lanceoiata,
(leaves) . Senna.
Borassus flabelliformls,
(saccharine juice submit-
ted acetous fermentation) Vinegar.
Borassus flabelliformis, (spirit
obtained from sa(!charine
juice or toddy). Brandy; Wine: & Proof and
Rectified spirit.
Borassus flabellifm'mis,
(toddy poultice) , Yeast poultice.
Borassus flabellifOl'mis,
(Downy substanc::e from
the base of the fronds) Matico leaves.
Brassia butyracea (Con-
crete oil) Theobroma oil.
Brucca (nima) Quassioi-
.des (Root) Quassia.
- - - - - _ . - -- --


Bryonia epigoea. Chiretta.

Butea frondosa, seeds. Santonin. (Santonica);

Butea frondosa, gum. .

Kino gum .

Caesalpinia bonducella.
(seeds). Cinchona & its alka1oids~
Caesalpinia sappan, wood . '.
& extract respectively, Logwood, & Logwood ex-
tract, respectively.
Calotro'pis gigentea & C.
procera, (vegetable mer-
cury) root-bark. Ipecacuanha; Mercury; &
Canarium commune (ker-
nels. Sweet aImonds.
Canarium commune (oil). Almond oil.
Canarium strictum. (resin).
Cannabis sativa. (flower- .
Burgandy pitch. '

ing tops). Ergot.

Oarica papaya, (juice of
fruit). Santonin; Santonica. ,4
Carum (Ptychotis) ajowan
& roxburghianum, C.
copticum. (fruit & vola- ',~
tile- oil). Oils & lavender; Fepper-
mint; dill; aniseed; & cara-
way; Thyme.
Caryophyllus aromaticus
(flower-buds) . Pimento.
Caryota urens (spirit obtained . \,-, . -n
from saccharine juice or .! • { :"

toddy). Wine, Brandy; & Proof and

Rectified Spirit. . I .. ,
Cassia alata & other species
(leaves). Senna.
8assia Alata (Extract from ., .. , \

leaves). Extract of ColocYnth.

Cassia angustifolia; C.
fistula. Cassia acutifolia.
Cassia auriculata, bark. Oak-bark.
Cassia species (leaves ex-
tract). Colocynth extract.
Cedrela toona (bark). Cinchona.
Chavica officinarum, (fruit) .. .
Chavica roxburghii. (fruit)" .. . Black pepper.
Cephaelis ipecacuanha. . . Cephaelis acuminata.
",I.''_' •
, ., '.r', 'AP..PEN1'>ICES,

Chenopodium ·album. Chenopodium '~Hlibrosioides.

Chenopodium anthelminti-
j ':'1 .'f.,. cum. , 1

Cera alba. Theobroma oiL

Chrysanthemum cinerarii- ,
. r£olium. ,(Indian). :'
ChrYsanthemum roxburghii.
.. Pyr~thrq!ll (E'oreig:q).
.1. .'~
1 _.~, I.
(flowers). ',,: i Chamomile f).o,:vers. I )}

Chrysanthemum roxburghii.
(root). • .
Cicendia hyssopifolla.
(plant) .
Cinchona calisaya.
Cinchona ledgeriana. Cinchona.
Cinchona officinalis.
Cinchona succirubra.
Cinnamomum gIanduliferum.
(root). .) , Sassafras root.
Cinnamomum iners, & C.'
zeylanicum. ~(inner bark). Cinnamon.
Cissampelos pareira. (root). Pareir.a 1'oot;:!-:
Citrullus colocynthis, ," .1.4 }: r' j :)
(extract). Colocynth extract.
Citrus bergamia. (juice of
fruit). '., ) Lemon juice.
Citrus medica. Citrus limon.
Clerodendron inerme. Quicine.
Cleviceps purpurea' (grO\v-
ing on Indian wheat). • I Ergot.
Cocculus cordifolius. Calumba.
Cocculus decoction. Icela1,ld-tp.oss. ,d,~coction.
Cocculus tincture.. r.,: Tincture. {)f ,H9P.
Cocculus indicus, (alka-
loid). Strydhllia:
Cocculus villosus. Sarsapal'illa.
Cochlospermum gossypium,
(gum). Tragacanth.
Cocos nucifera (downy sub-
stance from the base of
the fronds). Matico leaves.
Cocos nucifera (oleine). Cod Liver Oil.
Cocosnucifera (saccharine
juice submitted to acetous
fermentation) . Vinegar.
Cocos nucifera (spirit ob-
tained from saccharine
juice or toddy)'. Wine; Brandy;' & Proof and
Rectified spirit. , I
Colchicum luteum. I Colchicum autumnale.
Combretum pilosum (found
in Assam). Santonin.
Coptis tee~a. ~(tincture). ' Tincture ~f Hop & CaJumha.
Cordia latifolia & C. myxa,
(dried fruit). Prunes.
Cosciniwn fenestratum.
(stems). Calumba root.
Crinum asiaticum Var.
Toxicarium. (bulb &
root). Squill ,
Crinum asiaticum Var.
Toxicarium (infusion). Ipecacuanha infusion.
Croton oblongifolius & C.
pavana. (oil of seeds). Croton oil.
Croton tiglium. (seed oil). Elaterium; Ipecacuanha'"
Tartar emetic). '
Cucumis hardwickii & C.
trigonus. (pulp of fruit). Colocynth.
Cuminum cyminum (fruit). Coriander.
Cybium commersonii (Liver
oil). Cod Liver Oil.

Datura alba. & D. fastuosa.

(leaves & seeds). Datura stramonium, &
Belladonna. ,
Datura alba. D. £astuosa.
(poultice) . Conium poultice.
Datura £astuosa. 'Oar. alba.
(leaves extract). Belladonna leaves extract.
Datura £astuosa. '00.1'. alba.
(seeds). Stramonium seeds.
Digitalis lanata; D. pur-
purea. Digitalis.
Diospyros embryopteris Y'

(extract). Logwood extract; catechu.

Dipterocarpus laevis (Bal-
sam exud). ' Copaiba, (balsam)..o
Dipterocarpus turbinatus,
<Balsam exud.). Copaiba, (balsam).
Dipterocarpus turbinatus,
(compound) . Tincture of cubeba.
Dipterocarpus turbinatusj
(tincture) . Tincture of cubeba.
.'_' -

Dorema aureum (gum-

resin). ,'.-1 • >! Ammoniacum.
Dryopteris blandforii. Dryopteris.
Dryopteris marginata. Dryopteris.
Dryopteris Odontoloma. Dryopteris.
Echium, sp. of (Gouzaban,
Hindi). Sarsaparilla; Pereira brava"
Cissampelos pareira).
Eclipta alba & E. prostata. Taraxacum.
Ehrelia buxifolia. (rod). Elm bark.
Embelia ribes. (berries). Kousso & Male-fern
Ephedta gerardisna, in-
cluding E. nebrodensis
Tineo & E. vulgaris. Ephedra equisetina.
Ephedra sinica.
EPicauta nipalensis. (dried
insect). Cantherides.
Eucalyptus globulus. Eucalyptus species.
Eucalyptus resinifera.
(gum). Kino.
Euphatorium ayapana.
(infusion) . Serpentary infusion.
Euphorbia neriifolia. (juice
of leaves). Lobelia.
Eurycoma longifolia. Quinine.
Exacum bicolor; E. pedun-
culatum; :E. tetragonum.
(Roots). Gentian Root.
Feronia eiephantum. (gum
of unripe 'fruits). Gum acacia; & Bael fruit;
i.e., Aegle marmelos.
Ferula 'galbaniflua & F.
enarthex. Galbanum; FeruIa £oetida;
F. rubricaulis.
Foeniculum panonorium
(fruit); & F. vulgare. Common fennel.
Garcinia indica. (butter). Vaseline; Spermaceti & on
of Theobroma.
Garcinia morella, (gum
resin). ' Officinal gamboge.
Garcinia pictoria. (gum
resin). Siam gambose.
Garcinia purpurea (Con-
crete oil). Theobroma oil.

Gentiana Kurroo & Picror~

hiza I):urroo a . Gentianalutea root.
Gossypium herbaceum.
(root-bark) . Ergot.
Gracilaria lichenoides.
(decoction) . Iceland moss decoction.
Gracilaria lichenoides.
(dried plant). Iceland moss.
Gratiola 'nlohniera.
(alkaloid) . Strychnine.
Hemidesmus lridicus.
(root). Sarsaparilla root; Dulca- ~;-j
mara. ,
Hermodactylus gol. Colchicum: ,
Herpestis monniera. Digitalis.
Hebiscus rosa sinensis. English marshmallow-mot.
Holarrhena antidysenterica. ;.._-

(bark), ;. Cinchona bark, '

Hymenodictiyon 'excelsum,
(bark). . ," , Cinchona bark. '. ,,
Hyoscyamus muticus, Hyoscyamus niger,
Hyperanthera pterygosper-
rna. (root). Armoracia. '!
Ichnocarpus frutescens.
;; ;'".
(root). SarsapaHlia. ,~ ..
Ipomoea hedereceae & I.
nil. (extract), , Extract of. Jalap.
Ipomoea hedereceae & I,
nil. (pill). Compound gamboge pill.
Ipomoea turpethum. Jalap; qpomoea puq~a);, 1.
orizabensis, .
Iris germ ani ca. Iris pallida; J. florep.tin~a.
J usticia adhatoda (inspis- i,

sated juice). Senega root.

Ledebouria hyacinthoides
(bulb). Squill.
Liquidambar altingia & L. '
orientalis. (balsam),. Copaiba; Liquid Styrax or
L-obelia nicotianifolia. Lobelia inflata.
Luffa amara. (kernel of
seed). Ipecacuanha.
Lytta assamensis <dried
insect.). Cantharides.


Lytta Gigas; L .. violacea

(dried insect.). Cantharides.
Ma1caradhwaja. Red Sulphide of Mercury.
Mallotus phillipinensis. 1. Male fern. 2. Cusso or
Kousso (Brayera aRthelmin-
tica) .
Malva sylvestris. Marshmallow.
Mangifera indica. (seeds). . .. ,Santonin; santonica.
Melia azadirachta. (leaf-
poultice). Linseed poultice.
Meloe trianthema (dried
insect). Can'tharides.
Mentha arvensis. Mentha piperita; M. viridis.
Michelia champaka. (bark). Guaiacum & Cascarilla.
Micromeria capitellata
(plant). Peppermint.
Mirabilis jalappa. Jalap. .
Moringa oleifera. (1. Base
out of. 2. Bases from
bark). Ephedrine.
Moringa pterygosperma. Horse radish.
Moringa pterygosperma.
(componnd) . Infusion of Cusparia
Moringa pterygosperma.
(infusion). Infusion of Cusparia.
Moringa pterygosperma.
(root). Armoracia.
Musa sapientum. (young
leaf). Guttapercha tissue.
Mylabris cichorii, (cerate
and, plaster). Cantharides (Cerate &
Mylabris cichorii, (dried
insect) . Cantharides (Cerate &
Mylabris punctum; M. pus-
tulata; & other species
(dried insect). Cantharides (Cerate &
Myristlca malabarica:
(concrete oil). Expressed oil of nutmeg.
Myrtus caryophyllus. Pimento.
Nardostachys jatamansi.
(root). Valerian (root); Russian
sambul (root).

Naregamia alata. Ipecacuanha.

Ocimum basilicum. (seed~). Plantago ovata (seeds)_ I
Onosma bracte~tu~. Sarsaparilla.
Ophelia a?gustlfolia, O. ,
densifoha; & O. elegan~
(plants).. . Chiretta.
Ophelia chlrata. (dned
plant) .. Gentian root,
Oryza sativa. (decoction). Barley decoction.
Oryza sativa. (seeds-
ground & sifted) (rice-
flour). Wheaten flour.
Oryza sativa. (seed husked) Pearl Barley.
Papaver somniferum,
(Cryst Principle),
(Nicotine) . Cinchona & its alkaloids_
Papaver somniferum. ins-
pissated juice). Smyrna or Turkey opium.
Pharbitis nil (seeds). Jalap.
Phyllanthus emblica. (dried
fruit). Oak galls.
Phyllanthus emblica. (ex-
tract from wood). Catechu.
• Picrasma quassioides. Picrasma excelsa.
Pimpinella anisum. Illicium verum; T. religiosm.
Pinus deodara; & P. longi-
folia. (products of distil-
lation). Tar & Turpentine.
Pinus longifolia. (oleo-
resin). Galbanum; Pinus palustris;
P. taeda. •
Pinus longifolia (ointment). Ointment of Elemi.
Piper nigrum. Cinchona & its alkaloids.
Pistacia Khinjuk. (galls). Oak galls.
Pistacia Khinjuk. & P.
Kabulica. (resin). Mastiche.
Plantago ispaghula. (de- ...-'
coction). Barley decoction.
Plantago ovata. (seeds). Linseed infusion or tea.
Plumbago rosea. Cantharides.
Plumbago rosea. (plast~r) . Cantharides plaster.
Plumbago rosea. & P.
zeylanica. (root bark) .. Mezereon bark.
Podophyllum emodi (vege-
table calomel).
Podophyllum hexandrJm .. . . I Calomel; Podopnyllum

polygala chinensis; & P. peltatum.

crotalarioides; & P. te-
lephioides (plants). Polygala senega.
psychotria ipecacuanha. Cephaelis ipecacuanha.
ptychotis ajowan. Oils of lavender; pepper-
mint, thyme, dill, caraway,
coriander & anise.
punica granatum. (bark-
decoction) . Decoction of Oak bark~
punica granatum. (rind of
fruit). Decoction of Oak bark.
punica granatum. (root-
bark). Male-fern (Felix mas).

Randia dumetorium. Ipecacuanha.

Rheum emodi; R. webbia-
num & other species
(root) . Rheum palmatum, etc.
Chinese or Tibetan or Tur-
kish (rhubarb).
Rhus succedanea. (galls). Oak galls.
Rumex maritimus; & R.
N epalensis. Rhubarb.
Ruta angustifolia. (plant). Rue.

Salix fragilis. Salix sp. & S. populus; S,

Sam ad era indica. (wood &
bark). Quassia.
Samudra phena. Calcium.
Santalum album, (oil-
volatile). Copaiba; & Eucarya spicata.
Scilla indica. (bulb). (Squill), Scilla maritima;
Urgenia scilla or U. mari-
Scopolia lurida. (leaves). Belladonna.
Sesamum indicum. (ex-
pressed oil from seeds). Olive oil.
Shorea robusta. (Resin). Pine resin.
Sid a cardifolia. (alkaloid) . Epherdine.
Sinapis juncea (powdered
seed). JYIustard.
Smilax chinensis. (syrup). Sarsaparilla syrup.
Smilax glabra; S. lanceae-
folia; Smilax ova:Ilfolia;
S. sp' of (Tseinapho,
Burm.). (root). Jamaica sarsaparilla.



Soymida febrifuga, (bark

& decoction of bark). Oak bark & decoction of
I Oak bark.
Squalus car.charias (liver
oil & lard).
II Cod Liver Oil & lard.
Stryclrnos nux-vomica. ,
. (seeds & alkaloid). Cinchona and its alkaloids.
Styrax benzoin, (grown in
Govt. .gardens in Ban-
galore). Styrax benzoin; S. parallelo-
neurus; S. tonkinensis. .
Tamarix gallica; Tamarix
orientalis. (galls). Oak galls.
Termanalia arjuna. Digitalis & adrenalin.
Terminalia catappa. (ker-
nels). Sweet almonds.
Terminalia catappa. (oil). Almond oil.
Terminalia chebula. (dried
fruits). Oak-galls.
Terminalia catappa. <fruit-
powder). Tannic acid.
Thevetia neriifolia; or T.
peruviana, (glucoside). Digitalis.
Tinospo'ra cordifolia, root &
stem. Calumba root; Sassafras.
Toddalia aculeata. (root-
bark). Cusparia bar~ & qumme;
(cinchona & its alkaloIds).
Toddy poultice. Yeast poultice.
Tribulus terrestris. Barosma betulina; Uva Ursi.
Trichosanthes cordota. Calumba root.
Trichosanthes nervifolia,
(extract of fruit). Elaterium.
Triphala ointment. Calamine cerate.
Tyolophora asthmatica.
, (root & leaves). Ipecacuanha and Sarsaparilla
Tyolophora indica. ~
(root & leaves). Ipecacuanha and Sarsaparilla
Typha angustifolia. Medicated c6tton ;wool.
U rginia indica. (bulb). Urgihea maritinla 'or U.
'Valeriana leschenaultic var. scilla (Squill).
brunoniana: hardwi~kii; &:
wallichii; (root stalk)., Valerian; Russian Sumbul-
# 'root. (Valeriana' officinalis).
'Vateria indica. (resil!-).;. ~ Pine resins.
;.:' '. _;, ApPENDIcEs '~ ',/; " . .'

Vernonia anthelmentica.
(seeds). SaIitoriin'; Sant.6nica.
Viola odorata. Ipecacuanha.
Vitex pedicularis. Quinine.
Withania coagulans. Rennet.
Zingiber 'Cassumunar; Z. ze-
rum bet. (Rhizome) . Ginger .

Achyranthes aspera.
(plant). Yields on incineration a
large proportion of potash. '_
Aconitum ferox & other
species (root). As a source of Aconitia.
Areca catechu (unexpand-
ed petioles). Form excellent splints.
Bambusa arundinacea. for fractures etc.

Blumea grandis. (plant). As a source of Camphor.

Calotropis gigantea, is regarded in some parts as "Vegetable
Citrus bergamia (juice of
fruit). As a source of Citric acid.
Clitoria ternatea. (Syrup
of the flower). As a co"louring agent.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis,
(petals). Substitute for litmus as a
Musa sapientum. (leaves). Form excellent dressing for
blistered or excoriated sur-
faces; also as an imperme-
able covering, water-dress-
ing, and shades for the eyes
in ophthalmia.
Phyllanthus emblica.
(wood). As a means of clearing mud-
dy water.
Pterocarpus santalinu~.
(wood). As a colouring agent in
place of cochineaL

S a I!CornIa'indica; S. bra-

ch Ia & other speCIes.
' ta
Yield on incineration large
quantities of Barilla.
Squalus carcharias
(Stearine). Substitute for Lard in phar-
strychnos potatorum. As a means of clearing mud-
(seeds). ·dy water.

(Pages 429--430 of "Bengal Pharmacopoeia".
PubUcaticms refen'ed:-
(1) Druary's Pharmacopoeia of India or Bengal Phar-
macopoeia (old edition) .
• (2) Indigenous drugs Inquiry: A review of the work by
Bt. Col. R. N. Chopra. (July 1939).
(3) Distribution of British Pharmacopoeia Drug. Plants
and -their Substitutes growing in India, (1951) by S.
L. Nayar & 1. C. Chopra.
(4) Indian Crude Drugs, Minerals, Economic Produce,
Arts & Manufactures (Price List 1924) by S. N. De,
M.Sc., (Botany), B.Sc., (Geology).


(with their Equivalents in Sanskrit) and their REMEDIES.

, N.B.-(l) Majority of Indian Preparations are in italics.
(2) Letters "p. H. T." herein, refer to "Practical
Homoeo Therapeutics" by Dr. J. B. Ghoshal.
(3) As all the drugs hereunder have been alphabeti-
cally treated in the main contents of this volume,
marking of Pages numbers against each was con-
sidered redundant.
1. ABORTION; , Balsamodendron mnku].
(Garbhapata) :- Basella A.
(or Garbhasravam):- Brassica olerecea (P.H.T.)
Cassia tora.
Anona squamosa. Datura fastuosa.
Artemisia vulgaris. Desmodium T.
f30rax. Hydnocarpus I.
Carum Carui. Indigofera A.
Euphorbia R.
Fel bovinum purificatum. .-..

Ferula A. & F.
Jasminum P. & S·
Moringa pterygosperma. 1s ~

Gymelina A. Papaver S.
J avarish-i-lulu. S
--- Pinus species.
Moringa pterygosperma.
Pandanus, O. Peucedanum species. II~
Phaseolus species.
r, ~s
Plumbago species. Plumbago zeylanica.
Saccharum O.
Viburnum F. Sesbania species. I CIS

Sid a A. 1---
Solanum xanthocarpum. )
Achyranthes aspera·
Amaranthus Poly.
Squalus C. preparations.
Svalpa Masha Taila.
Tabernamontana species.
,Ananas sativus (P.H.T.) Viscum A. etc. I 2
Anona squamosa. Zizyphus J. etc. ) ~


ACIDITY (Amlapitta) or
Vi dagdhajeeranam ):-
Aetua' 'ptYchotis.
Ranunculus scleratus. (P.H~T.)_
Sinapus J. (chronic).
Strychnos N. (P.H.T.)·
Musa S. also intoxication from datura
Ph~rocarpus M. (pyrosis). I
Tamarindus 1.
Sodium salts and preparations.) Withania S. etc.
Sulphur and its preparations. 9. ALOPECIA:
Tamarindus indica. (Indraluptham) : -
4. ACNE: (Yavvanpedaka: Abrus ·precatorius.
Youvanpitka):- Aloe barbadensis.
Citrus A. Bhringaraj taila.
Ferula G. Eclipta E.
Randia D. Hedychium S. I

Strychnos nux-vomica (P.H.T.) Hibiscus Rosa S.

Terminalia A. etc. ) Myristica F.
Myrtus C.
Ricinus communis (P.H.T.)
Urtica urens (P.H.T.)
Plumbum and its Salts.
Trichosanthes species. \
6. AGUE:- (Sleshmavidagdhadristu) =-
Andrographis P. Nicotiana tabacum.
Citrus L. Strychnos N.
Euphatorium A. 11. AMENORRHOEA:
Fumaria O.
Phoenix species. (Aarthavadhosha, Kshi-
Quinetum. nartav~:-
Quinine. Aloe barbadensis.
Siegesbeckia O. etc. Aristolochia indica.
Artemisia vulgaris.
1. ALBUMINURIA: Balsamodendron My.
(Lalmoha' or Lalamcham): Brassica A.
See also Bright's disease:-- Butea frondosa.
Chandraprabha gutika. Carum carui.
Gokshuradi guggula. Crocus S.
Crotalaria J.
8. ALCOHOLISM: Erythrina indica.
(Panathyaya); (Parama- Euphorbia T. ...
dapana; Madatyaya):- Foeniculam V.
Avena sativa. (P.H.T.) , Gossypium 1. & H.-
Citrus aurantium. (P.H.T.) Helleborus N.
Hyoscyamus. (P.H.T.). Hydrocotyle A.
Musa S. Hyssopus O.
Papaver somniferum. (P.H.T.). Parmelia p.
Ptychotis ajowan. (P.H.T.). Peg®um H.
Pyrus malus. (P.H.T.). I Rubia C.
-- - -


Salvadbra species. Apium G.

Sapindas T. Boerhavia D.
Ser....ecarpus A. Calotropis G.
Sesamum I. Croton T. "',
Silicium salts. Cynodon D.
Sodium salts and ·preparations. Dasamuli haritald.
Triantluema monogyna. Dugdhavati.
Vitis Q. Gmelina A.
Vitex T. Gudashtaka.
Helleborus niger. (P.H.T.)
12. ANAEl\flA: Hygrophila S .
. ' (Panduroga):- Ichchavedi rasa.
Abhra bhasma. Ichchavedi vatika.
Adhatoda vasika. Jatropha Mon.
Bisama-jarantak lauha. Manmandu.
Brahat-Sarva-Jvara-hara Patoladya churna.
Lauha. • Punarnavastaka.
Brihat Sudarshana Churna. Punarnava taila.
Cinnabar. Rasa parpati.
Coccus lacca. Solanum & X.
Dhatri lauha or Leha. Sulachanamritabhra.
Emblica O. Suvarna or Swa1'na
Ferri Sulphas. parpati.
Hyqrargyrum. Tartar Eniet (P.H.T.).
J akridari lauha. Tryushanadi Lauha.
Kalpam. Urine (cow's and prepa-
Kalyanaksharam. rations.
Lauhabhasma .. Urine (Ox's).
Lohasava. Varunadya guda.
N avayasa lauha. Vijaya parpati. J
Physalis species. 14. ANOREXIA:
Puta-Pak-Bisama Jvarantaka (Arochaka):-
Semecarpus A.
Amlica pana.
Svarna-makshika. Amritakalpa rasa.
Trailokyac'hintamani Rasa. Cervus dama.
Trigonella 'F. CuminumC. ~
Tryushanadi LauhiL. Drakshasava.
Visarnajvarantaka Lauha. Elettaria C:
Vitis. Emblica O.
Feronia E.
13. ANASARCA:- Gentiana K.
Achyranthes A. Jatiphaladya churna.
Aegle marmelos. Kapithaastaka churna.
Allium S . ../ Pippali arista.
Alocasia I. Piper longum.
Apis. (P.R.T.). Quassia E.

Ramabana rasa 18. APOPLEXY: (Sanna;

Sodium salts, and its prepara- Sannyasa):-
tions. I Camphora O.
Vadavanal churna. Croton T.
I Garcinia P.
15. ANURIA: ; Helleborus N.
(Mutraghatana); See also I Sinapis J.
Allium sativum. (Aristolochia bracteata):-
Ammonii Carbonas. Piper Nigrum.
Andropogon Muricatm.
Cyperus rotundus. . 20. ARDOR URINAE:
Iris P. (See also:-Strangury):-
Potassium salts. (Potasii Glycyrrhiza G.
carbonas). Gmelina A.
Silicium salts. Hibiscus Rosa S.
Sodium salts and preparations. Punarna.va Leha.
Strychnos N. Silicium salts.
16. APHONIA: (Svarabhanga; (Sandhivata):-
Mookatva or Vaksan- Acalypha 1. ..........
gam):- Adityapaka guggula. JlI
Herpestis M. Anisomelos M.
Mangifera I. Balsamodendron M. Ii
Nigella S. ' Chitra Kathi.
17. APHTHAE: (Sarvasara"
Garcinia P.
Gossypium herblilccum.
Acacia arabica. Solanum nigrum.
Berberis A. '\ Thespesia populnea.
Cajanus I. I
Embelia R. ~ K ubja prasarini taila.
Emblica O.
Eucalyptus G.
Linum U.
Phaseolus species.
Ficus R. J Ricinus C.
Grahanikapata Rasa (Sprue). Saussurea L.
Indigofera Tinc.
J asminum grandi£lorum. Semecarpus A. (acute).
Lawsonia alba. Spilanthus O· ..-..
Myrica N. 1g
Myrtus C. I~
Rosa species. ~ - 1 a
Silicium salts. Squalus C. preparations. ' a
Sodium salts and preparations, Vitex N. etc. l- ~
Svalpakhadiravatika. I .S
Tamarindus I. 'f ~
Terminalia Cheb.
... /

22. . ASCARIDES~- ../ 24. ASTHMA: (Svasakasant);

Indigo£era tinctoria. (P.R.T.) Shwas (Tamaka); See also
"Expectorants'?) : -
23. ASCITES: (.1 dhara);
See:-Purgatives and Live!' Abhra bhasma.
tonics:- Abies W.
Acetic acid (P.R.T.). Acalypba indica.
Achyranthes A. . Achyranthes aspera.
Amrnonii Carbonus. Acorus calamus.
Andropogo~ I. Adhatoda V.
Apang Kshar. Aegle marmelos.
Arsenic (P.R.T.). Ailanthus E.
Boerhavia D. & It Alhagi maurorum.
Calotropis G. Allae pauk.
Cedrus deodara. Allium sativum.
Citrullus C. Aloe B.
Clitoria T. Alum (P.R.T.).
Crataeva N. Althaea 0,
Croton T. Andropogon C.
Dugdha-vati. Aplotaxis aurieulata.
Hygrophila S. Arsenic, white.
lchchha-vedi rasa. Bambusa A.
I chchha-vedi -vatic(t. Banga bhasma with copper.
J alodarari Rasa. Beninkasa C.
Kalyanaksharam. Blatta Orientalis (P.R.T.).
Lufl'a E. Boerhavia diffusa.
Mahanaracha Rasa. Borax. '
Manmandu. Calotropis gigentea.
Moringa p. Camphora O.
N\\.'\"(\Ch,\\. '\"\\.\',\\.. Cu:u.m ~'0~i;.k1J..m. .
Patoladya Churnam. Cassia S.
Pavetta 1. Cervus dama.
Piper longum. Chaturmukha Rasa.
Plumbago zeylanica & R. Cinnamomum tamala.
Potassium salts. Coleus A.
Punarna-vastaka. Cowrie bhasma.
Rasayanamrita Leha. Crocus S.
Semecarpus A. Cubeba officinalis. (P.R.T.)
Serpent poison preparations. Daemia E.
Sodium salts! and preparations. Datura A. & F.
Sonchus species. Diamond bhasma, with vasaka,
Sulphur and its preparations. long pepper, and sugar.
Suvarna parpati. Ephedra vulgaris.
. Urine (cow's) and prepara- Erythroxylon C.
tions. Euphorbia N: P. & Tir.
Varunadya guda. Ferula A. F. & G.
Visamajvarantaka Lauh'a. Ficus R.
Flacourtia C. Semeearpus, A.
Galega E. Sinhanada guggula.
Glycyrhiza' glabra. - \ Solanum I. & X.
Gorochanam, due to worms). Squalus C. preparations.
Grahani milt ira taila. I Stannum preparat~ons.
Hedyotis U. : Strychnos I. & S. Nux-vomica.
Hedysarum A. (P.H.T.).
Hingvadi Dhum. Styrax B.
Hygrophila S. (Cough).- Sulphur and its preparations.
Hyocyamus N. Suryavartha Rasa.
Hyssopus O. Suvarna Bhasma.
Indigofera Tinc. Swasabhairava Rasa
Jatiphaladi churnam. Swasa Chintamani.
Justicia adhatoda. Swasa Gajankusa.
Kalyanaksharam. Swasakasa Chudamani.
Kanakasava. Swasa Kuthar Rasa.
Khaphaketu rasa. Talisadya Churna.
Katphaladi Churna.- Termanalia C.
Khandakooshmanda. Tylophora A.
K umariasava. Urtica D.
Lectuca S. llgsakushmanda kanda.
Lavangadi Churna. Vasava Leha.
Lycopersicum E. Verbascum T.
Mahalakshmibilas. Vijaya llati.
Mahasvasari Lauha. Vitis Q. etc.
Mrityanjaya Rasa. Zinc salts and preparations.
Mukta Bhasma. Zingiber O. & Z.
Myrica N.
Myristica F. 25. BALANITIS:-
Nicotina T. Basella A.
Opuntia Lillenii. 26. BALDNESS:
Papaver S. See "Alopecia".
Peganum H.
Picrorrhiza Kurroa. \ 27. BARRENNESS:
Piper longum, & nigruIn, & See "sterility".
chaha. 28. BED SORES:
Pippali, Arista. , ,See "Sores".
Pippuladi Lauha.
Pistacia integerrima. 29. BILIOUSNESS:'
Polyporus O. (Pitthadhikyam) :-See
Potassii Nitrus. also Diseases of the
Potassium salts. Liver:-
Premna herbacea. Adhatoda vasika.
Randia D. Andrographis paniculata.
Rhus S. Andropogon Muricatus.
Sassurea L. Cassia fistula.
Scindapsus O. ,/ -Cinmfmomum camphora.


Cuminum cyminum. Cupri sulphas.

Cyperus rotundus. Curcuma L.
Eclipta Erecta. Cyperus R.
Emblic myrobolum. Dilute Acetic acid (P.R.T.)
Feronia E. Eclipta E.
Garcinia X. Euphorbia Tir.
Hibiscus A. Ferula A.
Ipomoea turpethum. Gloriosa S.
Lavendula S. Mucuna P.
Lycopersicum E. Nerium O.
Santalum album. Saturated solution of salt put
Mentha S. (vomiting). in eyes (P.R.T.)
Mollugo cerviana. Tamarindus indica (P.R.T.)
Momordica C. (Insect) :-Cassia a1ata.
Nicotina T. (giddiness).
Piper longum. Gloriosa superba.
Ptychotis A.
Saccharum officinarum. Go1eus A.
Sphaeranthus H. etc.
Tamarindus I. Hibiscus P.
Trapa B. etc. (Venomous reptiles);-
Viola species. Acetic acid (P.R.T.)
Vitis vinifera. Alum (P.H.T.)
Zingiber O. Atrocarpus integrifolia leaves.
Ziziphus·J. etc. Butter milk (P.R.T.)
Earthworm (P. H. T. )
30. BITES: (Daunsha or Eclipta alba.
Damsam):- (Scorpion Euphatorium A.
and Insects):- Fowls (P.H.T.)
Achyranthes aspera. Heliotropium indicum.
Allium C. & Sativum. Indigofera tinctoria.
Argemone M. Musa sepientum trees' juice.
Aristolochia I. Nictotiana tobacum (P.H.T.)
Bryophyllum calycinum. Piper longum & chaba.
Camphora officinarum (P.H.T). Potash permanganate (P.H.T.)
Feronia elephantum.
Helitropium I.
., Rauwolfia S.
Sapindas trifoliatus.
Ocimum basilicmr Strychnos N.
(Scorpion) :- (Venomous insects):-
Alum (P.R.T.) Feronia E.
Ammonii Carbona:". Indigofera Tinct.
Boerhavia diffusa. Kalanchoe L.
Calotropis gigantea. Ptychotis A.
Carica P. Ranwolfia S.
Cissampelos P. ' Sacchrum O.
Citric acid (P.H.T.) Sapindas T.
Citrullus C. (Serpent) : -

Aegle marmelos.
Aris!olochia indica.
Lavendula B.
Banga Bha-sma.
( Basella A.
Bryophyllum calycinum.
LufIa -Am. Butea frondosa.
Moringa P.
Polyporous O.
(Venomous & Rabid
Cinnamomum camphora.
Curcuma. L.
Diospyros embryopteris.
Gynandropsis P.
Haridra kh~nda.
(1) Alangium lamarckii.
(2) Cephalandra indica.
Heliotropium 1.
(3) Indigofera tinctoria. Lippia N.
(4) Sapindas T. Melia azadirachta.
(5) X-anthium strumarium. Mirabilis J.
Oxalis corniculata.
Strychnos N.
Peucedanum species.
31. BLADDER Piper species.
COMPLAINTS: See Praval bhasma.
"Cystitis" and "Urinary
. complaints" Pterocarpus M.
Saccharum O.
32. BLISTER:-See "Ulcers". Sapindas T.
Santalum .album.
(See also Leprosy, Scro- Saxifraga L.
fula, Syphilis, Skin Sesbania species ..
diseases &c.):- Sid a A. & C.
Stannum preparations. Strychnos P.
(Parasites) : - Symplocos R.
Sulphur and its preparations. Tamarindus I.
Toddalia A. etc.
Anthocephalus C.
Diospuros E. Trichosanthes C.
Hemide~mus 1. Vitex N. & T.
Mimosa P. Zyzyphus J. etc.
Trichosanthes C.
Tylophora A. 35. BOWEL
34. ,BOILS: (Visphota; 'Vid·
hradhi; Peetika; or Anacyclus P.
Pitika):- Andropogon N.
Eucalyptus G.
~ Acacia catechu.
Allium cepa. Euphorbia T.
Anona squamosa. t
Asparagus racemosus. _ Holarrhena A .

..... Spongia O·
I >-oj

......... (Pains):-

sura gaja kesari.
Vitis Q. etc.
I 0 Woodfordia F.
Oryza S. I >-oj


Ricinus O. ~~ (Cerebral Congestion):-
I S Garcinia P.
I S~ Hedysarum G.
I g Avena
Sativa (P.H.T.)
j ~
Chronic:- Herpestis M.
Akara-karabhadi chuma. Makaradvaja.
Dadimastaka. Musa sapientum (bananas)
Dugdhavati. (P .H.T.)
Karu bhasma. (Meningitis) :-
Manmandu. Panchavahtra Rasa.
Ostrea E. and its preparations. Payaesam or ksheer. of
Punica G. Achyranthes aspera.
Sida A. (Loss of memory):-
Suvarna Parpati. Magzsudhi.
(Rectal prolapse):- Majoonai Kuvathiabah.
Oxalis C. Stannum preparations.
(Irritations) : - V rihat Pan.chamttla.
Papaver S. Withania S. etc.
Peucedanum species.
(Catarrh) : -
(Chronic) : -
Phaseolus species.
(Obstructions) : - J uniperis C.
Picrorrhiza kurroa. U rginia I. etc.
Pimpinella A. ( Sodium salts and preparations.
Rubia C. (With dropsy):-
(Tympanites) : - Shoathahar Loha.
Piper species. Tribulus T.
Plantago I. Tryushanadi Lauha.
(Ulceration) : - Vitis V.
Plantago 1. 38. BRONCIDTIS:
Portulaca species. (Kas-Cough) (Cough- .
Ranwolfia S.
(Duodenal catarrh) :-- janya) Pittajanyakasa):-
Rheum E. See ("Expectorants" and also
Saline substances. "Respiratory Diseases":-
(Spasms):- Abies W.
Sinapis J. Acalypha indica.
(Inflammation) : - Aconitum nepellus (P.H.T.)
Spinacea O. Acorus C. .

Adhatoda V. Pinus species.

Aegle marmelos. Piper cubeba, & betel.
Ailanthus·E. & M. Potassium salts.
(Chronis) : - Rajamriganka Rasa.
Allium C. Randia D.
Amb'X"it(u;b.atakovachana. Rhus S.
Asphaltum. Ruta G.
Borax. Semecarpus A.
Brihat Singarabhra. Solanum Xanthocarpum.
Calotropis gigantea. • Strychnos N .
Carum copticum. Styrax B.
Chandramrita rasa. Sulphur corrected with
Cinnamomum campho ra . tricatu-churna and ghee.
Clitoria T. Terminalia chebula..
Diamond bhasma with long Urgina 1.
pepper and sugar. Vidarigandadigana Quath.
Dipterocarpus T. Zingiber officinale.
Euphorbia P.
Ferula G. 39. BUBOES: (Bada
Sulphur and its jJreparations. Vamkshanagrandhi) : -
(Children's) : - Amaranthus poly.
Aquilaria A. Arum C.
Asclepias A. Ficus H.
Boswellia G.
Cephalandra 1. 40. BURNING OF PALMS
Cubeba O.
Eladi churnam. (Hastadaha; Padadaha):-
Eletteria C. Hedyotis U.
\~\m \){ {~t)".-
"Eucalyptus G.
Ferula A. Lagenaria V.
Flacourtia C. Mesua F.
Glycyrrhiza G· Momordica C.
Herpestis M. U rgina I. etc.
Hyssopus O.
Lactuca S. Andropogon muricatus.
Lavangadi churnam. Cinnamomum camphora.
Linum U. Crataeva religiosa (in soles of
Lycopersicum E. the feet). '
Madanadi-vamana. Cyperus rotandus.
Majoonai Sual. Ghee.
Musa paradisiaca. Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Myristica M. Hemidesmus indicus.
Papaver S. Mesua ferrea (in soles of the
Phoenix species. feet).
Pimpinella A. Molfugo cerviana.

Pterocarpus santalinus. Citrus limonum.

Rose-water. .Coleous aronlaticus.
Crataeva R.
42. BURNS & SCALDS: Dolicos Bif.
(Agnidagdha-vrana; Dagdha- Erigeron C.
vrana):- Gokshuradi Guggula.
See also "Antiseptics" Hygrophila S.
Aloe barbadensis. Indigofera G·
Basella A . . Lawsonia A.
Bicarbonate of Soda (P.H.T.) Moringa P.
Cocos N. Papaver S.
Flour and lard applied in equal Pavetta I.
parts. Pedalium M.
Ghee. (P.H.T.) Potassium salts.
Gossypium I. & H. Pyrus specieS.
lndigofera T. Raphanus S.
LawsoniaA. Salvadora p. & O.
Lime Liniment (P .H.T.) (Uric acid):-
Linum U. Saxifraga L.
Mangifera I. Silicium salts.
Manjishtadya ghrita. Sida R.
Mel depuratum. I Solanum X~nthocarpum.
Mentha 'pipe~ata oil (P.ll.T.) (Urinary) :--
Oryza S. " Spinacea O. etc.
Portulaca species. Styrax .B.
Rubia C. Tribulus T.
Rumex C. Vitex V.
Saccharum O. (Stone in the bladder):-
Sesamum I. Trivikrama rasa.
Silicium salts. Urgina I. etC.
Solanum T. See also "Diuretics" in
Terminalia Cheb. AppendbC I.
Trigonella F.
Triticum S. 45. CANCIm (Mansarbhuda;
Urtica D. Valmeekam):-
Zinc salts and preparations. Acacia catechu.
Citrus limonum (P.H.T.) -
43. CACIIEXIA:- Indigofera A.
Squalus C. preparation. Kaempfer<l R.
Strychnos C. etc. Papaver S.
Taraxacum O. etc. Xanthium S. etc.
44. CALCULI: (Ashman 46. CARBUNCLE: (Calpu1i;
. Sikata):- Vinata-pramehapitaka )-
Acarus calamus. See also "Boils".
Boerrhavia diffusa. Camphor spirits and lime water
Bombax Malabaricum. equal parts (P.H.T.)

Curd. Hordeum V.
Daemia E. lthrphal.
Kalagnirudra rasa. Kapha ketu rasa..
Lauha bhasma. Musa S.
Nitric acid (P.H.T.) Nigella sativa.
Papaver S. Piper species.
Saccharum O. Ptychotis A.
Santalum album. (laryngeal) : -
Vateria I. Rumex C.
Withania somnifera. (bronchial) : -
Zizyphus J. etc. Santalum A.
Solanum D. & X.
47. CATARACT:- Swertia C. etc.
Colchicum (P.H.T.) Utrica D.
48. CATARRH: (Nasal): Vitex N. etc.
(Prathisyayam) :- Vitis V.
See also "Antiphlogistics". 49. CEPHALALGIA:-
Aconitum ferox & nepellus. Asclepias A.
Agati G. Bassia La.
Allium C. Eclipta E.
Aristolochia I. Emblica O.
Michelia C.
Nelumbium S.
Saussurea L.
Mesua F.
50. CHANCRE: (Dustavraru
Ocimum S. Upadamsha; Mehavrana)
See "Sores"; "Syphilis" I
Sesbania G. "Ulcers"
(Kanjinya) :-
Curcuma L.
AL<;tonia S. 52. CHLOROSIS:
Andropogon C. (Panduroga):-
(chronic) : - Balsamodendron My.
Balsamodendron O. Crocus S. 'T"

Baleria P. Gossypium 1.
Barringtcmia A.
Basella A. 53. CHOLERA: (Vishuchij
Calotropis gigantea. Vislloochika; Philtkee):-
Coriandrum S. See:-Vomiting, Diarrhoe
Curcuma L. and Demulcents.
Eclipta E. Achyranthes aspera.
Erythroxylon C. Andropogon C., Mur., & N.
Glycyrrhiza glabra. A:'plotaxis auriculata.

Brassica A. 57. COLDS: (Amadosham;

Bryophyllum calyoinum. Jalad(}sham).
Calotropis gigantea. See also "Catarrh".
Capsicum A. Abies W ebbiana.
lVIucuna pruriens. Allae pauk.
Sapindas triioliatus. Allium sativum.
(infantum) : - Caryophyllus aromaticus.
Camphora officinaru m (P.R.T.) Centipeda O.
Carum copticum. Ceropegia B.
Cinnamomum camphora. Citrus acida (P.R.T.)
Coffea A. Citrus B.
Cyperus R. Coriandrum sativum.
Euphatorium A. Curcuma L.
Gorochanam. Erythroxylon C.
Mentha 'Po Ithraphal.
Moschus moschiferous.
(cramps):- Moschus moschiferous.
Cuprum acet (P.R.f.) Piper higrum.
Hyoscyamus (P.R.T.) Ptychotis A.
Kaolin (P.R.T.) Zingiber O.
Papaver somniferu:rn.
Piper nigrum. 58. COLIC: (Shula):_':'
Podophyllum emodi (P.R.T.) (flatulent):-
Potassii nitras. Achyranthes aspera.
Ptychotis A.
A(':Jrus C.
Ranwolfia S.
Serpent poison preparations. Anthemis N.
Sinapis J. Asphaltum (Silajit).
Strychnos 1. Catbonat~ of Soda.
(collapse) : - Caryophyllus aromaticus.
Verbena oiL Cinnamomum tamala.
Zingiber O.
Citrullus colocynthis.
54. CHOREA:-' Coriandrum S.
Hermodactylus G. Crocus S.
N ardostachys J. Ferula A. & F.
Valeriana species.
Fiscus Benja.
(Pisthameha) :- Pimpinella A.
Ruta G.
Symplocos R.
56. CIRRHOSIS: Alocasia 1.
(Yakraddalyudara; Yak-
rith-vriddhi). Aloe B.
(Infantile). Caryophullus aromaticus.
Luffa E. Coleus A.
Potassium salts. Altingia K

Papaver S.
Peganum H.
Anisomeles M. Piper species.
Apium G. Potassii carbonas and Salts
Asparagus R. Premna integrifolia.
Barringtonia A. Ptychotis A.
Caesalpinia B. 3 Randia D.
Ranwolfia S.
(ChroniC) : - Ricinus communit'!.
Cannabis S. (lead):-
Capparis A. Saccharum O.
Carum copticum. Saline substances.
Cassia F. Sapindas T.
Chat'lkrttshana churna. Shanka bhasma.
Clerodendron Infor. Sida C.
Clitoria T. (renal):-
Coriandrum sativum. Siegesbeckia O. etc.
Ferula foetida. Sinapis J.
Foeniculam V. Solanum 1.
Galega P. S1da gaja kesari.
Gandhakadi vatL Sulphur and its preparation
Gendarussa V. Tamarindus 1.
Glorios S. Terminalia Cat. & Cheb.
(due to worms):- Trigonella F.
Grahini-mihira Taila. Vitex N. etc.
(colitis) : - Zingiber O.
Holarrhena A.
Hyoscyamus niger. 59. COMA: (Salmyasa).
Hyssopus O. , . See "Fainting".
Illicium V. 60. CONCEPTION:-
J atiphaladi ch'lkrnam. Abroma augusta (P.R.T.)
Lavendula S. 61. CONJUNCTIVITIS:
(painter's) ; - (Abhishyanda}:__,.
Linum U. Aloe L.
Luffa E. Alumen.
Madanadi Vamana. Berberis asiatica.
Mahanaracha Rasa. Bombax malabnricum.
Melaleuca L. Cassia auri.
(gastric) : - Coleus A.
Mentha P. Coptis T.
Mucuna P. (chro_nic) : -
Myristica F. Coriandrum S.
N ardostacJ:,.ys J. Emblica O.
Nicotiana T. Erythrina I.
Paederia F. :JVIemecylon F.
Paeonia E.
.....'""" - Osepie & its preparations.

Ricinus C. Tamarindus I.
(chemosis) ;- Taraxacum (P.R.T.),
Strychnos P. Trivrit Leyham . .'
Zincum. Tumburadya Churna..
(Anaha; l\lalabandham):-- (Kshyaya; Raj21yakshma).
See also "Laxatives, See also "Ple1;lrisy" and
Purgatives" . Expectorants) .
Acalypha 1. See also "Phthisis"
Acorus calamus. Tuberculosis. -
Alocacia I. Abies Webbiana~
Aloe barbadensis. Abhra Bhasma.
Bertholletia E. Adhatoda vasika.
Beta V. Agasti-haritaki.
(habitual) ;- Allium sativum.
Cassia absus & O. & F. Balsamodendron mukul.
angustifolia. Bambusa arundinacea
Euonymus A. (Bamboo m~a).
Sulphur and its preparations. Beninkasa C.
Bezoar. . Dhanvantri tailam.
Fel bovis. Draksharista.
Clitoria T. Emblic myrobalan.
Emblica O. Hemidesmus indicus.
Gandhakadi churna. Hydnocarpus wightiana.
Gandhaka Kalka. Ipomoea digitata & I.
Gulkhand. turpethum.
lchchavedivatica. Kumari asava.
(chronic);- Lakshadi Taila.
Ithrphal. Mel depuratum.
Strychnos N. Myrtus communis (P.R.T.)
Jatropha Mon. Narayana Taila.
Kalyana-ksharam. Nal'ikelakhanda:
Lens E. (pulmonaT1.J) ;....:_
Naracna churna. Papaver somniferum.
N aracha Rasa. Pinus deodara.
Papaver somniferum, (P.H.T.) Piper longum.
Picrorrhiza kurroa. Squalus C. preparations.
Piper species. Tinospora cordifolia.
Pranadi gutika. Vitis V.
Psiditim G. Withartia S. etc.
Pyrus malus, (P.R.T.)
Rosebay. 64. CONTu£lIONS:-
(Obstinate) ;- (See:-Inflammaiions &
Rukkeshee Rasa. Antiphlogistics) .
Stannum preparations. Aplotaxis auriculata.
Strychnos nux-vomica. Cera flava.

65. CONVALESCENCE:- Eucalyptus G.

Quinetum. Euphorbia P.
Sida A. Myristica M.
Todda,lia A. etc.
70. COUGH: (Kasa):-
66. CONVULSIONS: (See also: "Expectorants")
(Aakshepaka; Apas-
maram):- Abies W.
(Infantile) : - Abrus precatorius.
Allium C. & S. Acacia Arabica. V
Cassia O. Aconitum heterophyllum.
Feruia foetida. Acorus calamus.
Ruta G. Adhatoda V.
(puerperal) : - Allae pauk.
Gardenia F. Allium C.
Gorochanam. Aloe barbadensis.
Gynandropsis P. Alpinia officinarum.
Masha Taila. Alumen.
Nardostachys J. Anisochilus C.
Ovapana. Aplotaxis auriculata.
Sinapis J. Balsamodendron O.
Svalparasv,na Pinda. Bambusa arundinacea.
67. CORNS: (Kadara; Coleus A.
Keelakam):- Myrica N.
Anacardium O. Solanum T.
Carica P. Trigonella F.
Jasminum G.
Oxalis C. Beninkasa C.
(Inveterate) : - Cervus dama.
Urgina I. etc. Chaturushana Churnam.
Cinnamomum C. I. M. & T.
68. CORPULENCE: Cochlospermum G.
(Sthulata) :- Coriandrum sativum.
See also:-"Obesity". Cowrie bhasma.
Aplotaxis auriculata. Dhatrimodaka.
Boswellia glabra (P.R.T.) Draksharista.
Crataeva N. Ferula foetida.
Dolichos Bif. Galega p.
Gardenia G. Gendurussa V.
Mel depuratum. Glycyrrhiza G.
Silajit. Herpestis monnie1;;
Varunttdya Guda. Hibiscus Rosa S.
Hrasva panchamula.
69. CORYZA: (Pl'atishyaya; . (Spasmodic) : -
Jaladosham):- Hyoscyamus N.
Chaturushana Churnam. Illicium verum.
Curcuma L. ~ Jati'phaladya Churna.

Kapha ketu Rasa. 72. CROUP: (Svatagneekasa;

Nicotina T. Swarabhangam;
Polyporus O. Swaraghna).
Solanum I. & X. Aristolochia indica.
Squalus C. preparations. Carica P.
Styrax B. Cinnamomum zeylanicum.
Hyssopus O. Eucalyptus G.
Indigofera Pul. Ocimum basilicum.
Kantakaryava Leha. (Spasmodic) :-
Katphaladi Churna. Kaolin (P.H.T.)
Lavangadi Churnam. Urgina 1.
Mukta Bhasma.
Myristica M. 73. CYSTITIS: (l\1utrouka-
Panchakola Churnam. sada; Moothrakrichram):-
Papaver S. (See also: "Diuretics").
Piper species. Abutilon 1.
Pippali Arista. Acacia A.
Rhus succedanea. Aconitum nepellus (P.H.T.)
Saussurea L. Andropogon muricatus.
Scilla I. Cannabis sativa (P.H.T.)
(phlegmatic) : - Cantharis (P.H.T.)
Scindapsus O.
Semecarpus anacardium. Cissampelos pareira.} .?
Sesamtiin indicum. Corchorus C. .
. ~o 0 a
Sinapis J. Cyperus rotundus. ::::. II
Solanum N. Santalum A. 0
Solanum Xanthocarpum.
Sringyadi Chur'IUL. Erigeron C.
Tylophora A. Eucalyptus G.
(distressing) :- (Catarrh of bladder):-
Styrax B. Gmelina A.
Sulphur and its preparations. Hemidesmus indicus.
Talisadya Churna. Hibiscus Rosa S.
Tamarix G. etc. Linum U.
Terminalia B. & Cheb. Liquidambar O.
Vasava Leha. Mollugo cerviana.
Verbascum T. Phaseolus species.
Viola species. Sida C.
Vitis V. Tribulus T.
Zingiber O. & Z. (spasm of bladder):-
Vernonia C. etc.
71. CRACKS IN HANDS:- Zincum.
Calendula Officinalis (P.H.T.)
71(a) CRAMPS:- (Sirakandoo) :-
See: Tailors' cramp and· Canal?is S. Or C. 1.
writers' cramp. Citrus B.

Euphorbia T. Michelia C.
Indigofera A. Myristica F.
(violent) : -
75. DEBILITY: (Asaktata; Papaver S.
Balakshyam; Kshina- Potassium salts.
Roga). Sinapis J ..
See also "Tonics",
Zizyphus J. etc.
'Agnithundi vati. & INSIPIDUS:-
Asvagandha ghrita. (Madhu-meha)
Alstonia S. (U dak-meha).
Andrographis paniculata. Abroma augusta (P.H.T.)
Banga Bhasma. Acacia A.
Curculigo O. (for oM age). Aconitum F.
Emblica O. Alpinia G.
Evolvulus A- Bangeshwara Rasa.
(nervous):- Basanta Kusumakara Rasa.
Hibiscus A. & S. Brihat Kasturi Bhairub.
MakaTadhvaja. Brihat Samanatha Rasa.
Trapa B. etc. Cassia Auri.
(constitutional) : - Cassia F.
Chyava:nap-rasha. Cassia S.
Ipomoea digitata. Cephalandra indica ~
Kameshwar modale. Citrus A.
Kariyat. Curcuma longa.
Lepidium S. . Cyperus Rotundus.
Mahalakshmibilas Rasa. Emblica O. .'
Majoonai-kuvathiabah. Emblic myrobalan.
Mandura Loha. Eriodendron A.
Melia Azadi. Erythrina I.
Myristica M. Eugenia J.
Phoenix species. Ficus G. & B.
Soymida F. Ganganadhi Lauha.
Toddalia A. Guazuma T.
Trapa B. Gymnema S.-a specific.
Tribulus terrestris. Helicteres I. .
Vasanta Kusumaka.ra Rasa. Ipomoea digitata.,..
Withania S. etc. Kadalyadi ghrita.
Lodoicea S.
76. DELIRIUM: Mengifera I.
(Vibhrama):- Mel depuratum.
Agaricus (P.H.T.) Momordica charantia (P.H
Camphora O. Musa Paradisica & Musa :
Capsicum frutescens & Nymphoea species.
minimum. - Orchis M. ' ~
Lagenaria V. Papaver S.

Phyllanthus species. Ferri sulphas.

Plumbum (P.H.T.) Galiga P.
pongamia G. Gangadhara Churna (laghu &
prunus Amygdalus. brihat).
psidium G. Garcinia M.
Rourea S. Grahani kapata Rasa.
Rubia cordifolia. Hemidesmus indicus.
Sattgilo or Palo. Mahagandhak.
Scilla indica (P.H.T.) Myristica fragrans.
Soma1ULtha Rasa. Orchis M.
. Stannum preparations. Papaver somniferum.
Strychnos N. & P. Plumbum and its salts.
Syzygium jambulanum Punica G.
(P.H.T.) Rasanjanadi churna.
Tarakeshvara Rasa. Santalum album.
Terminalia chebula. Strychnos P.
Tinospora cordifolia. Swarna parpati.
TriphGla. Terminalia cheb.
Valeriana for diabetes insipidis Vitis .V.
(P.H.T.) (Ordinary) : -
Vangeshvara Rasa. Agaricus A. & O.
Vasanta Kusumakara Rasa. Amaranthus Poly.
Vitis vinijera. I Annona R. & S.
• I
Vrihat Vangeshvara Rasa. Areca C.
Yeast, extract of (P.H.T.) BaeZ marmalade.
78. DIARRHOEA: Barringtonia A.
(Atisara):- Bauhinia V.
Acacia A. C. & S. Butea F.
Achyranthes aspera. Caesalpinia D. & S.
Aconitum heterophyllum. Cedrus D.
Acorus calamus· Changeri ghrita.
Agnikumara Rasa. Cinnamomum C. M. T. &
(chronic) : - Zeylanicum.
Aegle M. Cissampelos pareira.
Alstonia S. 'Cylesta S.
Ananda Bhairava Rasa. Cyperut. P. & R.
Arsenious acid. Diospyros E.
Asphaltum (Silajit). Dugdhvati.
Bhoonimbadi Chttrnam. Elephantopus S.
Bombax malabaricum. Effiblica O.
Cannabis S. Feronia F.
Carica P. Flacourtia C.
Coffea A. (acute & chronic):-
Cuminum cyminun1. (Pakwa-atisar ).
Cynodon D. Holarrahena A.
Eugenia J. Vajraka,pata Rasa.

Hriveradi. Sodium salts and preparation:

Isaphgul-ka-chilka. Soymida F.
Ixora C. Spongia O.
J atiphaladi gutika. (atonic) : -
,Jatropha C. Strychnos N.
J awarish-a-kammon. Terminalia B. C. & T .
.Jirakadi Modaka. Tabernamontana species.
Kalanchoe L. Tamarix G. etc.
Kalu Bhasma. Terminalia A. & B.
Kapithashtaka Chunut. Toddalia A. etc.
Karpura Rasa. Trapa B. etc.
K utajarishta. (puerperal) : -
K utajashtaka. Trigonella F.
Lepidium S. Tylophora A.
Mangifera I. Urine (Ox's).
Musa S. Vitex N. etc.
(summer & choleraic):- W oodfordia F.
-Myristic a F. Zincum.
Myrtus C. Zingiber O.
Nigella S. Zizyphus J. etc.
Nymphoea species.
Ostrea E. & its preparations. 79. DIPHTHERIA:
Paederia foetida. (Kantharohini):-
Poenia F. • Capsicum A.
Papaver S. Citrus limonum (P.H.T.)
ParmeliaP. Eucalyptus G.
Physalis species. Mentha P.
Plantago ispagula. Sodium salts and preparation!
Pongamia G.
Pter.x:cwpu'S 1)[. SO. DIPSOMANIA:
'Ptychotis A. (Oonmada ):-
Quercus I. Capsicum A.
Randia D. Coriandrum S.
(also teething):- Ptychotis A.
RheumE. Zinc salts and preparations.
(infantile) :-
(Balaroga-atisar) . 81. DROPSY: (Sotham;
Rhus S. Shoafa Shwayathu;
Ricinus C. Udaram-Sopftam) ;
(with high fever):- (Sihotha);
Sambunath Rasa. (See also "Diuretics" &
Sindapsus O. 'Liver affectionS" & 'Pur,
Sesbania species. gatives' "Stomach com-
Shankhavati. plaints") (Shoparaga).
Shore a R. (Svayathu):-
Shulaharanayoga. Achyranthus A.
Silicium salts. Adityapaka guggula .

Aegle M. Symplocos R. etc.

Allium sativUIn. Taraxacum O. etc.
Amrita guggula. Terminalia B.
Argemone M. Tribulus terrestris.
Asparagus O. Tri~onella F.
Azina T. Triphala guggula.
BaIsqmodendron Muku1. (cardiac) : -
Bauhinia V. U rgina 1. etc.
Blatta Orientalis (P.H.T.) Vahni Rasa.
Boerhavia diffusa (P.H.T.) Vatari Rasa·
& repens. Vernonia C. etc.
Calotropis gigantea. Y ogaraja gu.ggula.
Citrullus colocynthis. Zingiber Officinale.
'Cocculus G.
Croton T. 82. DYSENTERY: (Aamati-
Euonymus. sara; Athisara; AamansJta;
Euphorbia N. Aavartaka; Pravahika):-
(hepatic) : - (See also: "Demulcents"
'Galega P. & "Digestives"):-
Helleborus N. Acacia A. & C.
Hermodactylus G. Acorus calamus.
Hygrophila S. Adhatoda V.
1ndigofera Tinct. (chronic) : -
lpomoeah H. P. & T . Aegle M.
.Jalodarari Rasa. Agaricus O.
.Juniperus C. Ailanthus glandulosa (P.H.T.)
Kaisara guggula. Ailanthus M.
Kanchanara guggula. Allium C.
Lokanatha Rasa. Aloe L.
MoringaP. Alstonia S·
Mucuna P. Alumen.
Nigella S. Anona S.
(renal):- Asclepias A. & C.
Pavetta I. A&paragus A.
Picrorhiza Kurrooa. Bael marmalade.
Piper nigrum. Balsamodendron O.
Pu.narnavadi mandur. Bambusa arundinacea
Rubia C· (Bamboo manna).
Sadanga guggula. Bauhinia T. & V.
Scilla I. Bhoonimbadi Churnam.
Urgina I. Bilva Panchaka.
(anaemia) : - Bixa O.
Shoathahar Loha. Bombax malabaricum.
Solanum Xanthocarpum &' Butea F.
nigrum. Caesalpinia S.
Sterospermum suaveolens. Calotropis gigantea.
Strychnos I. Cannabis S

Careya A. Gossypium I., R. & H.

Cinnamomum tamala & Gracilaria L.
zeylanicum. Grahani-kapata Rasa.
Cuminum cyminum. Grewia P.
Cyperus rotundus. HermodactyIus G.
Diospyros E. Hibiscus P.
Eucalyptus G. Holarrhena A.
Eugenia J. Hydrocotyle A.
Ferri sulphas. I saphagal-ka-chilka.
Musa S. Ixora C.
Orchis M. J atiphaladi gutika.
Pterocarpus species. Kalanchoe L. .
Rheum E. Kapithashtaka Churna.
Rumex C. Kutaja Leha.
Shankavati. Kutajarishta.
Sida C. Kutajastaka.
Strychnos N. Litsea S.
Sulphur and its preparations. . Luffa Am.
(chronic, infantile):- Symplecos R.
Cedrela T. (bleeding) : -
Cedrus D. Mangifera I.
Ckangeri ghrita. Mesua F.
Citrus fr· & M. Musa paradisiaca.
Coccus lacca. (typhoid) : -
Cochlospermum G. Myrica N.
(acute):- Myristica fragrans..
Corchorus C. Myrtus C.
Curcuma Ang. Nelumbium S.
Cylesta S. Ochrocarpus L.
Cynodon D. - Ocimum species.
Cyperus P. & R. Oleum Ricini.
Diospyros M. Oxalis C. (P.H.T.)
Elephantopus S. Papaver S.
Emblica O. Parm,.elia P.
Eriodendron A. Patadya Churna.
Etrythrina I. Phyl1anthus species.
Euphorbia P. Physalis species.
Evovulus A. Piper nigrum.
Feronia E. Plantago ispagula (seeds)
Ficus B. & C. & ovata.
Flacourtia C· Potassium salts.
Flemingia T. Prituka Churna.
Gawgadhar Rasa. Punica G.
Gangadhara Churna (Laghu & Pyrus species.
Brihat). Randia D.
Garcinia M. & Pur. Saccharum O.
Geranium W. Sallne substances..

Santalum A. Agnimukha Churna.

Saraca I. Ailanthus Ex. & M.
SesamumI. Allaepauk.
$hankha B1iaS'l'n '. Alstonia scholaris.
Shorea R. Amorphophallus C.
SiliciUm salts. (with loss of appetite):-
Soymida F. A mlica pana.
SpondiaS M. etc. Amrita Haritaki.
Spongia·O. Amrita Kalpa Rasa.
Tamarindus I. Amrita Vati.
Tamarix G. etc. Ananda-Bhairava Rasa.
Terminalia A. & B. Andrographis paniculata.
(mucous stools):~ Andropogon M.
Terminalia cheb. Arsenicum white.
Trigonella F. Bhoonimbadi Churnam.
Tylophora A. Tankanadi Vati.
Vajrakapata Rasa. (Ordinary) : -
Woodfordia F. Anisomeles M.
Anthemis N.
83. DYSMENORltHOEA: Artemesia 11,.
(Asrigdhara; Arthava- Asparagus R.
sooIam). Astachurnam.
Abroma A. Balachaturbhadraka.
Borax (P.H.T.) Beninkasa C.
Brassica A. & J. Bile.
Cannabis S. Brihat Suran Madaka.
Cocculus (P.H.T.) Catotropis gigantea.
Crocus S. Capsicum A., F. & M.
Batura A. & F. Carbonate of Soda.
Erythrina I. Carica P.
Gossypium I. & H., Carum copticum.
Jatiphaladi Churntl.m. Cassia fistula.
Melanleuca L. Cinchona C.
Musa S. Cinnamomum C. & 1.
Myristica F. (atonic):-
Semecarpus A. Citrus Au. & M.
Sesamum I. Coptis T.
(and after paiJ;ls):- Elettaria C.
Viburnam F. Feronia elephantum.
Ferula foetida.
84. DYSPEPSIA: Hibiscus A.
(Agniruandya; Amlapitta). Lycopersicum E.
(See also: "Flatulence" & RheumE.
"Indigestion") . Terminalia cheb.
Abhra Bhasma. (bilious) : -
Aconitu;m H. Cocculus V.
Acorus C. Gentiana K.

Spondias M. etc. Picrorrhiza Kurroa.

(Ordinary) : - Piper species.
Coriandrum S. Pittantaka Rasa.
Cosmostigma R. Plumbago Zeylanica & R-
Cowrie Bhasma. Pongamia G.
Dhananidaia. Prmtadi gutika.
Dhatri arista. Pravala Bhasma.
Dhatri leha or lauha. Ptychotis A.
Dhatrimodaka. Punica granatum (P.R.T.)'
Drakshasava. Pyrus species.
Embelia R. Quassia E.
Emblica O. Rumex C.
Ferula foetida· Saline substances.
Galega P. Samasarkara Churna.
Grangea M. Sambuka Bhasma.
Guda or guda manduram. Saubhagya Sunti.
Hedychium S. Saussurea L.
Hemidesmus I. Semecarpus A.
Hibiscus S. Shanka Bhasma.
Ringavashtaka Churna. Shilajit.
Rriveradi. Sida A.
Hyssopus O. Sodii B.
Jatropha C. (painful) : -
J awarish-ai-kammon. Bhaskara Lavanam.
Jirakadi Modaka. Brishta tandula.
(anorexia) : - Shoolaharanayoga.
Kalpam kalyana-ksharam. Sodium salts & preparations.
Kapardaka Bhasma. Urine (Cow's) & preparatioIlS._
Lactuca S . Stannum preparations.
Laghu Surana Madaka. Strychnos C. & N. (P.R.T.)
Laja. Sukti Bhasma. 0

Lauha Bhasma. Sulphur & its preparations.

Mesua F· Sulphur corrected with
Methi Modaka. Myrobalans churna.
Michelia C. Svalpa methi modaka.
Mucuna P. Swertia C. etc.
Myristica F. & M. Taraxacum O.
Nigella S. Terminalia B. ..,
Narasimha Churna. Tinospora cordifolia.
N arikelakhanda. Trigonella F.
N arikelakshara. Trivrit Leyham.
Nymphoea species. Tryushanadi Lauha.
Oryza S. (with flatulence):-
Ostrea E. and its preparations. Tumlntradya Churna.
Oxalis C. Vanga Bhasma.
Panchakola Churnam. Vitex N. etc.
Parmelia P. (acid):-

VidyadhaTabhra. 87. EAR-ACHE: (Kama-

Vitis V. shoola:-
Xanthoxylum species. See also: "Antiseptics";
Zingiber officinale. "Tympanitis") .
Acacia catechu.
85. DYSPNOEA: Allium S.
(Hikka-Swasam). Alstonia S.
See:-HicCQugh. Apamarga taila.
Caesalpinia bonducella.
Aloe B. Cardiospermum H.
Andropogon C. Cleome V.
Eucalyptus G. Conium maculatum (P.H.T.)
Kumari Asava. Crinum D.
Melanleuca' L. Datu~a A.
Sinapis J. Erythrina I.
Terminalia B. Euphorbia Tir.
(emphysema.tous) :- Ferula foetida.
Withania S. Grangea M.
Hirudo medicinalis.
86. DYSURIA: (Mutrakra- Jasminum G.
chha; Mootrakrichram):- Moringa pterygosperma.
See also: Strangury. Musa paradisiaca.
See: Diuretics and Anti- Myrica sapida.
spasmodics) . Myristica M.
Ocimum species.
Abelmoschus E. Pandanus O.
Asparagus racemosus. Papaver S.
Bombax M. Papaver nigrum (P.H.T.)
Cannabis S. Piper species.
Clitoria T. Ptychotis A.
Corchorus C. Shankha Bhasma.
Curcuma Ang. Spondias M. etc.
Cynodon dactylon. (with discharges):-
Elephantopus S. Squalus C. preparations.
Erythrina I. (tympanitis) : -
Glycyrrhiza G. Sulphur & its preparations.,
Gmelina Asi. (also with sores):-
GokShuradi guggula. Trichosanthes species.
Hibiscus S.
Hygrophila S· 88. ECLAMPSIA:-Cobra
Ipomoea digitata. poison (P.H.T.)
Potassii Carbonas.
Scilla I. 89. ECZEMA: (Kanda;
Solanum 1. & Xanthacarpum. Kitibha):-
Sweta parpati. Adityapaka taila.
Tribulus territris. Amaranthus Poly.
Vitis vinifera. Arka taila.

Arsenicum white. Mucuna P.

Butea frondosa. Picrorrhiza kurro.a.
Calotropis G. Piper nigrum.
Cassia alata & tora. Sida C.
Cera flava· Symplocos 'rasemosa.
Citrus Au. 91. EMPHYSEMA:-
Cocculus V.
Cucumis Melo. Punarnavashtaka.
Curcuma L. Strychnos N.
Ghee. Urgina I. etc.
Graphites (black lead) 92. ENTERITIS:-
(P.H.T.) , See: "Typhoid" fever.
Gynocardia odorata.
Hemidesmus indicus. 93. ENURESIS:-
Hydrocotyle A. See: Anuria & Urinaey
Jatropha C. complaints.
Jirakadya taila. 94. EPIDIDYMITIS:-
Karaviradya taila.
Melaleuca S· (Gonorrhoel) :-
Panchavalkadi tailum. Vitex N. etc.
Piper nigrum.
Rubia cordifolia. 95. EPILEPSY:
Santalum album. (Apasmara):-
\ Sinduradya taila. Acorus C.
(tetter):- Adhatoda V.
Triticum S. Allium C.
Zinc salts and preparations. Anacyclus P.
Aplotaxis auriculata.
90. ELEPHANTIASIS: Artemesia absinthium (P.H.T.)
(Sleepaada; Slipada):- Asparagus racemosus.
See: "Filariasis": Beninkasa C.
(See: Antiyretics; Blood- Borax (P.R.T.)
purifiers; Diuretics and Brahmi ghrita.
Purgatives) . Brassica A.
Allium sativum. Camphora O.
Calotropis gigantea. Canscora D.
Curcuma longa. Chaturmukha Rasa.
Datura fastuosa. Clerodendron siphonanthus,
Eclipta E. (nocturnal) :-
Guazuma T. Cocculus S.
Hemidesmus I. Cow's urine.
(for fever):- Datura A.
Hubbai Sahfa. Execaria A.
Hydrargyrum. Flemingia S.
Hydrocotyle A. Gossypium I.
Ichnocarpus F. Hemidesmus indicus.
Indigofera A. Hermodactylus C.

Herpestis M. Silicium salts.

Hydrocotyle asiatica. Triticum S.
Hyocyamus N. Vitis Q. etc.
Indigo tinctoria (P.R.T.) 97. ERYSIPELAS:
Kumari Asava. (Visarpa):-
Kushmanda Ghrita. See alSo:-"Fevers".
Lycopodium C.
Moringa P. Aconitum napellus (P.H.T.)
(hystero) :- Berberis aristata.
Nardostachys J. Eucalyptus G.
Ovapana. Indigofera A.
Paeonia E. Kalagnirudra Rasa.
Pandanus O. Melia azadirachta.
Peteroselinum S. Portulaca species.
Plumbum and its salts. Tribhuvankeerti Rasa.
Sapindas.. T. Triticum S.
Semecarpus A.
Siddhartha Ghrita. 98. ERYTHEMA:-
Smilax C. etc. Coriandrum S.
Sodium salts and preparations. 99. EYE DISEASES:-
Sulphur and its preparations. (Netraroga):-
Trichosanthes species. See also:-"Antiseptics'~ &
Urine (Goat's) preparations. "Anti-phlogistics".
Valeriana species.
(locally) :- Acacia S.
Vasachandanadi Taila. Agaricus (P.H.T.)
Boerhavia difIusa.
96. EXPISTAXIS:- Borax.
(Nasaraktaj Raktapittaj Butea frondosa.
Urdhwagata) :- Cinnamomum camphora.
See also:-Demulcents & (Pacchakarpurum) .
Diuretics. ) Conium maculatum in
Acacia catechu. muscular weakness (P.R.T.)
Achyranthes aspera. Curcuma longa.
Allium cepa. Datura fastuosa.
Alumen. Digitalis purpurea in Blapha-
Alum water (P.H.T.) ritis. (P.H.T.).
Apamarga Taila. (Tinia tarsi):-
Crotalaria J. Erythrina I.
Cynodon D. Ghee.
Dalbergia: Sis. (sore):-
Emblica O. Heliotropium S.
Gossypium I. Hydnocarpus inebrians.
Moschus moschiferous (P.HIT.) Ipecac (P.H.T.).
Punica granatum. Ipomoea turpethum.
Rhus S. Peteroselinum S.
Saccharum officinarum. (weak eyes):-

Jasmin G. & S. 103. FEVERS: (Jvarak (800

Mel depuratum. also "Diaphoretics",;' Diu-
Musa S. retics, & "Purg8tives'~).
Oleum Ricini. Aconitum F. H. & N.
Papaver somniferum. Acorus C.
(painful e¥es):- Bambusa arundinacea.
Piper speCles. Cinnamomum camphora_
Plumbum and its species. Coriandrum sativum.
polygala senega (P.H.T.). Cuminum cyminum.
Rhododendron (P.H.T.). Datura fastuosa.
Rosa species. Hydrargyri sulphidum .
(country sore):- rubrum.
Saccharum O. Ipomoea turpethum.
Saxifraga L. Piper nigrum.
Sesamum L (eruptive) ; -
Smilax China. Agati Gr.
Strychnos nux-vomica in atro- Bisamajaranthak Lauha_
phy of retina (P.H.T.). Oryza S·
(Lachrymation) : - Piper longum.
Strychnos P. Potassium salts.
Symplocos R. Premna integrifolia.
.TerminaIia chebula. (Quartan fever):-
(blood shot eyes):- Achyranthes aspera.
Vernonia C. etc. (Catan-hal fevers):-
Zinc salts and preprations. Aegle marmelos.
Ocimum sanctum.
100. FAINTING: (Moorchha; Rhus succedanea.
Murchcha; Bhramanid- (after effects):-
ra):-See also Syncope Alstonia S.
and "Coma". (intermittent & remittent);-
Allium C. & S. Ananda Bhairava Rasa.
Anona S. Andrographis P.
Moringa P. Andropogon M.
Nicotina T. Anisomeles M.
Phaseolus nana. (P.H.T.). Clerodendron Inerme.
Zingiber O. (Miasmatic fever):-
Berberis asiatica & B. aristat.a.
101. FATIGUE: (from long Coccus la.cca. ...-
journeys) : - Calotropis G.
(intermittent) :-'-__
Coffea Arabica (P.H.T.). (Vishama-jwara). ~
(for mental fatigue):- Aristolochia 1.
Anacardium (P.H.T.). Boerhawa diffusa.
Calotropis G.
102. FELONS:-See "Sores"; Hrahat Sudarshana Churn.a.
"WoUll'ds", etc. Carum carui.
Euphorbia A. Cassia fistula.

Cinchona C. Sudarsana Churna.

Gentiana K. Sulphur and its preparations.
Gmelina arborea. Swasa Kutara Rasa.
Gossypium r. Visamajvarantaka Lattha.
Hemidesmus indicus. Zinc salts and pr:eparations.
Melia Azadirachta. Coffea Arabica for early stages
Mukta bhastna. of typhoid fever. (P.R.T.).
Nigella S. (rheumatic) : -
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. Asparagus racemosus.
Pterocarpus santalinus. (bilious) : - ; li!
Quinetum. Adhatoda Vasica.
. Quihine. Cyperus rotundus .
Soymida F. Glycyrrhiza G.
Strychnos N. Mollugo cervi ana.
Taruna Jvarari. Podophyllum E.
Vitex T. Quassia E.
Zingiber O. Solanum Xanthocarpum~
(with delirium etc.):~ Tinospora cordifolia.
Ashtadasanga pachana. Trubhttvan-keerti Rasa.
(chronic fever with emacia- Trichosanthes' species.
tion and anaeinia):- Vetala Rasa.
Andrographis paniculata. Vitis V.
Berberis A. Vrihat Panchaniula.
Bixa O. (remittent) : -
Caesalpinia B. (Vishamajvam); Jwara-San-
Camphora O. tata).
Kiratadi Taila. Andrographis paniculata.
(rheumatic & infiamma- Chandesvara Rasa.
tory):- DartL'brahma Rasa.
CasSia S. Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Cocculus C· Gmelina A.
(chronic) : - Hedysarum G.
Cyperus R. Hinguleshvara Rasa.
Dasamula Kvatha. Melia azadirachta.
Dichrosa F. Panchabhadra.
Eucalyptus G. (P.H.T.). Piper Nigrum.
Gendarussa V. Svasakuthara Rasa.
J varabrahmastra. Toddalia A. etc.
Jvarasani Rasa. (drink):- ,..
Moschus moschiferus. Andropogon muricatus ..
Punica G. Hordeum V.
Pyrethrum radix. Vitis Vinifera.
Sattgiw or Palo. (catarrhal) : -
Sida cordfolia. Hrasva Panchamula.
Solanum I. , Hydrocoty Ie A.
Sri. Miit'yunjaya Rasa. I:r:.dignfera E.
Sterospermum suaveolens.' , J ayama-nga,Za Rasa.

J waramurari Rasa. 104. FlLARIASIS:- See:-

Rhus S. Elephantiasis.
Vitex N. etc. I Hubbai Sahfa.
(with liver. derangement):- Rosebay.
Kalingakadt kvatha. I Symplocos R.
Kapha Ketu Rasa. I
(low):- ., 105. FISSURES:-See
Balsamodendron Mukul. "lVounds" etc.
Eclipta erecta. Garcinia P
Melanleuca L. (Cracki5 of feet):-
Nyctanthes A. Mangifera I.
Ocimum species. Sodium salts and preparations.
Panchavakt1'a Rasa.
Patoladi kvatha. 106. FISTULA:-
Picrorhiza kurrooa. (Bhagandara) : -
Piper longum. (anal):-
Salvadora species. Calotropis G.
(ague) : - Ficus R.
Quinine. Hibiscus' p.
Ramabana-Rasa. Mimosa P.
Santalum A.
Saubhagya Vati. ] 06. (a) :~FITS:- See:- Epi-
Semecarpus A. lepsy; Convulsions;
Shadanga Paniya. 107. FLATULENCE:-(See
Sida cordifolia. also:-"Dyspepsia" & "In-
Solanum N. digestion") : -
Spinacea O.
Suchikavaran Rasa. Acorus calamus.
Svalpa Kasturi Bhairava. Ajamodadi ChU1'1ta.
Swachhchhanda Bhairava Allium S.
Rasa. Andropogon N.
SwalparKastttri Bhairava Apium G.
Rasa. Carum copticum, & carui.
Symplocos R. Caryophy lius aromaticus.
Terminalia Cheb. Chaturushana Churnam.
Tinospora cordifolia. Cinnamomum C. & I.
Udaka lVlanjari Rasa, for bil- Curcuma L. & C. & Z.
ious remittent fever. Cuscuta R.
Urtica mrens. (P.H.T.). Elatteria cardamO'inum.
Vernonia C. etc. Embelia R.
(puerperal) :-(Sutika-. Ferula A.
jwara):- (with colic):-
Vitex N. etc. Ficus Benja.
Foeniculqm V.
(Haemoglobinuric) : - Gudashatakd..
Vitex P. Hinguvashtaka Churna.
Xanthoxylum species. Hyssopus O.

Illicium V. Peucedanum species.

Jatropha Mon. Pimpinella A.
Melanleuca L. Piper species.
Nardotachys J. Plantago 1.
Panch a-kola Churnam. Plumbago species.
Piper nigrum. Raphanus S.
pongamia G. Semecarpus A.
pranada gudika.
ptychotis . A. 113. GASTRODYNIA:
Saline substances. (ANNADRAVASULA):-
Shaddharana Yoga. Raphanus S.
Sodium salts and preparations. 115. GENITO-URINARY
Solanum I, & X. DISEASES:-
Terminalia cbeb.
Trigonella F. Acacia A.
Trivrit ley ham. Cucumis U.
Tumburadya Churna. Hemidesmus I.
Zingiber O. Hibiscus Rosa S.
Hygrophila S.
108. FOREIGN-BODY:- Ocimum species.
(In stomach, eyes, and Papaver S.
ears):- Phonix species.
Ricinus C. Phyllanthus species.
(in eyes):- Plantago 1.
Saccharum O. (discharges) : -
Plumbum and its salts.
109. FRACTURES:- (Superficial excoriations of ge-
(Asthibhagna) :- nital organs):-
Terminalia A. etc. Pterocarpus species.
Vitis Q. etc. (diStressive irritation of geni-
tal organs):-
110. GALL-STONE:-- Sodium salts and preparations.
Berberis Vulgaris (P.H.'1'.). (vaginal discharges):-
(For Gall-stone colic):- Sodium salts and preparations.
Hydr.:>stis canadensis (P.H.T.). Stannum preparations.
Pure Olive Oil (P.H.T.}. Tribulus T.
111. GASTRALGIA:- Vitis V.
Bhaskara Lavanam. 116. GLANDULAR D I ~-
Pterocarpus species. MATION:-( Grandhi-
112. GASTRITIS:- Balsamodendron Mukul.
(Gulman):- Cupri sulphas.
(chronic) : - Moringa P.
Bhaskara Lavanam. Papaver S.
Michelia C. Pinus deodara.

Silicium salts. Laminaria S.

(lymphatic and secreting): - Sphaeranthus H.
'Potassium salts. I
Sodium salts, and preparations. 120. GONORRHO~:' (Sukra; ':
Sphacranthus H . ' Pooyamcham;.' P~yame~:
Strychnos N. ha): (Oupsargik-meha):" .
Vitex N. etc. (See also:-"Gleet"):-
Withania S. etc. Abelmoschus E . " ".
(suppurating) : - . Abhra Bhasma, with honey,;
Squalus C. preparations. powdered peepul &_tunneric. ".
. "e .
. GLEET: (S ee a Iso: - ys-
Acacia A I.C F & S.
titis"; "Gonorrhoea" .& ' .,.,.
"D' . ti' ,,). Alumen.
III e cs .- Aegle M.
Aegle marmelos. Aloe Barbadensis.
Asparagus A. Bombusa Arundinacea, ,
Asphaltum (Silajit). Calotropis gigantea;
Balsamodendron Mukul & O. Cannabis indica, (P.H.T.)
Callarium C. Cannabis Sativa (P.R.T.)
Cimicifuga racemosa (f. H .T .)
Cocculus c. & V.
Cubeba O. Myrica N.
Cynodon D. Prameha Mihira, Taila.
Dipterocarpus T. Agave A.
Garcinia M. Althaea O.
Geranium W. Amaranthlis Poly.
Myrica N. Amrita guggula.
Pinus species. _4nanda Bhairava Rasa.
Piper nigrum. Andropogon Muricatus.
Quercus 1. Asparagus racemosus.
Rhus S. Averrhoea A.
Santalum A. Balsamodendron lVI. & O.
Sida R. Basella A.
Stannum preparations. Bauhinia V.
Swarna, V((.ngam, Boerhavia D.
Tribulus T. Bombax M.
Vasantakusmnakara Rasa. Borassus F.
Xanthium S. etc. Boswellia G.
Yogaraja guggula. Brihat Bangeshw ..lr~ Rasa.
Caloti"opis G. '
118. GLOTTIS, SPASM OF:- Canarium C. .
Corallium rubrum. Cannabis sativa.
Cuprum, (P.H.T.) Cephalandra 1.
Moschus. Chandraprabha gutika.
Cinnamomum camphora, &
119. GOITRE: (Galaganda):- C. tamala. . ;;
Egg shells (P.H.T.) Citrullus V.
Gracilaria L. Corchorus C.

Cubeba O. Ocimum gratissimum. _ ,-~,

Cuctlrbita M. Pachanabheda Churna.

Curculigo O. Pedalium murex.
Curcuma Ang. & Z. Phyllanthus Emblica.
Datura A. Piper cubeba, & lon~.
Devdari kvatha. Pistacia species.
Dillenia I. Plantago ispagula.
Diospyros E. Plumbum .calcined.
Dipterocarpus T. Pongamia G.
Emblica 0, Premna integrifolia
Enhydra F. Prunus amygdalus.
Eriodendron A. Pyrus species.
Euphorbia T. Quercus I.
Ficus .B. Raphamls S.
Galega P. Sadanga guggula. "

Garcinia M. Salvarsan.
Geranium W. Santalum A.
Giloe-ka-sat (starch from Sesamum I.
Til1ospora C.) Shankha BhaSin-a.
Gloriosa S. Shorea R.
Gmelina A. & Asi. Sida A.C. & R.
Gokshuradi gUflgula. Silicium salts.
Grewia V. Sodium salts and preparations.
Hemidesmus indicus. Solanum nigrum.
Hibiscus A. R. & S. Sponruas M. etc.
Holostemma R. Stannum preparations.
Hydnocarpus I. Strychnos P.
Hydrocotyle A. Suvarna Vasanta Malti.
Ipomoea P. Swarna Bango" with the JUIce
Ixora C. of raw turmeric or juice of
Juniperus C. leaves of yagna-dtlmbur.
Justicia adhatoda. Terminalia A. etc.
Kaisara guggula. Tinospora cordifolia.
Kanchanara guggula. Tribulus terrestris.
Lawsonia A. Triphala guggula.
Linum U. _, Vatari Rasa.
Liquidambar 0. Zinc salts and preparations.
Malva S.
Melia azadira.chta. 121. GOUT: (Vatarakta;
Memecylon E. Aamavatham) .
lVIichelia C.
Mimusops elengi. Allium S ..
Mimosa Am. (chronic) : -
Molluga Cervilma. Aristolochia indica.
lVIoschus moschiferus. Asparagus O.
Mus:! S. Brassica N.
Utrica urens, (P.R.T.)
Capparis .A& T. Vitis V.
Cassia, F.p Zingiber O.
CelastrUs C. & B.
CitruS .Au. , 122. GRAVEL:-(Sharkara;
cocculus C. Calculirenal) : -
Colchicum L.
Datura A. Cedrus deodara.
Devadari kvath from Cedrus Gossypium I.
deodara. Hemidesmus indicus.
Digitalis, (P.H.T.) Hygrophila S.
Dodonaea V. MimosaP.
Euphorbia A. Saxifraga L.
Ficus C. (uric acid):- .
Flacourtia S. Sodium salts and preparahons.
Gossypium 1. Tribulus terrestris.
Hermodactylus G. 123. GUMS: Diseases of:-See
Hyoscyamus N. also "Antiseptics", &
Ipomoea P. & T. "Astringents":-(Dan-
Litsaea S. tav~htharoga ):-
Lycopersicum F. Acacia C. & S.
Michelia C. (bleeding) : -
Morinda C. Areca C.
Moringa P. Gossypium 1.
Mullugo C. Kathlon.
(for uric acid diathesis):- Rhus S.
Paederia F. Symplocos R.
Physallis species. (spongy):-
Pinus species. Balsamodendron My.
Plantago I. & O. Cajanus 1.
Potassium salts. Eugenia J.
Psidium G. Kathbol.
Pyrethrum I. Morinda C.
Pyrus species. RumexC.
Rhododendron (P.R.T.) Symplocos R.
Ricinus C. (spongy and bleeding);-
Rosebay. Eucalyptus G.
Sapindas C. Phyl1anthus species,......
Sarveshvar Rasa. Svalpakhadiravatika~
Semecarpus A. (boils) : -
Smilax C. etc. , Heliotropium 1. & S.
Sodium salts and preparations. Jatropha C.
Solanum N. & T. (bleeding teeth):,_.
Strychnos N. Barleria P.
Sulphur and its preparations. (swelling) : -
Tribulus T. Psidium G.
Tylophora A. (irritation) : -

Spilanthus O. Vasakushmanda kanda.

(Scurvy):- Vasava Leha.
IIydr~stis can~densis (P.R.T.) Vitex N. etc.
(Aamasayakshata; Rakta- (Raktapitta; Raktasravam)
pittam). Abies webbiana.
Aconitum (P.H.T.) Acacia A. & C.
Coccus lacca. Adhatoda Vasika.
Dalbergia Sis. Amalakadya Lauha.
Hamamelis (P.R.T.) Arum C.
Ipecac (P.R.T.) Asparagus racemosus.
Mangifera I. Bambusa arundanacea.
Bombax malabaricum.
125. EUlE~11JRIA: Cinchona (P.H.T.)
(Shonitameha; Rakta- Coccus lacca.
pittam):- Cucurbita M.
Abutilon I. Diospyros embryopteris.
Bauhinia V. Emblica O.
Cantharis (P.R.T.) Erigeron C.
Hamamelis (P.R.T.) Ferri Sulphas.
Saccharum O. Friar's Balsam.
Sida C. Geranium W.
Hamamelis, (P.R.T.)
126. HAEMOPTYSIS:- Holarrhena antidysenterica
(Oorakshata; Oordbwa- Ipecac, (P.R.T.)
gata; Raktapitta; Urak- Ipomoea turpethum.
satam). Jatropha C.
Abies W. Kandakadya Lauha.
Acacia catechu. Mangifera I.
Acalypha indica (P.H.T.) Nymphoea species.
Adhatoda V. Pavonia O.
Bambusa A. (Postpartum) : -
Banga Bhasma with turmeric. Plumbag6 species.
Benincasa C. Viburnam F.
Carica papaya. (rectal) : -
Cucurbita M. Plumbum and its salt"
Cynodon dactylon in Haematu- (internal) : -
resis (P.RT.) Potassium salts.
Dalbergia Sis. Quercus I.
Erigeron C. Santalum album.
Ficus G. Saraca indica.
Hamamelis (P.ll.T.) Silicium salts.
Khanda kooshma,nda. Utphaladi. Sritam.
Musa paradisiaca. W oodfordia F.
Stannum preparations. Pterocarpus species.
Talisadya Chttrna. Punica granatum.

(ut erme an d . pulmonary): - , Hyocyamus niger.
Rosa species. .. Ipomoea R.
. \
Ixo1'3 C. _
(urethral) : -
Santal um A. JaSIPinum G.
SaraC8 1;•.. ' Lavendula S.
sit,dhanidhi Rasa. Lu:t!a Am.
symplocos racemosa . (nervous) : -
.Terminalia A. etc .. Melia Azedavach.
Triphala. Myrica sapida.
Urtica D. Peterospermum species.
Viscum A. etc.' (congestive) : -
(intestinal) : - Mentha P.
(Raktapitta -adhogat. ) Momordica D.
Vitex N. Moringa P.
"Vitis Vinifera. Myrica N.
Myris'tica lVI.
N ardostachys J.
(Arsas) See "Piles":-
(bilious) : - \
·128(a). HARD-BREATHING: Oxalis C.
Cleradendron siphoenan- Pandanus 0.'
thus; Hyoscyamus niger. Phoenix species.
(See also:-"Antispasmo- Pimpinella A.
dies"; "Asthma" & "Ex- Piper betle, & P. nigrum.
pectorants") . Potassium .salts.
129. HEADACHE: Pterocarpus. species.,
(Shirashool) :- Pyrus species.
Randia D.
Acalypha indica.
Agati G. (obstinate):-
Saccharum O. : i

Allium S.
Santalum A.
Andropogon Muricatus.
Aplotaxis auriculata. Shadabindu Taila.
Sinapis J. , "".
Aquilaria agallocha.
(neuralgic) : -
Barringtonia A.
Sodium salts and preparations;,
Basella A.
Spilanthus O. "
Caryophyllus aromaticu:,.
Strychnos N.
Cedrus deodara.
Centipeda O. Terminalia Cat. etc.
. Trichosanthes species.
Cinnamomum C. & T.
Vitex N. etc.
Coleus A.
Zingiber O.
Crocus S.
Cubeba O. 130. HEART-DISEASE: .-
Embelia R. Pericarditis~ Agina-
(rheumatic) : - pecto!,is: (Hridtoga; Hrad·~
Ficus Benja. graha). .
Gossypium 1. Aegle Marmelos.
Rerpestis M. ~ Allium S .

Arjunabh-ra. Embelia R.
Boerhavia diffusa. Ferula A.
Calotropis gigantea. Hedysarum A.
Cassia fistnla. Lufl'a Am.
Cedrus deodara. Sapindas T.
Cinnamomum camphora. Vida.~ga Ta1:ta.
(Heart-burn):- ..
Citrus B. 132. HEMIPLEGIA:
GlycyTrhiza glabra. (Ekangavatham; Paksha-
DavCL-ul-niulk. ghat-Pakshvadha):-
Hridaya-rnava Rasa. Ajmodadi Churna·
Majoonai Kuvath-iabcin.. Asparagus R.
(palpitation) : - Atalantia M.
Mentha P.· Ichnocarpus F.
Moschus moschif~l"us. Illicium V.
Mukta Bhasma: ~ .• Mashabaladi.
N ardostachys J. Mashabaladi Kvatha.
Vi~cum A. etc. Narayana Taila.
(irritable heart and angina): ~ Orchis M.
Papaver S. Svalparasuna Pinda.
(aneurism of aorta and hyper- , Vataraktantaka Rasa:
trophy) : - 133. HEPATITlfl; (Yakratdal-
Piper longum. yudar: Yakrithrogam):-
Plumbum and its salts. See also: Enlargement of
Sida cordifolia. the liver:-
Sodium salts and preparations.
Solanum N. and Hepatic de1·angements:-·
Swarna Bhasma. Aloe litoralis.·
Terminalia A. etc. Andrographis paniculata.
Vasakushmanda hmci(I.. Berberis asiatica.
Vitis V. . Croton Oblongifolius.
Zingiber officinale" Hirudo medicinalis.
(for faulty and dyspeptic Picrorhiza Kun-ooa.
hearts) : - Viscum A. etc.
Adonis aestivalis' (P.H.T.) 134. HERNIA: (Antra-
Lime-juice, for hysterical palpi- vriddhi):-
tation of heart and heart-
burn (P.H.T.) Alpinia officinarum.
Oleum ricini.
131. HEMICRANIA: 135. HERPES: (Kaksha):-
Arthasisa):- . Ammonia B.
Argemone -M.
Barringtonia R. Butea F.
Carvota U Cassia alata.
Cen"tipMa O. Chaulmugra Ointment.
-CHtoria. T. Cucumis T.

Gynocardia O. 139. HOOK WORM:- (See_

J asminum Ang. also:-A11thelmintics) .
Jatropha C. . Carum copticum.
(Herpes Zoster):-
Pterocarpus species. _ I 140. HYDROCELE: (Andav-
.~,. I
(tetter):_,.. , rl'ddhi) :~
Triticum S. , (See ~o:-Antiphlogis-
136. mCCOUGH or mccup: Alpinia officiparum.
(Hikka; Oochaku):- Altingia E.
See:-Dyspnoea. Datura fastuosa.
Ananas S. (Chronic affections):-
Balsamodendron Mukul. Oleum Ricini.
Cassia S. Rosebay.
Cuminum cyminum. Sesbania species.
Feronia- elephantum. (painful and swollen):-
HyoscyfUllus N· Solanum N.
Lepidium Sativum. 141. HYDROCEPHALUS:
Mentha P.
Menthus A. (Chronic):-
Piper longum; & P. nigrum, Squalus C. preparations.
& P. chaba. 142. HYDROPHOBIA:-
Saccharum officinarum. (Alarkavisham; Jalatra-
Santalum album.
Stereospermum Suaveolens. sa):-
Tincture of acetic acid Boerhavia diffusa.
(P.R.T.); Vinegar (P.R.T.) Cerebera O.
Calcium oxide or Calx (P.R.T.)
137. HIGH-BLOOD PRES- Datura A. & fastuosa., & D.
SURE:- Stramonium, (P.R.T.).
Euphorbia N.
Ranwolfia Serpentina (P.R.T.). Indigofera tinctoria (P.R.T.).
138. HOARSENESS: (Svara- Ophiorrhiza M.
bhanga; Svarabheda):- Stryc:!hnos N.
See also:-"Aphonia". 143. HYDROTHORAX:-
Abies webbiana. Sonchus species.
Abrus P. .,(

Alpinia G. 144. HYPERCHLOR'-

Alumen. HYDRIA: (Amla~i~):-
Draksharishta. Anacardium occidentale
Flacourtia C. (P.R.T.)
Glycyrrhiza G. Capsicum, (P.R.,!,.).
Herpestis Monniera.
Piper longum, & P. chaba. 145. HYPOCHONDRIASIS:-
Saccharum officinarum, Aegle marmelos.
Terminalia B. Ferula A.

Hydrocotyle A. Zinc salts and preparations.

Hyos~yamus N. Zingiber officinale.
Strychnos nux-vomica.
(P.H.T.). 147. IMPETlGO:-
Cocculus V.
146. HYSTERIA:-(Apasmara; Karaviradya Taila.
Aptantrak):- (See:-
Epilepsy; Uterine dis- 148. IMPOTENCE:- (Dhwa-
orders):- jabhagam)
Achyranthes aspera. Abhraka Bhasma & Kalka.
Acorus C. Adamas.
Adamas. Akaradi Churna.
Adhatoda V. Akarakarabhadi Churna.
Allium C. & S. Albizzid lebbek.,
Anona S. - Amaranthus Poly.
Aplotaxis auriculata. A mritashtakapachana.
Brahmighrita. Asparagus A.
Brassica A. Banga Bhasma.
Camphora O. Bassia La.
Carum copticum. Biborate of Sodium.
Castoreum, (PB.T.). Bombax malabaricum.
Citrus Au. Chandrodaya Makaradhvaja.
Curcuma L. Crocus S.
Echinops E. Cycas C.
Elaedendron G. Datura fastuosa.
Feruia A. & G. Dava-ul-mulk.
Gorochanam. Dendrobium M.
Grangea M. . Dryobalanops aromatica.
Hermodactylus G. Echinops E.
Herpestis M. Eriodendron A.
Hibiscus A. Erythrina indica.
Helianthus T.
Hyoscyamus N.
. Hyssopus O. Hermodactylus G· ,
Moringa P. Hibiscus Rosa S. &. E.,
Moschus moschiferus. (P.R.T.) Hygrophila spinosa.
N ardostachys J. Ipomoea digitata.
Ptychotis A J avarish-i-Iulu.
Quassia E. Java rusa ucla.
Ruta G. Lepidium S.
Sapindus T. Lycopodium clavatum (P.H.T.)
- Siddhartha Ghrita. Mahalakshmibilas Rasa.
Sodium salts and preparations. Majoonai-Kuvathiabah.
Valeriana species. Makaradhvaja.
(locally) : - Mashadi-Modaka.
Vasa Chandanadi Taila. Methi-ladu.
Vis cum A. etc. Mucuna P.
Viverra C. Myristica F.

Narasimha Chu·rna. Drakshasava.

N ardostachys J. Gentiana K.·
Orchis M. Hyoscyamus niger.
Ostrea E. & its preparations. J awarish-ai-kammon.
Pedalium M . . (want of acidity):-
Phalaghrita. lawarish-ai-Thrash.
Phaseolus species. (for causing emesis):-
Pinus species. Madanadi Va1nana.
Pistacia species. Myristica M.
Plumhum. (digestive disorders) :-.
Ratnagiri Rasa. Plumbago species.
Sarva1tgsuMari Rasa. Potassii carbonas.
Sesarrium indicum. Ptychotis A
Shalavari Gh'rita. Punica granatum.
Smilax C. etc. Saline substances.
Spmacoce hispida. 8emecarpus anacardium.
Sphaeranthus H. etc. Terminalia chebula.
Stannum preparations. Vaishnavanar Churnam.
Strychnos N. Vitis Q. etc.
Suverna-Vasanta Malti. Zingiber O.
Svarna Bhanga (Bisulphurette
of tin). 150. INFLAMMATION:
Tra;ilokya Chintamani Rasa. (8ee:- "Antiphlogistici>";
Anodynes; & "Antisep~
Tribulus T.
Trigonella F. tics"):-
Uraria lagopoides. Aconitum F.
Vakeria ladu. (Breasts) : -
Vanari vatika. Aloe L.
Varunadya ghrita. Ammonii carbonas.
Vasantakusumakara Rasa. Aplotaxis auriculata.
Vrihat Asvagandha Ghrita. Boerhavia diffusa.
Withania S. Cinnamomum Camphora & Z.
Datura A. & F.
Ghee. '
(Apachana; Ajeerna). See: Gynandropsis p.
"Carminatives; Digestives" Hugonia M.
& also "Dyspepsia" & Hygrophila spinosa.
Linum U. -<
Agniku1nara Rasa. Melia Azadirachta.
Allae pa1,fk. Papaver somniferum.
Aloe litoralis. Pavonia O.
Amrita Vati. Phyllanthus species.
Aplotaxis aurict.liata. Polyporus O.
Bhaskara Lavanam. Pterocarpus species;
Chatuhsama Vati. (gastro-intestinal) : -
Coriandrum sativum. Allium sativum.
Dhana-ni-dala. t Andropogon muricatus. .

Borax. Sugar.
Ipomoea turpethum.
Oleum ricini. . .' 153. INSANITY: (Urunada):--
PhaSeolus species. See:-"Epilepsy"; "Ute-
(of mucous membranes):- rine disorders" & "Vata'"
Acorus calamus. diseases) :-
Glycyrrhiza glabra.
pyrus species. Acorus C.
Rubia C. Aegle marIlf~los.
Semecarpus anacardium. Aplotaxis auriculata.
(rheumatic) :- Benincasa C.
Sesbania species. Canscora D.
Soymida F. Croton T.
Svalpa Masha Taila .. Datura A. & F.
Tamarindus 1. ' Herpestis M.
Hydro~otyle A.
Terminalia belerica.
Trigonella F. (dementia) :-
Hyoscyamus N ..
Vitis vinifera.
Withania S. etc. . Jasminum S.
(erysipelatic) : - Kushmanda Ghrlta.
Triticum S. Lactuca S.
Vateria I. etc. Ranwolfia serpentina.
Swarna Bhasma. ..
Zingiber officinale.
Zingiber officinale.
151. ~UENZA: (Dushta-
pratishyaya) (Prathisyayi- 154. INSOMNIA (Aswapna--
ka-jwaram):- See!- Nidranash):-
"Cough", "Fever" & (See:-"Hypnotics") :-
. pneumonia):;_ Allium cepa. (P.R.T.).
Andrographis paniculata. Avena sativa. (P.R.T.).
Brihat Sudarshana Churna. Boerhavia diffusa.
Camphora officinarum, Camphora officinarum.
(P.R.T.). (P.R.T.).
Cinnamomum C. & Z. Cannabis I & S.
Citrus B. Cimicifuga racemosa. (P.R.T.)~
Eucalyptus globulus. (P.R.T.). Hot milk. (P.R.T.).
Glycyrrhiza G. Hyoscyamus N .
Hyssopus O. Lactuca S.
Moschus moschiferus. Lagenaria V.
Piper nigr~m. . Myristica F.
Sodium salts and preparations. Papaver S.
Solanum Xanthflcarpum. Piper longum.
152.IN.JURIES:-- (See:--=-:'An- Rasa-Raj-Rasa.
tiphlogistics" and - ("Anti- Sinapis J.-
(from' over fatigue):-
septics") .~
Strychnos N. .
Ammonii carbonas. Valeriana indica. (P.R.T.).:

Vitis vinifera. Aegle M.

Withania somni£er_a. Allium C.
Aloe barbadensis.
155. INTESTINAL Banga Bhasma. (Stannum).
DISEASES:-Soo:- "Bo- Boerhavia D. & R.
wel complaints" Calotropis G.
156. INTOXICATION: . Carthamus T.
(See:-Diuretics; Emetics Citrullus C.
& Purgatives) Cocculus C.
Boerhavia diffusa. Cowrie Bhasma.
Curcuma L.
157.ITCHES:- (Vicharchika) Cyperus Rotundus.
(500:-" Antiseptics"):- Daucus C.
Adhatoda Vasika. Dhatri Arista.
Adityapaka Taila. Dhatri Leha or La'Uha.
Allium sativum. Digitalis. (P.R.T.).
Andrographis paniculata. Eclipta E·
Atalantia M. Emblica O.
Bassia Lon. Ferri Sulphas.
Carthamus T. Flacourtia R.
Cassia O. Fumaria O.
(Dhobi):- Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Cassia S. Gudashtaka.
Cephalandra I. Holarrhena A.
Cinnamomum camphora. Hydrocotyle A.
Cocculus S. Hygrophila S.
Curcuma L. Ipomoea turpethum.
Emblica O. Jatropha Mon.
Euphorbia N. & Tir. K rimidh'Ulijalaprabha Rasa.
Galega P. Lawsonia A.
Hemidesmus indicus. Luffa E.
Hibiscus A. Melia Azadi.
Jatropha C. Mimosa pudica.
Liquidamber O. Momordica C.
Momordica C. N ardostachys J.
Oleum Ricini. Patoladya Ch'Urp,am.
Os Sepie & its preparations. ,P!,!ganum H.
Plumbum and Its salts. Phyllanthus species.
Rhinacanthus C. Picrorrhiza Kurr(;oa.
Santalum A. Pittantaka Rasa.-
Sulphur. Podophyllum emodi (P.R.T.).
Punarnava Leha. ~
158. JAUNDICE: (Kamila;/ Punarnavasthaka.
Kumbha-Kamla):- . Punarnava Taila.
(See aIso:-"Liver dee- Rheum E.
tions"):- Rubia C.
Aconite. (P.H.T.). j Shankha Bhasma.

Sphaerallthus H. etc. 163. LARYNGITIS: See Cold;

Stannum preparations. Hoarseness.
Styrax B. Cubeba O.
TaraxacUm O· 'etc. Genuine Amber beads.
• Tinospora cordifolia. (P.H.T.).
Urine (cow's) and Styrax B.
Urine (Ox's). 164. LEPROSY:- (Mahakusta;
Visamajva:ra:ntaka Lauha. Kushtani; Kustaroga)
Vitis V. Abrus precatorius. (P.H.T.).
YaJcridari Lauha. Acacia Catechu.
Aconitum £erox.
15D. KALA-AZAR:- Alangium D. & L.
Vitex P. Alstonia S.
Anacardium orientale 6th,
(See also "Expectorants" Argemone M.
& "Tonics"). Aristolochia indica.
Adhatoda vasika. Arsenicum·
Andrographis paniculata. Banga Bhasma.
Cinnamomum camphora. Bauhinia V.
Mel depuratum. Boerhavia diffusa.
Piper longum. Caesalpinia B.
Solanum Xanthocarpum. Calotropis gigantea.
Cassia tora.
161. KIDNEY DISEASES:- Cedrus deodara.
(Vrikkaroga). Cupri sulphas.
Hemidesmus I. Curcuma longa.
(polyuria):- Diospyros E.
Laboobai Saghur. Dipterocarpus T.
Michelia C. Embelia ribes.
Ocimum species. Ficus glomerata. (P.H.T.).
Petroselinum S. Fumaria O.
Piper species. Galithkasturi Rasa·
Xanthium S. Gadhakadi ChurM.
(irritable or inflammatory): Gandhakadi Taila.
Oryza S. Gandhaka Ghrita.
(painful) : - Gandhaka Rasayana.
Portulaca species. Gloriosa S.
Prunus Amyg. Gynocardia, O.
(renal colic):- Hemidesmus indicus.
Siegesbeckia O. etc. Hiraka Bhasma.
Viola species. Holarrhena antidysenterica.
Hydnocarpus I. V. &
162. LABOUR PAINS:- Wightiana.
Actaea, (P.H.T.). Hydrocotyle A.
Cimicifuga, (P.H.T.). Indigofera A.

Ipomoea T. Somarogam; Swethaprada-

Lawsonia A. ram):-
Luffa A. See: "Gonorrhoea".
Magnesi1~m gynocardate. Acacia A.
Melia azadirachta. Amaranthus Poly.
Melia Azedarach. Asphaltum (Shilajit).
Mimosa Am. & P. Balsamodendron O.
Momordica C. Berberis A.
Myristica fragrans. Bombax malabricum.
Nardostachys J. Borax 2 x. (P.R.T.)
Nelumbium S. Cimicifuga (P.R.T.)
Nerium O. Cinnamomum camphora.
Panchanimba Gutika. Cocculus C.
Pancha Valkaladi Tailum. Cubeba O.
Peterospermum species. Curcuma Z.
Pinus deodara. Daedalacanthus R.
Piper C. & L. Dipterocarpus D.
Plumbago speci~s. Emblica O.
Pongamia G. Ferrum (Lauha Bhasma).
Psoralia C. Ficus R.
Rubia cordifolia. Flemingia T.
Semecarpus A. Garcinia M.
Smilax China. Geranium W.
Sulphur. Glycyrrhiza G.
Symplocos Racemosa. Gracilaria L.
(locally) : - Hemidesmus I.
Tamra Bhasma. Hygrophila S ..
Terminalia Cat. etc. Ixora C.
Tinospora cordifolia. J avaru-sa-uda.
Trichosanthes species. Juniperus C.
Urginea I. etc. Lawsonia A.
Urine (cow's) and prepara- Lepidium S.
tions. Liquidambar O.
Vernonia C. etc. Mangifera I.
Vitex N. & T. Mashadi Modaka.
Zingiber Z. Melia Azadi.
165. LEUCODERMA:- IVlemocylon E.
Abrus precatorius. Mesua ferrea. ""'
Aristolochia I. Mucuna P.
Panchanimb'a Gutika. ' Musalyadi Churnu.
Psoralea C. Myrtus C.
Realgar. Pachanabheda Churna_
Vernonia A. Phaseolus ~pecies.
---'- Phyllanthus emblica.
166. LEUCORRHOEA:- Pinus species.
(Pradaravata; Pradarswet; Piper cubeba .
-- .-


Pistacia species. Croton O.

Pradararipoo. Rasa. Eclipta erecta.
Pterocarpus species. Euphorbia N.
Quercus I. Ficus A.
Rhus S. Ficus carica (P.R.T.)
Santalum album. Gentiana K.
Saraca indica. Gymnema S.
Sida C. Hydrargyrum.
Someshwara Rasa. Hygrophila spinosa. .j
Spondias M. etc. Ipomoea D.
Swa;ma-banga (Bisulphurette Jatropha G.
of tin). Lawsonia A.
Symplocos racemosa. Luffa E.
Tamarix G. etc. Melia Azadirachta.
Terminalia cheb. Moringa P.
Trapa B. etc. pstrea E. and preparationS'.
Trigonella F. Panchalavanam.
Valkala Kashaya. Picrorrhiza Kurrooa.
Vanari Vatika. Pinus species.
W oodfordia E. Prunus Amyg.
Xanthuim S. e1c. Pyrethrum I.
Zinc salts and preparations. Rasakarpura.
Saline substances.
1~7. LITHIASIS:- Sankadravalwm.
Kalanchoe L. Solanum I. & N.
Salvadora species. Sulphur and its preparations.
Zea M. Swertia C. etc.
Terminalia cheb.
168. LIVER AFFECTIONS: Tinospora cordifolia.
(Yakridroga):- Trigonella F.
( See:-Carminatives; Zingiber officinale.
Digestives and Purgatives; (torpor) : -
Ascites and Dyspepsia). Cichorium I.
(infantile) : - Cocculus C.
Andrographis paniculata Cosmo stigma R.
(P.R.T.) Cyperus P.
(congestion) : - Euonymus.
.4ghora Narasimha Rasa. Ferula A.
Ammonii carbon as. Hermodactylus G.
Amomum S. Lycopersicum K
Casearia E. Pistacia species.
Sodium salts and preparations. Podophyllum E.
Trichosanthes species. Prunus Amyg.
(enlargement) : - Citrullus C.
Andrographis paniculata. Cowrie Bhasma.
Calotropis gigantea. Cuscuta R.
Canavalia E. Eclipta E.


Ficus Benj a. Datura A.

(obstructions) : - Euphorbia R.
Ficus H. Narayana Taila.
Fumaria O. Peganum H.
Garcinia P. Ricinus Communis.
Gentiana K. Shore a R.
(induration) : - Trayodasanga guggula.
Hyssopus O. Triticum S.
Lactuca S. Withania S.
Lokanatha Rasa.
Momordica C. 172(a). LUNACY:-
Myristica F. See:-Insanity.

Nelumbium species. 173. LUNG COMPLAINTS:-

Ocimum species. (S~e also:-"Asthma;"
(bilious obstruction):- "Consumption" and
Paeonia E. "Expectorants") : -
Phaseolus species. (pectorals) : -
Portulaca species. Abies Webbiana.
Rumex C. Adhatoda vasica.
Sodii B. Bambusa arundinacea.
Symplocos R. etc. Juniperus C ..
(visceral) : - Liquidambar O.
Taraxacum O. Myrica N.
Tinospora cordifolia. Papaver somniferum.
Viola species. Portulaca species.
Vitex N. etc. Rourea S.
W oodfordia F. Ruta G.
(inflammation) : -
169. LOCIllA:-(Suppression
Spinacea O.
after child birth):- Stannum preparations.
Cinnamomum tamala.
"174. MAGGOTS:-
170. LOCK-JAW:- See:-"Ozaena','.
See: "Tetanus".
175. MALARIA: (Vishamaj-
171. LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA: vara):-
Digitalis (P.H.T.) (chronic) : -
Zinc Phos. 12 (P.H.T.) Aghore Nr_isingh~.Rasa.
Zinc Sulphate (P.H.T.) Amritashtakapachana.
172. LUMBAGO: (Kateegraha; Ananda Bhairavi:
Katgraha; Trikagraha):- Andropogon C.
Areca C. Chanadya Lauha.
Balsamodendron M. Cocculus C.
Cary~hyllus ro:omaticus. Eurycoma L.
Cervus dama. Sida A.
Citrus B.C. & L. ~ Shadanga Paniya.
-- -


Strychnos C. etc. 179. MELANCHOLIA:-

Swertia C. etc.
(with enlarged spleen) : - Crocus S.
Dhatrimodaka. Ipomoea T.
Gentiana K. (mental troubles):-
Helianthus A. Trichosanthes species.
Jwaramurari Pills.
Majoonai Saul. 180. MENINGITIS:-
Panchathiktaka panakam. (Spinal) : -
Panchathiktaka powder. Croton T.
Sodium salts and preparations. Sulphur and its preparations.
Toddalia A. Zincum metallicum (P.H.T.)
Vernonia C~ etc.
Vitex P. '
Xanthium S. etc. 181. MENORRHAGIA:-
(Asrigdaram; Raktapra-
176. MAMMARY DISEASES: dara):-
(Sore breasts):-
Amaranthus Poly.
Peteroselinum S. Bauhinia V.
(deficient secretion.3 and sore Berberis asiatica.
nipples) :-Ricinus C. Bombax malabaricum.
(Sore Iiipples):- Cannabis S.
Sodium salts and preparations. Dalbergia Sis.
(breast inflammation):- Eriodendron A.
Aloe L. Ficus G.
Datura A. Hibiscus Rosa S.
Polyporous O. Holarrhena A.
177. MANIA: (Unmada):- J atiphaladi Churnam.
See:-Insanity. Lawsonia A.
Mangifera I.
Acalypha I. Memecylon E.
(acute) : - Mucuna P.
Cannabis S. Musa S.
Datura A. & F. Myristica F.
Helleborus N. Nelumbium S.
Hyoscyamus N. Phyllanthus emblica.
(puerperal) : - Pmdarari Lauha.
Michelia C. Saraca indica.
Sesbania species.
178. MARASMUS:- Symplocos racemosa.
Indigofera E. Trapa B. etc.
Plumbum in the 3rd trit .. Triticum S.
(P.H.T.) Vanari Vatika.
Viscum A. etc.
178(a). MEGRIM:- W oodfordia floribunda.
See:-Migraine. Xanthium S. etc.

182. MENS'l'RUAL DIS- Acorus calamus.

ORDERS:- Alpinia officinarum.
See:-"Uterine Diseases". Aplotaxis auriculata.
BaLa Taira.
183. MERCURIAL SALIVA- Balsamodendron Muku!.
TION:- Calotropis gigantea.
Acacia Catechu. Chaturmukha Rasa.
ChhagaLadya Ghritha.
184. MIGRAINE:- Chintamani Chaturmukha.
See:-Megrim (Vathasira- Corallium rubrum.
sooIam). Cuminum cyminum.
Caffein (P.H.T.) FemIa A.
185. MUMPS:-(Pashanagar- Hydrocotyle asiatica.
dhaba):- MashabaLadi.
Aconite (P.H.T.) Masha Taira.
Conium maculatum (P.H.'l'.) Moschus moschiferus.
Datura A. Nardostachys J.
Kaempforia R. Narayana Taira.
(irritability) : -
186. MYOSIS:- Nicotina T.
Ocimum species. (weakness & exhaustion):-
187. MYXOEDEMA:- Papaver S.
Phaseolus species.
Arsenic. Ricinus C.
Iron salts. Samiragaja Kesari.
Strychnine. Semecarpus ,fl..
188. NAUSEA:- Sida C.
(See:-"Anorexia"; Strychnos Nux-vomica.
Hrittasam; Hrullas). Viverra C.
Withania S. etc.
Cinnamomum C. & (chronic) : -
Zeylanicum. Smilax C. etc.
IVfichelia C. (nervous fatigue):-
Zingiber officinale. Sterculia A. •
189. NEPHRITIS: (Vriklra- Sulphur preparations.
sopha; Vrikka-shoath):- Vanda R.
Vishnu Taila. <r"
Arsenite of copper (P.H.T.) Vitis vinifera ~
Cissampelos P. y ogendra Rasa~­
Cycas C.
Zingiber officinale. -
Physalis species.
190. NERVOUS DISEASES & 191. NEURALGIA: ,(S'hoola;
DISORDERS: Sula; Sirosoolam).
l.Vatavyadhi):- Aconitum F. & N.
Achyranthes aspera . Acorus C.


Adhatoda Vasica. 193. NEURITIS:-

Allium Cepa and Allium S. (See:-"Nervous Disea-
Amomum S. ses").
Andropogon M. Piper nigrum.
Arsenicum ·(P.R.T.) Prabhanjana Vimardana.
Berberis A. Semecarpus A.
Brassica juncea.
Cannabis S. 194. NIGHT BLINDNESS:
Capsicum F. & M. ( Sleshmawidagdhadristu;
Cinnamomum C. & Z. Nakthandhyam) : -
Citrus B.
Crocus S. Achyranthes aspera.
Danawantri Tailum. Chandraprabha varti.
Datura A: & F. Leganaria V.
Ferro-ferric oxide. Momordica C.
Hyoscyamus N.
Ipomoea R.
Jatiphaladi Churnam. See:-"Phthlsis" .
Lavendula S. . 196. OBESITY: (Medavriddhi;
Melanleuca L. Medo Rogam; Athista-
Mentha P. welyam):-
Moringa P. See:-"Corpulence".
Myristica F.
Narasimha Churna. 197. OEDEMA: (Udardam):-
Papaver S. ~t~e:-"Anasarca" .
Phaseolus species.
.premna integrifolia .. 198. OPACITY OF THE
Prunus Amyg. CORNEA:-
Ptychotis A. Achyranthes aspera.
Quinetum. Butea frondosa.
Rosebay. Cinnamomum camphora.
Sinapis J. Hedysarum A.
Sodium salts and preparations. Phoenix' species.
Squalus C. preparations. Rauwolfia S.
Strychnos N. Saccharum officinarum.
Tribhuvana Keerti Rasa.
Valeriana species. 199. OPHTHALMIA:
Zingiber O. (Catarrhal and puru-
(Thathwonmadam) :- Adhatoda vasica.
Aloe B. & Aloe L.
Herpestis M. Alumen.
(excessive venery):- Andropogon C.
Strychnos N. Barringtonia R.
(cramps) : - Berberis A.
Zingiber O. Cassia Absus & Cassia Auri.

182. lVtENS'l'RUAL DIS- Acarus calamus.

ORDERS:- Alpinia officinarum.
See:-"Uterine Diseases". Aplotaxis auriculata.
183. MERCURIAL SALlVA- Balsamodendron Mukul.
TION:- Calotropis gigantea.
Acacia Catechu. Chaturmukha Rasa.
Chhagaladya Ghritha.
184. MIGRAINE:- Chintamani Chaturmukha.
See:-Megl'im (Vathasira- Corallium ruhrum.
soolam). Cuminum cyminum.
Caffein (P.H.T.) Feruia A.
185. MUMPS:-(Pashanagar- Hydrocotyle asiatica.
dhaba):- Mashabaladi.
Aconite (P.H.T.) Masha Taila.
Conium maculatum (P.H.'1'.) Moschus moschiferus.
Datura A. Nardostachys J.
Kaempforia R. Narayana Taila.
(irritability) : -
186. MYOSIS:- Nicotina T.
Ocimum species. (weakness & exhaustion);-
187. MYXOEDEMA:- Papaver S.
Phaseolus species.
Arsenic. Ricinus C.
Iron salts. Samiragaja Kesari.
Strychnine. Semecarpus A.
188. NAUSEA:- Sida C.
(See:-"Anorexia"; Strychnos Nux-vomica.
Hrittasam; HruIlas). Viverra C.
Withania S. etc.
Cinnamomum C. & (chronic) :~
Zeylanicum. Smilax C. etc.
IV[ichelia C. (nervous fatigue):-
Zingiher officinale. Sterculia A. <
189. NEPHRITIS: (Vrikka- Sulphur preparations.
sopha; Vrikka-shoath):- Vanda R.
Arsenite of copper (P.R.T.)
Vishnu Taila.
Cissampelos P. Vitis vinifera •
Cycas C. Y ogendra Rasa.
Zingiber officin-ale.
Physalis species.
190. NERVOUS DISEASES & 191. NEURALGIA: .(E·hoola;
DISORDERS: Sula; Sirosoolam).
(Vatavyadhi) : - Aconitum F. & N.
Achyrant~s aspera. Acorus C .


Adhatoda Vasica. 193. NEURITIS:-

Allium Cepa and Allium S. (See:-"Nervous Disea-
Amomum S. ses").
Andropogon M. Piper nigrum.
Arsenicum (P.R.T.) Prabhanjana Vimardana.
Berberis A. Semecarpus A.
Brassica juncea.
Cannabis S. 194. NIGHT BLINDNESS:
Capsicum F. & M. (Sleslunawidagdhadristu;
Cinnamomum C. & Z. Nakthandhyam):-
Citrus B.
Crocus S. Achyranthes aspera.
Danawantri Tailum. Chandmprabha varti.
Datura A. & F. Leganaria V.
Ferro-ferric oxide. Momordica C.
Hyoscyamus N. 195. NIGHT SWEATS:-
Ipomoea R.
Jatiphaladi Churnam. See:-"Phthisis".
Lavendula S .. 196. OBESITY: (Medavriddhi;
Melanleuca L. Medo Rogam; Athista-
Mentha P. welyam):-
Moringa P. See:-"Corpulence".
Myristica F.
Narasimha Churna. 197. OEDEMA: (Udardam):-
Papaver S. Etze:-"Anasarca".
Phaseolus species.
Premna integrifolia. 198. OPACITY OF THE
Prunus Amyg. CORNEA:-
Ptychotis A. Achyranthes aspera.
Quinetum. Butea frondosa.
Rosebay. Cinnamomum camphora.
Sinapis J. Hedysarum A.
Sodium salts and preparations. Phoenix' species.
Squalus C. preparations. Rauwolfia S.
Strychnos N. Saccharum officinarum.
Tribhuvana Keerti Rasa.
Valeriana species. 199. OPHTHALMIA:
Zingiber O. (Catarrhal and puru-
Adhatoda vasica.
(Thathwonmadam) :- Aloe B. & Aloe L.
Herpestis M. Alumen.
(excessive venery):- Andropogon C.
Strychnos N. Barringtonia R.
(cramps) : - Berberis A.
~ingiber 9. Cassia Absus & Cassia Auri.

Curcuma L. 202. OTALGIA:-

Cynodon D. Atropha belladonna (P.H.T.)
Emblica O. Gynandropsis P.
Euphorbia N. & R. Illicium V.
Heliotropium I. (Noise in ear with headache):
Holestemma R. Mashabaladi Kvatha.
Michelia C. Moringa P.
Mimosa P. Plantago tincture (P.H.T.)
Nerium O.
Nymphoea species. 203. OTORRHOEA:
Papaver S. (Karnasrava) : -
Phaseolus species. Allium S.
Phoenix species. Alocasia I.
Rasanjana. Apamarga Taila.
Rasaut. Arun C.
Rasaventi. Cleome V.
Ricinus communis. Curcuma L.
Sida C. Gulal.
(purulent) : - Helicteres I.
Sodium salts and preparations. Os Sepie and its preparations.
Symplocos racemosa. Vitis Q. etc.
Tabernamontana species.
Terminalia B. 204. OZAENA: (Peenash):-
200. OPIUM & MORPIDNE Centipeda O.
HABITS:- Eucalyptus G.
Hydrocotyle A.
Avena sativa (P.H.T.) Ocimum species.
Gambogia (Garcinia hanburii) Saccharum officinarum.
(P.H.T.) Sodium salts and preparations.
Squalus C. preparations.
201. ORCIDTIS: (Vriddhi):- (locally) : -
Altingia E. Tamra Bhasma.
Bassia La.
Caesilpinia B. 205. PALSY: (Oorustambha):
Canabis S. See also:-"Paralysis".
Gossypitim I. & H. Capparis A. <
Hamamelis virginiana or Euphorbia R.
verginica (P.H.T.) Ferula A.
Holostemma R. (facial) : -
Liquidambar O. Mashabaladi.
(for causing emesis):- Mashabatadi Kva~ha.
Madanadhi Vamana. Myristica F.
Randia D. Peganum H.
Vitex N. etf. Semecarpus A.
Vitis V. t Strychnos N.

2()6. PANNUS CORNEA:- (for sexual):-

See aIso:-"Eye Diseases" .. Phosphorus (P.R.T.)
Abrus P. 208. PARAPLEGIA:
(Ardhitavayu; Urustham·
207. PARALYSIS: (Paksha- bha):-
vata; Sarvangavatham; Astakatvara Taila.
Atatvabhinivesh) :- Cocculus (P.H.T.)
(General and facial):- Ekangaveera Rasa.
S~ for 'facial'. Lathyrus (P.H.T.)
Aconitum ferox. Phosphorus (P.H.T.)
Allium cepa, for left-sided Semecarpus A.
facial (Pc,R.T.) Svalparasuna Pinda
Allium S. Yogaraja guggula.
BaJa Taila. 209. P ARASITES:-
Causticum 30 (P.R.T.) See also:-"Worms".
Celastrus P.
Ch'hagaladya Rasa. (~dkuli or lice):-
Danavantri Thailam. Cocculus S.
Ekangaveera Rasa. (maggots in nose):-
Ferula G. Crataeva N.
(Agitans): - (Vepathoo). (noxious insects):-
Hyoscyamus N. Crinum D.
Ipomoea T. 210. P AROTITIS:-
Mashabaladi Kvatha. See:-"Mumps··.
Masha Taila.
Moringa P. 211. PARTURITION: (Prasu-
Mucuna P. tivayu):-
Myristica F.
Orchis M. (delayed) :~
Phaseolus species. Moringa P.
Piper species. (lying-in): ~
Rhus species (P.R.T.) Ricinus C.
Rubia C. (difficult and delayed labour):
Ruta G. Sapindas T.
Sapindas T. Saubhagya Sunti.
(of tongue):- Sodii B.
Spilanthus O. 212. PERIOSTlTIS:-
Stannum preparations. Indigofera P.
Strychnos N.
(facial) : - (Ardit; 213. PERTUSSIS: (Sushka-
• Ardditham). Kasam).
Svalparasuna pinda. Lactuca S.
Urgina I. etc.
Vanar.i Vati1ca. 214. PIllMOSIS:-
Vataraktantaka Rasa. Cannabis sativa (P.R.T.)

215. PHOSPHATURIA: Hydnocarpus I.

(I{sharoncha; Kshar- Ja,tiphaladya Chuma.
meha):- I Kanaka-Asava.
Orchis M.
Chandraprabha Gutika. (Dyspnoea) : -
Tribulus T. ·Brihat.kanchanabhra.
21~. PHOTOPHOBIA:- ,Kanchanaabhra Rasa.
Cannabis S. Khanda Kooshmanda.
(tubercular) : -
.217. PHTHISIS: (Kshaya; Knysolgan.
Rajayakshama; Shoash- M ukta Bhasma. (Mytilus m~r­
rajyakshma) :- gari tiferus) .
(See:-Consumptioll Plumbum.
T!-lberculosis). ' Praval BhaS1na (Corallium
Abhra Bhasma. Sanocrysin.
A<lli<ltoda Vasica. Sarvanagasundara Rasa.
Allium sativum.
Asphaltum. Mriganka Rasa.
Banga Bhasma. Mukta ·Bhasma.
Beninkasa C. Ostrea F. & its preparations.
Boerhavia diffusa. Pottali Hemagarbha Rasa.
Bombax malabaricum. Rajamriganka Rasa.
Borassus F. Ratnagarbha Pottali Rasa.
Butea frondosa.
Ratnagiri Rasa.
Caesalpinia D.
Sringarabhra or Brihat
'Calcarea arsenica i,e. Arsenite
of Lime (P.R.T.)
Strychnos N.
Cannabis sativa IX (P.R.T.)
Sulphur and its preparations.
Chatttrmukha Rasa.
Chavanaprasa. Suryavartha Rasa.
Cowri Bhasma. - Suvarna or Swarna Bhasma.
(night sweating):-
Tamra Parpati.
Adansonia D.
Trailokya Chintamani Rasa.
(locally) : -
Cocculus S.
Cuprum sulphas.
Vasachandanadi Taila.
Datura fastuosa.
Vasakushmanda Kanda.
Plumbum and its salts.
Vasava Leha.
Zincum (reduced). <
Polyporus O.
Rosa species. 218. PILES: (Arsas;· Ar~ha;
Saccharum. O.
Raktarsba; Sushkarsas):-
Emblica O.
(bleeding) (non-bleeding)
Flacourtia C.
See also:-"_Indigestion"
Gandhaka Gh1·ita.
and "Liver diseases".
GancJ.l.1,aka Rasayana.
·Gynocardia O. J Acacia catechu and Acacia S.
Hedyotis U. Achyranthes A.

Acorus C. Ipomoea turpethum.

Aegle M. Kumari Asava.
Aesculus hippocastanum. Linum U.
Ag71I~1nukha Lauha.
Aleurites M. • Lippia N .
• Allium C. LufI'a A.
Aloe B. Mana Suranndya Lauha.
Amaranthes Pani. Mangifera I.
Amorphophallus C. M:elia Azadi.
Am1-ita BhaLLataki. Mesua F.
,Anacardium orientale (P.H.T.) Mimosa Am. & P.
Andropogon C. , Momordica C. & D.
Mucuna urens (p.H.T.)
Asari Lauha.
(bleeding) : '"-- (Raktarsha) . Myrica N. & Sapida.
Averrhoea C. Myristica F.
Bauhinia V. Nelumbium S.
Nymphoea species.
Beninkasa C.
Berberis A. Pittala Bhasma:
'Bertholletia E. (Brazil nuts): Plantago ispagula.
Bombax malabaricum. ,. Plantago Major (P.H.T.)
'Cannabis sativa. Plumbago Zeylanica.
'Carica P. Pongamia G.
'Carum carui. Pranada guti1ca.
'Casearia E. Pterocarpus species.
Changeri Ghrita. Saraca I.
Cissampelos pareira. Sesamum I.
Cyodon D. Shore a R.
Dalbergia Sis. Sida C.
Sphaeranthus H.
Datura A. & fastuosa. Tamarindus I.
Terminalia Cheb.
TIillinea I.
(painful) : -
Dioscorea B.
'Eclipta E. Papaver S.
'Embelia R. Pavetta I.
Petroselinum (P.H.T.)
'Eriodendron A.
Phaseolus species.
Euphorbia N.
Phoenix species.
Ficus C.
<Galega P. Piper species.
Ga.ndhakadi Chw'7la. Pippali Arista.
'Gloriosa S. Plantago I.
Gossypium I. Plumbago species.
Hedysarum A. Plumbum and its salts.
Potassium salts;
Hibiscus P.
Pran.ada gutika.
H91arrhena A. Prunus Amyg.
Hypericum P. Pterocarpus species.
lndigofera Tinct. Punica G.


Quercus I. Cervus Dama.

Raphanus S. Hirudo medicinalis.
Rasanjana. 223. PLEURODYNIA:-
Rasavanti. ·Cervus Dama.
Ricinus C. • Cimicifuga (Actaea racemosa)
Salvadora species. (P.H.T.)
Samasarkara Churna. Citrus L.
Semecarpus A. Ranunculus bulb (P.H.T.j
Sesamilm I. Ricinus Communis.
(inflamed) : - 224. PNEUMONIA:
Sodium salts and preparations. (Kaphasanthathajwaram;
(locally) : - Raktasthivi-sannipat):-
Tamra Bhasma. (See aIso:-"Expecto-
Terminalia B. and Cheb. rants").
Tinospora Cordifolia.
Aconite (P.H.T.)
Verbascum thapsus, (Mullein
leaves) (P.H.T.) Allium sativum.
Vitis V. Aloe barbadensis.
Woodfordia F. Cervus Dama.
Cinnamomum camphora.
Zingiber officinale.
Embelia R.
219. PIMPLES:- Ferula A.
(On nose):- Hirudo medicinalis.
Santalum A. Linum U.
Moschus moschiferus.
220. PITYRIASIS: (Seithma; Quinine.
Sidhma):- Strychnos nux-vomica.
Bhringaraja Taila. Tribhuvana Keerti Rasa.
Cassia S. 225. POISONS & POISON-
Eclipta E. ING: (Stavarajangama
Mallotus P. Visham):-
221. PLAGUE: (Maraka; Acacia Arabica & A. catechu.
Agnirohini) : - Rubia cordifolia.
(See:-"Fevers"). (Croton):-
Ghee. Acorus C.
Ignatia. (Strychnos Ignatii). Ammonii. carbonas.<
Serpent poison preparations. Boerhavia diffusa.
Tamarix G. Cannabis sativa.
Trichosanthes_ dioica.
222. PLEURISY: (Puphusapa- (tobacco) : -
kijvaram) : - Allium C.
See aIso:-"Pneumonia". (morphine) : -
All~um sativa. Cocculus S.
Boerrahavia D. Copper Sulphate.
Cantharis (P.H.T.) Datura F.

Oxalis Corniculata. (stricture) : -

(copper, arsenic-somala- Sulphur and its preparations.
- visha, or· corrosive subli- (uterus):-
mate):- Viola sp,ecies.
Saccharum O. 229. PRURIGO: (Rakasa):-
Triticum S.
(of various sorts):- Cocculus S.
Salvadora species. Curcuma L.
(opium):- Haridra Khanda.
Saxifraga I. Khadi-rastaka.
Strychnos N. Somaraji Taila.
(chronic -arsenical):- (chroni(') : -
Semecarpus A. Urine (cow's) & preparations.
(narcotic) : - 230. PRURITUS: (Alasaka):-
Sinapis J. Holarrhena A.
Strychnos N.
Valeriana species. 231. PSORIASIS:
(lead):- (Vicharchika) :-
Strychnos N. Canarium S.
(by salts of Mercury, Zinc, Cassia S.
Silver, Tin & Iodide). Cephalandra I.
Triticum S. Dipterocarpus T.
Withanea somnifera. Hibiscus P.
226. PREGNANCY: Hydrocotyle A.
Complaints of: (Garbhavy- 232. PTERYGWM:-
apath):- Butea F.
Cereum Oxalate (P.R.T.) _ 233. PUERPERAL DISEA-
Hydrocotyle asiatica (P.H.T.) SES~ (Soothikajwaram):-
Os sepie and its preparations. Pedalium M.
Santalum A. (Convulsions) : -
Gardenia F.
228. PROLAPSUS: (Guda- Sodium salts and preparations.
bhramsam):- (diarrhoea) : -
Garcinia M. Svalpa Methi Modaka.
Hypericum P. ,. .- (£evers):-
Podophylhlm emodi (P.H.T.) Panchajirakapaka.
Psidium G. (for prolapse of Vitex N. etc.
ani). 234. PYAEMIA:
(recti):- Quinine:-
Changeri Ghrita.
Compound Ghrita,. 235. PYELITIS (Vrikka-
Quercus I. sodham) & PYELO-
Strychnos N. NEPHRITIS:-
Viola species. Cantharis (P.R.T.)

China (Cinchona) (P.H.T.) 239. RHAGADES:-

Eucalyptol for pyelo-nephritis. See:-"Eczema, Skin
also (P.H.T.) diseases and the like).
Liquidambar O.
Santalum A. 240. RHEUMATISM:
Triticum repens. (P.RT.) (Sandhivata; Amavata;
Rakthavatham) : -
236. RESPIRATORY COM- (See also:-"Fevers and:
PLAINTS:- Vata diseases").
Cocculus S. Aconitum F. & N.
Ephedra V. Acorus C.
Euonymus. Adityapaka guggula.
Ocimum species. Ajamodadi Churna.
(painful) : - Alp~ia officinarum.
Pinus species. - Aplotaxis auriculata.
Solanum I. Balsamodendron mukul.
(nasal, throat, laryngeal and Boerhavia diffusa.
bronchial) ; - Calotropis gigantea.
Piper species.' Carum copticum.
(catarrhs) : - Hydnocarpus wightiana.
Pi stacia species. Oleum ricini.
Plantago I. Tinospora cordifolia.
Randia D. (acute) :-(Amavatam).
Sinapis J. Alangium D.
(spasmodic and phlegmatic):- Allium cepa & A. sativum.
Sodium salts and preparations. Alstonia scholaris.
Sambharsing Bhasma. Camphora O.
(locally) : - Cinchona C.
Sambharsing paste. Prasarini Leha.
(chest diseases):- Quinine.
Sodium salts and preparations. Vitex N. etc.
(spasmodic) : - (chronic) : -
Ptychotis A. Andropogon I.
Strychnos N. Cocculus V.
Ty lophora A. Devadari K vatha.
Zingiber O. Gynocardia O.
(Inflammatory) : - Hemidesmus I. ...-
Verbascum T. Hydrocotyle A.
(tightness of chest):- Ipomoea turpethum.
Viola species. Jatropha C. '
Myristica F.
Papaver S.
Sinapis J.
Pinus deodara and species.
238. RETENTION OF Saussurea L.
URINE: (Mutraghata):- Solanum D.
See:-"Anuria". " Squalus C. preparations.

I Strychnos N.
Vateria I. etc.
Zingiber O.
Gokshuradi guggula:
Gossypium I.
(for ordinary simple acute Guduchyadi Taila.
rheumatism) . Guizotia A.
Andropogon M. Her'rnodactylus G.
Asparagus O. & R. Herpestis M.
Balsamodendron M. Hinguleshwara Rasa.
Brassica J. Holarrhena A.
Bryonia E. Hyssopus O.
Cadaba I. Illicium V.
Calophyllum A. Ipomoea P.R. & T.
Cannabis S. Ithrphal.
Cardiospermum H. Kubja Prasarini Taila.
(muscular) : - Lavendula S.
Carthamus T. Lepidium S.
Chitra Kathi. Litsea S.
Strychnos N. Lycopodium C.
Terminalia cheb. (stiff neck):-
Cassia S. Mashabaladi Kvatha.
Celastrus P. Mattricaria C.
Cinnamomum tamala. Melanleuca L.
Citrullus colocynthis. Mentha P.
Citrus Au. & B. Methi nwdaka.
Cocculus C. Mica (reduced).
Colchicum L. Michelia C.
Crataeva N. Moringa P.
Crocus S. Mrityunjaya Rasa.
Croton T. Mullugo C.
Dasamulakada. Myristica fragrans &
Datura A. & fastuosa. momordica.
Pelphinium D. Myrtus C.
Dhanvant1'i Tailum. Narayana Taila.
Dodonaea V. Nicotiana T.
Ephedra V. Nyctanthes A.
Erythrina I. Ocimum species.
Euphorbia A. & Til". Paederia F.
Farsetia A. Pancha Valkaladi Tailttm.
Ferula G. Pandanus O.
(headache) : - Papaver S.
Ficus Benja. Petroleum (externally)
Flacourtia R. & S. (P.H.T.)
Gandhaka Lepa. Peucedanum species.
Gandhakadi Taila. Phaseolus species.
Gaultheria F. Physalis species.
Gendarussa V. Piper 10l~gum.

Plantago I. V atavaktantaka Rasa.

Plumbago species. (pains):-
Pongamia G. Vitex Nigundo & T. etc.
Potassium salts. Vitis V.
Premna integrifolia. Vrihat guduchyadi Taila.
Ptychotis A. (with swellings):-
Pyrethrum 1. Withania S. etc.
Pyrus species. Xanthoxylum species.
Radia D. Yogaraja guggula.
Ricinus communis.
Rosebay. 241. RICKETS:-
Rourea S. Trigonella F.
Saindhavadya Taila. 242. RINGWORM: (Dadru):-
Salvadora species. See also "Skin Diseases":-
Sapindas T.
Sarveshwara Rasa. Allium S.
Semecarpus A. Andrographis paniculata.
Sesbania species. Butea F.
Sida A.C. & R. Calotropis gigantea.
Siegesbeckia O. etc. Carica P.
Sinhanada guggula. Cassia alata. F. S. & T.
Smilax Chinensis & S. glabra. Cephalandra I.
Sodium ~lts and preparations. Chakramardha.
SIJlanum nigrum & S. Xantho- Cinnabar.
carpum (S. Jacquinii). Cocculus S.
Soymida F. Cocos N.
Strychnos N. Curcuma L.
Sulphur and its preparations. Embelia Ribes & E. robusta.
Sunta Ghrita. Euphorbia T.
Svalpa M ethi M odaka. Ferula A.
Terminalia B. Hibiscus P.
Tionspora cordifolia. J asminum Ang. & H.
Toddalia A. etc. Mallotus P.
Trayodasang guggula. Myristica F.
(gonorrhoeal) :- Nerium O.
Tribulus T. Ocimum basilicum
Trigonella F. Piper nigrum.
Triphala guggula. Rasa Karpura.
Rhinacanthus C. <.
(articular) : -
Triticum S. Siegesbeckia O.
Somraja Ta,ila.
(syphilitic) :- Triticum S.
Somala Bhasma. Urine (Horse's).
Tylophora A.
Urgina 1. etc. 243. SALIVATION:-
Vanda R. Acacia catechu.
Vata guduchyadi Taila. Bauhinia variegata.
. ''''

Feronia elephantum. 247. SCROFULA: (Ganda-

Mimusops E. mala-apachi) (See also:-
Spilanthus O. Consumption):-
Am~anthus Pani.
244. SCABIS:-(Pama- Balsamodendron Mukul.
Katchhoo) See "Itches" & (also tumours}:..:_
"Skin Diseases". Bauhinia T. & V.
Caesalpinia D. .-
245. SCALDS:-See also:- Clerodendron Inerme, & slpho-
"Burns", "Blisters". nanthus.
Basella A. Cocc1.llus C.
Echinops F.
Gossypium I.
Mangifera 1. Eulophia V.
(ulcers) : -
Oryza S.
Euphorbia A.
Portulaca species.
Evolvulus A.
Sesamum I. Fumaria O.
Silicium salts. Galega P.
Terminalia cheb.
Gandhaka Lepa.
Triticum S. Gracilaria L.
Gynocardia O.
246. SCIATICA: (Gridhrasee): Hydnocarpus I. & W.
Abrus precatorius. Hydrocotyle A. .
Allium S. Kanchanara gU(1gula.
Ashtakatvara Taila. Melia Azadi and Azeda.
Bala Taila. Moringa P.
Brassica ·N. Myrica N.
Caryophyllus aromaticus. Rumex C. ..,
Cassia T. Semecarpus A.
Cervus dama. Siegesbeckia O. etc.
Citrullus colocynthis. Smilax China.
Citruc B. C. & L. Solanum D.
Cucumis colocynthis (P.H.T.). (abscesses) : -
Datura A. & F. Squalus C. preparations.
Euphorbia R. Sulphur and its preparations.
Trigonella F.
Gaultheria F.
Tryushanadi Lauha.
Ithrphal (sores) : -
Masha-baladi. Vitex N. etc.
Myristica M. Withania S. etc.
Nyctanthes A. . Xanthium S. etc.
Piper longum.
Zinc salts and preparations.
Prabhanjana Vimardhana.
Saindhavadya Taila. 248. SCURVY:-(Sosham).
Semecarpus anacardium.
Svatparasuna Pinda. Allium cepa.
Viscum album. (P.H.T.). Ambose.


Amchur. Banga bhasllw.

Citrus Au. & B. Brihat Somaraji Taila.
Feronia F. Calotropis gigantea.
Garcinia Pur. Cassia tora.
Indigofera E. Cedrus deodara.
lVIangifera I. Cera £lava.
Nyctanthes A. Chakramardha.
Musa S. Chaulmugra Ointment.
Portulaca species. (Chilblains) : -
Psidium G. Cinnabar.
Raphanus S. Citrus B.
Rourea S. Cocculus C.
Rumex C. Piper nigrum.
Salvadora species. Shore a R.
Solanum T. (freckles) : -
Spondias M. etc. Cocos N.
Tamarindus I. Cucumis Melo.
(locally) : - Gossypium I.
Vasachandanadi Taila. Mallotus P.
Vitis Q. etc. Curcuma Am. & Aro., L. & z..
Cuscuta R.
249. SEA-SICKNESS: Embelia R.
Cocculus indicus (P.H.T.). (chronic) : -
Eucalyptus G.
250. SENILITY:- Panchatikta Ghrita.
Anacardium orientale & occi- Silicium salts.
dentale. (P.H.T.). Sulphur and its preparations.
Taraxacum O. 'etc.
251~ SHOCK:- Urine (cow's) and prepara-
Hypericum perforatum, tions.
(P.H.T.). Vernonia A. & C. etc.
Ficus R.
252. SINUS:-(Nadivrana):- Fumeria O.
Allium sativum. Gandha Taila or Gandhakad-;
Calotropis gigantea. j>
Cupri sulphas. Gandhaka Ghrita.
Jatropha G. Gandhaka Rasayana.
Myrtus C. Gloriosa S. .-
Plumbago Zeylanica (measles).
Vitex N. etc.. Gorochanam.
253. SKIN DISEASES:- Guazuma T.
Guduchyadi Taila.
Acacia C. Gynocardia O.
Alangium D. H a.ridralchanda.
Altingia E. Hemidesmus I.
Andrographis paniculata (scabies) : -
Balsam of sulphur. Hibiscus P.

\ Terminalia Cat. etc. Pterocarpus M. & Santalinus.

Hydnocarpus 1. & wightiana. (obstinate): -
Hydrocotyle A. Ramaban Rasa.
Ichnocarpus F. Rhus S.
Indigofera A. & Tinc. (burning of skin and body
Ipomoea Cy. heat) : -
Jasminum G. Rosa species.
Kanchanara guggula. Rourea S.
Karaviradya Taila. Rubia C.
Khadirarishta. Santalum A.
Khadirashtaka. Saussurea L.
Lawsonia A. Sesamum I.
Mallotus P. (excoriations, cracks,_
Melia Azadi, and Azeda. fissures, etc.):-
Mesua F. Sevum preparatum.
Milk of Sulphur. Shore a R.
Nelumbium S. parasitic eruptions} :'_
Nerium O. Siegesbeckia O. etc.
Nigella S. Sinduradya Taila.
Nirgundi Oil. Sodium salts and preparations.
Nyctanthes A. Solanum D. & N.
(excessive sweating):- Somaraji Taila.
Ochrocarpus L. Sphaeranththus H. etc.
Ocimum species. Squalus C. preparations.
(Inflammatory affections):- Stal1J!.um preparations.
Oryza S. Sulphur and its preparations.
Zinc salts and preparations. Tabernamontana species.
(excrescences):-- Talakesari Rasa.
Oxalis C. (loca1ly) : -
(irritable surface):- Tamra Bhasma.
Plantago I. Tamresvara.
Plumbago species. Terminalia A. Cat. & cheb.
Plumbum and its salts. Tinospora cordifolia.
Pongamia G. Trichosanthes species.
(eruptions) : - (tetter and lesions).
Lait virginal. (Tincture of Triticum S.
Benzoin). Urginia I. etc.
Portulaca species.
Prithvisara Taila. Vtpaladi Sritam.
Prunus Amyg. Vata guduchyadi Taila.
Rumex C. (Syphilitic) : -
Santalum A. Vitex N. etc.
Sesbania species. Vrihat gudttchyadi Taila.
(eruptive) : -
Withania S. etc.
Prithvisara Taila.
Styrax B. Zinc salts and preparations..
Psoralia C. Zingiber Z.


See "Insomnia". I Bisulphuret of arsenic.
255. SMALL POX:- . Caryophullus aromaticus.
(Massoorika; Masunka). Cassia O.
Agati G. Cephalandra J.
Asparagus R. Cleome V.
Curcuma L. Crocus S.
Fagonia A. Erythrina 1.
Gorochanam. Feron:a elephantum.
Lens E. Ficus glomerata.
Melia azadirachta. Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Plumbum and its salts. HeliotropiuiU 1. & S.
Rhus-tox. (F.R.T.). Hibiscus P.
Trichosanthes dioica. (phagedenic and foul):-
Trigonella-foenum-graecum. Hydnocarpus 1.
Ixora C .
. 256. SNAKE-BITES:- Kaphaketu Rasa.
Althanea O. Mangifera S.
Amaranthus Poly. Mentha S.
Dodonaea V. Moringa pterygosperma.
Eclipta E. Musa paradisiaca.
Euphorbia N. & T. (irritable) : -
Flacourtia S.
Prunus Amyg.
Gardenia F.
Pterocarpus M.
Gloriosa S.
(gangrenous) : -
GYlnnema S.
Heliotropium E. Siegesbeckia 0., etc.
Hibiscus A. Smilax glabra:
Hugonia M. Talisadya Churna.
(Phursa) : - Tamarindus indica.
Nerium O. Terminalia balerica &
Ophiorrhiza M. T. chebula.
Pericampylus 1. Vitex N. etc.
Salvadora species. (in ears and nostrils):-
Strychnos N. Trichosanthes species.
(foetid and scrofulous) : -
257. OORE EYES:-See:- Vitex N. etc.
"Eye Diseases".
258. SORES: (Bed sores and
sores on lips). . . (See also: "Cough").
.Acacia arabica & catechu. Acacia A. & C. '-
Acalypha indica. Allium C.
Aconitum ferox & A. nepellus. Alpinia officinarum.
Areca C. Alstonia S.
(Delhi) :---., Alumin~ (P.H.T.)
Balsamodendron M. '._ Balsamodendron My.

\ Borax.
Brassica oleracea (P.H.T.)
Lawsonia A.
Capsicum A. Mucuna P.
Caryophullus aronlaticus. Parmelia P.
Coriandrum S. Pedalium M.
Curcuma longa. Plumbum reduced.
Elettaria cardamonmm. Saccharum O.
Eugenia J. Sida C.
Feronia E. Stannum preparations.
Glycyrrhiza G. Strychnos N.
Ixora C. Swarna banga.
Piper cubeba & Piper nigrum. Terminalia A. etc.
Pyrethrum radix. Tribulus T.
(sore mouth and tongue):- Withania S. etc.
Pistacia species.
(relaxed) : - 262. SPLEEN COMPLAINTS:
Punica G. (Enlargement; Plihodar;
Quercus I. Pleehavriddhi) :-
(chronic) : - Abhaya Lavana.
Pyrus species. Abhra Bhasma.
Rosa species. Abies W.
Spinac;ea O. Allium C.
Talisadya Churna. Berberis asiatica.
Tamarindus I. Bombax malabaricum.
Terminalia B. & C. Calotropis gigantea.
260. SPASMS:- Capsicum (P.H.T.)
Chi corium I.
Cajuputum. Cimicifuga (P.H.T.)
(Melaleuca leucadendron). Cinchona C.
(P.R.T.) Citrus B.
261. SPERMATORRHOEA: Co'wrie Bhasma.
Eclipta A ..
(Indriyaskalanam ;
Eugenia J.
(Sukrameha) : - Euphorbia N.
Aconitum ferox. Ficus A.
Adamas. Flacourtia R.
Aegle marmelos. Gardenia G.
Albizzia lebbek. Gentiana K.
Banga Bhasma. Gymnema S.
Cassia Auri. Hermodactylus G.
Cinnamomum camphora, Ipomoea D.
Digitalis 3 X. (P.R.T.) Jatropha G.
Ficus B. Lawsonia A.
Holostemma R. Luffa A. & E.
Ipomoea, digitata. Melia Azeda.
Lactuca S. Moringa P.

()strea E. and its preparations. Myristica F.

Panchakola Churnam. Paeonia E.
Piper Chaba & P. longum. Papaver S.
Potassium salts. Plumbum and its salts.
Prunus Amyg. Vitex T.
Punica G. Zingiber officinale.
Pyrethrum I. 265. SPRUE: (Grahani):-
Saline substances. Aegle marmelos.
Salvadora species. Butter-milk.
Semecarpus A. Citrus aurantium.
Sesbania species. Holerrhena A.
Solanum I. & N. Musa S.
Sulphur and preparations. Oleum ricini.
Swertia C. etc. Punica granatum.
Terminalia cheb. Terminalia A.
Trigonella F.
Viscum species.
Vitex N. & T. Spilanthus O.
Aloe L. 267. STERILITY:-
Cocculus C.
(induration) : - Asparagus R.
Hyssopus O. Ficus R.
Jvarasani Rasa. Mimusops E.
Kapardaka Bhasma. Pandanus O.
Rohitaka Lauha. Phalaghrita.
Sambuka Bhasma. Putranjiva R.
Shanka Bhasma. Withania S. etc.
Sukti Bh'asma. 268. STIFF-NECK:
Yakridari Lauha.
(torpid) : - (Manyastambha) :-
Prunus Amyg. Asparagus' R.
Mashabaladi Kvatha.
269. STINGS:-
See: "Spleen Complaints".
See: "Bites" .
264. SPRAINS:-
(See also~ Anti-phlogistics).
PLAINTS: (U~ara-'J'Ioga):- .
Aplotaxis auriculata.
Cicer A. See also: "Dropsy".
Croton O . Kalyanakshram.
. Curcuma Aro. & Curcuma (gastrodynia): -
longa. Ipomoea turpethum.
Garcenia P. N ardostachys J.
Gynandropsis P. (gripes) : -
Hibiscus P. Nicofiana T.

(irritability): - Punarnava Leha.

Ochrocarpus L.· Saccharum o.
Ocimum species. Scilla I.
Santalum A. Sida C.
(Inflammatory) : - Vernonia C. etc.
Oryza S. 274. SUNSTROKE: (Surya-
(ache):- bhigatajanya moorcha):-
Cuscuta R.
Zingiber O. Cucumis S.
(catarrh) : - 175. SWEATING:-
Phaseolus species.
(disorders) : - (excessive) : -
Quinetum. Ochrocarpus L.
- (profuse):~
271. STOMATITIS: Santalum A.
(Mukhapaka; Mukha-
roga; Asyapakam):- 276. SWELLINGS:-
Balsamodendnm My. Kaemferia R.
(hands and feet):-
Diospyros E.
Emblica O. Nigella S.
Ocimum species.
(parasitic) : -
Plantago 1.
Sodium, salts and preparations.
Svalpa Khadira vatika. 277. SYNCOPE: (Murccha-
272. STONE IN THE BLAD- Bhrama):-
DER:- See: "Fainting", "Coma".
See: "Calculi". 278. SYNOVITIS: (Kroshiruk-
273. STRANGURY: (Muthra- sOOsh; Itroshtuka-seer-
kricbchra; Mutrakrachha): sham):-
See, also: "Ardor Urinae", (See also: "Rheumatism")_
Dysuria. 279. SYPHILIS: (Firanga-
Abutilon 1. roga; Pbirangi-rogam):-
Allium C. Acacia catechu.
Amaranthus PanL Acalypha I.
Boerhavia D. Adansonia D.
Bombax M. Agave A.
Citrullus V. Alangium D.
Clitoria T. Amrvta guggula.
Cucumis S. Andrographis paniculata.
Erythrina I. Argemone M.
Gossypium 1. Argyreia speciosa.
Hemidesmus 1. Arsenious acid.
Hibiscus Rosa S. & Sab. Balsamodendron M.
Linum U. Berberis asiCltica.
Oxalis C. Bryonia E.

Calotropis G. Vasanta Malti.

Cassia tora. Triphala guggula.
Chandrodaya Rasa. (syphilitic rheumatism):-
Clerodendron inerme. Tylophora A.
(secondary) : - Vafari guggula.
Cocculus C. Vitex N. etc.
Devadari-kvatha. Zinc salts and preparations.
Gynocardia O.
Plumbago species. 280. TAENIA:-
Vanda/R. Beninkasa C.
(cachexia) : - Gisekia P.
Cocculus V. Gynocardia O.
DavakusumacU Rasa. Mallotus P.
Delphinium D.
Dioscorea B. 281. TAILOR'S CRAMPS:-
Echinops E. Anagallis arvensis (P.H.T.)
Eclipta E. 282. TENESMUS:-
Ephedra V. Gossypium I.
Erythrina F. Sida C.
Evolvulus A.
283. TETANUS: (Akshepaka-
Ficus glomerata.
vatham; Dhanustambha):-
Fumaria O.
Hemidesmus I. (See: Paralysis & Rheu-
Hydrocoytle A. matism).
Ichnocarpus F. Datura fastuosa.
Indigofera A. Eclipta E.
Kaisara guggula. Hypericum per~oratum
Kanchanara guggula. (P.H.T.)
Melia Azadi. Narayana Taila.
Moschus moschiferous. Nicotiana T.
Narasimha Churna. 284, THIRST: (Trashna;
Smilax C. etc. Trishna):-
(eruptions) : _
Nirgundi Oil. (in fevers):-
Rasa-karpur. Andropogon Muricatus.
Rourea S. Coriandrum sativum.
Rumex C. Cyperus rotundus.
Salvarsan. Glycyrrhiza glabra:
Saptasali Vati. Kyllingia T.
Semecarpus A. Mollugo cerviana.' ~
Siegesbeckia O. etc. Pterocarpus santalinus. -
Silicium salts. Punica granatum.
Smilax glabra. 285. THROAT AFFECTIONS:
Solanum D. (Kantharoga):-
Somala Bhasma. See also: "Sore Throat".
Suvarna. Altingia E.

Feronia E. Paederia E.
Hordeum V. Papaver S.
Pandanus O. Pistacia species.
Rosa species. (ache) : -
Zingiber O. Arsenic (P.H.T.)
(pectoral complaints):- /
Pistacia species.
Zizyphus J. etc. Piper species.
(toothache): -
286. THRUSH:- Plantago (P.H.T.)
Sodium salts and preparations. Pterocarpus M.
Rumex C.
Sinapis J.
Plantago Major (P.H T.) Solanum 1.
288. TONSILLITIS: (Gala- Spilanthus O.
graha; Kanthashalooka):- Tabernamontana species.
Xanthoxylum species.
(acute) : - (Cleansing of teeth):-
Cinchona C. Salt-water (P.H.T.)
Garcinia M. (to strengthen teeth and
Phyllanthus species. gums) : -
Piper betle. Salvadora species.
(enlarged tonsils):- (teething among children):-
Quercus I. (Dantodbheda) .
Rosa species. Saxifraga L.
Zingiber officinale.
(Dantaroga):- 290. TRACHOMA:-
Argemone M. Abrus precator}ius (infusion
Calotropis gigantea. for instillation).
Caryophyllus aromaticus.
Cinilamomum C. 291. TUBERCULOSIS:
Datura A. (Rajayakshma) :-
Delphinium D. See: "Phthisis"; consump-
Embelia R. tion, etc.)
Erythrina 1.
Euphorbia A. & Tir. 292. TUMOURS: (Gulma):-
Ferula A. (maligllant): -
Ficus B. & G. Anona S.
Gardenia G. (scrofulous) : -
Holarrhena A. Bauhinia T. & V.
(loose teeth) : - Carbonate of Potash.
Mimusops E. (cheloid) : -
(caries) : - Cassia T.
Moringa P. Fagonia A.
Myrica sapida. Ipomoea turpethum.
Myristica M. (abdominal) : -
Ochrocarpus L. Ostrea E. and its preparations.


Plumbago Zeylanica. Bombax n1alabaricum.

Saline substances.· Borassus 'f.
Papaver S. Boswellia G.
5alvadora species. Calotropis G.
Saraca indica. Capparis A.
Sarjikadya Churna. Careya A.
Saussurea L. Carthamus T.
Semecarpus anacardium. Cassia O.
Sphaeranthus H. & I. (foul) : -
Symplocos racemosa. Cassia T.
Cera £lava.
293. TYMPANITI5: Cinnamomum camphora.
(Adhmanam; Anaham):- Cocculus S.
(See also: "Ear-ache"). Cuprum slliphas.
Carpum copticum. Eucalyptus G.
294. TYPHOID FEVER: Euphatoritlm A.
Gardenia G.
( Sannipatha-jwaram; Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Pralapak):- Holarrhena A.
See also: "Fevers". Melia Azadi.
Pongamia G.
(for Diarrhoea) : - Saccharum O.
Alumina (P.H.T.) Styrax B.
Anandabhairava Rasa. W oodfordia F.
Artemesia absenthium Cedrus D.
(P.H.T.) Curcuma L.
Cinnamomum zeylanicum. Cyperus R.
Coffea Arabica (P.H.T.) Diospyros M.
Ferula asafoetida. Dipterocarpus T.
Oxalis C. Eucalyptus G.
Sodium salts and preparations. (scrofulous) : -
SvaLpa-kasturi-bhairabi Rasa. Euphorbia A. & N.
295. TYPHUS FEVER:- Execaria A.
Gynandropsis P, Geranium maculatum (P.H.T.)
296. ULCERS: (Vrina; (indolent) : -
Vranam):- Ferri sulphas.'
Ferula O.
See also: "Antiseptics"; Ghee. <f'
"Sores"; "Wounds". Lens E.
Acacia Arabica & A. catechu. Lippia N.
Allium sativum. Mel depuratum.
Andrographis paniculata. (gastric) : -
Aplotaxis auriculata. (Sulam; Parinama Sulam).
Balsamodendron M. and O. Olive Oil (P.H.T.)
Bambusa A. Styrax B.
Bisulphurate of arsenic . Tam.arindus I.
. '_'

Terminalia T. Symplocos racemosa.

Ficus R. Squalus C. preparations.
Galega P. Tamarix G.
Garcinia Pur. Terminalia A. & C. etc.
Gossypium I. Trichosanthes species;
Hemidesmus I. (hollow) : -
( chronic) : _:_ Triphala.
Jatropha G. T1·iphala guggula.
Terminalia cheb. Triticum S.
(small-pox) : - Vateria I. etc.
Lens E. (obstinate) : -
Mangifera S. Vitex Negundo.
(from burns):- Withania S. etc.
Manjishtadya Ghrita. W oodfordia floribunda.
Myrica sapida. Zizyphus J. etc.
Myristica M.
Myrtus C.
(gastric and duodenal):- Cordia myxa.
(Parinama Sulam). Elephantopus S.
Oryza S . . Hibiscus P.
(plain and irritable):- (urethritis) : -
Papaver S. Pinus species.
Pedalium M. Pongamia G.
Phosphorus (P.R.T.) Prameha Mihira Taila.
Phyllanthus species. SoJium salts and preparations.
Pinus species. Siegesbeckia O. etc.
Piper betle. 298. URIC ACID DIATHESIS:
Plantago ispagula. (Sikatameha):-
Plumbago zeylanica. See "Gout".
Plumbum reduced.
Pongamia glabra. 299. URINARY COM-
Pr,ithvisara Taila. PLAINTS: (Prameham;
Punica G. Prameha Pitakas):-
Rourea S. See also: "Anuria;
Rubia C. Enuresis; Diabetes, Dropsy;
Santalum album. Nephritis; Gonorrhoea; etc.
Sauss~ea L. Althaea O. Jor irritability).
Sesamum I. (dribbling of urine in old
Shankhrt Bhasma. men):-
Shorea R. Benzoic Acid (P.R.T.)
(syphilitic) : - Changeri Ghita.
Adansonia D. \ Potassium salts;
Nerium O. Prameha Mihira Taita.
Silicium salts. Ricinis C.
(sloughing) : - Strychnos P.
Sodium salts and preparations. Vitex N. etc.

Zea M. etc. Pedalium murex.

Cissampelos P. Strychnos N.
Cocculus C. Styrax B.
Cocos N. Sulachanamritabhra.
(genital) : - Terminalia cheb.
Coriandrum S. (bloody urine):-
Cucumis Melo ~ S. Tribulus T.
Cucurbita M.
GochtLradi (or GochtLrathi) 300. URTICARIA:
Churnam. (Seetapitta; Shithapitha):-
Gokshuradyava Leha. Apis (P.H.T.)
Grewia W. ~4 rdraka-khanda.
Hedysarum A. Curcuma L.
Hemidesmus I. H aridrakhanda.
Herpestis M. Ptychotis ajowan.
(catcrrh) : - Zingiber officinale.
Hordeum V.
Hyoscyamus N. 301. UTERINE DISEASES:·-
Malva S. (See: "Menstrual disor-
Pistacia species. ders"; Menorrhagia; Dys-
(polyuria) : - menorrhoea; Amenorrhoea
Laboobai Saghur. and "Abortifacients"):-
Mehamudgara Rasa.
Melia Azadi. Andropogon Muricatus.
Mimosa P. Asoka Ghrita.
Pedalium M. Aurum muriaticum natronatunl.
Physalis species. (P.H.T.)
Portulacca species. Bombax malabaricum.
(painful) : - Coccus lacca. '
Prurus Amyg. Crocus S.
Raphanus S. Cuminum cyminum.
Rhus aromatica for anuria & (menstrual derangement):-
enuresis (P.H.T.) Curculigo O.
Senna for oxaluria (P.H.T.) Dolichos Bif.
Saccharum O. (haemorrh~ges);-
Sodium salts and preparations. Eclipta E.
(scalding 'urine);- .(during gestation);-
Sida R. Utpaladi Sritam . ..-
Tamarindus I. (catarrh) ; -
( calculi) ; - Ferula foetida & F. & G.
Spinacea O. Urtica D. ~
(retention) : (Mutraghatary) : (discharges) ; -
Strychnos N. Glycyrlhiza G.
(incontinence) ; - Gossypium L
(Mootrasangam). Grangea M.
Aconitum ferox. Holerrhena A.
Majoonai Kuvathiabah. Punica G.


(prolapsus) : - See also "Syphilis".
Hypericum P.
Myrtus C. Incligofera E.
Nigella S. Semecarpus A.
Paeonia E.
Papflver S. 306. VERTIGO: (Nandavayu;
Pedalium ::vi. Murccha-Bhrama) : -
PeterosalUrrum S. Ambra grisea (Ambergris)
(irritability) : - (P.H.T.)
Potassium salts. Corigndrum S.
Punica G. Nux vomica (P.H.T.)
(painful affections of uteru1;): Ruta (P.H.T.)
Pessaries ,of saffron (P.R.T.)
<;;araca I. 307. VOICE: (To hold & to help
Symplocos R. singers):-
Tribulus T.
Viburnam F. Mentha piperita (P.H.T.)

302. UVULA: (Elongatioll):- 308. VOMITING: (Chardi;

Chhardhi) : -
Allium S.
(uvulitis) : - See also: Indigestion.
Phyllanthus species. Abies Webbiana.
(relaxed) : - Aconitum heterophyllum.
Acacia catechu. Acorus calamus.
Symplocos R. Andropogon muricatus.
Bergera K.
303. V AGINI5:MUS:- Brassica A.
Cinnamomum C. & F.
Zingiber O.
Citrus B. & L.
Cyperus R.
304. "vATA" DISEASES:-,
Elettaria cardamomum.
Allium sativum. Hemidesmus I.
Alpinia officinarum. Mentha P.
Andrographis paniculata. (bilious) : -
Mentha S.
Cinnamomum camphora. Mollugo cerviana.
Ferula foetida. Myristica fragrans.
Hydrargyrum. Nardostachys jatamansi.
Moschus moschiferus. Plumbum and its salts.
Piper longum & its root. Tamarindus indica.
(obstinate) : -
Sida cotdifolia. Silicium salts.
Solanum Xanthocarpum. Sin;>,pis J.
Triphala. Terminalia Cheb.
Vitex negundo. Zingiber O.

309. WARTS: (Masaka; 313. WOMB DISEASES:-

Mashak):- See: "Uterine Diseases".
See also: Corns. 314 WORMS: (Krimi):-
Achyranthes- aspera. Aca.1ypha I.
~acardium O. Acorus. C.
Carica P. Aleurites M.
Euphorbia A. Alocasia I.
Jasminum G. Aloe B.
Mangifera indica. Alstonia S.
Oxalis C. Andropogon C.
Semeca~us A. Aristolochia B.
Urginia I. etc. Artemesia A.
White cabbage (P.R.T.) Bauhinia V.
Blumea B.
310. WHITE ANTS:- Boerhavia diffusa.
Melia Azadi. Butea frondosa.
Dillenia I.
311. WHITLOWS:- Embelia R.
Potassium salts.
Apis (P.R.T.) (round & tape):-
Crinum D.
Areca C.
Dioscorea (P.R.T.) (tape) : -
Euphorbia A. Ammonium embelate.
Nitric acid (P.R.T.) Argemone M.
Ordinary lemon (P.R.T.)
Cocos N.
Sulphur 200 (P.R.T.) . Cucurbita M.
Garcinia P.
Kamala powder.
Allium cepa. Mallotus P.
Alum (P.R.T.) Punica G.
Cannabis S. (thread) : -
Ephedra vulg.aris. Bambusa A.
Eucalyptus G. Gisekia P.
Euphorbia N. & Tir. Quassia E,
Ferula A. Sodium salts and preparati:Jns._
Gorochanam. (round):- ....
Indigofera T. Allium S.
Justice adhatoda. Bhoonimbadi Chtlrnam.
Opuntia dillenii. Carica P.
Lemonade (P.R.T.) Cleome V.
Pongamia G. Colycopterus F.
Sinapis J. Cyperus P.
Sulphur fumes. Ferula asafoetida (P.R.T.)
Tylophora A. Gardenia G.
Zinc salts and preparations~ Gyhandropsis P.

Hyssopus O. Ruta G.
Mangifera I. Sapindas T.
Mucuna P. Semecarpus anacardium.
Vernonia A. Sesbania species.
(ankylostoma) : - Solanum I.
Ceropegia B. Spaeranthus H.
Citrus A. Stannum (P.R.T.)
Cyperus R. Strychnos N.
Daemia E. Sulphur and its preparations.
Spinacea O. Tabernamontana species.
(guinea) : - Terminalia cheb.
Anona squamosa. Trichosanthus species.
Carica pap~ya. Urine (Ox's).
Datura A. Vernonia C. etc.
Vernonia C. etc. (haematinic) : -
Eclipta, E. Vidanga Lauha.
Emblica O. Vitex N. etc.
Etrythrina I. Zingiber Z.
Eulophia V. (Hook 'worms):-
Gloriosa S. Thymol (P.R.T.)
Holarrhena A. (all kinds of worms, trichinosis,
Melia Azadi. tapeworms) : -
Saline substances. Cuprum oxydatum nigrum ;.x
Sid a A. (P.H.'r.)
Sodium salts and preparations. (Seat worms)
Urine (horse's). Urtica Urens (P.H.T.)
Euphorbia T. 315. WOUNDS: (Salbovrana~
Ferula A. Sadyovrana) .
Helleborus N.
(round and thread):- Acacia catechu.
Embelia ribes. Acalpha indica.
Holarrhena A. Acorus calamus.'
Kitamarda Rasa. Agave Americana (P.H.T.)
Krimighatlini gutika. Arum C.
Krimimudgara Rasa. Balsamodendron O.
Luffa E. Bombax malabaricum.
,lVIallotus P. Borax.
Melia azadirachta. Calotropis gigantea & C.
Moringa P. pro cera.
Nigella S. Cupri sulphas.
Nyctanthes arbortristis. Cynodon dactylon.
Picrorrhiza kurrooa. Cyperus rotundus.
Piper species. Lactuca Scariola (P.H.T)
Ptychotis A. Mel depuratum.
Pyrethrum I. Saccharum officinarum.
Quassia E. Sida co,:,difolia.


(contusions and bruises):- JIydnocarpus I.

Coscinum F. I Kaempferia R.
Crocus S. Oryza S.
Curcuma Aro. & Z. (abrasions) : -
Ferula foet~da. ; Potassium salts.
Papaver S. . Saussurea L.
Plumbum and its salts. Sesamum 1.
Symplocos racemosa. Zinc salts and preparations.
Terminalia A. etc. (caused by poisoned arrows);
Desmodium T. Spondias M. etc.
Fagonia A. Sterculia A.
Friar's Balsam. (cuts) : -
Ghee. Styrax B.
(bruises) : - Woodfordia F.
Garcinia P. "'\ Zinc salts and preparations.
Hibiscus P.
Mentha S. 316. WRITER'S CRAMPS:-
Paeonia E.
Potassium salts. Ambra grisea (Ambergris).
(maggots) : - (P.H.T.)

Publications referred:-

(1) Clinical Application of Ayuryedic Remedies, (1924)

by Zandu Pharmaceutical Works, Ltd., Bombay.
(2) Fund~mental Principles of Ayurvedic Medicine, by
Government of Madras, Madras.
(3) One Hundred Useful Drugs (1927), by Dr. A. Laksh-
(4) Pharmacopoeia Indica (1932), by Dr. K. C. Bose.
(5) Practical Homoeo Therapeutics (1950), by Dr.
(6) Prospectus of the Government Ayurvedic and Un ani
College, (1937), Mysore. ....
(7) Vegetable Drugs of India (1924), by Dr. D.J ... Sanyul.

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Infonnative poin ts: -

(1) Total nutritive value or percentage of total nutriment
in dried fruits is more than in fresh raw fruits. (2) An
excess of cereal foods has a bad effect on the teeth.
Cocoanut oil; gingelly oil; '\ linseed oil; ground nut oil;
olive oil; cotton-seed oil; mustard oil; cocogem; etc., have
almost the same percentage of fats and calories per lb. as the
cod liver oil and fish liver oil.

Cholesterol contents of food-stuffs:___,

Animal Foods Vegetable Foods

Egg 1.85 %. Onions 0.05 %.

Yolk of egg .. 2 %. Carrots 0.03 %.
Cheese 0.8 %. Bread 0.025 %.
Bacon 0.4 %. Semolina (suji) 0.02 %.
Pork 0.24 %. Potatoes 0.015 %.
Butter 0.1 %. Chocolates .. 0.07 %.

N.B.-Animal food-stuffs contain much more cholesterol

than do vegetable ones. - E. & O. E.

The amount of food required by the average individual

to enable him to do moderately hard work has been
scientifically worked out in what are termed calories, each
article of diet having a certain caloric value. These calories
are obtained from the proteins, carbo-hydrates, fats, salts and
The term calorie (large*) means the amount of heat
that is required to raise one pound of water 4° F., or raise
the temperature of one kilogramme (2.2 pounds) of water-
1 ° Centigrade; an amount of energy equal to that required
for raising a weight much greater than our own bodi~s several
feet off the ground. The Calorie is a standard which is as
applicable in estimating the energy value of foods as the
gramme or pound is in calculating weight.
* In measuring the heat value of foods the large calorie,
which is 1,000 times greater than the one used, in PhYSics, is
used. The gramme is also used as the unit of weight for foods,
one Gramme = 15 grains; 1. ounce = 28.35 grammes.

Caloric Value of Food COllstituents:-

One (gr. or grm.) gramme of either pure protein or carbo-
bydrate (sugar or starch) yields or furnishes respectively,
on combustion 4.1 calories of heat; 1 gramme of fat yields
on an average 9.3 calories; and 1 gramme of alcohol y'ields
7.0 calories of heat to the body.
The method of applying the Calorie standard to a food
or any portion of diet, is very simple; in the case of protein
and carbo-hydrates, the percentage contained in the food or
diet is multiplied by 4.1 and in the case of fat by 9.3; the
sum of these products is the total Calories yielded by 100
grammes of the food or diet. (1 lb. = 453.592 grms.)
"Scientists have provE:!d by experiment that the foods we
eat are oxidised in the body giving off carbon-di-oxide and
water and releasing heat by which the warmth of the body
.is maintained and energy for work provided. Scientists have
also been able to determine the amount of heat with which
each feed will furnish the body and th~y indicate this quantity
in term of Calories. In other words, the caloric value of any
food is the measure of energy which is given out by the
complete oxidation or burning up of substance in the body.
A man doing moderately hard work requires food yielding
from 2,500 to. 3;500 Calories a day!' (Scottish Manhood, Octr.
1926) .
"The length of time" required for stomach digestion varies
with different food substances; (vide this Table) and also
depends upon the condition under which the food is eaten.
Healthy stomach digestion requires at least 5 hours for its
completion, and the stomach should have an hour for rest
before another meal. If fresh food is taken before that which
preceded it is digested, the portion of food remaining in the
stomach is likely to undergo fermentation, thus rendering
the whole mass of food unfit for the nutrition of the body,
besides fostering various disturbances of digestion. It has
been shown by recent observations that t~e length of time
required for food to pass through the entire digestive process,
to which it is subjected in the mouth, stomach and small
intestines, is from 12 to 14 hours.-("Science in the Kitchen",
br Mrs. E. E. Kellogg, A.M.,-Library of Health, Vol. V.)
. "The most complete foods from the nutritional standpoint
are the leafy vegetables,"-"Kidneys is better from the
nutritional standpoint than Beefsteak"; "Whole wheat flour
contains only about 95% of the whole wheat kernel, while

graham flour contains the whole kernel, and more of the

lninerals _ (Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and the Phos-
phates) ,,'_ (New Pocket Quiz Book, (1945) by Slider and
Crittenden) .
The undermentioned Tabies taken from an article by
Drs. Samsum Blatherwick and, Smith, in the Journal of the
American Medical Association, (Vol. 81, No. 11, Page 883),
give the principal foods, which are predominantly Acid and
Alkali producing respectively:-

Table 1. Acidity of certain Table 2. Alkali producing

foods. Per 100 Grammes. Foods. Per 100 Grammes.

Bread, white. 2.7. Almonds, 12.38.

Bread, wh~le wheat 3.0. Apples, 3.76.**
Corn, sweet, dried, .95 Asparagus, .81.
Crackers, 7.81. Bananas, 5.56.**
Cranberries, * BearJ,s, dried, 23.87.
Eggs, 11.10 Beans, Lima, dried 41.65.
Egg white, 5.24. Beets, 10.86.
Egg yolk, 26.69. Cabbage, 4.34.
Fish haddock, 16.07. Carrots, 10.82.
Fish, pike, 11.81. Cauliflower, 5.33.
Meat, beef lean, 13.91. Celery, 7.78.
Meat, chicken, 17.01. Chestnuts, 7.42.
Meat, frog, 10.36. Currants, dried. 5.97.
Meat, pork lean, 11.87. Lemons, 5.45.
Meat, rabbit, 14.80. Lettuce, 7.37.
Meat, veal, 13.52. Milk Cow's, 2.37.
Oysters, 30.00. Muskmelon, 7.47. **
Oat meal, 12.93. Oranges, ,
-<5.61. **
Pea nuts, 3.9. Peaches, • 5.04.
Prunes, plums, * Peas, dried, ='1.07.
Rice, 8.1. Potatoes, 7~19;'I'-*
Additional Acid-producing 'Radishes, 2.87.
foods:- Raisins, '.. 23.68.
(1) Bacon. Turnips, 2.68.
(2) Fish; Salmon; Sardines, ~ Additipnal Alkali-producing.

Table 1. Acidity of certain Table 2. Alkali producing

foods. Per 100 Grammes. Foods. Per 100 Granimes.

(3) Mutton. foods:-

(4) Walnuts. (1) Beans, ~tring.
(2) Cocoanuts.
(3) Cucumbers.
(4) Molasses.
(5) Mushrooms.
(6) Onions.
(7) Pears.

Peas, green.
E. & O.E ..

It will be observed from these that in the main, eggs, fish,

meats and oysters are the greatest acid-producing foods which
enter into the dietary, most commonly used.
* The ash of these foods is alkaline, but because of con-
tained: substances which form hippuric acid in the body, they
increase the acidity 'of the urine.
** These foods have been found experimentally to be
very efficient in reducing the acidity of the body. I

(From "Obesity: Its Types and Treatment", booklet

published by Battle and, Co.'s Chemists' Corporation, St.
Louis, ;Me.)

Vitamins in Foods And Dietetic Articles
Vitamin constitutes an unknown substance or a small vital
element, "Accessory Food Factor", or "a constant constituent
of living tissues"-also a body builder, discovered by Funk.
existing in several of our important dietetics in very minute
quantities, and found from careful investigation and experi-
ments to be the most essential one for normal development
of the young and maintenance of health, in addition to the
five well-known elements, viz., proteins, carbo-hydrates, fats,
salts and water.
"The number of vitamins thought to exist is increasing.
Some, put not all of the newly discovered ones, have been
shown to be necessary to human beings. The chemical com-

position of vitamins, A, B l , C, D 2 , D;}, E, K, riboflavin, nicotinic

acid, pyridoxine and pantoth~nic acid is known, and some of
them have been synthesised. On the other hand, "Vitamin"
B 5 , and Factor "Y" are now thought to be identical with
pyridoxine. Fresh evidence of the existence of the "Case in
:Fact-or" has. come from America".- (For more exhaustive

details, reo Vitamins, read Chapters on Vitamins in "The

Extra Pharmacopoeia" (1943), by Martindale, and "Treatise
on Tropical Therapeutics", (1950), by Sir R. N. Chopra, etc.)
Surgeon-General Cumming of the United States Public
Health Service, says: -"Let me emphasize this fact: 1,-Ve
,should obtain our vitamins from our food supplies and not
from drug stores or from nostrum vendors; we need select
only the proper foods to eat, and we will get an abundant
.supply of these precious substances".- ("Drugless Road to
Perfect Health", by Joseph H. Greer, M. D . ) . .
Vitamins exist in most of the natural foods, both animal
,and vegetable, particularly in glandular organs and products,
(e.g. milk, eggs, and liver, and in green grasses, vegetables
and fruits, and in the Embrayo and Hilla of Cereals and
Yeast). Vitamins are produced more in plants, from which
they pass directly with vegetable foods and indirectly with
,animal foods into the human system"; and it is from such
sources that milk-human or animal-obtains the high per-
centage of vitamins that is so valuable to infants and young
It is found that food free from vitamins is apt to cause
·diseases, generally known as deficiency diseases,-such as
scurvy beri-beri, rickets, eye,-diseases like Xerophthalmia or
Kerato-malacia, pellagra, osteomalacia, etc. and absence of
vitamins may even cause death. It is even said that without
VItamins, we slowly perish, physically and mentally. Vitamins
themselves do not contribute to the energy supply of the body,
but facilitate utilization by it of proteins, fats, carbo-hydrates,
and ,salts of food and vice-versa, i.e., they are complementary
-to each other. ...-
"The best and only certain source of all the. vitamins is
a well balanced diet; .therefore, a person in health with
proper nutrition does not require vitamin supplements. - Yet
'many persons, even in good economic circumstances, eat less
vitamin containing foods than, are necessary fOJ; optimal health.
No controlled evidence exists to show that vitamins exert a
'''tonic'' effect. There is probably much indiscriminate use of
the vitamin supplements. In illness.there may be considerable
variation in the body req_uirements depending upon age,

activity, diet, metabolic rate, and other factors affecting the

absorption, utilization and excretion of the vitamins. Vitamin
cleficiencies are usually multiple, particularly of fat soluble or
B complex vitamins as a group. Early signs of vitamin de-
ficiency are usually non-specific, vague, mild, easily misinter-
preted or missed entirely. The crude sources of the vitamins
are often more efficacious in therapy than the pure or
.synthetic. Only during the more severe phases of the
cleficiencies is it usually necessary to resort to the use of
"pure" vitamins. Treatment of vitamin deficiencies requires
an adequate, balanced, high protein, high vitamin diet, in
addition to necessary vitamin supplements. In general, it is
wise to use vitamins therapeutically in 5-10 times the amount
required for daily maintenance."-"Handbook of Medical
Management." (1951).
"Vitamins", ;>ays Dr. Hector Munro, a Harley Street
Specialist, "are nothing more nor less than stored sun-light.
The rays of light most valuable to health are those to the
right of the spectrum, and when these rays are excluded from
an area iri which a plant has been placed, the plant dies.
• These rays are caught and held by the fruits of the earth and
are the vitamins of which so much has been heard, lately.
Oranges and lemons contain a higher percentage of stored
sun-light than any other fruits in the world."
"As regards the question of the vitamins i~ general, I am
of opinion that their importance is being over-estimated by
the public at the present time, or perhaps it would be better
to say, that the importance of making special provision for
them is over-estimated. If the diet is right in other respects,
and especially, if it contains a reasonable amount of milk,
animal fat, and green vegetables, then the Vitamins may be
left to look after themselves. Should you, however, fear that
the diet may be deficient in the most important of the Vitamins
~the fat-soluble---'I should advise you to supply them in a
natural form, such as fish-oil, rather than as one of the many
artificial preparations with which the market is now flooded."
(Dr. Robert Hutchison in "British Medical Journal",
10-3-1934) .
Isolation of a number of Vitamins in crystalline form,
recognition of various clinical pictures due to deficiency of
these vitamins, and standardisation of dosage in treating
these conditions, constitute an important advance in
medicine during the past decade. The subject of vitamin
deficiency,- however, has resulted in widespread exploitation
of the public and claims that are obviously extravagant are

constantly being made. The recognition and treatment of early

deficiency-states present many difficulties. Cayer has recently
brought the material together I in a compact form. He found
that single deficiencies rarely qccurred in men. For this rea-
son, the clinical picture may pe exceedingly complex. It is
unwise to make a diagnosis 071, the basis of symptoms alone.
In patients who have an actual deficiency, satisfactory
response to oral therapy may be anticipated within 1 to 3
weeks. The physician should be familiar with the particular
product that he is prescribing and should compare the dosage
listed on the label with the therapeutic requirements given in
the following Table that was prepared by the Food and
Nutrition Board of the National Research Council:-

Daily Dietary Allowance of V'itamins for Adults

For For
men women
weight weight Mini- Therapeu-
150 lbs. 120 lbs. mum. tic Dose.

Vito A. International Units. 5000. 5000. 4000. 25,000.

Thiamin, mg. 1.8. 1.5., 1. 10 to 20.
Riboflavin, mg. 2.7. 2.2 2. 5 to 15.
Niacin, mg. 18. 15. 10. 100 to 150.
Ascorbic acid, mg. 75. 70. 30. 100 to 300.
Vitamin D. Int. Units. 400.
("Pharmacology & Therapeutics", (1948) by Dr. M. A.
"Diets, deficient in one vitamin, are often deficient in
others. Test administration of one of the B. Group of Vitamins
gives more accurate information for diagnosis purposes than
giving of foodstuffs rich in all members of this group. If
deficiency of one member of this group is demonstrated, it
may be assumed that deficiency of the others either exist or
is near at hand, and the proper treatment would be;o provide
all the Vitamins in abundance. Not all the Vitamins are equally
important to ordinary rp.an, who is chiefly conce'r,ned with
A.B.C. and :p." All vitamins appear to function ~'epzyroes
or co-enzymes in important metabollic processes.
"Vitamins are non-amino acid organic compounds
supplying active groups in hormones, respiratory enzymes and
other substance's controlling the activities of the Body", that
¥lust be supplied to the org~ism £roIl}- exogenous sources. "If

a person with depleted body reserves of one of .the water-

soluble Vitamins is given daily a dose representIng several
times the daily requirements of that Vitamin, most of it win
be retained in the body until the body reserves have been
built up, after which, the greater part of eac~ dose. will b~
excreted in the urine. Thus, by testing the urIne daily until
there is a sudde9 marked increase in its conten~ of ~he parti-
cular Vitamin, we can find.how much of the VItamIn had to
be given to saturate the body reserves, and thus obtain
a measure of the degree of deficiency. Such urine saturation
tests have been widely employed in nutritional surveys to
discover whether the diet has been supplying the deficiency
of a given vitamin."-(Pharmaceutical Pocket Book, 1944"
Page, 296).
"The body needs a wide variety of substances for repairs;
some of these it can manufacture, but other$ it has to obtain
ready-made. The latter fall into two groups, viz., those which
are stable, and those which are easily destroyed. Metallic
salts like those of iron are stable ones. The unstable group
of substances are present in fresh food, vegetables or fruits,
but are easily destroyed by processes used in food preservation,
and these are Vitamins. Both of these groups enter into the
composition of blood through the food stuffs, that animals eat.
But as VitaInins are produced only in plants, they pass directly
with vegetable food, but indirectly with animal foods, into
the human system. It has been observed that a total depriva-
tion of these Vitamins in the case of rapidly growing animals,
(human beings also) lead to diseases, now known as 'deficiency
diseases',-the most common being, Scurvy, Beri-beri, Rickets
and Pellagra. Recent investigations have led to the discovery
of minimum human needs of the various VitaInins. It is
important to remember that the minimum requirement is not
the SaIne as the optimum supply. The aim of nutrition is
not to discover the deficient diets on which human beings
can manage to survive, but the diets optimum for the mainte-
nance of full health and activity. The effects provided by
complete Vitamin-lack are much easier to recognise than
are the effects of partial deficiency; and these latter are more
important in the investigation of disease.
Vitamin deficiency may arise from three causes: (1)
Deficiency of VitaInins in food; (2) Failure to absorb Vitamins
from food; (e.g.-Chronic gastritis may prevent the absorption
of water soluble Vitamins; obstrusive jaundice prevents the
absorption of Vitamin K.. leading to a tendency of bleeding
which is noticed in Cirrhosis of the liver). (3) Conditions in
which Vitamin needs are increas~d.

Though people are becoming more and more "Vitamin-

Conscious" these days, .it is advisable that they try, to obtain
them from a mixed diet rathet than from synthetic products
and Government will confer a boon on the people if it should
see that rationing is skilfully devised to ensure the distribution
of Vitamins. '
N.H.-For details of sources of varied Vitamins, refer to
the Table at the end of this Appendix.
Vitamins have been classified as either Fat-soluble or
,Water-soluble:- .

Fat-soluble Vitamins. . Water-soluble Vitamins.

A: -Axerophthol. B or BI (F) or Thiamin.

E. EO! (G) or Riboflavin; Pantho-

thenic acid.

K. Btl (H) or Adermin; Pyri-

B7 Nicotinic acid or Acidum
Nicotinicum or Niacin.
C 1 or Ascorbic acid.
Para-Amino-Benzoic A c i d;
Folic Acid; Biotin; Inositol;
Choline; or Hesperidin.

Table for Vitamin Measurements:-

1 Microgram = one millionth of a gram, or
1 Milligram = 320 International Units.
N.B.-Progressive research (scientific and medical) has
been fast changing the old conceptions about
Vitamins are called fat-soluble, because they are
found in fats or oils of animals or plant tisSue. They
exist in that small portion of the fats wl;ich is not
saponifiable, i.e., they are not themselves fat.
Vitamins A. C. and D. and Calcium and Phosphorus
most directly influence tooth structure. Vitamins
A. C. and D. are all necessary for tht; proper build-
ing of the mineral salts into the living tissues of
the body. The Vitamins that a pregnant woman
needs are vitamiqs A. B .•C. and D;
.. 1-" -


The sooner the vegetables are cooked and eaten after they
are brought from the garden or market, the better. It must
be noted that prolonged cooking', canning or drying destroys
the Vitamins (except Vitamin "D") , even though all the rest
of the nutrition of the foods remains. Moderate cooking does
not kill all of them, though it weakens their action. Vegetables
are best cooked with a little moisture and fat. A large
number of common ailments can be cured by improved
methods of cooking and dieting, and a higher standard of public
health and general fitness can be secured. But, remember
that the maximum amount of good is obtained from vitamins
present in food in the raw state. That is why Salads should
always be preferred to cooked foods.
Col. MacCarrison, the great Food and Nutrition Expert
has summarised the functions of Vitamins thus:-
1. Vitamins are constant constituents of living tissues.
Although present in very small amounts, maintenance of health
is dependent on. their action.
2. Vitamins themselves do not contribute to the energy
supply of the body, but facilitate utilisation by it of proteins,
fats, carbo-hydrates and salts of food.
3. Proteins, fats and carbo-hydrates and salts cannot
support life without Vitamins, nor Vitamins without these
proximate principles; they are complementary to each other;
without Vitamins, the body starves.
4. A distinct relationship exists between the amounts of
Vitamins required and the balance of food in protein, fats,
carbo-hydrates and salts, the efficiency of Vitamin depending
on the composition of the food mixture.
5. A distinct relation exists between the amount of
Vitamin required and the rate of metabolic processes.
6. Each Vitamin plays a specific part of nutrition.
7. It appears that Vitamin A. is associated with the
metabolism of lipoids and calcium, . as well as the chemical
re-actions requisite for growth and maintenance.
8. Vitamin B. appears to be associated with the meta-
bolism of carbo-hydrates and with the chemical re-actions
and functional perfection of all cells, particularly nerve-cells.
9. Vitamin C. appe&rs to be associated with the meta-
bolism of Calcium and with the chemical re-action of growing
tissues. I

10. All Vitamins are concerned in the maintenance of


orderly balance between destructive and constructive cellular

11. One Vitamin cannot replace another, although its
function may be interfered With by the absence of another.
12. The final result of their deficiency is the same what-
ever be the degree of deprivatIon; the greater the deprivation,
the more rapid is the onset of symptoms due to it; the lesser
the deprivation, the slower is the onset of the symptoms due
to it.

.13. Each Vitamin exercises a specific influence on the
adrenal glands; the effect of their deprivation on these organs
is one of the most outstanding features of deficiency diseases.
14. Vitamins influence markedly the production of
hormones and all external secretions.
15. There is reason to believe that the capacity of any
given cell for work is impaired in proportion to the degree
of Vitamin starvation.
16. Vitamins aid the tissues in resisting Infection.
17. Vitamins, especially Vitamin B. induce in the human
and animal body a desire for food.
18. Vitamins are one link in the chain of essential
substances requisite for .harmonious regulation of chemical
processes of healthy cellular action. If the link be broken,
harmony ceases or becomes discord, as it may cease or become
discord, if any other link be broken.
19. The place of Vitamins in human economy must be
considered in connection with the metabolism as a whole, in
connection with their relation to other essential food requi-
sites, with their relation to organs of digestion and assimila-
tion and with their relation to endocrine regulators on
metabolic processes.
The Vitamins have special influences on the adrenal
glan~s. According to Dr. George. W. Orile, "The adrenal
gland is to the autonomic system, approximately 'l"what brain
is to the cerebro-spinal system. It forces the kinetic drive.
There are 35 nerve~ going through the adrenal." (<'Health and
Happiness", November, 1935, Pages 268 and 269), ~


The following are the authoritative, summarised minimum
amounts considered necessary by the League of Nations'
Health Organisation and the optinial amounts suggested by-

the National Nutrition Conference for Defence, U.S.A.

For a man of 70 Vit A. Vito B. Vito C. Vito D. Ribo- Nicoti-
l{jlos. LU. I.U. Mg. I.U. flavin nic acid.
(Thia- (Ascor- Mg. (B 2 )
min) . bic Mg.
acid) .
"Minimum re-
quirements. 3000. 300. 30.
Optimal re-
quirements. 5000. f 700.
* 75.
3.3. f 23.18. *
{ 2:2. t 15.
"According to heavy, medium or light work.

The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research
'Council (England), has recommended the following daily
allowances for the three best known members of the Vitamin B
Thiamine. Ribofla- Nicotinic
(B 1 ) • vin. (B2)' Acid.
Mg. Mg. Mg.

Man (70 Kg.)

Moderatively active, 1.8. 2.7. 18.
Very active, 2.3. 3.3. 23.
Sedentary, 1.5. 2.2. 15.
Woman (56 Kg.)
Moderatively active, 1.5. 2.2. 15.
Very active, 1.8. 2.7. 18.
Sedentary, 1.2. 1.8. 12.
Pregnancy ( Latter half,) 1.8. 2.5. 18.
Lactation, 2.3. 3.0. 23.
Children up to 12 years.
Under 1 year, . 0.4. 0.6. 4.
1 - 3 years, 0.6. 0.9. 6.
4 - 6 years, 0.8. 1.2. 8.
7 - 9 years, 1.0. 1.5. 10.
10 -12 years, 1.2. 1.8. 12.

Children over 12 years (Girls) .

13 -15 years, 1.4. -2.0. 14.
16 -20 years, 1.2. 1.8. 12.
13 -15 years, 1.6. 2.4. 16.
16 -20 years, 2.0. 3.0. 20.
--'1 Mg. thiamine equals 333 International' Units.

Daily allowances of other Vitamins as recommended by-

. the National Research Council in 1948:-
Vitamin A. 5,000-8,000 I.U. P-P Niacin 10-20 mg.
HI Thiamin 1.2-1.8 mg. C. Ascorbic acid 70-150 mg.
H2 Riboflavin 1.8-3.0 mg. D. 400 units ..

There is no evidence of harmful effects from overdosage-

of any of the Vitamins except perhaps Vitamin D. and then
only when the diet contains excessive amounts of Calcium.
Even then the ill-effects can be counteracted by taking large-
amounts of salads and green vegetables.
The best way to ensure adequate intake of Vitamins
(both known and unknown) is to eat "Whole'" foods or foods:
which have been processed as little as possible. If .a food is..
"refined" in some way, a valuable part of it may be removed,
and this part will almost certainly contain not only known
substances, but unknown substances, some of which may be
essential for perfect nutrition. Vitamin concentrates should
only be resorted to, when serious deficiency' is suspected, for
even the best of them can only make up certain deficiencies,
not all.
It should be realised that different samples vary greatly-
in their Vitamin content. Moreover, in assessing the Vitamin
content of a diet, it should be remembered, (a) that Vitamin
A. is affected very little by cooking, but that Vitamins HI
and C, may be partly dissolved out in the cooking water,
(abc;mt one-quarter), and partly destroyed by heat ""(about 1
quarter); hence the Vitamin B I • and C. contents' of foods;
may be reduced to one half size by ordinary processes of
cooking; and (b) it is not certain that man can maKe full
use of the carotene in vegetables and therefore the. Vitamin A ..
value of a vegetable to man is probably only about a half
or one-third of that indicated by a chemical determination ·of
its carotene content", (pages 767-768 of Martindale's Extra
Pharmacopoeia, Vol. II, 1943)1.

Prof. V. H. Mottram, the great European authority on

Nutrifion, who has done very valuable work on Vitamins
concludes: - ,
On one occasion, he cooked butter for sixteen 'hours
at a temperature above the boiling point of butt~r. At
the end he found the Vitamin A. content was Just as
high as before. He found that Vitamin D. can stand
distillation qt comparatively high temperatures, and that
Vitamin B 1 . can also withstand boiling. His great con-
clusions have been that reasonable yooking destrc;>ys none
of the Vitamins except C., which is destroyed by prolonged
heat. Potatoes lose their Vitamin C. if cooked for 20
minutes, and then put in a hay 1?ox for six hours!"
The effect of canning on Vitamin contents has been shown
to be much less drastic than supposed. Canning or cooking
fruits may destroy up to 50% of their Vitamin content, in
sorlie cases much less. But an ordinary helping of canned
grape fruit still contains enough to provide a day's ration of
Vitamin C.
Great progress has been made in the production of
synthetic Vitamins and Vitamin Extracts, extremely valuable
for "fortifying" foods and for treatment of cases of Vitamin
deficiency. The isolation of Vitamin A. from liver oil should
result in less waste and greater use being made of, for instance,
fish livers.
Vitamin C. has been shown to be an important factor in
the healing of wounds and setting of bones. During the war,
there were many opportunities of discovering the effects and
deciding on the best ways to use the Vitamin for this purpose.
Every British soldier was provided with a box of 100 synthetic
Vitamin C. tablets, which ensured freedom from deficiency of
this Vitamin, when active service conditions enforced a diet
that might be lacking in fresh vegetables and other natural
sources .. Many chemical plants in Britain are engaged on the
large scale manufacture of the synthetic Vitamin, which
appears to be the same in every way, as the natural product.
It is important to distinguish between Vitamin "Extracts"
and synthetic Vitamins. Extracts are made from natural
products, rich in the Vitamin, the essential chemical being·
concentrated. The synthetic Vitamin is made by following
an analysis of the structure of the chemical and it mav be
built up from the atoms in raw materials far removed from
the natural foods, which are rich in the Vitamin. The great
advantage is the enormous quantities that can be made,

quantities far greater than could be economically produced

from natural sources. Syntheti<r Vitamins will be. particularly
important in restoring health to liberated territories of the
World War II.
Man does not live by Vitaplins alone, but it has been
shown that these mysterious c4emicals play a vital part in
enabling him to make proper use of foods essential to health.
Ordinary man taking a varied diet is likely to get all the
Vitamins he needs without giving the matter a thought and
this, of course, is the ideal method.
There is still much to be discovered in this comparatively
new branch of dietetics. It is a fascinating study and is
remarkable for the minute quantities which can make all the
difference between good health and serious illness. (From
"Six Scientific Years"- (1946), by Prof. A. M. Low).
N.B.-For still more detailed information reo Vitamins,
readers are requested to read authoritative pub-
lications (Books as well as Journals) on Western
Materia Medica, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics,
and also the following publications, though small,
will be very useful: - .
1. Booklet titled "Vitamin Products for Prescription
Use" published every; year by Messrs Eli Lilly
& Co., Manufacturing Chemists, Indianapolis 6,
Indiana (U.S .A.)
2. "V. D . H. Vitamin Products", booklet published
by British Drug Houses, Ltd., London. .
3. "Vitapan:-New Combination of Vitamins",-
booklet published by Cipla, Bombay 8.



Articles. 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' per kilo-

Alfalfa grass (dried) . 2.

Almonds, 1. 2. L. Cont.ains
Amaranth leaves, 3. 3.
Apples, (fresh) 1. 1. ~3V.

Articles. 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' contents

Apricots, 3. 1. 1.
Artichoke, 1. 1. 1. 0·31.
(white, green), 1. 3. 3.
"'Atta" see:-wheat
flour, whole
Bananas (raw)
(green) 2. 3. 2.
.Barley, pearled, 1. Contains
Barley, whole iodine.
grain. 1. 2. N. 1.
Beans cooked,
(string) , . 2. 2. 1,
Beans dried, 1.
Beans French, .. 1. 2. 2. 0.32.
Beans green, snap, 3. 3. 3.
Beans kidney, 1.
(dried) L. 3. ~. 1.
Beans Lima, 1. 2. 1.
Beans Navy, 1. 3. N.
Beans Soy, or
Soya,· 3. 3. ....'> 2.
Beans Soy, see:-
Soy beans 1. 1.
Beans String
(fresh), 2. 2. 2.
Beans Sprouted, 1. 2. 2.
Beef, lean, 1. 1. 1. 1.
Beef, fat, (suet), 3. N. N. 3.
Beet leaves,
(greens), 2. 2. 1.

* I.-Contains the Vitamin~ 2.-Good source of the

Vitamin. 3.-Excellent source of the Vitamin. N.-
No appreciable amount of the Vitamin. D.-Doubt
as to presence or relative amount. L.-Evidence
lacking or insufficient. V.-Variable.
N.B.-If you desire to see a Table of Vitamins according
to the basis of International Units, and Micrograms,
Mi1ligrammes, etc., please refer to the Annual
Diaries published by the Teddington Chemical
Factory, Ltd., P.O. Box 229, G.P.O., Bombay, 1.

Articles. 'A' 'B' 'C'I 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' contents

Beets, (Beetroot) , N. 2. 3. 2.
Beets, stems, · . 1.
Beets, tops, 1. 1. 1. 1. 3.
Blackberries, · . 1. 2.
Brains (Animal), 1. 2. ID.
Bran of rice
(fresh) 2. 1.
Bread, brown, 2. 2.
Bread, white
(water) , D. 1. N.
Bread, white
(milk) , 1. 1. D.
Bread, whole, meal, 3. 3.
Bread, whole wheat
(water), 1. 2. D.
Bread, whole wheat
(milk) , 2. 2. D.
Brinjal, 2. 1.
Brussels sprouts, 3. 1. 3.
Butter, 3. 1. N. 2. 1.
Butter, fats, 3.
Butter-milk, or
Sour milk, 1. 2. IV. 1.
Cabbage, cooked,
(head) , 1. 2. 1.
Cabbage, fresh Raw,
whit~ & green, 3 3. 3. 1. 2. 0.21.
Carrots, cooked, 2. 1. 1.
Carrots, fresh, raw, 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.
Cauliflower, 1. 2. 3. 2.
Celery & celery
root, 1. 3. 2. 1.. 2.
Celery bleached &
1. ,<
stems, 2. 4.
Celery bleached
leaves, 3. 2. L.
Celery green leaves, 2. 2. L.
Cereals, whole grain
(unmilled) , · . 3. 3 (Bl). 1. 2.
Chappati, 2. 2. L.
Cheese, full milk,
(fresh) , / .. 3. 1. 1..
.. ..."

Articles. 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G'Contains

Cheese, cottage, 1. L. L.
Chestnut, L. 1. L.
Chillies, green, 1. 2. ....

Chicken, 1. 1. O. 1.
Chocolate, .. 1. 1.
Citrus fruits, 3.
Cocoa, 1. Cont::tins
/ iodine.
Cocoanut, dried &
fresh, resptly. 1. 2. L.
Cocoanut, milk, 1. 1.
Cocoanut, oil, 1.
Codliver oil, 3. 3. 1. Contains
Coffee, Has vitamins in a small amount.
Coriander & its
leaves, 3. 3.
Corn, cobs, 2.
Corn, dried, 1. 1. 1.
Corn, meal, 1. 1. 1.
Corn, sweet, 1. 1. 1.
Corn yellow, 3. 2. 1.
Corn, maize,
(white) , 1. 2. L.
Corn, maize,
(yellow) , 1. 2. L.
Crab, 1.82.
Cream, 3. 2. IV. 1.
Cresso, L. L. 1. 1.
Cucumber, 1. 1. 2.
Curds,-See Dadhi.
Currants, black, 3.
I Dadhi, (dahi) ,
• i.e., Curds, . . 1. 1.
Dandelion, Greens, 3. 2.
Dates, (Persian), 3. 1. 1.
Dhal, 1. 3. 3.
Drumstick, 3.
Duck, 1. J.
Egg plant, dried, 1. 2. 1.
Eggs, 3. 2 (B 1 ) 1. 3. 1. Contains

Articles. 'A' 'E' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' Iodine


Eggs, yolk, 3. 2. iD. 3. 2.

(Escarole) , 3. 12. 2.
Fats, animal, ' 3. 2.
:£<'igs, dried & fresh
respectively, 1. 1.
Fish, fat, 3. 1. L.
Fish, fresh, e.g.,
Hilsa, 3. 2. 2.
Fish, Lean, N. .1. L. 3.
Fish, Liver oils, 3.
Fish, Oils, 2.
Fish, Roe & fish liver
& oils, 2. 2. ID. 3.
Flour, white, L. 1. L.
Flour, whole
wheat, N to 1. 2. 1. 1.
Fresh vegetables, green
& leafy, 3. 3.
Fruits, fresh &
juices, 3. 2. 2.
Garlic, 1. 1. 2.
Germ of rice, · . 1. 2. 1. 2.
Gourd, bitter, .. 3.
Grams, 1. 2. 1. iodine.
Grams, germinating, 3. 2. 3. Contains
Gram, Bengal, 3. 3. 0.020.
Ghee pure or butter

Grape fruit,
(clarified) , 2. 2.
1. 2. 3.
Grape juice, fresh, 1. 1. 3.
Grape juice & Contains
grapes, 1. 1. iodine.
Greens, 3. «
Green leaves, ·
. 3. 2. 2. 3.
Guava, 1: 3.
Gurh or Indian
brown sugar, 1.
Halibut, 1.
Halibut, liver oil, 3. 3.
Heart (Animal) 1. 2. I
Articles. '.A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G'Iodine.

Herrings, 3.
Hickory nuts, L. 2. L.
Honey, 1. 1.
Horse radish, 1. 1. 1.
Husks of certain
seeds, 3.
Jack fruit, 3.
Kidney, (animal) 2. 3. ID.
Kohlrabi, 1. 1. 3.
Ladies' fingers, \ 2. 1.
Leafy vegetables, 3. 3.
Leeks, 1. 1. 2.
Legumes, sprouted, L. 2. 2.
Lemon juice, fresh, 2. 2. 3. ? Contains
w. Iodine
Lentils, dried, .. 3. 3.
Lettuce leaves, fresh 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. -do-
Lichee, 1. 2.
Limes, L. 1. 1.
Linseed, 2. 2.
Liver (animal:s) &
liver extract, ~3. 3 (B 1 ) 2. 3. 3.
Liver-oils, 3.
Lobster, 1.78.
Mackerel, 1.
Maize, (yellow) & Contains
maize oil, 2. 3. 3. iodine.
Mango, ripe,
Marmite (yeast
3. 1.
. 3.
extract) 2.
Meat, goats', 1. 1.
Meat, lean, . N to 1. 2. 1D. 2.
Meat, underdone, 2. 2.
Milk (Sheep's),
Milk, condensed,
-3: 1.
3. 2.
Milk, Cow's, 3. 3. 3. 3.
Milk, dried (whole) 3. 2. 1V.
Milk, fresh, raw/
unboiled, 3. '3. 2. 2. 2. -do-
Milk, goats' &
sheeps', .. '3. 1. 1. 3. 1.

Articles: 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' Iodine

M ilk,' 'scalded', .,
Milk skinuned ,
3. 2. ~.

(c~w'S dried), l. 2. 1;V. 1. I.

Milk, whole, raw,
(dried) , 2. 1. 1.
Millet, (Ragi), 3. 2.
Molasses, 2. 1.
Mother's milk,
(human), 3. 1. 1.
Mushroom, 1. 2.
Muskmelons, 1. 1. 2.
Mutton Fat, 2. 1. N.
Mutton, lean, N. 1. N. 1.
Nolkole. 1. 1. 1.
Nuts, (Ground), 2.
Oatmeal, 1. 2. 1. 0.009.
Oats, rolled, whole I. 3. N. 2. Contains
Oleomargarine, I. N. N.
Olive oil, I. I. 1.
. Olives, ripe & dried,
respectively, • 1.
Onions, raw, N. to 1. 3. 2.
Onions, cooked, 1. 2. 1.
Orange juice, fresh, 3. 2. 3. 1. 1. 2.
Orange peel, I. I. 2.
Oysters, (raw), 2. 1. Contains
Palm oil, 1. 1. .1.
Papaya ripe, 3. 1. 3.
Parsley, 3. 2. 3. 0.017.
Parsnips, ND. 2. 2.
Peaches, fresh
(raw) , 1. I. 2. .<
Peanut or Arachis C,pntains
oil, 2. 2. L. I. iodine.
Peanuts, (raw) , 3. 2: L.
Pears, 1. 1.
Peas, dried, I. 2. L. 1.
Peas, green, fresh
& sprouted, . . 3. 2. 3. 0.80 .
Peppers, fresh, ~

~~ -

Articles. 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' Iodine


green, 2. 3.
Pigeon, 1. 1.
Pig, kidney, fat, 2. N. N.
Pineapple (fresh, raw),
juice, etc., 2. 2. OJ

Pine nuts, 1. 1. L.
Plums, 1. 1.
Polishings of rice: see rice polishings below.
Pomegranates, 1. 1.
Pomels, 3.
Porridge, 2.
Potatoes (boiled
10 min.), 1. 2. 2.
Potatoes (white,
raw), N to 1. 2. 2. 0.010.
Potatoes, fresh, . 1. '1. 1.
Potatoes, (boiled
1 hour,) L. 2. 1D.
Potatoes, Sweet, ')
oJ. 2. 1.
Potatoes, white,
baked, 1. 2. 1.
Prunes, fresh & dried, Contains
respectively, 3. 3, N.D. iodine.
Pumpkins, 3. 1. 1.
Radishes, L. 2. 3.
Raisins, L. 1. 1.
Raspberries, (fresh
or canned) .. L. L. 3.
Rice-bran (See Bran of rice).
Rice-germ (See germ of rice) .
Rice-natural, brown
& red, whole, 3. 2. 2.
Rice-polishings, (See polishings· of rice above).
Rice (unmilled or I
unpolished), N to 1. 3. D.l. 3. 0.17.
Rice (whole grain), 3. 2.
Roots, fleshy, .. ~. 1.
Root vegetables, 3.
Rutabaga, N.D. 2. 3.D.
Rye, whole, 1. 3. L.
28 Ij

Articles. 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E.' 'F' 'G' Iodine


Sago, 1. Contains
Salads, 3. 3.
Seeds, (germinating),
(for sprouts), 3. 3.
Shrimps, 2.
Shrimps, Grey, 5.91.
Skim milk powder 3.
Soji or semolina, 1. 3.
Sorrel, 0.12_
Sour-milk, See Butter-milk.
Spinach, cooked, 2.
Spinach, dried, 3. 2. L.
Spinach, fresh,
(raw) , 3. 3. "J. 3. 3. 2.
Sugar, white, .. 1.
Squash, (Hubbard,
yellow), 3. 1. 1.
Sugarcane, 1. 1.
Sweet breads, 1. 1. L.
Sweet potatoes, 3. 2. #2.
Tamarind, dried), 1. 1.
Tapioca, 1.
Tea leaves, Contains vitamins in model:ation. 1. 0.23_
Tomatoes, (raw or
canned), 3. 3. 3.
Tomatoes, (cooked), 2. 3. 3.
Turnips, green,
(tops) , 3. 3. 3. 2.
Turnips, tops, .. 3. 3. 2. 1.
Turnips (yellow), 1. 2.
Turnips, (cooked) 2.
Veal, L. 1. L. .,,-,
Vegetables, green,
cooked, 2.
Vegetables, green & raw, '
fresh & leafy, 3. 2. 3. 2.
Vegetables, yellow,· 3.
Vegetables, oils, N to 1. 1. 3.
Walnuts, L. 3. L. Contains
Water-cress, 3. 2." 3~

Articles. 'A' 'B' 'c' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' Iodine,


W ater-melons, 1. 1. 1.
Wheat bran, &
embryo, 1. 2. L.
Wheat flour, whole
(Atta) , 1. 3. 3. 0.007.
Wheat germs (germinated
. 3. Contains
wheat) & their oil, 2 J.
Wheat, whole grain, 2. 1. 3.
Whey, cow's milk, 1. 1. 1.
Wine, 1. t

Yams, 1. 1.
Yeast & yeast
extracts, oJ.

YeHow corn, 3. 3.
Yolk of eggs, 3. 2 2.

Iodine containing Foods & Dietetics articles, other than those

listed in this Table.

(1) Green. corn.

(2) Green lentils.
(3) Chestnuts.


Ctl •
o ""'"
....... Ctl


., o

As these are times of Food Shortage in India, and cries

()f "Eat More Fruit", "Drink More Milk," and "Eat More Fish"
are rampant, hereunder is given a 'Fish Food Value Chart',
for the attention of non-vegetarians to enable them choose the
'hest:- :


Commodities. Vitamins. Protein. Fat. Mineral

Calcium, Phos-
1. Carp, A.B. 19~~ 1',;' phorus, Copper,
2. Cat fish, A.B. 14'/< 21,/; -do~
3. Crabs, A.B.G. 17/~ 2'i; -do~
- 4. Herrings -do-
(Indian) A·B.D. 19'~ 11~1c -do~
5. Jew fish, 18.76;; 0.21 j1 -do~
6. Lobsters, .. A.B. 16)!, 2,/< -do~
7. Mackerel, A.B. 19~{' 7% -do~
8. Mussel
(Blue) , 9.~·J7<· 1.97J{
9. Oysters, A.B.D.G. 6 0l
Ie 1 ?/, C.I.C.P.S.
1.0. Pomfret, 20.30':1, 2.60'/'
11. Prawns, 20.76~;; O.fi9j!,·
12. Ribbon fish, 18.11 'ft 3.24?1r
13. Salmon, A.B.D.G. 22~1c 13'f,
14. Sardine, 20.84'7j 1.93 'A
15. Shark, 22.93';;' O.691,X
16. Shrimps, A.B.D. 25;; 1'1;
17. Seer, 22.45j1, :t06J~
18. Trout, A.B. 187< 10'l~

(Hind Fisherman, Octr. 10th, 1951, Vol. 1, No.1, Madras.)


Vitamin A:-This is anti-infective, and Fat-soluble,

existing in great proportions. in Cod-liver Oil and Shark-'iver
Oil,-is a stable non-nitrogenous substance which promotes
growth and prevents rickets in children and young animals.
Vitamin A. in the diet of infants, newly-born and growing,
strengthens and preserves the epithelial membranes, thereby
increasing their resistance to infective organisms, an.d when
sufficiently supplied to the P)'egnant 1)10ther, prevents only in-
t •.

Iection from developing in the mother. Therefore, this Vita-

min is absolutely essential to the pregnant mother and the
growing child. Adults, however, need only a small quantity.
"Persons who are on normal dietary are not benefitted by
Vitamin A, even if it is administered in large doses". (Dr. H_
Y. Savnur). "It has got special action on the skin and mucous
membranes, which line the inside of the eyelids, the nose, the
air passages, the stomach, the bowels and the bladder; Le., it is
essential for maintaining the integrity of the epithelial linings
throughout the body and the proper structure and function of
the nervous system. "The healthy skin or mucous membrane
offers resistance to the entry of deceased germs into the.body."
The main sources of the active parts of this Vitamin are:-
Certain fats of animals,-except lard and vegetable fats-and
to a lesser extent from red fruits and vegetables. Cereals and
nuts are, in general, poor in Vitamin A. "'While vegetable
foods do not contain Vitamtn A. the yellow pigment (of plants)
. carotene, which is not easily affected by heat, but is said to be
destroyed by ultra-violet light; (whose character is pro-
Vitamin A., or the precursor or mother-substance of Vitamin
A."), which is pre"ent in many such foods, especially in the
yell9w of fruits,-m the Carrot from which the name of the
pigment is derived,-and in the vegetables, appears able to ful-
fil the physiological functions of Vitamin A. in the body.
"Vitamin A. is formed in the liver of the animal body from
the carotenoid plant pigments and crypto-xanthin, which occur
in green vegetables and cereals; but animals concentrate this
Vitamin in their fatty-tissues, Kupffer cells, in increasing
amounts, with increasing age upto adulthood. Chlorophyll in
green vegetables is an indirect source of Vitamin A. There
are four types of carotene, viz., a, Band y, and Crypto-xanthin,
·of which a and B. carotenes are the most important. The caro-
tenes are hydro-carbons, belonging to the class of terpenes."
In Cod-liver Oil Vitamins A. and D. are so proportioned
that no further supplementing of Vitamin D. is needed. In
the case of Shark-liver Oil, Vitamin A. is very predominant,
so that further supplementing of Vitamin D. will be needed to
render it more balanced. Fortunately concentrated Vitamin
D. preparations like Calciferol are easily available to do the
needful satisfactorily. Vitamin.A. requirements can be cover-
ed by the consumption of a suitable well-balanced vegetable
diet. Vitamin A. and D. tablets} prepared scientifically in
.Haffkine Institute, Parel, Bombay, are recommendable.
In western countries, a large proportion of the total Vita-

min A. activity of the diet is usually derived from Vitamin A.

contained in animal foods, which are comparatively expensive,
and there, pure Vitamin A. ha$ been sy.ntheti~ally prepared as
a crystalline substance, from the fish-lIver 011, notably of the
Shark and Halibut, the properties of which are identical to the
properties of natural Vitamiii A. :It is called Axerophthol.
Vitamin A. crystals are regarded as having 3 million Inter-
national Units per 100 grams. While one millionth gram of
pure carotene is regarded as the International Unit of Vitamin
A. The International Unit (I.U.) , is the "Reference Cod-liver
Oil" of the U.S.P., which contains 3000 I.U. per Gm. The
International Standard Unit is one U, (0.001 mgm). "Some
Nutritionists regard that the daily intake of Vitamin should be
4000 International Units, while for optimal dose, 50% more
should be provided for healthy adults". "Over-dosing with
Vitamin A. or supply more of it at a time than can be utilised
or stored in a system, causes no toxic effects. The unassimilat-
ed portion is simply excreted out. . When oral administration
of Vitamin A. is not possible, it may be introduced parenterally
or subcutaneously". "Larger doses may be given without un-
desirable effects and are often advisable in the early treatment
of deficiencies. When relief of deficiency ~ymptoms has been
obtained, considerably smaller doses may be continued for long
periods". But, if Vitamin A intake is massive (e.g., 500,000-
1,000,000 J.U. daily), it may cause alopecia, itching, pone pain
from new growth of periosteal bone."

"Before World War II, we (Indians) depended for"

supply of Vitamins A & D. on Cod-liver Oil imported
mainly from Norway and later on from England. Cod-
liver Oil was known from a very long time for its
growth-promoting and ricket-preventing properties.
During the early stages of Vitamin research, Cod-liver
Oil was thought to be a very rich source of Vitamin A.
& D. As there was no other method but the costly and
time-consuming biological method of testing and assay-
ing Vitamins A. and D., other sources of these Vitamins
were slow to be found. But easier and quic~r chemi-
cal and physico-chemical methods were soon c;leveloped
for determining Vitamin A., and soon richer sources of
Vitamin A. were discovered. Cod-liver Oil on an aver-
age contains about 1000. International Units of Vit~in
A. per gram; never exceed 3000 generally. Halibut Liver
'Oil, on an average, 50,000 International Units per gram
and sometimes tops 300,000 Units. Indian Shark-liver
Oil averages about 10,~00 to 15,000 and at times reaches


200000 Units. To-day, therefore, Cod Liver Oil is con-

sid~red, comparatively, a poor source of Vitamins A,
and D."
(U. Sunder Kini, B.Sc. (Hons) ,-In Souvenir of the V
South Indian Provincial Medical Conference, October 13th to·
15th, 1950, pages 31, Mangalore).
Carotene (C' 40 H.ij6) is found in animals, in all greel)-
leaves, Carrots, Tomatoes, and many Red Fruits, and in plants ..
Carotene in crystalline form, when fed to animals, is converted
to Vitamin A. The conversion of Carotene into Vitamin A.
may be made in vitro by adding Liver-Extract. It is assumed,
therefore, that liver tissue contains an enzyme, carotenase,
which causes this distranformation. When oxygen is exclud-
ed, Vitamin A. is heat-stable, but it can readily be destroyed at
room temperatures when exposed to air So far as fruits and
vegetables are concerned, there is no serious injury to the Vita-
min content from cooking or canning. But in the animal foods
high temperature in the presence of O. or oxidising agents des-'
troy it. "Carotene is useless to the body unless converted to
Vitamin A.; its estimation in the blood is, therefore, of little
clinical value. "Vitamin A. is readily stored up in the animal
body and the contents of yarious tissues and of milk, depends
to a considerable extent on the richness of food in this factor ..
This storage is only for some time. This Vitamin cannot be
found directly in the animal body. It is produced primarily
in the plant'.'.-"Health and Happiness", Novr. 1935, Calcutta.
Daily requirements of Vitamin A:-Though our knowledge'
of Vitamin A. requirements is at present, limited) a well-
balanced human diet should contain a daily minimum of 3,200'
to 5,000 International Units (1.8 mg.) or 4,000 to 8,000 units,
which equal 1-2 milligrams of the pure substance, or about
twice that weight of carotene (or 3 mg. of B.-carotene) for'
adults; 6,000 to 8,000 International Units for children and 5,000
to 6000 for pregnant women, and during lactation 8,000 I.U ..
"The Vitamin A. requirements of children appear to be as high
as those of adults, and since young children eat much less food
than adults, this food should be richer in Vitamin A. or caro-
tene". Therapeutic dose is about ten times the above.
"For cure of keratomalacia or night-blindness, taking of
fresh milk, or Cod Liver Oil or fish-liver oil, or a large slice of
animal liver-raw or cooked-has been found useful". Clini-
cal and experimental ev.idence indicates that Vitamin A. is
essential for normal function of the retina, and its use is
helpful in myopia, retinal and choroidal diseaSes". (Dr. R. S,.
Agarwal's "Mind and Vision". 1944-3rd Edition.)

"Vitamin A. is synLl,.etised by many sea-fishes, which live

"on algae and their livers contain very rich stores of Vitamin A".
'''Pan or betel leaves (which are green) chewed after meals.
ensures the intake of Vitamin A. In the East, the easiest and
cheapest way of ensuring a sufficiency of Vitamin A. units is
to increase the intake of green vegetables - the
greener the better, and the fresher the bette r ,--
which contain greater proportion of Carotene." "Vita-
min A. deficiency is common in India, and care must be
taken to ensure that diets supply a sufficiency of this Vitamin".
Diet, rich in Vitamins, especially Vitamin A. should be given
in all stages of pulmonary tuberculosis; because, the deficiency
.of Vitamin A. retards growth and lowers resistance to bacterial
infection".- (Dr. Priyo Gopal Mukerjee, L.M.F., Saranga P.O.,
(Burdwan Dt.)-Bengal), in "Medical Digest", March, 1937,
page 47, Annua! Special T. B. Number.
Vitamin A~:-has been isolated from the liver and other
.organs of fresh water fishes. This is not identical with Vita-
min A., but is believed to have the same function of Vitamin A.
and occasionally in contra-distinction Vitamin A., is written
as Vitamin At.
Fats and oils of vegetable origin derived from oil-seeds
.etc., are in general devoid of carotene and Vitamin A. But,
Red Palm Oil, which is obtained from the fruit of the Palm,
Elasis guineens is grown in West Africa, Malaya and Burma,
is very rich in Vitamin A.
Vitamin A. occurs in pale yellow needle-like crystals melt-
ing at 5.5 to 6 degrees C. to an almost colorless viscous oil,
(also an unsaturated alcohol); volatile in super-heated steam.
-or in a very high vacuum. It is stable in oil al1;d fat solvents
and also fairlv soluble in water. It is less stable than Vitamin
D., being de~troyed by oxidation, when heated at ordinary
pressure. By passing oxygen th1'ough heated Cod Liver Oil, I

Vitamin. A. is c01npleteLy dest1'Oyed. In butter, this Vitamin is

confined to the portion of the fat with low melting point and
is not destroyed by steam. Vitamin A. has been c0r:Rentrated
into a fraction of the unsaponifiable lipoides of Cod Liver Oil.
It is believed that it is a labile oxidation product of o)Sycholes-
terol." .
The two substances, carotene and Vitamin A., generally
but not necessarily, occur in the same food-stuffs. Carotene
can be easily obtained, and puri'fied and has now been accept-
ed as an International Standard for comparison of the Vitamin
,A. content of foods.

Animals can obtain Vitamin A. from its precursors, or

"provitamines', the carotenes, (Q. V.). Carotene produces
,complete protection in animals on a Vitamin A. deficient diet.
Stability of Vitamin A:--Vitamin A. survives the high
temperature of distillation of concentrates, 137° under 0.00001
mm. pressure, and it is not destroyed by 01'dina1'y cooking pro-
cesses, e.g., Milk does not lose" this Vitamin by boiling or pas-
teurising, but when evaporated by vacuum or aeration method,
it is destroyed, i.e., it is destroyed by drying or prolonged heat-
ing or cooking in contact with] ai1' or oxygen, e.g., prolonged
heating of ghee in an open pan at the frying temperature of
200°C. may cause destruction of Vitamin A. The purest con-
centrates <;Ire also highly" resistant to aerial exidation at high
Lemperatures. Both canned and frozen foods retain their
Vitamin A. content for long periods, but rancid fats have a
catalytic effect on their decomposition. "Further evidence has
been obtained that the ordiriary process of boiling vegetables
does not decrease their Vitamin A. content. (Annual Report
for 1941, of Research Departments of College of Pharmaceuti-
cal Society. London and Cardiff).
Chemical Characters:-Vitamin A. is stable to heat, but
readily destroyed by acids, oxidizing agents (when impure) or
ultraviolet light. It can be got without Vitamin D. from con-
centrates of mammalian liver oil, and when pure, it is a pale
yellow viscous oit
There are three methods,-biological, physical, and colori-
metric or chemical-available for the estimation of Vitamin A.
potency of fish liver oil. The last two offer advantages of speed
and reproductability, while the biological method is funda-
mentally more accurate and reliable".- (U. Sunder Kini, B.Sc.,
(Hons.) in Souvenir of the Vth South Indian Provincial Medi-
cal Conference, October 13th to 15th, 1950, (Page, 33), Manga-
• lore. . _
Standard of Vitamin A:-The International Unit is the
specific activity contained in O. 6 microgram (1 millionth of a
· gram) of the standard preparation of pure B. Carotene. Pure
Vitamin A. has all activity of 3,00,000 units per gramme.,
Shortage of Vitamin A. causes:-Retardation or cessation
of growth and development, or wasting; reduced resistance to
diseases, (bacterial infections) especially, throat, lung. or
· gland infections, bowel djsorders, (atrophy of the cells of the
salivary glands, the mucous glands of the intestinal villi), ear
and eye diseases (two typ~s of change of vision; xerosis or
xerophthalmia and keratomalacia exhibited by virulent con-

junctivitis with corneal thickening and ulceration; cessation of

regeneration of the visual purp'le and so production of night-
blindness in children), hyper-keratosis of the skin, i.e., "Toad-
skin" or dryness of the ski,p, an!lliability to popular eruptions;
drying up of glands and mucqus membranes; failure iIi the
development of bone and teeth; certain forms of diseases of the
spinal cord from degeneration of myelin sheath; anaemia; sus- i
ceptibility to cold, catarrh, influenza, respiratory diseases; and II
even pneumonia, (degenerative changes of keratinisation of the
epithelium in the mucous membrane, of the nose, trachea and
bronchi), tuberculosis, imperfect development of the perio-
dontal tissues, kidney and bladder affection, paralysis of vari-
ous types from demyelination of the- spinal cord; decrease in
number of blood-platelets; proliferation of cancellous at the
expense of compact tissue; development of phosphatic calculi.
Animals deprived of Vitamin A. become more susceptible to
bacterial infections owing to the ·degenerative changes in the
epithelial protective membranes of the body.
Vitamin A. contents of certain foods:-Milk 1 pint, Butter,
1 Oz., Carrots, (fresh or boiled) ! lb. Cabbage, (fresh or
boiled) ! Ib.=2000 units; one egg of 20 grams.=600 units; Cod
Liver Oil, per dram=200 to 13,000 units; Halibut Liver OiL
per drop (20 mg.) =600 to 1200 units.
VITAMIN B--is anti-neutrotic and anti Beri-beri or water-
soluble, but not soluble in fat, is Nature's natural tonic health
Vitamin, that nourishes the nerves and muscles; that creates.
sound appetite; that off-sets constipation and its resultant ills;
prevents occurrence of Beri-beri in human beings, and ana10g-
ous polyneuritis etc., diseases in animals; in short, this Vitamin
is necessary for the maintenance of life and health at all ages.
Vitamin D., which is isolated as its chloride-hydrochloride, is
essential for the proper metabolism of carbo-hydrate (of
especial importance to brain and nerve-tissue), its pyrophos- •
phate ester forming the co-enzyme of the carbo-oxylase. "Vita-
. min B. is not destroyed by the ordinary process of cooking
though soluble in water. Therefore, the fluids from~e cook· .
ed rice or vegetables should not be thrown off, fori' then the
Vitamin B. will go with them." In other words, if dce is sub-
jected to several washings before consumption, a great pro-
portion of Vitamin Bl it contains may be lost and there will
also be a loss of mineral maHer. Vitamin B. is not a .simple.
one; it has been split up and synthetised. It consists of seve-
ral factors,-ali of which are present in yeast extract,-which
have been designated as B. I , .B z,\ B.3 B. 4 , B. 5 , B.o, B. 7 , and
B. 12• It is found to some c!xtent in all natural food-stuffs,

-especially ,in the seeds of plants, beans, nuts, fruits, etc., also in
.cereals and grains, not too thoroughly milled or fine. The jineT
the flour, the less are the Vitamins. Ce~'eals are good sour~es
,of B. Vitamins, which are concentrated m the embryo. MIlk,
,cheese, and' potatoes yield less anti-neutritic Vitamins; and it
is noteworthy that milk, which is a good source of most of the
important food ractors, is not rich in Vitamin B. l ; all whole
grain foods are rich in Vitamin B. I , while milled grains are
largely deprived of this Vitamin. An exception is parboiled
milled, rice, which retains Vitamin, B 1 , a/tel' milling. While
yeast retains large quantities of Vitamin, which will rapidly
cure experimental polyneuritis. This Vitamin is also washed
away fro~ vegetables cooked in an excess of water. Internal
organs of -animals fed on green foods, but not of fowls, con-
tain Vitamins B. & C.
Vitamins B, and E'l factors are richly available in the
germs and outer layers of whole grain cereals and legumens,
beans, yeast and, pea-nuts, but are also present in green
vegetables, fruits (tomatoes, etc.), egg-yolk, liver,. meat
and milk, (especially, lean pork, liver and kidney). They are
absent in white oread bt~t present in wholemeal bread. No
natural tissue is a rich SotLrce.
Vitamin B. complex group is water soluble, contains a
large variety of different substances, especially of two factors,
I· one thermolabile and the other thermostable-all of which are
present in yeast extracts, rice polishings and liver, It contains
a number of distinct principles-the important ones being B!,
B2 and B2 complex, whiGh comprises Riboflaviil, or Lacto-
flavin; Nicotonic Acid, or Niacin, or Amide of Nicotinic Acid;
Pyridoxine (B1); Adermin; Vitamin H., or Biotin; Choline
Adenylic Acid, (a complex of adenin, ribose, and Phosphoric
Acid); Pantothenic Acid; Pamino-benzoic Acid; Inocitol and
Folic Acid. This group is a respiratory mediator concerned
with oxidation-reduction mechanism in body cells;
Vitamin B l ., or Aneurin or Thiamin Hydrochloride of
U.S.P. or Hydrochloride of RP.-It was held at one time that I

the water-soluble Vitamin B. possesses both Anti-neuritic, or

Anti-neurotic and growth-promoting properties. But it soon
became evident that yeast behaved peculiarly under the in-
fluence of heat. When heated under pressure, yeast was found
to lose its Anti-neurotic properties, although it retained its
growth-promoting propert,ies. Steaming or ~xposure to moist
heat reduces the thiamin content of foods. From 1928 this
<:ame to be definitely recognised and the Anti-neurotic suh-
,stance b~gan to be caUed Vitamin B. or B 1 , and the growth-
promotino heat-resisting, water-soluble substance began to be
called Vit~min B!!, or G. Vitamin, B. or Bb latel" on came to
be known as Thiamin (Thiamine-Chloride), and amongst
pharmacists and pharmacologists, Vitamin B. or B l , is more
current as Thiamin. Small quantities of the crystalline sub-
stance representing Thiamin were obtained from very large
quantities of rice-polishings. This crystalline substance allow-
ed of further examination and ultimately in 1936, a substance
could be built artificially in the laboratory step by step, which
was identical in every respect with the natural product. This
is Thiamin. So, B l , is also manufactured synthetically.
"Aneurine Hydrochloride: contains in 1 gram 320,001) units
of Vitamin B\, which is obtainable in tablets and in "sterile ac-'
queous solution in ampoules. The hypodermic route should
be used for administration in cases where the deficiency is due
to defective absorption as in pyloric stenosus or chronic diar-
rhoeas. Where there is loss of appetite and defecti\'e tone of
the gastro-intestinal tract, the parenteral route is also advis-
able. In other cases, it can be given by the oral route. No
evidence has been brought forward to show that over-dosage
produces any ill-effects".
"Though wheat-germ has been recommended as the richest
natural' source of Vitamin B l , recent research has shown that
this Vitamin is much more concentrated in the scutellum".
Vitamin B l ., or Thiamin deficiency causes.-Peripheral
neuritis; intestinal stasis; wasting (loss of tone) of the bowels;
retention of the putrid food residue and absorption of products
of putrefaction and auto-intoxication. Minor degree of defici-
ency in children causes retardation of growth, poor appetite,
constipation, neuritic ,pains and tenderness in the muscles;
Beri-beri characterised by anorexia, loss of flesh and strength,
poly-neuritis, oedema and bradycardia, neuritis of pregnancy
and the same ailments, which are due to want of Vitamin B.
Thiamine-is said to benefit various typ(es of neuritis, such
as those caused by alcohol, lead and a"rsenic. It promotes
peristalsis and maintains the normal nutritioif' of the gut;
Neurasthenia, neuralgia, peptic and varicose ulcers, atonic
constipation, pyelitis, vomitting of pregnancy, lack' of appetite,
chronic fatigue, eczema and cardiac weakness.
Yeast is a good source of Thiamin, next best to sprouted
'Mung', (green-gram) a familiar article of food in India. The
hydrochloride of Thiamin is taken as the standard and 3 micro-
grams are taken as corresponding
J ,
to 1 International Unit.
In deficiency of Thia:rg.in, a daily dose ·of 1 tablet, contain-
.. l,f_"'-

ing 3 milligrams of 960 units, which is regarded as the normal

requirement of a man is administered, when the requisite
qtwntity cannot be easily obtained from available food sources.
Otherwise the daily requirement of adults is 300 to 500 units.
In pregnancy and childhood, it is greater. Still it varies great-
ly with different people, and in the same person at different
times; is greater when carbo-hydrates in the diet are increased,
and in alcoholics. As the body does not store this Vitamin,
but is rapidly excreted in the urine; so.it should be given
daily. Therapeutic dose is 3 to 20 times the above.
Chemistry of Vitamin Br.:-Vitamin Bh is isolated and
synthesised as a white crystalline powder and its chloride"
hydrochlOl~ide, and may be extracted from sources, in which it
occurs naturally, such as rice polishings, and yeast, or it may
be obtained synthetically. Crystalline compounds with hydro-
chloric, Nitric and Sulphuric Acids have been prepared. "It
is the thiazol derivative of 2-mythyl-6 amino-pyrimidine and
is a sulphur containing Vitamin. It is colourless, freely
soluble in water and may be obtained in a pure state by extrac-
tion from natural sources or by synthesis. In dry condition it
is stable at 100°C. Destruction in cooking is not great unless
Sodium-bicarbonate is added to vegetable, but pressure cook-
ing causes rapid destruction" .
. Character of Vitamin, Br.:-It is amino-peptide hydro-
chloride containing Cl. N. and S, and is a white crystalline
powder. It is readily soluble in water. Its odour and taste
are bran-like. It should be protected ,jrom light during
storage. It withstands bolling in acid medium, is more stable
than Vitamin C., but less so than other Vitamins. It is easily
destroyed by Oxygen in alkaline solution. "It is readily ab-
sorbed from the intestine and readily excreted by the kidneys
with limited storage in muscles, liver, kidney, heart and brain."
"Thiamine Chlodde--(Aneurin-Vitamin Br) is essential
for the normal intermediate metabolism of carbo-hydrate; i.e.,
it regulates the use ·of carbo-hydrate in the body. In its ab-
sence the splitting of carbo-hydrates stops with the formation
of Pyruvic Acid, a substance having a toxic effect on nerve
tissue. This would explain the frequent occurrence of multi-
ple neuritis in alcoholic, who aside from their common dietary
deficiency obtain a large part of their caloric intake in the form
of carbo-hydrates or alcohol. Moreover, carbo-hydrate con-
sumption creates the need for more than the average quota
of Thiamine. It has been shown that the multiple neuritis of
alcoholics is relieved by adequate amounts of Thiamine Chlo-
ride without abstinence from alcohol. Carol & Johnson have

shown that the toxic amblyopia of alcoholics behaves in every

respect like multiple neuritis yiEjlding to ~dequate amo~nts of
Thiamine Chloride even when the preVIOUS consumption of
alcohol is continued. Restoration of normal vision was rapid
in early cases, while in later case~ it occurred more sloW;ly and
was often incomplete. After satllrating the patients with Thia-
mine by oral doses or by intra-muscular injection fairly large
doses were continued for long periods. Since it seemed pos-
sible that often fractions of the Vitamin B. (Complex), might
be of value in protection or restoration of damaged nervous
tissue they advocated the use of Vitamin B. (Complex), in
addition to crystalline Thiamine Chloride. Vitamin Bl is to
be found inter alia in whole cereals, pulses, nuts and yeast.
The very definite results in toxic amblyopia have stimulat-
ed the use of Thiamine Chloride in other forms of optic neu-
ritis of both the typical and retro balbar fonus. This treat-
ment is given in addition to any other treatment indicated by
the supposed cause of the disease. While the evidence in these
forms of optic neuritis is by no means so concluSive, as in '
cases of toxic amblyopia, due to the tendency of optic neuritis
to improve spontaneously, there seems to be no contra-indica-
tion to employing Thiamine Chloride in all cases, since a defici-
ency may be a factor in certain cases and an extra supply of the
Vitamin may be of value in restoration of nerve tissue when
damaged by various agents. There is even some evidence that
the lesions of multiple sclerosis recover more quickly with less
likelihood of recurrence when large doses of Thiainine Chlo-
ride are provided." ,
"In the conditions mentioned above, 20 to 50 milligrams
(6,000 to 15,000 I.U.) is adv.ised to be given daily by intramus-
cular or intra-venous injection during the first week, when the
dose may be cut to 10 Mg. a day by injection, or considerably
larger doses by the mouth as absorption by this route is in-
complete. Oral dosage should be continued for long periods
in amounts of 10 to 15 Mg. per day".
("Pharmacology & Therapeutics), (1948) by Di-. M. A.
Kamath). ,
"The daily' average requirements for an adult is ~bout
1.2-1.8 Mgm.; infants require about i of this amount, ana the
requirements in pregnancy and lactation ,are 5 times the
normal adult average. In pregnancy large amounts of Aneu-
rine are required and it is believed that the poly-neuritis of
pregnancy is a result of aneurine deficiency. Increased physi-
cal work, pregnancy an¢!. hyper-thyroidisffi necessitates in-

\ creased intake, as the, utilisation of anuerine is directly related

to that of carbo-hydrates."
Standard and Dosc:-"The International Unit is defined as
r the anti-neuritic activity or potency of 10 Mg. of the absorbate
of Vitamin Bt, or of 3 grams of pure B I , i.e., 300 I.U., equals
1 Mgm; or pure crystalline Vitamin Bl has an activity of 500
I.U. per Mg. The minimum daily requirements for an adult
of 17 kilo weight (U stones) on 3000 calories a day is approxi-
mately 300 I.U., or 1 Mgm., but 500 to 700 LU. is desirable.
Infants need 50-60 LU. (0.2 Gm.)".
Vitamin BI may be administered by the mouth in the form
of solution or tablets, or may be administered by subcutane-
ous, intra-muscular or intra-venous injection. Parenteral
Therapy is suitable to cases where gastric secretion of hydro-
<:hloric acid is effective.
Doses:-Prophylactic, daily 100 to 200 units; Imperial
,1/200 to 1/100 grains; or 2 to 10 Mg. (1 Mg. is equal to 500
Units.) In deficiency state 2 to 4 Mgm. are usually required
to secure rapid improvement. However, in doubtful cases,
large doses, 10 to 20 Mgm. may be given for a week before the
t.aerapeutic test is held to be negative. Aneurine should be
given to all cases of alcoholic peripheral neuritis and heart-
failure. It should also be tried in all cases of peripheral neu-
ritis and myocardial weaknesses of obscure origin".
Vitamin 8 2 , or Riboflavin, or originally identified as Lacto-
flavin or Vitamin G.:-The heat destructible or labile active
constituent of autoflaved yeast has been named B l , or Thia-
mine. The heat stable proportion came to be known as B 2 •
But, later on, it was observed that this B2 was not a single
Vitamin. Still further researches established the existence of
a water-soluble Vitamin G., which was later on found to be
the same as B 2 • It was for some time only that B2 or G
Vitan1.in were held to be identical. Afterwards B2 was found
to have something more in addition to Vitamin G. and Vitamin
B2 was found to be complex substance containing several Vita-
mins, and also an important food factor. The name "B2
Complex" could not continue for long, because, out of these
(!omplex Vitamins more and more Vitamins began to be identi-
fied. At present the name Vitamin "B2 Complex", is used for
several Vitamins (at least 9 or 10 chemical compounds) and
the name B2 is reserved for (old Vitamin B.), a pure substance
now named 'Riboflavin'. Therefore, Vitamin B 2 , Vitamin G.,
Lacto-flavin, and Riboflavin are synonyms of the same sub-
stance. The name Riboflavin has become more common, just

as Thiamine is now current in place of Vitamin B J • The sub-

stance belono"s to a group of cOlnpounds known as Flavins. It
was named Lactoflavin, or Ovpfiavin according to its source,
milk or egg.
"Riboflavin functions primarily in tissue respiration en-
zyme systems concerned with 'oxygen transport. It is readily
absorbed from the intestine, has limited storage in the body,
and is excreted in the urine. No toxicity has been reported."
Vitamin B~:-All cereal foods, roots, tubers, fruits and
grains are poor sources of Vitamin B~, milled rice being the
poorest; because, it is a substance in rice-polishings, i.e., the
outer, coating of rice and wheat. Yet, Vitamin B~, or Ribo-
flavin is widely distributed in plants and animals, and is need-
ed for growth. Similarly as the coatings of all cereals, con-
tain Vitamin B., care should be taken to see that nothing of the
coating of the cereals is removed during husking. The more
the coating is retained, the better the food value it has. But
B:J occurs in eggs, milk, yeast, kidney liver and yellow pig-
ment of tubercle bacillus. Richest sources of Riboflavin are
dairy produce, (milk), meat, eggs, liver, fish, tomatoes, peas,
" cabbage, and spinach and green' leafy vegetables. Yeast is
usually not as good a source of Riboflavin as wheat germ, but
'can be made so by being cultivated under certain conditions.
"Plants manufacture Vitamin B. Men and animals derive
it from plants. But unlike Vitamin A., plants do not have it
in leaves so much as in the seeds, confined in their coatings OJ:
outer coverings. It is, hm'lever, present in leaves also. The
more important an organ is, the more Vitamin B is utilised
and therefore stored by it. It is! more plentiful in the brain
than in the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs of the ani-
mals. Organs containing Vitamin B., if used as food supply
Vitamin B. Though hand-pounded rice contains Vitamin B. to
a sa~!sfacto1"!J extent, if it is also subjected to some degree of
polishing, it is no better than milled rice.
Human system cannot store up a reserve of Vitamin B. It
must be replenished daily. That is why doctors m-ge the eat-
ing of some food every day, which contains Vitamin B. Daily
requirement is believed to be 1 to 3 Mg.
Chemistry of Vitamin B~:-"It crystallises in yellowish
b~own needles with no sharp melting point; its solubility is
slIght, (2.5 part per 1,000 at 25°C). It. is soluble in fat sol-
vents and is stable in strongly acid solution "and unstable in
alkalies, when exposed to light or irradiation with ultra-violet
light. It should, therefore; be-- stored in amber coloured am-

poules." For~ula of Vitamin, Bz is 6-7 dimethyl 9 (Bl ribitil),

isoalloxazine. The Bourquin-Sherman unit is equivalent to
2-2.5 micrograms of Riboflavin. B2 has for some time been
recognised as consisting of at least three parts:- (1) Riboflavin,
~for which the synonyinn Vitamin BO! may be retained. (2)
Nicotinic Acid, previously known RS the PP factor. (3) Pyri-
doxine, previously known as Vitamin, B(;. It is also a water-
soluble pigment giving a yellow solution and having a yellow
green fluorescence.
Daily requiremellt:-The general requirement of Ribo-
flavin is g times that of Thiamin or nearly 4i milligrams per
day for adults; 450 units (0.9 to 1.2 Mgm.) daily by boys and
girls under 6 and 7 years; 7 to 10 years require 540 units
(1.08 to 1.32 Mgm.); and adults require 600 units or 1.2 to
2.5 Mgm. up to 5 milligrams even.
Therapeutic Dose:-Up to 10 times the above.
Synthetic Vitamin B~.:-Riboflavin-5-phosphate, the form
in which the body uses Vitamin, B 2 ,' can now be synthesized
on a large sCale. The new process is reported by two chemists
of the Hoffman-La-Roche Pharmaceutical Co., at Nutley, New
Jersey, In the body phosphorus is added, maKing Riboflavin
more soluble without interfering with its biological activity.
It is this soluble compound that the new chemical process
produces. lJiboflavin-5-Phosphorus will be put to greater use
in medical research, since the soluble material can be injected
into the blood stream in large quantities than possible before.
It also can be administered in liquid drops to babies providing
them with an adequate supply of this vitamin. Riboflavin
itself is synthesized in large quantities in the United States to
enrich bread and other foods. Synthetic Riboflavin-5-
Phosphate also has been prepared before, but only in small
quantities, and only recently in a pure State." ("India Inter-
national", January, 1952, page 47).
Shortage of Vitamin, B., B~., and B. Complex caltses:-
Ariboflavinosis; Mal-nutrition; lack of body resistance; taste
for unhealthy things; complete deprivation causes Beri-beii or
poly-neuritis; while partial lack results in peripherial neurotis

I and cardiac vascular depression etc., abnorn'lalities; nerve

complaints; loss of appetite or depraved appetite (anorexia);
dysphagia (with gastric discomfort and malaise) or ~astro­
intestinal derangement, (diarrhoea, indigestion, constipation
r pellagra, mucous collitis imd worms); failure of growth, los~
of weight, weakness of heart and lack of vigour or lowered
vitality; nerve complaints; headache, anaemia and unhealthy

skin; Edema weakness of eye-sight; conjunctivitis with

photophobia, ~ccommodation defects, etc., "Soreness" of the
angles of the mouth (Cheilosis) and th,:, tongue; a syndrome
characterised by thickening and cracking of the lips and by
corneal and by lesions; it occurs most commonly in those
whose diet consists largely of milled 17ice. Rapid cure follows.
the daily consumption of half tp 1 oz. of' dried yeast, half to
one pint of good milk, or 2 to 3 eggs.
Deficiency of Vitamin B. in a child's diet makes it in-
different, lazy, and predisposed to infection, e.g., tuberculosis
and common colds. "Lack of Vitamin B. along with insufft-
ciency of iron in the food .of pregnant woman and the mother,
has s.omething to do in the production of pregnancy and
pnerperal (after-delivery) anaemias. Therefore, the food of
mothers must be rich in Vitamin R, so that they may pass
on more of it to the infants they suckle. Shortage of Vitamin
B. is disastrous to children.
Shortage of Vitamin B:.!. causes:-Rosacea Keratiti&; an-
gular stomatitis; seborrhoea; dermatitis; purple glossitis;
fatiguability; lack of growth in ·children. Administration is
said to benefit pernicious anaemia and sprue.
Vitamin B. Complex are all water-soluble.
Vitamin B 2 • Complex is a group including:-(a) Ribo-
Havin: ("Lactoflavin or Lactoflavine, Vitamin G., yitamin ~.)
a water-soluble yellow crystalline substance (pigment)
responsible for growth-promoting properties, first isolated from
milk (lactoflavin). It is also found in yeast, milk-whey and
lIver extract. When its phosphate is conjugated with pro-
tein, it forms the "respiratory enzyme" of the tissues, which is
essential for the oxidation of carbohydrates, aldehydes,
lactic-acid and amino-acids. The alkaline solution of Ribo-
flavin deteriorates if exposed to light. Dose: -Imperial 1/60
to 1/6 grain; Metric 0.001 to 0.01 grm. Riboflavin's phosphoric
acid, ester or niacin, or nicotinic acid, or wiacinamide, or
nicoti1J.amide, or nicotinic acidamide ["Pellagra-preventing
factor- (P. P. factor) ,] pyridine-m-carboxylic acid, also con-
sists of white crystals or crystalline powder with a feebly acid
taste (for more details. refer Vitamin B,. also). It. is soluble
in 75 parts of water a't I5°C., and readily soiuble in boiling
water and alcohol (95%.) ~ -
Dose of Nicotillamide:-l\'letric 0.02 to 0.1. ,grm. Imperial
1/3 to H Gr. (B.P.) form an essential part of the active group
of various oxidizing enzymes. Niacin or Nicotinic Acid in doses
of 25-20{) mg. or more givep. orally or I.V. improves, within

a few days, Dermititis, Stomatitis, Vincent's Angina, POl"phyri-

• nuria, Diarrhoea and nervous symptoms of Pellagra. If initial
doses cause cutaneous vasodilatation, itching of the erythe-
matous areas, facial flushing, burning, faintness, sensation of
warmth, administration is withheld for 2 days. It prevents
porphyrinuria caused by sulphanilamide treatment. Nicoti1Ul-
mide or Niacinamide which is used to prevent and treat
Pellagra, does not cause vaso~ilation and itching of the skin,
as nicotinic acid may do, and so it is preferable to the latter,
£'01' hypodermic administration."-(Dr. R. V. Savanur.} The
richest sources of Nicotinic Acid are: -yeast, lean meat offals,
especially livers; meat, fish, wheat-germ, soyabeans, whole
grain cereals, peanuts, potatoes, dried separated milk, fruit
juices, dried eggs, rice, bran and whole wheat. White bread
contains smalley quantities than whole meal. "
"Niacin and Niacinamide (P-P Factor) vitamin functions
primarily in the eRG metabolism enzyme systems concerned
with hydrogen transport and glycolysis. It is a component of
respiratory coenzymes I and 11."
Mass Prc'duction of Niacin:--"Niacin is also an important
member of the Vitamin B. Group and is used in enriched
bread, in Pharmaceuticals etc.; Until now, it has been made
from quinoline 01' pyridine, which are derived from coal during
eoke production. The output is rather small. A new raw
material from which Niacin can be produced is two-methyl
five ethyl pyridine made by the reaction of acetaldehyde and
ammonia. Both chemicals are obtained in tremend0us "quan-
tities from petroleum and natural gas. The entire demand
for niacin could be met from less than a tenth of one per cent
of the total supply of these basic chemicals." (Page 19 of
April, 1952, "India International", Bombay, 14).
(b) Pantoyltaurine: is a substance experimentally
found to act on sulphonamide-resistant strains of strepto-
coccus, and on B. Diphtheriae, etc.
(c) Inositol:-This factor is essential to mice and like
choline is a "lipotropic Vitamin B. Complex Fador" or
"Alopecia Vitamin", which prevents or cures fatty infiltration
of the liver. It is a normal constituent of all plant and animal
tissues. The precise indications of this in animal physiology
have not as yet been determined, though it has been suggested
that it may be essential, with pantothenic acid, for Honnal
gastro-intestinal functions.' "A variety of -pathologieal condi-
tions have been suggested to be due to lack of this Vitnmin,
the administration of which effects cure or improvement in
such conditions. These are alopecia, and 'Spl~"Ctacle eye' in

rats as well as pruritus, and atrophic gastritis in man. :~ is

also said to inhibit tumour growth and to prevent deposltlon
of fat in liver and other organs in man. Owing to almost
universal occurrence of this Vitamin in animal and plant
tissues, the deficiency of this Vitamin, is not commonl?! m~t
with in man." "It is believed that deficiency of Ino:-ntol m
animals results in falling of hair, and is a factor for growth
and health and for fat metabolism." But, Drs. M. Chatton,
S. Margen and Hr. D. Brainerd opine that inositol's role in
human nutrition and its use in liver disease are still entirely
(d) Para-amino-Benzoic Acid:-is widely distributed
over the entire plant and animal kingdoms. It is necessary for
growth and normal oigmentation of animals. As a possible
member of the Vitamin B. (complex), it has been studied
because of the discovery of its specific neutralising power on
the bacteriostatic effects of sulohonamides. After it was
isolated from yeast, its essential ne~d for cell-life became more
probable. It is recognised as an effective anti-ricketsia agent.
Therapeutically the greatest use of Para-Amino-Benzoic
Acid has been made in the treatment of louse-borne Typhus
in Egypt and Rocky Mountain spotted-fever in children. It
was found that the course of the disease could be favourably
modified provided the drug was given within the first week
of the illness. Large doses, 24 to 48 grammes daily in fOUl:
divided doses, every two hours, were found necessary to give
a blood concentration between 10 and 20 Mg. per 100 cc.
Toxic reactions were not seen. Average daily dose is
about 30 grammes in solution with Soda-bicarb, given in foul'
doses every two hours. In children 2 or 3 grms.
On more or Jess emoeric grounds DRY and others
administered simultaneously Para-Amino-Benzoic Acid and
Sodium Salicylate to cases of rheumatic fever, which had noc
respoIl:ded to a liberal intake of Salicylate alone. The clinic(itl
response was dramatic and complete. It has been found that
P-A-Benzoic Acid modifies the formation of melanin< the hair
pigment and that it darkens the hair of grey-haired persons
when given in 100 Mg. doses, twice a day for 6 to 8 months.
(e) Folic Acid: (Pteroylglutamic Acid}:-Once known
by the name Vitamin M. or Vitamin BC. or 'L. Casei Factor,
strictly, is a bright orange-yellow crystal1i:b.e substance.
isolated from spinach, and found to be growth factor for
Streptococcus lactis R. (S . .Faecalis) and for Lactobacillus
casei. Folic At!id exists nat~.~ally in conjugate form in yeast,'

liver, kidney, milk, grasses, mushrooms and green leaves.

"Folic Acid compounds have been studied under severa]
names and the following are now known to be Folic Acid
variants:-Vitamin M; Vitamin BC; Vitamin B lO ; and
Blh "eluate factor" (from liver), and the "L. Casei Factor",
"Recently a compound which is identified with "L. Casei
Factor", isolated from liver has been synthesized. Experi-
mental studies indicate that there are at least three or more
compounds occurring in natural materials with Folic Acid
activity in different species.
Folic Acid is also supposed to be pteroyl glutamic acid,
having glutamic acid joined by a peptide linkage to the
carboxyl of pteroic acid, which in pteridine and P-amino-
Benzoic Acid (a compound of Pteridine and Glutomic Acid).
It has been synthesized and isolated from liver and yeast, as
Vitamin BC. Though active in causing red cell formation, it
is not the true 'anti-pernicious anaemia factor' of liver, and
it does not prevent the nerve degeneration, which often accom-
panies pernicious anaemia, Pteroyl diglutamyl glutamic acid
(from fermentation residues of certain bacteria), and pteroyl
hexaglutamyl glutamic acid (Vitamin BC conjugate from
yeast) are also known. It has been suggested that sulphona-
mides act by preventing bacteria from synthesizing Folic Acid,
which is essential for their growth."- (Pages 973 and 974 of
Cham bel" s Technical Dictionary, 1949).
In man so far no instance of natural Folic Acid deficiency
has been described. In the experimental animals, the out-
standing feature of Folic Acid deficiency is leucopaenia.
Folic Acid seems essential for the metabolism of bone
marrow cells of all series. It is used for the treatment of
anaemias, which can be grouped under Addisonian pernicious
anaemia and some other nutritive marcocytic anaemia (e.g.,
sprue) accompanying sprue and pellagra, and anaemia secon-
dary to cirrhosis of the liver. It has been found useful in
nutritional diarrhoea and coeliac disease. Non-megaloblastic,
macrocytic anaemias do not respond to liver extract, and
therefore Folic Acid will not replace liver-therapy in all
cases. Folic Acid is of no value in iron-deficiency anaemia,
in anaemia due to hypoplasia or aplasis of bone-marrow, in
leucaemia and certain other megaloblastic anaemias.
"The need of Folic Acid in human nutrition has not been
established. Indications are that it plays a fundamental role
in blood formation. The synthetic compound has been
reported to have anti-pernicious anaemia activity when ad-
ministered in large doses; but there is no evidence that it is

identical with the anti-pernicious anaemia factor in liver ex-

tracts. It has also been effective experimentally in other
macrocytic anaemias, nutritional anaemia and anaemia of
pergnancy and sprue". (Moor 1 1945; Sharp, 1943).
10 to' 20 Mgm. of Folic Ad~d by mouth daily causes the
following effects in pernicious anaemia; prompt reticulocytosis
within 5--10 days, change of megaloblastic bone-marrow into
normoblastic one and improvement in all clinical symptoms
. except those of the C.N.S. The peak response in reticulo-
cytosis is rather weaker than that with patent liver extract
and though the regeneration of Rb. and R.B.C., at the start
is as good as with a patent liver extract, the maintenance is
not so good as with liver extract. Neurological symptoms do
not improve and may actually arise during Folic Acid The-
rapy. 'Folic Acid should, therefm'e, be never used by it.self
in pernicious anaemia.
Folic Acid is also useful in nutritional macrocytic anaemia,
macrocytic anaemia refractory to liver therapy and in, sprue
and idiopathic steatorrhoea. In the last two, there is clini-
cal improvement without any effect on fat absorption and
without any definite haematological response.
10 Mgm. of Folic Acid by mouth is eqivalent to 6-23 Mgm.
of Vitamin Bl~, intramuscularly. (Dr. V. N. Ashtaputre,
M.S., in Magazine of 'Miraj Christian Medical School', March,
1951, p. 24).
Hamilton Fairley in "Practitioner", October, 1947, reports
the efficiency of Folic Acid in tropical sprue and anaemia,
and Black and Stanbury report in "Lancet", dated 14-6-1947,
two cases of agranulotosis said to have been cured by Folic
Acid. Further clinical research reo these diseases bv Folic
Acid treatment is needed to arrive at final conclusion~.
N. B.:-A comprehensive review of the development of
Knowledge about Folic Acid has been published by Drs.
Berry and Spies and ariother, appears in UNRRA Bulletin.
(f) "Choline occurs in nature as a constituent of phos-
pholipids, is a methyl donor, and is related to the me"iabolism
and distribution of fats. It has been termed a 'lipotropic'
growth factor, being concerned in the prevention ana resto-
ration to normal of livers, affected by fatty infiltration. -leis
essential for the metabolism of-natural fat and cholesterol. It
has a lipotropic action and helps the liver in the transport and
utilisation of fatty acids. It maintains normal kidney struc-
ture. It protects the liver from the action of toxins and

poisons; and its deficiency plays some role in the causation of

cirrhosis of the liver.
. In ordinary mixed diet of man its deficiency is unlikely
to occur owing to wide distribution of this factor in animal and
vegetable foods, yeast egg-yolk, nerve tissues; liver and wheat
germ, which are rich s.ources of these Vitamins, though. it ~s
also present in green and leguminous vegetables; mIlk IS
however not a rich source and the suggestion that a diet of
cow's milk and a B. coli infection may be responsible for in-
fantile cirrhosis of liver, merits consideration".
"Choline is essential for certain other functions in ani-
mals such as, normal nutrition of the chick and for egg pro-
duction, for the prevention of perosis or slipped tendon in the
birds and· for the lactation and normal nutrition of rat. In
addition,. Choline is utilised in the animal organism for the
formation of acetyl-choline. Choline requirement of dog is
about 35 mg. per kg. of body weight daily; that of chick is
75 mg. daily. Generally speaking, the young growing animal
needs more of it than the adult. Dogs made artificially dia-
betic have also been found to require Choline",-("Treatise
on Tropical Therapeutics", 1950). Large doses of Vitamin B.
(Complex) along with protein diet were used by Patak and
others in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver and good results
have bE;en claimed with this treatment. The diet given con-
tained proteins 139 grm., fat 175 grm., and carbo-hydrate 365
grm.; total caloric value 3600. Yeast is given in doses of 25
gnn. daily. Vitamin B. is injected daily in doses of 5 mg. and'
a crude concentrated liver extract. (5 cc.) is injected twice
weekly. Choline has proved useful in two cases of Icterus
gravis neonatorum. It was given in doses of 5 grm. daily.
Choline is changed into Acetyl Choline in the body.
D. S. Balasundaram of Madras reports in "Indian Medi,··
cal Gazette", December 1947, the good results occurred in
cirrhosis of the liver, both of the adult and infantile type, by
treatment with a standard patent Choline preparation.
Therapeutic doses of Choline have been administered
orally and intravenously in the form of Choline-chloride, 0.33
grm. to infants daily, and from 1 to 8 grm. to adults. Since
Choline is known to be a circulatory depressant its paren-
ta1·al administration is not without danger. Orally too,-it
should not be given on a fasting stomach.
The latest advance in the treatinent of cirrhosis of the
liver in the adults cons4;tS in the administration of MethioninE'
2 grms. daily, and Choline-chloride 2 gnus. daily. SpeciaI
liver extracts enriched with Vitamin B. (Complex}-patent

preparations manufactured by reliable Firms, may also be

_given, strictly according to instructions therewith, for cure.
N. B.:-The question hks been raised whether Cho-
line should be considered a Vitamin and a member of
B.-Complex. It may later qe classed as an independent
nutritional factor in its own right. (Dr. H. V. Savnur).
(g) Biotin, see Vitamin H:-This is the latest member
of the Vitamin B-(Complex) group to be synthetised. The
deficiency of this factor brings about a synirome characterised
by a scaly dermatitis, achengrey pallor, tongue lesions. paras
hesiae, nausea and changes in the blood picture. A.vidin, a
protein contained in raw white of egg, produces a complex
with the biotin present in diet and prevents its absorption,
thus bringing about its deficiency. Good improvement in a
case in which dermatitis largely disappeared and the serum
biotin return ins to normal, has been reported under a liberal
diet and injectio.1s of methylester of biotin.
Good sources of biotin are yeast, cereals, peas, ground-
nuts~ meat, liver and eggs. Biotin increases in cereals during
germination. An ordinary diet supplies about 30 to 110 mg.
(If biotin daily. "Yeast forms one of the best sources of all
the B. Vitamins. ! to 1 oz. of an average yeast shoulcl sup-
ply the daily adult requirements (about 500 LU. or 1.5 mg.)
of Vitamin B 1 . It is possible to obtain yeast specially rich
in Vitamin Bl so that the daily requirement is provided by as
little as 2 grammes". -
N.B.:-All the above are water-soluble Vitamins
originally distinguished from B], by their greater heat-
Vitamin B, (Pantothenic Acid or bios IIA.)-has been
identified as the "chick anti-dermatitis factor" or the "Liver-
filtrate factor".
Sources are:-Yeast, eggs, whole wheat, peanuts and
-liver. ~solated from raw liver. Also made synthetically.
Daily requirement and Therapeutic dose:-5 to .¥J mg.
This was found to cause a decrease in the capacity of liver
tissues to oxidise pyruvate l and possibly is a component of
enzyme systems active in connection with pyruvate meta-
bolism, with P-Amino-Benzoic Acid and biottn: its importance
as an anti-grey hair factor has been mentioned.
Pantothenic Acid has been found efficacious :in peripheral
neuritis unrelieved by other B. Vitamins, and is necessary
for growth in rates, but its role in man is not known. In


Beriberi its blood level is 20 to 50 per cent below normal.

"Pantothenic Acid apparently closely allied with the cumu-
lative effect of Vitamin B-Complex and has been shown to
have a synergistic effect in the human system in association
with Riboflavin."
Pantothenates are essential for the metaboJism of micro-
organisms, and efforts have been directed to synthetise sub-
stances very similar to Pantothenate, which will starve micro-
organisms of a substance essential for growth. Has been of
thera~utic value in the treatment of certain anaemias.
"Though Pantothenates have been employed in men, their
lJrecise indications have not been determined".
Chemistry of Vitamin BR:-Little is known of this fac-
tor beyond the fact that something occurring in dried yeast
and wheat embrayo is necessary to prevent loss of weight in
pigeons fed on a diet of polished rice supplemented with liberal
amounts of Vitamin B. '
Stability of Vitamin B,::-This factor is thermolabile.
R.esults of shortage:-Possibly contributes to pellagra;
rats develop a dry scabby skin and thinning of the hair, (leads
to atrophy of Suprarendle in rats); chicks develop dermatitis
and degeneration of the spinal cord. Though detailed effects
on man are not yet known, the substance is said to be'neces-
sary for health.
Chemistry of Vitamin B.:-This factor is found in bakers'
yeast and can be separated from the watery extracts of Vita..
min B], by absorption on Norite Charcoal at P.H.l,O. It is
a base and forms a crystalline hydrochloride of the composi-
tion e4H4N4, HCL, iH~O. It is precipitated by phospho-
tungstic acid (p. H~O to 4.0), mercuric sulphate, picric acid,
picrolonic acid and gold chloride. Pauly and nitroprusside
tests are negative.-(Page 749 of Martindale's Extra Pharma-
copoeia, Va. II).
Symptoms of Vitamin Rl deficiencv in rats are different
from the symptoms of BJ deficiency. Vitamin BJ has not yet
been shown t9 be necessary for human beings. "A specific
type of paralysis in rats and chicks results from the lack of
this Vitamin, the existence of which, however, is doubtfttL
This may be identical with other known factors. Recent work
identifies it with the aminoacids arginine and cystine". (Page
112 of Treatise on Tropical Therapeutics" (1950).
Stability of Vitamin R-which is thermolabile is most
stable in 20%, acetone-wate; solution at P.H.3.0. '

Vitamille B~:-This alkali-he at-stable, water-soluble fac-

tor is necessary for the growth, (weight-maintenance), and
weU-being of pigeons, is also noW thought to be the same sub-
stance as Vitamin Bo, or Pyridoxine.
Vitamin Eo: (Pyridoxine or Pyridoxin; Pyridoxine hydro-
chloride; Adermin; Bitamin B z, is also a pyridine derivative
and forms one of the new (fraction of the) factors of the ori-
ginally known as Vitarain B-Complex, or Vitamin B2 Com-
Pyridoxin or Pyridoxine is a white, odourless, crystal-
line powder with a bitter taste, melting at 157 0 to HiQ'·C. with
decomposition; solublf! in water and alcohol, stable to heat
and alkalies, but destroyed by light. Pyridoxine may be con-
cerned in oxidations and possibly in haemoglobin formation.
This Vitamin before its isolation in 1938 was given a variety
of names by different workers including "factor Y" or "factor
1", or "Vitamin H" and the "rat anti-dermatitis Vitamin" 01-
factor or adermin. -
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride-also occurs as a white odour-
les& crystalline powder with a saline taste, and a melting
point of 206° to 208°. It is soluble 22 to 100 of water, 1.1 in
100 of alcohol (95%) and slightly soluble in other solvents;
stable to light and air.
Pyridoxine or Pyridoxin-occurs naturally in cereals~
seeds, yeast, rice-bran and rice-husk; peanuts; egg-yolk;
liver etc., and may be prepared synthetically as 2-inythyl-3 ..
hydroxyl-4: 5 dihydroxy-methyl-pyridine.
Uses:-Vitamin BI} is known to be required for growth
of certain micro-organisms and said to be needed to maintain
muscle tone in certain parts of the digestive tract. In human
nutrition, Vitamin BG has been found to relieve symptoms
(characterised by extreme nervousness, tremors, insomnia,
irritability, rigidity, abdominal pain, weakness and difficulty in
walking) in patients whose typically pdlagrous and neuritic
condition had been cured by Nicotinic Acid and Vita~n B J ,
or where Niacin had failed, but whose diet had remained un-
changed and whose unhealthy condition had obviously been
due to a lack of several factors", and "useful in skin dIse~se,
cheilosis, anaemia, muscular distrophy and Parkinsonism,
arsenical peripheral neuritis and chorea, angular stomatitis
and migrane of pregnancy.
Vitamin B6 probably assists in the metabolisrn of Ul1-
f;aturatedi fatty acids. Recent evidence has indicated that
when equal doses of pyridoxine hydrochloride and thiamine

hydro-chloride are administered in subst~ntial ~herapeuti(~

dosage by mouth, many cases of hyperemesIs gravldarum are
relieved of their excessive nausea and vomitting". Oral doses
have varied from 50 to 250 Mg. daily; injection from 50 to 100
Mg. daily, or every other day. No definite range seems yet
to have been determined.
Dose:-50 to 100 Mg. daily. Vitamin Bo is required in
increased amounts during pregnancy.
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride: is stated to improve mues-
thenia gravis, muscular dystrophy and paralysis agitans.
Results of shortage and ahsence:-The skin manifestation
(characteristic dermatitis) of pellagra are at any rate partly
due to Vitamin Bo shortage, which has also caused epilepti-
form convulsions in rats; "rat-acrodynia" characterised by
dermatitis of the paws, nose and ears; defective growth in
chicks; pigeons develop digestive disturbances; hypochromic
anaemia in dogs.
Vitamin Br:-has the same functions of the popularly
known Nocotinic Acid or as some put it as Niacin to distin-
gUish it from Nicotine of tobacco. It is prepared by the oxi-
dation, of Nicotine or by laboratory synthesis. Nicotinic acid
is present in most forms of animal and vegetable life. (See
also:-Vitamin B~ Complex).
Nicotinic Acid (Niacin) is B-pyridine B-carboxylic Acid
and its amide-nicotamide is a compound of complex systems
of enzymes.
Nicotinic Acid is a white crystalline solid melting at 228-
229°C.; it is soluble in hot water and alcohol. It is one of the
most stable of Vitamins ana. is not destroyed by exposure to
air, cooking, light or alkalies. It can be sterilized by auto-
davmg. Being an acid it forms salts.
Daily requirement of B 7 :-In man about 30 to 60 milli-
grams; minimum requirement to prevent pellagra is 8 to 16.5
mgm. (0.12 mgm per kilo) daily.
Therap~utic Do~e:-Up to 1000 milligrams daily; but
effects must be watched; toxic effects are flushing, dizziness,
headache and nausea.
Shortage of Vitamin B 7 :-(a-niacinosis) causes:-Pel ..
lagra (other Vitamins,also lacking); mental confusion; glos-
Administration henefits:-Vincent's angina, delirium
tremens (500 mg. dosage), angina pectoris, coronary sclerosis;
bronchial asthma; Nicotinamide has lately been tried on dia-

betes with good results, which according to Gordon (B.M.J.

14-6-47) depend upon the amo\lnt of functioning pancreatic
tissues. In the treatment of pellagra the effective oral dose
is about 500 mgm. daily. In Ol:der to avoid unpleasant side
effects, it is recommended that this dose be divided into 10
fimaller doses of 50 mgm. each. :I£intravenous administration
is necessary, the total daily dose may be reduced to 80 mgm.
\¥hen marked improvement occurs, the dose may be reduced
to 100 mgm. daily by mouth. Besides pellagra, nicotinic acid
is used in stomatoglossitis, sprue and allied conditions, lenko··
plakia, pruritis, lupus erythematosis, eczema, psychosis, due
to defective nutrition, meniere's disease and sulphonamide in-
tolerance in doses of 150 mgm.
Vitamin Bs:-(Adenylic Acid)-Adenylic Acid or Adeno-
sine Monophosphate, a complex of Adenyne, Ribose and
Phosphoric Acid, is widely distributed in nature, in cereals,
glandular tissues and yeast, from which it can be extracted.
It is said to be essential for the phosphorylation of glucose,
Adenelic Acid being first converted into Adenosine Triphos-
phate, which transfers its labile phosphate to glucose. That
the energy of muscular contraction is derived from the break-
down of Adenosine Triphosphate is supported by evidence,
this reaction being catalised by Calcium ions. Ruskin report-
ed success with iron Adenylat~ in the treatment of agranulo-
cytosis following chemotherapy. It is stated that Adenylic
Acid enhances the effect of Vitamin Bl, in cases refractory to
treatment with the latter alone. Adenylic Acid inhibits
bacterial growth. Spies and collaborators reported that Ade-
nylic Acid has a powerful pharmacological action. Rapid
clinical improvement has also been reported by these ob-
servers in patients suffering from malnutrition, pellag'ra, and
peripheral neuritis with Adenylic Aeid; these patients failed
to respond adequately to yeast, and large doses of Vitamin B 1 ,
and P. P. Factor. However the evidence for its status as a
Vitamin in human nutrition is lacking.
Vitamin BIO and B l l : -These two Folic Acid variants
chemically unidentified water-soluble members of .the Vita-
min B Complex, are stated to be necessary for growth and
proper feather devel6pmel1t in the chick. These factors may
be identical with Vitamin Be.
Vitamin B 12:-(LactobaciUus lactis Dorner factor) is a
red crystalline substance isolated from liver and other natural
sources, believed to be the substance, absence of which causes
pernicious anaemia. Minute doses prevent both the blood
and nerve changes characteristic of the disease. "It is a phos-

phorus and cobalt containing material isolated from purified

liver extract. "Vitamin B12 given orally produces height and
weight gains, increased physical vigour, alertness, better
general behaviour, definite increase in appetite, and the
vanishing of severe allergic bronchitis in physically retarded
children". ("Science", 110-651, 1949 of New York).
Modern research has led to the discovery of this import-
ant fraction in liver, which is so powerful that 1 mgm. of this
is equivalent to 1 U.S.P. unit injectable liver, which is on an
average the daily amount of liver extract needed for satisfac-
tory response in pernicious anaemia. The crystals of Vitamin
BJ2 contain 4% cobalt and the red colour is probably due to
them. The exact significance of this on erythropoiesis is not
yet definite. The preparation of this Vitamin is extremely
difficult, since 4 tons of liver yield only 1 gramme of Vitamin
Bj~. In this connection, it is most interesting to note that
streptomyces grisens, which produces Streptomycin also pro-
duces Vitamin B12 and this fact has been taken ad'vantage or
commercially. Liver extracts of high potency containing 10
mgm. per cc. of this Vitamin or more give satisfactory results,
but not those containing lesser percentages. \
Administration of Vitamin Bl:! in pernicious anaemia
leads to a characteristic response clinically and haemotologi-
cally. The drug has the same beneficial effects on neurologi-
cal symptoms as liver extracts, and is safe as far as any aller-
gic manifestations are concerned. It may be the extrinsic
factor is identical with Vitamin B 12 • Oral administration of
Vitamin B12 is more effective, if coupled with normal gastric
juice, but even then this is less effective than the Vitamin
administered by injection.
Vitamin B12 is also of good use in nutritional and tropical
macrocytic anaemia and in sprue.
40-80 mgm. weekly for the first three months and then
30 mgm. every week afterwards is a good regime. Patients
with neurological symptoms should receive larger doses. (Dr.
V. N. Ashtaputre M.S., in "Miraj Christian Medical School
Magazine, March, 1951, pages 24 and 25).
Vitamin ffc:-(See Folic Acid):-Vitamin Bc i~ a Folic
Acid variant, also known as the chick anti-anaemic factor, be-
cause, deficiency of this Vitamin causes a nutritional anaemia
in chicks; cures a condition of dietary deficiency in pigeons,
in which these refuse to -grow and develop an anaemia, cha-
racterised by a decrease in the percentage of haemoglobin and .
red cell volume; this condition is also curable by liver extracts.
This has been isolated in crystalline form from liver and yeast.


Given orally it protects rats against the hypochromic anaemia

induced by sulphone drugs, e.g., promine, prominzole, diasone,
etc. Recent work identifies this Vitamin with Folic Acid. AU
the different Vitamins of this B. Group appear to be closely
related to metabolic processes in the body. Broadly speaking,
the more work we do, the more o~ the B-Vitamins we require".
N. B.:-"The role of Pantothenic acid, Adenylic acid,
Para-aminobenzoic acid, Biotin, and Vihmun V, in
humans, is at present undetermined and !"lone have as yet
beeI\ proven to be of therapeutic value."-:-(Hand-Book
of Medical Management).
Vitamin C: The Antiscorbutic, or (Lexuronic Acid),
Scurvy (infantile and adult) preventing Vitamin or water-
soluble Vitamin C, Ascorbic Acid of B.P., or Cevitamic Acid
is one of the most sensitive of all the Vitamins. It is obtain-
ed from the ripe fruit of Capsicum annum (paprika.) and
other vegetable sources, or by synthesis. It is a valuable
substance in the forming of the blood and also acts on the skin.
Copper utensils, air-contact, alkalinity, drying by mode-
rate degrees of heat, cooking, or ageing, all reduce or destroy
Vitamin C content of foods. Ascorbic Acid is a white crystal-
line substance; very easily oxidised in solution, especially in
neutral or alkaline solution; the oxidation is greatly accelerat-
ed by traces of copper, and is probably concerned in oxidation-
reduction reactions in the living organism. Hence, dry or
stale vegetables lose their Vitamin C. Pasteurisation of milk
(150°F.) and quick boiling of milk or vegetables entail a loss
of about 20 to 40% in. the Vitamin C. content of milk or veg~­
tables. As Vitamin C. is so easily destroyed, artificially fed
infants should be given orange juice or tomato juice from the
third month onward. Older children and adults should take
some fresh fruits, (fruit juices), and green vegetables, pre-
ferably raw, along with their usual diet. On account of the
danger of transmission of dysentery through raw vegetables,
it is necessary to wash them thurolJghly in boiling water.
When the supply of green leaves, vegetables or fruits is defi-
cient, sprouted peas and germinated wheat, grams or mung,
should be taken raw, in addition to the usual diet. These
sprouted grains may be added to vegetable curry just two
minutes before it is removed. from the fire. Fresh lemonade
has more C., if the lemon juice is added last, when the liquid
is cold. Milk and meat possess a definite but low anti-scor-
. butic value. The anti-scorbutic Vitamin differs from the anti-
neuritic one in its distribution and properties, as well as in
the nature of its influence (0 nutrition. This Vitamin is less

wide-spread than the anti-nutritic Vitamin and is more sensi-

tive to heat and drying than the anti-neuritic one; prolonged
cooking or to cook vegetables twice is a fatal mistake, while
the addition of soda renders them useless from the Vitamin
standpOjint. Tinned fruits, which have been raised to a tem-
perature of 120 0 C. lose their anti-scorbutic properties; so also
the bottled and dried fruits. In short, Vitamin C. disappears
rapidly from foods, when these are preserved and stored.
'This Vitamin is more sensitive to heat than A. or B. It has
also been shown that although pulses and cereal grains in the
ordinary stage contain no 'Vitamin C., and dried pulses and
grains contain no anti-scorbutic principle while still dry; but,
Vitamin C. develops in 48 hours, if they are moistened and
allowed to germinate or sprout". The sprouted grains should
be eaten raw, or ground into paste and water extracted or
after cooking for not more than 10 minutes. In all dry and
stale foodstuffs and preserved vegetables, most of the Vitamin
C originally present gets destroyed. The tissues of fresh
vegetables dried at low temperature or their expressed juices
preserved in the cold rapidly lose their anti-scorbutic property.
When fresh vegetables and fruits are not easily obtained.
sprouted grains may be used as a cheap and easily available
source of Vitamin C. Sprouted pulses may contain 10 to 15
milligrammes of Vitamin C. per 100 Grammes. A well
balanced diet for school-children and adults, should contain
some 30 to 50 mgs. of Vitamin C per day. Any loss of Vita-
min C caused by the prolonged cooking or cooking twice may
be made up a little, by inclusion of a few ounces of fresh
fruits, and leafy and other vegetables in the diet. Scurvy is
common enough among children fed on tinned foods. In the
l case of infants fed on mother's or cow' s mi~k, boiled fresh milk
or reconstituted dried milk, special attention to Vitamin C.
requirements is necessary. These can be supplemented by
giving orange or tomato or lemon fruit juices. in small quan-
tities. "Like Vitamins A. and B., Vitamin C., which is an
auxiliary to Vitamins A. and B. also is stored by the liver. So
carnivorous animals obtain their supply of these three Vita-
mins from the liver and blood of their prey. The white inside
of the peel of the oranges is particularly rich in Vitamin C.
Regarded as a source of Vitamin C. animal food is no good.
Eggs have no anti-scorbutic property; liver has but very little
of it. The quantitative presence of Vitamin C in milk de-
pends upon the green fodder, which the cow cons~es."
Vitamin C. is necessary in abundant quantity to keep the
blood pure, teeth, bones, gums and generally the whole of the
body in health.
30 •

Shortage or deficiency of Vitamin C. causes:-Scurvy,

(reddish skin eruptions); sallowness, malnutrition, loss of
appetite, vigour, weight, fleeting pains in the limbs and joints,
in adults; growing pain in infants and children, which make
them cry whenever they are hjmdled; lowered resistance to
infection; difficult healing of cuts and abrasions; anaemia;
lassitude; fretful temper; pOQr digestion; bleeding from
mucous membranes or haemorrhages from any part of the
body; pyorrhoea; (spongy bleeding gums, loosening of the
teeth); ulceration of stomach and bowels (even peptic ulcer);
enlargement of heart; and degeneration of sex organs and
capillary walls; some forms of infantile cataract; impairs cel-
lular oxidation, reduction and formation of red-blood-cells.
Newer scientific knowledge of Vitamin C:-"It was dis-
covered sometime ago that a hexuronic acid obtained from
suprarenal glands was identical with the substance made out
of lemon juice as Vitamin C. This synthetic substance is call-
ed ascorbic acid. As this has got reducing property, real lime
juice can be easily distinguished from the artificial product
which has no ascorbic acid and, therefore, no reducing pro-
perty. The availability of the pure chemical substance as
ascorbic acid has made the determination of Vitamin C. con-
tent of food materials in terms of the pure product possible.
"The requirement for health in adults has been put at 40
milligrams of ascorbic acid, and the minimum requirement to
prevent scurvy is one ounce of lemon juice or 20 milligrams
of ascorbic acid. If more than the requirement is ingested;
the quantity in excess of the saturation comes out in the urine.
Later researches have shown that the effect of ascorbic acid
deficiency is observable in many directions even before scurvy
may appear. It is now known that Vitamin C exerts a great
influence on the structure of tissues, regulates intra-cellular
cement substance of capillaries, promotes the growth and
ripening of the white and red blood cells, and its want causes
widespread degenerative changes in the body. Therefore, the
system should be kept always satl,lrated with Vitamin C. bv
the intake of juices of raw leaves or fruit-juices in sufficier{t
quantities". "Most people think of orange juice a$ the one
provider of Vitamin C., but a double order of tomato juice
is of equal value". , ~
"The amou~ts of ascorbic acid in milligrammes "per-l00
grammes are as under: --!... !

Orange and lemon juices-60; apples, 3; banana, 15;

grapes, 3: cabbage, 100; potato, 20; lettuce, 5; Human
milk, 6; Cows' milk, 2."
• "

"Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is also made synthetically."

Vitamin C. condenses with aldehydes, acetone and othel'
ketones in the form of minute colourless crystals with acid
taste, readily soluble in water, melting at 192 0 C. When dry
and protected from light, it is stable even in tropics. Auto-
claving at 120 0 C. for 20 minutes in oxygen at pH 8 results
in loss of 49%; solutions of Vitamin C. can be stabilised by
addition of small amounts of fruit acid, such as tartaric or
citric acid. Vitamin C. is I-ascorbic acid; dehydro-ascorbic
acid is as potent an anti-ascorbutic as ascorbic acid. The I.U.
is 0.05 mgm. of pure I-ascorbic acid and 1.0 mgm. of Vitamin
C.-20 I.D., but this standard is not now used. ,
Dose:-Prophylactic (daily) 500 to 1000 Units, Imperial
2/5 to 4/5 Gr. Therapeutic (daily), 2000 to 5000 Dnik; Im-
perial, H to 4 Gr.
It is a colourless compound, soluble in water and possesses
marked reducing properties. It is easily oxidised and can be
converted back into ascorbic acid by reducing agents. It
probably plays an important part in transport of hydrogen in
cell metabolism. Deficiency of this substance causes scurvy.
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) occurs in all growing vegetable
tissues, germinated grains, green leafy vegetables and fresh
fruits (especially in cashew, limes, lemons, oranges and other
citrus fruits, black and red currants, grape fruits, strawber-
ries, apples, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, yellow turnips,
potatoes, bell-peppers, spinach, onions, paprita, etc.); contain
large quantities of this Vitamin and smaller quantities are con-
tained in fresh meat, green vegetables, potatoes and milk.
Unripe seeds, e.g. green peas, contain ascorbic acid, which
disappears when they rip€n and dry, but reappear when they
germinate. Lemon, grape-fruit and orange juice contain 300
to 350 I.U. per ounce. Cashew fruit contains nearly 6 to S
times the amount of Vitamin C., as is contained in oranges.
'Paprika', a variety of cayenne pepper also contains 4 times
Vitamin C., as is contained in lemons. A pint of average
commercial milk contains about 5 Mg.; raw fresh milk con-
tains about 14 Mg. of Vitamin C. Fresh orange juice con-
tains 50 Mgs. per 100 Mils (3et ozs.).
"Emblica officinalis: (Indian gooseberries; Amla): is per-
haps the richest natural source of Vitamin C. Its fresh juice
contains nearly 20 times as much Vitamin C. as orange juice,
and a single fruit is equiv:alent in Vitamin C. content to one
or two oranges. Though heating and drying of fresh fruits
or vegetables usually leads to the destruction of most or all
the Vitamin C. originally present, Amla or Neelikai is an.

exception among fruits, because of its high vital Vitamin C.

content, and because it contains substances, which practically
protect the Vitamin from destriJction by heating or drying, as
its juice is strongly acid, and acidity has a protective action
on Vitamin C. Hence it is possible to preserve Amla without
losing much of the Vitamin. !Fresh Amla was found to be
most effective cure for scurvy ~hen an outbreak of the disease
occurred in 1940 in the Hissar Famine Area. Tablets made
from Amla powder contain Vitamin C. in concentrated form,
which is a convenient method of preserving the fruit for
,future use".
It is present in many fruits juices and vegetables, but the
-amount rapidly decreases on storage, due to the. presence of
an oxydose enzyme in the plant juices. Human milk contains
4 to 8 mgm. per 100 cem; cow's milk 1 to 26 mgm. and pas-
teurised milk under 1 mgm. The body can store ascorbic
acid. and depends for its supply on fresh vegetables. 'This
Vitamin has been definitely proved to be a protective against
"Ascorbic acid participates information and maintenance
of intercellular (cement) substance of all connective tissue
(deutins cartilage, matrix of bone, collagen of fibrous tissue).
It also transports hydrogen in cellular metabollsm and is an
fictive reducing agent. It is readily absorbed and excreted in
the urine. Hi is apparently concerned with formation of ad-
renal cortical hormones. No toxicity has occurred in oral
doses of 6 Gm. daily."
Ascorbic acid is very unstable and is destroyed on heaf-
ing, cooking or drying. It is however, fairly stable, e'oen on
cooking, in the rind of citrus fruits and in tomato juice. Ordi-
nary cooking destroys most of it in vegetables and the dura-
tion of the heating is more important than the temperature to
which they are raised. Cabbage loses about 80 per cent of its
ascorbic acid content by heating to 100 0 C. for 20 minutes or
by heating to, 60° C. for an hour.
In scurvy 9steoblast and odontoblast activity is normal.
and failure of connecti.ve tissue cells to form ,~upporting
tissues leads to thinning of bones and teeth. It is said that
within 24 hours of administration of ascorbic acidkJmprove-
ment begins to take place. It is claimed that utilisation of
ascorbic acid is higher than pormal during infective processes
and that it may be of significance in resistance to bacterial
infections. In scurvy with severe mlaemia, reticulocyte I

crises ensue soon after administration of ascorbic acid, sug:'

gesting that it may be an# essential
factor in haemopoesis.


Anaemia is frequently associated with scurvy and reacts well

to ascorbic acid as do other forms of nutr\tional anaemias. It
is also essential for wound repair and is present in young
granulation tissue and adjoining skin.
In mild cases of infantile and adult scurvey, oral dosage
is suffic;ient, and usually given in the form of lemon, orange,
or tomato juices. But, in severe cases, intravenous or intra-
muscular injections, daily of 50 to 100 Mgs. dissolved in 5 CC
of Normal Saline solution are given; it is always desirable
to neutralise the acid before use, by adding to the solution
half these weights of Sodium Bicarbonate.
There is some evidence that Vitamin C. has an effect on
the produ~tion of anti-bodies against bacterial infection. It
also possesses bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties and
inactivates certain toxins such as B. dysenteriae, C1., tetani,
and Cl. oedematiens. It is also concerned with complement
activity of serum.
It is suggested that Vitamin C. is a component of re~
versible oxidation-reduction system acting as a hydrogen
tr.ansporter of respiratory catalyst. This Vitamin is especially
abundant in the corpus luteum, the adrenals, the pituitary
gland and other glandular tissue. It is said to stabilise the
hormones and in scurvy symptoms resemble adrenal defici-
ency. It may antagonise thyrotoxin.
Administration by mouth has no effect on the blood
sugar, but intravenous injections lower it in normal persons.
Vitamin C. is essential for synthetic processes within the
cell. It is absorbed by the intestines, and if this is interfered
with, the diseased condition results. This Vitamin is stored
in organs and tissues with high metabolic activity (adrenals
are richest). Its blood range is 0.6 to 2.5 Mgm.
The bulk of Vitamin C. is excreted by the urine, small
quantities in sweat and faeces. When the tissues are saturated
with large doses, the urinary excretion rises. Daily excretion
of 13 Mgm. is borderline between deficient and adequate in-
take. .
The indispensable minimum is 25 to 30 mgm. per day (0.4
to 0.5 Mgm. per kilo); 26 mg. of ascorbic acid or 520 LU. is
considered a normal maintenance ration and this is supplied
by about 2 ounces of lemon, or grapefruit or orange-juice;
the optimum is 50 to 75 Mgm. daily but even larger quantities
are needed during pregnancy and in acute infections. It
should therefore, be regularly supplied, otherwise there is defi-
ciency. Boys up to 15 years require 90 Mgm. daily and adults:
30-100 Mgm. •

Some authors state the daily requirement to be about 75

milligrams ·(15000 units); at least 15 Mg., and the thera-
peutic dose about 1000 milligrams daily; 50 to 100 in infants.
Pure ascorbic acid is suppli¢d in 25 and 50 Mg. tablets
When treating patients in whom deficiency is suspected, it is
well to give 100 Mg. a day fpr several days, and 50 Mg.
a day for longer periods. Ampoules are available for injec-
tion, but absorption by mouth is usually satisfactory".
Uses:-In scurvy and diphtheria it is specially useful. It
has also been used in febrile conditions of pneumonia, paroxys-
mal haemoglobinuria, whooping cough and other fevers, tuber-
culosis, rheumatism, typhoid, malaria, dental and oral condi-
tions, dermatitis, arsenical dermatitis, psoriasis, haemorrhagic
diseases (capillary, haemorrhages) pernicious anaemia, dur-
ing pregnancy and lactation, congestive heart failure, gastro-
duodenal ulcer, and eye conditions, including cataract; peptic
ulcer and ulcerative collitis; extreme debility and to hasten
the healing of operation wounds or wounds of any kind; sul-
phonilamide poisoning.
Most of the dietaries of the tropics are quite well-
supplied with anti-scorbutic substances and therefore, scurvy
is seldom found in India.
The susceptibility to scurvy varies widely for different
kinds of animals. Guinea pigs develop typical scurvy after
3 weeks without green food; human beings take a much
longer time to develop the disease. Rats, mice, cattle and
fowl appear quite unsusceptible; apparently they are able to
manufacture the Vitamin (in their liver).
In infancy and pregnancy, ascorbic· acid deficiency may
be corrected by giving ascorbic acid tablets. The richest
palatable source is fresh ·orange juice which contains 10 Mgm.
per 100 cern; tomatoes contain 13 to 39 Mgm. per 100 Cern.;
apples contain little, but cabbages, cauliflower and fresh
potatoes are good sources.
Probably less than 25 Mgm. of ascorbic acid per day is
inadequate even for infants and an intake of at lea~t 50 Mgn1.
should be aimed at in adults. In the presence of bacterial
infections 100 to 200 Mgm. and' during pregnancy ~100 Mgm.
is probably the minimum. The adrenal cortex liver. - 'and
kidneys store reserves of as(,lorbic acid, excess of which is ex-
creted in the urine at an average rate of 10 to 25 Mg. daily.
The liver of infants at birth is rich in ascorbic acid, which
becomes depleted if the child is breast-fed, more rapidly if
fed on cow's milk, and ve\-'y rapidJy if heated or preserved


milk is given. AU active tissues contain ascorbic acid. Ac-

tively growing tumours are rich in it, and its high utilisatioI'l:
may possibly be the cause of purpura in these conditions.
Plasma should contain 1 to 2 Mgm. per 100 cem. and in
scurvy, the value falls to 0.7 mgm. or lower. The urine con-
tains at least 25 mgm. in a 24 hour specimen; if less is excret-
ed, its store is badly depleted. Ascorbic acid has been iso-
lated in the pure form from fruit juice, and has also been
synthetically prepared. Most animals can manufacture this
compound, and hence are independent of any supply in the
form of food. Guinea-pig, man and monkey cannot manufac-
ture adequate quantities of ascorbic acid, become diseased,
and die unless they obtain a supply in their food.
N. B.:-Apparent Vitamin C. can be distinguished
from true Vitamin C. by its different reaction with for-
Vitamin D:-This Vitamin. prevents and cures Rickets,
Ostomalacia; Caries of .the teeth, and other forms of mineral
mal-nutrition; is known as Dr. McCollum's fat soluble cal-
~ifying anti-rachitic 'Sunshine Vitamin'. Vitamin D has two
important actions. It increases the intestinal absorption of
calcium and increases the urinary excretion of phosphorus.
Vitamin D. in the diet of infants, increases the utilisation
of the injected calcium and promotes the development of the
straight bones and sound teeth.-(Dr. T. V. Muthuswami
Chettiar, L.M.P., in charge of Muthuswami Chettiar's Hospital,
Tirupur P.O. S. I. Ry.) in his article 'Infant Feeding' in Febru-
ary, 1936, of 'Medical Digest', Bombay).
Vita71ljin D per se is found only in animals; pLant sterols
are merely precursors.
"Bourdillon (1930) -first isolated Vitamin D. in crystal-
lin form and called it Calciferol. But as the natural Vitamin
. D. is never crystalline, it is difficult to say, this is exactly
Calciferol". Vitamin D. probably acts by regulating the ab-
sorption of Calcium and Phosphate from the intestines; i.e.,
this Vitamin D. is one of the most important factors in the
proper development of the bones and teeth and assimilation
and storing of Calcium and Phosphorus contained in the food.
Attention must be given to Calcium intake also. Cereals
antagonise the action of the Vitamin D., and tend to produce
badly formed teeth when'this Vitamin is deficient. It is found
from experiments that Vitamin D., which is present in milk, is
still increased when the milk is exposed to ultra-violet light,
'e~ther from the Sun or some artificial source. On the other
hand, Vitamin A. which is also an ingredient of fresh milk, is
destroyed by the same process, From experiments made, it
was also found that one set of chicks fed with milk that had
been exposed to ultra-violet lig}:J.t, developed the usual condi-
tion resulting from the absence pf Vitamin A .• while a second
group fed with untreated milk,. aeveloped normally. Vitamin
D. is present in all food-stuffs, which are exposed to Sun's rays
in the process of preparation. Vitamin D. occurs mostly with
Vitamin A. and is found in abundance in Cod Liver Oil,
Halibut Oil and other fish oils (e.g., Salmon, herrings in
Western countries, hilsa, King-fish, etc., in India). It is also
present .in milk, cream, cheese, meat, butter, Clnd yolk of eggs.
In the human and animal body, it is formed by the action of·
ultra-violet rays, carbon-arc, or mercury-vapour, quartz lamp,
or direct Sun light on the skin. Similarly, now-a-days Vita-
min D. is produced artificially in the Laboratory by such ir-
radiation or exposure of the isolated ergosterol, which is a
constituent occurring in minute traces in vegetable oils, milk,
yeast, and other foods and oils, which contaill ergosterol to a
special wave band of ultra-violet rays or light.
Vitamin D. is stored in the liver skin and brain. More
Vitamin D. is necessary in the absence of ultra-violet light
which irradiates the sterol precursors in the skin.
"Vitamin D. is produced in plants, in food· materials and
also in animals, whenever ergosterol is prese1~t and is subject-
ed to ultra-violet rays. Ergosterol is a crystallin~ compound
with a structural formula similar to Cholesterol. When ultra-
violet light acts on Ergosterol, a yellow resin is produced.
This irradiated Ergosterol is a mixture of Vitamin D. and other
non-active products. Continued irradiation destroys the
Vitamin. When the bare skin pf the body is exposed to the I

Sun's rays (Sun bath) and ultra-violet spectral rays from a

Quartz Mercury Vapour Generator, Vitamin D. is synthe-
siz~d from Ergosterol in the superficial layers of the skin, i.e.,
absorbed by the skin and subsequently absorbed 'by the blood,
in the. circulation. Also food exposed to such rays absorb
and retain Vitamin D. In high latitudes, in winter, <this Vita-
min has to be obtained from the food. Hence, we can realise
the scientific value of exposing infants to the rays ot-the Sun,
after anointing their skin with mustard or cocoanut oiL -When
oil is exposed to Sun light, V,itamin D. is also formed ana is
absorbed in the body. Henc.e Rickets is particularly apt to
occur in infants kept in dark houses, while osteomalacia in
India is often found among women who keep pardah". Vita-
min D. is not destmyed by any of the processes of cookinq
and preservation. But, as ~Yitamin D. is only obtainable

naturally from animal fats, vegetarians should take plenty of

milk, ghee and sun-dried food-stuffs, and expose their bare
bodies to health-giving rays of the sun. Infants, young child-
ren, pregnant and lactating mothers should be given some
additional Vitamin D. in the form of irradiated Ergostrol, if
there is reason to suspect shortage of Vitamin D. in their diet.
The animal sterol (cholesterol) and the vegetable sterol
(ohytesterol). subjected to ultra-violet radiation produced
Vitamin D. It has now been found that this property is not
of cholesterol itself, but of an impurity in it called "Ergos-
terol". Ergosterol was so named as it was originally isolate<f
from Ergot.
A similar sterol or one closely allied to it has been ob-
tained from a wide range of lower plants, especially from
yeast. In fact, the Vitamin D. contents of a large number of
food-stuffs and oils may be considerably augmented by ultra-
violet irradiation. In other words, it was shown that the
active principle or the pro-Vitamin D. was indeed a sterol of
an unsaturated and labile type, of which ergosterol is the only
known representative. The sterol found in Ergot was one of
the most efficient substances and irradiated Ergot sterol or
Ergosterol was found to have 200,000 to 700,000 times the'
Vitamin D. activity of Cod Liver Oil. From Ergosterol
minute quantities of the active substance in white needle-like
crystals called "Calciferol" or Vitamin D. has been separated.
The crystals are .insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and in:
50 to 100 parts of vegetable oils. "Calciferol" has become a
cheap commercial product, and is being largely used medi-
cinally as the curative factor, Vitamin D. is obtained in this
in a concentrated and standardised form. Over-dose has to be
avoided. Calciferol raises the calcium phosphorus content of
blood. The advantages of Calciferol is that in a small bulk
in a readily assimilable form, a bigger dose (but never an
over-dose) of the Vitamin may be administered, which is not
possible either with the usual food-stuff or Cod Liver Oil.
Calciferol can be given intra-muscularly also. Calciferol _is
stable at room temperature, but loses its antirachitic properties
at 18°C.; it completely dissolves in oil at. 80 a C. Biological
essay is the only method of its estimation. "Calciferol" occurs
in all tissues, especially in the nervous system,· skin and

adrenals. It was originally produced from Ergot, and therefore
called "Ergosterol", but is now prepared almost exclusively
from yeast". •
Standard of Vitamin D:-The . International Unit of
Vitamin D. is the activity of .025 mg. Calciferol,
i.e., 1 milligram of Calciferol contains 40,000 units of

Vitamin D. In other words, Vitamin D. Unit "adopt-

ed by the International Conference is the biological
activity of a milligram of the international solution of
irradiated Ergosterol, which ha:s been found to be equivalent
to that of ..025 microgl'am of' crystalline Vitamin D. The
minimum daily need is about 1.0.0 units a day and the optimum
supply is probably about units a day or .0 ..025 Mgm.
"There is unfortunately no sure chemical method of
estimation of Vitamin D.; it has been essayed biologically.
There are two or three methods of carrying out the biological
assay" .• (Dr. U. S. Kini, B.Sc. (Hons.), Oil Chemist,
Government Oil Factory, Kozhikode, in "Sotlvenir of the 5th
South Indian Medical Conference, Mangalore, held from 13th
to 15th October, 195.0, page 34).
Natural Vitamin D.:-We are now able. to trace the vital
processes whereby Vitamin D. is produced in milk and nature,
and to follow its transition through many charmels to the foods
in which it ultimate1y fmds a home for the nutrition of the
human race: -The ultra-violet spectral rays of sunshine are
chiefly responsible f(lr the origin of Vitamin D. "The radiant
energy of these rays actuates the fat particles of plant-tissues
and from the sterol radicles produces Vitamin D. This
elaboration takes place during the sunlight hours in grass
and mthe southern -seas, a similar action occurs in the teeming
millions of minute plant organisms, which inhabit the Upper
Sunlit zone. In the former case, part of the Vitamin D. in
the grass is stored, after consumption, in the fatty tissues
of the animal to form the Vitamin content of butcher's meat,
or in milch cows to appear in, the fat of the milk. In the
latter case, the Vitamin D. content of the marine plant
organism is the source of the Vitamin fat of fish and fish liver
oil. This natural Vitamin D. initials the normal fixation of
Ca1ciUl11i and Phosphorus salts in the skeletal and dental
systems, and its presence in optimum proportions in the diet
is necessary for the prevention of rickets.-(Dr. John Camp-
bell, Ph. D. Scientific Adviser to the New Healtlt Society,
London, in "Natural Vitamin D. in Infant Feeding", in
"Medical Digest" February, 1936,-Pediatrics Numb~r.)
Shortage of Vitamin n. causes:-Anaell1i.a, nervousness,
irritability or fretfulness, loss of power to retain caldum,
sweating (mal~ise accompanied by hypocalcael].1ia); rickets;
osteomalacia; osteoporosis; delayed dentition and dental
carries; irregular and abnormal tooth and bone development;
laryngismus; stribulus; insufficient sleep; belilted standing and
walking habits; constipatiori ..and bu1ging of belly in Jronti

knock-knee or bow-legs; flat foot; curvature of the spine:

convulsions; enlarged tonsils; adenoids, etc., in infants and
children. With adults the symptoms of these are of acid
auto-intoxication frequently terminating in rheumatism;
osteomalacia usually occurring in women and complicated by
tetany and chronic diarrhoea; neuritis; diabetes; bronchitis
and Bright's disease; hypocalcaemia of parathyroid tetany.

Newer scientific knowledge of Vitamin D.:-"There are

probably several varieties (about 10 pro-Vitamins) of this
Vitamin, but all have the same effect and a similar composi-
tion; the original Vitamin D. is a mixture of Db D~., and
Dil" "Vitamin D .. from plant sources differs chemica.lly and to
a certain' extent physiologically from the Vitamin D., occurrin9
in animaL fats. Plant Vitamin D. is now termed D 2 ., and
animal Vitamin D. is termed Ds. Vitamin D~. or Calciferol:
is manufactured artificially by 'activating' ergosterol or from
irradiated ergosterol and does not occur naturally. Vitamin
D 3 • or lumisterol, from sterol-7-dehydrocholesterol or irradiat-
·ed 7-dehydro cholesterol; two very interesting points about
Vitamin D g ., are that it is the form in which the Vitamin is
found in Nature; is formed in the skin by the action of the
Sun; and its present substance 7-dehydrocholesterol has now
been synthesized. Ergosterol is best irradiated in solution,
but if alcohol is used, there is liability of its being over-
irradiated forming toxisterol. The only foods containing pre-
formed Vitan1in D. are animal in origin; whole milk, eggs,
fish liver oils, (tunny etc.), animal fats, butter, eggs. milk
and liver fats.
Daily requirements:-Probably between 500 and 2000 units
out varies with the amount of exposure to sunlight. 1 milli-
gram of Calciferol contains 40,000 units. Dose of Calciferol
for an infant is 1/2400 to 1/1200 gr. daily. The maintenance
dose for an infant is about 700 units; for curing rickets, a
bigger dose is necessary, but not exceeding 500 units. Doses
of Vitamin D. over 10,000-20,000 1. U ./Kg. of body wt.
per day may lead to metastatic calcification with nephrocal-
cinosis. Because, administered in big do~es or if continuued
fairly long even in a moderate dose, it causes overcalcifica-
tion in various organs of the body (especially the kidneys)
and at the growing ends of bones; an excessive dose may
so raise the blood level that some calcium may be deposited
in the kidneys as calc'ium-phosphate stone. In children the
first symptom of overdose is loss of appetite, followed by
di&rrhoea, which indicates that the dose should be reduced.
But, such an event is not likely with ingestion of Vitamin

D.-containing food ,but may result from concentrated

medicinal products. !
One egg is supposed to provide the whole of the daily
requirements of Vitamin D.; btLt all kinds of eggs are not
equally rich in Vitamin D.
Further, symptoms of over~dosage or huge doses cause
a marked increase in the calcium content of serum and
deposition of calcium in the blood vessels (aorta, coronaries)
kidneys and lungs; produces profuse sweating, polyuria, loss
of weight, vomitting, headache and extreme lassitude. On the
other hand, there is a pos.sibility that the adverse symptoms
were due to toxisterol, a substance which appears in calciferol,
if the ergosterol is over-irradiated. Calculi may form in the
bladder, atrophy of the spleen and thymus may also occur.
There is no reason to fear such effects from ordinary doses.
Mild symptoms of intoxication due to excess of irradiated
ergosterol have been reported in children; the first effect
produced is loss of appetite.
Cereals, if they form a high proportion of the diet, have
a deleterious influence on the calcification of teeth, but Vitamin
D. counteracts this defect. Recent work has shown that 1 large·
dose (250,000 units) will cure rickets, and 150,000 Units given
daily for two months will cure lupus vulgaris; further ex-
periments are awaited, but the expected adverse effects have
not occurred, and perhaps there is a hope that this massive
dosage may cure other forms of tuberculosis.
Vitamin D. is useful in all diseases listed under the
paragraph "Shortage of Vita1l1jin D. Causes", and improves
'infantile tetany, hay fever, arthritis and psoriasis; heals
fractures. "As Vitamin D. is essential for the format.ion of
strong bones and teeth in the growing child, and as its dis-
tribution. in food is very limited and uncertain, it is advisable,
in many cases of pregnancy, to give daily two teaspoonfuls of
Cod Liver Oil or its equivalent in Halibut or Shark Oil,"-
('For Ante-Natal Care' by a Lady Doctor in "Kanan
Saraswath", Diwali Number, Oetr.-Nov. 1942, joint issue,
pages 260-263). 0'(

Often the cheapest and easiest way of supplying' Yitamin

D. is by the exposure of the body to Sunlight." A gOQd supply
of Vitamin D. during pregnap.cy benefits the mother and
helps to ensure the satisfactory future developJilent of the
child. The growing child, the pregnant woman and the nursing
mother require an adequate supply of Vitamin D. If this
is deficient, the bones of the child are badly formed, resulting
in rickets and dental carries, ~d in a pregnant woman osteo-
.. ..."

malacia and its consequences, viz., deformity of the limbs,

the spine, the chest and the pelvis. Administration of Vitamin
D. has both preventive and curative effects.
"Mustard oil, gingelly oil, linseed oil ~d olive .oil do
not originally contain Vitamin D.; but, If these. oIls are
exposed in shalow vessels to Sun~hine, V:itamin~. is produ~ed
in the oils. All foodstuffs, whlCh durmg their preparatIOn
are dried in direct Sun's rays also contain Vitamin D. If
oxygen is passed through heated Cod Liver Oil, the Vita~in
A. content of it is destroyed and loses the growth-promotmg
property, but continues to be antirachitic. This antirachitic
.1'Ubstal1ce of Cod Liver Oil was designated Vitamin D. It
was subsequently found that other vegetable oils when sub-
jected t6 irradiation, develop antirachitic properties. These
oill substances contained 'sterol' bodies in minute quantities.
THe sterol of vegetable fats is known as phytosterol and that
of animal fats is cholesterol. It is these sterol bodies that on
irradiation, or on exposure to ultra-violet rays develop
Vitamin D. The unit of Vitamin D. is 1 milligram of Olive Oil
containing 0.025 micrograms of calciferol. The Vitamin D.
contents of 100 grams of substances are:-Cod Liver Oil, 12700;
Halibut Liver Oil 257,000; butter 100 to 200; Milk 10 to 100;
Egg-yolk 150 to 400 units. An adult's daily requirements
is from 150 to 400 units. A teaspoonful of Cod Liver Oil
gives 300 units. The daily requirement of the growing child
and of the pregnant or lactating woman is believed to be
500 1. Units {=12.5 microgram of calciferol)".
Some 10 antirachitic Substances have been obtained
by ultra-violet irradiation of sterol precursors, but only two
have been isolated from natural sources. Of these, Calciferol
(D2') is usually prepared artificially from ergosterol; the
other D 3 ., appears to be the commonest natural Vitamin. They
are white crystalline substances.
Vitamin E.:-Another Vitamin which is responsible for
animal and human fecundity, i.e., a nourisher of the repro-
ductive system, has been christened, anti-sterility or anti-
destrophic, oil-soluble and fat-soluble E. (aloha-beta or
Gamma Tocopherol) by its discoverers, Profs. Herbert Evans
and George Burr. When other- Vitamins are vitally important
for the growth and welfare of animal organism, Vitamin E.
is solely responsible for the very existence of the organism
itself. The animal-male or female, from whose dietary it is
lacking or altogether absent, appears to be absolutely ;terile,
or unable to reproduce, causing premature death of the foetus
in the mother's womb and being resorbed. In the males of

the same species, complete deprivation of the Vitamin E.

ultimately produces d,egenerative changes and permanent
sterility or the offspring is wealt, when there is a 1;:lCk of this
Vitamin, there is failure on the part of the body to utilise
iron, and anaemia results. Go:od results have been claimed
from the therapeutic use of this Vitamin (Tocopherol), in '
cases' of habitual abortion. Three closely related tocopherols
are known; the most active of these, ~s a-tocopherol). '
Source and Character:-Vitamin E. can be extracted by
fat-solvents, like light petroleum, ether, absolute alcohol,
benzine etc. It withstands heat to a remarkable extent and
in that respect resembles Vitamin A. But under certain
conditions it is susceptible to qxidation. It is found in
abundance in the organs of certain plants, embryos of seeds,_,
rice-germs, and green leaves of vegetables, chiefly lettuce,
seeds, cotton-seeds and cotton-seed oils, cereals, maize peas,
oats, corns, wheat-germs (germinated whea.t), and wheat-
germ oil. It has been isolated in a crystalline form under the,
name of Tocopherol, having the formula of C 29 Hr,o O 2 • It
is a complex alcohol having a benzine ring. (Dr. H. V.
Savanur's "A Handbook or Ayurvedic Materia Medica, etc.,
Vol. I.). Vitamin E. is relatively non-toxic.
If offsprings are to be bom to perpetuate the race, the
aid of this Vitamin must be invoked. An animal rendered
sterile for an indefinite period by a special diet free from
Vitamin E. may have fertility re~tored, when fed with this
Vitamin either in regular food-stuffs that contain it or as an
extract. Fortunately, for the perpetuation of human-beings,
the anti-sterility Vitamin is widely distributed among animals
and vegetable food-stuffs, and it is seldom that there is shortage
of this Vitamin in the diet. It is of interest to note, however,
that its distribution is quite different from that of the "Growth
Vitamin", known as Fat-soluble A. Milk-fat, e.g. though rich
in Vitamin A., is poor in Vitamin E. Though Cod Liver Oil
is high in Vitamins A. and D., Vitamin E. is notably lacking
or is NOT present in Cod Liver OiL Throughout the life of
animals, 9% by weight of the ration may be con~~tuted by
Cod Liver Oil, a single drop of which daily, is ad~quate for
A. requirements, and yet ster~lity results.
Chemistry of Vitamin E.:-"In animal tissues in general
(but not in Cod Liver Oil), the Vitamin is present, but never
highly concentrated. When the 'non-seponifiable fraction of
wheat-germ oil is removed, there remains a fraction having
the characteristic physiological action of Vitamin E. From
this fraction, a-tocopherol,. a compound having marked

Vitamin E. activity, has been isolated. Beta-tocopherol and

Gamma-tocopherol have also biological activity of Vitamin E.,
but in lesser degree."
Heat or drying or al1,y 1Y(ocesses of cooking, of the leaves,
does not impair the activity of this Vitam,in. Moreover "In
the cases of both wheat-germ and lettuce leaf, (which are very
rich sources), ether extraction of the desiccated substances
remove E. quantitatively and secures for us oils which are
efficacious in daily single drop (25 Mg.) administration. E.
is probably present in most commercial oils, so that when the
latter constitute a high proportion of the diet, fertility results.
Such results have been secured with Wesson Oil, Coconut Oil
and Olive Oil." Oils in their natural state have a less con-
centrated -E. content than wheat-germ, but aicoholic extracts
of a hydrogenated product of cotton-seed oil may be fairly
rich in the Vitamin. Exceedingly concentrated extracts may
be made from wheat-germs, a single dose of 5 milligrams-
1/5 (one-fifth) of a drop either with the food or administered
hypodermically sufficing to restore fertility."- (Popular
Science Siftings). Vitamin E., is now available either in the
form of concentrates from wheat-germ oil, or as a synthetic
product. Vitamin E. has been synthesized and is known as
a-tocopherol. "It is still doubted whether Vitamin E. has real
influence over the reproductive capacity of human-beings,
particularly males."
Daily l'equirements:-A suitable daily human dose is an
amount equivalent in biological activity to 13 Mgm. of toco-
pherol is Acetas (B.P. C.) but sufficient is supplied in a
normal diet und~r ordinary circumstances.
Therapeutic dose to be added to the normal diet:-In
normal pregnancy, 3 milligrams daily. When there is history
of abortion, 12 to 24 milligrams daily.
Shortage of Vitamin E. Causes:-Abortion, steriliy,
Toxaemia of pregnancy.
Administration is said to "have benefited cases of dysme-
norrhoea; premature labour; certain cases of toxaemia of,
pregnancy; sterility in either sex; deficient lactation; muscular
dystrophy if given for long periods, but many of these cases
have spontaneous remissions"; neuro-muscular diseases;
amystrophic lateral sclerosis; bulbar paralysis and tabes
dorealis. Wheat.,germ oil; which is rich in Vitamin E. has
been found to cure some cases of habitual miscarriage in

Vitamin F. aids growth and is found in liver and lettuce;

It is the same as Vitamin B l ., and is comprised of highly
unsaturated fatty acids (comBination of linolic or arachibonic,
linoleic, and linolenic), which are essential for the growth of
yeast cells, and is required in! small amounts, possibly to aid
in the absorption of ordinarY fatty acids. "It is not clear
whether it is a pure compound or a mixture of compounds
illcluding thiamin, biotin, etc., which also have this property.
Linoleic and linolenic acids are present in large quantities
in vegetable and seed fats though not in margarine, but the
presence of arachidonic acid is doubtful. This Vitamin is
said to be included in the preparations of face creams, etc."
"'Deficiencies of Vitamin F. produce 'fat-deficiency disease' due
to deficiency of the essential unsaturated fatty acids charac-
terised by retarded and ultimately arrested growth accom-
panied by a raised metabolic rate, altered fat and water
metabolism, changes in the skin and hair, renal degeneration
and impairment of the sexual functions."-(A Treatise on
Tropical Therapeutics,-1950).
Vitamin G.:-also called B 2 ) was also applied to niadn
amide, but now it is synonymous with Riboflavin, contained
in fresh milk, liver, meat, green vegetables, bananas and
yeast; prevents skin disease called pellagra.
Vitamin H.:-or co-enzyme R, is biotin, bios II B., is
water-soluble; is shown "to be a cyclic urea compound con-
taining sulphur with carboxyl group. It occurs in high
concentration in tumours.
Biotin is found in food-stuffs containing other members
of the Vitamin B. Complex, particularly yeast, liver, kidney,
light chicken-meat, eggs, and peas, cocoa and cereals.
"Biotin is necessary for the growth of many bacterias
and moulds e.g., staphylococcus, strains of clostridium, yeast
and fungi. It is also a growth hormone for higher plants and
a growth factor for the rat and most animals. If rats are
given purified diets containing sulphaquinidine or succinyl
sulphateniazol, which are bacteriostatic, signs and symptoms
of biotin deficiency are produced, the effect bein~ presumably
due to interference with the bacterial synthesis of biotin in
the intestines." , ~
"Deficiency of Biotin in man is characterised by exfolia-
tive dermatitis, greyish p~lor of the s~in, atrophy -of the
lingual papillae, disturbed erythropoiesis and spasticity.
Essential for normal growth of yeast, and protecting rats or
chicks against a nutritional injury caused by eating excess
of raw egg-white. t

Vitamin K. 01' Phylloquinone or coagulation Vitamin K.-

(Because it enables the blood to clot) : -This is a fat-soluble
yellow oil first found in the liver-oil,-a thermostable sub-
stance abundant in animal liver-fat, putrefying extracts of
fish-meal, egg-yolk, vegetable fat, rice-bran or casein;
tomatoes, and green leaves and leaf vegetables, especially
spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, orange peel, straw-
berry, soya:-beans, alfalfa-grass and germinating (sprouting)
oats, probably formed also in intestinal canal of man by natural
bacterial flora. "Naturally occurring Vitamin K. is non-toxic,
but menadione in doses of 180 mg. is reported to cause vomiting
porphyrinuria and transient albuminuria." "Normally,
Vitamin K. is present in the ordinary articles of diet in
sufficient quantities to ensure that every adult carries a normal
amount. But in the new born baby it may be absent or
deficient and this would be dangerous to life. To overcome
this potential cause of infant mortality, two therapeutic
equivalents of Vitamin K. have been discovered. One is ethyl-
I>hytylnapthaquinone and other nepthaquinone derivatives,
which can be synthesized to replace it. But, chief medicinal
supply is synthetic. K. takes its name from coagulation of
blood. It is probably an essential group in the prothrombin
molecule for the formation of prothrombin, by the liver.
Bacterial synthesis of Vitamin K. occurs in the intestine.
"Goodman and Gilman have described the blood-clotting
phenomenon as the summation of interaction between proth-
rombin, Thromboplastin and Calcium produdng Thrombin; this
together with fibrinogen produces fibrin. Deficiency in one or
more of these factors produces an abnormality in blood-clotting.
It is noteworthy that human blood may be severely deficient
in prothrombin and still exhibit a normal or only slightly
subnormal clotting time. Severe deficiencies of prothrombin,
of' course, produce great prolongation of the clotting time. It
has been found that the haemorrhagic diathesis in jaundice
is almost always associated with lowered blood prothrombin."
- ("Pharmacology and Therapeutics" by Dr. M. A. Kamath).
This Vitamin is associated with the normal functioning of
liver and also with normal clotting of blood, and is essential
for the normal synthesis of prothrombin in the body. Vitamin
K. raises the prothrombin content to normal within 2'! to 48
hours. If given orally, in cases of jaunckice, 5 grains of bile-
salts should also be given; otherwise this fat-soluble factor
is not absorbed. To secure prompt action, it should be given
by intramuscular injection in doses of 5 to 10 Mg., in 0.5%
solution of arachis oil. It has also been found useful for
minimising post-operative bleeding in cases of jaundice, and

for preventing and treating haemorrhagic diseases of the

new-born. I

Acito-menaphthonum is a: preparation, which is given

orally in tablets to expectant rnothers during a week before
labour. This dose is 1/6 to 1 grain.
Vitamin K.:-is not stored in any appreciable quantities
in the body. What little is stored is held in the liver. Injury
to liver may cause deficiency of Vitamin K. and reduce the.
clotting quality of blood. In haemophilia, prothrombin
content is normal although the clotting time is greatly
prolonged, and Vitamin K. is of no value in haemophilia,
purpura, and intrinsic diseases of the blood-forming organs
or as a non-specific haemostatic. Obstructive jaundice lowers
the prothrombin of blood and patients undergoing surgical
operation may die of haemorrhage. In such cases, the use
of Vitamin K. does good. Infants disposed to haemorrhage
show improved quality of blood on treatment with Vitamin.
K. Two active substances have been isolated.
Vitamin Kt.:-generally used under the name Menaph-
thonum (Kapilon), (alpha-phylloquinone) is 3-phyty 1-2
methyl-lA-naphthoquinone, found most abundantly in the
green leaves of plants and alfalfa grass, is a light yellow oil
which crystallises on cooling in acetone or alcohol solution. It
is probably the most active, though there are several varieties,
all with similar action. But, methyl-naphthoquinone a
synthetic equivalent with a slightly different formula, is easier
to make, so is the one chiefly used. "It has been synthesised
also as a derivative of nephthaquinone". Vitamin K. is not
absorbed from the intestines, in the absence of bile-acids.
Therefore, when given orally, it is desirable to give bile-salts
along with this Vitamin. Curiously enough a similar and
almost equally effective variety occurs in the bodies of
tubercle bacilli; it has also been synthesized as men-
Menap"bthonum is insoluble in water, but slightly soluble
in alcohol. It is destroyed by exposure to light.,.,. It is given
in doses of 1/12 to 1/6 grain (5 to 10 ,Mg.) The synthetic
product 2-Methyl-1 : 4~naphthoquinone is generally used in
practice and is given intra muscularly.. ~_
Daily dietary requirenients:-Unknown.
TherapeuticDose: -Adults 100 to 200 millidrams daily'
babies 5 to 10 mg. ""
Vitamin K 2 .:-is a 3:;difarnesyl-2-methyl-l.4 nephthaqui-
none, formed by putrefactiye..bactetia in putrefied fish-meal a
."...,.- ,

light yellow crystalline solid. Active analogues - all deriva-

tives of 2-methy-1.4-nephthoquinone, - (some water-soluble)
have been synthesized and used therapeutically in various
conditions involving delayed blood clotting.
Menaphthone B. P. (Menadione, Vitamin K. analoglle)~
it is methyl-nephthaquinone derivative. It is a yellow powder
and is sold under the proprietary name of kapilon and
prokyavit in anlpoules containing 5 mgm. dissolved in 1 cern.
of oil. It should be given intramuscularly to ensure absorption;
oral administration is unreliable, btLt if given orally, it sho'ltld
be combined with 2 to 3 gm. of bile salt. The absorption of
\ 5 mgm. produces a prolongation of clotting time.
It is ~seful in h~morrhagic states of the new-born. In
surgical operations and cases of the obstructionaljaundice of
long duration, where there is tendency to bleeding, one in-
jection before operation maY.raise the clotting time to normal.
In haemophilia, it is of no value but the administration of
oestrogen, natural or synthetic, may check the bleeding.
Haemorrhagic disease of infants may be prevented by giving
Vitamin K. to mother just before delivery in doses of 1 mgm.
Deficiency of Vitamin Ii. causes:-·Delay in the clotting
time of blood and subcutaneous and intramuscular hae-
morrhage. Synthesis of prothrombin not properly carried
out by liver, so there is a tendency to haemorrhage in the
new-born and in cases of jaundice.
"Vitamin K. deficiency, 'which is detected by 'a lowering
of the blood prothrombin level (hypoprothrombinaemia) may
occur in any of the following circumstances: - (1) Inadequate
supply of Vitamin K.: - (a) Nutritional deficiencies of Vitamin
K.; (b) Conditioned deficiency of Vitamin K. as produced by
sulphaguanidine, succinyl sulphathiazole, etc.; (c) Idiopathic
hypoprothrombinaemia; (2) Inadequate intestinal absorption
due to lack of bile in the intestine as in jaundice and intes-
tinal obstruction, pancreatic insufficiency, etc.; (3) Injury to
the lung; (4) Infection particularly of the respiratm''Y tract;
(5) Haemorrhage.
Indic'ations for the therapeutic use of Vitamin K. are:--
(a) Neonatal haemorrhage in which Vitamin K. substances
are administered to the mother prior to delivery. The adminis-
tration of compounds possessing Vitamin K. activity will
exert no effect on haemonhage occurring at the time of
delivery, but they appear definitely to decrease the amount
of haemorrhage that may occur secondarily following delivery.

In other words administration 'Of Vitamin K. daily to mothers

for a week, before labour increflses the prothrombin content
in the blood of the new-born infants, which may also receive
2 mg. soon after birth as a prophylactic against haemorrhagic
disease of the new-born. (b) Obstructive jaundice.-the
bleeding tendency that develops in this condition, usually prior
to surgery of biliary structures is an indication for Vitamin
K. therapy; i.e., haemorrhage associated with obstructive
jaundice; (c) HaemoLThagic states associated with ulcerative
- colitis, sprue and coeliac disease are affected specifically by
Vitamin K.; (d) Cirrhosis of the liver, hepatic atrophy, and
ascites, are nonsurgical forms of hepatic diseases, which are
accompanied by hypoprothrombinaemia; (e) Pulmonary
tuberculosis-as an aid in preventing haemorrhage."-(A
Treatise on Tropical Therapeutics). "
Vitamin L 1 • and L 2 .:-·-Factors L j • and L~. claimed to be
essential for the lactation in young rats, are stated to be
present in beef-liver extract and yeast respectively. It has
been suggested that these factors may be identical with the
liver filtrate factor of Morgan and Simms or some other factor.
present in the "filtrate factor". The existence of these factors
has not been confirmed.
Vitamin M. (Folic Acid):-This Vitamin is identical with
Folic Acid, and is present in yeast and crude liver extract.
Deficiency of this causes a pellagrous syndrome of anaemia,
leuco-cytopoenia, diarrhoea and mouth lesions in. monkeys,
on account of lowered resistance of intestinal mucotis to
infection by B. dysenteriae.
N.B.: ("Vitamin M. is different from the well-known
members of the Vitamin B. (complex) such as
pantothenic acid, choline, para-amino benzoic acid,
pyridoxine and, inositol)". "These, monkeys also
responded to highly-purified lacto-bacillu5 casei
"F,actor U.":-A water-soluble growth factor of chicks;
it occurs in yeast, wheat-bran, and corn. Tbis may be identical
with Vitamin Be. <"'(
Rice Polish Factor: -A factor, recently discovered, is
essential for the growth and maintenance of animals receiving
all other known Vitamins, or factors. It is pl'esent ifi-l'ice-
polishing and has been suggested to be complimentary to
Vitamin B G• in preventing rat dermatitis. This. .really may be
a complex, as it can be replaced by a mixture of glycine and
glycuronic acid or certain pentoses.
Vitanlin P. (Rutin, H~9P_eridin.; Methyl Chalcone) or,

citrin occurring naturally in lemon JUIce, is water-solublE':

always found in association with and dosely related to
Vitamin C.; possibly related to the (yellow) flavanone,
hesperidin, chalcone, an unstable body, which can be stabilised
and made water-soluble by methylation; and believed to be
concerned in controlling the number of haemorrhages,'
occurring in the course of certain conditions by the resistance
of the capillary walls to the application of pressure. Citrin
was later found to consist of mixed crystals of two different
flavone glucosides: one hesperidin (m.p. 261°) forming the
major part, and the other an eriodictol or eriodictyol glucoside
to which the activity of citrin was attributed. Recently
R. H. Higby investigated- crude preparations of the flavanone
constituents- of citrus peel, including orange hesperidin, lemon
citrin and lemon eriodictin, all of which were found to
contain, in varying proportions, both the blood pressure
reducing factor and the capillary permeability factor. Hes-
peridin has been administered to patients whose capillary
tonus was decreased in vascular haemorrhagic diseases as a
result of trauma, pressure, avitaminosis, bacterial invasion,
chemical injury or lymphatic infiltration. A large measure of
success was attained where the purpura was allergic, infective,
or nutritional, but not whe1'e it was mechanical. (1. N. Kugel-
mass, J. Amer., lVIed. Ass. i/1940. 519).
Experiments suggest that it prevents or controls capillary
fragility and controls or maintains normal permeability; so
is active against scurvy and' purpura; a further property of
great importance, if it is confirmed, is that it appears to :'educe
blood pressure. A deficiency of Vitamin P. may exist in
man even when. he has been taking large doses of ascorbic
acid for long periods. Its clinical manifestations include pains
in the legs on exertion and pains across the shoulders.
weakness, lassitude and -easy fatigue, with a reduced capillary
resistance, characterised by the development of spontaneous'
petechial haemorrhages in areas of skin subject to pressure.
It responds to treatment with Vitamin P. Purpura haemorr-
hagia after arsenic therapy was ~uccessfully treated with
Vitamin P: The erythema and dermatitis occurring 83 toxic
manifestations of anti-syphilitic therapy are shown to be
associated with a low capillary resistance and clinical
improvement follows the use of Vitamin P.
Vitamin P., like Vitamin C., appears to be readily des-
troyed by oxidising agents and is unstable in alkaline Sohltion.
Vitamin P. is present in paprika (a variety of Capsicum
annuum grown all over Europe), chillies, pimentos, oranges.

lemon peel.and juice (citrus fruits), black cunants, tomatoes,

green vegetables, in extracts I. of Hungarian red-pepper,
grapes, plums, prunes, and a' purry made of rose-hips:
'Paprika' contains about 4 or s: times as much Vitamin C.
as lemon.
A water-soluble concentrate prepared from black-currants
was 100 times as active as re-crystallised Hesperidin.
Exact requirements and therapentic dosage are said to be
1mlcnown so far. Yet, "Hesperidin in daily doses of 1/4 to 1
gram orally, or 10 to 1:5 mg. intramuscularly is at present on
trial in the treatment of purpuras, particularly those of
anaphylactoid, dietatic and arsenical types." "Recently
considerable question has been raised as to whether or 'not
Vitamin P. has any physiological or pharmacological effect in
humans. Considerable data suggests it has none."


IV 1. Home & Village Doctor (1945) by Satish
Chandra Das Gupta.
v 2. Extra Pharmacopoeia (1943) Vol. II by
IV 3. Nutritive Value of Indian Foods & the Plan-
ning of Satisfactory Diets. (Health Bulletin
No. 23 (1937) by W. R. AyKroyd., of Gov-
ernment of India).
IV&V 4. O'Meara's Medical Guide and Book of Pres-
criptions (1924).
4 (a) O'Meara's Medical Guide and Book of
Prescriptions for India & the Tropics (1947).
, 5. Pocket Book of V~getable Gardening, (1942)
by C. H. Nissley.
IV 6. Famous Book of Herbs by Heath :& Heather,
Ltd., London. ,
IV 7. Pharmaceutical Pocket Book (_1944f = _
IV 8. New Pocket. Quiz Book, (1945) by Slifer &
Crittenden. I

IV&V 9. "Hind Fisherman", October 1951, Page 12.

IV 10. Library of Health, Vol. V-Science in the
Kitchen, bY- M~·s. E. 'E. Kellogg.

IV 11. Better Homes, (1947) by M. A. ~eedham &

, A. G. Strong.
IV 12. Teddington Chemical Factory Ltd., Bombay,
-Diary for 1951.
IV 13 .. Kaufmann on Disease (booklet) pub.-·A. P.
Ordway & Co., Manufacturing Chemists, New
York, N.Y.
IV 14. Home Science (1930) by Wyskoff & Marshall.
V 15. Three Ways to Health (1941) by H. C.
V' 16. Chambers' Technical Dictionary (194}J).
IV&V .17. "Health & Happiness" monthly of Calcutta:-
February 1933, page 26 (V); May 1933 page
117 (V) ; June 1933, page 140 (IV); Oct. 1933
page 218 (V); April 1934, page 89 (V); October
1934, page 238 (IV); December 1934, pages
282 to 287 (V); November 1935, pages .268 to
269 (V); December 1938, pages 298 to 299
(IV & V) ; January 1939, page 21 (IV & V);
July 1939, page 154 (IV) .
V 18. Hana Book of Medical Management, . (1951)
# by M. Chatton & others.


Principal Forms of Ayurvedic Medication and Methods of

their Preparation and uses in brief:-
"Ayurvedic Vegetable Materia Medica includes not only
crude drugs proper, but also a large number of preparations
made from them: -e.g., as given in this Appendix."
"As different parts or plants contain different properties,
only those parts which contain efficient properties are used in
the below-mentioned forms of preparation. Whole plants are
used in the case of herbs which are very small and possess
one uniform Rasa ( ~ ) in all their parts. Each variety
of preparation has its own value in therapeutics. The
Churnas are rather bulky preparations and on account of
their complex nature take more time to act. It is, therefore,
desirable that only those drugs whose principles are easily
soluble or separable should be chosen in the preparation of
Churnas. Sugar, common salt, rock salt, etc., are generally
mixed with these powders in order to make them more active
and palatable. Water, milk, honey and ghee are some of the

corom on vehicles. In some cases, the juices of"fruits like the

d~ W h'Ieh
lemon or pomegranate are us ed ,as t h e organIC" aCI
they contain, facilitate the a,::tion of the Churnas. Before
using the powders of the whole drugs, it is therefore necessary
to ascertain which drugs are water-soluble and which are not.
In modern Pharmacopoeia, fllcohol, ether and the like are
used as solvents to help the easy solution of the constituents,
which are insoluble in water. (Tinctures are instances of
such processes). This is because modern Pharmacologists
are in favour of availing themselves of the important consti-
tuents only and not all the parts of the drugs. Ayurvedists,
on the other hand, have attached more importance to the
clinical findings and have based the pharmacological value
of the whole drugs on the results of experience. In the place
of tinctures, they have used, decoctions and infusions. They
. have again used extracts occasionally, evidently for the
purpose of portability and adaptability and also for the facility
of concentration, which they afford. Similarly methods of
maceration, percolation and precipitation have been used to
separate the soluble from the insoluble constituents of the
drugs. Satvas ( Bt'l ) are instances of such preparations.

Whole drugs were used by the Ayurvedists of the olden

times for reasons not only pharmacological and economical ..
but also social i.e. relatihg to the tastes, habits, customs and
social conditions, obtaining then in the country. It
must be admitted that strides of civilisation have always some-
thing to do with the turn of mind of particular generations:
yet we cannot ignore the fact that the system had grOWll
in India on account of both extraneous circumstances and
intrinsic virtues. . So far as the scientific methods are
concerned, it may be said that the ( qt;=.r ¥lTfu'fi ) Pancha-
bhautika character of dravya.s ( ~e<!l"l ) prominently occupied
the minds of the Ayurvedists; ~nd not the analytic and
synthetic methods of the West, as the latter, though practical
could not satisfy the basic: theories of the Orientals. "It is the
character of the \Vestern intelligence· to analyse, separate and
combine," but this process is sometimes too elabora¥ and the
results obtained are sometimes time-serving. TherE: is also a
tendency to artificialise, which makes the subject more and
more complex. The motto of the West is to find out.~drugs
or remedies, which have a specific property capable of a sure
and rapid action. These tendencies, though useful in serving
one purpose, are not free from thel faults of commission and
omission." (Dr. H. V. Savnur's-HA Hp.ndbook of Aynrvedie:
Materia Medica, etc." (1950).)
# ,

1. Anjans are remedies intended to be used in eyes for

their local or general effects. To relieve pain especially in
the head, An-jans are commonly resorted to in Ayurveda.
2. Araks or A1·kas or Arkams are distilled essences or
liquors, made by soaking drugs in water for 24 to 48 hours.
and then extracting...their essence by distillation; the essence
or liquors thus obtained are Arkas. Arab are usually
equivalent to aquae or 'waters' of the British Pharmacopoeia,
and they are prepared in the same way. They are used in
fevers, dyspepsia ~d externally as cooling lotions.
3. Aristas (See also Asavas) , are weak alcoholic pre-
parations ~'epared by making a decoction of the drugs and
then allov;i'ing them to undergo fermentation by the help of
raw sugar or honeys. Fermentation is allowed to go on for
a period of 7-10 days in hot weather, for 15 to 30 days in
cold weather.
4. Asavas or Asavam & Aristas 01' A1'istams (Asav~
arishtas) are medicated spirituous liquors. They are prepared -
with honey and treacle and various medicinal substances,
such as roots, leaves, barks, etc., of plants cut into pieces
and steeped in water and laid aside in air-tight earthen jars
for vinous "fermentation £01' at least six months. The pro-
portion of the different ingredients, is generally as follows:-
Water 32 seers (or 1024 tolas), treacle or jaggery 12~ seers,
(or 400 tolas), and honey 6:} seers, (or 200 tolas), medicinal
substances 1! seers, (or 40 to1as), in powder or decoction.
-When raw vegetable juices are used for fermentation, the
resulting fluid or liquid is called Asava. In other words,
Asavas are weak alcoholic preparations prepared by infusing
the drugs, in cold water and Rllowing to undergo fermentation
with the help of raw s_ugar or honey." The above difference
in Arishtas and AS(Lvas is not t'rti:e in all cases. Some Asavas
are prepared by decoction and some A1'ishtas from infusion."-
Dr. J . R. Goyal. When the decoction of drugs only is used for
fermentation, the fermented product is called Arishta. These
preparations combine the virtues or properties of spirituous
drinks and those of the drugs used in preparing them. Many
of these are stomachics, stimulants, tonics, astringents.
alteratives, febrifuges, etc.
5. AV(Llehas are Lehas, linctuses or confections or thick-
ened extracts. Thes'e are equivalent to confections, electuaries
or conserves of the B. P . To prepare them, decoction, after
being strained, is again boiled down to a thick soft consistencv
with sugar or honey. If sugar is to be used in this prepat'atio~,

its quantity should be four times that of the drugs, and in

the case of jaggery, it should "\Je doub,le that of the drugs.. If
water or milk or cow's urine is to be added, the quantIty
to be ~dded sho'uld be four tim~s that of the drugs used. These
extracts or confections, when \properly made, should sink in
water, do not readily dissolve in water, can be drawn out into
-threads or wires, an~ if made thicker, will receive impressions
of coins on their surface. They should show a good colour and
emit sweet smell. Extracts are generally administered with
the addition of milk, sugarcane juice, sugar or any other in-
fusions or decoctions or powders, in 4 tolas desirable under
1he circumstances. A valehas are used for digestive troubles,
respiratory affections and for general tonic effect on the body.
5 (a). Ba~i: """':::There are pills or tablets.
6. Bhasmas or Bhasms: (Se~: -Sinduras). These are
called alkaline ashes and are prepared from vegetable and
mineral substances. Vegetable ;lshes: -In the case of Veget-
able, the drugs containing more or less alkalies are at first
made into a coarse powder or pieces, and then burnt till they
are completely reduced to ashes. Mineral ashes: -In
preparing these, metals are first subjected to a process of
purification. The purified mass is then oxidised. The
oxidised product is then subjected to a process of roasting.
Finally, the roasted mass is reduced to a fine powder, when
it is fit for use. Ashes are also prepared from various animal
products, such as, hart's horn, pearls, cowries, etc.
6(a). Bhasms or Bhasmas (Ashes)-are also usually
oxides of metals (reduced metals) intended for internal use. In
Ayurveda great emphasis is laid on the way a Bho.srn. i'i
prepared. An oxide prepared in slightly different way, though
chemically identical, is said to possess different properties.
'Crude metals, such as gold, silver, copper, etc., al'e first
purified in vegetable oils and juices of different plants. They
are then roasted, oxidised and finally reduced to such a degree.
that these reduced particles actually float on the water, and
this is the usual test in Ayurveda to see that the Bhamnas
become Varitara ("floating on water"). This te'tt, though
seems very ordinary, has very great importance. from the
medication point of view. Bhasrnas of such test ID'e easily
assimilated in the general system and they directly mcrease
the metabolism and have a definite action upon the endocrine
glands. This is the observation of Mis. D.K~. Sandu Bros.'
Phar~aceutical Works, Chembur, Bombay,' in their own
practIce. They add that the chemical analysis of the Bhasrnas,
manufactured by them, does not give'very satisfactory results

and that will help them to standardise their preparations from

the therapeutical point of view; in spite of the fact, they say,
that they cannot ignore the marvellous results, obtained, a."ld
hence they are strictly following the process laid down by the
N. B.:-"As fresh or preserved medicinal plants . or their juices or
their liquid extracts, could not be had ready at hand at all times and
in all places, Bhasmas, furnish a permanent and equally (or even more)
effective medicament, ready-made and available everywhere. Scondly,
the process involves physico-chemical action of various medicinal herbs
on different metals or other inorganic substances, thus transferring the
properties of the former to those substances, and making them more
easily assimilable. In this way, a particular metal is not only rendered
innocuous, but it can be easily absorbed in the human system, con-
sequently hnving optimum effect with minimum dosage. The various
Bhasmas are either Satwas ,i.e., activated principles, or Salts. i.e. organic
chemical compounds. Praval mauktik, etc., belong to the first group;
while Tamra, Jasad, Nag, etc., comprise the second variety. There is
another method, which involves interaction of inorganic substan(~es, viz.,
Nag and Mallsheel, Vanga and Hartal, etc. Though this method is more
economical as regards time and' money, and Bhasmas prepared
accordingly are more powerful in action, yet they are less tolerable to
the human system and may show toxic symptoms. Thus, the main object
underlying this process, viz., to activate inorganic substances, is bettel'
achieved by the first method, i.e., physico-chemical action of different
medicinal herbs. In spite of the fact that it is more elaborate, laborious
and expensive, it is the only method of choice on reasonable and
scientific grounds, as it combines therqpeutic properties of both the
groups and provides us with preparations easily assimilabie and
heightened in their therapeutic standard.
A few points of practical importance require special mention as
regards the preparation of this category-
1. No preparation of this group is regarded fit for intenlal atlminis-
tration unless it is Niruttha i.e., it forms a stable compound with the
herb-products used as reagents; otherwise its molet?ules may dissociate
to reform the original metal and thus may show untoward symptoms.
It is therefore, of paramount importance to see that the preparations
must be genuine and stand the rigid scientific tests; and then they
'must come only from reliable manufacturers.
2. All preparations of metals, i.e., Bhasmas, have a common earthy
taste (though not metallic on any account), but they vary in colour
according to the method of choice.
3. As a general rule, the older the preparation the more efficacious
and innocuous it becomes.
4. These preparations should always be stored in glass-stoppered
5. One Bhasma given in combination with different vehicles and
under different pathological aspects shows minor shade:: of variation in
its therapeutic action.
6. Some preparations of this group are very strong in nature
and as such they should be used with due caution. Haratal Bhasma
is the strongest, and Talma, Loha, lUandoor, Makshika, Abllrak, Praval,
etc., follow in descending order.

7. Bhavana is a process in which powders are soaked

in various fluids, such as the expressed juice of herbs,
decoctions etc., and then dried.~ For this purpose the quantity
of juice added to the powder should be sufficient to cover it.
The mixture is then allowed tb dry in a shaded place. This
process is repeated twice, thl;ice or as many times, as is
8. Choornas or Churnas or Chlo'narns are powder-
mixtures prepared by pounding dry mineral, animal or vege-
table substances in a mortar with a pestle and passing the
powder through cloth or linen, or fine sieve. "If jaggery is
to be mixed with the powder, it should be equal to the
Churn a and in the case of sugar, it should be double the
Churna. If asafoetida is to be mi~ed, it should always be
baked over fire to prevent nausea. Usually l)owders'are taken
with milk or hot water, or cow's urine, etc., and are often
used four times in quantity. Sometimes with ghee, oil, honey
or sugar, their proportion is just sufficient to mix the dose,
or even double the Churna in quantity. 'Where no directions
are given, hot water is the only 'Annpctn' or vehicle. C/W1'1w.,
prepared without the ~id of machinen-J are considered '1nme
effective. Choornas (Powders) are particularly useful in
later stages of severe maladies after the well-known Bhas1nns
and Rasayanas, are used smd the morbid process has been
brought to the minimum. These are required to be gi \Ten in
bulk, and their action, though quick, is only temporary. These
are the least toxic and dangerous, arid theil' efficacy depends
on timing their administration in relation it) the disease and
the hour of the day, meals, etc.
9. Dhun.i or fumigations are local appHcations consisting
of various incenses and of pungent veg~table, animal or
mineral substances. They are capable of being volatilised by
heat, and the vapour which escapes, may be directed towards
a limited part, such as the head, face or anus, or widely
diffused over the skin of the whole body.
10. Dhupana is a process used for f)atients; it is as
follows: -The patient is made to lie on his hack in...,a sleeping
posture, in a cane chair, or on a couch, all his clothes having
been previously removed. He is then covered over with a
blanket. Incenses or other drugs are sprinkled over hurning
coals kept in an iron or copper plate. The fire (with bur'ninO'
drugs) is put under the chail' or couch, and the ftimes di"ected
to the naked body.
11. Dravakas or Dmvakams or Dravas Or distilled mineral
aoids,-several formulae are/given in,diffel'ellt works for their'

preparation. A number of mineral substances or salts are

heated in a retort and the distilled fluid collected in a glass
receiver. The acids are tested and- regarded as well-made
by their property of dissolving a cowrie or shell thrown into
them. There are two varieties of DJ'avalca, called Swalpa-
Dravaka and Shan1ca-Dravaka.
12. Faanta (See: Plwntas), is infusion prepared in hot
water by steeping (for 12 hours) in an earthen vessel, pounded
drugs 1 part, in 4 or 8 parts of fresh boiled water, till it
becomes cold. The fluid decanted from this vessel after the
stated period is called "phanta". It should be used in the.
same way as decoction. The dose is 8 t01as.
13. Gandha~pakas: - (See: --Tailapaka paragraph).
14. Ghritas or Ghrithams or Ghritapakas, are prepara-
tions of medicated ghees (Ghritas) or clarified butter. The
·Ghrita or clarified butter is first of all heated on a fire so as
to deprive it of any water that may be mixed with it. A little
turmeric juice is then added to purify it. Ghrita thus purified
is placed on a fire in an earthen, copper or iron pan and melted
with a, gentle heat. Then the medicinal paste (lcarlca) and
fluids to be used, are added, and the whole boiled together
till the watery portion is all evaporated and the ghrita is free
from the froth. It is then strained through cloth and preserved
for use. Gh'rit(~ thus prepared should be imbued with the
colour, taste and odour of the medicines with which it has
been boiled. The preparation of ghrita by boiling is not
completed in one day; the medicines are allowed to remain
in contact with the butter for sometime, so that their active
'principles may be thoroughly extracted. The usual proportion
of the ingredients is this: -Vegetable drugs in paste, is 1 part
to 4 parts of clarified butter, or ghee, and 16 parts of water.
When liquids thicker than water, such as decoctions or
,expressed juices are used, the proportion of the solids or the
paste is 1/6 or even 1/8 of the clarified butter. The boiling
process is carried on t9 three degrees, called respectively,
rnrid%t or mild, madhyama or the intermediate, and kham
meaning hard or overdone. In the first, the boiled paste is
soft; is suitable for use as snuff; in the second, it is just
soft enough to be made into pills with the finger£. In the
third form, it is turned hard and dry. The intermediate form
is prefened for internal administration and injection into' the
rectum, while the over-boiled form is used for external
application. The under-boiled form is said to be suitable fot
-use as en·hin~s. ..

Ghritas are also prepared by mixing the powdered drugS'

in ghee (preferably cow's) which should be at least of 1 year
old; sometimes the mixture 'is boiled with water or milk, or
the decoctions of the expressed juices, of vegetable drugs or
powder, for some time, so that the active ingredients of the
drugs go in solution in ghee ahd then it is filtered hot through
a piece of muslin. 'The filter~d ghee is used both internally
or externally as required. Though ghee in itself has very
useful properties, ghritapakas, i.e., ghees impregnated with
efficacious and active herbs, are usefully prescribed to
emaciated and run-down patients, with very low appetite and
digestion, dry skin, constipated bowels, mentally worried and
tired of drugging. Ghritas are to be taken only with meals
and hence satisfy a worried patient, that he is not uD...'1ecessarily
drugged. Ghritas should be preserved in glass-stoppered
bottles to protect them from deteriorating.
15. Gudikas or Gulikas (Pills) : - (See also Vatikas-
Tablets), are large pills or boluses. The method of preparation
is just the same as in the case of 'Vatikas' or 'Vataka'. These
are intended to be swallowed whole by chewing or without.
These including Guggulu, are very much milder than the
Bhasrnas and Rasaya'Y!-as, with a very few exceptions. These
are, as a general rule, less durable and deteriorate on exposure
to the atmosphere, and hence require to be kept well-protected.
These are useful to the run-down and weak patients suffering
from chronic complaints and sensitive to any medicament hot
in nature. Similarly these are required to be continued for
days together, as action on the systematic tissues is very slow
and mild in nature. But they have one very great advantage,
viz., they can be administered to children and the aged, and
during pregnancy, where Bhasmas and Rasayanas cannot be
16. Himams are cold infusions prepared by steeping for
one whole night 1. part of powdered drugs in 6 parts of cold
water. The dose and the method of preparation are the same
as in the case of 'phanta' or 'Faanta'.
17. Kalkas (pounded mass) is paste prepared b$' griI}ding
dry or fresh whole vegetable substances, moistened with water,
if necessary, on a flat stone or slab with a muller~into thin
paste, ball, or a vicious lump. When honey, ghee or oil is
to be added to the mass, it ~hould be douple the quantity of
the drug. But in the event of the addition of sugar or jaggery,
the proportion should be equal, and when liquids are to be
added, they should be four times the mass.
17 (a) Kalpas: -See "Jlanaushqdhi Kalpas".
/ .

18. Kanjika is a sour liquid produced from the acetous

fermentation of powdered paddy and other grains. Two
seers of powdered paddy (grown in rainy season) are steeped
in 8 seers of water and laid aside in a covered earthen pot
for 15 days and upwards, so that it may undergo acetous fer--
mentation. The resulting fluid is called Kanjika or Dhan-
yamla, that is, the acid produced from paddy. Kanjika is a
clear transparent fluid with an acid taste and vinous smelL
It is cooling, refrigerant, and useful as a drink in fever, burn--
ing of the body, etc. Other grains besides paddy are some-
times used for acetous fermentation. If mustard or the seeds
of Raphanus sativus are used instead of paddy, the resulting
fluid is called Sintaki. If the husked grains of barley are
boiled and steeped in water, the resulting acid liquor is called
Sattvira. When the husks of fried seeds of Phaseolus rox-
burghii and barley are boiled together for acetous fermenta-
tion, the acid is called Tushamvu. Arnala is a soul gruel made
froIJl fermentation of boiled rice.
19. Khandapaka-means Confections. These are made·
by adding to syrup, medicines in fine powder and gently stir-
ring them over a slow fire till intimately mixed and reduced
to proper consistence, i.e., that of an extract. Honey is usual-
ly subsequently added to confections.
20. Ksharams or Ksharas (Alkalies) :-Medicinal plants
or herbs, or specified parts of them, are wholly or completely
burnt, and their ashes allowed to dissolve or mix in watel:
allowed to stand, and which after filtration, is evaporated.
The residue thus left is a white fine powder, which is called
Kshar, is a very useful preparation, effectively acting on the-
complaints of liver and spleen. As a rule, Ksharas are very
active, costic and corrosive, and hence should be used with
discretion and caution. These are stimulating to digestive·
secretion, anti-fermentative, and useful in cases of ascites and
abdominal tumours. An overdose or indiscriminate use leads-
to decay and falling of teeth, stomatitis and destruction of
body tissues. In cases of pregnant women, tuberculous
patients, the aged and young child1·en, ksharas should be pres-
cribed very judJiciottSly.
21. Kshirapaka is decoction in milk. One part of medi-
cine or drug is boiled in 8 parts of milk and thirty-two of
water, till the water is evaporated and the milk alone remains;
the decoction is then strained .
22. Kvaths (or Quat7~s) or Kadhas, or decoctions are
generally prepared by boiling 1 part (! to 2 tolas) of vegetable
substances or drugs, (roots, woods, barks and leaves of fresh

plants), previously pounded into coarse powder or cut .or

sliced into small pieces, and, then boiled over a slow fire wIth
8 or 16 parts of water, till the whole is reduced to one-fourt~,
or 1/8, or 1/16 of the total water is' left. The decoction IS
then strained through cloth., When decoctions are prepared
with dry substances, 8 parts of water are used. Quaths or
decoctions are administered with (anupans) vehicles like
salt, honey, sugar, treacle, alkalies, (alkaline ashes) ghee, oil,
or some medicinal powders, as the case may require. The
principal drug should be taken or mixed with the quaths.
Every day, the decoction should be prepared fresh, in several
doses for the whole day, for administration; it should under
no CirctLmstances be kept overnight. Always prepare fresh
Quaths. Decoctions are of different strengths, as under:--
1. "Paachan"-is a decoction in which the splution is
reduced to one-half of the total quantity. It
digests the "Aamadosha".
2. "Deepan"-is a decoction in which the solution is
reduced to one-tenth. It stimulates excretion.
3. "Shodhana" is that type of decoction in which the
solutIon is reduced to one-twelfth of the total
quantity. It eliminates excretion.
4. "Shamana" is a decoction in which the solution is
reduced to one-eighth. It modifies the severity
of the disease.
5. "l'arpana" is a decoction in which the solution is boiled
till it reaches the bOiling-point. In nourishes
the Dhatu8, (tissues).
6. "Kledana" is a decoction in which the solution is re-
duced to one-fourth. It causes disquietude-
distress to the heart .
7. "Vishoshee" is also a decoction in which the solution is
reduced to one-sixteenth. It causes thirst.
General instructions regarding the preparation of decoc-
tions:- 'i(.

A decoction should not be allowed to evaporate after the

proper strength is reached, nor should it be. boiled again after
being on~e taken off the fire and placed ,on the ground:
A decoction should be rejected when .(a) it assumes a
dark? b~ue or red colour; (b) it becomes thick, slimy or weak;
(c) It IS over-boiled; & (d) it emits a raw or rotten fleshy
smell. t

The odour of the decoction should be of the nature of the

drugs used, and its appearance pure or lustrous.- (A Hand-
Book of Ayurvedic Materia Medica, etc., (1950».
"Famous Ayurvedic Ltd., concerns are preparing Quaths
in concentrated liquor form, wherein all the properties of the
crude Quaths have been fully preserved. These liquid Quuths,
although free from alcohol remain well-preserved for a long
time. Though rather slow in action, these have penetrating
properties and are very useful in chronic cases.
23. Lepums or Lepus are plasters prepared by mixing
various resinous substances together. Lepa.<; from proprietary
preparations come in the form of globules, which should be
rubbed, preferably with hot water (unless otherwise stated).
The mode of application varies. Some put resinous substances
into any hot spirit, till a kind of paste is formed. When cold,
it is applied, after washing the affected parts quite clean, to
the ~ected part, which is then covered with cotton-wool and
the Lep is allowed to remain over the skin for 4, 5, or 7 days.
Some Lepas are prepared by mixing powders with water,
lemon juice, ghee or egg, and applied to the parts affected.
Another mode of application is to mix a drug or drugs; in hot
or cold water, and spread it on a piece of brown paper, or
muslin, is known as mustard plaster or lep. The previous
applications should be washed away with hot water and the
part dried before a fresh one is applied. It shoHld never be
sc'raped dry, as it irritates the skin and causes inflammation
A subsequent application is only made after washing the pre-
. vious one; and the part is, under no circumstances, to be
fomented after the application. It should be likewise covered
with cotton-wool to prevent cracking.
24. Malamas (Ointments): -These are semi-solid or soft
preparations acting chiefly as local anodynes and sedatives,
for local application for various lesions, containing active
drugs mixed with ghee, vaseline, bees-wax, cocoanut or cocum
oil, etc., either alone or in combination form, the bases of all
ointments. Strict precaution should be taken to protect the
eyes from these ointmewts as they cause irritation. Similarly
contamination of the ointment with dirty and soiled fingers
should ·be avoided during application. The lesion where one
particular ointment is intended to be applied should first be
cleaned with an antiseptic lotion or soap and the part dried
with clean and sterilized linen. Ointment just sufficient for
one application should be taken separately and/ carefully ap-
plied to the part. Strict cleanliness is in itself the first essen-
tial measure towards recovery.

25. Manda. (decoction) is prepared in 14 parts at water

and. one part of the cereal,-'-usually rice or <LaY. Manda
when ready, is completely fn!e _from the grain (rice).
25 (a).' Mantha is also: a variety of cold infusion: an
emulsion prepared in ~ earthen vessel; of one part of dru~s
in fine powde,r with, four· pa!ts of cold water. The dose IS
26. Matras: -S~e RC;tSayanas.
27. Modakas are boluses, larger than gutikas, prepared
by adding powders of medicinal substances to cold syrup and
stirring them together till uniformly mixed. No boiling is re-
quired in thi$ preparation. Syrups should be made with sugar
a~d water, or with sugar and decoction of the prescribed drugs.
28. Murambas (Confections) are liquid preparations of
drugs or fruits- m,ade. by soaking them in syrup or honey.
29. N asya: -These are sternutatory preparations used
in the ltreC!tm_ent 9f cold, headaches or nervous diseases.
30. Pakas are of two kinds, liquids and solids, jelly-like
s9ft' preparations of drugs for internal use, made into a paste
or solid mass, with, sugar, milk, or honey, to give them an
agreeable, pleasant taste as well as to preserve them, The
thin paste is also called Avaleha (linctus), and the semi-solid
mass is called Paka.
31. . Panakams or Panakas, are Syrups.
32. Panchakashayas are the extracts of some of the proxi-
mate .p~inciples of drugs in varying proportions.
39' Pan,~yas are weak forms of decoctions prepared hy
boiling one part of medicinal substances in 32 or 64 parts oE
water till the water is red,uced to half the quantity. This
preparation is strained and given to patients to appease
t4ir:st; and can also be given during meals.
34. Parpatee Kalpa preparations contain mercury sul-
phide as their essential constituent and are prepared in the
forms of flakes with the aid of'heat as the physical agent.
~ence each of them is called a "Parpatee". Th~se are parti-
cularly inqicated when a certain Bhasma requires to be ad-
l1!inistered in minim'al ,dosage and tnat it should 'be ·dissociated
into its compounds in the intestinal tract, and'thus be absorb-
ed ,in t.~e system. An~< medicam:;nt ca9, in this way,- be pre-
pared m the form of a Parpatee' by this process of chemical
astian of mercury sulphide. These preparations possess in
c9mmon one important quality ·of disinfecting- the elementary
canal and thereby detoX;icating o~e of the greatest. sources of

morbid processes. In addition they act as tonics and altera-

tives and are milder than pre~arations of "Sind oar Kalpas".
These should generally be prescribed mixed with sugar and
swallowed with milk or buttermilk.
35. Peya or Yoosha decoction is prepared in 14 parts of
water and 1 part of the cereal and the preparation is allowed
fa boil, till the consistency gets '. thIcker than t h at a f 'M an d'
Peya is a little mixed with the grain. Y oosha is a bit thicker
than Peya.
36. Phanta: See Faanta.
37. Praleps:-These are preparations for e5cternal use ap-
plied as paint or poultice.
38 .. Pmmathya: -1 part of the drug is first ground into
h plup, and the pulp, so formed, is boiled in 8 parts of water,
till the liquid is reduced to a fourth of its measure. The dose
is 8 tolas.
/ 39. P1.ttnpakn means roasting, or roast~d mass within u
closed cover. In this process, vegetable drugs are reduced
to a paste which is wrapped up in the leaves of either Eugenia
jambolana or Ficus Bengalensis, or Gmelina arborea, firmly
tied with thread, string or fibres of some sort, preferably
vegetable, covered with a layer of clay from half to one inch
in thickness and roasted in or over a fire made of dried cow-
dung-cakes. When the layer of clay assumes a brick-red
colour on the surface, roasting is known to be complete, the
ball should be withdrawn from the fire and broken-open, and
the juice of the roasted drug expresslrd. This juice is ad-
ministered, with the addition of honey, sugar or such other
adjuncts, as may be directed. Sometimes the roasted drug
itself is given in the form of a powder or pills. Thus,
'Putapakas' contain some more principles of the drugs than
'Svarasas', owing to the action of fire. The dose is 1 to 4 tolas,
and is generally recommended to be taken with milk.
40. Quaths: See: -Kvaths.
41. Rasas or Rasa-Oushadhams, are preparations of
inetals, containing mercury in any form.. As most of these
preparations contain various kinds of poisons, they are made
mto pills and tablets, so as to fix the proportion of dose. Rasas
are generally taken 'With Kvath, milk or water sometimes
honey, ghee, or both are used as anupans, which h~lp in swal-
lowing the medicines with ease. As most. of the 'Rasas' con-
tain aconite, though it is purified according to Ayurvedic pro-
oesses, yet it is safer that old pe1'sons or those who suffer from
cardiac weakness and resPliratory disorders, sho1.tld very care-
fully be treated with 'Raso-s' containing aconite.

42. Rasayanas (Khalvee) are major mercurial prepara-

tbions which form in Ayurved thfi chief part of the- most im-
portant preparations. Every Rasayan contains mercury and
sulphur in combination called "Kq;jjaW', (or mercury in dif-
ferent forms, e.g., metallic, sulphipe, subsulphide, black sul-
phate,' oxide, etc.). But, a few are exceptions, as they con-
tain no mercury, and yet they have got action similar to mer-
cury-containing Rasayanas. Rasayanas should be stored in
glass bottles to keep them active and free from atmospheric
contamination. Some Rasayanas are also known as Matras.
Both the constituents are first purified by qn elaborate pro-
cess, and also are required to be imbibed with the properties
of fresh juices of different indigenous plants, whereby the'
preparations become more potent. Different Bhasinas, which
form the constituents of Rasayanas are first carefully prepared
fully in accordance with the- formulae and process of Ayurvedic
Science. These preparations retail) the therapeut.ic properties
and potency for any length of time. A skilful and experienced
practitioner may find various different marvellous results
when used through different Anupanas or Vehicles.
Rasayanas promote different secretary organs and endocrine
glands, and build up all body tissues, and for fulfilling these
objects, Rasayanas require to be thoroughly triturated. Tritu-
ration is a process by itself, which allows effective combina-
tion of different constituents of a particular preparation and
divides it into finest particles, thus increasing its assimilative
power and therapeutic effect.
Kupistha Rasayanas or (Sindura KaLpa Rasayanas) differ
from simple Rasayanas, only in one respect, viz., that they are
required in addition to trituration to be heated with other
suitable minerals, in hard glass, in a red hot furnace, from 24
to 72 hours_ These being stronger than simple Rasayanas, are
more effective and useful in prolonging the life of the patient
in the last stage, even when injectiions faiL to have the desired
effect! But, being very active and powerful, they demand it
judicious and timely usage in medical practice. These a.re
meant for momentary application and are contra-indicated for
a prolonged usage. They should be always prescribeafin com-
binatwn with adjuncts and correctors, and greatest precaution
shotl;ld be taken to ascertain that they are genuine ru~d pre-
pared scientifically and correctly, so that mercury is well-com-
bined with other ingredients. -Otherwise there is a great risk
of mercurial poisoning.
43. Satvas or Satwams:-The fresh herb is crushed into
a coarse mass and allowed to remain in a basin of water for
about 12 hours_ The whole "i}ling is 6hurned vigorously and

strained through muslin. The strained fluid is allowed to

stand for some hours, during which time, the active ingre-'
dients settle at the bottom. The upper column of the clear
water is siphoned off and the sediment is dried into a fine
powder, which contains all the properties of the respective
medicinal herb in an altered form and taste. All such es-
sences are cool in action and very handy for administration.
44. Seedhu is a process by which wines are produced by
fermentation of raw or boiled juices of plants, or their parts.
45. Seka or fomentations, are direct applications either
of dry heat or hot medicated steam. Dry heat may be applied
with a piece of flannel heated over a fire, or by a calico con··
taining heated salts and brick, tile, or hot ashes prepared from
various vegetables. A bag made of thin flannel and filled
"Nith hot bran, Ajamoda, Cannabis Sativa. or Anthemis nobilis
flowers, is often used for this purpose. Hot medicated steam,
-Flannel, wrung out of boiling water, to which poppy heads
are added. is a common mode of using moist fomentation.
The skin should be carefully dried after their use, 'and a dry
flannel' should replace them. Varalians is a common term
among ~ndians for applying heat to painful parts.
46. Sinduras: -See: -Bhasmas.
47. Sitakashaya is cold infusion prepared by steeping one
part of the powdered drug in 6 of cold water for the night and
strmning the fluid in the morning.
48. Sneha is prepared with either water or some such
fluid as decoction, expressed juice, milk, butter-milk, etc., the
proportions being as under:
(Kalka)-Pasty mass. Medicated oil or ghee (Fluid;
1 4 16. Water
1 6 24. Decoction
1 8 32. Meat juice
1 8 32. Milk, Curds etc.,
N. B. In the case of the last two. additional water to the
extent of four times the (S11eha) may be added, if necessary.
When: more than one variety of fluids are required, then
up to four such sorts the usual proportion of four parts or
fluid to one of Sneha should be taken, and the varieties should
be boiled separately. But when the number of fluids required
exceeds four, each of the fluids should be equal in quantity to
the Sneha, and .all should be mixed and boiled together.
When the Sneha is intended to be prepared in decoction
only, the pounded mass, left after the decoction is strained,

• may also be added to the mixture b_efore it 1S boiled. But

when it is expressly desired ~hat the remains (Kalka) of de-
coction are not wanted, they should be discarded.
When flowers are to be: used in the preparation of the
Sneha the proportion of flowers, oil and water should be 1: 8: 4:
49. Sura; Suramanda; Kadambari; Jagal; Medak; Sura-
beej:-These comprise medicines that are the products of
fermentation. The following are the different forms of wines
that are mentioned in the Ayurvedic liter?ture: -Va.runi;
Sooktha or Shuktha; Chu1cra; Gudasooktha; Ikshttsooktha;
kanjika; Thushambu; S01Vweera; Au-ranala; Dhaynamla;
Mandaki; or Shundaka.
50. Surus are preparations similar to wines and tinc-
tures. The ingredients are dissolved in strong alcohol (spi-
rits) and filtered or decanted. The clear liquid is used.
51. Svarasas are fresh expressed juices (Succus) pre-
pared by pounding green fresh medicinal plants in a mortar
and expr~ssed and strained through a clean cloth or linen.
One should see beforehand that the plant is not infested with
worms and/or injured by inclemencies of weather. The
Svarasas contain only those prniciples, which are dissolved in
the sap. (When fresh drugs are not available, and in the cases
of plants like "Guduchi", whose juice cannot be extracted,
water should be added to the pounded drug in the proportion
of 2: 1, and kept for a day and night; the mixture should then
be strained and the solution used).
52. TCllilams or Tailas, (Medicated Oils) :-These aTe pre-
paTed in the same way as Ghritas, substituting oil for ghee.
These preparations aTe mostly used externally; are also pre-
pared by boiling drugs in water, milk, or other liquid sub-
stances, mixed with oil and heated until the water is evapoTat-
ed. The oils thus prepared are very useful and are gen~rally
meant for local application; a fe1J) preparations of this class are
taken internally.
53. Tailapaka are medicated oils. In preparing these,
sesamum oil is used unless otherwise specified. ~esamum oil
before being boiled with medicinal substances i~ first of all
heated to deprive it of ilny water by evaporating.= It is then
purified by steeping in it the following substances fo1'-24 hours,
viz., madder 1/16, or 1/6 part in weight. of the oil, turmeric;
wood of Symplocos racemosa, tubers of Cyperus rotundus, a
bark called nalika, the three myrobalarts, root of Pavonia odo-
rata and the tender shoots of Pandanus odoratissimus, each
one-sixtyfourth part in w.eight of ,the oil. These ingredients
in fine powder should be ~2aked in the oil, with the .addition

of an equal quantity of water for a· day. The mixture should

then be boiled till the water .is evaporated, and finaily strained
through clean cloth. To the oil thus pr.epared, medicinal sub-
stances in the form of paste, (~alka), decoction, (Kashaya)
etc., are added, if necessary in the same proportions ~s for the
preparation of ghritapaka. They are then boiled together till
the watery parts, are all evaporated. As in the case of ghritn,
the vessel should be one of .earth, copper or iron. When cobl,
the oil is strained through cloth so as to separate the solid
particles, and kept for use.' Some medicinal oils, and especially
those used in the treatme:q.t of· nervous dh:;eases, rheumatism
etc., are subjected to a third process of boiling with various
aromatic_and fragrant substances. This is called GandhcL-paka
or boiling for rendering the oil fragrant. To render thE) oil
fragrant, the following substances a,re used: -Elettaria earda-
momum; Eugenia caryophyllata; Cin~amomum tarnal; Aloe'
vera; Curcuma zedoaria; Piper cubeba; Cinnamomum zeyla-
nicum; Crocus sativus; Santalum alba; Valerian a jatamansi;
Cyperus rotundus; Boswellia serrata; Storax officinalis; Piper
longum-root; Andropogon muricatus; Unguis odoratus; Civet
eat's pouch; Anisochilus cm:nosus; Preputial dried secretion
of musk animal; Parmelia perlata; Saussurea lappa; Hibiscus
abelmoschus. For 4 seers of oil, (one seer according to' the
South Indian Physicians is equal to 80 tolas; but Bengal Physi-
cians take 64 tolas for a se~r), one tola of each of such fragrant
ingredient should be taken, excepting camphor, which should
be 4 tolas. These ingredients, with the exceptions noticed
below, are reduced to a. paste with water and added to the
oil, which is then boiled with"an equal quantity of water, till
the latter is evaporated and lastly strained. Canlphor, musk,
storax, and the. substa~ce called nakhi should be added after
the process of Gandhapaka boiling is finished and the oil is
strained. Oils for rheumatis,m ·'and nervous diseases, are
sometimes rendered fragrant" by the addition of camphor
Medicated oils can be roughly classed as: - (1) powerful
stimulants and counter-irritants; (2) Cooling and sedative.
They are quick in action, have a nourishing and stimulant
effect on the organism and produce sensation of heat. Their
massage reduces local congestion and infiamation, loosens stiff
muscles and ligaments, and to.nes up the ciroulation in' the
affected pari. The massage should only be carried out along
the direction of the hair 'on that part, and should preferably
be followed by fomentation, or by being wrapped up in a warin
.piece of clothing. Internal administration of oils should be
carried out under medical advice and supervision.

Castor oil and mustard oil are sometimes used in the pre-
paration of medicated oils. The proportions of oil, medicinal,
substances and fluids are the same as with the sesamum oil,
but the ~ethods of purifying them are different. Mustard
oil is purified by being boiled with the following ingredients,
viz., Emblica officinalis, or E. phyllanthus; Curcuma longa:
tubers of Cyperus rotundus; root or root-bark of Aegle mar-
melos; bark of Punica granatum; flowers of Mesua ferrea;
Nigella sativa seeds; Andropogon muricatus; root of Pavonia
odorata; the bark called nalika; and belle ric myrobalan, two
tolas each; and Rubia cordifolia, 16 tolas for 4 seers of oil.
These should be boiled together with 16 seers of water, till
the latter is all evaporated, and the oil should then be strained.
It is now fit for being boiled with medicinal substances, the
process for which is the same as for sesamum oil above des-
For purifying ca~tor 'oil, the following ingredients are
used: -viz., Rubia cordifolia; tubers of Cyperus rotundus;
Coriandrum sativum, the three myrobalans; leaves of Sesbania
aculeata; Pavonia odorata; wild dates; tender red buds of
Ficus Bengalensis; Curcuma long a; wood of Berberia aristata,
or B. Asiatika; the bark called namka, (Onosma echioides);
Ginger; and the shoots of Pandanus odoratissimus, each half
a tola for 4 seers of oil. Castor oil should be boiled with equal
parts of whey and kanjika, (plain conjee or fermented paddy
water) along with the above ingredients.

General Instructions l'egardillg the preparation of Medicinal

oils and Medicinal Ghritas (Ghees):-
These are, in a way, decoctions of vegetable drugs made
with the addition of oil or ghee, and form a prominent feature
or Ayurvedic practice. Many varieties of them are prepared
and these are used both internally and externally. The ghees
are' chiefly used internally and the oils gerierally externally.
Preparations:-The menstruum in which these medicinal
ghees or oils are prepared may consist of water alone or of
decoction or of expressed juice of vegetable drugs. As a
general rule, the proportion of the different ing~edients used
is as follows: -Medicinal substances well-pounded with the
addition of water so as to form a pasty mass, one part; ghee
or' oil, ·four parts; and water, expressed juice, or decoction,
sixteen parts. These are 'boiled till the whole of the watery
portion is evaporated and nothing but oil remains.
When d~coctions are to be used as menstruum the propor-
tion of drugs to water, in ordinary cases, should be one to four:

~d the mixture should be boiled till it is reduced to one-

fourth of its measure. But when the drugs are hard, woody,
or difficult to be easily dissolved, additional quantities of water
have to be taken to prepare the decoction. So, in the case of
soft, medium, and hard drugs the proportions of water should
be four, eight, and sixteen respectively to one, of the drug.
When decoctions used for menstruums are required on :J..
larger scale, the proportion of water taken to prepare those
decoctions goes on decreasing. The proportions are as fol-
Quantity of Decoction (ready) Proportion of water
1 to 4 tolas 16 times.
4 to '16 tolas 8 time~.
16 to 16384 to1as 4 times.
[Page 247 of Dr. Savnur's Hand-Book of Ayurvedic Mate-
ria Medica (1950)].
54. Thandulajala, (Rice-water) is prepared by thorough-
ly mixing with the hand 1 part of rice with (washings) 8 parts
of water.
55. Vanaushadhi Kctlpas:-The Deccan Ayurvedashram
Pharmacy, Ltd., Hyderabad, (South India), state that, in
these days, when it is very hard to procure genuine and fresh
medicinal herbs, they, in order to overcome this practical
difficulty, have prepared different Kalpas from genuine and
fretSh herbs, which keep weLL for a long time with011t any
deterioration as to their therapeutic value; they are said to
have been manufactured under expert supervision with
scientific technique, and are guaranteed against adulteration
or impurity. The great advantage of these Kalpas is the small
dosage in which these can be therapeuticaLLy administe·t·ed.
56. Vataka or Vatika: (See also:-Gutikas), are pills
usually prepared by reducing a decoction of vegetable sub-
stances to a' thick consistency and then adding some powders,
or drugs or articles such as, water, treacle, raw sugar, honey,
gum, guggul, as the case may be, for making a pill maSS. Water·
or honey are usually the only anupans for administering pills.
where none else are mentioned. ·See also Gudika.
57. Vatikas:-See:-Gudikas or Gutikas.
58. Vesavar is a type of medicinal spices containirig aro-
matic drugs. .
59. Vilepee decoction is prepared by putting 1 part of the
cereal, in 4 parts of water, and the thick mixture is boiled
till it become.s viscous. .

60. Yavagoo or Yawagoo decoction, is prepared by put-

ting 1 part of the cereal, ip 6 parts of water, and the whole
mixture is. boiled till it gains the consistency of gruel; and be-
comes so thick that the liguid portion is scarcely left in it.
Rice, Phaseolus radiata; Phaseolus mungo and Sesamum are
used in this preparation.
61. Y oosha: See Peya.
N. B.: - "Kashayas, Kvathas, Asavarishtas, Avalehas,
Ghritas, Tailas, are regular preparations of crude drugs con-
taining varying quantities of the proximate principles accord-
ing to the process through which the drugs are made to 'pass'.
(Dr. H. V. Savnur).

Publications consulted.
1. Indian Therapeutics (1928) by Dr. D. V. Sandu.
2. List,of Raw Drugs & Medicinal Preparations (1926),
published by Government of Madras.
3. Guide to Indigenous Drugs (19~9) by J. R. ·Goyal.
4. Fundamental Principles of Ayurvedic, Medicines,
published by the Government of Madras.
5. A Hand Book of Ayurvedic Materia Medica with 'prin-
ciples of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Vol. I (1950)
by Dr. Savanur.
6. Clinical Application of Ayurvedic Medicines etc.,
(1924), by Zandu Pharmaceutical Works, Ltd., Bom-
bay, 13.
7. Index Book and Therapeutic Guide (1928 Edn. &
1943 Edn.) published by the Deccan Ayurvedashram
Pharmacy, Ltd., Hyderabad. (Deccan).


Therapeutic Agents, with their Definitions, brief ex plana-

tibns and a few examples. .
1. Abortifacient: -Inducing expulsion of '£he foetus.
2. Abortive: - (Pataneeya) (Hind: -AUlion Ke Kapre
jari Karnewali) .-See Abortifacient; aborticide.~
3.· Absorbents: -Dr,ugs or medicines' that de~troy acidity
in the stomach and bowels and produce absorption or exuda~
tion of di:seased tissue. Absorbents stimulate those blood
vessels and glands, which work together in absorption, and
poisonous or irritant substances are carried off by them. Ab-
sorbents are used in diahhpea ~I vomiting. Ant~Cids (Q. V.)
... ,.....,...

and Cathartics (Q. V.) Delong to this class. When ~ases or

substances in solution get fixed on the surface ~f a sol~d! they
are said to be absorbed. Absorbents are used m medICme to
remove undesirable substances like toxins or poisonous ga~es
in the intestine, i.e., they are drugs used to cause absorption
of irritating secretions on the surface of the body, or of gaseous
products from the gastro-intestinal tract, e.g., Magnesia; Pre-
pared Chalk; and Wood Charcoal.
4. Absorptives: - (See also: -Resolvents; Counter-irri-
tants). Cause the absorption of products of inflammation.
5. AQids: -These are salts of hydrogen, which give acid··
reaction with blue litmus paper or neutralise alkalinity. They
are mineral and organic; e.g., Hydrochloric, Acetic, Nitric,
Sulphuric, Phosphoric, Nitro-hydrochloric, and Citric acids.
6. Acrid: -Producing irritation, as of the tongue, etc'.
7. Adipogenous: -An agent that produces fat.
7 (a). Adsorbents: -Solid substances, such as charcoal,
which adsorb a vapour in contact with them.-See also:-
8. Alexipharmic: -A medicine neutralising a poison.
9. Alkalies: -See: -Antacids.
10. Alkaloids: -Natural organic bases found in plants;
characterised by their specific physiological action. Alka-
loids may be related 116 various organic bases, the most im-
portant ones being pyridine, quinoline, isoquinoline, pyrrole,
and other more complicated derivatives. Most alkaloids are
crystalline solids, others are volatile liquids, and some are
gums. They contain Nitrogen as part of a ring and have the
general properties of amines.
11. Altemtives: - (Parivartakas) ; (Hindi: -Badal-de-
ne-wali) ;-See also: -Resolvents and Discutients. Medicines
that "alter" the morbid or unhealthy processes' of nutrition and
excretion, restoring in some unknown way, (perhaps by pro-
moting embolism and metabolism), the normal functions of an
organ or of the system without producing any sensible effect,
or obvious impression on any of the organs of the body, Their
action is inexplicable e.g., Mercury; Potass-iodide; Gold salts;
Sarsaparilla; Sulphur; Colchicum; Arsenic; Iodine. Emetics
and tonics belong to this class.
12. Anaesthetic.~: - (Angamardashamana): (Hindi: -Be-
surat Karnewali; Sunnkardenewali) : -Drugs or substances.
that produce temporary loss of sensation, or local insensibility;
and consciousness from its effects upon the brain, or nerve-

fibres, and spinal centres; Le., taken. internally cause general

13. Anaesthetics:-(Gener~l):-Comprising of certain volatile SJ,lb-
stances, which, when inhaled in sufficient quantities, produce loss of
sensation and consciousness from their action on the brain and the
Spinal centre:-e.g., Chloroform; Ether; Nitrous Oxide Gas; Bromoform.
14. Anaesthetics (Local) :...,...Which act by affecting the sensory
nerves of the skin or the mucous membrane, when the drug comes in
contact with them, until their power of receiving or conducting sen-
sations is lost; e.g., Cocaine; Carbolic Acid; Ice; Veratrine; Ether in the
form of spray.
15. Anaesthetics (Spinal):-acting, (when injected into the spinal
fluid) through the sensory roots of the spinal cord. Hence they produce
anaesthesia of the lower part of the body.
16. Analeptic: -Any agent restoring strength after ill-
ness, i.e., during convalescence e.g., Gentian bark; Nourish-
ing foods and tonics.
17. Analgesic :-See:-Anodyne :-(Vadanashamana);
(Hincli:-Sakornewali) :-A remedy or drug taken internally,
that relieves actual pain either by depressant action on the
nerve centres, or by impairing the conductivity of nerve
fibres, (brain). These do not produce loss of consciousness.
E.g., Opium; Aspirin; Antipyrine; Indian Hemp; BelladQnna;
Aconite; Chloroform; & Antifebrin.
17. (a) N. B.:-Analgesics and Anodynes act by depress-
ing the sensory centre or by reducing the activity of the sen-
sory nerves. E.g., Datura fastuosa;' Papaver somniferum.
18. Anaphrodisiac: - See: - Antaphrodisiac): - (Vitya-
nashanct): - (Hind: -Namctrctd-Karnewali). That which al-
lays or diminishes or weakens the sexual passion, power and
feeling; e.g., Bromides of Ammonium and Potassium; Tobacco;
Hemlock; Camphor; Iodides of Sodium & Potassium. These
act by limiting the supply of blood to the generative organs
and by lowering the excitability of the peripheral nerves or
the nerve centres.
19. Anaphylaxis: -This term was originally used to ex-
plain a condition opposite to immunity, but it is now used to
designate all artificiallly induced conditions of ,~ersensitive­
ness in man and lower animals.
20. Anhidrotics:- (Svedaghna): (Hindi: -=;Pasina rokne
wah). Agents that check or diminish profuse sweating,
(general or local); e.g., Belladonna; Hyoscyamus; Atropine;
Stramonium; Muscarine; Quinine; Zinc-§alts; Vegetable and
Mineral Astringents; Picrotoxin in small doses. These act- by
depressing the function Qf the sweat-glands, by limiting the
circulation, or depressing the nerve-centres.

21. Anodynes: - (Sulaprasamana); (Hind: -Sakor'1l;e-

wali) : -Drugs which give local relie~ froI? in-defined pam,
and general discomfort, mostly by thelr action on the sensory
nerves; e.g.,. Belladonna;. Sali-~ylates; ~amphor. A"?odynes
are divided mto three kmds, V1Z., SedatlVes, Hypnotics, and
Narcotics. .
22. Antacids:-(Pittaghna) :-(Hindi :-Pitmarnewali):
-See: -Alkalies: -Substances counteracting or neutralising
activity in the stomach; e.g., caustic soda and Potash with their
carbonates, Bicarbonates, Acetates; Citrates; Oxides; Ammo-
nia and Magnesia with their preparations; Chalk; of this class
these are thos'e, which act directly, as Soda does upon the
gastric membrane, and those which also act indirectly, through
the blood. E.g., Carbonates of Potassa.
23. Antagonists: - (Physiological) ~are drugs having
opposite effect. E.g., Chloral and Strychnine; Belladonna and
Opium; Atropine and Muscarine; Atropine and Hydrocyanic
. Acid; Atropine and Physiostigmine; Atropine and Pilocarpine;
Digitalis and Saponine; Alcohol and Strychnine.
24. Antalkaline: (Hindi: Balgham ko kam karnewali):
-Those drugs which neutralize an alkaline state of the system;
e.g., Citric Acid; Lemon-juice; Tartaric Acid.
25. Antaphrodisiac-See: -Anaphrodiasiac: -An agent
that lessens the venereal impulse, i.e., sexual passion and
26. Antemetic: - See: -Antiemetic: - (Hindi: -Qui ya
ubkai roknewali).
27. Anthelmints or Anthelmintics: - (l(rimighna»:-
(Hind : -Kiremarnewali) : -See : -"Teniacides"; "Vermi-
cides"'; "Ve:rrnifuges"; Antiscolics: -Agents which either
directly or indirectly kill Or render powerless and expel intes-
tinal parasites or worms in the alimentary canal (round, tape,
broad and thread): e.g., Santonin; Thymol; Pelletierine; Tur-
pentine; internally;-Salt water and Quassia by enema;-Mal-
lotus philippinensis; Embelia ribes; Cowhage; Scammony;
Male fern root; Calomel; Gamboge; Chenopodium.
28. Antiarth1 iJtic: -A remedy against gout, rheumatism.

or affections of the joints. Antacids and tonics belong to this

29. Anti~~liary or Antibilious, are medicines which are
useful in bilious affections; e.g., Galomel. ,
30. Antibodies are specific protective substances pro-
duced by the ~issue cells of the host in response to an antigen.

31. Antibiotics: -are antibacterial agents.

32. Anticoagulant: -Any substance which causes drawn
blood to remain liquid instead of coagulating.
32. (a) Anti-convulsives check convulsive disorders due
to blood deterioration, and: nervous debility; included in tonics
and anodynes. '
• 33. Antidiabetic: -Medicine preventing or overcoming
34. Antidotal: -See: -Antidote; Antipharmic.
35. Antidote:- (Vishagh,na); (Hindi :-Zahron-ki-
marq); Counteracting the action or effect of poisons. E.g.:-
Potass permanganos, in opium poisoning; Lime for sulphuric
acid. Antidotes are Chemical; Physiological or VitaL
36. Antidysenteric:-A medicine serviceable. against dy-
37. Anti-elnetic: - (Chherdinashana)-Relieving nausea,
and preventing emesis or vomiting. Included among stimu-
lants and anodynes.
38. Antifebrile: -An agent reducing a fever.
39. Antifermentative: -An agent that prevents ferll1enta-
40. Antigalactic or Ant,igalactagogue: -A drug that les-
sens the secretion of milk.
41. Antigen is a substance, which when. used parenterally
is capable of causing the development of specific antibodies in
animals. Any foreign protein may act as an antigen.
42. Antihydrotics: -Lessens the secretion of sweat; q

drug which diminishes perspiration.

43. Antilithics: - (Mutrasangrahaniya); (Hindi: -PeshaL
kam lanewali); See also: -Lithontriptics. Agents preventing
or dissolving the deposit Of renal, vesical or biliary calculi or
sediment; medicines used for the relief of calculous affections;
e.g., Saxifraga ligulata; acids for phosphatic; alkalies for uric
acid calculi, cast~le soap and salicylate of Soda,.tor gall-stones.
44. Antine1~ralgic: -Overcoming neuralgia.
45. Antiparasitics: (See: "Parasiticides,f,"':'Antiseptics").
Destroying or preventing increase of parasites,. ~infecting the
surface of the body. These are antisE::!ptics also; e.g., Sulphur-
ous and Carbolic acids; Iodide of Sulphur; various mercurial
salts. . -
46. Antiperiodics:- (Jwarahara); (Hindi: Bukhar ko
dur karne wa roknewali): -Remedies which antagonise the

poison of periodic disorders, l~ke ague, (:nalaria), nem"algia,

etc.' medicines used for the rehef of malarial fevers. Included
am~ng tonics also. e.g. Quinine; Arsenic; Iodide.
47. Antipharmic: - (Hindi: ZahTOn ki nwraq); See:-
Alexipharmic; Antidote; Antidotal.
48. Antiphlogistics: -These are .. external application3
employed to reduce inflammations, whether internal or ex-
ternal. Emetics; cathartics; purgatives; diaphoretics; diure-
tics; and refrigerants are also included in this class; e.g.,
Iodine; Mercury; Aconite; Veratrum viride; Antimony:
49. Antipruritic: (Kandttghna) : -Relieving the sensa-
tion of itching.
50. A,ntipyic means checking or restraining suppura-
51. Antipyretic: - See: - "FebTifuge": - (Jvan.Lbhan-
jeeya) (Hindi: Hararat ko kam karnetvali): -Reducing the
temperature of the body in pyrexia, i.e., fever and diseased
conditions. These act (1) by lessening heat production
through the heat centres, (Quinine); (2) by neutralismg or
destroying the toxine of the fever (Quinine); (3) increasing
loss of heat by diaphoresis, (salicylates; alcohol); and (4) by
heat abstraction (cold baths, diaphoretics, sudorifics).
52. Antirheumatic: -An agent relieving or curing
rheumatism; e.g., Colchicum; Iodide of Potash.
53. Antisco~ics: - See: - Anthelmintics; Vermifuges;
54. Antiscorbutic: -A remedy for or preventive of
scurvy, to check blood derangements. These are also embrac-
ed in tonics, e.g., Citric Acid.
55. Antiseptic: (Shodhaneeya); (Hindi: Dhone'wali 1M
ankur lanetvali): -See: --"'::Bacteriostatics. A remedy that
arrests or prevents putrefaction, or, what is the same thing,
the bacteria upon which putrefaction depends. Antisept.ics or
Bacteriostatics are substances which prevent or retard the
growth of micro-organisms as long as they remain in contact
with them but do not destroy them; e.g., Borax; Boracic
Acid; Camphor; Charcoal; Vinegar; Creqsote; Carbolic Acid.
These should not be compounded with disinfectants like hot
air, which destroy the germs causing disease, or with Deodo~
rants like Chlorine or Charcoal, which destroy fetid smells and
'56. Anti.~alagogues:'-See: -Antisialics: -Drug~ which
decrease or check the secretion of saliva; e.g., Atropine and
physostigma in large doses.

57. Antisialic or Antisialagogue:-Checking the secre-

tion of saliva, causing dryness of the mouth; e.g., Atropine.
58. An~ispasmodics: - (Svasahara) (Hindi: Badan lei
ainthan wa maror ko dur wa Ikam karnewali) : -Agents which
relieve, prevent or control *lorbid spasms of voluntary or
involuntary muscles (nervou~ irritability), relieve convul-
sions, and paip.s unattended by inflammation, in any part of
the body. These include drugs which paralyse motor centres;
e.g:, Chloroform; (2) Drugs depressing the motor centres;
e.g., Bromides; (3) Medicines causing the expulsion of gas
from the intestines and relieving colic; e.g., asafoetida,
Cajuput, castor, Valerian, Carminatives and Aromatics; (4)
Medicine overcoming the spasm of the bronchial tubes; e.g.,
Datura; Adrenalin; Lobelia; Stramonium; Belladonna;
Ryosciamus; Anmlonia; Asafoetida; Galbanum; Valerian;
Ether; Camphor; Opium; Chloroform; Oxide of Zinc;
59. Antisyphilic or Antisyphilitic: -A remedy directed
against, or used for the relief of Syphilis. Usually an alter-
60. Antitoxin,-is a serum, or a preparation from serum
containing the antitoxic globulins or their derivatives which
have the specific power of neutralising the toxins formed by
a micro-organism.
61. Antizymotics: -Agents preventing the process of
fermentation, either by destroying or rendering. inactive, the
causative ferments; an antiferment.
62. Aperient: (Bhedaneeya); (Hindis-Dast KhoL ka'(
lanewali) : -A mild purgative or laxative. e.g. Rhubarb;
Manna; Grey powder.
63. Aph1'odisiac (Vajeekarana); (Hindi: -Namardi-ki-
dawn). Stimulating or increasing the sexual appetite, passion
and virile power. E.g., Strychnine; Damiana; Cannabis indica.
They act on the genital centre of the cord and brain. They
may. also act indirectly by irritating the bladder and urethra
as Cantherides. ' >1}
64. Appetizer: -A remedy or dose, taken to stimulate
the appetite .
. 65: Aromatics: -S~e: -Fragrant: (Sugandhitlidravya)
(H.1,ndt: -Khttsh-buen). Substances c}1a;t:acterised by' \ .a
fragr:mt , .cordial, spicy taste, and/or odour, and containing
volatile OIls and stimulants to the gastro-intestinal mucous
membrane. E.g., Cardamoms; Cinnamon; Orange-peel; Nut-
megs; Cloves; CUbebs; Feqrrel seed~; Peppermint.

66. Astringents: - (Sankeshaneeya); (Hindis Bandhej-

karnewati) . Agent producing condensation or contraction of
organic tissues, muscular living fibres, or arresting haemor-
rhages; or lessening secretions of the mucous membranes, such
as those of the stomach and of the intestines, etc., by precipitat-
ing albumin and gelatin. E.g., Tannic and Gallic acids;
Alum; Lead Acetate; etc., act in this way; l\1ineral acids and
most metallic salts, creosote. Their action may-.be !9,.cal, con-
stitutional or remote. Astringents are divided into ·vege-
table and mineral. Astringents are applicable in arresting,_
unhealthy discharges depending upon weakness of the blood
vessels, or when the discharge is kept up by habit when the
exciting causes are removed, or when the discharges are very
profuse. •
67. Attenuant: -An agent increasing the fluidity or
thinness of the blood or other secretion; e.g., Ammoniated iron.
68. Bactericide: -See: -"Disinfectants" & -"Germicides"
-An agent that destroys bacteria.
69. Bacteriophages are lytic agents, which are ultra-
microscopic vira according to some workers, and are said to
be non-living substances of the nature of enzyme according
to a few other research workers.
70. Bacteriostatics: -See: -Antiseptics .
71. Balsamics are medicines of a soothing kind. E.g.,
Tolu; Peruvian balsam. -
72. Biliary l.ithontriptics are drugs used to dissolve gall-
73. Bitters: Medicines characterised by a bitter taste.
Bitters are of three kinds: - (1) Bitters aromatic; medicines
that unite the properties of aromatics with those of simple
bitters; (2) Bitters simple; medicines that stimulate the gastro-
intestinal tract, MTithout influencing the general system; and
(3) Bitters styptic; medicines that add styptic and astringent
properties to those of bitterness.
74. Cardiac:-Pertaining to the heart.
75. Cardiac Sqimulants are drugs which maintain an
efficient circulation, when the heart fails to perform its
function, by improving its activity.
76. Cardiant: -A remedy that affects the heart.
77. Carminatives (Deepaneeyci.); (Hindi: -Bao Haran;
Aphra dUT kaTnewali) (See: under Antispasmodics). Calm-
ing or soothing medicines, that act by relieving pain in the
stomach and bowels and expel flatulence and gas from the

stomach or intestines (alimentary canal), by increa~ing or

regulating peristalsis. Their action on the stomach depends
on their power of relaxing ~he muscular fibres or the gastric
78. Cathartics: - (Bhedana); (Hindi: Km·~ julab) See:
Aperients; Evacuants; Purgatives. These are divided into:-
(1) Laxatives: -Figs; Prunes; Sulphur; Olive Oil; (2)
Simple purgatives, "\vhich act by stimulating the glands:-
Senna, Castor Oil; Aloes; (3) Drastics: -rather acting in-
tensely by irritating the mucous membrane of the intestines:-
Jalap; Colocynth; (4t Hydrogogues:-which produce fluid
motions: -Croton Oil; Colocynth; Epsom and Glauber's Salts;
(5) Cholagogue-pw·gatives, which act by stimulating the
Hver: -Rhubarb, Calomel, Aloes.
78(a). Vegetable Cathartics are classified by Cushny on a chemical
basis as follows:-(l) Anthracene purgatives containing principles, which
flre derivatives of anthraquinone; Rhubarb; AloEs; Cascara and Senna.
(2) Purgative Oils:-Croton Oil; Castor Oil. (3) The Jalap group,
which are all resinous substances:-Jalap; Scammony; Podophylline~
and Colocynth.
78(b). Mineral Cathariics:-Sulphur; Carbonate of Magnesia;
Sulphate of Soda; Sulphate of Magnesia; Sulphate of Potassa; Bitartrate
of Potassa; Tartrate of Potassa; Tartrate of Potassa and Soda; Phosphate
of Soda; Calomel.
79. Cilim'y Excitants: -are medicines, which when
sucked in the mouth, promote expectoration of bronchial
mucus by reflex action; e.g., Chloride of Ammonium; Chlorate
of Potassium; Gum Acacia; native Chloride of Sodium.
80. Caustic: - (See: -Escharotics). (Kttstagna); (Hindi:
Katnewali; Dagnewali; Khajkarnewali). Substances that des-
troy or disorganise living tissue, by destroying the vitality of
the part on which it is applied. It causes sloughing and in-
flammation of the surrounding area where applied. These are
substances, which, when placed in contact with the living body,
destroy the tissues, decompose the animal fluids and give rise
to the formation of slough or eschar.
80 (a). Cautery: -Primarily, the term was applied to
caustics, but more frequently now to the platinum wire heated
by an elect::ic current, or, the term 'Actual Cautery' is applied
to the hot Iron, for counter-irrit.ation, removal <!I tissu~s, etc.
81. Ce~'ebro-Spinants:-Medicines which influence the
bra~n an~ spinal cord. They may be paralysers, stupefacients
or mtoxlCants. (Great care should be exercised in using
82. Chemotherapeutics>-Drugs used in cases of diseases

caused by micro-organisl11s or oth.er parasites, in the specific


treatment of infection,. e.g., treatment of syphilis by organic

arsenic preparations; of amoebic dysentery by emetine, and
of malaria by quinine.
83. Cholagogues: - (Mridubhedana); (Hindi: -Halko,
Julab); See also: -Cathartics. Remedy which .stimul~tes the
action of liver, empties the gall bladder, promotmg or mcreas-
iug the secretion or excretion of bile, and produce.s free pu:"-
gation at the same time. Also included.in Cathartics; h~patic
stimulants; e.g., Sodium Salicylate; Soda salts: F~l Bo~mum;
Chloride of Ammonium; dilute Nitro-HydrochlorIc ACid. (
84. Choleretics: -Drugs which increase secretion of bile.
85. Coagulants: -Drugs that hasten blood coagulation in
86. Convulsions: -Medicines that cause convulsions.
87. Cordial:-Pertaining to -heart; exhilarant or stimu-
lant; e.g., Aromatic confections..
88. Corroborants: -Are medicines and foods which in-
crease the strength; e.g., Iron; Gentian; Meat; Wine.
89. Con'osive: -'-A substance that destroys organic tissue
either by direct chemic means or by causing inflamma~ion and
90. Counter-I1'ritants: - (H i n d i: -Uparnewali) : -An
agent that produces superficial and artificial inflammation, in
order tQ exercise a good effect upon some adjacent or deep-
seated. morbid process. Counter-irritants include or are
divided into: - (1) Rubef~cients; (2) Epispastics or Vesicants;
(3) Absorptives; (4) Caustics or Escharotics; (5) Revulsives
and Derivatives. Counter-irritants are also stimulants. E.g.,
Mustard plasters 91' blisters; Mustard baths. These are agents
used with the object of diminishing, counteracting, or removing
some remote irritation or inflammation existing in the body.
92. Deli1'iants: -Agents that act on the brain, so as to
disorder the mental faculties and produce ('on fusion vf will-
power; medicines tending to have a sedative influence over
the heart and circulation, included in cerebro-spinants, caus-
ing delirium; e.g., Datura; Cannabis indica.
93. D.elir#acients are drugs which produce delirium,
followed afterwards by stupor; e.g., Cannabis; Belladonna;
Hyoscyamus; Coca.
94. Demulcents: - (Mrid1Lkara); (Hindi: -Tarkanw-
u:ali); See also: -Emollients.-Substances of a viscid charac-
ter, soothing or protecting mucous membranes, and the parts
to which they are applied, froni irritation; unirritating sub.

stances which fonn with water a viscid solution. E.g.: "-Gum

arabic; Tragacanth; Flaxseed; Liquorice-root; Sago; Tapioca;
Arrowroot; Barley; Marshmallow; Mallow; Isinglass; Suet, \
Wax; Linseed; Olive and Almond oilsi Starch; Glycerin. These
also soothe and protect the ,tir passage from the cold air in colds
or obstinate coughs; protect the coating of stomach from the
evil effect of corrosive or irritating acids, poison, etc., also used
to protect the mucus membrane of the urinary organs from
acid action of the water in kidneys or bladder troubles; used
by the mouth or by injection; in short, are oleaginous and
mucilagenous substances forming a soothing protective viscid
95. Dentifrices: -These are powders or paste used for the
purpose of cleaning the teeth and the gums.
96. Deobstruent: -A medicine that removes functional
obstructions of the body; e.g., Iodide of Potash.
97. Deodorants: -See Disj_nfectants; Antiseptics; Deo-
dorisers, etc.;- (Durgandhanashaka); (Hindi: Sarand ku
sokhjanewali) -Those which destroy, remove, or correct, or
hide offensive or disagreeable, or fetid odours and emanations.'
These are volatile or non-volatile. These mayor may not be
antiseptics or disinfectants.
98. Deodorisers: -Substances that destroy offensive
99. Depilatory: -A substance used to remove or destroy
the hair.
100. Depressant: -See: -Sedative: -A medicine that re-
tards or depresses the physiologic action of an organ, i.e.,
lowers functional activity. •
101. Depurant or Depurative: -A medicine that purifies
or cleanses the animal economy.
102. Derivatives or Revulsives: -Are remedies which
are supposed to remove, divest or draw a morbid process or
the diseased action from its seat of mischief to the place of
th.eir application; e.g., Cantharides; Turpe~tine; Ammonia;
Camphor; Mustard; most volatile oils; Mezere~n; Capsicum;
Croton Oil, etc.
103. Desiccant: - (Vranaropaneeya) ; (Hind: ~Ghaosu­
khanewali) : -Drying medicines or applications, wllich when
applied to open wounds 9r injured parts, form with- the dis-
charged matter a scab and thereby protect them from external
influences. "
104. Detergent: -A drug purifying and cleansing wounds,
etc., cleaning the surfacr over w~ich it passes; e.g., Soap.
. ,-.' -

105. DiaphoretJics: -See: -Sudorifics: - (Svedaneeya);

(Hind:-Pasina lanewali)-A drug which increases the action
of the skin and promotes the secretion of perspiration or sweat,
which they do either by stimulating the terminal nerves in the
cells of the sweat glanqs, such as Jaborandi (pilocarpine), or
by causing dilatation of the superficial capillaries, as Ipecac,
Opium, Alcohol, or by stimulating the sweat centres in the
spinal cord, as the spirit of nitrous ether. Diaphoretics are
milder in action, while Sudorifics cause excessive perspiration;
e.g., Acetate of ammonia; Calomel; Antimony; Opium: Cam-
phos; Sarsaparilla; Ipecacuanha.
Diaphoretics are of tlu'ce classes:-(1) Nauseating diaphoretics; e.g.,
Ipecacuanha; Tartrate of Antimony & Pot as sa.
(2) Refrigerant diaphoretics:-Citrate of Potassa; Acetata of Am-
monia; Nitrate of Potassa.
(3) Alterative Diaphoretics:-Sassafras; Sarsaparilla.
106. Digestants: -See: -Digestives.
107. Diges~ives are agents used to assist the stomach and
intestines in their normal functions of promoting digestion of
foods; e.g., Pepsin; Malt Extract; Papain; Trypsin; Taka-
108. Diluents: -Agents that dilute the secretions of an
organ or that increase the fluidity of secretions; preparations
used to quench thirst and which dilute and thin the thickened
blood and cool the fever system. Diluents are chiefly watery
compounds and also remedies like water and weak fluid foods,
which, when taken in qUaI1tity, on being eliminated, carry out
some solids with them by the kidneys, lungs, or skin; e.g. weak
tea; water; thin broth; gruel; weak infusions of balm, hore-
hound, pennyroyal, ground-ivy, mint, sage.
109. Discutient: -See also: -Resolvents; Alteratives:-
A medicine supposed to have the power of repelling or
resolving or scattering a swelling, tumours, etc., e.g., Galha-
num; Mercury; Iodine.
110. Disinfectant: -See: -Deodorants; Antiseptics:-
(Agttntaka-roganashaka); (Hind: -Urkm' lagnewali; bimari-
yon ko 1'okne aUT dur karnewali). An agent that actually
destroys disease-germs and noxious properties of fermenta-
tion or putrefaction. pisinfectants, bactericides or germicides
destroy pathogenic microbes, i.e., those which cause communi-
c"ble diseases. All disinfectants are in a way antiseptics, but
all antiseptics a1'e not di&infectants.
111. Diuretics: - (Mtttrav'irochaneeya); (Hindi: -Peshab-
jnri karnewali): -Medicines that increase the flow of secre-

tion of urine either by stimulating the renal cells or increasing

the flow of blood through them. These also increase the
quantity of urine by stimulating the heart and thus acting
upon the general circulatioil. E.g., Nitre; Acetate of potassa;
Squills; Juniper; Oil of Turpentine.
Diuretics al'e as ullder:-(I) Stimulating diuretics act by stimulat-
ing the kidneys during their elimination, e.g., Copaiba, Cubebs; Tur_,
pentine; Pepper; Gin; Alcoholic liquors; Buchu; Cantherides; Juniper etc.
(2) Hydragogue diuretics, act by raising the blood pressure in the
glomeruli; e.g., Digit~lis; Squill; Casca; Broom; Caffeine, etc.
(3) Refrigerant diuretics, act by washing out the kidneys e.g.,
Large doses of diluents like water, and solutions of the various potash
112. Drastic:-(Hind:-Kara julab) :-A powerful and
irritating purgative; e.g., Gamboge.
113. Ecbolics 01' Oxytocics: - (Garbhasayashodhana)
(Hind: Aurton ke kapre jari karn!!wali) : - (See also: --Oxy-
tocics). Those which produce abortion or facilitate parturi-
tion; drugs which cause ,expulsion of the contents of the
uterus by contracting the uterine muscle, or muscular fibre;
they may be direct or indirect.· E.g. Ergot; Borax; Savin;
Quinine. Ecbolics in smaller doses are emmenagogues.
114. Emetics: - (Vamakat'eeya); (Hindi: -Qai lane-
wali) : -Agents that induce or cause or produce vomiting by
local action on the nerves of the stomach, mucous membrane,
such as common salt, Zinc salts.
Emetics are divided into:-(l) Central Emetics act through the
vomiting centre of the brain. E g. Apomorphine; Ipecacuanha; Camo-
mile; Antimony; Copper; Zinc.
(2) Local Emetics, as Zinc, and Copper Sulphates: Mustard; Car-
bonate of Ammonia; warm Chamomile infusion; solution of Common
Salt, Alum, etc., which act locally by irritating directly the nerves dis-
tributed to the gastric mucous membrane.
(3) General Emetics, which act through the blood upon the vomit-
ing centre as Tartar emetic; Ipecacuanha; Senega; Squill; Apomorphine
etc. Most of these latter drugs are eliminated by the gastric mucous
membrane, after absorption, and then. also act partly as local emetics.
Apomorphine may, however, be regarded· as a pure general emetic.
Emetics are vegetable and mineral. ''\'
115. Emmenagogttes: - (Rajasthapaneeya)~ _ are medi-
cines, which by their stimulating action on, the uterine fibre
(1) directly; assist in incr~asing or restorillg disordered men-
struation, when deficient or absent as Ergot; Savine; and most
Ecbolics; or (2) by removing the cause of the suppression,
anow the discharge to return, as iron, aloes, strychnine, etc.
Further examples are: Castor, Asafoetida; Galbanum; Mer-
cury; Black-hellebore; Jyn~pel': Pennyroyal.


116. Emollients (Snehopaga); (See also: -Demulcents) :

<Hindi:-Jalan aur so,zish ko dtLt· karnewali) :-Oily or .fatty
protective substances, (external demulcents or protechves)
which by external application soften or relax the skin or
internally soothe an irritated or inflamed surface, diminishing
the pain helping suppuration. _ E.g., Oils, Honey, Starch,
, poultices of bread, bran, linseed-meal, carrots and turnips;'
Spermaceti Cerates; Ointments, hot fomentations, chalk, lard.
117. Enemata are medicines in a fluid state injected into,
the rectum to facilitate the action of other medicines, or to
operate upon the bowels, when the stomach is too irritated
to allow of their being introduced into the system through it.
The composition of the common enemata is (1) salt; (2)
Molasses; (~) Lard or Olive Oil; (4) Warm water; (5)
Oleum Ricini. The oil-of turpentine, asafoetida have also been
used as ingredients.
118. Epispastic; (01" Vesicant): -See also Co'unter-
irritants; Rubefacients: - (Doshaghnalepa); (Hindi: -Uparne-
wali); (See: -Dane paida karnewali): -A vesicatory or sub-
stance, which applied locally to the skin, produces a blister,
causing redness of the surface; E.g. Cantharides; Ammonia;
Burgandy pitch; Mustard. '
119. Errhines: - (Shirovirochaneeya); (Hindi: -Chink
lanewali ya nazla ba,hadenewali) : -See also: -Sternutatory: -
Medicines that, applied to the mucous membrane of the nose,
increase nasal secretion without causing sneezing, as the
vapour of Ammonia, Acetic Acid, etc. There are others, which
act reflexly, through the Trigeminal nerve causing sneezing,
and are called "Sternutatories", e.g. Tobacco.
120. Escharotic:-S e e :-Caustic:-(Chhadaneeya);
(Hindi: Katnewali; Dagnewali; Khaj kamewali). See also-:
Ca1LS1{ics: a substance, when applied to the skin produces an
ulcer or applied to any part of the body, destroys the vitality
of the pa:it or destroys the tissues, to which it is applied, and
causes sloughing and inflammation of the surrounding area;
caustic drugs that eat off fungoid growth or excessive granu-
lations; e.g., Blue-stone; Ulnar Caustic; Solution of Chloride
g of Zinc; Strong Mineral Acids; Soda; Potash; Sulphate of
Potassa, Chloride and Peroxide or Potassium' Peroxide of
1ron, Lime, etc., Arsenious acid. . ,
121. Evacttant: -See: -Pm'gatives; Cathartics; Ape-
rients; Laxatives.
122. Excitant: -A remedy that stimulates the activity of
an organ.


123. Exhilarant: -An agent to enliven and cheer the 1

124. Expectorants: - (Shvasakhasahm'a); (Hind:-
Khansi aur dame ko dur kdrnewaLi) : -Remedies acting upon
the pulmonary membranes Ithat promote or alter expectora-
tion; drugs which stimulate and expel the bronchial mucus or
secretions, (of the organs of respiration) and help their ex-
pulsion. Actions of these are manifold and complicated:-
either reflex, local, or central. E.g., Antimony; Ipecacuanha;
Squills; Ammoniacum; Tolu; Garlic; Lenega. They act:-
(1) By relieving spasm of the bronchial tubes, as Lobelia, Opium;
Stramonium; Tobacco, etc.
(2) By mechanically dislodging it in the act of vomiting, at the
same time, thinning the secretion, as all Emetics in large doses, notably
Antimony; Hippo; etc.
(3) By increasing the flow from the inflamed membrane, through
their effects upon its gland-cells, as all the emetic class in small doses-
Nauseating or depressant expectorants, as Apomorphine; Pilocarpine;
Emetine and Tartar Emetic.
(4) By stimulating the membrane in the act of their elimination,
they so alter the secretion, that expectoration is rendered easy, as
Ammonia, Senega, Ammoniacum, ,rnd a host of volatile substances,
notably the Onion, Tar, Turpentine, Balsams, Asafoetida, etc. Stimu-
Jating Expectorants:-Iodine of Potassium by liquefying the secretion,
is a valuable expectorant.
(5) By soothing the irritable respiratory centre. Morphine and
Chloral may act as expectorants, and render the expulsion painless.
(6) By acting through the impression produced on the nerves of
the mouth, many substances aid expectoration. (See:-Ciliary exci-
tants) .
(7) By stimulating the respiratory centre, and strengthening the
muscles of the expulsive mechanism; Strychnine and Atropine may act
as true expectorants.
125. Febrifuge:-See: -«Antipyretic"; «Antiperiodic";
"Antiseptic"; (Jvarankusa); (Hindi:-Bukhar ko dur karne-
-wa-roknewal1i) . An, agent that lessens fever. (Included
among diaphoretics and diuretics); E.g., Antimonials; Quinine;
Mineral Acids; Arsenic.· •
126. Fragrants: -Medicines having fragran( odour.
,127. Galactafttge: -See: -Lactifuge.
128. Gala.ctagogue or Lactagogue or Lactiferou~. ($tanya-
janana); (Hind: -Dudh Barhanewali): -An agent- that in-
creases the secretion of mllk in the breast (lacteal secretion);
some of them are applied locally, while others are given
internally; e.g., Chlorate of Potassium; Fennel, etc.
129. Germicide :-See :-"Disinfectant"; "Bactericide":-
That which destroys germs .and {vorms; a microbicide.


130. Germifuge: -See: -Germicide. An agent that ex-

pels germs.
131. Glucosides: -Crystalline substances, which on
hydrolysis, yield glucose and another substance which is
usually an aromatic body ..
132. Haemat-ics: -See: -Haematinics.
133. Haematinics: -Or Hae1lwtics: - (Raktashodha1ca);
(Hind:-Khun saf karnewali), are also termed "Blood
tonics." Are blood tonics, which either directly or indirectly
improve the quantity and quality of red blood corpuscles and
haemoglobin in it; e.g., Iron and its preparations; Manganese;
Cod Liver Oil; Free Phosphorus; Lime Phosphates; Potassium
in small doses.
134. Haenwstat:ics: -See: -Styptics: - (Shonitasthapana;
Raktapittahara; (Hind: -Khun band karnewali): See also: -"
Styptics. Medicines taken internally that arrest or restrain
bleeding, or haemorrhage by contracting the blood vessels.
(Included in Astringents); e.g., Calcium Salts; Serum.
Adrenalin the active principle of supra-renal gland-Gelatin,
an<;l chloride of Calcium, are the best examples. Ergot,
Turpentine and lead Salts were supposed to act in the same
way. Haemostatics act when given internally; whilst Styptics
act locally.
135. Helminthic; See: -Anthelmintic.
136. Hydragogue: -See: -Purgatives; Aperients, etc. A
medicine, which causes" free secretion (fluid of dropsy, etc.),
from the intestinal glands and removes much serum from the
blood-vessels, producing fluid of watery motions or evacua-
tions. E.g., Gamboge; Calomel.
137. Hypnotic; See: -Soporifics; (Nidrakari); (Hind: ~
Nind lanewali) (included in cerebro-spinants) :-Drugs or
measures that cause or maintain sleep without causing preli-
minary cerebral excitement. E.g., Hops; Henbane; Morphia;"
Poppy; Sulphonal; Chloral; Paraldehyde; Urethene etc,
(See:-Narcotic; Soporific; Somnifacient).
138. Insecticide: -A substance destructive to insects.
139. Insectifuge: -See: -Insecticide.
140. h-ritant:-That which induces irritation or inflam....
141. In'itant and Counter-irritants are certain substances,
drugs 01' measures E:'mployed to produce irritation. artificially
in some part of the body with the view of diminishing, counter-
or removing irritation
neighbouring part.
or inflammation in some

142. Lactagogue: -Se~: -"Galactagogue"; Lactiferous.

(Hind:-Dudh Barhanewali). .
143. Lactifuge: -That Which lessens the secretion of milk.
144. Laxative: - (SvaLpabhedana); (Hindi: -Dast Klwt
karnewali) : -An agent that loosens the bowels; mild purga-
tive. -E.g., Manna; Tamarinds; Castor Oil; Sulphur; Petro-
leum; Magnesia.
145. Lithonlytic: -See: -Lithonthryptic.
146. Lithonth1'yptic or Lithontriptic: -See: -Antilithic:-
A medicine supposed to possess the power of dissolving various
concretions in the body, i.e., in the urinary tract, as the acids
for phosphatic and the alkalies for uric acid calculi.
147. L1Lbricants:-Substances capable of reducing fric-
tion between bearing surfaces in the relative motion, either by
virtue of separating them by a viscous fluid film (oil) or by
an unctuous solid (graphite), or by providing an absorbed
layer of polarised oil molecules at the metallic surfaces.
148. Masticatory:-An -agent, which when chewed in-
creases the flow of saliva.
149. Mic1'Obicide:-See:-GeTmicide.
150. Mydriatics: - (Netravisteenayoga); (Hind: -Ankh
ki putli ko phailanewali): -Medicines that cause dilatation
.of the pupil and paralysis of the ciliary muscle, and temporary
loss of accommodation; e.g., Atropine; Duboisine; Belladonna;
Hematropine; Daturine; etc., are generally used for their local
151. lVIyotic:-(Net1'ukashitayoga); (Hind:-Ankh ki
putli ko Sakornewali) :-Medicines causing contraction of the
pupil and dimunition of ocular tension; e.g., Eserine; Calabal'
bean; pilocarpine, etc .
. 152. Narcotics: - (Nidrakari); (Hind: -Nind lane-
wali) : -poisonous substances that chiefly influenc~ the brain;
drugs that produce unconsciousness or narcosis or stupor or
induce sleep by its action on the cerebrum. ~ _
Narcotics are also medicines which stupefy and diminish the activity

oof the nervous system. Given in small doses; they generally act as
-stimulants, but an increased dose· produces a sedati~e' effect. Narcotics
are to be distinguished by their initial or preliminary exciting stage
from pure Hypnotics like Chloral and Bromide of Potassium, etc.;
amongst them are Opium; Morphine; Chloroform; Indian Hemp; Alco-
~hol, Camphor ari~cl- Ether. •
~\'pPENDlCES 523

See:-Hypnotics; Soporifics; Anod;ynes; Sedatives; Somnifacient"

.and cerebral Stimulants.
153. Nauseant:-Any agent that produces nausea.
154. Nervines:-(Hind:-Rag-o-reshon men bal karne-
wali) :-Remedies that calm nervous excitement or act favour-
.ably on nervous diseases and nervous system. The term
includes Narcotics; Anaesthetics; Hypnotics; Excito-motors;
155. Nutritives 01' Nutrients: -Not~1·ishing (Hindi:-
.Ghi.za pahun chanawali) medicines included in tonics and
stimulants. E.g.:-Sago; Sugar.
156. , Oxytocics: -See: -Ecbolics: -Drugs that hasten
cl1ild birth by stimulating uterine contractions; e.g., Ergot;
Hydrastics; Quinine.
157. Parasiticide: -See: -"Antiparasitic": - (Krimighna)
(Hind: -Bahar ke kiromarnewali): -Destructive of para-
sites,-animal as well as vegetable, which infest the human
hody. See also Germicides.
158. Parasitot1'opics are ideal disinfectants, which exert
a maximum action on the micro-organisms, and a minimum
actiQrl on the body tissues; these will be soluble in water
or wil1 form a uniform emulsion in all proportions, rapid in
action and non-corrosive to metals.
159. Paregorics: -See: -Sedatives: -are medicines
which actually assuage pain; e.g., Compound tincture of
Camphor; Henbane; Hops; Opium.
160. Partnrifacients: -See: -"EcboHcs": -Medicines or
Agents that induce parturition, i.e., giving birth to young.
161. Pectoral: - (Kasahara) : -A medicine useful in
diseases of the respiratory tract.
162. Pl·eservatives: -Substances added to foodstuffs to
inhibit decay.
163. Prophylactics are remedies employed to prevent the
attack of any particular disease; e.g., Quinine.
164. Ptyalagogue or Ptysmagogue:-See:-Sialogor.me:- -
A medicine which causes salivation.
165. Purga:tive: - (Virechaneeya); (Hind: --Kara
julab) : -A medicine producing, or increasing or hastening,
intestinal (from the bowels) evacuations. See: -Cathartics;
Evacuants; Aperients_ 'E.g., Senna; Rhubarb, .Jalap; Colo-
cynth; Buckthorn; Aloes; Cream of tartar; Scammony; Calo-
mel; Epsom sals; (Glauber's) salts; Sulphate of Potash;
Venice Turpentine.

166. pustulant: - (Mahalepa); (Hind: -Phapoke dal

denewali) : -An irritant substance, which does not affect the
whole skin alike, but especially irritates isolated portions and
gives rise to the formation of pustules.
167. Refrigerants: -S~e also: -Antipyretics : - (Daha-
nasha.ka) (Hind: -Pias h;ujhanewali): -Medicine!- having
cooling properties on the surface of the body, or lowering
bodily temperature, and which quench thirst, and medicines
which suppress an unnatural heat of the body. These are
thus local or internal. E.g., Seville Oranges; Lemons; Tama-
rinds; Nitre; Cream of Tartar; Vegetable acids; Some Mineral
acids (much diluted), and I?any Diaphoretics.
168. Resolvents: - (See: -Absorptives; Discutients) : -
These which cause the absorption of inflammatory or other
swellings. These appear to act by stimulating the lymphatics,
as Iodine, Ammoniacum, etc.
169. Restoratives: -Medicines, cordials, or foods, which
exist already in the healthy blood or tissues, and are given in
diseases, where the system is supposed to be deficient in them,
and would be efficacious in restoring one to health and vigour;
E.g., Iron, Potash; Phosphorus, Chloride of Sodium etc. These
are identical with Haematinics, (which see).
170. Revulsive: -An agent designed to withdraw the'
blood from or counteract the tendencies toward a morbid focus
or process.
. 171. Rubefacient: - (Bareeyalepana); Hind: - Lct!
chakatte dal-denewali): ~See: -Counter-h-ritants. A remedy
when externally applied, by irritation of the ends of the nerves~
of the skin, causes distension of the capillaries, inflammation
and reddening of the skin, and increases the blood flow of the
part; E.g., Mustard; Cayenne Pepper; Oil of Turpentipe:
Liquor Ammonia.
172. Salicylates: -Any salts of Salicylic acid: E.g., Sali-
cylates of Ammonium; Atropin; 'Bismuth; Caffein; Cinchodin;
Lithium; Methyl; Physostigmin; Quinin; and ..sodium etc.~
have been employed in medicine, especially in rhe{xmatic affec- I
173. Salines: -See: -Laxatives; Purgatives.
174. Saponins: -These are a variety of glucosides which \
form froth when shaken with water, and ~hich are used to
emulsify oils and resins. Some are very poisonous and are
termed Sapotoxins.
175. Saporijic:-An a~ent giving a taste.

176. Sal)otoxins: - (See: -Saponins). Active proplasmic

poisons obtained from Saponins. They are glucosides.
177. Sclerosing agents are drugs used for producing in-
flammation of the endothilial lining of the varices and are
therefore largely used in the injection treatment of varicose
178. Sedatives :-(See:-Depressants ) :-(Slvulahara);
(Hind: -Sulaur jalan dur karnewali): -Agents, that exert a
soothing effect by lowering functional activity; drugs which
quiet the nervous system without actually producing sleep;
E.g., Bromides; Aconite. See: -Cerebro-spinants.
Sedatives or Depressllnts are medicines which depress action of the
(1) nervous system, as tobacco; lobelia; Bromide of Potassium; Aconite,
etc. (2) the circulatory system, as aconite, veratrum; Prussic Acid, etc.
(3) the spinal cord, as Calabar bean, etc,
Sedatives are classified as under:-
(1) Arterial or General, (2) Cardiac. (3) Nervine. (4) Pulmo-
nary ,or Respiratory. (5) Gastric. (6) Urinary. (7) Uterine.
Cardiac Sedative: (Hind:-Hirde ke dard ke clur karnewali).
Local Sedativ~:-(Hindi:-Sul clur kamewala lep).
Respiratory Sedative:-(Hincli:-Phepre wa sans ki na liyon ki so
zish clui karnewali).
Nervine Sedative:-(Hincl:-Bai ke tez darclon ko dur karnewali).
Gastric Sedative:-Hind:-Khatti dakar wa mede ke dard dur karne-
wall). .
Arterial Sedatives are medicines which reduce the vital action of the
heart and arteries.
179. Sialagogue or Ptyalagogue: - (Lalavardhaka) ;
(Hind:-Ral-barhanewaLi wa thuk barhanewaIi):-Producing
or increasing a flow or secretion of spittle or saliva, by exciting
the salivary glands, either by a local irritation of the mouth,
causing reflex activity of the glands; E.g., P~llitory; Mezereon;
Tobacco; Mustard; Capsicum, etc., or by· exciting the glands
during their elimination, as Pilocarpine; Muscarine; all the
preparations of Mercury; Iodide of Potassium etc. These are
either local or general.
180. Somnifacient: A medicine producing sleep; See:-
Hypnotic; Narcotic; Soporific.
,181. Soporific: (Hind:-Nind lanewali): :-An agent
that mduces sleep. E.g., Hops.
182. Sorbefacient; "":"An agent that induces absorption.
183. Spasmodic: -Pertaining to convulsions or spasms.
184. Stereoptenes: -Solid volatile oils.

185. Sternutatory:- (Chhikkakari): (Hind:- Chhin1cc -

lanewali' ya nazla bahadenewali): -See: -Errhine. A drug
or cOJIlP~und that causes sn~ezing by the local irritating action
on the nasal mucous membrane; E.g., Tobacco; Hellabore;
Ginger; Capsicum; and Ipec~cuanha, in powder.
186. Stimulants: - (Agnisthapaneeya); (Hind: -Uksane-
wali) : -See also: Counter~irritants. Agents exciting even
briefly the normal activity or depressed functions or organic
action of any part of the system, or some process of the eco-
nomy; substances that increase vital energy and the force of
the action of heart and circulatory system.
The term "Stimulant" is frequently erroneously used as a synonym.
for alcohol and its preparations, which are true narcotics. Under this
head, may be included a great number of remedial agents. The sub-
divisions are vague and misleading; thus there are medicines which ex-
cite the spinal cord, as Strychnine, Phosphorus, etc., such are called
spinal stimulants; others exalt the functions of the liver, as Cholagogues;
others, the intestines, as Calomel, Epsom Salt, etc.; others the circulatory
sysem, as Digitalis, Belladonna etc.; others, the stomach as carminatives
and spices etc.; others, the skin. These latter are called external stimu-
lants, and include all the counter-irritants.
,(1) Arterial stimUlants; e.g., Cayenne Pepper; Oil of Turpentine; I'

PhOS(P2h)orCus; Cbarblosn~te °1£ AmmOl1,ia.. I h I O' .-

ere ra hmu ants 0)' NTarcotIcs; e.g., A co 0; plUm; Mor-
phia; Camphor; Stramonium, (leaves, roots, and seeds).
(3) Nervine or nervous stimulants:-(Hind:-Nariyon ka - bal
barhanewali) :-exciting nervous system; E.g., Musk; Castoreum; Assa-
foetida; Caffeine; Strychnine.
(4) Stomachic Stimulants:-(Hind:-Mede ke kam ko barhanewali).
(5) Circulatory Stimulani:-(Hind:-Khun ki Saliyon men achhi
tarah khun bahanewali); E.g. Adrenaline.
(9) 'Local StimuIants:-(Hindi:-Indriyon ke taqat denewali) :-Com-
prise of Laxatives, Emetics; Purgatives: Diuretics; Diaphoretics; Rube-
facients; Expectorants; Sialagogue!"; Epispastics.
(10) Genel'aI Stimulants are sub-divided into two classes:-
(a) Diffusible and (b) Permanent. The first comprising Narcotics
and Antispasmodics, and the second T.onics and Astringents. .
187. Stomach.ic :-(Kshudhavardhaneeeya) < (Hind : -
Bhuk barhanewali). A stimulant increasing or exciting the
secretion of gastric juice, functional activity of th~ stomach, by
improving the tone of stomach to promote appetite and diges-
tion.. (Included in Stimulants and tonics); E.g., Bitters; Car-
minatives like Gentian. These are both direct and indirect.
188. Styptics:-(Rakthasthambana). See:-Haemosta-
tics; (Hind: -Khu11- band karnewali). Medicines that cause
vascular contraction of t~e blood yessels or coagulatjng the


albuminous tissues of the blood, and checks haemorrhage; E.g.,

Adrenaline; Alum; Iron salts; (perchloride of Iron); Kino;
Friar's balsam; Extract of Lead; Ice; Tannic Acid; Chloride of
Zinc; Creosote.
189. Sudorifics :-See :-"Diaphoretics" (Ug1'asveda~
neeya); (Hind: -Bahtlt zor se pasina lanewali) . Inducing
profuse sweating; medicine that moistens the skin; are mild
Diaphoretics; E.g., Ipecacuanha; Antimony; Jame's powder;
190. Taeniacide or Teniacide, is a drug that destroys tape~
worms. See: -Anthelmintic.
191. Terebinthinate: -Comprising of ·gums and resins.
192. 'Tonics: - (Hindi: - Taqat Denetvali): -are strictly'
speaking medicines, which permanently increase the tone of
the part upon which they act, as well as improve the entire
general tone of the system, jointly and severally, by stimulat-
ing the nutrition. The term is too vague to convey any special
meaning. Their operation, in all cases, is general; e.g.,
Quassia; Gentian; Camomile; Wormwood; Angostura bark.
Tonics are classified as: -Of animal origin; pure bitters;, bitters-
peculiar in properties; aromatics and mineral tonics. Thus it
may be on the stomach, as the pure vegetable bitters and aU
stomachics; or, on the cord, as Strychnine; or on the heart, as
Digitalis; or on the nervous system, as quinine and the vale-
rianates; or on the muscular tissues, as Tannic acid; or on the'
circulating fluid, as Iron.
Stomachic tonic: (Hind:-Khub bhttk laganewali);
Intestinal tonic: (Hind: -Ant antariyon ko pttsht kart>.e~
waH) ;
Cardiac tonic: (Hind: ...,,-Dilko taqat denewali);;
Blood tonic: (Hind: -Khun barhanewali).
193. Tridoshaharam:-Annihilator of 'Tridosha' (Vata,.
Pitta, and Kapha).
194. Vacc,ines are sterilised suspensions of organismsr
living or dead in normal saline, which, when injected into a
man, or animal, provokes formation of immunity or antibody,
which directly or indirectly, either destroy the infecting orga-
A nisms, or neutralise the toxin produced by these organisms.
195. Vasoconstrictors: -These are agents, which increase
the contraction of the smaller vessels by acting uon their mus-
cular fibres, raising thereby the blood-pressure and lessening
circulation; ·they are used to check haemorrhage and reduce
196. Vaso-dilators:-Drugs, which produce dilatation of
the peripheral vessels, and the arterioles, lower the blood-
pressure, and thus relieve ,the heart, increase circulation and
equalise blood-pressure; they are therefore used to relieve
internal congestion and alsO to relieve the embarrassed condi-
tion of the heart.
197. Vermicide. (Hind:-Kiremarnewali); See also:-'-
Anthelmintics:-That which kills intestinal worms.
198. Vermifuge: - (Hind: -Kiremarnewali); See also:-
Anthelmintics:-That which expels intestinal worms, though it
may not have power to cause their death. .
199. Vesicant or Vesicatory; (Teekshnalevana); (Hind:
-Dane paida karnewali) .-A blistering agent or application;
E.g. Strong liquid Ammonia.-See: -Epispastics; Counter-
200. Vesicatory:-See:-Vesicant; Epispastic.
201. Vulnerary: A remedy useful in healing wounds.
N.B.:-Typical Exa.mples of each Natural Order appea.r with
Asterisk Marks

1. ACANTHACEAE:- 18. Dilivaria ilicifolia, Juss.

See:- Acanthus ilicifo-
1. *Acanthus ilicifolius, lius.
Linn. See:-Dilivaria ili- 19. Ecbolium elaterium, A.
cifolia, Juss. Rich.
2. *Adhatoda Vasica, N ees. 20. Ecbolium linneanum,
'3. Andrographis echiodes, Kurz. See:- Justlcia
Nees. ecbolium.
4. *Andrographis paniculata, 21. Gendarussa vulgaris,
Nees. Nees. See:- Justicia
5. *Asteracantha longifolia, gendarussa, Linn. \.
Nees. See:- IIygrophila
spinosa, T. Anders. 22. Graptophyllum hortense,
6. Asystasia coromande- Nees. See:- Grapto-
liana, Nees. See:- A. phyllum pictum; Justicia
gangetica. picta.
7. Bar 1 e ria courtallica, 23. Graptophyllum pictum,
Nees. L. Griff. 8ee::-Grapto-
:So *Barleria cristata, Linn. phyllum hortense; Justi-
See:- B. dichotoma. cia picta.
'9. Barleria dichotoma. 24. Gymnostachyum £ebri-
Roxb. See:- Barleria fugum, Benth. See:- G.
cristata. alatum.
10. Barleria longi£lora, Linn. 25. Haplall'thus tentaculatus,
See:- Hygrop~a spi- Nees. .
nosa. 26. Haplanthus verticillaris,
11. Barleria noctiflora, Linn. Nees.
12. *Barleria prionitis, Linn. 27. Hygrophila obo'vata.
13. Barleria strigosa, Willd.
iii 14. Blepharis edulis, Pers . 28. Hygrophila ringens.
15. Blepharis molluginifolia, 29. *Hygrophila spinosa, T.
Pers. . Anders. H. longifolia,
16. Daedalacanthus roseus, See:- Astercantha 10n-
T. Anders. gifolia; Rubia longifolia.
17. Dicliptera roxburghiana, 30. Justicia adhatoda, See:_:_
Nees. Adhatoda vasica, Adha-


toda bivalvis; Justicia 49. Rungia parviflora, N ees.

bivalvis. See: -R. pectinata.

Justicia bivaivis, See:-
Adhatoda vasica.
Justice ecbolium, See:-
50. *Rungia repens, Nees &
Wight. See: - Justicia
Ecbolium linneamiID, 51. Strobilanthes auricula-
Kurz. tus, Nees.
33. :l:J u s tic i a gendarussa, 52. Strobilanthes Callosus,
Burnt, Nees, Linn. Nees. See:-S. graha-
See:- Gendarussa vul- mianus, Wight.
garis. 53. Strobilanthes ciliatus,
Justicia nasulla, See:- Nees. See:-S. callosus.
Rhinacanthus commu-
35. Justicia paniculata, See:
-Andrographis ,panicu- 2. AIZOACEAE.
lata. 1. Mollugo lotoides, O. kze.
36. Justicia picta, Linn. &
Roxb. See: -Adhatoda
vasica; Graptophyllum
pictum & G. hortense.
37. Justicia procumbens, 3. ALANGIACEAE.
Linn. 1. Alangium lamarkii, Thw-
38. Justicia repens, S€e:- aites.
Rumgia repens.
39. Justicia Tranquebarien-
4b. J usticia zeylonsesium. 4. ALGAE.
41. *Lepidag~tlUs cristata,
Willd & Wight. 1. Chlondrus crispus, Lyng-
42. Neuracanthus lawii, bye.
Wight. See: -Neuracan- 2. Fucus distichus, Linn.
thus sphaerostachyus. 3. Fucus nodosus, Linn..
43. Neuracanthus Sphaeros- 4. Fucus vesiculosus, Linn.
tachyus, Dalz. See: -N. same as F .. distichus.
lawiL 5. Gelidium cartilagineum,
44. Peristrophe bicalycula-" Gaill. See: -Gracila~ia li-
ta, Nees. chenoidesj ,Ficus or Fucus
45. Phlogacanthus thyrsi- vesiculosusj! Luminaria di-
florus, Nees. gilara.
46. Rhinacanthus communis, 6. *G rae ilaria ~ lichenoides,
Nees. See:-Justicia Grev. See: -Gelidium car-
nasulla, R. nasuta. tilagineumj Luminaria di-
47. *Ruellia prostrata, var: gilara"
-dejecta. 7. L u min a ria saccharina.
48. Rue II i a sufiruticosa, Lam, & L. Digitata & L.
Roxb. V potatorium .
. ''''-
lNDE..,{ 531

S. ALISMACEAE. 17. Amaranthus viridis, Linn.

1. Sag itt a ria sagittifolia, 18. *Celosia argentea, Linn.
Linn. & WiZld. See:-C. cristata, Linn. or
Haines .•
distata, Linn.
6. AMARANTHACEAE 19· Celosia See:-Amaranthus poly-
1. '" Achyranthes aspera,
2. '" Aerva lanata, Juss. See: 7. AMARYLLIDACEAE.
-A. fioribunda.
3. '" Alternanthera echinata, 1. *Agave Americana, Linn.
4. '" Altemanthera sessilis, R. 2. Agave cantala, Roxb.
Br. or Linn. See:-A. 3. Agave. veracruz, Mill.
triandra. 4. Agave vivipara, Lin.n &
5. Amaranthus anardana, Wight. See:-A. angustj-
Hamilt. folia.
6. Amaranthus blitum, 5. Agave wightii, PTnin.
Linn.. See:-A. angustifolia.
7. Amaranthus canda:tus, 6. Amaryllis zeylanicum,
Linn. See:-Crinum asiaticum.
8. Amaranthus farinaceus, 7. *Crinum asiaticum; Linn.
Roxb. See:-C. toxicarium•.
9. Amaranthus frumenta- 8. C r in u m braceteatum,
ceus, Ham. See: -A. pa- See:-Crinum asiaticum.
niculatus. 9. *Crinum defiexum, Ker.
10. Amaranthus gangeticus, or, C. Asiaticum; C. brac-
Linn. See: -A. oleraceus; teatum; C. toxicarium, or
A melancholicus. Amaryllis zeylanicum.
11. Amaranthus hypochond- 10. *Crinum latifolium, LinQl.
riacus, Linn. See:-C. zeylanicum.
12. Amaranthus mangosta- 11. Crinum toxicarium, Roxb.
nus, Linn. See:-C. Asiaticum.
13. Amaranthus oleraceus, 1 Crinum, zeylanicum, Linn.
Linn. & Willd. ~:-A. 2. Similar _ to C. asiaticum.
Gangticus; var. oleracea, See:-C. latifolium.
Hook. v
14. Amaranthus paniculatus, 13. Cur c u ligo orchioides,
Miq., & Linn. See:-A. Gaertn. & C. uncifolia.
frumentaceus, or A. ana- See:-Hypoxis brevifolia
caroan or A. farinaceus. & H. orchioides, 01' C.
15. Amaranthus polygamus, malabarica.
Willd. or A. hypochon- 14. Curculigo uncifolia. See:
driacus. See:-A. tristis. -Hypoxis brevifolia and
16. Amaranthus trist"is, Linn. H. orchioides.
& Willd. See:-A. poly- 15. Hypoxis brevifolia. See:-
gamus. Curculigo 0 r chi 0 ide s,

~ertn. Hypoxis orchioi- 15. N othopegia h~yneara,

des. I Gamble.
16. Hypoxis orchioides, Kurz. 16. *Odina woodier, Roxb.
See:-Hypoxis brevif<:>lia, See:-Rhus odina; Lan-
Kurz. Curculigo orchioi- nea grandis.
des. 17. I
Pistacia cabulica, See:-
17. Narcissus tazetta, Linn. Pi stacia khinjuk; Pistacia
18. *Polianthes tuberosa, Linn. mutica; Pistacia terebin-
8. ANACARDIACEAE. 18. Pistacia integerrima, Ste-
wart. See:-P. kinjuk;
1. *Anacardiumoccidentale, Rhus succedania; Rhus
Linn. kakra singee.
2. Buchanania Uugustifolia, 19. Pistacia khinjuk, Stocks.
Roxb. See:-Pistacia cabulica;
3. Buchanania lancifolia. Pistacia mutica; Pistacia
4. Buchanania 1a n zan, terebinthus; Pistacia in-
Spreng. See:-B. latifolia. tegerrima. Rhus kukra
5. Buchanania lot i f 0 1 i a, singee; R. succedania.
Roxb. See:-B. lanzan; 20. Pistacia lentiscus, Linn.
Spondias elliptica. 21. Pistacia mutica, See;-
5a. Cassuvium pomiferum, Pistacia terebinthus, Linn.
Lam. Pistacia cabulica. Pistacia
5b. Chironji sapida. khinjuk.
6. HoI i gar n a arnottiana, 22. Pistacia terebinthus, Linn.
Hook. See:-H. longifo- See:-Pistacia mutica; P.
lia. cabulica; P. khinjuk.
7. Holigarna longifolia, W. 23. Pistacia' vera, Linn.
& A., & Roxb. See:-H. 24. Rhus coriaria, Linn.
arnottiana. 25. Rhus insignis, Hook.
8. Holigarna nigra, Bourd. 26. Rhus kakrasingi or ka-
9. Mangifera
< domestica. krasingee Royle. See:-
See:-Mangifera indica; Pistacia integerrima.
Mangifera montana. 27. Rhus odina, See:-Odina
10. *Mangifera indica, Linn. woodier; Lannea grandis.
M. montana; M. domes- 28. Rhus parvi£1ora, Roxb.
tica. 29. Rhus semi-alata, Morr.
11. Mangifera montana · See:- 30. Rhus suc&d,anea, Linn.
Mangifera indica; M angl- Similar to' Pistacea inte-
fera domestica. gerrima; R:- acuminata.
fera domestica. Rhus -wallichli, _- Hook.
12. Mangifera sylvatica., 31.
13. Melanorrhoea usitata, 32. *Semecarpus anacardium,
Wall. Linn.-
14. Nothopegia colebroo- 33. Spondias acuminata.
. kiana, Bl. See:-N., hey- 34. Spondias ekminut; See:-
, neara, Gamble. Spondias mangifera.
INDEX 53::1

35. Spondias elliptica, See:- 5. Alstonia spectabilis, R.

Buchanania latifolia Br.
Roxb. ' 6. Alstonia venenatus, R.
36. *S p 0 n d i a s mangifera Br.
Willd. See:-'-S. ekminut: 7. Alyxia stellata, Rom- &
S. pinnata. - '
37. Spondias pinnata, KurJ:. 8. Apocymene frutescens,
See:-S. mangifera & See:-Ichnocarpus fru-
lVIangifera pinnata. S. Sch.
ekminut. tescens; Echites frutes-_
cens; Asclepias pseudo-
sarsa; val'. latifolia;
9. ANNONACEAE. or Smilax chinensis or china.
ANO~ACEAE. Capparis corundas, See:-
1. Annona cherimolia, Mill. Carissa carandas; Echites
2. *Annona muricata, Linn. spinosa.
3. *Annona reticulata, Linn. 10. *Carissa carandas, Linn.
4. :)0 Annona squamosa, Linn. See:-Capparis corundas.
5. *Artabotrys suaveolens, 11. Cerbera manghas, See:-
Blume. Cerbera odollam.
6. Bocagea dalzellii, HK. &
Thoms. See:-Sageraea 12. *Cerbera odollam, Gaertn.
laurifolia. See:-C. manghas; C.
7. *Polyalthia longifolia, Quarternifolia.
Benth & Hook. 13. Cerbera quarternifolia,
8. *Unona narum, Dun. See:- See:-Cerbera odollam.
Uvaria narum, Wall. 14. *Cerbera thevetia, Linn.
9. Uvaria luvido, See:- & Don. See:-;-Thevetia
Uvaria narum, Wall. neriifolia, J USS.
Unona narum, Dun. 15. Chenomorha antidysen-
10. Uvaria narum, Wall. or terica. See:-Holarrhena
Bl. See:-Uvaria luvido' antidysenterica & pubes-
Unona narum, Dun. ' cens; Echites antidysen-
11. Uvaria odoratissima, See: terica.
-Artabotrys odoratissi- 16. Chenemorpha mac r 0-
mus & Unona narum, Dun. phylla, G. D01~. I
17. Echites antidysenterica,
See:-Holarrhena anti-
10. APOCYNACEAE. dysenterica. Holarrhena
1. Aganosma calycina, A. pubescens. Chenomara
DC. antidysenterica.
2. Aganosma caryophyllata, 18. Echites dichotoma, Roxb.
G. Don. See:-A. dicho- See:-Vallaris heynei.
toma. 19. Echites frutescens, See:-
3. *Allamanda cathartica, Ichnocarpus frutescens.
Linn. 20. Echites spinosa, See:-
4. *Alstonia sC,holaris, R. Br. Capparis corundas.

21. *Holarrhena antidysente- 36~ Plumeria acuminata.

rica, Walt. See:-H. pub- See:-P. alba & P. acuti-
escens; Chonomorha anti-' folia.
dysenterica; Echites anti- 37. ~;Plumeria acutifolia, Poir,
dysenterica. See:-Plumeria acumi-
22. Holarrhena pubescens, nata.
See:-Hollarrhena anti- Plumeria alba, Linn. ,.
dysentirica. Chenomorha 38. 1,

antidysentirica. 39. *Rauwolfia serpentina,

23. Hunteria corym:bosa, Benth. See:-Ophioxylon
Roxb. serpentinum, Linn.
24. Ichnocarpus frutescens, 40. Rhazya stricta, DC.
R. Br. Similar to Hemi- 41. Strophanthus dichoto-
desmus indica. See:- mus, DC.
Apocymene frutescens; 42. Tabernaemontana COl'O-
Echites, frutescensj As- naria, Br. & Willa. See:-
clepias pseudosa1'sa val'. Nerium devaricatum; T.
latifolia; Smilax chinen- heyneana; Ervatamia co- ~ I

. sis or China. 1'ona1'ia, Stapf.

25. Kopsia fIavida, Blttmfe · 43. Tabernamontana crispa.
26. Leuconotis eugeni 0 1ia,
D c. 44. Tabernamontana dicho-
27. Melodinus monogynus, toma, Roxb. See:--Erva-
Roxb. tamia dichotoma, Roxb.
28. Nerium antidysentericam 45. Tabernamontana hey-
or cum. neana, Wall. Use similar
29. Nerium devaricatum. to T. coronaria, Willd.
See:- Tabernamontana See:-E1'vatamia hey-
corona1'ia, Bt·. T. hey- neana, T. cooke.
neana. 46. Tabernaemontana sphae-
30. *Nerium odorum, Soland. rocarpa, Bh~me.
See:-N. oleander; The- 47. Tabernaemontana wall i-
vetia nerifolia. chiana, Steud.
31. Nerium psidium, See:--- 48. *Thevetia neriifolia, Juss.
Ne1'ium odo1'um; The- See:-Cerbera thevatia,
vetia nerifolia; Ce1'ebel'a Don. Nerium odorum, So-
thevetia. land.
. . 49· Trachelosper~um fra-
32. N e r i u m tmctorlUtn,
See:-Wrighti tinctoria. grans, Hook.
50. Vallaris heyrtel, Spt·eng.
33. N e r i u m tom,entosul11, See:-Echites (li~hojoma;
Roxb. V. solanacea.
34. Ophioxylon serpentinUlU, 51. Valla1'is per guIana, Bunn.
L i 7~ n. See:-Rauwolfia 52. Vinca pusilla, Murt..
serpentina. See:-~chnera pusilla.
35. Parsonsia spiralis, WaH. 53. *Vinca rosea, Linn. See:-
See:-Heligrne rheedei~ E Lochnera rosea.
. ,,~~
moEX 535

54. Wrightia antidysenterica, 14. Colocasia indica, See:-

Grah. See:-Holarrhena Alocasia indica.
antidysenterica, WaU. 15. Colocasia macrorrhiza.
55. *Wrightia tinctoria, R. Br. Schott.
See:-Nerium tinctorium; 16. Colocasia virosa, Kuntlt.
W~ rothii. 17. Homalomena aromatica,
Schott. S1:!e:-Asclepias
56. *W rig htia tomentosa, annularis.
Roem & Schult, See:- 18. Lagenandra toxical'ia,
Nerium tomentosa. DaZz. See: -L. ovata.
19. !..asia spinosa, Thwaites.
11. ARACEAE, also 20. Plesmonium margariti-
known as AROIDACEAE ferum, Schott. See:-
Arum margaritifera.
1. *Acorus calamus, Linn. Ot' 21. Pothos officinalis, See:-
A. odoratus. See:-Cala·- Scindapsus officinaiis,
mus aromaticus asiaticus. Schott. Piper chaba.
2. Alocasia indica, Schott. 22. *Pothos scandens, Linn.
See:-A. montana; Arum 23. Ramusatia vi v i para,
indicum. Schott. See:-Arum vivi-
3. Alocasia macrorrhiza, parum.
Schott. See:-A. odorum. 24. Rhaphidophora pertusa,
4. '-'Ainorphophallus camp a-
Schott. See:-Pothos pel'-
tusa & Scindapsus pertu-
nulatus, Roxb. or Blume. sus.
or A. sylvaticus. 25. ISauromatum. gutta tum
5. AHsaema curvatum., Schott.
Kunth. See:-A. tortuo- 26. Sauromatum pedatum,
sum. Schott.
6. Arisaema leschenaultii, 27. Scindapsus officinalis,
Blume. Schott. See:-Pathos offi.-
7. Arisaema murray, (Gra- cinalis; Piper chuba.
ham). Hook. Piper officina,rum.
8. Arisaema speciosum, \2.8 .. Sr,inantherias sylvatica,
Mart. Schott. See:-Arum syl-
9. Arisaema tortuosum, vaticum.
Schott, See:-A. curva- 29. Typhonium trilobatum,
tum; Arum tortuosum. Linn & Schott.
10. A rum campanulatus. See:-T. orixenze.
See:- Amorphophallus
11. Arum colocasia. 12. ARAUACEAE.
12. Arum indicum, Roxb. 1. Aralia pseudo-ginseng,
See:-Alocasia indica. Benth. See:-Panax pseu-
13. *Colocasia .antiquorum, do-ginseng.
Schott, See:-C. escu- 2. Arthrophyllum blumea-
lenta; Arum colocasia. num, Zollo & Mm'.

3. Hedera helix. Linn. 8. *Calotropis gigantea, R. Br.

4. Panax fruticosum. Linn. and, C. procera, R. B1·.
See:-Nothopanax fruti·· See:-Asclepias gigantea.
cosy.m, Miq. 9. Calotropis procera, R. Br.
i10. Ceropegia bulbosa, Roxb.
13. ARISTOLOCHIACEAE \ C. acuminata, C. tuberosa.
11. :r.Ceropegia tube rosa, Roxb
1· :~ Aristolochia bracteata, 12. Cosmostigma racemosum.
Retz. Wight.
2. *Aristolochia indica, Linn. 13. *Cryptostegia grandiflora.
3. Aristolochia longa, Linu. R. Br..
4. Aristolochia rotunda, 14. Cyrtanthum or Cynan-
Li11ht. chum ipecacuanha, or
5. Aristolochia roxburghiana C. vomitorum, See:-As-
Klotz. clepias asthmatica.
See:-A. Tagala. 15. Cynanthum or Cynan;.
6. Aristolochia serpentaria, chum vomitorum. See:-
Linn. Cynanchum ipecacuanha.
7. Asarum europoeum, Linn. Cynanchum Asclepias
S. Bragantia tomentosa, asthmatica.
Blume. 16. *Daemia extensa, R. Br.
9. Bragantia wallichii, R. See:-Pergularia extensa
Br. or Asclepias echinata.
17· Dregea volubilis, Benth.
14. AROIDEAE. See:-Marsdenia volubi-
1. Dracontfum polyphyllum, 18. Gymnema arn:antiacum.
Linn. 19. Gymnema balsamicum,
See:-Pluchea indica,
Gymnema lactiferum.
1. Asclepias annularis, 20. Gymnema
See:-H 0 los t e m m a :h. . latifolium,
rheedii, Wall. Wall.
2. Asclepias asthmatica. 22. Gymnema spartum. See:-
3. Asclepias leptadenia spartum.
curassavica, Gymnema Sylvestre. R.
Liwn. 23.
4. Asclepias echinata, See:-· Br. or Asclepias gemi-
nata. ,-,:
Daemia extensa.
4a. Asclepias gigentia, Willd. 24. *Hemidesmus iIJdicus, R·
5. Asclepias pseudosarasa Br. or Asclepias--pseudo-
var., latifolia. See:-He- sarsa, var. latifolia, S~e:­
midesmus indicus. Smilax chlnenensis o:r
6. Boucerosia auchoriana, Smilax china.
Dcne. 25. *Holostemma rheedii, Wall.
7. Boucerosia umbellata, W. See:-Asc1epias annula-
& A. I r~s.
26. *Hoya viridiflora, Roxb. 16. ASCOMYCETES.
See:-Dregea v:olubilis,
Benth. 1. Cerevisiae fermentum.
27. *Leptadenia reticulata, W.
& A. See:-Asclepias 17\' BALSAMINACEAE.
tuberosa; Gym, n em a 1. Impatiens balsamina,
. aurantiacum. Linn.
28. *Leptadenia spartum, Impatiens chinensis, Linn.
See:-Gymnema rt·
spar- 3. Impatiens roylei, Walp.
29. Marsdenia royleii, Wight. 18. BEGONIACEAE, or
30. Marsdenia tinctoria, R. BEGOMACEAE
'31. Oxystelma esculentum, 1. *Begonia or Begoina rex,
R. Br. See:-Asclepias Putzeys.
.32. Pentatropis microphylla, 19. BERBERIDACEAE.
W. and A. 1. *Berberis aristata, DC.
33. Pentatropis s p ira lis, val'. floribunda or B.
Dcne. See:-P. chynan- asiatica, Roxb. or B.
choides. lycium, B. coriaria.
34. Periploca aphylla, Dcne. 2. Berberis asiatica, Roxb.
35. Periploca indica, See:- 3. Berberis lycium, Royle.
Hemidesmus indicus, See:-B. parkeriana.
36. Periploc,a sylvestria; . 4. Bel' bel' i s nepalensis,
See:-Gymnema syl- Spreng.
vestre. 5. Berberis vulgaris. Linn
37. *Sarcostemma brevistigma OJ' Hook? See:-B. petio-
W. & A. See:-Asclepias laris.
acida. 6. Podophyllum em od i,
38. *Sarcostemma interme- Wall.
dium, Dcne. (Use sam.e
as S. brevistigma). 20. BETULACEAE.
39. *Sarcostemma stocksii,
Hoole. See:-Sarcostemma 1. Alnus nepalensis, D. Don ..
brevistigma. S arc 0 s- 2. Alnus nitida, Endl.
temma intermedium. As-
clepias acida. 21. BIGNONIACEAE.
40. Secamone emetica, R. Bl·.
1. Amphicome emodi, Lindt
41. *Tylophora asthmatica, W.
2. Big non i a suaveolens,
See :-Bignonia chelo-
42. Tylophora fasciculata, noides. Heterophragma
Ham. , chelonoides. Heteroph-
43. Tylophora tenuis, Blume. ragma suaveolens. Ste-·
44. Tylopbora tenuissima, lr. reospermum suaveolens,
&A. DC.

3. Bignonia xylocarpa 01' nia xylocarpal or Bigno-'

xylocarpum. See: - nia xylocarpum.
Radermachera xylocarpa.\ 15. Tecoma undulata. G. Don.
Stereospermum xylocaL'~ See:-Tecomella undu-
pum, Benth, Wight, &, , lata, Seem.
4. Crescentia cujete, Kinn. 22. BIXACEAE.
5. *Dolichandrone falcata~ 1. *Bixa orellana, .Linn.
6. Dolichandrone stipulata, 23 BIXINEAE. )
Benth· •
7. Heterophragma chelo-
noides, See:-Heteroph-
1. Asteriastigma
pa, Bedd.
ragma suaveolens, Big-
nonia suaveolens. Big-
nonia chelonoides. Stere-
ospermum suaveolens.
*Heterophragma r 0 x-
1. Adansonia digitata, Linn.
See:-Baobabus digitata.
Bombax heptaphylla, See:
burghii. DC. See:-Big- 2.
nonia quadrilocularis. -Bombax malabarica.
9. Heterophragma suaveo- 3. *&mbax malabaricum,
lens, Heterophragma che- DC. See:-Bombax hepta-
lonoides. See:-Bignonia phylla, Bombax ceiba.
suaveolens, Bignonia che- 4. Bombax pentadrum, Linn.
lonoides, Stereospermum See:-Ceiba pantandra;
sttaveolens, DC. Eriodendron fradu<>sum.
10. Heylandia latebrosa, DC. 5. *Eriodendron anfractuo~
11. *Oroxylon or Oroxylum sum, DC . . See:-1. Cei}la
iI}dicum, Vent. See:- pentamra; 2. Bombax
Colosanthes indica, or ceiba. 3. Bombax pen- t.
Bignonia indica. tandrum.
12. *Stereospermum chelo-
no ides, C. B. Clarke. 25. BORAGINACEAE or
See:-S. tetragO)lum. BORAGINEAE..
13. * Stereospermum suaveo-
lens. See:-Stereosner- 1. Borago officinalis, Linn.'
mum chelonoides. Hete- or Borrago officinalis.
rophragma suaveolens, 2. Caccinia glaue:s; Savio
Heterophragma chelonoi- 3c Cissus quadrangularis,
des, or Bignonia suaveo- See:-Cissus edulis. Ly-
lens or Bignonia chelonoi- copodium - imbrica1:um.
des. Heliotropium indicum,
14. Stereospermum xylocar- Linn.
pum, Benth, Hook & 4. *Coldenia procumbens,
Wight. See: - Raderma- Linn.
chera xylocarpal, Bign6- 5. Cordia angustifolia, Don.
INDE..,{ .

6. Cordia latifolia, Roxb. 23. Lithospermum officinale,

See:-Cordia obliqua. LinT!-.
7. ('Cordia macleodii, Hoole. t 24. Lycopodium imbricatum
&Th. See:-Cissus edulis, C~
8. Cordia monoica, Roxb. sus quadrangularis. Lyco-
9. *Cordia myxa, Roxb & podium imbricatum. He-
Linn, or Cordia domes- liotropium indicurn, Linn.
tica, Cordia' obliqua, 25. Macrotomia benthami,
Willa.. or Cordia latifolia. D.C.
10. Cordia obliqua, Wight. & 26. Macrotomia perennis,
WiZld. See:-Var walli- Boiss.
chi, C. B. Clarke. C. lati- 27. Macrotomia s pee i 0 s a,
folia; C. myxa. Aitch et Hemsh.
11. *Cordia rothii, Rom & 28. *Onosma bracteatum, Wall.
Schult .. 29. Onosma echioides, Linn.
12. Cordia vestita, Hook. 30. Onosma hookeri, Clarke.
13. Ehretia buxifolia, Roxb. 31. Rhabdia lycioides, Mart.
See:-Ehretia m i c r 0- See:-Rotula aquatica,
phylla. Lour.
14. E h ret i a obtusifolia, 32. Solenenthus sp. Hk. t &
HfJChst. See:-E. aspera. T.
15. Heliotropium cordi folium, 33. Trichodesma africanum,
See:-Heliotropium indi- R. Br.
cum, Linn. 34. *Trichodesma indicum, R.
16. Heliotropium eichwaldi, Hr. See:-Borago indi-
S t e u d, Heliotropium cum.
europaeum. 35· Trichodesma zeylanicum,
17. Heliotropium europaeum, R. Br.
Linn. See:-Heliotropium
eichwaldi, Steud. 25. BROMELIACEAE. ~
18. *Heliotropium indicum, 1. Ananas sativus, Schult. f.
Linn. See:-Tiagidium Syst., Linn.
19. Heliotropium ophioglos- 27. BURSERACEAE.
sum. Stocks. Similar to
other species of Heliotro- 1. A IIlj y r i s commiphora,
pium. Roxb. See:-Balsamoden-
20. *Heliotropium ovalifolium, dron roxburghii; Anl.
Forsk. Commiphora agallocha.
2. Balsamaria or Balsmaria
21. Heliotropium strigosum, inophyllum, See:-Calo-
WiUd. Heliotropium bre- phyllum apetalum.
vifolium. 3. Balsamodendron mukul,
22. Heliotropium undulatum, Hook. See:-Commi-
Vah!. See:-Heliotropium phora mukul; B. agallo-
tuberculosum. chao

4. Balsamodendron myrrha, 2. Opuntia dillenii, Haw.

Nees. See:-cactus indicus.
5. Balsamodendron opobaI-
samum, Kunth. ,29. CAESALPINEAE or
6. Balsamodendron pIay- I
fairii, Hook. or CAESALPINIOI·
7. Balsamodendron pubes- DEAE.
cens, Stocks. See:-B.
m u k u 1; Commiphora 1.
Bauhinia macrostachya,
stocksiana. Wall. See :-Bauhinia
8. Balsamodendron rox- scandens.
burgh ii, Stocks. See:- 2. *Bauhinia pLtrpurea, Linn.
Commiphora mukul. ....') Bauhinia purpurosa, See:
9. Balsamodendron zeylani- -Bauhinia variegata
cum, See:-Canarium 4. *Bauhinia racemosa, Lam.
commune. See:-Bauhinia variegata.
10. Boswellia glabra, Roxb. 4a. Bauhinia retusa, Ham &
Boswellia thurifera, Bos- Roxb.
wellia serrata, Roxb. 5. Bauhinia tomentosa, Linn.
See:-Olibanus thurifera. 6. Bauhinia vahlii, W. & A.
11. Boswellia serrata, Roxb. 7. *Bauhinia variegata, Linn.
12. Boswellia thurifera or See:-Phanera variegata.
thuriferia? Cole. 8. Caesalpinia bonduc, Roxb.
13. Canarium bengalense, or Baker? See:-C. jaya-
Roxb. boo
14. Canarium commune, 9. *Caesalpinia bonducella,
Linn. or (Amyridaceae or FZ~ming. See:-Guilan-
Simarubaceae.) See:- dina bonduceIla, C. crista.
Balsamodendron zey lani- 10. *Caesalpinia cor i a ria,
cum. Willd.
15. Canarium pimeta, Koen. 11. Caesalpinia digyna, Rottl.
16. Canarium strictum, Roxb. or C. oleosperma. .
17. Commiphora 12. Caesalpinia nuga, Ait.
m u k u 1,
Eng!. or Commiphora 13. *Caesalpinia pulcherrima,
africana· See:-Balsamo- Swartz.
dendron muku!. Balsa- 14. Caesalpinia sappan, Linn.
modendron roxburghii. 15. Cassia absus, ~inn.
18. Commiphora my r r h a, 16. Cassia acutifolia, or Cas-
Seer.- Balsampdendron sia angustifolia, See:-
myrrha. ' . Cassia lanceolata.~ -
19. Garuga pinnata, Roxb. 17. Cassia alata, Linn, or
C. hefpetica; Cassia brac-
28. CACTACEAE. teata, See:-Senna alata.
18. Cassia angustifolia, Vahl.
1. Cactus indicus, See:- See:-Cassia lanceolata,
opuntia dillenii, Haw. I r ~ tinn. Senna officinalis.
19. *Cassia auriculata, Linn. 38. Senna alata, See:-Cassia
See:-Senna auriculata. alata.
20. Cassia burmannii, Wight. 39. Senna auriculata, Roxb.
See:-Cassia obovata. See:-Cassia auriculata.
21. Cassia coromendeliana, 40. Senna indica, See:-Cas-
See:--Cassia so p her a, sia lanceolata.
Linn. 41. Senna obtusa, See:--Cas-
22. *Cassia fistula, qnn. See: sia obovata.
-Cassia rhombifolia. 42. Senna occidentalis, Roxb.
23. Cassia glauca, Lam. See:-Cassia occidentalis.
24. Cassia lanceolata, Wall, or 43. Senna sophera, Roxb.
Linn.. See:--Cassia an- See:-Cassia sophera.
gustifolia, Var:-Cassia 44. Senna tora, See:-Cassia
elongata, and Senna auri- tora.
culata. 45. *Tamarindus indica, Linn.
25. Cassia mimosoides, Linn. 46. Wagatea spicata, Dalz.
26. Cassia obovata, Linn, or
Cassia senna. See:- 30. CAMPANULACEAE.
Senna obovata, C. obtusa,
C~ burmanni. 1. Codonopsis ovata, Benth.
27. Cassia obtusifolia, Linn. 2. Cyananthus $p. Hook. f.
See:-Cassia toroides. & T.
28. *Cassia occidentalis, Linn. 3. Lobelia nicotianaefolia,
See:-Senna occidentalis· Heyne.
29. *Cassia Siamea, Lam.
30. Cassia sophera, Linn. or 31. CAPPARIDACEAE.
Cassia coromendeliana.
See:-Senna sophera. 1. Cadaba farinosa, Forsk.
31. *Cassia tora, Linn. See:- See:-C., indica; Straemia
Cassia toroides. Cassia tetrandra.
foetida. Cassia obtusifo- la· Cadaba indica Lamk. or
lia Cassia tagara. C. farinosa (& C. trifolia-
32. Ceratonia siliqua, Linn. tao
33. Cynometra ram i flora, 2. Capparis a cum i nata,
Linn. Var. Mimosoides. Roxb.
See:-C. mimosoides. 3. Capparis aphylla, Roth,
34.' *Haematoxylon cam p ~­ or Capparis spinasa. See:
chianum, Linn. -Capparis decidua.
35. Hardwickia pin nat a, 4. Capparis diffusa,
Roxb. 5. Capparis heyneana, Wall.
6. Capparis horrida, Linn.
36. Humboldtia v a h 1 iana, See:-Capparis zeylani.
Wight. 7. "'Capparis sepiar!a, Linn .

37. *Saraca indica, Linn. See: See:-Capparis incanes-
--Jonesia asoka, Jonesia cens.
pinnata. 8. Capparis trifoliata.


9. *Capparis z~ylanica, Linn. .34. CARYOPHLLA-

See:-Capparis horrida. CEAE
10. Cleome chelidonii, Linn. I •
11. Cleome dodecandra, 1. Cerastium glomeratum. 1
12. Cleome felina, Linn. See: l 2. Cerastium in d i cum,
Polanisia felina. I Thuill.
13. Cleome pentaphylla, Linn.' 3. Drynaria cordata, Willd.
See:-Gynandropsis gy- 4.
*Polycarpoea corymbosa,
Lamk. f
14. *Cleome viscosa, Linn. ar 5; Saponaria vaccaria, Linn,
Cleome icosandraj See:- See:-Gypsophila vacca- I
Polanisia viscasa, D.C. ria & Saponaria perfo-
Polanisia icasandra. liata. J
15. Crataeva marmelos, See:
-Aegle marm.elos.
16. *Crataeva nurvala, Ham.
or Crataeva religiosa.
17. *Crataeva religiosa, Hook
equisetifolia, I
& Forst. See:-Crataeva
nurralaj Crataeva rox- 36. CELASTRACEAE.
bUrghii. b S 1. Celastrus montana. See:
18. C rataeva rox urghii. ee: - ....:celastrus paniculata.
-Crataeva religiosa. 2. Celastrus multiflora, See:
19. *Gynandropsis pen t a - -Celastrus paniculata,
phylla, DC. See:-Gynan- Wald.
dropsis 'gynandra. 3. Celastrus nutans, See:-
20. Maerua arenaria, Hoole. Celastrus paniculatus.
Seeb:-hMaerua bovaliffollia, 4. Celastrus pan 1 culata,
Nie u ria 0 longi 0 ia,
WiUd. See:- Celastrus
Royle; & Capparis hete- montana; Celastrus multi-
roclita. flora; & Celastrus nutans.
21. Po1anlisia icosandra, See: 5. Celas-trus Senegalensis,
-C eome viscosa. Lam.
-22. ~~~neCsila viscosa, DC. 6. Celastrus spinosa, Royle,
~:- eome viscosa.
See:-Gypnosporia roy-
32. CAPRIFOLIACEAE. 7. Elaeodendron glaucum,
1. Lonicera glauca, Ilk. f· & Pet·s. See:~ Elaeoden-
T. dron roxburghii; Elaeo-
2. Sambucus ebulus, Linn. dendron panticulatum?
3. Sambulus nigra, Linn. 8. Elaeodenaron Pariicula-
4. Viburnam foetidum, Wall. tum. See:-Elaeodendron
glaucum, PeTS.
33. CARlCACEAE. 9. Elaeodendron roxburghii,
W. & A. See:-Elaeoden-
1. Carica papaya, Linn. I' ,dron glaucum.

IND~ 543

10· Euonymus american us, 7. Beta bengalensis, Roxb.

See:-Euonymus atropur- . 8. Beta maritima, Linn.
pureus. 9. *Beta vulgaris, Linn.
11. Euonymus atropurpureus, 10. Chenopodium alb u m,
B. P.; Euonymus euro- Linn.
paeus; Euonymus amari- 11. Chenopodium ambrosi-
canus; & Euonymus theo- oides, Linn.
phrasti. 12. Chenopodium bot r y s,
12. Euonymus europoeus. Linn.
13. Euonymus hamiltonianus. 13. Haloxylon multiflorum,
14. Euonymus pen dulus, . Bunge.
Wall. 14. Kochia indica, Wight.
15. Eilonymus theophrasti, 15. Salsola foetida, Delz. See:
Wall. -Salsola spinescens.
16. Euonymus tingens, Wall. 16. iialsola kali, Linn.
17. Gymnosporia montana, 17. Spinacia glabra, See:-
(Roth) Benth. See:- Spinacia inermis.
Gymnosporia spinosa. 18. Spinacia inermis, See:-
18. Gymnosporia s p i nosa, Spinacia glabra.
Forsk. or Hk. F. See:-G. 19. *Spinacia oleracea, Linn.
montana; Catha spinosa. See:-Spinacia setrandra;
Celastrus senegalensis. & Spinacia spinosa.
19. Hippocratea indica, Willd. 20. Spinacia setrandra. See:
20. Kokoona z e y 1 ani c a, -Spinacia oleracea; &
Thwaites. Spinacia spinosa.
21. Salacia oblonga, Wall. 21. Spinacia spinosa. See:-
22. Salacia reticulata, Wight. . Spinacia oleracea; Spina-
cia setrandra.
37. CELASTRINEAE. 22. Suaeda fruticosa, Forsk.
1. Lophopetalum wallichii, 39. CHLORANTHA-
Kun. CEAE.
1. Chloranthus inconspicuus,
1. Arthroenemum indicum, 40. COCHLOSPERMA-

:I< Atriplex hortensis, Linn.
1. Cochlospermum gossy-.
3. *Basella alba, Linn. See:- pium, DC. See:-Bombax
B. tubra; B. lucida, B. gossypium.
4. Basella cordifolia.
5. Basella lucida. 41. COLCHICACEAE.
6. *Basella rubra, Linn. See: 1. *Hermodactylus gol, See:
-Basella alba. -Colchicum variegatum;

Colchicum luteum; & bra; Pentaptera angusti-

Colchicum a u tumnal
Iris tuberosa.
r; folia, & Pentaptera ar-
13. *Terminalia belerica, Roxb
42. COMBRETACEAE. ~ 14. Perminalia catappa, Linn.
See:-Perminalia myro-
1. *Anogeissus latifolia, Wall. balans.
See:-Conocarpus latifo- 15. *Terminalia ehebula, Retz.
lius. & Roxb. See:-Termina-
2. Calycopteris floribunda, lia reticulata.
Lamk. See:- Combre- 16. Terminalia eitrina, Roxb.
tum extensum. & Fleming.
3. Combretum extensum, 17. Terminalia erenulata,
See:-Colycopterus fiori- See:-Terminalia tomen-
btroda. tosa; Terminalia glabra;
4. Combretum p i los u m, Terminalia alata; & Pent-
Roxb. aptera tomentosa·
5. Conocarpus latifolia, or 18. Terminalia glabra, See:-
latifolius? Roxb. See:- Terminalia tomentosa,
Anogeisus- hitifolia. Bedd. Terminalia crenu-
6. Pentaptera angustifolia, lata; Pentaptera tomen-
See:-Terminalia arjuna, tosa; Terminalia typica;
W. &A. & Terminalia coriacea.
7. Pentaptera glabra, See:- Terminalia alata.
Terminalia arjuna, W. & 19. *Terminalia paniculata,
A. Roth. Sae:-Pentaptera
8· *Quisqualis indica, Linn. Paniculata.
See:-Quisqualis villosa. 20. Terminalia reticulata,
9. Quisqualis villosa, See:- See:-Terminalia che-
Quisqualis indica, Linn. bula, Retz. Roxb.
10. Syzygium .j~bOlanum; 21. *Terminalia tomentosa, W.
DC. See:-Eugenia;< jam- & A. & Var:-Typica;
bolana; Psidium guyava, coriacea (Bedd.) See:-
Linn. J ambosa . vulgaris, T. crehulata.; T. glabra,
Pyrus communis, Linn. T. alata; Pentaptera to-
Psidium pyriferum; & ment()sa.
Psidium pomiferum. l>'¢'
11. Terminalia alata, See:- 43. COMMELINACEAE.
Terminalia crenu 1 a t a; .~-'

• Terminalia glabra; Ter-

minalia tomentosa, B,edd.
Pentaptera tomen t 0 s a;
1. Aneilema
R.R .-
-l1 udiflorum,

2. Aneilema scapifiorum,
Terminalia typica; & Ter- Wight~
minalia ceriacea. 3. Aneilema spira tum, R. Br.
12. *Terminalia arjuna, }V. & 4.
, Commelina benghalensis,
A. See:-Pentaptera :::.gla- Linn. See:-Commelina
... j,}_";

nudiflora, Linn. Comme~ Linn. or Artemisia vul-

lina obliqua, Ham. garis, or Artemisia indica;
5. Commelina n u d i flo r a, Artemisia paniculata; Ab-
Linn. sinthium vulgare.
6. Commelina obliqua, Ham. 12. Artemisia maderaspatana,
7. Commelina salicifolia, See:-:-arangea adansonia;
Roxb. & Grangea maderas-
8. Commelina sufiruticosa, patana.
Bl. Art e m i s i a rnaritiri:la,
9. Cyanotis axillaris, Schul- Linn. or Artemisia brevi-
tes. r See:-Tradescantia folia, Wall.
axillaris, Linn. 14.Artemisia parsica, Bows.
10. C y a not i s cucullata, 15. Art e m i s i a sacrorum,
Kunth. Ledeb.
11. Cyanotis tuberosa, Schul- 16. A rt em iiS i a scoparia,
tes. Waldst.
12. Tradescautia or Prades- 17. Artemisia siversiana,
cantia axillaris, Linn. WiUd.
See:-Cyanotis axillaris,
Schultes. 18.Artemisia ~gdalinay,
Dene. Artemisia camp-
belli, Hk. f. Artemisia
44. COMPOSITAE. caruifolia, Ham. Artemi-
1. Absinthium officinalis, or sia desertorum, -Sprong.
Absinthium vulgaris. ATtemiisia Idracuticulus,
See-Artemesia a b s i n- Linn. Artemisia macroce-
thium. phala, J acq. Artemisia
2. Acanthospermum hispi- minor, Jacq. Artemisia
dum, DC. mollissima, D. Don. Arte-
3. Achilliea millefolium, m i sda moorcraftiana,
Linn. Wall. Artemisia parvi-
4. *Ageratum conyzoides, flora, Roxb. Artemisia
Linn. . roxburghiana, Bess. Arte-
5. Anacyclus pyrethrum; misia royleana, DC; Arte-
DC. See:';_Pyrethri radix. miSia saIsdlides, WiUd.
'6. Anaphalis neelgerriana, Artemisia stracheyi, Hk.
DC. f. Artemisia stricta,
7. Anthemis nobilis, Linn. Edgew. Artemisia tourne-
8. Aplotaxis auriculata, DC. fortiana, Rehb. Artemisia
See:-Saussuria auricu~ vestita, Wall.
lata. 19. *Artemisia vulgaris, Linn.
9. Aplotaxis or Heplotaxis
auricula? 20. Ascaradia indica. See:-
Aplotaxis or Heplotaxis Vernonia anthelmintica.
lappa? Willd. Conyza ascaradia.
10. Arnica montana, Linn. Serratula anthelmintica.
11. Artemisia absinthium, 21. Aster trinervius, Roxb.


Bidens trifida, Buch. Big- 47. Doronicum hookeri,

nonia grandiflora, W md. Clarke. i
Biophytum sensitivum,' 48. Doronicum pardilianches,
DC. Linn.
23· Blumea amplectens, DC
24. Blumea balsamifera, DC
& Blumea densiflora.
25. Blumea bifoliata, DC. &

Doronicum roylei, DC.
See:-D. hooked.
*Echinops echinatus, DC.
& Roxb.
Blumea densiflora. 51. *Eclipta alba, Hasek.
26. Blumea densifiora, DC. See: -Eclipta erecta.
·27. Blumea eriantha, DC. 52.' ':'Eclipta erecta, Linn.
28. Blumea lacera, DC. & See:-Eclipta alba. Eclipta
Blumea aurita. prostata. See:-Verbe-
29. *Blumea wightiana, DC. sina calendulacea.
·30 f 'CalallduJa officinaJ.is, 53. Eclipta prostrata, Roxb.
Linn. ' See:-Verbesina calendu-
31. Carduus nutans, Linn. lacea.
32. ''-'Carthamus tinctorius, 54. "Elephantopus scaber,
Linn. Linn.
33. Centaurea behen, Linn. 55. *Emilia sonchifolia, DC.
34. Centaurea cyanus, Linn. 56. Enhydra fiuctuans, Lom·.
35. Centipeda orbicularis, - 'See:-Hingtsha repens.
Lour. See:-Artemisia 57. E rig e ron asteroides,
sternutatoria; Dicroce- Roxb.
phala. or A. ptarmica. 58. E r. i g e ron canadensis,
36. Chrysanthemum corona- Linn.. Se€:-Erigeron vis-
rium, Linn. cosum.
37. '~Chrysanthemum illdicum, 59. Erigeron vis cos u m,
Linn. See:-Pyrethrum See:-Erigeron canaden-
indicum, DC. sis.
38. *Cichorium endivia, Linn. 60. Eupatorium aromaticus.
39. *Cichorium intybus, Linn. See:-Eupatorium aya-
40. Cirsium arvens~, Scop.
61. Eupatorium ~apana, DC.
41. Conyza cinerea, See:- See;~-Eupatorium tri-
Conyza purpurea. Ver- plmerve; Eupatorium per-
nonia cinerea, Less. . foliatum; & Eupatorium
42. Conyza purpurea, See:- aromaticl1S.
Conyza cLinerea. Vernonia 62. Eupatorium canmibinum.
cinerea, ess. Linn.
43. Cotuia anthemoides, Linn. 63. Eupatorium - penoliatum,
44. *Cynara scolymus, See:- See:-Eupatorium aya-
Asclepias asthmatica. pana.
45. Dicoma tomentosa, Casso 64. Eupatorium triplinerve,
46· Dolomaea macroc,ephala, Vaht See:-Eupatorium
DC. ayapana.

65. F 1ave ria ciustralasica, Lactuca capitata. Lactuca

Hook. ' virosa.
66. Francoeria crispa, Casso 85. Laduca scariola, Linn.
67. Glossocardia bosvallia, See:-Lactuca sativa;
See:-Glossocardia line- Lactuca capitata; Laduca
arifolia. virosa.
68. Glossocardia linearifolia, 86. Lactuca virosa, Linn.
Casso See:-Glossocardia See:-Lactuca sQariola,
bosvallia. Linn. Lactuca sativa,
69. Glossogyne pinnatifida, Linn. Lactuca capitata.
70. Gnaphalium luteo-album, 87. Lagasca mollis, Cov.
Linn. 88. Lagasca spinosissima,
71. G ran g e a adansonia, Cav.
See:-Grangea maderas- 89. Lamprachaenium micro-
patana; Artemisia made- cephalum, Benth. See:-·
raspatana. Lansium domesticum
72. Grangea maderaspatana, Jack. (N.O. Meliaceae).
Poir. See:-Artemisia 90. Launaea aspleniifolia,
maderaspatana; Grangea Hook.
adansonia. 91. Launaea nudicaulis, Hook
73. *Guizotia abyssynica, Casso 92. *Laun,aea pinnatifida,
See:-Verbasina sativa, Ca.ss.
or G. oleifera. 93. Matricaria chamomilla,
74. *Helianthus annuus, Linn. Linn. or Matricaria sua..:.
75. *Helianthus tuberosus, or veolens.
Cynara scolymus. See:- 94. Microrhynchus nudicau-
Heliaphyllum indicum. lis, Less.
76. Inula helenium, Linn. 95. Myriogyne minuta, Less.
77. 'Inula ,racemosa, Hook. See:-Centipeda orbicu-
same as I helenium. • laris, Lour. Artemisia
78. lnula royleana, DC. ptarmica; Artemisia ster-
79. Jurinea macrocephala, nutatoria.
Benth. 96. *Notonhi grandiflora, DC.
80. Lactuca capitata, See:- 97. Pluchea indica, Less.
Lactuca scariola. Lactuca See:-Gymneme balsa-
sativa; Lactuca virosa. micum.
81. Lactuca heyneana, DC. 98. Pluchea lanceolata, C.B.
See:-Lactuca runcinata. Clarke & Olivo
82. *Lactuca rem.otiflora, DC. 99. Pulicaria crispa, Benth
& Sch.
83. Lactuca I'uncinata, DC. 100. 'Pyrethrum indicum, DC.
See-Laduca heyneana, S$I:- Chrysanthemum
DC. indicum, Linn.
84. *Lactuca sativa, Linn. 101. Pyrethrum radix, See:--
See:-Lactuca scariola. Anacyclus pyrethrum.

, 102. pyrethrum umbelli- 120. Sonchus arvensis, Linn.

.ferum, Boiss. See:-Sonchus orixensis,
103. Rhynchospermum ver- & S. wightianus.
ticillatum, Rein. 121. *Sonchus oleraceus, Linn.
104. Saussurea candicans; 122. Sonchus orixensis, See:-
Clarke. . Sonchus arvens~.
105. Saussurea hypoleuca;
Spreng. See:-Saussu- 123. Sphaeranthus amaran-
rea lappa, Clarke & thoides, Burm.
Haploraxis auricula. 124. Sphaeranthus hirtus,
106. Saussurea lappa, Clarke. See:-Sphaeranthus in-
See:-Saussurea auri- dicus; Sphaeranthus
culata, or Aplotaxis molls.
lappa, or Aplotaxis auri- 125. *Sphaeranthus inilieus,
culata; A u c k I and i a Linn. See:-Sphaeran-
costs; & Haplotaxis auri- thus hirtus.
cula. 126. Sphaeranthus microce-
107. Saussurea obvallata, phalus, See:-Sphae-
WaH. ranthus laevigatus.
108. Senecio densiflorus, 127. Sphaeranthus suaveo-
Wall. lens.
Senecio jacobpea, Don. 128. Spilanthes a c m e 11 a,
109. Murr. 0')' Linn. Var:-
110. Senecio jacquemontia-
oleracea, C,. B. Clarke.
nus, Benth. 129. Spilanthes calva or salva.
111. Senecio laciniosus, Wall.
- See:-Spilanthus ole-
112, Senecio quinquelobus, racea; Spilanthus pani-
Hook. cuI a t a; Spilanthus
113. Sen e c i 0 tenuifolius, aemellas.
Burm. See:-Doronicum 130. Spilanthes oleraeea, C.B.
tenufolium. Clarke & Jacq. See:-
114. Senecio vulgaris, Linn.• Spilanthes salva or
calva; Spilanthes ac-
115. Serratula anthelmintica, mella; Spilanthes pani-
Roxb. See:-Vernonia culata.
anthelmintica. Ascardia 131. Spilanthes paniculata;
indica. Conyza ascaradia. . See: -Spilanthes 01 era-
116. Siegesbeckia brachiata, cea; SpiJrnthes calva
Roxb. See:-Siegesbec- or salva?' .
kia orientalis, Linn. 132. Tagetes erecta, Linn.
117. Siegesbeckia orientalis, 133. 'J'araxacum. densleonis,
Linn. Linn.. See:':"':"Taraxacum
118. Silybum marianum, 134. *Taraxacum officinale.
Linn. & Gaertn. Weber in Wigg. See:-
119· Solidago virga-;sureaj Taraxacum densleonis,
Linn. .. Linn.
I 135.
Tragopogan porrifolius. 7.
Tragopogan pratense,

Cupressus sempervirens,
Linn. 8. J u n ipe r u s communis,
137. Tricholepsis glaberrima, Linn.
DC. 9. Juniperus excelsa, Bieb.
138. Tricholepsis montana, 10. Juniperus macropoda,
DaZz. Boiss, same as Juniperus
139. Tricholepsis pro c u m- communis.
bens, Wight. 11. Juniperus recurva, Ham.
140. Tridax procumbens, Linn. 12~ Pinus deodara,. Roxb.
141. Tussilago farfara, Linn. See:-Cedrus deodara.
142.. Verbesina calendulacea, 13. Pinus echinata,
See:-Eclipta alba; We- 14. Pinus excelsa, Wall.
delia calendulacea, Less. 15. Pinus gerardiana, Wall.
143. *Vernonia anthelminitica, 16. Pinus heterophylla.
Willd. or Ascaradia ....... in- 17. Pinus khasya, Royle.
dica or Conyza ascara- 18. *Pinus longifolia, Roxb.
dia; Serratula anthel- 19. Pinus Il\aritima, Lam &
mintica. See:-Centra- Poiret.
therum anthelminticum, 20. Pinus merkussi, Jungh.
O. Ktze. 21. Pinus palustris.
144. *Vetnonia cinerea, Less. 22. Pinus pinea, See:-Pinus
See: -Conyza cinerea; sylvestris.
Co~za purpurea. 23. Pinus serotina.
145. Volutarella divaricata, 24. Pinus sylvestris, See:-
C.B. Clarke & Benth. Pinus pinea.
See:-Corduus ramosus. 25. Pinus toeda.
146. :~Wedelia calendulacea, 26. Pinus webbiana, Wall.
Less. See:-Abies webbiana.
147. Xanthium indicum, DC. 27. Taxus baccata, Linn.
See:-Xanthium stru-
marium. 46. CONNARACEAE.
148. Xanthium strumarium,
Linn. See:-Xanthium 1. Connarus monocarpus,
indicum. Linn.
2. Rourea santaloides, W. &
1. Abies excelsa, DC.
2. Abies. webbiana Lindl.
3. Callitris i n 0 p h y 11 u m, 1. A r g y rei a malabarica,
Linn. Chois.
4. Callitris quadrivalvis, 2. *Argyreia speciosa, Sweet.
Vent. See:-Lettsomia nervosa,
5. *Cedrus deodara, Loudon. R«rb.
See:-Pinus deodara. 3. Bat a t a s paniculata
6. Cidrus llbani, Barrel. See:-Ipomoea digitata.

4. Convolvulus argentens, Sweet. Ipom-oea hedera-

& Convolvulus nervosu;;, cea, Jacq.

or Convolvulus speciosa. 25: Ipomoea edulis. See:-
See:-Argyreia speciosa. Ipomoea batatas.
5. Convolvulus arvensi~, 26, Ipomoea eriocarpa, R. Br.
Linn. See:-Ipomoea hispida.
6. Convolvulus paniculata,
See:-Ipomoea digitata. 27. Ipomoea fastigata.
7. Convolvulus scammonia. 28. Ipomoea hederacea, Jacq.
Ipomoea nil. or Pharbitis
8. Cressa cretica, Linn·
9. Cuscuta chenensis, Lamk nil. Convolvul<us nil.
10. 1.'Cuscuta reflexa, Roxb. 29. Ipomoea muricata, Jacq.
11. Erycibe paniculata, Roxb. See:-Ipomoea purga.
12. '~Evolvulus alsinoides, Calonyction muricatum.
Wall. & Linn. 30. Ipomoea nil. See:-Ipo-
moea hederacea. Ipomoea
13. E vol v u 1 us hirsutus, nil. Convolvulus nil.
See:-Evolvulus alsinoi- 'Pharbitis nil.
·des, Wall &.Linn. 31. I p 0 moe a paniculata.
14. *Ipomoea acquatica, Forex. See:-Ipomoea digitata,
See:-Ipomoea reptans. Linn.
15. "'Ipomoea batatas, Poir & 32. IpoD1 oea pescaprae, SW.

Lamk. See:-Ipomoea See:-Ipomoea biloba;

edulis. Ipomoea brasibensis;
16. ';'Ipomoea biloba Forsk. C()nvolvulus pescaprae.
See:-Ipomoea ~ pescap- 33. I p 0 moe a pes-tigrides,
rae· Convolvulus pescap- Linn.
rae. 34. Ipomoea quamoclit, Linn.
See:-Quamoclit vulga-
17. Ipomoea bona-nox Linn. ris; Quamoclit pinnata.
See:-Calonyction bona- 35. I po moe a reniformis,
nox. Bajer. Cihois. S,ee:-Merremia
18. I p 0 moe a brasiliensis, emarginata.
See:-Ipomoea biloba; 36. Ipomoea sepiaria, Koen.
Convolvulus prescapre. 37. Ipomoea sinuata, art.
19. Ipomoea -caerulea. 38. Ipomoea tridentate, Roth.
20. Ipomoea campanulata, See:-Merremia triden-
Linn. tata. "'\.
21. Ipomoea cymosa, Roem. 39. *Ipomoea turpenthum, R.
22. I p 0 moe a dasysperma, BT. See:-Operculina tUl'-
Jacq. pethum, Silva.~
23. Ipomoea digitata, Linn. 40. Ipom,oea uniflora, Roern.
See:-Ipomoea panicu- 41. Ipomoea vitifolia, Sw.
lata. See:-lVIerremia vitifolia.
24. Ipomoea dissecta, Wi lid. 42. Lettsomia mysorensis,
See:-Ipomoea erio<;,arpa, Clarke. See:-Lettsomia
·Br. Ipomoea fastigata, aggregata.
• J~ -

43. Lettsomia nervosa, Roxb. 2. Brassica alba, or Brassica

See: -Argyreia speciosa. campestris. See:-Sina-
44. Pharbitis nil, thois. pis alba.
See:-Ipomoea hedera- Bassica botrytis.
cea. Ipomoea nil. Convol-
4. *Brassica campesh-is, Linn.
vulus nil.
See:-Variety: B. rapa.
45. *Q u am 0 eli t vulgaris,
Brassica napus; Crucifera
Chois1j. See:-Ipomoea
rapa; & Brassica colza.
quomoclit. Linn.
5, Brassica caulocarpa.
46. Rivea ornata, Chois.
6. *Brassica juncea, H.K.f. &
T. See:-Brassica cernua;
48. CORNACEAE. Brassica integrifolia; &
1. Marlea tomentosa, EndL allied plants.
7. Brassica nigra, Linn &
49. CRASSULACEAE. Koch See:-Sinapis nigra'
1. *Bryophyllum calycinum, Sinapis erysimoides. '
Salish- See:~Kalanchoe 8. -"Brassica oleracea, Linn.
lanciniata; KalanchO€ Val'· chinensis. or B.
pinnata. sativa & B. botrytis or
2. Cotyledon lanciniata, B. florida.
See:-KalanchO€ lanci- 9, *Brassica rapa, Linn.
niata. See:-Brassica campes-
3. Cotyledon rhizaphylla, tris; Crucifera-rapa; B.
See:~Bryophyllum caly~ See: -Brassica com,pes-
cacinum. tris; Crucifera-rapa, B.
4. *Kalanchoe laciniata. SC. Colza.
See:-Kalanchoe pinnata; 10. Bullata gemmifera.
Bryophyllum calycinum, 11. Capselia bursa pastor is,
Salisb. N edik & M oe:nch.
5. Kalanchoe pinnata, PeTs. 12. Cheiranthus cheiri, Linn.
See:-Bryophyllum caly- 13. Eruca sativa, Gars.
cinum & Bryophyllum 14. Far set i a aegyptiaca,
pinnatum. & 'Kalanchoe Turra Farset.
laciniata. 15. Farsetia hamiltonii,
6. *Kalanchoe spathulata or R01Jle.
spathulatum, DC. 16. Farsetia jacquemontii,
Hk. t & T.
Lepidium draba, Linn.
Lepidium iberis, Linn.
1. Euphrasia 0 d onhtes, Linn. 19. Lepidium latifolium,
2. Euphrasip. officinalis, Linn.
Linn. 20. "'Lepidium sativum, Linn.
21. Matthiola incana, R. Br-
51. CRUCIFERAE. 22. *Nasturtium officinale, R.
1. Anastatica hierochuntia, Br. See:-Nasturtium
Linn- font anum, Aschers.

23. Raphanus caudatus, Alef. 52. CUCURBITACEAE.

24. "'Raphanus sativus, Lin1l.
25. Sinapis alba. See:-Bras- 1. *Benincasa cerifera, Savio
sica alba. I See:-Benincasa hispida.
26. Sinapis cuneifolia, See:'- 2. Blastania garcini, Cogn.
Sinapis juncea; Sinapis See:-Ctenolepis garcini.
nigra; Sinapis ramosa; & 3. Bryonia callosa, Rottl.
Sinapis rugosa.
27. Sinapis dichotoma, Roxb. 4. Bryonia epigoea, Wight
& Rottla· See:-Corallo-
See:-Sinapis glauca; carpus epigeous.
Brassica napus.
28. Sinapis glauca, See:- 5. *Bryonia laciniosa, Linn.
See:-Bryonopsis lacin-
Sinapis dichotoma; Bras- losa, Linn.
sica napus.
29. Sinapis juncea. See:- 6. Bryonia pilosa, Roxb.
7. Bryonia rostrata, Rattle.
Brassica juncea. Sinapis
8. Bryonia seabra,
nigra; Sinapis ramosa;
9. Bryonia scabrilla, See:-
Sinapis cuneifolia; & Mukia scabrilla Arn. Me-
Sinapis rugosa. lothria maderaspatana,
30. Sinapis nigra, Linn. Linn..
See:-Sinapis juncea;10. *Cephalandra in d i c a,
Sinapis ramosa; Sinapis Naud. See:-Coccinia in-
cuneifolia; Sinapis ru- dica.
gosa. Brassica integrifolia colocynthis,
& allied plants. 11. Citrullus
31. Sinapis ramosa, See:- Schwd.
12 *Citrullus vulgaris, Schwd.
*Sinapis juncea; Sinapis .
Var. Citrullus fistulosus.
nigra; Sinapis cuneifolia;
Sinapis rugosa. See:-Cucurbita citrul-
32. Sinapis rugosa, Roxb. 13. *Coccinia indica, W. & A.
See:-Sinapis nigra; Sin- See:-Momordica mona-
apis juncea; Sinapis delpha, Roxb. Cephalan-
ramosa; Sinapis cuneifo- dria indica.
lia. Brassica cernua. 14. Corallocarpus epigaea or
33. Sisymbrium irio or IrIS,. epieous, RattI. & Willd.
Linn. See:-Sisymbrium See:-Bryonia epigaea.
zinno Sisymbrium sophor. 15. Cucumis''j acutangulus,
34. See:-Luffa acutangula.
Sisymbrium nasturtium. 16. Cucumis agrestis,' Nand.
35. Sisymbrium sophia, Linn. 17. Cucumis anguinus.
See:-Sisymbrium illio or 18. Cucumis colocynthis.
IrIS. Sisymbrium zinno 19. *CUCUmlS melo, Linn. Var.
Descurainia sophia. Momordica Duthie. Uti-
36. Sisymbrium zinno See:- lissimus duthie·
Sisymbrium iris, or irio 20. Cue u m i s momordica,
Sisymbrium soph~.~":-- . Roxb. or Linn.

21. Cucumis pseudo-coloeyn- See:-Luffa plucketisna

this, Royle: See:-C. or pueketiana. or Luffa
trigonus. foetida.
22. Cue u m is pubeseens, 38. Luffa bindal. See: -Luffa
'Roxb. See:-Cueumis tri- eehinata.
gonus. 39. Luffa cylindrica, See:-
23· *Cucumis sativus, Linn. Luffa aegyptiaca; Luffa
24. Cucumis trigonus, Roxb. patola; Luffa riseada;
See:-C. pseudo-colocyn- Luea pentandra.
this. 40. Luffa echinata, Roxb.
25. C u <.\u;mi s uti{l.isimus, See:-Luffa bindaal.
Roxb. & Lhm. or C. melo. 41. Luffa £oetida, See:-Luffa
26. Cucurbita alba· amara. Luffa pluketiana;
27. Cueurbita eere£era, & Luffa aeutangula.
C. pepo. See:-Beninkasa 42. Luffa graveolens, Roxb.
eerefera. 43. Luffa patola, See-Luffa
28. Cueurbita eitrullus, Linn. aegyptiaea. Luffa eylin-
See:-Citrullus vulgaris. driea; Luffa pentandra.
29. Cucurbita lagenaria, Luffa riscada.
Lhl,n. See:-Lagenaria 44. Luffa pentandra, Roxb.
vulgaris. See:-Luffa aegyptiaca;
30. *Cueurbita maxima, Luffa cylindrica; Luffa
Duchesne. patola; Luffa riscada.
31. *Cueurbita mosehata, 45. Luffa pluketiana, See:-
Duc1~S1te. Luffa amara; Luffa foeti-·
32. *Cueurbita pepo, IJ1inn & 46. Luffa riseada. See:-
DC. See:-Pepo vu garis; Luffa aegyptiaea. Luffa
Lagenaria vulgaris. eylindrica. Luffa paiola.
33. Lagenaria leueantha, Luffa pentandra.
Rus by. See:-Lagen1aria 47. Luffa tuberosa, RGxb.
vu1garis; Cueurb ita age- See:-Momordica tube-
naria; Cueurbita pepo. rosa·
34. *Lagenaria vulgaris, bSe- 48. Melothria maderaspatana,
ringe. See:-Cucur ita Linn.' See:-Mukia sea-
lagenaria. Cue u r bit a breHa, Arn. Bryonia sea-
pepo. brilla.
35. *Luffa acutangula, Roxb.
Var:-L. amara, Clarke. 49. Momordica balsamina,
See:-Cucumis . acutan- Linn. See:-Momordica
gulus. charantia.
36. *Luffa aegyptiaca, Mil~ 50. *Momordica charantia.
See:-Luffa pentandra; . Linn. Momordica muri-
Luffa cylindrica; Luffa cata; Momordica balsa-
patola Luffa riscada. mina.
37. Luffa amara, Roxb. same 51. Momordica cochinchinen-
as Luffa acutangula. sis, Spreng.

52. Momordi~ cymbalaria, 72. Zehneria umbellata, Thw.

F-enzL See:-Luffa tube- See:-Momordica umbel-
rosa; Momordica tubcl- lata, Roxb. Melothria
rosa. heterophylla, Cogn.
53. Momordica dioica, RoxQ.
54. Momordica mixta. 53. CUPULIFERAE
55. Momordica m'onodelpha:,
monadelpha?' R 0 x b. 1. Betula alba, Linn.
See:""-coccinia indica; 2. Betula alnoides, Ha:l'n.
Cephalandra indica. '-'. Betula bhojapatra, ltfall.
56, Momordica muricata, & Don. Same as B. utilis,
Don. D.
See:-Momordica charan-
tia, Linn. 4. Betula utilis, D. Don.
57. Momordica umbellata, 5. Corylus avellana, Linn.
Roxb. See: - Zehneria 6. Corylus colurna, Linn.
umbellata. 7. Quercus incana, Roxb.
58. Mukia scabrella, ATn. 8. Quercus in.fectoria, -Oliv.
See:-Melothria maderas- See:-Quercus til'lctoria,
patana, Linn. Or Bryonia Olivo
scabrilla. 9. Quercus lamellosa, Srrtith.
.59. Muricia cochin.-chinen- 10. Quercus pachyphylla,
sis. Kurz.
60. Rhynchocarpa foetida, 11. Quercus tinctoria, Olivo
C. B. Clarke & Schrad? See:-Quercus infectoria,
See:-Kedrostis rostrata. Olivo
61. *Trichosanthes anguina,
62. Trichosanthes cordata, 1. *Cycas circinalis, Roxb &
Roxb. Linn. Cycas inermes; C.
63. Trichosanthes cucume- rumphii.
rina, Linn. 2. Cycas inermes, See:-,~
64. Trichosanthes cuspida. Cycas circinalis.
'65. Trichosanthes dioica, 3. *Cycas revoluta, Thttmt,.
Roxb. See:-Trichosan- & Willa.
thes nervifolia. 4, ~'Cycas rumphii, Miq.
66. Trichosanthes incisa. See:-Cycas circinalis.
67. Trichosanthes laciniosa.
68. Trichosanthes nervifclia, 55. CYPERACEAE.
Linn. Use same as T.
dioica, Roxb. 1. Cyperus bulbosus.
2. CypeJ:us canesceus.
69. Trichosanthes, palmata, Cyperus distachyos.
Roxb. 4. C y p e.r u s inundatus,
70. Zanonia indica, Linn. Roxb.
11. ,Zehneria hookeriana, • 5. . Cyperus i1'ia, Linn.
Am. See:-Melothriq per- ~. C y per u s juncifolius,
pusilla., Klein.

'7. Cyperus pertenuis, S€e:- See:-Dioscorea a1ata;

Cyperus scariosus; Cype- D i 0 s cor e a hirsuta;
rus hexastachyus. Dennst. Dioscorea opposi-
8. *Cyperus rotundus, Linn. tHolia; Linn.
9. Cyperus scariosus, B,·. 6. Dioscorea hirsuta,
10. Cyperus tegetum, See:- Dennst.
Cyperus esculentus. 7. Dioscorea oppositifolia,
11. Fimbristylis junciformis, Linn.
Kunth. 8. Dioscorea pentaphylla,
12. *Fimbristylis miliacea, L. Linn. See:-Dioscorea
& Vahl. purpurea, Roxb. Dios-
13. Kyllinga monocephala, corea sativa, Linn.
Rotth. & Roxh. Sec:- 9. Dioscorea purpu!"ea,
Kyllinga triceps, Rotto. Roxb.
14. Kyllinga triceps, Rottb. 10. Dioscorea rubella, Linn.
Used same as Ky llinga See:-Dioscorea alata.
mpnocephala, Roxb. 11. Dioscorea sativa, Linn.
15. Scirpus arti culatus, Linn. See:-Dioscorea bulbi-
16. Scirpus grossus, Linn. fera.
Use same as Scirpus 12. Dioscorea triphylla,
kysoor, Roxb. Amoen & Linn.
17. *Scirpus kysoor, Roxb.
See:-Scirpus grossus, 59. DIPSACEAE.
Linn. 1. Morina persica, Lin11.
18. Scirpus tuberosus.


1. Datisca cannabina, Linn.
57. DILLENIACEAE. 1. Dipterocarpus a 1 a t u 5,
Roxb. See:-Diptel'ocar-
1. Dillenia indica, Linn. pus incanus; Dipterocar-
See:-Dillenia speciosa. pus g<o>nopterus.
Thunb. 2. Dipterocarpus camphora,
2. Dillenia pentagyna. See:-Camphora officina-
3. Dillenia speciosa, Thumb. rum; Dryobalanops cam-
See.:-Dil1enia indica. phor or camphora.
3. Dipterocarpus incanus,
58. DIOSCORIACEAE. Roxb. See: -Dipterocar-
1. Dinerba arabica, Jacq. pus alatus, Dipterocarpus
2. Dioscorea aculeata, Linn. turbinatus; Dipterocarpus
3. Dioscorea alata, Linn. laevis.
See:-Dioscorea globosa; 4. Dipterocarpus indicus,
Dioscorea rubella. Bedd.
4. Dioscorea bulbifera, Linn. 5. Dipterocarpus 1 a e vis,
5. Dioscorea globosa, Roxh. Ham. See:-Diptel'ocar-

pus turbinatus; Diptero- 3. Drosera rotundifolia.

carpus alatus; DipterocaIi-
pus incanus. . 62. EBENACEAE.
6. Dipterocarpus tuoorcU'.
latus, Roxb. See:-Dipte~ 1. Diospyros candolleana,
rocarpus grandifolius' Wight.' See:-Diospyros
Dipterocarpus cordatus. ! canarica; D. ebenum,
7. '>:IDipterocarpus ''turbina,- Koenig.
tus, Gaertn. See:-Dip- 2. D i 0 spy r 0 s cordifolia.
terocarpus incanus; Roxb. See:-Diospyros embry-
Dipterocarpus I a e vis; opteris, Pers.
Ham. Dipterocarpus ala- 3. Diospyros ebenum, Koe-
tus, Roxb.. Dipterocarpus ning. See: - Diospyros
jourdainii. asimilis.
8. DryobahplOps aromatica, 4. Diospyros embryopteris.
Gaertn. Dryobalanops Pers. See:-Diospyros
camphora. (or dipterocar- peregrina; Diospyros glu-
paceae?) tinosa; Diospyros cordi-
9. Dryobalanops camphor folia; Diospyros urgini-
or camphora, Coleb. ana.
,See:-Dryobalanops aro- 5. Diospyros glutinosa. See:-
matica or CamiPhora offi- Diospyros embryopteris,
cinarum; Dipterocarpus Pers.
camphora. 6. Diospyros malabarica.
10. Hopea odorata, Roxb. 7. Diospyros melanoxylon,
See:-Hopea decandra. Roxb. See:-Diospyros
11. Hopea racemosa. See:- tomentosa.
Styrax benzoin. 8. DiospYros montana, Roxb.
12. Shorea lard. 9. D i 0 spy r 0 S paniculata,
13. Shorea robusta, Gaerin. Dalz.
14. S h 0 rea tumbuggaia, 10. D i 0 spy r 0 s tomentosa,
Roxb. W. & A. See:- Roxb. See,-Diospyros
Vatica tumbuggaia. melanoxylon.
15. Vateria indica, Lhm. 11. Diospyros urgImana.
See:-Vateria malabarica. See:-Diospyros embryo-
& Chloroxylon dupada. . pteris, Pers.
16. Vateria malabarica. See:-
Vateria indica, Linn. 63. ELAEAGNACEAE.
Chloroxylon dupada. 1. Elaeagnus hortensis, M.
bieZ. See:-Elaeagnus an-
61. DROSERACEAE. gustifolia. " .
1. Drosera lunata. See:-:- 2. *Elaeagnus latHolia, Linn.
Drosera peltata. 3. Elaeagrius umbellata,
2. Drosera peltata, Sm. Th1mb.
See:-Drosera IUl1ata; 4. Hippophae rhamnoides,
Drosera rotundifolia. .. .
Linn. ,

5. Hippophae salicifolia, D. 2. Erythroxylon lucidum.

Don. JVloon.
3. Erythroxylon monogy-
64. EQUISETACEAE. num, Roxb. See:-Eryth-
1. *Eqisetum debile, Roxb. roxylon indicum; Sethi a
65. ERICACEAE. 4. Erythroxylon retu~;um,
1. Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi,
2. Gaultheria fragrantissima, 67. EUPHOBBIACEAE.
Wall. Gaultheria procum- 1.
A cal y p h a fruticosa,
bens; Gaultheria lesch- FOTsk.
naultii; or Andromeda 2. Acalypha hispida, Burm.
leschnaultii. 3. *Acalypha indica, Linn.
3. Gaultheria procumbens. or Acalypha spicata, or
See:-Gaultheria' frag- Acalypha canescana.
rantissima; Gaultheria Acalypha ciliata. Acaly-
leschnaultii; Andromeda pha paniculata.
leschnaultii. 4. Adelia neriifolia, Roth.
4. RhododiendroIlj antho- See:-Homonoia riparia,
pogon, D. Don. See:- Lour.
Rhododendron lepidotum, 5. Al e uri if; e s moluccana,
Wall. Wind. or A. triloba.
5. Rhododendron arboreum, 6. And l' a c h n e cordifolia,
Sm. Mull.
6. Rhododendron barbatum, 7. Aporosa lindleyana, BaUl.
Wall. See:-Scepe lindleyana.
7. Rhododendron campanu- 8. Averrhoea acida.
latum, D. Don. 9. Ba]iospermum axillare,
& Rhododendron cinnabari- Blume. See:-Baliosper-
num, Hook. mum montanum; Jatro-
9. Rhododendron falconeri, pha montanum or J. mon-
Hook. tana?
10. Rhododendron lepidoium, 10. Baliospermum monta-
Wall. See:-Rhododen- num, Muell. See:-Balios-
dron anthopogon, D. Don. permum axillare; Balios-
Rhododendron setosum, permum polyandrumj J at-
lOa. Rhododendron ponticum, ropha montana.
Linn. 11. Bridelia montana, WiUd.
11. Rhodod~ndron setosum, 12. *Bridelia retusa, Spreng.
D. Don. See:-Rhododen- 13. B u x u s sempervirenS,
" •dron anthopogon, D. Don. Linn.
66. ERYTHROXYLACEAE. 1134a.. Chrozophora
Catarus speciflorus, Linn.
plicata, A.
1. Erythroxylon, coca" Linn. J uss. Variety Chrozo-
or Ham. phora gonuina, Muell.

See:-Chrozophora pros- 33. :~E u p h 0 r b i a neriifolia,

trata. Linn. See:-Euphorbia
14a. Chrozophora rottleri. ligularia; Euphorbia nivu-
See:-Chrozophora tincr lia.
toria. 34. Euphorbia nivulia, Ham.
15. Chrozophora tinctoria, A. similar to Euphorbia
Juss & Hook. See:-- neriifolia.
Chrozophora rottleri. 35. Euphorbia parviflora.
16. Cleistanthus eollinus, See:-Euphorbia piluli-
Benth. See:-Claytia col- fera.
lina. 36. :~Euphorbia pilulifera,
17. Croton aromaticus, Linn. Linn. See:-Euphorbia
18. Croton caudatus, Geisel. hirta; Euphorbia parvi-
19. Croton joufra, Roxb. flora; Euphorbia resin i-
See:-Croton malabari- fera, Berg.
eus, Bedd. 37 Euphorbia resiniiera,
20. C rot 0 n malabmoicus, . Berg.
Bedd. 38. Euphorbia royleana,
21. *Croton oblongifolius, Boiss. See:-Euphorhia
Roxb. pentagona.
22. Croton polyandrum or 39. Euphorbia thomsoniana,
Polyandrus? Roxb. Same Boiss.
as C. tiglium. See:-Jat- 40. EU'phorbiia \ thymirolia,
ropha montana. Linn & Burnt .
23. *Croton reticulatus, 41. •;. Euphorbia tirucalli, }:'inn_
Heyne. 42. Excoecaria acerifolia, F.
24. Croton tiglium, Linn. 43. '~Excoecaria agallocha,
25. '~E m b lie a officinalis, Lin,n. or Excoecariu
Gctertn. See:-Phyllan- camettia, or Arbor exe-
thus emblica. cans.
26. *Euphorbia antiquorum, 46. Excoecaria' camettia,
Linn. See:-Exco:ecaria agallo-
27. Euphorbia dracuncu- chao
Ioides, Lam. 47. '~Flueggea leucopyrus,
28. Euphorbia helioscopia, Willa & Wight. See:-
Lin1t. Seeurinega ,..leucopyrus.
29. *Euphorbia hirta, L11111. 48. * Flu:eggea . microcarpa,
See:-Euphorbia piluii- BLU1ne. Se€l:-Flueggea
fera. virosa.
30. Euphorbia hyperici£qJia, "(!9~ *Glochidion z"ey lal1icum,
Linn.. A. J'ttSS.
31. Euphorbia- lathyris, Lilin. 50.. Homonoia riparia, J.. our.
32. E u p h 0 r b i a lingularia, See:-Adelia neriifolia.
Roxb. &e:-:-Euphorbia 51. Hura crepitans, Linn.
neriifolia. .,. , 52: '~Jatropha curcas, Linn.
INDEX 559 •

53. *Jatropha glandulifera,

69. *Phyllanthus niruri, Li1l.1t.
Roxb. See:-Phyllanthus urina-
54. *Jatropha gossypiIolia, ria. _.
55. Jatropha manihot, Linn. 70. Phyllanthus oblongifo-
Linn. lius.
See:-Manihot utilissima, 71. Phyllallthus peduncula--
Pohl. tus.
56. Jatropha montana, See:- 72. Phyllanthus restusus.
Baliospermum montanum 73. Phyllanthus reticulatus,
or & BaIiospermum axil- Poi?'. See:-Anisonema
lare. multiflora, Wight.
57. *Jatropha muItifida, Linn 74. Phyllanthus rhamnoides,
58. J a1tropha nana, Dalz & Roxb. See:-Sauropus
Gibs. quadrangularis.
59. 75. Phyllanthus
IV[acaranga peltata. See:-- simplex,
Macaranga roxburghii, Retz.
Wight. 76. ,Phyllanthus subaumifo-
60. Macaranga roxbul'ghii, lius.
Wight. See:-Macaranga 77. Phyllanthus urinaria,
peitata. Linn. See:-Phyllanthus
61. *Mallotus philippinensis, Ieprocarpus. Phyllan-
MueU Arg. or Croton thus niruri.
philippinensis or Croton 78. '~Putranjiva roxbul'ghii,
punctatus, or Croton coc- WaU. See:-Nigeid put-
cine us, or Croton coc- ranjiva.
cineum. See:-Glandulae 79. *Ricinus communis, Linn.
roWerae. 80. Ricinus dicoccus. See:-
62. *Manihot utilissima, Pohl. Ricinus communis, Li'nn.
See:-Jatropha manihoi, 80a. Rottlera aurantiaca, etc.,
Linn. etc.
63. P h y 11 ant h u s acidus,
81. Sapium indicum. Willd.
Skeels. See:-Excoecaria indica.
64. *Phyllanthus distidms.
82. *Sapium insigne, Trhn &
MueU. See:-Phyllanthus Benth. See:-Falconeria
longifolius. Cicca disti- mala barica.
- 83. Sapium sebiferum, Roxb.
65. ~'Phyllanthus em b 1 j c a,
Linn. See:-Emblica offi- 84. SaUl"OpUS quadrangularis,
Muel1. See:-Phyllanthus
Phyl1anthus longifoIius, rhamnoides, Roxb.
See:-Phyllanthus disti- 85. Seb~stiania chamaelea,
'1 chus. MueU.
67. *Phyllanthus maderas- 86. Securinega leucopyrus,
patensis, Linn. Mttell. & DC. See:-
68. *Phyllanthus multiflorus, Plueggea leucopyrus,
Willd. lI'Iuell. & DC, Wight.

87. Tragia cannabina. See:- Obcordata; Trianthema

Tragia involucrata, Linn. pentandra, Linn. Trian-
88. *Tragia involucrata, Li1lP~. thema portulacastrum,
See:-Tragia cannabina. Linn.
89. Trewia· tnacrophylla. 10. Trianthema obcordata,
See:-T. nudiflora; Rott· See:-Tnanthema pen-
lera indica; Rottlera tandra, Linn. Trianthema
hooper'iana. monogyna, Linn.
9&. '~Trewia nudiflora, Linn. 11. *Trianthema pentandra,
See:-T r e wi a macro- Linn. See:-Trianthema
phylla. Rottlera indica. obcordata.
Rottlera hooperiana. 12. Trianthema portulacas-
trum, Linn. See:-Trian-
68. FAGACEAE. thema monogyna, Linn

1. Castanea sattiva, Mill. 70. FLACOURTIACEAE.

See:-Castanea vulgaris, 1. Flacourtia catapbracta,
Lam. Roxb.
2. F 1 a c 0 u r t i a obcordata.
69. FICOIDACEAE, or See:-Flacourtia sepiaria.
FICOIDAE 3. FlacoUl·tia ramontchi, L.
(AIZOACEAE). Rent. See:-Flacourtia
1. *Giesekia pharnacoides, 4. Flacourtia sapida, Roxb.
Linn. 5. Flacourtia sepiaria, Roxb.
2. Glinus lotoides. See:-Flacourtia 'obcor-
3. Mollugo cerviana, Ser- data.
inge, See:.::....M 0 11 u g 0 6. Gynocardia odorata, R.
stricta; Linn. Mollugo tri- Br. or Gynocardia hydno-
phylla. carpus and TaraktOgenos
4. Mollugo hirta, Thumb. kurzii, Chaulmoogra odo-
See:-Pharnaceum pen- rata, Chilmqria do'decan-
tagonum, Roxb. dra. . .
. 5. M 0 11 u go pentaphylla, 7. Hydnocarpus alp ina,
Linn. See:-M 0 11 u g 0 Wight.
stricta. 8. Hydnocarpus anthelmin-
6. Mollugo spergula, Linn. tica, Pierre.
See:-Mollugo oppositi- 9. Hydnocarpus castanea,
folia, Linn. Rk. f. & T.
7. Mollugo stricta, ' Linn. 10. Hynocarpu~ heterophyl-
See:-Mollugo penta- Ius, KUTZ. SeEf:__"..Tarakto-
phylla. genos Kurzii.
8. Trian<thema
decandra, 11. Hydn9carpus inebrians,
Wa!! or Vahl. See:-
9. *Trianthema monogyna, Hydnocarpus wigbtiana,
Linn. See:-Trianthema Blume.
r ....... '

12: 'Hydnocarpus K u r z i i,


Agaricus (Psalliota) cam-

Warbg. See:-:-Tarakto- pestris, Linn.
genos kurzii. 3. Agaricus igniarius.
13. Hydnocarpus octandra, 4. *Agaricus (Pleurotus) or
Thiv. Agaricus ostreatus, Jacq.
14., ' Hydnocarpus odorata, Agaricus palmalus.
Lind. 5. Boletus crocatus, Batsclr.
15. Hydnocarpus venenata, See:-Agaricus ostr~atus.
Gaertn. See:-Hydnocar- 6. *Polyporus officinalis,
pus inebrians. Fries.
16. Hydnocarpus wightiana, 7. Torula cerevisae, See:-
13ltqne. ,See:-Hyqnocar- Torula saccharomyces.
pus inebrians. 8. Torula saccharomyc~s,
1'7.. ' Taraktogenos k u r z 1 i, See:-Torula cerevisae.
King. See:-Gynocardia
odorata; Gynocardia hyd- 75. GENTIANACEAE.
nocarpus; Hydnocarpus
heterophyllus Hydnocar- 1. Can s cor a decussata,
. pus kurzii. Roem. et. Schult. See:-
Pladera decussata.
71: FLORIDEAE. 2. Canscora diffusa, 'R. Br.
1. J?orphyra vulgaris, Linn. See:-Canscora lawii.
3. Enicostemali t:t 0 r a I e,
Blume. See:-Adenema
72. FRANKENIACEAE. ... hyssopifolium. ,
1. Frank€mia '. pulverulent a, 4. Erythraea roxburgnii, G.
Linn. Don.
5. Exacum bicolor, Roxb.
6. Exacum lawii, Clarke.
73. FUMERIACEAE. 7. Ex?cum pedunculatum,
1. Corydalis govaniana, Linn.
Wall. 8. E x a cum tetragonum,
2. Fumaria officinalis, Linn. Roxb.
See:-Fumaria parvi- 9. Gentiana chirata, Roxb.
flora. See:-Gentiana kurroo:
3. Fum a ria parviflora, 10. Gentiaria dahurica, Fisch.
Lamk. Sub sp. Vaillantii, See:-Gentiana olivieri.
Hook. & 'Var:-Persica, 11. Gentiana decumbens,
Pugsley. Same as F. offi- Linn.
cinalis, See:-F. indica. 12! Gentiana kurroo, Royle.
4. Fumaria vaillantii, See:- Gentiana chirata, Royle.
F. Indica, Ha1.Lssk. 13, Gentiana olivieri, Griseb.
See:~Gentiana dahurica.
14. FUNGI. 1( Gentiana tenellil, ,Fries. '
15. Limnanthemum crista-
1. AgariG!ls albus.. tum, .Griseb.
16. Limnanthemum nym- 27. Swertia cor y m b 0 s a,
phaeoides, Link. See:- Wight.
Menyan the s nymphaeoi1 28. . Swertia decussalta.
des, Linn. Nimmo. See:-Ophelia
17. Menyanthes trifoliatal alba.
Linn. 29. Swertia paniculata, Wall.
18. a p h eli a angustifolia; 30. Swertia parensis, Linn.
Don. See:-Swertia an:' or Swertia perennis, Linn.
gustifolia; Swertia chi- 31. Swertia purpurascens,.
retta; Gentiana kUIToa. Wall.
19. Ophelia chiretta, or
chirata DC. See:-Swer- 76. GERANIACEAE.
tia chiretta or chirata.
Gentiana kurroa or kur- 1. G era n i u m nenalense,.
roo. Sweet. See:-Geranium
20. Ophelia eligans or elegans affine; G. ocellalum; G ..
or eligam? Wight. See:- l'U bertianum.
OpheHa chiretta; Ophelia 2. Geranium ocellatum~
angustifolia; Ophelia mul- Camb. Var:-Geranium
tiflora; See:-Swertia an- himalaicum, R. Kunth.
gustifolia. 3. Geranium robertianum,.
21. Ophelia multiflora, DaZz. Linn.
See:-Swertia decussata; 4. Geranium wallichianum,
Swertia chiretta; & Gen- Sweet.
tiana kurroa.
22. Pladera decussata, See:- 77. GNETAcEAE.
Can s cor a decussata,
Schutt; 1. Ephedra alata, See:-
Ephedra peduncularis.
23. Swertia affinis, C. B.
2. Ephedra alte. See:-
Clarke. See:-Swertia
Ephedra peduncularis.
angustifolia, Ham.
3. Ephedra distachya, Linn ..
24. Swertia alata, Royle. See:-Ephedra vulgaris.
See:-Ophelia a 1 a t a. 4. Ephedra gerardiana,.
G-riseb. Wall. See:-Ephedra vul-
25. Swertia angustifolia, garis. Var:-saxatilis, sik-
Ham. See:-Swertia affi- kimensis & wallichii.
nis; Swertia pulchella. 5. Ephedra. ..".' intermedia.
Var:-Pulchella, Burkill; Schrenk & May. See:-
See:-S. affinis, Opelia Ephedra vuJgaris; Ephe,:,
elegans. dra pachyclada, _ Boiss.
26. Swertia chirata, Ham. Var:-Glauca & Tibetica.
See:-Ophelia chirata, 6. Ephedr~ monostachya.
DC. Swertia affinis; , . See:-Ephedra vulgaris,.
Swertia paniculata; Swer- E. intermedia.
tia purpurascens; S~ver- 7. Ephedra pachyclada.
tia angustifolia. .,. Boiss. See:-Epbedra in-

termedia; Ephedra buI- 8. Andropogon Iawsoni, Hk.

garis. f.
S. Ephedra peduncularis, 9. Andropogon martini or
Boiss. Andropogon calamus; An-
9. Ephedra tibetica. See:- dropogon aromaticus, or
Ephedra vulgaris. Andropogon pochmodes.
10. Ephedra vulgaris, Rich. 10. Andropogon monticola,
& Hook. See:-Ephedra Schult.
gerardiana, E. pachy- 11. Andropogon lY',:.lricatus,
dada. Retz or Andropogon
squarsus. See:-Phalaris
78. GOODEMACEAE or zizanoides or Agrostis
GOODENIACEAE. verticulata or Anatherum
muricatum; Vertiveria
1. *Scaevola or Scaveola koe- odorata; Vertiveria ziza-
nigii, VahZ. See:-Scae- nioides.
vola frutescens. 12. And r 0 p 0 g 0 n nardus,
Linn. See:-Cymbopo-
79. GRAMINACEAE gon narclusl
1. Apluda varia Hack. See:- 13. Andropogon odoratus,
Apluda aristdia,' Linn. Lisboa. See:-Amphilo-
phis odorata.
14. Andropogon pertusus,
so. GRAMINEAE, or Willd.
GRAMINACEAE. 15. And r 0 p ogon pumi]us,
1. Agropyron repens, Roxb.
Beauv. See:-Triticum 16._ Andropogon purpureo-
tepens, Linn. sericeus, Hockst.
2. Andropogon annulatus, 17. Andropogon schoenanthus,
Forsk. Linn. See:-AndropogO)'~
3. *Andropogon citratus or citratis; Cymbopogon
DC. citratum? or Andro- shoenanthus.
pogon shoenanthus. See:- 18. Arundo brunbos, Linn.
Cymbopogon citratus. 'See:-Bambusa arundi-
4. Andropogon contortus, naceae.
Linn. See:-Heteropogon. 19. Avena fatua, Linn.
5. Andropogon halepensis, 20. *Avena sativa, Linn, 01'
Brot.* Avena orientalis? Variety
6. Andropogon warancusa, orientalis hook.
Jones & Roxh. or Andro- 21. *Brunbu sa arundinacea,
pogon laniger. See:'- Retz. & Willd. See:~
Cymbopogon warancusha, Brunbusa apous & Bam-
or jaWran,cusha? busa orientalis & Bam-
7. Andropogon laniger, Desf. busa spinosa.
See:-Cymbopogon shoe- 22. Cat a b r 0 s a aquatica,
nanthus. Beauv.


Cenchrus biJloris, Roxb.

Chloris barbata, Sw. I
39. Iseilema anthephoroides,
25., Coix lachryma, J obi, 40. Iseilema wightii, Anders, J
, . Linn. 41. Lamarkia aurea, Moench.
26~ Cymbopogon caesius, 42 . Lolium temulentum,
. ", Staph. I Linn.
27,. ':'Cymbopogon :: 'citratus, 43. Manisuris granulariS, Sm.
Stap. & Cymbopogon & Linn.
flexuosus, or Cymbopo- 44. Melica ciliata, Duf/lrie.

•.. gon ·shoenanthus. See:- 45. Mol i Th i a coerulea,
Andropogon citratus. Moench.
28. Cymbopogon flexuosus, 46. '*.Oryza sativa, Liil:n.. .
Stapf. See:-Cymbopogon 47. Paqicum antidotale, ·:Retz.
citratus; Andropogon cit- 48. Pallicum cruscorui, Linn.
ratus; Cymbopogon shoe- See:-Echinochloa crus-
nanthus. galli, P. Beauv.
~9.., Cymbopogon schoen an- 49. Panicum crusgal1i, Linn.
" thus, Spreng. See:-An- See:-Panicum frumen-
dropogon shoenanthus; A. taceumj.' Pani~um itali-
': laniger. cum; See:-Echinochloa
30•.. *Cynodon dactylon, Pers. crusgalli, P. Beauv.
31. Cynodon lipearis. 50. Panicum dactylum, or
32. *Dendrocalamus strictus, Panicum dactylon, Limt.
Nees. See:-..,-Cynodon dactylon,
33.. *Eleusine ae.gyptiaca, Desf. Persoon ..
S e e:- Dactyloctenium 51. Panicum frumenta,ceum,
aegyptium. , Roxb. See:-Panicum
*See:-Sorghum hiile- crusgalll, Linn. Panicum
pense. italicum; Echinochloa
34.; c*E~~ u sin'e coracana, colona; Echinochioa fru-
,'. ,.... Gaertn. Eleusine aegyp- .mentacea; Echin9chloa
tiaca, & Eleusine indica. c;rusgalli.
52. Panicum isachne, Roth.
g~'.' Eleusine indica. Gaertn.
53. *Panicum italicum, Linn.
"'.' See:-Eleusine c·oracana.
See:-Panicum frumen-
.3Q. Eragrostis abyssinica. taceum" Roxo. See:_:_
37. ,Eragrostis cynesuroides, SetaJia italica, Beauv . .
" " Hea'u:v. See:~Desh1osta- 54. *Panicum 1~lVanicUln, Poir.
chya. )bipinnata. Poa- 55. Panicum jumen~orom.
r• •• ' cynosu!oide~, R/Ztz. See:-Panicum maxi-
'37 a, " Grandiflorus,. plenissimus. mum, Ja:cq. - ,
38.. Hordeum vulgare, syno:- 56. Panicum maximurit: Jacq.
.. ,. fHordeum sativum, Linn. See;-,-Panicum jumen-
Hordeum decorticatum; torom. '
..• ; Ho,rde~m .distichoJl.; Hor- ,57. PaniCurr., milia.ceum,
deum hexpsticho.n• .::.. . Linn.
r INDEX 5\15'

I 58~' ;Panicum miliare, Lam.k. 76. Saccharum sara. ,See:___';"

Saccharum arundina-
59. Panicum pilosum.
ceum; Saccharum ciliare.
60. Panicum ramosum. 77.. Saccharum spontaneum,
61. Panicum tumentorum. Linn.
62. Paspalum ciliare. See:- 78. Setaria gla1Jca, Beauv.
'Paspalum sanguinale, See:-Agati grandiflora,
Lamk. Desv. Sesbania grandi-
flora, Pers.
63. ,Paspalum sanguinale,
Lamk. See:-Paspalum 79. "Setaria italica, Beauv.
See:-Panicum frumen-
taceum; Panicum itali-
64. Paspalum scorbiculatum, cum•
. Linn.
80. Sorghum halepense, Pers.
65. Pennisetum cenchroides See:-Sorghum vulgare,
Rich. Andropogon sorghum.
66. Pennise'tum glau~um. 81. Sorghum saccharatum,
See:-Pennisetum typhoi- Pers.· .,
.deum. *Sorghum vulgare,. Pefs.
67. Penl1isetum purpureum, See:-Andropogon so1'-
or purpurem?
68. ~Pennisetum typhoides or Stipa tortilis, Linn. ;.
typhojdeum, Rich. See:.--
Pennisetum spicatum. 84. Thysanolaena acarifera,
•. Pennisetum glaucum, R. Nees. See:-Thysanolaena
Br. .procera, Nlez.
69. Phalaris c.a n a r i ens i s, 85. TritIcum ses~ivum) Lin?l.
Linn. See:-Triticiun hyber-
'lQ.;·~:-;£h'arat1s'~ :Zfzanoldes, fOl~ num; 'rriticum sativum.
·Agrostis verticulata, or 86. Triticum hybernum. See:-
1 Anatherum' muricatum. Triticum aestivum.
See:-Andropogon muri- Triticum pilo5um, Da1i
catus. . 87.
& Gibs.
71. *Poa-cynosuroides, Retz .
• Se~:,..",...,Eragrostis cynosu- 88. Triticum sativum,' Lam .
... A·~. roides'j ·BeatLY. . i. c See:-Tritifum . aestivu~;
72,. Saccharum. arundina- 89. Triticum. spelta, ,Linn .
• t~eum, R,etz. 'See:-Sac- 90. *Triticum vulgare.
charum sara. Saccharum
ciliare. 91. Vetiveria odora!a, See:-;-:
Andr9pog0l1 mrtricatus. .
73. Saccpal'um :'Giliare, A"7:-
ders. 'See:-:'_Sacchqrurn 92. *Vetiveria . ' ,:z;izapioides,
.munja. Stapf. See:-:A,ndrqpogon
74. Saccharum officinarum, muricatllS, & Androp.o:-
I . • • Linn.. '. gon .squarrosus.
75. Saccharum procerum. '93. *Zea mays, Linn.
1. Calophyllum
decifient. '
See: -Calophyllum wig'h-
tianum. "
17. lYlesua ferrea,
See:- Mesua roxburghii;
Mesua coromandeliana'
Mesua speciosa; Mesu~
M e sua pedunculata,

2. *Calophyllum inophyllUD,l. 18.
Linn. See:-Balsamaria Wight. See:-Mesua fer-
inophyllum. , rea; Mesua co roman-
3. Calophyllum wightianum, deliana; Mesua roxbur-
Wall. or Calophyllum de- ghii; Mesua speciosa.
cment. See:-Calophyl- 19. Mesua roxburghii. 'See:-
lum apetalum. Mesua fen·ea. Mesua
3 (a) :-Calysaccion longifoli- <;oromandeliana; Mesua
urn, Wight.--See: Mesua speciosa; M~sua pedun-
ferrea. . culata.
'4. Garcinia cambodia, Desr. 20. Mesua speciosa, Chois.
5. Garcinia handburii, B.P. See: -Mesua ferrea.
See: -Garcina pictoria, 21. *Ochrocarpos longifolia or
&. Garcinia heterandra, Wall. longifolius. Benth & Hook.
See: -Longifolium 'Dchro-
'7. *Garcinia indica, Chois. carpns, Hk. f. & T.
See:-Garcinia purpura; Mesua ferrea.
Brindonia indica. SChtLlt. See:-Sanseviera
8. *Garciuia 11langostana,
22. Xanthochymus pictorius,_
Linn. Roxb. See:-Garcinia'
, ,!). Garcinia mot'ella, Desr. Xanthochymus, Hk. Gar-
See:-Garci:nia gutta; cinia tinctoria,' . Dunn.
Garcinia pictoria. Garcinia pictoria, Roxb.
10. Garcinia pedunculata,
11. Garcinia pictoria, Roxb. 82. HAEMODORACEAE.
Garcinia morella; Gar- 1: Sansevieria roxburghiana,
~iGnia ~~burii, B.P. 2. Sansevieria zeylanica,
12. ,arClma purpurea, W illd. See: -Sansevieria
Roxb. See: -Garcina in·· . roxburghiana. Schult.
13. Garcinia wightii. 83 HAM '
14. *Garcinia xanthochymus.·· AMELIDACEAE.
Hook. See:- Garcini:a 1. Al~ingia excelsa, Noronha.
tinctoria; xanthochymus 2. Liquidambar orientalis,
tinctorius. Miller. ' i

15. Longifolium ochrocarpus,

Hk. f. & T. See:-Ochro- 84 HELICTEREAE.
carpos longifolius, Bent1t. •
& Hook. 1. Peterospermum aserifoli-
16. Mesua coromandeliana, urn.
Wight. See:-1\lesup fer- ? Peterospermum heynea-
rea, etc. . '/' I. num.
.. ; INiJEX. 56'1

3. Peterospermum suheri- 4. Crocus sativus, Linn, or

folium Crocus saffron.
5. Iris ensata, Thunb.
B5. HERNANDIACEAE, 6. Iris fiorentina, Li1}n. Iris
germanica; & Iris pallida.
1. Hernandia p~ltata, Meissn. 7. Iris foetidissima, Linn.
See:-Hernandi.a ,sonora. 8. Iris germanica, Linn.
See:-Iris fiorentina.
;86. HYDROCHARITA- 9. Iris kumaonensis, .Wall.
CEAE. -. 10. Iris nepalensis, Don,
11. Iris pallida, See:-Irls
1. ~v allisneria spiralis,
fiorentina, Linn,
12. . Iris pseudocorus.


1. Hydrolea zeylanica, Vahl. 1. Pardanthus chinensis,.
0' • Ker.

1. Hypericum oblongifolium, 1. J uglaris regia, Linn.

Wall. See:-HyPericum 1
.2. Hypericum patulum, 94. JUNCACEAE.
Thumb. See:-Hypericum 1. Luzula campestris, DC.
Hypericum perforatum', 95. LABIATAE.
1. Ajuga bracteosa, Wall.
a9. ICACINACEAE. 2. *Anisochilus . c~rnosus.
Wall. See:-Plectranthus
1. Sarcostigma kleinii. W. & strobiliteros.
A. 3. Anisomeles malabarica,
R. Br. Q'i' Anisomeles
90. ILICINEAE. ovata; or Anisomeles dis-
1. flex. aquifo.lium, Linn .. ticha, or Arusomeles
2. Hex paraguayensis, St. frutiosa.
Hilaire. 4. .Anisomeles ovata, R. Br.'
See:-Anisomeles ·indica.
:91 •. IRIDACEAE. 5. Ballata or Ballota lim-
bata, Benth.
1. Belamcanda chinensis, 6. Basili,cum citratum, See-
Leman. Ocimum basilicum; Oci-
2. Crocus indicus;. See:- cum anisatum .
Carthamus tinctorius. 7. .Brumella vulgaris,. Linn.
3. Crocus saffron, See:- 8. Calamintha clinopodium,
Crocus sativus. Benth .

9. Cole brooke a oppositifolia.

Sm. See:-Colebrookea
10. Coleus amboinicus,' Lour.
See:-Coleus aromaticus.
11. *Coleus arQmaticus,
31. *L e 'l.i cas . - ceph'aleteg
Spreng. S€e:_:_Leucas as-
pera, & Le~cas liflifolia.
32., ;fLeucas linifolia, SP1reng•
See:-Leucas cepha otes;
'Leucas aspera.
Benth. See:-Coleus am- 33.' -l!.eucas stelligera, WaU.
boinicus; C. carnosus; 34. Leucas zeylanica, R. Br.
Phectranthus aromaticus.
'12. Coleus barbatus, Bent1t.
13. Coleus carnbsus, See:-
Selaginella 'iiIibricata.
35. !ty~~pus ~ur~paeus, Linri.
36. Majorana hortensis, Mo-'
ench. See:-Origanum
rr:tljorana, Linn. Ori-

14. Coleus malabaricus. ganum vulgare, Linn.

15. Coleus scutellarioides. 37. Marrubium germanicum,
16. Coleus spicatus, See:- . r See: .. :Marrtibium hama:-
Anisochilus carnosus. lalium; Marrubium vul-
17:' Dracocephalum moldavi- gare ..
cum, Linn. 38. Marrubium hamalalium~
18. ,Draco<;!ephal!Jm. r_oylea.;;, See:":""Marrubium Vllf--
. Dum, Royle. gare; Marrubium germa--
19. Erempstachys vicaryi, niculll;. . .
Benth. 39. Marrubium v.ulgare, Linn.
20. Geniosporum'pro'stratuhi, or Marrubium hamalium;
Benth.' ~ - - < .- • Marrubium ger.manicum.
21. 'Hyssopus offioinalis, Linn. 40. Melissa parviflora, Benth.
22. HyssopuS parviflora, r 4,1. Ment4a acql,latica, Lim!.
BenJth;.:' '/ " , i ,~ See:_:'Mentha ..piperita.
23., Lallemantia royleana, Linn. Mentha officinalis;
Benth. .I ~~th-a- y-¥J~aris; ~entp~:
24:· . "Lavandula - oipinriata, O. incana; Mentha hlrsuta;
. Ktze. See~'-Uvandula ···.;Meniha ,Canadensis or
burmanni Bentn: !', canadense?
25.' I Da\rap-dul~ - '_: bur';nan~i, 42. Mentha arvensis, _ Linn .
. Benth. See:-Lav;mdula S€e:-Menfha canaden~s;
•.i> <bipil1nata. ' "I ::, M~ntha piper~sc~n~:
2ii: Lavandula carnosa 'See:- ·43 .. '. Mentha canadenSIS; (Japa-
, . .An,iscofhilu~, : .. c~rnosus, <, neset Se~~ . Me:h~ha ar-
t VVall. , I' • • v~nSlS, Lt~n.·
. . . " . _ 44. Mentha .PJpera~cen_s, (J~-
21. ):..av~n9ula stoec~s, Lmn. panese)}.. T:See:.-Mentha
See.-Romero sant~.. arverisis, Linn., - Mentha
28: ~*Leonitis nepeta'efolia, 'N. . .. ' di{'adensis, (japanese).
Br. ~ee':-Phlomi~ nepe- 45. *Mentha. pip~r:itCl<' Linn.
!ae£olIa, Roxb. " •. " . .. See::'_Menth_a " . incana;
29:' Leonu1:us ~lbiricl.iS~~ ~init. . Ment1:la~ hirsut~; Mentha
-30. _. *L'eh~as ~~'peta," Spreng. camidensis _?r'. c,:nadense;
See:-Phlomis '·e·st!tiTenta.
Mentlia .. <aquabca; ~.
rnDEx ' 569

. sativa; Mentha officinalis; 61. Ocimum ftutescens,

M. vulgaris. See:-Ocimum gratis-
46. *Mentba sativa, Linn. simum, Linn. Citratum
See:-Mentha canadensis zeylanicum.
or eanadense; Mentha 62. Ocimum grandiflorum f
hirsuta; Me_ntha ineana; See:-Qcimum long&-
Mentha offieinalis; Mentha florum or· longifolium Or...
vulgaris; • Mentha aqua- thosiphon stamineus.
tiea. 63. Ocimum gratissimum,
47. 'Mentha sylvestris, Linn. Linn. See: -Ocimum fru-
See;-Ment:Qa viridis, tescens; Citratum zeyla-
Linn. Mentha erispa. nicum.
Menyanthes trifoliata, 64. Ocimum hirsutam, See:_,.
Linn. Ocimum tomentosum;
48. *Mentha viridis, Linn. Ocimum viride; Ocimum
See:-Mentha crispa; sanctum.
Mentha sylvestriS. 65. Ocimum hispidum, See:~
49. Meriandra benglalensis, Ocimum pilosum, Willd.
Benth. Ocimum basilicum; Oci;'
50. .Meriandra . strobilifera, mum indicum.
Bentil. 66. Ocimum indicum. See:-
51. Mi~omeria capitel1ata, Ocimum pilosum; Oci.;·
. ,B€'1tth. See:- Mentha inum hispidum; Ocimum
piperata. basilicum.
52. Nepeta ciliaris, Benth. 67. Oaimum longiflorum,.
53. N~p~tc!- elliptiea, Royle. Haml. See:-:or Ocimurrt
54. N e pet a glomerillosa, longifolium? OCimum
Boiss. grandiflorum; Orlhosi-
54<t. l'{epeta malabarie~, Linn. phon stamineus, Benth. ;
See:-:-Anisomeles ,mala- 68. Ocimum minimum.
'~an.Ca. ' See:-Ajuga fruti- 69. Qcimum pilosum, Willd.,
,cosa; Stachys mauritiana. See:-Ocimum basnicum;
55. Nepeta ;ruderalis, Ram. 'Ocimum. hispidum; or<
& Hook 'Ba:silicum indicum.
56. Oeimum album.
70. 'l'Ocimum sanctum, Linn,·,
57'.' Ocimum anisatum, See:- See:-Ocimum hirsutam;
Ocimtun basilicum, Linn. Ocimum tomentosum;
Basilicufn citra tum. : ' . OciJ.:num viride.
58.' *OcimiLin basilicum" Linn.
See:---':Ocimum anisatum 71. Ocimum tomentosum.
'. or Basilicum citI'atum. See:-Ocimum hirsutam;
~Ocimum indicuhi;' Oci-:, , .Ocimum sanctum; Oci--:
mum pilosum. ' .• mum virid~.
59. 'Oclmum" canum, . Sims. 72. Ocimum' vir.ide. See:-
- Seel-Ocimum album. Ocimum . hirsutam'; Oci-
60.. . Ociintun 'caryopbyliatum,. . _ .. mum. sanctum, Linn. Oci-
.. Rox-b. . ,. mum tomentosum... ,
73, *Origanum 1,llajorana" 87. . Pogostemon purpuricalis.
Linn. See:-Origanum See:-Pogostemon parvi-
vulgar~; Majora~ . hOlL florus; Pogostemon pur- J
tensis, Moench. purascens, DaZz. Pogoste-
74 . Origanum vulgare, Lin.n. mon plectranthoides,· Desf.·
75. Orthosiphon stam:ineus, 88. Prunella vulgaris, Linn.
Benth. See :-Ocimum, 88a. Romero santa" See:-
grandiflorum; Ocimum Lavandula stoeches, Linn.
longifolium or longiflo- 89. Rosmar~us offict.nalis,
rum? Linn. '
76. Otostegia limbata, Benth. 90. Roylea eleganus, Wall.
& Hook. 91. Salvia aegyptiaca, Linn.
77. Perovskia abrotanoides, Val': -Salvia pumilla. '
Kal'eL 92. Salvia haematodes or
78. Perovskia atriplicifolia. haemotodes? Wall.
Benth. 93. Salvia moorcroftiana,
'79. Phlomis oephalotoes, See: Wall.
-Leucas cephalotes. 94. *Salvia officinalis, Linn.
.80. Phlomis nepetafoIia, 94a . Salvia plebeia, R. Br.
Roxb. See: -Leonitis ne- See:......;Salvia brachiata;'
petaefolia. Salvia pumila.
.~L Phlomis zeylanica, See:- 95 . Salvia pumila, Benth. or
Leucas. pumilla? Use same as
81a. Plectranthus aromaticus, Salvia plebeia.
See: Colens aromaticus. 96. Salvia .spinosa, Linn.
:82. Piedranthus strobiliteros, 97. Scutellaria' ga1ericulata,
See:-Anisochilus carno- Linn.
sus, Wall. ' 98. Scutellaria indica, Linn.
,83. Pogostemon parviflorus,' 99. Stachys parviflora, Benth.
Ben1!Jt. See:-PogQste-
mon purpura..<;cens, Pogos- 100. Teucrium
Linn. '
tern on plectranthoi!ies; . 101 Teucrium polium, Linn.
Pogosterr:.on purpuricalis. .
'84. *Pogostemon patcpouli, 10,2. Teucrium scordium, Linn,
Pellet. 103. Thymus gracilis. See:-:-
:85. Pogostemon plectran- Thymus vulgaris, Linn.
thoides, Desf. Pogostemon Thymus zygis, Linn.
purpur~cens; Pogoste- 104. Thymus serwllum, Linn.
mon t)urpuricalis. Same Thymus vulgaris, Linn.
as Pogostemon parvi- 105. Thymus vUlgaris, Linn.
florus, Benth. See:-ThY1UUS serpyllum,
:86. Pogostemon purpurasceps, Linn.· -
Dab:. Same as - Pogoste- ] 06. Thymus zygis, Linn.
mon parviflorus. See: _:_ See:-Thymus vulgaris,
Pogostemon purpul'icalis; Linn. Thymus gracilis.
Pogostemon plect~an- 107. Zataria multiflora, B,oiss,.
thoides. ~ ios: Ziziphora tenuior, Linn.


:95. LAURACEAE. 13. . Cinnanlomum mitlabath-

1. *Actiuodaphne hookeri, 14. Cinnamomuffi nitidum,
NIeissn. See:-Actino- 13l'l.1mf;. See:-Cinnamo
daphne angustifolia. mum inel's.
2. Camphora officinarum, 15. Oinnamomum bbtusifoli-
Bauh. See:-CinnamQ~ urn, Nees.
mum canyphora, N ees. 16. Cinnamomum parthe-
Dryobalanops aromatica. noxylon, Meissn. See:-
Dryobalanops camphora. Sassafras parthenoxylon.
:3. *Cassytha filiform is, Linn. 17. Cinnamomum saigonicum,
4. Cinnarnomum aromati:- See:-Cinnamomum cas-
cum, Nees. See:-Ci~n~- sia.
momum cassia. 18. Cinnamomum tamala, Fr.
:5. Cinnamomum camphora, Nees. See:---Cinnamo-
F. Nees. See:-Camphora mum iners; Cinnamorrlum
officinarum and other albiflorum.
camphor bearing plants. 19. *Cinnamomum zeylani-
<.6. *CinnamontuID cassia, cum, Breyn. and alUed
B 1 u m e, Cinnamomum varieties; See:--C. Cassia.
'zeylimicum; Cinnamo- 20. Laurus cassia. See: -
mum saigonicum; See:- Laurus cPmamomum;
Cinnamomum aromati- Cinnamomum cassia.
cum; & Cilmamomum 21. LqUl:US cinnamomuffi,
lauru's. See: - Laurus See:-Laurus cassia.
cassia or Laurus cinna- 22. Laurus nobilis, Linn.
momuin. 23. Lindera neesiana, Benth.
7. Cinnamomum eucalyp- 24. *Litsea citrata, Bt.
toides, See:--Cfnnamo- 25. Lits~a polyantha. Jus!:.
mum lners, etc. etc. -26. Li'tsea sebifel'a, Pers.
See:-Litsea chinensis;
;8. Cinnamomum glanduli- Sebifera proper. See:-
foru,m, Meisen. Tetranthera ape tala.
:9. Cinnamomum i n e l' S,
c~innamomum~: *Machilus
*Litsea stocksii, Hook.
)R.e!ndwo macrantha,
mtI urn; innalrlJmum Nees.
eucalyptoides; Cinnamo.- 29 Tetranthel'a apetala, Wall.
mUlll tamala. . See:-Tetranthera rox-
10. Cinnamomum laurus, burghii, DaZz. Gibbs. Tel-
See:,-Cinna~nomum cas-
ranthera laurifloria,
sia. Roxb. Nees. Litsaea chi-
11. Cinnamomum lignea, 01' nensis, Sebifera proper;
Cassia lignea, See:-Cin- Litsaea Tomentosa; Lit-
namomum tillnala.. Cin- - saea sebifera, Pf?rs.
namomulll nitidium.; Cin-
namomum eucalyptoides.
12. Cinnamomum loureiri, 9Sa. LAUBINEAE..
Nees. 1. Actinodaphne dichotoma,

Forsk. 18. Mezoneurum -sumatra-,

2, Sassafras officinale, N ees.! num, W.A.
19. Pachyrhizus angviatus,
91. LEGUMINOSAE or: Rich. See:-Dolichos bul-
1. *Acacia scadens, or scan- 98. LENTIBULARI~
dens? See:-Entada scan- ACEA,E.
2. *Aeschynomene grandi- 1. Urticularia bifida, Linn.
flora, Linn. See:-Agati
gl'andiflora. 99. LICHENES.
'3. *Agati grandifiora, or
grandifolia? Desv. See:-
flora; Sesbania grandi-
1. Lichin ,odoriferous, See:-'
Parmelia perlata.
2. Parmelia "kamstschadalis,
Ach. See:-Parmella per-
4. Andira araroba. lata. Pal{tl1elia perforata.
5. Atylosia barbata, Baker. Parmelia parietina. Lichin
6. odoriferous.
Coronelia grandiflora,
See:-,Agati grandiflora. 3. Parmelia parietina. See:-'-
Parmelia perlata. Par-
7. Cytisus carano See:- melia pe,rforata. Par-
Cajanys indicus.
mella karatschadalis. Li-
8. Hedysarum alhagi, Linn.
'See:-Alhagi maurorulT1. chin odoriferous.
9. Hedysarum gangeticum, 4. Parmelia pt;rforata. See:
-Parmelia perlata. Par-
Li1'l,1i. See:-De'smodi4m
melia parietilla. Par-
gangeticum. 1
melia kamstchadalis, Ach.
10 HedysarUni purpureUm,
'Licllin, odoriferous .
., Roxb. See:-Desmodium
polycarpum. . . 5. Parmelia perlata, _4ch.
See:-Parrrielia karat-
11: Hedysarum . trifiorum,
schadalis. Parmelia parje-
Linn.' See:-DeSIn:odiul11
triflorum, or DeslJlodium tina. Parmelia perfora'ta.
heterophy Hum. Lichin gdorlferous.
12. Hedysarum . tuberosa,
r..iiui:' & Roxb. See:- 100. LILIACEAE: ,:
., Pueraria tuberosa. 1. ' AHiuni ampeloprasum,
13. Jonesici' asoka, Roxb. Linn. See:-Allium por-
See:-Jonesia p,innata. rum.
Saraca indica,' 'Linn'. 2.' *Allium asca]onicum,
14. JonesiCl. 'pinnata, 'Roxb. & Linn. •.
See:-Johesia asoka. 3. *AUium ,cepa, Linn. or
Saraca. 'indica, Linn. Alllum porrum, or Allium
15. wtus" cflrni9u_1at_u~, Lim? ascalonicum. '
16. Lupirius 'albus, 'ti~1'i.' ; 4. Allium -- ,leptophyllu111.
,17." .Medicago s'ativa. P ,_, :... Wall.
• INDEX 573

5. Allium' Nac\ean~~ Baker. 34. Scilla coromandeliana,

See:~Oichis mascula. Roxb.
.6. *Allium pon'um, Linn, 35. Scilla hohenackeri, Fish
See:-Allium ampelopra- et May. See:-Scilla in-
sum. dica. Urginea scilla. Ur-
'7. *Allium sativl~m, Linn. ginea ma:riti~a. Urginea
8. Aloe abyssinica, Lam. indica.
9. Aloe barbadensis. 36. Scilla hyacinthina.
10. Aloe indica, Royle. 37. . "'Scilla indica, Bak~r.
11. Aloe litoralis, Koening. See:-Ledebouria h~acin­
12. Aloe perryi, Baker. thoides; Ledebouria ma-
13, *Aloe vera, Linn. cula; Ledebouria hyacin-
14. Asparagus adscendens, thma. See:-Urginea in-
Roxb. dica, Kunth.
15 .. Asparagus filicinus, Ham. 38. Smilax aspera, Linn.
16. Asparagus l?}onoclados, See:-Hemidesmus indi-
BaRer, " ' cu~:-:k. 13~,' .,
17. *Asparagus officinalis, 39. Smilax china, Linn.
Linn. See:-Smilax pseudo-
-18, *Asparagus' racemosus, china..
Willd. 40. Smilax glabra, Roxb.
19. Asparagus sarmento sus,
or Asparagus gonoclados. 41., Smilax lanceaefolia Roxb.
-20. Asphodelus fistulosus, 42., *Smilax macrophylla,
LinnL.:; , J ' Roxb. See:- Smilax zey-
21. Asphodelus tenuifolius J lanica, Linn.
Cavan. 43. Smilax officinalis.
"'22. Chlorophytum arundi- 44. Smilax ornata.
naceum, Baker.
23. Chlorophytum attenua- 45. Smilax ovalifolia, Roxb.
tum, Baker. See:-Smilax zeylanica,
'24. Chlorophytum brevis- Li,11Jn.
,capum, Dalz.. .
46. Smilax pseudo-china,
25. Chlorophytum tubeiosum,
See:-Smilax China.
:26. Colchicum illyrium, See:- 47. *Smilax zeylanlca, Linrt.
. Marmadactylus gal. See:-Smilax macrophyl-
'27. Colchicum luitetim, Baker. lao See:-Smilax ovali-
(Substitute for' C. autu- folia.
nmale). 48. Urginea indica, Kunth.
'28. *Dracaena cinnabari, Brilf. See:-Urginea maritima,
29. Ftitillaria imperialis, Linn. Scilla hohenackerL
Linn. Ledebouria hyacinthoides
"30.. *Gloriosa superbaj, Linn. or, hyacinthina.
31. Iphigenia indica, A.' Gray. 49. Urginea maritima, Linn.
.32., Lilium gigahteum, -Wall. S.ee:-:-Urginea indica,
.33, . Lilium neilgherrense, Kunth. Urginea 'scilla,
Linn. Steinh.

50. Urginea scilla, Steinh. 103. LORANTHACEAE.

See:""':'Urginea indica; Ur-
ginea maritima. . 1. *Loranthus elasticus,.
51. Yucca gloriosa, Linn. Des}-.

2. Loranthus falcatus, Linn.
101. UNACEAE. See:-Loranthus longi-
1. Hugenia mystax, Linn. 3. Loranthus longiflorus.
,2. Linum usitatissimum, DesT.· See:- Loranthus.
Linn. falcatus.
3. Modera canni, See:-Hugo- 4. Viscum album, Linn.
nia mystax, Linn. 5. Viscum a r t i culai1\m,.
4. Reinwardtia trigyna, Btu,tn.
Planch. See:-Reinward- 6. *Viscum monoicum, Raxb ..
tia tetragyna, Planch. 7. Vis cum orientale, WiHd.


1. *Fagraea fragrans, Roxb. 1. *Lycopodium clavatum.
See:-Cyrtophyllum pere- Linn. See:-Lycopodium
grinum. spores.
2. Fagraea imperialis 1I1iq. 2. Lycopodium spores, See;
3. Fflgraea racemosa, Jack. -Lycopodium cavatum.
4. Strychnos axillaris, Caleb,
5. Strychnos blanda. 105. LYTHBACEAE.
6. Strychnos hourdilloni, Sp.
N ova Brandis. 1. Ammannia baccifera.
7. Strychnos cinn,\momi- Linn. See:-Ammannia
folia, Thu. See:-S. bour- vesicatoria. .
dilloni; S. colubrina. 2. Ammannia octandra.
8. Strychnos colubrina, Wall. 3. Ammannia senegalensis,
& Linn. See:-S. nux Lam.. & DC. See:-Am-
vomica; Lignum colubri- mannia auriculata.
num; & S. cinnal1).omi- 4. Grislea tomentosa, Raxb:
foha. See:-Wood£ordia flori-
9. Strychnos gaultheriana, bunda.
Pie'r. 5. *Lagerstroemia £ros-re-
10. Strychnos ignatii, Berg. ginae, .Retz.
11. Strychnos maingayi, 6. *Lagerstroem~~lapceolata,
Clarke. Wall.
12. Strychnos minor. 7. *Lagerstroemia parir-fiosh,
13. "'Strychnos nux vomica, or parviflora, Roxb ..
Linn. 8. Lawsonia alba, Lam. &
14. Strychnos potatorum, Lawsonia spinosa; & Law-
Linn. sonia inermis.
15. Strychnos rheedei, Clarke. 9. Lawsonia inermis, Linn.
16. Strychnos wallichiaqa, See:-Lawsonia alba;
-""'" - Lawsonia spinosa.


10. Lythrum fruticosum, 107. MALPIGHIACEAE.

Linn. See:-Woodfordia
frutic<lsa; W oodfordia 1: Hiptago mad a b lot a,
floribunda. GClertn. See:-Hiptago,
11. Rotala 1 e p top eta I a, benghalensis.
12. *Rotala verticillaris, Linm. 108. MALVACEAE.
13. *Sonneratia acida, Linn.
See:-Sonneratia caseo- 1. *Abelmoschus esculentus"
laris. W' & ..A. or Linn. See:-
14. *Woodfordia floribu,nda, Hibisc\ls esculentus,
Salisb. See:-Woodfordia Linn. Hibiscus longifolia.
fruticosa; Grislea tom en- 2. Abelmoschus moschatus,
tosa, Roxb. Lythrum Medik or Moench. See:-
fruticosum, Linn. Hibiscus abelmoschus,
15. W oodfordia fruticosa, Linn.
Kurz. See:-Woodfordia 3. Abutilon asiaticum, G.
floribunda; & Lythrum
fruticosum. 4. Abutilon avicennae,
Gaert11. See:-Abutilon
106. MAGNOLIACEAE. . theophrasti.
5. Abutilon graveolens, W.
1. Illicium griffithii, Hk. f. & A. See:-Abutilon hir-
&T, tum.
2. Illicium religiosum, S. & S. *Abutilon mdicum, G.
L. Don. Sw. or Abutilon
3.. Illicium verum, Hook. asiatic\lm. See:-Sida in-
3a. Mic1;lelia cathcartii. See:-' dica.
lVIichelia champaca. 7. Althaea officinalis, Linn.
4. Michelia champaca, Linn. 8. Althaea rosea, Cav. or
See:-Michelia muran- Linn? (Same as A. offici·
tiaca. nalis).
5. Michelia excelsa. See:-! 9. Gossypium acuminatum.
Michelia champaka. 10. *G<lssypium arboreum,
6. Michelia kisopa. See:- Linn.
Michelia champaka. 11. *Gossypium barbadense,
7. Michelia murantiaca. Linn. See:-Gossypium
See:-Michelia champaka, cernuum.
Linn. 12. Gossypium cernuum, Tod.
8. Michelia nilagirica., Zellk. See:-Gossypium barba-
See:-Michelia pulney- dense.
ensis, Wight. 13. *Gossypium herbaceum,
9. lVIichelia pulneyensis, Linn. See:-Gossypium
Wight. See:-Michelia mdicwn.
nilagirica. 14. Gossypium hirsutum,
10. Michelia rheedi, See:- Linn. Var :-religiosa,
Michelia champaka. Watts.

15. ~'Gossypiuh1

indicum. See:'- 30. *Hibiscus tilia~eus; Lhfn.

Gossypium herbaceum. ' . See:-Hibiscus tortuosus;
16. *Gossypium neglectum; Paritium tiliaceum;
Tod. See:-Gossypium Kydia calycina, Roxb.
vera or Vera rosea? ' 31. Hibiscus vulg£lris.
17. Gossy.pium obtusifolium,
7 32. Kydia calycina, Roxb.
Roxb. . . ' See:-Hibiscus tiliaceus.
}8. Gossypium 'religiosum, Kydia roxburghiana; •
Watt. '. Kydia fraterna. "-
.19. Hibiscus ahelmoschus, 33. Kydia fraterna, Roxb.
Linn. or Hibiscus moscha- See:-Kydia calycina.
tus, or Bamia moschatus 34. Kydia l' 0 x bur ghiana,
or Abelmoschus moscha- Wi.ght. See:-Kydia caly-
tus. cina.
,20. *Hibiscus cannabin us, 35. Malachra capitata, Linn.
Linn. See:-Corchorus See:-Hibiscus tiliaceus.
capsularis, Linn. Hibiscus 36. Malva parviflora, Linn.
cannabiscus. 37. Malva :roundifolia, Linn.
:21. Hibiscus cannabiscus,
38. Malva sylvestris, Linn.
See:-Hibiscus Canna-
See:-Mruva vulgaris. '
binus, Linn. Corchorus
39. Malva vulgaris, Fries.
capsularis, Linn.
22, See:-Malva sylvestris.
':'Hibiscus esculentus, Linn.
Var:-cancellatus or H.
40. Pavonia odorata, Willd.
longifolia. See:-Abel- 41. *Pavonia procumbens,
moschus esculentus.' Boiss.
23. Hibiscus fmcatus, Willd.
42. Pavonia zeylanica; Cav.
See:-Pavonia odorata.
See:-Hibiscus aculeatus,
43. Sida acuta, Burm. See:-
Roxb. Sida carpinifolia; Sida
;24. Hibi!icUS lampas, Cav.
See:-Thespesia lampas,
Thespesia macrophylla, .44. Sida alba, See:-Sida spi-
nosa; Sida alinifolia.
25. Hibiscus micranthus, 45. Sida alinifolia, See:-Sida
Linn. alba; Sida spinosa, Linn.
26. Hibiscus moschatus. See:- 46. Sida altheifolia. See:-
Bamia mosch~tus &, Abel- Sid a cordifQ.lia; Sida her-
moschus moschatus, bacea; Sida. r rotundifolia.
Hibiscus abelmoschus. 47. *Sida carpinifolia, Linn.
27. Hibiscus populneus, or See:-;Sida ~a<;.uta;, Sida
Linn. Hibiscus populI).ea? lanceolata.
See:-Thespesia pop~l­ 48. Sida cordifolia~ Linn.
nea. See:-Sida althaeifolia;
28 .. *Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis, Sida herbacea; Sida ro-
Linn. g
tundifolia; Sida rhombi-
~9. Hibiscus sabdariffa, Linn. folia; Sida rhomboidea;

Slda retusa; Sida orienta- See:-Urena speciosa.

lis. 63. Urena sinuata, Linn.
49. Sida herbacea, See:- See:-Urena lobata, Linn.
Sida cordifolia; Sida 64. Urena speciosa, Wall.
althaeifolia; Sida rotundi- See:-Urena repandn.
50. Sida humilis, Willd. See:- 109. MARSILIACEAE.
Sida veronicifolia. 1. Marsilia grandifolia, Linn.
51. Sida indica, Linn. See:-
Abutilon indicum, G. 110. MELASTOMACEAE.
Sida lanceolata. See:-· 1. Melastoma malabathri-
Sida acuta; Sida carpini- cum, Linn.
folia. 2. Memecylon amplexicaule,
53. Sida orienta lis, See:- Roxb. See:-Memecylon
Sid a rhombifolia, Linn. microstomum.
Sloa rhomboidea. Sida 3. Memecylon angustifolium
retusa; Sid a cordifolia. Wight.
54. Sid a retusa, See:-Sida 4. Memocylon edule, Roxb.
rhombifolia, Linn. Sida See:-Memocylon umbel-
rhomboidea; Sida O1'ien- latum, Burm. & Memocy-
talis; Sida cordifolia, Ion tinctorium.
Linn. 5. l'vIemecylon tirictorium,
::'Sida rhombifolia, Linn. Koen. See:-Memecylon
Var:-Sida rhomboidea; edule; Memecylon umbel-
or Sida orientalis; or latum.
Sida retusa; Sida cordi- 6. Osbeckia cupularis, Don.
56. Sid a rhomboidea. See:- Ill. MELIACEAE.
Sida retusa; Sid a cordi-
folia, Linn. Sid8. orienta- 1. Aglaia roxburghiana,
lis; Sida rhombifolia, Hiern.
Linn. Hiern. See:-Aglaia odo-
57. Sida spinosa, Linn. See:- ratissima.
Sida alba; Sida alnifolia. 2. Amoora rohituka, W. &
A. See:-Aphanamixis
58. Sida veronicCl,ffolia, Lam. polystachya.
See:-Sida humilis. 3. *Azadirachta indica, A.
59. Thespesia lampas, Dalz Juss. See:-Melia azadir-
& Gibs. See:-Hibiscus achta; Melia indica.
lampas, Cav. 4. Cadreia toona.
60. :::Thespesia populnea, 5. Carapa moluccensis, Lam.
Cor?'. See:-Hibiscus po- See:-Xylocarpus grana-
pulnea. • tum.
61. ::'Urena lobata, Linn. See:--' 6. Chloroxylon swietenia,
Urena sinuata, Linn. DC. See:-Swietenia chlo-
62. Urena repanda, Roxb. roxylon.
f !


7. Chukrasia tabularis, Adr. mum cocculus; Minisper-

Juss. I mum heteroclitum; Mi-
8. Dysoxylum malabaricum' nispermum monadel-

H(;ynea sumatrana, Mig. :
phum; Anamirta panicu-
lata; Anamirla toxifera;
1G. ~<Heynea trijuga, Roxb. , Cocculus flavescens.
See:-Walsura trijuga. 2. Anamirta paniculata.
11. Melia azadirachta, Linn. Caleb. See:-Anamirta
See:-Azadirachta indica, cocculus; Anamirta toxi-
Juss. fera. Cocculus suberosus.
12. *Melia azedrach, Linn. 3. Cissampelos herrtandifo-
See:-Melia sem11ervi-
lia, See:-Cissampelos
13. Melia dubia, Hiern or hexandra.
Cav. See:-Melia com- 4. Cissampelos hexandra,
Roxb. or Cissampelos
14. hernandifolia, See:-
Melia robusta, Roxb.
Stephania hernandifolia.
See:-Melia superba. Me-
lia compositae. 5. ':'Cissampelos pareira, Linn.
15. Melia sempervirens, Sw. See:- Cis sam p e 10 S
See:-Melia azedarach. caapeba; Cissampelos
16. Melia superba, See:- convolvu'lacea; Cissam-
Melia dubia; Melia ro- pelos triandra; Batta
busta. valle.
17. Naregamia alata, W. & 6. ':'Cocculus cordifolia, or
A. Cocculus cordifolius?
18. Sandoricum indicum, See:-Tinospora cordifo-·
Cav. See:-Melia koet- lia, Miers. Menispermum
jape. cordifolium; Tinospora
19. '~Soymida febrifuga, Adr. malabarica.
& Juss. See:-Swietenia 7. Cocculus indicus. See:-
febrifuga; Soymida or Cocculus suberosus.
Swietenia rubra. 8. Cocculus leaeba, DC.
20. Swietenia febrifuga, See:-Similar to Tinos-
Roxb. See:-Swietenia para cordifolia.
rubra; Soymida febrifuga. Cocculus suberosus or
21. Swietenia rubra, See:- Cocculus indicus.
Swietenia febrifuga,
10. Cocculus %illosus, DC.
Rvxb. Soymida febrifuga, Se~:~Cocculus hirsutus.
Adr. Juss. 11. Coscinium ~fenestratum,
22. Turraea villosa, Renn. Colebr:' See:"':":Menisper-
23. Walsura piscidia, Roxb. mum fen est rat u m,
112. MENISPERMACEAE. 12. Fibraurea tinctoria, Louj',
1. Anamirta cocculus, '\fight 13 J ate r 0 h i z a calumba,
& Arn. See:-Minj~Rer- Miers.

14. Menispermum cordifo- 113. MIMOSACEAE, or

lium, Willd. See:-Coc- MIMOSEAE or
culus cordifolia, Miers.
Tinospera cordifolia.
15. lVIenispermum fenestra- 1. Acacia arabica, Willd. or
. tum, Gaertn. See:-Cosci- Acacia ferruginea.
nium fenestratum. 2. Acacia catechu, Willd. or
16. Menispermum hirsutum, W. & A. or Acacia walli-
Linn. See:-Cocculus vil- chiana; Acacia suma; &
losus; Cocculus hirsutus. Acacia polyacantha.
17. Pachygone ovata, Poir. 3. "'Acacia concinna, DC. or
See:-Cocculus pluke- See:-Acacia rugata.
neW, Kokoona or Coccu- 4. ':'Acacia farnesiana, WilZd.
Ius zeylanica. 5. Acacia ferruginea, DC.
18. Pericampylus incanus, 6. Acacia intsia, Willd. &
Miers. See:-Pericampy- W. & A. See:-Acacia
Ius glaucus. cassia.
19. Stephania hernandifolia, 7. Acacia jacquemontii,
Willd. & Walp. See:- B~nth.
Cissampelos hernandifo- 8. *A c a cia leucophloea,
lia; Clypes hernandifolia; Willd. or Acacia loeuco-
C,issampelos hexandra. ph lea ? 'Villd.
9. Acacia modesta, WalL
20. Stephania rotunda, Hook
10. Acacia pennata, Willd.
& Lour. See:-Stephania
11. A c a cia polyacantha,
glabra. Sues same as Bfnth.
Stephania hernandifolia.
12. Acacia senegal, Willd.
21. Til i a cor a racemosa, 13. Acacia speciosa, See:-
Colebr. See:-Tiliacora Abbizzia lebbeck.
acuminata, (Lam) Miers. 14,. Acacia wallichiana.
22. Tin 0 s p 0 r a cordifolia,
15. *Adenanthera pavonina.
Miers. See:-Menisper-
15a. Adenanthera vascica,
mum cordifolium. Co- Sce:-Adhatoda vasica.
culus cordifolia, Miers. 16. Albizzia amara, Boivin.
23. Tinospora crispa, Miers. See:-Mimosa amara.
See:-Cocculus villosus, 17. Albizzia j li 1i b r iss i n,
& Menispermum verru- Ditrazz.
cosum. 18. *Albizzia lebbeck, Benth.
24. Tinospora malabarica, See :-Acacia speciosa.
Lam. See:-Cocculus cor- 19. ':'Albizzia odoratissima.
difolia, & T. tomentosa; Benth. .
Pee-amerdu. 20. ':'Albizzia procera, Betnh.
25. Tinospora tomentosa, 21. Albizzia s,tipulata, Boivin.
Miers or Caleb? See:-T. 22~ Dichrostachys cinerea,
cordifolia & T. malaba- W. & A. See:-Mimosa
rica. cinerea.

23. Entada scandens, Benth. 44. Pithecellobium lobatum,

See:-E~tada pusaetha'l Benth.
or AcacIa scandens' or 45. *Pithecellobium samano
scaderis? 46. Prosopis spicigera, Linn.
24. Entada pusaetha, See:---" : 47. Xylia dol a b r if ormis,
Entada scandens, Benth. Benth.
25. Mimosa amara, Roxb. I
See:-Albizzia amara, 114. MORINGACEAE.
Boivin & Roxb.
26. Mimosa arabica, See:- 1. Moringa concanensis,
Acacia arabica. Nimmo.
,27. Mimosa catechu, Linn. 2. Moringa oleifera, Lam.
,- . See:-Acacia catechu, See:-Moringa pterygos-
Willd. perma; Guilandina mo-
lVlimosa cinerea, See:.., ringa; Hyperanthera mo-
Dichrostachys cinerea, W. ringa.
& A. 3. M6ringa pterygosperma,
29. Mimosa entade, See:- Gaerb~. Guilandia mo-
Entada scandens. ringa; Hyperanthera rno-
~O. Mimosa farnesiana, See:-- ringa; Moringa oleifera.
Acacia farnesiana.
~l. Mimosa kalkora, or Albiz- 115. MYRICACEAE.
zia julibrissin, Durazz.
32. Mimosa lucida, Roxb. 1. Myrica cerifera, See:-
33. Mimosa mutabilis, See:- Myrica nagi; Myrica
Mimosa rubicaulis. sapida.
34. Mimosa paniculata. 2. Myrica integrifolia, Roxb.
See:-Myrica nagi.
35. ':'Mimosa pudica. Linn. 3. Myrica nagi, Thunb.
36. Mimosa rubricaulis, Lam. See:-Myrica sapida; My-
See:-Mimosa mutabilis. rica integtifolia; Myrica
~7. Mimosa s~ponaria, See:- cerifera.
Acacia concinna, DC. 4. Myrica sapida, Thunb,
38. Mimosa SlrISSa, See:_:_ See:-Myrica nagi; My-
Acacia speciosa. rica sapida; Myrica ceri-
39. Mimosa suma, Roxb. fera.
'See:-Acacia suma.
40. Neptunia oleracea, Lour. 116. MYRISTIeACEAE.
See:-Mimosa natans.
41. Pithecellobium bigemi- 1. Myristica ~ aromatica,
num, Mart & Benth. See:-Myristica. fragrans,
See:-Mimosa lucida, H01ftt. Myristica offici-
Roxb. naris, Linn. Myristica
4~ *PHhecellobium dulce, moschata, Thunb.
Benth. See:-Inga dulcis. 2. Myristica fragrans, Hout.
43.. Pithecellobium fasc;icu- See:-Myristica officina-
latum, Benth. , lis, Linn. Myristica mos-

chata; Myristica aro- 3. Barringrtonia :racemosa,

matica. Roxb. & Blume.
3. M y r i s tic a laurifolia, 3. *Barringtonia speciosa,
Hook. Linn. & Frost. See:-
4. '~lVIyristica malabarica, Mammea asiatica.
Lamk. 4. Bertholletia excelsa.
5. Myristica m 0 s c hat a, 5. *Careya arborea, Roxb.
Thttnb. See:~Myristica
fragrans; Myristica offi- 6. Caryophyilus aromat.icus,
cinalis; Myristica aroma- Linn. See:-Myrtus cary-
tica. ophyllus.
6. Myristica officinalis, Linn. 7. Eucalyptus dumosa, See:-
See:-Myristica fragrans; Eucalyptus globulus.
Myristica moschata; My- 8. *E u cal y p t u s globulu~,
ristica aromatica. Labill.
9. Eugenia acutangula, See:-
Barringtonia acutangula.
117. MYRSINACEAE, 10. ':'Eugenia caryophyllata,
or MYRSINEAE. Willd. See:-Myrtus cary~
ophyllus. Eugenia cary_-
1. Ardisia colorata, Roxb. ophyllifolia.
2. Ardisia humilis, Vahl. 11. Eugenia caryophylliiolia,
.J. Einbelia basaal, See:- Lam. See:-Eugenia
Embelia ribes. caryophyllata; Eugenia
4. Embelia glandulifera, jambolana.
See:-Embelia indica; 12. Eugenia fruticosa, See:-:-
Embelia ribes. Eugenia jambolana; Syzy-
5. Embelia indica, See:- gium jambolanum.
Embelia ribes. 13. Eugenia hemispherica,
6. *Embelia ribes, Burm_ Wight.
l!::mbelia indica; Embelia 14. Eugenia jambolana, Lam.
glandulifera; _ Embelia See:-Eugenia caryophyl;-
robusta, Roxb. lifolia. Eugenia fruticosa.
7. Embelia robusta, Roxb. Syzygium jambolanae, or
& Clarke. Embelia ribes, Syzygium jambolanum.
see:-Embelia tsjeriam, 15. Eugenia jambos,. Linn.
Cottam. See:-Jambosa vulgaris.
8. Embelia tsjeriam, Cottam. 16. Eugenia 0 per cuI a t a_,
See:-Embelia robusta. Roxb. See:-Eugenia
9. Maesa indica, Wall. cerasoides.
10. Myrsine africana, Linn. 17. Eugenia racemosa, See:-
Barringtonia racemosa.
us. MYRTACEAE. 18. Jambosa vulgaris, DC.
See:-Eugenia jambos.
1. *Barringtonia acutangula, 19. Melaleuca cajuputi, See:--
Gaertn. See:-Eugenia Melaleuca leucadendron,
acutangula. Lnm. Melaleuca minor ..

20. "'Melaleuca leucadendron, 120. NYCTAGINACEAE.

Linn. or Melaleuca cajur
puti; Melaleuca minor.
21. Melaleuca minor. See:-t
1. *Boerhaavia diffusa, See:-
, Boerhaavia erecta; Boer- I
Melaleuca cajuputi; Mel~ h a a.v i a procumbens; \
aleuca leucadendron, Boerhaavia repens.
Linn. 2. Boerhavia erecta.
22. Myrtus caryophyllus, 3. Boerhavia procumbens.
See:-Sizygium caryo- Roxb. Boerhavia diffusa.
phyllum; Caryophyllus 4. Boerhavia repens.
aromaticus; Eugenia cary- 5. *Mirabilis jalapa, Linn;.
ophyllata. 6. Pisonia aculeata, Linn.
23. *Myrtus communis, Linn. 7. Pisonia alba, Spanog.
24. "'Psidium guy ava, Linn. See:-Pisonia morindae-
Var:-Psidium pyrife- folia, R. Br.
rum; (White); Psidium 8. Pisonia morindaefolia, R.
pomiferum (red); See:- Br. See:-Pisonia alba.
Syzygium j ambolan urn;
Eugenia jambolana. 121. NYMPHAEACEAE..
25. Psidium p 0 m i £ e rum, 1. Castalia alba, See:-
(Red); Psidium pyrife- Nymphaea alba; Nym-
rum (white); See:-Syzy- phaea cachemeriana;
gium jambolanum; Euge- Nymphaea odorata; Nym-
nia jambolana; J anlbosa phaea versicolor.
vulgaris; Ficus carica. 2. Castalia lotus.
26. Psidium p y r if e rum, 3. Euryale ferox, Salish.
(,,\'hite), See:-Psidium
guyava; Psidium pomife-
See:-Nymphae stellata
Annesled spinosa. v
rum; Syzygium iambola- 4, "'Nelumbium spec~sum,
num; Eugenia jambolana; L. & Willd. See:-
J ambosa vulgaris. N e 1u m b 0 nucifera,
27. Syzygium caryophylIum, Gaertn.
See:-Myrtus caryophyl- 5. N el u m b 0 nucifera,
lum, or Myrtus caryo- Gaertn. See:-Nelum-
phyllus? Caryophyllus bium speciosum.
aromaticus; Eugenia cary- 6. Nymphaea. alba, Linn.
ophyllata. See:-Nym~haea versi-
28. ':'Syzygium jambolanum. color; Nymphaea odo-
See:-Eugenia jambo- rata; Castalia- alba. Nym-
lana, Lam. phaea cachemeriana.
7. Nymphaea cachemeriana,
119. NAIADACEAE. Cambess. See:-Nym-
phaea alba; Nymphaea
1. T rig 1 0 chi n maritima, odorata; Nymphaea vet-
Linn.. t , slcolor. Castalia alba.
2. Triglochin palustri~,¥mn. 8. Nymphaea cyanea.

'9. Nymphaea edulis, See:- lutum; Jasminum penin-

Nymphaea esculenta. sulare.
10. Nymphaea esculenta. 8. Jasminum chrysanthe-
See:-N:ymphaea edulis. mum, Roxb. See:-Jas-
11. t.'Nymphaea lotus, Linn. minum humile.
or Hook. See:"":""Nym- 9. J asminum flexile, Vaht.
phaea rubra; Nymphaea 10. J asminuD) grandiflorum,
stellata, Willd. Linn.
12. Nymphaea malabarica. 11. Jasminum hirsutum,
13. Nymphaea nelumbo, Willd. See:-Jasminum
See:-Nelumbium spe- pubescens, Willd.
ciosum, Willd. 12. Jasminum humile, Linn.
14. ':'Nymphaea pubescens, See:-J asminum chrys-
Willd. See:-Nymphaea anthemum, Roxb. Jasmi-
lotus-pubescens; Casta- , num bignoniaceum, Wall.
lia pubescens. 13. J asminum officinale, Linn.
15. Nymphaea rubra, Roxb. 14. Jasminum pubescens,
See:-Nymphae lotus; Willd. See:-Jasminum
Nymphaea stellata .. hil'sutum, WiUd.
16. ':'Nymphaea stellata, Wind. 15. Jasminum revolutum,
Similar to N ymphaea Sims. Var:-Peninsulare,
lotus; Nymphaea rubra. DC. See:-Jasminum big-
8€e:-Euryale :ferox, & noniaceum.
Castalia stellata. 16. Jasminum ritchiei,
122. OCHNACEAE. 17, ' J asminum ' rottlerianum,
1. ':'Gomphia angustifolia, 18. Jasminum sambac, Ait.
VaiL!. See:-Ouratea an- 19. J asmihum undulatum.
gustifolia. 20. Ligustrum robustum,
Blume. .
123. OLEACEAE. 21., lWyr~pyrum similiacUfo-
1. Fraxinus excelsior, Linn.
lium, Blume.
22. ':'Nyctanthes arbor~Tristis
2. Fraxinus floribunda,
..,;). Wall.
Fraxinus ornus, Linn. . 23. Nyctantht!s sambac, See:--
4. ';'Jasminum angustifolium, Jasminum sambac, Ait.
24. Olax hana, Wall.
5. Jasminum arborescens, 25. Olax scandens, Roxb.
Roxb. See:-J asminum 26. 'Olea cuspidata, Wall.
latifolium. 27. Olea dioica, Roxb.
~. Jasminum auricu~atum,
Vahl. 28. Olea europaea, Linn.
7. Jasminum bignoniaceum, 29. Schrebera swietenioides,
Wall. See:-J asminum Roxb.
humile; Jasminum revo- 30. Syringa emodi, WalL
31, Syringa persica, Linn. 4. Dendrobium macraei, or
See:-Syzygium caryo- macrael? Lindl. See:-
phyllata. ! Desmotrichum fimbri-
32. Ximenia americana, Linn[ atum.
or Willd. 5. ':'Eulophia campestris,
Wall. See:-Eulophia
124. ONAGRACEAE. vera; Eulophia virens.
6. Eulophia nuda, Lindl.
1. Epilobrium fruticosum, 7. Eulophia- vera.
See:-Jussieua suffruti- 8. ':'Eulophia virens, BroW1•.
cosa. 9. Liparis 'parviflora, Lind!.
2. Jussieua suffruticosa,
Vinn. See:-Jussieua 10. Luisia brachystachys,
villosa. Blume.
3. Jussieua villosa, See:- 11. Orchis latifolia, Linn.
See:~Orchis laxiflora,
Jussieua suffruticosa. Epi-
lobrium fruticosum. Lam.
4. Trapa bicornis, See:- 12. Orchis laxiflora, Lam.
Trapa bispinosa, Roxb. See:-Orchis mascula,
Tribulus aquaticus. Linn. Orchis latifolia,
5. Trapa bispinosa, Roxb. Allium macleani.
See:-Trapa bicornis; & 13. Orchis mascula, Linn.
Trapa natans. Similar to Orchis Iaxi-
6. Trapa natans, Linn. See:-- flora; Orchis latifolia;
Trapa bispinosa, Roxb. Allium macleani.
Trapa bicornis; Tribulus 14. Phalaenopsis amabilis,
aquaticus. Lindl.
7. Tribulus aquaticus, 15. '-'Saccolabium papillosum,
See:-Trapa bispinosa, Lindl. See:-Saccolabium
Roxb. Trapa natans, Linn. praemorsum, Hook. Sac-
Tl'apa bicornis. colabium wightianum,
125. OPHIOGLOSSA- 16. Saccolabium praemor-
sum, Hook. See:-S.
CEAE. papillosum. Hook.
1. *Botrychium lunaria, S'w. 17. Saccolabium wightianum,
2. Helminthostachys zey- Hook. See:-S. papillo-.
lanica, Hook. & Linn. sum; Acam~e wightiana;
S~ccolabium ' praemor-
126. ORCHIDEAE. Also sum, Hook.
known as 18. Vanda caerulea.
ORCHIDACEAE. 19. *Vanda roxburghii, -R. Br.

1.. Calanthe.
2. Cattleya.
3. bendrobium
tum, Sw.
See:-Vanda spathulata,
Spreng. Vanda tessellata.
20. Vanda spathulata, Spreng.
21,.- Vanilla planifolla, Andr.

22. Zeuxin'e sulcata, LindL 14. ';'Phoenix dactylifera, Linn.

See:-Zeuxine robusta, See:-Phoenix excelsa.
Wight. Zeuxine strateu- 15. Phoenix excelsa, See:-
matica, Schlechter. Phoenix dactylifera, Linn ..
Phoenix farinifera, Roxb.
127. OROBANCHACEAE. 16. See:-Phoeni::s: pU&illa.
1. Phelipaea calotropides, 17. Phoenix peludosa.
Wall. 18. ':'Phoenix sylvestris, Roxb ..
19. Saguerus rumphii, Roxb ..
128. OXALIDACEAE. See:-Aronga sacchari-
1. Averrhoea acida. feL'a.
2. Averrhoea billimba or. 20. S"gus laevis, see:-Met-
billimbi? Linn. roxylon rumphii.
3. Averrhoea carambola,
4. Biophytum candolleanum,
Wt. 1. Pandanus odoratissimus,.
5. Biophytum intermedium, Linn. See:-Pandanus'
Wt. sativa; or 1\.nthrodactylis:
6. Biophytum sensitivum, spinosa; Pandanus tecto-'
Linn. rius.
7. Oxalis corniculata, Linn. 2. Pandanus sativa, See:-'
Pandanus odoratissimus,
129. PALMAE. or Willd. Anthrodacty lis:
P~LMACEAE. or spinosa.
1. '::Arec~ catechu, Linn.
2 ,~ Borassus flabellifer, Linn. 1. ':'Argemone m e x i cana,.
3. Calamus aromaticus,. L·inn.
Calamus asiaticus, See:- 2. Hypecoum procumbens,.
Acorus calamus. Linn.
4. Calamus draco, Willd. 3. Meconopsis a cui eat a,
5. Calamus extensus. R:>yle. See:-Meconopsis'
6. '~Calamus rotang, Linn. nepalensis.
7. Calamus travancoricus.' 4. lVfeconopsis nepalensis,
8. *Caryota urens, Linn. DC. See:- Meconopsis'
9. Chamaerops ritchieana, aculeata.
G1·iff. 5. Meconopsis robusta, HK ..
10. '~Cocos nucifera, Linn. f. & T.
11. ::'Corypha umbraculifera, 6. Meconopsis simplicifolia,.
Linn. HK. f. & T.
12. Lodoicea seycheUai'um, 7. Meconopsis wall i chii,
Labill. Hook. Var:-Fusco pur-
13. Nannorhops ritt:!hieana, purea, Hook. See:-M ..
H. Wendl. napaulensis.

8. Papaver argemone, Linn. 15. Astragalus virus, Oliver,

See:- Argemone mexi- 16. Butea frondosa, Koen &
can a, Linn. l Roxb. See:-Butea mo-
9. Papaver dubium, Li1m. nosperma, Erythrina mo-
See:-P. rhoeas. nosperma.
10. Papaver glabrum. See!:- 17. Butea parviflora.
Papaver s 0 m n i fenim, 18. Butea superba, Roxb.
Limt. Papaver setigerum. 19. Cajanus bichlor.
ll. Papaver hybridum, Linn. 20. Cajanus flavus.
l2. Papaver nudicaule, Linn. 21. >~Cajanus indicus, Spreng.
13. Papaver orientale, Linn. & Cajanus bichlor. Caja-
J4. Papaver rhoeas, Linn. nus flavus.
15. *Papaver s 0 m, niferum, 22. Canavalia ensiformis, DC.
Linn. See:-Papaver gla- Var:-Virosa, Bake?' in
brum; Papaver setigerum. Hook. See:- Canavalia
virosa .
.132. PAPILIONACEAE. 23. Ccmavalia virosa. W & A.
1. ~"Abrus precatorius, Linn. See:-Canavalia ensifor-
or Abrus minor, or Abrus mis.
pauciflorus, Linn. 24. *Cicer arietinum, Linn.
2. Aeschynomene s e s .ban, 25, Cicer lens, See':-Ervum
Sce:-Sesbania aegyptia- lens. Lens escul,enta.
ca. 26. Clitoria marina.
3. Alhagi camelorum, Fisch. 27. *Clitoria tern~tea, Linn. or
See:-Alhagi maurorum. Clitoria spectabilis.
4. Alhagi maurorum, Desv. 28. Colutea arb 0 rescens,
or Baker. See:-A. came- Linn. See:-Colutea ne-
lorum. palensis,
5. Alysicarpus longifolius, 29. Cl'otalaria albida, Heyne.
/' W.&A. or Crotalaria montana,
6. Alysicarpus m 0 ~ i lifer, 30. Crotolaria angulosa, or
DC. Crotolaria verrucosa.
7. Alysicarpus pu_bescens, 31. Crotalaria ben galensis.
Law. See:-Crotalaria juncea.
8. Alysicarpus vaginalis, DC. 32. Crotolaria biflora, Linn.
9. *Arachis hypogaea, Linn. --33. CJ'Otolaris burhia, HamiLt.
10. Astragalus ham 0 sus, 34. Crotolaria Jenestrata.
Linn. 35. Crotolaria fenninfolia.
11. Astragalus m u 1 t i ceps, 36. *Crotolaria' j_!lncea, Linn.
WaLl. or Crotolarili bengalensis,

12. Astragalus s a r cocolla, or Crotolaria fenestrata,
Dymock. oriCrotolaria fenninfolia.
13. Astragalus strobiliferus, 37. Cl'otolaria medicaginea,
Royle. Lamk.
14. Astragalus t r i buloides, 38. C1'otolaria pro strata,
# Roxb. or Rattt?
Dclile. I


.39. '~Crotolaria
retusa; Linn. 59 . Desmodium 1 a tifolium,
40. Crotolaria sericea, Retz. Wi.ght. See:-Desmodium
41. Cl'otalaria striata, DC. lasiocarpum.
42. Crotolaria v err u cosa, 60. Desmodium polycarpum,
Linn. DC. &e:- Hedysarum
43. Cyamopsis psoralioides, purpureum.
DC. See:-Cyamopsis tet- 61. Desmodium pulchellum,
ragonoloba. Benth. See:- Dicerma
44. Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, pulchellum.
Taub. See:- Cyamopsis 62. Desmodium tiliaefolium,
psoralioides. G. Don.
45. Cylista scariosa, Roxb. 63. *Desmodium t r i fl 0 rum,
46. D alb e rgia emarginata. 64. *Dolichos biflorus, Linn.
Roxt. See:- Dalbergia See:-Var:-D 0 1 i chos
laiifolia; Dalbergia jung- unifloris, Lamk. or Doli'-
huhnii, Benth. chos uniflorus.
47. Dalbergia frondosa, See: 65. Dolichos bulbosus, See:-
-·Dalbergia lanceolaria. Pachyrhizus angulatus.
48. Dalbergia I a n ceolaria, 66. Dolichos catiang, See:-
Linn. or Dalbergia fron- Vigna, catiang.
dosa. 67. Dolichos cylindric us, or
49. Dalbergia oogeinensis, or Dolichos sinensis.
Dalbergia oojunsis, or 68. Dolichos falcatus, Klein.
Dalbergia 0 u g einensis.
&e:-Queinia d a I ber- 69. Dolichos fabaeformis.
gioides, Benth. 70. ';'Dolichos lablab, Linn.
50. Dulbergia sissoo, Roxb,. See:-Phosphocarpus tet-
51. Dalbergia spinosa, Roxb. ragonolobus.
See:-Drepanocarpus spi- 71. Dolichos lignosus.
n,)sus. 72. Dolichos minim us.
52. Dalbergia sympathetica, 73. Dolichos pruriens. See:-
Nimmo. See:-Dalbergia
Mucuna pruriens.
74. Dolichos sinensis. See:-
53. Dalbergia volubilis, Roxb. Dolichos cylindricus.
75. Dolichos sesban. See:-
54. Derris elliptic a, Benth. Sesbania aegyptica.
See:-Pongamia ellipta. 76. Dolichos sinensis.
55. Derris scandens, Benth. 77. Dolichos soja, Linn. See:
See:-Dalbergia s c a n- -·Glycine soja.
dens. 78. Dolichos tranquebariclls.
56. Derris uliginosa, Benth. 79. Dolichos trilobatlls.
57. Desmodium ganget.icum, 80. Dolichos uniRorus. See;-
DC. See:- Desmodium Dolichos biflorus.
collinum; & Hedysarum 81. E-.:vum lens, Linn. See:-
gangeti<;!um. Lens esculanta; C ice r
58. Desmodium gyrans. lens.

82. Erythrina corallodendron, 101. Indigofera anil, See:-In-

Linn. I digofera tinctoria; Indigo-
83. '~Erythrina indica, Lam. fera indica; Indigofera su-
Ecythrina stricta; Roxb. matrana; Indigofera ar-
Erythrina corallodendroh, recta.
Linn. 102. Indigofera argentea, Linn.
84. Erythrina monosperma, See:-Indigofera articu-
See:-Butea frondosa. lata.
85. Erythrina stricta, Roxb. 103. Indigofera arrecta, See:-
86. Flemingia congesta, Roxb. Indigofera indica; Indigo-
See:-Flemingia nana. fera anil; Indigofera su-
87. Flemingia grahamana, W'. matrana; Indigofera tjnc~
&A. taria.
88. Flemingia nana, Roxb. or
Flemingia procumbiana; 104. Inciigof~ra art i culata.
or Flemingia congesta. Gouen. See:-Indigofera
89. FJemingia procumbiana? al'gentea.
See:-Flemingia nana. 105. Indigofera aspalathoides,
Vuhl. See:- Lespedoza
90. Flemingia strobolifera, R. juncea.
Br. 106. Indigofera cae r u lea.
91. Flemingia tuberosa, Dalz. Roxb.
92. Galedupa indica, See:- 107. Indigofera cardifolia,
Pongamia glabra, Vent. 108. Indigofera enneaphylla r
93. Galega purpurea, Linn. Vnn. See:- Indigofera
See:-Tephrosia purpu- semitrijuga.
rea. 109. Indigofera frutescens.
94. Glycine hispida, Maxim. 110. Indigofera galegoides, DC.
95. Glycine labialis, Linn. 111. Indigofera glabra, Linn.
See:-Teramnus labialis, See:- Indigofera penta-
Spreng. phylla.
96. Glycine max, Mel'r. 112. Indigofera g I a n dulosa,
97. Glycine soja. Sieb & Wmcl.
ZLLCe. & Glycine hispida, 113. Indigofera hirsuta.
See:-Dolichos s 0 j a, 114. Indigofera indica. See:-,.
Linn. Indigofera tj,pctoria; Indi-
98. Glycyrrhiza glabra, Linn. gofera anil; rndigofera su-
Var:-Glycyrrhiza glan- matrana; InQigofera ar-
dulifera, Reg. et- Hor. recta.
Linn. 115. Indigofei'a linifolil1, Retz.
99. Glycyrrhiza glandulifdra, 116. I11digofera p a u cifolia,
See:-Glycyrrhiza glabra. Delile. See:-;- Indigofera
100. Hedysarum tub e rosa, oblongifolia.
Linn. See:-Pueraria~ tu- 117f Indigofera p u 1 ch ella ,
berosa, DC. Ruxb.

118. Indigo£era s u matrana, 136. Mucana monosperma, DC.

Gaertn. See:.,-Indigofera or Carpopogon monosper-
tinctoria; Indigofera indi- mum.
ca; Indigofera anil; Indi- 137. Mucana pruriens, Bak-in
gofera arrecta. Hook. See:-M. prurita,
119. '~Indigofera tinctoria, Linn. or Carpopogon pruriens,
See:-Indigofera indica; or Dolichos pruriens.
Indigofera ani!; Indigo- 138. Mucuna prurita, Hook.
fera sumatrana; Indigo- See:-Mucuna pruriens;
fera arrecta. Carpopogon pruriens; Do-
120. Indigofera, t r i f 0 hata, lichos pruriens.
Linn. 139. Ormocarpum sennoides,
121. Indigofera trita, Linn. DC.
122. Lathyrus altaicus, Led. 140. *Ougeinia dal~ergioides,
123. Lathyrus aphaca, Linn. Benth. See:- Dalbergia
124. Lathyrus inconspicuus, oojeinensis. 0 u g e i n i a
Linn. oojeinensis.
125. Lathyrus luteus, Baker. 141. ~'Phaseolus aconitifolius,
126. Lathyrus pratensis, Linn. Jacq.
127. '::Lathyrus sativus, Linn. 142. Phaseolus adenanthus,
128. "'Lens esculenta, Moench. Meyer. See:- Phaseolus
See:-Cicer lens; Ervum rostratus.
lens. 143. Phaseolus glabra.
129. Melilotus alba, Desr in. 144. ':'Phaseolus lunatus, Linn.
~ Lam. See:-Melilotus in- 145. Phaseolus multifiorus.
dica. 146. *Phaseolus mungo, Linn ..
130. Melilotu~ officinalis, Lam. Var:-Roxburghii, Prain.
or ,\-Villd. See:-Trifolium 147. Phaseolus nanus.
officinalis. 148. Phaseolus p a u cifiorus,
131. Melilotus parvifiora, Desi. See:-Phaseolus mungo.
See:--Trifolium indicum, 149. ::'Phaseolus radiatus, Linn.
Linn. See:-Phaseolus roxbur-
132. Millettia atropurpurea, ghii; Phaseolus mungo.
Benth. See:-Adinobotrys 150. Ph'aseolus l' 0 x burghii,
atropurpureus, Dun n. Prain. See:- Phaseolus
Millettia pachy car p a, radiatus, Linn .
. Bent-h. 151. Phaseolus trilobus, Ait.
133. Mlll~ttia pachy car p a, See:-Phaseolus roxbur-
, Benth. same as Millettia
atropurpurea. & Adino-
bot r y s atropurpureus,
152. *Phaseolus vulgaris, Linn.
153. *Pisum arvense.
Dunn. 154. *Pisum sativum, Linn.
\ 134. Mucana capitata, DC: 155. *Pongamia glabra, Vent,
135. Mucana gigantea, DC. or Galedupa indica.
See:-Carpopogon gigan- 156. Pseudarthria viscida, W.
teum. &A.

157. Psophocarpus tetrago~o­ 175. T era m nus labialis,

lobus, See:-Dolichos lab- Spreng. See:-Glycine
lab, Linn. I Iabialis Linn.
158. Psoralea cor~lifolia, Li~n. 176. Trachylobium horneman-
See:-Trifolium uniflo-
nianum, Heyne.
rum. 177. Trifolium indicum, Linn.
159. Pterocarpus i n die u's, See:-Melilotus parvi-
Willd. flora, Des!.
160. Pterocarpus marsupium, 178. Trifolium officinalis,
Roxb. See:-Pterocarpus Willd. See:-Melilotus
indicus, Willd. officina lis Willd.
161. Pterocarpus santalinus, 179. T r i f 0 1i u m pratense,
Linn. See:-Pterocarpus Linn.
lignum; Santalum rub- 180. Trifolium repens, Linn.
rum. 181. Trifolium uniflorum,
162. Pueraria tuberosa, DC. See:--Psoralea corylifolia.
See:-Hedysarum tube- 182. Trigonella foenum-grae-
rosa. cum, Linn.
163. Rhynchosia minima, DC. 183. Trigonella occulta, Delile.
164, Sesbania aculeata, Pers. 184. Trigonella uncata, Boiss.
185. Uraria Iagopoides, DC.
165. Sesbania aegyptiaca, Pair. See:-Doodia lagopoides
or Pers. Var:-Picta. or U raria picta.
See:-A esc h ynomena 186. Uraria picta, Desv. See:--
sesban. .
Doodia picta.
166. *S e s ban i a grandiflora, 187. Vicia hirsuta, Koch.
Pers. See:-Agati grandi- 187a. Vicia sativa, Linn. $ee:-
flora or olia. Vicia angustifolia or V.
167. Smithia gemminiflora, angustifolia.
Roth. See:-Smithia con- 188. VIgna catiang, Endl. &
ferta. Walp. See:-Dolichos
168. Soja hispida, Moench.
Sce:-Glycine soja, Sieb. 189. Zornia diphylla, Pen.
& z.ncc.
169. Sophora tomentosa, Linn. 133. PASSIFLORACEAE.
170. Spatholobus roxburghii, 1. Modecca palmata, Lam.
Benth. See:-Adetlia palmata,
171. Taverniera nummularia. Modecca \yightiana, Wall.
DC:- or Baker. See:- 2. Modecca ";vlghtiana, Wall.
Taverniera cuncifolia. See:-:-=.Modecc.a _palmata,
172. Tephrosia hirta, Ha"Y!. Lam. Adenia palmata.
3. *Passif1ora foetida, Linn.
173. *Tephrosia purpurea, Pers.
See:-Galega purpurea, 134. PEDALIACEAE.
Linn. (Sub-family). Martynia diandra, Glox.
174. Tephrosia villosa, PI?~S~ See:-Martynia annua .


2. *Pedalium murex, Linn & 9, Piper cubeba, Linn.

W'ight. See:-Cubeba officinalis,.
3. Sesssmum indicum, Li1l1t. Miq.
DC. See:-Sessamum 10. ':'Piper longum, Linn.·
orientale; Sessamum tri- Chavica roxburghii.
foliatum; S e s sam u m 11. "'Piper nigrum, Linn.
luteum. See:-Piper trioicum,.
4. Sessamum luteum. See:- Roxb.
Sessamum indicum; Ses- 12. Piper sylvaticum, Roxb ..
samum orientale; Ses- Chavica sylvatica, Miq.
samum trifoliatum. 13. Piper trioicum, Roxb.·
5. Sessamum orientale, Linn. S e e:- Piper nigrumr
See:-Sessamum indi- Linn.
cum, DC.
6. Sessa mum trifoliatum, 138. PITTOSPORACEAE.
See:-Sessamum indi-
cum; Sessamum orientale; 1. Pittosporum ceylonicum,
Sessamum luteum. See :-Pittosporum flori-·
bundum, W, & A. Pittos-· .
135. PHYTOLACCA- porum napaulense. Cel~
CEAE. astrus verticillata. Sena-
cia napaulensis.
1. Phytolacca acinosa, Roxb. 2. Pittosporum floribundum,
W. & A. Pittosporum
136. PINACEAE. nepaulense; Pittosporum
1. Gallitris tomentosum, ceyloniicum; or Celastrus.
Wight. See:-alsb Coni- verticillata.
1. Chavica betle, Miq. See:-- 1. Plantago amplexicaulia,.
Piper betle. Cat), See:-P. ovata.
2. Chavica r 0 x bur g h i i, 2. Plantago asiatica, See:-
See:--Piper longum. Plan~ago major.
Cubeba officinalis, Miq. 3. Plantago brachyphylla,.
See:-Piper cubeba. Edgew, or Plantago bra-·
4. Peperomia pellucida, H. chyphylaa.?
B.&K. 4. ::'Plantago ciliata, Des!.
5. Piper album. 5. *Plantago ispagula, See:-
6. Piper aurantiacum, Wall. Plantago ovata.
7. *Piper betle, Linn. See:- 6. Plantago lanceolata, Linn.
Chavica betle. 7. Plantago major, Linn. or
8. Piper Chaba, Hto;ter, Plantago psyllium, or·
See:--Piper officinarum;· Plantago asiatica.
Pothos officinalis, Scin- 8. Plantago ovata, Forsk.
dapsus officinalis. See:-Plantago ispagula..


Plantago psyllium, Linn. 6.

Polygonum bistorta, Linn.
See:-Povata. I 7. Polygonum cymosum,
10. Plantago pumila, Will(l. Roxb. See,-Fagopyrum
11. Plantago stocksii, Bois:s. cymosuin, Meissn.
12. Plantago tibetica. HK.I &
T. 8. Pol y g 0 n u m glabrum,
13. Plantago orientalis, Linn. W'lliu. See:-Polygonum'
9. Polygonum hydropiper,
140. PLUMBAGINA- Linn.
CEAE. 10. Polygonum flaccidum,
1. Plumbago rosea, Linn. Rox. Trevi1'an. See:-
2. Plumbago zeylanica, Linn. Fagopyrum cymosum,
See:-P. ovata. 1v!elssn.
3. ';'Statice aegyptica, DeHle. 11. Polygonum molle, Don.
'&- Brod.
12. Polygonum persicaria,
:141. POLYGALACEAE. Linn. See:-Polygonum
1. Polygala chinensis, Linn. glabrum, Willd.
2. Polygala crotalarioides, 13. Polygonum plebejum, R.
Ham. See:-Polygala tele- Br.
phioides. 14. Polygonum rivulare or
3. Polygala elongata, K~ein. Polygonum aviculare?
4. Polygala erioptera, DC. See:-Polygonum barba:-
Var:-Vahliana. ' tum, Linn.
,5. Polygala telephioides, 15. Polygonum viviparum,
WiLld. See:-Polygala cro- Linn.
talarioides, Ham. 16. Rheum acuminatum, HK.
.6. Pol y gal a vulgaris, f. & T. Same as R. emodi .
Thumb. 17. Rheum emodi, Wall.
See:-Rheum acumina-
142. POL YGONACEAE. tum; Rheum speciforme;
R h e u m webbianum;
1. Calligonum polygonoides, Rheum moorcroftianum;
Linn. & Rheum australe.
2. Fagopyrum esculentum, "18. Rheum 'moorcroftianum,
Gaertn. or Moench? Royle. .~:
3. Polygonum alatum, Ham. 19. Rheum nobile, Hk. f. &
See:-Polygonum punc- T. See:-Rh~um emodi.
4. Polygonum aviculare, 20. Rheum officill'ale, Bail--
Linn. See:-Polygohum 1011-.
bistoria, & Polygonum 21. Rheum. 'palmatum , Linn.
viviparum. ' 22. R h e u m webbianum,
.5. Polygonum barbatum, Royle. See:-R h e u m
Linn. See:-P. aviculare emodi.
or l'ivulare. .0 .... ::... 23. Rumex acetosella, Lin'n.

24. Rumex acutus, See:- 16. Polyp odium quercifolium,

Rumex maritimus, Linn. Linn. See:-D r y n aria
25. ~'Rumex crispus, See:- quercifolia, J. S. M. Dom-
Rumex vesicarius, Linn. tenia. indic~, Wall.
26. ';'Rumex dentatus, Linn. 17. Polypodium v u 1 gar e,
27. Rumex maritimus, Linn. Lmn. .
28. Rumex n:epalle,nsi s, 18. Pteris aqulina, Linn. &
Spreng. Bedd'.
29. Rumex scutatus, Linn.
30. i'Rumex vesicarius, Li~n. 144. PONTEDERIACEAE.
'See:-Rumex , crispus,
Linn. 1. Eichhornia c r ass i pes,
143. POLYPODIACEAE. 2. Monochoria hastaefolia,
1. Actinopteris dichotoma,
2. *Adiantum capillus-vene-
ris, Linn. 1. Portulaca mer i diana,
3. Adiantum cauda tum, Linn. See:- Portulaca
Linn. quadrifida, Linn..
4. Adiantum lunula tum, 2. *Portulaca oleracea, Linn.
BUTm. See:-Portulaca quadd-
, 5. Adiantum pedatum, Linn. fida, Linn.
6. Adiantum venus tum, 3. *Portulaca qua d r if ida,
Don. Linn. See:- Portulaca
7. '~Asplenium adiantum-nig- oleracea, Linn. or Portu-
rum, Linn. laca meridiana ..
4. Por~ulaca sativa, Linn.
S. Asplenium f a 1 catum,
Willd & Lam. 5. Portulaca tuberosa, Roxb.
'9. Asplenium parasiticum,
Willd. .146. PRIMULACEAE.
10. Asplenium rutamuraria, 1. Cyclamen per s i cum,
Linn, Miller.
11. Asplenium trichomanes, 2. Dionysia diapensiaefolia,
Linn. Boiss.
12. *Davallia tenuifolia, WaLl. 3. Primula reticulata, Wall.
& Hook. See:-Stenolo- 4. Primula verticillata. See:
ma chinensis. -Primula capitata; Pri-
13. Drynaria querci f 0 I i a, mula mollis; Primula ja-
Linn. See:-Polypodium ponica.
14. Dryopteris felix, Mas.
15. Pleopeltis lanceo 1 a t a, 1460. PUNICACEAE.
Linn. See:-Polypodium
lepidota. 1. Punica granatum, Linn.

147. RANUNCULACEAE. sectum-Duthie. A. spi-

catum, Duthie. A. hian:-:,
1. Aconitum balfourii, Stapf. Goris & Watt. See:-A.
See:--Aconitum £ e r 0 x chasmanthum; A. ferox.
Varieties. 13. *Aconitum palmatum, D.
2. Aconitum chasmanthun1, Don. & Hook. See:-Aco-
Stapf. Se~:- Aconitum nitum ferox; Aconitum
napellus; Aconitum dis- lethale; Caltha bisma;
sectum; Aconitum hians; Nirbisia bisma.
Aconitum spicatum.' 14. Aconitum s pic a tum,
3. Aconitum deinorrhizum, Stapf. See:- Aconitum
Stapf. See:- Aconitu:q1 ferox, etc. etc.; Aconitum
ferox; Aconitum atrox: variegatum, Hook; .Aconi-
Aconitum bruhlii; Aconi~ tum urteinatum, Hook.
tum laciniatum. ' 15. ActClea racemosa.
4. Aconitum falconer!, Stapf.
. S~e.:-Aconitum ferox; & 16. Actaea spicata, Linn. See:
Aconitum dissectum. -Actaea acuminata.
5. Aconitum ferox, Hook, 17. Adonis oestivalis, Linn.
~lall or Clegh? Var: laci- 18. ':'Anemone obtusiloba/ D., 'j
niatum & Atrox. Watt. Don. See:-Anemone dis-
See:-A. p a I mat u m, color.
Bruhl; A. deinorrhizum; 19. Caltha palustris, Linn.
A. polyschiza; ex. goris; See:-Caltha himalensis;
.. A. balfourii; A. falconeri. Caltha alba .
6. Aconitum hetemphyllum, 20. Clmieifuga foetida, Linn.
Wall. See:- Aconitum See:-Cirriicifuga frigida;
cOl'datum, R.oyle; Aconi- Royle, or Actaea cimici-
tum, atees, Royle; Aconi-. fuga, Linn.
tum ova tum. 21. Cimicifuga race m 0 s a,
7. Aconitum cor d a tum, Linn.
Royle, See:- Aconitum 22. Clematis gouriana, Roxb.
heterophylluIl1. 23. Clematis napaulensis, DC.
8. Aconitum hians, Watt. See:--Clematis montana)
See:- Aconitum chas- D Don.
manthum. 2.4. Clematis smilaci f 0 1 i a,
9. Aconitum laciniata, Bruhl. Wall. See:- Clematis
See- Aconitum lacinia p
munroana. "'i
tum, Stanf. Aconitum 25. Clematis triloba, Heyne.

Clemati~ wighticma~
10. Aconitum luridum, Hook. 26.
~1. Aconitum lycocto n U ,m, 27. Coptis teeta, Wall.
Linn. 28. ::'Delphinium ajacis, Royle.,
12. Aconitum napellus, Linn. 29. Delphinium brunonianum, I

& Stawart'; Clegh? Varie- Royle. See:-Delphinium

ties:-A. multifidum; ; A. ; jacquemontianum; Del-
rigidum (partim); A. dis- phinium moschatum.
.'_" ,


30. Delphinium caeruleum, 48. Ranunculus sceleratus,

facq. Linn. See:-Ranunculus
31. Delphinium denudatum, indicus, Roxb.
Wall. See:-l)elphillium 49. '~Thalictrum dalzeIli, Hook..
pauciflorum. SQ. Thalictrum foliolo s u 'm,
32.' Delphinium elatum, Linn. DC.
See:-Delphinium inter- 51. Thalictrum javanic.us 01:
medium; Delphinium ra- javanicum.
nunculifolium; Del phi-
nium pyramidale; Delphi-
nium hoffmeisteri; Del-
phinium speciosum. . RHAMNEAE.
33. Delphinium pauciflorum, 1. Gouania I e p tostachya,
Royle. See:-Delphinium DC.
denudatum. 2. Rhamnus dahuricus, pun
34. Delphinium renunculifo- or Lawson. See:-Rham-,
liam, Wall. See:-Delphi- nus virgatus.
nium elatum. . 3. Rha1nnus jujuba, See:-
35. Delphinium spe,eiosum, Zizyphus juj:uba.
J'.lnka. See:-Delphinium 4. Rhamnus purpu r e u s,
elatum. Edgew.
36. Delphinium za1il Aitch ,et 5. Rhamnus triqueter, Law-
Hemsl. son. See:-R. wightii.
37. Helleborus niger; Linn.
See:-Helleborus officina- 6. Rhamnus wightii, W. & A.
lis; Helleborus viridis. See:-Rhamnus triqueter,
38. Helleborus 0 ffi c i nalis, Lawson.
See:-Helleborus niger; 7. ';'Ventilago madraspatana,
Hellehorus viridis. Gae1·tn. See:-Funis vi-'
39. Helleborus viridis, Linn. minalis, & V. maderaspa-
40. Hydrastis can a densis, 8. Zizyphus anoplia, See:--=-
Linn. Zizyphus jujuba; & Zizy-
41. Isopyrum thalictroides, phus laccifera.
42. *Naravelia zeylanica, DC. 9. Zizyphus glabrata, HeY1ie.
See:-Zizyphus trinervia.
43. Nigella indica, Roxb-. See: 0
-Nigella sativa. 1 . *Zizyphus jujuba, Lamk.
44. Nigella sativa, Linn. See: See:-Zizyphus.laccifera;
-Nigella indica; Carum Zizyphus anoplia; Rham-
carui; Carum bulbocasta- nus jujuba.
num;' Cuminum nigrum. 11. Zizyphus laccifera, See:
45'. Paeonia emodi, Wall.. -Zizyphus jujuba.
46. Paeonia officinalis, Linn. 12. Zizyphus m i c rophy Ha,
47. *Ranunculus a rye n sis, Roxb. See:- Zizyphus
Li1m. See:-Ranunculus nummularia.
tuberculatus, DC. 13. Zizyphus napica.


Zizyphus nununularia, W. 9. '~Cydonia vulgaris, Pers,

& A. See:-Zizyphus m\c- See:-Pyrus cydonia.
Tophylla. 10. *Eriobotrya j a p 0 nica,
15. Zizyphus oenoplia, Mill. Lindl.
See:-Rhamnus oenopli~. 11. Gerish elatum.
16. Zizyphus rugosa, Lam1;c. 12. Gerish urbanum.
See:-Zizyphus glabra. 13. Geum alatum, Wall.
1T. Zizyphus sororia. 14. Geum urbanum, Linn.
18. Zizyphus trinervia, Roxb.
See:-Zizyphus glabrata. 15. Hagenia abyssynica, Lam.
19. Zizyphus vulgaris, Lamk 16. Potentilla fruticosa, Linn.
See:-Zizyphus sativa. 17. Potentilla kleiniana, W. &
20. ~'Zi2.:'phus xylopy ~ u s, A.
Willd. 1&. Potentilla leschenaultiana.
21. Zjzyphus zylopra, Willd. 19. Potentilla n epa lensis,
or Zizyphus xylopyrus, Hook.
Willd. 20. PotentilJa reptans, Linn.
See:-Potentilla nepalen-
149. RHIZOPHORA- sis.
CEAE. 21. Potentilla supina, Lin.n.
22. Prinsepia utilis, Royle.
1. Carallia lucida, Rox~.
2. Ceriops candollcana, Arn. 23. Prunus amara, DC. See:
3. Khandalia rheedii, W. & --Prunus amyg d a 1 u s,
A. Baillon. Amygdalus com-
4. Rhizophora mangle, Linn. munis, Lin1l.. Prunus dul-
5. ';'Rhizophora mucronata, cis, DC.
Larn. & Lamk. 24. *Prunus amygdalus, Bail-
lO'lt. Var:-l. Amara;
2. Dulcis. . See:-Amyg-
'150. ROSACEAE. dalus communis, Linn.
25. *Prunus armeniaca, Linn.
1. Agrimonia e u p a toria, See:-A m y g d a 1 a or
Linn. Amygdalus vulgaris.
2. *Amygdalus com munis, 26. Prunus avium, Linn.
Linn. See:-P r u .n u s.
amygdalus. 27. *Prunus cerasus, Linn.
"3. Brayera, anthelmentica, 28. Prunus cOll,llIlunis, Huds.
Kunth. See:-Prunus ins tit i a,
4. Cerasus caproniana. Linn. -
-'5: x
Cotoneaster b u i folia, 29. *Prunus- domestica, Linn.
Wall. Var:-Prunus juliana.
6. Cotoneaster microphylla, 30. Prunus dulcis, DC.
Wan· See:-":'Prunus amygdalus,
'j'; Cotoneaster nummularia, Baillon. Prunus am,ara; -
Fisch. & Mey. :" DC. Amygdalus conunu-
8. Crataegus oxycantha.::._ nisJ Linn.

31. Prunus insititia, Schneid 52. Rosa gallica, Linn. See:-

& Linn. See:-Prunus Rosa damascena, Mill.
communis; Prunus do-' 53. Rosa glandulifera, See:-:-
mestica; ·subsp. insititia. Rosa moschata, Mill.
32. Prunus mahaleb, Linn. Rosa pubescens.
33. Prunus malus, Linn. . 54. Rosa indica, Linn. See:-
34. Prunus padum. See:- Rosa chinensis; Rosa
, Pronus sylvatica; Cera- alba.
sus puddum. 55. ::'Rosa moschata, Mill.
35. Prunus pad us, Linn. See:-Rosa pubescers;
See;-,--Cerasus corunta; Rosa glandulifera.
or Prunus corunta. 56. Rosa pubescens, See:-
36. Prunus persica, Benth & Rosa moschata; Rosa
Hook. Stokes. See:- glandulifera.
Amygdalus persica, Linn. 57. Rubus I a s i 0 car pus,
Pygeum persica. Sntith.
37. Pl'unus puddum, Roxb. 58. Rubus moluccanus, Linn.
See:-Prunus sylvatica, 59. Rubus wallichii.
or Cerasus pudduII}, or
Prunus cerasoides. 59a. Semen cydonia. See:-
'38. Prullus serotina, Ehrhart. Pyrus cydonia; Cydonia
39. Prunus undulata, Ham.
vulgaris, Pers.
40. Pygeum gardneri, Hook. 60. Spiraea aruncus, Linn.
61. Spiraea lindleyana, Wall.

41. Pygeum persica, See:- 62. Stranvaesia glaucescens;i
Amygdalus persica; Pru- Lindl.
nus persica; Benth & 151. RUBIACEAE.
42. Pygeum wightianum Bl. 1. *Adina cordifolia, Bendt
43. Pyrus aucuparia, Gaertn. & Hook. See:-Nauclea
44. Pyrus chinensis, Roxb. cordifolia.
45. :~Pyrus communis, Linn.
2. Anthocephalus cadamba,
Mia. See:--Nauclea cad-
See:-Psidium guyava,
amba, Sarcocephalus cad-
46. Pyrus cydonia, Linn.
3. Borreria hispida, K. Sch.
See:·-Cydonia vulgaris;
See:-Spermacoce his-
Semen cydonia.
:~Pyrus malus, Linn. & pida.
4. Canthium did y mum,
Willct. Gae1·(n. & Roxb. See:-
48. Pyrus tomentosa, Roxb.
Plectronia didyma.
49. Rosa alba, Linn. See:- 5. Canthium parviflorum,
Rosa indica. L(tmk. See:_':'_Plectronia
50. *Rosa centifolia, Linn. parv iflora.
51. *Rosa damascena, Mill. 6. Cephaelis ipecacunha, A.
See:-R. gallica. Rich. See:-Psychotria

inecacunha Linn. N.are- 26. Ceophila reniformis, Don.

l II
g'an~ia- alata, W. & A. I Similar to Ipecacuanha.
7. :;'Cin(.'k~ma calisaya, Wed- 27. *Hla d y 0 tli s 'RU!ricu;Iaria,
ddt. See:-Cinchona Linn. See:-Hedyotis his-
ledgeriana. ~ piela; Oldenlandia auri-
Cinchona condarriin~a, cularia.
Ur,n. See:-Cinchona offi- 28. Hedyotis hispida, Ret.z.
cinalis. See :-Hedyotis auricu-
9. Cinchona cortex. laria.
10. ':'Cinchona officinale, or 28a. Hedydtis indica, S.ee:":__-
*Cinchona officinalis, Hedyotis umbellata; Hed-
Linn. & Hook. See:-Cin- yotis hispida.
chona condeminea. 29. Hedyotis u m bell a t a,
11. Cinchona robusta, How. Lamk. See:-Oldenlandia
12. '·Cinchona succirubra, umbellata Linn. Hedyotis
) Paven. See:-Cinchona • hispida; Hedyotis indica.
pubescens. 30. Hymenodictyon excel-
13. ':'Coffea arabica, Linn. sum, Wall. See:-Hym~
14. Coffea bengalensis, Roxb. el1odictyon obovatum.
15. Diplospora sphaerocarpa, 31. Ixora alba, ~ee:-Ixora
Hooh. parviflora, Vahl.
16. Galium aparine, Linn. 32. Ixora bandhuca, Roxb.~~
17. Galium mullugo, Linn. See:-Ixora coccinea;
iK Galium verum, Linn. Ixora grandiflora.
19. Gardenia campanulata, 33. '*Ixora coccinea, Linn.
Raxl·. See:-Gardenia See:-Ixora grandiflora;
gllmmi£<era. Gardenia Ixora bandhuca.
florida. hora parvifiora, Vahl.
20~ Gardenia floribunada, or Ixora alba .
. Roxb. 35. Ixora pavetta, Roxh.·
21. Gardenia flqrida, Linn. See:-Pavetta indica.
See:-·-Gardenia gummi- 36. Meynia spinosa, See:-,
fera:; Gardenia campanu- Vanguerla spinosa Roxb.
lata. 37. Morinda bracteata, See:--
22. '~Gardenia gqmmifel'a, Morinda citrifolia, Linn.
Lim.. Gardenia arboria ,Morinda tinctoria, -Roxb.
01· arborica? Gardcni.a 38. ';'Morinda cilrifolia, Bedd.
campanulata; . Gardenia & Linn. See:-Morinda
florida;' Gardenia resini- tinctoria, . -or Morlnda
ferae. ,. bracteata.
23. ~:Gardenia lucida, Roxb. 39. lViorinda . concanensis,
See:-Gardenia gummi- Nimnw.
fera. 40. Morinda scandens, See:-
24. Gardenia turgida, Roxb. Morinda 11mbellata.
25. Gardenia uliginosa, ~et.z. :;'Morinda tinctoria, Roxb.
See:'-'-Randia uliginol?s.~ - See:--Morinda citrifolia.
. ~....,..,

42. Morinda umbellata, Linn. 56. Ophiorrhiza mungos,

or Morinda scandens. Li·nn.
43. lVlussaenda flavescens, 57. Paederia' foetida, Linn.
See:-Mussaenda fron- See:-Convolvulus foeti-
dosa: Mussaenda glab- dus, or Apocyanum foe-
rata. tidus & SperIT).acosa 01'
.,14. '~l\ilussaenda frondosa, Spermacoce stricta .
Hook & Linn. See:-Mus:' 58. Pavetta indica, Linn.
saenda flavescens; & See:-Ixora p ave t t a,
Mus5aenda glabrata. Roxb.
45. Mus s a end a glabrata, 59. Plectronia parviflora,
Hutch. See:-Mussaenda Bedd. See:-Canthium.
frondosa; Mussaenda 60. Posoque parviflorum,
flnvescens. Lamk. uligonosa, Roxb.
46. Nauclea cadamba, Roxb. See:-Randia uligonosa.
or Hort. See:-Anlthoce- 61. Psychotria curviflora.
phaius cadamba, Miq. Th~'!.v.
47. Nauclea cordifolia, Roxb. 62. Psychotria ipecacualma,
Nauclea ovalifolia, Roxb. Linn.. See:- Cephaelis
Adina cordifolia. ip~cacuanha, N aregamia
48. Nauclea ovalifolia, Roxb. 31ata, W. & A.
'See :-Nauclea cordifolia. 62a. Quinetum (of British
49. 01denlandia biflora, Linn. Pharmacopoel Cod ex).
& Roxb. See:-Olden: See:-Cinchona cortex or
landia corymbosa; Olden- officinale). (b) Quinin.e-
landia paniculata; Hedy- See:-Cinchona cortex.
otis racemosa,
50. Oldenlandla corymbosa, 63. ';'Randia dume tor u m,
Li.nn. See:-Oldehlandia Lamk.
biflora; OIdeniandia her~ 64. Randia longifolia.
bucea, & Oldenlandia 65. Randia terasperma, Benth
ramosa. & Hook.
51 .. Old e n 1 a 1). d i a diffusa, 66. Randia uliginosa, DC.
Roxb. See:-Oldenl.andia See:-Gardenia uliginosa;
ramosa. Posoqueria uliginosa.
52. Oldenlandia glandulifera, 67. Rubia cordifolia, Linn.
Wall. See:-Rubia manjishta;
53. Oldenlanrua herbacea, Rubia tinctbria; Rubia
Roxb. See:-Oldenlandia secunda.
corymbosa; Oldenlandia 68. Rubia longifolia, See:-
biflora. Asteracantha longifolia;
"54. Oldenlandia heynai, or Hygrophila longifolia; Hy-
heynei, Hk. f. '. . . grophila spinosa.
55. "Oldenlandia umbellata, 69. Rubia munjista, Roxb.
Li~n. See:-Hedyotis um- See:- Rubia cordifolia,
beHata. Linn. Rubia secunda.

70. Rubia secunda. See:- 6. *Citrus acida, See:-Citrus

Rubia cordifolia; Rubia medica, Linn. Citrus ber-
munjista; Rubia tinctorfa. gania.
71. Rubia tinctorum, Linn .. 7. *Citrus aurantium, Linn.
72. Sarcocephalus cadam b~, Var:-Citrus aurantium,
See:-Anthocephalus cac;I- proper; Citrus bigaradia,
amba; Nauclea cadamba & Citrus bergamia. See:-
Roxb. . , Citrus vulgaris.
73. Sarcocephalus horsfeldii 8. Citrus bergamia, See:-
~iq. ' Citrus acida.
74. Sarcocephalus missionis, 9. Citrus bigaradia, Duha:m.
WaU & Haviland. See:-Citrus aUrahtium.
75. *Spermacoce hispida, Linn. 10. ~'Citrus decumana, Murr.
See:-Borreria hispida, & Linn. See:-C i t r u s
K. Sch. & Spermacoce maxima; Citrus acida.
. scabra. 11. *Citrus: limetta, W. & A.
76. Spermacosae stricta, See: 12. *Citrus limonum. See:-
-Paederia foetida; Con- Citrus lemonum, & Citrus
volvulus foetidus; Apocy- acida.
num foetidum. 13. *Citrus medica, Linn. Var:
77. Stephegyne parvi fl 0 r a,. -Citrus limonis; Citrus'
Korth. See:-Mytragyna medica proper; Citrus
parvifolia, Korth. limonum; Acida limetta.
78. U:ncaria gambier, or gam- . See:-Citrus acida.
-bIr, Roxb. See:-Nau- 14. Citrus vulgaris, Risso.
clea gambier. See:-Citrus aurantium.
79. *Vanguet'ia spinosa, Roxb.. 15. Crataeva vallangai,. See:
-Feronia elephantum.
80. Webera tetrandra, Wall. 16. Dictamnus, albus, Linn.
-152. RUTACEAE. 17. Evodia meliaefolia, Benth.
or mellaefolia?
18. Evodia r 0 x b urghiana,
·1. Acronychia lauri £ 0 1 i a" Benth. See:-Evodia lu-
Blume. See:- Cyminos-
ma pedunculata.
2. *Aegle marmelos, Corr.
19. Evodia rutaecarpa, HK. f·
& Th.
3. 01< Atalantia monophylla, 20. *Feronia e~l e' phantum,
DC. or Carr? See:-Ata- Correa. or' Anisiphalnis
lantia fIoribunda. rumphii, or" Qrataeva val-
4. Bergera konigii, or 'koeni- langai. ,
gii? Linn. See:-Murr?ya 21. Glycosmis COChlIl-chinen-
koenigii. sis, Pierre. See:--Glycos-
5. Chesia or Chalcas . pani..., mis peIiiaphylla.
culata? See:-Murraya 22. *Glycosmis pentaphylla,
exotica, Linn. Murraya Correa. See:-Glycosmis
paniculata. .. cochinchinensis.

23. Limonia acidisSima, Linn. 39. Tod<[alia bilocularis, W.

See:-Limonia crenulata. &A.
24-. Limonia crenulata, Roxb. 40. Toddalia nitida, See:-
See:-Limonia acidissima. Toddalia aculeata, Lamk.
25. Limonia m6fiophilla, or & Pers. Toddalia asia-
monophylla? Hk. See:- tica, Pers. Toddalia rubi-
Limonia crenulata; Limo- caulis; Scopolia aculeata;
nia acidissima. Paclinia asiatica.
26. Luvunga scandens, Ham.
See:-Limonia scandens. 41. Toddalia rubicaillis, See:
-Toddalia aculeata; Tod-
27. *Murraya exotica, Linn. dalia asiatica; Toddalia
See:-Murraya panicu- nitida; Scopolia aculeata,
lata; or Chesia paniculata. Paclinia asiatica.
28. *Murraya koenigii, Spreng. 42. Zanthoxylum acanthopo-
Musa paradisiaca, Linn. dium, DC. Use same as
See:-Bergera koenigii. Z. alatuIl1, See:-Z. hamil-
29. Murraya paniculata, Jack. tonianuIl1; Z. oxyphyl-
See:-Murraya exotica, lum.
Linn. Chesia paniculata.
43. Zanthoxylum a 1 a tum,
30. Paramignya longispina, Roxb.
44. Zanthoxylum budrunga,
31. Paramignya monophylla,
Wall. See:-Zanthoxylum
Wright. rhetsa; Fagura budrunga,
32. Peganum harmala, Linn.
3.3. *Ruta angustifolia, Hook.
See:-Ruta graveolens, 45. .Zanthoxylum, hamiltonia-
Linn. num, Wall. Zanthoxylum
34. Ruta graveolens, Linn. acanthopodium, DC. Use'
Var:-Ruta angustifolia, same as Z. alatum.
Hook. 46. Zanthoxylum ovalifolium,
35. Scopolia aculeata, See:- Wight. . Use same as Z.
Toddalia, aculeata, Lamk. alatum.
36. Skimmia laureola, H oak, 47. Zanthoxylum oxyphyl-
Sieb. Zuce, See:-Limonia lum, E9,gw. Use same as'
laureola. Zanthoxylum alatum.
37. *Toddalia aculeata, Pers &
Lamk. See:-Toddalia 48. *Zanthoxylum rhetsa, DC.
·asiatica; Toddalia rubi- See:-Z.imthoxylum tri-
caulis; Toddalia nitida; & phyllatum; Zanthoxylum
Scopolia aculeata. budrunga.
38. Toddalia asiatica, Pe1's & 49. ZadthoxylIu:m tr;.phy 11-
Lamk. See:-Toddalia' ru- tum Juss & Wight. See:--
bicaulis; Toddalia nitida; Evodl.a lunar-ankenda,
S~opolia aculeata. PacIi- Men'. Use same as Z.
nia asiatica. rhetsa.
'-'. Santalum rubrum. See:
-P tero carpus santali-
1. "'Yeast (Latin:-Cerevis;ae
fermentum) . 158. SAPlNDACEAE.
2. Yeast beer.
3. Yeast toddy. 1. Acer pictum, Thtmb.
2. Aesculus hippocastanum, .f
l54. SALICACEAE. Linn.
3. Aesculus indica, Hiern.
1. Populus ciliata, Wall. & ColelYr. See:-Pravia
2. ':'Populus euphratica, Olivo indica.
3. Populus nigra, Linn. 4. Allophyllus serra t u s,
4. Salix acmophylla, Boiss. . Radlk. See:-Allophyl-
See:-Salix alba; Linn. Ius cobbe.
Salix babylonica, Linn. 5. ':'Cardiospermum halicaca-
5. Salix alba, Linn. bum, Linn.
6. Salix babylonica, Linn. o. Dodonaea viscosa, Jacq.
7. Salix caprea, Linn. See:- See :-Dodonaea angusti-
Salix tetrasperma. folia; Pte lea viscosa.
8. 'Salix daphnoides, Vill. 7. Litchi chinensis, Sonner,
9. ':'Salix tetrasperma, Roxb. See:-Nephelium litchi,
See:-Salix caprea, Linn. Camb.
8. Nephelium lappaceum,
9. Nephelium litchi, Camb.
1. Azima tetracantha, Lam. See:-Litchi chinensis.
2. Monita barberioides, See: 10. Nephelium Ion g a n a,
-,-Azima tetracantha. Camb. See:-Euphorbia
3. Salvadora indica, Royle. or Euphoria longana.
4. ':'Salvadora oleoides, Dcne. 11. Sapindus d e t e' r gens,
5. '~Salvadora persica, Lihn. Roxb. See:- Sapindus
See:-Salvadora indica, & emarginatus; Sapindus
Salvadora wightiana. laurifolia; Sapindus rubi-
ginosus; Sapindus trifo-
156. SAMYDACEAE. liata; Sap indus muko-
1. Casearia esculenta, Roxb. rossi. 1
12. Sapindus' emarginatus.
2. Casearia graveolens, Dab:.
See:-Saplndus trifoliata;
3. Casearia tomentosa, Roxb.
Sapindu~ laurifolia; Sa-
See:-Casearia elliptica.
pindus rubigmos\ls; Sa"
pin~us mukorossi; Sapin-
157. SANTALACEAK· dus detergens.
1. "'Osyris arboreC!-, Wall. 13. Sapindus laurifolia, Vahl.
See:-Osyris wigqtiana. See:-Sapindus trifoliata;
2. ~'Santalum album, LiJ-m. Sap indus ~marginatus;
..·r.....,... ~
, INDEX 003

Sapindus rubiginosus; Sa- ,1. Ribes nigrum, Linn.

pindl.ls IT).ukorossi; Sapin,- 5. Ribes orientale, Poir. &
dus dete:r;gens. Desi.
14. Sapindus mukor 0 s s i, 6. Ribes rubrum, Linn.
Gaert1t. See:-Sapindus
emarginatus; Sapindus 7. Saxifraga ligulata, Wall.
laurifQlia; SapiIidus rubi- See:-Bergenia ligulata,
ginosus; Sapindus trifo- Wall.
liata; Sapindus detergens.
15. Sapindus rubigino s u 5, 161. SCITAMINACEAE,
See:-Sapindus de t e r- or SCITAMINEAE.
gens; Sapindus emargina-
tus; Sapin,d_us laurifolia; ,1. Alpinia chinen sis. See:-
Sapindus mukorossi; Sa- Alpinia khulanjan.
pindu:; trifoliata. 2. ";'Alpinia galanga, Willd. &
16. Sapindus trifoliata, Linn. Swartz. See :-Alpinia
See:-Sapindus emargina- rheedii.
tus; Sapiridu.s laurHolia; 3. Alpinia khulanjan, 111.
Sapindus rnbjginosus; Sa- Sheriff. (pr Alpinia chi-
pindus mukorossi; Sapin- nensis) .
dus detergens. 4. Alpinia nutans, Roscoe.
17. Schleichera, trijuga, Willd. See:-Alpinia speciosa.
5. ':'Alpinia a ffi c 1 n a rum,
159 .. SAPOTACEAE.-' Hance.
6. Amomum amarum; Amo-
1. Achras sapota, Li7i~. mum ar6inaticum; Amo-
2. Bassia butyracea, Roxb. mum xanthioides: See:-
3. ~'Bassia latifolia, Roxb.
Elettalja cardamomum.
4. ';'Bassia longifolia, Linn. 7. Amomum aromaticutn,
5. Bassia malaba,rica,. Bedd. Roxb.
6. Chrysophyll\lm roxbur- 8. Amomum galanga, See:-
ghii, Don. Alplnia galanga.
'7. ';'lVlimusops elengi, Linn. 9. Amomum mal e gueta,
8. '~'Mimusops-' hex a n dra,
Roxb.. S,ee:-Mim,usops 10. Amomum subula tum,
indica. Roxb. See:-Elettaria ma-
9. Mimusops indlca, Roxb. jor'.
See:-Mimusqps hexan- 11. Amomum xanthioides,
dra. WalL
10. Mimusops kauki, Linn. 12. Amomum zerumbet, See:
-Curcuma zedoaria.
lsn. SAXIFRAGACEA.E. 13. ';'Canna lni:lica, Linn. or

1. Dichroa febrifuga, LOUT. Canna orientalis.

See:-Adamia cyanea. 14. CaIJna orientalis.
'> Hydrangea aspera, Bl£Ch. 15. Cardamomum magus, or
3-. Ribes grossularia, Linn. cardamamon magu.s?

16. *Costus speciosus, Sm. 35; *M usa sapientum, O.

See:-Haplotaxis costus ... Kuntze. & Linn. Same as·
17. *Curcuma ama.cIa, Linn. or M. paradisiaca.
Roxb. 0;1." Curcuma matico. 36. *Ravenala madagascarien-
18. Curcuma angustifolia, sis.
Roxb. . 37. Rascoea purpurea, Royle.
19. *Curcuma a rom a tica, 38. *Zingiber cassumunar,
Salisb. Same as Curcuma Roxb. See:- Zingiber
]onga. purpureum; Zingiber clif-
20. Curcuma caesia, Roxb: fordii.
S~:-Cur_cumR 1 o. n g a, 39. Zingiber cliffordii. See:-
Roxb. Zingiber casSumu n a 1',
21. Curcuma longa, Linn. & Roxb. Zingiber purpu-
Roxb. reum.
22. Curcuma zedoaria, Rosc. 40. *Zingiber officina lis or offi.··
or Curcuma zerumbet; or cinale, Roscoe.
Amomum zerumbet. 41. Zingiber purpureum. See:
-Zingiber cassumunar,
23. *Elettaria cardamomum, Roxb. Zingiber cliffordii.
Maton. See:- Elettaria 42. Zingiber zerumbet, Rose
repens; Alpinia cardamo-
& Smith. Use same as Z~
24. Elettaria major, See:-
Amomum subulatum.
25. Elettaria repens, Se~:­ ACEAE. or
Elettaria cardamomum.
26. Hedychium spica tum, SCROPHULARI-
Ham. NEAE'
27. Hitchenia caulina, BakeL 1. Anagallis arvensis, Linn.
28. Kaempferia angustifolia, See:-Veronica anagallis.
.Rose. 2. Artanema sesamoides,
29. Kaempferia gal a n. g a, Benth &. Wight.
Linn. 3. '~Bonnaya veronicaefolia.
30. Kaempferia longa, See:- Wight & Spreng. See:-
Kaempferia r 0 it u n d a, Bonnaya rep,tans; Ilysan-
Linn. thes reptans.
31. *Kaempferia rot u n d a, 4. Celsia cauc9!S~ca, Willd.
Linn. See:-Kaempferia 5. Celsia cinnamomea, Lindl.
longa. 6. Celsia cdromandeliana,
32. *Matanta .arundinacea, VahZ: & Wig'ht._
L'in.n. 7. Cu,ranga amara, Juss.
33. Maranta galanga, See:- 8. '~Digitalis purpurea, Linn.
Alpinia galanga. 9. *Dopatrium j u n c e u m,
34. *Musa paradisiaca, Linn. Hq.m.
See:-Musa sapienj:um, 10~ Dopatrium lobelioides,
Kuntze.. Benth.

11. Dopatrium nudicaule, 30. *Scoparia dulcis, Lin.n.

Ham. 31.
Sopubia . delphinifolia, G.
12. ';'Herpestis monnieria, H. B. Don. See:-Andropogon
& K. See:- Herpestls halepensis. '
cuncifolia; Gratiola mon- 32. *Stemodia viscosa, Roxb.
nieria. & Wight.
13. *I1lysanthes parvi fl 0 r a, 33. ':'Striga orobanchioides,
BentTi. Benth.
14. Lathraea s qua maria, 34. *Torenia asiatica, Linn.
Lin?t. 35. Vandellia erecta, Eenth.
]5. ';'Limnophila elongata, See: See:-Vandellia pyxida-
-Limnophila grafioloi- ria.
des; Limnophila inter- 36. Vandellia pedanculata,
media. Benth. Use same as V.
16. Limnophila gratioloides, roxburghii.
R. Br. See:-Limnophila 37. Verbascum thapsus, Linn.
gratissima; Limnophila in- 38. Veronica arven~is, Linn.
termwia; & Limnophila 39. Veronica beccabunga,
elongata. Linn.
17. Limnophila gratissima, 40. Veronica hederaefolia,
Blume & Bijdr. Same as Linn.
L. gratioloides.
18. Limnophila intermedia,
See:-Limnpphila gratio- 162a. SIMAROUBACEAE.
loides; Limnophila elon-
gata 1. ';'Ailanthus excels a, Roxb.
19. Limonia scandens, See:- 2. Ailanthus glandulosa,
Luvunga scandens. Desf.
20. ,Linaria cirrhosa, Hk. 3. Ailanthus malabarica,
21. Linaria cymbalaria, IVlill. DC.
22. Linaria minor, Desf. 4. Balanites aegyptiaca, De·~.
23. Linaria ramosissima, Wall See:-Balanites roxbur-
& Wight. ghii; Ximenia aegyptiaca;
24. ';'Moniera c u n e i folia, Ximenia aqulhalid; Xime~
Michx. See:- Herpestis nia ferox; Aquialida rox-
monnieria. burghii; Balanites ferox.
25. Pedicularis comosa, Linn. 5. Balanites indica.

26. Pedicularis pectinata, 6. Balanites r 0 x burghii,

Wall. Pla.nch. See:- Balani.tes
27. Pedicularis siphonantha, aegyptiaca; Balanites in-
Don. dica.
28. Picrorrhiza k u r r (), 0 a, 7. Eurycoma longifolia, Jack.
Benth. 8. Picrasma excelsa, Swartz.
29. Schweinfurthia" sphaero- & Planchon. See:-Quas-
carpa, A. Braun. See:- sia excelsa.
Antirrhinum glaucum. 9. Picrasma javanica, Blume.
10. Picrasma nephalensis, 5. Capsicum a c u minata. r
Renn. I Fingerh.
11. Picrasma quassioides, 6. *Capsicum annum, Linn.
Benn. See:-Nima qu~s- & Capsicum frutescens.
" sioides; Simaba qua~si- 7. Capsicum baccata, Trish,
oides; Simaruba quassi- or Capsicum baccaium.
oides. 8. Capsicum cerasiforme, 01-
12. Quassia excelsa, or Quas- Capsicum cerasiformis?
sia amara. See:-Picras- Lamk. or Lank. or Bailey.
rna excelsa; Simaruba ex- 9. Capsicum fastigiatum.
~ celsa.
13. Samadera indica, Gael"tn. 10. *Capsicum f r u tescens,
See:-;-Samadera pent~pe­ Unn. See:- Capsicum
tala. minimum.
14. Samadera lucida, Wall. 11. Capsicum grossum, Willd.
See:-Samadera indica. or BaiLey. '
15. Samadera pentapetala, 12. Capsicum longum, Bailey.
See:-S'amadera indicai 13. CapsIcum. min i mum,
Samadera lucida. Roxb. See:- Capsicum
16. Simaruba exc,elsa, See:- frutescens.
Quassia excelsa, Picrasma 14. Capsicum nepalens, or
excelsa. Capsicum nepaleanse.
17. Simaruba quassioide~, 15. *Datura alba, Ness &
See:-Picrasma quassioi- Wight. See:~Datura fas-
, des; Nima quassioides. tuosa; Datura nigra (Stra-
18. Ximenia aegyptiaca, Linn. monium); Datura. metal;
See:-Balanites roxbur- Datura nilhuIIUfi~tu.
ghii, Planch. Balanites 16. *Datura fastuosa, Linn. &
aegyptiaca, DeL. Wight. See:-D a t u r a
19. Caulerpa crassifolia, and alba.
its other species. 17. ~atura metal, Linn.
18. ' ::'Datura stramonium, Linn.
163. SOLANACEAE. 19. Hyoscyamus ins a nus,
1. Atropa acuminata, See:- Linn. See:-Hyoscyamus
Atropa mandragora; Man- muticus, Linn.
dragora officinarum; Man- 20. Hyoscyamus m uti cus,
dragora autumnalis; Man- Linn. & lIfunt. or Hyos-
dragora vernalis. cyamus in,$anus.
2. Atropa belladonna, Linn. 21. Hyoscyamus niger,' Linn.
3. Atropa mandragora, See: See:- Hyoscyamus au-
-Atropa a c u m~:rata; r~ns; Hyoscyamus reticu-
Mandragora autumnalis; laris.
Mandragora v e r nalis; 22. Hyoscyamus p' u s i 1 u s,
Mandragora officinarum. Linn.
4. Capsicum a b b r e vj a t a, 2~. Hyoscyamus reticula~us,
Fi1tgerh. Linn.

24. Lycium barbarum, Linn. 38. Physalis peruviana, Linn',

See:- Lycium europa- 39. Physalis somnifera, Linn.
eum. Donal. See':-Withania
Lycium europae~m, Linn. somnifera.
See:-Ly(.!ium barbarum. 40. Physoehlaina praealta"
26. *Lycopersicum esculen- Hook.
tum, Mill. See:-Sola- 41. Puneeria c 0 a g u I a n s,
num Iycopersicum. Stocks & Wight. See:-
27. Mandragora autumnalis, Wit han i a coagulans,
See:-l\~dragora offici- Dunal.
narum; Mandragora ver- 42. Scopolia lurida, DunaJ.
nalis; Atropa acuminata; 43. Scopola proealta, Dunal.
Atropa mandragora. 44. Solanum diffusum. See:--
28. Mandragora officinarum~ Solanum jacquinii; Sola-
Linn • .Mandragora autum- I num xanthocarpum; So-
nalis; Mandragora verna- lanum virginionum.
lis; or Atropa acUminata; 45. Solanum d u 1 c 'am a 1.' a,
or Atropa maI1dragora. Linn.
29. Mandragora vernalis, See: 46. Solanum esculeritum.
-Mandragora officina- 47. Solanum ferox, Linn &
ruin; Mandragora autum- Wight.
nalis. 48. Solanum gracilipes, Dcne.
30. ;~Nicandra phy~aioid~s, 49. . S.ofanum incertum, See:--
Gaertn. Solanum nigrum; Sola-
31. Nieotiana persica, See:- num rubrum.
Nicotiana tabacum, Linn. 50. *Solanum indicum, Linn.
Nicotiana h a v a nensis; & Wight.
~aq. Nicotiana rustica, 51. *Solanum jacquinii, See:~,
Linn. Solanum xanthocarpum;
32. Nicotiana rustiea, Linn. Solanum virginionum; &
Similar to N. havanensis; Solanum diffusum; Sola-
N. tabacum; N. persica. num trilobatum.
.33. *Nicotiana tabaeum, Linn . 52. Solanum lyeopersicum,
See:-Nicotiana rustica, Linn. See:-Lycopersi-
& Nicotiana havanensis; cum esculantum, Mill.
Nieotiana persiea. 53. *S 0 I an u m m,elongena,
34. Physalis alkekenji, Linn. Linn.
35. Physalis flexuosa, Linn. 54. Solanum nigrum, Linn.
See:-Wtthania somni- See:-Solanum rubrum;
fera, Dun. & Physalis & Solanum ineertum.
somnifera. 55. Solanum rubrum, Mm. &
36. Physalis indica, C" B. Wight. See:-S 0 1 an u ill
Clarke. See:-Physalis nigrum.
minima, Linn. 56. Solanum spirale, Roxb.
37. *Physalis minima, Linn. 57. Solanum ;trilobatum,
See:-Physalis indica. Linn. & Wight.

.58. *Solanum tuberosum. 12. Pterospermum suberifo-

.59. ';'Solanum verbascifoliU:m, lium, Lam. See:-Pteros-
Linn. & Wight. permum canescens.
,60. Solanum vlrgmlOnum, 13. Sterculia acuminata,
See:-Solanum jacquinii; See:-Cola acuminata.
Solan~m xanthocarpulp; 14. Sterculia: alata, ROJ:b.
Solanum diffusum. See:-Pterygota alata.
61. *Solapum xanthocarpum, 15. *Sterculia foetida, Linn.
Linn. & Schrad. & Wemil. 16. Sterculia scaphigera
See:-Solanum jacquinii; Wall. See:-Scaphiu~
Solanum virginionum; wallichii, Schott. & Endl.
Solanum diffisuIDj Sola- 17. ~'Sterculia urens, Roo.:b.
num trilobatum. 18. *Theobroma cacao, Linn.
62. Wnhania ~oagulans,
Dunal. See:-Puneeria 165. STYR,a,CEAE.
coagulans Stocks &
Wigb,t. 1. Styrax benzoin, Dryctnd.
. 63. '~W i t han i a somnifera, See:-Hopea racem05a.
Dunal. See:-Physalis 2. Styrax Hookeri, Clarke.
somnifera; Physalis flex- 3. Styrax officinale, Linn.
uosa. 4. Styrax serrulatum, Roxb.


1. Abroma augusta, Linn. 1. Symplocos beddomei,
or Abroma fastuosa; or See:-Hopea racemosa,
Abroma fa~tuosum, Linn. Styrax b~nzoin, Dryand,
2. *Cpla acuminata, (Beauv.) 2. Symplocos crataegoides,
Schott. Ham.
3. Cola vera. 3. Symplocos racemosa,
Roxb. See:-SymplocOB
4. Eriolaena quinquelocu- theofolia.
cularis, Wight. 4. Symplocos theofolia,
5. ';'Guazuma tomen tosa, See:-Symplocos race-
H.B. & K. & Kunth. mosa, Roxb.
6. Helicteres is ora, Linn.
7. *Melochia corchorifolia, 167. TACCACEAE.
Linn. See:-Riedleia cor-
1. Tacca a~era, Roxb.
chorifolia. See:-Tacca lavis; Tacca
8. Pentapetes phoenicea, pinnatifida. .
Linn. 2. Tacca: -lavis, Rox15. See:-
9. Pterospermum acerifo- Tacca aspera, Roxb.
lium, Willd.
10. Pterospermum glabres- Tacca pinnatifida.
cens. 168. TAMARICACEAE.
11. ,Pterospermum heynea-
num, Wall. L Myricaria elegans, Royle.

2. Tamarix articulata, Vahl. 112. TILIACEAE.

Se{!:-Tamarix orientalis,
& Tamarix dioica. 1. Corchorus antichorus,'
3. Tamarix dioica, Roxb. Raeusch. See:-Corcho-
See:-Tamarix gallica; rus depressus.
& Tamarix articulata. 2. Corchorus capsularis,
4. Tamarix gallica, Dyer or Linn. & Corchorus trilo-
Linn or Wight. See:- cularis.
Tamarix indica; Tamarix 3. Corchorus clitorius, Linn.
dioica; Tamarix troupii. 4. Corchorus fascicularis,
5. Tamarix indica, See:- Lam.
Tamarix gallica.
6. Tamarix orientalis, See:--.- 5. Corchoru~ ttilocularis,
Tamarix articulata, Vahl. Linn.
6. *Elaeocarpus ganitrus,
1. Reaumuri<;l hypericoides, 7. Elaeocarpus oblongus.
Willd. Gaertn.
8. Elaeocarpus serratlfs,
CEAE. 9. Elaeocarpus tuberculatus,
Roxb. See:-Monocera
1. Camellia thea, Link. tubercula tao
See:-Camenia theifera; 10. *Grewia asistica, Linn.
Camellia theasinensis. See:-Grewia elastica;
2. Camellia theifera, Griff Grewia tiliaefolia; Gre-
& Hook, See:-Camellia wia vestita.
thea. 11. Grewia elastica, Var:-
3. Gordonia obtusa, Wall. See:-Grewia. asiatica;
4. 'Schima wallachii, Chois. Grewia vestita; Grewia
5. Thea assamica,' See:- tiliaefolia.
Camellia thea, or Camel- 12, Gr.ewia hirsuta, Vahl.
lia theifera, Linrn, Hook See:-Grewia polygama.
& Griff. 13. Grewia lancifolia, See:-
Grewia polygama.
111. THYMELACACEAE. 14. Grewia inicrocos, Linn.
See:-Grewia umifolia.
1. Aquilaria agallocha, Roxb 15. Grewia orbiculata, G.
See:-Aquilaria ovata. Don. See:-Grewia viI-
2. Daphne oleoides, Schreib. losa.
See:-1;:>aphne' muchro- ~6. Grewia polygama, Roxb.
nata. -& Mast. Se{!:;_Grewia
3. Lasiosiphon eriocephalus lancifolia; & Grewia hir-
-Dcne. See:-Gnidia erio- suta.
cephala. Gnidia sispa- 17, Grewia salvifolia, See:-
rensis. Alangium decapetalum.
18. Grewia scabrophyl~~, 11. Carum carui or C. carvi,
Roxb. See:-Grewia scle- B. P. Linn. See:-C.
rophylla. I nigrum;. C. gracile. See:-
19. *Grewia tiliaefolia, Va(1l. Nigella sativa.
See:-Grewia asiatica. . 12. Carum copticum, Benth
20. Grewia vestitcr, See:~ & Hook. See:-Ammi
Grewia asiatica; Grewia copticum; Carum rox-
elastica; GI1ewia tiliae- burghianum. P,ty·chotis
folia. ajowan; Ptychotis coptica;
21. Grewia villosa, WilW. Ptychotis roxburghianum.
See:-Grewia orbiculata.
22. *Triumfetta rhom~idea, 13. Carum gracile. See:-;-
Jacq. See:-bartramla, Nigella sativa.
Linn. 14. Carum nigrum. See:-
Nigella sativa.
15. Carum r9xburghiall~lm,
173. TYPHACEAE. Benth. See:-Carum cop-
1. Typha angustifolia, Linn. ticum; Ammi copticum;
Ptychotis ajowan; Ptycho-
174. UMBELLIFERAE. tis coptica; 'Ptychotis rox-
burghianum; Apium in-·
1. Anethum foeniculum, volocratum.
See:-Foeniculum vul- 16. Centella asiatica, Urban.
gare. 17. Conium maculatum, Linn.
2. Anethum graveolens,
Linn. See:-P,eucedanum 18. Coriandrum sat i v u m,
graveolens. Linn.
3. Anethum sowa, Roxb. 19. Cu$um cyminum,
See:-Peucedanum sowa. Linn. See:-Carum carui.
KU'rz. Peucedanum gra- 20. Cuminum nigrum, See:-
veoleris. Nigella sativa.
4 .. Anethum trifoliatum. 21. Daucus carota, Linn.
See:-Pimpinella anisum. See:-Daucus vulgaris.
5. Angelica glauca, Edgew. 22. Dorema ammoniacum,
6. Anthriscus cerefolium, Don. See:-:-D 0 rem a
Hoffman. aureum; Dorema gla-
7. Apium graveolens, Linn. .brum; Ferula orieptalis;
8. Apium petroselinum. Ferula tifigitana.
See:-Petroselinum sati- 23. Dorema aureum, Stocks.
vum, Lirm. resembles- D. ammonia-
9. Carum ajowan or C. cum.
copticum, or carum rox- 24. Eryngium coeruleum,
burgianum. See:-Piycho- Bieb"
tis ajowan. 25. Ferula alliacea, Boiss.
10. Carum bulbocastanum, Same as Ferula foetida.
Koch. Similar ,to C. ,26. Ferula asafoetida; F.
carui. foetida; Ferula alliaceae;

F. narthex; Ferula scoro- 41. Peteroselinum hortense,

dosma. Hoffm. See:-Peteroseli-
27. Ferula foetida, Regal. num sativum.
Same as F. alliaceae. 42. P'eteroselinum sativum,
28. Ferula galbaniflua, Boiss Hoff.
et Bushe. 43. Puecedanum grande, C.
29. Fer u I a jaeschkeana, B. Clarke. See:---;Pasti-
Vatke. See:-Ferula foe- naca grande.
tidissima, Vatke. 44. Ptiecedanum graveolens,
30. F1erula. narthex, Boiss. Benth & Hook. See:-
Same as Ferula galbani- Anethum sowa.
£lava. See:-Narthex asa- 45. Pimpinella ani sum, Linn.
foetida. See:-Illicium v e rum,
31. F,erula orientalis, Linn .. Hook
or Ferula tingitana, or 46. Pimpinella heyneana,
Dorema ammoniacum, or Wall.
D. glabrum. 47. Pimpinella s a x i fraga,
32. Ferula suaveolens. . Linn. Var:-Distaschyfo-
33. Ferula sumbul, Hook. lia, C. B. Clar.klZ.
same as Ferula nar.thex; 48.. Prangos pabl,lla.ria, Lindl.
See:-Nardostachys jata- 49. Psammogeton biternatum t
mansi. Narda spica; Nar- Edgw.
dus indicus; Valeriana 50. Ptychotis ajowan, D.C_
jatamansi. Ptychotis coptica; Ptycho-
34. Foeniculam panmorium, tis roxburgianum. See:-
~ee:-Anethum panmo- Carum copticum; Carum
rium. Toxburgianum; A m m i
35. Foe n i cuI u m vulgare, copticum.
Gaertn. See:-Foenicu- 51. Seseli indicum, W. & A.
lum canillaceum, & See:~Ligusticum diffu-
Anethum foeniculum; sum, Roxb.
Anethum panmorium. 52. Tra~hydium lehmanni,
36. Hydrocotyle asiatica, Linn.
37. Hydrocotyle r:otundifolia,
Roxb. 175. URTICACEAE.
38. ,Ligusticum diffusum, 1. ':'Antiaris toxlcaria, Lesch.
Roxb: See:-Seseli indi- 2. Artocarpus blumei.
cum. 3. ':'Ar,tocarpus h irs uta,
39. Narthex asafoetida, Falc. Lamk.
See:-Ferula asafoetida; 4. ':'Artocarpus incisa..
F. narthex; Ferula foe- 5. ':'Artocarpus integrifolia,
tida; F. alliac~ae; Ferula Linn.
scorodosma. 6. ':'Artocarpus I a k 0 0 cha,
40. Opopanax chi ronium, Roxb.
Koch. 7. Artocarpus parvifolia.


Cannabis indica, See:-

Cannabis sativa.
34. *Ficus religiosa, Linn
See:-U r 0 s tig ma reli-
9. Cannabis sativa, Linn. sJe: giosum.
-Cannabis indica. 35. *Ficus retusa, Linn. See:--
10. *Celtis orientalis, Linn. I Ficus benjamina.
11. *Celtis reticulata, Hk. f.l& 36. Ficus ribes,'Reinw.
T. 37. *Ficus 'rumphii, Blume.
12. *Debregeasia velutina. See:-Ficus cordifolia.
13. *Dorstenia indica, Wall. 38. *Ficus talboti, King.
14. *Ficus arbutifolia. 39. Ficus tjakela, See:-Ficus
15. *Ficus arnottiana, Miq. infectoria.
16. Ficus asperiima, Roxb. 40. *Ficus tsiela, Roxb.
17. *Ficus bengalensis, Linn.
See:-Urostigma benga- 41. Girardinia heterophylla,
lense; Ficus indica. Dcne. Geronniera reticu-
18. Ficus benjamina, Linn. lata, Tkwaites. Geron-
or Ficus comosa; or Ficus niera zeylanica.
retusa. 42. *Gironniera reticulata,
19. *Ficus carica, Linn. See:- Thw.
Psidium pomiferum. 43. *Holoptelea integrifolia,
20. Ficus comosa, See:--:- Planck. See:-Ulmus in-
Ficus benjamina. tegrlfolia.
21. Ficus cunia, Ham. See:;_. 44. Humulus lupulus, Linn.
Ficus conglomerata. 45. *Laportea crenulata, Gaud.
22. Ficus daemona, See:- See:-Urtica crenulata .
. Ficus hispida. 46, *Morus alba, Linn. or
23. ·Ficus dalhousiae; Miq. Morus indica; -Morus
24. *Ficus elastica, Rqxb. parviflora.
25. *Ficus gibbosa, Blume. 47. *Morus indica, Linn. See:-
. See:-Ficus tuberculata. Morus alba; Morus parvi-
26. *Ficus glomerata, Roxb. flora.
48. Morlls nigra, Linn.,
27. Ficus heterophylla, Linn.
See:-Ficus scabrella. ,49. Morus parviflora.· ,See:-
28. Ficus, hispi~a, Lin~. See:- Morus alba; Morus '~ndica.
Ficus daemona; Ficus op- 50. *Pouzolzia indica, Gaud.
positifolia. See:-Pouzolzia diffusa;
29. Ficus indica, See:-Ficus Pouzolzia procumbens;
bengcilensis. Urtica al'fenata.
30. *Ficus infectoria, Roxb. 51. *Streblus, 'asper, Laur. &
See:-Ficus lacOr. Linn. See:-Epicarpurus
31. Ficus oppositifolia, ,Willd. orientalis, &, Trophis as-
See:-Ficus hispida. pera.
32. Ficus palmata:, Forsk. 52. *Ttema orientalis, Blume.
See':-Ficus virgata. 53. Trophis aspera, See:-
33. Ficus racemosa, It See:- Streblus asper, Linn. Epi-
Ficus gloinerata. , carpurus orientalis.

54. *Ulmus campestris, Linn. 10. Valeriana sambucifolia,

55. Urostigma bengalense,. Mik. See:-Valeriana offi-
Gasp. See:-Ficus benga- cinalis, Linn. Valerian a
lensis, Linn. mikanii, Syme.
56. Urtica dioica, Linn. 11. Valeriana wallichii, DC.
See:-Valeriana hard-
57. Urtica parviflora, Roxb. wickii; Valeriana leschi-
naultii; Valerian a bruno-
116. VALERIANACEAE. niana.

1. Narda spica, See:-Nar- 111. VERBENACEAE.

dostachys jatamansi. See: 1. *A vic e n n i a officinalis,
Patrinia jatamansi, Val~­ Linn.
riana jatamansi, Valeri- '2. Avicennia tomentosa,
ana spica. Roxb. & J aeq.
1a. N ardostachys grandiflora: 3. Callicarpa americana,
2. N ardostachys jatamansi, See:-Callicarpa lanata.
DC. See:-Ferula sum- 4. Callicarpa arborea, Roxb.
bul. Hook. Narda spica; 5. Callicarpa cana, Linn.
Nardus indicus; Valeri- See:-Callicarpa lanata.
ana jatamansi. 6. *Callicarpa lanata, Lintn.
3. Valerian a brunoniana, W. See:-Callicarpa walli-
& A. See:-Valeriana chiana, or Callicarpa cana
wallichii, •DC. Valeriana or Callicarpa tomentosa,
leschenaultii, DC. or Callicarpa americana.
4. Valeriana celtica, Linn. 7. Callicarpa macrophylla,
Valeriana jatamanshi, DC. Vahl. See:-Callicarpa
NardoStachys jatamanshi. lanata.,
5. Valeriana hardwickii, 8. Callicarpa tomentosa,
Wall. See:-Callicarpa lanata.
6. Valeriana jatamansi; DC. 9. Callicarpa wallichiana,
See:-Valeriana celtica, Walp.· See:-Callicarpa
Linn. N ardostachys jata- lanata.
manshi, DC. 10. *Clerodendron inerme,
7. Valeriana leschenaultii, Gaertn. or Clerodendron
DC. See:-Va1eriana wal- n e r i i f 0 li u m, See:-
lichii, DC. Valeriana Valkemerilf merme.
brunoniana. 11. Clerodendron in£'orltuna-
8. Valerian a mikanii, Syme. tum, Gaertn. & Linn.
See:-Valeriana officina- 12. Clerodendron phlomoides,
lis, Linn. Valeriana sam- or Clerodendron phlomi-
bucifolia, Mik. dis. Linn & Willd. See:-
9. Valerian a officmalis, (B. Valkemeria multiflora.
P.) Linn. See:-Valeriana 13. Clemdendron serratum,
mikanii, Syme. ValerianCi' Spreng. or Clerodendron
sambucifolia, Mik. serratifolium.


Clerodendron siphonan- 35. Vitex le~coxylon, Lin:n.

thus, R.Br. See:-Prenina See:-Wallrothia leucoxy-
herbacea. Ion.
15. *Gmelina arborea, Roxb. I
36. *Vitex negundo, Linn.
16. *Gmelina asiatica, Linn. See:-Vitex panicula:ta.
See:-Gmelina parviflora. 37. Vitex paniculata, See:-
17. Gmelina parviflora, See:-- Vitex negundo, Linn.
Gmelina asiatica. 38. Vitex peduncularis, Wall.
18. Lantana acule'ata, Linn. Se<=:-P has e 0 Ius rox-
See:-Lantana ,camara, burghii? or Putranjiva
Linn. roxburghii?
19. *Lantana camara, Linn. 39. Vitex trifolia, Linn.
See:-Lantana aculea'ta.
20. Lantana indica, Roxb. & 178. VIOLACEAE.
Wight. 1. Ionidium suffruticosum,
21. *Lippia nodiflora, Mich. Ging. See:-Viola suffro-
22. Premna esculenta, Roxb. ticosa, Ionidium enneas-
23. Premna herbacea', Roxb. permum.
2. Viola cinerea, Boiss. See:-
24. Premna integrifolia, Linn. Viola stocksii; V. ser-
or Premna spinosa. pens., Use same as' V.
See:-Premna sarrati- odorata.
folia. 3. Viola odorata, Linn.
25. Premna Iatifolia, Roxb. 4. Viola serpens, Wall.
& Wight. See:-Viola ci n er ea,
26. Premna mucronata, Roxb. Boiss.
5. Viola tricolor, Linn.
27. Premna serratifolia, Linn.
See:-Premna spinosa;
Premna integrifolia. 179. VITACEAE.
28. Premna spinosa, See:- 1. Ampelocissus arnotiana,
Premna integrifolia, Linn. See:-Vitis indica, Linn.
Premna serratifolia, Linn. 2. Cissus adanata, or Cissus
29. Premna tomentosa, Willd., quadrangularis, & Cissus
30., *Tectona grandis, Linn. setosa; See:-Vitis ada-
,30a. VaIkemeria inerme, Linn. nata.
3', Cissus I""'quadrangularis,
See:-Clerodendron in-
erme, R. Br. & Gaertn. Linn. See:-Vitis quad-
31. Valkemeria multiflora,
See:-Clerodendron, phlo- 4. Cissus Roxb.
moides, Linn. See:-Vitis setosa.
31a. Verbena officinalis, Linn. 5. ,Leea/aequata, Linn. See:--
Leea hirta, Rox.
32. Vitex agnus-castus, Linn. 6. Leea crispa, Linn.
33. Vitex glabrata, R. Br. 17. Leea hirta, Roxb. See:-
34. Vitex latifolia. ."~ t.:.: Leea aequata, Linn.

8. *Leea macrophylla, Roxb. 22. Vitis tomentosa, Heyne.

9. Leea robusta, Roxb. See:- 23. Vitis trifolia, C. Ke. See:-
Leea diffusa. Vitis carnosa, Walr.
10. Leea sambucina, Willd.
See:-Leea stayphylea. 24. *Vitis vinifera, Linn.
Leea indica.
11. Leea staphylea; Roxb. 180. XYRIDACEAE.
See: -Leea sambucina
Leea indica. 1. Xyris anceps, Lamk.
12. Staphylea indica, Roxb.
See:-Leea indica. 2. Xyris indica, Linn.
13. Vitis adnata, WaU, See:-
Vitis setosa. 181. ZYGOPHYLLA·
14. Vitis araneosa, Laws or
Dalz. See:-Atnpelocissus CEAE.
15. Vitis carnosa, Wall. See:-- 1. Fagonia arabica, Linn.
Vitis trifolia; Cayratia See:-Fagonia cretica; F.
carnosa. bruguleri; F. mysorensis.
16. Vitis indica, Linn, See:- 2. Fagonia bruguieri, DC.
Ampelocissus arnotia'na. See:-Fagonia cretica.
17. *yitis latifolia, Roxb. See:- 3. Fagonia cretica, Linn.
Ampelocissus latifolia. See:-Fagonia bruguieri;
18. Vitis pallida, W. & A. Fagonia arabica; & Fago-
See:-Cissus pallida W. nia mysorensis.
&A. 4. Fagonia mysorensis.
19. Vitis pedata, Vakl. See:- 5. Tribulus alatus, Delile.
Columella pedata; Cissus Use same as T. terrestris,
pedata & Cayratia pedata. Linn.
20. *Vitis quadrangularis, 6. Tribuhis lenuginosus,
Wall. See:-Lycopodium See:-Tribulus terrestris,
imbricatum: Heliotro- Linn. Tribulus zeylanicus.
pium indicum, Linn. Hygrophila terrestris.
(N. O. Bor,oginaceae). 7. Tribulus terrestris, Li.n-n.
Cissus_ . quadrangularis;. Tribulus lenuginosus; Tri-
Cissus edulis. bulus zeylanicus. See:-
21. *Vitis setosa, Wall. See:- Hygrophila terrestris.
Cissus setosa; Cissus cor- 8. *Zygophyllum simplex,
data; Vitis adnata. Linn.
Natural OrderS, Genera English Indian
and Family Names. Families. orders.

1. .!'~.::anthaceae. Acanthads or Adusa.

2. Aizoaceae. Weeds.
3. Alangiaceae.
4. Algae. Sea-weeds. Cpjnai-ghas.
5. Alismaceae.
6. Amaranthaceae, or Amaranths. Cholai-bhaji,
Amarantaceae. or Aghada.
7. A~;aryllidaceae, or Amaryllids. Sukadarsan.
AmaI'y llideae. Amaryllus.
8. Anacardiaceae. Anacards; Bhilmo or
Terebinths or Kaju.
9. Annonac~ae, or Custard-apple.
10. Apocynaceae. Dogbanes. Satavari.
11. Araceae, or Arads, or :N,ra,danmasta,
Aroidaceae. Arums. or Surana.
12. Araliaceae. Ginseng.
13. Aristolochiace~e, or Birthworts. Sapasana, or
Aristolochiae. Kidamara.
14. Aroideae, See:-
15. Asclepiadacea~, or 1Vlilkweeds. Upalasari.
16. Ascomycetes.
17. Balsaminaceae. Jewel-weed. ',<

18. Begoniaceae, or
19. Berberidaceae, or. Barberry,. Daruhalada
20. Betulaceae. Birch;
21. Bignoniaceae, See:- rrumpet-
Begoniaceae, etc.~ creeper.
22. Bixaceae, or .0-.' E - Chaulmogra. Kesari.

Natural Or\!lers, Genera English' Indian

and Family Names. Families. orders.

23. Bexineae.
24. Bombacaceae.
25. Boraginaceae, or Borages. Gaozabana.
26. Bromeliaceae.
27. Burseraceae. Myrrh.
28. Cactaceae. Cactus.
29. Caesalpinepe, or
Caesalpiniaceae, or
(Sub-family of
Leguminosae. )
30. Campanulaceae. Bell-flower.
3!. Capparidaceae or Capparids. Hurahura.
Capparideae .
32. . Caprifoliaceae. Honey-suckle.
33. Caricaceae. Papaw.
34. Caryophyllaceae.
35. Casuarinaceae.
36. Celastraceae. Staff-tree.
37. Celastrineae.
38. Chenopodiaceae. Goose-foot.
39. Chloranthaceae.
40. Cochlospermaceae.
41. Colchicaceae. Colchicum. Suranjana.
42. Combretaceae. Myrobalans. Himaja.
43. Commelinaceae.
44. Compositae. Composites or Sevate.
45. Coniferae. Conifers or Gandhabiroja.
Pines. or Devadara.
46. Connaraceae.
47. Convolvulaceae. Bind weeds or Nishotara.
Morning Glory
48. Cornaceae. Dogwood.
49. Crassulaceae.
50. Crophularineae.
51. Cruciferae. Crucifers, or RaL
Turnips or
52. Cucurbitaceae. Cucurbits or Dodhi.
53. Cupuliferae.
54. Cycadaceae.
Natural Orders, Genera
and Family Names.
55. Cyperaceae. Se9,ges: Nagarmotha.
56. Datiscaceae. or Akalbars.
57. Dilleniaceae.
58. Dioscoriaceae. Yams.
59. Dipsaceae, or Teasel.
60. Dipteraceae, or Sumatra Garajan.
Dipterocarpeae, camphor.
61. Droseraceae; Sundew.
62. .Ebenaceae. Ebony.
63. Elaeagnaceae.
64. Equisetaceae.
65. Ericaceae. Heath.
66. Erythroxy laceae. Coca.
67. Euphorbiaceae. Spurgewords, . Erandi or
or Spruce. Thuvara.
68. Fa·gaceae. Beech.
69. Ficoidaceae, or
Ficoidae, or
70. Flacourtiaceae.
71. Florideae.
72. Frankeniaceae.
73. Fumeriaceae.
74. Fungi. Mushrooms. Gharekuna: or
75. Gentianaceae. Gentian.
76. Geraniaceae. Geranium.
77. Gnetaceae.
78. Goodemaceae, or
79. Graminaceae, or Grasses..
80. Gramineae? "1
8l. Guttiferae. Guttifers, or Kokama, or
Gamboge. Mangostine.
82. Haemodoraceae.
83. Hamamelidaceae, 'or
84. Helictereae.
85. Hemandiaceae.
86. Hydrocharitacea~.
97. Hydrophyllaceae .. _..;r...,...

Natural Orders, Ge;nera English Indian

and Family Names. Families. orders.
88. Hypericaceae.
89. Icacinaceae.
90. Ilicineae.
91. Iridaceae. Iris.
92. Irideae.
~3. Juglandaceae. Walnut &
94. Juncaceae.
95. Labiatae. Labiates or Tulasi.
96. Lauraceae. Laurels. Dalchini or
~7. Leguminosae, or Pulses or Agathia or
Leguminoseae. Legu~inous Babula.
98: Lentibulariaceae.
99. Lichenes.
100. Liliaceae. Lilyworts, Lily. Eliyo or
101. Linaceae. Flax.
102. Logoniaceae, or Loganiads, or Niramali, or
Loganiaceae. Logania. Kuchala.
103. Loranthaceae. Mistletoe.
104. Lycopodiaceae.
105. Lythraceae. Loosestrife.
106. Magnoliaceae. Magnolia.
107. Malpighiaceae.
108. Malvaceae. Mallow-worts, Bhinda.
109. Marsiliaceae.
110. Melastomaceae.
111. Meliaceae. Meliads or Nima.
112. Menispermaceae. Menispermads, Gulavela.
or Moonseeds.
113. Mimosaceae, or Acacias.
Mimoseae, or
(Sub-Family of
Leguminosae) ..
114. Moringaceae.
115. Myricaceae, or Bayberry.
116. Myristicaceae. Nutmegs. Jaephala.

Natw-al Orders, Genera. English indian

and Family Names. \ Families. orders.

117. Myrsinaceae, or Ardisiads. Vavadinga.

118. Myrtaceae. Myrtle, or Jambu.
119. Naiadaceae.
120. N yc:taginaceae.
121. Nymp'haeaceae. Water-lilies. Poini.
122. Ochnaceae.
123. Oleaceae. Olive.
124. Onagraceae. Evening
125. Ophioglossaceae.
126. Orchideae, or Orchids. Salamisari.
127. Orobanchaceae.
128. Oxalidaceae. Sorrels.
129. Palmae, or Palmeae, Palmt>. Sopari.
Palmaceae, or
130. Pandanaceae.
131. Papaveraceae. Poppy.
132. Papilionaceae.
(Sub-family of
Leguminosae. )
133. Passifloraceae. Passion
134. Pedaliaceae (See also Acanthus.
Acanthaceae. )
135. Phytolaccaceae.
.136. Pinaceae. (See also
137. Piperaceae. Pepperworts; Pana or
Pepper. Pipali.
138. Pittosporaceae.
139. Plantaginaceae. Ribwort,s; I~poghula.
140. Plumbaginaceae.
141. Polygalaceae. Milkworts.
142. Polygonaceae. Buck-wheats, Gul-i-hamaza.
143. Polypodiaceae.
144. Pontederiaceae.
145. Portulacaceae.
146. Primulaceae. ~.

146a. Punicaceae. Pomegranate.


Natural Or'ders, Genera English Indian

and Family Names. Families. orders.
147. Renunculaceae. Crowfoot.
148. Rhamnaceae, or Buc~orn.
149. Rhizophoraceae. Mangrove.
150. Rosaceae. Roseworts; Gulaba.
151. Rubiaceae. Madders. Majitha.
152. Rutaceae. Rueworts; Narangi.
153. Saccharomyces.
154. Salicaceae. Willows &
155. Salvadoraceae.
156. Samydaceae.
157. Santalaceae. Sandalwood.
158. Sapindaceae. Soapberry.
159. Sapotaceae. Sapotads; Mohava, or
Sapodilla. Sapodilla.
160. Saxifragaceae.
16L ' Scitaminaceae, or Gingers. Sunta, or
Scitamineae. Halad.
(See:-Zingibereae, or
162. Scrophulariaceae, or Figworts. Bama.
162a. Simarubaceae, or Ailanthus, Maharukha.
Simaroubaceae. Quassiads.
163. Solanaceae. Night-Shades, Bhuiringani.
164. Sterculiaceae. Sterculiads, or Muradasinga.
165. Styraceae. Storax.
166. Symplocaceae.
167. Taccaceae.
168. Tamaricaceae.
169. Tamariscineae.
170. Ternstroemiaceae.
171. Thyrrlelacaceae, or Metzereum.
172. Tiliaceae. Linden.
173. Typhaceae.
174. Umbelliferae. Umbellifers, or Ajamoda.

Natural Ol'ders, Genera, English Indian

and Family Names.. Families. orders.
175. Urticaceae, or Nettleworts; Vada &
Urticeae. Nettle. PipaL
176. Valerianaceae. Valerian.
177. Verbenaceae. Verbenes or Nirgundi.
178. Violaceae. Violets.
179. Vitaceae, (See:-- Grapes.
Ampel~deae) .
180. Xyridaceae.
181. Zygophyllaceae. Caltrop.

.. I
N. 'B.:-(l) In the doses column .of this Index) "Q" indicates
Mother Tincture.

Doses of dilu-
tions or poten-
cies generally
1. Abroma augusta & Abrorila 'radix.
Preparation: Tender roots and root barks
are chopped and weighed.
Then two parts 'by weight
of alcohol are taken and
after thoroughly mixing' the
mass with one~sixth part of
it, :the rest of alcohol is add-
ed. After stirring the whole
well, put it into a wide-
mouthed bottle, and let it
stand eight days in a dark
cool place. The tincture is
then separated by decanting,
straining and then filtering'.
(Class 3, A.H.P.) Tincture Q: lx, 2x, 3x._
is also prepared with two . both kinds.
parts by weight of· alcohol to
one part of leaves. (Class '3
of A. H. P.)

2. Abrus precatorius.

3. Acacia arabica. Q: lx, 2x, 3x.

4. Acalypha indica.
Preparation: (1) Fresh plant is macerat-
ed with two parts by weight
of aleohol. (2) Tincture of
fresh herbs made with spirits Q: lx, 2x, 3x,
of ether, (3 Oz. to I pint). 6x.

Doses of dilu-
tions or poten-
cies generally
5. Acarus calamus. Q: lx, 2x, 3x.

6. Achyranthes aspera, Linn.

Preparation: Mother tincture is prepared
from ,the juice of the leaves
and branches 'accoI:ding to
the formula I of A. H. P.
7. Adhatoda vasaka: See:-Justicia ad h a-

8. Aegle marmelos. (See:-Aegle folia).

Preparation: The half ri~ or unripe fruit
is finely chopped and pound..
ed to a fine pulp and weigh-
ed. Then two parts by weight
of alcohol are taken, and
. after thoroughly mixing the
pulp with one-sixth pant of
it, the. rest of the alcohol is
added. After having stirred
the. whole, and having filled
it into a well-stoppered pot-
tle, it is allowed to stand for
eight days in a dark, cool
place. The tinctJ.lre is then
separated by decanting,
straining and filt~ring. (Class.
3, A. H. P.). It may also be
prepared according to C~ass
4 of the American Homoeo,.
pathic Pharmacopoeia: when
the half-ripe dried. fruits are
reduced tQ coarse powder .1
and weighed. Then five parts
by ~eight of alcohol are '~,
poured upon it, and having
been put into a well-stopper..;
ed bottle, the mixture is
allowed to reIIl?in eigh't days
in a dark, cool, place, .being
shaken,.. twice .a d<:!y·. The
tincture-js then poured off.

Doses of dilu-
tions or poten-
cies generally
strained and filtered. Q: lx, 2x, 3x,
Aegle folia: tinctures are also expressed 6,30 & 200
by adding two parts of alco- potencies of
hol added to three parts of both varie- \
leaves .. ties.

9. Ailanthus exce1sa: See:-Ailanthus mala- Q: lx, 2x, 3x.


10. Alocasia indica. lx, 2x, 3x.

11. Aloe vera• Q: lx, 2x, 3x.

12. Amoora rohitaka. See:-Andersonia rohi-
, :
13. Andersonia rohitaka. See:-Amoora rohi- Q: lx, 2x, 3x,
taka. 6x; 30th po-
Preparation: The tincture is prepared tencies'.
from the bark.

14. Andrographis paniculata. Q: lx, 2x, 3x,

Preparation: Fresh plant is macerated 6x, 30th &
with two parts by weight of 2(JOth. poten-
alcohol. cies.

15. Argemone maxicana. Q: 3x,6x.

16. Arjuna terminalia.

17. Arjuna tomentosa.

18. Asoka jonosia. See:-Saraka indica; Jono- Q: of f res h

sia asoka. plants.

, 19. Asparagus darmentises. Q: Jx, 2x.

20. Atista indica. See:-Glycosmis penta-

Preparation: Juice of fresh leaves mixed Q: lx, 2x, 3x, &
with equal par,ts of alcohol. 6 potencies.

Doses of dilt
tions or potel
cies general]
21. Atista radix.
Preparation: Tinctures: Ilrepared with two

parts by weight of alcohol lx, 3x, 12 & 3

to one part barks of freshly potencies.
collected roots. .

22. Avena sativa.

Preparation: Fresh green plant gathered
in August, is pounded to a
"( pulp and macerated with
two parts by weight of
23. Azadirachta indica. ~:-Melia azadi-

Preparation: Tinctu~e prepared with one Q: lx, 2x, 3x, 6
part powdered bark and five 30 & 20~
parts by weight of alcohol. potencies.

24. Blatta orientalis.

PreparatioJ1,: The live cockroach is crush-
ed al1d triturated as und~r
Class' IX of American Ho-
moepathic Pharmacopoeia;
a tincture can be prepared
as under Class IV of the
same Pharmacopoeia. .

25. Blumea odorata. Q: lx, 2x, 3x.

26. Boerhavia diffusa.
Preparation: For tincture pr~paration, the,,:
white variety only should be'
ust;d. ' =Q.
27. Boerhavia repens.
Preparation: There are two kinds of
punarnava, one with white
and the other with red
flowers. The former is used
in meq,iclne. The whole 'herb
INDEX, 627,

Doses of dilu-
tions or poten-
cies generally
and root are taken. Tinc-
tures expressed by the two
parts of alcohol added to
three parts of the substances.
(Class 2 A. H. P.). 'I '
Q: Ix.
28. CaesalpiOia bonducella. .Seei:-Q u i n i a
Preparation: Tinc,ture is prepared with
one part powdeTed seeds and Q: & Ix. '5' to
. \ five parts by weight of 20 drc;>p doses
alcohol. (Class 4, A. H. P.). t wi c e or
th~ice. i~ai}y.
29. Cajanus mdieus.

30. Calotropis alb.

30a. Cannabis indica, & Cannabis sativa. I

Q: lx, 3x.
30.(b) Calotropis 'gigantea.

30.(c) Calotropis .Iactum. (Ghee of Calotropis

Preparation: For preparation the root-
bark should be selected from
plants as old as possible in
the hot ordinary weather
and :the bark sh'ould :not be
removed as soon as the root
is dug out, but 24 hours
afterwards, the thick, rough,
corky epidermis of the bark . '
should be scraped off be-
fore the root bark is reduced
to powder. The recently-
dried bark, coarsely pulva-
rised, is triturated 'as direct-
ed under Class VII A. H. P.,
or in pr~paring the tinc- Q. tincture 1 to
ture :the root is finely
5 drops per
powdered and, covered with
dose, three
five parts by weight of alco-
times a day.
hol as di:z:ected under Class
Doses of dilu-
tions or poten-
cies generally
lx, 3x, 6x.
v, A. Ii. P.
Q: lx, 2x, 3x.
31. Carica papaya. (Trit.)
Q. of _fresh
.3t. Carum carui. plant.
Q, lx, 2x, 3x.
33. Carum copticum. See:-ptychotis ajow~D·'
Q, lx, 2x, 3x.
34. Cassia angustifolia. See:;-Cassia sophera.
Q, lx, 2x, 3x.
35. Cassia sophera. See:-Cassia angustifolia.

36. Cephalandra indica.

Preparation: The entire fresh plant in-
cluding roots, leaves, fruits,
and barks are chopped anel
pounded to a pulp; is enclos-
ed in a piece of new linen
and subjected to pressure.
The expressed juice is then,
by brisk agitation mingled
with an equal part by weight
of alcohol. The ~ture is
allowed to stand eight days
in a well-stoppered bO!ttle, in
a dark cool. place, and is Q, lx, 2x, 3x.
then filtered.
Dose of the oil
37. Chaulmoogra odorata. See:- is from 5 to 6
Gynocardia odo.rata; drops, gradual-
Hydnocarpus wightiana;, ly increased to
Taraktogenos kurzii; & "'f bined with 30
Hydoocarpus hetrophiUeas. drops of cod
Preparation: The powdered seeds oneJ.,. liver oil or pre-
part with: five parts by·, g i v e n after
weight of' alcohol. If a meals in emul-
potency from oil is neces- sion with gum
sary, then take, one drop of: a c a cia and
chaulmoogra oil and nine syrups or in
grains of sugar of milk (ix) milk or com-
~hich should be triturated ferably in cap-

Doses of dilu-
tions or poten-
cies generally
, according to Class. VIII of 30' m i\n i m s,
the A. H. P. sules.

38. Clerodendron inenne, or Clerodendron Q.


39. Clerooendron inforhmatum.

Preparation: Tincture is pr~pared from Q; lx, 2x, 3x, 6
. the juice oJ fr~sh leaves & 30 poten-
mixed with equal parts of cies.
alcohol by weight.

40. Cocculus cordifolius, & Cocculus indica. Mostiy Q.

41. Coleus aromaticus. See:-Bryophylh:lm C. Q .in 10 to 30

Preparation: The juice of the. Ie,aves is drop doses.
mixed w1th equal parts of -lx, & ex-
alcohol by weight. t:.;;act.

42 .. Cynodon .dactylon. Q; lx, 2x, 3x.

Preparation: Fresh juice of the entire
grass (herb) and root stock
is mixed with equal parts of
alcohol by weight.

43. Datura fastuosa.

44. Desmodium gangeticum. Q; ix, 2x, 3x,

6x, 30 poten-
45. Embelia ribes.
Preparation: One part of the dried fruits Q; lx, of fresh
(pulverised) with five parts plant.
by weight of alcohol.

46. Enthydra fluctuans.

47. Eugenia jambolana. See:-Syzygium jam-

bolanum. .

48. Eupatorium ayapana. S.ee:-Eupatorium Q', Ix , 2x, ax .

Doses of dilu-
tions or poten-
cies , generally
49. Feronia elephantum. ~; of fresh

50. Ficus bengalensis; or Ficus indica. ~; lx, 2x, 3x;

I 6 potenci~s.
51. Ficus religiosa.
Preparation: Tincture is prepared from ~; lx, 2x, 3x, 6
. '
juice, of' fresh leaves mixed
with equal parts of alcohol.
& 30 poten-
(Class I, A. H. P.).

52. Ficus venosa.

53. ,Gentiana chirata, & Gentiana kurroo;

See:-Swertia chirata; Andrographis' pa-

54. Glycosmis pentaphylla; or Atista indica or

Atista radix.
Pre'paration: Juice of fresh leaves is Q; lx, 3x, 6
mixed with equal parts of potencies.

54. Glycyrrhiza glabra. ~; of fresh

,5.5. Gossypium herbaceum. ~; lx, 2x, 3x.

56. 'Gymnema sylvestre. ~; lx, 2x, 3x. ,

~7. Gynocardia odorata, See:-Hydnocar,puS

"wightiana, or Hydllocarpus hetrophjlleas,
or Taraktogenos kurzii; See:-Chaul- >1
moogra odorata.

58. Hemidesmus indicus.

Preparation.: Tincture prepared with two ~; lx, 2x, 3x.
parts by, weight of alcoh<]l· 6 & 30 poten-
to one part of freshly collect- cies. I

ed roots.
v I
59. Holarrhena antidysentirica; See:-Wrigh-
. ~._,

-INDEX 631

Doses of dilu-
:. r tions or poten-
cies generally
tia tinctoria.
Preparation: Tincture. prepared with one Qi lx, 2x, 3x,
part powdered bark and five & 6 poten-
parts by weight of alcohol. cies.
(Class IV, A. H. P.).

60. HydnocarPus series, & Taraktogerios kut-

zii; Hydnocarpus inebrians; Hydnocarpus
wightiana; Hydnocarpus hetrophilleas.
See:-Gynocardia odorata; Chflulmoogra
61. Hydrocotyle asiatica.
Preparation: The whole plant including Q; lx, 2x, 3'X~
leaves, fruits and roots are 6x; 30; 200;
finely chopped and weighed. 1000.
To every three parts, two
parts. by; weight of alcohol
are taken, the whole is mix-
ed together and strained
through a piece of new linen. ,.1

The tincture thus obtained

is allowed to stand eight days
in a well stoppered bottle in
a cool place and then filtered.

'62. Hydroc~tyle indica.

63. Hygrophila spinosa.
Preparation: The entire fresh plant with Q; lx, 2x, 3x,
its roots is macerated with 6x, 30.
two parts by weight of alco-
64. .Jonosia asoka; See:-Saraca indica.
Preparation: The mother tincture should Q; lx, 3x.
be prepared from the dried
bark ac<;ording to Class IV
of American Homoeopathic::

65 . .Justicia adhatoda; See:-Adhatoda vasaka.

Doses of dilu-
tions or poten-
cies generally
Preparation: Fresh lea~es are macerated Q; lx, 2x, 3x.
with two parts by weight of
alcohol. .

66. Justicia rubrum.

Preparation: As Justicia adhatoda. Dilu- Q; lx, 2x, 3x.
tions and potencies used like
J usticia adhatoda.

67. Lathyrus sativus. Q; Ix.

68. Leucus aspera.

Preparation: Juice of the entire plant in-
eluding flowers, roots, and Q; lx, 3x. Ex-
leaves is mixed with equal tract.
parts of alcohol. (Class I,
A. H. P.).

69. Leucus cephalotes.

70. Luffa acutangula. Q; lx, 2x, 3x.

71. Luffa amara.

Preparation: The tino.ture is prepared lx, 3x, 6.
according to Formula I of
A. H. P.

72. Luffa bindal. \

Preparation: In the preparation of the lx, 3x, & 6x.
tincture, Formulae I of
A. H. P., is adopted. .t'f
73. Makaradhwaja..
Prepamtion: One part by weight of the Trit. lx~ ·2x 3x,
Makaradhwaja to nine parts 6 & 30.
by weight of sugar of milk
gives the ix· trituration. All'
following triturations are
prepared fwith one, grain of
the preced~ng trituration to

Doses of dilu-
tions or poten-
cies generally
nine grains of sugar of milk.

74. Melia azadirachta, or Azadirachta indica.

Preparation: The fresh bark is pounded 6, 30, & 200
to a pulp and macerated int!;) potencies.
two parts by weight of alco-

75. Me~spernum. (Ben:-Raktha-Kathalia).

Preparation: Formula No. I of the.A. H. P. Q; lx, 2x, 3x,
is adopted. 6x.

76. Mica.

77. Momordica charantia.

Preparation: The leaves of the fresh plant
are chopped and pounded to
a pulp and pressed out in a
piece of new linen. The ex-
pressed juice is then, by
brisk agitation, mingled with
an equal part by weight of
alcohol. This mixture is
allowed ,to stand eight days
in a well-stoppered bottle,
in a dark, cool place, and
then filtered.

78. Nerium psidium.

79. Nyctanthes arbortristis.

Preparation: Tincture prepared with two Q; lx, 2x, 3x.
parts of alcohol added to
three parts of fresh leaves,
which should be finely chop-
ped and weighed.

, 80. Ocimum caryophyllatum. lx, 3x, 6x.

80a. Ocimum. gratissimum.

Mode of preparation: As Ocimum sanctum. lx, 3x, 30.
Doses of dilu-
tions or poten-
cies generally
,81. Ocimum influenzmum.
,82. Ocimum sanctum. Ocimum radix (root).
Preparation: Tincture expressed by the Q; lx, 2x, 3x.
aid of two parts of alcohol
added to three parts of
blooming plant. (Class n,

'~3. Oldenlandia corymbosa, or Oldenlandia

Preparation: Fresh plant is macerated Q; lx, 2x, 3x,
. with two parts by weight of 6x, 30.

:84. Pausinystalia yohimba. Q; lx, 2x, 3x.

'85. Piper betIe. Q; of fresh
'86. Plumbago rosea. Q; lx, 2x, 3x.
:87. Psoralea corylifolia.
Preparatiow,: Pulverised seeds, one part
and five parts of alcohol, (by
,88. Ptychotis ajowan. See:-Carum capticum. ,,

89. Quinia indica, & Quinia folia. Q; lx, 2x,v 3x;

See :-Caesalpinia bonducella.

'90. Rauwolfia serpentfua. ,"(

Preparation: Tinctures prepared. with two Q; lx, 2x, .3x.
parts by weight of alcohol to
one part of freshly collected
roots. (Class 3, A. H. P.).
91. Saraca indica, or Jonosia asoka.
Preparation: The mother-tincture is pre- Q; lx, 3x.
pared from. the dried bark:
accordink to Class IV of

Doses of dilu-
tions or poten-
cies generally
92. Sallssurea lappa.
Preparation: One part powdered roots Q.
with five· parts by weight of

93. Sesbania aCllleata. Q; lx, & Ex:..

94. Solanum jacquinii, or Solanum xanthocar-

95.. SoJ~num xanthocarpum. See:-Solanum

Preparati01t: The fresh plant including Q; lx, 3x.
root is macerated with two
parts by weight of alcohoL

96. Swertia chirata. See:-Gentiana chirata;

Gentiana kurroo; Andrographis panicu~
Preparation: Tinctures expressed by the Q; lx, 2x, 3x.
two parts of alcohol added to
three parts of the entire
'97. ~yzygillm jambolanllm, or Eugenia jam-
Preparation: Tincture is pl'epared from Q; lx, 2x, 3x.
dried seeds according to For-.
mula IV of the A. H. P. .

98. Taraktog€mos .kurzii, See:-=-Gynocardia

odorata; Hydnocarpus wightiana; or Hyd-
nocarpus hetrophilleas; Chaulmoogra odo-

99. Terminalia arjuna..

Preparation: One. part of the dried bark Q; lx, 3x.
(pulverised) with five parts
by weight of alcohol. (Class
IV of A. H. P.).

Doses of dilu-
tions or poten-
cies generally

100. TerminaIia chebula.

Preparation: Tincture is. prepared f,rQm I lx, 3x, 6x, 30
the outer covering of the potencies.
fruits and seeds according to
Class IV of the A. H. P.

101. Tinospora cordifolia.

Preparation: Tincture is prepared with Q; lx, 3x, 6x.
one part plant and five parts
by weight of alcohol. (Class
IV of A. H. P.).
102. TribuIus terrestris.
Preparation: Tincture prepared with one 10 to 20 drops
patt powdered root and of the tincture
fruits and five parts by 3 times daily.
weight of alcohol.

103. Trichosanthes dioica.

Preparation: One part of the roots is Q; lx; 2x, 3x,
macerated in two parts by 6x, 30.
weight of alcohol, according
to Class III of the A. H. P.
104. Vernonia anthelmintica.
Preparation: One part powdered seeds Q; 3x.
with five parts by weight of
105. Vitex negundo.

106. Withania somnifera.

Preparation: Pulverise dried roots of. .,:"
Aswagandha; mix it with
alcohol in the preparation
(by weightt) of one to five,.
and place the mixture in a
dryJ cool place for seven
days. Shake it well every
morning and evening. The
tincture js then !loured off.
strained and. filte~d. It is

Doses of dilu-
tions or poten-
cies generally
better to wrap the bo,ttle
containing the mixture with
a black broad cloth.

107. Wrightia tillctoria. See:-Holarrhena anti-

Preparation: The tincture is prepared Q; lx, 3x, 6x.
with one part of powdered
bark with five parts by
weight of alcohol. Class IV,
A. H. P.

Publications referred.

1. Drugs of Hindoosthan (2nd Edn.) by Dr. S. C. Ghose .

.2. Drugs of India, (4th Edn. 1940) by Dr. D. Chatterjee.
3. Use of Indian Tincture, (1st Edn.) pub. by Homoeo-
Chemical & Pharmaceutical Works, Ltd., Calcutta.
- f"!·
N. B.:-(1) Letters M and A preceding the numbers ill >
this Index stand for Mineral & Ahinial Kingdoms' pages res-
pectively, and plain numbers indicate the 'Ve,getable Kingdom
(2) A few substances etc., indexed hereunder may be
found index~d in the General Index, of Synonyms, Alkaloids,
Glucoside~, etc., and vice versa, to facilitate cross reference.
(2) Though a very vast number of
11idigenous & Foreign
modes of Preparations etc, are extant, Readers will find
samples of the following types and modes of Preparations etc., .
in this book:-

1. Abhrakams. 24. Churnas; Churnams;

2. Abhras. (Powders).
3. Amritas. 25. Chutneys or Chatnies.
4. Anjanas or Anjans. (Sur- 26. Collyrium~.
mas; Collyriums) . 27. COIn,pounds.
5. Aquae (Waters). 28, Confections '(Majoons).
6. Araks. 29. Conserves.
7. Aristas & Arishtas. 30. "Daru" (see:-Liquer~
8. Asavas. ek).
9. Ashes (Bhasmas). 31. Decoctions.
10. Ashtakas. 32. Depilatories.
11. Attars. 33. Douches.
12. Avalehas, see:-Lehas. 34. Dravakams.
13. Baths. 35'. Elixirs.
14. Beers. 36. Embrocatiol!"$.
15. Bhairabs. 37. Esters.
16. Bhasmas (Ashel'i). 38. Extracts.
17. Biscuits. 39. Fishes. -
18. Blisters. 40. Foods.
19. Breads. 41. Fu~igations.
20. Cakes. 42. Ghees, . see:-Ghritams;
21. Cataplasms. Ghritas.
22. Chatnies or Chutneys. 0' 43'., Ghritas; G h r i tams;
23. Chintamanies.

."- - Ghees.

44. Gins. 85. Matras. (see:-Ashes;

45.' Guggulas. Bhasmas).
46. Gutikas. 86. Milks.
47. Halvas or Halwas. 87. Modakas.
48. Halwas' or Halvas. 88. Oils. (Tailas; Thailams).
49. Injections. 89. Ointments. (Unguen-
50. Inunctions. turns).
51. Iodides. 90.. Oleums (Oils).
52. Isinglasses. 91. Pachanas.
53. Jams. 92. Paks or Pakas.
54. Jellies. s·ee:-Preserves., 93. Panakams.
55. Juleps. 94. Panchakas.
56. Kadas. 95. Paneeyas or Paniyas.
57. Kalkas,. 96. Parpatis.
58. Kalpams. 97. Pastes.
59. Kartdas.. 98. Pastilles.
60. Kapithas. 99. Pauks.
61. Kashayams; Kashayas; 100. Paustiks (see:-Poush-
(Decoctions) . ticks).
62. Kaya-Kalpas. 101. Payasams. (see:-Paya-
63. Ketus. sas; Kheers).-
64. Khandas. 102. Pessaries.
65. Ksharams. 103. Pills.
66. Kshirs (Milks). 104. Pindas.
67. Kvaths or Kvathas, 105. Plasters.
68. Ladus. 106. Poultices.
69. Lauhams. 107. Poushticks. (see:-Paus-
70. Lauhas. tiks).
71. Lavanams; La van a s 108. Powders. (Churnas).
(Salts). 109. Preserves. (see:-J e 1-
72. Lehyams; . (see:-Avale- lies).
has) Lehas. 110. Puddings.
73. Lepas. 111. Quaths.
74. Linctus. 112. Rasas.
75. Liniments. 113. Rasayamlms or Rasaya-
76. Liquers; Liquors. nas.
77. Liquors; Liquers. 114. Satwams.
78. Lohas. 115. Sherbats.
79. Lotions. 116. Sinduras.
80. Majooms. See:-M a n -
117. Snuffs.
81. Manduras. 118. Solutions.
82. Marmalades. 119. Soups.
83. "Majoons". See:-Ma- 120. Spirits. (Brandies).
joom. (Confections). 121. Sprays.
84: Manges. 122. Squashes.

123. Surmas. (Anjans; Colly- 18. Agnikumara Rasa,

riums). M/40; M/123; M/127.
124. Swaras ams . 19. Agnimukha churna, 1111.
125. Syrups. 20. Agnimukha Lauha, M/59.
126. Tablets. 21. Agnithundi Vati, . M/79.
127. Tailas; Thailams; Tai- 22. Ajmodadi churna, 137.
lams; (Oils); Tela. 23. Ajwan-Ka-arak. 1029.
128. Tinctures. (See:-Omum water;
129. Unguentums. (0 i n t- Camphor-julep.), 920.
ments). 24. Akaradi Churna, 921.
130. Vartis. 25. Akarakarabhadi Churna,
131. Vaticas or Vatikas. 98.
132. Vaties. 26. Alakta, A/150.
133. V~triols. 27. Alb u min, See:-Ovi
134. Waters. (Aquae). Albumen, A/162.
135. Wheys. 28. Albumin: Acid; Alkali;
136. Wines. Muscle; Serum; Ovum;
137. Yogas. Vegetable; Normal.
29. Alcoholic extract, 1111;
1. Abhayalavana, 1193. 1232.
2. Abhra bhasma, M/125; 30. Albu~in, (White of' egg),
M/129. A/I64.
3; Abhrak-bhasma, M/29. 31. Alepol, 606.
4. Abhraka kalka, M/126. 32. Alkali-albumin, A/162.
(See:- Abhra Kalka.) 33. Alkali-Potassium Carbo-
5. Abhra Kalka. M/125. nasimpura, M/I09.
(See:-Abraka-Kalka). 34. Allae-pauk, (See:-Gin-
6. Abhrakam, Sataputa, 359 ger-jam, or Ginger-
& M/129. conserve), 1310.
7. Abir, 419; 608. 35. Allenbury's Infant Foods,
8. Acetum, 1257. Nos, 1,2 & 3. A/176.
9. Acid albumin, A/162. 36. Allenbury's Torch-Brand
10. Acid saccharine-jUice, Rennet Tablets.
1035. A/179.
11. Adepis, oleum, See:- 37. "Alliocaps," 66.
Lard oil. 38. Almond meal, Sweet,
12. Adityapaka guggula, 169. See:-Swee~ a 1m 0 n d
. meal, 1013.'·
13. Adityapaka tail a , M/121. 39. Alui, 102. '
14. Adrenaline, 912. ' 40. Alum. lotion, M/5.
15. Aerated bread, 1248. 41. Alum snuff, M/5; 1213.
16. Agar-Agar, or Japanese 42. Alum spray. (See:-
or Chinese isinglass. Spray: Alum. M/5.
A/135. 43. Alum. sterilized lotion,
17. Aghore N risingha R,asa, M/5.
A/227. :_ (See: Sterilized alum 10-

tion. or lotion, sterilized 72. Aqua coriandari, 382.

alum). 73. Aqua Foeniculi, See:-
44. Alum ,whey, (See:- Fennel water. 558.
Lime whey) M/4. 74. Arak Badian, or Anise
45. Amalakadya La u h a, water, 956.
M/60. 75. Ardhanariswar Rasa,
46. Ambose or Amchur, A/227.
768. 76. Argha, A/193.
47. "Amboshi", 767. 77. Arjunabhra, M/127.
48. Amchur, (See:-Am- 78. Arkadi thailam, 745.
bose) 766, 768. 79. Arka-kshir, M/130.
49. American isinglass, 80. Aromatic pastilles, See:--
(See:-lsinglaS&). A/135. pastilles, a rom a tic.
50. Amlica pana, 1192. . A/234.
51. "Am-poll" or "Sathe"" 81. A r rae k, See:-Proof
767. Spirit, 1301.
52. Amrita Bhallataka Leh- 82. Arsari Lauha, M/59.
yam, 1122. 83. Arsenic, See:-Oil of Ar-
53. Amrita Bhallataki, 1122. senic, etc.
54. Amrita gugguIa, 170. 84. Artificial bezoar, A/145.
55. Amrita Kalpa Rasa, 85. Ash, white, Sh:-Svetha
M/105. bhasma, M/70.
56. Amritashtakapachana, 81. 86. Ashes (Mineral) or
57. Amrita Vati, M/40. Bhasmas, A/187.
58. Amritikaran, M/130. 87. Ashta Churnam, 968.
59. Amsul, 568. 88. Ashtadasanga pachana,
60. Ananda Bhairava Rasa, 613.
24; M/76. ,89. Ashvagandha ghr1ta,
61. Ananda Bhairavi pills, 1293.
575. 90. Asoka ghrita, 1105.
62. Anar Syrup, See:- .91. Assam musk, See:-
Syrupanar, 1033. Kamrup musk, A/197.
63. Angarika TaiIa, A/150. 92. Ass's milk, A/175; A/181;
64. Animal gelatin, A/136. A/l85.
65. Anise water, See:- 93. Astakatvara Taila, 968 ..
"Arak-Badian". 956. 94. Aswagandha kashayam,
66. Anjan, 15; 1313; M/13. 1293.
(See:-Collyrium) . 95. Atropine, dissolved in
67. Anjana, Sauvir, See:-- saline, 912.
Sauvir anjana. 96. Attar, 1071; 1072; 1089.
68. Antivenin, Calmette's 97. Attar tlf Roses or Otto,
A/222. See:-Rose on, 1072.
69. Apamarga Taila, 22 .. 98. Audalaka, A/193,
70. Apiol, 934. 1. Bael-matm~lade; 47.
71. Apomorphine hydrochlo- 2. Bael-sherbet, 48.
ride, 913. 3. Bael-water,47.

4. Bajeh, 372. . 35. Bivala shells (Shukti

5. Baker's bread, 1248. { bhasma), lVI/40.
6. Balachatur bhadraka, 27. 36. Black Currant Jelly.
7. Balataila, 1136. 1064.
8. "Balsam of sulphur", 37. Black Oxide of Silver. \
(See:-Solution of Sul- See:-Tara b has m a,.
phur), lVI/122. M/18.
9. Banana dessert, Banana 38. Black Sulphide, lVI/82.
in syrup, Banalia toast, 39. Black sulphide of Mer-
Bananas dried, Bananas cury, (See:-Krishna
baked, 825. bhasma), Mj70.
10. Bang-'i-rasa, See:-Com- 40. Black Surma, or Sauvir
pound kharpara powder anjana, Mj87 & M/83.
or Jvararasa, lVI/132. 41. Blanc-mange, See:-Oat-
11. Barilla, (See: 'Kelp'), meal Blanc-mange, 163.
lVI/I02. 42. "Blue Vitriol", M/52.
12. Bark-Powder, 1187, 1194. 43. Boiled.Milk, A/182.
13. Barley pudding, 654. 44. Borax, crude, M/I03.
14. Basantakumara Rasa, 45. Boro-glycerine, Mj107.
lVI/U8. 46. Brahmi Ghrita, (or Medi-
15. "Basil-camphor", 862. cated Ghee), 625; 664.
16. Bata-kshir, lVI/130. 47. Brahmi Ghriiliam, 664;
17. Bathing oil, 1279. 625.
18. Belladonna, 912. 48. Brahmi Rasayanam, 664.
19. Ben or Berti or lVIoringa 49. Brahmi "swarasan1,"-
oil,8U. "Swarasam" .of Brahmi.
20. Benzoated lard, A/137. 664.
2l. Benzoates, 1183; lVI/24. 50. Bran biscuits, 1250.
22. Beta-naphthol, lVI/75. 51. Bran bread, 1250.
23. . Betel oil, 96l. 52. Bran cakes, 1250.
24'. Bezoar, Artificial, A/145. 53. Brandy "Cognac", See:--
25. Bhang, or Siddhi, Subji, Movara Spirit, 1289; AI
or Patti, 259; 262; 263; 163.
260; 261. 54. Bran poultice, 1250.
26. Bhaskara Lavanam, 968. 55. Bread, 1248; 1249; VVheat
27. Bhasma (ash), A/170; or wheaten; fermented~
A/187. Aerated;rBaker's; VVhite;
28. Bhoonimbadi Churnam, Brown;, Stale;, Toasted;
575. Leavened; Unleavened;
29. Bhringaraja TaiJa, 471. Whole-meal; Bran.
30. Bhramara, A/192. 56. Bread poultice, 1,249.
31. Bilva Panchaka, 49. 57. Bri'bat Chandramrita
32. Bilva Rasayanam, 49. Rasa, M/127.
33. Bindaal, 754, 58. Brihat G a n gad h a r
34. Bismuth Iodide~ Com- I Churna, or Vridha Gan-
pound,649. gadhar Chuma, 6'47.
..u-.' -

59. Brihat Kanchanabhra, 13. Calcined zinc, or Calcin-

M/38, M/128. ed tin, (See:-Naga
60. Brihat Kaphaketu, M/38. Bhasma), M/82}.
61. Brihat Kasturi Bhairab, 14. Calmette's antivenin,
M/18; M/38. A/222.
62. Brihat Suchikabharana ]5. Calomel, (Rasakapura),
Rasa, A/226. or (Rasa Karpura) , M/81
63. Brihat Suran Modaka, 95'. 16. Camel's milk, A/181;
64. Brihat Swasa Chinta- A/185.
mani, M/121. 17. Camel's urine, A/233.
65. Brishta tandula, (Muri) 18. Camomile oil, 772.
887. 19. Camomile tea, 772.
66. Bromide, 912. 20. Camphorated opium, lini-
67. Bromose, 125. ment, 920.
68. Brown bread, 1248. 21. Camphor julep, or Aj-
69. Buffalo's milk, A/175; w:'tn-Ka-Arak Or Omum
A/181. water, 920; 1029.
70. Burnt fish, A/216. 22. Camphor liniments, Sim-
71. Butter, A/176; A/182; ple & Compound, Cam-
A/185; A/186. phor, spirits of, 253.
72. Butter milk, A/172; 23. Camphor mixture, 252.
A/176; A/178; A/179; 24. Camphor ,of mercury,
A/182; A/186; A/188. etc., M/70.
73. Butter of Arsenic, MilS. 25. Camphor, spirits of, 253.
See:-OiI of Arsenic, 26. Cantharides, or Cantha-
M/19. ridin,. A/207.
27. Cantharides blister, 912.
28. "Cantharidin" or Can-
1. Cacao-bu~ter, 1217. tharides, A/207. '
2. Cacao-butter, D u t c h, 29. Carbonate (white lead
1214. ore), M/83.
3. Cacao-extracts, 1215. 30. Carbonate of Lime,
4. "Caffeine", 249; A/183. M/41.
5. Calf's feet jelly, A/136. 31. Carbonate of Lime-ash,
6. Cajuput oil, 775. M/46.
7. Calamine, M/132. 32. Carbonate of Potash,
8. Calamine native, M/131. M/89.
See:-Native calamine. 33. Carmine (brilliant red
9. Calcareous spar, M/41. powder) A/156.
10. Calcined cowries (Kap: 34. Carmiric Acid, A/I56.
ardaka bhasma), M/40 .. 35. "Carron oil," (See:--
11. Calcined iron, (Loha Lime liniment), 746;
Bhasma), M/60; M/126. M/44.
12. Calcined tin, or Calcined 36. Casein ammonium cOm-
zinc, See:-Naga Bhasma pound, See:-Eucasein,
M/82. A/178.

37. "Cassareep", 707. 67. "Chaulmoogri", 660.

38. "Cassava Cakes," 707. ( G8. Chaulmugra ointment,
39. Cassava meal, 707. See:-Unguentum gyno-
40. Castor cake, 1070. cardiac, 603/604.
41. Castor oil cake, 1070. 69. Cheese, A1176; A/178.
42. Ca.taplasm, 1031. 70; Chanopodii oleum, See:-
43. Ceridin, 1299. Oleum chanopodii.
44. Ceromel, or Kokum but- 71. Chhagaladi ghrita, A!142.
ter, M/6. 72~ Chhatra, A/192.
45. Chagaladi, or Chagala- 73. Chhipa bhasma; Chhip-
dya ghrita, A/142. powder, (purified), A.I
46. Chagaladya ghrita or 145.
Chagaladi ghrita, A/142. 74. Chhip powder, purified,
47. Chakramardha, 292. (Chhipa bhasma), A/145.
·48. Chalk powder, 912. 75. Chines.e isinglass, or
49. Chalk, prepared, etc., Japanese isinglass or
M141. Agar-Agar, A/135.
50. Chandanadi thailam, 886; 76. Chini or Safed Sukkar,
A/150. 1084.
51. Chandanadya Lauha, 77. Chintamani C hat u r-
M/59. mukha, M/79.
.52. Chandesvara Rasa, M/17 78. Chippa Bhasma, See:-
& 20. Chhipa bhasma, or Chhip
53. Chandraprabha gutika, powder purified, A/145.
693. . 79. Chitra Kathi, 992.
54. Chandraprabha Varti, 80. "Chloral", 912.
M(20. 81. Chocolate-pwoder, See:-
55. Chandrodya makarad- Van-Houten's COCoa.
waja, M/38. 1216.
56. Chandrodaya Rasa, M/81. 82. Chodi kanji, See:-Ragi
57. Changeri Ghrita, 891. . kanji, 478.
58. Charas, or Churras, or 83. C hoI est r i n, purified,
Nasha, 259; 262; 263. A/137.
59. "Char-bughra" See:- 84. Chondrin, A/136.
"Post", & "Kuknar". 85. Churras or Charas, 262;
60". Charcoal poultice, 1249; 259.
M147. 86. Chutney lfr Chatni, 382;
61. "Chatni" or Chutney, 746; 767; ).014.
382; 746; 767. . 87. Chyavamiprasa, 484.
62. Chatuhsama Vati, 837.
88. Cinnabar, (See:-Red
63. Chaturmukha Rasa,' M/ sulphide of meroury)
79; M/122. M/68.
64. Chaturthakari, M/53.· 89. Cinnamomum, 0 leu m,
65. Chaturushana Churn a, See:-Oleum cinnamo-
966. ,y , mum.
66. Chimlmogra oil, G,QD;"603. 90. Cigarettes, Ml18.

91. Citrated Milk, A/l77. 115. Conch Shell Ash, or

92. Clarified butter or Ghee Shanka bhasma, or Sili-
(100 years old) A/187. cate of magnesia, M/40,
93. Cobaltite, M/SS. A/165.
94. Cocaine, 512. 116. Concrete oil, 833;.834.
95. Cochin ginger, 1314. 117. Condensed milk, A/175;
96. Cocoa-tea, 1217. A/176.
97. Cocoon-ash, A/145. 118. Confection, 1190; M/15;
98. Coffee, wheat, See:- A/209.
Wheat coffee, 1249. 119. Confection "Majoon",
99. "Cognac" brandy, See:- M/61.
"Brandy" cognac) 1289. 120. Confection of Squash, or
100. Collodion, 590. of White gourd; See:-,-
101. Collyrium, See:-Anjan, Khanda kooshmanda,
10l3; 1213; 15; 1313; 186.
M/13, M/54; M/83. 121. Conjee, wheat flour,
102. Compound confection, See:-Wheat flour conjee
1124. 1249.
103. Compound decoction, 122. "Copperas", M/64.
954; 1030; 1034; 1046; 123. Copper Bhasma, or
1127; '1150; 1151; Tamra Bhasma, M/49;
1:187; 1232; 1294; A/233. M/51.
104. Compound ghrita, 891. 124. Copper ointment, See:-
105. Compound Kharpara Oinltment of Copper.
powder, or Jvara:r:asa or 125. Copper salts, M/50.
Bank-i-rasa, M/132. 126. Copper sulphate, 913.
106. Compound medicated oil 127. Copper sulpho-carbolate,
951. M/50.
107" ComPound oil, 1124; 128. Copper prepared, M/50;
1129; 1279. M/51.
108. Compound pill, 992; 129. Copper pyrite, M/66.
1033; A/159; A/ISS;
A/209. 130. Copper, unprepared,
109. Compound powder, 819;
966; . 967; 971; 1029; J31. Coral Ash, (See:-Pra-
vala bhasma), A/1S7.
1227; 1237; M/79; M/96;
M/109; M/117; M/132; 132. Corn flour, See:-Maize
starch, 1306:
A/I65; A/IS6; A/210. 133. Corn-silk, 1307.
110. Compound preparation,
A/209. 134. Cough powder, 967.
111. Compound spirit, 813. 135. Cow and Gate's Lacidac,
112. Compound syrup, 674. A/177.
113. Compound tincture, 1183. 136. Cow & Gate's Peptalac,
114. Compound tincture of See:-Peptonised or Pre-
Camphor, or Paregoric digested milk, A/177;
Elixir, 252, 253. A/188; A/178.

137. Cow & Gate's Prolac, 11. Dashmul Asava, 1157.

A/l77. \ 12. "Date-Coffee", 945.
138. Cow & Gate's Standard' 13. Dava-ul-mulk, A1209.
Milk Food, & Halfcream 14. Depilatory, M/22; B/40.
Milk Food, A/176. ' 15. Desiccated alum, M/4.
139. Cowri Bhasma, (Shell 16. (Desiccated milk, (See:-
ash), A/IS9. Powdered milk) or Lac-
140. Cow's' butter, A/185. togen, A/176.
14] Cow's ghee, A/182. 17. Devakusumadi RaSa, 837.
142. Cow's milk. A/l72; 18. Dhananidala, 382.
A/180. 19. Dhani, 530.
143. Cow's milk, "humanized" 20. Dhanwantri Tailam, 1136
A/189. 21. Dhanyabhra, (See:-Talc
144. Cow's urine, A/232. powder), M/124; M/125.
145. Cream, A/176; A/179; 22. Dhapar-koki, 859.
A/183; A/188. . 23. Dhatreemodaka, 359.
148, Creamed oat-meal, or 24. Dhatri Arista, 483.
Oatmeal Blanc-mange, 25. Dhatri Leha, 483; M/60.
163. 26. Dhupela tela, A/166.
147. Creta Praeparata or 27., Dinitro derivatives of
Prepared chalk, M/41. the Ketones, Aj204.
148. Cummin oil, 410. 28. Dinn.er pills, 974.
149. Cupri oleatum, See:- 29. Distilled water, 1162.
Oleatum Cupri, M/53. 30. "Domba oil," 236.
150. Curds, A/l86; A/182. 31. "Doodhi-halva", 723.
151. Curds or curdled milk 32. "Dover's powder," 241.
A/176; A/182. . 33. Draksha-extract, 1288.
152. . Curdled milk or ,curds, 34. Draksharjst~, 1288,.
A/176; A/179; A/182; 35. DrakshaS<;lva, 1288,
A/1S6. 36. Dugdhavati, 920; A/l83.
153. Curd of milk (buffal</s) 37., Dusting powderJ 1249;
A/183. M/7; M/132.
154. Cured rice, 883. 38. Dutch Cacao-butter, 1214.

1. 'Datlimastaka, 1034. I., Egg shell, See:-Ovitesta,

2. Dahn..,el-kandul, 829. A/163. .,w(
3. "Dala",' 941; A/193. 2. Egg Syrup, A/163.
4. Dameswer abhra, M/128'. 3. Egg wirle,~A/163.
5. Darubrahma Rasa, M/17. 4. Ekangaveera Rasa, M/S:?
..8. Das.imula, 46; 1069. 5. Eladi churnam, 476 .
7. Dasamula kad~, 1255. 6. 'Elephant's ni:ilk, A/185;
8. Dasamula Kvatha, 612; A/181.
1150; 1231. 7. Embrocation, A/184.
9. Dasamula Taila, 613. I 8. Epithem, 10.79.
10. Dasanga guggul?~92: 9. Eriodendron extract, 506.

10. Esrar (Secret), 393. 4. Gandhaka Kalka, M/121.

11. Ethyl Esters, 604. 5. Gandhaka Lepa, M/~22.
12. Eucalyptol, 515. 6. Gandhaka Rasayana,
13. Eucasein, A/178. M/120.
14. Evaporated milk, A/175; 7. Gandhak-na-phul, M/119
15. Ewe's milk, or Sheep's 8. Gandhar Rasa, M/7.7;
milk, A/181; A/185. M/123.
16. Extract Eriodendron, 506. 9. Gandha Taila, M/120.
17. Extract of Berberis aris- 10. Gangadhara Churnas,
tata, See:-Ra~jana, (Laghu, Brihat, or
M/82; 188. Vriddha), 647.
18. Eye wash, 382. 11. Ganja, See..:-"Guaza",
259; 262._
12. Garbhabilasa Rasa, or
1. "Fanas-poli," 147. Sutikabindu, M/52.
2. Fennel water, See:- 13. Gar.bha Kalana Rasa,
Aqua foeniculi, 558. M/67.
"3. Fermented bread, 1248. 14. Garbha Vinoda Rasa,
4. Fermented liquor - or M/67.
Gaudy, or Sidhu, 1084. 15. G~rbjat ganja, 260.
5. Ferment~d milk, A/170. 16. Gaudy, or Sidhu, or fer-
... 6. Fermented whey, (See:~ mented liquor, 1084.
Whey fermented), A/170. 17. "Geneva" Gin, 712.
7. -Ferro-cyanide, potas- 18·. Ghee, A/U6; A/179;
sium, 913. A/182; A/187.
8. "Ficus Benj amina" 19. Ghee, cow's A/182.
Ghrlta, 545._
9. "Finkler's Papain", 277. 20. Ghee from buffalo's milk,
10. Fish-liver oil, A/216. A/188.
11. ]fish Soup, A/216. 21. Ghee, from camel's
12. Flourspar, M/44. milk, A/188.
13. Flowers of Lead, See:- 22. Ghee, of Arsenic, Ml18.
Oxide of lead, M/84. 23. Ghee, old, A/187.
14. French liquer, See:- 24.. Ginger-conserve, Ginger
"Noyean" French liquer. Jam, See:-"Allaepauk",
15. FriaI;'s balsam, or Trau- 1310.
matic balsam, 1138; 8. 25. Ginger J am, Ginger
cQnserve; See:~"Allae­
Lauha, pauk", 1310.
1. Gag a n ad h i 26. Ginger, plantation, 1311.
2. Galena, (Sulphide. of 27. Glaxo, A/176.
Lead) Galena (Sauviran- 28. Glycerine of Yolk, (Gly-
jana), M/83, M/87. ceritum Vitelli), A/163.
3. Galithkusthuri Rasa, 29. Glycerinum Boracis,
M/128. M/107.
30. Glyceritum Vitelli, or 58. Gynocardic Acid oint- I
Glyc~rine of Yolk, tAl ment, 603.
31. Goat's milk, A/~75;
A/181; A/184. 1. Half-cream Milk Food,
32. Goat's milk-butter, A/185 A/176.
33. Goat's urine, A/233. 2. Halva, 406.
34. Gokshuradi Churnam, 3. Halwa, (See:-Payasam)
1231. A/143.
35. Gokshuradi guggula, 4. Hansadi Ghrita, A/141.
1232. 5. Haran-tutiya, or Hir-
36. Gokshuradyava Leha, anya-tuttha, 369.
1231. l 6. Haridrakhanda, 418.
37. ,Gold-leaf (sona varak) , 7. Harisankara Rasa, M/127.
M/33. 8. Harita1 Bhasma, M/22.
38. Gold powder or ashes 9. Hashish, 259.
(Sona Bhasmah M/33. 10. "Hebelzalim," 628.
39. Gool, See:-Ras. 1083. 11. "Hedaurin", 610.
40. Gorochanam, A/161. 12. Hingavashtaka Churna,
41. Grahani Kapata Rasa, or Hingushtaka Churna,
920; M/52. 540.
42. Grahani-Mihira taila, 649. 13. Hingul Bhasma, M/72. ."
43. Gruel, 1239. 14. Hingu1eswara, M/96.
'44. "Guaza", See:-Ganja, 15. Hingushtaka or Hinga-
259; 262. vashtaka, Churna, 540.
45. Guda Mandura, See:- 16. Hingu Triguna Tailam,
Mandura, M/63; M/62. 540.
46. Gudashtaka, 708. 17. Hingvadi Dhum, 539.
18. Hiranya tuttha, or Haran-
47. Guduchi Satwam, 356; tutiya, 369.
357; 360. 19. Homo1ogues of toluence,
48. Guduchyadi Lauha, M/ A/204.
58. 20. Honey of Roses, 1073.
49. Guauchyadi taila, 358. 21. Honge oil, 1002. (See:-
50. "Gular', 231. Pongamia oil; Ponga-
51. '''Gu1amba,'' 767. mol).
52. Gulkhand, 286, 1071; 22. Horlick's;"f Malted Milk,
1072. (See:-Milk, Mal ted
53. Gulma Kalanala Rasa, Horlick.'s">~A/176.
M/51. " 23. Horse's urine, A/233.
54. Gun-cotton, See:-Pyro- 24. ;Hrasva panchamu1a, 612.
xy1in, 590. 25. Hriyeradi, 27.
55. "G u rj an - balsam" or
"Wood-oil", 455, 26. Hubbai Sahfa, 960.
56. "Gurjan oil," 455 . ., .27. Hulva, 833.
57. Gynocardia oil, ."601'..-- 28. 'Humanised milk', A/174.

29. Human milk, A/175; 21. Iron, oxides of, or pre-

A/181; A/185 .. pared, See:-Oxides of
30. Human urine, A/233. Iron, M/57.
31. Hydnocarpus oil, 659. 22. Iron powder, See:-Pow-
32. Hydrochloride morphine, der of Iron, M/S6.
See:-Morphine hydro- 23. Iron pyrites, M/66; M/67.
chloride, 913. 24. Iron prepared, See:-Pre-
33. Hyperial oleum, See:- pared iron, M/57.
Oleum hyperial, 673. 25. "Isaphgul-ka-chi1ka", 984.
34. Hypodermic injection, 26. Isinglass, Japanese, Ame-
W113; A/228. rican, or Chinese, See.:-
Agar-Agar., A/13S.
27~ Ithrphal, 1209.
1. Ichchhabhedi Rasa, M/80.
2. Ichhavedivatica, 398.
. 1. Jaborandi, 1298.
3. "Idli", 941. 2. Jalasukti, (See:-Sukti-
4. Ikshurasa, 1083. bhasma, A/212.
5. "Indian quinine", (Wa- 3. Jalodarari Rasa, M/S1.
tery extract), 1221. 4. Jam, 951.
6. "Indum-podi", 423. 5. James powder, A/lS3.
7. Injections, hypodermic, 6. Japanese or Chinese
A/228. Isinglass, A/135.
8. Injections, intramuscular, 7. Jatiphaladi chumam, Bri-
A/228. hat, 832.
9. Injections, intravenous, 8. J atiphaladi chumam, 832.
M/1l3. 9. J atiphaladi gutika, 832.
10. Injections of s n a k e 10. Javarish-i-Iulu, A/209.
venom, A/225. 11. Java-rusa-uda, 121.
11. Injections, milk, A/184. 12. Jawarish-ai-k am m 0 n,
12. Injections, milk protein, 13. Jawarishai-Thurush, 970.
A/l84. 14. Jayamangala Rasa, See:
13. Injections of Lead, M/8S. Sri J ayamangala Rasa,
14. Injections of v e n ,0 m, M/15, M/34, M/52, M/58.
A/229. 15. Jelly or Preserve, 1019.
15. Injections, par ental, 16. Jirakadi mod aka, 409.
16. Insulin, 912. 17. Jirakadya taila, 410.
17. Intramuscular injections, 18. "Juniper berry oil", 712.
A/228. 19. Jvarabrahmastra, M/17.
18. Intravenous injections, 20. Jvarakunjara Par i dra
M/113. Rasa, M/95.
19. Invertin, 1300. 21. Jvara Murari Rasa, 24;
20. Iron calcined, (L 0 h a M/76.
Bhasma), M/60, M/126. 22. J varankusha, M/S2.

23. J vara Rasa, or Compound 24. Kapha Ketu Rasa, 24;

Kharpara powder, pr M/104.
Bang-i-rasa, M/132. 25. Kapithashtaka Churn a,
24: Jvarari-abhra, M/128. '. 536.
25. Jvarasani Lauha, or Jwa- 26. Karaviradya Taila, 849.
rasani Lauha, or Mahas- 27. Karpara-Anjana, M/132.
wasari Lauha, M/128. . 28. Karpura Rasa, M/81.
26. Jvarasani Rasa, M/123; 29. Kashm.lra musk, A/197.
M/126. 30. Kasisadya Taila, M/65.
27. Jwaramurari pills, 575. 31. Kastur Bhusan, 8ee:-
Rakta bhasma,' or Rasa-
1. Kadalyadi ghrita, 826. sindura, etc., M/80, M/70
& M/71, M/128.
2. Kaisara guggula, 170.
32. Kasturi Pills, 3.
3. "Kajaputika-tel", 775. 33. Katl),bol, 12.
4. Kajjali, M/72. 34. Kathlon, 12.
5. Kajjali panchalavana, 35. Katphaladi Churna, 829.
M/78. , 36. "Kayakalpa Chikitsa",
6. Kalagnirudra R a s a, 664.
M/61. 37. Kefir, A/180.
7. Kalanala Rasa, A/228.
, 8. Kalingakadi K vatha, 648. 38. "Kelp", (See:-Barilla),
9. Kalka, Gandhaka, 8ee:- M/102.
Gandhaka Kalka, M/121. 39. "Keorra-ka-arak~', 894.
10. Kalpam, M/60. 40. "Kevda" oil, 894.
11. Kalu bhasma, A/211. 41. Khadirarishta, 12.
12. Kalyanaksharam, 970. 42. Khadirastaka, 12.
13. Kalyanasundara Abhra, 43. Khand or Misri, 1084.
M/128. 44. Khanda Kooshmanda,
14. Kamala powder, 761. (Confection of Squash, or
15. Kanaka Asava, 440. White-gourd), 186.
16. Kanchanabhra, M/15. 45. "Kharjur inidaru", or
17. Kanchanara guggula, 170; "Laghi", 945.
185. 46. Kharpara Bhasma, Khar-
18. Kandakadya L a u h a, para powder or Bang-i-
M/60. raSliL or J vara r a s a,
19. Kandarpa Kumarabhra, .M/132.
M/127. 47. Kheer, '$ee:-Payasam,
20. Kantakaryava L e h a, 22. <l
,1151. 48. "Khichri" ,~. 734. See:-
21. Kanta Lauha, (Kanta Kichri, 885.-
iron), M/5S. 49. '~Khir", See:-Kheer, 57;
22. Kapardaka Bhasma, .'(or 895.
Calcined cowries), M/40. 50. "Khobripak", 222.
23. Kapha Chintamani, or 51. Kichri, 885. (8 e e;-
8valpa Lakshmibf 1 a !', /
Khichri), 734.
M/80. .;J_':-' 51. Killed Iron, M/57.

,52. Kiratadi TaiIa, 575. 76. Kumyss; Kumiss or Kou-

53. Kirata tablets or pills, miss, (See:-Fermented
102. milk) Cerevesia lactis,
54. Kitamarda Rasa, M/12l. A/170; A/I80; A/152.
77. Kurchi-Bismuth Iodide,
55. Kitari Rasa, M122. 636.
56. "Knysolgan", M/39. 78. Kusamisri, 1084.
57. Kohale-pak, 406. 79. K usa valeha, A/157;
58. "Koji', 887. A/209.
59. Kqkum butter or ghee, or 80~ Kushmanda Ghrita, 186.
Ceromel, M/6. 81. "Kushtanashini", 1021.
160. Kokum oil or Kokum 82. Kutaja Arishta, 648.
butter, 567. See:-Cero- 83. Kutaja Leha, 648.
mel, or Kokum-butter, or 84. Kutajashtaka, 647.
Kokum ghee, ,M/6. 85. "Kuteepravesikam", 664.
61. Koumi~s, See:-A/152,
62. Koumiss, art, i fi cial, 1. Laboobai Saghur, 1013.
A/170. 2. Lacidac, See:-Cow &
'63. Kriml-dhulijala, prabha Gate's Lacidac, A/l77.
Rasa, ,M/40; M/78. 3. "Lactagol", 588.
,64: Krimighatini Gut i k a, 4. Lactic Acid Milk, A/175;
M/122. A/176; A/l77.
:,65. Kriml-kalanal R a s a, 5. "Lactogen, See:-Pow-
M/6I; M/78. dered Milk; Desiccated
.(i6. Krimi-mudgar oR a s a, Milk, A/176.
M/78; M/I2I. 6. Lactose, A/176; A/179;
67. Krimirogari Rasa, M/6l; A/~83; A/188.
M/78. 7. "Ladu",941.
68. Ktishna bhasma, (Kaj- 8. "Laghi", See:_'''Kharjur-
Jali) , See:-Black sul- nidaru", 945.
phide of Mercury's Rasa- 9. Lag h u Gangadhara
parpati), M/70. Churna, 647.
69. "Krishnaparpati", M/72. 10. Laghu Pancham u 1 1 a,
70. Kshaudra, A/192. 11. Laghu Sankha Drava-
71. Kubja Prasarini Taila, kam:, M/92.
893. 12. Laghu Surana Modaka,
72. Kukkutadi G h r ita, 9.5.
A/142. 13. "Lal1~s", 931.
73. "Kuknar", See:-"Post", 14. Lakshadi Taila, A/150.
& "Charbughra". 914'. 15. Lakshmibilas R a s a,
74. Kumari Asava, 74. M/128; A/201.
75. Kumiss or Kumyss, 16. Lakshminarayan Rasa,
A/170; A/I80. M/127

17. Lard oil, (Oleum Ade- 42. Linseed tea, 745.

pis), A/137. I 43. "Linum contusum", See:
18. Lashunadyeranda Thai- -"Linseed meal", 744.
lam, 471. 44. Liquer; See:-"Noyean"
19. Lauha Bhasma, M/5T. French liquer.
20. Lauha Parpati, M/66.· 45. Liquid Storax, 747.
21. Lavangadhi Chur n a m, 46. Liquor, M/23.
837. 47. Liquor Atropine S u 1-
22. Laya, 887. phate, 913.
23. Lead ash, See:-Seesa 48. Liquor Pancreatini, B. P.
Bhasma, Naga Bhasma, C., A/17S.
M/82; M/84. 49. Liquor, percolated, 454.
Lead ore, white, M/83. 50. L i quo r Pancreatis,
25. Lead oxide, S e e:- Liquor Pan c rea tini,
Flowers of Lead, M/84 .. A/178.
26. Lead plaster, or Litharge 51. Litharge, M/84.
plaster, M/86. 52. Litharge plaster, or Lead
27. Lead, protoxide of, M/84. plaster, Ml86.
28. Lead sulphide, See:_,... 53. Loha Bhasma, (Calcined
Galina etc., M/83 & iron) lVI/60; M/126.
M/87. 54. Lohasava, MlS8.
29. Leavened bread, 1249. 55. Lokanatha Rasa, M/78.
29a. Leaves of Lead, M/8S. . 56. Lollingite, M/66.
30. Leucopyrite, M/66. 57. Lotion sterilized alum,
31. Levurine, 1300. See:-(Sterilized alum
32. "Limbur", See:-"Nim- lotion), ~/S.
bur", 931. 58. . "Luminal," 91-2.
33. Lime ash carbonate, See:
-Carbonate of Lim e
Ash, M/46. 1.
"Macaroni", 1249.
34. ,Lime Liniment, See:- 2. "Macassar" oil, 279.
Carron oil, 746; M/44. 3. Madanadhivamana, 1048.
35. Lime, phosphate of, 4. Magnesium gynocardate,
M/41. 604.
36. Lime water, M/42. 5. Mag. Sulph., intravenous,
37. "Lime whey", S e e:- 912.
Alum whey; Whey, M/4. 6. Magzsti~, 296.
38. Linctus, 1204; 1288; 7. Mahagandha Rasa, M/77.
A/201. 8. Mahaghfita, A/ISS.
39. Liniment, 746; M/20; 9. Maha Lakslniliilas, M/21;
M/22; M/122; . M/44; M/121.
A/187. 10. M~a Lakshmibilas Rasa,
40. "Linseed meal" or Linum M/IS Mahalaxmivilasa
contusum", 744. Rasa, M/128.
41. Linseed meal p()Ultice, ' 11. Mahamrityunjaya Lauha,
745. ."..... - M/52.

12. Mahanaracha Rasa, 398; 37. Mansha-kshir, M/130.

M/123. 38. Marcasite, M/66.
13. Maharaj vati, M/121. 39. Mare's milk, A/181;
14. Mahasvasari L a u h a, M/185.
(See:-Jvarasani or Jwa- 40. "Margosa Oil", 780. See:
rasani Lauha), M/60; -Nimbadi Thailam, 780.
M/128. ' 41. Marichadya taila, A1233.
15. Mahataleswara, M/22. 42. Marmalade, 1038.
16. Maize-flour, See:-"Mai- 43. Marmalade (Orange),
zena", 1306. 341.
17. Maize meal, See:-"Po- 44. Mashabaladi, 540.
lenta", 1306. 45. Mashabaladi k vat h a,
18. "Maizena", See:-Maize- 1136.
flour, 1306. 46. Mashadi Modaka, 941.
19. "lVIaize-oil", 1305. 47. Masha taila, A/142.
20. Maize starch, or Corn- 48. Massicot, (Protoxide of
flour, 1306. lead), M784; \
21. Majoom, 259; 262. 49. "Matheran Coffee", 925.
22. "Majoon", (Confection), 50. Matras, (See:-Ashes:
M/61. Bhasmas, A/187.
23. Majoonai Kuvathiabah, 51. Matsyandika, 1084.
832. . 52. "Matto", 1146.
24. Majoonai Soul or sual, 53. Maw or Poppy oil, 903.
583. 54. Meat soup, A/l42.
25. Makaradhwaja, M/35; 55. Medicated ghee, See:-
M/69; M/75; A/200; Brahmi Ghrita, 625; 664.
A/201. 56. Medicated oil, 833;
26. Makshika, or Makshika A/166; A/211.
madhu, A/192. 57. Mahamudgara R a s a,
27. Makshika bhasma, M/63; M/61.
M/67. 58. Mel Boracis, M/107.
28. Malted milk, A/183. 59. Mercury, black sulphide
29. Manamandu, See:-Su- of, (See:-K ri s h n a
varnaparpati, A/183; bhasma & 'Rasaparpati),
M/34. M/70.
30. Mana Suranadya Lauha, 60. Mercury fum i gation,
M/59. M/82.
31. Mandura,' (See:-Guda 61. Mercury, insoluble sul-
Mandura), M/62; M/63. phide of, A/200.
32. Mandura bhasma, M/63. 62. Mercury inunction, M/82.
33. Mandura Loha, M/63. 63. Mercury, oleate of, See:
34. Manjishthadya ghrita, ---'Oleate of Mercury,
1076. • M/83.
35. Manmanda, 72. 64. Methi Ladu, 282.
36. Manmathabhra R a s a, 65. Methi Modaka, 1242.
M/128. 66. "Metose", 125.

67. "Mexican tea", 307. 92. Morphinae ole a t u m~

68. Milk, fermented, A/laO. See:-O 1 eat u m mor-
Milk Food, See:-Co\Y & phinae.
Gate Standard etc., Half 93. Moti bhasma, A/210.
cream milk, A/176. ' 94. Movara spirit or brandy,
70. Milk injections, A/184. A/163.
95. Mriganabhyadirabale h a,
71. Milk, malted, Hodicks, A/201.
A/176. 96. Mriganka Rasa, M/34.
72. Milk Skimmed, See:- 97. IVlrityunjaya Rasa, 24;
Skimmed Milk, A/176;' M/76; M/121.
A/178. 98. Mukta bhasma, A/208.
73. "Milk of Sulphur", (Sub- 99. "Murabo", 1040.
limed sulphur), M/122. 100. Muri, See:-Brishta tan-
74. Milk protein injections, dula, 887.
A/184. 101. Murmuras, 889.
75. Milk, powdered, etc., ]02. Musalyadi Churna, 412.
A/176; A/175; A/183. 103. Muscle albumin, A/162.
76. Milk, predigested; pep- 104. Musk; Kamrup,. Nepala
tonised, etc., A/178. & Kashmira, Russian,
77. Milk protein, See:-Pro- Chinese or "Tonkin",
tein milk, A/176; 177; "Cahardine", A/198.
188. 105. Mustard, 913.
78. Milk putrified, A/180. 106. Myrtle-wax, 829.
79. Milk, raw, See:,-Raw
milk, A/182.
80. Milk, Soya-bean, or Miso,
1. Naga bhasma, (Calcined
Milk sugar, (See:-Sac- zinc), (Calcined tin),
81. See:-Seesa bhasma or
charum lactis), A/17?;
A/217. lead ash, M/82, M/84.
82. Minium (oxide), M/83. 2. Nakuladya ghrita, A/142.
3. Naracha Churna, 693,
"Miso", Soy-beam milk,
4. Naracha Rasa, 708.
84. Misri or Khand', 1084. 5. Narayana Taila, 154;
85. Mistura' spiritus Vini 6. Narikelakhanda, 365.
Gallici, A/163. l~ ,

86. "Momia", M/23 & 29. 7. Nariekelakshara, M/109.

87. "Moodooga oil,"· 224. 8. Narsimha-Churna, 1210.
88. "Moramba", 767. 9. Nasal douche, (Salt-
g!}. Moringa oil (See:-Ben water snuff), M/113.
10. Nasha or Charas, 263;
or Beni oil), 811. 259'; 262.
90. Morphine, M/83. 11. Native Calamine, (Zinc
91. Morphine hydrochloride, I Sulphate & Carbonate).
913. .c..,.. , M!131.

12. Navayasa Lauha, M/58. 13. Oleo-resinous extract,

13. Neem Steam-bath, 1022 ..
See:-Steam bath, 1074. 14. Oleum Adepis, (See:-
14. Nepala musk, A/197. Lard oil), A/137.
15. Nicotine sulphate, 853. 15. Oleum ceti (Sper.moil)"
16. Nimbadl Thailam, See:- A/1M.
Margosa Oil, 780. 16. Oleum chenopodii, 1165.
17. Nimba Thailam, 347. 17. Oleum cinnamomum, 328 ..
18. "Nimbur", See:-"Lim- 18. Oleum hyperial, 673.
bur", 931. 19. Oleum Santali (B.P.),
19. Nirgundi oil, 1279. 1099.
20. Nitrate of mercury oint- 19a. Oleum menthae piperitae,
ment, A/137. . 789.
21: Nityananda Rasa, M/49. 20. Oleum terebinthinae rec-·
22. "Noyean" French Liquer, tificatum, 958.
691. 21. Oleum squalae, A/231 ..
23. Nuclein, 1300. 22. "Olibene", 211.
23. Omum water, See:-
24. "Nutmetose", 125. Camphor julep, or Aj-.
25. "Nuttose", 125. wan-ka-arak, 920, 1029.
24. Ol'ange marmalade, 341.
J 25. Ore, white lead, See:-
1. Oatmeal Blanc-mange, or Carbonate.
Creamed Oatmeal, 163. 26. "Orisol", 190; 195.
2. Oats, See:-"Q u a k e r 27. Orpimtcnt (oil of yelloW'
Oats," 163. or red), M/23.
3. Oil of Arsenic, (See:- 28. Otto or Attar of Roses,
. Butter of Arsenic), M/18 or Rose Oil, 1072.
& 19. 29. Ovapana, 372.
4. Oil of Arsenic disulphide, 30. Ovi albumen, (Albu-
. M/20. min), A/162.
5. Oil of Tortoise, A/l54. 31. Ovi testa, (Egg shell),
6. Oil of yellow & red 01'- A/163.
piment, M/2.3. 32. Ovi vitellus (Yolk),
7.. Ointments: M/23; M/41; A/162; A/164.
M/45; M/67; M/83; 33. Ovum-albumin, (of Egg),
M/97; Mi103; M/122; A/162.
M/132; lVI/133; A/137; 34. Oxide, (minium), M/83.
A/159; A/206.
8. Ointment copper, Olea- 35. Oxides of iron, or pre-
pared iron, M/57.
tum cupri, M/53.
9. Oleate of mercury, M/83. 36. Oxide of lead, (Lead
oxide) or Flowers of
10. Oleatum cupri, (Oint- lead, M/84.
ment of copper), M/53. 37. Oxide of Silver, black,
11. Oleatum morphinae, 913. See:-Tara b has m a,
12. Oleoresin, 776. M/14.,

38. Oxide of tin, (See:-Tin, 24. Paregoric Elixir, or Com-

oxide of), M/1l8; M/1l7. pound tincture of Cam-
. 39. Ox's urine, (Urine, ox~s), phor, 252/253.
A/233. 25. Par e n tal injections,
40. Oxymel 1257. A/184.
26. Parpatis, M/77.
27. Pasteurised milk, A/176.
1. Pachanabheda Churna, 28. Pas till e s, aromatic,
M/31. (See:-Aromatic pas-
2. Pachwai (See:-Rice ~illes ), A/234.
beer), 888. 29. Pathadya Churna, 647.
3. Palo, or Satt-gilo, 358. 30. Pathyadi K vatha, 1208.
4. Pancha-amrita See:- 31. Patoladi kvatha, 1237.
Pancha-nimba gutica, 783 32. Patoladya churnam, 1237.
5. Panchajiraka-paka, 856. 33. Patti, See:-B han g,
6. Pancha kapitha, 536. Siddhi, Subji, etc.
7. Pancha kashaya, 1048. 34. Paustik, 819.
35. Pauttika, A/192.
8. Pancha Kola Churnam, 36. Payasa, See:-Payasam
968. & Kheer, 887, 22.
9. Panch a Iavana, 650; 37. Payasam or Halwa, of
M/98. testicles of a 'sheep or
10. Panchamrita par pat i, goat, A/143.
M/77. 38. Payasam, See:-Kheer &
11. Panchanimba Gutika, or Payasa, 22; A/143; 887.
Pancha-amrita, 783. 39. Pearl compound, A/210.
12. Panchapitta, A/159. 40. Peppermint oil, (or
13. Panchathikthaka pana- oleum menthae piperitae,
kam,575. B.P.) 789.
14. Panchathikthaka powder, 41. "Pepper-pot", 707.
& decoction, 575. 42. Peptalac, See:-Cow &
15. Pancha tikta ghrita, ~83. Gate's Peptalac, A/177.
16. Panchavaktra Rasa, 24; 43. Peptonised or Predigest-
M/123. ed Milk, (See:-Cow &
17. Panchavalkaladi Tailum, Gate's Peptalac), A/176;
553. A/I77; A/178; A/188.
18. Panchavalkala Kashaya, 44. Percolated liquor, 454.
552. 45. Pessarie~of Saffron, 391.
19. Panchajiraka pa_ka, 856. 46. Phalaghrlta, 154.
47. Phanita, r083.
20. Pan d u sud a n a Rasa, 48. "Phodni", 2It3;-
M/78. , 49. Phosphate of Lime, M/41.
21. Panceya, See:-S h a d-
anga Paniya, 429. 50,. "Phutanas", 312.
22. Papain, See:-Finkler's 51. Picrotoxin, 361.
Papain, 277. s 152. l'ipe-clay, prepared or
23. Paraldehyde, 912.,J..."
_ purifie,d, M/7.

53. Pippali Arista, 967. 82. Pradarari Lauham, 648.

54. Pippuladi Lauha, M/60. 83. Pradararipoo Rasa, M/82.
55. Pita Bhasma, M/70; 84. "Prameha cure", 874.
M/71. 85. Prameha Mihira Taila,
56. Pittal Bhasma, M/48. 154.
57. Pittantaka Rasa, A/209. 86. Pranada Gutika, 970.
58. "Plantation ginger", 1311. 87. Pranadi Gutika, 1210.
59. Plasmon, A/178. 88. Prasarini Leha, 893.
60. Plasmoquin, 326. 89. Pravala Bhasma, (Coral
61. Plaster, Aj207. Ash), A/157.
62. Plaster of Paris, M/46. 90. Predigested Milk, See:--
63. Plumbago blister, 990. (Peptonised Milk), See:--
64. "Pohas", 887; 889. (Cow & Gate's Peptalac)
65. "Polenta" (Maize meal), A/178.
1306. 91. Prepared Chalk, or Creta
66.. Pongamol (Pongamia oil Praeparata, M/41.
or Honge oil), 1002. 92. Prepared Copper, M/50;
67. "Poor Man's Treacle", Mj51.
1261. 93. Prepared iron or Oxides
68. Poppy oil, S~e~-Maw or of iron, M/57.
Poppy oil, 903. 94. Prepared or purified
69. Poppy, Syrup of Red, pipe-clay, (See:-Pipe-
See:-Syrup of Red clay, prepared or puri-
Poppy, 901. fied), Ml7.
70. Porridge, 1249. 95. Prepared Silver, See:-
71. "Post", See:-"Kuknar", Sulphide of Silver, M/14.
& "Char-bughra", 914. 96. Preserve, See:-Jelly,
72. Potassium ferro-cyanide, 1019.
M/51. 97. Prithuka, (Chura), 887.
73. Potassium Permanganate 98. Prithvisara Taila, 1004.
74. Potato Meal, 1156. 99. Prolac, See:-Cow &
75. Pottali ·Hemagarbha Gate's Prolac, A/177.
Rasa, M/34. 100. Proof Spirit, (See:-
76. Poudre-de-riz, 886~ Arrack), 1301.
101. Protein Milk, See:-Cow
77. Poushtik, 927; 945. & Gate's Prolac, Aj176;
78. Powdered Milk, See:- A/177; A/188.
Desiccated milk, See:- 102. "Protose", 125.
Lactogen, A/176; Aj175; 103. Protoxide of lead, or
A/183. Massicot, M/84.
79; Powdered sulphur, 104. Puddings, 1249.
M/l22. , 105. "Pulque", 54.
80. Powder of Iron, or Iron 106. Pulv. Glycerisa Co., 912.
powder, M/56. 107. Punamava Leha, 207.
81. PrabhaI}jana Vimar- 108. Punamava Mandura,
dhana, 1137. Aj233.

109. Punarnavastaka, 207. Shadguna Balijarita Rasa

110. Punarnava Taila, 207.! sindura, M/71; M/36;
111. Purana Ghrita, (old M/72; M/80; M/75'
ghee), A/187. M/128. '
112. "Puranpoli", 312. 12._ Rasaut, 188; 190.
113. Purified c hoI est ~'i n, 13. Rasavanti, 188.
A/137. 14. Rasayana chikitsa, 664.
114. Putapakwavisamajwr~n­ 15. Rasayanamrita Leha,
taka Laupa, M/53. lVI/59.
115. Putrefied milk, A/180. 16. Rasendra gutika, M/78.
116. Pyroxylin or gun-cotton, 17. Rasnadi Tailum, M/131.
590. 18. Raspberry jam, 1078.
19. Ratnagarbha pottali Rasa,
1. "Quaker Oats", 163. M/34.
2. Quinetum,317. 20. Ratnagiri Rasa, M/2.
3.· Quininum, 317. 21. "Ratoon Ginger", 1314.
22. Raughan-i-banafsha, 1274
1. "Raggi", 888. 23. Raw milk, A/182.
2. Ragi kanji, or Chodi 24. Red oxide of lead of
kanji, 478. minium, (See:-Sindura)
3. "Rag-outs", 1249. M/83.
4. Rajmriganka Rasa, M/79; 25. Red Poppy, Syrup of,
M/87; M/123. See :-Syrup of Red
5. Rakta Bhasma, (or Kas- Poppy, 1901.
tur Bhusan, or Rasa 26~ Red sulphide of mercury,
sindura); M/70; M/80; See:-Cinilabar; M/68;
M/71; M/128. 69; lVI/72.
6. Ramabana Rasa, or Ram- 27. Rice-beer, (See:-Pach-
ban Rasa, 24; M/21. wai) , 888.
7. Ras, See:-Gool,1083. 28. Ric(!-poultice, 886; 990.
8. Rasa Karpura, (or Cam- 29. Rice-water mixture, 885.
phor of Mercury or Rasa- 30. Rohitaka Lauha, M/60.
kapura, See:-Calomel; 3!. Rose oil, See:~Otto, or
Sweta bhasma; White Attar of Roses, 1072.
ash, M/71; M/72;- M/81;, 32. Rose-water, 1071; 107~.
M/81; M/70. 33. Rosseum, 912.
34. Rukkes~e Rasa, 398.
9. Rasanjana, (EXtract of
Berberis aristata), 188; 35. Russian musk, M/197.
10. Rasa Parpati, M/34;
M/70; M/72; ($ee:- 1. Sabjee, 259.
Black sulphide of Mer- 2. Saccharated solution, of
cury; Krishna bhasma; lime, M/42.
Kajjali). 3. Saccharum lac,tis, See:-
11. Rasa sindura, or _Kastur Milk sugar, A/176;
bhusan or Rakta_ bhasma,
---~------ --- - -


4. "Sacrocrysin", or "Sano- 34. Saubhagya vatika, 24.

crysin", M/39. 35. Sauvir Anjana, or Black
5. Sadanga guggula, 170. surma; Galena, M/83;
6. Sadanga paniya, 925. M/87.
7. Safed sukkar, or Chini 36. Seesa Bhasma, or Naga
sukkar, 1084. Bhasma, (lead ash),
8. Saffron, pessaries of, M/82; M/84.
See:-Pessaries of Saf- 37. "Semecarpol", 1120.
fron, 391. 38'. Serum-albumin, A/162.
9. S a has rap uti Abhra, 39. Shadanga Paniya, or
M/125. Paneeya, 429.
10. Saindhvadya taila, 1313. 40. Shaddharana Yoga, 991.
11. S a j j i k a d y a Churna, 41. Shadguna Balijarita Rasa
M/102. M/69.
12. Sajjikhar, M/l02. 42. S had gun a Balijarita
13. "Sake", 887. Rasa-sindura, or Rasasin-
14. Salol, M/75. dura, M/80.
15. Salpa Masha Taila, 43. S ham b u k a Bhasma,
M/l09. (Snail shells), M/40).
16. Salt water snuff, (Nasal 44, Shanka Bhasma, (Conch
douche), M/113. Shell Ash or Silicate of
17. Samasarkara churna, Magnesia), M/40; A/165.
1311. 45. Shankha Vati, A/165.
18. Sambarsinga bhasma, \ 46. Shatavari ghrita, 154.
A/153; A/160. 47. Sheep's milk, or' Ewe's
19. Sambarsing paste, A/153. milk, A/lSI; A/185.
20. Sar,nbukadi taila, A/142. 48. Shell-ash, See:-Cowri
21. Sambunatha Rasa, 920. bhasma, A/159.
22. Samiragaja Kesari, 1179. 49. Sherbats, A/227.
23. Sanocrysin, or Sacrocry- 50. Sherry, 1289.

sin, M/39. 51. "Shindi", 946.
24. Saptashali Vati, M/8l. 52. Shoathahar Loha, M/60.
25. Sarkara, See:-Chini or 53, Shora Kalmi, (refined),
Safed Sukkar, 1084. M/91.
26. Sarvanga-sundara Rasa, 54. "Shoyu", 1146.
M/2. 55'. Shukti bhasma, M/40;
27. Sarveshwar Rasa, M/123. See:-Bivalve shells.
28. S<ltaputa Abhrakam,- 56. Shula Gaja Kesari,
Sata-Putabhrakam, 359; A/159.
M/129. 57. Shulaharanayoga, 1179.
29. "Sathe", or Am-poli", 58. Siddha Jogeshwar, M/66.
767. 59. S:iddhamakaradhwaj am"
30. "Sati Food", 419. 832.
31. Satt-gilo or Palo, 358. 60. Siddhartha ghrita, 213;
32. "Satuche pith", 655. 214.
33. Saubhagya Sunti, 1311. 61. Siddhi, or Bhang, Subji

& Patti, 259 & 260. 88. Sona bhasma, (Gold

62. Sidhu, (fermented liq~or) powder or ashes), M/33.
or Gaudy, 1084. . 89. Soups, 1249.
63. SHajit basmam, M/12~. 90. "Soya", 1146.
64. Silicate of Magnesia, 91. "Soy-bean" milk, (See:-
(See:-Shanlilia bhasma, "Miso", 1146.
or Conch shell ash), 92. Sperm oil, or Oleum ceti,
A/165; M/40. A/I54.
65. Silver Bhasma, and Sil- 93. Spirits of Camphor, 253.
ver leaf, M/14. 94. "Spirits of had's horn",
66. Silver, prepared, See:- A/153.
Prepared silver, M/14. 95. Spray (alum) (See:-
67. Sindura, See:-Red oxide Alum spray), M/5.
of lead of minium, M/83. 96. Squalae, oleum, See:-
68. Sinduradya Taila, M/87. Oleum Squalae.
69. Sinhanada guggula, 97. Sri. J ayamangala Rasa,
M/121. See:--J ayamangala Rasa,
70. Siva ghrita, A/142. M/15.
71. Skimmed Lactic Acid 98. Sringarabhra, M/127.
milk, (See:-B u t t e r 99. Sringyadi Churna, 966;
milk), A/I77; A/178. 1063.
72. Skim milk, A/183. 100. Srotonjana or Suffed
73. Skimmed milk, A/176; Surma, (White surma),
A/178. M/87.
74. Smaltite, M/66. 101. "Staff of Life", See:-
75. Snail shells (Shambuka Wheat bread, 1248.
bhasma), M/40. 102. Stale bread, 1248.
76. Snake-venom injection, 103. Steam-bath, (See:-
A/225. Neem steam-bath), 1074.
77. S n a k e - v e nom pills, 104. Sterilized alum lotion,
A/225. See:-Alum, sterilized
78. Snuff; 1213; M/5; M/20; lotion, M/5.
M/114. . 105. 'Styptol',911.
79. Sdo~~h:):t ~ii~~: (Nasal 106. Subcutaneous injection,
80. Sodium hydnocarpate, 107. Strychnine, hypodermic-
659. ally, 913,,,,!"
81. Solution of Nitre, M/93. 108. Subji, Patti; Siddhi,
82. Solution of sulphur, Bhang, 26=0/259.
(See:-Balsam of sul- 109. Sublimed sulphur, or
phur), M/122. "Milk of Sulphur",
83. "Soma-juice", 240. M/122.
84. Somala bhasma, M/19. 110. I Suchikabharana Rasa,
85. Somanath Rasa, M/1l8. A/226.
86. Somaraji taila, 126.9. 111. Sudarsana Churna, 574.
87. Somesvara Rasa, ~L61. 112. Sudhanidhi Rasa, M/60.

113. Sufeda, M/85. 139. Svalpa methi modaka,

114. Suffed" Surma or Sroton- 1242.
jana, (White surma), 140. Svalparasuna pinda, 70.
M/87. 141. "Svarna-sindura", M/75;
115. Sugar solutions, acidulat- M/80.
ed (sherbats), A/227. 142. Svasakuthara Rasa, or
116. Sukkar, See:-Chini or Swasakuthar R a s a,
Safed sukkar. M/20; M/121.
117. Sukti bhasma, (See:- 143. Sveta bhasma, (white
Jalasukti), A/2ll; A/212. ash), M/70.
118. Sulki fish, A/215. 144. "Swarasam" of Brahmi,
119. Sulochanamr ita b h r a, 664.
M/127. 145. Swasa Bhairava Rasa, or
120. Sulphate of nicotine, Swasa Kuthar Rasa.
See:-Nicotine sulphate. M/80.
121. Sulphide of lead, (Gal- 146. Swasa Chi n tam ani,
ena), M/83. M/121.
122. Sulphide of Silver, 147. Swasa Gajankusa, M/15.
(See:-Prepared Silver) 148. Swasakasa Chudamani,
M/14. M/121.
] 23. Sulphur baths, M/122. 149. Swasa Kuthara Rasa,
124. Sulphur, sublimed, See:-- (See:-S vas a k u thara
Milk of sulphur, M/122. Rasa), or Swasa Bhai-
125. Sunflower oil, 614. rava Rasa, M/121; M/20;
126. Sunta ghrita, 1312. M/80.
]27. "Sunth", (dried ginger), 150. Sweet almond meal,
1314. (See:-Almond meal,
128. 'Surinjan-i-talkh', 370. swe~t), 1013.
Syrup anar, 1033.
129. S urma, wh 1·t e, S ee:- 151.
]52 Syrup of Red Poppy, 901.
Srotonjana, M/87. .
130. Suryailavartha Rasa,
'M/51; M/121.
131. Sutki fish, A/215. 1. Talc powder (Dhanya-
132. Sutikabindu, or Gar- bhra) , M/125.
bhabilasa Rasa, M/52. 2. Tamarix manna, 1195.
133. Suvarna-Parpati, or 3. ' Tamra Bhasma, (Copper
Man a mandu, M/34; Bhasma), M/49; M/51.
A/183. 4. Tamra Parpati, M/51.
134. S~varna Vasantha malti, 5. Tandulambu, 887.
M/34; M/132. 6. Tankanadi Vati, M/105.
135. Svalpa Kasturi Bhairava 7. Tara Bhasma, (See:-
Rasa, A/201. Black Oxide of Silver),
136. Svalpakhadiravatika; 12. M/14.
137. Svalpa Lakshmibilas, or 8. Tar a k e s h v a r Rasa
Kapha Chin tam ani, M/80. M/ll8.
] 38. Svalpa Masha Taila, 941. 9. Talakesari Rasa, M/22.

10. Talisadya Churna, 3', 39. Triphala churnam, 1204;

555. Triphala powder, M/57.
11. Tari, .210. 40. Triphala guggula, 170.
12. Taruna Jvarari, M/76. 41. Triphala kashayam, 1207.
13. Terebinthinae. rectifica- 42. Triphala powder, M/57.
tum, oleum, 958. (See:-TriJ2!lala chur-
14. "Tikitiki" extract, 884. nam), 1204.
15. Tiktadya ghrita, (See:- 43. Trivikrama Rasa, M/80.
Tiktaka ghritam), 1004. 44. Trivrit churnam, 694;
16. Tiktaka ghritam, (See:- 1070.
Tiktadya ghrita), 1004. 45. Trivrit Leyham, 693.
17. Tin calcined, See:-Cal- 46. 'fr. Opi. Lecithin, 912.
cined tin, etc., M/82. 47. Tryushanadi La u h a,
18. 'Tinctura Ignatiae, 1175. M/58; M/6l.
19. Tincture of Musk, A/200. 48. Tumburadya churna,
20. Tin, oxide of, See:- 693.
Oxide of tin, M/118; 49. Tutanag pashan, M/133.
M/117. 50. Tutham or Tuttanjana,
21. Tin powder, See:-Vanga (Collyrium), 370; M/54.
bhasma, M/131. 51. Tuttanjana or Tutham,
22. Toast, 1248. M/54.
23. Toasted bread, 1248. 52. "Tuttanjana", or Tutham,
24. Toddy poultice, 210; 370; M/54.
1301. 53. Tuvaraka tailam, 347.
25. "Tofu", 1146.
26. Toothpowder, M/47.
27. Tor.toise oil, See:-Oil of 1. Udakamanjari R a s a,
Tortoise, A/154. A/159.
28. Trailokya Chintamani 2. Unguentum galle, cum.
'Rasa, M/2. opio, 1195.
19. Traumatic balsam, See:- 3. Unguentum gynocardiae,
Friar's balsam, 8; 1183. (See:-Chaulmugra oint-
30. Trayodasanga guggula, ment) 603; 604.
169. 4. Unleavened bread, 1249.
31. Treacle, 1085. 5. Unprepgred cop per,
32. Treacle, Poor Man's,~12. M/51.
33. Tribhuvana Keerti Rasa, 6. Urines '1 of animals,
M/76. A/232 & A/233.
34. Trikatu, 1210; 1310. 7. Utpaladi 's!itam, 860.
35. Trimada, 991.
36. Trinetra Rasa, M/117. 1. Vaccipe, A/155.
37. Trinitrobutyltoluol, AI 2.· V a d a van a 1 Churna,
204. M/I09. 'l
38. T r i n itro-meta-teIitiary- 3. Vadavanal Rasa, M/78.
butyl-toluene, A/201. '4. Vahni Rasa, M/78.

5. Vaishnavanat ~htirnam, 34. Vidam, vida, vitlavana,

M/ll1. M/98.
6. Vajrakapata Rasa, M/76; 35. Vidanga Lauha, M/62;
M/123. M/122.
7. Vakerio-Iadu, 282. 36. Vidanga Taila, 480.
8. Vanari Vatika, (Boluses) 37. V idarigandhadigana
819. Quath, 687.
9. Vanga bhasma, M/1l8; 38. Vidyadharahhra, M/125.
M/131. 39. Vidyadhara Rasa, M/22.
10. Yang esh wa r a Rasa, 40. Vijayaparpati, M/34.
M/ll8. 41. Vijaya Vati, M/121.
11. Van-Hounten's Cocoa,
(See:-Chocolate pow- 42. "Vimala", M/66.
der, 1216. 43. Vinegar, 269; 1085.
12. "Vanillin", 838; 1264. 44. "Virgin oil," 87().
13. Varalians, 420. 45'. Visama J w ran t a k a-
14. Vartaloham, M/49. Lauha, M/58; M/59.
15. Varunadya ghrita, 388. 46. Vishnu Taila, 154.
16. Varunadya guda, 388. 47. Vit or Vita lavana, Vida,
17. Varunadya taila, 388. or Vidam, M/98.
18. Vasachandani taila, 43. 48. Vrahat Panchamuli, 353;
19. Vasa Kushmanda Kanda, 613.
186. 49. Vridha Gangadhara
20. Vasanta Kusumakar Churna, See:-Brihat
Rasa, 509, or Vasanta Gangadhara _Churna, 647.
K u sum a k. e 1.' a Rasa, 5(). Vrihat Aswagandha
A/157; A/209. ghrita, 1136.
21. Vas ant a tilaka Rasa, 51. Vrihat Guduchyadi Taila,
A/201. 358.
22. Vasavaleha, 43. 52. Vrihat Paneha-mula, 613.
23. Vata Guduchyadi taila, See:-Vrihat Pancha-
358. muli, 353.
24. Vataraktantaka Rasa, 53. Vrihat Sarva-Jwara-hara
M/82. Lauha, M/58.
25. Vatari Rasa, 170. 54. Vrihat Somanatha Rasa,
26. "Vathathapika", 664. M/61.
27. Vegetable - a I bum i n, 55. Vrihat Vangeshwara
A!162. Hasa, 549; M/ll8.
28. "Vegetable calomel", 995. 56. Vrihat Vat a Gajankusa,
29. "Vegetable Marrow", 723 M/15.
30. Venom injec:tions, A/229.
31. VermicelF, 1249. 1. War burg's Tincture,
32. Vetala Rasa, M/21. 1223.
33. Vida, vidam, vita lavana, 2. Watery Extract, See:-
M/98. "Indian Quinine", 1221.
3. Wax, See:-Myrtle wax, 17. "Wood-oil", (See:-Gur-
829. \ janbglsam), 455.
4. Wheat bread, (Staff of
life) 1248.
5. Wheat coffee, 1249. L Yakridari Lauha, M/60.
6. Wheat flour conjee, 1249. 2. "Yavagu", 886.
"I. Whey, 1141; A/176; 3. Yavakshar. M/109.
A/179; A/182; A/186; 4. Yeast pouitice, 1250.
A/188; M/4. 5. Yellow oil, A/163.
8. Whey, fermented, A/170. 6. Yogaraja, M/15 & 31.
(See: under Asphaltum).
9. Whey, lime, See:-Alum 7. Yogaraja guggula, 169;
whey, M/4. 992.
10. White ash. See:-Sveta 8. Yogendra Rasa, M/79.
bhasma; Rasa Karpura, 9. Yolk of egg, (See:-Ovi
Camphor of Mercury, vitellus), A/164; A/162.
M/70. 10. Yolk, or Ovi vitellus;
11. White bread, 1248. A/162.
12. White lead ore (carbo-
nate), M/83.
, 13. White mica (Svetabhra), 1. Zinc bhasma, or zinc
M/129. bhasmam, M/131.
14. White of egg (albumin), 2. Zinc, calcined, See:-
A/164. Calcined zinc, M/82.
15. White surma, See:-Sro- 3. Zinc sulphate, 913.
tonjana, or stiffed Surma, 4. Zinc sulphate & carbo-
M/87. nate (native calamine),
16. Whole-meal bread, 1249. M/131.


(Major & Minor, significant & insignificant) in the
main text of the "INDIAN MATERIAL MEDICA"
N.B.: Letters "A" & "M" preceding the Numbers hereunder,
stand to indicate pages of the Animal & Mineral King-
doms respectively; plain numbers are of the Vegetable

A-acid, 444 903; 1191; 1260

A-antiarin, 128 Acid acetic, esters of, 36
Abrin,5 Acid aconitic, 26
Abrine, 1187 Acid agaric, 50; 51
Abrussic acid, 5 Acid ailantic, 56; 57
Absinthin, 141 Acid akundaric, 244
Absinthol, 141 Acid aloetic, 75
Absolute alcohol, 58; 227; 812; Acid amino, 125; 126; 545;
1268 A/173
Absolute alcoholic extract, 953 Acid anacardic, 96; 1119
i\.calyphine, 18 Acid anthemic, 118
i\.calypus, 18 Acid arabic, 9; 855·
i\.-caryophyllene, 933 Acid arachic, 122
i\.cetate, 1261 Acid aracidic (arachic) 122;
i\.cetate of potash, 153; 1266 1002
Acetic acid, 110; 179; 311; 396; Acid aromatic,. oil, 699
513; 5~8; 710; (glacial, 789); Acid arsenious, commercial,
903; 1191; 126.0 M/f6
i\.cetic ethers of turpeneol, 775 Acid B, 444
i\.cetone, 22 Acid behenic, 811
i\.cetyl-corchorin, 377 Acid benzoic, 316; 464; 487;
i\.cetyl derivative, 1002 585; 683; 747; 1002; 1182;
i\.cetyleugenol, 836 M/24; M/25; M/26; M/27
i\.cetylic alcohol, A/154 Acid brassic, glycerides of, 217
i\.chillein, 20 . Acid butyric, 36; 285; 306; 396;
i\.chrosine, 289 585; 778
i\.cid, 128; 362; (astringent 453; Acid butyric, glyceride of,
454) (crystalline, 455); A/178
(crystallizable, 456); 1040; Acid caffeic, 368
1119; 1245; 1308 - Acid, caffeotannic, 368
'\.cid, A, 444 Acid camphoric, 250
'\.cid abrussic, 5 Acid capric, 265
Acid acetic, 110; 179; 311; 396; Acid caprinic, glyceride of,
513; 538; 710; (glacial, 789); A/178

Acid caproic, 415 Acid curcumic, 416

Acid caprylic, 363 Acid di-hydroxy-benzoic, :>88
Acid carbolic, 570; A/147 Acid di-hydroxy-stearic, 179;
Acid carbonic, 1258; A/17.0 1002
Acid carboxylic, 321 Acid elemic, 253
Acid carica fat, 274 Acid ellagic, 517; 1032
Acid carmmlC (see:......!.. car- Acid embellic, 478
mine); A/155; A/15S Acid eugenic, 836
Acid carmiric, A/156 Acid euonic, 520
Acid carobic, 1011 Acid fatty, 268; 306; 305; 601;.
Acid caryophyllic, 836 661; 699; 878; 1002; 1149;
Acid catechuic, 11 1150; 1170; 1265; 1266; M/26;
Acid catechu-tannic, 11; ·1025; A/156
1254 Acid fatty crystalline, 385
Acid cathartic, 281; 287; 953; Acid fatty crystallizable, 513
1047; 1055 Acid fatty fluid, 818
Acid cerotic, A/151 Acid, fatty free, 818
Acid chaulmoogric, 601 Acid fatty free & volatile, 777
Acid chaulmugric, 658 Acid fatty glycerides of (so-
Acid chebulinic, 1206 luble & insoluble, 778); 133
Acid chinic or Quinic, 316 Acid ferulic, 537
Acid chinovic, 316 Acid ferulic, free, 538
Acid chrysamic, 75 Acid filicic, 761
Acid chrysophan, (See:-RUI- Acid formic, 179; 513; 538; 710; ,
micin, Sennacrol); 287; 1057 1258; 1260; A/192
Acid chrysophanic, 100; 283; Acid, frangulic, 1059
284; 286; 287; 289; 290; Acid free, 109, 51~; 778; 1099;
291; 922; 1057; 1059; 1079; 1277
1080 Acid free fatty, 818
Acid cincho'-tannic, 316; 674. Acid free ferulic, 538
Acid cinnamic, 36; 328; 464; Acid free glycerides of fatty,
747; 1182 133
Acid citric, 191; 274; 339; 342; Acid free tartaric, 717; 765
345; 347; 536; 761; 765; 838; Acid fruit, 1316
873; 876; 903; 950; 1014; Acid fumaric, 561
1065; 1078; 1155; 1191; 1222; Acid fungic, 50
1287 Acid gallic, 130; 208; 223;' 248;
Acid cocinic, 600 369; 505; 5,p; 526; 577; 765;
Acid coffeo-tannic, 366 822; 859; '975; 999; 1025;
Acid colchiceine, 369 1042; 1057~ 1072; 1113; 1161;
Acid commercial arsenious, 1197; 1206 =
M/16 Acid ga110-tanhlc,'- 836; 975;
Acid costic, 1108 1025; 1042; 1203
Acid crotonic or Quartenylic, Acid ga~janic, 456
396 Acid gentianic, 573
Acid crotonoleic, 396 Acid gluco-tannic, 1199
Acid crystallisable, 1318' , Acid glycerides of, 227; 1036
Acid cubebic, 400 / - Acid glycerides of brassic, 217

Acid glycerides of butyric, Acid hydrate of silicic, 173

A/178 Acid hydrocyanic, 1014; 1016,
Acid glycerides of caprinic, 1077 \
A/178 Acid hydroxy, 4; 1066
Acid glycerides of caprylic, Acid hyoscinic, 670
A/178 Acid hypogaeic,
Acid glycerides of carponic, Acid hypogoeic, 122; 601
A/178 Acid igasuric, 1175
Acid glycerides of dihydroxy- Acid inorganic; 543; 811
stearic, 1066 Acid isolauric, 479
Acid of erucic, 217 Acid isolinolenic, 602
Acid glycerides of fatty, (So- Acid isolinolic, 878
luble, insoluble), 778; 818 Acid isomeric with malic, 561
Acid glycerides of free fatty, Acid isovalerianic, 1260; 1261
818 Acid jatrophic, 705
Acid glycerides of lauric, 363; Acid jibantic, 444
396 Acid juglandic, 709
Acid glycerides of linoleic, 228; Acid karanjol carboxylic, 1002
377; 1127 Acid kino-tannic, 223; 513; 1025
Acid glycerides of myristic, Acid k-oxalate of potassium,'
363; 396 1079
Acid glycerides of oleic, 217; Acid lactic, 903; A/170; A/l72;
228' 377' 1127 A/l77; A/179
Acid ' glyc~rides of palmitic, Acid lansinic, 725
227; 228; 363; 396 Acid larcic, 50
Acid glycerides of palmitin & Acid lauric, 134; 479; 653; 777;
olein, 122 1170
Acid glycerides of ricinoleic, Acid lectucic, 720
1066 Acid lignoceric,
Acid glycerides of ricinoleic & Acid lignocerric, 122, 223,
isoricinoleic, (See: - Rici- 811; 1002
.noleate of glycerol or tririci- Acid linoleic, 743
nolein) 1066 Acid linoleic, triglyceride of,
Acid glycerides of stearic, 217; 505
227; 228; 396 Acid linolenic, 602; 1002
Acid glycerides of unsaturated Acid linolic, 122; 223; 601; 667;
fatty, 957 . 1002
Acid glycerides of volatile, 396 Acid maizenic, 1305
Acid gum, 39 Acid Malic, 9; 13; 191; 274;'
Acid gymnemic, 597 289; 311; 342; 381; 435; 448;
Acid gynocardic, 600 538; 561; 5g2; 622; 632; 765;
Acid hanno-tannic, 731 787; 838; 950; 1014; 1015;
Acid harminic, 928 1018; 1039; 1065; 1072; 1078;
Acid heptylic, 35 . 1191; 1260; 1266; 1278; 1287
Acid hippuric, M/26; M/27 Acid margaric, salts of, A/230
Acid humic, M/25 Acid margosic, 777; 778
Acid hydnocarpic, 601; 658; Acid mastichic, (or Alpha-
661 i resin) 974
- ---

Acid meconic, 903 Acid polygonic, 999

~cid meta-gallic, 1042 Acid potassium oxalate,
Acid methyl-crotonic, 396 (See: -oxalic acid)
Acid monobasic, 1120 , Acid principles, 395, (yellow,
Acid monosemicarbazone, 47~ 1302)
Acid mucic, 1170; A/183 Acid protocatechuic, 588
Acid mudaric, 244 Acid prussic, 71; 707; 1012;
Acid myristic, 567; 667; 811; 1036
830; 1002 . Acid p-toluic, 416
Acid Myrrhic, 170 Acid punico-tannic, 1032
Acid nicotinic, 122 Acid quartenylic (or crotonic)
Acid nitric, A/183 396
Acid non-volatile, 720 Acid quercitannic, 1072
Acid nucleinic, 1300 Acid quinic or chinic, 316
Acid oleic, 122; 223; 567; 602; Acid qUinoline-amino-acetyl-
777; 811; 818; 878; 1002; p-arsenillic, 322; 323
1051; 1170; 1265; A/138 Acid racemic, 1287
Acid -oleic, salts of A/230 Acid resin, 5; 137; (black, 238)
Acid oleic, triglyceride of, 505 (yellow bitter, '238); 274;
Acid opelic, 573; 1184 (glucosidal, 385); 457; 582;
Acid organic, 8; 19; 52, 166; 588; 818; 1135; 1234, 1268;
226; 300; 412; 419; 531; 597, 1278
.622; 624; (yellow, 717); 851; Acid resinous, 227
855; 903; 925; 1047; 1099; Acid rheo-tannic, 1057
1150; 1157; (astringent, Acid ricinoleic & isorisinoleic,
1164; 1199; 1278; 1298 glycerides of, 1066
Acid organic, non-crystalline, Acid rumicin, (See: -chryso-
617 phanic acid):; 1079; 1080
Acid oxalate of potassium, 890 Acid Salicylic, 14; 234; 570;
Acid oxalic, 88; 164; 287; 587; 701; 1015; 1064; 1090;
1007 1139
Acid oxim, 478 Acid santalic (or Santalin)
Acid oxy, 1119 1026
Acid palmitic, 36; 122; 179; Acid saturated, 1292
223; 600; 601; 653; 658; 667; Acid sennacrol,-See:-
811; 878, 1002; A/138; A/151; Chrysophan
A/154 ·Acid silicic, 66; 179; 653; 976
Acid palmitic, esters of, 36 Acid silicic, hydrate of, 173
Acid palmitic triglyceride of, Acid smilaspericJ 620
505 Acid stearic, 179; 363; 667; 777;
Acid papayic, 274 811; 1002; A/r38
Acid phosphoric, 50; 99; 122; Acid stearic~' dihydroxy, 179;
179; 274; 311; 342; 458; :477; 567 .
506; 548; 582; 597; 630; 653; Acid stearic, salts of, A/230
766; 893; 940; 1018; 1050; Acid strychnic, 1175
1241; 1245; 1266; M/24; M/26 Acid substance, 1020
Acid plumeric, 993 :t Acid succinic, 141; 1155
Acid podophyllic, 994 Acid sulphuric, 99; 179; 517;

582; 591; 765; 903; 1287; Adansonin, 39

M/26; M/100 Adenine, 248; 310; 366
Acid tannic, (See:-Tannin), Aesculetin, 524
26; 45; 115; 184; 208; 230; Agarie acid, 50; 51
248; 281; 289; 316; 354; 369; Agaricin, 51; 1001
375; 505; 761; 822; 848; 859; Agaricol, 51
949; 999; 1018; 1042; 1057; 1'tgavose, 54
1072; 1090; 1093; 1099; 1113; Ailantic acid, 56; 57
1161; 1181, 1194; 1197; 1206; Ajmalicine, 1051
1264; 1287; 1290 Ajmaline, 1051 .
Acid ~rtaric, 191; 274; 287; Ajmalinine, 1051
363; 585; 597; 632; (free, 717; Ajwan-ka-phul-see: - Crude
768); 903; 1072; 1155; 1191; thymol; Flowers of ajowan
1287 camphor, 1028
Acid tartrate of potassium, A-Kosin, 213
1287 Akundarie acid, 244
Acid terephthalic, 416 Akundarin, 238
Acid tiglic, 396 Akundarol, 244
Acid tiglinic, 396 • Akundarol-isovalerate, 244
Acid turpethic, 692 Alangine', 58
Acid turpetholic, 692 Alangine sulphate, 59
Acid unsaturated, 1230; 1292 Alban, 237; ~243
Acid u'rushic, 776 Albumen, 65; 119; 134; 153;
Acid valerianie, 396; 538; 720; 179; 278; 363; 435; 457; 517;
1047; 1260; A/138 520; 545; 562; 572; 591; 608;
Aeid valerianie, esters of, 627; 670; 720; 753; 818; 851;
1260; 1261 855; 986; 1039; 1078; 1083;
Acid valerie, 110; 134; 415; 778 1113; 1181; M/119; A/136;
Acid valerie, ethereal salts of, A/162; A/178; A/230
1108 Albumen, oily, 658
Acid, volatile, 720; 778 Albumen, vegetable, 50
Acid yellow, 806 Albumin, 162, 692; 705; 878;
Acid zizyphic, 1316; 1318 903; 1015; 1020; 1241; (frac-
Aconine, 24 tion B, 1241); 1287; A/189;
Aconitic acid, 26 , A/220
Aconitina, 1074 Albuminoid principle, 1057
Aconitine, 24; 28 Albuminoids, 1; 39; 63; 87; 90;
Acoretin, (choline), 35 95; 104; 106; 109; 122; 146;
Acorin, 35 180; 210; 218; 222; 223; 232;
A-costene, 1108 274; 278; 298; 304; 305; 307;
Acrid brown oil, 96 309; 311; 312; 335; 381; 407;
Acrid oil (cardol), 96 412; 414; 419; 421; 441; 449;
Aerid principle, 116; 876 450; 458; 460; 461; 462; 477;
Acrid substance, violet, 1277 507; 526; 544; 557; 584; 588;
A-croeetin, 390 595; 602; 653; 667; 684; 696;
Actinodaphnine, 38 697; 698; 722; 726; 734; 751;
Active principles, 176; 400; 475; 766; 806; 822; 873; 879; 880;
736; 1097; 1108 881; 896; 897; 898; 899; 923;

924; 929; 931; 938; 939; 942; Alkaline sulphates, 8; 134; 226;
957; 977; 1014; 1050; 1p66; 662
1081; 1095; 1130; 1131; 1152; Alkaloidal principle, 282; 420;
1154; 1165; 1191; 1214; 1?26; (content, 487); crystalline,
1234; 1241; 1246; 1298; 1305; 529); 667; 857
1306; 1308; ~/26; ~)27; Alkaloidal substance, 778; 1020
(case in, A/172 & 178). , .... Alkaloidal Yield, 1051
Albuminous carbonate, 39 Alkaloids, 4; 19; 20; 26; 58;
Albuminous compounds, (phenolic & non-phenolic,
(See: -nitrogenous com- 59); 62; 87; 95; 98; 102; 114;
pounds), 506 116; 130; 138; 139; 145; 161;
Albuminous matter, 121; 122; 179; 187; 203; 225; 226; 255;
152; 179; 423; 428; 597; 662; 266; 267; (volatile, 268); 290;
688; 720; 761; 980; 1168; 292; 296; 298; (crystalline,
A/197 299); 300 304; 309; 314; 333;
Albuminous principle, 1012 336; 354; 362; (bitter, 369);
Albuminous substances-see: 385; 388; 394; 395; 415; 428;
-Albuminoids; Albumin- 430; 442; 443; 444; 445; oM8;
ous matter; Albuminous (toxic, 449 & 451); 454; 465;
principle. 474; 478; 486; 512; 524; 526;
Albumoses, 5; A/173; A/220 531; 534; 543; 548;, 557; 560;
Alcohol, 59; 513; 933; 1287; 572; 579; (bitter, 580); 585;
~/25; A/170 (crystalline, 586); 591; 592;
Alcoholic beverage, 146 609; 612; (toxic, 616); 617;
Alcoholic extract, 336; 952; 622; ,624; 633; (non-oxyge-
(absolute, 1105); 1157 nated, 635); (toxic, 656);
Alochol, non-volatile, called 667; 670; 672; 683; 685; 689;
'CardoI' 1119 701; 703; 714; 718; 720; 721;
Alcohol 2 d-pinene, 381 739; 740; 748; 749; 750; 755;
Alcohol soluble constituents, 770; 771; (bitter, 777); 778;
1099 794; 798; 807; (white crystal-
Aldehyde, 14; 110; 328; 513; line, 811); 817; 848; 858; 869;
570; (isovaleric) 1099 (amorphous, 872); 892;
Aliphatic oil, 479 (oily, 897); 900; 901; 903;
Alizarin, (See: -Orange-red) (mucilaginous, 926); 927;
610; 1076 (narcotic, 932); 934; 937;
Alkali, 597; 822; 1040; 1181;· 940; (slightly bitter acrid,
~/124 952); 953; ,1}65; (volatile,
Alkaline carbonates, 226; 366; 969); 987; 995; 1002; 1008;
1181 1009; (bitter; 1010); (total,
Alkaline chlorides, 226; 1199 1023); (liquio (1032); 1056;
Alkaline liquid, colourless, 851 1088; 10!f2; (bitt~r- -crystall-
Alkaline nitrates, 804; 1165 ine, 1093); 1097; 1106; 1108;
Alkaline oil, colourless, 850 1114; 1117; 1118; 1125; 1126;
Alkaline phosphates, 134; 366; 1135; (poisonous crystalline,
823 1142); 1150; 1157; 1160; (bit-
Alkaline salts, 134; 176; .. 869; ·'ter, 1162); (toxic & total,
A/162 . ."_::_- 1175); 1176; (bitter, 1189);

1190; 1197; 1214; 1220; 1228; Amorphous principle, 994

1230; 1234; 1253; 1261; 1263; Amorphous product, 1218
1268; (whitish crystalline, Amorphous substance, white,
1271); 127'\; 1278; 1281; 1282; 1104
1290; (bitter 1292) ; 1303; Amorphous very bitter mass,
A/220. 243' y

Alkatorit, 1260 • Amorphous yellow powder,

Allantoin, 987 582; 1268
Allyl, 65; 537 Amygdali:q., 743; 1012; 1015;
Allyl cyanide, 71 1016; 1038
Allyl isothiocyanate, (see:- Amyrin,253
Volatile oil) 71; 1140 Anacardic acid, 96; 1119
Allyl persulphide, 537 Anacardol (Monohydroxy-
Aloetic acid, 75 phenol), 1119 see also:-
Aloin, 73; 75; 76 Semecarpol, 1120)
Alpha, 444 Anamirtin, 99
Alpha-cellulose, (see:- Andromedo-toxin, 1060; 1074
Cellulose) 878 Anemonin, 112; 1049
Alpha Gisekia, 578 Anethine, 935 •
Alpha paederine, 892 Anethol, 253
Alpha-resin (mastichic ~\Cid), Anethole, (see:-Anise cam-
. 974 phor) 558; 955
Alpinin, 77 Angelic esters of isobutyl, anyl
Alstonamine, 83 & hexyalcohols, 118
Alstonine, 81 Anhydro-derrid, 445
Althaein, 85 Animal or Organic matter, '
Alum, 1287 A/157
Alumina,173; 823; 1214; M/17; Anise aldehyde, 955
M/26; M/99; A/211 Anise camphor or Anethole or
Aluminium, 778; 976; 1199 Anethol, 955
Aluminium salts, 1199 Anthemene, 118
Ambrein, A/139 Anthemene-a-hydrocarbon,
Aminoacids, 125; 126; 545; 118
A/173 Anthemic acid, 118
Aminoalkyl quinolines, 322 Anthemol, 118
Aminoalkylquinolinium salts, Anthraquinone, 284; 597
322 Anthraquinone derivatives,
Amino-compounds, 1154 1057
Ammonia, 50; 478; 1182; 1258; Antiaresin, (crystalline resin)
A/197; A/232 ., 128
Ammonium, 851; 1197 Antiarol, 128
Ammonium salts, 904 Antimony oxide, A/153
Amorphous and crystalline A-picrasmin, 1040
substance, 778 . Apiin, 119; 127; 934
Amorphous euphorbia resin, Apiol, 934; 935
528 Aplotaxene, 1108
Amorphous powder, yellow, Apoconessine, 635
582; 1268 Apoil, 119
Apomorphine, 910 354', 363', 366', 379', 381', 3mi'-"
Aporeine, 900 400; 407; 411; 412; 419; 421;
Appin, 934 428; 430; 435; 441; 449; 450;
Aqueous extract~ 573; 952; ~53 452; 457; 458; 460; 461; 462;
Arabic acid, 9; 8~~ 472; 474; 475; 477; 503; 506;
Arabin, 1308 • 519; 520; 536; 538; 542; 543;
Arachic acid, 122 544; 548; 557; 562; 570; 573;
Aracidic (arachic) acid, 122; 581; 584; 585; 588; (Soluble
1002 & Insoluble, 591); 597; 612;
Arakene, 961 632; 653; 670; 684; 696; 697;
Arbutin, 570 698; 699; 705; 720; 722; 734;
Arecaidine, 130 743; 751; 758; 761; (inso-
Arecaine, 130 luble, 765); (solubl~~ 765);
Arecoline, 130 766; 778; 799; 801; 804; S06;
Argemone oil, 133 807; 811; 822; 823; 830; 851;
Arginine, 125; 126; 368 855; 868; 873; 878; 879; 880;
Aristolochine, 140 881; 896; 897; 898; 899; 904;
Aromadendrene, 513; 933 923; 924; 926; 929; 930; 931;
Aromatic body,. 454 938; 939; 940; 957; 969; 976;
Aromatic oil, 66; 139; (acrid, 977; 1012; 1014; 1020; 1032;
699) (Volatile, 1072); (alkaline, 1047); 1050; 1051;
Arsenate (of copper) , M/48 1052; 1066; 1081; 1092; 1095;
Arsenate of Iron, M/16 1108; 1113; 1114; 1117; 1120;
Arsenate of cobalt, M/16 1127; 1130; 1131; 1147; 1152;
Arsenate of Nickel, M/16 1154; 1157; 1165; 1169; 1170;
Arsenic, M/14 1176; 1184; 1187; 1191; 1196~
Arsenical Ores, M/16 1199; 1211; 1214; 1226; 1234;
Arsenic oxide, 608; 744 1241; 1245; 1246; 1247; 1257;
Arsenious acid, commercial, 1260; 1267; 1268; 1271; 1273;
M/16 . 1286; 1305; 1306; 1308;
Artabotrine, 141 . M/25; M/26; M/136; A/13S;
Artemisin, 142 A/139; A/156; A/162; A/192;
A-Santalol, 1099 A/197; A/211
Asarone, 36 Asparagin, (see: - Aspara-
Asaryl-aldehyde, 35 gine) 8; 152; 153; 520; 556;
Ascaridoles, 306 582; 987; 1154; 1155.
Asclepiadin, 151 - Asparagine, 656; 842
Asclepine, 151 Asperulosid, 56~
Asclepione, 243 Astringent matter, 285; 995
Ash, 1; 4; 8; 9; 11; 14; (alka- Astrirtgent principle, 119;.
lrne, 21); 26; 45; 61;' 63; 75; (colouring, 699)";. 701; 857;
90; 95; 102; 103; 104; 106; 876; 1108; 1119; 1206
109; 122; 134; 141; 146; 152; Atisine, 26
179; 213; 217; 218; 222; 223; Atropine, 161; 435; 440
226; 232; 245; 268; 274; 278; Atropural, 520
282; 284; 287; 296; 298; 300; Atropurpurin, 520
302; 304; 307; 309; 311; ,-:;Q2; X-truxilline, 510
313; 328; 335; 339; 3;l2;~352; A-turpinene, 306


Aucubin, (rhinanthin), 530; Benzyl-aconine, 24

980; 986; 1270; 1271 Benzyl-alcohol, 14; 1100
Aurantiamarin, 339 Benzyl-isoquinoline group, 905
Australol, 513 Berbamine, 191 .
Avenin, 162 Berberine, 133; 134; 187; 189;
Ayapanin, 521 191; 356; 384; 531; 542; 662;
Azulene, 772 (compound of, 1213); 1221;
1222; 1302 I
Beta, 444
--Beta-cellulose ( see:._Cellu-
Baborneol, 381 lose) 878
B-acid, 444 Beta Gisekia, 578
Bahmanine, 1093 Betain, 1241
Bahamine, 299 Betaine, 173; 587
Balsam, 1303 Beta paederine, 892
Balsamic extractive, M/139 Beta-resin or Mastichine, 974
Balsamic liquid, 14 Betel oil, 961
Balsamic principle, 45 Betel-phenol (chavi betol) 961
B-antiarin, 128 Betin, 197
Barbaloin, 76 Betulin, 198
Barium, 709 Bhilawanol, 1120
Barringtonin, 176; 177 Bichaconitine, 30
Baryta, M/132 Bihidrate of Cajuputine, 775
Basic hydrogen, M/124 Bihydrochloride of cinchoni-
Basic substance, 1292 dine, 1046
Basic substance isomeric with Bihydrochloride of cinchonine,
hyoscyamine, i.e., pseudo- 1046
hyoscyamine or Mandrago- Bihydrochloride of quinidine.
rine, 764 1046 .
Bassia oil, 181 Bihydrochloride of quinine,
Bassorin, 96 1046
B-costene, 1108 Bimalate of Lime, 973
B-crocetin, 390 Bisulphide of carbon, 765
Bebeerine, 334 Bisulphide of Iron, M/66
Behenic acid, 811 Bitter extractive matter, 50;
Benzaldehyde, 14; 86; 331; 1097 (principle, 504); (extract,
Benzene-hydrocarbon, 513 736); 840
Benzene-nuclei, 761 Bitter principle, 45; 167; 170;
Benzoates, M/24 179; 181; 189; (crystalline,
Benzoic acid, 316; 464; 487; 200); 219; 220; (non-alkaloi-
585; 683; 747; 1002; 1182; dal, 226; 227) ; (yellow,
M/24; M/25; M/26; M/27 245); (neutral, 265); (non-
Benzoic aldehyde, lOP alkaloidal, 289; (resinous,
Benzoin, ,1182; 1183 296); 304; 335; 336; 352; 356;
Benzol, 765 3~7; 390; 434; 485; (amor-
Benzoyl aldehyde, 1016. phous, 520); 579; (neutral,
Benzoyl derivative, 1002 596); 676; 683; (gelatinous,
Benzoyl-ecgonine, 510 751); 770; 778; 793; 804; 827;

952; 1040; (toxic, 1061); Butyrate, 1261

1096; 1161; (amorphous, Butyric acid, 36; 285; 306; 396;
1184); (astringent, 1188); 585; 778
(amorphous, 1196, 1238); Butyric aldehydes, 514
1222; 1257; 1267; 1277; Butyric ethers of turpeneol,
(crystalline, 1302) ,775
Bitter substance, 57; 140; 171; Buxinamine, 225
187; 229; 234; (yellow, 242); Buxine, 225
294; 302; '313; (crystalliIie, Buxinidine, 225
360); 534; 564; (toxic, 626); ...
656; 675; 695; 708; (amor-
phous, 736); 758; 777; (yel-
lowish, 777) ; 796; 875; Cacao-butter, (fat), 1214
(toxic, 951) ; 953; 1002; Cacao-red, 1214
(crystalline, 1055); 1060; Caffeic acid, 368
(toxic, 1061); (toxic, 1097); Caffeine, 248; 366; 368; 1169;
1109; 1113; (crystalline, 1214~ A/183
1168); (amorphous, 1212); Caffeol, 366
1221, 1222; 1268 Caffeotannic acid, 368
Bixin, 200 Cajuputol, 775
B-kosin, 213 Calamene, 36
Black oxide (Cupric oxide), Calamenenol, 36
M/48 Calameone, 36
Black pigment, 1205 Calameone asarone, 36
Bland oil, 96; (fixd, 213; 758); Calamine, 35
1219 Calcareous matter (white),
Bonducin, 227; 229 543; A/158
Borneol, 425; 466; 1309 Calcium, 9; 743; 778; 824; 851;
Bornyl acetate, 933 1018; 1146; 1287; A/173;
'Bornyl isovalerianate, 1261. A/175; A/189; A/192
B-picrasmin, 1040 Calcium benzoate, M/25-
B-pinene, 933 Calcium carbonate, 8; 45; 170;
Brahmine, 624 474; 1199; A/210; A/211
Brasilin, 231 Calcium caseinate, A/172
Breidin, 253 Calcium compounds, 1199;
Brein, 253 A/172
Bromelin, 99 ~Calcium oxalate (Ca-oxalate),
Bromides, 1181 179; 273; 284;.,474; 526; 597;
Bromine, A/214; A/231 717; 796; 999;' 1017; 1057;
Brucine, 1173; 1174; 1175; 1181 1079; 1083; 1113; 1258
Bryoidin, 253 Calcium phQsphate1.. :110; 289;
Bryonin, 219; 220; 377 1012; 1197; AI-153;- A/172;
B-Santalol, 1099 A/189 ,
B-truxilline, 510 Calcium salts, 597; 869; 904;
Bursine, 267 1196; 1199
Butaldehyde, 513 Calcium sulphate, 289; M/I08
Butter (fat). A/l72 Caldium, 582
Butyl-butyrate, 513 ." ..... ~ ~> Calendulin, 234
-- ---


Calophony, 958 309; 312; 381; 407; 421; 441;

Calotropin, 238 449; 458; 461; 477; 507; 584;
Camphene, 36; 466; 933; 1108; 684; 696; 722; 734; 751; 806;
1309 879; 880; 881; 898; 924; 931;
Campheride, 77 938; 940; 942; 977; 1050;
Camphor, 78; 201; 788 1081; 1152; 1154; 1165; 1234;
Camphoric acid, 250 1241; 1246; 1305; A/192
Camphor-like body, 1222 Carbolic acid, 570; A/147
Camphor-resin, 835 Carbon, 230; A/136; A/219
Canabinon, 257 Carbon anhydride, 823
Canadine, 662 Carbonate of Calcium, A/159
Cane-sugar, (See: - Saccha- Carbonate of Copper, M/48
rine matter) 26; 180; 363; Carbonate of Iron, M/54
452; 611; 758; 1083; 1194 Carbonate of Lime, M/41;
Cannabene, 257 A/163; 226; 1184; A/157
Cannabene hydride, 257 Carbonates of calcium & So-
Cannabin, 257 dium, 1199
Cannabinin, 257 Carbonate of magnesia, 1184
Cannabinine, 257 Carbonate of potash, 39; 375;
Cannabinol, 257 823; 1184
Cannabinolactone, 258 Carbonate of ,Soda, 39; 823;
Caoutchouc, 176; 179; (free, 1187; ]d/100; M/102
. 238); 244; (free from M-al- Carbonate of Zinc, M/131;
ban & M. fluavil, 244); 522; M/132
524; 526; 529; 544; 548; 550; Carbon bisulphide, 789
552; (like substance, 674); Carbon dioxide, 778; A/I72
801; 802; 903; 1189 . Carbon disulphate, 892
Ca-oxalate, (See: -Calcium Carbonic acid, 1258; A/170
Oxalate) Carboxylic acids, 321
Capric· acid, 265 Cardol (Acrid oil), 96; (See:
Caproic acid, 415 -,-Non-volatile alcohol,
Caprylic acid, 363 1119)
Capsacin, 268 Carene, 958
Capsicin, 268 Carica fat-acid, 274
Capsularin, 377 Caricin, 274
Carbamido-quinolines, 322 Carmine, A/155 & 156; (See:
Carbohydrates, 104; 106; 109; -Carminic acid)
134; 232; 278; 298; 381; 428; Carminic acid, (See:-Car;
450; 452; 526; 544; 595; 597; mine) A/155 & 156
696; 697; 698; 766; 824; 873; Carmiric acid, A/156
878; 897; 923; 929; 1017; Carobic acid, 1011
1127; 1130; 1154; 1191; 1226; Carobin, 1011
1267; A/176; A/178; A/193 Carobone, 1011
Carbohydrates (digestible) , Carpaine, 274
103; 146; 421; 458; 503; 581; Carpestrol, 1157
930; 1131; 1273; 1306 Carposide, 274
Carbohydrates (soluble), 1; Carthamin, 278
63; 87; 90; 95; 218; 232; 307; Carthamite, 278
Carthartin, 289; 291 Ceropegine, 304
Carvacrol, 371 Cerotic acid, A/151
Carvene, 855 Ceryl alcohol, A/lSI
Carvol, (Carvone), 935 . Cerylic alcohol, 513
Carvone, (See also:-Carvol) Cetin, A/l54
408; 409; 855; 935 ' Cetyl palmitate, A/154
Caryophyllic acid, 836 . Chalk, M/41
Caryophyllene, 328; 836 Chatinine, 1260; 1261
Caryophyllin, 835; 836 Chaulmoogric acid, 601 or
Casein, (See: -Albuminoids), Chaulmugric acid, 658
A/l72; A/173; A/178; A/179; ChauImugric acid, 658
A/189 or Chaulmoogric acid, 601
Casein-ammonium, A/178 Chavi betol (betel-phenol),
Caseine, 705 961
Castine, 1277 Chavicin, 969
Castorin, A/147 Chavicol, 961
Casuarin, 293 Chebulinic acid, 1206
Catalase, 363 Cheiranthin, 304
Catechin, 11; 513; 1105; 1254 Cheirinine, 304
Catechol, 660; 1119; 1120 Cheirolin, 304
Catechu, 130 Chemical sugar (See: -Dex-
Catechuic acid, it trin or Dextrine)
Catechu red, 11; 1254 Cheroonjee oil, 222
Catechu-tannic acid, 11; 1025; Chichorigenin, 299
1254 Chinic or Quinic acid, 316
Cathartic acid, 281; 287; 953; Chinovic acid, 316
1047; 1055 Chinovin, 316
Cathartin, 287; 379 Chiratin, 573; 1184
8atharto-mannit, (See:- Chirkhestite, 386
Sennit) 287 Chironji oil, 222
Catharto-sennit, 287 Chloral, 1181
Caustic soda, M/I00 Chloride of Calcium, 743;
Cellular gelatinous-tissue, A/197; A/220
A/158 Chloride of magnesium, 743
Cellulose, (See: -Gamma cel- Chloride of Potassium, 39; 99;
lulose) 61; 152; 162; 176; 622; 743; 823; 1287; A/163;
179; 180; 278; 289; 313; 368; A/197
452; 472; 557; 597; 602; 608; Chloride of So~, 591
632; 653; 720; 761; 765; Chloride of Sddium (Sodium
878; (See:-Alpha, Beta & Chloride), 39; 99; 1287;
Gamma celluloses) ;. 1017; M/91; M/100; 1\./197
1130; 1214; 1226; 1267; 1305 Chlorides,' 8; 153; - 203; 851;.
Cep,haeline, 1023 869; l\/19~; 1157; M/26
Cerbetin, 302 Chlorides, of alkali metals,
Cerealin, 1245 1199
Ceridin, 1299 Chlorine, 310; 591; 822; 823;
Cerinor, A/151 1092; M/14; (compound,
Cerolein, A/151 A/172)

Chloroform, 227; 812; 1268; 331

M/25; M/27 Cinnamic methyl ester, 1302
Chlorogenate of potassium, Cinnamyl acetate, 328
368 Cinnamyl cocaine, 510
Chlorophyll, 19; 102; 517; 526; Cinnamyl ester (of A. amy-
562; (a & b, 597); 717; 720; rin), 128
765;' 775; 787; 876; 986; 1017; Cissampeline, 334
1039; 1266 Citral, 104; 105; 513
Chloroxyline, 309 Citrate of Potash, 339
Chloroxylonine, 309 Citrate of potassium, 342; 851
Cholesterin, 296; purified, Citrates, 816; 1258
A/137; A/138; A/147; A/197 Citrene, 348
Cholesterol, (See: -Phytoste- Citric acid, 191; 274; 339; 342;
rol); 245; 667 345; 347; 536; 761; 765; 838;
Cholin, 1241 . 873; 876; 903; 950; 1014;
Choline, 35; 130; 173; 587; 656; 1065; 1078; 1155; 1191; 1222;
670; 1241 1287
Chondrin, A/136 Citrol, 104; 348
Christembine, 478 .Citronella-aldehyde, 1222
Chromogen, 588 Citronellal, 348; 513; 791; 1222
Chrysamic acid, 75 Citronelol, 110
Chrysanthemin, 311 Citrullin, 338;
Chrysin', 1005 Clay, M/I08
Chrysophan (Chrysophanic Coagulum, A/219
acid); 1057 Cobalt, M/16
Chrysophan (Senna-crol), 287 Cocaine, 510; 512; 961
Chrysophanic acid, (See:- Coccerin, A/ISS
Chrysophan, Rumicin, Sen- Cocculin, 99
nacrol) 100; 283; 284; 286; Cochtone, 552
287; 289; 290; 291; 922;,1057; Cocinic acid, 600
1059; 1079; 1080' Codamine, 903
Cichoriin, 313 Codeine, 903; 905; 907; 908;
Cimicifugine, 314; 315 909·
Cinchona-red, 316 Codrin, 57
Cinchonidine, 315; 316; 317; Coffeo-tannic acid, 366
318; 320; 321; 1044 Coicin, 368
Cinchonine, 315; 316; 317; Colchiceine acid, 369
318; 320; 321; 1044 Colchicine, 369
Cincho-tannic acid, 316; 674 Colin, A/163
Cinchotenidine, 321 Colloidal particles, A/173
Cinchotenine, 321 Colloturine, 1187
Cineol, 1309 Colocynthein (a resin), 335
Cineole, 78; 93; 415; 475; Colocynthetin, 335
(eucalyptol, 513); 1309 , Colocynthin, 335; 751; 1238
Cinnamate of cinnamyI, 747 Colocynthitin, 335
Cinnamic acid, 86; 328; 464; Colouring matter, 14; 39; 63;
747; 1182 109; 153; yellow 200); 265;
Cinnamic aldehyde, 86; 328; (red, 268); (yellow, 278) ;

281; 285; 289; (red, 291); Crocin, 390

293; 296; .310; (brown, 352); Crotalin, A/228
(crystalline, 390); (yellbw, Crotonic acid or Quartenylic
414); 415; 445; 475; 478; 562; cid, 396
577; 588; 597; 602; (yell~w, Croton oil, 396
622); 632; (yellow, .692; Crotonol, 396
699); (red, 699); 731; 761; Crotonoleic acid, 396
(yellow, 765) ~ 778; 787; 801; Croton-resin, 396
802; 827; 857; 903; 973; 1026; Crude cannabinol, 258
1047; (red, 1072) ; 1075; Crude fibre, 14; 304; 412; 419;
1078; 1092; (red, 1114); 878; 1308
1143; (yellow, 1164; 1176); Crude thymol, (ajwan-ka-
(red, 1187); (yellow, dye phul) (flowers of Ajowan
1191); 1199; 1203; (brown- camphor), 1028
ish yellow, 1206); 1214; Cryptol, '513
1238; (yellow, 1241); 1275; Cryptopine, 903
1278; 1292; A/155; A/192; Crystalline body, 848
A/230; (red, 5; 230; 673; Crystalline colourless needles,
674) 851
Colouring principle, 139; (as- Crystalline compound, 1156
tringent, 699); 828; 1254 Crystalline compound o£ em-.
Columbin, 704; (snake-poison, belic acid, 478
A/221) Crystalline concretions, 597
Commercial arsenious acid, Crystalline constituent o£ the
M/16 oil, 1002
Common salt, (See:-Salt, Crystalline cyanogenetic glu-
comnon) A/178 coside, 602
Conessme, 635/ 636; 637 Crystalline deposits, white,
Conhydrine, 375 1197
Coniferin (glucoside), 2 Crystalline hydrocarbon, 1062
Conine, 1056 Crystalline insoluble sub-
Convolvulin, 688; 691 stance, 1026
Convovulin, 375 Crystalline matter, solid, 627
Copper, 775; 824; M/14 Crystalline organic base, 561
Corchogenin, 377 Crystalline principle, 231;
Corchorin, 377 (bitter, 339); 366; (neutral,
Coriandrol (linalcol) 381 445); (alkaloidal, 529); 543;
Costic acid, 1108 611; (glucoside, 809); 949;
Costol, 1108 (acrId,989) f051: (red,1075);
Costus lactone, 1108 (bitter, 1139); 1196; (bitter,
Cotarnine, 322; 911 1302)
Cotarnine hydrochloride, Crystalline producf;-331
(stypticin) 910 Crystalline protein, 128
Cotarnine phthalate, 911 Cry~talline red principle, 1026
Coumarin, 620; 674; 786; 1015 Crystalline resin, (See:-Anti-
Cravin,545 aresin) 128
Cream o£ Tartar, 717 ~ Crystalline solid body, 1302
Crepitin, 656 I' -
.. H~
Crystalline, stearoptin, (See:

-Stearoptin, crystalline), D-a-phellandrene, 415

620 D-a-pinene, 933
Crystalline substance, 213; Darutine, 1139
(acrid, 268); (bitter, 360); Datiscin, 434; 1298
578; (oleaginous white, 662); Daturina-daturin, 435
(white, 699); 761; (amor- Daturine, 435
phous, 778); 836; 1028; 1127; D-Borneol, 415; 933
A/147 D-camphor, 331
Crystallisable acid, 1318 D-coniine, 374
Crystallisable principle, 85; Dead beetle, (or Pupa), A/166
620; 1316 Delphinine, 443
Crystallisable substances, 361 Delpho-curarine, 443
Crystals (intensely bitter yel- Demulcent substance, 615
low); 101 D-ephedrine, 490
Crystine, A/173 Derrid, 445
Cry tal, 513 Derrin, 445
Cubebic acid, 400 Deutero-albumoses, A/220
Cubebin, 400 Dextrin, 274; 830; 1194;
Cucurbitine, 186 (See: - Chemical sugar,
Cumene, 1028 1245); 1267
Cm:nic aldehyde, 170; 408 Dextrine, 366
Cuminol, 408 Dextro-cocaine, 510
Cupric oxide (black oxide), Dextro-rotatory terpene, 307
M/48 Dextrose, (See: -Grape-sugar;
Cuprous oxide (Red oxide), Glucose); 1140; A/192
M/48 Diacetyl of Hydrobhilawanol,
Curagin; 410 1120
Curcin, 705 Diastases, 961
Curcumic acid, 416 Diastatic ferment, 1245
Curcumin, 414; 415 Dibenzoyl hydrobhilawanol,
Curcumin arabins, 419 1120
Curcumone, 415 Dibromide, 377
Cuscohygrine, 510 Dichroin, 447
Cuscutine, 420 Dictamnolacton, 448
Cyanogenetic glucose, 769 Diffusible non-coagulable al-
Cyanomaclurin, 146 bumose A/221 (See: -Non-
Cyclamin, 423 coagulable almumose, dif-
Cydonin, 1038 fusible)
Cymene,. 250; 306; 307; 348; Digitaline, 848
408; 513; 855 Dihydrazone (from Embelic
Cymol, 250; 408 acid), 478
Cystine, 125; 255; A/173 Di-hydrocostus lactone, 1108
Cytolysin, A/221 Di-hydroxy-benzoic acid, 588
Dihydroxypheny1 cotarnine
hydrochloride, 911
Dihydroxy stearic acid, 179;
Daemine, 430 1002
Daillyl disulphide, 66 Dikenali, .569

Dill apiol, 935; (See:--Dill Ecliptine, 469; 470

apion; 936) Edible matter, 517; 944; 1287
Dill apion, 936; (See: -tUill Edible oil, 121; 628
apiol, 935) 8-B-aminoalkyl-amido-quino-
Dimethiodide, 635 I lines, 323
Dimethosulphate of Conesslne, Elaterin, 467
635 Elemic acid, 253
Dimethylamine, 1241 Ellagic acid, 517; 1032
Dimethyl-amino-styrry1- Embelic acid, (see: -Mono-
quinolines, 322 semicarbazone; )
Dimethyl Ether, 1120 & oxime 478
Dimethyl-phloro-glucin, 761 Embelin, 479
Di-pentene, 170; 1302 Emetic principle, 150; 403;
Diplcrate, 635 1275
Disecomicarbazone (from Em- Emetine, 1023; 1275
belie acid), 478 Emodin, (See: - Trioxy-me-
Disulphate of quinia or quinine, thylanthra-quinone) 76; 287,
1045 289; 290; 291; 1057; 1059;
Ditain, 80 1079; 1266
Ditamine, 80; 83; 448 Empyreumatic oil, 368; 670
D-limonene, 855; 935 Emulsin, 1012; 1015
Double salt of Margosine and Enulin, 313
soda, 777 Enzyme, 98; (fat-splitting, 5) ~
D-pinene, 78 (proteolytic, 173); (diastatic
D-pseudo-ephedrine, 490 & emulsifying, 173); 180;
Dregein, 465 181; (digestive, 274); 300;
D-sabinene, 415 363; 458; 465; 524; 545; 597;
Dulcamarin, or Picroglycion, 620; 1140; A/189
1148 Enzyme-urease, 458
Dulrite, 520 . Ephedrine, 487; 490; 1135
Dye, 11; 40; 223; (red, 927); Ephedrine oxalate or Oxalate
(yellow, 1011; 1191) of Ephedrine, 490
Dy-ephedrine, 490 Epithelial debris, A/220
Dy-pseudo-ephedrine, 490 Ericolin, 570; 1060; 1061
Erytherine, 508
Erytherine, 507
_Essence de petit-grain, 339
Earthy salts (calcareous mat- Essential oil, 2; 3; 14; 20; 36;
ter) , A/158 55; 56; 63; 79'; 80; 92; 93; 101;
Ecballin, 467 107; 110;.127; 140; 144;
Ecgonine, 510 150; 170; 171;' 198; 201; 212;
Echicaoutchin, 80 215; 219; 231; 234~ 253; 257;
Echicerin, 80 272; 279; 280; 284; 2%; 305;
Echiretin, 80 311; 321.; 331; 333; 342; 345;
Echitamine, 80; 83 371; 408; 410; 412; 415; 419;
Echitein, 80 428; 448; 456; 463; 464; 475;
Echitenine, 80; 83 .. 507; 512; 517; 526; 536; 537;
Echitin, 80 ~ 542; 559;. 580; 596; 608; 620;

623; 627; 656; 673; 683, 695; 881; 897; 898; 923; 924; 929;
703; 704; 710; 713; 716; 725; 930; 938; 940; 942; 977; 1050;
729; 730; 739; 741; 749; 778; 1081; 1105; 1131; 1152; 1154;
788; 793; 811; 830; 831; 834; 1165; 1234; 1241; 1246; 1273;
343; 848; 855; 857; (yellowish 1305; 1306
green, 862); 863; 865; 872; Ethyl acetate, M/25
875; 877; 894; 904; Ethyl acetate extract, M/25;
933; 934; 935; 955; M/27
957; 961; 973; 975; 979; Ethyl ether, 1002
993; 997; 999; 1000; 1002; Ethylic ether, 601;
1005; 1008; 1018; 1020; 1028; Ethyl-quitenine, 322
1047; 1050; 1062; 1064; 1079; Eucalyptol (cineole), 513
1081; 1094; 1096; 1099; 1107; Eudesmol, 513
1108; 1142; 1162; 1191; 1212; Eugenic acid, 836
1222; (yellowish green, Eugenin, 835 .
1222); 1230; (fatty, 1241); Eugenol, 36; 170; 280; 328; 331;
1255; 1259; 1260; 1268; 836; 961; 1018; 1264
(colourless, 1278) ; 1282; Euonic acid, 520
1302; 1303; 1304; 1308; 1309 Euonymin, 520
Essential volatile oil, 98; (See: Euonymini, 520
-Volatile essential oil); 521; Euonymol, 520
blue, 772) ; 838; 892; 961; Euonysterol, 520
996; 1018; 1260; 1271 Euphorbin, 522
Ester of asaresino-tannol, 537 Euphorbium, 522
Ester, organic, 1199 Euphorbol, 528
Esters, 513; 570; 609; 933; 1099 Euphorbon, 524; 528; 529
Esters of acetic acid, 36 Evodiamine, 531
Esters of cinchotenidine, 322 Extractive matter, (non-crys-
Esters of cinchotenine, 322 talline) 4; 179; 851
Esters of palmitic acid, 36 Extractive matters, 278; 294;
Esters of quitenidine, 322 379; (extractives, 612); (fra-
Esters of valerianic acid, (See: grant, 807); 876; 944; 1020;
-Iso-valerianic acid), 1260; (extractives, 1057) ; 1075;
1261 1164; 1189; 1211; (extrac-
Ether, A/170 tives, 1260) ; (non-tannin)
Ethereal oil, 1097; (Valerianic, A/162
1260); A/192 Extractives principle (bitter),
Ethereal salt of valeric acid, 118; 313
1008 ;Extractives- See: -Extractive
Ether extract, 1; 63; 87; 90; 95; matters
103; 104; 106; 109; 146; 218; Extract of Indigo, (See: -Sul-
232; (ethereal, 257) ; 278; phate of indigo), 681
298; 307; 309; 312; (petro-
leum, 336); (sulphuric, 336);
369; 381; 407; 421; 441; 449;
450; 458; 461; 477; 503; 581; Farinaceous matter, (See:-
584; 684; 69~; 697; 698; 722; Starch), 404; 406
734; 751; 766; 806; 879; 880; Fat, 26; 61; 122; 130; 162; 176;

178; 179; 181; 203; 210; 223; 774; (crude, 787); 873; 896;:
255; 274; 304; 311; 313; 3\)3; 898; 899; 939; 940; 977;:,
366; 392; 411; 413; 428; 452 (vegetable 1039); 1095; 1131;
454· 506' 517' 531' 545' 567' 1165; 1191; 1245; 1273
581:, 618:, 622:, 653:, 710:)7i7:
,' Febrin, 275
720; 734; 771; 774; (white Fibrin-ferment, A/221
solid, 811); 818; 822; 830; Filicic acid, 761
834; 844; 851; 872; 873; Fixed essential oil, 153; 248;.
(crystalline, 876); 878; 903; 390; 599
926; 969; 1017; 1018; 1072; Fixed oil, 4; 61; 186; 217; 226;
1083; 1090; 1091; 1092; 266; 268; 278; 335; 338; 339;
(white, 1103); (liquid, 1127); 354; 381; (fatty, 396); 404;
(solid, 1127); 1130; 1143; 407; 475; 478; 520; 588; 600;
1146; 1154; 1165; 1170; (con- 608; 609; 627; 653; 658; 667;
crete oil, 1176); 1191; 1214; 670; 705; 709; 743; (bland,
1226; 1228; 1230; 1234; 1245; 751); 758; (yellow bitter, I
1273; 1287; 1292; 1298; 1305; 777); 793; 795; 796; (fatty,.
1308; (liquid, A/1S6); A/162; 801) ; 802; 811; 830; 855;
(butter, A/In); A/173; (bland, 903); (fatty, 980);
A/174; A/177; A/178; A/179; 1002; 1008; 1012; 1015; 1020;
A/197; A/216 1046; 1050; 1066; 1096; 1109;
Fat oil, 1277 11U!; 1120; 1127; 1132; 1140;
Fat soluble principles, A/192 1164; 1170; 1191; 1230; 1268;:
Fatty acid, 268; 306 (crys- 1287; 1305
taIline; 385); 396; (crystal- Fixed salts, 602
lizable, 513); 601; 661; 699; Fluavil, 238; 243
(free & volatile, 777); Fluoride, A/159
(glycerides of-soluble, in- Fluoride of Potassium, )\11/93
soluble, 778); (free, 818); Fluorine, M/44; M/124
(fluid, 873); 878; 1002; 1149; Formate, 1261
1150; 1170; 1265; 1266; M/26; Formic acid, 179; 513; 538; 710;
A/156 1258; 1260; A/192
Fatty aromatic body, 662 4-piperazineo-2-methylquino-
Fatty matter, 19; 122; 232; lines, 322
289; 300; 368; 381; 400; 601; 4-piperidino-2-methyl· quino-
622; 699; A/156; A/220 lines, 322
Fenchone, 557 - Frangulic acid, 1059 .
Ferment, 213; (milk-curdling, Fraxin, 559 '
274); (peptonising, 545); Free Acid, 10!)! 513; 778; 1099;
(emulsin; 1012) 1277
Ferric chloride, 1157' Free alcohols, 513
Ferric oxide, 597; 692; 700; Free fatty acid, 818-
720; 823; M/99 . Free rFerulic acid, 538
Ferulic acid, 537 Free glycerides of fatty acids,.
Fibre, (See: -woody fibre), 133 .
122; 146; 222; 278; 311i 421; Free Tartaric acid, 717; 765
428; 458; 460; 462; (Ifgneous, "'Free terpineol, 475
475); 477; 544; 581~A)53-; -734; Fruit-acids, 1316
.... '
Fruit-sugar or Levulose, A/192 354; 363; 366; 368; 445; 448;
Fumaric acid, 561 453; 474; 588; 597; 602; 692;
Fumarine, 561 778; 844; 903; 953; 1012;.
Fungic acid, 50 1103; 1113; 1157; 1164; 1194;
Furfural, 836 1218; 1267; 1287; A/I83 ~
Glucosidal body, 1199 'I
Glucosidal principle, 550; 1148
Glucosides, 5; 20; 45; 56; 62;
Galactose, 765; 1157 (apiin, 127); 150; 170; (Cya-
Galangin, 77; 80 nogenetic, 173); 176; 177;
Galena, (Lead sulphide), M/14 202; 216; 219; 223; 227; 228;
Gallic acid, 130; 208; 223; 248; 265; 267; 274; 284; 286; 291;
369; 505; 517; 526; 577; 765; 293; 296; 299; 302; 304; 311;
822; 859; 975; 999; 1025; 313; (colourless crystalline,
1042; 1057; 1072; 1113; 1161; 313); 316; 333; 335; (crystal-
1197; 1206 line 342)' 385' 386' 390' 410'
Gallo-tannic acid, 836; 975; 423;' (bitter, 430);' 434;' 445;
1025; 1042; 1203 (crystalline, 447); (poison-
Gambier, 1254 ous, 450); 465; 467; 472; 486;
Gambier-fluorescein, 1254 517; 524; 530; 559; 562; 563;
Gamma-cellulose, (See: -Celc.. 586; 588; 596; 597; (crystal-
lulose), 878 line cyanogenetic, (02); 609;
Ganiol, 108 619; 634; 673; 675; 679; 681;
Garancin, 1076 687; 688; 691; 695; 724; 725;
Gardenin, 568; 569 731; 744; 750; 751; (bitter,
Garjanic acid, 456 771); 772; 777; 785; 786;
Gaultherilene, 570 (yellow, 787); 792; 797; 806;
Gelatine, 52; A/230 (crystalline principles, 809);
Gelatinous matter, A/197 810; (bitter; 820); 821; 827;
Gelatin, pure, A/136 843; 848; (toxic, 855); 869;
Gelose, 572 (crystalline bitter, 876);
Gentian bitter, 573 877; 894; (toxic, 897); 901;
Gentianic acid, 573 (bitter, 925): 927; 934; 938;
Gentiopicrin, 573; 1186 953; 979; 980; 986; 993; 1005;
Geranin, 576 1011; 1012; 1016; 1026; 1037;
Geraniol, 339; 381; 513 1038; 1057; 1061; 1072; 1076;
Geranyl-acetate, 513 1077; 1081; 1089; (crystalline,
Gingerin, 1309 1090); 1091; 1096; (cyano-
Gingerol (Yellow pungent genetic, 1096; 1097); 1108;
body), .1309 1113; (cyanogenetic, 1114);
'~Gliadin", 162 1115; 1118; 1140; 1143;
Globulin (fraction A), 5; 878; poisonous, 1148); 1166; 1169;
1241; A/220; A/228 \ 1171; 1172; 1174; 1715; (yel-
Gloriosine, 579 ' low bitter, 184); 1188; (crys-
Gluco-alkaloid, 1156; 1157 talline white, 1218); (poison-
"Glucokenin", 300 ous, 1219); 1228; 1239; 1240;
Glucose, (See also Grape (bitter, 1251); (inactive,
Sugar), 13; 39; 92; 184; 316; 1257); (toxic amorphous,

1257); 1260; 1261; 1262; triricinolein), 106t:

1267; 1270; 1271; 1272;! 1275; Glycerides of Stearic acid, 217;
1298 227; 228; 396 .
Glucotannic acid, 1199 I Glycerides of unsaturated fatty
Gluten, 285; 1012; 1146; 11244; acids, 957
(cells, 1245) I Glycerides of volatile acids,
Gluten albumin, (See: -Pro- 396
teid compound) 653 Glycerin, A/230
Glutenin, 878 Glycerine, 653; A/163
Glutinous body, 1196 (See:- Glyceryl, 743
Glutinous substance) Glyceryl acetate, 1100
Glutinous substance (See:- Glyceryl esters, 601
Glutinous body) 1276 Glycol anhydride oil, 306
Glycerides of acids, 227; 1306 Glycyrrhizin, 5; 582
Glycerides of brassic acid, 217 Glyoxalino-quinoline; 322
Glyceride of butyric acid, Gold, M/14
A/178 Gold leaf, M/35
Glyceride of caprinic acid, Gossypetin, 588
A/178 Gossypol, 588
Glyceride of caprylic acid, Grape-sugar (See also Glu.-
A/178 cose; Dextrose) 153; 545;
Gly'ceride of carponic acid, 710; 1287; A/192
A/178 Grass oil of Nemaur, 108
Glyceride of dihydroxy-stearic Groscopine, 903
acid, 1066 Guanine, 1083
Glycerides of erucic acid, 217 Guanosine, 366
Glycerides of fatty acids, Gum, 4; 9; 11; 14; 39; 50 (red)
(soluble; insoluble, 778); 52; 57; 85; 96; 130; 146; 153;
818 157; 170; 179; 184; 210; 223;
Glyceride of free fatty acid, 255; 285; 289; 294; 296; 300;
818 304; 335; 352; 363; 369; 379;
Glycerides of lauric acid, 363; 385; 400; 408; 412; 413; 414;
396 419; 423; 428; 445; 457; 505;
Glycerides of linoleic acid, 228; 513; 517; 522; 524; 529; 538;
377; 1127 542; 545; 556; 562; 565; 582;
Glycerides of myristic acid, 622; 627; 662; 720; 761; 777;
363; 396 778; 787; 789; 790; 804; 811;
Glycerides of oleic acid, 217; 836; 840; ~2; 851; 859; 903;
228; 377; 1127 922; 926; ~49; 965; 969; 1025;
Glycerides of palmitic acid, 1032; 1036; ~1038; 1039; 1075;
227; 228; 363; 396' 1090;.· 1095; -1117; (resin,
Glycerides of palmitin & olein, 11,32); 1143 (brownish,
122 . 1159); 1166; 1167; 1170;
Glyce..j_des of ricinoleic acid, 1176; '1167; 1170; 1176; 1183;
1066 1184; 1191; 1219; 1234; 1260;
Glycerides of ricinoleic & iso- 1264; 1266; 1271; 1287; 1308;
rJ.C'lno l'
elC aCl' d
s, " .(S ee: ---,. I 1318; M/26; M/27
Ricinoleate of glycerol or Gum-benzoin, 1183
INDEX 68.'>

Gum-mastic, 1062 Hydnocarpic acid, 601; 658;

Gum-resin, 167; 339; 526; 541; 661
542; 563; 565; 872; 1132; Hydrastine, 662
1271 Hydrate of the resin, 777
Gum-wax, 4 Hydrate of silicic acid, 173
Guvacine, 130 Hydro-bromide, 131; 635
Guvacoline, 130 Hydrocarbons, 227; 306; 307;
Gymnemic acid, 597 328; 408; 570; 597; 935; 958;
Gynocardic acid, 600 A/151
Gynocardin, 602 Hydrochloride, 203; 490; 609;
635; 812; 1157
Hydrochloride of the alkaloid,
IIaemagglutinin, 5 Hydrocotarnine, 903
Haematin, 231 Hydrocyanic acid, 1014; 1016;
Haematite, M/54 . 1097
IIaematoxylin, 230; 1105 Hydrogen, 231; A/136; A/219
Haemolytic principle, A/221 Hydrogen sulphate, 635
Haemorrhagin, A/221 Hydroquinine, 315; 316; 318
Halogens (as chlorine), 591 Hydroxy acids, 4; 1066
Hanno-tannic acid, 731 Hydroxyl, M/124
Harmal, 928 Hydroxyl groups, 479
Harmaline, 927; 928 Hygriene, 510
Harmalol, 927 Hygrostero1, 667
Harman, 1187 Hyoscine, 435; 440; 670; 1118
Harmatol, 928 Hyoscinic acid, 670
Harmine, 927 Hyosciprin, 670
Harminic acid, 928 Hyoscyamine, 440; 669; 670;
Helleborein, 618 720; 1118
Helleborin, 247; 618; 619; 855 Hyoscyansine, 161
Hemidesmine, 620 Hypericum red, (See: -Red
'Henna' dye, 731 resin), 673
Hentria-contane, 597 Hypobromite of sodium, 1.\/[/25
Heptylic acid, 35 Hypocyamine, 435
Herein, A/230 Hypogaeic acid or Hypogoeic
Hesperidin, 339; 342; 374 acid, 122; 601
Hetero-albumoses, A/220 Hypogoeic acid or Hypogaeic
Hexone bases, 1241 acid, 601; 122
Hexose, 1157 Hypoxanthine (See also:-
Hippuric acid, M/26; M/27 Sarcine), 366; 403; 653
Hiptagin, 634 Hystidine, A/173
Histamines, 1241
Histidine, 125;, 368; 1241
Holarrhenine, 635; 636; 637
Homo-napelline, 24 Igasuric acid, 1175
Homopterocarpin, 1026 Igasurine, 1175
Hormone, 300 Imperia1ine, 560
Humic ~cid, M/25 Impure carbonate, M/130

Ind-aconitine, 22; 32 490

Indican, 681 I Isomeric with malic acids,· 561
Indigo-blue, or Indigotin, 681 Isomeride of Nicotine,- (Nico-
Indigo-red, 681 timine), 850
Indigotin or Indigo-blue, 681 Isomerides, 601
Indigo-white or Luc-indigo, Isomer of borneol, 110
681 Isomers, 1099
Inorganic acid, 543; 811 Isopelletierine 1032
Inorganic matters, 705; 787; Isopyroine, 698
965; (insqluble, 1214) Iso-rhamnetin, 284
Inorganic salts, 339; 1057; Isorottlerin, 761
A/162 . Iso-thebaine, 901
Inorganic substances, 363 Isotrifolin, 1240
Inositol, 597 Isovalerianic aQ'id, (see:-
Insoluble matter, 944; 1191; Esters of valerianic acid),
1211 1260/1261
Insoluble mem.brane, A/136 Isova~eric aldehyde, 1099
Intybin, 313
Inulin, 1109; 1196
Invertin, 1300
Invert sugar, (See: -Levulose J alapine, 691
& Glucose), 180; 1191; 11~4 Jamboiine, 517
Investin, 363, (Investin, 363) J ambosine, 518
Iodide of Potassium, A/163 Jasmin, 703
Iodides, 1181; A/163 J asminine, 701
I Iodine; 66; 227; 591; 592; 724; Jatrophic acid, 705
736; 1005; 1165; M/14; A/214; Jibantic ac~d, 444
A/230; A/231 Jimantine, 444
Ionone, 105 J uglandic acid, 709
Ipomoein, 687 Juniperin, 710
Ipuranol, 1292
Iron, 99; 178; 179; 278; 289;
536; 570; 591; 653; 720; 736;
778; 822; 824; 944; 976; 1051; Kalmeghin, (Kalmegh Resin
1052; 1105; 1157; 1214; 1241; . or Green resinous extract)
1287; M/26; M/132; A/157; 102
A/163; A/192 > Kalmegh Resin or 'Kalmeghin'
Iron compound, A/I72 or green ,~esinous extract,
Iron oxide, M/7 102; 231
lsobarbaloin, 76 Kampferin, 284
'lsodulcite, 265 Karanjin, 1002 ~ _
'Iso-ephedrine, or Pseu<,1o-ephe- Karanjol carboxylic acid, 1002
, drine, 490 Karanjol1ol, 1002
Isohesperidin, 339 Kelanka-tel (oleo-resin), 295
Isolauric acid, 479 Keto-enol tentomerism, 479
'Iso-linolenic acid, 602 Ketone, 513; 570; (unsaturat-
Isolinolic acid, 878 .:t, > / ed, 855); 1099; A/197
Isomer cl-pseudo.-epnedrine, Ketonic groups, 479

Kinoin, 1025 Lead sulphide, (Galena), M/14

Kino-oil, (Moodooga oil) 223 Leaf gold, M/33
Kino-red, 1025 Lecithin, 213; 217; 1147; 1148;
Kino-tannic acid, 223; 513; 1165; 1241; 1258; A/162
1025 Lectopicrin, 720
Kinovin or Quinovin, 1187 Lectucic acid, 720
I(oenigin, 196 Lectucin, 720
I(olanin, 1169 Legumin, 162; 366; 368; 734
Kosin, 607 Leucin, 368
Kosotoxin, 213; 607; 761 Levulin, 1196
K-oxalate, 1309 Levulose, (Fruit-sugar) 950;
Kurchisine, or Kurchicine, 635; 1047; 1194; A/192
636; 644 . Lichenin, 922
Kurchine, 635; 636 Ligneous matter, 591
Kurchsine, or Kurchicine, 635; Lignin, 363; 472; 588; 692; 969;
636; 644 1057; 1267
Lignoceric acid, or Lignocerric
acid, 122; 223; 811; 1002
Lactalbumin, A/173 Lignose, 720
Lactic acid, 903; A/170; A/l72; Lime, 1; 50; 61; 99; 173; 179;
A/I77; A/179 . 536; 653; 720; 766; 822; 823;
Lactocin, 720 944; 976; 1039; 1184; M/24;
Lactoglobulin, A/I73 M/25; M/26; M/44; A/193
Lactose, A/172; A/176; A/178; Limonence, 339
A/179; A/183; Aj189 Limonene, 170; 339; 348; 475;
Lactucarium, ·720 513; 958
Lactucerin, 720 Linalcol, (Coriandrol), 381
Lactucin, 313 Linalol, 328
Laevo-rotatory terpene, 307 Linalool, (methyl-o-cinna-
Laevo-turpense, 306 mate), 1302
Laevulose, 339 Linamarin, 744
Laminar plates, (Resin: brown- Linaool, 1222
ish red or reddish yellow) , Linoleic acid, 743
761 Linolein, 181
Lanolin, A/138 Lino-Ienic acid, 602; 1002
Lansinic acid, 725 Linolic acid, 122; 223; 601; 667;
Lapachol, 165 1002
Lapathin, 1079 Linoxyn, 744
Larcic acid, 50 Lipase, 545
Larthopine, 903 Liquid fat, A/156
Laudanine, 903 Lobeline, 749
Laudanosine, 903 Loganin, 1174; 1175
Lauramide, 479, Longifolene, 958
Lauric acid, 134; 479; 653; '777; Loturidine, 1187
1170 Loturine, 1187
Lauronitrile, 479 L-pinene, 381; 1261
Laurotetanine, 748 Lud-indiE):>, or Indigo-white,
L-camphene, 1261 681
Luffin, 751 Manganese, 278; 282; 304; 475;
Lupamine, 755 562; 597; 807; 818; 1018; 1020;
Lupinidine, 755 1051; 1052; 1108; 1227; 1260
Lupinine, 755 A/159
Lycaconitine, 28 Manganic oxide, 720
Lycoctonine, 28 Mangosim, 564
Lycorin, 389 Mangostin, 564
Lysine, 125; 368; A/173 Manjistin, 1076
Manna, 62
Mannit, 328
Mannite, (sugary matter) 572;
Macene, 831 720; 724; 1032
Madar-Alban, 237; 243; 244 Mannitol, 363
Madar fiuavil, 237; 243; 2:):4 Marelosin, 46
Magnesia, 1; 61; 99; 122; 766; Margarin, 289; A/137
823; 1184; 1214; 1287; M/26; Margosic acid, 777; 778
M/99 Margosine, 777
Magnesium, 9; 743; 824; 1287; Margosopirrin, 778
A/211 Marmelosin, 45
Magnesium carbonate, 45; Marubien, 771
A/157 Mastichic acid, (or Alpha-
Magnesium-phosphate, 8; 1012; resin), 974
1197; A/159; A/172 Mastichine or Beta resin, 674
Magnesium salts, 4; 582; 904; Meconianin, 903
1199 Meconic acid, 903
Magnesium sulphate, 289; Meconidine, 903
M/100; M/101 Meconin, 903
Magnetic iron ore, M/54 Melanthin, 855
Maizenic acid, 1305 Meliatin, 792
Malates, 118; 141; 153; 408; Melissyl palmitate, A/lSI
710; 816; 851; 893; 1266 Menispermine, 361
Malate of Calcium, 524; 528; Menthol, 788; 789; 791
529 Menyanthin, 792
Malates of magnesium & cali- Mercuric chloride, 1181
cum, 400 Mercury, M/33; M/35; M/3S'
Malate of Manganese, 873 Meta-cresol, 170
Malate of Sodium, 528 Meta-gallic acid, 1042
Malic acid, 9; 13; 191; 274; 289; Metal arseni~ M/16
311; 342; 381; 435; 448; 538; Metarbin, 844; 855; 1113
561; 582; 622; 632; 765; 787; Methodide, 635
838; 950; 1014; 1015; 1018; Methyl-alcohol;-- 513
1039; 1065; 1072; 1078; 1191; Methylamin, 758---'-
1260; 1266; 1278; 1287 .' Methylamine, 1241
Maltose, 181 Methyl-amyl-Ketone, 836
Mandragorine, See:-Basic Methyl-arecaiqine, 131
substance isomeric with Methyl-chavicol, 955
hyoscyamine, i.e., pseudo- IMethylcinnamate,' 78
hyoscyamine, 7M ~- ' Methyl crotonic acid, 396

Methylene groups, 479 Monomethyl ether, 1266

Methyl-ether, 1002 Mononitrohydl'obhilawanol,
Methyl-Eugenol, 36 1120
Methyl glucoside, 1020 Monosaccharides, A/192
Methyl-indole (see: -Skatole) Monosemicarbazone, (from
578 Eembelic acid) 478
Methyl-o-cinnamat'e, (Lina- Moodooga oil, ('KinC?-oil') 223
1001), 1302 Morin, 146
Methyl-paracumarin, acetate, Morindin, 809
608 Morphia, 903
Methyl-pelletierine, 1032 Morphine, 901; (anhydrous,
Methyl-phloro-glucin, 761 903); 905; 907; 908
Methyl-salicylate, .14; 306; 570; Mowrin, 181
571 Mucic acid, 1170; A/183
Methyl salicylic ester, 1275 Mucilage, 8; 26; 35; 39; 45; 65;
Miconoisin, 903 85; 119; 152; 154; 166; 178;
Middle-lamella pectin, 1154 179; 213; 217; 222; 223; 287;
Milk, 1147; (Soya, acidophilis, 313; 328; 339; 342; 381; 390;
1147) 392; 408; 411; 414; 435; 475;
Milk-casein, A/178 519; 526; 528; 536; 582; 591;
Milk-curdling ferment, 99 608; '632; 670; 685; 688; 743;
Milk Plasma, A/172 748; 795; 811; 827; 830; 855;
Milk-sugar (see also:-Sugar): 862; 944; 950; 980; 986; 1002;
-A/172 1007; 1012; 1038; 1057; 1066;
Mineral hydrocarbon, M/25 1079; 1083; 1113; 1127; 1165;
Mineral compounds, 528 12'06; 1234; 1241; 1257; 1258;
Mineral matter, see also:- 1267; 1305; 1308; 1316; 1318;
(Mineral substances) 61; A/192
162; 219; 291; 305; 445; 454; Mucilaginous substance, 8;
681; 878; 507; 595; 802; 1078; (matter, 423); (juice, 593)
1155; 1164; 1214; 1230 (principles, 763) ; (matter,.
Minerals, 122 1168)
Mineral salts, 1017; 1078; 1113; Mucins, 1135
A/172 Mucus, A/162; A/220
Mineral substances, see also:- Mudaric acid, 244
Mineral matter, 368; 744 Mudarine, 243
Mineral water, 363; 1078' Mudarol isovalerate, 244
Mint camphor, 789 Munjisti, 1077
Mocharas, 208 Murrayin, 821
Monoacatyl derivative (from Muscarine, A/16,3
Embelic acid)" 478 Muskone. A/197
Monobasic acids, 1120 Myosin, 186
Mono-euonysterol, 520 Myrestin, A/156
Monohydroxyl compound, ,H20 Myricetin. 828
Mono-hydroxyphenol, (called Myricil, (or Myricvl). A/151
'Amacardol') 1119: 1120 Myricin or Myricyl, A/151
(see Semecarpol, 1120) Myricyl, (Myricin). A/151
Monomethylamine, 487 Myristic acid, 567; 667; 811~

830; 1002 Nicotimine, 850

Myristicene, 830 Nicotine, 850
Myristicol, 831 '. Nicotinic acid, 122
.Myristin, 61; 830; 1127 Nitrate of lime, 226
Myrosin, 213; 216; 1140 Nitrate of Potash, 313
Myrrhic acid, 170 Nitrates, 720;,851; 1157; 1230
Myrrhol, 170 Nitrate of Potassium, 141
Nitric acid, A/l83
Nitrogen, 1; 218; 278; (Com-
pounds of, 305); 307; 311;
Nagi camphor, 201 312; 407; 421; 458; 461;
N apelline; 23 477; 584; 591; 667; 684; 705;
Narceine, 903; 907; 910 722; 734; 751; 766; 778; 879;
_Narcotine, 901; 903; 904; 905; 881; 924; 930; 931; 938; 940;
907; 908; 909 977; 1050; 1081; 1092; 1131;
N aregamin, 842 1152; 1154; 1155; 1165; 1191;
Natin, 226; 227 1234; 1241; 1246; 1247; 1305;
_Native calamine, M/131 1306; M/24; M/26; A/136;
Nauseous volatile substance, A/172; A/216; A/219
138; (see:-Volatile substance, Nitrogen-free extractive, 452;
nauseous, 138) 774
Needle shaped crystals, 148 Nitrogenous (albuminous)
_Nelumbine, 844 Compounds, 506
Neopine, 903; 905 Nitrogenous elements, A/179
Nepalin, 1080 Nitrogenous mucilage, 475
Nepodin, 1080 Nitrogenous principles, 653
N eriantine, 848 Nitrogenous . products, non-
Neriene, 848 albuminous', 1154
Neriodorein (soluble), 848 Nitrogenous substance (mat-
Neriodorin, (insoluble In ter), 122; 231; 313; 363; 452;
water), 848 588; 1154; 1165; 1214; 1245;
-Neroli petit grain, 339 1305
Nerolol, 339 N-methyl coniine, 374
Nerolyl-acetate, 339 Non-albuminous nitrogenous
Neucleo-albumin, 1241 products, 1154
-Neurin, 1241 Non-aldehyde, 331
Neurotoxin, A/221 Non-alkaloidal principle, bit-
Neutral principle, 281; (crys- ter, 289 ,,,,
talline, 521); 778; (bitter, Non-coagulable' albumos_e, dif-
903) , fusible, A/221_
Neutral substances, 903 Non-crystalline extractive mat-
Neutral sweetsmelling liquid, ter,4 --
1002 Non-crystalline organic acid,
New phenolic substance, 526 617
Nickel, M/16 Non-crystallisable, bitter, re-
-Nicoteine, 851 sinous body, 952
Nicotelline, 851 N on-crystallizable principles,
:Nicotianin, 851 -
.u..,.,. 710; 848

Non-diffusible albuminoid coa- 1014; 1032; 1036; (yellow

gulable, A/221 1038); 1091; 1095; 1114; 1119;
Non-drying oil, 208; 282 1131; 1132; 1147; 1169; 1195;
Non-glucosidic bitter principle, 1205; 1218; 1245; 1254; 1268;
227 1271; 1274; 1289; 1298; 1303;
Non-nitrogenous extractive 1305; M/24; A/151; A/154;
matter, 506; 822 A/163; A/231
Non-nitrogenous matter, A/178 Oil, aromatic acid, 699
Non-nitrogenous principles, Oil, bitter, 237; (fatty 530)
A/220 Oil, bland fixed, 213; (bland,
Non-phenolic alkaloid, 59 313)
Non-reducing sugars, 115; lUi; Oil, colourless viscous, 105;
517; 546; 547; 765; 823; 824; colourless), A/197
944; 1018; 1033 Oil, concrete, or fat, 1176
Non-tannins (soluble), 1211 Oil, dark-coloured, 295
Non-volatile acid, 720, Oil, dark-yellow, 236
Non-volatile alcohol called Oil, deep blue, 141
Cardol' 1119 Oil, edible, 628; 121
Non-volatile oil, 957 Oil, ethereal, 1097
Nor-d-pseudo-ephedrine, 490 Oil, expressed, 348
Nucin, 709 Oil, fatty, 179; 181; 227; (vola-
Nuclea,se, 173 tile390) 408; 505; 670; 708;
Nucleinic acid, 1300 722; 736; (fixed, 801) 965;
Nupharine, 844; 858 (fixed, 980) 1135; (bland,
Nuphar luteum, 844 1197; (essential, 1241)
Nyctanthi"n (see: -Nyctan- Oil globules, A/162
thine) 294; 857 Oil-greenish yellow, 257;
Nyctanthine, (see-Nyctan- (greenish, 820) 1203
thin, 294); 851' Oil, nut, 228
Oil of N eroli, 339
Oil of orange leaf, 339
Oil, pale yellow thick, 227
'O-dihydroxy compound, 1120 Oil, red toxic, 257
Odollin, 302 Oil, semi-liquid, 253
Odoriferous principle, 627 Oil, tarry, 1119
Odorous body, 608 Oil, vesicating, 1119
Odorous principles, 903; 1108; Oil, viscid turbid, 486 (viscid,
1113; A/230 1066)
Oil, 116; 122; 133; 134; 196; Oil, viscous, 1103
215; 222; 223; 231; 236; 257; Oily amorphous mass, 203
274; 296; 360; 363; 368; 400; Oil, yellowish-green, 45
404; 406; 425; 458; 460; 462; Oil, yellow viscid, 585
477; 505; 544; 558; 567; 581; Oily liquid, 1261
587; 588; 590; 595; 601;' 612;
614; 661; 688; 705; 709; 710; Oily matter, 130; 282; (resin-
'734; 744; 753; 778; (liquid, ous, 369) 624
'811); 870; 878; 896; 899; 930; Oily substance, 857-58
940; 957; 959; 975; 977; 1002; Oleandrine, 848

Oleic acid, 122; 223; 567; 602; Oxalate of ephedrine (or

777; 811; 818; 878- 1002- ephedrine oxalate) 490
1051; 1170; 1265; A/138 I ' Oxalate of lime, 72
Oleic glyceride, 26 Oxalic acid, 88; 164; 287; (acid
Olein, 289; A/137; A/17:8; Potassium oxalate) 311; 386;
A/230 416; 479; 487; 563; 709; 710;
Oleine, (or Olein) 61; 179; 181; 761; 893; 904; 937; 1007;
1205; A/197 1018; 1057; 1091; 1097; 1191;
Oleo-risin, (Kelanka-tel) 295; 1287; 1298; A/183 .
400; 776; 793; 958; 975; Oxidation product, 119
(aromatic, 979) 1309 Oxide, 513
Oleoresinous extract, 455 Oxide of iron, 109; M/9~;
Oleum erigerontis, 504 A/157; A/211
Oleum gaultheria, 570 Oxide of tin, M/117
Oleum jatamansi, 840 Oxide of Zinc, M/131
Oleum Marjoranae, 875 Oxime ~from Embelic acid);
Oleum maydis, 1305 478
Oleum nigrum, 296 Oxy-acid, 1119
Oleum thyme or thymol, 1219 Oxyanthraquinone, 287
Opelic acid, 573; 1184 Oxycanthine, 191
O-phellandrene, 1302 Oxydase, 363
Ophioxylin, 1051 Oxygen, 231; A/136; A/l72
Opianin, 903 Oxygenated ethereal essential
Orange-red (alizarin) 1076 (volatile) oil, 170
Organic acid, 8; 19; 52; 166; Oxymethyl-anthraquinones,
226; 300; 412; 419;· 531; 288; 289; 999; 1000; 1055
597; 622; 624; (yellow, 717) Oxymorphine, 903 .
851; 855; 903; 925; 1047; Ozotised matter, 1287
1099; 1150; 1157; (astringent,
1164); 1199; 1278; 1298
Organic ester, 1199
Organic matter, (see: -Ani- Pakocin, 423
mal matter) (organic sub- Pale-yellow powder, 181
stance) 61; 59; 602; 778; 969; Palmatisin, 28
(substance, 1105) lVI/24 Palmitic acid, 36; 122; 179;
(Animal, A/157); A/163 223; 600; 601; 653; 658; 667;
Organic substances 1105; 1157 811; 878; 1002; A/138;
(see:-Organic matter) A/151; A/154
Organic sulphides, 63; 65; 66 Palmitic glyceri<fe, 26
Organic sulphur compound, Palmitin, 61; 181; 1066; 1127;
63; 65; 66 A/137; A/178; '1\/230
Organic sulphur compound, Palm-sugar,-281; 363--
537; 777 Papain, ,274; 275
Oridine, 878 Papaver amine, 903
Oroxylin, 876 Papaverine, 903; 905; 907; 908
Oroxylon, 876 Papaya oil, 274
Orthosiphonin, 877 v Papayic acid, 274 r

Oxalate of calcium, 411 (..- Papayotin, 274

INDEX. 693

Parabin, 597 Phenyl-ethylen-ethiocarbide,

Para-buxine, 225 843 .
Paraffin, 513; 570 Phintetrol, 128
Paraflin hydrocarbon, 257 Phlobaphenes, 39
Paramenispermine, 361 Phloroglucinol, 588
Paramorphine, 901; 903 Phoecretin, 287
p-cymene, 307 Phosphate of Ammonia, A/220
Pectin, (see:-Vegetable jelly) Phosphate of ammonium,
1; 45; 274; 335; 453; 573; 577; A/178
59p; 802; 816; 876; 903; 950; Phosphate of calcium, 213; 744;
986; 1014; 1015; 1032; 1057; A/211 A/220 A/163
10i8; 1103; 1154; (Proto, Phosphate (of copper), M/48
1l!?4); (middle lamella, Phosphate of iron, 45; A/172
115.4) (total, 1154) 1191; Phosphate of Lime, 45; 591;
1196; 1222 1184; 1266; M/41; A/152;
Pectose, 545 A/163
Pectous substance, 26; (matter, Phosphate of magnesia, 1184
448) Phosphate of magnesium, 213;
Pelletierine, 1032 744; A/163; A/220
Pellitorin, 98 Phosphate of Potash, 153; 1184
Pelosine, 334 Phosphate of potassium, 213;
Pentacetyl derivative, 377 744; A/163; A/1~8
Pentati'iacontane, 597 Phosphate of sodium, A/178
Pentoses, 765 Phosphates, 162; 736; (earthy,
Peppermint, 788 823) 851; 1039; (earthly,
Pepp~rmint oil, 789 1176) 1241; 1051; M/48;
Pepsin, 275 A/159; A/192; A/210; A/211
Peptides, A/173 Phosphoric acid, 50; 99; 122;
Peptone, A/228 179; 274; 311; 342; 458; 477;
Peroxide of Iron, 173 506; 548; 582; 597; 630; 653;
Petroleum ether, 812; 1268 766; 893; 940; 1018; 1050;
Petroleum ether extract, 59; 1241; 1245; 1266; M/24;
227; 953; 1268 M/26
Pharbitisin, 68~ Phosphoric anhydride, 61; 778;
Phasin, 523 822; 823; 1092
Phellandrene, 328; 513; 935; Phosphorus, 824; 1147; 11~8;
1108; 1309 1191; 1241; 1287; A/162;
Phenanthrene-pyridine group, A/214; A/231
905 Phosphorus compound, A/172
Phyllanthin, 948
Phenol compound, (see-Sesa- Phytol, 597
mol) 1127 Phytolacca toxin, 951
Phenolic body, 1002, (see:- Phytostererols, 227
Phenolic substance) . Phytosterol, (see: -Choles-
Phenolic substance, (see- terol) 245; 667; 811; 1051;
Phenolic body) 59; 517 1135; 1199; 1292.
Phenols, 36; ,170; 322; 513; 588; Picrasmin, 952
836; 961 Picrate, 635; 812

Picro-aconine, 24
Picrocrocein, 390
Potassium chloride, 59; 138;
976; 1157
Picroglycion (or Dulcamarjn, Potassium compound, A/172
1148) Potassium myronate, (Sini-
Picrorrhizin, 953 grin) 216; 1140
Picrotoxin, 99; 360; 361 Potassium nitrate, 128; 134;
Pigments, A/220 203; 435; 670; 1109; 1135;
Pinene, (see:-Volatile oil of 1157
turpentine) 36; 170; 328; 331;Potassium oxalate acid, (see:-
. 513. 958 Oxalic acid)
Piperazine, 322 Potassium Phosphate, 1012;
Piperidin, 969 A/172
Piperidine, 322. 969 Potassium salts, 102; 475; 869;
Piperine, (or Pipirine, 969) 1120;\ 1155; 1196
965; 969 Potassium sulphate, 976
Piperitone, 513; 791 Products of Sodium & Potas-
Pipirine, or Piperine, 969 sim, 601
Pittosporin, 979 Prophetin, 467
Plasmoquin, 322 Prophyl disulphide, 65
Platinic chloride, 490, 812 Protamines, 1241
plum bagin, 989; 990 Protease, 545
Plumeric acid, 993 Proteid compound (see:-Glu-
H methoxy-y-quinoyl-Bvinyl-i2 ten albumin) 653
quinuc1idyl-carbinol, 316 Proteid digestive ferment, 99
Podophyllic acid~ 994 Proteid nitrogen, 898
Podophyllin, 994 Proteids, 103; 176; 186; 213;
Pod9phylloresin, 994, 995 217; 338; 366; 390; 421; 435;
Podophyllotoxin, 994; 995 458; 503; 581; 710; 774; 778;
Podophyllum, 995 830; 878; 930; 969; 1012; 1066;
Pogostemonine, 995 1127; 1174; 1175; 1245; 1273;
Pollen dust, A/192 A/178; A/192
Polycroit, 390 Proteins, 122 (animal, 122)
Polygonic acid, 999 (high-grade) 122; 407; (com-
Polypeptides, A/173 pounds, 408) 743; (sub-
Polysulphides, 66 stances, 744) 878; 1012; 1145;
Populin, 1005 1146; 1147; 1148; J\/172;
Porphyroxine, 903 A/173; J\/174; J\jl77; & 178;
Potash, 21; 50; 122; 173; 179; J\j220
215; 274; 363; 478; 506; 536; Proteins (poisorfOus) 5
591; 632; 720; 736; 765; 766; Proteolytic enzyme, 173
823; 1092; 1182; 120~; 1214; Proteose, 545
M/24; M/26 Proto-albumoses, Af220
Potash, salts of .1; 305; 823 Protocatechuic acid, 588
Potassium, 9; 45; 778; 1147; Proto-pectin, 1154
1157; 1287 Protopine, 133
Potassium Binoxalate, 1080 Prussic acid, 71; 707; 1012; 1036
Potassium bromide, 1181 I Pseudaconitine, 22; 23; 26; 32
Potassium carbonate, 868; l;_051 Pseudo-cannabinol, 257
INDEX 695·

Pseudo-curarine, 848 Quicksilver, M/68

Pseudo-ephedrine, (see:-1so- Quinamine, 928
ephedrine) 487; 490 Quinic or chinic acid, 316
Pseudo-hyoscyamine (or Man- Quinidine, 315; 316; 317; 318;-
dragorine), 764 321
Pseudo~Indican, 1219 Quinine, 315; 316; 317; 318; 320;
Pseudo-morphine, 903; 905 321; 1041; 1045
Pseudo-papaverine, 903 Quinine sulphate, 316
Pseudo-pelletierine, 1032 Quinoidine, 317
P-toluic acid, 416 Quinoline, 316; 322
Pulegone, 791 .Quinoline-amido-acetamides,
Pulp, watery, (see:-Watery 322
pulp) 164 Quinoline-amino-acetyl-p-
Punarnavine, 203 .' arsenillic acids, 322; 323
Punico-tannic acid, 1032 : Quinovin or Kinovin, 1187
Pupa or Dead beetle, A/166 Quintamine, 321
Pure gelatin, (see:-Gelatin, Quintenidine or Quitenidine f
pure) A/136 321
Purgative principle, 1066 Quinuclidine residues, 316
Purified cholesterin, A/137 Quitenidine or Quintenidine,.
Purpurin, 1075 321
Pyrethrin, 98; 1164 Quitenine, 321
Pyrethrine, 1037
Pyridin derivative, M/24
Pyrocatechin, ,223; 513; 1025
Pyrocatechol )tannins, 1199 Racemic acid, 1287
Pyrogallol, 660 Red colouring matter, 5; 230;·
Pyrrole-quinolines, 322 673; 674
Pyrryi-indoles, 322 Red oxide (Cuprous Oxide)
M/48; M/130 Red-resin,
(see:-Hypericum red, 673)
Red· sulphides, M/36
Quartenylic acid (or crotonic Red sulphide of Mercury,
acid 396) M/36
Quassin ( or Quassiin) ( also Reducing sugars, 115; 116; 517;
called, 'Samaderin') 57; 952; 546; 547; 609; 765; 823; 824;
1040; 1096 . 944; 1018; 1032; 1033; 1292
Quassiin, see:-Quassin 952 Rennet ferment, 242
Quercetin, (see also:-Quer- Resins, 4; 13; 19; 50; 52; 57;
cetrin or Quercitrin) 11; 63; (acrid (1) 75; 92; 109; 116;
248; 265; 420; 526; 562; 587; 118; 141; (aromatic, & green-
994; 1254 ish yellow 153) 179; (acrid,
Quercetrin or Quercitrin, 529; 186.) 196; 219; 236; 237;
1008; 1072 (yellow bitter, 238) (acrid,
Quercitannic acid, 1072 243) (yellow, 243) (yellow
Quercitol, 597 bitter, 244) (Black acrid,
Quercitrin, 699; 1008; 1072 244) 245' 253' 254' 257' 258'
Querritrin or Quercetin, 562 (dark y~llowish 258) , (soft
yellow, 274) (brownish yel- Resinous matters, (bitter, 238) [
low, 281) (yellow, 282) ~89; 245; 873; 1075; 1228; (yellow,
294; 300; 328; 352; 354; 362; 1266)
392; 404; 407; 408; 411; 41~; Resinous principle, 688
414; 415; 419; 424; 434; 43~; Resinous product, 1222
445; 455; (transparent, 456; Resinous substance, (light yel-
470; 474; 508; 510; 513; 517.; low noq-crystalline bitter,
520; 522; 524; 526; (amor- 784); 857; (red, 1059; 1197)
phous euphorbia, 528) 529; Resorcin, 231
537; 538; 542; 556; 562; 564; Rhamnose, 1055; 1157
565; 569; 570; 579; 585; (yel- Rhaponticin, 1057
low, 588) 596; 597; 599; (acid, Rhein, 1059
608) (yellow, 612); 618; 622; Rheo-tannic-acid, 1057
624; 627; (garnet red, 830) Rhinacanthin, 1059
662; (red, 673) 674; 686; 689; Rhinanthin, (aucubin), 530;
691; (ethersoluble, 692) 694; 725; 927; 1270; 1271
701; 708; 709; 710; 731; 743; Rhoeadine, 901
747; (brownish-red or red- Riboflavin, 122
dish yellow-laminar plates Ricin, 5; 705; 1066
761) 771; 772; (amorphous, Ricinoleate of glycerol, (or tri-
777); (neutral & acid, 778) ricin olein, 1066; (see: -gly-
787; 789; 790; 793; 795; (acrid, cerides of ricinoleic isoricino-
796) 802; (bitter, 804) 806; leic acids)
811; 818; 827; 830; (red, 834) Roosa-Ka-attar, 108
838; 840; 844; 851; 872; 903; Rosaginine, 848
(green, 925) 926, (red, 927) Rottlerin, 761
953; 958; 965; 969; 973; 974; Rumicin, (see:,-Chrysophanic
'975; 986; 995; 1001; 1002; acid) 1079; 1080
1008; (orange brown acid, Rutaecarpine, 531
1009) 1010: 1017; 1020; 1047; Rutin, 267; 562; 1081
1051; 1057; 1072; 1083;
(bitter, 1088);' 1092; 1099;
1108; 1109; (gum, 1332;)
1135; 1161; 1164; 1182; 1183; Saccharine matter, (see:-
1184; 1189; 1197; 1203; (yel- Cane-sugar) :-154; 363; 585;
low, 1222) 1230; 1233; 1241; 608; (substance, 724), 828;
1260; 1261; 1266; 1268; 1271; cane-sugar, 1083) 1168
1278; 1292; 1302; 1304; 1305; Saccharose, 181; 1267
1308; 1309; M/26; M/27; SaffroI, 331 '1-
(Acrid bitter, A/147) Safrole, 250 ,
Resin-acid, 247; 1135; 1268 Salicin, (see:-Salicine) 925;
Resin-myrrh, 17,0 1005; 1090;1.091; AI147
Resinoid body, 478; 1196 Salicine,' (or Salicin) 1089;
Resinous acid, 227 1090
Resinous compound, 994 Salicylic' acid, 14; 234; 570; 587;
Resinous extract (see:-Kal- 701; 1015; 1064; 1090; 1139
megh Resin or Kalmeghin) Saligenin, 1090
102; 231 Saline substances, 531

Salt of lime, 109 _ 486; 523; 550; 620; 722; 797;

Salts, 39; 119; 138; 170; 227; 801; 827; 894; ·947; 1047;
(nutritive, 232) 289; 591; 1103; 1104; 1114; 1143; 1152;
632; 662; 692; 736; 828; 851; 1156; 1158; 1168; 1228; 1233;
944; 1015; 1017; (mineral, 1241; 1267; 1290·
1017) 1245; 1258; 1275; 1305; Sapotin,20
A/156; (earthy, A/158) Sappan-red, 230
A/163; A/170; A/172; A/173; Sarcine, (Hypox,anthioe) 403;
A/178; A/179; A/2I6; A/220 653
Salts of ammonium, 904 Saturated acids, 1292
Salts of calcium, 904 Saussurine, 1108; 1109
Salts of lime, 1075 Saussurine tartrate, 1109
Salts of Magnesium, 904; 976 Scammony resin, 376
Salts of Margaric acid, A/230 Scatol, 298
Salts of Oleic acid, A/230 Scilipicrin~ 1257
Salts of Potash, (see:-potash, ScilIaren, A/H15
salts of) 1; 305; 823 Scillaren B, 1115
Salts of potassium, 976 Scillian, 1257
Salts of Sodium, 976 Scillitoxin, 1257
Salt of Stearic acid.. A/230 Scopolamine, 435; 679
Salts of valerie acid, 1108 Scutellarin, 1118
Salvadorine, 1092 Semecarpolj, (see:-Monohy_-'
Samaderin, 57; 1096; (also call- droxyphenol & also Anaear-
ed "Quassin" 1096) dol), 1120
Sambunigrin, 1097 Semi-liquid oil, 253
Sand, 45; 245; 407; 441; 458; Senegen, 265
461; 507; 584; 684; 734; 806; Senna-erol, (Chrysophan) 287
879; 881; 924; 931; 940; 1050; Senna-picrin, 287
1081; 1165; 1241; 1246; 1247; Senna-sugar, 287
1305; M/26; - (see:-Ash Sennit, (see:-Cathartomannit)
which generally contains 287
Sand) Sepeerine, 334
Sanservierine, 1098 Serpentine, 1051
Santalic acid (or Santalin), Serpentinine, 1051
1026 Serum, A/178
Santalin (or Santalic acid), Sesamin. 1127
1026 Sesamol (See:-Phenol Com-
Santalol, 1099 pound), 1127
Santalone, 1099 Sesquiterpene, 36; 257; 466;
Santal-pterocarpin, 1026 513; 836; 933; 961
Santonin, 142 Sesquiterpene alcohol, 415;
Santonone', 1099 1099
Sapone, 134 Sequiterpene hydrocarbon, 415
Saponin, 13; 50; 54; 60; 98; 160; Silica, 173; 278; 289; 548; 591;
166; 172; 176; 177; 179; 787; 823; 1197j 1214j M/7j
(glucosidic, 179) 181; 248; M/24; M/26j M/130j A/210j
267; 272; 349; 384; 387; 407; A/211
423; (crystalline, 448) 457; Silicate, 1051; M/93; M/131
\ 45 •

Silicate of aluminium, M/124 Soya acidophilis milk (see:-

Silicate of Zinc, M/132 I Milk), 1147
Silicia, 45; 99 Spargancin, 153
Silicic acid, 66; 179; 653;, 976 Spargin, 153
Silicic acid, hydrate of, 173 Special protein, A/192; A/193
Silicious matter, 444 I Sphaeranthine, 1162
Silicon, M/93 ' Spilanthol, 1163; 1164
Silicon dioxide, M/93 Spirit, 96; 179
Silicum, 173 Spirit extract, 245
Silver salt, 244; 245 Squalin, A/231
Sinalbin, 213 Staphisagrine, 443
Sinapin, 213; 217 Starch, 1; 26; 35; 65; 85; 121;
Sinigrin (Potassium myl'on- 122; 146; 148; 162; 176; 179:
ate), 216; 1140 . 186; 219; 226; 232; 255; 281;.
Sitosterol, 227; 1036 289; 300; 304; 311; 328; 354;
Skatole (See:-Methyl-indole), 356; 369; 400; 404; 407; 411:
578 412; 413; 414; 419; 424; 428;
Skimmianine, 1142; 1143 452; 458; 460; 462; 475; 477;
Smilasperic acid, 620 520; 534; 557; 572; 577; 579;
Snake-poison, A/221.-See:- 582; 588; 591; 597; 608; 622;
Columbin 653; 684; 686; 692; 694; 705;
Socaloin, 76 708; 720; 726; 734; 761; 787;
Soda, 179; 274; 478; 591; 720; 795; 796; 801; 802; 822; 823;
823; 1182 830; 840; 842; 859; 872·; 378;
Sodii Carbonas impura or 893; 896; 899; 925; 930; 934;
washing Soda (See:-Sodium 939; 940; 957; 961; 969; 977;:
carbonate) MII01 999; 1009; 1051; 1057; 1066;
Sodium, 1199 1079; 1113; 1114; 1131; 1143;
Sodium Potassium products, 1147; 1154; 1161; 1170; 1176;
601 1214; 1222; .1227; 1244; 1245;
Sodium carbonate (Sodii Car- 1260; 1305; 1308; 1309
bonas impura), or washing Stearic acid, 179; 363; 667; 777:
Soda), M/101; 102 811; 1002; A/138
Sodium chloride, 102; 289; 352; Stearic acid, dihydroxy, 179:'
·M/99; M/100; A/159; A/172 567
Sodium compound, 45; A/172 Stearic glyceride, 26
Sodium nitre, M/100 Stearin, 61; 179; 181; 1066;
Sodium salt, 661; (of an acid, 1127; A/137; A/178; A/230;
778); 869 A/231 ~
Sodium sulphate (see:-Sul- Stearine, 12'05
phate of Soda), ·M/99 Stearoptin, 352; (crystalline,
Solacarpidin, 1157 620 )';-788; 789~ .1028
Solancarpine, 1156 Stereosomerides, 316
Solanidine, 1148; 1149; 1152 Sterol,,1157
Solanine, 268; 1148; 1149; 1152; Storax, 86
1154; 1156; 1157 Storesinol, 747
Solid hydrocarbon, 513 Strophanthin, 1115; 1172
Somniferin, 1292 '_
."- ,
Strychnic acid, 1175


Strychnine, 1173; 1174; 1175; Sulphate of Indigo or "Extract

1180 of Indigo", 681
Stypticin (Cotarnine Hydro- Sulphate of Lime ,591
chloride) 910 ,) Sulphate of Potash, 313; 1287;
Styracin, 86; 747 M/102
Styrol, 86; 747 Sulphate of Potassium, 743;
Succinic acid, 141; 1155 A/163
Sucrose, 778 Sulphate of quinidine, 317 :'I!_,
Sugar, 9; 45; 63; 65; 122; (un- Sulphate of quinine, 317
crystallizable, 85); 153; 162; Sulphate of Soda (Sodium sul-- I

166; 179; 180; 186; 227; 274; phate), 591; M/100; M/I02
285; 289; 300; 304; 313; 328; Sulphate of Sodium, M/91
339; 342; 345; 363; 366; 369; Sulphide, M/48; M/68; M/130
379; 385; 386; 390; 404; 407; Sulphide of Iron, M/66; M/99
412; 413; 414; 419; 428; 454; Sulphide of mercury, M/66
(reducing, 517); 520; 526; Sulphocyanide 213; (of allyl,
547; 556; (uncrystallizable, 216)
573; 632); 577; 582; 662; 676; Sulphur, 50/51; 63; 66; 119;
686; 705; 720; 743; 760; 761; 162; 218; 227; 228; 736; 771;
765; 766;. 795; 796; 801; 802; 778; 811; 824; 1050; 1241;
816; 822; 823; 824; 827; 830; M/14; M/36; M/54; A/l36;
838; 840; 855; 857; 873; 893; A/162; A/163; A/214;
903; 934; 950; 953; 961; 986; A/219; A/231
1002; 1012; 1014; 1015; 1020; Sulphur compound, 65, (Vola-
1032; 1036; 1039; 1057; 1066; tile, 778); A/172
1075; 1078; 1090; 1092; 1109; Sulphuret (Blende), M/130
1143; 1146; 1148; 1152; 1157; Sulphuret of antimony, A/I53
1165; 1176; 1196; 1199; 1214; Sulphuretted hydrogen, M/99
1230;' (chemical, 1245) 1257; Sulphuretted volatile oil, 1050
1260; 1264; (uncrystallizable; Sulphuric acid, 99; 179; 517;
1266); 1267; 1275; 1287; 1298; 582; 591; 765; 903; 1287;:
1305; 1308; 1316; 1318; A/162; M/26; M/100
A/170; A/172; A/173; A/174; Sulphuric anhydride, 823
A/196; A/170 Sulphuric ether, 227; 812
Sugar extractive, 922 Sulphuric ether extract, ~53
Sugar of milk, A/179 Supari-Ka-phul, 208
Sugar saccharine, 684 Superbine, 579
Sugary matter (mannite), 572 Supermalates of Lime & Po-
Sugary substance, 1046 tash, 622
Sulpha-cyanide or Sulphocya- Syringin, 1188
nide, 217
Sulphate, 59; 81; 203; 743; 823;
851; 976; A/210; A/211
Sulphate of the alkaloid,. 203 Tannates, 118
Sulphate of Calcium, 717; Tannic acid (See:-Tannin),.
A/211 26; 45; 115; 184; 208; 230;
Sulphate of cinchonidine, 317 248; 281; 289; 316; 354; 369;
Sulphate of cinchonine, 317 375; 505; 761; 822; 848; 859;

949; 999; 1018; 1042; t057; 1028; (alcohol, 1108)

1072; 1090; 1093; 1099; 1113; Terpeniol, 466
1161; 1181; 1194; 1197; Terpinene, 307
1206; 1264; 1287; 1290 Terpineol, 513; 1100; 1261
tannic principles, 1132 Terpinyl acetate, 475
Tannin (See:-Tannic acid), Tersulphide of Antimony
8; 9; 11; 35; 39; 45; 52; 118; M/13 . ,
.130; 137; 141; 179; 181; 183; Thebaine, 900; 901; 903; 905;
184; 198; 229; 247; 273; 281; 907
284; 293; 296; 328; 339; "Theine", 248
354; 381; 411; 424; 448; Theobromine, 248; 1169; 1214;
453; 457; 474; 478; 504; A/183
513; 517; 520; 526; 544; Theophylline, 248
;.548; 550; 552; 557; 564; 570; Theve-resin, 1219
577; 578; 579; 582; 585; 588; Thevetidine, 1218
602; 609; 615; 617; 624; 632; Thevetin, 1218; 1219
662; 676; 688;· 694; 699; 731; Thevatine or Thevetine, (1219)
761; 771; 784; 789; 790; 793; 302
795; 796; 798; 799; 801; 802; Thevetine, 1219 (See:-Theva-
818; 823; 828; 836; 838; 844; tine, 302)
868; 893; 944; 961; 973; 975; Thujone, 141
1010; 1016; 1017; 1025; 1032; Thymene, 408; 1028
1041; 1042; 1057; 1060; 1062; Thymol (see:-oleum thyme,
1078; 1079; 1090; 1105; 1109; 1219); 280; 408; 790; (crude,
1114; 1195; 1199; (pyrocate- 1028)
chol, 1199); 1205; 1206; 1211; Tiglie acid, 396
1219; 1233 1241; 1260; 1267; Tiglic esters of isobutyl, anyl
1287; 1295; 1316; 1318 & hexyalcohols; ir8
Tar, 295 Tiglinic acid, 396 '
Taraxacerin, 1196 Tiliacorine, 1220
Taraxacin, 1196 Total pectins, 1154
Tarry non-volatile 'co1!rosive Total sugars, 115; 116; 517;
residue, 1120 546; 547; 765; 823; 824; '944;
Tartaric acid, 191; '274; 287; 1018; 1032; 1033; 1287
363; 585; 597; 632; (free, Toxalbumin, 5; 289; 705
717); 903; 1072; 1155; 1191; Toxicarina, 128
1287 Toxic body, 1218
Tartaric of Potassium, 1191 Toxic substan~, 656; (bitter,
Tartrate of Lime, 1287 951) '.
Tartrate of potash, 39 Toxin, 1197
Tasmanol, 513 ' Tragacanth, 15~
Tatano-cannabinine, 257 Tricho-sanfhin, 1238-
Taxine, 3, 1197 ' Trifolfu, 1239
Temuline, 750 Triglyceride of Linoleic acid,
Terephthalic acid, 416 505
Teroenes,:' 110; 1141; 257;. 331; Triglyceride of oleic acid, '505
339; .408;.513; 537; 715; .789; Triglyceride of palmitic acid,
:855; 862; 875; 958; ~9.61;·962, 505

Trigonelline, 803;. 977; ~241 Valeraldehyde, 513

Trfuydroxymethyl...anthrano1- Valerianic acid, 396; 538; 720;
monomethylether, 1266 1047; 1260; A/138
'I1rimethylamine, 995; 1091; Valerianic aldehydes, 514
1092; 1241 . Valerianic ethers of turpeneol,
Trimethyl ether, 128 775
Triolein, 1219 Valerianine, 1261
Trioxy-methyl...anthraquinone Valerie acid, 110; 134~ 415;
(See:-Emodin), 287 778
Tripalmatin, 1219 Vanilion, 86
Tri-ricinolein, or Ricinoleate of
Vanillin, 1183; 1264
glycerol, 1066 (See:-Glyce- Vasicine or Visicine, 40; 41
rides of ricinoleic & isorici-
Vegetable albumen, 50
noleic acids) Vegetable casein, 162
Tristearin, 567; 1066; 1219 .Vegetable gluten, 162
Tritopine, 903 Vegetable jelly (See:_-Pectin),
Tropa-cocaine, 510 591; 592
Tropate of tropin, 435 Vegetable matter, 173; M/26
Tryptophane, 125; 255; A/173 Vegetable salts, 287
Tuberin, 1154; 1155 Vellarin, 662
Tubo-toxin, 445 Velulose, A/195
Turkish essence of geranium, Veratrine, 247
108 Verbenalin, 1267
Turmeric oil, 415 Vernonine, 1268
Turmerol, 415 Vesicating oil, 1119
Turnsole, 310 Vicin, 1272
Turpethic acid, 692 Vidangin, 479
Turpethin, 691; 692 Vince toxin, 151
Turpetholic acid, 692 Viola-quercitrin, 1275
Tylophorine, 150; 1252 Vinoline, 1275
Tyramin, 1139 Viperin snake-poison, A/221
Tyrosine, 125; 126; 153; 255; Viscin, 1276
368; 545 Visicine or Vasicine, 40; 41
Visicine hydrochloride, 41
Visicinet-artrate, 41
Vitamin B complex, 122
Umbelliferon, 538 Vitamin B1, 122
Uncrystallizable Sugar, 85; Vitamin C, 1152
573; 632; 1266 Vitamins, 66; 122; (A, B, C,
Unsaponifiable matter, 811; D & G, 1148)
1002 Vitellin, 186
Unsaturated acids, 1230; 1292 Vitelline, A/162
Urea, M/24; M/25 Volatile acid, 720; 778
Urease, 5; 173; 458; 1256' Volatile alkaloid, 268
Ursone, 570 Volatile base, 758
Urushic acid, 776, Volatile essential oil, (See:-
Essential Volatile, oil), 35;
65; 77; 98; 109; 113; 114; 118;

119; 120; 141; 170; 19B; 254;

381; 400; 414; .456; 504; 673;
676; (aromatlc, 736); 771;
986; 1047; 1051; 1090; 1113;
1149; 1150; 1168; 1176; 1254;
(crystalline, 1266); (waxy
790; 795; 796; 840; 875; 935; matter, M/26); A/156;
(balsamic, 969); 1028; 1072; . A/197
1219 ~ Wine, 96
Volatile matters, 456; 950 Withanin, 1291
Volatile oil, 45; (acrid); 63; Woody fibre (See:-Fibre),
65; 75; 104; 141; 142; 167; 1; 63; 90; 95; 103; 104; 106;
198; 201; 216; 248; 257; 266; 109; 218; 232; 278; 298; 307;
268; 285; 305; (aromatic, 309; 312; 381; 407; 421; 441;
316); 328; 339; 342; 346; 366; 449; 450; 458; 461; 477; 503;
(fatty 390); 475; 478; 513; 506; 507; 584; 595; 684; 696;
537; 542; 570; (acrid, 599); 697; 698; 722; 734; 751; 766;
620; 692; 694; 710; 747; 761; 806; 836; 879; 880; 881; 897;
789; 801; 830; 835; (fragrant, 923; 924; 929; 930; 931; 938;
838); (yellowish, 855); 893; 940; 942; 944; 950; 977; 1050;
903; 935; 965 (balsamic, 969); 1081 1127; 1131 ,1152; 1154;
974; (principle, 995); 1017; 1165; 1234; 1241; 1246; 1247;
1018; 1040; (sulphuretted, 1305; 1306
1050); (aromatic, 1072); 1078; Woody matters, 109
1099; 1140; 1182; 1197; 1214; Wrightine, 635
1219; (green, 1234); 1260;
1261; (yellow, 1266); (essen-
tial, 1271; 1275; 1302; (aro- •
matic, 1309); A/147; A/192 Xanthine, 248; 366; (yellow;
Volatile oil of turpentine (See: 1076)
-Pinene), 958 Xanthostrumarin, 1298
Volatile substance, nauseous, Xanthoxylin, 1302
Volatilisable camphoraceous
princpile, 851
Vomicine, 1175 Y-antiar in, 128
Y-coniceine, 374
Y -crocetin, 390
Yeast, 180
Washing Soda (Sodium Car~ Yeast-fat, 1299
bonate or Soaii Carbonas Yellow acid, 806
impura), M/102; M/I0l Yellow colouring matter (See:
Water-soluble .principles, -Colouring=matter); 200;
A/192 475 ,
Watery extract, 152; 63~ Yellow crystalline stuff, 922
Watery pulp (See:-,-Pulp, Yellowish;-green oil, 45
watery), 164 Yellowish substance, 1148
Wax, 39; 50; 390; 400; 445; 520; Yellow prinCiple, 1275
526; 544; 548; 550; 552; 591; ,Yellow pungent body (See:-
699; 710; 743; 761; 801; ·802; Gingerol), 1309
842; 848; 873; 876; "903; 953; Y-ephedrine, 490

y _methyl-ephedrine, 490 Aluminium silicate (See:-

Yolk, A/163 White felspar; Silicate of
Y-pseudo-ephedrine, 490 Aluminum), M/7; M/24
Aluminium yellow earth, M/7
Ambra Grasea, A/138
Amlasar gandhaKa, M/1l9
Zinc carbonate, M/131 Amponii chloridium, or Am-
Zinc sulphate, M/31 monium chloride (See:-
Zingiberene (See: -Zing i- Saline substances), 'M/ll;
berine, 1309), 415 M/101; M/97
Zingiberine (See: -Zingi Ammonium chloride (Nava-
berine, 415), 1309 sagara) (See: -AmmoIiii
Zizyphic acid, 1316; 1318 chloridum; Saline sub-
stances), Mill; M/I01; M/97
Anabas scandens, or Anabas
Scandeonus, A/139; A/214
_Achatina fulica, A/135 Anabas scandeonus, A/214 or
Acidum arseniosum (See:- Anabas scandens, A/139
Arsenum), M/15 Animal flesh, A/139
Acipenser Huso, Linn or A Animal gelatin, A/136
stellatus, A/135 Anser Indicus, A/143
Acridotheres ginginianus, Antigone antigone, A/143
A/136 Antilope cervicapra, A/143
Acyl chlorides, A/204 Antimonii sulphidum, or Anti-
Adanuis, M/1 mony sulphide, M/13
Adeps, A/136 Antimony sulphide, See:-
Adeps Lanae, A/137 Antimonii sulphidum, M/13
Adeps lanae hydrosus, A/137 Apis mellifica, (See:-Mel.)
Aegithina tiphia, or Clamator A/l44; A/191
jacobinus, or Hirundo rust- Ardeola grayii, A/l44
tica, A/138; A/155 Argentum, M/13
Arlus arius, A/l44; A/214
Agama agilis (See:-Lacerta Arsenicum Rubrum, See:-
agilis), A/138; A/170 Arsenii disulphidum or Bi-
'Ajwan-Ka-phul, or Bishop's sulphuret of Arsenic, M/19;
weed, M/123 M/80
Albumen (See: -Gallus Ban Arsenii disulphidum, (See:-
Kiva), A/162; A/138 Bisulphuret of Arsenic or
Alcohol, A/151 Arsenicum Rubrum, M/19;
Alectoris Graea; A/138 M/80
Allus banKiva (See:-Phasia- Arsenii trisulphidum or Tri-
nus), A/213 sulphuret of Arsenic, M/20
Alumen, M/2 . Arsenum or Acidum arsenio-
Alumen exsiccatum, M/6 sum, M/15
Aluminii Silicas or Silicate of Asphaltum, M/23
Alumina, or Felspar or Athene Brama Indica, A/144
Clay), M/6; M/94 Audbhid, M/98; M/100
Audbhid lavana, or Shota or Bos bubalus, A/146
Salt-petre or Shoralfhar, Bos taurus, A/146
M/98; M/IOI Boyal fish (See:-Scioenidus
Audbhida salt, (See:-Pr.nsu Pama, whiting); A/214
salt) M/71 Brass, M/48
Aurum, M/32 Bronze, M/48
Bufo melanosticus (See:-
Rana tigrina); A/146; A/217
Balaena, A/144 Button lac (See:-Lac: sheet:
Ban fish, (See: -Indian Eel), shell; Stick); A/150
Bangada-khara or Very im-
pure carbonate of Soda,
Ml102 Cacteria lacca, (See: -Cateria
Barbus sophore, A/214 lacca; Coccus lacca; Lacca;
Barilla or Sajjikar or Carbo- Tachardia lacca); A(148;
nate of Soda or Kelp; Swar- A/156; A/170
jikakshara, M/78; M/lOl; Calcareous spar, M/4l
M/102 Calci hydroxide, M/42
Baryta, M/132 Calcii carbonas or Calcium
Basic hydrogen, M/124 carbonate, M/41
Beeswax, white (See: -White Calcii hydras, M/42
beeswax) A/152 Calcii hydroxidum (See:-
Beeswax, yellow (See: - Yel- Calcii hydras; Calcium
low beeswax or Cera £lava) hydroxide; Calci hydroxide;
A/151; A/152 Calcium hydrate); M/42
Bell. metal, M/48 Calcii oxidum or Calcium
Benzin powder, A/137 oxide or Calx or Lime ko.
Bezoar, A/144 M/44
Bhetki fish, A/214 Calcii sulphas or Hydrated
Bishop's weed (Ajwan-ka-. Calcium sulphate, M/46
phul); M/123 Calcium, M/40 ._
Bisulphuret of Arsenic, (See: Calcium carbonate (or Calcii
-Arsenii disulphidum; Ar- carbonas); M/41
se:Qicum Rubrum); M/19; Calcium hydrate, M/4.2; M/45
M/80 Calcium hydroxide, M/42
Bivalve shell, A/145 Calcium oxide or Calcii oxi-
Black sulphur, M/119 dum; or C~lx or Lime Ko.
Black Talc (See:-Vajra M/44
Abhra); M/123; M/124 Callichrous paQda, A/2l4
Blue sihljit (Silajit, blue) ; Calx, M/44 .
M/23 Cam~lus dromodarius, A/I46
Bombyx Mori, A/14S
Bombyx mylitta, A/145 Canthari;;" vesicatoria, A/207
Borax (Tankanhar), M/78 Capra-Aegagrus, A/147;·A/142'
MllOl; M/104 Carbo ligni, M/46
Bornite,· (See: Eru~ess:ite) , Carbonate, impure, (See: -
M/49 .• ~- Impure carbonate); MJl30

INDEX 'i05

Carbonate of oxide, (See:- Chloride of Sodium (Sodium-

Oxide of zinc); M/13l; chloride); M/lOOi M/109
M/132 Cholesterin, A/138
Carbonate of Soda or Sajikhara Cinnabar, M/36; M/68
or Barilla or Swarjikakshara, Cinnabar, native (See:-
M/78; M/lOl; M/102 Native Cinnabar); M/68
Carbonate of zinc, (oxide of Clamator jacobinus or Hirundo'
zinc; Zinc oxidum); M/13l; rustica or Aegithina tiphia,
M/132 A/138; A/155
Carchardon carcharius, A/2l4, Clarias batrachus, A/2l4
see:-Carcharodon Carcharius,' Clay or Felspar or Silicate of
A/147 Alumina or Aluminii silicas,
CaSein or Curd, A/179 M/6~ M/94
Castoreum, A/147 Clupea ilisha (See: -Pisces) ;
Cateria lacca or Coccus lacca A/155; A/2l3; A/2I5
or Lacca, or Tachardia lacca, Coccus cacti (Dactylopius-.
A/148; A/170; A/156 coccus) A/15S; A/159
Cat fish variety, (Tangra fish; Coccus lacca or Cacteria lacca
Macrones Tangra); A/2l5 or Lacca; Tachardia lacca;
Catla-catla, A/2l4 A/148; A/156; A/170
Cephalopoda, (Os sepie; Sepia Columbia domestica or Colum--
officmalis; Cuttle-fish) bia livia, A/156
A/15l; A/2l0; A/2l7 Columbia livia or domestica,-
Cera, A/144; A/15l A/156
Cera alba, A/152 Common salt (See:-Panga;'
Cera £lava, (yellow beeswax) Salt common) ; M/101:
or Cera; or Beeswax; A/15l; M/109
A/152 Copper ores, M/48; M/49
Cerevesia lactis, (See:-:-Kou- Copper silajit (See:-Silajit,
miss or Kumyss or (Kumiss copper); M/23
or Fem1ented Milk), M/152; Copper sulphate (See: -Sul-
A/170 phate of Copper) M/52 &
Cervus aristotelis (See: -Cer- 53
vus Elephus; Cervus equi- Copper, unprepared (See:-
nus); A/152; A/153 Unprepared Copper), M/5l
Cervus dama, A/152 Corallium rubrum, or Iris,
Cervus Elephus, (See: -Cer- nobilis, A/209; A/156; A/170-
vus aristotelis; Cervus equi- Corvus splendens splandens,
nus); A/152; A/153 A/158
Cervus equinus, or Cervus Creta Gallica Purificata, or
elephus, or Cervus aristo- Talcum Purificatum, M/123"
telis, A/152; A/153 Crocodilus porosus, A/15S,
Cetaceum, (See: -Physeter
macrocephalus) ; A/~54'; Crotalin (Rattle-snake), A/22S-
A/2l3 Crude carbonate or Sulphate-
Chelonia, A/l54 of Soda; or Sodium sulphate,
Chloride of mercury (Rasa- M/102; M/lOO
karpura); M/lOO Crude soda or Sajimati, MilO!)'

.crystalline Rocksalt, (See:-

Rocksalt, White, Red), M198
Fel bovis, A/161
Felis tigris, A/161
1 t
.cupri sulphas, or Cuprum sul- Felspar, or Clay or Silicate of
phas, or Cupri sulphate, Alumina or Aluminii Silicas
M/52 M/6; M/94 '
,Cupri sulphate, or Cupri sul- Felspar, white, or Silicate alu-
phas, or Cuprum sulphas, minium, M/7
M/52 Fel Tauri Depuratus, (See:-
'Cuprum, M/47 Fel bovinum Gold purifica-
Cuprum sulphas, or Cupri sul- , tum), A/161; A/162
'phas, or Cupri sulphate,
M/52 Ferri Oxidum Praecipitatum
,Curd or Casein, A/179 , Fuscum (B.P.C.) (See:-
,Cuttle-fish, (See: -Sepia offi- Ferri Peroxidum Rubrum)
cinalis; os Sepiae & Cephal-- M/62 '
,opoda) , A/151; A/210; A/217 Ferri Peroxidum Rubrum
iCypraea moneta, A/158 (See:-Ferri Oxidum Prae-
Cyprinus rohita, A/159 cipitatum Fuscum (B.P.C.),

Daboa venom, A/219
'Daboia russeUi vel elegans, Ferri sulphas, M/63
A/218 Ferri sulphuratum, M/66
\Dactylopius coccus, (See:- Ferroso-Ferric Oxide, M/62
Coccus cacti), A/159; A/155 Ferrum, M/54
'Dadhi, A/176 Fish eggs (See:-Eggs, fish),
Derivatives of toluene, (See:- A/215 I

Toluene, derivatives of), Fishes: -River; Shallow-

A/204 water; Tank & Pond; Large
'Dhobi's earth, M/102 lake; Spring-water; Well-
'Echis carinata, A/2I9, A/224 water etc., Punti; shale;
Eggs, fish (See: -Fish eggs), . A/213 to 216.-See: -Pisces
A/215 ' Flint, ipure (See: -Silica),
Elephas Africanus (See:- M/93
Elephas inqicas; Elephas Fluorine, M/124
maximus), A/160 Francolinus I Pondicerianus,
Elephas indicas, Elephas afri- A/141; A/162 I

canus, Elephas maximus, Frog, M/217

A/160 Gadus MarlucCius, or Hakefish,
Elephas maximus (See: -Ele- A/135 I"'\. .
phas indicas, Elephas afri- Gallus Bankiva (See: -Albu-
canus) , A/160 men), A/138; fi/162'
-Equus asinus, A/160 ' Gallus domesticus,o A/162
Equus caballus, A/160 Gallus pugnex, or Ganus pusil-
-Erubescite (or bornite), 1Vr/49 Ius, (Gallus domesticus),
Ethyl-acetate, A/207 A/162
Eudynamis sco}opaceus, A/160 Gallus pusillus, or Gallus pug-
-Fel bovinum purlficatum: or ,. nex. (See: -Gallus domesti-'
Fe! tauri depuratus), A/162; eus) , A/162
A/161 ."---:- Gandhak-na-phul (Sublimed
r INDEX 707

sulphur or Milk of Sulphur) , Himsagar (Pashanbhedi Ir-

1\1/119; M/122 rissp); M/1l5
Gastropoda (See: .-Univalve, Hingool, M/72
& Turbinella rapa; or Xan- Hingula or Red sulphide of
chus pyrum) , A/164; A/232; Mercury, M/68; M/69; M/72
A/234 Hirudenaria, (Poecilobdella)
Gecko verticillatus, A/I65 Granulosa, (Medicinal
German silver, M/49 , leech); A/167
Ghrita, A/176 Hirudo Medicinalis (See:-
Glucose, A/IS3 ~anguisuga medicinalis-
Goda-Iavana, or Romaka or (Speckled Leech); A/167;
Sakambari, or Sambharnuna, A/217
.or Vadagru mithu or Savara Hirundo il"Ustica lor Clamator
mith or Sambar luna or jacobinus, or' Aegithina
mitha, M/9S; M/IOO tiphia; A/138; A/155
Gold ashes (See: -Gold pow- 'Hydrargyrum, M/67
der), M/33 Hydrated Calcium sulphate or
Gold leaf, M/33 Calcii sulphas, M/46
Gold powder (See: -Gold Hydroxyl, M/124
ashes), M/33
Gold, prepared (See:-pre-
pared ,gold), M/34
Gold silajit (See:-Silajit Ichthyol, M/24
gold); M/23 Impure carbonate (See: -Car-
Gomuthra silajit ,(See: -Sila- bonate impure); M/130
jit Gomuthra) i M/24 Impure salt (Telio tankana);
Gopichandan, M/7 M/104
Gorai or Nata fish, A/215 Impure tin (Misraka or mis-
Gutika or Gutika salt M/98' rakam); M/lI6; M/ll7
MIIOI " Indian Eel (See: -Ban fish);
Hakefish (Gadus Marluccius) Indian ~herring (See:-Hil<;a
A/135 ' fish); A/214
Halcyon Smyrnensis smyr- Indian vipers (See:-Vipers,
nensis, A/166 Indian); A/2lS
Halicore australis, (See:- Iris nobilis (See:-Corallium
Halicore dugong Erxleben)' Rubrum); A/15S; A/170;
A/1OO ' A/209
Halicore dugong-Erxleben (or Iron, M/132
Halicore australis), A/166 Iron peroxide (See: -Peroxide
Heart Pea (Nayaphatakipand)' or Iron); M/3
~/103 ' Iron pyrites (See:-Pyrites,
Helix aspera, A/166 iron); M/54
Hemiptera, A/166 Iron silajit (See: -Silajit,
Herring Indian (See:-Hilsa iron); M/23
fish); Aj214 Iron, spathic (See: -Spathic
Rilsa fish, (See: -Indian her- iron); M/54
ring); A/214
Javakhara, (Potash carbonate Lacerta vivipara, A/l71
impure); M/lOl Lactic acid, A/179
Lactose, A/179; A/176
I Lactus, A/l71
,I Laksha taru, A/149
Kanjika (whey), M/I04; M;/49 Lal gandhak or Rati Hirakasi~
Kaolinum, M/7 M/119
Karkach (Sun-dried sea-salt); Lanolin, A/138
M/98 Lath, A/136
Karpoora silajit (See: -Silajit Lavana, samudra (See:-
Karpoor); M/24 Samudra lavana); M/98;
Kaud, A/149 M/I00
Kelp or Barilla (See:-Sajji- Leech, medicinal (See:___:Me-
kar or Carbonate of Soda or dicinal leech); A/167
Swajikakshara); M/l0l; Leech, speckled (See:-Speck-
M/I02; M/78 led leech); A/2l7
Kilataka (Curd of buffalo's See:-Sanguisuga medicina-
milk); A/183 lis & Hirudo medicinalis);
Koumiss or Kumyss or Kumiss A/167
or Fermented milk or Cere- Lepus ruficandatus or ruficau-
vesia lactis; M/152; A/170 datus (See:-Oryctolagus:
Krishnabhra (Sheabhra); cuniculus) A/19I; A/2l0
M/124 Lime, M/40; M/45
Kshuraka (See: -Pure tin); Lime ko, M/44
M/1l6 Lizard, A/I71
Kumiss or Koumiss or Kumyss
or Fermented milk or Cere-
vesia lactis; M/152; A/170
Kumyss or Koumiss or Kumiss Mabuia carinata, A/19I; A/21 T
or Fermented milk or Cere- Macasus rhesus, A/19l
vesia lactis; M/152; A/170 Macrones Tangra (Tangra fish
or Catfish variety); A/215
Manduka abhra (Yellow talc);
Labea rohu or Labeo rohita, Manganesium iron, M/7
, A/215 Mastu, A/17()
Labeo rohita or Labea rohu, Medicinal leech (See:-Hiru-
A/2I5 dinaria (Pogcilobdelia) gra-
Lac: Button; sheet; shell; nulosa), A/167
stick; white, A/149; A1150; Mel (See:-A-pis melliiica)·
M/123 ' A/144: A/19I ,- _-
Lacca (See:-Cateria ,lacca;
Coccus lacca; Tacnardia Mel depuratum ,or Mel despu-
lacca); A/148; A/156; A/170; matum"A/195
A/232 Mel desptpnatum or Mel depu-
Lac dye, A/150 v ratum, A/195
Lacerta agilis (See:-~gama 'Milk-sugar (See::_Saccharum
agilis); A/138; A/I~ ':-- lactis); A/176; Aj217

Milk of Sulphur (See:-Gan- ruficandutus) A/191; A/210

dhak-na-phul; sublimed sul- OS sepie (or Os sepiae) (cepha-
phur), M/1l9; M/122 lopoda) (Sepia officinalis)
Misraka (Impure tin) or Mis- A/15I; A/210; A/217
rakam, M/1l6; M/117/' Ostrea edulis (or Ostrea gry-
Monovalve shell; A/196 phoides, or Ostrea virgi-
Moschus moschiferus, A/196 niana) A/211
Motacilla _maderaspatensis, Ostrea gryphoides, (Ostrea
A/205 edulis; Ostrea virgin'iana)
Mother of pearl, A/211 A/211
Mourola fish (Opio cephalus or Ostrea vlrgllllana, (See:-
Serpent-head); A/215 Ostrea edulis or Ostrea gry-
Mug!il, planiceps, A/2l5 phoides) A/211
Mukta-Sukti, A/211 Otolithus regalis : (weak-fish)
Mus Rattus, A/20S A/135
Mutilla occidentalis, A/206 Ovis aries, A/212
Mylabris chicorii, A/206 Ovis vignei, A/212
Mylabris pustulata, A/206 Oxide of Zinc, (carbonate of
Mylabris trianthema, A/206 Oxide) M/I3l; M/132
Mytilus margaritiferus or Oxide, red, (see:-Red oxide)
Pin c tad a margaritifera, M/130
A/208; A/213

Palaemoncurcinus, or Palae-
Naga abhra (Red talc); M/213 mon lar) A/2l2
Naia £lava or Naia vivea, A/222
Palaemon lar, (or Palaemon
Naia naia vel tripudians, A/222curcinus) A/2l2
Naia vivea or Naia £lava, A/222
Pancha-Iavana, M/I02; M/198
Naja bungarus, A/2l8 Panga or Common Salt (see:-
Naja naia vel tripudians, A/2l8Salt, common) M/lOl; M/109
Naja tripudians, A/218 Pansuja, (or Ushasuta) M/98;
Nata·or Gorai fish, A/215 M/IOl
Native cinnabar (See:-Cinna- Pansu salt (see:-Audbhida
bar, native); M/68 salt) M/71
Navanita, A/176 Papaclkhar (Pearl Ash) M/lOI
Navasagara or Ammonium Paraffin, soft, (see:-Soft paraf-
chloride (See:-Saline sub- fin) A/138
stances; Ammonii chlori- Paramoecium caudatum, A/223
dum); M/ll; M/97; M/IOl Pashanbhedi, Irrissp, (Him-
sagar) M/1l5
Passer domesticus, A/212
Pavo cristatus, A/213
Oleum Squalse, A/231 Peacock ore, M/ 49
Opio cephalus, (Mourola-fish Pearl Ash (Papadkhar), M/IOI
or Serpent head) A/215 Perchloride of tin, or Perm'\l-
Oryctolagus cuniculus (for- riate of tin) M/1l5
merly Lepus ruficaudatus or Perdix sylavatica, A/2l3

Permuriate of tin, or Per- Prepared Gold (see:-Gold" .

chloride of tin) M/1l5, prepared) M/34
Peroxide of Iron, (see:-'-Iron Psittacula Krameri, A/2I6
peroxide) M/3 , Punti fish (see:-Fish punti)
Phalacrocorax niger, A/2I3 A/2I5
Phasianus (see:-Allus pank- Pure flint, or Lilica, (see:_
iva) A/2I3 ' Flint, pure, M/93
Physeter macrocephalus, (see:- Pure tin (Kshuraka) (see:_
Cetaceum) A/I54; A/213 Tin, pure) M/1l6
Pinaka abhra (white talc) Purified Silajit, (see:-Silajit
M/123 purified) (Shodhita) M/24 '
Pinctada mal'garitifera, (or Pyrites, Iron, (see:-Iron
M y.t il u s margaritiferus) pyrites) M/54
A/208; A/2I3 Python reticulatus, A/2I6
Pisces, (see:-Clupea ilisha)
A/213; A/155; A/2I5
Plumbi carbonas, M/85 I
Plumbi oxidum, M/86 Rana tigrina, (Frog) (see:-
Plumbi oxidum Rubrum, M/86 Bufo melanosticus) A/217; I,
Plumbi sulphuratum, M/87 A/146
Plumbum, M/83 Rasakarpura (Chloride of mer-
Potash carbonate impure cury) M/IOO
(Javakhara) ~/I01 Rati Hirakasi (or Lal-gandhak)
Potassic carbonate M/8S M/1l9
Potassii carbonas impura Rattle-snake, (Crotalin) A/228
(see:-Potassium carbonate) Red oxide, (see:-oxide, red)
M/8S M/130
Potassii Nitras, (or Potassii Red Rock-salt, (s~:-Rock­
Nitricum, or 'Potassium Nit- salt, red) M/9S
rate, Or Potassium Nitras,) Red silajit, (see:-Silajit, red)
M/90 M/23
Potassii Nitricium, (or Potassii Red sulphide of Mercury, (or
Nitras, or PotassiUm Nitrate, Hingula, Sulphide of mer-
or Potassium Nitras) M/90 cury, red) M/68; M/69; Ml72
Potassim carbonate, (see:- Red talc (see:-Naga-abhra)
Potassii carbon as impura) M/123
M/S8 Reh, M/IOO
Potassium Nitras, (or Potassii Reptilia, A/217
Nitras, or Potassii Nitras, or Rhinoceros Unicornis, A/217
Potassii Nitricum), M/9I; RO<!k-salt, crystalline, M/98
M/90 . Rock-salt, red (see:-Red
Potassium Nitrate (or Potas- Rock.,:saIt) M19S-
sii Nitras or Potassium Rock salt white, red & crystal-
Nitras, or Potassii Nitricum, line, ,M/98
M/91; M9/0 Rohee or Rohu fish, A/215
Precipitated Sulphur (or Vit- Rohu orlRohee fish, AJ215
reous Sulphur or Yellow sul- Roll Sulphur (see:-white sul-
phur) M/)119 0<1 ••/ - 0
phur) M/ll9
f INDEX nl

Romaka, (or Sakambari, Sam- barmitha; Romaka) M/98;.

bhamtina, or Godalavana, M/lOO
or Vadagrumithu, Savara- Sambhar, M(98
mith, Sambar luna or mitha) Sambharnuna, (see:-Sakam-
M/lOO bari; IGodalavana; Vada-
Rudraksha, Ml128 grumithu; Savaramith; Sam-
Saccharum lactis, (Milk sugar) barluna; Sambarmitha; Ro-
A/2l7; A/176 maka) M/98; M/IOO
Sacchobranchus fossilis, (singhi Samudra lavana (see:-Lavana,
fish) A/2l5 Samudra) M/98; M/lOO
Saindhava, M/98 Sang-e-Isama, or Silicate &
Sajikhara (carbonate of Soda) Sulphate of Lime, M/96
Barilla; Swarjikakshara, Sang-e-Sira-Mahi or Silicate
M/78j M/lOl; Mll02 of Lffi?e) M/96; M/95
Sajimati (crude soda) M/IOO Sanguisuga Medicianalis,
Sajjikar, see:-Barilla (Speckled Leech) (see:-
Sajjikar-na-phul (or Washing Hirudo Medicinalis) A/2l7;
Soda or Soda crystals, A/167
M/I01; 102 Santanika, Al176
Sakambari, (see::-Sambha- Sarjikakshara, M/102
runa; Godalavana; Vada- Sarjikshara, MlI02
grumithu Savaramith; Sam- Sauvarchala, M/98; M/lOO
barluna or Sambarmitha; Savaramith, (see:-Sakambari;
Romaka) M/98; MIIOO Sambharnuna; Godalavana;
Saline earths, MllOl Vadagrumithu; Sambarluna;
Saline substances Mill; M/97 Sambarmitha; Romaka)
(see:-Ammonii chloridum M/98; MjlOO
or Ammonium-chloride) , Scilla serrata, A/2I7
MllOl Scioenidus Pama, whiting,
Salt, common, (see:-panga; (see:-Boyal fish) A/2l4
common salt), M/lOl; M/l09 . Scomberomorus commersonu,
Salt, impure, (see:-Teliotan- A/215
kana) M/I04 Sea-salt, sun-dried or Karkach,
Salt-petre or Shora or Aud- Sepia officanalis, (cuttle-fish)
bhid-lavana, or Shorakhar, (see:-Os sepiae & Cephalo-
M/98; MIIOI poda) A/15I; A/2I0; A/217
~alt, sun-dried, sea, or Kar- Seriparium, Al218
kach, M/98 Serpent-head fish, A/2l5
Sambarluna, (see:-Sambhar- Serpent Poison, A/2l8
nuna; Savaramith; Sakam- Sevum praeparatum, A/229
bari; Godalavana; Vada- Sheabhra, (Krishnabhra)
grumithu; Sambarmitha; Ml124
Romaka), M/98; M/lOO. . Sheet lac (see:-Lac: button,.
Sambarmitha (see:-Sambar- shell. stick), A/150
luna; Sambarnuna; Savara- Shell lac (or Shellac) A/149
mith; Sakambari; Goda- Shellac (or Shellac) A/149
lavana; Vadagrumithu; Sam- Shetura, (Morus), All45
;Shilajit (Varieties) (see:- Silicate of Magnesia, Ml96;
Silajit Varieties) M/23; M/125; A/165
M/24 I Silicate of Magnesia & Iron,
Shodhita (Purified Silajit) Ml97
Ml24 ! Silicate of zinc, M/132
,Shole fish, A/2l5 Silicilic acid, Mll25
,Shora (or Salt-petre or Aud- Silicious concretions of bam b()o
bhid lavana or Shorakhar) (Vanasalavana) Ml96
M/98; MllOl Silico-Fluoride of Sodium,
Shorakhar or Saltpetre, Shora; (see:-Sodii Silico fluori~
Audbhid Lavana, M/lOl; dum), M/97
Ml98 Silicon, (or Silicum) M/93
,Silajit, blue (see:-Blue silajit) Silicum or silicon, Ml93
M/23 Silver silajit, (see:-Silijit
Silajit, copper, (see:-Copper silver) M/23
silajit) M/23 Singhi fish, (Sacchobranchus
Silajit, gold (see:-Gold sila- fossilis) A/2l5
jit) M/23 Soda, crude, (or Sajimati)
Silajit, gomuthra, (see:-Go- M/lOO
muthra silajit), M/24 Soda crystals (or Sajjikharna-
Silajit, iron, (see:-Iron silajit phul or washing soda) M/IOl
M/23 & 102
;Silajit, Karpoor, (see:-Kar- Sodii Biboras or S. Boras,
poor, silajit) M/24 M/103; Afl65
Silajit purified, (see:-Shod- Sodii Boras (or Sodii Biboras)
hita) M/24 M/l03
Silajit, red, (see:-Red silajit Sodii Carbonas Impura or
M/23 Sodium cai'bonate, M/lOl
SHajit, White, M/23 Sodii chloridum, M/I09
Silica, (or Pure flint) M/93 Sodii chloridum impura, etc.,
Silicate, M/131 MilOS
Silicate & Sulphate of Lime,
or Sang-e-Isama, M/96 Sodii cirras A/I77
Silicate of Alumina, (or Fels- Silicefluoride of Sodium, etc.,
par or Clay or Aluminii sili- etc., MilOS; M/97
cas) M/6; M/94 Sodii 'Silicofluoridum, (see:-
S\licate of Alumina, Lime & Silico-Fluoride of Sodium)
Oxide of Iron, M/94 M/97; M/IOS :{tII'

Silicate of Alumina, Magnesia Sodium chloride (see:-Chlo-

& Oxide of Iron, M/94 ride of Sodium) MlI09;
Silicate of Alumina &' Oxide of M/IOO ~
Iron, M/95 , Sodium chloride ilnpura,
Silicate of Aluminium (see:- MIlOS
Aluminium silicate or white Sodium, Fiuosilicas, etc., MilOS
felspar) M/24; 'M/7 Sodium Fluosilicate, etc. M/.IOS
Silicate of Lime, (or ~g-e­ ,Sodium Silicofluoride etc"
Sira Mahi), M/95; M/96 MilOS
. "~--

Sodium sulphate (or Sulphate Sun-dried sea-salt, Or Kar-

of soda, or crude carbonate) kach, M/98
M/IOO; M/I02 S'varna Vanga, M/1l5
Soft paraffin (see:-Paraffin Swarjikakshara, (or Barilla, or
soft) A/13S ' Kelp or Carbonate of Soda
Sohagoor or Tinkala M/103 Or Sajjikar) M/78; M/lOl:
Spathic iron, (see:~Iron spa- Ml102 '
thic) M/54 '
Speckled Leech (see:-Sangui-
suga medicinalis; Hirudo Tachardia lacca, (see also:-
med,icinalis) A/167; A/127 Cateria lacca; Coccus lacca;
Spongla officinalis, or Spon- Lacca) A/148; Al232; A/170
gilla) A/230 Takra, A/176
Spongilla (see:-Spongia offi- Talc:-white, red, yellow,
cinalis) A/230 black, M/123
Squalus carcharus, Al231 Talcum purmcatum, (or Creta
Stannic sulphidum, M/1l5 Gallica Purmcata) M/123
Stannum, M/1l6 Tangra fish (Macrones Tan-
Stick lac, (see:-Lac, button; gra) A/215 ,
sheet; shell; stick; white) 'rankankhar (Borax) M/101;
M/123; A/149; Al150 ' W104; M/178
Straw-ash~ NU88
Telio tankana, (see:-Impure
Sublimed sulphur, (or Milk of salt) M/104
sulphur or Gandhak-na- Theobromine, Al183
phul) M/1l9; M/122 Tin, impure (Misraka~ M/1l6-
Sulphate of copper, (see:- M/117 . '
Copper sulphate) M/52' Tin, pure (Kshuraka) M/1l6
M/53 ' Tinkala or Sohagoor, M/103
Sulphate of Soda, (Sodium Toad, A/217
sulphate, 'or Crude carbo- Toluene, derivatives of A/204
nate) M/I00; M/I02 Trichogaster fasciatus, A/215
Sulphide of Mercury M/73' Trinitrobutyltoluol, A/204
W66 " Trisulphuret of Arsenic or Ar-
senii Trisulphidum, M/20
Sulphide of Mercury, red (s~e: Turbinella rapa, or Xanchus
-Red sulphide of Mercury pyrum, (see:-Gastropoda;
Or Hingula) M/68' M/69: Turbinella rapa) A/1M;
M/72 ' , ,
A/232; A/234
Sulphide, or Sulphuret (Blen- Turnix dussumieri, (see: -
de) M/130 Turnix-m-tanki) A/232
Sulphur, M/119 Turnix-m-tanki, (or Turnix
Sulphuret or Sulphide (Blen- dussumieri) A/232
de) (see:-Sulphide or Sul- Tutha, M/53
puret Blende) M/130 .
Sulphur, Precipitated yellow Univalve (see: -Gastropoda-
V 1'treous,; Roll; white;
" Sub- Turbinella rapa; or Xanchu~
limed; Powdered M/1l9' pyrum) A/232; A/234;
M/122 ' , A/164
Unprepared copper, (see:- Weak-fish (see: -Otolithus re_
Copper, unprepared) M/51 galis), A/135
Ushasuta, (see:-Pansuja' Whey (see:-Kanjika) M/49'
M/98; M/101____ I
M/104 '
White beeswax, (see: -Bees-
Vadagrumithu, (or Romaka or wax, white) A/152
Sakambari or Sambharnuna White felspar (or Aluminiwn
or Godalavana or Savara- silicate,) (see: -Felspar.
mith or Sambar luna or etc.) M/7; M/124
mitha) M/98; M/100 White talc (see: -Pinaka.
Vajra abhra, (Black talc) abhra) M/123
M/123; M/124 Whiting (see:-Boyal fish;
Vansalavana (Silicious con- Scioenidus Pama) A/214
cretions of bamboo) M/96 White Rock-salt (see:-Rock-
Varanus Bengalensis, A/233; salt-white) M/98
A/217 White shilajit, (see: -Shilajit.
Varanus salvator, A/233; white) M/23 .
A/217 White Sulphur (see: -Roll
Very impure carbonate of sulphur) M/119; M/122
Soda, or Bangadakhara, Xanchus pyrum, (see:-Tur-
Ml102 binella rapa, or Gastropoda
Vid or Vit lavana, or Vidam, or Univalve) A/164; A/234;
M/98; M/99. A/232
Vida, Vid, Vit, Vidam lavana,
M/98; il\II/99
Vidam or Vida or Vit lavana, Yavakshara, Ml102; M/72
M/98; M/99 Yellow bel'!swax, (or Cera
Viper aspis, A/229 £lava, or Beeswax, yellow)
Vit or Vid lavana or Vidam, A/151; A/152
M/98; M/99 Yellow talc (see: -Manduka
Vitreous sulphur, or yellow or abhra) M/l23
precipitated Sulphur (see:- Yellow (or vitreous or preci-
Sulphur, Precipitated etc.,) pitated sulphur & other
M/119; M/122 varieties) Ml119; M/122
Viverra civetta; Viverra zibe-
tha.; Viverra rasse, A/234
Viverra rasse, (see: -Viverr.a
, zibetha; Viverra civetta, Zinc carbonas (see: -Zinci
A/234 oxidum ett:., etc.) Ml131;
Viverra zibetha, (see: - Viver- M/132
ra civetta; Viverra. rasse) Zinci oxidum or zinc oxide or
A/234 carbonate of ,zin_c, M/132;
Vipers, Indian (see: -LIndian MI)31
vipers) A/218 Zinc oxide or zinci oxidum; or
Carbonate of zinc, M/132;
Washing Soda (or Sajjikl).arna- lVI/131
phul or Soda crystls)v M/101; ,Zinc sulphas, M/l33
M/102 ." .... r... - Zincum; M/130
N. B.-l LETTERS "A" AND "M" preceding the Numbers
hereunder, indicate pages of the AnimaL and Mineral
Kingdoms r.espectiveLy. Plain. NUMBERS stand for
the Vegetable Kingdom!s pages.
MINERAL AND ANIMAL substances refer to the
'SUBJECT-INDEX of the Mineral and Anima~
Kingdoms" preceding this Index.

Aadaiotti, 1251 Abruz, M/ll&

Aainunnas, 99 Abuk, M/67
Aal, 809; 810 Abyaza-See:-Varda-abyaza.
Aalakus~ 958 Acalypha-See :-Indian acaly-
Aanay, 160/A pha.
Aaraar; 710 Acanthus-See: -Holy-leaved
Aararoot, 770 acanthus.
Abai, 1286-See: -Pandhri- Ach, 809
abai. Acha, 452; 607
Abao, 254 Achai,1119
Abayee,254 Acharbondi, 1164
Abba, 215 Achchegida, 526
Abbal,710 Achi, 809
Abbe, 1140 Achillea moschata, A/203
Abdahullu, 428 Achte Hirse, 898
Aberamuradepa, A/230 Achtekokospalme, 363
Abhaya, 1205 Achte Narde, 840
Abhini, 902 Achter Cattapenbaum, 1205
Abhra, M/123 Achter muscatnussbaum, 830
Abhul Haubera, 710 Achter orbanbum, 199
Abi, 1286-See:- Achtes Zuckerrohr, 1083
Tukhm-e-Abi. Achuka, 809
Abika, A/212 Achuvagandi, 1292
Abin, 902 Acide-See:-Ketmie acide
Abini, 902 Acid lime, 341-See: -Lime
Abkar, M/91 . (varieties)
Abornblattriger Flugelsamen,
1027 Acidulated sugar solutions,
Abortive Pepper-corns, 972- A/227-See: Sugar solutions;
See:-Pepper corns. Aconite, 28-See: Indian aco--
Abre-shama, A/145 uite

Acyl chlorides, A/204-See: Adavimandaramu, 183-See:-

Chlorides Mandaramu
Ada, 1309 Adavinabhi, 579-See: -Nabhi
Adagi,231 I (varieties)
Adagu-See: -Pilli-adagu. Adavi-nimma, 160-See:-
Adakumaniyan, 1162 Nimma (varieties)
Adamaram, 1205 Adavipasupu, 414-See:-
Adambedi, 678 Pasupu (varieties)
Adamkabu, 40 Adavi-patola, 1236-See:-
Ada: morinika, 225 Patola
Adampaka, 40 Adavi-potla, 1235-See:-Potla
Adana-See: -Raja-adana (varieties)
Adapukodi, 689-See: -Kodi Adavipratti, 629-See: -Pratti
(varieties) Adavi-puchcha, 405-See:-
Adarsa,40 Puchcha (varieties)
Adarushah, 40 Adavi-tellagada, 1257-See:-
Adasa, 734 Tellagadda
Adaspudus, 935 Adavi-tella-gadda, 1116-See:
Adava, 1082 -Tellagadda
Adavia-amudamu, 705-See:- Adban Buporio, 629~ee:-
Amudamu, Amudumu. Buporio
Adavi-amudan, 166 Adda, 184
Adavi-atthi, 550-See: -Atti Addasaram, 40
(varieties) Adhabirani, 624
Adavi-atti, 550-See: -Atti Adhaki, 231
(varieties) .. Adharajhade, 21
Adaviburuga, 362-See:- Adhatodai, 40
Buruga Adhsarita-jari, 44-See:-Jari
Adavi-ellakkay, 93-See:- (varieties)
Ellakkay . Adi, 1309
Adavi-genneru, 993-See:- Adike, 130
Genneru Adityabhakta, 351; 614
Adavi-jilkara, 1268-See:- Aditya_;bhakti-chettu, 614
Jilkara; Kara (varieties) Adityalu, 736
Adavi-kachhola, 418-See:- Adosa, 40
.Kachhola Adoxa moschatellina, A/203
Adrak, 1309-See: -Amkiboki-
Adavi-kakara, 807-See:- adrak <1.
Kakara Adu, 1309
Adavi-kanda, 1188-S,ee:- Adulsa, 40-See: -Black adul-
Kanda (varieti.es) sa; White-adulsa _-
Adavilavangpatte, 331-See:- Adulso, 40-See:-Kala-adulso
Lavangpatte Adumuttoda, 150
Adavi malli, 700-See: -Malli; Aduppu-kari, M/46-See: -
Pachche adavi malle Kari (varieties)
. ~

Adavimamidi, 1166-Se~:-: ~duraspee, 40

Mamidi (varieties) .0""" ~ Adusa, 40; 56
INDEX . 717

Adusogae, 40 Aginaligadi, 770

Adu-tinna-palai, 138 Aginbuti, 91
Aedakularitichettu, 80 Aginghas, 104
Aedu, 212 Agiva, 108
Aegarvalli, 807 Agla,17
Aelilappalai, 80 Agni;-garba, 91
Aerilampal, 80 Agni-garva, 91
Afiengesict, 800 Agnijvala, 1295
Affini, 902 Agnimantha, 353; 1009
Affiun, 902 Agnimatha, 990
Afim,902 Agnimukhi, 1119 i
Afiun, 902 Agnin, A/137
Afiyum, 670; 902 Agni-shikha, 389; 990
A£kur, 299 Agni-sikha, 278; 579
Afsantin, 144-See:-Vilaya- Agnivendra-paku, 91
thi-Afsantin Agniverdhana, 1028
Afsantin-el-bahr, 142 Agrimony hemp-See:-
Aftimum, 420 Hemp; Ambari hemp (varie-
Afu, 901 ties)
Aganaki. 820 Agri-turki, 35
Agar, 120 Agropyrum, 56
Agar-agar, 571; 591; A/135 Agure, 655
Agari,21 Agliyabat, 1010
Agaric-See: -White agaric Agyaghas, 111
Agaric of the Oak, 51-See:- Agyptische Indigop flanze, 677
Oak (varieties) Ahaka-nurch, M/44
Agaru, 120; 467-See: -Krish- Ahaleeva. 736
nagaru Ahalla, 285: -See: - Wal-
Agasa tamarai, 976-See:- ahalla
Tamarai (varieties) Ahana, M/54-See: -Zanf-e-
Agase-gida, 283 ahana
Agasemara, 52 Ahera. 736
Agashi,743 Ahiganda, 139-See: -Ganda
Agasta,52 ( varieties)
Agastoya, 52 Ahilaykhan, 820 "
Agastya, 52 Ahiphena, 902
Agathiyo, 52 Ahiphenam, 901
. Agati-See: - Vilayati-agati Ahlada, 543
Agatti, 52-See:-Sheomai- Ahliv, 736
agatti Ahmur,268
Ageru-See:-Mora-ageru Ahomblattriger, Flugelsamen,
Agetha, 1009 933
Aghada, 21-See: -Pandhara- Ahrang, M/ 4~
aghada Ahreo, 736
Aghata, 21 Ahu, M/42
Aghedo-See: -Sa£ed aghedo Ahur, 216
Aghil, 311 Aiarka or Ajarka, 1153


Ain-ed-dik (seeds), 5
Akado, 237
Aini,1211 Akakia, (extract), 9
Airana, 353 i Akalakara-See: -Mitha aka-
Airanmula, 1009-See: -Mula lakara
(varieties) Akalam, 736
Aisar, 235 Akalbarki, 255
Aisinglasa, A/135 Akalber, 433-See: -Bel'
Aivanam, 730 Akalbir, 433-See: -Bir
Ajadandi, 468; 724 Akalkar, 1164-See: -Kar
Ajagara, 469 (varieties)
Ajaji, 408 Akanadi, 334
Ajaka, 861 Akanda, 237; 242-See:-
Ajakarna, 1265 Kanda
Ajakarua, 1265-See: -I(arua Akara-See: -Kaliakara
(varieties) Akarakara, 97-See: -Mitha
Ajalikalika, 799-See: -Kalika akarkara
(varieties) Akarakaram, 97:-See:-
Ajamanupatree, 113 Karam
Ajamo,1028 Akarakarava,97
Ajapada, 113 Akar-kanta, 58-See: -Kanta
Ajapa Varuna, 387-See:- (varieties)
Varuna Akasamugri, 803
Aja-priya, 1317 Akasa-thamarai, 976
Ajarka, or Aiarka, 1153 Akasbel, 292; 420
Ajashringi, 867-See: -Shringi Akasgaddah, 377-See:-
(varieties) Gadda (varieties)
Ajavala, 863-See: - Vala Akasavalli, 292
(varieties) Akashaballi, 292
Ajava Seeds, 280 Akashagadda, 219-See:-
Ajawain, 1028 Gadda (varieties)
Ajawa Seeds, 1028 Akashakaruilan, 219
Ajeka, 863 Akashavalli, 292
Ajeru, 617 Akashgaruda-balli, 219
Aljhar, 723 Akash garudand, 377
Ajmada, 1028 . Akas-pawan, 420
AjmaIus, 670 AkasweI, 420 rt
Ajmoda, 119; 408 Akatti,52
Ajmud, 280-See: ---'-Bam Akda, 237
ajmud . Akenda,37 .
Ajowan, 280; 1028-See:- Akhor moranu, 1171---
Korasani-ajowan ' Akhroot, 709
Ajwaina Kurasam, 670-See:- Akhrbt, 61_'::_See:-Nat-akrodti
Khurasani-ajvayan Akhzar-See: -Zajul-akhzar
Ajwan, 1028-See: -Chowri-... Akil-ul-malika, 1239
ajwan; Ki:rmanji-ajwan/ - Akkalbir, ·433-See': -Bit
Ak , 237-" 242- 1083-Se~~

Akkalkara, 97-See:-Kara Ala-sandi, 459

(varieties) Alashi, 743
Akki,877-See-Navaneakki Alate-huvvu, 1206
Akkira-karam, 97 Alavu, 72
Aknad,1168 Albumin, A/164-See: - _Lac-
Akola,58 talbumin
Akoria, 1063 Alen, 1309
Akorkaro, 97 Alethi, 1319
Akra, 237; 1164 Alexandrian Laurel, 236; 860-
Akrakantha, 614 See: -Laurel Victor's lau-
Akri,1291 rels
Akroda, 709 Alexandrian Senna, 283-See:
Akrot-See: -Bangle-akrot; Senna (varieties)
J angli-akrot; Ramakrot Alfalfa, 774
Akrotta-Kottai-See: -Kottai Alfazema, 730
Akrottu, 709 Algae-See: -Brown algae;
Aksha, 1202 Redalgae
Akshota, 709 Algusi, 419
Aktula-mulka, 1239 Aliar, 457
Aku, 662-See: -Shima-Kar- Alish, 743
puram-:aku Alita, 809
Akujemudu, 526 Alivirai, 736
Akujimudu, 524 Alkali-Potassium carbonas
Akulla-balasan, 171 impura, M/I09-See:-Pota-
Akurkura, 3ll-See:-Kura ssium carbonas impura, al-
(varieties) kali'
Akyan.120 Alkushi, 818
Al,809 AlIa-See :-China-alla
Ala, 543; 1309-See:-Ramala; Allam, 1309-See:-Mamidial-
Daddala; Davala; Udala; Va- lam
vala Alli, 860-See:-Ratanalli;
Alabaster, M/46 Warialli
Alabu,721' Allibija, 736
Aladamara, 543 Allichettu, 78_7
Alai, 433-See:-Udalai Allikada, 859
Alale, 1206 Allipa, 521
Alam, 273; 543 Allipalli, 152
Alamoola,114 Allipuhl, 859
Alanday, 267 Allitarnarai, 859-See:-Tama-
Alangi, 58 rai (varieties)
Alangium-See:-Sage-leaved Allupu, 110
alangium AJrnas, Mil
Alaphajana Dharu, 730- . Almirao, 728
See:-Dharu Almond, lOll-See: - Indian
Alari. 847-See: -Pachchai- almond; Jangli-almond; Wild
alari almond
Alarka, 242; 23! Almond tree-See: -Java: al-

mond tree

Aluminium yellow earth, M/7


Aloe-See: -American aloe; . See:-Yellow earth alumi_

Indian aloes; Socotririe aloes; nium
Small aloe Aluminous sulphate, M/2-See
Aloe-wood, 120 Sulphate of alumina
Alombe,51 Alu-sundi, 459; 1272
Aloo-See:-Belattialoo; !A_lu Alvi, 148; 736
(varieties) Am, 764-See:-Jangli_am
Aloa-baloo, 302 Amaada, 412
Alooka, 72 (varieties)
Alpagoda-pazham, 1014 Amahaldi, 412-See:-Haldi
Alpagoda pudu, 1014 Amakiregadday, 1291
Alpayushi, 384 Amala, 481
Alsande, 461 Amalai, 71
Alsandi, 1272 Amalakam, 480
Alshi, 743 Amalakamu, 481
Alshi-virai, 743 Amalaki, 480
Alshiviral ,743 Amal-bel, 1283,· 1285-See._
Alsi, 743 Bel .
Alu, 72; 94; 148; 449; 1015; Amalguch, 1015
1154; 1264-See: - Belathi- Amal-Iata, 1283; 1285
aloo; Aloo, Choprialu; J angli- Amaltas, 285
alu; Kantaalu; Lal-gurania- Amalu, 1278
alu; Man-alu; Mitha-alu; Amalwel, 420 .
Rakt-alu; Ranga-alu; Rat~ Amanakkam-chedi, 1065 .
alu; Rukh-alu; Sankhalu; Amanakku, 1065-See :_ Chit-
Son-alu; Suru-alu tamanakku; Kattamanakku·
Alu-balu, 1014 Amandi-maiam, 1205
Alu-beeyum, A/147 Amara-See:-Kuliamara
Alubhokhara, 1014 Amaranalam~ 109
Alu-bokhara, 1015 Amaratakada, 422
Alucha, 1015 Amaravela, 419
Aluk, A/167 Amarbeli, 292-See:-Beli
Alum, M/2-See:- Alum Amari, 681
burnt; Alum-dried Amb,764
Alum- burnt, (See: -Alum, Amba, 764-See:-Ranamba;
dried) M/6 Ratamba; Vatamba
Alum, dried, (See: -Alum Ambada, 116~See:- Kodam-
burnt) M/6 badi
Alumina and Potash sulphate- Ambadi, 628-See:-Lalambadi
See: -Sulphate of' Alumina Ambado; 1166 ~ - .
and Potash
Amba-halad, 412-See:-
Aluminium and ammonium Halad (varieties)
sulphate-See: Sulphate of
AlumilllUm d Amm· Amba-haladar, 412
I an omum A b h
Aluminium silicate, MIJ7-See: I m a- indi, 273
Silicate of aluminium~.
- Ambaj, 765

Ambal, 481; 844; 860-See:- Ameda, 1166

Vellambal Ameliu, 680
Ambala, 481; 1191 Amerah-See:-Chitraka-
Ambalam, 1166 merah
Ambalamu, 1166 Amerbel, 420
Ambara, A/138 Amere, biffer-See~Luffe
Ambar-baris, 191 amere
Ambari, 628 American aloe, 54-See:Aloe
Ambari hemp, 628--See:- American Barn-yard Millet,
Hemp (varieties) 896-See:-Barn-yard mil-
Ambarkand, 519-See:-Kand let, Millet (varieties)
Ambasal-See:-Ratambasal \ American isinglass, A/135-
Ambashthai-patha, 333 See:-Isinglass (varieties)
Ambat, 478 American Johnson grass, 106-
Ambat-bit, 1283 See:--Johnson grass
Ambate, 1166 American wormseed, 305-
Ambate-hullu,425 See:-Wormseed
Ambatimaddu, 1228 Amesa, 116
Ambatimadu,1229-See:- Amgul, 472
Madu (varieties) AmiaI, 481
Ambavati, 1080 Amidamu, 1065
Ambe-haldi, 414-See:-Haldi Amikkira-gadday, 1292
(varieties) Amil, 419
AmbeI,822-See:-Kokambel Amkiboki-adrak, 412-See:-
Amber, A/138 Adrak .
Ambergris, A/138 Akrot-See :-Jangli-akrot
Amber-sugandah, A/138-See: Amkulang-kalang, 1292-See~
Sugandh; Naga-sugandha Kalang (varieties)
AmberveI, 356 AmIa, 481; 946-See:-Phalam-
Ambia, 1191 Ia; Bhuiamla; Jaramla
Ambli, 481 Amlabaum, 480
Ambo, 764; 765 Amlaj, 481
Ambol, 628 Amlaki, 481-See:-Bhumya-
Ambor-See:-Tuia ambor amlaki
Ambostha, 333 AmIakuchi, 371
Ambretta-See:-Ketmia Amlalonika, 890-See:-Loni-
ambretta ka (varieties)
Ambsghola, 1238 Amlanch, 1064
Ambuboia, 313 Amiaparini, 1285
Ambuja,741 Amla-vedasa, 1079
Ambul, 481 Amiavetasa, 1056-See:-
Ambuli, 741 Vetasa
Ambuprasad, 1181 Amla-vraksha, 1191
Ambuti, 890 Amli, 1191-See:-Gorakh
Ambutvel, 1285 amli', Suvali-amli', Vilati'-
Amdesamotapana, 422 amli
Amdhiaka, 1283 Amlica, 1191
Amlil~a, 481; 8oo; 1191-See:-
Amlina chichora, 1191-Sbe-
Amuk, 1017
Amukiram, 1291
Chichora Amukkira-kilzhangu, 1292
Amluka, 1283 Amukkura, 1291
Amluki,481 Amukran-kizhangu, 1292
.Ammam pachcharisi, 524_:See: Amuleh. 481
Amum-Patchaiaressi; Pach- Amulthus, 285
charisi. Amum-Patchaiaressi 526-See:
Ammoniac, 542-See:-Salam- Ammampachcharisi; Patch-
moniac I charessi
Amper-See:-Mushk-amper Amusa, 1028
Ammughilam, 9 Amutti-See:-Chittamutti;
Amputtai, 1166 Chitimutti; Sirramutti; Pu-
Amra, 764; 1166 ramutti; Mutti (varieties)
Amradvalli, 356 Amva,764
Amragandhaka, 741-See:- Anab-See:-Chiti-anab.
Gandhaka Anab-es-salab, 1148--See:-
Amraphalam, 480 Salab
Amratafalam, 1017 Anabusathaliba, 1152 j
Amrataka, 1166
Anacardier, 1119
Anachoriyan, 578
am; Pouyamratam Ana-chundai, 1149
Amratavalli, 356 Anagnika, 587
Amrita, 356; 1220 Anai-See :-Spail-anai
Amritaphala, 1038--See:- Anaichovadi, 474
Mitha amritphal Anai-kattaIE~yi, 54
Amritha 1205 Anaipuliyamaram, 38
Amritvel, 356 Anaitippali, 117-See:-Tippali
Amroda, 371 (varieties)
Amrud, 1017 Anakyitha, 54
Amrul, 890 Anan, 534
Amrula, 1080 Ananas, 99
Amrule, 1080 Ananasa hannu, 99
Amrulsak, 890-See:-Sak Ananash, 75; 99
(varieties) Ananta, 568
Amrut, 1017 Anantamul, 619
Amrufa-phalam, 1017 Anapa-kai, 72:!,_See:-Kai
Amsania, 486 (varieties) Kayee or Kayi
Amse!, 566 (-do-)
Amsul, 566 Anar, 1021
Amti, 478 Anara, 1032
Amudam, 1065 Anaras, 99
Amudamu-See:-Amudumu Anarash__:::'See:-Jangli- ana-
Amudanda, 191 rash
Amudumu-See:-Adavia- 'Anar-Dakum, 1032
amudamu; Amudainur~la- Anar-ke-per, 1031

Anaryatikta, 573-See:-Tikta Chhota Jangli anjur;

(varieties) Angurshepa-See:-Sag-angur
Anasa-pandu, 99 Anguru, M/46
Anasapurvem, 675 Angustha-gandha, 537-See:-
Anashapazham, 99 Gandha (varieties)
Anashavadi, 474 Anguza, 537
Anashuppu, 675-See:-Uppu Anhydrous wool fat A/137-
(varieties) See:-Wool-fat (varieties)
Anasphal, 675 Anicarra, 868
Anasu,99 Anilagh-naka, 1202
Anasuppan, 675 Anilaykayi, 1206-See:-Kai or
Anbalah, 1191-See:-Bala Kayi (varieties)
Anbli, 1191 Anipeepul, 552-See:- Peepul
Anboti-kura, 890-See:-Kura Anis, 955
(varieties) Anisacre, 408
Anb-us-salap, 1152-See:- Anis Biberrell, 955
Salap (varieties) Anise, 955-See:-Star anise
Anchi Manchi, 476-See:- Aniseed, 955
Man chi Anisun, 955
Anda, A/162 Anjalli, 145
Andi, 202 Anjan, 298; 929; M/13-See:-
Andi-mallery, 997-See:-MaI- Kuhlanjan; Khulanjan; Ku-
lery lanjan; Utanjan
Andimalligai, 803-See:- Mal- Anjana, M/13; M/87; 787-
ligai (varieties) See:-Sauviranjana; Tuthan-
Andimandarai,803-See:- jana; Sobhanjana
Mandarai Anjanamai, M/13
Audumbar, M/128 Anjani,787
Aneesay, 52 Anjir, 545-See:-Ramanjir;
Anegundumani, 39-See:- Bedanjir
Gundumani Anjira, 157: 545; 1019
Anekatalai, 54-See:- Katalai Anjiri, 551
Anekatali, 54-See:-Katali Anjra, 545
Anemin, 1211-See:-Min. Anjubar, 999
Aneneggilu, 926-See:-Neg- Anjur, 545-See:-Angur;
gilu (varieties) Chhota Jangli anjur, Jangli-
Anethum-See:-Rock ane- anjur
thum Anjura,545
Angabina-See:-Shadadan- Anjuri, 545
gabina Ankadoo, 1167
Angan, 560 Ankados, 733
Anganapriya, 1104 Ankari, 1272
Angharee-hind, 631 Ankid-Kodisha, 1296
Angira, 158 Ankoelaemara, 58
Angular-leaved physic nut, 705 Ankola, 58
-See:-Physicnut. Ankolam,58
Angur, 1285-See:-Anjur; Ankolamu, 58


Apamargamu, 21
l I
Ankolum,58 Apang,21
Ankota,58 Aparajita, 354-See:-Nilaa-
Ankra, 1272 parajita
Ankudu, 1296 Aphalatana, 167
Ankudu-kurra, 1254 Aphim, 902
Annabedi, M/64-See:-Bedi Apis dorsata, A/144
Annanas,99 Apis florea, A/144
Annasi,99 Apis indica, A/144
Annatto, 199 Apkaro-See:-Kalo-apkaro
Annegalugida, 926 Apoedika, 177
Anoda-gaha, 8 Apoorani, 505
Anona, 8 Appa Grass, 55
Ansh-phal, 846 Appakovay, 1064
Antamool, 150-See:-Antamul Appatta, 334
Antamul, 1252-See:-Anta- Appazham---'-See:-Mindiri ap-
mool pazham
Antara-tamara, 976-See:~ Ap.pel, 1010
Tamara (varieties) Apphou, 902
Antelope-See:-Indian ante- Apple-See:-Bitter apple;
lope Bullock's-heart apple; Crab-
Anthamul, 1252 apple; Custard apple; Devil's
Anthimalari, 803 apple; Elephant-apple; In-
Anthrapachaka, 1252 dian bitter-apple; Pineapple;
Anthundi-kai, 265; 267-See:-- Rose-apple; Thorn-apple;
Kai or Kayi (varieties) True-custard apple of Ameri-
Antila, 443 ca; Wood-apple
Antilope dorcas, A/202 Appracam, M/123
Antimony-See:-Black anti- Apricot, 1013
mony; Tersulphide> of anti- Apta,l83
mony Apung, 652
Antimony sulphide-See:- Aquarqarha, 97
Sulphide of antimony Aquatic animals:-See:-Foot-
Antimony tersulphide-See:-- ed aquatic animals
Tersulphide of antimony Arabian or French Lavender
Antisha, 21 730-See:-Lavendel" (vari-
Anuk, M/83 ~ties) .
Anupa m:ansa, A/139 Arabian J asIIfine 704
Anusa,116 Arabian lavender, 730--See:--
Anus moschata, A/202 French lavender. .
Anvurah, 481 ' Arabi-erand, 3960--:-See:-
Anwal-See:-Hila anw,al Er;md.
Anwlasar, M/119 Arabischer Jasmin, 704-See:
Aonla, 481 Jasmil.1.
Aoula, 481 Arabischer Kaffebaum, 365
'Apag, M/44 ~ Arad, 940
Apamarga, 21 Aradal,563

Aradi,800 Ardanda, 267

Aragbhada, 285 Ardawal, 1060
Aragu, A/148 Ardhaprasadana, 1270
Arag-vadhamu, 285 Ardhi-sopari, 281-See:- So-
Arak Jhawar, ~259 pari
Arak-kudrami, 632 Ardhrakam, 1309
Araku, A/148 Ardraka-See:-Vana-ardraka.
Arakvadam, 285 Areca-See:-Betel-nut palm
Aral, 354 Areka, 183
Arali, 847-See:-Katarali Arekanuse, 130.
Aralie-See:-Kataralle Arekgol, 545
Aralu, 876; 1206-See:-Mada- Areyal, 552
la aralu Arfu, 17
Aranamarmam, 294 Argati, 52
Arand, 1065 Argentum, M/13
Aranda, 1065 Argha, (Honey) A/193
Arandkharbuza, 273-See Arhar, 231
Kharbhuza Arhardal, 231
Arand-kharpuza, 273 Ari, 877-See:- Bassari; Dho-
Arangaka, 785 tari; Umari; Kariari; Pani-
Arani, 353; 1009 lari; Vallari; Vanari
Aranmaran, 717 Aridala, M/21
Arantandigbhukas, 474 Ari-ikan, A/135
Aranyajeeraka, 854-See:- Arimaedah, '14 .
Jeeraka; Atavi-jeeraka Ari-matsya, A/144; A/214-
Aranyamudga, 938--See:-Mu- See:-Matsya
dga (varieties) Arippu, 725
Aranyamudgu, 940-See:- Arishina-See:-Kasturi-ari-
Mudgu (varieties) shina
Ararut,770 Arishippal-See:- Neri-arishi-
Arasan, 552 ppal
Arasha-maram, 552 Arishta, 776; 110.2
Arasina, 415-See:-Kadara- Arisi-See :-Moongilarisi;
sina Marada-arasina; Dodda- Barlhiarisi .
marad-arsina Arista, 1297
Arasina, ummatta, 133-See:- Ariti, 822
Ummatta Arittamanjarie, 17-See-Ma-
Aratal, M/21 njarie
Aravindam, 844 Arjun, 1198
Arbimalletigo, 468 Arjuna, 723; 1198--See:-Rak-
Arbimallika, 468--See:...._Mal- tarjuna
lika (varieties) Arjuna Myrobalan, 1198-See:
. Arpre-a-soie, 237 Myrobalan (varieties)
I Arbre aveuglant, 532 Arjuna-sadra, 1198--see:-
Arbre immorteI, 508 Sadra
Archaka, 1160. Arkahuli, 351; 599-See:-
Ardala, M/21 Hull (varieties)

Arkakanta, 351-See:- Kanta Arsenic flowers-See:-

(varieties) ! Flowers of arsenic
Arka-kshir M/130-See:- Arsenic trisulphide-See:-
Kshir (varieties) Yellow arsenic trisulphide
Arkamu, 137 I Arsenious Acid M/15
Arkamula, 139-See:-Mu~a Arsen-sulphur M/l9-See:-
(varieties) Sulphur (varieties)
Arakapushpi, 351-See:- Arsha unmatta, 133-See:-
Pushpi (varieties) Unmatta (varieties)
Arkapushpika, 599-See:- Arshi, 877
Pushpika (varieties) Arta-niyal-hindi, 662-See:-
Arkavallabha; 932 Hindi (varieties)
Arlu, 876-See:-Rala-arlu Artichaut, 614
Arlus arius, A/214 Artichoke-See:-Globe arti-
Armach, A/144; A/214 choke; Jerusalem artichoke
Armani-See:-Tene armani Artificial bezoar, A/145-See:
Armeniac Bole-See:-Bole Bezoar
armeniac, etc. Artimavu, 413-See:-Mavu
Armenian Bole M/94; See:- (varieties)
Bole ArlI, 1036-See:-Koko-aru
Armina, Mill Arugu, 425
Arni, 354; 1009-See:-Chhoti- Arukamlaka, 412 .
arni, Utarni; Vagharni Arunelli, 163; 946; 947-See:-
Arnotta plant, 199 Nelli (varieties)
Aroamt, 988 Aruni, 949
Arook, 1014 Arupatai, 1016
Arotaro, 923 Arusak,40
Arr, 16 Arusaka-pas-i-parad, 1291
Arridaram, M/21 Arusha,40
Arrowroot-See:-East Indian Arushkara, ll19-See:-Kara
Arrowroot; Indian arrow- ( varieties)
root Aruta, 1081
Arruz, 877 Aruvam-pil1u, 425
Arrow-wood-See:-Indian Arvada, 1081
arrow-wood Arvi, 372
Arsaghna, 94 Aryaval, 351
Arsenatega, 118 Arzgent M/13
Arsenic-See:-Flowers of ar- Asaba-el-fatiy~t, 233
senic; Arsenic flowers; Sul- Asafoetida-See:-Ferule asa-
phur rouged arsenic; White foetida
arsenic; Yellow Sulphuret of Asag;;lndna, 129Z-8ee:-Gan-
arsenic ' dha (varieties) .
Arsenic disulphide, M/19- Asal, 225,.....::...See:-Ranjanasal
See:-Disulphide arsenic Asalia, 736
Arsenic oxide-See:-qxide of Asaliya, 736
arsenic and white oxide_of -Asamadam. 280
Arsenic .4-." . -
Asan, 219; 1211

Asana, 1211; 1292 Asok, 1104

Asanamallika, 468-See:- Asoka, 1104; 1105
Mallika (varieties) Asokadamara, 1105-See:-
Asar-rai, 999-See:-Rai· Damara (varieties)
(varieties) Asokamu, 997
Asarum, 1260 Asoka Tree, 1104
Asarun, 1260 Asoke, 997
Asatulnahl A/191 Asparagus, 153-See:-Com-
Mb2Jrg, 444 mon asparagus
Asek,1191 Asphalt, M/23
Aseru, 447 Asphari-i-bari, 1234-See:--
Asfara-See :-Zahe-asfara Bari (varieties)
Asgandh, 1291; 1292 Asphota, 468
Ash-See:-Soda-ash; Bitter- Asprak, 1213
ash; Straw-ash; Pearlash; Aspurk, 786, 1239
Conch-shellash Asrelei, 1193
Ashadi-tal, 1126-See:-Tal Ass, A/160-See:-Nehass
(varieties) Assam java, 1191-See:-Javac_
Ashbutchegan, A/147 Assam musk, A/197-See-
Ash-coloured Fleabane, 1270- Musk (varieties)
See:-Fleaban; Canada flea- Assamodagam, 1028
bane; Purple fleabane Assam Rubber-tree, 548-See:
Asheta, 1156 Rubber-tree.
Ashoka, 1104 Assothi, 997
Ashopalava, 1104 Ass's milk, A/175-See:- Milk
Ashphota, 354 (varieties)
Ash-shoura, 581 Assuli dates, 944-See:-Dates.
Ashva, A/160 (varieties)
Ashvagandha, 1292-See:- Aster argophyllus, A/203
Gandha (varieties) Asthisanhari, 1284
Ashvakatri, 46~See:-Katri Asthma-weed-See:-Austra-
Ashvamaraka, 847 lian asthma-weed
Ashvathamara, 552 Astibhaksha, 716
Ashwath, 552 Astmabayda, 49
Asiatischer Wassernabel, 662 Astrang, 764
Asita-Kutanja, 1296 Asud, 552
Askhota,61 Asula, 481
Asla-soos, 582 Asundha, 1292
Asli, 747-See:-Khurasli Asundro, 183
Aslussiesa, 582
Asupala, 1104
Asmanigalgota, 729-8.ee:-
Galgota Asur, 215; 1140
Asmantaka, 371 Asvagandha, 1291-See:-
Asmarighna, 387 Gandha (varieties)
Asna, 1211 Asvagandhi, 1292-See:-
Asogam, 1105 Gandhi (varieties)
Asogu, 997 Asvakarna, 1132

Aswagandha, 1292-See:- Ativisha, 25-See:-Visha

Gandha (varieties) (varieties)
Aswanantaka" 183 Ativudayam-See:-Nattu-
Aswarthan, 552 ativudayam
Aswatha, 552 Atkumah,21
Aswatham, 552 Atlaria, 1000
Aswathom, 543 Atmagupta, 818
Ata, 116 Atmora, 615
Ataicha,25 Atrilal, 127; 933
Atalari, 999 Atruna, 555
Ataloetakam, 40 Atrupalai, 1091-See:-Palai
Atarusha, 56 (varieties)
Atasi, 743 AtrUi-sha-vukku, 1194--See:-
Atavasa,25 Shavakku (varieties)
Atavi-Jambira, 160-See:- Atta, 116-See:-Ramatta,
Jambira Sanatta
Atavi-Jeeraka, 1267-See:- Attah, A/167
J eeraka (varieties) Attajan, 870-See:-Jan
Atees-See:-Indian atees (varieties)
Ateicha, 25 Attalu, A/167
Atgo-kudo, 849-See:-Kudo; Attana,434
Kalo-kudo; Tamdo-kudo Attatamamidi, 2o;~-See:­
Athaleeva, 736 Mamidi (varieties)
Athanga, 753 Attei, A/167
Athi,52 Atti. 548-See:-Adavi-atti;
Athiballachedi, 1138 Adavi-atthi; Kadatti; Kattat-
Athimathuram, 582 ti; Kattuatthi; Pe-atthi"; Shi-
Athimathurappal, 582 meatti; Teneatti; Uttatti;
Athivisha, 25-See:-Visha Vesi-tummatti; Ottatti; Peyt-
(varieties) tumatti
Athlac, 1277 Attier, 116
Atibala, 8; 1137-See:-Bala Attimanu, 548
(varieties) Attirillpala, 578
Atigupta, 1255 Attitippili, 1117-See:-Tippili
Atikhirate, 8 Attora, 283
Atikoevam, 58 Attunjarei, 787
Ati-maduram, 582 Atukula-baddu, 1285
Atineranchi, 926 Atu-tinlap, 138 ~
Atipakshi, A/136 Atutintappala,138
Atipari-chcham, 296 Atwin, 616
Atirasa, 25 Aubergine,-1151
Atis, 25 Audalaka, A/19 3
AudIa, 1065
Atisingeeabish, 27 Audumbara, 548
Ativadayam, 25 Aulqam, 335
Ativassa, 27 Aura, 481
Ativasu,25 Aurakula kappura, 418

Ausaba lunnara, 619 Aya, 651

Ausareha mahaka, 582 Ayamodakam,1028-See:-
Aushbah-See:-Jungli-aush- Katu-ayamodakam.
bah Ayapana,521-See:-Pana
Aushbahe-hindi, 619-See:- (varieties)
Hindi (varieties) , Ayapanum, 521
Austakhadus, 219 Ayappanii, 521
Australian Asthmaweed, 526- Ayrunkukri, 1065
See:-Asthma-weed Ayudham, 291
Australian Fever Tree, 512- Ayurmader, A/191
See:-Fever-tree Azadirae-d-Inde, 776
Ava-chiretta, 532-See:-Chi- Azedarak commun, 784
retta (varieties) Azhavanai-virai-See:-
A vagudehannu, 1238 Shimai azha-vanai-virai
Avala-See:-Bhuiavala; Ka- Azomut, 988
nta-avala; Katt-avala Azuri, 828
Avalguja, 1267
A vali-See :-Bhuyavali; Bhui-
avali Baagat, 543
Avalkati, 481 Baarili, 653
Avalu, 213; 215; 216-See:- Babassa, 299; 662
Kukha-avalu Babchi, 1019
Avara,284 Babchi Seeds, 1019
Avarai, 284; 461 Babestul, 864
Avaray, 461-See:-Tingala- Babhula, 9-See:-Gui-
varay babhul
Avare-See:-Shembiavare BabIa,9
Avari, 681 Babli-See:-KaIa-babIi
A varike chakusina-gida, 284- Babniya; 1
See:-Chakusina gida Babola,9
A vatarini, 615 0 Baboor Kohani, 1013
A vatengatige, 451 Babrang, 478
A veeram, 284 Babri, 469; 942
A velpori-See :-Chivan-avel- Babrung, 478
pori Babui,861
Avibattam,925 Babui-tulsi, 862-See:-Tulsi
Avigadde, 148 (varieties) ,
Avilpori, 872 Babul, 9-See:-Gandbabul;
Avipriya, 1008 Safed babul; Vilayati-babul
Avirae, 284 Babuli,556
Aviri, 681 Babul tree, 9
Avisi, 52-See:-Sheemaavisi Babuna, 117; 386; 772
i Avla. 481 Babunah, 117
1 A vrak, M/123 Babunaj, 117

~ Avvaguda, 1238 Babunike-phul, 117
Awal,284 Babunj, 117 .
Awa] a, 284 Babunphul, 772
\ 47

Baburi,861 Badanekayi, 1151-See:-

Baccae Galbuli J uniperi,no Chapperbadnekai; Kai or
Bach, 35-See:-Gora-bach; 'Kayi (varieties)
Mahabari-bach I
Badangan, 1151
Bacha-See:-Sugandha ~acha Badanier de Malabar, 1205
Bachali, 177-See Baree bach- Badanike, 1263
chali; Pulla-bachchali Badar,3
Bachchele-See:-Bachhala Badari, 1316
Bachchali-See:-Pulla bach- Badavard, 533
chali Badavarda, 1234
Bachhale-See:-Dumpa-bach- Badaward, 1290
hale; Halibachchele; Mattur- Badchipa-chettu, 508
bachhale Baddinivalli, 529-See:-
Bachang, 402-See:-Nagpuri- Nivali
bachang Badhara. 585
Bach-chalimanda, 303 Badi Ajmud, 119-See:-
Bachla-See:-Yek-kisum-ka- Ajmud
bachla Badian, 675;955
Bachlu-See:-Lalbachlu Badian-e-hohe, 1008
Bachnab,28 Badiani Khatai, 675-See:-
Bachnack-See:-Natka bach- Khatai (varieties)
nack Badimayi, 1194
Bachnag, 28-See:-Haladiya Badinjan-i-barri, 1150-See:-
bachnaga Barri
Bacho,1077 Badipipli, 1117-See:-Pipli
Bada, 1089 Badi saunf, 557-See:-Satinf;
Badabadam, 237 Bari-Saunf
Badakanvar, 389 Badisc, 508
Badala, A/230 Badisepu, 557-See:-BadiSopu
Badalun, A/230 Badishep, 557
Badam, 96; 1011-See:-Bang- Badi-sopu, <957-See:-Badi-
la-badam; Bilatipadam; Chi- sepu
nee-badam; Deshi-badam or Badradaru, 295-See:-Daru
Desi-badam; Gurapu-badam; (varieties)
Hatbadam; H i j 1 i-badam; Badsah salap, 65-See:-Salap
J angli-badam; Rinbadam (varieties)
Badama, 1011-See:-Gurapu- Badzahra, M/97
badam Bael, 45 .,
Badamee, 253 Baela, 45
Badami. 1205 Baelada-phaTa,. 535
Badamier Chebule, 1205 Bael fruit, 45 - .-
Badami-mara, 1205 Baelo giringa, 1027
Badami-Pharangi, 96 Bael Sripal, 45-See:-Sripal
Badamu. 1011-See:-Natuba·· Baer, 1316
damu. ~ . Baerki, 111
Badamvittulu, 1011;;.......See:- Baga..:dhupa, 57-See:-Dhupa
Vittulu (varieti<~~) (varieties)

Bagali-pakshina, A/136 Baigun, bilatee, 756:-See:--

Baga-mushada, 1220 Bilatee baigun
Baganella, 1226 Baijahundana, 167
Bagarbhang, 670-See:-Bhang Baikunti, 1064
Bag-banosa, 1274-See:- Bail, A/146-See:-Nagbail
Banosa Bail-ka-pit, A/161
Bag-berenda, 705-See:- Bail-ka-sofra, A/161
Berenda Bailwangi, 756
Bag-bherenda, 705-See:- Bainch, 555
Bherenda Baincho, 555 (Baincho)
Bagful, 52 Bairi, 281
Baghachura, 972 . Baishi, 1091
Bagha..1'J.kura, 58-See:-Kura Baiza, A/162
(varieties) Baja, 220
Baghnoki, 771 Bajar, M/l
Baglatul-mulk, 561 Bajauri-nimbu, 348-See:-
Bagnak.~a, 771 Nimbu (varieties)
Bagua, 1153 Baje, 35
Baguli, 247 Bajguriya, 220
Bahadrha, 1203 Bajhri, 930
Bahamana-See:-Lal-baha- Bajir Lauha, M/55-See:-
mana Lauha
Bahava, 285 • Bajra, 930
Baheda, 1203 Bajri (Varieties) 930
Bahel-sohulli, 667. Bak, 52-See:-Konch Bak
Bahera, 1202; 1203 Bakada, 353
Baherl, 1203 Bakah-tita, 943-See:-Tita
Bahira, 1202 (varieties)
Bahleeka, 537 Bakam, 230
Bahman-See:-Safed bah man Bakana, A/146
Bahubar, 379 Bakar, 1010-See:-Habul
Bahubara, 380 Bakar
Bahudda, 1203 Bakaruchakka, 230
Bahuk-See:-Lal-bahuk Bakash, 40
Bahupada, 543-See:-Pada Bakayan, 784
(varieties) Bakchi, 1267
Bahupatra, 947 Baker, 1010
Bahuphul, 739 Bakhur-i-Miryam, 423
Bahuvara, 379-See:-Vara Bakkan, 746
(varieties) Bakkom, 230
Baibarang, 835 Bakla, 117; 533; 942; 1272
Bakorcha, 1010
Baibirang, 478-See:-Bi:anga Bakphul,52
Baies de Genievre, 710 Bakra, 473-See:-Bhavan-
Baigan, 1151 bakra
Baigun, 1151:-See:-Goot- Bakra-Chimyaka, 994
baigun Bakra Jawasi, 473

Bakshi, 1244 Bali-See:-Sugandhibali; Gel_

Bakuchi, 420 laybali Bichirbali
Bakul,801 Balika, 1170
Bakula, 800 I Balintrapolum, 170
Bal, 475; 925; 1134; 1137-See: Balirang, M/119-See:-Rang
-Kantalo-bal; Rambal; Tej- (varieties)
bal Balkadu, 953-See:-Kadu
Bala-See:-Atibala; Mahaba- (varieties)
la; Nagabala; Anbalah; Man- Ballaki, A/143
bala; Sugandha-bala; Tejbala; Ballarikekai, 666-See:-Kai
Bhumibala; Gulangbala; Ka- or Kayi (varieties)
rambala Ballidurubi, 611
Balabandatige, 689 Balloon vine, 271-See:-Vine
Balacharea, 840 (varieties)
Bala-chhara-See:-Suganda Balmenasu, 4()():-See:-
bala-chhara Menasu (varieties)
Baladahullu-See:-Zende Balm of Giliad, 171-See:-
baladahullu Giliad Balm
Bala-ekhanda, 694-See:- Balm of Mecca, 171-See:-
Ekhanda Mecca Balm
Bala-lllrade, 1205-See:- Balnimb. 776-See:-Nimb
Hirade (varieties)
Bala Hrivera, 1259 Bal-phal, 379 0
Balakadu, 618-See:-Kadu Balphul, 704
(varieties) Balra, 1203 .
Balakapriya, 1317 Balraksha, 586
Balaloddugina-mara, 1186 Balsan-See:-Rogan-i-balsan
Balangu-See:-Tukhm-i- Balsunt, 673-See:-Sunt
balangu Baltanga, 986
Balank. 348 Baluka, 578
Balanki-khurd, 864 Baluka-sag, 578-See:-Sag
Balantshep, 935 (varieties)
Bala Phanijivika, 1134-See:- Balusu, 264
Phanijivika Bama, 633
Bala-rakkasi-gida, 925-See:- Bamanhati, 354
Hakkasigida Bamanpati, 1009
Balasu, 988 Bamba, 624
Balat, 961 Bambaj, 1276 ,1
Bala-tagra, 1260-See:-Tagra Bamboo, 172-See:-Silicious
Balbij, (seeds), 8 ' concretions of- bamboo
Balchir, 840 Bamboo Briar Robt, 1143
Bamboo M~shroom, 100l-See:
Baleela, 1203 -Mushroom (varieties)
Bale-hannu, 822 Bambou-commun, 172
Balela, 1203 .; Bamiyah, '1
Bal-har. 1205-See:-Har Bamsulu, 1038
(varieties) _,,:_"'_- Bamtsunt, 1038
r Bamunhati, 354

Banduja, 932

Ban, 1041; A/216-See:-Hab- Bandukai, 486-See:-Kai or

ul-ban Kayi (varieties)
Ban-ada, 1308 Bandula, 951
Banafsha, 1274; 1275-See:·- Banduray, 932
Bikh-e-banafshah Bandurgi, 457
Banafshah, 1274-See :-Guli- Ban fish, A/214-See:-Fish
banafshah (varieties); Indian Eel; Eel
Banahalak, 876 Bane--See:-Wolf's bane; Bug-
Banamethika, 786-See:-Me- bane
thica; Vanamethica Banga, M/l16-See:-Bujr-
Banana, 822 banga; Pattra-banga
Bananier, 822 Banga-chappa, 201
Banaphsa, 1274 Bangadivalli, 689
Banapu, 1211 Ban-gal, 454
Banar, 282; A/191 I Bangariki-lakri, 1264
Banarsi-rae, 216-See:-Rae Bangaroo, M/32
Banbal-nag, 22-See:-Nag . Bangikat, 1005
Ban-chalta, 732-See :-Chalta Bangla-badam, 1205-See:-
Banda, 608; 1276; 1277-See:-- Badam
Kukurbanda BangIa Revanchini, 105S-See:
Bandadamara, 453 -Revanchini
Bandak, 999 Bangle-akrot, 61-See:-Akrot
Banda-kattala, 54 Ban-halad, 413-See:-Halad
Bandara-See:-Mota-bandara (varieties)
Bandari, 457 Bani,800-See:-Gadabani
Bandarooku, 452 Banjari, 863
Bandaru, 457 Banjowan, 1130
Bandeegurjan, 433-See:- Banka, 1318
Gurj'an Bankahu, 728·
Bander-See:-Zawad-bander Ban-kakri, 994-See:-Kakri
Bandhujiva, 932 Bankando, 1257-See:-Kando
Bandhuka, 932 (varieties)
Bandhuli, 932 Bankapas, 629
Bandigarjana, 433-See:-Gal'- Ban-kel, 822-See:-Kel
jana (varieties)
Bandi gurvina, 39-See:-Gur- Ban-kela, 608-See:-Kela
vina ( varieties)
Bandimurududu, 247-See:- Bank-Myna, A/136
Murududu Bankudri, 1307
Bandinika-See:-Sllndara- Banlaunga, 713
Bandinika Ban-mallica, 700-See:.<l-Malli-
Bandolier Fruit, 1301 ka (varieties)
Bandoq-ke-jhad, 595 Ban-mendru, 457-See:-Men-
Bandra, 1131 dru
Bandri, 1131 Ban-methi, 391; 786, 1137; 1239
Bandrike, 457 See-Methi (varieties)

Ban mirich, 91-See:-Mirch; Bara-charayata, 532-See:-

Mirich (varieties) I Charayatah
Banmudga, 937-See:-Mudga Bara-elachi, 93-See:-Elachi
(varieties) ( varieties)
Banmuga, 937 Baragachi, 394; 395
Banna, 1278 Bara-garri, 1048
Ban-natia, 999 Baragasha, 838
Banne, 183 Bara-gokhru, 926-See:- Go-
Bannilgach, 561 khru (varieties)
Ban-nimbu, 581-See:- Nim- Baragu, 899
bu (varieties) Barahmi, 1196
Bannu, 365 Bara-kanda, 1190-See:Kanda
Banosa, 1275-See:-Bag- (varieties)
banosa . Bara-kanur, 389
Banpalang, 1080-See:-Pa- Barakatus, 1044
lang (varieties) Bara-keru, 526
Banpatrak, 1113 Barakhawar, 54
Banpiring, 786 Barakkanta, 932-See:-Kanta
Banraj, 183 (varieties)
Banri-See:-Narjil-hanri Bara-kukur-chita, 748-See:-
Banritha, 13 Chita; Kukurchita (vari-
Bans, 172-See:--Piyabans eties)
Bansa, 40; 561-See:-Chita- Barakulinjan, 77-See:-Ku-
ban sa linjan (varieties)
Ban-sangli, 386 Barakunda, 700-See:-Kunda
Bansen, 391 ( varieties)
Bans kahan, 444 Bara-Lasora, 379-See:-Laso-
Bansulpha, 561 ra; Chota-Iasora
Bantepari, 951 Baraloniya, 1005
Banti, 896; 1190-See:-Cha- Baralunia, l007-See:-Lunia;
gulbanti; Khurbanti Chhota-Iunia
Bantipariya, 951 Barami, 3
Bantulasi. 863-See:-Tulsi Baran, 1195
(varieties) Baranda, 865
Banura, 688 Barangum, 580
Banu-uchchhe, 271 Baranika, 1171
Banyan Tree, 543 Baranki, 1171
Baoli, 680 Barapatam, 67:9
Baphali, 377; 935 Bara Ritha, 1102-See:-Ritha
Bara-salpan, 556
Baphalle, 935
Barasinga; A/153::'_See:- Sin-
Bappayi, 273 ga (varieties)
Bar, 543-See:-Cinnabar; Bara-sing6li, 333
Khashbar; Musabar; Musam-
bar; Musanbar; Sanaubar; Barasu, 526
Musabbar ~ 'Barati, 1131
Barabi, 486 Baratindiala, 809

Baratunga-See:-Tukim-i- Barik motha, 428--See:-Mo-

baratianga tha (varieties)
Baravati, 460 Barik-til, 1126-See:-Til
Barbada, 679 ( varieties)
Barbara, 9 Barilla, M/101-See:-Sajji-
Barbaramu, 9 khar
Barbati, 459 Bari-mahin, 1194-See:-Ma-
Barbatti, 480 hin
Barberry-See:- Indian bar- Bari-main, 1194-See:-Choti-
berry; Nepal-barberry; Oph- main; Magiyamain; Main
thalmic barberry; True bar- Baringi-See:-Shama-baringi
berry Baringu, 247
Barbura-See:-Shveta-bar- Bariparni 976-See:-Parni
bura ( varieties)
Barbus sophore, A/214 Bari saunf, 557-See:-Badi-
Barebaha, 932 saunf; Saunf
Baree bach-chali, 1284-See:-;- Barisopha, 557
Bachali Barium, sulphuret-See:-
Bareekbhauri, 689-See:- Sulphuret .of barium
Bhauri. Barkanghi, 8---See:-Kanghi
Barela-See:-Pila-barela Barki-thohar, 529-See:-Tho-
Barengum, 580 har
Bargada, 543 Bark-tree--See:-Small-bark
Bargat,543 tree
Barge-tanbol, 961-See:- Barlappasmen, 758
Tanbol Barleria-See:-Yellow-bar-
Barghat, 543 leria
Bargund, 379 Barley, 653
Barhang, 986 Barlhiarisi, 653-See:-Arisi
Barhanta, 1149; 1226 ( varieties)
Bari, 1278-See:-Asphari-i- Barma, 1196
bari; Sahadevi-bari; Valum- Barna, 387
bari; Kulbahebari; Shambii- Barnyard Millet, 896-See:-
debari American barn-yard millet;
Baria, 633 Millet (varieties)
Bariaca kareta, 1134 Baro-kala-garu, 626-See:-
Bariala-See :-Lal-bariala Kalagaru
Bariar, 1134 Barola,651
Bariara, 1134 Baroli, 680
Bari-chobchini, 1144-See:- Baro-shialkanta, 133-See:-
Chobchini Shialkanta; Kanta
Baridachettu, 508 (varieties)
Bari-elachi, 93-See:-Elac:hi Barphali, 520
Barigalu, 942 Barri, 933-See:-Badinjan-i-
Barihannu, 1316 barri; Quisaul-barri; Yas-
Barijagonda, 541 mine-harri
Barijamu, 508 Barru, 1142

Barsunga, 195 Bastard Cedar, 1161-See:-

Bartaku, 1151 Cedar
Bartang, 986 Bastard Dittany, 448-See:-
Bartung, 986 Dittany
Baru, 106; 1160 : Bastard saffron, 278-See:~
Barua-See:-Dhan-barua Saffron (varieties)
Barun, 387 ' Bastard sago, 280-See:-Sago
Barzhad, 541 Bastard Teak. 222-See:-Teak
Bas,444 Bastard or Wild ipecacuanha,
Basak, 447 151-See:-Ipecacuanha;
Basalay, 1164 Wild ipecacuanha.
Basale,l77 Rastra, 235
Basalula phare-hindi, 1256- Basuti--See:-Kali-basuti
See:-Hindi (varieties) Bat, 543
Basanta--See:-Sveta-basanta Batagadle, 976; 977
Hasar,63 Bata-kshir, M/130-See:-
Basarai phudina, 789-See:- Kshir (varieties)
Pudinah & Phudina (varie- Batata, 1154
ties) Batate, 684
Basfaij, 1001 Bataten Trichter-winde, 684
Basi, M/54-See:-Bobbasi Batavi nemu, 345-See:_":Nem-
Basic Carbonate of Plumbum, bu (varieties)
M/85- See:- Carbonate of Batbel, 334--See:-Bel
Plumbum Batbor, 548-See:-Bor
Basic Copper acetate, M/52- (varieties)
See:-Copper acetate Batengel, 1212
Basic Lead Carbonate, M/85- Baterpakhi, A/232
See:-Lead Carbonate Bathu,89
Basil-See:-Bush-b a s i 1 ; Bathua, 305
G r e en-basil; Holy-basil; Bathur, 1196
Shrubby-basil; Sweet.-basil Bathu-sag, 305; 308--See:-
Basilic couvant de poils, 864 Sag (varieties)
Basilic Cultive, 861 Batmogri, 704-See:-Mogri
Basilic de-Ceylon, 863 (varieties)
Basilic Saint, 865 Bator-nebu, 345-See:-Nebu
Basilienkraut, 861 (varieties)
Basingh, 466; 532 Batrajee, 1031
Bas-ki-kasunda, 290-See:- . Batsala-See :1....Neerbatsala
Kasunda (varieties) Batsinjal, 1055
BasI, 63 Battal, 1037-S~e:-Mandi­
Basna,52 battal .
Batthal, 728-See:-Hal;
Basrai, 822-See:-Rai ' Dudh-batthal .
(varieties) Batu, 396-See:-Kerukoh-
Basri-See :-Rangi-basri hatu
Bassant, 673 .. Batula, 1108
Bassari, 551-See:-Axi- Batulpoti, 334
INDEX. 737

Batwasi, 556; 591 bean; Indian bean; Jack-

Batyalaka, 1134 bean; Kidney beans; Lima
Bauhinie Panachee, 937 pole bean; Molucca-bean;
Baulo, 801 Negro-bean; Pole-bean; Ran-
Baum wollpffanze, 587 goon-bean; Scarlet Runner
Bauni,9 Beall; Runner-bean; Soya-
Bavachi, 1019-See:-Boba- bean; Soybean; St. Ignatius.
wachi beans; Sword bean; Tapery-
Baval, 9--See:-Gu-baval; Ka- beans. Common kidney-bean.
laoabaval; Kuebaval; Rato- Bea\-dless wheat, 1243-See:-
baval; Jabbaval Wheat (varieties)
Bavanchalu, 1020 Beberang, 478
Bavanchi, 1020 Bebina, 827
Bavchi, 1020 Bebrang, 835
Bavto,477 Beda, 12.'03-See-Shankat-ul-
Bavunji, 296 beda
Bawachi, 1019 Bedana, 191; 1286-See:-
Bawang,63 Dana
Bawphal, 377 Bedanjir, 1065-See:-Anjir
Bayabirang, 480-See:-Birang Bedanjir-e-khatai, 166; 396-
Bay-berry 828-See:-Berry See:-Khatai (varieties)
or Berries (varieties) Bedellium-See:-Indian be...
Bayisa~gugula, 172-See:- dellium
Gugula / Bede-mushk, 1089-See:-Mu-
Bay] aurels-See :-Sweetbay shk (varieties)
laurels Bedi, 1091-See:-Annabedi'
Baypay, 776 Bedi Achim, 299
Bayrah, 1203 Bedina, 827
Baysalt, M93; M/108-See:- Bedisativa, 1283
Salt (varieties) Bedmishee, 1089
Bazabaza, 830 Bed-mushk, 1089-See:- Mu-
Bazarula, 313; 403 shk (varieties)
Bazarul-banja" 351 Bedolisutta, 892
Bazarul-Kattana, 743 Bedri jowars, 1161-See:-
Bazre-katima, 980 Jowars (varieties)
Bazl"equatuna, 980 Bedru, 172
Bazl"i-ulabanja, 670 Bedun, A/162
Bazr-ul-khas, 719-See:-Kha<; Beech-See:-Indian beech
( varieties) Beef, A/141
Bead-tree-See:-Common Beejband, 1134
Bead-tree Beej Pak, 222
Beera-See :--Verri-beera
Beans - See:- Broad-bean: Beerakaya, 751
Bush-bean; Chevaux defris~
bean; Chinese beans; Clus- Beer-bouhtee, A/155
ter-beans; Double - bean; Beerunda, 566
Flat-bean; French Haricot- Beet, 197-See:-Sea-beet; Su-
bean; Goa-bean; Haricot- gar sea-beet; Common beet;

Garden beet Belawala-kai, 535--See:-Kai

Beetle-See:-Mylabris be~tle or Kayi (varieties)
Beet-root, 197 Beleric myrobalans, 1202-
Began-See:-Gur-began. See: -Myrobalan (varieties)
Begoon, or Begun, 1151-, l?eli, 742-See:-Amarbeli;
See:-Belathi begoon; Ram- Chandbeli
begun Belikamuli, 611-See:-Muli
Behada, 1203-See:-Y ehela (varieties)
behada Belik zichi, 338
Behaira, 1203 Belipatta, 633
Behara, 1203 Belli, M/14
Behda, 1203 Bellipata, 633-See: -Pata
Behdur, 1119 (varieties)
Behedan, 1203 Belloti, 827
Behen, 1093 Belloti-gida, 827
Behesa, 1203 Bell pepper, 270-See:-Pep-
Behesa, 1203 per (varieties)
Behidana, 1038-see:-Dana Bellulli, 65-8ee: -Kadu bel-
(varieties) lulli
Bejulu, 375 Bellu-ponik, 1087
Bekh-akhawar, 809 Belpata, 633-See:-Pata
Bekhgillo, 356 (varieties)
Bekh-i-banfasa, 694-See:- Belpatri-phal, 535
Banafsha Belsion, 742
afsha ' Beluballi, 292
Bekh-sosan, 694-See: --Sosan Bena-See: -Khas-bena;
Bekh-unjubaz, 999 Gandhabena
Bel, 45-See: -Ganabeli; Benares Pumpkin, 722-See:-
Bel, 45-See:-Amalb-el; Bat- Pumpkin (varieties)
bel; Faridbel; Jamtike-bel; Benda, 629-See:-Chiriben-
Kandurikibel; Ganabel; da; Karpuri-benda; Thuteri-
Gorabel; Kathbel; Katbel; benda: Tuturabenda
Naibel; Panibel; Ranganki- turabenda
bel Bendakaya, 1
Bela, 45-See: -Gandha-bela; Bendarli, 758
Nayi-bela; Siyembela; Kan- Bendersiris, 431-8ee: -8iris
bela (varieties)
Belambu, 163 Bender-weI, 1282
Belapatre, 45 Bendri, 1282
Belanjirij, 120 Bengal currants, -266--8ee:-
Belathi-aloo, 1154-8ee: ,Aloo; Currants (varieties)
Alu Bengal • gram, 311-See:-
Belathi-begoon, 756-See:- Gram (varieties)
Begoon; Begun Bengali guji, 822-See: -Guji
Belatijan, 293-See:-Jah, _(ya- Bengal kino, 222_:'8ee: -Kino
rieties) .0-." ~ (varieties)

Bengal quince, 45--See: -Quin Betelnuse, 130

Benincasa cerifera, A/203 Betel-nut palm, 130-See:-
Benjuen, 352 Areca; Palm; betel-nut
Benkhajur, 280:-See:-Kha- Betelpfeffer, 960
jur; Kadu-Khajur; Kala- Bethonne, 1025
Khajur Bettada-bevu, 784-See:-
Bennay, A/178 Bevu
Ben-ochra, 1256-See: -Och- Bettada-haralu, 705--See:-
ra; Okra (varieties) Haralu (varieties)
Ben-okra, 1251-See: -Okra Bettakanagala, 448-See:-
(varieties) Kanagala (varieties)
Benval hemp, 392-See: - Bettam, 233
Hemp (varieties) Bettir,713
Benzoin tree, 1182-See:- Beva-rooku, 776
Gumbenzoin Bevilacque, 662
Ber, 1316; 1317-See: -Titm- Bevina-mara, 776
ber; Akalber Bevu - See:-Bettada-bevu;
Bera, 543 . Chikkabevu
Beram-See: -Sringa-beram Huchha - bevu; Kahi-bevu;
Berang, 1203 Kari-bevu; Nela-baevu
Berela: -See:-Reet-berela; Beya, A/158
Safed-berela; Svet-berela; Bezoar-See:-Artificial l be-
Pila-berela zoar
Berenda-See:-Bag-berenda Bezoar stone, M/97
Bergamot, orange, 341-See:- Bhadle, 1131
Orange (varieties) Bhadli, 899; 900; 1131
Berisu, 233 Bhadrak, 1113
Berjangri, 1316 Bhadramunja, 468
Berki-sehund, 529-See: - Se- BhadralTIjUsta, 428
hund Bhadramusti, 428-See:-
Bermuda, grass, 425 Musti (varieties)
Berries or Berry-See: -Bag- Bhadra shree, 1098
berry; Black-berry; Caper- Bhadravalli, 468; 1262
berry; Fish-berry; Indian- Bhadu, 1280
berry; Jujub-berries; Juni- Bhadulia -See: - Gandha-
per-berry; Stinking-Opal- bhadulia
berry; Straw-berry; Rasp- Bhagener, 764
berry; Black Rasp-berry Bhai-birrung, 478
Berti, 896 Bhain, 902
Beshakapore, 202 Bhaira, 1202
Besharam, 867 Bhairah, 1203
Bet, 233 Bhais, A/146
Betan, 236 Bhajarbettu, 384
Betasu, 233 Bhaji-See;-Chavel-Ke-bhaji;
Betel, 960 Ghantichi-bhaji; Gholiki-
Betel-leaf, pepper, 960-See;- bhaji; Kahola-bhaji; Mayalu-
Pepper (varieties) bhaji; Nalichi-bhaji; Nuni-
bhaji; Valuchi-bhaji; Ko~ir­ Bharla, 1203
sir-bhaji; Maya-ki-bhaji ' Bharti; 896
Bha-khumba, 1235 Bhas, 130
Bhakra, A/212 Bhat, 353; 581; 877-See:- -
Bhalai, 556 Vakerichebhat
Bhallataka, 1119 Bhatharu, 127
Bhallatamu, 1119 Bhathu, 127
Bhallavianga, 713 Bhati, 127
Bhalouje, A/153 Bhatia, 433
Bhalu-mash, 1148 Bhat Karola, 752
Bhamaburada, 202 Bhatkateya, 133
Bhamaruda, 201 Bhatmil -See:- Sialkanta-
Bhanavalo, 109-See:-Valo bhatmil
(varieties) Bhatta, 877
Bhanbi~ -See:-Kiyon-bhan- Bhattada-hullu, 877
bin; Kujubhanbin Bhatwan, 462; 581
Bhanda, 576--See:-Gardha- Bhaulan, 669
bhanda . Bhauri-See:-Bareekbhauri
Bhandaka,1 Bhavaj, 1019
Bhander-See:-Mach-bhander Bhavanbakra, 994--See:--Bak-
Bhandira, 353 ra
Bhang, 256--See:-Bagarbhang Bhavanchi-vittulu, l020--See~
Bhanga, 256; 1276--See:- - Vittulu (varieties)
Harbhanga Bhavarakta, 389
Bhangan, A/215 Bhavya, 448
Bhangara, M/32 Bhedi-janetet, 139
Bhangi, 256 Bheemseni camphor, 250--See:
Bhangj ala, 433 -Camphor (varieties)
Bhangra, 469; 680; 1159; 1276; Bhees-khupra, 1228
1291 -See:-Pivalabhangra; Bheka, A/217
Kalabhangra Bhekal, 555
Bhangura, 25 Bhekkar,40
Bhanra, 1291 Bhela, 1119
Bhant, 353 Bhelatuki, 1119
Bhanta, 1151 Bhenda, l-See:-Chakra-
Bhantaki, 1149
Bhapali, 378 benda; Vanabhenda
Bharangi, 354; 952; 1009 Bhendan, 1 '"
Bharangraj, 471 Bhende - See:- Chapper-
Bharati, 865 bhende ~
Bharband, 133 Bhend~kayi, l-See:-Kai;
Bharbari, 861 Kayi (varieties)
Bharbhari, 863 Bhendi, 1; 629-See:-Kapur-
Bharbhurwa, 133 bendi, Ranbhendi; Wagdau-
Bhargaram, 471 Bhendi
Bhargavi, 425 .j..,> '._
" Bhendike-jij - See:-Mushk-
Bhargi, 354; 1009 ~ bhendike-jij

Bhendo - See:- Ranbhendo Bhokani, A/215

Hodlo Ranbhendo; Kasturi- Bhokar, 379
bendo Bhokri, 1286
Bhensa Bolo, 170-See:-Bol Bhooi-jam, 100~e:-Jam
Bhentia, 742 (varieties)
Bhera, 1202; A/212 Bhoota-Karalu, 615
Bherband, 133 Bhooteasse, 827
Bherda, 1203 Bhooya-nankeri, 609
Bherdha, 1203-See:-Bon- Bhopla -'- See:-Dudh-bhopla;
bherenda Kadu-bhopla; Kala -bhopa-
Bherenda, 1065-See:-Bag- la; Kashi-bhopla; Lal-
bherenda; Gab-bherenda; bhopla; Ran~bhopla Tambda-
Sada-bherenda; Bag-berenda bhopla
Bhetki fish,. A/214-See:-Fish Bhopla mirchi, 270-&=e:-
( varieties) Mirchi (varieties)
Bhiamu, 1119 Bhor, 552
Bhickma, 130 Bhora, 1060
Bhidi-Janelet, 1256 Bhoreeloth, 373
Bhikshugparivraji, 1162 Bhoringani, 1156-See:-Rin-
Bhilawa, 1119 gani (varieties)
Bhimb, 300 Bhramaka, M/55-See:-Maka
Bhimpal, 309 (varieties)
Bhimseni cam_phor-See:- Bhramara, (honey) A/192-
Camphor (varieties) See:-Honey (varieties)
Bhimseni Kapoor, 466-See:- Bhranda-See:-Lal-bhranda
Kapoor (varieties) Bhringaraj, 469; 471
Bhimseni kapur, 250-See:- Bhringi-See:~Pitabhringi
Kqpur Bhuchampaka, 716-See:-
Bhin,902 Champaka (varieties)
Bhinbin, 902 Bhuchall)pakamu, 716-See:-
Bhinda,l Champakamu (varieties)
Bhindi, 1; 628 Bhudina, 788
Bhindo -See:- Chanak- Bhuiamla, 947-See:-Amla
bhindo (varieties)
Bhindu, 1 Bhuiavala, 947-See:-Avala
Bhinga, M/123 ( varieties)
Bhiralimada, 281 Bhuiavali, 949-See:-Avall
Bhirand, 566 (varieties)
Bhirmie, 1196 Bhulichampa, 716-See:-Bhu-
Bhishakpriya, 356; 1205-See: michampaka; C ham paka;
-Priya (varieties) Champa (varieties)
Bhiv.ia, 309 Bhuichampo, 716-See:-
Bhogimara-See:-Bilebhogi'- Champo
mara Bhuichana, 121-See:-Chana
Bhoising, 121 -See:-Sing (varieties)
(varieties) Bhuichane, 121-See:-Chane
Bhojapatra, 198 . Bhuichapa, 7l6-See:-Chapa

Bhui-dari, 1253-See:-Dari Bhumiringani, 1156-See:_

Bhui-dumur, 550-See:.- Ringani (varieties)
Dumur Bhumkedhum, 1266
Bhuigholi, 1006-See:-Gholi Bhumyaamiaki, 947-See:_
Bhui-goli, 1007-See:-Gbli Amlaki
Bhuiguli, 678-See:-Gu~i Bhunguru, 1126
( varieties) Bhunimba, 101; 1184-See: __
Bhuikakali, 519-See:-KakaH Nimba (varieties)
Bhuikanda, 1116-See:-Kanda Bhura-Jambol, 91-See:-
(varieties) Jambol
Bhui-kohala, 686-See:- Bhuringni, 1156-See:-Ringini
Kohaia (varieties) ( varieties)
Bhui-kumara, 1235-See:- Bhurjapatra, 198
Kumara Bhurungi, 952
Bhuikumra, 686-See:-Kumra Bhusmoo-See:-Chitloo-
( varieties) bhusmoo
Bhuimug, 121-See:-Moogj 'Bhustrina, 104; 107
Mug (varieties) Bhut, 462; 581
Bhui-naringa, 842-See:- Bhuta-dhatri, 947-See:-
Naringa (varieties) Dhatri
Bhuiokra, 746-See:-Okra Bhutakesa, 827
( varieties) Bhutakesi, 383; 827
Bhuiringani, 1150-See:-Rin- Bhutam Kusam, 395
gani (varieties) Bhutanga, 65
Bhuisarpati, 890-See:- Bhutan-kusam, 395
Sarpati Bhutapala, 473; 474
Bhuisheng, 121-See:-Sheng Bhuta-vasah, 1202
Bhuising, 121-See:-Sing (va- Bhut-bhiravi, 1009
rieties) Bhutghata, 119
Bhui-tarwad, 288-See:-Tar- Bhuthala Bhairi, 395
wad Bhuththe, 1304
Bhui-tulsi, 1095-See:-Tulsi Bhut-jatt, 840
(varieties) Bhutkatya, 1156
Bhujpattra, 198-See:-Pattra Bhut Kesi, 383
(varieties) j Tulasi (varieties) Bhutnasan, 537; 541
Bhu-kartaka, 1317-See:-Kar- Bhutphal, 473
taka Bhutrina, 111
Bhuma madiya, 893 Bhutta, 1304'
.. Bhumbhuru, 130
Bhumibala, 1137-See:'-Bala
Bhuttala, 54
Bhu-tulasi, 862-:-See:-Tulasi
( varieties) (varieties) - -
Bhumichampaka 71&--:.See::- Bhuya-ter;:tda, 735-See:-;-
Champaka (varieties) Terada
Bhumi-kumra. 686-See:- Bhuyavali, 947-See:-Avali
Kumra (varieties) IT Bhuyimaddi, 411-See:-
Bhumikushmanda, 686-,-See:- Maddi (varieties)
Kushmanda ."_ - Bhytajata, 840
r INDEX 743

Bibba, 1119 ,Biladur, 1119

Bib-bayi, 1119 Bil-See: -Zanjabil
BibIa, 1025 Bilaikad, 686
Biborate of Soda, M/103-See: Bilai-kand, 686; 1031-See:-
-Soda biborate Kand (varieties)
Biborate of Sodium, Mj103-- Bilai-khand, 686
See:-Sodium biborate Bilamba, 163
Bibu, 651 Bilangra, 555
Bibzar koonti, 821 Bilangura, 555
Biehi-See:-Libi-biehi Bilasi, 387
Biehirbali, 823-See:-Bali Bilatee baigun, 756-See:-
(varieties) Baigunbilatee
Biehu, 771; 1258 Bilatibadam, 1011-See:-Ba-
Bicnua, 771 dam (varieties)
Bichuti, 1226-See:-Jal- Bilay-chitramuIa, 990-See:-
bichuti Chitramuia (varieties)
Biela, 800 Bilay kumbaIa, 185: -Kum-
Bidari, 526 baia (varieties)
Bidarikand, 686; 1031-See:- BiIdi, 688
Kand (varieties) Bile-See: -Ox-bile; Five-biles
Bidastara-See:-Zanda- (panchapitta)
bidastara Bile-bhogimara, 1132-See:-
Biddari, 585 Bhogimara
Bighara, 599 Bile-bovu, 1132-See:-Bovu
Bihagni, 1000 (varieties)
Bihidana, 1038-See:-Dana Bile-NaidiIay, 859-See: -Nai-
( varieties) dilay
Bih langani, 1000 Bile-nekki, 1278-See: -Nekki
Bijabuda, 1025 (varieties)
Bijan-See:-Miniak bijan Bile-Tavaray, 859-See:-Ta-
Bijasar, 1025-See:-Sar (va- varay
rieties) Bilibilikayulu, 163
Bijband, 999; 1079; 1080; 1134 BiIiburfa, 505
Bijindak, 736 BiIiburuga, 505-See:-Buru-
Biji Sa-sarvi, 1140 gadan1.aram; Buruga
Bijore, 345 Biligara, M/103
Bijoura, 348 Bilim, 163
Bijtarka, 136 Bilimbikay, 163
Bikh, 23; 27; 30-See: -Maur- BilinuphaI, 45
abikh BilivaphaI, 45
Bikh-e-banafshah, . 694-See:
-,Banafsha (varieties) Bil-j hunj hun, 394-See:-
Bikhe-hayata -See: -Tukhm- Jhunjhun (varieties)
i-bikhe-hayata Bilkambi, 797
Bikne-mahaka, 582 Billa-ganneru, 1274-See:-
Bikhma,30 Ganneru (varieties)
Bikhmo-See: -:-Kalo-bikhmo Billi-Iotan, 846


Billimattin, 1198-See: -Matti Bird's Eye chilli, 270-S~:

(varieties) Chilli; Chillies (varieties)
Billion-dollar grass, 896 Bird's meat, A/141-~
Bilor-See: -Zakebilor Meat, birds; Meat of deer
Bilva,45 Birgo, 952
Bilvam,45 Birha, 1203
Bilvamu,45 Birhatta, 1149
Bilvapandu, 45 Biri-See:-Pade-biri, Valam-
Bilva-phala, 535 bid
Bimba, 300 Birikai-See:-Valumbirikai
Bimbal, 428 Birinjmogra, 600-See:-
Bimblee, 163 Mogra
Bimlipatam Jute, 62~ee:­ Birmi, 1196-See:-Zirnub-
Jute birmi
Bin-See:-Napiya-bin; Sale- Birmolo, 556
bin; Tali-bin; Tamabin; Birmova, 556
Turanja-bin Biroz-See:-Gandhabiroz
Binbula, 163 Biroza-See:-Gandhabiroza
Bincha, 555 Birthwort, 138
Bincohamba, 573 Birthwort-See:-Indian birth-
Bindaal, 753 wort
Binduka, 698 Bis, 23; 1089
Binjoam, 352 Bisamrose, 1073-See:-Rose
Binko hamba, 717 (varieties)
Binkook Tuffaarmina, 1013; Hish, 23; 27-See:-Katbish
1014 Bisha, 28; 579
Binnuga, 1252 Bishalanguli, 579-See:-Lan-
BioI, 935 guli
Bipem kanta, 1077-See:- Bishcopra,lOlO-See:-Copra
Kanta (varieties) Bish Kachu, 372-See:-
Bir-See: -Akalbir; Akkalbir Kachu; Kachur-Kachu
Birabavati, A/206 (varieties)
Biramadandu, 133 Bishkapra, 1228; 1229
Birandel, 566 Bishlambhi, 403
Birang-See: -Bayabirang Bishnag, 23-See:-Nag (va-
Biranga, 478-See: Baibirang rieties)
Birangi-i-Kabuli, 478 Bishnak, 27-See:-Nak
Biranj, 877 Bishop's Weed; 280; 1028-See:
Biranjasif, 20 -Weeds (varieties)
Bislambi, 405 ~.
Birbarang, 1159 Bissy Nuts, 1169 - _-
Birch-bark - See: - 'White~ Bisulphide of Iron, M/66-See:
birch bark -Iron blsulphide
Bird-cherry, 1016- See:- Bisulphurette of Tin, M/115-
Cherry (varieties) ., See:-Tin bisulphurette
Birds-See: -Plavabirds r Pra- Bisva Tulasi, 861-See:-Tulasi
sahabirds; Pratuda'bnus (varieties)
r INDEX 745

Biswal, 17 Black darner, 254-See:-

Bithari, 281 Darner
Bithua, 431; 676 Black fish, A/216-See:-Fish
Bit-palang, 196; 197-See:- (varieties)
Palang (varieties) Black Gram, 940-See:-Gram
Bitsa, 1091 (varieties)
Bitter apple, 335-See:-Apple, Black Hellebore, 618-See:-
Indian bitter-apple etc. va- Hellebore
rieties Black musale, 411-See:-
Bitter-ash, 520-See:-Ash Musale
(varieties) Black mustard, 216; 1140-See:
Bitter bottle gourd, 721-See: Mustard (varieties)
-Bottle gourd, Gourd (va- Black-pepper, 969-See:-
rieties) Gourd small Pepper ( varieties)
Bitter cucumber, 335-See:- Black Plum, 516-See:-Plum
Cucumber; Common-cucum- ( varieties)
ber Black Prince, 1286-See:-
Bittere Luffe, 752-See:-Luffe Prince
(varieties) Black Raspberry, 1077-See:-
Bitter gourd, 805-See:- Raspberry
Gourd (varieties) Black Salt, Mj98-See:-Salt
Bitter orange, 341-See:- (varieties)
Orange (varieties) Black spleen wort, 156-See:-
Bitter-sweet, 1148; 1150 Spleenwort
Bivalve shell, A/211-See:- Black sulphide, (See:-Kaj-
Shell (varieties) jali) , M/72-8ee:-Sulphide
Biyyam, 877 Bla<'k sulphide of Mercury,
Black adulsa, 714-See:- M/72 - Se~:-Sulphide of
Adulsa (varieties) Mercury; Mercurysulphide
Black antimony, M/13-See:- Black- talc, M/123-See:-Talc
Antimony (.varie<ies) (varieties)
Blackberry, 516-See:-Berry Black Varnish tree, 776-See:
(varieties) -Varnish tJ.-ee
Black Buck, A/143-See:- Black wood, 432
Buck (varieties) Bladder-See Swimming
Black Catechu, ll-See:- bladder
Catechu (varieties) Bladder-dock, 1080-See:-
Dock (varieties)
Black-cherry, 1077-See:- Bladderwrack 560
Cherry (varieties) Blasenfruchitger Amp£er, 1079
Black cobra, A/220-;See:- Blasentang, 560
Cobra (varieties) Blimbi, 163
Black cochineaL A/56-See:- Blimbu, 163
Cochineal (varieties) Blistering-flY--8ee:-ChinEse
Black creeper, 674 blistering-fly
Black Cumin, 854-See:- Blood flower, 151
Cumin Blood-See:-Dragons blood

Bloodveened Sage, 1093 Bogra, 351

Bloodveened Sage-See:-Sage Bohar, 543
(varieties) . Bohera, 1203
Blue copperas, M/52-See:- Bohodani, 380
Coppera.s of Commerce (via- Bois de fiot, 633
rieties) , Bois doux, 582
Blue Gum Tree, 512-See:- Bokhara plum, 1014-See:-
Gum tree Plum (varieties)
Blue Lotus, 695-See:-Lotus Bokkan, 607
(varieties) Bokkena, 746
Blue pine, 957-See:-Pine. Bokodu, A/212
(varieties) Bokudu chettu, 662
Blue silajit, M/23-See:-Sila- Bol, 170-See: -Bhensa Bol;
jit (varieties) . Hirabol
Blue stone, M/52 Bola, 170; 633; 925
Blue vitriol, M/52-See:- Bolam, 170-See: -Karibolam
Vitriol (varieties) Bole, Bole Armeniac, M/I0-.
Blue water-lily-See:-East See:-Armeniac Bole; Ar.
Indian Blue Water-lily; menian Bole; Bole; Red-bole
Water-lily; Lily etc. (va- Bole (yellow) ochre, M/9S-
rieties) See:-Ochre (varieties)
Bnah,172 Bole Rubra, M/95-See:-
Boabab, 38 Rubra Bole
Bobawachi, 1019-See:- Bolsari, 801
Bavachi Bombalinas, 345
Bobbasi, 273-See:-Basi Bombay or East Indian Mas-
Boberlu, 459 tiche, 975-See:- Mastiche
Bob-Iar-nari, 1282-See:- (varieties) .
Nari. Bombay Hemp, 392-See:-
Bodapatra, 596 Hemp (varieties)
Bodarakakaro, M/8S Bombay Mace, 834-See:-
Bodasarum, 1167 Mace
Bodda, 548--See:-Karaka- Bommajemudu, 522
bodda; Kukkabodda Bona Jowan, 1219:-See.-
Boddakura, 1007-See:-Kura Jowan
(varieties) Bon-bheranda, 705-See:-
Bodha, 271 Bherenda
Bodichettu, 759 Bonda-See:~Makaibonda
Boedatarapu-chettu, 1162 Bondayi, 894
Boel-See:-Pivalaboel; Kala- Bond/-na-cha, - A/205-See:-
hoel Cha -
Boephol, 446
Bogari, 1316, Boggu-See:- Bonduc - See: -Guilandina-
Kattaboggu bonduc
Bogi-See:-Karu-bogi. Bonducella nut, 226
Bogi-vittulu, 1020-Se~:-:­ Bonducjaune, 226
Vittulu (varieties) ..... -:-- Bondula-gida, 950

Bone -See: -Cuttle-fish-bone; Borax, M/103-See: -Crude-

Fish-bone borax
Bonga, 172 Borax tynkal, M/103
Bongataini, 519 Bori, 396; 1316
Bongrut, 127 Borkut (in text) 1316
Bongzam, 978 Borneo-camphor, 250-See:-
B,onjoi, 352 Camphor (varieties)
Bon-khoye, 8 Borneo and Sumatra Camphor,
Bonmethi, 1134; 1138-See:- 466-See: -Camphor (va-
Methi (varieties) rieties)
Bon-nil, 561-See:-Nil (va- Bornite, M/49
rieties) Borsali, 801
Bon-nimbu, 922-See: -Nimbu Boruna, 1280
(varieties) Bos indicus, A/202
Bon-okra, 1297-See: -Okra Boswellie dentele, 211
(varieties) Bot, 543
Bonpalang, 1159-See: -Pal- Botee-.J am, 5IS-See: - J am
ang (varieties) (varieties)
Bon-patol, 1235-See:-Patol Bottah, 1304
Bontamaku, 1266--See: -Ta- Bottle-gourd - See:-Bitter,.
maku (varieties) bottle-gourd; Indian bottle-
Bonthakalli, 522-See: -Kalli gourd:-See:--{}ourd (va-
(varieties) rieties)
Bonthekalli,522-See:-Kalli Bottle grass, 1131
( varieties) Botuku, 379
Bontil, 676 Boire-See: -Bile-boire
Bonveri, 932 Box Myrtle, 828-See: -Myrtle
Boodigummadi, 185-See:- Boyal fish, A/214-See:-Fish
Gummadi (varieties) (varieties)
Boodi kumbala, 185-See:- Boyra, 1203
Kumbala (varieties) Bozid~na, 1037-See: -Dana
Booligi, 474 (varieties)
Boomi-jambuka, 1009-See:- Braa, 373
Jambuka Brab tree, 209
Boorugachettu - See: - Mun- Brahati, 1149
dlaboorugachettu Brahmabuti, 662
Boorugada-mara, 208 Brahmadandi, 468
Boot, 311 Brahma-kuraku, 662--See:
Bopla, 722 Kuraku
Bor, 543; 1316--See: -Bat- Brahma-manduki, 662-See:-
bor; Chanya-bor; Jungle-bor; Manduki
Moto-bor ' Brahmamlika, 3S-See: -Am-
Bora, 1272-See: -Khorasani- lika
bora; Nun-bora ' Brahmdalldichettu, 133
Brahmi, 624; 662-See:-Jala-
Borage-See: -Country borage brahmi; Kar-brahmi; Neer-
Borate of Sodium-See:- brahmi; Nirbrami; Manduk-
Sodium Borate brammi

Brahmmadandu, 133 Brush-tree:

Bralakrati-See: -Neelabrala:.- brush-tree
krati Brussels sprouts, 217-See:-
Brambhi, 624 Sprouts
Bramble, 1077 Bryoms, 219
Bramhadandi, 724; 1234 Buah Kaduka, I206-See:-
Bras, 877 Kaduka
Brasiletto, 230 Bubalo, A/156
Brassica capitata, A/203 Buchanaka, 121
~rassica oleracea, A/203 Buch-nak-hindi, 579-See:-
Bratta,486 Hindi (varieties)
Brazil pepper, 269-See:- Buc1.:-See: -Black buck
Pepper (varieties) Buck wheat, 534-See:-
Bread-See: -Way-bread Wheat (varieties)
Bread-shot - See:-Indian Budamakaya, 951
Bread-shot Budbar, 519
Brede-puante, 351 Budbara, 519
Bredo-mamma, 351 Buddaka-kara, 271-See:-
Brela, 1134 Kakarakara (varieties)
Brihatika, 333 Budha, 1089
Brihatphala, 755 Budhokizerangi, A/206
Brihat-upa kunchika, 93-See: Budithi gummidi, 185-See:-
-Kunchika; Upa-kunchika Gummidi (varieties)
Brihatvaka, 80-See: -Vaka Budiori-dha-mun, 506
(varieties) Budrung, 1303
Brihmi-sak, 624-See: -Sak Budrunjboya, 786
(varieties) Buffalo, A/146
Brimla, 297 Buffalo's milk, A/175-See:-
Brimposh, 858 Milk (varieties)
Brimstone, M/119 Bugbane, 314--See: -Bane
Brindao, 566 (varieties)
Brinjal, 1151 Buhul,380
Broach, 587 Buhura, 1203
Broad bean, 533-See: -Beans Bui, 167; 890; 1031
(varieties) Bui-maderan, 20
Brojonali, 1303 Buin, 987
Broom-corn Millet, 898-See: Bujagumbala, 686 - See:-
-Corn millet; Millet (va- Gumbala (~arieties)
rieties) Bujrbanga, 433-See: -Banga;
Brown algae, 560-See:- Pattrabanga-
Algae; Redalgae Bukkapuchettu, 230-
Brown Indian hemp 628-See: Buko,52
-Hemp; Indian hemp Bl.lk-slat..,ul-mulik, 561
Brown Mustard, 215-See:- Bulgar -See: -Bulgar-jangli,
Mustard (varieties) 51-See:--Jangli bulgar
Bruhi,268 g Buli, 1170-See: -Surbuli
Brunnu, 392 ,H_ Buliun, 1212

Bullock's heart or true custard Buroni, 550

apple of America, 115 Bursha, 371
Bullrush Millet 930: -See:- Buruga-See: -Adavi-buruga
Millet (varieties)
Bull's heart, 115 Burugadamarmn, 362-See:-
Bulmuj,441 Biliburuga; Buruga
Bulpam, M/96 Buru-katkon-charee, 503
BuIu, 1061 Burulla-guralia, 733
Bun, 365 Burundi, 617
Bund, 365 Buruyasauna, 505
Bundar, 556 Bush-basil, 864-See: -Basil
Bundarlati, 285 (varieties)
Bunga-pala, 830 Bushbean, 940-See: -Bean
Bungrah Mochrand, 469 (varieties)
Bunlanga - See:-Lal-bun- Bushpala, 830-See: -Pala
langa ( varieties)
Bunna, 365 Bussud, A/156
Bun-okra, 1251-See: -Okra Bustan Afroz, 89
(varieties) Buta, 1168
Bun-palung, 1080 Butai-See: -Chingambutai
Bun-piring, 1239 Buta-Kudambe, 1168-See:-
Buporio-See: -Adban bupo- Kudambe
rio Butali, 594
Bur, 107; 543 Butan-kusham, 114
Buraekes-saghah, M/l03 Butchnab, 27
Buraga-See: -Kondaburaga Butea-gum, 222
Bunashama, 895 Butee-feuillue, 222
Buraye,933 Buthur, 1196
Burg-sadab, 524-See:-Sadab Buti-See: -Zarbuti
Burhan-palak, 1164-See:- Butkalai,311-8ee:-Kalai
Palak (varieties) Butshur, 486
Burbna, 1031 Butsnabbish, 27
Buri-See: -Shadaburi Butt-See:-Wooly butt
Burkai, 751-See:-Kai or Butter, A/176; A/178-See:-
Kayi (varieties) Clarified butter; cream..,
Burkas,474 butter; Phulwara-butter
Burmie, 1196 Kokum butter
Burning bush, 520 Butter fish, A/214-See:-Fish
Burnt alum, M/6-See: -Dried (varieties)
alum; Alum burnt; Alum Butterfly-pea, 354-See: -Pea
Burnt fish, A/216-&ee: -Fish (varieties)
(varieties) Butter-milk, A/176-See:-
Burnt lime, M/44-See:- Milk ( varieties)
Lime; Caustic lime, etc.' Butter-tree-See: -Indian but-
Buro-bahuri, 379 ter tree
Buro-choocha, 427-See: -Cha Butter-weed, shaggy, 1162
Buroja-See:-Ghandhaburoja Button-See: -Quaker button

Button-quaIs, (birds,) A/232 Calurana, 618

Buzaganja, 975-See:-GClnja Calx-See :-Pewter-calx
(varieties) Camhi resin, 5S9-See: -Resin
Buzoorbutu, 422 Camel, A/146
Buzrool, 670 Camel's thistle, 46B-See:-
Burzula, 354 Thistle (varieties)
Byakura, 1149--See: -Kura Camel's thorn, 611
(varieties) Camomile, 772
Byang, A/217 Camphor, 250; 466-See:-
Byclospa, 237 Bheemseni camphor; Borneo
camphor; Sumatra camphor
Camphor-plant, 117
Camphor-wood -See: -Nepal
, Cabardine musk, A/198-See: camphor-wood
-Musk (varieties) Camphre, 25Q
Cabasse, 1214 Canada Fleabane, 504-See:
Cabbage, 216 Fleabane; Ash-coloured flea~
Cabbage Rose, l071-See:- bane, etc.
Rose (varieties) Canarese Pepper, 972-See:-
Cabosse, 1214 Pepper (varieties)
Cacao, 148; 1214 Canari-telli mara, 254-See:-
Cadaba-See: -Indian cadaba Tellimara
Cadjan pea, 231-See:-Pea Candle nut, 61
(varieties) Cani-See: -Gada-cani
Cafeie-d Arabie, 365 Canne a Sucre, 1083
Caffi, 365 Caniram -See: -Modira-cani-
Cahwa, 365 ram
Caj ennea!U, 469 Cannelle, 328
Cajuputi, 775 Cantharides, A/207
Cajuputti, 775 Cape gooseberry, 951-See:-
Cajuput Tree, 775 Gooseberry, etc.
Calamine, M/131-See: -Na- Caper berry, 265-See: -Berry
tive Calamine (varieties)
Calartori, 1234-See : -Tori Caper plant, 265
(varieties) Caper, three-leaved-See:,-
Calcium sulphate, exiccated- Three-leaved caper
See: -Exsiccated calcium Capok tree, 505
sulphate; Sulphate of calcium Capra ibex, .:8../202
Caldera Bush, 894 Caramunni payira, 1272
Caledium-See: -G.reat-leaved Caramunny-pyre, 459
caledium Carata, 54
Calf's feet jelly, A/136-,-See:-
Jelly , Caravalla Seeds, 599
Callichrous pabda, A/214 Caraway Seed, 409
Caltrops-See: -Indian cal- Carbonate of Plumbum-See:
trops; Small caltrops' , -Basic carbonate of Plum-
Calumba-See: -False,' calum- bum
ba _u...,/-
Carbonate of Potash-See:-

Impure or factitious carbon- cast Wrought Iron; (variet-

ate of Potash ies)
Carbonate of Potasiutn-See: Castor, A/147
-Impure or factitious carbo- Castor-oil plant, 1065
nate of Potash Cast or wrought Iron, M/55-
Carbonate of Soda---8ee:- See:-Iron
Crude carbonate of Soda; Cat-See: -Civet cat
Soda carbonate Cataloup, 402
Carbonate of Sodium-8ee:- Catechu, l1-See:-Black ca-
Sodium carbonate techu; Pale-catechu
Carbonate of zinc, M/131- Cat fish, A/214; A/216-See:-
See:-Zinc Fish (varieties).
Carbonate Potassic-See: - Cat jan, 231
Potassic-carbonate Catkins-See:-Dried catkins
Cardamom, 475-See:~CeylGn Catmint-See:-Malabar cat-
cardamom; Gallanga carda- mint
mom; Greater cardamom; Catserina, 175
Lesser cardamom;' Malabar Cat's hair, 526
. cardamom Cat-tail millet, 930-See:-
Cardamom Elettarie, 475 Millet ( varieties)
Carmeutine Couchee, 714 . Cauliflower, 215; 218
Carookoova, 1315 Causjan-cora, 263
Carotte Cultive, 441 Caustic lime, M/44-See:-
Carrageen, 310 Lime; Burnt lime, etc.
Carrihari, 579 (varieties)
Carrot, 440-See:-Wild car- Cavandishi, 822
rot Cayenne pepper, 268; 270-
Carthagena ipecacuanha, 1023 See:-Pepper (varieties)
-See:-Ipecacienha (va- Cece,311
rieties) Cedar-See:-Bastard cedar,
Cartheme, 278 Himalayan-cedar
Cart-track Plant, 986 Celery, 119-See:-Wild celery
Carvella, 351 Cemeiner wunderbaum, 1065
Casein, A/179 Cestrum nocturnum, A/203
Caserychedi, 787 Ceti-See:-Oleumceti
Cashew nut, 96 Ceylon cardamom, 93-See:-
Cassarva, 769 Cardamom
Cassava, 706 Ceylon cow-plant, 596-See:-
Cassia, 291-See: -Chinese Cow plant .
cassia; Foetid caSSia; Tan- Ceylonishche Bleiwurz, 990
ner's cassia # Ceylon Jasmine, 1189-See:-
Cassia cinnamon, 331-See:- Jasmine (varieties)
Cinnamon (varieties) Ceylon leadwort, 990
€astalla lotus-See: -~gyptian Ceylon moss, 591-See:-Moss
Castalia lotus; Lotus (va- (varieties)
rieties) Cha, 247-See:-(Gavatichaha;
Cassia flower, 14 Bond-na-cha; Buro-choocha;
Cast-iron, M/56-SeE!!: -Iron, Chaha; Dhaincha; Hingcha

Chab,964 Chakulia, 1255

Chabai, 268 Chakunda, 289; 291-See:-
Chabchin.i, 964-See:-Chini Kunda (varieties)
(varieties) Chakur, 282-:-See: -Kur
Chaburanja, A/212 Chakusina-gida-See:-
Chachar, 191 A varike chakusina~gida
Chachinda, 1234 Chak-wat, 305
Chachinga, 1234 Chakwit, 305
Chadu-til, 1126-See:-Til Chalava-miriyalu, 4(}O-See:-
(varieties) Miriyalu (varieties)
Chae-kashmiri, 104 Chali-mara, 1181
Chaemp, 148 Chalita, 448
Chaff-flower-See:-Priakly Chalk, M/41-See:-French
chaff-flower chalk; Purified French chalk~
Chaff-free-See:-Rough chaff- Red chalk
free Chalk Kumrha, 185-See:-
Cha-gaca, 1213 Kumra; Kumrha (varieties);
Chagalanghri, 689 Desi-Kumrah; Shada-Kumra
Chagal koshtam, 1l08-See:- Challa, 723
Koshta, Koshtam (varieties) Challa gaddalu, 154
Chagalkuri, 689-See:-Kuri Challagumudu, 585-See:-
(varieties) Gumudu
Chagulbanti, 430-See:-Banti Challani, 456
Chaha-See:-Cha; Gavati- Chalodra, 477
chaha; Haree-chaha; Paticha- Chalta, 448-See: -Ban-chalta
chaha; Sugandhichaha Chalukondee, 617
Chahna, 311 Cham-See: -Pilacham
Chai, 247; 964 Chama, 372
Chair, 964 Chamaba, 702
Tanner's cassia Chamada, 282
Chairatali-See:-Yerra Chamantipu- See:- Shimai-
chairatali chamantipu
Chaka, M/41 Chamantipushpam -See:-
Chakarei-See:-Pumi- Sima-chamantipushpam
chakarei Chamara, 351
Chakemdia,431 Chamari, 1009
Chakkerakum,palan, 407 Chamarien, 923
Chakor, A/138 Chamarikaven 468
Chakot, 345 Chamarmuli, 1282-See: -Muli
Chakota, 1114 (varieties) =
Chakotra, 345 Charnau1li-pushp-amu - See:-
Chakrabhenda, 8 - 'See:- Shimacharnaulli-pushpamu
Bhenda (varieties) Charnbeli, '701
Chakramarda, 291 Charnbul, 1049
Chaksie, 282 Charnel,183
Chaksoo, 282
Chaksu, 282
. ,.
_ ...,
'Charneli, 700; 701 - See:-
Chemeli; Vilati-chemeli
Chamiari, 1015

Chamitha-See: -Jhadi- Chanak bhindo, 629-See:-

Chamitha Bhindo
.chamkurakagadda, 148-See: Chan-chandanam, 1026-See:
-Gadda (varieties) -Chandanam (varieties)
Chamokung, 1183 Chancharamari, 202
Chamomile, 117 Chand-See: -Chota-chand;
Chamoti, 795 Safarchand
Champ-See: -Oulia champ Chandakuda, 128-See:-Kuda
Champa, 795 - See: -Bhu- (varieties)
champaj Gobar-champaj Chandamaram, 630
Golden-champa; Gorur- Chandan, 1098-See: -Swet-
champa; Hill~champa; • Kal- chandanj Gopichandanj
champa; Kanakchampa; Gury-chandan; Pit-chandan;
K.antali~champa; Khaircham- Sada-chandan; Safed-chan-
pa; Nagchampa; Kshira- dan; Swetchandan
champaj Pilachampaj Pilo- Chandana - See: -Miniak-
champaj Punnag~champa; chandana, Raktachandana;
Sonchampa; Sultanachampaj Kuchandana; Lal-chandana
Yellow-champa Chandanakattai, 1098
Champac, 794-See: -Rai- Chandan am, 1098-See:-
champae Chan-chandanam; Shen-
Champai, 1130 chandanam
Champ aka, 794; 993-See:- Chandanbatva, 160; 305
Bhumichampakaj Bhucham- Chandan betu, 305
paka Chandbeli, 892-See: -Beli;
Champakam, 795-See: -Naga- Amarbeli
champakamj Veilltta-cham- Chandena-maram, 1098
pakam Chanderee, 763
Champakamu, 795 - See:- Chandi, M/14
Bhuchampakamu Chandila, 922
Champarutti, 631-See: -Par- Chandivadio, 759
rutti (varieties) Chandkal, 759
Champay, 795 Chandla, 128
Champe-See: -Nagachampe Chandna, 748
Champeryah, 792 Chandni, 1189
Champo _..:.:. See: -Bhui- Chandra, 800; 893; 1050
pochampo; Rhadchampo Chandrahittu, 761
Champ-pungat, 993 Chandra-kantha, 803
Champu-See: -Kalo- Chandra-moola, 715-See
champu Moola (varieties)
Chamror, ,472 Chandramulika, 715-See:-
Chamyar, 446 Mulika (varieties)
Chan, 877 Chandrapada, 137-See:-
Chana, 311; 459-See: -Bhui- Pada (varieties)
chanaj Harbarchana; Narun-
chana; Seochanaj Tikchana .Chandrasura, 736
Chanaka, 311 Chandrika, 1050
Chanakamulu, 311 Chandua, 1055

Chandumula, 715-See: -Mula Charcoal - See: -Medicinal

(varieties) I charcoal; Wood-charcoal
Chandurakkalli, 522-Se~: - Char-de-Venus, 23
Kalli (varieties) Charela, 922.
Chandwar, 759
Chane-See:-Bhuichane Charita, 717
Changeri, 890; 1080 Charkicharoli, 221-See:-
Cha,nnak-koova, 385-See:- Charoli
Koova Charmaghz, 709
Channangi, 734 Charo-See: -Surpano-charo
Chano, 311-See:-Nanchano Charoli, 221-See: -Charki-
Chanothi, 5 charoli
Chans, A/179 Chasa-mizaja, 282
Chansaur, 736 Chasauma, 282
Chanu,119 Chashami-Khurosa, 5
Chanupalavittulu, 282-See:- Chaste-tree-See:-Five
Vittulu (varieties) - -leaved chaste tree
Chanura, 459 Chatak, A/155
Chanya-bor, 1317-See: -Bor. Chataka, A/155; A/212
Cha'nyapallo - See: -Kadu- Chata-rashi, 561
chanyapallo Chatomarak-See: - Tandi-
Chapa-See: -Bhuichapa chatomarak
Chapala-See: -N avanchapala Chatri, 191
Chappalsund, 872 Chatriwal, 523
Chappanam, 230 Chattrak, 51
Chapperbadnekai, 756-See:- Chattu-elupa, 1203
Badanekayi; Kai or Kayi Chattu-mallika, 700-See: -
(varieties) Mallika (varieties)
Chappar-bhende, 756-See:- Chatukuppa, 935-See:-
Bhende Kuppa; Sadakuppa
Chapra, 835 Chatung, 1197 .
Chara, 221-See:-Chiman- Chatura-mallikei, 835-See:-
chara; Kasschara Mallikei i
Charachi, 594 Chaturkalli, 522-See: -Kalli
Charaigorwa, 1280 (varieties)
Charai-pakhi, A/212 Chaul,877
Charak, 580 Chaulai,89
Chara-mamidi, 221-See:- Chaulia, 1078t--See: -Gorak~
Mamidi (varieties) chaulia
Charangi, 952 Chaulmoogra, 658; 1195
Charas, 256 Chaulmugra, 600__.".Se~: -Small
chaulmugra; Mugra
Charati, 683 Chauri, 473
Charayatah, 507; 1184-See:- Chavakayimaram, 1103
Bara-charayata; Kiryat- Chaval,877
charayatah Chavala, 1272
Charbee, A/136 Chavdari ghevda, 461-See:-
Charbi, A/229 ."- Ghevda (varieties)

Chavel-Ke-bhaji, 1000-See:- Chempullanhi, 373

Bhaji (varieties) Chenchineerkilang, 716
Chaviaka,964 Chendurakam, 278-
Chavli, 90; 459; 1272-See:- Chengeri tenga, 890-See:-
Dang-chavli Tenga
Chavli-kai, 420-See: -Kai or Chengulva,1108
Kayi ( varieties) Chenkolam, 1227
Chavya, 964 Chennanayakam, 75
Chavyam, 964 Chennangi, 723
Chaya,49 Cheno, 653; 899
Chayapul, 104 Cheppu neringie, 678-See:--
Chaya-pula, 338 Nerinji
Chayaver, 869 Cheppunerinjal, 1054-See: -
Chay-beru, 610 Nerinjal (varieties)
Chaynd-potla, 1235-See:- Cheppunj erinj aI, 652
Potla (varieties) Cheppu vajaram, A/135-See:
Chayruka, 266 -Vajaram (varieties) .
Chay-ver, 610 Cherailu, 1060
Chchangayi-See: - Cheraken, 396
Perichchangayi Cheretta, 1186
Chebira, 933 Cheria, 165
Chebulic Myrobalan, 1205- Cherirnan Shertinamu, 375
See: -Myrobalan Cherimoya, 115
Ched~i, 698-See: -Tumbai- Cherirnoyer, 115
cheddi; Yellu-cheddie; Kan- Cheriveru, 610
darnani-cheddi Chermara, 1119
Cheekaya, 13 Cherorta, 717
Cheen Karpooram, 250-See: Cher-ragaddhamu, 678
Karpooram; Karpooran- Cherry, 1016-See: -Bird
cheena etc. (varieties) cherry; Black-cherry;
Cheerakam, 408 Wintercherry
Cheese, A/176; A/178 Cherry pepper, 269-See:-
Cheeyakayi, 13-See:-Kai or Pepper (varieties)
Kayi (varieties) Cherry plum, 1014-See:-
Chehur, 184 Plum (varieties)
Cheka-parni, 662-See:--Parni Cheruchu:p.da, 1149
(varieties) Cheruku, 1083
Chekkikotuveri, 989-See: - Cheru-Nagapu, 792-See:-
Kotuveri (varieties) Nagapu
Chekoradi, 225 Cherunarakam, 342-See:-
Chel-beey, 1181 Narakam
Chelrneri, 163
Cheluppai-maram, 474 Cherunaranga, 342-See:-
Chelwa, 633 Narang
Chemeli-See: -Chameli Cherunerinche, 1229-See:-
Chemit Meeth, M/I09 . Nerinche
Chemmaram, 58 Cheruparuva, 1134-8ee:-
Chemparavalli, 1283 Paru:va
Cherupayar, 939-See: _,. See: Angur; Anjur; Jangli~
Payar ! anjur
Cheru-peeram, 751--See:- Chhotakanvar, 75-See: -Kan~
Peeram I var (varieties)
Cherupi-chhakam, 704 Chhota-kulpha, 1233-See:_
Cherupinnay, 237-See:- Kulpha
Pinnay Chhota Lunia, 1005-See:_
Cheru-pul1ate, 678-See:-- Lunia (varieties)
Pullate Chhota-pilu, 1092-See: -Pilu
Cherupuna, 236 Chliota sondal, 933-See:--
Cheruteku, 354 . Sondal
Chestnuts-See: -Indian Chhote-kase, 108B-See:-
Water-chestnut; Water Kase (varieties)
Chestnut: Sweet-chestnuts Chhoti-arni, 352-See:-Arni
Chetain, 1055 (varieties)
Chethasahacharam, 174 Chhoti-dudhi, 529-See:-
Cheti-Potla, 1235-See: -Potla Dudhi
(varieties) Chhoti Elachi, 475-See:-
Chetni-marugu, 788-See::- Elachi (varieties)
Marugu Chhoti Jungli pyaz, 1116-See:
Chevaux defrise bean, 461- -Jungli-piyaz; piyaz
See: -Bean (varieties) (varieties)
Chevulapilli, 685 Chhuhara, 943
Chewa, 486 Chian, 486
Chha, 247-See: -Tapichha Chian Turpentine Tree, 975-
Chhagal-bati, 430 See:-Turpentine tree
Chhagalkhuri, 685 Chibudo-See: -Katha-
Chhagul-puputi, 523 ehibudo
Chhalgudi, 1260 Chichinda, 1234
Chhanho, 338 Chichinga, 1234
Chhatim,80 Chichonda, 1234--See:-
Chhatiun, 80 J angli-chichonda
Chaatra, (honey) A/192-See: Chichora, 1117-See:-
-Honeys Chora; Amlina-chichora
Chhattri, 50 Chichra, 222
Chhibhar, 425 Chickana, 748
Chhikani, 299-Sea: -,Nakk- Chicken-pea, 311-See:-Pea
chhikni (varieties) ..,
Chhikika, 299 Chickling Vetch, 726--See:- I

Chhikkur, 800 Vetch (varieties)

Chhip, A/145 Chickwar,. 130
Chhipa, A/145 Chicory, 313-See: -Wild
Chholongo nebu, 348-See:- Chidurarri, 396
Nebu (varieties) Chiendent, 425
Chhota-Dudhilata, 596-See:- Chikali 20
Dudhialata .. , 'Chikan~, 1134
Chhota Jangli Anjur; -553- Chikanki, 433
, INDEX 757

Chikka Bevu, 784-See: - Chinaigas, 591-See:-Ghas

Bevu (varieties) (varieties)
Chlkkana, 299 Chinai-ghas, 571-See: -Ghas
Chikku, 20 (varieties)
Chlkkudu-See: -Karuchi- Chinai-gond, 1025-See:-
kkudu Gond
Chlkmimati, M/7-See: -Mati Chinai-katha, 1254-See:-
(varieties) Katha
Chikni-See:-N akchikni Chinaisalita, 973-See: -Salita
Chj.kni mitti, M/6-See:-Mitti China (or Chinese) musk,
(varieties) A/197-See: -Musk
Chikri, 225 (varieties)
Chlkti, 1251 China or Chinese Rose, 630-
Chil, 958 See:-Rose (varieties)
Chllakathotakura, 91-See:- China-pairu, 1143-See:-
Kura (varieties) Pairu
Chilara, 281 China-paivu, 1143-See:-
Chilauni, 1114 Paivu
Chilgoza, 957 China root, 1143
Chili ragha, 3-See:-Ragha China Rose-See: -China rose
Chilla, 281; 532 Chinaru, 1013
Chilla-Chett\l, 1181 Chinch, 1191-See: -Gorakh-
Chillara, 283 chinch
Chilli, 282-See:-Bird's eye Chincharti, 1150
chilli; Purple chilli Chinchino, 433
Chillies, 270-See: -Chilli Chinchoka, 1191
Chitta, 448 Chin-chulan, 308
Chilta-tumiki, 454-See:- Chindar, 389
Tumiki Chinduga-See: -Sima-
Chiluchi, 695 chinduga
Chimanchara, 111-See:- Chinduvaram, 1278-See:-
Chara; Kasschara Varam (varieties)
Chimani-See: -Ranchimani Chinee badam 121-See:-
Chimar, 282 Badam (varieties)
Chimnati, 680 Chinese Beans, 1272-See:-
Chimpigyan hullu, 896 Beans (varieties)
Chimul, 1060 Chinese Blistering fly, A/20o
Chimurudu, 225 -See: -Blistering-fly
China, 451; 898; 1253-See: Chinese Cassia, 328-See:-
-Shuk-china Cassia (varieties)
China-alIa, 1143-See:-Alla Chinese Flower Plant. 892
China box, 821 . Chinese gooseberry, 164-See:
China day, M/7-See:-Clay; -Gooseberry (varieties)
Porcelain clay . Chinese honey-suckle, 1046-
China-dulogondi, 1226-See:- See: -Honey-suckle
Dulogondi Chinese isinglass, .A/135-See:
Chinaghas, 570; 1299-See:- American and Japanese isin-
Ghas (varieties) glass; Isinglass
Chinese Moon-creeper, 892- Chipuru-tige, 362-See: -Tige
See:-Moon-creeper (varieties)
Chinese orange, 339-sde:- Chir, 958
Orange (varieties) Chiraita, 1184
Chinese Rose-See: -Rose; Chirakam-See: -Karin-
China rose (varieties) , chirakam
Chinese Yam, 449-See:-Yam Chirambola, 163
(varieties) Chiraputi, 1301
Chinesishe Baumwollenstaude, Chirati; 820
591 Chirauli, 221
Chin Fruit tree, 846 Chirayata-See:-Kadu-
Chingam-butai, 846-See:- -chirayata
Butai Chirayita, 717
Chingati, A/212 Chirchira, 21
Chingri, A/212 Chircholi, 1264
Chin-heang, 120 Chireedam, 15
Chini-See:-Chabchini; Reva- Chireta, 573; 1184
chini; Revalchini; Revan- Chiretta, 101; 573; 1184-See:
chini; Revandchini; Re- -Ava-chiretta; Chota-
wandchini; Shenchini; Kab- chiretta
ab-chini; Ladakirevanda- Chirgas, 616 \
chini; Sittalchini; Hari- Chirgond, 958-See: -Gond
nashuk-chini (varieties)
Chinikalabanda, 75-See:- Chiribenda, 1134-See:-
Kalabanda Benda (varieties)
Chinikayi, 407-See: -Kai or Chirika, 221
Kayi (varieties) Chiriyari, 1251
Chinipal-See: -Rival-chin i- Chirkualathi, 889
pal; Trevalchinippal Chirmi, 163
Chinka, 994 Chironji, 221
Chin-khing-kai, 1095-See:- Chiror, 191
Kai or Kayi (varieties) Chirphal, 1303
Chinna, M/22 Chir Pine, 957-See:-Pine
Chinni, 17-See:-Nattu- ( varieties)
ireval-chinni Chirpoti, 1301
Chinni-ka Jhar, 17 Chirroji, 221
Chino, 898; 899 Chirval, 610
Chinola, 282 Chirvite, 402
Chinta-See: -Seemachinta; Chita, 990:-See:-Bara-
Simaechinta; Pallachinta; Kukurchita; Kukurchita;
Uchchinta Lal-chita; Rakto-chita
Chinta-pandu, 1191 Chitabansa, 691--=-See: -Bansa
Chinturam, M/8S Chita:ka-maraku, 568-See:-
Chintz, 1191 Maraku'
Chi tar, 1164
Chin-wu-Ian, 254 Chitaro, 990
Chipkuli, A/165 'Chitawala, 1125
Chippagaddi, 104 .'-.' '_ Chitawer, 990

Chithamalli, 446--See:- Chitti:'papara, 335-See:

Malli (varieties) Papara (varieties)
Chiti, 990 Chittira, 990
Chiti-Anab, 722-See: -Anab Chittira,-mulam, 990
Chitiful, 617 Chittmani, 1065
Chitimutti, 1134-See: -Mutti Chittramulam shivappu, 989-
(varieties) See: -Shivappu-chittra-
Chltke, 1251 mulam
Chitloo-Bhusmoo, M/91-See: Chittur-mol, 989
-Bhusmoo Chitu, 353
Chitquimitqui, 420 Chivakaver, 691
Chitra, 187; 189; 465; 988; Chivan-Avelpori, 1050-See:--
990-See: -Lal-chitra; Avelpori
Rakto-chitra Chivan melpodi, 1050-See
Chitrak, 990 Melpodi
Chitraka, 988; 990-See: - Chlorides-See: -Acyl-
Raktachitraka; Tambdi- chlorides
chitraka Chlorate of Sodium-See:-
Chitrakamerah, 989-See: - Sodium chlorate
Amerah s
Chob-chinae, 1143
Chitrakshupa, 739-See: ' - Chobah-See:-Zard chobah
Shupa; Shing-shupa Chobchini, 1143:-See:-Bari-
Chitramula, 990-See: -Bilay- chobchini
chitramula; Kempu-chitra- Chocolate tree, 1214
mula Chocolathgas, 1214
Chitra-mulam, 990-See:- Chodhara, 114
~erra-chitramulam Chodhari, 1284
Chitramulam-shivappu- Chohsha-makn, 282
See: -Shivappu-chitra- Chojharr, 865
mulam Chokargond, 380-See: -Gond
Chitrapala, 335-See: -Pala ( varieties)
(varieties) Chokha, 877
Chitrapathrika, 739 Chokhota tela, 1126
Chitra-tandula, 478-See:- Chola, 311; 459
Tandula (varieties) Cholam-See::-Makka-cholam
Chitravalli, 1075 Chomasana rata, A/206
Chitruk, 990 Choontoo-munnoo, M/101-
Chittamanakku, 106S-See:- See:-MuImoo
Amanakku (varieties) Chopra, 520
Chittamratam, 356-See:- Chopri-alu, 450-See: -Alu
Amratam (varieties) Chora, 113-See: -Chichol'a;
Chittamutti, 926--See:- Amlina-chichora
Amutti Chorivalli, 818
Chor-nimbu, 160-See:-
Chitta-ratta, 77 Nimbu (varieties)
Chitta-rattai, 77 Chorpata, 725
See:-Ratta or Rattai Chosi, 1063
Chitteenth, 945 Chot abut, 311

Chota-chand, 1050-See:- Chukander, 197

Chand I Chuka-palam, 1079
Chota-chiretta, 485-See:- Chukha, 890
Chiretta (varieties) Chukka, 1309
Chota Elaichi, 475-See:- Chukkah, 1079
Elachi or Elaichi (varieties) Chuko, 87; 89
Chota Ghaial, 55-See:- Chukra, 1080-See:-Shula_
Ghaial (varieties) vedhi-chukra
Chota-gokhru, 1229, 1297-See: Churika, 890
-Gokhru (varieties) Chula-juti, 821
Chota-jangli-anjur-See: - Chule-See: -Zamb-chule
Jangli angur Chulika lavana, M/ll-See:-
Chota-jhunjhun, 394-See:- Lavana (varieties)
Jhunjhunia; Jhunjhun Chulu, 1013
Chota-kalkusha, 739-See:- Chumbaka, Ml55
Kalkusha Chumkat, 446
Chota Kanval, 859-See:- 'Chumlani, 1142
Kanval Chun, M/42; 44
Chota-kirayat, 485-See:- Chuna, M/42; 44-See:-
Kirayat (varieties) Kalika-chuna; Vilati-chuna
Chota lasora, 380-See:- Chunam, M/44
Lasora (varieties) Chunambu, M/42-See:-
Chotee Lanu, 1183-See:- Nambu (varieties)
Lanu Chunch, 377-See:-Moti-
Choti elachi, 475-Elachi chunch.
(varieties) Chunchdo, 377
Chotimain, 1193-See: -Bari- Chundrus, 1265
main; Main; Magiya-main Chuniagond, 222-See:-
Chotokulpa, 1233-See:- Gond (varieties)
Chhota-kulpha; Kulpa Chunnambu, M/44-See:-
, Chovanna Khaskhasa chcheti, Seemaychunnambu;
901-See:-KhasEl1asa Nambu (varieties)
chcheti Chunnampuvalli, 1283
Chowan, 282 Chunno, M/44
Chowli, 1272 Chuno, M/42
Chowriajwan, 351-See:- Chupra, 835
Ajwan (varieti~s) Churan, 1317
Chrita, 573 Churi, 178-See:-Nattai-
Chua, 87, A/206-See:- churi ",
Kedari-chua Churiki-See: -Kudal-churiki
Chua-marsa, 89-See:';_Marsa Churna, 1317-18; M/40; M/42
Chuaru, 1014 , Chusal, M/I03
Chubah-See: -Serd-chubah Chuta, 764-See: -Manchuta
Chucka, 395 Chutha-kanni. 759-See:-
Chuk, 1079-See: -Dhurchuk; Kanni (varieties)
Hatichuk Chutrika, 1079
Chuka, 1080 Chuvanna Kodalavanakku,
Chuka-bija, 1079 .'''''- 707

Chuvanna-Mandaram, 184- Pao-de-cobra

See: -Mandaram Cobra lily-See: -Common
Cikura, lOll-See: -Kura cobra lily; Lily
(vareties) Cobra's Saffron, 792-See:-
Cimra, 938 Saffron (varieties)
Cinchona, 315--See: -Wild Cobra-venom, A/218-See:-
cinchona . Snake-venom; Venom
Cinchqna bark, 315 Cocae folio-See: -Folio cocae
Cinnabar, M/72-See:-Bar Coca Plant, 510
(varieties) Cocco, 148
Cinnamon, 328-See: -Cassia Cochineal, -
cinnamon; country cinna- Cochineal insect, A/155--See:
mon -Black cochineal; Silver
Cinosternon pennsylvanianum, cochineal
A/202 Cochinil purugu, A/155--See:
Citrate of potassium, M/89- .;_Purugu
See: -Potassium-citrate Cochin or Malabar grass, 424
Citron, 348 Cochin Turmeric, 413-See:-
Citronella, 110 Turmeric (varieties)
Civet Cat, A/234-See: -Cat Cock (domestic), A/162-See:
Clarified butter, A/179-See:- -Peacock
Butter (varieties) Cock's comb, 90
Clarified honey, A/195-See: Cocoa, 1214
-Honey (varieties) Coooanut-See:-Sea-cocoanut
Claw-See:-Wol£ claw Cocoanut Palm, 363-See:-
Clay,M/6; M/94-See:-China Palm (varieties)
clay; Porcelain clay; Pipe- Coco-de-mer, 749
clay Cocomaram, 1214
Clearing-nut tree, 1181 Cocoon-See: -Silk cocoon;
Cleome-See: -Sticky cleom(' -Raw silk Cocoon
Cleome-a-cing-feuiles, 351 Cocotier, 363
Cleome-de-inde, 350 Cocumber, sharp-cornered,
Climbing perch, A/214-See: 751-See:--Shar~cornered
-Perch cocumber
Clitore-de-Ternate, 354 Codi, A/15S-See: -Perunday
Clitoria-See: -Winged leaved codi
clitoria Coffee, 365-See: -Negro
Cloves, 835--See: -Sweet coffee
cloves Cola, 458
Clubmoss Spores, 758-See:- Collvrium-See: -Golden col-
Spores . lyrium
Clusia eluteria, A/203 Colocasie de I-Inde, 372
Cluster bean, 420-See:- Colocynth, 335-See: -Hill
Beans (varieties) colocynth
Cluster-fig, 548-See: -Fig Common asparagus, 153-See:
(varieties) -Asparagus
Cobal-See:-Gum cobal Common Bead tree, 784-See:
Cobra-See: -Black cobra; -Bead tree
Common Beet, 197-See:- Common plum, 1015-See:_
Beet (varieties) Plum (varieties)
Common Cobra Lily, 137--See: Common sage, 1094-See:_
-Cobra lily; Lily (varieties) Sage (varieties)
Common cress--See:-Wlater- Common salt, 109-See:-Salt
cress; Cress (varieties) (varieties)
Common Cucumber, 403-See: Common stinging nettle, 1258:
-Cucumber (varieties) -See:-Nettle; stinging net-
Common French Bean, 942- tle
See: -French Bean; Bea.'1 Common Wagtail, A/205-See:
(varieties) -Wagtail
Common-fumitory, 560-See: Common or Water-cress, 736-
-Fumitory See:-Water-cress; cress
Common Garden Hibiscus, 630 ( varieties)
-See: -Garden Hibiscus; Conch, A/164
Hibiscus; Edible hibiscus Conch-shell, A/164-See:-
Common gram, 311-See:- Shell (varieties)
Gram (varieties) Conch Shell Ash, A/165-See~
Common Indian Mustard, 215 -Shell ash; Ash (varieties),
. -See:-Indian mustard; Concombre Serpent, 402-See:
Mustard (varieties) -Serpent
Common Indian parselane, Condensed milk, A/175-See:
1005-See: -Indian par- -Milk (varieties)
selane; Parselane (varieties) Conessi or Tellicherry Bark~
Common Indian Partridge, 213 634
--See: -Indian Partridge; Congopea, 231-See:-Pea
Partridge (varieties) (varieties)
Common-lora, A/138; A/155- Conrew, 555
See:-Iora Conron Mooli, 556
Common Kidney Bean, 942-;- Copal tree--See:-Indian
See: -Beans (varieties) copal tree
Common Malabar nut, 715- Copper, M/4 7
See: -Malabar-nut Copper acetate, M/52-See:-
Common Mallow, 763-See:- Basic copper acetate Crude
Mallow (varieties) coppersulphate
Common Marjoram, 875-See: Copperas: -See Green coppe-
-Marjoram (varieties) ras; White copperas; Blue
Common Milk Hedge, 524- copperas ,"j
See:-Hedge; Milk hedge Copperas of Commerce, Mj63
Common Millet, 898-See:- -See: -Blue Copperas
Millet (varieties) Copper are, lVI/49.-See:-Ore
Common orange, 339r-See:- (varieties)
Orange (varieties,) Copper powder, M/49
Common Oyster shell, A/211 Copper' pyrite, M/66--See:-
--See: -Oyster-shell; shell Pyrites {varieties)
(varieties) Copper Silajit, M/23-See:-
Common Pepper, 969--:See:'_:_ Silajit (varieties)
Pepper (varieties)",- Coque-du-Levant, 360

Copper-sulphate-See:- Country Ipecacuanha, 842-

Crude copper-sulphate; See: -Ipecacuanha
Basic copper-acetate (varieties)
Copra-See: -Bishcopra Country-mallow, 8; 763; 1134;
Coquinha, 719 1137-See:-Mallow
Corail, A/156 (varieties)
Coral, A/156 Country Nutmeg, 834-See:-
Coralleum rubrum, A/209 Nutmeg; Malabar-nutmeg
Corallo, A/156
Coral tree, 708-See: -Indian CoUntry Sarsaparilla, 619-
coral tree See:-Sarsaparilla
Corchore Capsulaire, 377 (varieties)
Cordia rum phil, A/203 Country Senna, 288--See: -
Coriander, 381-See:- Senna (varieties)
Gemeinar coriander Country Spinach, 197--See:-
Coriander cultive, 381 Spinach (varieties)
Corkwood, 633 Cour-ka-namak, M/I0l-See"
Corn-See:-Sweet corn; -Namak; Jhas-ka-namak
Egyptian corn; Evergreen Covannamilpori, 1050-See:-
Sweet corn; Indian corn; Milpori
Spanish corn; Sweet corn Cow, A/146
Corn-millet-See: -Millet Cow-gram, 459-See: -Gram
Broom-corn millet (varieties)
Comsetic box, 821 Cow-hage, 818--See: -Hage
Costus, 1108 Cowitch Plant, 818
Costus elegant, 385; 1108 Cow-pea, 459; 1272--See:-
Coti-mundi, 1163-See:- Pea (varieties)
Mundi (varieties) Cow-plant-See: -Ceylon
Cotonnier des nonnes, 591 cowplant
Cotonnier Herbace, 587 Cowrie, A/158--See:-Red
Cottoiner de l' Inde, 588 cowries; white cowries;
Cotton-See: -Devil's cotton; yellow cowries
Yellow-flowered cotton; Slik- Cowrie-fruit-See: -Wild
cotton ,tree cowrie-fruit
Cotton-plant-See: -Indian Cowry, A/158--See: -Cowrie
cotton plant; Indian tree-. (varieties)
cotton; Tree cotton Crab, A/217
Cottonnier arborescent, 586 Crab-apple, 1039-See:-
Couch grass, 56; 425 Apple (varieties)
Country borage, 371-See:- Craie,~ M/41
Borage . Crane-See:-Indian Crane
Country cinnamon, 332-See: Crane Tree, 375
-Cinnamon (varieties) Craunro, 459
Country Fig-tree, 548-See:- Cream, A/176
Fig (varieties) Cream-butter, A/176-See: _,.._
Country goose-berry, 163- Butter (varieties)
See: -Goose-berry (varie- Creat, 101
ties) Creeper-See: -Red creeper ;

Creeping panic grass, 425- Cura, 634

See: -Panic grass Curcuma long, 415
Cress, 736-See: -Common- Curcuma starch, 413--See:_
cress; Para cress; Water- Cupid's flower. 690
cress Starch
Cretae, M/41 I Curd, A/176
Crocodile, A/158-See:-Nile Curd of milk:--See:-Kilataka
crocodile Curdled milk, A/176-See:-
Crocodi1us vulgaris, A/202 Milk (varieties)
Crotalaire Jonciforme, 392 Curo,634
Crotalin, A/228 Currants I064-See:-Bengal
Croton-See:-Puxgative currants; Red currants
croton Curry-leaf tree, 195
Croton oil, 396 Cuscus grass, 109
Croton-oil seed 396 Cusso, 213
Crow, A/158 Custard Apple, 116-See:-
Crude borax, M/I03-See:- Apple varieties); Bullock's'
Borax heart; True custard apple of
Crude carbonate of Soda, America
M/IOI-See:-Soda carbo- Cuttle-fish bone, A/210-See:
nate; Carbonate of soda -Fish bone
Crude copper sulphate or cop- Cyperus-See:-Indian
per acetate, M/52-See:- cyperus
Basic copper acetate; Copper Cyrovenne, 784
Crude Ferrous Sulphate M/S3
--See:-Ferrous sulphate
Crystal carbonate, MlIOI Daanachettu, 631
Crystalline, MllOl Dab,504
Cubebs, 400 Dabali, 8
Cuckoo, A/ISO Dabiduba, 695
Cucumber:-See:-Bitter Dabi-dulea, 1299
cucumber; Common-cucum- Dabra, 1256
ber Dabur, 302
Cuivre, M/47 Dadam, 1032
Cultivated parsnip, 923-See:- Dadamardana, 283; 291
Parsnip Dadamari, 695
Cumal-See:-NHacumal Dabarbootie, "'91
Cumbu,930 Daddala, 273-See:-Ala;
Cumin-See:-BJack-cumin; Ramala
Cumin seed; Cumin-officinal Daddipashanum;- M/21-See:-
Cumin noir, 854 Pashanum (varie~ies)
Cumin officinal, 408-See:- Daddupan, 291-See:-Pan
Cumin (varieties) ( varieties)
Cumin seed, 408-See:-Black Daddupana, 283--See:-Pana
cumin ~ (varieties)
Cumma-See:-Kemn,.u..cumma Dadhiphala, 407; 535
Cundung-katric, 1156 Dadhuri, 548

Dadi, 673 Damana, 594

Dadima, 1032 Damani:-See:-Nagadamani
Dadima-phalam, 1031-See:- Daman-paper, 869
Phalam (varieties) Damar-See:-Nalha damar;
Dad-ka-patta, 283-See:- Vellai-damar; Kala-damar;
Patta (varieties) . Karappu-damar; Karuppu-
Dadmari, 91; 283-See:-Mari damar; Nalhadamar; SaIed:..
(varieties) damar; Vellaidamar.
Dadmurdan,283 Damara, 84.-4---See:-Asoka-
Dadrughna, 283 damara
Dadumari, 1299-See:-Mari Damaru-See:-Dupa-
(varieties) damaru; Tella-damaru
Daevakanchanamu, 184- Damask Rose, 1072-See:-
See:-Kanchan (varieties) Rose (varieties)
Daffadilla, 622 Dambin, 730
Dagadi, 362 Damdavlo, 556
Dagadi jowars, 1161-See:- Dampel,568
J owars (varieties) Damer-See:-Black druner
Dahan, 1221 Dammer tree-See:-White
Dahana, 1221 dammer tree
Dahara, 226 Damula-See:-Natka damula.
Dahar-karanja, 100l-See:- Damula akhavena hindi, 1025
Karanja (varieties) -See:-Hindi (varieties)
Dahee, A/179 Dana-See:-Bozidana; Be-
Daheri, 1295 dana; Behidana; Bihidana;
Dahipalas, 380-See:-Palas Khasakdana; Mishk-dana;
Dahua, 147 Mushak-dana; Mushk-dana;
Daivapal, 80-See:-Pal (varie- Shakar-dana; Shukadana;
ties) Undana; Hazardana; Kala-
Dak, 106!}-:.See:-Zardak dana; Kasturidana; Kehe-
Dakachru, 1113 tara-ubal-dana.
Dakha, 1285 Dana, A/146
Dakrabo, 657 Danadalio - See:-Thora-
Daku, 935 danadalio
Dalchin-See:-Jangli Danah--See:-Siyah-danah
dalchin Danaha, A/155
Dalchini, 328; 331; 333-See:-- Dand, 108; 396
Dalchin; Kadu-dalchini Danda-See:-Tid-danda
Dali-See:-Neladali Da.l1dalonbin, 811
Dalim, 1032 Dandan-i-Ie1, A/160
Dalima, 1032 Druldelion, 1195
Dalimb, 1032 Dandenahri, 705
Dalimba, 1032 Dandusa, 431
Dalimbay, 1032 Dangar, 407; 877
Dalimbu-hannu, 1032 Dang-chavli, 462-See:-
Dalla-See:-Vata-dalla Chavli
Dalme, 557 Dangri, 231-See:-Deodangri
Damahan, 534 Daniu, 680

Dan-kilayiwai, 291 Dar-haldi, 187-See:-Haladi

Dankuni, 263 I (varieties)
Dant, 88-See:-Hathidant Dari, 1031-See:-Bhui-dari;
Danta-See:-Hastidanta Devadari; Devdari .
Danti, 166; 395-See:-Naga- Dariajai, 352-See:-J ai
. danti; Nagdanti; Vajradanti (varieties)
Dantikurra-See:-Esakadanti- Darianujhad, 629
kurra; Kurra (varieties) Daridah-See:-Thikam-
Dantimul, 166; 708 daridah
Danti-nana, 708 Darigummadi, 1031-See:-=-
Daorokhat-e-nila, 68l-See:- Gummadi (varieties) .
Nila (varieties), Darim, 1032
Dapoli, 609 Darimba, 1031
Dara, 723-See:-Vardara Daroya, 103-See:-Handi-
Darak-See:-Vriddhadarak Daroya
Daraka-See:-Vriddha- Darshishaan, 828
daraka Darsuk, 594 •
Darakhate-palasha, 222-See: Daru, 1032-See:-Badradaru;
-Palasa (varieties) Jaldaru; Pitadaru; Siyah-
Darakhte-gulchakane-sahrai, daru; Sura-daru
179 Daruchini, 328-See :-Chini
Darakhte-shanah, 8 (varieties)
Darakhte-teri, 209 Darudi, 133
Darakht-i-miswak, 1092 Daruhalad, 187-See:-Halad
Darakte-bang, 256 (varieties)
Darakte-nar, 1032 DaruharidI:a, 187-See:-
Daraserda, 415 Halad; Haridra (varieties)
Darasini, 328 Daru-haridrakam, 384-See:-
Darayai-See:-N arjil-i- Haridra; Halad (varieties)
Darayai Darulawana, M/88-See:-
Darbh, 504 Lavana (varieties)
Darbuje, 338 Darumucha, M/15
Darchini-See:-J angli- Darunaj-akhrabi, 464
darchini Darunaj-akrabi, 463
Darebanki, 1263 Darunaj-i-akrabi, 463
Daree, 1031 Darunaphula, 739
'Darehuli, 164-See:-Huli Daruri, 133
(varieties) Darvi, 187; 1$84
Darehuter, 680 Darya-ka-kaf, A/210
Darejhapak, 1117 Daryaka-Nariyal, 749-See:-
Dare Kudrum, 628 Nariyal
Dareorsa, 374 Darya-ki-gas, or pachi, 591-
Darfilfil, 965-See:-Fil-fila- See:--:Pachi (varieties)
daraz i Dasamuli, 430-See:-Muli
Darhalad, 189-See:-Halad (varieties)
(varieties) .. Dasani, 631
Dar-hald, 187-See:-'lIalad Dasanige, 631
(varieties) .,,_,. Dasi, 176

Dasta, M/130 Deer horn, A/152-See:-

Dastam Haryah, 764 Horn (varieties)
Dasun, 631 Dehi, 342
Dates--See:-Assuli dates; Delumgaha, 1032
Edible-date; Idu1-shahi
dates; Khasoon-dates; Lohar- Dendlu, 673
dates; Luni-kharkun dates; Dengua,88
Small-dates; Thottiar-dates; Dentelaire de Ceylon, 990
Vanpakyun-dates; Wild-date Dentilaire Rose, 988
Date Sugar Palm, 946-See:- Deodangri, 753-See:-Dangri
Palm (varieties) Deodar, 295; 296-See:-Pinus
Dathir, 434 deodara
Datir, 548 Deodari, 294
Dattelpahn, 943-See:-Pahn Deo-dhan, 1160-See:-Dhan
(varieties) (varieties)
Dattura, 434-See:-Kanaka- Deokapas, 207-See:-Kapas
dattura; Tattu-dattura (varieties)
Datturi, 133 Deokati,90
Datturi-gida, 133 Dephali, 848
Datura fatesux, 434 Derivatives of toluene, A/204
Datura-See:-Feringee- -See:-Toluene
datura Deshi-badam, 1205-See:-
Datyuni, 80 Badam; Badama (varieties)
Dau-See:-Thanat-dau Deshi gowar, 420-See:-
Davala, 922-See:-Ala Gowar (varieties)
(varieties) Deshomaricha, 270-See:-
Davanpada, 580-See:-Pada Maricha (varieties)
(varieties) Desi-badam, 1205-See:-
Davna, 143 Badam; Badama (varieties)
Dawaka-jlmr, 457; 467 Desi or Chalk kumrha, 18S--
Dawano--See:-Pardesi- See:-Kumra (varieties)
dawano Desi Mattar, 976-See:-
Dawoon,776 Mattar
Dawoon-Nambu, 776-S~:- Desman, A/202
N ambu (varieties) Devadari, 294--See:-Dari
Dawoopungah-gah, 662 (varieties)
Daye, 612 Devadarom, 1225
Deadly Nightshade, 160-See: Devadaru, 295; 296; 997-See:
Nightshade (varieties) -Daru (varieties)
Debra, 1255 Devadarum, 512
Deccan Grass, 897 Devakadu, 1173-See:-Kadu
Deccan hemp, 628-See:- (varieties)
Hemp (varieties) Deva-kando, 1190-See:-
Kanda (varieties)
Decorticated pepper, 969- Devakeli, 255--See:-Keli
See:-Pepper (varieties) (varieties)
Deepyaka, 1028 Devakusumum, 835
D~rghavraksha, 363 Devataram, 295

Devdari, 295--See:'-Dari Dhanurvriksha, 594

(varieties ) Dhanvayas, 533
Devil's apples 76~:­ Dhanya, 877
Apples (varieties) Dhanyaka, 381
Devil's Claw, 771-See:-
Claw; Wolf-claw Dhara, 222
Devil's Cotton, 4-See:-Cot- Dharakadamba, See:-
ton (varieties) Kadamba (varieties) .
Devil's testicle, 226--See:- Dhara-kadambo, 843-See:-
Testicles of a sheep or goat Kadambo
Dev Kapas, 586--See:-Kapas Dharama,533
(varieties) Dharkalambu, 843-See:-
Dha,1295 Kalambu
Dhadhan, 1129-See:-Dhan Dhar-karela, 807....:.see:-
(varieties) Karela
Dhadsal, 594-See:-Sal Dharmana, 593; 594
(varieties) Dharmar, 1168
Dhai, 1295 Dharu, 730-See:-Alphajana
Dhaincha, 1129-See:-Cha Dharu
Dhaiphul, 1295 Dharujakaur, 843-See:-
Dhakta sheral, 999-See:- Kaul'
Sheral Dharuli, 849
Dhakur, 302 Dharwal'-American, 587
Dhala-tulasi, 861-See:- Dhasera, 457
Tulasi (varieties) Dhataki, 1295
Dhalim, 1031 Dhathal'i-Jargi, 1295-See:-
Dhaman, 298; 594; 929 Jargi
Dhamani, 593; 594 Dhatoira, 434
Dhamargava, 751 Dhatri-See:-Bhuta-dhatri
Dhamasa, 533; 611 Dhatriphal, 176
Dhamaso; 534 Dhatri-pha'la, 480
Dhamini, 615 Dhatura-See:-Firanghee-
Dhamnee, 1007 dhatura; Kala-dhatura;
Dhamni, 1006 Pila-dhatura; Sada-dhatura
Dhan, 877-See:-Deo-clhan; Sidah-dhatura; Safed-dha-
Kodoa-dhan; Dhadhan tura; Krishna-dhatura
Dhana, 381-See:-Oosha- Dhaturaghas, 770
dhana; Ushadhana Dhaturamu, 434;
Dhan-barua, 1050-See:- Dhaun, 1032
Barua Dhaura, 375; 1317
Dhane, 381 Dhauri, 1295; 129,6
Dhanghi-Khad, 130-Se~:­ Dhauta, 1295
Khad Dhavaffa, 375
Dhania, 381-See:-Nepall- Dhavadina, 1295
dhania Dhavala,375; 749
Dhanmarna, 1050 ~.. Dhavani, 391
Dhano, 381 Dhavekaneri, 848-See:-
Dhanrhas, 629 Kaneri

Dhavidek goli, 545-See:-Goli Dhumra-patra, 138

(varieties) Dhuna, 253; 1132
Dhayatis, 1295 Dhundul, 752
Dhed-Umbro, 550-See:- Dhup, 57; 254; 713-See:-
Umbro Guggula-dhup; Hasan-dhup;
Dheman, 594 Mandadhup; Pahadi-dhup;
Dhendshi, 338 Raldhup; Salsel-dhup;
Dhengali, 898 Vishesh-dhup
Dhengli, 899; 900 Dhupa, 1298-See:-Baga-
Dheniani, 868 dhupa; Madde-dhupa
Dhera,58 Dhupadamara, 1265
Dheras, 1 Dhup gugal, 713-See:-Gugal
Dherasa, 1237 Dhup-gugali, 211-See:-
Dhoah, M/91 Gugali
Dhoban, 594 Dhup-maram, 1265
Dhobi's earth, M/IOl-See:- Dhurapan, 850-See:-Pan
Earth (varieties) (varieties)
Dhoi-huvi-khari, M/6-See:- Dhurchuk, 633-See:--Chuk
Khari (varieties) Dhurra-See:-Syrian dhurra
Dhol, 743 J)hustoora, 434
Dholapata, 373--See:-Pata Dhutura, 434
{varieties) Dhuve Salaka, 859-See:-
Dhola samudrika, 733-See:- Salaka
Samudrika Diamant, Mil
Dholshumoodra, 733-See:- Diamond, Mil
Shumoodra Dibaka, 379
Dhonda, 355 Dibi-See:-Libi-dibi
Dhoop-See:-Vishesha- Dicotyles torquatus,' A/202
dhoop . Dihan, 529
Dhoopam-See:-Konkana- Dihu Minguta, 524-See:-
dhoopam Minguta.
Dhopkammi, 624-See:- Dikamali, 569
Kamma. (varieties) Dikmali, 569
Dhop-rai, 213-See:-Rai Dill, 935-See:-Garter-di11
(varieties ) Dill Seed, 935
Dhotari, 434-See Ari Dilpasant, 338
(varieties) Dimba, A/162
Dhotra-See:-Kanta-dhotra Dimeri, 548
Dhrow, 103 Dinda, 733
Dhud-kalmi, 691-See:-Kalmi Dindisa, 1237
(varieties) Dindlu, 375
Dhuli puspika, 894-See:- Dinduga, 375
Puspika (varieties) Dingsa, 957
Dhumarsmi, 77 Dingsa Pine, 957-See:-Pine
Dhumparastma, 77 (varieties)
Dhumpa-See:-Pedda- Ding Solir, 828-See:-Solir
dhumpa Dino,733
Dhumpa-ruku, 1265 Dinohi, 923

Dintana, 354-See:-Tana Dodhali, 1160

Diono, 1167 Dodhi, 465
Dioxide-See:-Silicon- Dodi-nimbu, 160-See:-
dioxide Nimbu (varieties)
Dipmal, 735 Dodka, 751
Dirgha-patola, 752-See:- Doduchallu, 379
Patola (varieties) Dog-bush, 201
Dirghapatra, 1301 Dog grass, 425
Dirisana, 60-See:-Sana Dog mustard, 351-See:--
(varieties) Mustard (varieties)
Disulphide arsenic-See:- Dogwood, 520
Arsenic disulphide Dojar, 702
Dita-bark, 80 Dolic-a-deux £leurs, 458
Dittany-See:-Bastard Dolic bulbuex, 459
dittany Dolic catjang, 459
Diva, 1190 Dolic en form de fevis, 466
Divallmuli, 202-See:-Muli Dolic lig neux, 461
(varieties) Dolic tres petit, 462
Diveli, 1065 Dolimoola, 1149-See:-Moola
Diver, A/213 , (varieties)
Divya, 865 Dolo shemalo, 505
Diwal, 535 Domba, 236
Diyamitta, 334 Domestic animal, A/140
Dock-See:-Sour dock; Yel- Domestic cock-See:-Cock;
low dock; Bladder-dock Peacock
Dodak, 1159-See:-Dudai- Dona-See:-Nagadona
Kulfa-dodak Dondatiga, 300-See:-Tiga
DOOda, 177 (varieties)
Doddamani, 56 Donda-See:-Nagadonda
Doddamaradarsina, 187-See: Donhula Balashana, 171
-Marada-arasina~ Arasina Donne menashinakai, 270-
( varieties) See:-Menashinakai; Kai
Doddaneggilu, 926-See:- (varieties)
Aneneggilu; Neggilu; Dodee-pala, 891-See:-Pala
Kennegilu (varieties)
Dodda nimbe hannu, 34s.-:-See: Dondatiga-See:-Tiga
-Nimbe-hannu ( varieties)
Doddapatri, 113 Doodhee, 891 ')
Doddatagache, 289-See:- Doola-goonda, 817
Tagache Doomoor, 545
Dodda-yalakki, 93-See:- Door,ahuria, 932
Yalakhi; Yalakki-balli Doorva, 425
Dodder, 419 Doorwa, 425
Doddupan-See:-Pan Dopahariya, 932
. (varieties) Dopatilata, 685; 689
Dodee-pala-See:-Pala Dosekaya, 403
(varieties) 01 Dosrai-See :-Pedda-dosrai
DOOhak, 469; 529 . I ... Dosul,371

,-" INDEX 77 '

Dosulay, 797 Duck-See:-Musk-duck

Dotwan, 948 Duckweed-See:-Tropical-
Double bean, 938-See:- duckweed
Beans (varieties) Duda-gorai, 1006-See:-
Douce--See:-Truffie douce Gorai
Douna, 592-See:-Nagadouna Dudai-kulfa-dodak, 523-See:
Doutha, M/52 -Dodak
Dove-See:-Green dove Duda-kaha, 414-See:-Kaha
Dowan-See:-Nagdowan (varieties)
Dowdola, 556 Dudal, 1195
Dowdowla, 556 Dudali,652
Dowla, 1255 Duddi, 722-See:-Kadu-
Downa-See:-Nagdowna duddi
Dragon's blood, 233-See:- Duddini, 407
Blood Dudh, A/I71
Dragon's eye, 846 Dudhali, 507; 526
Drakahya, 1285 Dudhani, 891
Drake, A/143 Dudhasali, 619
Drak or Drakh, 1285-See:- Dudha vari, 899-See:-Vari
Gidad-drak; J angli-drakh ( varieties)
Drakht-i-badinja, 363 Dudhavela, 430
Draksha, 1285-See:- Dudh-batthal, 1195-See:-
Randraksh Batthal; Hal (varieties)
Draksha-pondu, 1285 Dudh-bhopla, 722-See:-
Drakshi, 1285 Bhopla (varieties)
Drammaha, 533 Dudheli-See:- Nagaladudheli
Dravaka, M/55 Dudhi, 468; 526; 674; 722; 849;
Dreilappige Bohne, 942 1225-See:-Nagaarjun-
Drek, 784. dudhi; Chhoti-dudhi
Drhakht-narejile, 363 Dudhia-kalmi, 685-see:-
Dried alum, M/6-See:- Kalmi (varieties)
Alumburnt; Burnt alum; Dudhialata, 891-See:-
Alum (varieties) Chhota-dudhilata
Dried catkins, 965-See:- Dudhika, 891
Catkins Dudhilata 674-See:-
Drik, A/167 Dudhialata
Drikri, 1285 Dudhkarava, 849-See:-
Dronapushpi, 739; 740-See:.- Karava
Pushpi (varieties) Dudini,529
Dronilavana, M/I09-See:- Dudipalla, 891
Lavana (varieties) Dudippi, 273-See:-IIppi
Droni-uppu, M/I09-See:- Dudiya, 529
U ppu (varieties) Dudla, 1104
Drop, 999 Dudlata, 891
Drub grass, 449
Drum-stick, 811 Dudli,1195
Drunco, 392 Dudurli, 526; 652
Dub,425 Dudvali, 619

Dugdha, A/171-See:- Durba, 425

Tiktadugdha Durgandha, 63-See:- 1
Dugdhika, 529-See:- Gandha (varieties)
Dughdika Dursul, 1156
Dugdugia, 51S Durva, 504; 994-See:-Nila.
Dughdika, 891-See:- durva
Dugdhika Dusparsha, 533
Dugong oi,l A/166 Dustapuchettu, 430
Duhun-el-garjan, 456-See:- Dutro, 434
Garjan (varieties) Dvishigru, 811
Dukar-kand,1190-See:- Dwarf, 823
Kand (varieties) Dwipautra, 1143
Dukri jowars, 1161-See:- Dyer's Indigo, 680-See:-
J owars (varieties) Indigo (varieties)
Duku, 935 Dyer's Madder, 1075-See:-
Dulal-Iabha, 62; 611-See:- Madder; Indian madder;
Labha . Two flowered Indian madder
Dumaputu, A/146 Eagle-wood, 120
Dwnlua-See:-Hal-dumlua Earth-See:-Red earth;
Dummula-See:-Rata-dum- Dhobi's earth
mula Earthnut, 121
Dumpa bachhale, 1164-See:- Earth Sugar-root, 760-See:-
Bachhale Sugar-root
Dumbar-See:-Konea- East Indian Arrowroot, 413-
dumbar See:-Arrowroot; Indian
Dumshirg, 3 arrowroot
Dumtuli,43 East Indian blue water-lily,
Dumur-See:-Bhui-dumul'; 858--See:-Lily; Water-lily;
Kaka-dumur Blue-water-lily etc.
Dund,396 (varieties)
Dundigapu, 706 East Indian Globe-thistle, 1162
Dundillum, -876 -See:-Globe-thistle; This-
Dungari-kando, 63-See:- tle; Indian globe-thistle;
Kando (varieties) Thistle (varieties)
Dunkelrothe Flugal-frucht, East Indian Mastiche, 975-
1026 See:-Bomba~ or East Indian
Duntu-pesulu, 459-See:- mastiche; Indian mastiche;
Pesulu Mastiche
Dupada, 1265-See:-Pada East Indian Peppermint, 771-
(varieties) See:-Peppermint; Indian
Dupa-damaru, 1265-See:- peppermint
Damaru East Indian root, 399-See:-
Duparl.-See:-Tambdi-dupari Indian root
Dupati, 676 .. ~st Indian Rose-bay, 1189-
Duralabha, 62; 611-See:....,- See:--Rose-bay; Indian Rose-
Labha; Dulallaba .'_ - bay

East Indian Screw-Tree, 615- Ejaloo, A/206

See:-Indian Screw-tree; Ekanayakam, 1089
Screw-tree Ekangi, 821
Ebony, 452:....__See:-Mountain Ekhanda, 35-See:-Bala-
Ebony , ekhanda
Ecoree de-codagapala, 634 Ekharo, 667
Edakula, 1283-See:-Kula Ek-kanda-Iasun, 62-See:-
(varieties) Lasun
Edakula. . pala, 80-See:-Pala Ekke, 237
(varieties) Ekkemale, 237
Edapandu, 345 Ekpanni, 662-See:-Panni
Edible date, 943-See:-Dates Ela, 93; 465
(varieties) Elach, 94
Edible Hibiscus, l-See:- Elai-See:-Pichulati-elai
Hibiscus; Common garden Elachi or Elaichi, 475-See:-
hibiscus . Bara - elachi; Balj. - elachi;
Edible moss, 591-See:-Moss Chhoti-elachi; Chota-elaichi;
(varieties) Choti-elachi; Moto - elachi;
Edible pine--See:-Neozapine; Safed-elachi
Pine (varieties) Elakanni, 1145-See:-Kanni
Edikkol, 282 (varieties)
Edlew;einrebe, 1285 Elalmya, 475
Eechakoyya, 945 Elakgai, 475-See:-Gai
Eechalamara, 946-See:- Elakkay-See:-Pedda-
Sanna-eechalumara elakkay
Eechamaram, 945 Elakkaya, 475
Eel-See:-Indian Eel; Ban- Elakki, 475
fish; Fish (varieties) Elam, 475
Eendu, 798 Elandai, 1316
Eenthakay: 422 Elattari-See:-Periya-
Eerulli, 63 elattari
Eeshavaramulla, 139 Elav-See:-Peri-elav
Eesvurberu, 139 Elchi-See:-Lal-elchi; Safed-
Egg-See:-Fish-eggs; White elchi
of egg Elder tree, 1097
Egg-plant, 1151.,see:-Wild Eldori-See:-Moto-eldori
eggs plant Elegaram, M/103
·Egg shell, A/163-See:-Shell Elemi,253
(varieties) Elemichcham, 346
Egorca, 166 . Elengi, 801-See:-Mimusope
Egyptian Castalia Lotus, 292- Elengi
See:-Castalia lotus; Lotus Elephant, A/160
(varieties) Elephant-apple or Wood-apple,
Egyptian Corn, 1305-See:- 535-See:-Apple (varieties)
Corn (varieties)
Egyp<ian Lotus, 844-See:- Elephant creeper, 136
Lotus (varieties) Elephantenapfel, 535
Eihukan, 506 Elephant grass, 930; 1253

Elephant's foot (prickly leaves) Enugapippalu, 1117-See:-

474-See:-Telugu potato, Pippallu
Elephant's (oot:-See:-Telugu Epala-See:-Valta-epala
potato, 94 Ephedra, 486
Elevam, 208 " Epinard cornu, 1164
Elirnichcham-See :-Periya.: Epinard lisse, 1164
elirnichcham Eppi,179
Ella errie, A/l71 Eradi-See:-Kad-eradi
Ella-imbul, 362 Eraminu, A/215
Ella kay, 475 Eramudapu, 1065
Ellakkay-See:-Adavi- Erand, 1065-See:-Arabi-
ellakkay erandj Mogli-erand
Ellakura, 1091-See:-Kura Eranda, 1065--See:-Kanana-
(varieties) eranda
Ellenne, 1127 Eranda-gach, 705
Ellu, 1126-See :-Hutchellu; Erandi-See:-Jangli-erandij
Kadellu; Karuellu; KatteUu; Moghli-erendi; R~-erandi;
Uchellu; Uruellu; Mylellu Velaty-erandi
Elsabuniyeh, 1104 Erandthailam, 1065
Elumicham tulasi, 864-See:- Eravalu,71
Tulasi (varieties) Erendi, 1065-See:-Moghli-
Elumicchai, 342 erendi
Elumichhampazham-See:- Eri, 1065
Kattu-elumichhampazham Erikka, 237
Elumitchanarakam, 346 Erka, 1253
Elupay-See:-Kattu-elupay Ermul,1081
Elva, 75 Erodium moschatum, A/203
Elwa, 73; 75 Eroppakaita, 54
Eluppai-See:-Shimai- . Erra-gandamu, 1026-See:-
eluppai Gandamu
Emblic Myrobalan, 480-See: Erragonkaya, 632-See:-
-Myrobalan (varieties) Gonkaya
Emblic Phyllanthe-See:- Erra-jiluga, 1129-See:-
Phyllanthe Emblic Jilpga
Embudichettu, 972 Erra-kuti, 925-See:-Kuti
Emetic Nut, 1047; 1233 (varieties) ~
Enamriga, A/143 Erra-pachchari, 431-See:-
Endaru, 1065 Pachchari -"i
Endi, 1065 Erra-posta-kaya-chettu, 901-
Endive, 313 See:-Posta-kaye-chettu
Endranee, 1079 Erra-purvu, 1295-See:~
Endraru, 999 PUrvu
Eng, 455 Er:m-tamara, 844-See:-
Ennay or Ennei, 455-See:- Tamara (varieties)
Nallenne; Meenaennay Erravegisa,1024-See:-Vegisa
Enuga-See:-Pedda-enuga Erubescite, M/49
Enugadanta, 265 .u_. '_ Erukku, 237

Erup-pichha, 352-See:- Faras, 222; 1193

Pichha Farasiyun, 771
Eru-saru, 1194.--See :-Saru
Farbe-Indigopfumza, 681
Eru-sarumanu, 1194-See:-
Sarumanu Farber safflor, 278
Enrados, 955 Farberwurzel, 1075
Ervaru, 403 Faribduti, 926
&aka Dantikurra, 578-See: Faridbel, 362--See:-Bel
-Dantikurra; Kurra (varieties)
( varieties) Faridbuti, 535
Esamaduga, 183 Farid muli, 535-See:-Muli
Eta, 457 (varieties)
Eti-puchcha, 335-See:- Farisail Harin, A/143-See:-
Puchcha Harin
Etthhu, A/146 Farnwarzel, 467-See:-Warm-
Euphorbades ancien, 522 farnwarzal
Farwa, 1193
Euphorbe a feuilles de thym,
529 Fasein, 942
Euphorbe antivenerien, 529Fatarfoda, 1292
Euphorbe tirucalli, 529 Fat of the hog, purified inter-
Evapqrated milk, A/175-See: nal, A/136
Milk (varieties) Fat 6f Sheep's wool, A/137
Faugli-mehndi, 92-See:-
Evergreen Sweet-corn, 1304-
See:-Sweet-com; corn Mehndi (varieties)
Exile Oleander, 12J8-See:-Faux safran, 278-See:-
Oleander (varieties) Safran
Fazzeh, M/13
Exsiccated calcium sulphate,
M/46-See:- Calcium sul- Feathers-See:-Prince's
phate; Sulphate of calciumfeathers
Feldsauramfer, 1079
FeJspar, M/6; M/93; M/94-
See:-Native white felspar;
Faddah, M/14 White felspar
Faduj madani, M/97-See:- Felspar of granite, M/89-See:
Madani -Granite-felspar
Fakri, 923 Fennel, 557-See:-Small fen-
Fakria, 923 nel; Sweet fennel; Indian
Faliddhar, 297 Sweet fennel.
False Calumba, 187-See:- Fenugreek, 1240
Calumba Feringee-datura, 133-See:-
Falsh, 1005 Datura
Fanjuim, 1251 Fermented rice, M/49-See:-
Fan-palm, 384.--See:-Palm Rice
( varieties) , Fem-See:-Maiden-hair
Faqurul Yahud, M/23-See:- fern; Male-fern thizome
Yahud Feronia geant, 535
Faranjmishk, 864-See:- Ferric oxide-See:-Native
Mishk (varieties) ferric-oxide

Ferrous sulphate--S ee :- Finfache Blattblume, 949

Crude ferrous sulphate I Finger of Hermes, 622
Ferrud, 508 Firanghee-dhatura, 133-800:
Ferrum Haematite, M/42--:-See: -Dhatura (varieties)
_Haematite Firanj-mushk, 861-See:-
Ferule Asafoetida, 537-See:- Mushk (varieties)
Asafoetida. . Fir & Fir tree, 959-See:-
Ferula sumbul, A/203-See:- Himalayan Silver Fir; Silver
Sumbul Fir
Ferungmishk-See:-Tukhm Fish, A/141; A/l44; A/213;
-2ferungmishk; Mishk A/215; A/214; A/216-See:
(varieties) -Ban-fish; Gorai-fish; Lake-
Fevernut, 226 fish; Nala-fish; Pond-fish;
Fevertree--See :-Australian Punti-fish; River-fish; Rohee-
fever-tree fish; Rohu-fish;' Rohitaka-
Field Pea, 976; 977-See:- fish; Sabli-fish; Sea-fish;
Pea (varieties) Seir-fish; Shallow-fish; .
Field-sorrel, 1079-See:- Water-fish; Shell-fish; Sho~e­
Sorrel (varieties) I
fish; Singi-fish; Sutki-fish;
Field vetch, 420-See:-Vetch Tangra-fish; Tank-fish;
(varieties) Telescope-fish; Weak-fish;
Fifile-surkh, 268-See :-Surkh Well-fish; White-fish
(varieties) Fish-bone-See:-Cuttle-fish-
Fig-See:-Sacred fig; Cluster- bone; Bone .
fig; Country-fig tree; Gular- Fishberry, 360-See:-Berries
fig (varieties)
Figiner-a-petit fruits, 542 Fish eggs, A/215-See:-Eggs
Fig-tree, 545-See:-Fig (varieties)
(varieties) Fish near spring-water, A/214
Figuier-due Bengal, 543 -See:-Fish (varieties)
Figuier Elastique, 548 Fiturasalium, 1008
Figuier-ou-arbre des pagodes, Five biles (ancha pitta), A/159
552 -See:-Bile (varieties)
Fil, 305; 965 Five-leaved Chaste Tree, 1278
Filberts, 61-See:-Indian -See:-Chaste tree
Filbert Flacorita-See:-Manyspiked
Fildray, 965 fiacorita
Fil-fila-daraz, 96S-See:- Flake white l~:l.d, M/85-See:-
Darfilfil Lead (varieties)
Fil-filae-moya, 965 Flaschenkurbis,. 721
Fil-fila-siah, 969 Flat bean, 461~ee:-Beans
Filfildray, 965 (varieties)
Filfileahmar, 268 Flint-See:-Pure flint
Filfiluswud, 969 Flax plant, 743
Filzahrah. 187 Fleabane--See :-Ash-coloured
Findak, 38~ ; fleabane: Canada fleabane;
Finduk-i-hindi, 1103-S~:- Purple fleabane
Hindi (varieties) ."~. Flash-See:-Pigeon's flesh

Flowered cotton-See:- Fresh ox gall, A/161-See:-

Yellow-flowered cotton; Ox-gall; Gall (varieties)
Cotton (varieties) Fructus juniperi-See:-
Flowers of arsenic, MilS-See: Oleum fructus juniperi;
-Arsenic; Arsenic flowers Juniperi
Flowers of lead, M/86-See:- Fruhbohne, 940
Lead (varieties) Fudali Bhathi, 697
Flowers of zinc, M/132-See:- Fuhl-planze, 799
Zinc (varieties) Fula-criqua, 354
Flouride of potassium, M/93- Fuller's Earth, M/95-;See:-
See:-Potassium fluoride Earth (varieties)
Fodder-See:-Napiers Fod- Fulvar, 215
der Fusain, 520
Foetid cassia, 291-See:-
Cassia (varieties)
Folio Cocae, 510-See:-
Cocae folio Gab, 452; 1065
Footed aquatic animals, A/l40 Gaba, 452
-See:-Aquatic animals Gab-bherenda,705-See:-
Forget-me-not-See:-Indian Bherenda (varieties)
Forget-me-not Gabhana, M/46
Fossil encrinite, M/95 Gabhi, A/146
Four-o'clock flower, 803 Gach-karan, 1059
Foxglove, 448 Gachmarich, 268-See:-
Foxnut,530 Marich (varieties)
.Foxtail millet, 1131-See:- Gachmirichi,268-See:-
Millet· (varieties) Mirich or Mirichi (varieties)
Fragrant Screwpine, 894- Gadabani, 1228-See:-Bani
See:-Screwpine; Pine Gada-Cani, 1228-See: -Cani
varieties) ) Gadadhar, 142
Francoline, A/141 Gadagvel, 1263
Frankincense-See:-Indian Gada-blha. J171
Frankin~ense Gadambhikanda, 389-See:-
Frast, 1005 Kanda (v::>rieties)
French Bean:--See:-Bean Gadancha, 1220
(varieties) Gadan;-kanda, 389..--See:-
French chalk-See:-Chalk Kanda (varieties)
(varieties) Gadathigadaparaku, 138
French Haricot Bean, 942- Gadda: -See: -Adavi-tella-
See:-Beans; Haricot bean gadda; Penneroo-gadda;
( varieties) Spgagadda; Sheemagadda;
French lavender, 73O-See:- Tella-gadda; Tsallogadda;
Arabian lavender; Lave.nder IT,,.l''-IJ,,rlr1 a : Yerra - gadda;
(varieties) Akasgaddah: Panneru-gadda;
French Marigold, 1190-See: Akasha-gadda; Ch"mkuraka-
-Marigold gadd,,: G"iiar::l-IJedd,,: Kalap-
French Rose or Red Rose, 1073 pagarlda.; Kanda-gadda; Kun-
-See:-Rose (varieties) da-gadda

Gadda, A/162 Gajikekayi, 226-See: -Kai or

Gaddah-See:-Rakas-gaddah Kayi (varieties)
Gaddai-See: -Tunga-gaddai Gajjara-gedda, 441-(See:-
Gaddi-See: -Ullegaddi Gadda or Gedda (varieties}
Gadde-See: -Suvarna- Gajjara-kilangu, 441-See:-
gadde; Konnari-gadde; I Kilangu (varieties)
Koranari-gadde Gajjari, 441
Gadhaparna, 202 Gajphal, 964
Gadio, 899 Gaj-pipal, 964, 1117-See:-
Gadis-;See: -Kayo-gadis Gaja-pipal; Pipal (varieties)
Gado, 356; 1220 Gajpipali, 979-See: -Pipali
Gado Cunya, 1228 Gajrah, 1181
Gadro,899 Gajra kumbi, 362-See:-
Gaemon, 310 Kumbi
Gaenari, 584 Gala, A/148; A/232
Gaerahonara patta, 389 Galagara, 469
Gaerumara, 96 Galagarachettu, 469
Gaggar, 1060 Galakonda, 268
Gaggera-chettu, 865 Galamark, 705
Gagli, 458 Galanga cardamoms, 77-See:
Gahu, 1244-See: -Pivla-Gahu -Cardamoms (varieties)
Gai-See:-Elakgai; Kedagai; Galangal-See: -Grand or
Murungai Greater galangal; Java
Gai, A/146 galangal; Lesser gaiangal
Gaiaswat, 554 Galanggam, M/S6
Gaimaril, 609 GalaphuI, 254
Gainika, M/7 Galartori, 1234-See: -Tori
Gairika, M/7; M/95-See:- (varieties)
Suvarna-Gairika Galayi, 1221
Gajachini, 297 Galbanum, 541
Gaja dausntree, 926 Galena, M/14; M/87
Gajago, 226; 229 Galeni, 733
Gajangi, 894 Galgoja, 957
Gajanimma, 339; 346-See:- Galgota-See: -Asmani-
Nimma (varieties) galgota
Gajapipal, 97.9; 1117-See:- Gali, 681-See:-Phungali
Pipal (varieties) Gali-chekka, 1143
Gajapippalee mooIa, 964-See: Galijeru, 1~28-See: -Gunta-
-Mooia (varieties) galijaeru; Tellagalijeru
Gajapippali, 1117-'See:- Gall-See: _;;Fresh ox-gall; ox-
Pippali (varieties) gall;" Purifiea ox-gall
Gaja-pippallu, 1117-See:- Gallah, A/160
Pippallu; Enuga-pippalu Gall-bladder, A/216
Gajapushpam, 792 Galli-See:-Mullu-galli;
Gajar, 441-See: -La4ori Perungalli
gajar; Pitai-gajar ~ Gallnut, 1205-See: -Indian
Gajega, 226; 229 "_- gall-nut
Gajga, 226-See: "-Ktildgajga
Galls, 1062-See: -Oak-galls

Gall-stone, A/l44 Gandha-See: -Angustha-

Gallu, 1196 gandha; Asagandha; Ashva-
Gala, 1220 gandha; Asvagandha; Aswa-
Galori-See: -Patala-galori gandha; Ikshugandha; Mle-
Galot, 303; 304 cha-gandha; Rajani-gandha;
Galpar-ka-patta, 724 Rasgandha; Sarpa-gandha;
Gam, 1244-See: -Teregam Shrigandhadamara. Shrigan-
Gamanayakam, 542 dha; Ugragandha; Durgan-
Gamara-See: -Mutta- dha
gamara Gandha-bela, 104-See:-Bela
Gamathi phudina, 789-See:- ( varieties)
Phudina (varieties) Gandhabena, 104; 107; 111-
Gambhara, 584 See:-Bena (varieties)
Gambharee-See:- Gandha-bhadulia, 892-See: -
Taagambharee Bhadulia
Gambhari, 584 Gandhabiroz, 21l-See:-
Gambheram, 861 Biroz
Gambier, 1254 Gandhabiroza, 541; 958-See:
Gambir, 1254 Biroza
Gamboge-See: -Indian Gandaburoja, 541-See:-
gamboge Buroja
Gamboge tree-See: -Mysore Gandhagatra, 116
Gamboge tree t Gandhagiri-See: -Kempu-
Ganasura, 395 gandhagiri
Ganda, 116-See: -Ahiganda; Gandhak, M/n9
Garba-ganda; Pashu-ganda Gandhaka, M/l19-See:-
Gandabhuti, 523 Arnragandhaka
Gandagadravakarn, M/119 Gandhakam, M/119
Gandak, M/n9 Gandhali, 891
Gandakarn, M/119 Gandha-marjara, A/234
Gandala, 428 Gandhamenasu, 400-See:-
Gandarnasti, 418 Menasu; Bal-rnenasu;
Gandarngundu, 758-See:- Kempu-rnenasu; Volley-
Gundu (varieties) menasu
Gandarnu-See: -Erra- Gandharnu-See-Rakta gan-
gandamu dharnu
Gandapura, 626 Gandhamula, l-See:-Mula
Gal'ldapuro, 570 (varieties)
Gandaptishpa, 1104 Gandhana, 150; 892
Gandar, A/217 Gandhanakuli, 872; 1263
Ganda-shrah, 1098 Gandhani, 138
Gandbabul, 14-See:-Babul Gandha-pani-rajaka, 861
Safed babul; Vilayati-babul Gandha-prasarini, 892-See:-
Gand-bel, 110-See:-Bel Gandhapu-chekka, 1098
(varieties) Gandhapurana, 203
Gander, A/143 Gandharaj, 568; 569
Gandera, 1056 Gandharash, 170

Gandharva hasthah, 1(165 Gansur, 394; 395

Gandhatrana, 104 : Ganthoda-See: -Tagar-
Gandha-tulasi, 863-See: ---, ganthoda; Taggarganthoda
Tulasi (varieties) Gaoj, A/153-See:-Ghous
Gandheli, 698 Gaorohan, A/144
Gandhi, 476; 698-See:- I Gaoshira, 541
Aswagandhi; Patalagandhi; Gaourai, 532
Ratna-gandhi; Vishnugandhi Gaozaban, 114; 225; 759; 871;
Gandhitagarappu, 1189-See: 1233-See: -Guli-gaozabana
Tagarappu Garachetti, 166
Gandibuti, 804 Garajphal, 219
Gandira, 522 Garala, A/218
Gandna-See:-Tukm-i- Garani, 354
gandna Garate, 475
Gandrak, M/119 Garayo, 689
Ganesh Kanda, 1055-See:- Garba ganda, 1087-See:-
Kanda (varieties) Ganda (varieties)
Gangaravi, 630-See:-Ravi; Garbedero, 310
Munigangaravi; Kullaravi Garbhagatini, 579
Gangareni, 1218 Garbha gogha, 264
Gangarenu, 630-See:-Renu Garbhakara, 1036-See: -
Gangarevi, 1218 Kara (varieties)
Ganger, 756; 1317 Gar.bijur, 748
Gangird, M/119 Gardabha,' A/160,
Gangiva, 532 Gardal, 485
Gang-salik, A/136 _ Gardali, 1014
Ganguranichettu, 630 Garda-patali, 872
Gangwa, 532 Gardaphala, 360
Ganhar,89 Garden Beet, 197-See:-Com-
Ganiari, 1009 mon-beet; Beet
Gani-karika, 353; 1009 Garden-Hibiscus-See:-
Ganja, 256-See also Buza- Common garden-hibiscus;
ganja; Kanja; Jadaganja; Hibiscus
Ranaganja Garden Opium-See: -Patna
Ganjali-hullu, 106 Garden-opium;
Ganjankorai, 861 Opium (varieties)
Ganjayi, 256 Garden Pea, 977--See: -Pea
Ganji-See: -Hooli-ganji (varieties) ,"
Ganjika, 256 Garden Purslane, lOO5-See:
Ganjni, 110 -Purslane -
Ganna, 1083 Garden quinine, 352--See:-
Ganneru, 847-See Billagan-' Quinine
neru; Niruganneru; Pachcha- Garden radish, 1049-See:-
ganneru; Vadaganrteru Radish (varieties)
Ganni, 698-See:-Naasu- Garden Rue, 1081--See:-Rue
ganni; Pasarganni ~, (varieties)
Ganpul'h-See: - Waran- Garden-sage, 1094-See:-
ganpulih _"-r Sage (varieties)

Garden Thyme, 1219-See:- Gauriphal, 1{)77

Thyme; Wild thyme Gav-See: -Makragav
Gardha-bhanda, 629-See:- Gavad, A/147
Bhanda Gaval, 138
Gardhan, 1055 Gavalu, A/158
Gardundi, 861 Gavat, 103-See: -Lal-gavat;
Gargira, 1017 Poladi-gavat; Vilayati-gavat
Garham, 1220 Gavatichaha, 104-See: -Cha;
Garho-mirch, 270-See:- Chaha (varieties)
Mirch (varieties) Gavedhu, 368
Garijara, 440 Gawar, 420
Garikae, 425 Gayala, 303
Garike, 425, Gazangabin, 1194
Gari kulaj, 462-See: -Kulaj Gazar, 441
Gari-kulay, 581-See: Kulay Gazmazaj, 1194
Gariya, 689 Gazur-See:-Tine-gazur
Garjan, 455; 45~ee:­ Gebokanak, 447
Duhun-el-garjan; Teli- Gebranchlicher Jasmin, 702;
garjan; Tihya-garjan 703-See:-Jasmine d'arabic
Garjana-See: -Bandigarjana Gebrauchlicher, 480
Garjan-ka-tel, 455 Gedda--See:~adda
Garlic, 65 Geeranta, 730
Garmala, 285 Gehornter Saurklee, 890
Garmalu, 372 Gehu, 1244
Garter dill, 935-See: -Dill Gehun, 1244
Garuda-mukku, 771 Gejulia, 932
Garuga, 570 Gelaphal, 1047
Garuganni-See: -Kada Geld, M/32
garuganni Gemeiner Bambos, 172
Garunga, 469 Gemeiner Brechnussbaum,
Garur, 748 1175
Garvaphul, 100 Gemeiner coriander, 381-
Gashagasha, 902 See:-Coriander
Gasmiris, 268 Gemeiner Flachs-See:-
Gasugasalu, 901 Gemeiner Lein
Gatchkaya, 226 Gemeiner Herzsamen, 272
Gathi-See:-Sithagathi Gemeiner-Judendorn, 1318
Gathukam, 537 Gemeiner Lein ()r Flachs, 743
Gati-See: -Seemagati Gemeiner Mohre, 441
Gatt, A/234 Gemeiner Pisang, 822
Gatta-demata, 585 Gemeiner Tabac, 850
Gatta-tumba, 740-See:- Gemeiner wacholder, 710
Tumba; Peetumba Gemeiner Zedrrach, 784
Gattilierincise, 1278 Gemeine Wassernuss, 1227
Gau, A/146 Gemusespinat, 1164
Gaungchi, 5 Genasoo,72
Gaunri, 1227 Genasu, 684-See: -Heggenasu
Gauri, 414 Genda, 1190

Gendagum, M/119 Ghaipat, 717

Gendha, Aj147 Ghalegherinta, 394
Geneverier, 710 Ghal Ghase, 739-See:-
Gengri,431 Ghase
Germe, 607 Ghalijeroo, 1228--See:-
Germeru-See:-Adavi- Tellaghalijeroo
genneru Ghamur, 895
Gentian-See: -Himalayan or Ghaneri,725
Indian Gentian Ghangato, 392
Geranilum grass, 111 Ghansing, 1169
Geranium--See: - J ungle Ghansurang, 395
geranium Ghant, 1055
Geranium triste, A/203 Ghanti-chi-bhaji, 1162-See:-
Geredi,485 Bhaji (varieties)
Geria, 532 Ghanya marvel, 11l-See:-
Gerike, 425 Marvel ,
Gerius samak, A/13S-See:- Gharahuvoo, 385
Samak Gharar-khejur, 943-See:-
Ger-kayi, 1119-See:-Kai or Khejur
Kayi (varieties) Gharee, 724
Germander-See: - Water- Gharei-kash-malu, 724
germander Gharekun, 1001
Germandree aquatique, 1212 Gharicum,50-See:-
Germandree d'eau, 1212 Gharicum
German silver, M/49:--See:- Gharikum, lOOl-See:-
Silver (varieties) Gharikum
Germehal, 1171 Gharol, 12~O
Geru, M/7; M/95--See:- Gharote, 891
Phula-geru; Sitageru; Sona- Gharphul, 385
geru; Turuka-geru Ghas-See: -Chinaghas;
Geruda-petsaprai, M/97 -See: Chinaighas; Chinaigas;
-Petsaprai Nirbishaghas; Patwa-ghas
Gerumati, MilO; M!95-See:- Ghase, (Ghal), 739
Mati (varieties) Ghati, 1152
Getiya-See: -Maha-getiya Ghati gum, 117
Get-kola,609-See:-Kola Ghatipithpapra, 714-See:-
(varieties) Pitpapara (varieties)
Gewa, 532 Ghatpahn, 28U-See: -Palm
Gewurznelkev,835 (varieties)
Geyapal, 396 Ghatzari, 107~
Ghabilo, 922 Ghaula, -86 _
Ghaemari, 717 Ghausar, 250-See:-Sar
Ghagerbel, 753 (varieties)
Ghaghara, 130 Ghayal; 54; 55
Ghagri, 392; 394 Ghebunelli, 1010-See:-Nelli
Ghagti, 392 .; ; (varieties) .
Ghaial-See: -Chotaftaial; Ghee, Aj182
Latia ghaial .' Ghee, old, A/187

Ghekul, 1253 Ghosalay, 751

Ghelagherinta, 392 Ghosali, 752-See: -Kadu-
Gherittekarnina, 1270 ghosali
Ghermumitti, M/10-See:- Ghosha-Iata, 751
Mitti (varieties) Ghostalata, 753
Gherumitti, M/94-See:- Ghosuel, 850
Mitti (varieties) Ghota-See: -Sagur-ghota
Gherwel, 1282 Ghoti-sava, 898-See:-Sava
Ghetu, 353 Ghoul-See: -Mashtui-ghoul
Ghetuli, 203 Ghous or Gaoj, A/153
Ghevda, 461-See:-Chavdari Ghrita, A/141; A/182
ghevda; Ran-ghevada; Ghrita-kumari, 73; 76-See:-
Shravan-ghevda Kumari (varieties)
Ghiatarui, 752 Ghrit-kumari, 73 See:-
GrJaturai, 752 Kumari (varieties)
Ghikanvar, 73-See:- Ghrittham, A/182
Kanvar (varieties) Ghumachi,5
Ghikanwar, 76 Gliuntarava, 394
Ghila, 561 Ghurumba, 335
Ghilodi, A/170 Giahi-kaisara, 1239
Ghimashak, 804 Giatya bruz, 764
Ghin-See: - Vata-ghin Gidad-drak, 1285-See:-
Ghira-See: -Tukhmiza- Drakh; J angli-drakh
ghira Gidar-tamaku, 126s..--..:See:-
Ghisodi-See: -Kadughisodi Tamaku (varieties)
Ghit-kochu, 1253-See:- Gidro, 402
Kochu Gigantic Swallowwort, 237-
Ghivala, 234 See: -Swallo¥lWort
Ghiwain, .472 ( varieties)
Ghogar, 570 Gijjira-hannu, 943
Ghogari, 587 . Gikrukalan, 926
Ghol, 1006-See:-Motighol; Gil, M/94; M/95
Ranghol Gila-gach, 486
Gholbhaji, 1006 Gilarnika, 354
Gholi, 300-See: -Bhui- Gilas, 1014
gholi Gila-tiga, 486-See:-Tiga
Gholi-ki-bhaji, 1007-See:- (varieties)
Bhaji (varieties) Gile-armani, M/94
Gholsari, 801 Gil-e-far, M/94
Ghongukuru, 628 Gile-surkh, M/95-See:-
Ghoodu-.._See: -Moolughoodu Surkh (varieties)
Ghora, 108 Gil-i-abrorshi, M/94
Ghoralidi, 1285 Giliad Balm-See: -Balm of
Ghora-nim, 784-See: -Ni'm Giliad
(varieties) Gil-jalil, 444
Ghore-sun, 392-See: -Sun Gill, MilO
Ghorpadvel, 1283-See:- GilIa, 485-See:-Gunda-
Padvel gilla

Gilo, 1220-See: -Satgilo Goalilata, 1283

Giloe, 1220 Goametta, 1307
Gilo Gulanch, 356 Goanese Ipecacuanha, 842-
Gilo-Gularich, 122() See:-Ipecacuanha
Gil safed, M/41' (varieties)
Gilsufeid, M/6 Goa Potato, 449-See:-Potato
Gimasag, 804 (varieties)
Gimasaka, 666 Goa Powder, 100
Gineri, 1010 Goat, A/147; Aj212
Gingelly Seed, 1126 Goat's foot creeper, 689
Ginger, 1309-See:-Mango- Goat's milk, A/175--See:-
ginger; Wild-ginger Milk (varieties)
Ginger grass, 104 Gobar champa, 993-See:-
Ginja, 103 Champa (varieties)
Gino, 733 Gobari, 22
Ginsi-Kyaw, 1309 Gobbi-See:-Neerugobbi
Gin-sin, 1309 Gobhi, 474
Girambi, 486 Gobria sulah, 3
Girbuti, 160 Gobura,114
GirduI, 485 Goda, 1277; 1280
Girimallika, 634--See:- Godang, 822
Mallika (varieties) Godanti, M/46
Girimati, M/7-See:-Mati Godavaj,35
(varieties) Goddupavili, 1007 .
Girishamu, 15 Gade Indrajava, 1296-See:-
GinnaIah, 285 Indrajav (varieties)
Girmi,507 Godhadi, 626
Girofia, 835 Godhapadi, 1283
Giroli, 356 Godhuma, 1244-See:-Mah-
Gitanaram, 612 godhuma
Glass-See:-Muscovy Godi, 1244-See:-Jave-godi
glass Godnimbu, 346-See:-Nimbu
Glattfruchtiger Spinat, 1164 (varieties)
Glimmer, M/123 Godugu-See:-Kukkagodugu
Globe Artichoke, 425-See:- Godumay, 1244
Artichoke Godumulu, 1244
Globe thlstle-See:-East- Goeliruku, 543
Indian Globe-thistle; Gogajal, 957 ",
Thistle; Indian Globe-thistle; Gogar,108
Thistle (varieties) .. Gogird, M/119 ~
Globose-yam, 450-See:-Yam Goglemool, "577-
(varieties) . Goglimool, 577-See:-Mool
Glucose, A/183 (varietie~)
Go, A/146 Gognier, 709
Goa bean, 461-See:-Bean Gagu, 13; 628-See:-Seema-
(varieties) .. gogu; Varagogu
Goachi-phaI, 1017 ."-r' ' Goguchettu, 933
Goagarilakri, 1173 .. Goinjol, 1304
INDEX . 785

GojaJ-See:-Mullugojal Golkaddu, 185-See:-Kaddu
Gojialata, 474 (varieties)
Gojibha, 474 Golkakra, 808; 820
Gojihiva, 474 Golkankra, 807-See:-Kankra
Gokarna, 354 Gol-rrtirich, 9u9
Gokhru, 667-See:-Bara- Golmorich, 009-See:-Mirich
gokhru; Chota-gokhru; (varieties)
Kadva-gokhru; Mothan Golunga-See:-Naga-
gokhru; Mothe--gokhru; golunga
Ubha-gokhru Goma Madhupati, 739
Gokhula-janum, 667-See:- Gombheyamagaru chettu, 892
Gokuhla-janum Gomru-See:-Peddagomru
Gokhula-kanta, 667-See:- Goth-karwi-vali, 1307
Kanta (varieties) Gomuthra silajit, M/24-See:
Gokhuri, 1229 -Silajit (varieties)
Gokhuri-kalan, 1229 Gonajali, 203-See:-Jali (va-
Gokshura, 667; 926; 1229 rieties)
Gokuhla-janum, 133-See:- Gond-See:-Chinai gond;
Gokhula-janum Chirgond; Chokargond;
Gokurna-mula,354-See:- Chuniagond; Rateragond;
Mula (varieties) Velgond
Gol,254 Gondabadustan, A/147
Gola, 986 Gondad,l11
Golagandi, 1226 Gond dhow, 117
Golalu, 1154 Gondi, 380; 1162-See:-
Golap-phul, 1072 Telladuradagondi
Golappu, 1072 Gondral, 698
Gola-tulasi, 863-See:- Gondvel, 308
Tulasi (varieties) Gondwal, 111
Gold, M/32-See:-Mosaic Gonglemol, 577
gold Gongura-See:-Konda-
Golden Champa, 794-See:- gongura
Chafi?pa; Gobar-champa Goni-mara, 1092
Golden collyrium, 369-See:- Gonji, 581
Collyrium Gonkaya-See:-Erra gonkaya
Golden-Rod, 1158 Gonshi, A/142
Golden silk cotton, 362-See:- Gonsurang, 394; 395
Silk-cotton (varieties) Gonyuch, 736
Golden thread root, 376 Gookee, 609
Gold silajit, M/23-See:- Gookorh, A/153
Silajit (varieties) Goomodee, 1031
Gold thread, 376; 1213 Goond,378
'Goondnee, 378
Goli-See:-Bhui-goli; Gooroo Nuts, 1169
Dhavidekgoli Gooseberry, 1064--See:-
Golicha vel-See:-Khaj Country gooseberry; Cape-
golicha-vel Gooseberry; Chinese Goose-
Golinda, 1283 berry; Indian Gooseberry

Goose-beny Otaheite, 946- Goruchettu, 519

See:-Gooseberry (varie~ies) Goruma, 519
Goosefoot, 305 Gorurchampa, 993-See:-
Goot-Baigun, 756--See:- I Champa (varieties)
Baigun . Gorwa-See:-Minjurgorwa
Gope, M/95 Gosai, 1286
Gopichandan, M/10; M/95- Gosamp, A/233
See:-Chandan (varieties) Goshtam, 1108
Gopimulam, 619 Gostan, 1108
Gora-bach, 35-See:-Bach Gota-See:-Sagar-gota;
(varieties) Tambad-gota
Gorabel,1031-See:-Bel Gotagamba, 565
(varieties) Gote, 395
Goradu, 449; 450; 451-See:- Gotaghanba, 565
Konfa-goradu Goting, 1203
Gorai-See :-Duda-gorai Gotti, 1319
Gorai fish, A/215-See:- Gourd-See:-Gourd small; .
Fishes (varieties) Bitter bottle-gourd; Bottle-
Goraji, 90 gourd; Long white-gourd;
Gorakchaulia, 1138-See:- White gourd; Indian bottle
Chaulia gourd; Red gourd; Snake-
Gorakh amli, 38-See:-Amli gourd; Spanish-g 0 u r d ;
(varieties) Towel-gourd; Wax-gourd;
Gorakh-chinch, 38--See: - Indian wild gourd; Wild
Chinch snake gourd; Wild gourd
Gorakh pamo, 617 Gourde, 721
Gorakmundi, 1162-See:- Gourd Melon-See:-White
Mundi (varieties) gourd melon
Gora-nebu, 346--See:- Gourd small, 402-See:-
Nebu (varieties} .:Gourd etc. (varieties)
Gorani, 420 Gourge, 407
Goranta-See:-Mullu- Gouri-balli, 674
goranta Gouribija, 688
Goranti-vittulu-See:- Gouritvac, 166
Shimagoranti vittulu; Govekari, 822
Vittulu (varieties) Goverdhan, 526
Gorchikkudu, 421 Govila, 1283
Goriundi, 860 Govindaphal,~67
Gorivi, 699 Govindphal, 265
Gorochan, A/l44 Govu,1244
Gorochana, M/97; A/145; Govuldu,- 273
A/161 Gow?li,593
Gorochanam, A/161 Gowar, 420-See:-Deshi-
Gorochanamu, A/145 gowar; Makania-gowar;
Gorojanai, A/16I "Pardeshi" gowar; Sotia
Gorojanam, A/161 gowar; "Wakac;lia" go war.
Gorti, 175 Gowgird, M/119
Gom, A/146 _f_ Gowpurgee, 199

Goyazin, A/161 Green Copperas, M/63-See:-

Goyijiyashivalarn, 254 Copperas (varieties)
Goyya-pandu, 1017 Green dove, A/15~ee:­
Goyya-pazharn, See:-(Sega- Dove
pu), 1017 Green Gram, 939-See:-
Gram-See:":_Bengal grarn; Gram (varieties)
Black gram; Cowgrarn; Green Peas-See:-Pea; Peas
Green-gram; Comrrion-gram (varieties)
Gramya,863 Green Vitriol, M/63-See:-
Gramya animals, A/140 Vitriol (varieties)
Granatbaum, 1031 Grenandier cultive, 1031
Grand or greater galangal, 77 G;rey Partridge, A/162-See:
-See:-Galangal -Partridge (varieties)
Grandika-See:-Shad- Gridhrani, 138
grandika Grishma-sundaraka, 805
Granite, M/93 Grishmasundara Parpataka,
Granite-felspar-See:- 804-See:-Parpataka
Felspar of granite Groats-See:-
Granthagolomi-See:- Grechevnaya
Shadgranthagolomi Groseille, 1064
Granthi, 425-See:-Ugra- Gross blumige Narda, 839
granthi; Sthulagranthi Groundnut, 121
Granthikam, 965 Group of winged insects, A/166
Grapes, 1285 -See:-Insects
Grass-Grasses of many varie- Grozet, 1064.
ties have been treated in this Grudi, 1065
book Gua, 130
Grass of Nemaur, 107-See:- Guabak, 130
N emaur grass Guaku, 1048
Gratiola, thyme-leaved, 624- Guar, 420
See:-Thyme-leaved gratiola Guara, 472
Greater cardamom, 93-See:- Guarapata, 54
Cardamom (varieties) Guarea grandiflora, A/203
Greater galangal-See:- Guava, 1017
Grand or greater galangal '\ Guavilakri, 699
Great-leaved Caledium, 72- Gubadarra, 615
See:-Caledium Gu-baval, 14-See:-Baval
"Great Mullein", 1266-See:- (varieties)
Mullein Gubui, 733
Great one-homed Rhinoceros, Guchcha,110
A217 Gudametige, 1282
A/217-See:-Rhinoceros Gudan, 379
Great Pumpkin, 407-See:- Gudapandu, 1238
PumiPkin (varieties) .
Grechevnaya (groats) 534- Gudatvak, 328
-See:-Groats Gudbel, 356
Green Basil, 864-See:-Basil Guddada-ippae, 273-See:-
( varieties) Ippe-mara

Guddae-See:-Kosuguddae; Gulab-ke-phul, 1072

Gadda Gadde (varieties~ Gulabnu-phul, 1072
Gudhal,631 Gulabshavante, 1072
Gudhatee, 138 I Gulancha, 356; 1220-See:-
Gudhl-See:-Vari-gudhi ' Padma-gulancha
Gudide Gaddithaigadaparal 138 Gulanjbala, 993-See: -Bala
Gudu-See:-Wara-gudu (varieties)
Guduchi, 356; 1220-See:- Gulap, 1073
Guloochee Gular, 548-See:-Katgular;
Gudumal, 599 Kathgular; Umbar-gular
Gugal, 167; 172; 211-See:- Gular Fig, 548-See: - Fig
Dhup gugal (varieties)
Gugala, 172 Gula-veli, 1220
Gugali-See:-Dhup-gugali Gulbas, 199
Gugara, 167 Gulbel, 356
Gugargadi, 130 Gulchandni, 685
Guggul, 167; 211-See:- . Gulcheri, 997
Samudraguggul Gulchin, 993
Guggula, 167; 211 Gulchini, 310; 1071
Gugguladhup, 57-See:- Guldandi, 310
Dhup (varieties) Guldora, 739
Guhasaya animals, A/139 Gul duparia, 932
Gui-babhul, 14-See:- Gule Armani, M/lO
Babhula Gule supada, 704
Guilandina bonduc, 226-See: Gulgul, 346
-Bonduc Guli, 520-See: -Bhuiguli;
Guinea Grass, 774; 898;' 900 Nela-guli; Peat-guli
Guir, 1089 Gul-i-abbasa, 803
Gujakarni, 1059 Guli-a£tab, 614
Gujar, 157 Guli-Banafshah, 1274-See:-
Gujari, 703 Banafshah; Bikh-e-hanaf-
Guji, 822-See:-Benali shah
guji Guligaozabana, 871-See:-
Gu-kikar, 14-See:-Kikar Gaozaban
(varieties) Gul-i-ghafis, 573
Gukkal,167 Guligida-See :-Kiriguligida
Gukkulu, 167 Gul-i-khere, (flowers) 84
Gukul,172 Gulili, 869 "';
GuI, 313; 1072-See:-Pentgul; Gulimidi -See:-Nelagulimidi
Visagul . Guli-Pistah, 97--5-See:-
Gulab, 1071; 'l072-See:- Pistah '
Swetgulab Gulisetenda-See: _:_
Gulabbas, 803 Nellagulisetenda
Gulabi, 393; 1286 Gulisurkh, 1072-See:-
Gulabihuvu, 1072 Surkh (varieties)
Gulab jam, 518--See:--;-Jam • Gul-ja£ari, 1190
(varieties) , , Gulkakru, 994
Gulabjamun, 518 ."- Gulkhairo, 84

Gul-kheir, 763 Gummudu-Se~: -NeIa-

Gulli, A/156 gummudu
Gul-mendi, 676-See: -Mendi; Gumpina, 865
JangIi-mendi Gumthi, 1307
Gulmirch, 969-See: -Mirch Gum Tragacanth, 158--See:-
(varieties) Tragacanth
Gulmirien, 969 Gum tree--See: -Blue gum
Gulmundi, 1162-See:- tree
Mundi (varieties) Gumuadu teku, 584
Gulnar, 1Q32 Gumudu-See: --Challa-
GuIoe, 1220 gumudu; Shu-igumudu
Guloochee or Guduchi, 356 Gunakandi, 691-8ee:-
Gulsabo, 997 Kandi (varieties)
Gulsakari, 1138 Gunamanijhad, 1255
Gul-seati, 1071 Gunapendalam, 450
Gulshabba, 997 Gunara, 895
Gulu, 1170 Gunchl, 5
Guluchi, 1220 Gunda-gilla, lS2-See: -Gilla
Gulugkura, 297 Gundali, 892
Guluglluppaichedi, 394 Gundandi, 311
Gulvel, 356 Gundatiga-gaddi, 1117
Gulwail, 1220 Gunda-tunga-gaddi, 1117
Guma, 735 Gundhabhaduli, 892
Gumadi,584 Gundhak, M/119
Gumar, 584 Gundhun, 62
Gum-arabic tree--See:-Indian Gundra, 1082; 1087
gum-arabic tree Gundu__:__See:-Mullugundu;
Gamari, 584 Gandamgundu
Gumar-tek, 584 Gundubee-See: -Kuchoo
Gumabala-See: -Bujagum- gundubee
bala; Halagumbala; Gundubi--'-See: -Kuscha-
Sandigumbala gundubi
Gumbalo, 407 Gundu-gungure) 281
Gumbar,584 Gundumani, 5-See: -Ane-
Gum Benzoin, 1182-See:- gundumani
Benzoin tree Gundu-mida, 296
Gumbhar, 584 Gungen, 792
Gumchl,5 Gunglu junglic, 577
Gum cobal, 1225-See: -Cobal Gunj, 445-See:-Thorligunj
Gum-gugul, 167-See: -Gugul Gunja, 5
Gumhar, 584 Gunjamkorai, 81)3
Gummadi-See: -Boodigum- Gunobar, 957
madi; Pottai-gummadi; Dari- Gunserai, 330
gummadi . Gunta Bharinga, 1009
Gummadi kayi, 407-See:- Gunta-galijaeru, 469-See:'-
Kai or Kayi (varieties) Galijeru (varieties)
Gummidi-See: -Budithi- Guntagalijeran, 471
gummidi; PulIa-gummidi Gunta-kalagara, 469
Gurach, 1220 Guvaine, 835
Gurapu-badam, 1170-See:- Guvaka, 130
Badam (varieties) I Guvar kai, 420-See: -Kai or
Guras, 1060 Kayi (varieties)
Gur-Began, 756-See:- Guvvulu, 1126
Began Guyababula, 14
Gurbiani, 1213 Gwal, 1235
Gurdlu, 1014 Gwaldakh, 1065
Gurellu, 595 Gypsum, M/46
Gurenda, 298 Gypsum selenite, M/46-See:
Gurguli, 101 -Selenite gypsum
Gurgunna, 504
Guri, 148
Guricha, 1220 Haalu, A/I71
Gurjan-See: -Bandeegurjan Haarblume Gurkenartiga, 1235
Gurjun, 456 Habak, 864
Gurjun-oil-tree, 456 Habbula 'Kakange, 1291
Gurkamai, 1152-See: -Kanta- Habbul-balasan, 171
gur-karnai Habbussala, 166
Gurkenahnlicher Balsarnap£el, Hab-el-arus, 400
805 Habel-balsana, 171
Gurkenartiga Haarbhmne, Hab-el-ghar, 729
1235 Habhhul-aaraar, 710
Gurlu, 368 Habula-ghara, 729
Gurrnal, 372 Habul Bakar, 726-See:-
Gurrnar, 596; 599 Bakar
Gurrnur, 368 Hab-ul-ban, 784-See: Ban
Gurtichettu, 430 Habul-kalkal, 271
Guruchandan, A/161-See:- Hab-ul-khalba, 1119
Chandan (varieties) Hab-ul-salatina, 396
Guruchi, 937 Hab-ul-ushara, 710
Guruginia, 5 Hab-un-nil, 68B-See: -Nil
yurugu,90 (varieties)
Gurugunji, 5 Habusasonadava, 282
Gurutike-See: -Heggurutike Habush, 969
Gurvina-See:-Bandi Hadaga,52
gutvina Hadaka, 1150"
Gusva-gutti, 1233 Hadid-See:-Khabsul-Hadid
Gutchha, 226 Hadida, M/54 ~
Gutea,116 Hadsankal, 1284 -
Guti, 1144; 1145-See:-,- Haemarago, 713
Mariguti Haematite-See: -Ferram
Gutika salt, M/I0l-See:- haematite
Salt (varieties) Hafshi, 1286
Guttah-rukam-puteh, If65 Hagala-kayi, 805-See: -Kai
Guttibira, 752 . or Kayi (varieties)
Gutvel, 1145 - Hage-See: -Cow-hage

Haimavathi, 133; 1205 Hale, 80

Hair Powder, M/S5 Halela, 1205-See: -Zard-
Haja Akkula, 611 halela
Hajaratalbaqr, A/144 Halgyan hullu, 449
Hajar-ul-musa, M/23 Halib, A/I71
Hajeru,800 Halibachchele, 1007-See:-
Hajrarmani, M/94 Bachchele; Bacchale
Hajr-ul-bahr, A/161 Haligilu, 1226
Hakik,255 Halilahezarda, 1205
Hakkarike,474; 719 Halilaja, 1205
Hakki kalin hullu, 476 Halim, 736-See: -Piriya
Hakni, 708 halim
Hakuchi, 1019 Halipriya, 118-See: -Priya
Hakukare-See: -Kada- (varieties)
hakukare Halja, 415
Hakuna,395 Hallaka, 859
Hal, 877-See:-Batthal; Hal-mekki, 405-See:-
Dudh-batthal Mekki (varieties)
Halad, 414-See: -Amba Haltheeth, 537
halad; Ban-halad; Darhalad; Halud,414
Dar-hald: Darhaldi; Daru Halvi-vari, 899-See:-Vari
halad; Jharki-halad; Kali- ( varieties)
halad'; lVIalabari hal ad Ran- Halyan,153
halad; Vedihalad Halyun, 153
Halada,414 Hamama-:-See:-Samagh
Halade---See: -Jhade-halade Hamama
Haladi-pavate, 809 Hambadavu, 432,
Haladiya Bachnaga, 376-See: Hamekkae, 335
-Bachnag Hamsagar, 716
Haladwail, 634 Hana,1205
Halagumbala, 722-See:- Hanamphala, 115
Gumbala (varieties) Hand, 313
Halakoratige, 430-See:- Handi Daroya, 103-See:-
Koratige Daroya
Halarru-makkal, 153 Handi-gedde, 1190
Halasu,146 Handtheilige haarblume, 1237
HaIdee, 843 Hanemara, 1025
Halder, 414 Hanfartige ketmie, 628
Haldi, 414; 415-See:- Hankaru, 267
Amahaldi; Ambe haldi; Hans, A/143
Jangli-haldi; Jhar-haldi; Hansa, A/143
Kala-haldi Hanspadi, 43
Haldi-algu-silata, 419 Hansraj, 43; 44
Haldi-gach, 384 Hanudun,50
Haldikarabi, 849-See:- BanzaI, 335
Karabi- Hanzal-e-ahmara, 1238
Hal-dumlua, 1265-See:- ,Hanzal-i-surkha, 1238--See:-
Dumlua Surkha (varieties)
French Haricot bean
Hanzul,335 Haricot mungo, 939
Haparmali, 468 Haricot nain, 940
Hapusha, 710; 969; 1218 Har~cot Radie, 940
Har, 857; 1205-See:-Pile- Haridra, 414; 415-See:-
har; Bal-har; Zangihar Daruharidra; Karpura-
Hara-See: -Pile-hara haridra; Vana-haridra
Haradul, 415 Harik,924
Hara-Kasis, M/64-Se e : - Harikasa,19-See: -Kasa j
Kasis; Hira-kasis Rajanikasa; Kasakasa
Haralal-See : _Lal-haralal
Haralu, 1065-See: -Kada- Hari-mantha, 1009
Harin-See: -Farisa.il harin
haralu; Bettada-haralu Harinashuk-chini, 1144:-See:
Hararnada, 733-See:-~da -Chini (varieties)
(varieties) Harinhara, 94
Hara-mekki-Kayi, 335-See:-
Mekke-kayi; Mekki Harira, 1211
Harita, A/158-See: -Jhinj
Haranasing, A/152-S ee : -
Sing (varieties) harita
Haritaki, 1205; 1211
Haran Tutiya, 369-See:- Haritala, M/20-S ee : -Pinda
Tutia (varieties) haritala; Vansapatri haritala
Haraphalvadi, 163 Harita-manjiri, 17
Harara, 1205 Harivera, 925
Haratala, M/21; M/46 Harjora, ~284
Haratutia, M/64-See:- Harjori, 334
Tutiya-saba; Tutia Harkai, 1050
(varieties) Harki, 310
Haravarana, 387 Harkuch, 485
Harawana, 508 Harle, 1205-See: -Pilo-harle
Harbara, 311 Harma-See:-Meena-harma
Harbarchana, 311-See:- Harmal,927
Chana (varieties)
Harbhanga, 1284-See:- Harmala, 927
Harmazi, M/94
Bhanga Harmel, 1284
Harcuch-kanta, 19-5ee:-
Kanta (varieties) Haro, 532
Harda, 1205-See:-Kabuli- Harpurrewdi, 946
Harrani, 431
harda Harrar, 1205 ,~
Harde-See: _Pilo-harde
Harsankar, 1284
Hardi" 1205 Harsankari, 1284~
Hardu, 44 Harsinghar, 857-See::--
Harduli, 868 Singhar
Haree-chaha, 104-See:-
Chaha (varieties) Hartho, 1119
Hart's horn, A/152-See:-
Harfarauri, 946; 947 Horn (varieties)
Harial, A/158 Haruhi: -See: - V alliharuhi
Hariali, 425 #'.
Haricot a trois lobes, 9.42,- Harwal, 1284
Haryali, 425
Haricot bean-See: ~Beans;

Hasan dhup, M/94-See:- Hau-See:-Hijrata Hau

Dhup (varieties) Hauf-See:-Water-hauf
IIasha, 1219 Hava, 335
Hashab,15 Havala, A/156
Hashi-Shunti, 1309-See:- Haveeja, 381
Shunti Hawar, 457
Hasjora, 1284 Hayapuchika, 580
Hastantra, A/160 Hazardana, 524; 529-See:-
Hasti, A/160 Dana (varieties)
Hastidanta, A/160-: See:- Hazarmani, 949
Danta .Hazbo, 861
Hastikarni, 372 Hazel nuts, 383
Hastini-See:-Srihastini Hazr-ul-bahar, M/97
Hastipada, 474-See:-Pada Hearl-leaved moonseed 356--
(varieties) See:-Moonseed '
Hastipijoo, 614-See:Pijoo Heart-pea, M/I03-See:-Pea
Hastisunda, 617-See:-Sunda (varieties)
( varieties) , (See:-Nayaphatakipana)
Hastushat-el-kalb, 771 Heart's Pea, 271-See:-Pea
Hatana, 1211 (varieties)
Hatavari, 154--See:-Vari Heartwood, 629
(varieties) Heathen wound-herb, 1158-
Hatbadam, 1205-See:- See:-Wound-herb
Badam (varieties) Hebbulure, 1211
Hathela-Ghugu, A/158 Hedge-See:-Common milk-
Hathhi, A/160 ,hedge
Hathia, 52 Hedyotis auriculaire, 609
Hathichak, 614 Heera, M/l
Hathidant, A/160-See:- Heeraka, Mil
Dant Heera Kasus, M/64-See:-
Hathi-khatiyan, 38-See:- Kasus
Khatiyan Heere-kai, 751-See Kai or
Ha:thisundhana, 617-See:- Kayi (varieties)
Sundhana Heggenasu, 450-See:-
Hati, A/160 Genasu
Hati-ankusa, 972 Heggurutike, 1098-See:-
Hatichuk, 425-See:-Chuk Gurutike
Hatisura, 617 Hejuchei, 735
Hatkan, 733 He-ki-en, 1138
Hatmudia, 1233 Heliotrope, 617
Hatmul, 1184 Heliotrope-des-Indes, 617
Hatmuli, 154-See:-Muli Hellebore-See:-Black
(varieties) hellebore
Hatta-juri, 617 Hellela, 1205
Hatti-588 Heltege, 118
Hatti paila, 519 Hemapushpik,a, 702
Hatt-ttumatti, 405-See:- Hemapuspi, 411
Tumatti (varieties) Hemasagara, 716
Hematite, M/95 Hikal, 289
Hemda, 890 Hiked, 1129
Hemidesmus wurzel, 619 Hikua, 153
Hemmara, 57 Hila-anwal, 1280-See:-
Hemp-See:-Ambari hemp; Anwal
Benwal hemp; Bombay Hilampchika, 485-See:-
hemp; Brown Indian hemp; Mochika .
Indian hemp; Deccan hemp; Hill champa, 796-,See:-
Mountain hemp; Rozelle~ Champa (varieties)
hemp; Sann-hemp; Sunn Hill colocynth, 405-See:-
hemp colocynth
Hemp Agrimony, 522-See:- Hill~palm, 28O-See:-Palm
Agrimony heID!P or Hemp (varieties)
agrimony Hilsa, A/215; A/216
Hen (domestic), A/162 Hilsa fish, A/214-See:-Fish
Hena, 730 ( varieties) ,
Henbane, 670 Himadruma, 784
Henda, 1300 Himaja, 1205
Henna, no Himalayan cedar, 295-See:-
'Henne, 730
Rental, 946
Heran, 1065
Herbe-due-chagrin, 947
Herbe puante, 351
Herbepudique ou Vive
Cedar (varieties)
Himalayan Gentian-See:-
Gentian; Indian gentian
Himalayan Onion, 64-See:-
Himalayan or Indian Gentian,

Mimuese, 799 573-See:-Gentian

Hermodactyls-See:-Kashmir (varieties) .
Hermodactyls Himalayan rhubru;b, 1056-See:
Heron, A/l44 -Rhubarb (varieties)
Herring-See:-Indian Himalayan Silver Fir, 3-See:
Herring -Silver Fir; Fir; Fir tree
Hesaru, 939 Himalayan Yew, 1196-See:-
Hettuti-gida, 1135-See:- Yew
Kisangi-hettutti-gida Himalcheri, 478
Heuber, 360 Himamaluka, 466
Hexenmehl, 758 Himsagar, 371
Heyne's Flugelsamen, 934 Himsimiri, 400-§ee:-Miri
Hibiscus-See :-Edible (varieties) ,
Hibiscus; Common garden Himvaluka, 250-See:-
hibiscus Valuka ...
Hibiscus albelmoschus, A/203 Himyau, A/167
Hijal, 176 Hina, 730
Hij-daona, 524 Hin-bin-tal, 411-See:-Tal
Hij jai, 176 (varieties)
Hijjala, 17G Hindano, 338
Hijlibadam, 96-See:-Badam Hindi-S'ee:-Buch-nak-hindi;
(varieties) .o..,r • Finduk-i-Hindi; Arta-niyal-
Hijrata Hau, M/95-See:-Hau
hindi; Aushbahe-hindi:
INDEX 79'5

Kabare-hndi; Naanai-hindi; Verali

Sazaj-i-Hindi; Sana-e-Hindi; Hirabol, 170-See:-Bol
Shaqaqule-hindi; Ushba- ( varieties)
hindi; Zarovande-hindi Hirada, 1205
Katira-i-Hindi; Kharabeka- Hirade, 1206-See:-Bala-
hindi; Kharbaqehindi; hirade
Khune-siyiavushane-hindi; . Hiradukhi, 233; 464
Magha-thi-Hindi; Mazerum- Hirakam, Mil
e-Hindi; Piyaz-i-dasht-i- Hira-kas, M/64
Hindi; Vandehindi; Basalula- Hirakasa, M/64-See:-Kasa
phare-Hindi (varieties)
Hindiba, 313 . Hira-Kasis, Mj64-See:-
Hindi salsa, 619-See:-Salsa Kasis; Hara-Kasis
Hindisana, 284; 286-See:- Hirakosis, M/64
Sana (varieties) Hiramicha, 485
Hindol,176 Hirankhori, 378
Hinduba, 313 Hiranpadi, 375
Hindyba, 313 Hiranpag, 375
Hing, 537; 541-See:-Maltani Hiranwel, 892
hing; Moliani rung Hiranya-tuttha, 369-See:-
Hingalo, M/72 Tuttha (varieties)
Hingan, 166 Hirda, 1205
Hingcha, 48~See:-Cha Hiremara, 56
(varieties) Hiressa, 1284
Hingende-kola, 1007-See:- Hirimaddina-gadday, 1292
Kola (varieties) Hiringi powdee, M/95
Hinger, 166 Hirre-gadday, 1292
Ringol, 166 . Hirruseeah, 523
Hingool, M/123 Hirlhawariya, 151
Hingot, 166 Hirtiz, 528
Hingotu-kola, 662-See:-Kola Hiruchi-See:-Vanhiruchi
(varieties) Hirvi,822
Hingra, 537 Hmyaseik, 128
Hingu, 537-See:-Nadi-rungu HodlOi Ranbhendo, 629-See:-
Hingul bhasma-See:-Red Ranbhendo; Bhendo
sulphide ash Hodu-taikilo, 289-See:-
Hingunadika, 569-See:- Taikilo
Nadika Hog-See:-Oil of Sen hog;
Hinhurh, 418-See:-Hurh Sen hog
Hinie, 731 . Hogesoppu, 850
Hinna-i-Korisha, 992-See:- Hogla, 1253
Korisha Hog's lard tree, 1132-See:-
Hintah, 1244 Lard; Lard-tree
Hintala, 946 Hog.plum-See:-Indian hog-
Hipli,965 plum; Plum (varieties)
Hippali, 965-See:-Nela- Hog-weed-See:-Spreading
hippali hog-weed; Weeds (varieties)
Hippal verali, 816-See:- Hole-dasaI, 723

Holematti, 1199-See:-Matti H'pa-noung, A/151

( varieties) I Hrasvanga, 408--See:-Vanga
Holy Basil, 865-See:-BasiJ Hrinnala, M/55
(varieties) H'sang, M/86
Holy leaved Acanthus, 19-5~e: Hsathanpaya, 568--See:-Paya
-Acanthus Hsaydan-Shwaywa, M/21
Homam, 1028 Hsen, A/160
Honal, 1211 H'tonphia, M/44
Hondapara, 448--See:-Para Hubb-ul-mushk, 626-See:-
(varieties) Mushk (varieties)
Honde, 302 Hubbus sapharjala, 1038--See:
Honey, A/l44; A/191-See:- -Sapharjala
Chhatra; Kshaudra; Argha; Hubula Sanobara, 957-See:-
Bhramara; Unprepared Sanobara
honey; Wild honey; Hub-ul-kulai, 818
Makshika Hucha bevu, 784-See:-Bevu
Honey bush, 821 (varieties)
Honey, clarified, A/195--See:-· Hudai, 1168
Clarified honey Huile-dectiglium, 396
Honey-suckle-See:-Chinese Huile Volatile da Genievre, 710
honey-suckle Hukmandaz, 1064 '
Honey, unprepared, A/193- Hulabaha, 1240
See:-Honey (varieties) Hulaobul, 1080
Honey, wild, A/193 Huleshalabally, 1075
Hongara, 508 Hulga, 458
Honge-mara, 1001 Hulge,458
Honnae or Honne, 1025-See: Hul-hul, 351i 599
-Mullu-honne; Suro- Huli-See:-Arka-huli; Dare-
honnae huli; JorigehuYi-mara;
Honnu, M/32 Shwet-huli; Shankha-huli
Hooli-ganji, l290-See:- Huligowri, 629
Ganji Huli-huniche, 890
Hopa, 1234 Hulkasha, 739
Bora, 1205 Hulkusha, 739
Horatel, 456-See:-Tel Hulkussa, 740
(varieties) Hulligyan hul1u, 499
Horn-See:-Deer - h 0 r n; Hullu (Grass)-See:-Vilayati-
Hart's horn; Stag's horn hullu "1
Horn-hound-See:-White Hulugiri, 651
horn-hound Huluva, 1211 _
Horse, A/160 Hulya-kring, 1309 _
Horse-gram Plant, 458 Huma,486
Horse-radish, 8ll-See:-,- Human milk, A/175-See:-
Radish (varieties) :j.VIilk (varieties) .
House sparrow, A/212-~ee: Humble Plant, 799
-Sparrow Hummaz, 1079
Hownsraj, 44 Humug,311
Hozar,999 Humula, 715

Hunab,1211 (varieties)
Hunasehannu, 1191 Hypericon, 673
N. B.:-There are many other Hypso, M/16
varieties treated in this book. Hyssopus officinalis, A/203
Hunchik, 305 Hyufarikum, 673
Hundred-leaved rose, 1071-
See:-Rose (varieties)
Hungarian millet, 1131-See:
-Millet (varieties) Ibhrankussa, 107-See:-
Hunisay, 1191 Kusa (varieties)
Hunnoo, M/44 Ibrat-ur-raae, 577
Hura-tutia, M/63-See:- lehan, 946
Tutia (varieties) Ichchi, 554
Hurduja, 614 Ichchuramula, 139-See:-
Hurf, 736 Mula (varieties)
Hurh, 1205-See:-Hinhurh Icchi, 551
Hurhur, 599-See:- Ichthyocoll?, A/135
J angli-hurhur Idanimbu, 160.-See:-Nimbu
Hurhuria, 351; 599-See:- (varieties)
Sada-hurhuria 'Idulshahi' dates, 944-See:-
H uriallee grass, 425 Dates (varieties)
Hurmal, 927 Ignatius beans~ee: -St.
Hurmuro, 927 Ignati1.ls beans; Beans
Hurna, 1104. (varieties)
Hurrea kadava, 722 Ikkiri, 667
Hurriphal, 163 Ikshu, 1083
Hursini, 256 Ikshugandha, 667; 1229-See:-
Hurua, 1104 Gandha (varieties) _
Huruli, 458 Ikshuramallika, 75-Mallika
Hustikasaka, 474 (varieties) ,
Hutchellu, 595-See:-Ellu Iktil-el-malik, 1243
(varieties) Ilab-ul-as, 838
Huttian, 207; 505 Ilachi-See: -Morang-ilachi
Huyer, 362 Ilaikkalli, 524--See: -Kalli
Huziru, 800 (varieties)
Hyacinth-See:-Water- Ilal-kalmi, 685-See: -Kalmi
hyacinth (varieties)
Hyam, M/54 Ilandai, 1316
Hyamaraka, 1296 Ilantha, 1316
Hyat-See:-J akhm-Hyat Ilavam, 505
Zakhemi-i-l)yat; Zakhm- Ilavan-See: -lVIulilavan
hyat Ilavangam, 332
Hydrated Magnesium, M/96-- Ilayechi, 94
See:-Magnesium Ilis, A/215
Hydrated magnesium silicate, Illisa, A/215
M/96:-Magnesium silicate mu-katte, 674
Hydrous wool fat, A/137- Illupai, 181-See:-Madhoo-
See:-Wool-fat kam illupai

Illuppi, 182 Iud ian arrow-wood, 520--8ee:

Imachi, 1205 -Arrow-wood
Imbli,1191 Indian atees, 25-See: -Atees
Imli, 1191 Indian Barberry, 187--8ee:
Impure commercial zinc, Barberry (varieties)
(varieties) Indian bean, 461-See:'-Bean
Impure or factitious carbonate (varieties)
of Potash, M/88-See-: Indian Bedellium, 167-See:-
Carbonate of Potash; Potash Bedellium
carbonate Indian Beech, 100l-See:-
Impure nitre, M/91-Nitre Beech
( varieties) Indian Berry, 360-See:-
Impure oxide of iron, M/62- Berry (varieties)
See:-Iron (varieties) Indian birthwort, 139-See:-
Impure potash carbonate or Birthwort
Impure Potassium carbonate, Indian blue-waterlily-See:-
M/8S-See: -Carbonate of East Indian blue-waterlily;
Potassium Lily (varieti~s)
Impure Potassium Catbonate, Indian bitter apple,· 335-See:
M/88--See:-Carbonate of -Bitter apple; Apple
potassium (varieties)
Impure tin, M/l16-See:-Tin Indian blue-water lity-See:-
(varieties) East Indian blue-water lily
Inchi grass, 424 Indian bottle gourd, A/203-
Indai,579 See: -Gourd; Bottle-gourd
lndar-jave-talkh, 634-See:- (varieties)
Jave-talkh Indian Bread-shot, 255-See:-
Indar-Javitalkh, 634--See:- Bread-shot •
Javi-talkh Indian Butter Tree, 178; 179-
Indarjow, 1296 See: -Butter-Tree
Inderjav-See: -Kala- Indian cadaba, 225-See:-
inderjav Cadaba
Indhana, 141 Indian Caltrop, 1227-See:-
Indian acalypha, 17-See:..:_ Caltrop (varieties)
Acalypha Indian Copal Tree, 1265-See:
Indian aconite, 23-See:- -Copal tree
Aconite Indian Corallfree, 50S-See:-
Indian Almond, 1205-See:- Coral tree
Almond (varieties) Indian corn, 1304-See:-
Corn (varieties) -
Indian aloes, 73-Seei-Aloe Indian Cotton Plant, 587-See:
(varieties) -Cotton Plant; cotton
Indian antelope, A/143-See: (varieties )
-Antelope Indian Crane, A/143-See:-
Indian arrowroot, 634::--See:- Crane
Arrowroot; East Indian Indian Cyperus, 427-See:-
arrowroot .• ..,. Cyperus

Impure tin, M/llS-Tin Indian mastiche-See:_

Indian Eel (Ban fish,) A/214; Mastiche (varieties)
A/216-See:-EeI Indian millet, 477-8ee:-
Indian Filbert, l102-Filbert Millet (varieties)
Indian Forget-me-not, 617- Indian Mulberry, 809-8ee:_
See: -Forget-me-not Mulberry; white mulberry
Indian Frankincense, 211- Indian mustard-See: -Com-
See: -Frankincense mon Indian mustard;
Indian gall-nut, 1205-See:- Mustard (varieties)
Gall-nut Indian Night-shade, 1149-See:
Indian gamboge, 565-See:- -Night-shade (varieties)
Gamboge Indian Olibanum, 2ll-See:-
Indian Gentian-See:- Olibanum
Gentian; Himalayan Indian Parselane-See: -Com-
gentian mon Indian-parcelane; Par-
Indian globe-thistle-See:- selane
East Indian Globe-thistle; Indian Partridge-See: -Com-
Thistle (varieties) mon Indian partridge; Part-
Indian Gooseb.erry, 480-See: ridge; Grey-partridge
-Goose berry (varieties) Indian Penny-wort, 662-See:
Indian gum-arabic tree, 9-- -Penny-wort
See: -Gum-arabic tree Indian Peppermint-See:-
Indian Hemp, 256-See:- Peppermint (varieties)
Hemp (varieties) Indian Persimon, 452-See:-
Indian herring, A/214; A/216 Persimon
See: -Herring Indian Podophyllum, 994-See:
Indian Hog-plum, ll66-See:- -Podophyllum
Hog-plum Indian radish, 1049-See:-
Indian Iora-See: -lora Radish (varieties)
Indian Jack tree, 146-See:- Indian Red-wood tree, 1161-
Jack tree See: -Red-wood tree
Indian Jalap, 691-See:- Indian rhubarb, 1056-See:-
Jalap . Rhubarb (varieties)
lndian Jamaica, 5-See:- Indian Root-See: -East
Jamaica Indian Root
Indian Kamala, 760-See:- Indian Rosebay-See: -East
Kamala Indian Rosebay; Rosebay
Indian Kino, l025-See:- (varieties)
Kino (varieties) Indian Sarsaparilla, 619-See:
Indian laburnum, 285 See:- -Sarsaparilla (varieties)
Indian Lilac, 776-Lilac Indian Screw-tree-See:-
(varieties) , East Indian Screw-tree;
Indian Madder, l075-See:- Screw-tree
Dyer's Madder; Madder; Indian Senna, 286-See:-
Two-flowered Indian Madder Senna (varieties)
IndIan Mahogany tree, 294- Indian Skink, A/191-See:-
See: -Mahogany tree Skip.k

Indian Sorrel, 890-S~:­ Indische Baum Woollen-staude,

Sorrel (varieties) 588
Indian Spikenard, 840-See:- Indischer Brodbaum, 146
Spikenard Indischer Korallenbaum, 508
Indian Spinach, 177-See:- Indischer weithrauch-baum,
Spinach (varieties) 211
Indian Squill, 1116; 1256- Indischer Zedrach, 776
See: -Squill (varieties) Indisches Fal enohr, 1028
Indian Sweet Fennel, 557- Indragopa, A/206
See: -Sweet Fennel; Fennel Indrajab, 634
(varieties) Indrajau-ki-jhad, 402
Indian tree cotton, 586-See:- Indrajao-See:-Kurva-
Cotton (varieties) ; Tree- indrajao; Sweet indrajao;
cotton Ti taindraj ao
Indian Tree-spurge, 529-See: Indraj av, 1296-See: -Gode-
-Tree-spurge indrajava; Mitha-indrajava
Indian valerian, 1260-See:- Indrajava-See: -Mitha indra-
Valerian (varieties) java /
Indian walnut, 61-See:-;- Indrajavanu, 634
Walnut Indra-maris, 18 .
Indian Water Chestnut, 1227- Indrani, 1278
See:-Water Chestnut; Indravadhi, A/206
Chestnut, Sweet-chestnut Indravaruni, 335--See:-Kadu-
Indian White Rose, 1071-See: indravaruni
-White Rose; Rose' Indravraksharnu, 634
(varieties) Indrayan, 335; 403-See:-
Indian wild gourd, 335-See: Jangli-indrayan; Katri-
-Gourd (varieties) Wild indrayan; Lal-indrayan;
gourd Pahadi-indrayan
Indian Wild Pepper, 1281- Indrayava, 634-See:-'{ava
See:-Wild pepper; Pepper Indrayavam, 1296
(varieties) Ingris-See:-Kapur-ingris
Indian Wild Vine, 1283-See:~ Induga, 1181
-Vine; Wild vine Il1duparni, 113-See: -Parni
(varieties) (varieties)
Indur, Aj206
Indian Wintergreen, 570- Indurkani, 690
See: -Wintergreen Indu-uppu, M/108-See:-
Indigo-See:-Dyer's indigo; Uppu (varieties)
True indigo Induvara, 844
Indigotier a feuilles etroites, Ingini, 1181
677 Inglika, M/72
Indigotier a neuf feuilles, 678 Ingris-See: -Kakur-ingris
Indigotier argente, 677 Ingudi, 1205
Ingudi-vraksha, 166
Indigotier blue, 678 ~ Ingur, M/86
Indigotier des Teinturier§.i 680 Inguru, 1309
Indiravacham, 859 .~..." Inguva, 537

Ingwer, 1309 Irjviruttam, 285

Injal-See: - Thorinjal Irlandishches moss, 310-See:
Inji, 1309 -Moss (varieties)
Injubin, A/191 Iron, M/54-See: -Kanta-iron;
Ink nut, 1205 Tikshna iron; Wrought iron
hmumaddi, 1211-See:- Iron Bark, 512
Maddi (varieties) Iron bisulphide-See:-
Innupa Chittumu, M/62 Bisulphide of Iron
Insects: (a group of winged), Iron, cast-See: -Cast iron;
A/166 Properly cast iron
Insoluble Sulphide of mercury Iron magnesium-See:-
(Makaradhwaja), A/200- Magnesium iron
See: -Sulphide of Mercury; Iron oxide-See: -Magnetic
Mercuric sulphide; Black iron oxide; Magnetic oxide
sulphide of mercury of iron
Intu-uppu, M/108-See:- Iron Pyrites, M/66; M/67-
Uppu (varieties) See: -Pyrites (varieties)
Inumu, M/54 Iron rust, M/62
Iora-See: -Indian lora Iron silajit, M/23-See:-
Inzarra Pushtu Wanne, 594 Silajit (varieties)
Ipar, 1219 Iron Sulphate, M/63; M/65-
lpecacuanha-See: -Bastard See: -Sulphate of iron
or Wild ipecacuanha; Cartha- Iron sulphide-See-Sulphide
gena ipecacuanha; Country of Iron
Ipecacuanha Goanese- Iron wood-tree, 787-See:-
ipecacuanha J ohore- Wood tree (varieties)
ipecacuanha; Minas ipecacu- Irripa, 426
anha; Wild ipecacuanha Irrupai-See: -Kattuirrupai
Ippachettu, 179 Irsa, 694
Ippaikizarigu-See Kalaippai- Irudbu, 426
kizanga lrul, 1298
Ippe-mara, 179-See:- Irulli, 63
Guddada-ippae Irumboo Chittan1, M/62
Ippi, 181-See: -Dudippi Isabghul, 980
Ippicha, 179 Isabgool, 986
Iragi,477 Isabgul, 980
Irambak kitane, M/62 Isafghol, 979
Irampanae, 281 lsamdhari, 352
Irangun, 1046 Isapagalavittulu, 980
Irapu, 426 Isapghul, 980
Ireval-chinni-See :-Nattu Isarbedi, 1134
ireval-chinni Isband,927
Irevel, 565 Iser, 1014
Irim.bu, M/54
Irimusu, 619 Isfarez, 153
Irisa, 694 Isfedaj, M/85
Irish moss, 310-See:-Moss Isgangalam parenda, 1284-
(varieties) See: -Parenda

Isha langula, 666-See:- Jab, 653

Langula Jaba, 631
I~hanchedi, 946 J abat, A/196
lshappukolvirai, 980-See:-; Jabbaval, 14-See:-Baval
Kolvirai; Virai (varieties), (varieties)
Isharmul, 139 Jabusa, 611
Ishaura~koda-udr, 1098 Jacki Bean, 254-See:-Beans
Ishvaramuri, 139-See:-Muri (varieties)
Ishveraveru, 139 Jack tree-8ee: -Indian Jack
Jshwari, 139 tree.
Isinglass, A/135 J adaganja, ·256-See: -Ganja
Isinglass (American, Japanese, (varieties)
Chinese), A/135 Jaddi, 1197
Isjiru-vellel, 666 Jadika, 830
hkiras, 670 J adikkay, 830
Iskpecha, 688 Jadi-pattiri, 830-See:-
Jsmad, M/13 Pattiri
Is-mogul, 980 Jadu Palang, 145-See:-
Ispaghol, 980 Palang (varieties)
Ispaghul, 980 Jadvar, 177; 1095
Ispaghula, 980 Jadvar khata, 418--See:-
Ispand, 927; 1081 Khata
Jspanga, A/230 Jadwar,443
Ispank, 1164 J aedima midi, 96
Isparzah, 980 Jaentuppa, A/191-See:-
Ispghol, 980 Tuppa
Isrenj, M/86 J aepatri, 830 . f
Issabagolu, 980 J affrachettu, 199
lssufgul, 980 J affra-maram, 199
Istarakura, 652-See: -Kura Jafran, 390
(varieties) J agatmadan, 572
Isvar, 235 Jaggam,554
lswara, 699 Jaggery Palm, 280-See:-
Italian millet, 897; 1131- Palm (varieties)
See: -Millet (varieties) Jagni,595
Hari, 1075 J agung, 1304
Itcham-See: -Peria-itcham. Jagya-domur, 547; 548
ltha,946 Jahar, 1175 ~
Itsaka, 422; 1226-See:-Saka Jahari-naral, 749-See:-
(varieties) Naral
Itsit, 203 J ahari Sontakka, 62-See:-
Itthii-See: -Kal~itthii Sontakka
Itti, A/151 Jahi, 701-$ee: -Sonajahi
Ivory, A/160 J ai, 162-See: -Dariajai;
Ixora, 698 Vanajai; Ranjai
Iyam, M/83-See: -Sudu- Jaiaputa, 1036
iyam Jaija-soppu, 1228
Jaintar, 1130

.jaipal, 396 Jam, 517-See:-Bhooi-jam;

J aiphal, 830-See: -J angli- Botee-jam; Gulab-jant;
jaiphal Kala-jam
J aiputa, 1036 Jama, 1017
Jait, 1130 J amaica-See: -Indian
Jaivanti, 444 Jamaica
Jajhugri, 128 Jamaica liquorice, 5--See:-
Jaji, 1295 Liquorice (varieties)
Jajikai, 830-See:-Kai or Jamaica Sarsaparilla, 1144-
Kayi (varieties) See: -Sarsaparilla ! (varie-
Jajikaya, 830 ties)
.Jaji-malle, 701-See: -Malle; J amala-See: -Sankula-
Kondamalle Jamala
Jajnadtimar, 548 J amalgot, 708-See: -Jangli-
.Jakhmhyat, 717--See: Hyat jamalgot
.Jakoli, 431-See:-Koli J amalgota, 396--See:-
(varieties) J angli -j amalgota
Jala-Brahmi, 624-See:- J arnan, 516; 1032-See:-Rai-
Brahmi (varieties) jaman
.Jalada, 1181 Jamana, 1016
J aladima, A/211 Jama-phala, 1017
Jalamdasa, 1106 Jamava, 518
J alanirgundi, 1281-See:- Jamba, 1017
Nirgundi (varieties) J ambeeram, 341
J alap--See: -Indian Jalap Jambha,341
Jalari-chettu, 1132 Jambho, 506
.Jalasukti, A/211 Jambir, 346
Jal-bichuti, 1226--See:- J ambira, 346--See:-Atavi-
Bichuti jambira
Jaldaru, 1014-See: -Daru J ambiram-See:-Mahajam-
(varieties) biram
Jali, 9--See:-Karijali; Gona- J ambol-See: -Bhura-
jali; Mukajali jambol
.JaIiamni, 362 J ambu, 516; 517
J alidar kaskusri, 594-See:- Jambudi, 517
Kaskusri - Jambudo, 517
J al-kumbhi, 976--See:- J ambuka-See: -Boomi-
Kumbhi jambuka
Jallaur, 184 J ambul, 516; 517
Jalnim, 758-See:-Nim J ambula, 516
( varieties) J ambura, 517
_J alo, A/167 J amburi, 346
Jal-palam, 1080 Jamir, 551
J alpapra, 804 JamIe, 518
Jamma, 1016
Jalu, A/167 Jammugaddi, 1253.
J alugu, 1130 Jamni-phalani, 517
J aluka, Aj167. Jamoom, 517

J am-pandu, 1017 Dalchin

Jamph<¥, 1017 Jangli darchini, 33I-See:-
J amrukh, 1017 Darchini
Jamti-ka-gratta, 362 . J anglidrakh, I283-See:-
Jamtike bel, 362-See: -B·~l Drak or Drakh (varieties)
(varieties) Jangli-erandi, 705-Erandi
Jamu, 518 (varieties)
J amudi-See: -Kada jamudi Jangli haldi, 4I3-$ee:-
Jamudu-See:-Nagajamudu; Raldi (varieties)
Sima-jamudu Jangli hurhur, 351-See:-
Jamuka, 338 Rurhur
Jan, 653; 1091; 1194-See:- Jangli-Indrayan, 405-See:-
Attajan; Balatijan; Madhu- Indrayan (varieties)
jan; Puta-jan; Kesaranjan; J angli J aiphal, 834-See:-
Ranjan; Sahinjan Jaiphal
Janab, 392 Jangli-Jamalgot, 7'08-See:-
Janamu, 392 Jamalgot
Janapa, 392 J angli-J amalgota, I66-See:-
J anappanar, 392 Jamalgota
Janar, 1304 Janglijhan, 293-See:-
Janascha, 377 Jhan
Jangali-badama, 253-See:- J angli-kali-mirch, 1221-See:
Badam (varieties) -Kali-mirch (varieties)
Jangalimuli, 202-See:-Muli Jangli-kalimirichi, I221-See:'
( varfeties) -Kali-mirichi (varieties)
Janghi-See: -Nasur-janghi Jangli-kanda, 1257-See:-
Ja:ugi-takla, 290 Kanda (varieties)
J angla animals, A/139 Jangli-kanvar, 54-See:-
Jangli akrot, 61-See:-Akrot Kanvar (varieties)
J angli almond, 658-See:- Jangli-Khaddu, 722-See:-
Almond (varieties) Khaddu
Jangli alu, 94-See:-Alu Jangli Kulthi, 561-See:-
(varieties) Kulthi
Jangli am, 1166-See:-Am Jahgli-kunwara, 55-See:-
Jangli-anarash, 54-See:- Kunwara
Anarash Jangli lavender, 729-See:-
Jangli-angur, 1283--See:- Lavender (varieties)
Chhota jangli-angur; Angur J angli-madan:;"must-ka-phul,
Janglian Jir, 550-See:-Jir 422-See: -Madan-must-
(varieties) ka-phul (varieties)
Jangli-badam, 253; 658; 661; J angli-matar, 726;_See:-
1170; 1205-See:-Badam Matar
(varieties) Jangli Mendi, 91-See:-
J angli Bulgar, 50-See:- Mendi; Gul-mendi
Bulgar; Bulgar-jangli Jangli-methi, 446; 1134-See:
Jangli chichonda, 1235-See: -Methi (varieties)
-Chichonda _ Jangli Moha, 179-See:-Moha
J angli-dalchin, 332~e:- (varieties)
INDEX 81)5

.Jangli-mudrika,901-See:- Jarjir, '506-See: -Ji.r;

Mudrika Janglian jir
.l angli mung, 942-See:- J arulgachh, 432
Mung (varieties) Jas, M/130
.l angli padavala, 1235-See:- J asad, Mj130
Padavala; Padval (varieties) J asata bhasma, Mj132
J angli-:palak, l080-See:- J asata-na-phula, M/132
Palak (varieties) J asavanda, 631
.langli-pikvan, 1252-See:- J ash-timadh, 582-See:-Madh
Pikvan J ashti-madhu, 582-See:-
J angli-pikwan, 150-See:- Madhu (varieties)
Pikwan J asmin-See:-Arabischel'-
Jangli-piyaz, 1257-See:- jasmin; Jasmin blanc;
Chhoti -jungli pyaz; Jungli- Gebranchlicher Jasmin
pyaz; Piyaz Jasmin a feuilles etroites, 700
Jangli sarson, 1142-See:- Jasmin blanc, 702
. Sarson ( varieties) J asmine-See: -Ceylon
.langli suran, 94-See:- jasmine
Suran; Wild suran Jasmine d'arabic, 704--See:-
.langli-ushbah, 1145-See:- Jasmine or Jasmin
Ushbah ( varieties)
J angolat, 593 J as soon, 631
J angro-See: -Nundo- J asta, Mj130
jangro Jasund, 631
.l ang-thoree, 753-See:- Jasunt, 631
Thoree Jata Kanchura, 374-See:-
.lanjan, 1130 Kanchura
.lanthu-nashana, 478 Jata Kanshira, 373-See:-
.l anusar, 486 Kanshira
.lao, 653 J atamaktu, 427
Japa, 630 J atamamshi, 840
.lapal, 396 J atamanchi, 840
.lapala beeja, 396 Jatamansi, 840-See:-
Japanese Isinglass, 571; A/135 Vilayeti-jhatamanshi
-See: - Jsinglass J atamashi, 840
(varieties) Jatamasi, 840
Japhran, 555 Jatamavashi, 840
J aphrota, 705 J atamavshi, 840
.laquier, 146 J atamsi, 840
Jarah-See:-Miniak-jarah Jatayurkuli, 233
J aramanshi, 840 Jathikai, 830-See:-Kai or
J aramla, 947-See: -Amla Kayi (varieties)
(varieties) J athi koshtam, 1108-See:-
Jarberi, 1317 Koshtam (varieties)
Jardalu, 1014 Jati, 701; 1197-See:-Kattai-
J argi---'See: -Dhattari-jargi jati; Udajati
Jari, 552; 591-See:-Laljari; .J atjka, 830
Pilitari; Adhsarita-jari Jatila, 35

J atipatri, 830 Jebai, 444

Jati-phalam, 830-See:- J Eedivittulu, 1119-8ee:-
Phalam (varieties) Vittulu (varieties)
Jauai, 702 J eelakara, 408-See: -Kara
Jau-i-jadu, 673 (va~ieties )
Jauntari, 830 Jeera, 408-Safed-jeera;
Jauri-See: -Mukka-jauri Snigdhajeera .
J auzel-kai, 1233-See: -Kai Jeeraka, 408-See:-Atavi-
or Kayi (varieties) jeeraka; Aranya-jeera
Jav, 653 J eerakam, 408
Java-See:-Assam java J eeri-See:-Kalijeeri
Java almond tree, 253-See:~ Jeerigay, 408-See:-
Almond tree Karijirigay
Java Galangal, 77-See:- Jeeroo-See: -Kadujeeroo
Galangal (varieties) J ejjegyanhullu, 697
J avakhar, M/88-See: -Khar J elagalu, Aj167
(varieties) Jelavedesa, 656
J avantri, 830 Jelly-See:-Calf's feet jelly
Javapushpamu, 631 Jenapavera, 392
Javas, 743 Jenjaru, 393
J avashira, 541 Jepal, 705
Java tea, 877-Tea; Teaplant Jequirity, 5
(varieties) JeruI, 723
Jave, 653 Jerusalem Artichoke, 614-
Jave-godi, 653-See:-Godi See: -Artichoke (varieties)
J ave-talkh-See:-Indar- Jerusalem oak, 305-8ee: Oak
jave-talkh (varieties) .
Javi, 551; 554 J estarnaddu, 582
J avi-talkh-See:-Indar- Jesuit's bark, 315
javitalkh J eta-manchi, 840
Jawa, 653 J ethi-madh, 582
J awantri, 830 J eti-mad, 1196
Jawasa, 62; 611 J etrasin, 1130
Jawashir, 541 J avantipushpam-See: __.
J aweshi, 872 Shima-jevanti-pushpam
J awind, 1028 Jevi,551
Jaya,7-See:-Sarvajaya; Jew's pitch, M/23-See:-
Shirporna-jaya Pitch (varieties)
J ayanti, 1129; 1130 Jeyapal, 396-See:-Pal
J ayantika, 1130 (varieties) ~
Jayapala, 396-See:-Pala Jhade-halade, 384-::-S~:­
(varieties) Halade
J ayibem, 153 Jhadi chamitha, M/88-See:-
Jayiche-mogre, 701-See:--- Charnitha
Mogre (varieties) Jhal, 268; 270; 1091
J ayiphal, 830 Jhalkay, A/213
J ayphal, 830 Jhan, 144; 1194-See:-
Jazar, 441 Jangli-jhan

Jhand, 1011 Jilakurra-See:-Pedda-jila_

Jhanjhania, 394 kurra; Kurra (varieties)
Jhankara,607-See:-Kara Jilani-See: -Sinpo-i-Jilani
(varieties) Jili, 545
Thapni-See: -Tandi Jilkara-See: -Adavi-jilkara~
Jhapni Kara (varieties)
Jharambi, 568 Jilledu, 237
Jhar-haldi, 384-See: -Haldi Jiluga-See: -Erra-jiluga
(vm;ieties) Jilugu-See: -Kondajilugu
Jhari, 1317 Jima, 805
Jharki-halad, 187-See:- Jimute, 284
Halad (varieties) Jinga, 751
Jhas-ka-namak, M/88-See:- Jingan, 867
Namak (varieties) Jingini, 867
Jhatamanshi-See:- Jinjva, 103
Vilayati-jhatamanshi Jinyan,868
Jhau, 1194-See: -Lal-jhau Jiol, 867
Jhav, 1194-See: -Rakta-jhav Jioti, 1000
Jhav-nu-jhad, 1194 Jir-See:-Janglian jir; Jarjir
Jhavuka, 1194 Jira, 279; 408-See: -Kala-
Jhil, 305 jira; Krishnajira; Latjira;
Jhila, 561 ' Mithjira; Shiajira
Jhinak, A/212 Jiragam-See: -Karunjira-
Jhinga, 751 gam; Kattukjiragam
Jhingaka, 751 Jiraka, 408--See: -Krishna-
Jhinge, 751 Jiraka
Jhingi, 1233 Jiral, 929
Jhinjharita, 1251-See:- Jirana, 408
Harita Jirate-kaddi, 573
Jhinjudi, 1251 Jire-See:-Kalejire
Jhinti, 174 Jiri-Kadve-jire; Shankha-
Jhmuk, A/211-See: -Mukta- jiri; Kaligiri
jhinuk Jiraun-See: .-:.safed-jiraun
Jhumka,8 Jirun-See: -Sankha-jirun
Jhunjhun-See: -Chota- Jiray-See:-Kale-jiray
jhunjhun; Pipuli-jhunjun Jirbankura, 425-See: -Kura
Jhunjhunia, 394-See: -Chota- (varieties)
jhunjhunia Jirigay-See: -Kadu-jirigay
Jhuri, 889-See:-Mukta- Jirkivirai, 688
jhuri Jishvarupa, 120
Jiba, 444 Jist, M/32
Jidi-chettu, 1119 J isumi-mara, 13P3
Jigani, A/167 Jittupaku, 430
Jiuli, 865
Jigateshumoodoo, 1106 Jiunti, 314
Jilakara-See: -N alla- .Jivabhadra, 444
jilakara Jivaka, 756
Jilakhrah, 408 Jivani, 444

Jivaniya, 444 Jui-pana, 1059-See: -Pana

Jivan-putr, 1036 (varieties)
Jivanthi, 1205 Jujub berries, 1318-See:-
Jivanti, 444; ·1227 Berries (varieties)
Jivashresta, 444 Jujube fruit, 1316
.Jiyal, 865 Jujubier Cotonneux, 1316
J. Kachang-lindir, 1 Jujubier-cultive, 1318
Job's Tears, 368 'Juliana' plum, 1015-See:-
Jod,1250 Plum (varieties)
Johnson grass-See:-Ameri- Julpai, 473
can Johnson grass Jumbura, 517
..Johore ipecacuanha, 1023-- Jummina, 1303
See:-Ipecacuanha (varie- Jundo, Aj147
ties) J ung-See:-Vellajung
J ola-See: -Mekkejola Jungle-bor, 1317-See: -Bor
J olandhar, 199 (varieties)
.lonk, Aj167 Jungle Geranium, 69B-See: - .
J onkhmari, 98 Geranium
J onna-See-Mokka-jonna; Jungli-aushbah, 1144-See:-
Tellajonna Aushbah
.J onz-asrad, 434 Jungli-pyaz-See: -Jangli-
J onz-masal, 434 piyaz; Piyaz (varieties)
Joolay, 555 Junhi, 751
Joom, 570 Juniper berry, 710-See:-
Jorigehuli-mara, 565-See:- Berries (varieties)
Huli (varieties) Juniperi-fructus, 71O-See:-
Jotojotia, 1256 Fructus juniperi; Juniperi;
Jotri,830 Oleum fructus juniperi
Joufra, 395 Junka, 1137
Jouz, 709 Jur-See: -Pilajur
J ouz-ula-mathil, 434 Juripakri, 545-See: -Pakri
J owan, 280; 1028-See: -Bona Jus-quiame noire, 670
Jowan Justan-hutan, 1268
Jowari-batti, 587 . Jute, 377; 628-See:-
Jowars-See: -Bedri jowars; Bimlipatam jute
Dagadi jowars; Dukri- Juthikapurni, 1059
jowar.,; "Kagi" jowars; 'Kal- Juti-See: -Trikanta-juti
bondi' jowar; 'Kavali' Jutili" 86 1~
jowars; 'Nialo' jowar; Juttuve, 430
"Shalu" jowar Juvan, 280
J owwatri, 830 Juvashur, 872
Judwar,414 Juvi, 551-See: --='Kadra-juvi;
Jugrat, Aj179 Putrajuvi; Yerra-juvi
Juh, 328-See:-Yuh Jwara, 568
Juhi-See:-Palak-juhj. H. Jwaranthakah, 1184
.lui, 701-See:-San).ur.;.. Jyotishmati,271
Svarnajui - -"

Kaalazounsi, 163 Kachlora, 798

Kaat-plaster, lOO-See:- Kachmach, 1152
Plaster Kachnar, 183; 184
Kabab-chini, 400-See:-Chini Kachoeramu, 418
(varieties) Kachoo, 372
Kababh, 400 Kachora, 418; 1095
Kabai, A/214 Kachoralu, 1095
Kabare-hindi, 300-See:- Kachra, 265
Hindi (varieties) I{achri,--See: -Kapurkachti
Kabayee, A/214 Kachu, 148
Kabbar, 425 I{achu (Dye), ll--See:-Bish-
Kabber, 1091 kachu; Kachur-kachu; :Man-
Kabbina, M/54 kachu; Vilayati-kachu
Kabbinada Kilubu or Kitta, Kachubang, 434
M/62-See: -Kilubu; Kitta I(achula-kalanga, 715-See:-
Kabbu, 1083 Kalanga
Kabbumishka, 626-See:- Kachur, 418--See: -Kapur-
Mishka kachur; Nar-kachur;
Kabir-Set: -Khasake-kabir Velati-kachur
Kabiraj, 1049 Kachura, 418-See: -Nar-
Kabita, 535 kachura
Kabra, 265; 267 Kachur-kachu, 608-See:-
Kabri, 278 Kachu (varieties)
Kabubul ars, M/123 Kachurukkai, 628-See:-Kai
Kabuli-harda, 1205-See:- 01" Kayi (varieties)
Harda Kachwassal, 1257
Kabuli Mustaki, .975-See:- Kadaba, A/l53
Mustaki Kadagaruganie, 618--See:-
Kacha Karpoor, 466-See:- Garuganni
Karpoor . Kada-hakukare, 1221-See:-
Kachakru, A/l54 Hakukare
Kachali-See: ,Kapura- Kadaharalu, 705--See:-
kachali; Kapur-kachali Haralu (varieties)
Kachani, 313 Kada jamudi, 529--See:-
Kachbo, A/154 Jamudi
Kachera, 1117 Kadakai, 1206-See: -Kai or
Kacheyta, SO(} Kayi (varieties)
Kachhola-See: -Adavi- Kadaladi, 21-See: -Shiru-
kachhola kadaladi
Kachhola-kilangu, 715-See: Kadalai,311-See:-Nila-
-Kilangu (varieties) kadalai; Kattu-kadalai;
Kachhur , I 715 Vaerkadalai
Kachhuram, 715 Kadalamu, 822
Kachi,1152-See:-Mutta- Kadala-tangay, 749-See:-
kachi Tangay
Kachittamarthakai; 163-See: Kadale-See: -Nelakadale
Marthakai; Kai or Kayi Kadali, 723; 822
(v8.rleties) Kadalnoray, Aj210

Kadam, 118--See: -Keli Kadige garage, 469

kadam Kadiggagaraga, 471
Kadamba, 118; 219-,See::- Kadikapana, 1001-8ee:-
Dharakadamba; Keli-kadam- Pana (varieties)
ba; Vella-kadamba Kadiyirattam, 203
Kadambe-See: -Manja Kadle,311
kadambe Kadlenare, 424
kadambo Kadlesoppu-See: --Kadu-
Kadamoth, 302 kadlosoppu
Kadanic, 176 .- Kadluppu, M/109--See: - •
Kada nivall, 529-See:- Uppu (varieties)
Nivall (varieties) Kado, A/196-See:-Kala-
Kadapam, 176 kado
lCadapara, I3~ee:--Para Kadookai, 1206-See: --Kai or
(varieties) Kayi (varieties)
Kadappilavu, 809 Kadotri, 1234
Kadaram, M/55 Kadrajuvi, 1036-See: ~uvi
• Kadarasina, 414-See:- (varieties) .
Arasina (varieties) Kadsige, 797-See: -Sige
Kadasambal, 254-See:-- Kadu, 600; 722; 1185-See:-
Sambal (varieties) Khappar-kadu; Thit-ka-du;
Kadatatrue, 457 Balakadu; Balkadu; Deva-
Kada~,1221-See:--Todali kadu; Kalakadu
Kadat-rengay, 749 Kadu bellulli, 1116-See:-
Kadatti, 183-See: -Atti Bellulli
(varieties ) Kadu-bhopla, 722-8ee:--
Kadavanchi, 755; 807--See:- BhopIa, Dudh-bhopla
Vanchi (varieties) (varieties)
Kadavi, A/IS3; 1186 Kadu-chanyapallo, 763-See:
Kada-vinayi,485-See:- --Chanyapallo
Vinayi Kadu chirayata, 573--See:-
Kadavi-no-kando, 219-See:- Chirayata
Kando (varieties) Kadu dalchini, 332-See:-
Kaddam,11G8 Dalchini (varieties)
Kaddlashingi, 281 Kadu duddi, 722-See:--
Kaddu,407; 722-,See:- Duddi
Golkaddu; Mitha-kaddu; Kadughisodi."':753--See: -
Safed-kaddu .- Ghisodi
Kadduirao, 722 Kadu-ghosali, ~753-See:-­
Kadellu, 595-See: -Ellu Ghosali
(varieties) Kadugu, 213; 215; -216-See:-
Kadep-tige, 1285-See: -Tige Nik-kadugu; Vella-kadugu
(varieties) Kadugu-rohini, 953-See:--
Kad-eradi,705-See:-:eradi Rohini (varieties)
Kadhee-nimba, 195-See:- Kadu-indravaruni, 335-See: - I

Nimba (varieties} ,_" - Indravaruni

Kadi, MIG Kadujeeroo, 855-See: -Jiroo

Kadu-jirigay, 1268-See:- l(adwitumbade, 722-See:_

Jirigay . Tumbade
Kaduka, 215; 216---See:- Kaelahoo, 255
Buah kaduka Kaelaphool, 255
Kadu-Kadlesoppu, 763-See:- Kafdarya-See: -Zuddul-
Kadlesoppu baher Kafdarya
Kadukanagala, 448--See:- Kaf-es-saba, 1049
Kanagala (varieties) Kafi, 365
Kadukar, 1205-See: -Kar Kafoor, 250
(varieties) Kafri mirchi, 270-See:-
Kadu-kasturi, 627-See:- Mirchi (varieties)
Kasturi (varieties) Kafu, 250
Kadu-kawata, 65S-See:- K~ur, 250
Kawata Kafur-ka-pat, 792-See:-
Kadu-khajur, 785-See:- Pat (varieties)
Khajur (varieties) Kagdi limbu, 342; 348-See:-
Kaduk-kai, 1206-See: -Kai Limbu (varieties)
or Kayi (varieties) Kagemari, 3GO-See: -Mari
Kadukkaipoo, 1206 (varieties)
Kaduk-kay, 1206 Kagesoppu-See: -Sanna-
Kaduk-kay-pinji, 1206 Kagesoppu
Kadu Kvatha, 1195 Kaggi,562
Kadu-limbe, 160-See:- Kagglimara, 253
Limbe 'Kagi' jowars, 1161-See:-
Kadu-mallige, 700-See:- Jowars (varieties)
Mallige (varieties) Kagli-mara, 253
Kadumenthya, 1138 Kagphala, 1175
Kadunimba, 776-See:- Kaha-See:-Wari-kaha;
Nimba (varieties) DudaKaha
Kadu-padavala, 1235-See:- Kahbang, 1276
Padavala (varieties) Kahi, M/64
Kadupaddoola, 1236-See:- Kahibevu,776-See:-Bevu
Paddoola , (varieties)
Kadu-padvala, 1236-See:- Kahi-keera, 753-See: -Keera
Padvala (varieties)
Kadur..:Jnires, 1221 Kahi-padavala, 1236-See:-
Kadusalle-rooku, 80 Padavala (varieties)
K adusampige, 993-See:- Kahisore, 722-See: -Sore
Sampige (varieties) Kahoia Bhaji, 89: -See:-
Kadusasive, 351-See: -Sasive Bhaji (varieties)
Kadu-sirola, 753-See:- Kahruba, 1265
Sirola Kahs-Khasa, 901-See:-
Kadva-gokhru, 926-See:- Khasa (varieties)
Gokhru (varieties) Kahu, 719; 1198-See:-Tukm-
KadvaIa, 118-See:-Vala i-kahu
(varieties) Kahvaha, 365 ,
Kadvo-jiri, 1267-See:- Kai or Kayi or Kayee, A/214;
Jiri (varieties) A/216-See: -Birikaij


Anapa-kai; Anilay-kayi; An- Kaikkathetti, 787

thundi-kal; Burkal; Pedda- Kaikun,555
kai; Peera-kai; Pekarak~i; Kail, 957
Pikum-kai; Pilimbi-pyllich,a- Kaipavalli, 805
kai; Posthakkai; Putti-kaij Kaiphal, 82&
Rudrakai; Macha-kai Kayi, Kaippam-patolam, 1235-
Sendubeerkai Senduruk- See: -Patolam
kai; Sorakai; Tamkai; Kaisar-See:-Narae-Kaisar
Tankrikkai; Tannikai Tanri- Kaisho, 218
kai Thummittikai Ushrikai Kaitha, 894
Velakkai; Chapperbadnekai; Kaiyappudai, 775
Badanekayi; Ballarikekai; Kajalamavu, 469-See:-
Bandukai; Be1awala -lqU; Mavu (varieties)
Bhendekayi; Badanekaij Kajali, 1083
Chapperbadnekai; Chavli- Kajaputi, 775
kai; Cheeyakai; Chinikai; Kajarvel, 445
Chinikhing-kai; Kai; Gaji~e­ Kajarwel, 1173
kai; Gerkayi; Kallankai; Kajireh, 278
Gummadi-kayi; Guvar":kai; Kajjali-See: -Black
Hagala - .kayi; Heere - kai; sulphide
Jajikai; Jathikai; Jauzel-kai; KajlamaVu-See:-Mavu
Kachittamartha-kai; Kachu- (varieties)
rukkai; Kadakai; Kadookai; Kajra, 1175
Kaduk-kai; Pinchu-kaduk- Kaju, 96-S~: -Rata-Kaju
kai; Kakkayi; Kakrikai; Kajur; 1153
Kartikai; Katterikayi~ Kon- Kak, A/158
drakayi; Konraikkai; Koo- Kaka, A/l58; 55~ee:-
kai; Kookatakayij KtJ.mba- Valakaka
lakai Macha-kai; Machikai; Kakachia, 226
Madahagalakai; Madalan- Kakad, 555; 570
kai; Mangakai; Mangari- Kakadana, 163
kai; Marthakai; Maruk- Kakadani, 267
k a 11 a n - k a i j Mayan- Kakadsingi, 1062-See: -Singi
~.'·kai; Mekke-kayi; Hara- (varieties)
mekki-kai; Menasinakai; Kakadumar, 552
Dounnemenasinakai; Milli&. Kakadumbura, 550
kai; Molak-kayij Mudirikai; Kakadumur, 550-See:-
Musimusikkayij Musumusu- Dumur (varieties)
kai; Nellikai; Noorekayi; Kakajangha, 732
Padvalkayi; Pinchu-Kaduk- Kakajembu, 787
kai; Prangi-kayee; Saute- Kakakodise, 634-
kayij Seekai; Seekaya; Tipri- Kak~ulli, 360 .
kayij '1'onde-kayee Usrikayi; Kakali-See: -Bhuikakali
:'Va]umbirikai; Vankayi; Ve- Kakammal, 548
lakkai Kakanashika, 360
Kaidaryama, 828 . Kakaobaum, 1214
Kaidaryamu, 828 _,-' _ Kakaphala, 99
Kaikeshi, 469 Kakapu, 1225

Kakara, 805-See: -Advika- Kakoli, 596; 1317~ee:-

kara; Buddakakara; Kam Ksira-Kakoli; (Kshirakak-
(varieties) ') koli; Koli (varieties)
Kakarashingi, 1062-See:- Kak00pala, 1315
Kakadsingi; Singi Kakoranda, 201-See:-
(varieties) Koranda
Kakasha, 901 Kakoudumbar, 550-See:-
Kakatinduka, 454-See:- Koudumbar
Tinduka Kakphal, 360
Kakatonti, 1238 Kakra-singi, 1062-See:-
Kakatundi, 151 Kakadsingi; Singi (varieties)
Kakavalli-See: -Parin- Kakrasringi, 1062-See:-
Kakavalli 'Kakadsingi; Singi (varieties)
Kakdani, 267 Kakri, 403; 1235-See:-
Kakdi,403-See:-Tarkakdi Ban-Kakri
Kake-gida, 264 • Kakrikai, 403--See:-Kai or
Kakemandall, 1238 Kayi (varieties)
Kakesappu, 947 Kakrol, 807; 820
Kakham, 1092 Kakronda, 202
Kakhash, 1024 Kakruja,112
Kakhur, 418 Kakubha, 1198
Kakidonda, 300; 1238 Kakumardanika, 271
Kakilahe-Khurd, 475 Kakumullu, 230
Kakinduka, 454 Kakura, 402; 406-See:-Kura
Kakkaemara, 285 (varieties)
Kakkanan, 354-See:-Kodi- Kakurjiwah, 733
kakkanam Kakuvalli, 817
Kakkari, 403 Kakvire, 655
Kak-kata-shingi, 1062-See:- Kala, 822; M/55-See:-
Kakadsingi; Singi (varieties) Perungkala; Srikala; Shri-
Kakkatan-kodi,354-See:- kala; Sirikala; Tankala; Ran-
Kodi (varieties) tankala.
Kakkayi, 285-See:-Kai or Kala-adulso, 572-See:-
Kayi (varieties) Adulso
Kakkaykollivirai, 99-See:- Kala-babli, 9-See:-Babli
.Kollivirai; virai (varieties) Kalabanda, 73-See:-Chini-
Kakkola, 755-See:-Kola kalabanda
(varieties) Kalabash, 388
Kakkoli-See:-Kshirakak- Kalabashimb, 572
koli; Koli (varieties) Kalabhangra, 1159--See:-
Kakmachi, 1148; 1152 Bhangra (vcrrieties)
. Kakmari, 99; 360-See:-Mari Kala Bhopala, 408--See:-
(varieties) - Bhopla (varieties)
Kakmunchi, 115Z-See:- Kalaboel,75-See:-Boel
Munchi (varieties)
Kaknaj, 950; 951; 1291 Kala-damar, 1133-See:-
Kaknasa, 666 Damar (varieties)
Kakni, 1131 Kala-dammar, 254

Kala-dana, 688-See:-Dana Kalamaha, 726

. (varieties) ! Kalamb,118
Kaladhatura, 434; 44O--See:..- ~alambi, 684
Dhatura (varieties) Kalambu-See-Dhar-
Kalafath, 101 kalambu
Kalagaru-See:-Baro- Kalameshi, 691
Kalagaru Kalamiri, 969-See:-Miri
Kalahaldi, 414-See:-Haldi (varieties)
(varieties) Kalamith, M/99-See:-Mith
Kalai, M/42; M/l16-See:- Kalamoog, 940-See:-Moog
, Ku~ti-Kalai; But- K- a 1 a i; ( varieties)
Mash-Kalai Kala-mucha, 1160-See:-
Kala inderjav, 849-See:- Mucha
Inderjav Kala-musli, 411-See:-Musli
Kalaippaikizhangu, 579-See: (varieties)
'-Ippaikizhangu Kalanaru, 717-See:-Naru;
Kala-jam, 517-See:-Jam Kalnaru
( varieties) Kalanchikuru, 226
Kala-jira, 855-See:-Jira Kalancho, 1162
(varieties) Kalanduru, 428
Kalak, 172 Kalang, M/l16-See:-
Kalaka, 277 Karuna-kalang; Marul-
Kalakado,1296-See:-Kado kalang; Amkulang-kalang
Kala-kadu,669-See:-Kadu Kalanga-See:-Kachula-
( varieties) kalanga
Kala-kasturi, 627-See:- Kalangu, 226-See:-Urla-
Kasturi (varieties) kalangu; Vallikalangu;
Kalakasunda, 289--See:- Kattuvallikalangu
Kasunda (varieties) Kalanimak, M/98; M/I00-
Kala-kat, 1016-See:-Kat See:-Nimak
Kala-katwa, 1126-See:- Kalanzo, 1195
Katwa (varieties) Kalapart¥, 691-See:-Parni
Kala-khajur, 785-See:- (varieties)
Khajur (varieties) Kalaphalas, 432-See:-Phalas
Kala khaparo, M/131-See:- Kala pingain, 862-See:-
Khaparo (varieties) Pingain
Kala-khen-boun, 1079 Kalappa-gadda, 579-See:-
Kala-Kirayat, 607-See:- Gadda (varteties)
Kirayat (varieties) Kalar, M/100 _
Kalak-litaka,677 ' Kalara, ,202 ,_
Kala-kuda,1296-See:-Kuda Kalarkodi, 226-See:-Kodi
(varieties) (varieties)
Kala-Kushal, 1244-See:- Kalasess60gachh, 431-See:- .
Kushal Sessoogachh
Kalakutki, 618-See:-}{.utki Kalasinsappa, 431-See:-
(varieties) • Sinsapa (varieties)
Kalam. 1168-See:-M~(ra- Kala tekar, 353-See:-Tekar
kalam ' (varieties)

Kala-til, 595; 1126-See:-TiL 1{alika-See:-Kanta-kalika·

(varieties) Ajalikalika '
Kala-tulasi, 86&-See:-Tulasi 1{alika-chuna, M/44--See:-
(varieties) Chuna (varieties)
Kala tulshi, 863-TulSi Kalikari,579--See:-Kari (va-
(varieties) rieties) ; 1{antakari (varie-
Kala-tunga, 427-See:-Tunga ties)
Kalava-See:-Nalla-kalava; Kalikatuki, 618; 619-See:-
Kondakalava Katuki
Kala-vala, 925; 126O--See:- Kali Kauli, 449-See:-1{auli
Vala (varieties) Kalikikar, 9-See:-'Kikar
Kalavi-See:-Pedda-kalavi (varieties)
Kalawaso, 1195-See:-Waso 1{ali kutki. 953-See:-1{utki
Kala Watana, 976-See:- (varieties)
Watana 1{alilara, 771
Kalaya, 976 Kalirnirch or 1{alirnirich, or
Kalayasa, 'M/55 1{alirnirichi,969-See:-
'Kalbondi' jowar, 1161-See:- J angli-kali-rnirch; J angli-
J owars (varieties) kali-rnirichi; Mirich (varie-
Kalchampa, 993-See:-Cham- ties)
pa (varieties) Kalirnusli,411-See:-Musli
Kalehar, 1205 ( varieties)
Kale-jlray, 1268-See:-Jiray 1{alinga, 402; 634-See:-
Kalenjire, 855-See:-Jire Pedda-kalinga
Kalen-sasam, 216-See:- 1{alingad, 338
Sasam Kalingada, 402
Kale-nun, M/99-See:-Nun 1{ali-sahebi, 1286-See:-
(varieties) Sahebi (varieties)
Ka-Iet, 1167 Kalisar, 619-See:-Sar (varie-
Kalgoripadri, 1168-See:- ties)
Padri Kalisarson. 216-See:-Sarson
Kali, 1286-See:-Kashurk- (varieties)
kali; Kat-kali; Nagar-kali; Kali-tori, 751--see:-Tori (va-
Patkali; Poonaikkali; Vak- rieties)
kali; Vrishi-kali Kal-itthii, 554-See:-Itthii
Kaliakara, 267-See:-Akara 1{alivipandu-8ee:-Pedda-
Kali-basuti, 353-See:-Basuti kalivipandu
Kalichune, M/44 Kaliyana marukka, 508
1{aligrvarnah, 1202 1{alkasunda, 290-See:-
Kalihalad, 414-See:-Halad Kasunda (varieties)
(v:arieties) 1(alkora, 798-8ee:-1{ora
Kalihaldi, 414-See:-Halad ( varieties)
( varieties) Kalkus~:-Chota-
Kalihari, 579 kalkusha
Kalijeeri, 85&-See:-Jeeri Kallal, 548 .
Kali-jhant, 44 1{allangaday, 338
Kali-jiri, 1267-See:-Jiri Kallankai-See:-Maruk-
(varieties) kallan-kai; Shivaram-kalli;

TlrUgu-kalli; Tiru-kalli; Kalo-valo, 925-See:-V alo;

Chandurak-kalli Pilo-valo; Bhanavalo
Kallanta, 1149 Kalpa-See:-Laharzingina-
Kallasabatrasige, 869 I kalpa; Madukalpa; Lahana-
Kalli, 529---See:-Bonthakalli;kalpa
Bonthekalli; llaik kalli; Kalphah, 328
Katak-kalli; Kombu-kalli; Kalu, A/211
Mondu-kalli; Palakai-kalli;
Kaluduroo, 855
Palakalli; Ranakalli; Seha-
Kalukera, 265; 267
did-kalli Kalumar, 543
Kallijarri, 1094 Kalu-miris,969-See:-Miris
KaUim,ulayan, 212 Kalung-See:-Palupaghel-
Kallu, 1300 kalung .
Kallu-huvu, 922 Kalun-sisun, M/83
Kallurivi, 91 Kaluva, 860-See:-TeIla-
Kalluruki, 1008 kaluva
Kallur Vanchi, 91-See:- Kalvazhai, 255
Vanchi (varieties) Kalvi, 1170
Kally-See:-Shadurak-kally Kalyan-pooshini, 185
Kalmegh, 101 Kamachi-kassuvu, 107
Kalmi-See:-Shud-ka1mi; Kamaduti, 1168
Dudhia-kalmi; Ilal-kalmi Kamakha, 776
Kalmi-sak, 684-See:-Sak Kamakher,llO-See:-Kher
( varieties) Kamakshapullu, 107-See:-
Kalmnor, 543 Kamakshipillu
Kalnaru, 55-See:-Naru; Kamakshee, 255
Kalanaru Kamakshi, M/2; 422
Kalaoabaval, 9-See:-Baval Kamakshipillu, 1l0-See:-
(varieties) Kamakshapullu
Kalo-Apkaro, 1259-See:- Kamal, 761; 844; or Kamala,
Apkaro 844-See:-Krishna Kamal;
Kalo bikhmo, 27-See:- Lal- k a mal; Pandharen-
Bikhmo kamal; Rakta-kamal; Surya-
Kalo bikhoma donghi, 30 kamal; Sveta-kamala; Uplia-
Kalo-champu, 1259-See:- kamal
Champu Kamala Dy~, 760
Kaloi, M/1l6 Kamalaguri, 760
Kalo kudo, 787; 849-See:- Kamalata, 690;;
Kudo (varieties) Kamalawel, 424
Kalomirich, 969-See:-Mirich Kamalottara, 278
(varieties) Kamalphul, 573 ~
Kalo-negundu, 572-See':.;_ Kamalranj, 339
Negundu Kamanchi-chettu, 1152
Kalorai, 216-See:-Rai (va- Kamand, 1083
rieties) Kamapatige, 1283
Kalothumbo, 114---Se&.- . Kamaphilusa, 202
Kalouji, 1267 .-- Kamarakha, 164
Kamarghvel, 1113

Kamarkas, 222 Kanagala-See:-Kadukana-

Kamazariyns, 1212 gala; Betta-kanagala
Kamazariyus, 1162 Kanagi, 176; 834
Kambari, 584 Kanagilu, 847
Kambei, 1152 Kana-kach, 809
Kambha,760 Kanaka dattura, 434-(See:-
Kambhar, 584 Dattura (varieties)
Kambila, 760 Kanakaia, 271
Kambilipuch, 816; 817 Kanakaphala, 396
Kamboji, 39; 580-See:- Kanak-Champa, 1026--See:-
Krishna Kamboji Champa (varieties)
KambunruiUnee,263 Kanako, 396
Kamephatusa, 875 Kanal, 1173
Kametti, 532 Kanalei, 531
Kamila, 760 Kanam, 282
Kamini, 821-See:-Sveta Kana-mulla, 467
Kamini Kanana-eranda, 705-See:-
Kam-jameva, 1183 Eranda
Kam Kasturi, 862-See:- Kanang Kardi, 373-See:-
Kasturi (varieties) Karai (varieties)
Kamkola, 807-See:-Kola Kanapa, 176
(varieties) Kanapachettu, 1263
Kamla-neboo, 339-(See:- Kanaregu, 555/556
Neboo (varieties) Kanari,253
Kammar-kas, 1095 Kanavazhiain, 373
Kammi-See:-Safed-kammi; Kanaveeram., 847
Dhop-kammi Kanbela, 761-See:-Bela (va-
Kammon, 408 rieties)
Kamo, 1060 Kancenica, 554
Kamodio, 450 Kancha, 256
Kampher,250 Kanch~, 182; 183-See:-
Kampliuti, 556 Daevakanchanamu; Rakta-
Kamrak, 164 kanchan; Svetakanclum
Kamranga,l64 Kanchana, 1221 .
Kamrup, 545; 553 Kanchanara, '184
Kamrup musk, A/197-See:- Kanchara, 373
Musk (varieties) Kanchata, 373
Kamuemuluki,280; 1028 Kanchini, 183
Kamugu, 130 Kanchi-pundu, 1152-See:-
Kamuk,834 Pundu (varieties)
Kamulu,88 Kanchira, -373
Kamumi-muluki, 1028 Kanch Koorie, 818
Kamun, 408 Kanchkuri, 1226-See:-Kuri
Kamune-aswad, 855 (varieties )
Kamuni, 947; 1152 Kanchli,20
Kan, .339-See:-Kau-kan; Kanchnal, 183
Khatti-kan; Kora-kan; Lat- Kanchni-See:-Siru-kanchni
kan Kanchu, M/48

Kanchura-See:-3 ata Kan- Dungari-kando; Lahan lCol-

chura kando
Kanchuri-vayr, 1226 . Kandra, 1257
Kand-See:-Ambarkand; : Kandula, 828
Musalikand; Pashkand; Kandulu, 231
Zaminkand; Varshlkand; Kanduri, 300
Muchkand; Sakara-kand; Kan-duriki-bel, 300-See:-Bel
Varshi-kand; Zamin-kand; (varieties )
Bidari-kand; Bilai-kand; I(andvi, 1221
Dukar-kand: Sakhar-kand Kaner, 847-See:-PiIa-kaner
Kanda, 63-See:-Akanda; Kanera,847
Advi-kanda; Bara-kanda; Kaneri-See:-Dhave kaneri
Bhuikanda; Gadambhikanda; Kanerzard, 302
Gadanikanda; Ganesh-kan- Kang, 1131
da; Jangli-kanda; Koli-kan- Kangahi,8 .
da; Kolkanda; Ksheerakan- Kangai-See:-Vilayati-
da; Mankanda; Matsakanda; kangai
Pahadikanda; Sarkanda; Kangal,449
Vajrakanda Kangal', 449
Kanda-gadda, 1253 -See:- Kangari-supheda, 1234-See:-
Gadda (varieties) Supheda
Kandakiphala, 146 Kanghani, 8'
lCandal, 165; 542: 579 Kanghi, 8; 1134-See:-Bar-
Kandamani-cheddi, 255-See: kanghi
-Cheddi (varieties) Kangi, 523-See:-Kante-
Kandamanu, 255 kangi
Kandamurgarittam, 464 Kangni, 770; 897; 1131
Kandanga-kathri, 1150 Kangoi,8
Kandangari, 264 Kangori,8
Kandangatari, 1150 Kangu, 756; 1131
Kandan-Kaththiri, 1158 Kangui,897
Kandankattari, 1150 Kanguni, 296-See:-Mala-
Kandan-kattiri, 1156 kanguni
Kandarola-mara, 630 Kanher, 847-See:-Pivala-
Kandavela, 1284 kanher
Kande, 1257-See:-Pita- Kani-See:-Manja-kani;
Kande Mushakani ..
Kanderi, 157 Kaniar, 1026 .

Kandha-See:-Thiya-kandha Kanier, 933

Kandhari, 1286 Kanigyanhullu~ 696
Kanik, 1244 -.
Kandi, 1011-See:-Gullakandi
Kani,;,pas-zehar, M/97
Kandira-See:-Konsu Kan- Kanj, 1221
dira Kanja or ganja, 256-See:-
Kandiari, 133; 297; 1318 Buzaganja; Jadaganja; Rana-
KandIa, 183 " ganja
Kando-See:-Bankando-; . Ka- Kanjan-bura, 715
davinokando; Devakando; Kanjika-See:-Whey

Kanjiram, 1175-See:-Valli Kanso. M/48

kanjiram Kansya, M/48
Kanjura, 374 Kanta, 773 - See:-Harcuch-
Kanjuri, 1226 kanta; Barak-kanta; Bipem-
Kanka, 444 kanta; Akar-kanta; Arka-
Kankala, 964 kanta; Gokhula-kanta; Mo-
Kankankhar, M/I03-See:- thal-kanta; Roma - kan41;
Khar (varieties) Sheal-kanta; Shial - kanta;
Kankapal, 1049 Dhal - kanta; Ujar - kanta;
Kankatika,8 Sniah-kanta; Sial-kanta bhat-
Kankelli, 1104 mil
Kankeri, 221 Kanta alu, 451-See:-Alu (va-
Kankhina, 1091 rieties)
Kankla, 1317 Kantaasherio, 175
Kankola, 400-See:-Kola Kanta-avala, 163-See:-Avala
(varieties) Kanta-dhotra, 133-See:-
Kankol mirch, 400-See:- Dhotra
Mirch (varieties) Kanta-gur-kamai, 165; 267-
Kankra, 924 A/217--See:- See:-Gurkarnai
Golkankra Kantai, 555
Kankri, 403 Kanta iron, M/56-See:-Iron
Kankrol, 867 (varieties)
Kanku, 897 Kantajati, 175
Kan-kuti, 282-See:-Kuti Kantak - See:-Phala-kantak;
(varieties) Sugandha-kantak
Kannadi, A/153 Kantaka - See:-Srigala-kan-
Kanni, 469-See:-Chutha- taka; Svadu-kantaka; Vajra-
kanni; Elakanni; Karisirang- kantaka
kanni; Modera-kanni; Modi- Kantakalika, 667-See:-
ra-kanni; Motirakanni; Peri- Kalika (varieties)
yakanni; Vattekanni Kantakalu-See:-Visha-
Kannie-See:-Karkannie kantakalu
Kannunni, 471 Kantakari, 1150; 1156--See:-
Kanocha, 947; 1096 Kari (varieties)
Kanor,50 Kanta-katchu, 725-See:-
Kanphata, 271 Katchu
Kanphul, 1195 Kantakregi, 277
Kanphuta, 351 Kanta-kusham, 133-See:-
Kanphuti, 271; 599 Kusham
Kanra, 1087 Kantala, 54; 55
Kanrat, 798 Kantalgoch, 146
Kanregu, 555-See:-Regu Kantali-champa, 140-See:-
Kanrehi, 431 Champa (varieties)
Kanru,556 Kantalo-bal, 1138-See:-Bal
Kansa, M/48; 256 ( varieties)
Kanshe, M/48 Kantam, M/55
Kanshira-See:-J ata- Kantaro, 524
Kanshira Kantebhouri, 674

Kante-kangi,449-See:-Kangi Kapi-priya, 535-See:-Priya

Kantela~ee:-Karwa­ (varieties)
kantela Kapita, 475
Kantena, 1116 , Kapitha, 535
Kanteringani, 1156-See:- t
Kapitthaparni, 21:1_.-See:-
Ringani (varieties) Parni (varieties)
Kanthal, 146 Kapivittulu, 365-See:-
Kantham, M/106 Vittulu (varieties) .
Kanthanga, 1257 KapU, 761 .
Kanthel, 146 Kapok tree, 505
Kantikari, 1156-See:-Kari Kapoor, 250-See:-Bhimseni-:
( varieties) . kapoor; "Pakwa-kapoor"
Kantisoppu, 354 Kapoora, 250
Kantolan, 807 Kapooravalli, 113
Kantosariyo, 17 Kapooroo, 250
Kantya-nivali,873-See:- Kapor, M/44
Nivali (varieties) Kapota, A/156
Kanuga-chettu, 1001 Kappalam, 273
Kanuria, 628 Kappalmelaka, 268
Kanval-See:-Chota-kanval Kappa-mavu, 96-See:-Mavu
Kanvar - See:-Chhota kan- (varieties)
var; Ghikanvar; JangU-kan- Kappumankala, 199-See:-
var; Nahani-kanvar Mankala
Kanvi,587 Kappusu-See:-Savari-
Kanwal, 844; 1113 kappusu
T.-(anya, 75 Kapukimissa, 627
Kanyensi, 456 Kapur, 250-See:-Bhimseni
Kanyo-mi, 154 kapur
Kanzal,20 Kapura, 172
Kao-ashud, 577 Kapura Kachali, 608--See:-
Kaolin, M/7 Kachali (varieties)
Kaolinite, M/7 Kapur-bhendi, 842; 1251-See:
Kapas, 587-See:-Deokapas; -Bhendi (varieties)
Devkapas; Pilikapas Kapur ingris, M/41-See:-
Kapas-tuhi, 587-See:-Tula Ingris
Kapa-vila, 1274-See:-Vila Kapur-kachali, 414-See:-
Kaphal,828 Kachali (va~ieties)
Kaphala, 360 Kapurkachri, 608; 715-See:-
Kaphur,250 Kachri
Kapi, 365 Kapurkachur, 608--See:-
Kapia kushi, 626-See:-Kushi Kachur (varieties)
Kapikachchhu, 818 .
Kapikottai, 365-See:-Kottai Kapur-kuchri, 715-See:-
(varieties) Kuchri'
Kapila, 760; 761 Kapurli, 113
Kapila-sinsapa, 432-See:- 'Rapus, 588-See:-Rankapus;
Sinsapa (varieties)."..,.. ~ Kharaikapus; Vadlikharai-
Kapilo, 761 • kapus

Kar~ 1221-See:-Akalkar; Karambu, 713

Kadulkar, Vikankar Karamcha, 277
Kara, 1190 - See:-Adavika- Karamkandu, 876
kara; Akkalkara; Arushkara; Karanai-See:-Kattukkara-
Garbhakara; J eelakara; Kar- nai; Karungkaranai
nikara; Machhikara; Mein- Karanaphul,835
kara; Phatikara; Utkara; Karancha, 277
Budda - kakara; Jhankara; Karanda, 450
Adavi - jilkara; Khakara; Karandagida, 1162
Machhikara Karandai, 862-See:-Narak-
Karabera, 847 Karandai; Vishnu-Karandai
Karabi, 847-See:-Haldi- Karandhis,334
karabi Karandi-See:-Vishnu
Karabira-See:-Peeta- Karandi
karabira Karando, 266
Karabphul, 827 Karangalli, 11
Karabunda-See:-Karbunda Karanga-See:,.-N ata-
Karakarbunda Karanga'; N ata-Karanja
Karachma, 266 Karangi, 475
Karachunai, 11M Karani-See:-Vishala Karani
Karadayi, 1114 Karanj,1001-See:-Katkaranj
Karai, 264; 988; 1170; 1266- Karanja, 1001-See:-Dahar-
See:-Manak Karai; Olang Karanja; Lata Karanja;
Karai; Kanang Karai Nata-Karanja; Putikaranja
Karail,444 Karanjali, 822
Karaila, 351; 599 Karankusa, 107-See:-Kusa
Karain,976 (varieties)
Karaka, 1205 Karankussa, 107
Karakabodda, 543--See:- Karanti, 405
Bodda (varieties) Karap, 119
Kara~ai, 120~ee:-Kai or Karapincha, 195
Kayi (varieties) Karappu-damar, 1133-See:-
Karakarbunda, 543-See:- Damar (varieties)
Karbunda Karathay, 805
Kanakkaranai, 94 Karaunda, 277
Karakkaya, 1205-See:- Karava-See:-Dudhkarava
Pinda-Karakkay Karavaeru, 113
Kara-kundurukam, 1133 Karavappu, 835
Karala, 805 Karavati, 235
Ka,ralai-See:-Peria Karalaij Karavee,955
Siru Karalai Karavella, 805
Karam, M/88-See:-Patika- Karavi, 271; 847
ram; Ponkaram; Sanchhi- Karavira, 847
karam; Akarakaram Karaviramu, 847
Karamara, 164 Karawandi, 1286
Karamarda, 266 Karaypak, 195
Karamardaka, 266 Karber, 847
Karambel, 448 Karbir-See:-Pili karbir

Karbrahmi, 66:?-See:-Brahmi Karijirigay,855-See:-Jeeri-

(varieties) gay
Karbunda-See:-Kara Karijiry, 855
Karbunda Karik, 1285
Karcha,403 Karimaram, 452
Karchi,634 Karimardu, 1211
Karchi-balli,807 Karimaruthu, 1132
Kardai, 164; 278 Karimatti, M/41; 121l-See:-
Kardhanka, A/213 Matti (varieties)
Kardi, 278 Karimbu, 1083
Kareambu, 674 Karimpolam, 1227
Kare huliu, 108 Karl-mulli, 1149-See:-Mulli
Karela-See:-Dhar-Karela (varieties)
Kareli,805 Kari-mutal, 432-See:-Mutal
Karelo, 805 Karimuttan,428-See:-
Kare-mugilan, 8 Muttan
Karepaku, 821 Karinchirakam 855-See:-
Karer, 265 Chirakam
Kareyvadi, 431 Karinda, 450-See:-Karu
Kargnalia, 218 karinda
Karhati, 403 Karinekkigida, 572-See:-
Kari, 265; 353; 507; 551-See: Nekki (varieties)
-Aduppu-Karl; Kanti-Karl; Karing, 338
Kali-Kari; Mutti Kari; Kanta Karinga, 568; 569; 662
Kari; Phat Karl; Phit Kari; Karinghola, 1096
Phut Kari; Pita Kari; Pitta Karinje-rooku, 1001
Karl; Sphati Kari; Tan Karinkilla, 282
Kari; Tik Karl Karink-uvalam, 809
Karia, 265-See:-Naga Karia; Karinthuvari, 454
Tup Karia Karintoomba, 114
Karianag, 579-See:-Nag Kari-phal, 828
(varieties) Kari-pippuli, 1117-See:-
Kariari, 579-See:-Ari (varie- Pippuli
ties) Karira,265
Kari-beli-panna-maravara, 156 Karisalai, 471-See:-Salai
Karibevu, 195-See:-Bevu Karisalangani,471-See:-
(varieties) Salangani
Karibolam, 75-See:-Bolam Karisasivey, 21~ee:­
Karicheri, M/46 Sasivey
Karifiyun, 400 Karishalaguni, 469-See:-
'Kariganne, 296 Shalagunt
Karigo,338 Karisha-Ianganni, 469
Karigu, 338 Karishanganni, 471-See:-
Karlhari, 579 Shariganni
Karijali, 9; 14-See:-Jali Karisirang-kanni, 469-See:-
(varieties) . ,.
I Kanni (varieties)
Karijeenangi-mara, 1130- ~ Karit, 405

Karittiumbi, 114-See:- Karnikay, 354

Thumbi Karochikadu, 254
Kari-tulasi, 865-See:-Tulasi Kanodio, 271
(varieties) Karoi, 1172
Karitumpa, 114-See:-Tumpa Karomonga, 164
Karivaepamu, 195-See:- Karonda, 266
Vaepamu Karonta, 926
Karivaepu, 195-See:-Vaepu Karoonday, 555
Karivana, 662-See:-Vana Karotti, 441
Kariveelum, 14-See:-Veelum Karpas, 587
Karivembu, 570-See:- Karpokarishi, 1020
Vembu (varieties) Karpoor, 250-See:-Kacha
Karivi-pola, 699-See:-Pola Karpoor
Kariwageti, 923-See:-Wageti Karpooram, 250-See:-Cheen-
Karjurakaya, 943 Karpooram; Pacha Karpoo-
Karkana, 1087 ram; Pachai Karpool\ 'm
Karkandhu, 1318 Karpooran-cheena, 250-1. 800:-
ltarkani, 594; 733; 1167 Cheen-Karpooram
Karkannie, 478-See:-Kannie Karpoora silajit, M/24-See:-
Karkapilli, 978 Silajit (varieties)
Karkataka, A/217; 807; 820 Karpoorpul, 104
KarkatasiU-ingi, 1062-See:- Karpur, 741
Shringi (varieties) Karpura, 250
Karkati, A/213; 406 Karpura-haridra, 412-See:-
Karkatika-See:-Madhu- Haridra (varieties)
Karkatika Karpuram, 250
Karki, 151 Karpuram-aku -See:-Shima-
Karkotaki, 807 Karpuram-aku
Karkun, 1054 Karpura Maram, 512
Karla, 595; 805 Karpuri-benda, 627-See:-
Karmal, 164; 449-See:-Mota- Benda (varieties)
Karmal; Vadli-Karmal Karrinim, 195-See:-Nim
Karmaranga, 164-See:- ( varieties)
Ranga (varieties) . Karsar, 1220
Karmbala, 164-See:-Bala Karshaka, M/55
(varieties) Karshapalah, 1202-See:-
Karmoha, 266-See:-Moha Palah
(varieties) Kar-shunnambu, M/44
Karmora, 608--See:-Mora Karsih, 923
Karna-nebu, 346-See:-Nebu Kartaka-See:-Bhu-Kartaka
(varieties) Kartappe, 1154
Karnaspota, 271; 351 Kartikai, 807-See:-Kai or
Karni-See:-Laghukarni; , Kayi (varieties)
Mooshakarni KaI1tikkai-kizhangu, 579
Karnika, 1010-See:-Vriddha- Kartola, 807
karnika Karu, 573; 1055
Karnikara, 933; 1026-See:- Karua -See:-Vilayati-Karua;
Kara (varieties) Ajakarua

Karu-allamu, 1308 Karvand, 266

Karuan, 387 I. • Karvela, 599
Karu-bogi, 1020-See:-Bogi Karvi, 1172
Karuchikkudu, 424-See:- Karvi-turai, 753-See:-Turai
Chikkudu (varieties)
Karuellu, 1126-See:-Ellu Karwai-nai, 1031-See:-Nai
(varieties) (varieties) .
Karuka-pullu, 425 Karwa-kantela, 133-See:-
Karukatta, 1315 Kantela.
Karum,282 Karwando, 266
Karumbu, 1083 Karwi, 360
Karumsembai, 1130 Karwru, 1280
Karuna,348 Karyal,265
Karunaikkizhangu, 1253 Karya-ruku, 1175
Karuna kalang, 94-See:- Kasa, 1088- S6e:-Harikasa;
Kalang (varieties) Rajanikasa; Kasa-kasa
Karungkaranai, 1253-See:- Kasa bijam; 901
Karanai (varieties) Kasaginnie, 1226
E:arungkonnai, 290-See:- Kasa-kasa, 902-See:-Kasa
Konnai (varieties)
Karunjiragam, 855-See:- Kasakase, 902--See:-Chhote-
Jiragam (varieties) Kase
Karunochchi, 572-See:- Kasalu, 72; 148
N ochchi ( varieties) Kasamarda, 289; 290
Karunshirogam, 85S-See:- Kasambi, 278
Shiragam (varieties) Kasangu, 945
Karuntoli, 331-See:-Toli Kasani-See:-Tukhm~e-
Karupale, 1036 Kasani
Karupali, 1036 Kasarkana mara, 1175
Karuparutti, 588-See:- Kasave, 148
Parutti Kasbussini, 1143
Karu-pasupu, 1308-See:- Kase-See:-Chhote-kase;
Pasupu (varieties) Kasakase
Karuppo-mara, 1211 Ka~erudila, 1117
Karuppu-damar, 254-See:- Kashab-chinae, 1143
Damar (varieties) Kashakasha, 902
Karuppu-maruta-maram, 1211 Kasha-katti, (D"'ye) 11
Karuppuram, 250 Kashamaram, 787
Karupu-pillanje, 949 Kashappu-vetpalarishi, 634-
Karupuravalli, 113 See:-Vetpalarisi
Karu-umattai, 440-See:- Kasheruka, 1117
Umatai Kashi-bhopla, 722-See:-
Karuvael,9 Bhopla (varieties)
Karuvappattai-See:-Kattu- Kashinda-See:-Konda-
Karuvappattai kashinda
Karlelum,9 Kashiphal, 408; 722
Kar-vaghe, 60 Kashiphala, 407
Karuveppillai, 195; ~21 Kashis, M,I64
,-" INDEX 825

Kash-mal, 187; 189; 191; 867 Kasturi-arishina, 414-See:-

Kashmeera, 385 Arisina \
Kashmeeramu, 385 Kasturibenda-vittulu, 626-27-
Kashmirajanama, 389 See:-Vittulu (varieties)
Kashmira musk, A/197-See: Kasturi-bhendo, 627-See:-
-Musk ( varieties) Bhendo (varieties)
Kashmirl.-Hermodactyls, 369- Kasturi-dana, 626-See:-Dana
See:-Hermodactyls (varieties)
Kashmiri-mara, 584 Kasturika-See:-Zala Kastu-
Kashmirja, 1108 rika
Kashoa, 787 Kasturikam-See:-Lata Kas-
Kashtam, 1108 turikam
Kash-tha-koyala, M/46 Kasturi-Malliga, 703-See:-
Kashurk-kali, 632-See:-Kali Malligai (varieties)
(varieties) Kasturi-manjal, ~87; 414; 1095
Kashuruk-virai--.:.see:- -See:-Manjal (varieties)
Shivappu-kashuruk-virai Kasturi-mogre, 703-See:-
Kasinda, 289 Mogre (varieties)
Kasini-virai, 313-See:-Virai Kasturi-munai, A/147-See:-
(varieties) Munai
Kasini-vittulu, 313-See:- Kasturipaspu, 187-See:-
Vittulu (varieties) Pasupu (varieties)
Kasis, M/64-See:-Hara- Kasturi-pasupu, 414-See:-
kasis; Hira-kasis Pasupu (varieties)
Kasisa, M/63 Kasturipatte, 847
Kasku-kutta, l1-See:-Kutta Kasturivendaik-kayvirai, 627-
Kaskusri-See:--Jalidar Kas.. See:-Virai (varieties)
kusri Kasunda, 289--See:-Bas-Ki-
Kasmar, 584 Kasunda; K a 1 a-Kasunda;
Kasmari, 584 Kalkasunda
Kasni,313 Kasuri, 520
Kasondi, 289 Kasus, 420-See:-Heera-
Kaspat, 534 Kasus
Kaspatta, 114-See:-,..patta Kasusa-See:-Tukhm-i-
( varieties) KasUfia
Kassar, 1285 Kasuvayee, 289
Kasschara, 666-See:-Chara Kat-See:-Kala-Kat
(varieties) Kata-See:-Lodhano-Kata;
Kassu, 607 Mala-eri-Kataj Tel-Kata
Ka.stel, 656 Katahara, 146
Kastori-manjal, 418-See:- Katai, 1156
Manjal (varieties) Kataka, 1181
Kasturi, A/196; 44~:­
Kadu-kasturi; Kala-:kasturi; Katak-kalli, 522-See:-Kalli
Kam-kasturi; Kattakasturi; (varieties)
Kattuk-kasturi; Lata-kasturi; Kata Kelenga, 449-See:-
Lata kasturikam; Vattilai- Kelenga
kasturi ' Katal, 116

Katala, A/214; 311-See:- Kathira, 362; 117()

Nelakatala Kath-Khar, ll-See:-Khar
Kotalai-See :-Anekatalai (varieties)
Katalati. 21 Kathori, 315
Katali-See :-Anekatali Kath-shim, 255-See:-Shim.
Katamanak, 705 ( varieties)
Katambi, 566 Kaththiri, 1151
Katampam, 1138 Kathu,l1
Katappa, 1205 Kathu-inshi-kua, 1315
Katarali, 302-See:-Arali Katiahar, 146
Kat-aralie,1l89-See:-Aralie Katier, 555
Kataru-murunga, 52-See:- Katikamto, 433
Murunga Katila, 158
Katat,387 Kat-illipi, 179
Kataveri, 677 Kati-mango, 221-See:-Man-
Katavjate, 764 go; Mowda (varieties)
Katbel, 535-See:-Bel (varie- Katira, 1170
ties) Katira-i-Hindi, 362-See:--.
Katbish, 23; 28-See:-Bish Hindi (varieties)
Katchoor, 418 Katkadalekka, 763
Katchu. 148-See:-Kanta- Katkali, 384-See:-Kali
Katchu (varieties)
Kate, 1244 Katkaliji, 226
Kateli, 1150; 1156 Katkamba, 1228
Katenth, 946 Katkaranj, 226; 229-See:-
Katera gond, 362-See:-Gond Karanj
(varieties) Katki, 953
Katfit, 670 Katkomal, 235-see:-Komal
Katgular, 550-See:-Gular Katkomjanga, 1277 .
(varieties) Kat-lata, 932
Kath, 1254 Katma, 221
Katha, ll-See:-Chinai- Katmandoo, 1233
Katha Katmorungi, 876
Katha Chibudo, 273-See:- Katnim, 195
Chibudo Katoi, 133
Kathai, 1096 Katori, 45; 334
Kathal, M/ll6 Katori Kavath, 535-See:-
Kathalai, 55 Kavath .~
Kathaligida, 73 Katphala, 828
Kathari, 1150 Katre-iriki, 667-
Kathay, 1096 Katri, 1278-See:"'-:-t\shva katri
Kathbel, 535-See:-Be1 (var- Katri-indrayan, 467-See:-
ieties) Indrayan (varieties)
Kathenerinnil, 926-See:- Katsareya, 175
f Nerinnil Katsol, 1077
Kath-gular, 548-See~-Gular Katson, 1077
( varieties) Katta-boggu, M/46-See:-
Kathil, M/1l6 .. Boggu

Kattai-jati, 764-See:.:_,}ati Kattukkodi, 362-See:-Kodi

(varieties) (varieties)
Kattakami-chettu, 1181 Kattukurnap, 331-See:-Kur..
Kattakasturi, 627-See:-Kas- nap
turi (varieties) Kattu-malika, 700-See:-
Kattalai, 73; 76 Mallika (varieties)
Kattam, 996 Kattumalligei, 703-See:-
Kattamanakku, 70~See:- Malligei (varieties)
Amanakku (varieties) Kattumanjal, 414-See:-Man-
Kattamara, 460 Kathamara jal (varieties)
Kattarama-tulasi, 861-See:- Kattumullangi, 202--See:-
Tulasi (varieties) Mullangi
Kattatti, 183-See:-Atti Kattu-nerinjal, 926--See:-
(varieties) Nerinjal (varieties)
Kattavala, 73; 75--See:-Avala Kattu-olupoe, 1203-See:-
(varieties) Olupoe
Kattei-tulluva, 864 Kattu-Papillay, 749-See:-
Kattellu, 595--See:-Ellu Papillay
(varieties) KattupayriI, 938--See:-
Katterikayi, 1151-See:-Kai Payaru; Payru
or Kayi (varieties) Kattu-potolam, 1236-See:_;. .
Kattige-iddal;u, M/46 Potolam
Kattilavan, 362--See:-Tila-Kattup-pepudal, 1235-See:_; !
vana Tilvan (varieties) Pepudal "
Kattivatigai, 1317-See:-Tiv- Kattuppilli, 978-See:-Pilli
atigai Kattu ram tulasi, 863-See:-;
Kattle-ti, 362 Ramtulasi; Tulasi
Kattualandu, 1198 (varieties) . :-
Kattu-atthi, 550-See: -Atti Katturanji, 61-See:-Turanji
(varieties) Kattu-shiragam, 1268-See:- ;
Kattu-elumichhampazham, Shiragam (varieties)
16~e:-Ellimichhampa­ Kattu-tumatti, 405-See:--o-
zham Tumatti (varieties)
Kattu-elupay, 1203-See:- Kattuvalari, 254-See:-Valari:
Elupay Kattu valli Kalangu, 451--'-See:
Kattuirrupa, 179-See:-Irru- - Valli-kalangu; Kalangu;
pai (varieties)
Kattu-kadalai, 763-See:- Kattu-ventiyam, 1138-See:'-'-' !
Kadalai (varieties) Ventiyam 'r
Kattu-karuvappattai, 331- Katu-ayamodakam-See:- , i

See:-Karuvappattai Ayamodakam
K.atuchuram, 722
Kattukjiragam, 1268--See:- Katuka, 953; M/13
Jiragam (varieties) Katukapel, 1098
Kattukkaranai, 1188--See:·- Katukarogani, 953-See:-
Karanai Rogani
Kattuk-kasturi, 627-·See:-- Katukarohini, 618; 619-See:-
Kasturi (varieties) Rohini (varieties) .'

Katuki, 573; 752; 953-See:- Kavat,535

Kalikatulti !Kavath,
Katukina, 1303 Kavath
Katulam, 1283 Kavatha, 535
Katu-mallige, 700-See:-Mal- 'Kava-thenthe, 354--See:-
lige (varieties) Thenthe
Katumbhi, 296 Kavati, 1171
Katunirure, 948 Kavdi, A/I58
Katu-niruri, 947-See:-Niruri Kavi-kallu-See :-Sime-
Katu-patram, 1309 Kavikallu
Katurohini, 618; 953-See:- Kavirai-See :-Sima-kavirai
Rohini (varieties) Kaviri-sandra, ll-See:-
Katu-tippali, 746-See:---,Tip- Sandra
pall (varieties) KavistetaJkh, 335-See:-Talkh
Katu-tumbi, 721-See:-Tumbi Kavit, 535
(varieties) Kavitha, 535
Katuvara, 255--See:-Vara Kavitpana, 535-See:~Pana
(varieties) (varieties)
Katuvelleri, 335-See:-Vel- Kavta, A/162
leri Kawal-See:_:'Kishmish-
Katuvira. 268-See:-Vira Kawai
(varieties) Kavya, l211
Katvel,405 Kawaliyan-See:-Kishmish-
Katwa-See:-Kala-Katwa; i-Kawaliyan
Kyakatwa ' Kawat, 742 .
Katyan-See: -Lal-katyan Kawata-See:-Kadu-Kawata
Kau, M/119j 869 Kawati-See:--Small Kawati
Kau-kan, 1138--See:-Kan Kayagahru, 120
(varieties) . Kayakuti, 775-See:-Kuti
Kaula, 408 (varieties)
Kauli-See-Kali-Kauli Kayam, 537-See: -Perung-
Kaundala, 1238 kayam; Perunkayam
Kaunti,960 Kayampuvuchedi, 787
K~tir, 95; 618-See:-Dharuja Kayaphul, 828
'.Kim!" Kayappari-kottai, 117~ee:-
Kaliraj, 1282 Kottai (varieti~s)
Kauraro, 718 Kayapute,. 775
Kauri, . l075-See-Pankauri Kayaputi, 775
Kauthimbul, 38 Kayaputia, 775
Kauti, 661 Kayar, Aj213
Kava, 658-See:-Malakava; Kaya-si, 335
Markava Kayee or Kayi-See: -Kai
Kavach,818 (varieties)
Kavachhi, 354 Kayili, 264 .
Kavali,596 Kaylor, 811
'Kavali' jowars, 1161-See:- Kayo-gadis, 333-See:-Gadis
Jowars (varieties) , . Kayoo-orb, 529-See: -Orb
Kavandali, 335 . IJ-" Kayphal, 834
INDEX 829.

Kazabun, 871 -Chitramula (varieties)

Kazhangu, 130 Kempu-cumma, 14-See:-
Kazhar-shikkay, 226-See:- Cumma
Shikkay Kempu-gandhagiri, 294-See:.
Kazhinnila, 562-See: -Nila -Gandhagiri
(varieties) Kempu-kerubija, 96-See:-
Kazhur, 418 Kerubija
Kazlunnilla, 562 Kempu Khasa Khase gida, 901
Kazuri,869 -See: -Khasa-khase-gida
Kazuthai-tumbai, 1233-See:- Kempu mandara, 184-See:-
Tumbar Mandara
Kea,894 Kempu. menasu, 268--See:-
Kebir, 265 Menasu (varieties)
Kecara,390 Kemuka, 385
Kedagai, 894-See Gai Kend, 453; 454
(varieties) Kendu, 453
Kedage, 894 Kenduka, 453
Kedagi,894 Kengan, 792
K edangu, 1130 Kenika, 609
Kedari-chua, 88-See: -Chua Kenjal, 1211
Keelay, 266 Kenkalimara, 1105 .
Keera-See: -Kahi-keera; Kennegilu, 678-See: -Ane-
Pu1ichai-kee~a; Tavakeera; neggi~u; Neggilu; Doddaneg-
Seemai-pulichai-keera gilu
Keerai-See: -Medday- Keo-khin, M/2-See: -Khin
keerai; Passrai-keeray Keora, 894
Keerippundu, 872-See:- Keora-ka-mul, 694
Pundu (varieties) Keora, 894
Kehalgana, 822 Keora-ka-mul, 694
Kehetara-ubal-dana, 1137:- Keoreka-mul, 69!'i
See: -Dana (varieties) Keore-ku-mul, 694
Kel-See:-Ban-Kel; Narikel; Kepala, 698
"Ram KeI"; "Raj-kel"; Son- Kerapfel-See: -Zu-kerapfel
keI; Tambdi-kel Kerav,977
Kel~ 822-See: -Ban-kela; Keray-See: -Vasole-keray
Son-keIa; Narikela Kering,876
Kelenga-See: -Kata- Keriti,666
kelanga Kermes mineral, M/13
Kelanji, 855 Kerni, 1286
Kelangu-See: -Sak-keri- Kersani seed, 595
vellei-kelangu Kerubija-See: -Kempu-
Keli, 822-See:-Devakeli; Kerubija
Krishnakeli; Pahari-keli; Kerugakkay, 933
Son-keli Kerukoh batu, 609-See:--
Keli-kadam, «-See: -Kadam Batu
Kellkadamba, 843-See:- Kerula, 805
Kadamba (varieties) Kesani,595
~empu Chitramula, 989-See: Kesar, 390

Khad-See: _Dhanghi-khad;
Kesara-Se e : _Tamranaga-
kesara; Nagkeshar; Kun- Khaddi-See: -Visha-khaddi
kuma-kesara; Naga-kesara; Khaddu, 722-See: -J angli-
N agkesara; Retinagakesara;
Sinha-kesara Khaderi,l1
Kesaraja, 1291 Khadir, 1254
Kesaranjan, 471-See:-
Khadira, 11
Ranjan Khadiram, 11
Kesari, 199; 520; 72e Khado-See: -Pade-khado
Kesarichettu, 389 Khadu, M/6; MilO
Keshar, 390 Khdyanag, 579-See:-Nag
Kesharaj, 469 (varieties)
Kesharaja, 469 Khaet, 535
Keshur,1117 Khagphulai, 1061
Kesooria, 469 Khai-maphyn, MillS
Kessar, 390 Khaipok, M/83
Kesu, 224-See:-Simbo-
Khair, 11
kesu Khaira,l1
Kesugi,705 Khairchampa, 993-See:-
Kesun-ni, 63 Champa (varieties)
Kesur-See : _Mahat-kesur;
Khairuwa, 151
Sonekesur Khaiyar,l1
. Kesura-See : -Laghu-
Khaja, 219
kesura Khajarkulli, 818
Kesuri,469 Khaj-golicha-vel, 284-See:-
Kesuria, 469 Golich vel
Kesusi, 1065 Khajjuri, 943
Kesuti, 469 Khajkotli, 1226
Kesutti, 469 Khajoti,17
Ketaki, 894 Khajur, 943; 946-See:-
Ketan, 877 Benkhajur; Kadu-khajt
Ketmia ambretta, 626--See:-
Ambretta Khajuri, 946 .
Ketmie Acide, 632-See:-
Khajuwa, 581
Acide Khaka, 415
Ketmie de Cochin china, 631 Khakara, 222-See:~Kara
K.eu, 385
Keur, 894
Khakshi, 1142
Kevani, 615 Khakshir, 1142
Kevda, 394 Khalagi, 726 ..
Kevei, 328 Khalakula, 458-See: -Kull
Kewar, 634 (vari~ties)
Kewiro, 822 Khalis, A/215
Keya, 894 . Khalse, A/215
Khabhar, 1092 I . Khamir, 1299

Khaboung, 1175 Khanda, 486

Khabsul Hadid, M/62 Khandvel, 1266


Khanekhaswael, 953 Kharenti, 1134

Khangi, 1138 Khar-e-shutra, 611
Khanjana, A/205 Khareti, 1134-See: -Tukati-
Khapario, A/131 khareti
Khaparo-See: -Kala- Khare-vazhun, 21
khaparo; Vakha-khaparo Khargas, 543
Khapat-See: -Nahani khapat Khargee, A/217
Khapate,8 Khargosh, A/191
Khapli, 1250 • Khari, M/l4-See:-Dhoi-
Khapparkadu, 303; 304-See: huvi-khari; Phiti-khari
-Kadu (varieties) Kharia, 449
Khapra,203-See:-Vish- Khar-i-buz, 62
khapra Kharijuri, 946
Khar, M/6; M/88-See:- Kharik, 943; 946
J avakhar; Kankan-khar; Khariu, 896
Kathkhar; Kuddia-khar; Khariya, M/41
Papadkhar; Sajjikhar; Shora- Kharjugna, 291
khar; Somalkar; Sumbul- Kharjura, 946-See: -Pinda-
khar; Tankankhar; Ustar- kharjura
khar Khark, 237
Khara, M/55-See: -Kulia- Kharkanela, 1091
khara; Sojikhara; Khar-mahra, A/l58
Kharabeka hindi, 618- See:- Kharmati, 594-See: -Mati
Hindi varieties (varieties)
Kharai,606 Kharna, 486
Kharaikapus-See: - Vadli- Kharner, 351-See: -Ner
kharai-kapus; Kapus Kharo, M/88
(varieties) Kharoti, 543
Khara-khusk, 1229 Kharpara, M/131-See: -Para
Kharaki, 150 (varieties)
Kharakia, 943 Kharpara-tuttha, M/131--See:
Kharaki-Rasana, 1252 - Tuttha (varieties)
Khara-manjari, 21-See:- Kharpat, 570
Manjari Kharpuza-See: -Arand-
Kharanr-See: -Padikharam kharbuza; Kharbuza
Kharanfal, 835 Kharsani, 595
Khara Pushpa, 864 Kharsing, 1169
Kharas, 804 Kharsingi, 1169-See:-Singi
Kharasan, 392-See: -San ( varieties)
Kharasinga, 876-See: -Singa Khartu, 618
(varieties) Kharvant, 543-See: - Vadli-
Kharazahrah, 848 kharwant
Kharbaqe-hindi, 953-See:- Kharvat, 543
Hindi (varieties) , Kharvel, 130
Karbuza-See:-Arand- Kharvuja, 402
kharbuza Kharwant-See: -Kharvant
Kharbuka-talkt, 335 Kharwat, 550
Khardi, 388 Kharyal, 430

Kharyamitti, M/6-See:- Khatyan-See: -Safed-

Mitti (varieties) I khatyan
Khar-yashitka, 1138 Khau,869
Khas, , 109-See: -Khaskhas; Khavalyavali, 818
Bazr-ul-khas ' Khavas, 130
Khasa-See: -Khas; Kahs:- Khavo,696
khasa Khaya, 801
Khasakdana, 278-See:- Khayahe-i-iblis, 226
Dana (varieties) Khayarshambar, 285
Khasake-Kabir, 926-See:- Khayer,11; 1254
Kabir , Khejur-See:--(;harar-
Khasaka-kalan, 926 khejur; Khir-khejur; Fir
Khasa-khase-gida-See:- khejur
Kempa Khasa-khase-gida Khen, 776
Y:..has bena, 109-See: -Bena Khenni-See:-Kin-khenni
(varieties) Kher, l1-See:-Kamakhe
Khashbar, 952-See: -Bar Kheri, 798
(varieties) Kheriti, 1137
Khash-Khash, 902-See:- Kh~rmuj, 402
Qishrul Khash-khash Khetki,55
Khasia Pine, 957-See: -Pine Khetmie-a-feuilles de chau
(varieties) 628
Khaskhas, 109; 901-See:- Khetpara, 869-See: -Pan
Khas (varieties) (varieties)
Khaskhasa-chcheti-See: - Khewnau, 547
Chovanna Khaskhasa- Khilaf, 1089
chcheti Khilza, 748
Khaskhasnu-jhad-See: - Khin, M/2-See-Keo-khi!
Lal-khaskhasnu-jhad Khinjak, 975
Khaskhasache-jhad-See: - Khinna, 1104
Tambde Khaskhasache-jhad Khinnab, 256
Khasoon dates, 94~ee:­ Khip,892
Dates (varieties) Khippi,392
Khata-See: -Jadvarkhata Khira, 403
Khatai-See:-Raziyanje Khirai,891
khatai; , Badian-i-khatai; Khirkhejur, 802-See:-
Bedanjir-e-khatai Khejur (varieties)
Khatase, A/234 Khirnee, 802
Khatiyan-See: -Hath i- Khirni, 802
Khatyan Khirva, 106~
Khatkhati, 594 Khitame-See:·:......Tukm-e-
Khat-Khatumbo, 12S5' Khitame
Khatkutli, 818-See:-Vodle- Khitami~i-kuchaka, 763-
khatkutli -Kuchaka
Khattamitha, 890-See;- Khiyar,75t
Mitha (varieties)· I Khoinbo, 278
Khattikan, 1080-s,~~·Kal1 Khoira, 11
(varieties) . Khoiru,l1

Khoja, 234 Khus, 109-See:-Suphadie-

Khok,237 khus
Khokali, 17 Khusing, 294-See: -Sing
Khokli,17 (varieties)
Khol rabi, 214-See: -Rabi 'Khus-Khus' grass, 1271
Khor, 15; 608 Khus-ravedurue-kalan, 77
Khorasani-bora, 131~ee:­ Khuttia, 346
Bora (varieties) Khwagawala, 1089
Khorasani-Kutki, 61S-See:- Kiabara, 265
See:-Kutki (varieties) Kiain, 50; 51
Khorasani-owa, 670-See:- Kibabeh, 400
Owa Kibrika, M/119
Khorasan-thorn, 611 Kibrit, M/119
Khour, 16 Kichilibaddalu, 1095
Khsetra parpati, 560-See:- Kich-chilik-See: -Sime-
Parpati kich-chilik
Khubah, 1142 Kichilic-kizhanga, 41~ee:­
Khubani, 1014 Shimai-kich-chilik-
Khubazi, 763 kishangu
Khubkaln,1142 Kichili-gaddalu, 418
Khudiokra, 310-See: -Okra Kida-See: -Makhamali-kida
(varieties) Kidamar, 1001
Khueri~ 304 Kidamari, 138
Khulakudi, 662 Kidaran-See: -Wal-kidaran
Khulanj,77 Kidney Beans, 937; 942-See:
Khulanjan, 77; 79-See:- -Beans (varieties)
Anjan (varieties) Kijapute, 775
Khulanjan-e-qasbi, 77 Kikar, 9-See: -Gu-kikar;
Khulinjin, 80 Kali-kikar; Safed-kikar;
Khul-khuri, 666 Vilayati-kikar
Khune Siyiavushane hindi, Kilanelli, 947-See: -Nelli
1025-See:-Hindt (varie- (varieties)
ties) Kilangu-See:-Kachhola-
Khurasani, 595 kilangu; Nilappanang-
Khurasani ajvayan, 670-See: kilangu; Sheemai-kilangu;
-Ajwaina-khurasam Gajjara-kilangu
Khurasani-thora, 529-See:- Kilataka (Curd of milk) , A/183
Thora (varieties) Kilavari, 152; 153-See:-Vari
Khurasli, 857-Asli (varieties)
Khurbanti, 58-See: -Banti Kilkila, A/166
(varieties) KiImora, 189
Khurbuj, 402 Kilo, M/44
Khurma, 943 Kilongu-See: -Nellapana-
Khurmal-khushk, 943 kilongu
Kils, M/42
Khurmal-yab-is, 943 Kilubu-See: -Kabbinada-
Khurpendra, 569 Kilubu; Kitta
Khursa,. 1005 Kimsuka or Palas Lata, 224'

Kinai tihiri, 61-See: -Tihiri KiraYet, 573-Chota-kiraya

Kinbila, 761· . Kala-kirayat; Olenkirayat
Kindal, 1211 Kirbir-See: -Pilikirbir
Kingaro, 555 Kirch, 447
Kingfisher, A/166 Kire-See: -Suk-gu-kire;
Kingly, 800 Pulia-kire
- King of Bitters, 101 Kiretta-See: -Pahari Kirett
King's Tonic, 892 Kirfa, 328
Kinji, 1055 Kiriguligida, 1149-See:-
Kinjole, 176 Guligida
Kinkar, 16 KiriInar, 1167
Kin-khenni, 989-See: Khenni Kirindi-wel, 1075
Kinnamomon, 328 Kiripurandan, 872-See:-
Kinncha or kinneha, 541 Purandan
Kino-See: -Bengal Kino; Kirishivani, 828-See:-
Indian Kino; Malabar Kino Shivani
Kirai-See: -Piratti-kirai; Kirithi, 760
Poonangannikkirai Shakkan- Kiriyat, 101; 573
kir:ai; Soinpappu-kirai; Kiriyattu, 1184
Thanduk-kirai; Kuppaikki- Kiriyatu, 573
rai; Musalkaduk-kirai; Pa- Kirkundi, 709-See: -Kundi
lay-kirai Kirmala, 142 (' .
Kirae-See: -Manalie-kirae Kirmanji-ajwan, 1130-See:·
Kinsuka, 222-See:-Suka Ajwan
Kiraita, 573; 1184 Kirminj, A/155 I,
Kiralu, 138 Kirmira, 581
Kiramaja, A/155 Kirnelli, 946-See: -Nelli
Kiramal, 1001 (varieties)
Kiramar, 138 Kirni, 264
Kiramatti, M/7-See:-Matti Kirtcma, 445
(varieties) Kirtrnari, 389
Kirambu, 280; 835 Kirumanji, 150
Kiramjee, A/155 Kiruhelli, 947-See:-Nelli
Kiramju, A/155 (varieties)
Kiramoniowa, 142 Kirvali, 285-See~ - Vali
IGramukam, 130 (varieties)
Kiran, 1119 Kiryat, 101; 717-See:-
Kirankuri, 485-See: -Kuri Oilikiryat ,"
(varieties) KirYata, 717
Kirara, 807 Kiryat-charayatah, 1184--S{
Kiraruga, 924 -Charayatah~ (varieties)
Kirata, 101 Kiryato, 101 :
Kiratatikta, 573; 1184-See:- Kisangi, 1135
Tikta (varieties) Kisangl-hettutti gida, 1138
Kirath, 65 See: -Hettuti-gida
Kiray-See: -Perretay- / Kishmish, 1285
kiray; SharvalaY.'3~iiilY; Kishmish-i-kawaliyan, 127€
Sunday-kiray .. See: -Kawaliyan

lGshmish-kawal, 1276-See:- Kobi, 211-See: -Phulkobee;

KawaI Kobee
Kishniz, 381 Kobi-gaddi, 217
Kisht-See: -Kist-bar-kisht Kobir-sir-bhaji, 1135--See:-
Kissargida, 698 Bhaji (varieties)
Kissi-See: -Mate-kissi Kobusi, 828
Kiss-miss, 1276 Kobutar, A/156
Kist-bar-kisht, 615--See:- Kochelachipullu, 1299
Kisht Kochi,13
Kitchli, 339 Kochillitti-pulla, 695
Kits, M/41 Kochinil-puchi, A/155
Kitta-See: -Kabbina<;la Kochu-See: -Ghit-kochu
Kilubu; Kabbinada-kitta. Kodagasaleh, 1081
Kittalay, 339-See: -Servu- Kodali, 723
kittalay Kodalia, 446
Kittam-See:-Yakada-kittam Kodambada, 1166-See:-
Kiuh, 339 Ambado
Kivanch, 818 Koddu, 618
Kinvantanini, 615 Kodi-See: -Adapukodi;
Kiwach, 818 Kakkattan-kodi; Kattukkodi;
Kiyasanoin, 414 Shindil-kodi; Sindilkodi;
Kiyon-bhaI}.bin, 1278-See:- Thelukodi; Kalarkodi
Bhanbin Kodiepalay, 465
Kizhanga-See: -Pulan- Kodi-kakkanam, 354-See:-
Kizhanga Kakkanan
Kizhangu-See: -Manthori- Kodikakkatan-virai, 688
kizhangu; Nilap-panaik- Kodimuli, 989-See: -Muli
Kizhangu; Sakkaraivallik- (varieties)
kizhangu; Tannirvittan- Kodi-murukkan, 224-See:-
kizhangu; U rulaikkizhangu Murukkan
Kizanna, 427-See: -Kora- Kodinella, 405
kizanna Koditani, 578-See: -Tani
Kizhanma-See: -Pulam Kodo,924
Kizanma Kodoa-dhan, 924-See: -Dhan
Kizhanna, 94; 619-See:- (varieties)
Pulan-kizhanna Kodra, 924
Kizhkay nelli, 947-See:-- Kodrava, 924
Nelli (varieties) Kodu, 722
Kneekhowa, 728 Koel, A/160
Knoblanch gamander, 1212 Koelo-See:-Lakdu-koelo
Knol Khol, 214; 217; 218 Koelapenna, 285
Knollenbohne, 459 Koemis Koetjing, 877
Knorpeltang, 310 Koestam, 385
Knot grass, 999 Kohal, M/13
Koa, 1194 Kohala, 18S-See: -Bhui-
Koame,871 kohala; Sukkar-kohala
Kobee-See: -Phulkobee Kohalun-See: -Pilunkohalun
Kobbirichettu, 363 Kohi, 71

Kohibung, 669 Koli, 870-Srigalakoli; .J ako'

Kohla, 406; 722 I Kshirakakkoli; Kakkoli;
Kohola-See: -Pila-kohola Ksirakakoli
Kohorenj, 247 Koliar,182
Koh-tor, 756-8ee: -Tor Koli-che-chular, 735
Kohumba, 776 Koli Kalamhullu, 923
Roi, A/214; A/216-See:- Kolikanda, 1257-See:-
Tanikoi Kanda (varieties)
Koil, A/160 Kolinji, 562
Koilah, M/46 Kolistha, 667
Koilamukri, 849 Kolkanda,1257--See:-
Koiral, 182 Kanda (varieties)
Koivel, 352 Kolkando--See:-Lahan
Kokaburadi, 1095 kolkando; Kando (varietie
Kokam, 566 Kolkaphul, 1218
Kokambel, 566-See: -Ambel Kolku-ponna, 1255--See:-
Kokam-cha-tel, 566 Ponna (varieties)
Kokam-ka-tel, 566 Kalla, 607-See: -Mindukol
Kokan,297 Kollan-kova-kizhauna, 219
Kokil, A/160 Kollay-cottaynellay, 1010
Kokila, A/160 Kollivirai-See :-Kakkay-
Kokilaksha,141; 667 kollivirai; Virai (varietie:
Kokkitaya-ralu, 1282 Kolli-Vittulu, 68B-See:-
Koklee, 1303 Vittlu
Koko-aru, 868-See: -Am Kollu, 458
Kokonad, 844 Kolluk-kay-welai, 562
Kokoranj, 247 Kolsa--See: -Lakdacha-
Kokra, 924 kolsa; Lakrlka-kolsa
Kokum,565 \ Kolsekajhar, 667
Kokum butter, 566-See also: Kolsi, 667
-Butter (varieties) Kolsunda, 667--See: -Sund~
Kokun,718 (varieties)
Kolsundara, 667
Kola, 1316-See:-Get-kola; Kolvirai--See: -Ishappu-
Hingende-kola; Hingotu kolvirai; Virai (varieties)
kola; Kamkola; Kankola; Komal, 1008-See:-
Kakkola \ Katkomal
Kolakuponna, 612-See:- Komardu, 338
Ponna (varieties) Komati,761
Kola nut, 1169 Kombarakku, ~A/148
Kola-ponna, 1255--See:- Kombu-kalli, 52~ee: -Kl
Ponna (varieties) (varieties)
Kolavalike, 667 Kombupudalai, 1236; 1238
Kolavarvalli, 685 Kommu; 110
Kommu potla, 1236-See:-
Kolavu, 607 Potla (varieties)
Kolejan, 1283 Kon, 157--See: -Nayukon;
Kole-zan, l282 _. Tirikon

Konai, 285 KonkanadhooPatn, 211-See:

:Konam, A/215 -Dhoopam
Konch, 818 Konna, 285
Konchari, 272 Konnai-See: -Sarakkonnai;
Konch Bak, A/144-See:-Bak Karungkonnai; Mayikonnai
Kondaa-jilugu, 281-See:- Konnari-gadde, 427-See:-
Jilugu . Gadde
!{ondaburaga, 207; 20~ee:-­ Konnoi-See: -Sarokkonnoi
Buraga Konraikkai, 285-See: -Kai or
Konda-gongura, 629-See:- Kayi (varieties)
Gongura Konsu-kandira, 1173-See:-
Kandira .
Kondai, 555
Koochuri, 532
Konda-kalava, 716-See:- Koofi-See:-Sad-koofi
!{alava (varieties)
Kookai, 413-See: -Kai or
Konda-kashinda, 122I-See:-- Kayi (varietil$)
Kashinda Kookatakayi,1103-See:-Kai
Kondamalle:-See:--.Tajimal1e; or Kayi (varieties)
Malle (varieties) Koolaliya, 446
. Kondamanga, 569-See:-- Koolthee, 458
Manga (varieties) Koonch, 5
Kondapala, 1106--See: -Pala Kooneit, 415
(varieties) Koordoo,.90
Kondapan, 281-See:-Pan Kooruk, 294
(varieties) Koova, 413-See: -Channak-
Kondapatty, 629 koova
Konda-tamara, 1145-See:- Koovalam, 45--See: - V alam
Tamara (varieties) (varieties)
Kondatantemu, 286-See:- Koove-hittu, 41~l
Tantemu Koove-pitto, 413
Konda vaghe, 61-See:-Vaghe Kopok, 505
(varieties) Koppata, 221
Kondavepa, 311; 784-See:-
Vepa (varieties) Koppi-See: -Pinasangam-
Konde-See: -Tonde-konde koppi; Sangatn-koppi
Kora, 427; 897-See:-Kal-
Kondemalle, 999-See:- kora; Shulundukora; Tilia-
Malle kora; Tikora
Kondrakayi, 285-See:-Kai Korada, 277
or Kayi (varieties)
Kondrikam-See: -Vella- Korai-kizan-ghu., 428
kondrikam Koraik-kizhangu, 430
Kcnrlugogue pisunu, 362-See: Korakan, 477-See:-Kan
-Pi:sunu (varieties)
. Konea-dumbar, 550-See: __: Kora-kizanna, 42~ee:­
Dumbar Kizanna
Konfa goradu, 450-See:-- Korakpuli, 565-See:-Puli
Goradu (varieties)
Kong, 1114 Korallian, A/156

Koranari-gadde, 428-See: ...... Kosundra, 183

Gadda Gadde (varieties) I Kosuta, 1108
Koranda-See: -Kakoranda Kota, 1007
Korangumunga, 199-See:- Kotagandhal, 699
Kotai-See: -Paku-kotai
Kora!nta, .. 175--See:-Pivala- Kota-kappala, 1296
koranta . Kotambri-beeja, 381
Koranti, 1089-See: -Pon- Kotampum, 1244
Kotap-See: -Tarse-kotap
koranti Kota-shavukku, 1194-See:-
~orasani-ajowan, 670-See:-
. Shavukku (varieties)
Ajowan Kote Putol, 395-See:-
Korasigina-gida, 634
Koratige-See: -Halakoratige Putol
Korattai, 1238 Kotha, 535
Korehi-jhar, 428 Kothan, 292
Koreta, 175--See:-Pivala- Kothavarai, 421
Kothimbir, 381
Korgi, 699 Kothuk,578
Kotikanbevila, 1138
Kori, 61 Kotimiri, 381
Korisha-See:-Hinna-i- Kottae, 96-See: -Manseni-
korisha kottae; Mundirikottae
Koriyun, 381 Kottai, 593; 1319-See:-
Korkot, 448 Nattu-akrotta-kottai; Pen-
Korphad,73 kottai; Poogan-kottai; Puii-
Korra, 1131 nangkottai; Serangkottai,
Korralu, 897 Shenkottai; Singarokottai;
Korukapili, 978- Tetankottai; Vadam-kottai;
Kosam, 1114 Yetti-kottai; Kapikottai; Ka-
Kosastha animals, A/140 yappan-kottai; Ponnankot-
Koshagru, 769
Koshamba, 769 tai
Koshataki, 751; 753; 755- Kottai-pakku, 130-See:-
See: _Raja-koshataki; Pakku
Tikta-koshataki Kottak, 1162
Koshia, 1040 Kottam, 1108
Koshta, 377; 378; l108-See:- Kottamalli, 381-See: -Malli
Chagalkoshtam Kottampalari, 381-See:-
Koshtam, 1108-See: -Chagal-
koshtam; J athi-koshtam Palari
Kosht-kulinjan, 77-See:- Kottay-See: -Poongan-
Kulinjan (varieties) Kottay .
Kostu, 1108 Kottei, :593
Kottha Fooflee Sooparee,
Kostus, 385 (Dye) 'll-See:-Sooparel
Kosuguddae, 217-See:-
Guddae or Gadda Kottmir, 381
(varieties) Kottumbari, 381
Kosum,1114 veri; Chekkikotuveri
Kosumba, 1114

Kot-vaghe, 60-See: - Vaghe Krishml.-kamboji, 948-See:-

(varieties) Kamboji
Koudumbar-See: -Kakou- Krishna-keli, S03-See: -Keli
dumbar (varieties)
Kounti, 821 Krishna lavana, M/98-See:-
Kousala, 1047 Lavana (varieties)
Kou-shikaha, 167 Krishnam, 969 .
Kouyadori, 666 Krishnamrittika; M/7-See:-
Kouzmasab, 434 Mrittika (varieties)
Kova, 300 Krishnamul, 865
Kovai, 300; 355 Krishnanimba, 195-See:-
Kovaraya, 291 Nimba (varieties)
Kovidara, 184 Krishna nirgunda, 572-See:-
Kovippu, 217 Nirgunda
.Kovu, A/230 Krishna-phala, 266; 1019
Kowtee, 658 Krishna Sariva, 674-See:-
Kowti, 658 Sariva
Koyala-See: -Nill-koyala Krishna-sinsapa, 431-See:-
Koyapalam, 1017 Sinsapa (varieties)
Koyya, 1017 Krishna sirish, 60; 797-See:-
Kozhuppu, A/230-See:- Sirish (varieties)
Uppu (varieties) Krishna Surma, M/87-See:-
Krachura, 418 Surma (varieties)
Krakara, A/213 Krishnatamara, 255-See:-
Kramuka, 130 Tamara (varieties)
Krant-See: - Vishnukrant Krishna-tel, 1126-See:-
Kranta-See: - Varaha-krantaj Tel (varieties)
Vishnu-kranta Krishna-til, 1126-See: -Til
Kranti-See: - Vishnukranti (varieties)
Kratavedhana, 752 Krishna-tulasi, 865-See:-
Krauncha, A/144 Tulasi (varieties)
Krausel-beere, 1064 Krishnaunmatta, 434-See:-
Kreide, Mj41 Unmatta (varieties)
Krikbil Dingala, 392 Krishna VI:inlaka, 584-8ee:-
Krishna, 477 Vrinlaka
Krishna-aguru, 1225 Krishna-vrinta, 5S0-See: -
Krishnabhedi, 618; 619 Vrinta
Krishnachura, 230; 996 Krishnipami, 1256-See:-
Krishna-dhatura, 440-See:- Pami (varieties)
Dhatura (varieties) Krishnrai, 216-See: -Rai -
Krishnagaru, 12·0-See:- (varieties)
Agaru Krotonol, 396
Krishnajira, 855-See: -Jira Kruisbes, 1064
(varieties) Kruisbezie, 1064
Krishna-jiraka, 854-See:- Krumbal, 548
Jiraka Krupa, 534
Krishna-kamal, 859-See:- Krusbaar, 1064
Kamal (varieties) Kshaudra, (honey) A/192

Ksheera, A/l71 Kuchoo gundubee, 234--See:_

Ksheera-kanda, 686-See: T Gundubee .
Kanda (varieties) Kuchri-See: -Kapur-kuchri
Kshetra-parbata, 8_69-See: - Kuda, (dhavo) 634-See:-
Parpata (varieties) . Kala-kuda; Pandra-kuda;
Kshetra-parpati-See: - Chandakuda; Vankuda
P arpati . Kudagu, 58
Kshir-See: -Arka-kshir; Kudal churiki, 609-See:-
Bata-kshir; Mansha-kshir Churiki
Kshira, 957; 993-See:- Kudale-kaye, 1103
Swarnakshira Kudaliya, 446
Kshira champa, 993--See:- Kudallu, A/167
Champa (varieties) Kudambe, 1168-See: --"Buta-
Kshirakakkoli, 755-See:- kudambe
Kakkoli; Kakoli; Ksira- Kuddia-khar, M/103-See: - .
kakoli; Koli (varieties) Khar (varieties)
Kshiri, 802-See: -Swarna- Kudi-Mahkuni, 576-See:-
kshiri; Tavakshiri; Tuga- Mankuni
kshiri Kudire-palpashanam, M/19-
Kshudragnimantha, 352 Palpashanam
Kshudravyagri, 1150 Kudiyotti, 133
Kshuraka, M/116 Kudo-See:-Atgo-kudo; Kalo-
Ksira-kakoli, 59B-See:-- kudo; Tambdo-kudo
Kakoli (varieties) Kudsumbar, 255
Kuamau,770 Kudur-mires, 1221
Kubas-susa, 582-See: -Sus a Kuebaval, 14-See: -Baval
Kubazi, 763 (varieties)
Kubbu, A/230 Kuerbeck, 618
Kuberaka, 294 Kufee-See: -Sada-kufee
Kuberakshi, 226;' 229 Kuhili,818
Kubjaka, 1073 Kuhl-anjan, M/l3-See:-
Kubo, 739 Anjan (varieties)
Kuch-See:-Zuz-ul-kuch Kuja, 1073
Kucha-See: -Talakucha; Kujai, 1073
Tela-kucha Kuiubhanbin, 1281-See:-
Kuchaka-See: -Khitami-i- . Bhanbin (varieties)
kuchaka Kukadvel, 753 ,,...
Kuchala, 1175
Kuchan, 486 Kukha-avalu, 351-See:-
Kuchandana, 39-See:-· Avalu
Chandana (varieties) Kukilipot, 840 = .
Kuchaphala, 1031 Kukka-bejarn, A/147 .
Kuchar, 486 Kukka":bodda, 550-See:-
Kuchila, 1175 Bodda (varieties)
Kuchilalata, 1173; 1182 Kukkagodugu, 51-See:-
Kuchla, 1175 ;,- Godugu
Kuchle-ka-malang, 1277-See: Kukkai-See:-Thelkodul-
-Malang ........_ kukkai

Kukkapala, 150; 1252--See:- Kuliakhara, 667-See: -Khara

Pala (varieties) ( varieties)
Kukka-tulasi, 861; 862; 863- Kuliamara, 667-See:-
See:-Tulasi (varieties) Amara
Kukkavaminta, 351-See:- Kulikul, 291-See:-Kul
Vaminta (varieties) (varieties)
Kukkura-dru, 201 K ulinjan, 77-..See: -Bara··
Kukronda, 201; 310; 596 kulinjan; KOl>ht-kulinjan
Kukseem, 1270 Kulinjana, 77
Kuksung, 202 Kulitha, 458
Kuksungh, 201 Kulithu, 458
Kuku, 313 Kulit-manis, 328
Kukundara, 201 Kulitpaun, A/154
Kukurandru, 202 Kuljud,162
Kukurbanda, 202-See:- Kulki, 619
Banda Kullan, 1298
Kukur-bicha, 593 Kulla-ravi, 552-See: -Ravi
Kukur-chita, 748-See:- (varieties)
Chita (varieties) Kullu, 302; 458
Kukurchura, 924 Kulnar, M/46
Kukurlata, 753 Kulo-pan, 311~See:-Pan
Kukursoka, 201 (varieties)
Kukur-songa, 1270 Kulpa-See: -Chotokulpa
Kukursunga, 202 (varieties)
Kul, 1316-See: -Seya-kul; K ulpha-See: ~Chhota­
Shakakul; Shia-kul; Kuli- kulpha
kul; Shekakul; Tikul Kulthi, 458-·See: -Jangli-
Kula, 1316-See: -Khala- kulthi
kula; Mur-kula; Edakula Kulti, 458
Kulagh-See:-Nan-i-Kulag Kuluppalai-vir;:li, 634-See: -
Kulahala, 298 Virai (varieties)
Kulaj-See: -Gari-kulaj Kum, 559
Kulaka, 1175 Kumaon Oak, 1041-See:-
Kula kudi, 299 Oak (varieties)
Kulanjan, 77-See:-Anjan Kumara-See: ~Bhui­
(varieties) kumara
Kulanjan-e-Kabir, 77 Kumari, 73; 7~See:­
Kulanji, 855 Sahani Kum;:lri; Ghrita-
Kulannuphul, 739 kumari Ghritkumari
Kulastha, 458 Kumarika, 1144; 1145
Kulatha, 458 Kumatha, 585
Kulay-See: -Gari-kulay; Kumbai, 569
Mash-kulay , Kumbala-See: -Bilay-
Kulbahebari,1138-See:- kumbala; Boodi-kumbala:
Bari (varieties) Nela-kumbala; Nelli-
Kuldgajga, 1290-See: -Gajga kumbala
Kulechara animals, A/140 Kumbalakai, 407-See:--Kai
Kulf,305 or Kayi (varieties)

Kumbalam, 185-See: -Bilay- Kudamu, 703

kumbala \ . Kundari, 973; 1307
Kumbal-maram, 578 . Kundbadastar, A/147
Kumbhi-S ee : --J al-kumbhi Kundi, 700-Se e : _Kirkundi
K.umbhika, 976 Kundphul, 703
Kumbhir a , A/158 Kundre, 211
Kumbi, 273; 381-See:- Kundrikam, 211-See:-Velli-
Gajra-kumbi kundricum
Kumbli, 828 Kundro, 1265
Kumbula, 584 Kundur, 211 ee
Kumhar, 584 Kundurukkam-S : -
Kumir, A/158 Vella-kundurukkam
Kumkuma, 389 Kune-la-mon, 21
Kumla, 387 . Kunghu, 520
Kumohi, 949 Kungiliyam, 1132-See:-
Kumpaiman, 381-See: - Mais\ltchi Kungiliyam;
Paiman Vellai-kungiliyam
Kumpta, 587 Kungitikaya, 1103
Kumra, 185; 407-See:- Kungku, 520
Bhui-kumra; Bhumi-kumra; Kungo-gida, 897
Chal-kumrha; Chalk or Desi- Kungyi, 1134
kumrha; Shada-kumra Kungziyan, 213
Kumrak, 164 Kunjad, 1126
\ Kumrha-S ee : -Chalk Kunjia, 1256
i kumrha (varieties) Kunjor, 425
Kumshima, 298 Kunki pootri, 972-See:-
Kumta, 15 pootri
Kumuda, 172; 858; 859 Kunkmiphal, 18
Kumyss, A/152 Kunkudu chettu, 1103
Kunar, 1316 Klmkuma, 761
Kunawar,486 Kunkuma-kesara, 390-See:
Kimch, 5 Kesara (varieties)
Kunchan-S ee : -Pivala- Kunkumappu, 390
kunchan Kunkuma-puvva, 390
Kunchika,408-S ee : - Kunkumma-purru, 390
Brihat-upa-kunchika; Kunlu, 454
Upakunchika Kunni, 5
Kund-See:-Sakhar-kund. Kunrikam~See:-Vellai-
Kunda, 94; 696; 703-See: - kunrikam
Barakunda Mochukunda, Kuntali, 1301
'Muchu-kunda; Poti-kunda; Kuntham, M/55 --
Chakunda . Kunthamani, 5
Kunda gadda, 1190-See: - ~unvar, 73
Gadda (varieties) Kunwara-See:-Jangli-
Kunda-guddae-See: - kunwara
Manchikunda-gudaae ' Kun-yoe, 961
Kundali, 165: 352 .u...".::'" . Kuomad, 1170
Kundam, 703 Kupa-menya, 18
INDEX 843.

Kupante, 951 Kura-sanna, 988-See: ~

Kupfer, M/47 Sanna
Kupilu, 1175 Kurat,' 699
Kupivittulu-See: -Shata- Kurati, 699
kupivittulu . Kuravaka, 730
Kuppa-See: -Sadakuppa; Kuravamu, 730 '"
Chatukuppa Kurchi, 634
Kuppaikkirai, 91:-See:- Kurdia, 130
Kirai (varieties) Kurdumana, 374
Kuppaimeni, 18 Kurela-jangro, 805
Kuppamani, 18 Kureli,112
Kuppatulasi, 863-See:- Kureta, 1134
Tulasi (varieties) Kureya, 634
Kuppi, 955-See: -Sangan- Kurfa, 1005
kuppi; Satakuppi Kurfah, 1005
Kuppichettu, 17 Kuri, 857; 899-See:-Kanch-
Kuppigida, 18 kuri; Tholkuri; Chagalkuri;
Kup-pinta, 17-18 ;Kirankuri; Thul-kurhi
Kuppivaeni,18 Kuriel, 375
Kuppu,17 Kurinja, 150
Kur, 1108-See:-Chakur; Kuri-vilandi, 1145-See;-
Tikkur. Vilandi
Kura, 385; 634; 1290-See:- Kurivippundu, 629-See:--
Anbotikura; Akurkura; Vippundu
Kurakura; Pandhra-kura; Kurka, 1206
Pankura; Pappu-kura; Vela- Kurkum, 415
kura; Baghan-kura; Bodda- Kurkundai, 1229
kura; Byakura; Chila- Kurkur-jihwa, 1167
kathotakura; - Cikura; Ella- Kurlaru, 408
kura; Istarakura: Jirban Kurlinga, 1061
kura; Kakura; Pala-kura; Kurnap-See: -Kattukurnap
Ponagantikura; Raikura Kurpodur, 868
Kurachi, 847 Kurpurva'lli, 371
Kurad,923 Kurra-See: -Dantikurra;
Kurak, 570 Esakadantikurra; Jilakurra;
Kur'aka, 265 Pedda-jilakurra
Kurakhan, 477 Kurru Chantz, 377
Kuraku, 1079-See: -Brahma- Kursali-See: -Sukhli-kursali
Kuraku Kurti-kalai, 458-See: -Kalai
Kurakura, A/I54-See:- (varieties)
Kura (varieties) Kurtoli, 807
Kural, 183 Kuru, 741; 953--See:-
Kurang,771 Nanjinkuru
Kurantaka, 175 Kurubilve, 428
Kurasani-yamani, 670-See:
Yamani (varieties) Kurudinna, 1283
Kurasani-yomam, 670-See:- Kurudvel, 629
Yomam Kuruindu, 972-See: -Indu'

Kurukapuli, 565-See:-Puli Kushniz, 381

(varieties) ~ Kushta, 1108
Kushtam, 1108
Kurukkum-chedi, 133 . Kushtavairi, 658
Kurukutti-mulla, 703 Kusht-el-bati, 694
Kushtha; 1108
Kuru-milagu, 969-See: - .
Kusibe, 278
Milagu K usimba, 570
Kuru-mulaka, 969-See:- Kusri-jhad, 14
Mulaka (varieties) Kusrunam, 389
Kurundo, 328 Kusrunt, 556
Kurunja-See: -Shiru- Kust, 385; 1108
Kurunji-See : - Vella-kurunji; Kustam, 1108
Kustumbari, 381
Venkurunji . Kusubi, 278
Kurunthotti, 113S-See:- Kusum, 278
'l'hotti Kusuma, 794; 1114
. Kuruvaeru, 109 Kusumba, 278
Kuruvilai, 354 Kusumbar, 278
Kuruvingi, 472 Kusumbavirai, 278
Kuru-vrandawan, 335 Kusumbe, 278
Kurva-indrajao, 634-See:- Kusumbha, 278
Indrajao (varieties) Kusumbi, 278
Eusa, 994-See: -Ibharan-
Kut, 1108
kusa; Karan-kusa Kutaja, 634
Eusa grass--See:-Sacred Kutakam, 662
kusa grass Kutapana, 38fl-See: -Pana
Kusal, 106-See:-Pandhari- (varieties)
kusal Kutha, 1254
Kusali, 106 Kuti_See:-Erra-kuti; Kan-
Kusama chettu-S ee : -Pichy- kuti; Kayakuti
kusamachettu Kutila, 133
Kusar, 570; 700 Kutki, 573;" 618-See: -Kala-
Kusara, 700 kutki; Kali-kutki Khorasani-
Kusari,700 kutki
Kusar-rangini, 700-Se e :- Kutri, 21
Rangini Kut-root, 1108
Kusbara, 381 Kutsai, 313-See:-Sai
Kuschu-gundubi, 652-See:- Kutta-S ee : _Kasku-kutta
Gundubi Kuttelfishbeim;- A/210
Kusgo, 1168 Kuttoow'ombi, 338 -
Kusha, 504; 994 Kuttra, 741
Kushal-S ee : _Kala-ku;:;hal Kqttukk91,282
Kusham-See : -Kanta- Kutu, 534
kusham Kutu-ayamodakam, 305-
Kushi-Se e : _Kapia-kushi I See: _Ayamodakam
Kushmanda, 185-Seet- Kuv, 418
Bhumikushmanda .u-r - Kuva, 770
Kushmul, 189


K~valay, 185 Laghu lonika, 1007--See:-

Kuvara, 130 Lonika ( varieties)
Kuvehittu, 770 Laghupatha, 333--See: -Patha
Kuwar,999 Laghu Pattra, 994-See:-
Kuzhangu-See:-Seppan Pattra (varieties)
Kuzhangu Laghu-yahava, 933--See:-
Kyakatwa, 172-See: -Katwa Yahava
. (varieties) Lagondi, 1281
Kyani, M/47 Lahan, 1221
Ky-a-ve-Khet, A/156 Lahana-kalpa, 1233--See:-
Kyet-th-woni-ni, 63 Kalpa (varieties)
Kyetyo, 1280 Laham Kumari, 75-See:-
Kyi,l77 Kumari (varieties)
Kyoak-pan, 264-See: -Pan Lahankhari narval, 352-
(varieties) See: -Narval
Kyouh-kyen, M/2 Lahan kolkando, 1116--See:-
Kyoung-sha, 876-See-Sha Kolkando; Kando (varieties)
Ky-won, 1197 Laharuiayeti, 529--See:-
Lahan-shivan, 585-See:-
Laba, A/232 Laharzingi-na-Kalpa, 1233--
Labha-See:-Dulal-Iabha; See:-Kalpa (varieties)
Duralabha Lahori, 927
Lablab, 608 Lahori-gajar, 684-See:-
Labshi, 294 Gajar (varieties)
Laburnum-See:-Indian Lahuriya, 986
laburnum Lai, 1194
Labuwapetta, A/232 Laingach, 800
Lac, A/148-Cee: -Stick-lac Laitue cultivec, 719
Lacca, A/148; A/232 Lajak, 799
Lac dye, A/15 0 Lajalu, 199; 799; 847
Lactalbumin, A/l73-See:- Lajjabati, 799
Albumin Lajjalu, 799
Lactic acid milk, A/175; A/176 , Lajri, 199; 799
-See: -Milk (varieties) Lajwanthi, 799
Lada, ~65 Lakdacha-kolsa, M/46-
Ladahitam, 969 See:-Kolsa (varieties)
Ladakirevanda-chini,1056- Lakdu-koelo M/46-See:-
See:-Chini (varieties) Koelo'
Lad~~, A/234 Lake fish, (large) A/214-··
Ladles fingers, 1 See:-Fish (varieties)
Ladumira,268 Lakh 726' A/148' A/23·2
Laduri, .857 Lakh~ A>148 ' .
Laftaf, 272 .'
Laghukarni, 350-See:-Karni Lak~lya, M/103 . .
Laghu kesura, 1117--See: - Lakm-See:-Mmda-lakm
Kesura Lakmani, 764
Lal Jhau 1193' 1194-See:-
Lakrika Kolsa, M/46-See : - , Jhau I ' '

Kolsa (varieties) Lal-kamal, 859-See: -Kamal

Laksha, A/148; A/232 (varieties)
Lakshamana, 764 Lal-katyan, 208-See:-Katyan
Lakshmana, 1145 Lal-khaskhasnu jhad, 901-
Laktta, 505 See: _Khaskhasnu-jhad
Lakucha, 147 Lalor Gach-mirichi, 268-
Lalambadi, 632-See:- \ See:-Mirichi (varietier;)
, Ambadi Lalmirichi, 268-See:-
Lalbachlu, 178..-See: -Bachlu Mirichi; Gach-mirichi '(varie-
Lal-Bahamana, 1093-See:-
, ties)
Bahamana Lal-murga, 297 _See:-Murga
Lal-bahuk, 943-See: -Bahuk (varieties)
Lalbariala, 1137-See:- Lal peyara, 1017-See:-
Bariala Peyara
Lal bhopla, 407-See:- Lal-poshta, 901-See: -poshta
Bhopla (varieties) Lal-sabuni, 1228-See:-
Lal-bhranda, 706-See:- Sabuni (varieties)
Bhranda Lalsag, 88; 91-See: -Sag
Lalbunlanga, 713-See:- (varieties)
Bunlanga . Lal Sambal, M/19-See:-
Lalchandana, 1026-See:- Sambal (varieties)
'Chandan La! Siris, 60; 798-See:-
Lalchita, 988; 989-See:- Siris (varieties)
Chita (varieties) Lal sufrium, 1017 -See:-
Lal-chitarah, 988 Sufrium
Lal-chitarakak, 988 Lalvelchi, 822-See:·-Velchi
Lal-chitra, 988; 989-See:- (varieties)
Chitra (varieties) Lamajjaka, 107
Lal Elehi, 822-See: -Elichi Lamal,565
(varieties) Lamjak, 107
Lalgavat, 111-See: -Gavat Lamka,726
(varieties) Lana, 607
Lalgiri-mati, M/42-See : - Lanan, 1091
Mati (varieties) Lanchari, 84
Lal-gurania alu, 451-See:- Land snail, A/135-See :-
Alu (varieties) Snail '"
Lal Haralal, M/19-See : - Lang, 726
Haralal ' Langali, 666
Lal-Indrayan, 1238-See:- Langlika, 579- -
Indrayan (varieties) Langblattriger sterndorn, 667
Lalio, 587 Lang-i-dalam, M/6
Lalisurangi, 797-See:- Langstielige Blattblume, 948
Surangi Languli, 579-See: -Bishalan-
Lalitapat, 377
Laljari, 871-See: -J ari ." ..... ,_ gull
,. Langulilata, 690

Lanisah, 1054' Laung, 280; 835

Lanka-marich, 268; 270 Laurel-See: -Alexandrian
See: -Marich (varieties) laurel; Victor's laurels
Lankasij, 529-See:-Sij "Lava", A/142
(varieties) Lavala, 427
Lanolin, A/137 Lavamarum-See:-Mullula-
Lanu-See: -Chotce lanu vamarum
Lapadi, 90 Lavana, M/109-See:-
Larborna, 1000 Chulika-lavana; Daru-"
Lard, A/136-See: -Hog's lard lawana; Droni-lavana; Kri-
tree; Lard tree shna-lavana; S a ill u d r a-
Lard tree-See:-Hog's lard lavana; Sendhur-lavana;
tree Sendur-lavana; Sindur-lav-
Larkana, 977 ana; Vansa-Iavana
Las, 1005 Lavanam-See:-Cindha lava-
Lasan,65 nam; Vamna-lavanam; Van-
Lasana-el-hamala, 986 salavanam
Laskar,442 Lavanchi, 109
Lasora-See: -Chota-Iasora; Lavang, 280; 835
Bara-lasora Lavanga, 280-See:-Panl-
Lastuk, 486 vanga
Lasun, 65-Sef:!: -Ek-kanda- Lavangaha, 835
lasun Lavangalata, 755
Lasuna, 65 Lavangam, 835
Lasunghas,774 Lavangaphal, 755
Latakaranja, 226-See: - Lavangian-marich, 270-See:-
Karanja (varieties) Marich (varieties)
Latakasturi, 1019-See: - Lavangpatte-See: -Adavi-
Kasturi (varieties) • lavangpatte
Latakasturikam 626-See: - Lavani, 946; 947
Kasturi (varieties) See: - Lavendra-na-phula, 730
Kasturikam Lavender-See: -Arabian or
Lata Palasa, 224-See: _" French lavender; Jangli-
Palasa (varieties) lavender; Thick-leaved lav-
Lataphatki, 271-See: -Phatki ender
Lataphatkiri, 271-See:- Lavinju-Iarmisi, 1028
Phatkiri Lavungi mirchi, 270-See:-
Latia ghaial, 55-See:-Ghaial Mirchi (varieties)
(varieties) Lawa, A/232
Latjira, 21-See:-Jira (varie- Lawala,430
ties) Lead, M/83-See: -Flake
Latkan, 199-See: -Kan white lead; White lead;
(varieties) Flowers of lead; Red lead
Latri, 726 Lead carbonate-See: -Basic
Lau, 722 lead carbonate
Lauha, M/54-See: -Bajir- Lead monoxide-See:-Mono-
lauha xide of lead
Lauki, 722 Lead oxide, M/86-See:---,.

Oxide of lead; Red oxide of, Common cobra lily; Cobra-

lead . lily
Lead sulphide, M/14-See:-, Lima pole bean, 938-See:-
Sulphide of lead Beans ( varieties)
Lea~w:ort-See: -Rose-colour- Limba, 776; 781
ed Leadwort; White lead- Limbara, 626
wort Limbatoli, 787
Leaf sundew-See: "'::"'Round- Flowers of lead; Read lead;
lea£ Sund~w; Sundew (va- Limbay, 342
rieties) Limbe-See: -Kadu-limbe
Lebruj, 764 Limbi-See: -Ram~limbi
Leech-See:-Speckled leech Limbo, 221
Leek, 65 Limbu, 342-See: -Kagdi-
Lei, 1194 limbu; Mahalimbu; Makad-
Lelka, 548 limbu; Mithalimbu; Ram-
Lemon, 346 limbu; Sitaranlimbu; Thoila-
Lemongrass-See: -True limbu
lemon-grass Limqumyok, 1142
Lendi, 1158 Lime-See: -Sour lime of
Lentils, 734 India; Wild lime; Acid lime;
Leonuk, 1183 Sweet lime; True sweet limE
Lesser Cardamom, 475-See:- :Yime, M/40-See: -Burnt.
Cardamom (varieties) lime; Caustic lime; Quick-
Lesser galangal, 77-See:- lime; Slaked lime; Unslaked·
Galangal (varieties) lime; Sweet lime; True swee1
Lesu, M/109 lime
Lettuce, 719 Limeko, M/44
Levure, 303 Lime-shell-See:-Shell
Liasada, 752 • (varieties)
Libi-bichi, 680-See: -Bichi Limonite, M/95
Libi-dibi, 229-See: -Dibi Limpaka, 346
Lichen-See:-Yellow-lichen Limri, 1221
Lichi, 846 Lincultive, 743
Lichi Tree;. 846 Linga-See: -Marilinga
Lidar, 414 Lingapotla, 1234-See:-Potl.
Liengmau, 339 (varieties)
Likharu, 1016 Linseed, 743
Lilac-See: -Indian lilac; Liquid StoraX:; 747-See:-
Persianlilac Storax
Lilicha, 104 Liquor-See: -Paddy liquor
Lilin, A/151 Liquo:dce, , 582-See: -=:.Jamaic.
liquorice; Wild liquorice
Liljahri, 577 Liquor Pahcreatini, (See:-
Lilkathi, 998 Liquor Pancreatis), A/178-
Lily-See: -Snake lily; Superb See: -Pancreatini
lily; East Indian-blue-tvater- ;Lisan-el-asafir-el-murr, 634
lily; Indian-blue-water-llly; Lisk, A/154
Wat~r-lily; Blue }Vater-lily; Litchibaum, 846

Litharge, M/86 Long Pepper, 965--See: -Pep--
Liveroil--See: -Shark liver per ( varieties)
oil Long-podded radish, 1049-
Lizard, A/217-See:-Sand See: -Radish (varieties)
lizard Long white gourd, 722-See:-
Lizard, a Kind of, A/165 Gourd (varieties)
Lobea rohu, A/215-See: - Loni, 1005; 1006
Rohu fish; Fish (varieties) Lonia, 1007
Lobeh, 459 Lonika, 1005-See: -Amli-
Lobeo rohita, A/215-See:- lonika; Laghu-lonika
Rohu fish; Fish (varieties) Lonkhair, 16
Lobhan, 211 Looloo, A/208
Lobia, 459 Loonak, 1007
Lodar, 1186 Lootputiah, 1142
Lodh, 1186 Loquat, 505
Lodhano-kata, M/62-See:- Lot, 1107
Kata Lota, 459
Lodhar, 1186 Lotaka-See: -Pivla-Iotaka
Lodhra, 1186 Lothi--See: - Velli-lothi
Lodh-tree, 1186 Lotloti, 1256
Lodhuga-chettu, 1186 Lotur-bark, 1186
Lodhun, M/54 . Lotus-See: -Blue lotus;
Lodrom, 446 Egyptian Castalia lotus; Cas-
Loha, M/54 talia lotus; Egyptian lotus;
Lohaka-gu, M/62 Sacred lotus
Lohaka-zang, M/62 Louza, 1011
'Lohar' dates, 944--See:- Lovage, 280; 1028
. Dates (varieties) Lovas, M/11
Lohar-gu, M/62 Lovet Sabuni, 1228-See:-
Lohari, 454 Sabuni (varieties)
Lohchun, M/54 Lovia, 460
Loheka janga, M/62 . Lowangapattai, 328
Lokandi, 699; 1266 Luban, 211; 212; 1182
Lokhand, M/54 Lubhani, 747
Lokhanda-gu, M/62 Lubis firmun, 748
Lokhandi', 787; 822 Lucerne, 774 .
Lolagu, 1027 Ludut, 365
Lolangu, 1027 Lufa, 219
Lolisara, 75-See:-Sara Lufahat, 764 .
Lona, 115; 449 Luffa-See: -Ribbed luffa;
Lonak,1006 Smooth Iuffa
Lonee, A/178 Luffe-See: -Bittere luffea
Lonephe, 221 . Luffe amere, 752--See:-
Long, 835 Amere, Iuffe
Longanbaum, 846 Luki, 1277
Longan-tree, 846 Lukkah, A/148
Long-leaved Pine; 957-See:- Lulai, 60; 797
Pine (varieties) Lun, 865

Lunak, 1005; 1183 Machola, 145

Lunia-See:-Chhota-lunia.; Machutie, 999
Bara-lunia Macis, 830
Luni-buti, 1007 Mackhan, A/178
'Luni-Kharkun' dates, 944- Macttoennui, 579
See:-Dates (varieties) Mada, A/146; 165; 939-See:-
Lun-Nun, M/109-See: -Nun N allamada Haramada; PuIi
(varieties) mada
Luntak, 507 Madahagala-kayi, 807-See:-
Lunu, 63; M/l09 Kai or Kayi (varieties)
Lunuk, 1007 Madaki, 937
Lurala-tige, 1266-See: -Tige Madala Aralu, 56-See:-'
(varieties) Aralu
Luri-chakka, 1266 Madalada-hannu, 348
Luskanu jhad, 594 Madalai, 1032
Lut-putiah, 843 Madalai-virai-See: -Shimai-
Lycopode, 758 madalai-virai
Madalam, 1032
Madalanarakam, 348-See:-
N arakam (varieties)
Ma,939 Madalangkai, 1032-See:--Kc
Maana, 110 or Kayi (varieties)
Mabil, 698 Madamattagam, 256
Mabli kalvana, 599 Madana, 1047
Macch-ranga, A/166-See:- Madana-banta-kadu, 1162
Ranga (varieties) Madanaghanti, 1162
Mace, 830-See: -Bombay Madana-ghettu" 1162
Mace Madanakamapu, 422-See:-
Machakai, 1041-8ee:-Kai or Madan-kamapu
Kayi (varieties) Madana masta, 94
Mach-bhander, AI234,-See:- Madandriksh, 1264
Bhander Madan-ghanta, 1162
Machchi, A/213 Madani-See: -Faduj madan
Machh-See: -Punti-machh; Pouzera madani
Rui-machh Madan-kamapu, 1168-See:-
Machhikara, 508--See:-Kara Madanakamapu
(varieties) , Madan-must-ka-phul-Set>: -
Machhika-Siras, A/135- J anglimadanmust-ka-phlll;
See: -Siras (varieties) Pahadi-madanmastaka-phul
Machhi-ka-tel, AJ231--"-See:- Madar, 237; 242-=See:-Falitc
Tel (varieties) madar ." -
'Machhli-ke-Barkicharbi, A/154 Madarangaballi-See: -Patta·
Machika, 628 madarangabali
Machikai,1041-See:-Kai or Madarangi, 731
Kayi (varieties) Madat, 1211
Machipattri, 141 Maddarasagida, 1189
Machittie, 299 Maddedhupa, 57-See:-
Machni,750 ,. Dhupa (varieties)

Madder_.:.see: -Dyer's mad- Madhusnuhi, 1143-See:-

der; Indian madder; Two- Snuhi; Vanamadhusnahi
flowered Indian madder; Madhvalu, 449
lVIaddi,1211-See:- Madhyanha malligay, 803-
Bhuyimaddi; Perumaddi; See: -Malligai (varieties)
Yermaddi; Innumaddi; Nal- Madmi, 8
lamaddi Madni-See: -Zankurmadni
Maddi-chekhi, 810 . Madoi-See: -Tella-madoi
Maddichettu, 809 Madoo-guss, 422
lVladdipalu, 57-See:-Palu Madras worm-wood, 592-
lVladdo-See:-Talatmaddo; See:-Wormwood i
Narlamaddo Madu-See:-Yekka-madu;
lVladeephalamu, 348 Ambatimadu
lVladgura, A/214 Madukalpa, M/64-See:-
lVladh, A/191-See:-Jashti- Kalpa (varieties)
madh Maduru-tulla, 865-See:-
Madha, A/191-See: -Mriga- Tulla
madha Maedasingi, 61S-See: -Singi
lVladhabi, 634 (varieties)
Madhavilata, 634 Maena, A/151
Madhhuka, 179 Maesapat, 392
Madhookam Illupai, 179- Mafarfin, 443
See: -Illup'ai
Madhookamu, 179 Mag, 939
Madhu, A/191-See also: - Magadam, 801
Yashti-madhu; .Jashti- Magar, 172
madhu; Yashto-madhu Maghadhi, 965
TvIadhuduti, 1168 Magha-thi-Hindi, 74S-See: _
Madhujan, A/151-See:-Jan, Hindi (varieties)
(varieties) Maghizham, 801
lVIadhuka, 181; 582
Madhukam-'-See: _ Yashtima- Maghzpipal, 965-See: -Pipal
dhukam (varieties)
lVIadhu-karkatika, 346--See: _ Magi, 1191
Karkatika Magic Nuts, 1041
Madhuli, 1250 Magiya-main, 1193; 1194-
Madhumadavi, 700 See: -Main
Madliumakshika (honey) Magnesia-See: -Silicate of
A/192-'-see:-Makshika alumina, magnesia & oxide of
( varieties) iron
Madhu malati, 465-See: - Magnesium-See: -Hydrated
Malati (varieties) magnesium
Madhuranarakam, 339-See: - Magnesium iron, M/7-See:-
Narakam (varieties) Iron magnesium
Madhura-tvacha, 375 Magnesium silicate-See:-
Madhuria, 1017 Hydrated magnesium silicate
Madhurika, 557 Magnetic iron oxide, M/62-
Madhurimisi, 955 See: -Iron oxide

Magnetic oxide of iron, M/l06. Mahatikta, 101-See:-Tikta

-See: -Iron oxide; Oxide (varieties)
of iron; Silicate of .alumina Mahatita, 101; 1184-See:-
Magnetite, M/62 Tita (varieties)
Magrabu, 619 Mahat-kesur, 1117-See:-
Magrahai, M/95 Kesur (varieties)
Magulikarimi, 843 Mahaul-See: -Me-mahaul
Magur, A/214; A/216 Mahaushada, 1308
Mahabala, 1137-See: -Bala Mahavriksha, 207
(varieties) Mahgodhuma, 1250-See:--
Mahabaravach, 77 Godhuma
Mahabari-bach, 1315-See: - Mahi, 360-See: -Rege mahi;
Bach (varieties) Regmahi; Sang-e-siramahi;
Maha-getiya, 655..:__See: - Sera-Sham-e-Mahi
Getiya Mahilyun, 400
Mahajambiram, 246-See: - Mahin, 1194-See: -Bari-
Jambiram mahin
Mahakal, 1238 Mahish, A/146
Mahala, 56 Mahisha, A/146
Mahalimbu, 294-See: - Mahmira, 376
Limbu (varieties) Mahogany tree-See: -Indian
Mahalung, 348 Mahogany tree
Mahalunga,348 Mahoor, 27
Mahamasha, 1272-See: - Mahori-Mamoli, 1156-See:·-
Masha (varieties) Mamoli
Mahameda, 738; 756-See:- Mahseer, A/214
Mela. Mahua, 179
Mahamirana, 3',;:: Ma-Huang, 486
Mahamula, 219-See: -Mula Mahubi, 523
(varieties) Mahuda, 179
Mahan, 535-See:-Vari- Mahusudha, 65-See:-
mahan Sudha
Mahanim, 56-See: -Nim Mahwa, 181
(varieties) Mahwah, tree, 179
Mahanimb, 56; 784-See:- Maidah,1117
Nimb (varieties) Maida-lakin, 748-See:----.
Mahanimba, 56; 57; 784- Lakin' ,..
See:-Nimba (varieties) Maida-Iakri, 748
Mahanimbu, 345--See:- Maida-Iakti 748 ~
Nimbu (varieties)' Maiden-hai;. ·fern, 43-See:-
Maha-ousha~~, 1308 Fern (varieties) -
Mahaputra-Jlvlyarala, 1036 Maika 45
Maharangi, 871 M '1 A/213
Maharukha, 56 ill , •
Mahasaha, 580 Mailanchi, 730-31
Maha-shibee, 254 .. M~ili-kannai, 99£i--See:-
Mahataru, 522 .""", ':. Kannai
Mahateeta, 717-See: -:.-Teeta Maimati, 1285

Main-See: -Barimain, Choti- Makka-cholam, 1304-See:-

main, Majiya-main Cholam
Mai-nam, A/151 Makka-zonnalu, 1304-See:-
Mainmul, 372 Zonnalu
Mainphal, 1047 Makkha, 130
Maiphal, 1041 Mako, 469; 1152
Maiphala, 1041 Makoi, 1152
Maisatchi Kungiliyam, 167- .Makra, 476; 477
See:-Kungiliyam (varie- Makragav, 454-See:-Gav
ties) Makra-rai, 216-See:-Rai
Maishakshi, 167 (varieties)
Maizali-gi, 283 Makriya, 1114
Maize,1304 Makshika, A/191; (honey)
Majar-See: -Punuga-majar A/192-See: -Madhumak-
lVIajjige-hullu, 104 shika; Svarnamakshika; Tar-
Majram, 818 amakshika
Majuphala, 1041 Makshikam, M/66
Majuphul, 1041 Makstan, 626
Maka, 469; 1304-See: -Bhra- Makulaka, 70S
maka; Miraju-maka; Pivala- Makulu,· 658
maka Makushtaka, 937
Makadlimbu, i60~See:- Malabar Cardamom, 475-
Limbu (varieties) See:-Cardamom (varieties)
Makadphal, S09 Malabar catmint, 114-See:-
Makai, 1304; 1317 Catmint
Makaibonda, 1304-See:- Malabar grass-See: -Co chin
Bnn~ gr~
lVIakal, 1238 Malabari halad, 130S-See:-
Makali-na-patran, S38 Halad (varieties)
Makam-shim, 254-See: - Malabari-supari, 422-See:-~
Shim (varieties) Supari
Makanchi, 234 Malabar Kino, 1025-See: -
Makania Gowar, 420-See: - Kino (varieties)
Gowar (varieties) Malabar Night-shade, 177-
Makaradhwaja-See: -Insolu- See: -Night-shade (varie-
ble sulphide of mercury, etc. ties)
(varieties) Malabar nut, 40-See:-COl1.1-
Makhal, 335 mon Malabar nut
Makhamali kida, A/206- Malabar Nutmeg, 834-See:-
See:-Kida Nutmeg (varieties)
Makham Sim, 461-See: _ Malabar Sago-palm, 2S0-
Sim See: -Sago-palm; Palm
Makh~nna, 530; 845 . (varieties)
Makhmal, 1190 Mala-eri-kata, 296-See:-
Kata (varieties)
Makhna, 530 Malai, A/179
Makina chettu, 932. Malait-tamara, 1144; 1145-
Makka, 1304 See:-Tamara (varieties)

Malaivembu, 784-See:- Mallige, 704-See: -Kadl

Vembu (varieties) , lige; Katu-mallige
Malakalbeng, 1017 lige; Katu-mallige; M
Malakanguni, 296-See:':"_ anha-malligay; Vana-n:
Kanguni Malligida-See: -Neelam
Malakava, H1-See: -Kava gida; ShivamalIigida
(varieties) Malligiri, 330
Malakullie, 716 Mallika, 702; 704-See:-
Ma-la-mai, 272 mallica; Chattu-m,
Malang-See: -Kuchli-ka- Girimallika; Ikshur,
malang. lika; Kattu-mallika;
Malanga-See:-Tukhm- mallika; Arbimallika; 1-
malanga; Tok-malanga mallika
Malang-nar, 160-See: --Nar Mallikei-See:-Chatur
Malankara, 473 kei
Malathi-phalam, 830 Mallow-See: -Common
Malati, 50; 700; 701; 834- low; Country-mallow; 1\
See:-Madhu-malati; Peet- mallow; Musk-mallow
malati Malmai, 272
Male fern rhizome, 467- Malmandi, 682
See:-Fern (varieties) 'Maltani' Hing, 537-~
Malenaeralu, 518-8ee:- Hing (varieties)
Naeralu (varieties) Malti-See: - Vananialti
Malenarakam, 160-8ee:- Malva moschata, A/202
Narakam (varieties) Malwa opium, 916-See
Male Racine de Foughere- Opium. (varieties)
See:-Racine de Foughere, Mamaphal, 115
Male Mamekh,893
Malla, 1317-See: -Rasamalla Mamidi, 764-See:-)
Mallaidangi, 1134 mamidi; Chara-mamidi
Mallani-padman, 530 tatamamidi
Mamidiallam, 412-See:-
Mallani-pidman, 845 Allam
Mallay-vembu, 785 Mamira,376
I Malle, 701; 704-See:-Jaji- Mamiran, 376; 577; 1213
,I malle; Kondemalle; Puga-
Mamirana ,1213
Mamiri, 247
Mallery-See:-Andi-mallery MamkkaIi'I-See: -Mayh
I Malli, 1046-See:-Kottamalli;
Nagamalli; Nirumalli; Ran-
Mamokh, 893
goon malli; Shirumalli; Chi- Mamoli, 1156~See:-lVl
thamalli; Adavim~l1i; Pach- , mamoli
che Adavimalli Mampalam, 764
Malligai, 701; 704-See:- Maniphal, 115
Kasturi-malliga; Andi-malli- Manaka,72
gai; Kattumalligei; Madhy- Manakkarai, 1264-See:·
anha malligay; Pavala malli- Karai (varieties)
gai; Vanamalli'gai· Manali, 677
INDEX 855..

Manalie-Kirae, 578-See:- Mandgay, 172

Kirae Mandi-See:-Sadamandi
Man-alu, 449-See:-Alu MandibattaI, 1260-See:-
(varieties) Battal
Manapala, 1220-See: -Pala Mandiocca, 707
(varieties) Manditta, 1075
Manasa-See:-Phani-manasa Mandu-See: -Munta-mandu
Manashila, M/19 Mandua,477
Manasil, M/19 Manduka, 662
Manaswila, M/19 Manduka-parni, 662; 666-
Manattakkali, 1152-See:- See:-Parni (varieties)
Takkali (varieties) Mandukbrammi, 299--See:--
Manbala, 568-See: -Bala Brahmi (varieties)
(varieties) Manduki, 624-See: -Brahma-
Manchedi~See:-Mari­ manduki
manchedi Mandula-maritige, 1285--
Manchi-See: -Anchimanchi See: -Maritige I

Manchi-kunda-guddae, 94- lVIanduparani, 3-See: -Parni

See: -Kunda-guddae (varieties)
Manchi-manda, 303-See:- Manduparni, 1196-See:-
Manda Parni (varieties)
Manchingi, 457 Mandur, M/62
Manchinune, 1127 Manduram, M/62
Manchuta, 166-See: -Chuta Manga, 1047-See: -Konda·
Manda, 304; 452; 1047-See:- manga; Tella-manga
Manchi-manda Manga-kai, 1047-See:-Kai or
Mandadhup, 254 -See:-Dhup Kayi (varieties)
(varieties) Mangal, 172; 389
Mandala-See: - Vishaman- Mangalya, 389; 444
dala Manganari, 741-See:-Nari
Mandalia, 508 (varieties)
Mandar, 508-See: -Palit- Manganver, 433
mandar Mangaravalli, 1284
Mandara,237; 242; 631-See:- Mangari-kai, l047-See: -Kai
Kempu-mandara or Kayi (varieties)
Mandarai-See: -Andi- Mangarleta, 999
mandarai Mangaroli, 1284
Mandaram-See: -Chuvanna- Mangarwal, 486
Mandaram 0
Mangastin, 563
Mandaramu, 237-See:-
Adavi-mandaramu Mangga, 765
Mandare-See: -Undi- Mango, 764-See: -Kati-
mandare mango; Mowda; Red mango;,
Mandareh, 182 Wild mango
Mandastic, 1075 Mangobaum, 764
Manddrake, 764 Mango ginger, 412-See:-
Mandeki-patak, 338- Ginger (varieties)
See:-Patak Mangostan, 563

Mangosteen, 563-See: -Mate Mann-ul-qeetas, A/l54

Mangosteen; Wild lVIango- Mannu-uppu, M/88-See:-
steen Uppu (varieties)
Mangostin, 563 . Mannupu-See: -Savite-
]flangrove, 165-See:-VVhite mannupu
mangrove Manoranjitham, 140
Manguier, 764 Manoranj ithamu , 140
Mangusta, 563 Manphanasa, 146--See:-
Mangustan, 563 Phanas (varieties)
Manhala, 568 Manpumaram, 857
Manikham-See: -Mayir- Mans Masha, 580-See:-
manikham Masha (varieties)
Manikkam-See: --Mayir- Mansasij,524-See:-Sij
manikkam (varieties)
Manilakottai, 121 Mansenikottae, 39-See:-
Manioc, 707 Kottae (varieties)
Manjadi,39 Mansha-Kshir, M/130-.'3e.
Manja-kadambe, 44-See:- Kshir (varieties)
Kadambe Manthak-kaoroonthu, 225
Manja-kani, 1041--See: -Kani Manthori-kizhangu, 579-
Manjal, 415--See: -Kastori- See: -Kizhangu
manjal; Kattumanjal: Mara- Manthu-See: -Nallamantl
manjal; Kasturimanjal Manucha,485
Manjal mulangi, 441-See:- Manu-See: -Thiksnamam
Mulangi Peddamanu; SraigandlL
Manjapu, 857 manu '(varieties)
Manjari-See: -Kharamanjari Manu-pasupu, 384; 414-SeE
Manjarie-See: -Arittaman- Pasupu
. jarie Manya, 519
Manjariki, 861 Many spiked Flacorita, 5~
Manjeti, 39 See: -Flacorita
Manjista, 1075 Manyunth, 1077
Manjit, 1075 Maochettu, 1198
Manjitti, 1075 Maoga-See: -Peddamaoga
Manjunda, 569 Maogbira, 114
Mankachu, 72-See:-Kachu Maogostane, 563
(varieties) Ma-oh, 486
Mankala-See: -Kappuman - Maoz, 822,..
kala Map?ial, 348
Mankand, 519 , Maracata, A,f208
Mankena-See: -Piliya- Marada arasina, - 384--Se.
mankena. Doddamara-darslna; Aras
Mankanda, 72-See: -Kanda Kadarasina
(varieties) Marada-uppu, M/88-See:
Mankuni-See: -Kudi- Uppu
mankuni .. I
Manna, 1194 _ Marab.1am,1047-See:-
Mannadikay, 379 .. ,.... Kalam

Maraku-See: -Chitaka- Marigold-See: -French

maraku marigold
Maral, A/1S3 Mariguti, 609-See: -Guti
Maralingam, 387 Marika-jhad, 280
Maramanjal, 187; 384--See:- Marilinga, 387-See: -Linga
Manjal (varieties) Mari-manchedi, 1166-See: -
Marandi,19 Manchedi
Marapasapoli, 451 Marina shell, A/158-See:-
Marara,446 Shell (varieties)
Maratimogga, 1164 Marno, 88
Maratitige, 1164 Marithondi, 730-See:-Thondi
Mara-uppu, M/~ee:- Maritige-See: -Mandula-
Uppu (varieties) maritige
Maravara Tsjembu, 721 Marjau, A/156
Maravetti, 658 Marjavel, 685
Maravuli, 769 Marjoram-See: -Cornmon
Marble, M/41 marjoram; Wild marjoram.
March, 969 Markava, 469-See: --Kava
Marcha,268 (varieties)
Marchu, 268 Marking-nut Tree, 1119
Marchuba, 153 Marlea, 770
Marda-See: - Vella-marda Marlei, 1193
Mardami, 764 Marlu-mutta, 1298-See:-
Mardu, 1211 Mutta
Maredi, 504 Marrnandai, 988
Maredu,45 Marrnelo, 1038
Margemosha, M/15 Marodamphali, 615
Marghipal, 1149-See:-Pal Marophali, 615
(varieties)I Marori,615
Margiyeh, 153 Marrau, 875
Margosa Tree, 776 Marri, 543
Margousier, 776 Marsa-See:-Chua-marsa _
Marhe-matta, 1298 Marsada, 247
Mari, 543; 548-See:-Dad- Marsada boli, 247
mari; Dadumari; Nelammari; Marsh mallow root, 84-See:-
Peddimari; Pittamari; Roj- Mallow (varieties)
marl; Rusmari; Kagemari; Marsh Mint 788-See: -Mint
Kakrnari; Pitmari (varieties)
Marich-See:-Gachmarich; Marthakai-See: -Kachitta-
Lanka-marich: Lavangian marthakai; Kai (varieties)
marich; Nepali-marieh Martz, 969
Maricha-See: -Desho- Marubaka, 863
maricha; Sweta-maricha' Marudamaram-See':-Vellai-
Maricham 969 maruda maram
Marichettu, 543 Marudam-pattai, 828
Marichiphalam, 268-See:- Marugu-See: -Chetni-
Phalam (varieties) marugu

•Maruk-kallan-kai,1047- Mashparni, 580--See: -Parr

See:-Kai (varieties) , (varieties)
Marukozhunthu, 532 Mashparui, 1198-See: -Pa
Marul-kalang, 109S-See: ," (varieties)
~alang (varieties) : Mashtui-ghoul, 8--See:-
Marul-umathan, 1298-See: - Ghoul
Umathan Mashur, 433
Maru-tamtoli, 828--See:- Masina, 392; 743
Tamtoli Maslee, A/213
Mciruthonri, 730-See:- Maslum, 1000
Thonri Massicot, M/86
Maruthu, 1198 Mastaki, 975-See: -Rumi-
Maruti-See: -Paeyemaruti mastaki .
Marutiphal, 115 Mastaru, 141
Maruva, 723 Mastarusavi, 592
Maruvaka, 864 Mastiche-See: -East-Indim
Maruvamu, 875-See: -Mridu- or Bombay mastiche; Ind
maru-vama mastiche
Marvel, 103; 385-See:- Mastiche Tree, 973
Ghanya marvel Mastungi-See: ·-Rumi-
Marvel grass, 103 mastungi
Marvu, 875 Masur, 734
Marwa, 875 Masura, 734
Marwalyan hullu, 103 Masuri-dal, 734
Marwan, 1278 Masurika, 734
Marwarid, A/208 Mat, 172
Maryadvelo, 689 Matalam, 1032
Marzan gush, 875 Matar, 977--See: -Jangli-
Masaing, 726 matar
Masandari, 235 Matayen, 607
Masang,726 Matazor, 951
Masha, 940; 1219--See:- Mate-Kissi, 189-See: -Kis;
Mahamasha; Mansmasha; Mate Mangosteen, 566-Sef
Rajamasha; Swadamasha Mangosteen (varieties)
Mashani, 1198 Math, 88; 91; 937--See
Mashaparni, 161-See: -Parni Tambada math; Taml
(varieties ) math
Masha-parui, 1198-See:- Mathara, 235
Parui (varieties) Mati-See:-Chikni-mati; I
Mashikaya, 1041 giri-mati; = Miromati; IV
tani..mati; Soratimati; Ge
Mashinga-jhad, 811 mati; Girimati; Kharmati
Mashipatri, 592 Matije, 735
Mashkalai, 940-See: -Kalai Matisul, 734
(varieties) Matki, 937
Mash-kulay, 940-S~e:-Kulay Matnak, 1211
(varieties) " ; Matsakanda, 1026-See:-
Masho, 1219 .J..." - Kanda (varieties)
Matsya, A/140; A/213-See:- lVIayalubhaji,I77--See:-
Ari-matsya Bhaji (varieties)
Mattaisal-See: -Pauri-mattai- lVIayankai, 1318-See: -Kai
sal (varieties)
Mattanga-pillu, 476-See: -- lVIayikonnai, 230-See:-
Pillu Konnai (varieties)
Matta-paltiga, 68B-See: - lVIayil-tuttam, lVI/52-See:-
Paltiga Tuttam (varieties)
Mattar, 726; 977-See:- Mayil-tuttu, M/52-See:-
Desi mattar Tuttu
Matthi, 1211 Mayura tuttham, M/52-See:-
Matti, 503-See:-Billimatti; Tuttam (varieties)
Holematti; Karimatti; Kira- Mayir-mamkkam, 1138-See:-
matti; Paikummatti; Pek- Mamkkam
kommatti; Urumatti; Tor- Mayir-manikham, 1135-
matti See:-Manikham
Mattimara, 1211 Mayir-manikkam, 1138-See:-
Mattipal, 57-See:-Pal (varie- Manikkam
ties) May-kay, 821
Mattisa, 268 Mayura-See: -Nilamayura
Mattisa-wangru, 268-See: - Mayurashikha, 44
Wangru . Mayura tutham, M/52-See:-
Mattur Bachhale, 1164-See:- Tuttham (varieties)
Bachhale (varieties) Mayur-sikha, 38; 297
Matulang, 348 Mazerion, 354
Mature tea tree, 284-See: _:_ Mazerium-e-hindi, 354-See:-
Tea-plant; Jawa-tea; Maxi- Hindi (varieties)
can-tea Mazri, 839
Maua, 179 Mazu, 1041
Maualu, 449 Meadow Saffron, 622-See-: ~
Maulsari, 801 Saffron (varieties)
Maur, A/213 "Mealies", 1305
Maura, 1278 Meat, bird's--See: -Bird's
Maurabikh, 23-See: -Bikh meat
Mauri,557 Meatjuice, A/142
Mauritius Plum, 555-See:- Meat of deer, A/141
Plum (varieties) Meat soup, A/141; A/142
Mavalinga, 348 Meat, white-See: -White
Mavi-See: - Vishamavi meat
Mavina-hannu, 764 Mecca Balm-See: -Balm of
Mavi-witthil, 750 Mecca
Mavu, 764; 765-See: -Kajla- Mechitta, 299
mavu; Kappa-mavu; Arti- Meda, 595; 748; 756-See: - '
mavu Mahameda
Mawa, 1278 Medasak, 748-See:-Sak
Mawal, 297 (varieties) .
Maya-ki-baji, 177-See:-Bhaji Medday Keerai, 159-See:,.-
(varieties) Keerai (varieties)

Medhika, 1240 . Melon Pumpkin, 408-See:_

Medi, 548-See: -Mulagoli- Pumpkin (varieties)
medi I Melpodi-See: -Chivan-
Medicinal charcoal, M:/46- melpodi
See: -Charcoal (varieties) Memadi, 568·
Mediciner d'Espagne, 708 Memadi-Tamalamu, 568-
Medicinier, 705 See: -Tamalamu
Medizinische Hefe, 303 Me-mahaul, 520-See:-
Mee, 181 Mahaul
Meenaennay, A/231-See:- Mena,560
Ennei; Ennay (varieties) Menasinakai, 268-See:-
Meena-harma, 172-See:- Donne-menashinakai; Kai
Harma (varieties)
Meenanu, 360 Menasu-See:-Bal-menasu;
Meenu, A/213 Gandha-menasu; Vollay-
Meetakamarunga, 164 menasu; Kempu-menasu
Meetha-tellia, 23-See:- (varieties)
Tellia Menasu, Kempu, 268-See:-
Meghvarna, 516 Menasu
Mehedi,730 Menda, 748
Mehndi, 73O-Se€!: -Faugli- Mendaphal, 1047
mehndi; Velayti-mehendi; Mendhi. 730
Vilayati-mehndi Mendi, 730-See:-Gul-meadi;
Meho, 338 Jungli-mendi
lVIehudi,91 Mendika, 730
Meihsila, 747-See: -Sila Mendru-See:-Ban-mendru
Meinkara, 1221-See:-Kara Mengkop, 563
( varieties) Mengut,563
Meiyon, A/167 Menphal, 1047
Mekamuaduga, 690 Mente-Sauvage, 790-See:-
Mekanada, 91 Sauvage
Mekhaka, 835 Mentlie, 1240
Mekkejola, 1304-See: - Jola Mentulu, 1240
Mekke-kayi, 335-See:-
Hara-mekki-kayi; Kai Meradu,998
(varieties) Meral,481
Mekki-See: -Hal-mekki; Mera-singi, 596-See:-Singi
Hara-mekki-kaya (variet,ies)
Melanelli, 947-See: -Nelli Merchubeh, 153
(varieties) , Merchya,=107
Melanthion, 855
Mellugu, A/151 Mercure, M167-
Melon, 402-See: '-:'Musk- 'Mercurials (Parpatis), A/182
melon; Sweet-melon; W ater~ Mer~uric or Mercury Sulphide
melon ' -$ee:-Sulphide of Mer-
Melond-eau paste.que, 338 cury, etc
Melonegurke, 402 ; .Mercury, M/55; M/67-See:-
Melonenbaum, -21:f Minium-like Mercury

Meri-arishippal, 747-See:- Milagai, 268; 270

Arishippal Milagaranai, 1221
Meritondi, 730-See:-Tondi Milagu, 969-See:-Kuru-
Merkur, M/67 milagu
Merom met, 868 Milagu-takkali, ll52-See:-.
Meru, A/153 Takkali (varieties)
Mesh, A/212 Milakil, 573
Mesha, A/212 Mil-he-tabazard, M/108
Meshasringi, 596-See:- Milhuls-aajin., M/l09
Sringi Milhunnar, M/ll
Mesta, 632 Milk, A/l71-See:-Ass'milk;
Mestapat, 628 Curdled milk; Evaporated
Mesua Naghas, 792-See:- milk; Lactic acid milk; Pas-
Naghas teurised milk; Powdered- .
Methhi, 731 - See:-Padche- milk; Protein milk; Skimmed
methi; Ranmethi; Vana- milk; Skim-milk; Condensed
methi; Ranmethy milk; Human milk; Goat's
Methi, 557; 1240-See:-Ban- milk; Peptonised milk ,
methi; Jungli-methi Milk-hedge, 529-See:-Com-
Methioa, 557-See:-Bana- mon milk-hedge; Hedge
methica; Vanamethika Milkisse, 191 . •
Mettata-mara, 255; 283 Milk sugar, A/176; A/217-
Metthi, 1240 See:-Sugar of Milk
Mewri,1278 Milk tree-See:-Tiger's milk-
Mexican poppy, 133-See:- tree
Poppy (varieties) Millet-See:-American Barn-
Mexican tea, 305--See:-Tea yard millet; Barn-yard mil-
(varieties) let; Broom-com millet; Corn
Mexican wonderflower, A/203 millet; Bullrush miliet; Cat-
-See:-Wonderflower tail millet; Foxtail mil'1et;
Mhach, A/191 Hungarian millet; Indian
Mhar, 476 millet; Italian millet; Pearl
Mhaskel. 822 millet; Small-millet; Spiked
Mhasvel, 1282 millet; Common millet
Mhatara, 1159 Millet rond, 898
Mhoti tilavana, 599-See:- Millikkai, ll56-See:-Kai
Tilavana (varieties) (varieties)
Millipu, 704
.Mhou, A/191
Miahsayelaha, 747 Milpori-See:-Covannamil-
Mibe, 121 pori
Mica, M/93; M/123-See:- , Mimarira, 1055
White mica; Sweta mica Mimbataru, 508
Miettie, A/151 Mimbu, 563
Mihijam, 1309
Mijrikamvil, 875 buka
Mikkotiu, 104 Mimulus moschatus, A/203

Mimusope Elengi, 800-See:- Mirapa-singa, 268--See:·

Elengi Singa (varieties)
Min, A/151-See:-Anemin; , Mirch, 268--See:-Ban-
THnlin Garho-mirch; Gulmi
Mina, A/151-See:-Thazavn~ Kankol mirch; Kali
mina J ungli kali mirch
Minamaram, 809 Mircha, 268
'Minas ipecacuanha', 1023- Mirchai, 688; 689
See:-Ipecacuanha (varie- Mircru, 268-See:-B h
ties) mirchi; Kafri-mirchi;
Mindhala, 1047 gi-mirchi; Kali mirchi
Mindiri appazham, 96-See:- Mirch-wangum, 268-SE
Appazham Wangum
Mindiri paruppu, 96-See:- Miri, 969-Himsimiri;
Paruppu; Uppu (varieties) miri; Pokala-miri; Ta
Mindukolla, l047-See:-Kolla Taramiri
Mineral pitch, M/23-See:- Mirich or Miricru- See:
Pitch (varieties) mirich; Mirch; Gaclu
Mineral Stone, M/97 Golmirich; Kalimiricb
Mingut, 524 mirich; Lalmirichi;
Minguta, 524-See:-Dihu- Kalimirichi
minguta Miris, 26S-See:-Kalu-
Miniak-bijan, 1127-See:- Miriyalu, 969-See:-C
Bijan miriyalu; Tokamiriyal
Miniak Chandana, 109S-See: Miromati, 999-See:-M
-Chandana (varieties) (varieties)
Miniakjarah, 1065-See:- Mirri,957
Jarah Mirsang, 268
Minium, M/86 Mirsinga, 268-See:-Si
Minium-like mercury, M/75- (varieties) _,
See:-Mercury Miryala-tige, 969-See:·.
Minjurgorwa, 1280-See:- (varieties)
Gorwa Misa, M/47
Minkhuabin, 662 Mishamitita, 376-See:-
Mint, 78S-See:-Marsh Mint; (varieties)
Spearmint; Wild mint Mishk, A/196-See:-1
< Minumber, A/138 ferungmishk; Faran;
Minumu, 940 Ferungmishk
Minvajaram, A/135~See:- Mishka--See~J{abbum
Vajaram (varieties) Mishkdima, 62s..:-see:-
Mipanny, A/191 (varieties)
Mirabilis longiflora, Aj203 Mishk-i'-Taramashia, 131
Miraju-maka, 734-See:- See:-Taramashia
Maka (varieties) Mishk-i-taramshi, 740-~
Mirandu, 473 Taramsru
Mirapa, 270 Mishmis, 1014
Mirapakaya, 268 ~ Mishram, 927

" Mishtabakatu, 622

lVIisraka, M/ll6
Mlecha-gandha, 65-See:-
Gandha (varieties)
l\1isroya, 935 Mlechca-phala, 365
Mistletoe, 1276 Mlechha-muka, M/47
Misur-pappu, 734-See:- Mo,75
Pappu (varieties) Mochai,4&1
Misur-purpur. 734-See:- Mochaka, 822
Purpur Mochika-See:-Hilamochika
Mith-See:-Kalamith Mochkand,469
Modagorii, 592
Mitha-See:-Khatta-mitha; Moddacoatan, 271
Shora-mitha Modera-kanni, 655-See:-
Mitha akalakara, 1037-See:- Kanni (varieties)
. Akalakara .
Modhan, 923
Mitha-akarkara, 1037-See:- Modi, 965
Akarakara Modipatu, 545
Mitha-alu, 684-See:-Alu Modira-caniram, 1173-See:-
(variet.ies) Caniram
Mitha-amritphal, 346-See:- Modirakanni, 1173-See:-
Amritaphala Kanni (varieties)
Mitha Indrajava, 1296-See:- Moduga, 222
Indrajav' (varieties) Modugo, 508
Mithakaddu, 407=-See:- Mogalinga-maram, 1114
Kaddu (varieties) Mogari, 1049
Mithalimbu, 346-See:-Limbu Mogbeeraku, 114
(varieties) Moghli-erendi, 705-See:-
Mitha-nebu, 346-See:-Nebu Erendi
(varieties) Mogidam, 801
Mitha-nimbu.346-See:- Mogili, 894
Nimbu (varieties) Mogla, 167
Mitha-Tabu, 1318-See:-Tabu Mogli-erand, 396-See:-
Mitha-tel,1126-See:-Tel Erand
( varieties) Mogra, 703-See:-Birinj-
Mithavish, 23-See:-Vish mogra
Mithazahar, 23; 28-See:- Mogre-See:-Jayiche-mogre;
Zahar Kasturi-mogre
Mithidiar, 1091 Mogri-See:-Ranmogri; Vis-
. Mithi-jira, 955-See:-Jira mogri; Batmogri
(varieties) Mogrikah-See:-Mooloo-
Mithilakdi, 582 mogrikah
Mitho-tel. 1126-See:-Tel Moha-See:-JangIi-moha;
(varieties) Karmoha
Mithun, M/I09 Moha pana, 156-See:-Pana
Mitti-See:_:Chiknimitti; (varieties)
Gherum.itti; Ghermum.itti; Mohar, 938
Sufaid mitti; Suganda mitti; Mohari, 215
Kharyamitti Mohecha, 179

Mohori,216 Mooah, 810

Mohori-pandri, 213 ! Moochukunda, 1027-See:-
Mohra, 23-See:-Zehar- Kunda (varieties)
mohra; Zera-mohra Moochy Wood Tree, 508-See:
Mohri, 22; 28 -Wood tree (varieties)
Mohti-tilavana-See:-Tila- Mooda-cottan, 271
vana; Tilvan etc. (varieties) Mooduga, 222
Mohua, 181 Moog, 939-See:-Bhui-mug;
Mohuva, 181 Kala-moog; Ran-mug; Mug
Mohuz, 730 (varieties)
Mokhan, 1113 Moogama, 1186
Mokhil, 167 Moohoodoo, 446
Mokka-jonna, 1304-See:- Mool-See:-Gogiemool; Gog-
Jonna limool Piplimool; Satodimobl;
Mokta, A/208 Sfetshimool .
Molagay, 268, Moola, 1049-See:-Chandra-
Molak-kayi, 1149-See:-Kai mooIa; Gajapippalee-moola;
or Kayi (varieties) DolimooIa; Pahadamoola;
Mollusk-a fresh water, A/166- Pushkaramoola
See:-Water-mollusk M~laka, 1049-See:-
'Moltani' Ring, 537-See:- Tellamoolaka
Ring (varieties) . Moolinee, 150
Molucca bean, 226-See:- Mooloomogrikah, 508-See:-
Beans (varieties) Mogrikah
Mom, A/151 Moolughoodu, 810-See:-
Momadruchopandiga, 20 Ghoodu
Momchina, 1104 Moon-creeper-See:-Chinese
Momiai, M/23 moon-creeper
Momordique charantia, 805 Moong,939
Mondaing; 750 Moongil, 172-See:-Visha-
Mondukalli, 529-See:-Kalli moongil
(varieties ) Moongilarisi, 172-See:-Arisi
Mong, 822 (v:arieties)
Mongoose Plant, 872 Moongiluppu, 172-See:-
~onitor, A/233 U ppu (varieties)
Monkey, A/191 Moonguli-See:-Vishamoon-
Monkey-bread tree of Africa, guli ,..
38 Moonseed-See:-Heart-
Monkey face tree, 760 leaved moonseed ~
Monkey nut, 121 Moonthamamidivittu, .~6
Monkshood, 23; 28 Moordoo, 446
Monoxide of Lead, M/86-See: Moosali--,.See:-Semal moosali;
-Lead monoxide Mosali
Monsha-See:--=-Teshira- Mooshakarni,690-See:-
monsha Karni (varieties)
Monstrous pepper, 270-See_:"::'" Moothoo, 428
Pepper (varieties) _" . Mooyarpul, 425
INDEX 865.

Moql,167 Mote-veldode, 93-See:-

Mora-See:-Karmora Veldode
Mora-ageru, 281-See:-Ageru Motha 446-See:-Barik-
Morang-ilachi. 92-See:- motha; Nagara-motha; Na-
Ilachi garmotha
Moranna,19 Mothalkanta, 686-See:-
Morasa, 1183 Kanta (varieties)
Moravela, 350 Mothan gokhru, 926-See:-
Moringa a grainestripteres, 811 Gokhro (varieties)
. Mormassi, 281 Motha siris, 60-See:-Siris
Mormuj, 441 (varieties)
Morourak, 652 Mothee-See:-Nagannothee
Morpankhi, 38 Mothe-gokhru, 926-See:-
Morta, 1125 Gokhru (varieties)
Mor-tutta, M/52-See:-Tu tta Motheli, 822
Morugphul-See:-Safed Mothenga, 719
morugphul Mother-of-Pearl, AJ211-See::
Morunda, 3 -Pearl
Moros, A/145 Mothi,965
Morwa, .1098 Mothi bathi, 127
Mosaic gold, M/l15-See:- Mothikunile, 817
Gold Motho-araduso, 56
Mosali, 411-See:-Semal Moti, A/208
moosali; Moosali Motichunch. 377-See:-
Moscharia pinnatijida, A/::D3 Chunch
Moschata-See:-Rosa mos- Motighol, 1006-See:-Ghol
chata Motilane, 1091
Moschatus-See:-Ovibos Motirakanni, 655-See:-
mnschatus Kanni (varieties)
Moschosma species, A/203 Moti ringani, 1149-See:-
Moschoxylon swartzii, A/203 Ringani (varieties)
Moshi, 130; 698 Motisimp, A/211-See:-Simp.
Mosrupatri, 141 Motisodori, 1270
Mosquito Plant of South Motitrina, 1253
Africa, 865 Motiya, 702
Mosro, A/179 /
Motobor, 468-See:-Bor
Moss-See:-Ceylon moss; Edi- ( varieties)
ble moss; Irish moss; Rock- Moto-elachi, 93-See:-Elachl
moss; Irlandis-chesmoss (varieties)
Mosse d' Irelande, 31Q Moto-eldori, 93-See:-Eldori
Mota-bandara, 723-See:- Moto pipar, 117-See:-Pipar
Bandara ' Moto sarsio, 797-See:-Sarsio
Mota-behedi-Janelet,1256 Motosatado, 203. . . . . See:-Satado·
Mota-bon, 723 Mottenga-See:-Pee-
Mota Karmal, 448-See:- mottenga
Karmal (varieties) Mottey, A/162

Motuku-See:-Tellamotuku, I Muchl-tanki, 454-See:-

Motunimbu, 346-See:-Nimnu Tanki
(varieties) Muchkand,1027-See:-Kand
Motvah,810 ( varieties)
Mountain Ebony, 937-See:- Much-kund, 1027
Ebony Muchugoni, 1228
Mountain hemp, 669-See:- Muchu-kunda, 1026; .1027-
Hemp (varieties) S~e:-Kunda (varieties)
Mourola, A/216 Mudadashringi, M/86-See:-
Mouse, A/206 Shringi (varieties)
Moussede Codine, 571 Mudakithan, 27l
Mousse parlee, 310 Mudang, 422
Moutarde clanche, 213 Mudar, 237 !I
Moutarde noire, 216; 1140 Mudarsingu, M/86-See:-
Mouz.822 Singu
Mowda, 179-See:-Mango; Mudarsinka, M/8S
Red mango Muddi-See:-Yellamuddi
Mowda or Kati-mango,221- Mudga, 939-8ee:-Banmudga
See:-Mango; ned mango Vanamudga; Aranyamudga
Mowtha- See:-Nagarmowtha Mudgaparni, 942-See:-Parni
Moyna, 1264 (varieties)
Moyui, 548 Mudgavalli, 940
Mtidirka, 1285 Mudgu-See:-Aranyamudgu
Mridu, M/55 Mudiri-kai, 96-See:-Kai Ol-
Ml'idu-maru-vama, 875-See:- Kayi (varieties)
Maruvamu Mudivala, 109-See:-Vala
Mrigamadha, A/196-See:- '( varieties)
Madha Mudiyakunthal, 691
Mriganabhi, A/196-See:- Mudraka, 1285
Nabhi (varieties) Mudrika-See:-3angli-
Mriga-Shiga, 615-See:-Shiga mudrika
Mrigashringa, 615-See:- Mudumula, 522-See:-Mula
Shringa (varieties)
Mrigasring, A/152-See:- Mug-See:-Ranmug; Bhui-
Sring mug; Kala-moog; Moog
Mrittika or Mruttika-See:- (varieties}
Krishnamrittika; Saurastra Mugali-See:-Vanamugali
mruttiks, , Mugani, 942
Mua, A/230 Mugavaine, 940 ~
Mtithikafor-See:-Krishna- Mugavel, 940
mrittika; Saurastra mru'ttika Mughatei-See:-Naga-
Mubarak, 44 mughatei
Mugta, 704-See:-Chaul-
Mubaraka, 43 mugra; Small chaulmugra
Mucha-See:-Kala-muc1;la. Mugrela, 855
Muchchala-See:-Nala- :_ Mugwort, 141
muchchala _4-r'
Muhri, 938

Muhuri, 955-See:-Pan- Mulatrina, 107

muhuri Mulberry, 917- See:-Indian
Muka-jali, 465-See:-Jali Mulberry; White mulberry
( varieties) Mulcacha Sonamakki, 287-
Mukhitaha, 379 See:-Sonamakki
Mukka-jauri, 1304-See:- Mulei, 535
Jauri Muli, 1049 - See:-Hatmuli;
Mukkalpiram, 820 Belikamuli; Chamamuli; Da-
Mukkaratai, 203 samuli; Divalimuli; Farid-
Mukki, 565 muli; J angalimuli; Kodimuli;
Mukkopeera, 924 Nirmuli; N egamuli; Sata-
Muk-ta, A/208-See:-Rukta- muli; Satmuli; Shatamuli;
Mukta Talamuli
Mukta-Jhinuk, A/211-See:- Mulika -S e e :-Talamulika;
Jhinuk Chandramulika
Muktajhuri, 17-See:-Jhuri Mul ilavan, 208-See:-llavan
Mukta-sukti, A/211-See:- Mulim, 579
Sukti - Mulin, 876
Muktikam, A/208 Mulla-See:-Trikala-mulla
Mukukrattai, 203 Mullamusti, 1153<-See:-Musti
Mukul, 167 (varieties)
Mukura, 801 Mullangi, l049-See :-Kattu-
Mukuthipundu, 1270-See:- mullangi
Pundu (varieties) Mullanvellari, 403-See:-
Mukuya, 942 Vellari (varieties)
Mula, 1049 - Se~:-Chandu­ Mullayvempu, 784-See:-
mula; Chitramula '( varie- Vempu
ties); Airanmula; Arkamula; Mullein-See:-Great Mullein
Gandhamula; Gokurnamula; "Mulli" , 1150 - See:-Kari- -
Ichchuramula; Mahamula; mu11i; Nalla-mulli; Neer-
Mudumula; Ruhimula; Va- mu11i; Paparamulli; Pappara-
kerimula; Vijramula; Visha- mulli; Shemmulli
mula; Pushkaramula Mullu-See--Paparamullu
Mulabeeja, 1049
Mulaga, 811 Mullu-galli, 873-See:-Gal1i
Mulagolimedi, 735-See:- (varieties)
lVIedi Mullugojal, 219-See:-Gojal
Mula-gu, 965 Mullugoranta, 175-See:-
Mulaippalavirai, 282-See:- Goranta
Virai (varieties) Mullugundu, 701-See-Gundu
Mulaka-See:-Kurumulaka; (varieties)
Nelamulaka;' Pinnamulaka Mulluhonne, 219-See:-
Mulal,226 Honne (varieties)
MuIangi-See:-Manjal Mullulavamarum, 208-See:-
mulangi Lavamarum
Mulasari, 725 Mullusavte, 403-See:-Savte
lVIulathee, 582 Mulluvellari, 4G3-See:-
Mulati,5 Vellari (varieties)

Mullu-vengai, 21~See:- Mandu

Vengai I ¥unuguda-maramu, 799
Mulo, 1049 Munwairinguf 1304
Mulsari, 8{)0 Mupen, 486
Multani mati, M/7; MilO; Muphal, 1041
M/94; M/95-See:-Mati· Mupparisavalli, 924
( varieties) , l\IIur, A/213
Mulukutakali, 1151-See:- Mura, 509
Takali Murad,838
Mumudatu, 265 Muradasinge, 615-See:-
Munaga, 811 Singe
Munagacha-jhad, 811 MUJ'ahri, 1098
Munai-See:-Kasturi-munai Murba, 1098
Munchi-See:-Kakmunchi Murdarsing, M/84-See:-
Mundam, Ml55 Sing (varieties)
Mundi, 1163 - See:-C 0 t i - Murdosing, M/86-See:-
mundi; Gorakmundi; Gul- Sing (varieties)
mundi Murga - See:-Lal-m u r g a;
Mundige. 894 Safed murga; Svetmurga
Mundiri Kottae, 96-See:- Swet murgha
Kottae ( varieties) Murgal-mara, 566
Munditika, 1162 Murgha-See:-Sufed murgha;'
Mundlaboorugachettu, 207- Swet murgha
See:-Boorugachettu Murginahuli-mara, 566
Mundwal, 442 Muri, 1049-See:-Ishvaramuri
Munemal, 801 Murial-tiga, 972-See:-Tiga
Mung, 939-See:-J a n g 1 i- ( varieties)
mung; Satmung; Velati- Muriate of Soda, M/109-See:
mung -Soda (varieties)
Munga, A/156-See:-Koran- Muriate of Sodium, M/1()~­
gumunga See:-Sodium muriate
Mungas, 1153 Muricha-See:-Sugandah-
Munge-ka-jhad, 811 muricha •
Mungphali, 121 Murina,811
Mungusvel, 872 Muripindi, 18-See:-Pindi
Munigangaravi, 630 - See:- ( vari eties )
Ravi (varieties); Gangaravi Murkampoo, 222
(varieties) Murkula, 771-See:!:"Kula
Munigha,811 ( varieties)
Munna-takali-pullum, 1152,- Murmuria, 1162
See:-Takalipullum Muro, 1049
Munnay, 1010 Murooa,477
Munni-vayz, 1010-See:-Vayz Murr, 170
Munniyenzi,1140-See:- Murra, 422
Yenzi Murru, 875
Munno-Spe:-Choontoo- .. Murududu-See:-Bandi-
munnoo .. W_... murududu
Munta-mandu, 446-See:- ~
Murukka-maram, 222

Murukkan-See:-Kodi- Mushika, A/206

murukkan Mushk., A/l96 - See:-Bed_
IVlurukkanmaram, 222 mushk; Bede-mushk; Firanj-
Murukku, ,509 mushk; Hubbul mushk; Pha-
Murunga, 811-See:-Kataru- ranja mushk
murunga Mushka-See:-Naramushka
Murungai,811-See:-Gai Mushk-amper, A/13S-See:-
(varieties) Amper
Murungamul, 811 Mushk-bhendike-jij, 626-See:
lVIurungi, 811 -Bhendike-jij
Murunna, 811 Mushk-dana, 626-See:-Dana
Muruta gass, 723 (varieties)
Murute, 723 Mushkh-i-wali, 1260
Muruva, 1098 Mushkiara, 1096
Murva,1098 Mushkwalee, 1259
Murvel, 1098
Murwo,875 Mushroom-See:-E 1 v 0 r m -
Musabar, 75-See:-..,.Bar mushroom; Bamboo mush-
room; Oyster mushroom
Mushroom oyster-See:-
Musabbar, 73-See:-Bar
Oyster mushroom
. (varieties)
Musadi-See :-Nagamusadi Musht-as-ghonl, 1137
Musal,1283 Mushti-See:-Vishamushti;
Musale-See:-Black musale Tungamusti
Musali, A/1S5; 411 Mushtivittulu, 1175-See:-
Musalikand, 411-See:-Kand Vi;ttulu (varieties)
(varieties) Musimusikkayi, 820;-See:-
Musalkadhuk-kirai, 685-SEe: Kai or Kayi (varieties)
-Kirai (varieties) Musk, A/196 - See:_:_Assam
Musambar, 75 musk; China or Chinese
Musambar-See:-Bar musk; Kamrup musk; Kash-
( varieties) mira musk; Nepala-musk;
Musam'baram, 75 Russian-musk; Tibet-musk;
Musanbar, 73-See:-Bar Tonkin-musk
(varieties) Muska, A/178
Muscadier,830 Musk-duck, A/202-See:-
Muschelblume-schwimmende, Duck
976 Muskezamin, 427
Muscovy glass, M/123-See:- Muskh-zamin, 446
Glass Musk-mallow, 626-8ee:-
Muscunda, 1027 Mallow (varieties)
Mush, A/206 Musk melon, 402; 408-See:-
Mushaippeyetti, 748 Melon (varieties)
Mushakani, 690-See:-Kani Musk-root, 840
(varieties) Musk-scented Rose, 1073-See:
Mushak-dana, 626-See:-Dana -Rose (varieties)
(varieties) Musk wood, A/203

Musli-See:-Kala~:rhusli; Kali~ ramutti; Chittamutti; Amutti

musli; Sadamusli; Safe~~ (varieties); Puramutti
musH; Safeta~musli; Siyah~ Muttia-lata, 609
musli; Sufed musli Muttikari M/46--See:-Kari
Musna, 1104 ( varieties)
Musque, 830 Muttu, A/208-See:-Niradi-
Mussan, 698 muttu; Niradimutu
Mussulkund, 411 Muttuge, 222
Mus Sumbra, A/13B-See:- Muttu-palagamu, 925
Sumbra ' Muttura, 235
Musta, 427; 428; 719 Muttuva, 1134
Mustaka, 427; 428-See:- Muya,868
N agarmustaka Myehscik, 128
Mustaki-See:-Kabuli- Myepe, 121
mustaki Mylabris beetle, A/206-See:-
Mustanpat, 392-See:-Pat Beetle
( varieties) Myle conday;, 156
Mustard - See:-Black mus- Mylellu, 1278-See:-Ellu
tard; Brown mustard; Dog- ( varieties)
mustard; White~m u s tar d; Myogal moschatco) A/202
Wild-mustard; Common-In- Myrobalan, 1205 - See
dian mustard Arjuna myrobalan; Beleric
Mustaru, 592 myrabolan; Chebulic myro-
Muste,427 balan; Emblic myrobalan
Mustela foina, A/202 Myrrh,170
Musti - See:- Bhadramusti; Myrte, 838
Mullamusti; Nagamusti Myrtle, 838-See:-Box-
Musu, .A/I71 myrtle
Musumbi, 346 Mysore Gamboge Tree, 565-
Musumusukkai, 220; 820-See: See:-Gamboge tree
-Kai or Kayi (varieties)
Mutheera pula gam, 1138-See: Naanai-hindi, 788-See:-Hindi
-Pulagam (varieties)
Mutheli, 822; 823 Naasuganni, 818--See:-Ganrii
Mutiamu, A/208 ( varieties) .
Mutira, 458 Nabar, 1064
Mutra, A/232 Naba-tuna-Milaja, 681
Mutransialian, 427 Nabhi-See:-Adavinabhi;
Mriganabhi; Vatsanabhi
Nabhi-ailkuri, 1153
Muttagamara, 222-See:- Nabiyalh9ne; 1255
Gamara Nachchuruppan, 1252
Mutta~kachi, 427-See:-Kachi Nachikay~gida, 699
Muttan-See:-Karimuttah Nachni,477
-See:-Pulagamuche~tll ::_ ,Nachuta, 349
Mutti-See:-Chitimulti; Sir- Nacre, A/211

Nadena, 1282 Naga-kesara, 792-See:-

Nadi-hmgu, 569-See :-Hingu Kesara (varieties)
Nadika, 377-See:-Hinguna- Nagaladudheli, 430-See:-
dika Dudheli
Nadinishpava, 424-See:- Nagam, M/130 - See:-Pun-
Nispava nagamj Tutanagamj Tuttu-
Naelaponna, 287-See:-Ponna nagam (varieties)
( varieties) Nagamalli, 1059-See:-Malli
N aelatadi-chettu, or gadda, 411 (varieties)
Naelavaminta, 351-See:--,. Nagamughatei, 685-See:-
Vaminta (varieties) Mughatei
Naepala, 396-See:-Pala Nagamusadi, 1173j 1182-See:
(varieties) -Musadi
Naepal-vaerna, 396-See:- Nagamusti, 1173-See:-Musti
Vaema (varieties)
Naeraedu, 517 Nagappoo - See:-Siru-
Naeralay, 517 nagappoo
Naeralu - See:-Malenaeraluj Nagap-pu, 861
Pannaeralu Nagapu, 932-See:-Cheru-
Naervalam, 396-See:-V alam nagapu
(varieties) N agara, 1308
N a g-See:-Karianag; Kha- Nagaram, 1308
dyanagj Raktanagj Vuchnagj Nagara-motha, 427-See:-
Bishnagj Punnag Motha (varieties)
Naga, M/83j M/517-See:- Nagarkali, 873-See:-Kali
TuttIDagaj Punnagaj Vella- ( varieties)
naga Nagar motha, 430-See:-
Nagaarjundudhi, 524-See:- Motha (varieties)
Dudhi (varieties) Nagarmothee, 428-See:-
Nagabala, 1138-See: -Bala Mothee
(varieties) Nagarmowtha, 430-See:-
Nagachampakam, 792-See:- Mowitha
Champakam Nagar mustaka, 430-See:-
Naga-dali,873 Mustaka
Nagadamani, 144-See:- Naga Sambhava, M/86-See:-
Damani Sambhava
Naga-danti, 166; 617-See:- Nagasampige, 792-See:-
Danti (varieties) Sampige (varieties)
Nagadona, 144-See:-Dona Nagashap-pu, 792
Nagadonda,219-See:-Donda Nagasugandha, 872-See:-
Nagadouna, 144-See:-Douna Sugandh (varieties)
Naga golunga, 821-See:- Nagavalli, 960; 961
Golunga Nagbail, 1280-See:-Bail
Nagai-See:-Nazel-nagai Nagbo, 790
Nagajamudu, 873-See:- Nagchampa, 236-See:-
J amudu (varieties) Champa (varieties)
Nagakaria, 579-See:-Karia N agachampakam-See:-'
(varieties) Champakam (varieties)

Nagchampe, 792-See:- Naitakkilay, 352-See:-

Champe Takkile
Nagdanti,708-See:-Danti Nai tulasi, 863-See:-Tulasi
Nagdowan, 389-See:-Dowan ( varieties)
Nagdowna, 299-See:-Down-a Naivela, 599
Nagesar, 792 Naji, 1027
N aggesurpu, 861 Nak, 1038-See:-Bishnak
Naghas-See:-Mesua naghas N akasinkani, 299
N aghzak, 765 Nakchikni,465-See:-
Chhikani; Chikni
Nagi, 201
Naginka-patta, 389-See:- Nakdown, 153
Patta (varieties) . Nakhala, A/135; A/1S6
Nagkesara, 792-or Nagkeshar, N akhari, 687
860-See:-Kesara (varie- Nakhud,311
ties) Nakkaeru, 379
Nagli,477 Nakk-chhikni, 299-See:-
N aglkud, 1190
Nagneval, 872-See:-Val Chhikani
(varieties) N akkipoo, 617
Nakkukaruppan, 776
Nagoda, 1278
N~gphana, 872
Nakpatra, 691
Nagphani, 872; 1280 Naktamala, 1001-See:-
Nagpuri bachang, 28-See:- Tamala
Bachang Naktrasa, 1142
Nagpushpa, 792 N akull, 1088
Nagranga, 339-See:-Ranga Nal, 859
(varieties) Nalagu, 732
Nagtali, 873-See:-Tali Nala tige, 445-See:-Tige
(varieties) (varieties)
N agum, 517-{'ee:-Punnagum Nala-userekee, 947-See:-
N agvalli, 827 Userekee
Nagvelli, 872-See:-Velli Nalha-damar, 1133-See:-
Damar (varieties)
N ahani, 1260
Nahani Kanvar, 75-See:- Nali, 628
Kanvar (varieties) Naliar, 363
Nahani Khapat, 7-See:- Nalichi bhaji, 684-See:-
Bhaji (varieties)
'Khapat Nalitapat, 37&:-See:-Pat
Nahikuddaghu, 351
Nahusi, 1127 N alivalli-See:-Pe-nalivalli
Nai, 172-See:-Kar.wai-nai;
Nallajilakara, 855-See:-
Rasna Nai
Naibel, 742-See:-Bel Jilakara
Nalla-kalava, 859-See:-
Nai-chette, 1270 Kalava
N aidilay-See:-Bile-naidilay Nallamada, 165-See:-Mada
( varieties)
Naikkodai, 51 Nallamaddi, 1211-See:-
Nainehavandi, 101 ~
.N airuri, 517 . ~---r' Maddi (varieties)

Nallamanthu,902-See:- . Nandi-chettu, 294

Manthu Nandihriksha, 294
Nalla~mulli, 704-See:-Mulli Nandireka, 545
(varieties) Nandivardhanamu, 1189
Nallanochili, ~72-See:­ Nandi-vraksha, 294; 1189
Nochili . N andiyavertam, 1189
Nallapurugudu,947-See:- Nandru, 951
Purugudu; Phulsarnallapu~ Nandruk, 545
rugudu Nandyavartha, 1260
Nalla~pusini, 407-See:-Pusini Nangli, 477
N allar, 1284 N angulika, 579
Nallarenga, 797-See:-Renga Nan-i-Kulagh, 763-See:-
Nallarojen, 254--See:-Rojen Kulag
Nallasominta, 1130-See:- Nani Sunkhali, lO6-See:-
Sominta Sunkhali
Nalla~tapata, 1159-See:- Nanjamurich-chan, 1252
Tapata . Nanjaruppan, 1253
Nallatumma, 9-See:-Tumma Nanjinkuru, 360-See:-Kuru
(varieties) Nanjunda, 166
Nalla~vavili, 1278--See:- N anka-See:-Periyananka
Vavili (varieties) N ankhvah-See:-Zinianas~
Nallenne, 1~27-See:-Ennei or Nankhvah
Ennay (varieties) N annaeni, 15
N aHeru, 1284 Nanna-ti, 99
N allochangam, 165 Nan-ta-yok, 86
N alpalai, 150-See :-Palai N anthia-vatai, 1189
(varieties) N anthia vattarnpu, 118S-See:
Nalugu, 733 - Vattampu (varieties)
Nalvalangee, 431 N apatki, 271
Nama, M/7 Napier's fodder, 930-See:-
N amadaberu, 619 Fodder
N amaeru, 236 Napiritta, 629 .
N amaeruak, 236 Napiya-hin, 822-See:-Bin
Namak, M/I09-See:-Cour- (varieties)
ka-namak; Jhas-ka-namak N ar-See:-Malang-nar
Namake~Khurdam, M/109
Nara, 748
Namakesang, M/108
N amaskari, 799 Narae-kaisar, 792-See:-
Nambu. 776-See:-Chunnam~ Kaisar
bu; Dawoon-nambu; Narakam - See:- Malenara-
N amdit-See:-Vadli-namdit kam! N elanarakam; Maqala-
Namon, M/7 narakam; Madhuranarakam
Namuti,592 Narakiya wood, 578
N anabalu, 526 Narak-karandai, 202-See:-
Nan~bhantur, 395 Karandai (varieties)
Nanchano. 477-See:-Chano Naral, 363-See:-Jahari-
Nandi, 691 naral
Nandia~vattampu, 1189-See:- Naralu, 474

Narla-maddo,363-See : -
Naramushka, 861-See:- Maddo (varieties)
Mushka Naro, 282
Narang, 339-See:-
Cherunaranga N arphal, 946
Narangam, 339
Narangamu, 339 Narr, 763
N arraalagi, 748
Narangi, 339 Narri,999
Narangka, 339 Narsij, 522-See:-Sij
Naranj,339 (varieties)
Naranji, 375 Naru, A/147-Se e :-Kala-
Naraseja, 522 naru; Kalnaru
N aravi,-See :-Pulinaravi.
Narayanam-See:- Pade-na- Narumbele, 387
Narumpanel, 1255
rayanam Narunchana, 385-See:-
Narde Indike, 840 Chana (varieties)
Nard Indien, 840 Naru-ninti, 619-See:-Ninti
Naregan-See :_Nela-nar-egan
Naruvali, 380-See:-Vali
Nareyr,-517 (varieties)
N argandi-See :_Nili-nargandi
N aruvili, 380
Nargis, 839 Naruvilli, 379
Nargumi, 160
Nari, 946-See:-Bob-lar-nari Naruviri, 379
Manganari narval
t Nari balada hullu, 449
Narikel, 363"'-:See:-Kel (vari- Narvala, 387-See:-Vala
eties) Narvel, 517
\. Narikela, 363-See:-Kela
Narvela, 1271
Naringa-S ee :- Bhui-naringa- Nasabhaga, 933
Nelanaringa; Swadunaringa; Nashpati, 1038-See:-Pati
Nasodu, 517 .
Naringu-See:- Nepanaringu; Nasona, 876
N elanaringu Naspal, 1031-See:-Pal
Narippayaru, 942-See:- (varieties)
Payaru (varieties) Nasur Janghi, 1228-See:-
Nari-vengayam, 1257-See:- Janghi
Vengayam (varieties) N ata_See:-;-,..prabhoo-nata
N ariyal, 363-See:-Daryaka Nata fish, A/215-See:-Fish
nariyal (varieties) ~
Narjil-banri, 749-See:-Banri Nata-karanga, .1001-See:-
Narjil-i-Darayai, 749-See:- Karanja (varieties)
Darayai . Nata-karanja, 226; 229-See:·
Nar-kachur, 1315-See:- Karanja (varieties)
Kachur (varieties) Nat-akrodu, 61-See:-Akhrc
Narkachura, 414-See:- Ka- Natarphal, 226
chura " N athamaram-See:-Peena-
Nar Kya-uda-1l7(h-See::_
. , . INDEX 875

Native calamine, M/131- . Navsagar, Mill

See:-Calamine Navasagara, Mill
Native ferric-oxide, M/94- Navasara, Mill-See :-8ara
See:-Ferric oxide (varieties)
Native white Felspar, M/7 Navasaram, Mill
See:-Felspar (varieties) Navel, 517
Nat-ka-bachnack, 579-See:- Navili, 651
Bachnack Navi ragi, 476--See:-Ragi
Natka damula, 1025-See:- Navto, 477
Damula Nawal, 694
Nat-ki-sona, 286--See:-Sona Nawar, 517
,Natrium chloricum, M/108 Naya, 1050
Natron, MI101 Nayaphataki,271-See:-
Natrum-takara, 289-See:- Phataki
Takara (varieties) Nayaphatakipana, (Heart-
Nattai-churi, ll62-See:- Pea), M/l03
Churi Nayeti, 524; 526; 529-See:-
Nattiati-vasa, 399-See:- Lahan-nayeti
Vasa Nayi-bela, 353-See: -Bela
Nattu-akrotta-kottai,61--See: . .(varieties)
-Akrotta-kottai; Kottai (va- Nayikuruma 818-8ee:-Ku-
rieties); ruma
Nattuati'vudayam, 399-See:- Nayisonagu-balli,818
Ativudayam Nayi-tulasi, 861; 863-See:-
.Nattu ireval-chinni, 1956- Tulasi (varieties)
See: -Chinni, Ireval-chinni Nayit-yaga,1009-See:-Yaga
N attutakarai, 289-See:- Nayi-velai, 351-8ee:-Velai
Takarai (varieties) Na yop, 268--See:-Yop
Nattuvadumai, 1205--See:- Nay-palai, 1252-See: -Palai
Vadumai . (varieties)
Natubadamu, 1205-See:- Nayukon, 969-See:-Kon
Badamu Nayuruvi, 21
Nau-nau, 381 Nazel-Nagai, 572-See:-
Nausadan, Mill Nagai
Navacharam, Mill Neardanchettu, 1263
Nava-charum, Mill N eboo-See: -Kamla-neboo.
Navadunga, 522 Nebu, 342-See:- Bator-nebu;
Naval,5l7 Chholongo-nebu; Goranebu;
Navaladi, 1280 Karanebu; Mithanebu
Naval' Kol, 214 Neela, 680
Navamallika, 700-See:- Neelabralakrati, 561-See:-
Mallika (varieties) Bralakrati
Navananji-Ch~pala, 447- Neelamalligida, 677-See:-
See:-Chapala . / Malligida (varieties)
Navaneakki, 897-See:- Neeli,681
Akki Neeli-chettu, 681
N avani, 896 ; 1131 Neelinee.680
Navasadara, Mill Neelotpalam, 809
Nelakadale, 121-See:- Ka-
N eelum, 681; 1286 I dale
Neem, 776 Nelakatala, 121-See:- Ka-
Neemeeri,1211 tala
Neepa-bark, 1096 )Nela. -Kumbala, 686-See:-
Neerampal, 859 Kumbala (varieties)
Neerbatsala , 713-See: -Bat- Nelammari , 1319-See : -
sala . Mari (varieties)
Neerbrahmi,624-See : - Nelampata, 592-See:-Pata
Brahmi (varieties) (varieties)
Neermali, 1017 Nela_muchchala,607-S ee : -
Neermulli, 63; 141-See:- Muchchala
Mulli (varieties) Nela-mulaka, 1150-See : -
Neerpoola, 947-See:- poola Mulaka (varieties)
Neerugobbi, 667,-See:- Nelanarakam, 842 (Nelanara-
Gobbi kam), _See:-Narakam (va-
N eeruili, 63 rieties)
Negamuli, 1059-See :-Muli Nela-naregan, 842-See:-
(varieties) Naregan
Neggilu_See:-Aneneggilu; Nela-naringa, 842-See:-Na.
Doddaneggilu; Kennegilu ringa (varieties)
Negil-mullU , 1230 Nela-naringu, 842-See:-
Negli,998 Naringu (varieties)
Negro Bean, 817_See:-Beans Nela-nekkare, 609-See : -
(varieties) Nekkare
Negro Coffee, 289-See:- Nelapalai,526-See:-Palai
Coffee ' (varieties)
Negundu-Se'e :-Kalo- Nela panna maravara, 156-
negundu See: -Panna maravara
Nehass, M/47-See : -Ass Nelasampenga, 997-See : -
Neichak, 633 Sampenga (varieties)
Nelasampige , 716-See: -Sam;...
Neimal, 1181
Nekkare-See:-Nela-nekkare pige (varieties)
Nekki-See:-Bile-nekki; Nela usirika, 947-See : -Usi-
Karinekkigida rika (varieties)
Nela-aInudumu, 706-See:- Nelavemu, 101; 573-See:-
Amudumu (varieties) Vemu (varieties)
Nelabaevu, 101-See: -Bevu Nelavilam, 535-See:-Vilam
(varieties) Neli, 681 ~.
N eladali, 411-See: -Dali Nellagulisetenda 27~-See:-
Nela-guli , 485-See:-Guli Gulisetenda
(varieties) , Nellap~na Kilongu, 41l-See:
Nela-gulimidi, 485-See:- Kilongu'
Gulimidi NeUatiga, 674-See: -Tiga
Nelagummudu, 686-See:- , (varieties)
Gummudu it Nellatiga, 674-See: -Tiga
Nela_hippali,746-See :"7:' (varieties)

Nella tutia, M/52-See:- Nepati, 265

Tutia (varieties) Ner, 1142-See: -Kharner
Nelli, 481-See:-Arunelli, Nera, 1060
Ghebunelli; Kilanelli; Kir- Nerali-See: -Pannerali
nelli; Kirunelli; Kizhkay- Neredu-See: -Pedda-neredu;
-nelli; Melanelli; Shivappu- Rachan~redu
nelli Neri-ariship-pal, 86; 747-See:
Nellika, 481 Arishippal; Pal (varieties)
Nellikai, 481-See: -Kai or Nerie--poottie, 714-See:-
Kayi (varieties) Poottie
Nellik-kai, 481 Nerija, 474
Nelli-kumbala, 686-See:- N erinche-See :-Cherunerin-
Kumbala (varieties) che
Nellu, 877 Nerinjal, 1229-See: -Cheppu-
N elmal, 1181 nerinjal; Kattu-nerinjal
Neltangedu, 288-See:- Nerinji, 1229-See:-Cheppu-
Tangedu (varieties) neringie; Seruppunerinji
Nelam, 844 Nerinnil, 1230-See: -Kathe-
Nelumbo, 844 ner9;nil
Nemaur grass-See :-Grass of Neroori, 264
Nemaur N erpichan, 716
Nembu---.:see: -Pahari nembu; Nerungil, 1230
Batavi-nembu N erunji-See: -Peru-nerunji
Neoza, 957 Netario-thora, 529-See:-
Neoza pine, or Edible pine, Thora ( varieties)
957-See:-Pine (varieties) Netlingi, 997
Nepal, 396 Netramala, 360
Nepala, 396 Netrashuddhi, 867
Nepalam, 705 Nettle-See: -Common sting-
Nepala musk, A/197-See:- ing nettle; Stinging nettle
Musk (varieties) Neunblattrige Indigop flange,
Nepala-vithalu, 396-See:- 678
Vittulu (varieties) N everang, 524-See: - Vilai-
Nepalavitua, 396 thinevarung
Nepal Barberry, 187-See:- Newar, 520; 871
Barberry (varieties) Newrang, 526
Nepal Camphor wood, 330- Neyi, A/182
See: -Camphor wood Ngway, M/14
Napalcha-bi, 396 . 'Nialo' jowar, 1161-See:-
Nepalidhania, 1302-Se'e:- J owars (varieties)
Dhania Nichardi, 1251
Nepali marich, 270-See:- Nichinda, 1281
Marich (varieties) Nichni, 1060
Nepal tunth, 595-See:- Nidigdhika, 1150; 1156
Tunth Niepa, 1096
Nepanaringu, 842-See:- Nigachuni, 529
Naringu (varieties) Nigad, 1278
Nepari, 442 )
Niger seed, 595
I Nila vakai, 284; 287-See:-
Night Jasmine, 857-See:-
Jasmine (varieties) Vakai
Nilavarai, 288-See: - Varai
Nightshade-See: -Deadly':
nightsh~de; Indian Night- (varieties)
Nilavembu, 101; 1184-See:-
shade; Malabar nightshade; Vembu (varieties)
Woody nightshade . Nila-vemu, 1184-See: - Ve-
Nik-kadugu, 351-See:'-Ka- mu (varieties)
dugu (varieties) Nilavepu, 101-See:-Vepu
Nikkikurkan, 486 Nilavimbu, 573-See:-Vimbu
Niksuki, 1250 Nilavirai, 287-See: - Virai
Nikumba, 706 (varieties)
Nil, 677; 681-See:-Bon-nil, Nila-vriksha, 452-See:-
Hab-un-nil; Tukhm-i-nil; Vrikshaha (varieties)
Vilaiti-nil Nile crocodile, A/202-Se e : -
Nila, 677; 681-See:-Daoro-
khat-e-nila; Kazhinnila Crocodile.
Nila-aparajita, 354-See:- Nile flower, 689
Nili, 681-See:-Ratanili
Aparajita Talanili
Nila-cumal, 585-See:- Nilika, 678; 680
Cumal Nili-nargandi, 572-See:-
Nila-durva, 426-See:-Durva
Nilaisedachi, 997 Nilini,677
Nilaja, 681 Nilkant, 573
Nila~adalai, 121-See:-
Kadalai (varieties) Nilkanth, 414
Nilkantha; A/213
Nilakkimnizh, 585 Nilkanthi, 310
Nilam, 681 Nilkattei, 616
Nila-mayura, A/141-Se : -e
Nill-koyala, 354-See:-
Mayura Koyala
Nilampala, 141-See: -Pala
Nilobikh, 443
(varieties) Nilofar, 859
Nila-nirgundi, 572-See:-
Nirgundi (varieties) Nilopal, 859
Nilotpala, 859-See: -Pala
Nilanjanam, M/13 (varieties)
Nilap-panaik-kizhangu, 411- Nil-pushpi, 688-See :-Pushpi
Kizhangu (varieties)
Nilappanang-kilangu, 411- (varieties) ,f<!'
Nil-sapIa, 859-See: -SapIa
See:-Kilangu (varieties)
Nilufer, 844 _
Nilaprala, 516 Nim, 776-See: -Gbor~-nim;
Nilasampangi, 997-See:- Karrinim; Maha-nim; Vila-
Sampangi yati-nim; Jalnim
Nilathari, 419 Nimak, M/109-See:-KaIa-
Nila-thotha, M/52-See:- nimak; Sondanimak
Thotha :Nimb , 776-See: -Balnimb;
Nila tuta, M/52-See:- 'ruta Mahanimb; Phirangi-nimb
Nilavagai, 288-See:-Vagai Nimba, 776-Bhunimba; Kad-
Nilavaka, 287-See:-V<1ka hee-nimba; Kadu-nimba;

Krishnanimbi; Mahanimba; Nirmuli, 420-See:-Muli

Peddanimba; Surabhinimba (varieties)
Nimbe-hannu-See: -Dodda Nirmurdi, 202
nimbe hannu Nirnochchi, 1278; 1281-See:-
Nimboovo, 342 N ochchi (varieties)
Nimbu, 341 - See:-Bajauri- Nirnoschi, 1281-See:-
nimbu; Ban-nimbu; Bon- Noschi
nimbuj Chor-nimbu; Dodi- . Nirnotijil, 352
nimbu; Godnimbu; Idanim- Nirpulli, 422; 1226
bu; Mahanimbu; Mithanim- Niruganneru, 999-See:-
bu; Motunimbu; Pahadinim- Ganneru (varieties)
bu; Paharinimbu; Saker- Nirumalli, 667-See:-Malli
nimbu ( varieties)
Nimma-See: -Gajanimma; Nirumelneruppu, 91
Adavinimma Nirunji, 1229
Nimmagaddi, 104 Niruri, 947-See:-Katu- niru-
Nimma-pandu, 342-See:- ri; Phyllanthe niruri
Pandu Niru-vavili, 1281-See:-
Nimma-tulasi, 864-See:- Vavili (varieties)
Tulasi (varieties) Nirvala, 387-See:-Vala
Nimok, M/109 (varieties)
Nimurdi, 202 Nirvanchi, 656-See:-Vanchi
Ninti-See: -Naru-ninti (varieties)
Nipa,118 Nirvanji, 1106
Niradimuttu, 658; 661-See:- Nirvisha, 719-See: - Visha
Muttu (varieties) (varieties)
Niradimutu, 1195-See:- Nirvisham, 418; 1095
Muttu (varieties) Nirvishi, 443
Niradi-vittulu, 658-See:- Nirvisi, 334
Vittulu (varieties) Nisa, 1308
Nira-Iakki-gida, 1281 Nisan,1308
Nirbash, 994 Nisha, 414
Nirbishaghas, 719-See:- Nishadal, Mill
Ghas' (varieties) Nishinda, 1278
Nirbishi, 443; 719 Nishotar, 691
Nirbisi, 334 Nishoth, 691
Nir-brami, 624-See: - Brah- Nisinda, 1278
mi (varieties) / Nisomali, 999
Nirda, 680 Nisoth, 691
Nirgandi, 1278 Nispatigay, 265
Nirgunda, 1278 Nispava, 460-See: -Nadini-
Nirgunda-See: -Krishna- shpava
nirgunda Nisut, 691
Nirgundi, 1278-See: -J ala- Nitrate of Potash M/90; 91-
nirgundi; Nila-nirgundi See: -Potash nitrate; Potas-
Nirguvi-veru, 667 sium nitrate
Nirjara, 356 Nitre, M/90-See: -Impure
Nirmali, 1181 nitre; Purified nitre

Niumb, 342 Nullerutigeh, 1284

Niva, A/146 I Nun-See:-Kale-nim; Lun-
Nivadunga, 524-See:- Vayi- nun
nivadunga Nuna, 809
Nival-See: -Pandnival Nun-bora, 683-See:-Bora
Nivali, 522-See:-Baddinivali; (varieties)
Kada-nivali; Kantya-nivali; Nundo-jangro, 1317-See:-
Pannanivali Jangro
Nivar, 177 Nunibeera 752
Niye-veru, 221 Nunibhaji, 1007-See:-
Noalata, 445 Bhaji (varieties)
Noari, 946 Nuni-gatcha, 229
Noaris, 947 Nuni-sak, 1007-See:-Sak
Nochchi, 1278--See:-Karuno- (varieties)
chchi; Nirnochchi; Shiruno- Nunnari, 619
chchi; Vellai-nochchi Nura, M/44
Nochili-See: -NallanochiIi Nurah, M/42
Noix aquatique Corniole, 1227 Nurma, 207
Noix d'Arec, 130 Nut grass, 428
Noix Vomique 1175 Nuth, 696
Nokra, M/13 Nutma, 586
Nona, 115 Nutmeg, 830-See: -Country
Nonganam-pillu, 869-See:- nutmeg; Malabar nutmeg
PilIu (varieties) Nutti-choorie, 1162
Noona-maram, 810 Nuvvu, 1126
Nooniglika, 229 Nuyvulu, 1126-See:-Polla,
Nooni-shak, 1005-See:- nuvvulu
Shak-nooni Nux-Vomica Tree, 1175
Noorekayi, 1l03-See: - Kai Nyagrodha, 543
or Kayi (varieties) Nyai phulanch, 1065
Nopal plant, A/155 Nyctanthes-See:-Weeping
Norvishee"177 nyctanthes
Noschi-See: -Nirnoschi
Noshadar; M/ll
Notchi, 1278
Nottavil-maram, 128
N ousadar, M/ll Oak-See: -A~aric of the oak;
"Noyean" plant, 691 Jerusalem oak; Kumaon-oak
Noyer cultive, 709 Oak Galls, 1041-See: -Galls
Nripadruma, 285 Oandak, 349 ~
Nubarse, 163 Oao, 448
Nugatumma, 14-See:- Oats, 162
Tumma (varieties) Obukotru, 345
Nugge,811 Oehra-See: -Ben-oehra
Nuir-See: - Vishnanuir. Ochre, M/I0...:_see: -Bole
Nukachuni, 1167 .. (yellow) ochre; Paleochre;
Nuku-kattai, 432 .,,_, Rudde or Red ochre; Yellow
Nullerotigen, 1284 • ochre

Ochre, red, M/1U-Sec:- Onion, 63-See: -Himalayan

Ochre (varieties) onion
Ockro,l Onkla,58
Ocre rouge, M/42 Odh,1182
Odallum, 302 Oodoojati, 714
Odallum tree, 302 Oondi, 236
Oddhi, 865 Ooshadhana, 110-See:-
Oddimanu, 868 Dhana (varieties)
Odiyamaram, 868 Ooshak-See:-Ushna-
Oeillete Pavot 'som,nifere, 901 . ooshak
Ogai, 158 Ooshnam, 969
Ohin-kio-kiu, 332 Ophthalmic Barberry, 187-
Oli of Juniper berries, 710- -See:-Barberry (vari-
See: -Berries (varieties) eties)
Oil of Sen Hog, A/166-See Opium, 902-See: -Malwa
Hog; Sen hog opium; Patna Garden opium;
Oil-tree-See:-Wood-il tree Garden opium
Okra, l-See: -Ben-okra; Opium Poppy Capsules 901
Bhui-okra; Bon-okrl1; Bun- See: -Poppy capsules
okra; Khudi-okra (varieties)
01,94 Orange common (common or-
Olaktambol; 4-See:- Tambol ange); orange sweet; (sweet
Olancha, 104 orange); orange Chinese~
Olang-karai, 473-See:- Ka- (Chinese orange); orange-
rai (varieties) bitter (bitter orange) ;
Olat, 594 orange seville (seville
Olatkambal, 4; 933 orange); orange Bergamot or
Olichi, 1014 Bergamot orange 339: 341
Old ghee, A/187-See:-,-Ghee Orb-See: -Kayoo-orb
Oleander-See Exile Oleander; Oreha, 1160
Sweet-scented oleander; Orchid-See: -Salep orchid
YeHow oleander Ore-See: -Zinc ore; Copper
O1enkirayat, 101-See:- ore
Kirayets (varieties) Orge angulesuse, 653
Oleum ceti, A/l54-See: -Ceti Origan aquatique, 522
Oleum fructus juniperi, 710- Orilaiththamari, 683
See: -Fractus Orpiment, M/20-See: - Red'
Junipari; Juniperi orpiment
Olibanum-See: -Indilln oli- Orris root, 694
banum Osadi, 55
Olikiryat, 101-See: -Kiryat Osali, 1280
Olives, 870 Oseille rouge de Guinee, 632;
Olu-et-olu, 859
Olupoe-See: -Kattu-olupoe. Oseille a trois feuilles ou du
Omim,280 bois, 890
Omamu, 280; 1028 Oseille de brebis 1079
Oman, 280; 1028 Oseille rond, 1080
On;mm, 1028 Osteon, A/211

'Ostindishcher Dintenbaum, Oyster-shell-See: - Comma

1119 I oyster-shell; Shell (vari
'Ostras, A/211 ties)
I 'Otaheite Goose-berry, 946"':_
'Otdhomps, 735
'Oteneah, 448
Ottampuli, 950-See: -Puli Pabban, 844
(varieties) Pabda, A/214
'Ottatti, 1256-See: -Atti Paburpani, 1233
(varieties) Pacha, 996
'Ottuppullu, 1251 Pachai Karpooram, 250-Se(
Ottuttutti, 1256-See : -Tutti Karpooram, (varieties)
(varieties) Pachak, 1108
Ou de Dieu on Conseils, 552 Pachakarpooram, 250--See:-
Oulia Champ, 795-Se~:- See:-Karpooram (varie-
Champ ties)
-Oulimanji, 628 Pachala, 177
Ouplate, 1108 Pachalai, 177
Ova-See:-Pan-ova Pachapat, 996-See:-Pat
( varieties)
Ovapana, 371-See: - Pana Pacchcha-ganneru, 1218-
(varieties) See:-Ganneru (varieties)
'Ovibos moschatus, A/202- Pachchai-alari, 1218-See:-
See: -Moschatus Alari
Ovi vitellus, A/162-See: - Pachchari-See: -Erra-pach.
Vitellus chari
'Owa, 280; 1028-See:- Pachcharisi-See: -Ammam
Khorasani-owa pachcharisi (varieties)
'Owl, A/144 Pachcha-yavulu, 653-See:-
Ox, A/146 Yavulu
Ox-bile, A/161-See:'-Bile Pachche adavimalle, 702-
(varieties) See:-Adavi malli; Malli
Ox-gall-See:-Gall (variet- (varieties)
ies); Fresh ox-gall; Purified Pachettu, 1186
ox-gall Pachai-payaru, 939-See:-
'Oxide of arsenic-See:-White Payaru (varieties)
oxide of arsenic; Arsenic oxide; Pachhai-pesufu, 939-See:-
Iron oxide; Silicate of alumi- Pesalu
nia etc. Pachi, 591-See: Samudupu-
Oxide of iron, M/95-See: - pachi; Darya-:Ki-gas or
Magnetic oxide of iron pachi
Oxide of lead-See: -Lead Pachitiga, 292-See: -Tiga
oxide; Red oxide of lead (varieties)
'Oyster, A/212-See: -Pearl Pacholi, 996
oyster ' / , Pachotti, 1186
()yster mushroom, 5l,..-:..see: - Packur-mul 1000
Mushroom oyster' Pactige belumbo, 844

Pada, 804-See: - Bahupada; Padri, 1168-See: -Kalgori-

Chandrapada; Davanpada; padri
Hastipada; Dupada Padval, 1234-See: - Padavala
Padal-See: -Peyu-padal (varieties) 3arlgli-padavala;
Padar, 112 Kadu-padavala
Padarasam, M/68 Padvala-See: -I{adu-pada-
Padauk, 1024· vala
Padavakani, 656 Padvali, 334
Padaval or Padavala -See:- Padvalkayi, 1234--See: -Kai
3 angli-padavala; Kadu-pada- or Kayi (varieties)
vala; Kahi-padavala Padvel-See: -G}lorpadvel.
Padavali-See:-Ranacha pa- Padwal,994
davali Pad-zahare-Havani, A/161
Padayin, 434 o Padzahre-kani, M/97 .
Padche-methi, 731-See:- Paedikari attutummatti 335
Methi (varieties) -See: -Tummiltti; Atti
Paddale, 847 (varieties)
Paddam, 1015; 1016 Paeoney Rose, 893-See:-
Paddoola-See:-Kadupad- (varieties)
doola Paer,273
Paddy, 877 Paera, 1017
Paddy liquor, M/49-See:- Paeral, 543
Liquor Paerattae-kirae, 690
Pade-biri, 892-See: -Biri Paeravirai, 289-See:-Virai
Pade khado, 594-See: -Kha- (varieties)
do Paerichhu, 946
Padel, 1168 Paeyemaruti, 114-See: -Ma·
Padelon, M/98 ruti
Pade-narayanam, 996-See:- Pagadamalle, 857.-See:-
Narayanam Malle (varietie;;)
Fader, 1168 Pagadamu, A/156
Padi-See: - Youn-padi Pagade-mara, 801
Padikharam, M/2-See:- Pagal, 805
Kharam Pahadamoola, 334--See:-
Padina (footed aquatic ani- Moola (varieties)
mals) A/140 Pahadidhup, 211~See: -Dhup
Padma, 530; 710; 844;-See:- (varieties)
Swet-padma Pahadi indrayan, 405-See:-
Padma-gulancha, 1221-See:- Indrayan (varieties)
Gulancha Pahadi kanda, lliS-See:-
Padmaka, 1015; 1016 Kanda (varieties)
Padma-kasta, 1{)16 Pahadi-madanma;;taka-phul,
Padma kastha, 1015 422-See: - Madanmastaka-
Padma k~thi, 1015 phul (varieties)
Padmaksh, 1015 Pahadi-nimbu, 346-See:-
Padma-pushkara, 694; 695- Nimbu (varieties)
See-Pushkara Pahadi pudina, 790-See:-
Padrasa, M/68 Pudina (varieties)

Pahadvel, 334 "Pakwa-Kapoor," 466-See

Pahar,555 Kapoor (varieties)
Paharikaghuju, 346 Pal-See: -Ariship-pal; Re,
Pahari-keli, 295; 296-See:- alchinipal; Tallapal; Tans;
Keli (varieties) pal; Vallipal; Vellanpal, Da
Pahari kiretta, 1184-See:- vapal; J eyapal; Marghipa
Kiretta Mattipal; Naspal; Raktopa
Pahari-nembu, 346-See:- Vellanpal; Neri-ariship-pal.
. Nembu (varieties) Pala, 93; 472; 516, A/l71-Sel
Pahari-pipu1, 972-See:- Bushpala, Dodee-pala, Ed:
Pipul (varieties) kulapala, Kondapala, Ku]
Paharval, 334-See: -Val kapala, Manapala, Naepal
(varieties) Nilampala, Peddapala, Pi1
Paide,548 (J> pala, Sisupala, Sharpala Sl
Paidi-tangaedu, 290-See:- gandhipala, Tedlapala, ThO]
Tangedu (varieties) thapala, Vapala, Chitrapal
Paidithagara, 568--See: -Tha- Jayapala, Nilotpala; Artipal
gara-padika Palachu, 146
Paikummatti, 335-Matti Paladagida-See: -Sugandha
(varieties) paladagida
Pailaeputatammi, 273 Paladulu, 222
Paillie, A/165 Palagaruda, 80
Paiman, 517-See: -Kum- Palah, 222; 475-See:-Ka·
paiman shapalah
Painaira-wel, 272 Palai, 400; 802-See: -Atru-:
Paina Schulli, 19-5ee:- palai; Nalpalai; Nay-pa18
Schulli Nela-palai; Peyppalai; VI
Painipasha, 1265 tpalai
Painipishin, 1265 Palak, 196; 197; 548; 1164-$e«
Pair, 554 Burhanpalak; J angli-palak
Pairu-See: -China-pairu Palakai-kalli, 873-See:'-
Paivu-See: -China-paivu Kalli (varieties)
Paiyah, A/229 Palakalli, 873-See:-Kalli
Paiyamratarn, 356-See:- (varieties)
Amratam; Chittamratam Palak-juhi 1059-See:-.Tuhi
Pajanku-sut, 1278-See: -Sut Palakura, 652-See: -Kura
Pakar, 551; 554 (varieties)
Pakarmul, 1164 Palam-pasi, [137
Pakavakka, 130 Palamper 1017
Pakhanabhedalakri, '696 Palamsaka, lIM-See:-
Pakhanbed, 1113 Saka' (varieties)
Pakhan-bhed, 573 Palandam-See:-V ana-
Pakku, 130-See: -Kottai- palandam
pakku Palandu 63
Pakkuln, 475 Palang, 1164-See: -Ban-pa-
Pakri, 551-See: - Jufiyakri. lang; Bit-palang; Bonpalan
Paku-kofui, 130-S~e.;.""""'Kotai J adupalang; Tatpalang
Pakur, 542 .. Palanki, 196; 197
INDEX. 885

Palari-See: -Kottampalari Palmyra Palm, 209-See:-

PaIas, 222-See: -Dahipalas Palm (varieties)
Palasa, 222-See: -Darakha- :Palo, 752; 1220
tepalasha, Latapalasa Palog-pongikan, A/13S-
Palasam, 222 See: -Pongikan
Palash,222 Palpashanam-See: -Kudire-
Palas Lata, 224-See:-Kin- palpashanam
suka ~altiga-See: -Matta-paltiga
Palas-pipIo, 629-30-See-· ~lu, A/171-See: -Maddi-
Piplo palu
Palas-pipul, 629-See:- Palupaghel-kalung, 807-
Pipul (varieties) See:-Kalung
Pala sugandhi, 619-See:- dikpana; Kavitpana; Kuta-
Sugandhi (varieties) pana; Ovapana; Talipana
Palas-wel, 224 . PaIva, 111
Palawar, 1087 Palval, 1238
Palawat, 945 Palvalli, 674
Palay-kirai, 652 -See:- Palvan, 111
Kirai (varieties) Palwal, 1236
Pale Catechu, 1254--See:- Palwan, 103
Catechu (varieties) Pama, 710
. Pale (or yellow) Ochre, MilO Pamala, 505
-See:-Ochre (varieties) Pambar, 291
Paliakiri, 890 Pampalienaram, 345
Palidhar, 508 Pampana, 876
Palita-madar, 50B-See:- Pamparchettu, 561
Madar Pampari, 345
Palitmandar, 508-See: -Man- Pamu kallu, M/97-See:-
dar Kallu (varieties)
Palla, 802 Pamukh, 1267
;Pallachinta, 890-See:- Pan, 960; 961-See-Surpan;
Chinta (varieties) Daddupan; Kondapan; Kulo-
Pallephagil, 807-See:- pan; Kyoak-pan; Patchpan;
Phagil Phodipan; Takapan; Vidya-
Palleri, M/103 chi pan; Wakkwoogana-pan;
Palleru-See: - Pedda-palleru Watpan; Ayapana; Dhura-
Pallerumullu, 1229 pan; J uipana; Kadikpana;
Kavitpana; Kutapana; Ova-
Palm-See: -Betel-nut palm; pana; Talipana
Cocoanut palm; Date sugar Pana, 156; 209; 876-See:-
palm; Dattelpalm; Fanpalm; Daddupana Mohapana; Todda-
Ghatpalm; Hillpalm; Jaggery pana.
palm; Palmyra palm; Toddy- Panaimaram, 209
palm; Sago-palm; Malabar Panambale, 554
Sago-palm Panara, 508
Palmanikam; M/52 Panairawas, 508
Palmier dattier, 943 Panasa, 146
Palmodikka, 686 Panasalambe, 51

,Panchakaeshera, 236 Pangoli, 217

Panachangulam, 1065 Pangra, 485; 508; 995
Panchparni, 207-See:-1 Paniamlak, 554
Parni (varieties) Panibel, 1283-See: -Bel
Pancreatini-See: -Liquor (varieties)
pancreatini or pancreatis Panibu-a, 753
Pandala, 14B-See: -Pant:ra Panic-grass- See: - Creeping
Pandan, 1168 panic grass
Pandarphalli, 680 Panichhi maram, 453
Pandekajhad-See:- Shabke- Pannijama, 1091
Pandekajhad panikisanbhalu, 1281
Pandhara aghada, 21-See:- Paniki-Shumbala, 1281
Aghada Panilari, 1282-See: - Ari
Pandharen-kamal, 858--See:- (varieties)
Kamal (varieties) Panilazak, 847
Pandhari, 396; 594; 1286 Paniphal, 1227
Pandhari kusal, 10B-See:- Pani-pyre, 942-See: -Pyre
Kusal (varieties)
Pandharphali, 557 Panirak, 763
Pandhra-kura, 634-See:- Paniri, 138
Kura (varieties) Pani-samalu, 1281-See:-
Pandhri, 821 Samalu
Pandhri-abai, 254-See:- Pani-soka, M/7
Abai Paniyala, 554
Pandhri-sahebi, 1286-See:- Paniyanaku, 154
Sahebi (varieties) Paniyar-tutti, 1135-See:-
Pandnival, 522-See: -Nival Tutti (varieties)
(varieties) Panjangusht; 1277
Pandol, 1234 Panj-angushte-abi, 1281
Pandola, 1234 Panjeri, 1283
Pandrakuda, 847-See:- Panjiri-ka-pat, 113-See:-
Kuda (varieties) . Pat (varieties)
Pandresavara, 505-See:- Panjoli, 948
Savara Panjooli, 947
Pandruk, 1170 Pankaja, 844 .
Pandu-See: -Kalivipandu; Pankauri, A/213-See:-
Peddakalivipandu; Nimma- Kauri
pandu; Velipandu; Seetapan- Pankura, 25-See:- Kura
du (varieties) P
Paneermaya, A/218 Pankushi, 948
Paner-bad, 1291 Panlata, 445 .
Panevar, 291 Panlvanga, 713-Panlvanga-
Pangala, 995 Se: -Lav~nga
Pangara, 508 Panmouri, 557
Pangaru, 508 Panmuhuri, 557-See:-
Pangi 256; 986-See: -Par- Muhuri
harpangi v Pannaeralu, 51S-See:-
Pangiro, 508 .
IJ-,I - Naeralu (varieties)

Pannai, 297 Papata, 924

Panna-maravara-See: - NeJa Papaw, 273
pannamaravara Papaya tree, 273
Pannanivali, 524--See:- Papayer commun, 273
Nivali (varieties) Papda-See: -Pitpapda
Pannay tree, 236 Papdo-See: -Pittapapdo
Pannerali, 518-See:-Nerali Paperabudama, 335
Panneru-gadda, 1291-See:- Papeta, 1154
Gadda (varieties) Papeya,273
Panni, 107; 109-See: - Ek- Papillay-See: -Kattu-
panni Papillay
Pannir, 1071 Papita, 273; 1174
Panniruppu, 1072-See:- Papiti, 925
Uppu (varieties) Papnas, 345
Pan-Ova, 371-See: -Ova Papnassa, 345
Panpe, 273 Pappali, 273
Panpoye, 948 Pappana, 924
Panpui, 448 Pappangaye, 273
Pansayeik, 698 Pappara-mulli, 1149-See:-
Pansra, 371 Mulli (varieties)
Pan Tamboli, 960-See:- Pappatak-mora-uppu, M/88-
Tambbli See: -Uppu (varieties)
Pantra or Pandala, 148 Pappayam, 273
Panus, 345 Papplichakkay, 1266
Panwar, 730 Pappu-See:-Sannapappu;
Pao de Cobra, 1173-See:- Misur-pappu
Cobra (varieties) Pappu-kura, 305-See:-
Paodi,130 Kura (varieties)
Papada-See: -Pitpapada Papra, 561; 994-See: -Pit-
Papadi, 924 papra; Pittpapra
Papad-khar, M/8S-See:- Papri, 225; 651; 994; 1254-
Khar (varieties) See: :-Wal-papri
Papai,273 Paputa, 273
Papanalil, 333 Paputta vayru, 925-See:-
Papar, 520 Vayru
:Papara-See: -Chitw...papara; Para, M/6S-See: -Hondapara
Pitpapara; Ghatipithpapra Kadapara; Kharpara; 'Khet-
Paparaminta, 789 para; Pitpara; Wampara
Paparamulli, 1150 Para Cress, 1164-See: -Cress-
Paparamulli-See:-Mulli (varieties)
(varieties) Parada, M/67
Paparamullu, 1150-See:- Paragi, 1317
. Mullu Paragus, 153
Paparapuli, 38-;-See: -Puli Paral, 877; 1168
Papari,924 Paramutty, 925
Papas, 586 Parangi, 273
Papat, 924 Parangichekkai, 1143 0

Parangi-sambrani, 211-See:- shparni; Mudgaparni; Pan-

Sambrani chparni; Sanaparni; Shala-
.Parangithalai, 99-See: _ I parni; Shalparni; Shriparni;
Thalai Sinhaparni; Tilparni; Indu-
.Paranki-See:-Upperiparahki parni; Kalaparni; Kapi-ttha-
Parapalanam, 580 parni; Prasniparni
Parapalanamu, 580 Paro, M/68
Pararoo, 508 Paroa, 548
Paras, 1016 Paronk, 250
Parasikava, 670-See:'~ Parpadagam, 869
Kava (varieties) Parpadagum, 804
.Paras-pipal, 629-See: - Pipal Parpalli, 1317
(varieties) Parpalli-gidda, 1317
Paravata-padi, 271 Parparam, 932
.Parbata, A/214 Parpat, 869-See:-Pat (varie-
Pardesi dawano, 144-See:- ties)
Dawano Parpata-See :-Kshetra-par-
"Pardeshi" Gowar, 420- pata; Yavana parpata
See:- Gowar (varieties) Parpataka, 580; 804
Pardik,857 Parpataka,-- Grishma-Sundara,
Parenda-See: -Isgangalam 804
parenda Parpati-8ee:-Khsetra-par-
Paresh pipal, 629-See: Pipal pati
(varieties) Parpatis (Mercurials)
Parharpangi, 980-See:- Parpatrah, 596
Pangi Parpukire, 1006
Pari, 877 Parrot, A/216
Paribhadra, 508 Parrot seed, 278
Parijata, 857 Parsacha-jadha, 630
Parijataka, 508; 857 Parselane-See:-Common
Paringa, 508 Indian parselane; Indian par-
Paringay, 1143 selane
Parin-Kakavalli, 486-See:-- Parsipu, 629, 630
Kakavalli Parsley, 934-See:-Silphium
Parinkipatte, 1143 parsley
Parinta, 377 Parsnip-See:-Cultivated
Parisa, 629 parsnip
Parjamb, 870 Partaka, 857 '"
Parjan, 1142 Partanga, 607
Parjanya, 187 Parthangi, 230 ~
Parkatinj, 551 Partoli, 823. _
Parmelia des murs, 922 Partridge, A/141-See:-Grey
Parnabij, 717 partridge; Common Indian
Parner, 1244 partridge; Indian partridge
Parni-See: -Bariparni; Che- Paru,65 '
kaparni; Krishniparni; Man- Parui-8ee:-Mashaparui;
duparani; Manduparni~ NIan- Mashparui
d.ukaparni; Mashapa;roi~ Ma- Parukire, 1006


Parul, 116S-See:-Ranparul Pasupu, 415-See:-Adavi-

Paruppu-See:-Mindiri par- pasupu; Karupasupuj Manu-
uppu; Uppu (varieties) pasupu; Kasturi pasupu
Parupukire, 305 Pat, A/145j 377j 996-See:-
Parusa-pipalo, 630-See:- Pachapatj Panjiri-Ka-pat;
Pipalo Samandarkapatj Parpat;
Parusha, 593 Sonpatj Sukkapat; Tejpat
Parushamaram, 630 Urohimahorpatj Mustanpat;
Paruthi, 587; 58S-See:- Nalitapatj Sonipatj Titapat;
Samparuthi Kapar-ka-pat
Parutti, 633-Champaruttij Pata, 334j 1134-See:-Nelam-
Karuparutti; Velluparuttij pataj Bellipataj Belpata;
Veliparutti Dholapataj Kshetra-parpata;
Paruva-See:-Cheruparuva Yavana-parpata
Parvala, A/156-See:-Vala Patak-See:-Mandeki-patak
(varieties) Patala, 1168
Parvar, 1236; 1238 Patalagalori, 362-See :--:-Galori
Parvara, A/156 Patalagandhi, 1050-See:-
Parvataninib~ vraksha, 784 Gandhi (varieties)
Parvata-yeranda, 705-See:- Patalagaruda, 377; 872
Yeranda Patala-garudada-beru, 1050
Parwar, 1236 Patalagarudi,362
Patalagarund, 1050
Pasanum-See:-Sudu- Paralapadmini,1108
pasanum . Patalatumbari, 303
Pasarganni, 431-See:-Ganni Patalbhedi, 872
(varieties) Patang, 230
Pashana-See:-Sankhya Patari, 763
Pashana; Rakanpashana Patasij, 524-See:-Sij (varie-
Pashanabedaka, 652 ties)
Pashanabheda, 1054 Patchaiaressi-See:-Amum-
Pashanabhedi, 371 Patchaiaressi (varieties)
Pashanbheda, 1113 Patchauli, 996
Pashanam -See:- Daddipa- Patchi-See:-Tirnut-patchi
shanamj Telapashanumj Yel- Patch pan, 996-See:-Pan
likud pashanamj Vellapasha- (varieties)
num Pater, 1253
Pashchima deshiya, 622 Patha-See:-Laghupatha;
Pashkand, 242-See:-Kand Ratpatha
(varieties) Pathalee, 698
Pashuganda,387-See:-Ganda Pathangee, 230
Pathar-See:-Sufed pathar
Pasi-See:-Velam-pasi Patharcheer,371
Passi, 431 Patharingami, 1150
Passraikeeray, 1007-See:- Patharkuchi, 371
Keerai (varieties) Patharua, 1000
Pasteurised milk, A/176- Pathave, 254
See:-Milk (varieties) Patherchur, 371

Pathmapu-todami, 685-See:,- Pattra-banga, 138-See:-

Todami Banga (varieties)
Pathree, 1195 Patu-swa, 1000
Pathri,728 Patwa,632
Paththi, 587 Patwa-ghas, 288-See:-Ghal
Pathurkuchi, 716; 717 ( varieties)
Pathya, 1205 Pauri-mattaisal, 1227
Pati, 427-See:-Nashpati Pauti,461 .
Patichachaha, 104-See:- Pauttika, A/192
Chaha (varieties) Pavakka-chedi, 805
Patience Vesiculeuse, 1079 Paval,805
Patikaram, M/2-8ee:-"Karam Pavalam, 14; A/156
Patkali, 698-See:-Kali Pavala-Malligai, 857-See:-
(varieties) Malligai (varieties)
Patkarru, 1075 ~avana, 949
Patluppu, M/91-See:- Uppu Pavanya, 696
(varieties) Pavatay, 925
Patlu-uppoo, M/91-See:- Pavattai, 925
Uppoo Pavila-Kura-See:-Pedda
Patna Garden Opium, 916- Pavila-Kura
See:-Garden opium; Opium Pavna, 696
(varieties) Pavonia Odorante. 925
Patol, 1236; 1238-See:-Bon- Pavuttayyayr, 925
patol Pawta, 461
Patola, 752; 1235; 1236-See:- Paya, 71-See:-Hsathanpay
Adavi-patola; Dirgha-patola Payana, 1265
Patolam-See:-Kaippam- Payar-See :-,-Cherupayar
patolam Payaru, 939-See:-Kattu-
Patolamu, 1235 paytu; Pachhaipayaru; Nari
Patranga, 1161 ppayaru
Patrasnuk, 524 Payasvini, 686
Patsan, 628 Paycumuti, 335
Patta, 377; 925-See:-Dad-Ka- Payen, 111-Sce:-Sam-paye:
patta; Kaspatta; Naginka- Payen-anbhat, A/138
patta Paymoostey, 136
Patta-karie, 526 Payo, 250
Pailtana, 686 Payra, A/156",
Pattanga, 230 Payru-See:-Kattupayru;
Pattarashu, 803 Payaru
Pattemadarangabali, 822- Pazham-See.:-=-Pilapazham;
See: -Madarangabali , Vilva-pazham; Puliyam-
Patti, 208; 588-See:_;Ronda- pazham; Vizhaip-pazham
patti Pazhamunnipala, 84
Pattikaramu, M/2 Pdlivanchi, 1079
Pattiri-See:-.Tadi-pattiri Pea-See:-Butterfly pea;
Patton-ki-send, 524 J Cadjan-pea; Chicken-pel
Pattra-See:-BhujpaHfa; COWpea; Fildpea; Garder
Laghupattra pea; Heart-pea; Heart's pel

Peas (white & green); Peddakalavi, 277-See:-

Pigeon-pea; Congo-pea Kalavi
Peaches, 1036 Peddakalinga, 448-See:-
Peacock, A./141; A/213-See:- Kalinga
Cock (domestic) Peddakalivipandu, 266-See:-
Pe-allippayam, 550 Kalivipandu; Pandu (varie-
Peanut, 121 ties)
Pear, 1014; 1038--See:- Peddamanu, 56; 57-See:-
Prickly-pear Manu (varieties)
Pearl, A/208-See:-Mother of Peddamaoga, 1264-See:-
Pearl Maoga
Pearl ash, M/88-See:-Ash Peddamrangu, 1048--See:-
(varieties) Rangu
Pearl millet, 930-See:-Millet Pedda-neredu, 517-See:-
(varieties) Neredu (varieties)
Pearl Oyster, A/2l1-See:- Peddanimba, 346-See:-
Oyster Nimba (varieties)
Peas, (whHe & green) 977- Peddapala, 849-See:-Pala
See:-Pea (varieties) (varieties)
Peatguli, 433-See:-Guli , Pedda-palleru, 926-See:-
(varieties ) Palleru
Pe-Atthi, 550-See:-Atti Peddapavila kura, 1006;-
(varieties) See:-Pavila-Kura
Pe-Attiss, 550 Pedda sophora, 431-See:-:-
Pecari, A/202 Sophora
Pech,433 Peddavari, 529-See:-Vari
Pechak, A/l44 (varieties)
Pechi, 543; 550 Peddi, M/14
Pedalium murex-Peturagaci- Peddimari, 543-See:-Mari
gal, A/203 (varieties)
Pedalu, 1048 Peechhakam, 751
Pedaru bazara, M/97 Peelam, 273
Pedda-dhumpa, 77-See:- Peelee-bootee, 8
Dhumpa Pee-mottenga, 719-See:-
Pedda dosrai, 403-See:- Mottenga
Dosrai Peenathamaram, 1170-See:-
Pedda-elakkay,93-See:- Nathamaram
Elakkay. Peepul-See:-Anipeepul
Pedda-enuga, 817-See:-
Enuga Peepul Tree, 552
Peddagi, 1025 Peerakai, 751-See:-Kai or
Peddagomru, 584-See:- Kayi (varieties)
Peddaib, 977 Peeta-karabira, 849-See:-
Pedda-jilakurra, 557-See:- Karabira
Jilakurra Peetaphala, 1151
Pedda-kai, 403-See:-Kai or Peet berela, 1134-See:-
Kayi (varieties) Berela (varieties)

Peetmalati, 702-See:- Pepper-appauli, 38

Malati (varieties) , Pepper, betel leaf, 960
Peetumba, 101-See:-Tumba. Pepper-corns-See:-Abortive
Pegwood, 520 pepper-corns
Peiam, 876 Peppermint, 789-See:-East
Peikchin, 965 Indian peppermint; Indian
Pekanakai, 121l-See:-Kai or peppermint
Kayi (varieties) Peppirakam, 753
Pekkommatti, 335-See:- Pepre, 551
Matti (varieties) Pepri, 551
Pelargonium noc-tuolens, Peptonised milk, A/176-
A/203 See:-Milk (varieties)
Pellakkaya, 360 Pepudal-See:-Kattuppe-
Pellitory, 97 -See:-Sweet pudal
pellitory Pepul, 965
Pe-nalivalli, 923-See:- Peragi, 273
Nalivalli Perala, 1017
Penarimara, 1170 Perala-hannu, 1017
Penari-marum,1170 Peramutiver, 925
Penarisangai, 892 Peramuttai, 925
Penarvalli, 1301 Perandai-See:-Puli
Pen-bava, 770 perandai
Pendari, 1048 Perangimuluk, 268
Pendha, 877 Perangyum, M/23
Penguin, 104 Pera-rattai, 77-See:-Ratta or
Penkottai, 360-See:-Kottai Rattai (varieties)
(varieties) Perch-See:-Climbing perch
Penneroo-gadda, 1292-See:- Perfoliate Soap-wort, 1,104-
Gadda (varieties) See:-Soap-wort (varieties)
Pennywort-See:-Indian Periaitcham, 946-See:-
Pennywort Itcham
Pentgul, 433; 698-See:-Gul Peria Karalai, 75-See:-Kara-
(varieties) lai
Penva, 385 Peria reta, 77-See:-Reta
Penvar-pet, 530 Peria-takarai, 290-See:-
Pepalam, 705 Takarai (varieties)
Peppelu, 965 Perichchangayi, 943-See:-
Pepper - See:- Bell-pepper; Chchangayi ~
Betel-leaf pepper; Black pep- Peri-elav, 93-See:-Elav
per; Brazil-:pepper; Canarese Perinkalak-phalam, 266-
pepper; Cayenne pe1;1per; See:-Phalam (varieties)
Cherry-pepper; Decorti~ated Periploca des Imdes, 619
pepper; Indian wild pepper; Periya elattari, 93-See:-
Wild pepper; Long pepper; Elattari .
Monstrous pepper; Red pep- Periya elimichcham, 346-
per; Spanish pepper;', Tail . See:-Elimichcham
pepper; White pepPEtJJ.;.-,eom- PeriY,akanni, 1145-See:-
mon pepper Kanni (varieties)

Periyananka, 998 (Periya- Petite basilic, 864

nanka)-See:-Nanka Petitefeve, 942
Periya yelakay, 93-Yelakay Petlitige, 1266-See :---'Tige
Perlmoos, 310 (varieties)
Perretay-kiray, 690-See:- Petsaprai-See:-Geruda-
Kiray (varieties) petsaprai
Persian Lilac, 784-See:- Pettaka,8
_ Lilac (varieties). Petthan, 458
Persian Rose, 1072-See:- Petthri, 710
Rose (varieties) Peu t'sas, 657
Persil des mardis, 935 Pevette, 1292
Persimon-See:-Indian Persi- Pewter-calx, M/l16-See:-
mon Calx
Persische Salvadore, 1092 Peyara, 1017-See:-Lalpeyara
Peru, 1017 Peyppalai, 1252-See:-Palai
Perumaddi, 629-See:-Maddi (varieties)
(varieties) Peyt-tumatti, 335-See:-
Perumaram, 56; 57 Tumatti, Atti (varieties)
Perumarindu, 139 Peyu-padal, 1236-See:-Padal
Perumaruttu, 56 Phagil, 807-See:-Pallephagil
Perumbe, 1011 Phakdi, 1286
Perunday codi, 1284-See:- Phala-kantak,430-See:-
Codi Kantak (varieties)
Peru-nerunji, 926-See:- Phalam, 130-See:-Dadima-
Nerunji phalam; Perinkalak-phalam;
Perungalli, 993-See:-Galli Jatiphalam; Marichi-phalam;
(varieties) Pitchaphalam
Perungayam, 537 Phalamla, 628-See:-Amla
Perungkala, 277-See:-Kala (varieties)
(varieties) Phalangini, 770
Perungkayam 537-See:- Phalas-See:-Kala-phalas
Kayam (varieties) Phalgu, 183
Perunkayam, 537-See:-· Phalinda, 517
Kayam (varieties) Phalmodika, 686
Perunpiyari, 474 Phalna, 593
Peruntutti, 8-See:-Tutti Phalsa, 593
(varieties) Phalsi, 593
Peruvian bark, 315 Phalungu, 628
Peruvidukol, 161 Phalwara, 178
Pesab, A/232 Phamsikol, 448
Pesalu, 939-See:-Pachhai- Phanas, 146-See: -Man-
pesulu phanasa; Ranphanas
Pesulu-See:-Duntu-pesulu Phand,1071
Petaigagar, 440 Phangla, 996
Petari, 8; 1228 Phanijivika-See:-Bala
Petha, 185 phanijivika
Pethi, 543; 550 Phani-manasa, 872-See:--'-
Petitcorossol, 115 Manasa

Phanya, 804 Phula-geru, M/94-See:-

Phaphor, 1257 Geru (varieties)
Pha-rai, 338-See:-Rai Phulahi, 17 .
(varieties) Phulkobee, 2I7-See:-Kobee;
Pharanjamuskh, 861-See:- Kobi
Mushk (varieties) Phulsar N allapurugudu, 949-
Pnarbitis seeds, 688 See:-Nalla-purugudu;
Pharenda, 517 • Purugudu
Pharsa, 593; 594 Phulse, 130
Pharua, 593 Phulwara butter, 178-See:-
Pharwani, 593 Butter (varieties)
Phashanveda, 573 Phungali,532-See:-Gali
Phataki-See:-Nayaphataki Phut, 403
Phatera-e-Saleyuni, 1008 Phuti, 403
Phathar-ke-phul, 922 Phutiki, 593
Phatikara M/2-See:-Kara Phutkari, 691-See:-Kari
(varieties) (varieties)
Phatkari, M/2-See:-Kari Phyllanthe Emblic, 480-See:-
(varieties) Emblic Phyllanthe
Phatki, M/2-See Lataphatki Phyllanthe multi flore, 947
Phatkiri, M!2-See:-Lata- Phyllanthe niruri, 947-See:-
phatkiri Niruri (varieties)
Phattar-suva, 5'M-See:- Physic nut, 226-See:-Angu-
Suva lar-leaved physic nut
Phatura-Salyuna, 1008--See:- Piaman, 518
Salyuna Piasal, 1211
Phausamba, 207 Piaz, 695
Phayouii, A/15I Piazi, 155
Phenila, 1102 Pichha-See:-Erup-pichha
Philli-t~ga, 154-See:-Taga
Pichhakam, 701
Pichulati-elai, 892-See:-
Phirangi-nimb, 784-See:- Elai
Nimb (varieties) Pichumanthah, 776
Phitikhari, M/2-See:-Khari Pichy Kusama chettu, 133-
(varieties) See:-Kusama chettu
PhHkari, M/2-See:-Kari Pied d' elephant, 474
(varieties) Pigeon, A/15S '"
Phiyu-See:-Thon-phiyu Pigeon grass, 1131
Phodipan, 961-See:-Pan Pigeonpea, 23I-See:-Pea
(varieties) , ( varieties) .
Phok,486 Pigeon's Hesh, K/l41-See:-
Pholiya, 412 Flesh
Phudina-See:-Basarai- Pijar, M/I03
phudina; Gamathi-phudina; Pijo<r-See:-Hastipijoo
Pahadi pudinah; ~udinah Pikharu-vil, 14
(varieties) 1>ikkaruvil, 14
Phujpal, 1049 Pikumkai, 751-See:-Kai or
Phulaer, 130 Kayi (varieties)

Pikvan-See:-J angli-pikvan Pilu, 1091; 1092-See:-

Pila, 146 Chhota-pilu
Pilabarela, 113~See:-Barela Piludu, 1152
Pila berela, 1134-See:-Berela Pilun-kohalun, 407-See:-
(varieties) Kohalun
Pilacham, 222-See:-Cham Pilva, 1092
Pila champa, 796-See:- Pilvu, 1092
Champa (varieties) Pimenta, 269
Pila-dhatura, 133-See:- Pimpal, 552
Dhatura (varieties) Pimp ala, 552
Pilajur, 334-See:-Jur Pimpli, 545; 965-See: -Thora-
Pila-kaner, 1218-See:-Kaner pimpli
Pilakohola, 407-See:-Kohola. Pimpri, 545; 554
Pilapazham, 146-See- Pin a longues feuilles, 957; 958
Pazham Pinasangam-koppi, 352-See:-
Pilaregati, 611-See:-Regati Koppi (varieties)
Pilav, 146 Pinchu-kadukkai, 1206-See:-
Pilchagnadi, 338 Kaduk-kai; Kai or Kayi,
Pilchi, 1194 . (varieties)
Pile-har, 1205-See:-Har, Pinda, 1264
Bal-har Pinda haritala, M/21-See:-
Pile-hara, 1205-See:-Hara Haritala (varieties)
Pilijari, 334; 1213-See:-Jari Pinda-karakkay, 1206-See:-
(varieties) Karakkaya
Pilikapas, 362-See:-Kapas Pinda-kharjura, 943-See:-
(varieties) Kharjura
Pilikarbir, 1189-See:-Karbir Pindakhejur, 943-See:-
Pilikirbir, 302-See:-Kirbir Khejur (varieties)
Pilimbi Pyllicha-kai, 163- Pindalu, 450; 1048
See:....:....Kai or Kayi (varie- Pindaluka, 1048
ties) Pindar, 121; 389
Piliya-mankena, 1256-See:- Pindara, 1228
Mankena Pinda tagara, 1189-See:-
Pilkhan, 551 Tagara
Pilli-See: -Kattuppilli Pindava, 569
Pilliadagu, 81~See:-Adagu Pindavalli, 1301
Pillu-See:-Mattanga-pillu; Pindi, 1081-See:-Muripindi;
Nonganam pillu; Shanka- Telagapindi
narupillu; Vasanepillu; Vaz- Pindichettu, 49; 543
hukkaipillu Pindithagara, 568-See:-
Pilo champa, 795-See:- Thagara
Champa (varieties) Pindituka, 1264-See:-Tuka
Pilo-harde, 1205-See:-Harde Pine, 959-See:-Blue pine;
Pilo-harle, 1205-See:-Harle Chirpine; Dingsa-pine;
Pilo-valo,107-See:-Valo Screwpine; Fragrant screw-
(varieties) pine; Khasia-pine; Long-
Pilpil, 969 pine; Edible pine; Neozapine
Pilpita, 485 Pineapple, 99-See:-Apple

Piney Resin Tree, 1265-See:, Pippuli-See: -Karipippuli

Resin tree Pipri, 651
Pingain-See:-Kalapingain Pipul, 552-See:-Pahari-pipul;
Pinglu, 1048 Palas-pipul
Pingo, A/158 Pipuli-jhunjun, 394-See:-
Pingri, 281 Jhunjun (varieties)
Pinidrikegide, 628 Pipulka; 1163; 1164
Pinjari, 1213 Pipur, 552
Pinn, 22 Piralu, 1048
Pinna-mulaka 1156--See:- Pirambu, 234
Mulaka (varieties) Pirandal, 1284
Pinnay-See:-Cherupinnay Pirangi-chekka, 1143
Pin Reed grass, 1087-See:- Piranji, 273
Reed grass Piratti-kirai, 377-See:--Kirai
Pinus deodara, 295-See:- (varieties)
Deodar Pirayam, 1171
Pinza-kani-si, 1041 Piriengo, 869
Pipal, 552; 629; 965-See:- Pirina, 1270
Gajapipal; Gajpipal; Maghz- Piriya halim, 843-See:-
pipal; Paras-pipa1; Paresh- Halim
pipal Pisa, 38
Pipali-See:-Gajpipali Pishachavraksa, 57
Pipaliana, 965 , Pishinika, 352
Pipalo-See :-Parusa-pipalo Pisi, 749
Pipar-See:-Moto-pipar Pista, 975
Pipara, 965 Pistachio-nut'tree, 975
Pipe Clay, M/10-See:-Clay Pistah-See-Guli-pistah
(varieties) Pisteh, 975
Pipe tree-See:-Pudding Pipe Pisunu-See:-Kondugogue
tree pisunu
Pipili, 965 Pitabhringi, 1291-See:-
Pipinodo Patare, 1307 Bhringi
Pipla, 552 Pita-daru, 187-See:-Daru
Pipla-mol, 965 (varieties)
Pipli, 551; 965-See:-Badi- Pitai-Gajar, 440-See:-Gajar
pipli Pita-kande, 441-See:-Kande
Pipli-mool, 965-See:-Mool Pitakari, 1252--;;See:-Kari
(varieties) (varieties) ,
Piplo-See:-Palas piplo Pitali, 1; 1228
Pippala, 552-See:-Prua Pitan-See,:-Sha~ar-pitan
( varieties) Pitasala, 1025-See:-Sala
Pippali, 965-See:-Gajapip- (varieties)
pali; Toyapippali Pitch-See:-Jew's pitch;
Pippali-katte, 965 Mineral pitch
Pippallu, 965-See:-:Enuga- Pitchandan,1098-See:--Chan-
pippalu • dan (varieties)
Pippalyang, 1104 .'''''' Pitchaphalam, 338-See:-
Pippili-moonlam, 965 Phalam (varieties)

Pithari, 580 Pivala-sesaba, 432-See:-

Pithori, 691 Sesaba
Pitmari, 1252-See:-Mari Pivalavala, 107-See:-Vala
(varieties) (varieties)
Pitosarshio, 15--See:-Sarshio Pivali Siras, 215-See:-Siras
Pitpapada, 561-See:-Papada (varieties) .
Pitpapara, 560-See:-Ghati- Pivar, 176
pithpapra; Papara (varieties) Pivelum-See: -Pitumma
Pitpapda, 561-See:-Papda pivelum
Pit-papra, 560; 561; 933- Pivla-Gahu, 1244-See:-
See:-Papra (varieties) Gahu
Pitpara, 486; 561-See:-Para Pivla-Iotaka, 1243-See:-
( varieties) Lotaka
Pit-sal, 1025-See:-Sal (varie- Pivla-Potia, 1243-See:-Potia
ties) Pivla-tilivana, 351-See:-
Pit shirish, 60-See:-Shirish; Tilivana
Sirish (varieties) Piyabans, 175-See:-Bans
Pittagni, 356 Piyaj, 63
Pittakari,150-See:-Kari Piyal, 221
(varieties) Piyala, 221
Pittamari, 150-See:-Mari Piyang,63
(varieties) Piyar, 221
Pittapapdo, 561-See:-Papdo Piyas, 63
Pittavraksha, 1166 Piyaz, 63-See:-Chhoti-jungli~
Pitti, 1266 pyaz; J angli-piyaz
Pittori, 1228-See:-Tori Piyaz-i-dasht-i-hindi, 1256-
(varieties) See:-Hindi (varieties)
Pittpapra, 842-See:-Papra Piyo, 250
(varieties) Piyra, 1017
Pittvel, 842 Plaksha, 543; 551; 554
Pitumma Pivelum, 14-See:- Plantain, 822
Pivelum Plantanier, 822
Piturali, 356 Plaque-miner visqueux, 453
Pitvan, 1255 Plaueminier-a-bis noir, 453
Pivalabhangra, 1291-See:- Plashi-valli, 1161
Bhangra (varieties) Plaster-See:-Kaat-plaster
Pivalaboel, 73-See:-Boel Plaster of Paris, M/46
(varieties) Plava birds, A/140-See:-
Pivalakanher, 121S-See:- Birds (varieties)
Kanher Plavithil, 750
Pivalakoranta, 175-See:- Plum-See:-Common-plum;
Koranta Black plum; Bokhara plum;
Pivalakoreta, 175--See.:-· Cherry-plum; Juliana-plum;
Koreta Mauritus plum; Sapodilla
Pivala kunchan, 183-See:- plum; Sebesten plum; Hog
Kunchan plum; Indian hog-plum
Pivala-maka, 1291-See:- Plum, Bokhara, 1014-See:-
Maka (varieties) Plum (varieties)

Plumbum, basic carbonate of,- Pomme de terre, 1154

See:-Carbonate of Plum- Pomponia, 876
bum Pomushtie, 334
Poalam, A/156 Pona-See:-Uppu-pona
Poataley-kaiantagerai, 1291..L Ponagantikura, 84-See:-
See:-Kaiantagerai Kura (varieties)
. Podalimanu, 11 Pond fish, A/214--See~-Fish
Podophyllum-See:-Indian (varieties)
Podophyllum Pondgandhari, 91
Podra-See:-Futla-podra Pondi,235
Poduthalai, 746 Pongalam, 1036
Poduthuvalai, 746 Pongara, 508
Pogada, 801 Pongikan-See:-Palog-pongi-
Pogaku, 850 kan
Poguntig, 166 Pongnyet, 236
Poi, 177 Ponkaram, M/I03-See:-
Poi-de-coeur, 272 Karam.
Poischi, 311 Ponkoranti, 1089-See:-
Pois de champs, 976 Koranti
Poison-See:-Serpent poison Ponmootootai, 334
Poison bulb, 389 Ponna-See:-Kolakuponna, .
Poison nut, 1175 Kolaponna, Kolkuponna,
Poi<..-re, 969 Neelaponna
Poka, 130-See:-Telinipoka Ponnachettu, 236
Pokala-miri, 972-See:-Miri Ponnakum, 236
( varieties j Ponnangannikkirai, 84-See:--
Pokarmul, 1164 Kirai (varieties)
Pokharmul, 1108 Ponnan-kottai, 1103-See:-
PokIa, 87; 89 Kottai (varieties)
Poklia, 130 Ponnantakara, 290-See:-
Pola, 633; 802-See:-Karivi- Takara (varieties)
pola Ponnavarai, 290-See:-
Polam-See:-Vellaippa- Varai (varieties)
polam Ponnaveeram, 289
Polatali-See:-Valutta- Ponnavirai, 289
polatali Ponnavirum, 284
Poladi Gavat, 130-See:- Ponnavittulu, 236-See:-
Gavat (varieties) Vittulu (vari'eties)
Polebean-See:-Lima pole Ponnu, M/32
bean; Beans (varieties) Ponnummattum,~ 133
Polica, 1049 Pontaletsche, 731 -
Poliyarala, 890-See:-Rala Pooga, 130
(varieties) Poogamu,11
Pollanuvvulu, 1126--See:- Poola, 208; ~05-See:-Neer:
Nuvvulu poola
Pomegranate, 1031 Poolai, 49
Pomelo, 345 .u...- - 'Poonaikkali, 818-See:-Kali
Pomme d' Adami, SOO, (varieties)


Poondu-See:-Ulli-poondu Posta-katdl, 901-See:-Lal-

Poongankottai, 1103-See:- poshta .
Kottai (varieties) Posta-kaye-chettu-See:.-
Poongan-kottay, 1103-See:- Erra-posta-kaye-chettu
Kottay Posthakkai, 902-See:-Kai or
Poongarai, 1047-See:-Rai Kayi (varieties)
(varieties) Postil, 1197
Poont, 1075 Posto-dheri, 901
Poon tree, 1170 Potaki, 177
Poonu, 868 Potal, 1236
Poor, 207 Potala, 1236
Pooshalni, 407 Potaree,8
Pootri-See:-Kunki-pootri Potari, 8; 633
Poottie-See:-Neri-poottie Potash, M/88
Poovalai, 255 Potash carbonate impure,
Popai, 273 M/88-See:-Impure potash
Popaiyah, 273 carbonate; Carbonate of
Popata, 869 Potassium
Popli, 889 Potash nitrate-See:-Nitrate
Popnus, 345 of Potash
Poppaye-phal, 273 Potassic carbonate, M/8S-
Poppayi, 273 See:-Carbonate potassic
Poppy-See:-Mexican poppy; Potassium carbonas impura,
Red poppy; White poppy; alkali, M/109
Prickly-poppy Potassium carbonate-See:-
Poppy capsules-See: -Opium Impure potash ca:r;bonate or
Poppy capsules Impure potassium carbonate
Poppy seeds, 901 Potassium tartrate-See:-
Poprang, 578 Tartrate of potassium
Porash, 629 Potassium citrate-See:-
'Porcelain clay, M/7-See:- Citrate of potassium
Clay (varieties) Potassium nitrate, M/91-
Porcelaneous shells, A/15S- See:-Nitrate of potash;
See:-Shell (varieties) potash nitrate
Poris, 630 Potassium fluoride-See:-
Porish, 630 Fluoride of Potassium
Pork, A/141 Potate de Malaga, 684
Poroh, 547 Potato, 1154-See:-Goa-
Porphyry, M/93 potato; Sweet-potato;
Telugu potato
Porrilaikyan, 471 Pothondi, 1169
Portia tree, 629 Potia-See:-Pivla-potia
Porush, 629 Poti-kunda, 94-See:-Kunda
Poshkar, 1125' (varieties)
Poshta-See:-Lal poshta; Potla-See: -Adavi-potla:
Posta-katol Chaynd-potla; Cheti-potla;
Postakachedi-See:-Shivap- Kommupotla; Lingapotla
pu-postakachedi Potlakaya, 1234

Potlunu, Ml91 Prayam, 1171

Potol, 1236 Prepared Suet, A/229-See:-
Potolam-See:-Kattu- Suet
potolam Prickly chaff-flower, 21-See:
Pottai-gummadi, 408-See:- -Chaff-flower
Gummadi (varieties) Prickly-leaves elephant's foot
Pottakavalam, 1170 -See:-Elephant's foot;
Pottibudamu, 820 'l'elugu potato, 94; 474
Pottidumpa, 579 Prickly or Mexican poppy, 133
Pottil-uppu, M/91-See:- -See:-Poppy (varieties)
_U ppu (varieties) Prickly-pear, 872-See:-Pear
Potu-gally-gista, 394 Prickwood, 520
Pouzera Madani, M/97-See: Prince-See:-Black prince
-Madani (varieties) Prince's feathers, 90-See:-
Povalay, A/156 Feathers
Powdered milk, A/175-See:- Priya, 700-See:-Bhishak-
Milk (varieties) priyaj Halipriya; Kapi-priya;
Powdered Talc, M/123-Talc Ravi-priya; Vishnu-priya
(varieties) • Priyangu, 56; 1015
Prabhoo-nata, 291-See:- Pcoperly cast-iron, MISS-
Nata (varieties) See:-Iron; Cast-iron;
Prachinamalaka, 554 Wrought-iron
Pactige Kostwur, 385 Proshti, A/214
Practige Kostwurz, 1108 Protein milk, A/176-See:-
Pralakalu, 407 Milk (varieties)
Prangi-kayee, 99-See:- Prunes, 1015
Xayee or Kai or Kayi Prunier I'Inde, 554
( varieties) Pruthushrangi, lS-See:-
Frangos, 1008 Shrangi
Pranijivika, 1134 Puarasu, 630
Prasaha birds, A/140-See:- Fuca, 949
Birds (varieties) Puchcha-See:-Adavi-
Prasaram, 892 puchcha; Eti-puchcha; Verri-
Prasarini, 691; 892-See:- puchcha
Gandha-prasarini Puchie-See:-Putloo-puchie
Prasarinijati, 892 Pudal, A/167; 1234
Prashni, 976 Pudang, 790 r
Prasniparni, 125S-See:- Pudding pipe tree, 285-See:-
Parni (varieties) Pipe tree
Prathusimbhi, 876-See:_,. Pudel, 1235 c_ _ ,

Simbhi Pudina-See:-Pahadi-pudina
Pratilasa, 847 Pudinah, 788-See:-Basarai
Pratti-See:-Adavi-pratti phudina; Pahadi pudina;
Pratuda birds, A/140-See:- Gamathi phudina
Birds ( varieties) ,• Pudu, 1277
Pravala, A/156,-·See:-Vala Pugaielai, 850
(varieties) - Pugere, 850
Prawn, A/212 Puis-tarinai, A/206

Puka~ola, 850 Pullampurachi, 890-See:-

Pukayila, 850 Purachi
Pulagam-See:-Mutheera Pullate-See :-Cheru-pullate
pulagam Pulluri, 1277
Pulagamuchettu-See: - Pul-sathi, 1295-See: -sathi
Muttava-pulagamuchettu Pulusukayulu, 163
Pulaguwa, 949 Pulut,877
Pulam kizhanma, 1095-See;- Pumag, 236
Kizhanma Pumagamu, 236
Pu]an-kizhanga, 418-See:- Pwnaram, 1114
Kizhanga Pumel, 345
Pulan-kizhanna, 418--See:- Pumi-chakarei, 760-See:-
Kizhanna Chakarei
Pulantic, 63 Pumpkin-See: -Benares
Pulavayr-puttay, 949-See:- pumpkin; Great pwnpkin;
Puttay Melon-pumpkin; White-
Puleechash tree, 561 pumpkin
Puli, 1191-See:-Korakpuli; Punaka-pundu, 1081-See:-
Kuruka-puli; Ottam-puli; Pundu (varieties)
Paparapuli; Punampuli; Punali,433
Punarpuli Punampuli 566---See:-Puli
Puliakire, S90-See:-Kire ( varieties)
Pulia-rai-See:-Rai Punarnaba, 203
(varieties) Punarnava, 202; 203; 1228
Pulichai-keera, 628-See:- Punarnavi, 1228
Keera; 'Seemai pulichai Punarpuli, 565-See:-Puli
keera (varieties)
Puli-cheera, 632 Punatsu, 1262
Pulichevidu, 687 Pundi, 628-See:-Sanabina-
Pulichi, 628 pundi
Pulichintaku, 890 Pundibija, 632
PulHmada, 1283-See:-Mada Pundisoppu, 632
(varieties) Pundrika, 1264
Puli-naravi, 1284-See:- Pundu-See: - Vallaipundu;
Naravi Mukuthipundu; Vella-
Puli perandai, 1284-See:- pundu; Kanchipundu
Perandai Keerippundu; Punaka-
Pulivanji, 392 pundu
Puliyam-palam, 1191 Puney-See:-Prmugu-puney;
Puliyam-pazham, 1191-See:- Sawad-puney
Pazham (varieties) Pungam-Maram, 1001
Puliyan, 1191 Pung-matheing, 201
Puliyarai, 890-See:-Rai Punir, 1291
Pulla bachchali, 1284-See:- Punji-See:-Shimaepunji
Bachali Punm~shtic, 334
Pulla gummidi, 185--See:- Punnag, 235; 236-See:-Nag
Gunmudi (varieties) . ( varieties)

Punnaga, 235; 236; 860-See: Silajit; Shodhita

-Naga (varieties) Purified Talc, M/123-See:-
Punnagam, 235-See:-Nagam Talc (varieties)
(varieties) Purple chilli, 270-See:-
Punnag champa, 79-See:- Chilli (varieties)
Champa (varieties) Purple Fleabane, 1267-See:-
Punnagum, 236-See:- Fleabane (varieties)
Nagum Purple flowe~, 689
Punnaivirai, 236-See:-Virai Purple Techrosia, 562-See:-
(varieties) Tephrosia
Punnangkottai, 1l03-See:- Purpur-See:-Misur-purpur.
Kottai (varieties) Purpuray-timur, 1303-See:-
Punti fi:.h, A/215-See:-Fish Timur \
(varieties) Purslane, 1007-See:-Garden
Punti-machh, A/214-See:- purslane Purslane (varieties)
Machh Pursung, 630
Punuga majar, A/234-See:- Purtuk, 157
Majar Puruga-See:-Cochinil-
Punugina-Bekku, A/234-See: purugu
-Bekku Purughu-See:-Puttoo
Punugu-puney, A/234-See:- purughu
Puney, Purugudu-See:-Nalla-
Punyalytha, 407 purugudu (varieties)
Purachi-See:-Pullampurachi Purukolli, 1059
Puramutti, 1251-See:-' Puruni-sag, 1005-See:-Sag
Amutti & Mutti (varieties) (varieties)
Purandai, 1284 Purus-See:-Ratan-purus
Purandan-See:-Kiripuran- Purutti, 587
dan Purvarasam, 630
. Purbia, 1126 Purvu-See:-Erra-purvu
Pure flint, M/93-See:-Flint Pushara, M/103
Pure tin, Mll16-See:-Tin Pushkara, 385-See:-Padma-
(varieties) pushkara
Purgative croton, 396-See:- Pushkaramoola, 385-See:-
Croton Moola (varieties)
Purging Cassia, 285-See:- Pushkaramula, 694-See:-
Cassia (varieties) Mula (varieties)
Purhali-hullu, 104 Pushpa rakta; 932
Purhar, 986 Pushpi-See:~Arka-pushpi,
Purified French chalk,- M/123 Vrihatpushpi; Dronapushpi;
-See:-Chalk (varieties) Nilpushpi; Raktapushpa
Purified internal fat of the' hog, Pu.shpi,ka-&e:-Sukra~(
A/136-See:-Fat of the hog pushpika; Arkapushpika
Purified Nitre, M/91-See:- Pusini, 407-See:-Nalla-
Nitre (varieties) pusini
Purified ox-gall, A/161-See:- Puskara, 1108
Ox-gall (varieties)
Purified Silajit, M/2~ee:-
J_- Pusku, 1114

Puta-jan, 1036-See:-Jan Pyoung, A/146

(varieties) Pyre-See:-Tulka-pyre;
Putali-See Velley-putali Pani-pyre
Puta-tiga, 760-See:-Tiga Pyrltes-See:-Iron pyrites;
. (varieties) Copper pyrites
Putch-See:-Tambaga-putch Pyroborate, M/103
Puthorin, 952 Pyroborate of Sodium-See:-
Putika, 178 Sodium pyroborate
Putikaranja, 226-See:-:
Putlani, 1319 /
Putla-podra, 596-See:- Qasab,l72
Podra Qasabuzzarirah, 101; 1184
Putloo puchie, A/145-See:- Qimaq, A/179
Puchie Qishrul-khash-khash, 902-
Putol-See:- Kote Putol See:-Khash-khash
Putrada, 764 Quaker Button, 1175-See:-
Putrajanvi, 545 Button
Putra-jiv8, 1036 Quakilahe-kalan, 93
Putrajuvi, 545-See:-Juvi Quakilahe-kibar, 93
(varieties) Qualami, 328
Putranjiva, 1036 Quassia wood, 1040
Putta~podara-ejarala, 468; 1262 Queckenwuezel, 56
Puttay-See:- PulavCiyar- Quicklim,e, M/44-See:-Lime
puttay (varieties)
Puttikai, 402-See:-Kai or Quick lime shell, M/45.:_see:.
Kayi (varieties) -Lime-shell; Shell
Puttiyana, 788 (varieties)
Puttla, 1234 Quicksilver, M/67-See:-
Puttoo purughu, A/145-See: Silver
-Purughu Quince, 1038-See:-Bengat
Putty, M/132 quince
Puva, 1114 Quinin~e:-Garden
Puvandi, 1103 quinine
Puvankurutala, 1270 Quisaul-barri, 805-See:-
Puvarasu, 1218 Barri
Puvati, 846 Quitch, 56
Puvenagah, 1107
Puvvarashah, 630
Pyaj, 63
Pyal-chari, 221 Ra, 1300
pyara, 1017 Rabbit, A/191
. Pyaungboo, 1304 Rabi-See:-Khol rabi
Pya-ya, A/191 Rachandana, 1026
Pyaz-See:-Piyaz (varieties) Racha-neredu, 517-See:
Pyintagar-ne-thi, 1041 Neredu (varieties)
Pyinyoung, 543 Racha Usherihe, 163-See:-
Pylee, 676 Usherihe

Racine de Foughere Male, 467 Raja-kaseruka, 1117

-See:-Male Racine' de I Raja-koshataki, 752-See:-
Foughere Koshataki (varieties)
Radhuni, 280 Raj amasa, 460
Radim-el-bint, 469 Rajamashai 459; 1272-See:-
Radish, 1049-See:-Garden, Masha (varieties)
radish; Hose-radish; Ind:i.an Rajana, 610; 698
radish; Long-podded radish Raj ani, 414
Rae-See: -Banarsi-rae Rajanigandha, 997-See:-
Rae Champac, 795-See:- Gandha (varieties)
Champac Rajanikasa, 857-Kasa
Raelachettu, 285 (varieties)
Ragatorohado, 1266 Rajaphala, 516
Ragha, 3-See:-Chili ragha Rajaputrika, 950
Ragi, M/47; 477-See:- Rajarah-Kalijya, 120
Naviragi Rajasarsapa, 1140
Ragulu,477 Rajata, M/13
Raham-See:-Teka-raham Rajatarini, 1073
Rahmapliel, 115 Rajavraksha, 285
Rahu, A/215 Rajeli, 822
Rai, 215; 216; 448; 552; 140- Rajgira, 89
See:-Asar-rai; Basrai; Rajgiri, 89
Dhop-raij Kalo-rai; Krishn- Rajika, 215; 477; 1140
rai Makra-rai; Pha-rai; 'Raj Kel', 822-See:-Kel
Vaellarai or VaTIarai; (varieties)
Poongarai; Puliarai; Shindil- Raju-See:-Sugandha-Raju
shakkarai; Sufedrai; Thurai; Rakanpashana, M/95-See:-
Tuvarai Pashana (varieties)
Raia, 1131 Rakas-gaddah, 219-See:-
Raifort culaive, 1049 Gaddah
Raiga, 552 Rakkasa-gida-See:-Bala-
Raihane Qaranfulli, 864 rakkasi-gida
Rai-jaman, 518-See:- Rakashimatalu, 54
Jaman Rakaspattah, 54
Raikura, 699-See:-Kura Rakta.ichandana, 1025-See:-
(varieties) Chandana (varieties)
Raila-baha, 176 Raktachitraka, 988-See:-
Raisarisa, 1140-See:-Sarisa Chitraka (va;rieties)
Raisarisha, 215-See:- Rakta-gandhamu, 1026-See:-
Sarisha (varieties) , Gandhamu ~
Rai-sa1,"son, 216-See:- Raktagarba; 730 -
Sarson (varieties) Rakta-jhav, 1193-See:-
Raish,459 Jhav '
Raisins, 1285 Raktaka, 932
Raitung, 1062-See:-Tung Rakta-kamal, 859-See:-
Raja-adana, 84-See:-.t\.dana _ Kamal (varieties)
Rajadani, 802 Rakta-kambal,8S0
Rajagro, 89 Rakta Kambul, 39

Rakta-kanchan, 182; 184- ~ Ral-yahudi, M/23-See:-

See:-Kanchan (varieties) Yahudi
Raktakeru, 529 Ramachham, 109
Raktalu, 451-See:-Alu Ramakrot, 61-See:-Akrot
(varieties) / (varieties)
Raktanag, M/86-See:-Nag Ram;9.la, 387-See:-Ala
(varieties) (varieties)
Raktapita, 1266 Ram-anjir, 551-See:-Aniir
Raktapolam, 75 (varieties)
Rakta-posta, 901 Ramatta, 537-See:-Atta;
Raktapushpa, 847-See:- Sanatta
Pushpa-rakta Rambal, 550-See:-Bal
Raktarjuna, 1198-See:- (varieties)
Arjuna Rambana, 1253
Rakta-rohida, 94; 1000; 1055- Ram-begun, U49-See:-
See:-Rohida Begun (varieties)
Rakta-sarsapa, 1139-See:- Rambha, 822
Sarsapa Ramboutan, 846
Raktasarshapa, 214-See:- Rambutan, 846
Sarshapa Rametha, 725
Rakta shalmali, 207-See:- Rafuguoah, 281
Shalmali (varieties) Rami, 725
Rakta-shikha, 988-See:- "'Ram Kel", 822-See:-Kel
Shikha (varieties)
Raktata, 698 Ram-limbi, 742-See:-Limbi
Rakta-til, 1126-See:~Til (varieties)
(varieties) Ram Hmbu, 742-See:-
Raktavalli, 1266 Limbu (varieties)
Raktavindachada, 529 Ramoongie, 811
Raktavindu, 764 Rampatri, 834
Raktavinduchada, 526 Rampha, 448
Raktazoar, 1055 Ram-phal, 115; 834
Rakto-chita, 989-See:- Ramsalik, A/1S6
Chita (varieties) Ramsar, 468; 1082; 1087; 1262
Raktochitra, 988 -See:-Sar (varieties)
Rakto-pui, 178 Ram-seetapandu, US-See:-
Raktotpal, 859-See:-Pal Seetapandu; Pandu (varie-
(varieties) ties)
Ral, 800; 1132; 1265 Ram-sitaphalam, l1S-See:-
Rala, 897; 1131-See:- Sitapalam
Poliyarala Ramtal, 595-See:-Tal
Rala-arlu, 800-See:-Arlu (varieties )
Raldhup, 254-See:-Dhup Ramtil, 59S-See:-Til
(varieties) (varieties)
Ralla-sunnamu, M/44-See:- Ram-torai, 751-Se"e:-Torai
Sunnamu Ram-tulasi, 862; 863-See:-
RaIle, 898 Kattu ram-tulasi; Tulasi
Ralli,965 (varieties)

Ramturai, l-See:-Turai Ranghol, 1007-See:-Ghol

(varieties) (varieties)
Ranabheri, 735 Rangi Basri, 552-See:-Basri
Ranachandal, 331 Rangini-See:-Kusar-
Ranacha-padavali, 1235-See: rangini
-Padavali Rangkain, 859
Ranaganja, 1255-See:- Rangoon bean, 938-See:-
Ganja (varieties) Beans (varieties)
Ranaguva, 422 Rangoon Creeper, 1046
RanakaJli; 716-See:-Kalli Rangoon malli, 1046-See:-
(varieties) Malli (varieties)
Ranamba, 748; 1166-See:- Rangret, 1055
Amba (varieties) Rangu-See:-Peddamrangu
Rana-vara, 284-See:-Vara Rangunu malli chettu, 1046
(varieties) Ranhalad, 414-See:-Halad
Ranbhendi, 629; 630-See:- (varieties)
Bhendi (varieties) Ran-hald, 414
Ranbhendo-See:-Hodlo Raniphul, 1000
Ranbhendo; Bhendo Ranjai, 350-See:--Jai
(varieties ) (varieties)
Ran-bhopla, 722-See:- Ranjan, 39-See:-Kesaranjan;
Bhopla (varieties) Jan (varieties)
Ranchimani, 101-See:- Ranjana, 802
Chimani Ranjanasal, 801-See:-Asal
Randhoni, 280 Ranje, 801
Randhuni, 119 Rankapus, 5&8-See:-Kapus
Randodaki, 925 (varieties)
Randraksh, 1283-See:- Ran-methi, 446-See:-Methi
Draksh (varieties)
Ran-erandi, 705; 706-See:,- Ranmethy, 393-See:-Methi
Erandi (varieties) (varieties)
Rang, M/116-See:-Balirang; Ranmogri, 702-See:-Mogri
Talmorang; Shay-rang; (varieties)
Tamarang Ranmug, 940-See :-Mug
Ranga, M/l16-See:-Macch- (varieties)
ranga; Karmaranga; Nag- Ranparul, 1235-See:-Parul
ranga ,
Ranga-alu, 684-See:-Alu Ran-phanas, 14'5-See:-
(varieties) Phanas (varieties)
Rangamali, 199 Ransher, 1106-See:-Sher
Rangan, 698; 699 Ran-shevri, 1129--See:-
Rangan-ki-bel, 1046-See:- She,vri
Bel (varieties) Ran-ta-hac,lu, M/32
Ranga-shiraz, 1315-See:- Ran-tankala, 290-See:-
Shiraz . Tankala
Rangchul, 520 Rantikhi, 1142-See:-Tikhi
Ran-ghevada, 424-S~­ Ran-tondala, 300-See:-
Ghevda (varieties)'., Tondala

Ran-tulasi, 861-See:-Tulasi Ratamba, 566-See:-Amba

(varieties) (varieties)
Rantupkada, 1256-See:- Ratambasal, 566-See:-Amba_
Tupkada sal.
Ran-turai, 753-See:-Turai Ratambu-sala, 566-See:-Sala
( varieties) (varieties)
Ranukabija, 1277 Ratanalli, 163-See:-Alli
Rape seed, 214 Ratanhia, 1161
Raputagepinvar, 475 Ratanili, 1026-See:-Nili
Rasa, M/67; 333-See:- (varieties)
Zaharasa Ratanjot, 871
Rasadiya, Ml68 Ratan-purus, 683-See:-
Rasagadi-manu, 1156 Purus
Rasagandha, 170-See:- Ratavilo, 746
Gandha (varieties) Rathoh, 1103
Rasaka, M/131 Rati, 5
Rasakinda, 356 Ratisurkh,1233-See:-
Rasalah, 1083 Surkh (varieties)
Rasamala, 86 Ratkihiri, 11
Rasamalla, 747-See:-Malla Ratnagandi, 230-See:-Gan-
Rasan, 683 dhi (varieti~s)
Rasas, M/116 Ratnitul, 989
Rasashodhan, MI101 Ratobaval, 16-See:-Baval
Rasaut, 187 (varieties)
Rasayana-taru, 363 Ratolia, 746
Rasbija, 651 Ratop,770
Rash-trakam, 77 Ratoshemalo, 208
Rasna, 77; 1088; 1263 Ratpatha, 58-See:-Patha
Rasnah,77 (varieties)
Rasna Nai, 1263-See:-Nai Ratrinta, 1159
(varieties) Ratta or Rattai-See:-Chitta-
Rasonam, 65 ratta or Chittrattai; Pera-
~spberry, 1077-See:-Black rattai; Shamberattai; Tama-
Raspberry; Berries or Berry ratta or Tamarattai
(varieties) , Rattanjog, 112
Rassam, M/68 Rattanjot, 705; 1274
Rasun, M/65 Rattankat, 1060
Raswal,823 Rattle-snake, A/228-See:-
Rataba, 213 Snake
Rata-dummula, 167-See:- Rattonjot, 1008
Dummula Ratum, 748
Rata-kaju, 121-See:-K~ju Raudhuni, 280
Ratakakuna, 658 Rauhhaarige :Bohne, 939
Ratali, 684 Ravacula, 713
Ratalio, 746 Ravan-pudya, 689
Ratalu, 451; 684-See:-Alu Ravarapatri, 689
(varieties) Rave, 1049

Ravi, M/47; 552-See:---Gan- Red Poppy, 9Ol-See:-

garavi; Kulla-ravi; Munigan- Poppy (varieties)
garavi I Red Rose, l073-See:-Rose
Ravi-chettu, 552 (varieties)
Ravipriya, 776-See:-Priya Red-sage, l094-See:-Sage
(varieties) (varieties)
Rawan, 726 Red Sandalwood, l025-See:-
Raw silk cocoon, A/145- Sandalwood
See:-Cocoon; Silk cocoon Red Sanders, l025-See:-
Rayan, 215; 802; 1140 Sanders
Raziyanje-khatai, 675--See:- Red silajit, M/23-See:-
Khatai (varieties) Silajit (varieties)
Realgar, M/19 Red Sorrel, 632-See:-
Sorrel (varieties)
Rechanaka, 760 Red sulphide ash,-See:-
Recine de Salsepareille, 619 Hingu! bhasma, M/72
Red algae, 571-See:- Red talc, M/l23-See:-Talc
Algae (varieties) (varieties)
Red bole, M/lO-See:-Bole Red Teff Grass, 503-See:-
(varieties) Teffgrass
Red chalk, M/42-See:- Red toon, 294-See:-Toon
Chalk (varieties) Redwood tree-See:-Indian
Red cowries, A/l58-See:- Redwood tree
Cowries (varieties) Red Yam, 45l-See:-Yam
Red Creeper, l266-See:- (varieties)
Creeper Reed grass-See:-Pin Reed
Red currants, 1065-See:- Grass
Currants (varieties) Reetah, 13
Red earth, M/95-See:-Earth Regati-See:-Pilaregati
( varieties) Rege mahi, A/170-See:-
Red gourd, 407-See:-Gourd Mahi (varieties)
(varieties) . . Regmahi, A/19l-See:-
Red jasmine, 6l7-See:- Mahi (varieties)
. Jasmine (varieties) Regu, 13l6-See:-Kanregu
Red Lead, M/8f}-See:-Lead Reha, M/lOO
(varieties) Relagujju, 285
Red Mango, 566-See:- Religioser FiegWlbaum, 552
Mango (varieties) Renga-See :-N'allarenga
Red ochre, M/7. MilO; M/42- Rennet, A/2lB--.See:-Vege-
See:-Ochre Ruddle' table rennet
(varieties) Rennin, A/2l8
Red orpiment, M/l~ee:­ Renu, 580-See:-Gangarenu
Orpiment Renuk,960'
Red Oxide of lead, M/8S- Renuka, 960
See:-Oxide of lead; Lead- Reptiles, A/217
oxide V Resenrothe Bleiwurz, 988
Red pepper, 268-See:-:;;=.- ~ Reshai-i-Khitame, 84
Pepper (varieties) • Resham-na-potan, A/l45
, I

Resh-i-Wala, 1260 Rihana-See:~Tukhm.-i­

Reshmi-cbi-keed, A/145 rihana
Reshmi-hula, A/145 Rikhai, 1196
Reshmiki-keedi, A/145 Keedi Rinbadam, 422-See:-
Resin-See:-Cambi resin Badam
Resin tree-See:-Piney Resin Ringani, 1149-8ee:- Bhorin-
tree gani; Bhuiringni; Bhumirin-
Ressas; M/83 gani; Kanteringani Motirin-
Reta-See:-Peria reta gani; Ubhiringani
Retinagakesara, 860-See:- Ringni, 1156--See:- Bhuringni
Kesara; Nagakesara, Nag Ringri, 166
Kesara; Sinhakesara Ringworm shrub, 283
Retsamaram, 1303 Rintya-rooku, 1103
Revachini, 565-See:- Chini Riong 771
(varieties) Rirga, 923
Reval-chini, 1056-See :-Chini Rishabha, 756
(varieties) Rispiger Myrobala-nenbaum,
Revalchini-pal,565-See:- 1205
Pal (varieties) Ritha, 13; l102-See:-
Revanchini-See:-Bangla- Bara Ritha
revanchini Riti, 128
Revand-cliini, 1056-See:- Rival-chinipal, 565-See:-
Chini (varieties) Chinipal
Rhabarber, 1056 River-fish, A/213-See:-
Rhadchampo, 993-See:- Fish (varieties)
Champo (varieties) Roatanga, 1114
Rhee, 957
Rhetsa-maram, 1303 Rock anethum, 580-See:-
Rheucbini, 1056-See:- Anethum
Chini (varieties) Rocket, 506
Rbi, 957 Rockmoss, 922-See:-Moss
Rhinoceros-See:-Geat One- (v;arieties )
horned Rhinoceros Rocksalt, M/89; MilOS-
Rhizome de Chiendent, 56 See:- Salt (varieties)
Rhubarb-See:-Himalayan Rocou, 199
Rhubarb; Indian Rhubarb Roeen, M/4S
Rhubarb de perse, 1056 Rogani-See:-Katukarogani
Rhus sugandpi, 107-See:- Rogan-i-balsan, 171-See:-
Sugandhi (varieties) Balsan
. Ribbed Luffa, 751-See:- Roghane-kunjad, 1127
Luffa (varieties) Roghani zaghira, 743-See:-
Rice, 877-See:-Fermented . Zaghira
rice Rohan, 1161
Ricin, 1065 Rohee fish, A/2l5-See:-
Ricinus, 1065 Fish (varieties)
Riddhi, 756 Rohida-See:-Rakta-rohida
Riesenkurbis, 407 Rohina, 1161

Rohini, 1161-See:-Kadugu- I Rose de Chine, 631-See:-

rohini; Katukarohini; Kahl- Chinese Rose; China Rose
rohini Rose (varieties)
Rohira, 1197 Rose malloes, 747
Rohita, AI215-See:- Rosenapfel J ambuse, 518
Lobeorohita .. Rosen artig'e Ketmie, 631
Rohitaka, 94 Rosewood, 432
Rohitaka fish, A/159-See:- Rosha grass, 104
Fish (varieties) Roshel, 111
Rohu fish, A/215- See:- Roshunia, 1164
Lobearohu, Fish (varieties) Rosier Musque, 1073
Rohuna, 1161 Rosinen, 1285
Rojappu, 1072 Rossolis en-bouclier, 465
Roja-puVll, 1072 Rothe Sabderiffe, 632
Rojen-See :-Nallarojen Roti-See:-Wander-roti
Rojiacha-phul, 1190 Rotka, 477
Rojmari, 20-See:-Mari Rottlera, 760
(varieties) Rough Chaff tree, 21-See:-
Romakanta, M/55-See:- Chaff-tree
Kanta (varieties) Round Leaf Sundew, 465-
Roman vitriol, M/52-See:- See:-Leaf-Sunde*
Vitriol (varieties) Round Zedoary, 418 ·-See:-
Rondapatti, 629-See:-Patti Zedoary (varieties)
Rongdi,433 Royal, 1286
Roosa grass, 107 Rozelle lIemp, 632-See:-
Rosachettu, 113 Hemp (varieties)
Rosalgar, M/19 Rozi, 59:L
Rosa moschata, A/203 Ruaghas, 111
-See:-Moschata Rubabarik, 1148
Rosary, 863 Rubber-tree-See:- Assam
Rose:-See:-Bisamrose; Cab- rubber-tree
bage-Rose; China or Ch41ese Rubenrettig, 1049
Rose; Rose - de - Chi n e Rubhae-soos, 582
Damask - R 0 s e; French Rubra Bole-See:-Bole
Rose; Red rose; Hundred- rubra
leaved Rose; White Rose; Rubussusa, 582
Musk-scented Rose; Paeoney Ruddle or Red .€>chre, M/95-
Rose; Persian Rose; Indian See:-Ochre (varieties)
white rose Rudhrapushpa,630
Rose Apple, 518-See:- Rudrajata, -139
Apple (varieties) Rudrak, ·173
Rosebay-See:-East Indian. Rudrakai, 47~ee:-Kai or
Rosebay; Indian Rosebay Kayi (vafieties )
Roseberry Spurge, 847-See:- Rudraksh, 473
Spurge (varieties) " Rudraksha, 473
Rose-coloured Lead-wort 988- Rudrakshi, 595
See :-Lead-wort; W lri1 e- Rudrakshkamba, 118
lead-wort RudrakYa, 473

Rudranti, 388 Sabli-fish, A/2l5-See:-Fish

Rue-See:-Garden rue; (varieties)
Syrian rue; Wall-rue Sabuni, 1104-Lal sabuni;
Rugtrora, 1197 Lovet Sabuni
Ruhiumula, l39-See:-Mula Sabuni Lal, 1228-See:- La!
(varieties) sabuni; Lovet sabuni
Rui,587 Sabusie, 1104
Rui-machh, A/2l5-See:- Sabz-See:-Zake-sabz
Madill (varieties) Sabza, 861
Rukh-alu, 721; 1054-See:- Sabzah, 861
Alu and Aloo (varieties) Sacred If'ig, 552-See:-Fig
Rukhtopuri, 177 (varieties)
Ruktamukta, 230-See:- • Sacred kusagrass, 994-See:-
Mukta Kusagrass
Ruktasimal, 207 Sacred Lotus, 844-See:-
Rumadi, 548 Lotus (varieties)
Rumbal,548 Sadab, 1081-See:-Burg-
Rumdi-rooku, 548 sadab
Rumi-See:-Sakir-rumi Sadabherenda, 1065-See:-
Rumi Mastaki, 973-,-See:- Bherendra
Mastaki , Sadachandan, 1098-See:-
Rum,i-mastungi, 973-See:- Chandan (varieties)
Mastungi Sadada, 1211
Runner-Bean-See:-Scarlet Sada-dhatura, 440-See:-
Runner Bean; Beans Dhatura (varieties)
(varieties) Sadado, 1198
Rupa, M/13 Sadaf, A/I58
Rupeh, M/14 Sadah-dhatura, 434-See:-
Rupun, M/14 Dhatura (varieties)
Rupya, M/13 Sada hurhuria, 599-See:-
Rus, 40 Hurhuria
Rush-See:-Sweet-rush Sada kufee, 428-See:-
Rusmari, 1074-See:-Mari Kufee
(varieties) Sada Kuppa, 935-See:-
Russian musk, A/197-See:- Kuppa (varieties)
Musk (varieties) , Sadamandi, 485 -See:-Mandi
R~ssian Sun-flower, 592- Sadamusli, 411-See:-Musli
See:-Sun-flower. (varieties)
Rutthraksham, 473 Sadapaha, 1081
Ruvi,237- Sadapaka, 1081
Sadaphal, 345
Sadaphala, 363
Sadar, 1211
Saatar, 1304 Sadavari, I54-See:-Vari
Sabajhi, 861 (varieties)
Sabbajaya, 255 Sad eva, 1137
Sabbasige 557; 935 Sadkoofi,446-See:-Koofi
Sabiralachettu, 892 Sadori, 1270

Sadra-See:-Arjuna sadrq Safed sarsu, 50S-See:-

Sadulkou, 787 Sarsu
Safarchand, 1039-See:- Safed Savara, 505--See:-
Chand (varieties) Savara (varieties)
Safargang -See:-Seb-safar- Safedsimul,505-See:-
gang Simul
Safeda, 1005 A Safed-siris, 61-See:-Siris
Safed Aghedo, 21-See:- (varieties)
Aghedo Safed tekar, 353-See:-
Safed ak, 242-See:-Ak Tekar (varieties)
Safed Babul, 16-See ;-Babul; Safed-todri:-See:-Todri
Gandbabul; Safed babul; Safed
Vilayati-babul . Safedvelchi, 822-See:- Vel-
Safed bahman, 299-See:- chi (varieties)
Bahman Safed-Zake-See:-Zake-
Safed berela, 1137"'-see;- Safed
Berela (varieties) Safeta musli, 151-See:-
Safed Chandan, 1098-See:- Sufed musU; MusH
Chandan (varieties) (varieties)
Safed damar, 1265-See:- Saf-flower, 278
Damar (varieties) Saffron, 389; 4141,-See:-
Safed dhatura, 434-See:- Bastard Saffron; Cobra's
Dhatura (varieties) saffron; Meadow-saffron;
Safed Elchi, 822-See:- Wild-saffron
Elchi (varieties) Safran, 390-See:-Faux
Safe-dind, 705 safran
Safed-Jeera, 408-See:- Safraul-bagaz, A/161
J eera (varieties) Sag, 444; 1164-See:-Baluka·
Safed Jiraun, 408-See:- Sag, Bathu-sag; Lal-sag; Pu
Jiraun runi-sag
Safed kaddu, 408-See:- Sag-angur or Angurshefa, 160
Kaddu (varieties) Sagappusinduram, M/8S-
Safed-kammi, 624-See:~ See:-Sinduram
Kammi (varieties) Sagapu, 669
Safed khatyan, 505-See:- Sagar-gota, 2.29-See:- Gata
Khatyan (varieties)
Safed kikar, 16-See:-Kikar Sagdi, 1114 F'
(varieties) Sage, 1094c-See:-Bloodveen
Safed morugphul, 297.-See:- ed Sage; Common Sage;
Morugphul Garden.;Sage; Red Sage
Safed murga, 90-See:- Sage-leaved alangium, 58-
Murga (varieties) See:-Alangium
Safed musli, 309, 411-See:- Sagl-surmah, M/l3-See:-
Musli (varieties) Surma (varieties)
Safed sambala, M/15-See:- .Sago, l088-See:-Bastard
Sambala _ Sago
Safed sarson, 506-See:- Sagona, 1203
Sarson (varieties)' Sago-palm-See:-Malabar
lNDEX 913

sago-pahn.; Palm (varieties) Saka, 1197-See:-Itsaka;

Sagovani, 430 Palamsaka; Sumandarsaka
Sagur-ghota, 226-See:- Sakalia, 587
Ghota Sakalio, 587
Sagwan, 1197; 1203 Sakara-kand, 1190-See:-
Sahadevi, 1270 Kand (varieties)
Sahadevi-bari, 1159-See:- Sakaria, 684
Bari (varieties) Sakashresta, 444 (
Sahajna, 811 Sakayi, 1234; l290-See:-
·Sahasrafali, 822 Kai or Kayi (varieties)
Sahasrafani, 823 Sakena, 680
Sahasraki, 15 Sakernimbu, 346-See:-
Sahasrvedhi, 537 Nimbu (vadeties)
Sahebi, 1286-See:-Kali- Sakharkand,684-See:-
. sahebi; Pandhri-sahebi Kand (varieties)
Saheela, 977 Sakhar-kund,684-See:-
Sahinjan, 811-See:---,-Jan Kund
(varieties) Sakhotaka, 1171
Sahor,l171 Sakhri, 1286
Sahora, 1171 Sakhu, 1132
Saht, A/191 Sakir-rumi, 973-See:-
Sai, 1011....:..see:-Kutsai; Rumi
Yangtsai Sakkar or Sakkar-teti, 402-
Saila-myah, 328 See:-Teti
Sain,1211 Sakkaraivallik-kizhangu,
Saindhalavanam, M/10S- 684-See:~Kizhangu
See:-Lavanam (varieties) ( varieties)
Saindhava 170; M/90; M/98; Sak-keri,vellei-Kelangu, 684-
M/l08 See:-Kelallgu
Sam-Jnah, 810 Sak munia, 37&
Saj, 1197; 1211 Sakotra hannu, 345
Sajadan, 1198 Sakrasakan, 634
Sajgure, 930 Sakusa, 403
Sajikhara, M/101-See:- Sal, 1132; 1197-See:-
Khara (varieties) Dhadsal; Pitsal; Tliadsa1;
Sajina, 811 Shirsal; Spivanasal
Sajja, 930 Sala, 1132-See:-Pitsala,
Sajjado, 628 Ratambu-Sala
Sajjikhar or Barilla, MIl01 Salab, 873-See:-Anab-es-
Barilla-See:-Khar (vari- Salabmisri, 813
eties) Salad, 719
Sajjinoon, M/l01 Salai, 211-See:-Karisalai
Sajo, 1211 Salaitree, 167
Sak, 9-:See:-Amrul-sak; Me- Salaka-See :-Dhuve. Salaka
!1asak; Brihmi-sak; Kalmi- Salakhi, 211 .
saki Nuni-sak; Simbu-sak; Salam-See:-Ude-salam;
Tektasak; Tursak Udsalam

Salamisri, 874 Samak, 897-See:-Gerius

Sal Ammoniac, M/11See:-i samak
Ammoniac Samaka, 1061
Salangani-See:-Karisalan..:. Samalu, 1278-See:-Panisa-
gani malu
Salap, 873-See:-Anbus-sa':' Samandar, 176
lap; Badsah-salap; Ud-salap Samandarkapat, 137-See:-
Salaras, 1185 Pat (varieties)
Salbia-sefakuss, 1094 Samanderka patte, 137
Sale-bin, 1032-See:-Bin Samar 872
(varieties) Sambal-See:-Kadasambal;
Saleet,719 Lal-sambal
Salep misri, 873 Sambala- See:-Safed- Sam-
Salep Orchid, 873-See:- bala; Sankhya-satilbala
Orchid Sambalakshara, M/15
Salib-misri, 519 • Sambal-uppu, M/88-See:-
Salita-See:-Chinai-salita Uppu (varieties)
Sallow, 1089 Sambar, 446
Salol, M/75 Sambarasinga, A/153-See:-
,Salpani, 612 Singa (varieties)
Salsa, 619-See:-Hindi salsa Sambar-balli, 1283
Salsel-dhup, 958-See:- Dhup Sambar singdun, A/153
(varieties) Sambe-mani, M/2
Salsify, 1226 Sahbera, 1283
Salsoda, M/101 Sambhalu, 1278
Salt-See:-Black-salt; Gutika Sambhalukabeej,960
salt, Rock-salt; Sanchal salt; Sambhava-See~-N aga'5am-
Sea-salt; Table-salt; Bay- bhava
salt; Common-salt . Sambrani, 211; 253-See:-
Salt of Steel, M/63-See:- Parangi-sambrani
Steel Sambranichettu, 624
Salt of Tartar, M/88-See:- Sambul-u-'l hind, 840
Tartar Sambunerinchi, 1230
Saltpetre, M/90 Samee, 800
Sal Tree," 1132 Sametrapalam, 177
Saluka, 859 Samgh-i-Arabi, 486
Salum, 519; 874 Sahmun, 1028.,.
Salvadore de Persa, 1092 Sami, 800; 1011
Salvan, 612 Samin, A/229; ~35
Salyuna-See:-Phatura Sammula far, Mi15
Salyuna Samon-ne, 855
Samada, 533 Samoodraka, 733
Samadara, 1096 Sampagni puvvu, 795
Samaghe sanobara, 958- Sampangi, 795-See:-

See:-Sanobara (varieties) Nilasampangi
\ Samagh Hamama, 542.,..,....See:- Samparuthi, 208--See:-
\ Hamama Paruthi

Sam-payen 103-See:-Payen Sanapu, 392

Sampenga-See:-Virusam- Sanapuspi, 394
penga; Nelasampenga Sanatta, 457-See:-Atta
Samphire, 730 (varieties)
Sampige, 795-See:-Kadu- Sanaubar, 959-See:-Bar
sampige; Naga-sampige; Ne- (varieties)
lasampige Sanbhalu-See:-Sufed san-
Sam-ki-Kumb, 138 bhalu
Samp-phali, 442 Sanchal, M/98
Samprani, 607 Sanchal Salt" M/98-See:--Salt
Samse, 800 (varieties)
Samstravadi, 177 Sanchhikaram, M/101-See:-
Samudarphal, 176 Karam (varieties)
Samudraguggul, 170-See:- Sandal-See:-Sufeed sandal
Guggul Sandale surkh, 1026-See:-
Samudra Lavana, M/98; Surkh (varieties)
M/109;-See:-Lavana Sandalwood-See:-Red san-
(varieties) dalwood; white sandalwood
Samudranaligay, A/210 Sandam, 432
Samudrapad, 177 Sandan, 890
Samudrapalaka, 136 Sandarus, 1225
Samudraphal, 177 Sanders-See:-Red sanders
Samudraphena, A/2I0 Sandhya-raga, 803; 997
Samudraphina, A/210 Sandigumbala, 185-See:-
Samudrapunuragu, A/210 Gumbala (varieties)
Samudrapu-tenkaya, 749 Sand Lizard, A/170-See:-
Samudrashokha, 136-137 Lizard
Samudrjka-See:-Dholasa- Sandra-See:-Kaviri-sandra
mudrika Sanduballi, 1284
Samudupu-pachi, 591-See:- Sang-See:-Suraj-sang
Pachi (varieties) , Sanga, 811
Samutrapullam, 176 Sangam Koppi-See:-Pina-
Samve, 897 sangam-Koppi; Koppi
Samyasi, 342 Sangan-kuppi, 352-See:-
San, 392-See:-Kharasan; Kuppi (varieties)
Sapasan Sang-e-Sira Mahi, M/96--
Sana, 392; 628-See:-Hindi- See:-Mahi (varieties)
sana; Dirisana; 'l;agarsana Sang-e-yahuda, M/95
Sanabina-pundi, 392-See:- Sanggye, 1125
Pundi Sang-i-basari, M/131
Sanabu, 392 Sang-i-sabz, M/64
Sanadika, 203 Sangkhaphuli, 1274
Sanae-e-Hindi, .286-See:-' Sangmakrani, M/46
Hindi (varieties)
Sanaga-See:-Uppu-sanaga Sangu, A/l64
Sanajali-hullu, 138 Sang.;zen, 339
Sanaparni, 1017-See:-Parni Sanipat, I114-See:-Pat
(varieties) (varieties)

Sanji, 291 Santa! Rouge, 1025

Sapjirahat, M/46 Santara, 339
Sanjit, 1318 Santhni-rooku, 80
Sanjna,811 Santonin, 142
Sanjui, 701-See:-Jui Sanwa, 895
(varieties) Sanwak, 895 .
Sanjuvanchivel, 617 Saon, 899
Sanka, A/164 Saonf, 955
Sankarjata, 1256 Sapasan, 139-See:-San
Sankh, A/164 (varieties)
Sankha-jirun, M196-See:- Sap-devi, 1137
Jirun Sapeta, M/85
Sankhalu, 459-See:-Alu Sapfulu, 442
(varieties) Saphansi, 545
Sankhavisha, M/l5-See:- Sapharjala-See:-Hubbus
Visha (varieties) sapharjala
San-khu, 296 Saphed-panaki-jhad, 77
Sankhya, M/15 Saphenaka, 902
Sankhya Pashana, M/l6- Saphijirik, 1221
See:-Pashana (varieties) Saphurii, 407
Sankhya sambala, MilS- Sapistan, 379
See :-Sambala (varieties) Sapla-See:-Nil-sapla
Sanki-til, 1126-See:-Til Sapodilla plum, 20-See:-
(varieties) Plum (varieties)
Sanklee, 368 Sapota, 20
Sankula-Jamala, 611-See:- Sappanga, 230
Jamala Sappan wood, 230
Sanmadat, 1198 Sappaththi, 631
Sanna-See:-Kura-sanna Sappat-tup-pu, 631
Sanna-eechalumara, 945- Sappu, 795
See:-Eechalamara Saprotri, 1113
Sannakage-soppu, 947-See:- Sapsan, 139
Kagesoppu Sapsanda, 139
Sannapappu, 1007-See:- Sapsikaddula, 139
Pappu (varieties) Sapsu.ndi, 128
Sannarastram, 77 Saptala, 13
Sann hemp, 392-See:-Hemp Saptaparna, 80
(varieties) Sapu,955-See:-Walu-sapu
Sanni-naegam, 1268 Sapussundu,685
Sanobara-See:- Hubula-san- Sar, 1082-S~:-Ka!isar; Bija
gbara; Tukhm-i-Sanobara; sar; Ghausar; Ramsar
Samaghe sanobara . Sara, M/S5; 410; 1087-See:-
Sanpia, M/62 Lolisara
Sanrashtam, 77 Sarado, A/170
Sant,202 Sarah, 225
Santag,392 Sarahati, 872
Santala, 339 .""'" Sarakkonnai, 285-See:~
Santal blanc, 1098 • Konnai (varieties)

Saral, 958 Sarsaparillwurzel, 619

Sara la, 957 Sar-shaf, 216
Sarala drava, 957 Sarshapah, 216
Saral-pakhi, A/136 Sarshapah-See:-Rakta-
Saranai, 1228-See:-Vellai- sarshapa
saranai Sarshio-See:-Pitosarshio
Sarapuna, 237 Sarsio-See:-Moto-sarsio
Sarapunkha, 561 Sarsom, 1139
Saras, A/143 , Sarson, 215-See:-Jangli-
Sarasa, A/143 sarson; Kali-sarson; Rai-sar-
Saraswathi, 662 son; Safed-~arson
Sarbarivel, 1283 Sarsu-See:-Safed-sarsu
Saribha, 619 Sarsva, 215
Sariqun, 142 Saru-See:-Eru-saru; Shiri-
Sariro, 543 saru
Sarisa, 215; 1139-See:-Raisa- Saruboke, 410
risa Sarumanu-See:-Eru-saru-
Sarisha-See:-Svetasarisha; manu
Raisarisha Sarvadi, 827
Sariva, 619; 674-See:- Sarvajaya, 255-See:-Jaya
Krishna sariva Sarvalai, 1228; 1229
Sarivan, 612 Sarvari,90
Sarjaka, 1265 Saryun,877
Sarjikakshara, M/101 Sasa, 403
Sarjjasasamu, 800 Sasaka, Aj191
Silrkanda, 1082; 1087-See:- Sasam, 215-See:-Kalen-
Kanda (varieties) Sasam
Sarkareival1i, 684 Sasive--See:-Kadusasive
Sarokkonnoi, 285-See:- Sasivey, 215-See:-Kari-
Konnoi sasivey
Saroli,71 Sassi, '392
Sarpadarushtrika, 596 Sasyaka, M/52
Sarpa-gandha, 1050-See:- Satado-See:-Motosatado
Gandha (varieties) Satagunda, 281
Sarpakhya, 451 Satakuppi, 935-See:-Kuppi
Sarpakshi, 872 . (varieties)
Sarpashi-chettu, 872 Satamuli, 152-See:-Muli
Sarpati-See:-Bhllisarpati (varieties)
Sarpavisha A/218-See:- Satap, 1081
Visha (varieties) Satapatri, 1071; 1072
Sarphankha, 561 Satavar, 153
Sarphenka, 561 Satavari 153; 154- See:-Vari
Sarphoka, 290 . . (varieties)
Sarsapa-See:- Rakta-sarsapa Satavari-mull, 153
Sarsaparilla-See:-Indian Sataver, 151
Sarsaparilla;' Country Sar- Satbalon, 998
saparilla; Jamaica Sarsapa- Sat-gilo, 1220-See:-GiIo
rilla; Wild Sarsaparilla Sathi, 1095-See:-Pul-sathi

Sathphal, 176 Sawad, 827

Sathra, 875 Sawad-puney, A/234-See:-
Sati, 418 Puney (varieties)
Satin spar, M/46 Sawala, 1262
Satmuli, 153-See:-Muli Sawbhalu, 1278
(varieties) Saya, 610
Satmung, 855-See:-Mung Sayadevi, 1270
(varieties) Sa-yo-mai, 969
Satodimool, 203-See:-Mool Sazaj-i-Hindi, 331-See:-
(varieties ) Hindi (varieties)
Sattu, M/130 Scarfeckige Gurke, 751
Satu, 653 Scarlet Runner Bean, 939-
Satudo, 1228 See:-Beans (varieties)
Satveen,80 Schildblattiriger Ampfer, 108
Satyanasa, 133 Schild formiger arum, 372
Sauma, 876 Schlangenfruchtiga Haarblum
Sauna-assar, 876 1236
Saunf, 557-See:'-Badi saunf; Schmal-bJattrige Kurkume, 4]
Bari-saunf Schulli-See:-Paina Schulli
Saurab, 389 Schuppenblattrige Blattblum
Saurastra-mruttika, M/100:- 949 ,
See :-Mrittika ( varieties) Schwaizholzbaum, 453
Sauriarak, 1000 Schwartze pfeffer} 969
Saurif,955 Schwarzer, Kummel, 855
Sautekayi, 403-See:-Kai or Schwefelsaures Eisenoxydul
Kayi (varieties) M/64
Sauvage-See:-Mente- Schweilbeere, 1171
sauvage Schwimmende muschelnlume,
Sauvira, M/13-See:-Vira 976
( varieties) Sciefblattriger-Judendendron,
Sauviranjana, M/87-See:- 1317
Anjana (varieties) Scimsapa, 1298
Sauz-bawwa, 830
Sava, 899-See:-Ghoti-sava Scioenidus Pama, whiting,
Savara-See:-Pandresavara; A/214
Safed-savara Sclafmohn, 901
Savari-See :-Shembal Savari Screwpine-See:-Fragrant
Savarikappusu, 208-See:- screwpine; ..Pine
Kappusu Screw-tree- See:-East-India
Savaru-See:- Tambdi-savaru screwtree; Indian screw-trE
Save, 899 Scwarzar senf, 1140
Savirela, 892 Scwl;lr;zary-senf, 216
Savirsambharu, 113 Sea-beet-See:-Beet; Sugar
Savite-mannupu, 101-See:- sea-beet
Mannupu Sea cocoanut, 749-See:-Co-
Savasambar, 1283 • coanut
Savte-See:·-Mullusav:~ Sea fish, A/214-See:-Fish
Savura, ·1186 ,~ (varieties)

Sea salt, M/108-See:-Salt Sehud, 529

(varieties) Sehund, 522; 524-See:_
Seaweeds, 591-See:-Weeds Berki-schund
(varieties) Sehunda, 522
Sebesten plum or fruit, 379- Seidz-huruf; 1142
See:-Plum (varieties) Seir fish A/215-See:-Fish
Sebhaphala, 1039 (varieties)
Seb-safargang, 1039-See:- Seivappukaychuri, 632
Safargang Sejanduna, 432
Sechszeilige Gerste, 653 Sejhana, 154
Sedhalon, M/l08 Sejji, 930
Seekai, 13-See:-Kai or Kayi Sekhage, 573
(varieties) Sekto,811
Seekaya, l3-See:-Kai or Selenite gypsum-See:-
Kayi (varieties) Gypsum selenite
Seemachinta, 978-See:- Selu, 379
Chinta (varieties) Selupa, 474
Seemagati, 283.-See:-Gati, Selusaran, 926
Seemagogu, 632-See:-Gogu Sem, 939; 942-See:-Vilaiyte-
(varieties) sem
Seemai pulichai keera, 632- Semal moosali, 208-See:-
See:-K~era; Pulichai keera Moosali; Mosali
Seematangedu, 290-See:- Semmaram, 94
Tangedu (varieties) Sempagam, 796
Seemaychunnambu, M/41- Semparathan, 631
See:-Chunnambu Senagalu, 311
Seemay Tekkali, 756-See:- Senamakki, 287
Tekkali Sendhalon, M/I08
Seereh, 961 Sendhi, 1300
Seesaka, M/83 Sendhurlavana M/108-See:-
Se~tapandu, 116-See:-Ram- Lavana (varieties)
seetapandu; Pandu Sendubef.rkai, 753-See:-Kai
(varieties) or Kayi (varieties)
Segagadda, 1264-See:-Gadda Senduramu-See:-Yerrasen-
(varieties) duramu
Segan, 1197 Senduria, 199
segandun Sendurkam, 278
Segapu, 1017-See:-Goyya Sendur lavana, M/9l-See:-
pazham Lavan (varieties)
Segapu-munthari, 184 Sendurukkai, 278-See:-Kai
Segiyav, 256 or Kayi (varieties)
Segumkati, 798 Senhog-See:-Oil of Sen hog;
Segve,811 Hog
Sehadid Kalli, 522-See:- Senji, 786
Kalli (varieties) Senna-See:-Alexandrian
Sehar, l056 senna; Country senna; Indian
Sehkham, A/l64 senna; Tinnevelly senna

Senna Sophera, 290 Seville orange, 341-See:-

-See:-Sophera Orange (varieties )
Sensitive commune, 799 Sevvagil, 294
Sensitive Plant, 799 Sevya, 552
SeD-chana, 533-See;-Chana Seya-kul, 1318-See:-Kul
(varieties) (varieties)
Seoli, 857 Sfetshimool, 505-See:-Mool
Sephalika, 857; 1278 (varieties)
Seppankuzhangu, 372-See:- Sha, l1-See:-Kyoung-sha
Kuzhangu Shaarnhafte Sinnplauze, 799
Seppudday, 1108 Shabb-zaje-abyaz, Mj2
Serangkottai, 1119-See:- Shab-i-yemeni, M/2
Kottai (varieties) Shabju, 481
Sera-sham-e-Mahi, A/135- Shabke pandekajhad, 199-
See:-Mahi (varieties) See:-Pandekajhad
Serd-Chubah,415-See:- Shadaburi, 1119-See:-Buri
Chubah Shadad Angabina, A/191-
Seri, 580 See:-Angabin,a
Seria, 761 Shada kumra, 408-See:-
Seri-gally-gista, 394 Kumra (varieties)
Serikos, A/145 Shada-phul, 1274
Seringi, 1295 Shadavari-See:-Shimai sha·
Serjania curassavica, A/203 davari; Vari (varieties)
Serookaya, 787 Shaddock of West Indies, 345
Serpana, 141 Shadgrandika, 412-See:-
Serpent-See:-Concombre Grandika
serpent Shadgranthagolomi, 35-See:-
Serpent poison, A/217-See:- Granthagolomi
Poison Shadurakkally, 522-See:-
Serpent stone, M/97; A/144 Ka11y
Seruppadai, 371 Shaffrochi, 1113
Seruppunerinji, 678-See:- Shafri, 1188
Nerinji (varieties) Shaggy Buttonweed, 1162-
Servu-kittalay, 1039-See:- See:-Buttonweed
Kittalay Shahabula, A/138 .
Sesaba-See:-Pivala-sesaba Shahad, A/191
Sesame, 1120 Shahasfaram, 8~1
Sesamum, 1126 Shahdevi, 310
Sesom, 1126 Shah sufian, 790
Sessoogachh-See:-Kala- Shahtara, 560
sessoogachh Shahtarah, 561
Seta-andir, 593 Shahtaraz, 580
Setakata, 593 Shahterah, .561
Seutkherua, 529 Shainah, 811
Sev,1039 Shair-ul-jin, 43
Sevala, 465 Shajrat-ol-kafur, 117
Sevamanu, 94 Shajratuna-narajila, 363
Sevati, 1071 Shajratur-rumman, 1032

Shakakul, l53-See:- Kul Shamalata, 674

(varieties) Shamalic, 1278
Shakanarupillu, 111-See:- Shambalida, 622
Pillu (varieties) Shamberattai, 631--,See:-
Shakar-al-lighal, 242 Rattai or Ratta (varieties)
Shakara tagara, A/166 See:- Shambirani, 1181
Tagara (varieties) Shamblidebari, 1138-See:-
Shakardana, 371-See:- Bari (varieties)
Dana (varieties) Shamdulum, 474
Shakar pitan; 528-See:- Shameeruku, 9
Pitan Shami, 148; 1011
Shakataka, 543 Sham-lethe-dashti, 1138
Shaker-e-tigala, A/166 Shamlita, 1240
Shakir surkh, 1083-See:- Shampang, 795
Surkh (varieties) Shamuddirapachchai, 137
Shakkan Kirai, 1080-See:- Shamuke, 1195
Kirai (varieties) Shan abo, 392
Shakkarai-See:-Shindil- Shanagakaya-See:-Viru-
shakkarai shanagakaya
Shak-nooni, lOO5-See:- Shanal, 392
Nooni-shak Shanalu, 1015
Shakri, 593 Shanballi, 572
Shal,843 Shanbhaluka-bija, 1277
Shalaguni-See:-Karisha- Shandanak-kattai, 1098
laguni Shanganni-See:-Karishan-
Shalanganni-See:-Karisha- ganni
langanni Shangir,5
Shalangli, 1142 Shankapushpa, 354
Shalaparni, 612-See :-Parni Shankapushpi, 354; 531
(varieties) Shankapuspam, 354
Shalgham, 214 Shankat-ul-beda, 1234-See:-
Shallaki, 212 Beda ......
Shallattu, 719 Shankeshwar, 1298
Shallot, 62 Shankha, A/164
Shallow-water fish, A/214- Shankhahuli, 263; 1297-See:-
See:-Fish (varieties) HuH (varieties)
Shalmali, 817-See:-Rakta- Shankhajiri, M/96-See:-Jiri
shalmali; Svetashalmali (varieties) .
Shalook, 860 Shankha-pushpi, 263
Shalparni, 612-See:-Parni Shankhavalli, 531
(varieties) Shankhini, 263
Shalshi, 1044 Shankine, 1297
"Shalu" jowar, 1161-See:- Shankvel, 531
J owars (varieties) Shanshobai, 933
Shama, 895; A/151 Shanshohai, 933
Shama-baringi, 952-See:- Shanti-mara, 1203
Baringi Shaorha, 1171

Shaqaqule-hindi, 151-See:- Shay-rang, 1119-See:-Rang

;Hindi (varieties) I ( varieties)
Shardul, 1198 Shealkanta, 133-See:-Kania
Sharifah, 116 (varieties)
Shark, A/147-See:-White Shebe-hannu, 1017
shark . Sheda, 103; 696
Shark liver oil, Aj231-See:-, Shedeveli, 151
Liver oil Shedul'i, 608
Sharpala, 379-See:-Pala Shedwa, 608
(varieties) Sheegae,13
Sharp cornered cocumber, 751 Sheemaavisi, 283-See:-
-See:-Cocumber Avisi
Sharunnai, 1229-See:-Vallai- Sheemagadda, 148-See--
Sharunnai Gadda (varieties)
Sharunnay, 1228 Sheemai-agatti, 283-See:-
Sharvalaykiray, 1228-See:- Agatti
Kiray (varieties) Sheemai-kilangu,1,,48-See:-
Shatakupivirai, 935-See:- Kilangu (varieties)
Virai (varieties) Sheemigida, 283
Shatakupivittulu, 935-See:- Sheep, AI212
Vittulu (varieties) Sheesa, M/83
Shatamuli, 153-See:-Muli Sheesham,u, M/83
( varieties) Sheeyakay, 13
Shatangatakam, 622 Shegat,811
Shatapatra, 844 Shekakul, 1225-See:-Kul
Shatapushpa, 955 (varieties)
Shatapushpi, 935 Shekhamulaina, 440
Shatava, 955 Shekrani, 797
Shelangri, 1280-
Shatavali, 154-See:-Vali Shell - See:-Bivalve Shell;
(varieties) Common oyster-shell; Conch-
Shatavari, 152; 153-See:- shell; Egg-shell; Lime-shell;
Vari (varieties) Marina shell; Porcelaneom
Shati, 418; 1095 shells; Quick lime shell;
Shatlatu-virai, 719-See:- Oyster-shell
Virai (varieties) Shell ash-See:-Conch shell
Shatra, 561 I
ash; Ash (varieties)
Shavaka, 1194 Shell fish, (a kind Of) A/232-
Shavakku-See:-Shiru- See:-Fish (varieties)

shavakku Shelvan, 379
Shavalai, 1229 Shemaitute, 84
Shavantige-See :-Shime:.. Shembal Savari, 208-See:-
shavantige Savari
Shavaripazlam, 1238 Shembara-valli, 1283
Shavukku - See:- Kptasha- Shembat, 868
vukku; AtrushavukkO; Shi- Shembiavare, 254-See:-
vappu-attu-shavukku Avate


Shembu, M/47 Shia-kul,1317-See:"':""'Kul

Shemmandarai, 184 (varieties)
Shemmaram, 1161 Shialkanta,133-See:-Earo-
Shemmulli, 175-See:-Mulli shialkanta
varieties) Shibjal, 271
Shempaga-See:-Vanashem- Shib-jhul, 271
paga 3hibjub, 271
Shenba gam , 795 Shiga-See :-Mrigashiga
Shen-chandanam, 1026-See:- Shih, 142
Chandanam ( varieties) Shih-yen, M/I09-See:-Yen
Shendad, 402 Shikani, 299
Shendori, 385 ...• ~
Shikaol, 923 (

Shendri, 199; 760 Shikar,923 11

Shendvel, 385 Shikayi,13
Sheng-See:-Bhuisheng Shikha-See:-Rakta-shikba
Shenkottai, 1119-See:-Kottai Shikha-mulam, 440
(varieties) Shikhandin, 543
Sheoda, 543 Shikhara, MI101
Sheora, 1171
Shepherd's needle, 577 Shikhi, 520
Shepu, 557; 93~ Shikkay-See:-Kazhar-
Sher, A/I71-See:-Ransher shikkay
Shera,529 Shikoriah, 313
Sheral-See:-Dhakta-sheral Shilajatu, 1185
Sherani, 1218 Shilajit-See:-Silajit
Sheras, 1277 (varieties)
Sherdi, 1083 Shim, 461; 1049-See:-Kath-
Sheriganam, 1226 shim; Makam-shim
Sherwam, 555 Shimachamaulli pushpamu, 117
Shetpushpa, 955 -See:-Chamaulli pus h-
Shetu, 816 pamu
Shetura, A/145; 817 Shimaepun'ji, 362-See:-
Shetuta, 817 Punji
Shevappughaschedi, 901 Shimagoranti vittulu, 927-
Shevara, 86; 87 See:-Vittulu (varieties)
Shevari, 1130 Shimai-azha-vanai-virai, 927-
Shevga,811-See:-Soanjna- Shimai-chamantipu, 117-See:
shevga -Chamantipu
Shevri-See:-Ranshevri Shimai-eluppai, 20-See:-
Shewa, 750 Eluppai
Shewan, 584 Shimai-kich-chilik-kishangu,
Shewun,584 608 - See : - Kichilic-
Shiah-kanta, 800-See:-Kanta kizhanga
(varieties) Shimai-madalaivirai, 1038-
Shiajira, 279; 408-See:-Jira See: - Madalai-virai; Virai
(varieties) (varieties)

Shimai Shadavari, 154-See:- Shiribekku, 1009-See:-

Shadavari; Vari (varieties) Bekku (varieties)
Shimai-shombu, 408-See:- Shirigumudu, 585-See:-
Shombu Gumudu
Shimaiya-viri, 677 Shirina 622
Shima-jevanti-pushpam, 117- Shirisaru, 1194-See:-Saru
See:-Jevanti-pushpam (varieties)
Shima-karpuram-aku, 792- Shirish, 15-See: -Pit shirish;
See:-Aku, Karpuram-aku Sirish
Shimal, 207 Shirkal, 599
Shimayi-shombu, 279-See:- Shirkhist, 560
ShomJm, Shirporna-jaya, 1271-See:-
Shimeatti, 545-See:-Atti Jaya (varieties)
_( varieties) Shirsal, 958-See: -Sal
Shimedapu, 117 (varieties)
Shimeeya, 1031 Shiru-kadaladi 21-See:-
Shime-shavantige, 117-See:- Kadaladi
Shavantige Shiruket, 1009
Shimpi, 896 Shiru-Kurunja, 596-See:-
Shimpigyanhullu, 896; 923 Kurunja
Shimpti, 867 Shirumalli, 700-See: -Mall:
Shimtee, 868 (varieties)
Shimul,207 Shirunari-vengayam, 1116-
I Shinacarum, M/2 See:-Vengayam, (varie-
Shina-karan, M/2 ties)
Shinde, 402 Shirunoch-chi, 1281-See:-
Shindhura, M/8S Nochchi (varieties)
Shindhuvaruma, 1278 Shirushavakku 1194-S'ee:-
Shindi,946 Shavakku (varieties)
Shindil-kodi, 1220-See:-Kodi Shiruvavili, 1281-See:-
(varieties) Vavili (varieties)
Shindil-Shakkarai, 1220-See: Shish, M/85
-Shakkarai; Rai (varieties) Shisham, 432
Shingr,426 Shishay, M/83
Shingshupa, 432-See:-Shupa Shitrapunj, 989
Shinka,537 Shiulik, 472
Shinkanta, 800-See:-Kanta Shivadai 691 '"
(varieties) Shiva-malli-gida, 677--See:-
Shinwala, 1060 Malligida (varieties)
Shiragam, 408-See:-Karun- Shivan-See: -Lahan-shivan
shirogam; Kattu-shiragam Shiva~narvayambu, 677
Shiran, 1014 Shivanarvembu, S77-See:-
Shiras, 214 Vembu (varieties)
Shirat-kuchchi, 101 Shivanasal, 584-See:-Sal
8hiraz-See: -Ranga- • (varieties)
shiraz Shivani-See: -Kirishivani
Shireesha-mara, 15 . )_" Shivanil, 677

Shivanni-gida, 584 Shothaghni 202

Shivappu-attu-shavukku 1193 Shoti,695
See: -Shavukku (varieties) Sh-ouniz, 855
Shivappu-Chittramulam, 989- Shrangi-See: -Pruthush-
See: -Chittramulam- rangi
shivappu Shravan ghevda, 942-See:--
Shivappu-kashuruk-vil'ai, 632 Ghevda (varieties)
-See: -Kashuruk-virai Shreetalamu, 384
Shivappu-nelli, 949-See:- Shreetali, 384-See: -Tali
Nelli (varieties) (varieties)
Shivappu-postaka-chedi, 901 Shreevrksha, 552
-See :-Postaka-chedi Shrigandhada mara 1098-
Shivappu-tamarai, 844-See: See: -Gandha (varieties)
-Tamarai (varieties) Shrikala, 599-See:-Kala
Shivappu-vasla-kire, 178-See: (varieties)
-Vasla-kire Shrimudrigida, 8
Shivararn-kalIi, 873-See:- Shringa-See: -Mriga-
Kalli (varieties) . shringa
Shiva-tulasi, 865-See:- Shringata, 1227
Tulasi (varieties) Shringi-See: -Ajashringi;
Shivinthaka, 1039 Sitashringi; Karkatashringi;
Shiwari, 1278 Mudadashringi
Shodhakati-See:-Vrana- Shriparni, 584-See: -Parnf
shodhakari (varieties)
Shodhanam, 58 Shrivatte, 827
Shodhani-See: -:-Visha- Shrubby Basil, 863-See:-
shodhani Basil
Shodhita, M/24-See:- Shubha, 116
Purified silajit; Silajit Shubit, 935
Shoe-flower plant, 630 Shudhakshara, M/44
Shoephahara 96 Shudi, 730
Shole-fish, AI215-See:- Shue-saku, M/32
Fish (varieties) Shukadana, 1031--See:-
Shombu, 557; 955-See:- Dana (varieties)
Shimayi-shombu Shuk-china 1143--See:-
Shone, 392 China
Shoont, 1309 . Shukhu, 1309
Shora, M/90; M/91 Shukku, 1079
Shoraba, M/91 Shul,45
Shorakhar M/90; M/91-See: Shula-vedhi-chukra, 1079-
-Khar (varieties) . See: -Chukra
Shoraktri, M/7 Shulgam, 214
Shora-mitha, M/91-See:-
Mitha (varieties) Shulundu kora, 699-See:--
Shore, M/91 Kora (varieties)
Shor-gaz, 1194 Shulva M/47
Shori, 418 Shumak, 2.29
shortara, 561-See:-Tara Shumeo, 1260

Shumoodra-See:-Dhol- Silajit, 1183; 1185; M/23-

shumoodra See: -Bluesilajit; Copperj-
Shun, 392 silajit; Gold-silajit;
Shunam,65 Gomuthra-silajit; Iron-
Shunkhapushappi, 263 silajit; Karpoora-silajit;
Shunti-See: -Hashi-shunti; I Purified (shodhita) silajit;
Shupa-See:-Chitrak-shupa; Red-silajit; Silver-silajit;
Shing-shupa White-silajit; Shilajit
Shurali, 607 Silajita, M/23
Shurungi-See:-Thottal Silaras, 84; 747; lVI/23
shurungi Silavalka, 922
Shveta-barbura 16-See:-- Silber, M/13
Barbura Silhaka, 747
Shwetasurasa, 857-See:- Silica, M/93
Surasa (varieties) Silicate of Alumina M/6
Shwet-huli, 1308-See:-Huli Silicate of Alumina, Lime &
(varieties) Oxide of Iron, M/10
Shwet-sursha, 506-See:- Silicate of Alumina, Magnesia .
Sursha & Oxide of Iron, MIlO
Shyamaka, 897 Silicate of Alumina & Oxide of
Shy onaka, 876 Iron, M/IO
Siah chob, 386 Silicate of Aluminium-See:-
Siakul, 1317-See:-Kul Aluminium silicate
(varieties) Silicates, lVI/93
Siali 1031 Silicious concretions of
Sialkanta, 133-See: -Kanta bamboo M/96-See:-
(varieties) Bamboo
Sialkanta-bhatmil, 133-See: Silicon, M/93
-Kanta (varieties) Silicon dioxide, M/93-See: - .
Siddartha, 506 Dioxide
Siddhapatri, 256 Silk-cocoon-See: -Rawsilk
Siddhartha, 213 cocoon; Cocoon
Sidhi, 256 Silk Cotton Tree, 207; 586-
Sidhoul 715 See:-Golden silk-cotton;
Sidori, 652 White silk-cotton; Cotton
Sige-See: -Kadsige (varieties)
Sigru, 811 Silk-pod, A/145
Siharu, 857
Sij, 526-See: -Lanka-sij; Silk worm-mothr A/145
Mansasij; Narsij; Patasij; Sillhaka, 86
Tikatasij Silphium Parsley~1008-See:
Sikeyabo, 331 -Parsley --
Sikhigrivam, lVI/52 Silver, M/31-See: -German
Siki 13 silver; Quick-silver
Siktha, A/151 Silver Cochineal, A/156--See:
Sikuar, 1256 -Cochineal (varieties) ~
Sila, 1041-See: -Meihsila Silver Fir-See: -Fir;
Silajatu, M/23 Himalayan Silver Fir

Silver silajit, MI23-See:- Muradasing; Murdarsing;

Silajit (varieties) Murdosing
Sirn, 461-See: -Makham Singa-See :-Mirapa-singa;
Sim Mirsinga; Barasinga; Khara-
Sima-See: -Sweeta-sima singa; Sambarasinga
Sima avisl, 283 Singada, 1227
Simab, M/68 . Singanamook, 447
Sima-chamanti-pushpam 117 Singara, 1227
-See: -Chamantipushpam Singarakottaf, 1227-See:-
Sima-chinduga, 978-8ee:- Kottai (varieties)
Chinduga Singari, 1227
Simae-chinta, 38-See:- Singarota, 932
Chinta (varieties) Singe-See: -Muradasinge
Sima-jamt).du, 716-See:- Singe J erahata, M/96
Jamudu (varities) Singgika, 377 .
Simak, 1134 Singhar, 857-See:-
Sima-kavirai, M/94-See:- Harsinghar
Kavirai Singhara, 1227
Simao, 339 Singhi fish, A/215; A/216-
Simbhi-See: -Prathusimbhi See:-Fish (varieties)
Simbi, 461 Singhin, 377
Simbo-k,esu, 705-8ee: -Kesu Singi, A/215-8ee: -Kakad-
Simbusak, '556-See: -Sak singi; Kharsingi; Maeda-
(varieties) singi; Merasingi; Takada-
Sime-kavikallu, M/94-See:- singi
Kal1u; Kavi-kallu Singo-mone, 356
Sime-kich-chilik, 715-See:- Singu, 537-See: -Mudara-
Kich-chilik • singu
Simp---See:-Motisimp Singuin, 811
Simul-See: -Safed simul Sinhakesara, 800-See:-
Sind cotton, 590-See: also:- Kesara (varieties)
Si.lk. cotton tree; Cotton; Sinhamukhi, 580-See:-
Devills Cotton Vrisha sinhamuki
Sindhaluna, M/108 Sinhaparni, 40-See:-Parni
Sindhuka, 1281 (varieties)
Sini, 392
Sindhuvaram, 1278-8ee:- Sinjee, 1239
Varam (vari~ties) Sinjraph, M/72
Sindilkodi, 356-See: -Kodi Sinni-maram, 17 .
(varieties) r Sinpo-i-Jilani, 1318-See:-
Sindur, M/86 Jilani
Sindura, M/86 Sinsapa-See: -Kala-
Sinduram-See:-Sagappu- sinsapa; Kapila-sinsapa;
sinduram Krishna-sinsapa
Sindurlavana, M/91-See:- Sinth, A/151
Lavana (varieties) Sin-ul-fel, A/160
Sing-See: -Bhoising; Bhui- Siora,1171
sing; Haranasing; Khusingj Sipandane-sufaid, 213

Sipi, A/158; A/211 Sitageru\ M/42-See:-Geru

Sir, 65 (varieties)
Siran, 61 I Sitaki, 113
Siras, 15; 79B-See:- Sitalachini, 400-See:-
Machhika-Siras; Pivali-siras Chini (varieties)
Sirikala, 351-See: -Kala Sitania purgonalu, 420
(varieties) Sitapalam, 116-See: -Ram
Sirin, 15; 798 sitaphalam
Sirinji, 1295 Sitaphal, 116
Siris, 15; 60-See: -Bender- Sitaphalam-See: -Sita-
siris; Lalsiris; Mothasiris; phalam
Safed-siris Sitaran limbu, 742-See:-
Sirish, 60-See: -Kri~hna- Limbu (varieties)
Sirish; Pitshirish; (Sirish) Sitashringi, 25-See:-
Sirissa, tree, 15; 798 Shringi (varieties)
Siriya, 1150 Sitawar, 154 -
'Siriz, 15 Sithagathi, 1130-See: -Gathi
Sirola, 751-See:-Kadu- Sitruti, 608
sirola Sittalchini, 517-See:-Chini
Sirooseroo-padi, 804 (varieties)
Sirpha, 116 Sittrapaladi, 529
Sirramutti, U38-See:- Siulicop, 1189
Mutti (varieties) Sivadaiver, 691
Sirrupulayvayr, 49. Sivanarvembu, 715-See:-
Sirshing, 472 Vembu (varieties)
Sir-sia-peshane, 43 Sivani, 1228
Sirukanchni, I226-See:- Sivni, 585
Kanchni Siyahdanah, 855-See:-
Siru karalai, 75-See:·- . Danah
Karalai Siyah-daru, 855-See:-
Sirunagappoo, 792-See:- Daru (varieties)
Nagappoo Siyah musli, 112-See:-
Siru-pullady, 446 Musli (varieties)
Siruthakkali, 951 Siyambula, 1191
Siruvazhu-dunai, 1150 Siyembela, i191-See: -Bela
Siru-vazhunai, 1150 (varieties)
Sis, 392 Skandaja, 453
Sisa, M/83 Skandaphala, 146 '"
Sisam, 432; M/1l6 Skeyer-wood, 520
Sishu, 432
Skimmed milk, A/176-See:-
Sismulia, 112 Milk (varieties) --
S~sori, 1000 Skim milk, A/183-See:-
Sissu, 432 Milk (varieties)
Sissukarrha, 432 Skink-See: -Indian skink
Sisupala, 11S-See: -Pala Slaked lime, M/42; M/45-
(varieties) See:-Lime (varieties)
Sitache-kes, 617; 690 Sleshmataka, 379

Small aloe,-See: -Aloe Soap Wort-See: -Perfoliate

(varieties) soap-wort; Wort (varieties)
Small-bark tree, 118B-See:- Sobhanjana, 811-See:-
Bark tree Anjana (varieties)
Small Caltrops, l229-See:- "Socotrine" aloes, 76-See: ~
Caltrops (varieties) Aloe (varieties)
Small chaulmugra, 66l-See: Soda-See:-Muriate of Soda;
-Chaulmugra (varieties) Washing soda
Small Date, 945-See: -Date Soda ash, M/lOl-See: -Ash
(varieties) (varieties)
Small Fennel, 854-See:- Soda biborate-See:-
Fennel (varieties) Biborate of Soda
Small kawati, 66l:-See:- Soda carbonate, M/lOl-See:
Kawati -Carbonate of soda; Crude-
Small Millet, 89B-See:- carbonate of Soda
Millet (varieties) Soda crystals,M/10l
Small Wild Squill, ll16-:-See: Soda sulphate-See:-
-Wild squill; Squill Sulphate of Soda
(varieties) Sodii citras, A/l77
Smooth-Iuffa, 752-See:- Sodium Biborate; M/l03-See:-
Luffa (varieties) -Biborate of Sodium
Snail-See: -Land snail Sodium Borate, M/l03-See:
Snake-See: ~Rattle-snake -Borate of Sodium
Snake gourd, 1234-See:- Sodium carbonate, M/lOl-
Gourd (varieties) Wild See:-Carbonate of Sodium
Snake-gourd Sodium Chlorate, M/108-
Snake Lily, 1;37-See:-Lily See: -Chlorate of sodium
(varieties) Sodium muriate-See:-
Snake Venom, A/21B-See:- Muriate of Sodium
Venom; Cobra venom Sodium Pyroborate, M/I03-
Snake weed, 526-See: -Weed See:-Pyroborate of
(varieties) Sodium
Snakewood, 1173 Sodium sulphuret-See:-
Snapatha, 876 Sulphuret of Sodium
Sneezwort, 299-See: --Wort Sodiumtetraborate-See: -
(varieties) Tetraborate of Sodium
Snehaphala, 1126 Sogade beru, 1292
Sohaga, M/l03
Snehaviddha, 295 Sohanjna, 811
Snigdhajeera, 980-See:- Sohanpe-soah, 1113
Jeera (varieties) Sohikire, 557
Snoohi, 524 Soi, 935
Snuhi, 522-See: -Madhu- Soin-pappu-kirai, 1007-See:
snuhi; Vanamadhusnahi -Kirai (varieties)
Soanjna shevga, 811-See:- Soitraj, 422
Shevga Soja bohne, 462
Soap-nut Ttee, 1102 Sojikhara-See: -Khara
Soap Stone, M/96 (varieties)

Sojjikhar, 1183-See: -Khar Sone-kesur, 1285-See:~

( varieties) Kesur; Mahat-kesur
Sojna,811 Soni, 955
Solir-See; -Ding solir Sonhali, 285
Soltraj, 1226 Sonkel, 822-See: -Kel
Soma, ~77; 1106 (varieties)
Somalata, 1081; 1106 Sonkela, 822-See:-Kela
,Somal khar, M/l6-See:- (varieties) .
Khar (varieties) Sonkeli, 823-See: -Keli
Somanti, 1130 (varieties)
Somaraja, 1267 Sonnaringa, 339-See:-
Somaraji, 892; 1019 N aringa (var.ieties )
Somarayen, 1081 Sonogaravi, 817
$omavalkhom, 548 Sonp, 557 .
Somavalli, 356; 1220 Sonpat, 392-See: -Pat
Sombong, 201 (varieties)
Somidamanu, 1161 Sonsali, 504
Sominta-See: -Nalla- Sont, 557
sominta Sontakka-See: --Jahari
Sompu, 955 sontakka
Somraj, 1267 Sonth, 1309
Sona, 698; 876; M/32-See:- Sonti, 1309
Natkisona Sonum, M/32
Sona bhasma, M/33 Soof, 1039
Sonabu, 392 Sookhdursun, 389
Sona-geru, M!95-See:- Soolpha, 935
Geru (varieties) Soondali, 285
. Sonajahi, 702-See: -Jahi Soonti, 1309
Sonalu, 285-See: -Alu .Soopadan, 667
(varieties) Sooparee--See: -Kottha
Sonamakki-See: -Mulakacha Fooflee Sooparee
sonamakki Soopyah, 231
Sonamukhi, 284; 286; M/66- Soothan, 776
See: -Surati-Sonamukhi Sop-See: -Sour sop of Ame-
Sona-mukhina-gantha, M/66 rica; Sweet-sop of America;
Sonapushpi, 391 Sweet-Sop
Sonar, M/32 Sopari, 130-See:-Ardhi-
Sona varak, M/33 sopari
Sonchal, M/100; 763 Sophee, 827 ".
Sonchala, 763 sophera
Sonchampa, 795-See:- Sophora-See: ~Pedda­
Champa (varieties) sophora
Sondal, 285-See: -Chhota- Sopu, 557-See: -Badi-
sondal ·sopu
Sondala, 876 Sora, M/90
Sondanimak, M/108-S~e:­ Sorakai, 722-See: -Kai or
Nimak (varieties) Kayi (varieties)

Soratimati, M/100-See:-· Spearmint, 790-See: -Mint

Mati (varieties) (varieties)
Sore-See: -Kahisore Speckled leech, A/67; Al217
Sorrel-See: -Field-sorrel; -See: -Leech ,
Indian sorrel; Red sorrel Spelta wheat, 1250-See:--
,SorupEmka, A/210 Wheat (varieties)
.sosan, 694; 695-See: -Bekh- Spelter, M/130
sosan Spermaceti, A/154
Sosun, 694 Sperm oil, A/154
Sota Sunndi, 859-See:- Sphatikari, M/2-See: -Kari
Sunndi (varieties)
.sotia Gowar, 420-See:- Spider flower, 351
Gowar (varieties) Spighwall, 979
Sottacla, 556 Spiked millet, 930-See:-
Soubira, 1318 Millet (varieties)
Sour dock, 1079-See: -Dock Spikenard-See: -Indian
(varieties) Spikenard
Sour-lime of India, 341-See:- Spinach, 1164-See:-
Lime (varieties) Country spinach; Indian
'Sour sop of America, 115- spinach
See:-Sop (varieties) Spindelbaum, 520
'Sowa, 935-See: -Sutra- Spindle-wood, 520
sowa; Sutre-sowa ., Spirah Tarkhah, 142-See:-
Sowasi, 199 Tarkhah
'Sow thistle, 1159-See:- Spleenworl-See: -Black
Thistle (varieties) spleenwort
Soya, 935 Spa gel Seeds, 980
Soya bean, 462; 1145-See:·- Sponge, A/230-See:-
Beans (varieties) Wash-sponge
Soybean, 581; 1145-See:- Spores-See: -Clubmoss
Beans (yarieties) spores
Soyi, 935 Spreading hog-weed, 202-
Spail-anai, 927-See:-Anai See:-Hog-weed; Weeds
Spalaghzai, 533 (varieties)
Spal-mak, 242 Sprouts-See: -Brussels
Spalwakka, 242 Spulmei, 242
.spangjha, 10'07 Spurge-See: -Roseberry
"Spanish Corn", 1305-See:- spurge; Triangular spurge
Corn (varieties) Squaw weed, 504-See:-
Spanish Gourd, 407--See:- Weeds (varieties)
Gourd (varieties) Squill-See: -Indian squill;
Spanish Jasmine, 101-See:- small wild squill; Wild squill
Jasmine (varieties) Srah-See: -Sufeed srah
Spanish pepper, 268; 270-See:
. -Pepper (varieties) Srangavera, 1308
Sparrow-See: -House- Sravani, 1163
sparrow Sribati, 827

Srigalakantaka, 13.3-See:- Stoechas Arabique, '130

Rantaka (varieties) Stone flowers, 922
Srigalakoli, 1317--See: -Noli Storax, 86-See: -Liquid
( varieties) storax
Srigandapu-manu, l098-S$e: Strahlfruchtige Bohne, 940
-Manu (varieties) , Straw-ash, M/88-See: -Ash
Srigandha, 1098-See:- (varieties)
Gandha (varieties) Strawberry, 559-See:-
Srihastini; 617-See:- Berry or Berries (varieties)
Bastini Strawberry tomqto, 950-See:
Srikala-See: -Kala -Tomato
(varieties) Strawberry tree, 520
Sriksha, 543 Strychnine tree, 1175
Srinata, 1186 Stumpfblattriger J udendorn>
Sring-See: -Mrigasring 1316
Sringa-beram, 1308-See:- Sturgeon's air bag, A/135
Beram Styrax linquide, 747
Sringataka, 1227 Subali, 310
Sringi, A/215-Meshasringi Subcarbonate of Zinc
Sriphal, 45-See: -Bael -See:-Zinc
sripal subcarbonate
Sripaalam, 480 Subhar, 145
Srisamgyam, 83~ S-o.bja-no-rasa, M/94
Srivasa, 957 Sublimate of sulphide of mer-
Sriyesi, 334 cury, M/75
Srotonjana, M/l3 Sublimed Sulphur, M/l19-
Stachel-peere, 1064 See: -Sulphur sublimed
Staff tree, 296 Suchal, 313
Stag's horn, A/153-See:- Suda, 116
Born ( varieties) Sudab, 524
Star Anise, 675-See:- Sudabugida, 1081
Anise Sundanaj, 790
Starch-See: -Curcuma Sudarsana, 1221
starch Sudarshan, 389
Steel, M/55; M/56-See:- Suddha, 1205
Salt of Steel
Sthulagranthi, 1315-See:- Sudha, MI44-See:-
Granthi (varieties) Mahusudha
Stick-lac, A/150-See: -Lac Sudhimudi, 485.
Sticky cleome, 351-See:- Sudu-iyam, M/1l6-See:-
Iyam _
Cleome ,
St. Ignatins' Beans, 1174- Sudu pasanum, lYI/16-See:-
See:-Beans (varieties) Pasanum
Stinging-nettle-See:-Nettle; Suet-See: -Prepared-suet
Common-stinging-nettle Sufaid mitti, M/6-Mitti
Stinkendes Steckenkraut, 537 (varieties)
Stinking Opal Berry, 892- Sufeadba, M/85
See: -Berry (varietiest Sufeda, MI85

Sufed murgha, 297-See:- Sugar Apple, 116-See:-

Murgha (varieties) Apple (varieties)
Sufed musli-See: -Musli Sugar-cane, 10S3-See:-
(varieties) . Sugar; Milk-sugar
Sufed Pathar, M/46-See:- Sugar of milk, A/179-See:-
Pathar Milk-sugar
Sufedrai, 213-See: -Rai Sugar-root-See: -Earth
(varieties) sugar-root
Sufed or Safeta Musli, 151- Sugar sea-beet, 724-See:-
See:-Musli (varieties) Beet (varieties)
Sufed-sanbhalu, 1281-See:- Sugar-solutions-See: -
Sanbhalu Acidulated sugar-solutions
Sufeed Sandal, 1098-See:-- Sughanda-paladagida, 619-
Sandal See: -Paladagida
Sufeed Srah, 901-See:-Srah Suhaga, M/I03
Suffed, M/133 Sujiado, 628
Sufferjang, 1039 Sujna, 8111
Sufokji, 1077 Suka, 923-See: -Kinsuka;
. Palas lata
Sufrium-See: -Lal sufrium Sukanasa, 876
Suganda bala-chhara, 1259- Sukandaraji, 997
See: -Bala-chhara Sukanu, 302 '"
Sugandamitti, M/7-See:- Sukasa, 403
Mitti (varieties) Suk-gu-kire, 1079-See:-
Sugandh, 1196-See:- Kire
Amber sugandah; Naga- Sukha, A/216
sugandha .
Sukhada, 1098
Sugandha bacha, 80-See:-
Bacha Sukhali, A/145
Sugandha-bala, 925-See:- ., Sukhchain, 1001 I
Bala ( varieties) Sukhli Kursali, 106-See:-
Sugandha kantak, 1019-See: Kursali
Kantak (varieties) Sukk, A/164
Sugandharaju, 255-See:- Sukkapat, 165-See :-Pat
Raju (v,,\rieties)
Sugandhavacha, 77; 715-See: Sukkar Kohala, 407-See:-
-Vacha' ~ohala (varieties)
Sugandhi, 619-See: -Pala- Suklatulasi, 861-See:-
sugandhi; Rhus-sugandhl Tulasi (varieties)
Sugandhibali, 822-See: -Bali Sukra Pushpika, 579-
(varieties) Pushpika (varieties)
Sugandhichaha, 104-See:- Sukshma-phala, 1317
Chaha (varieties) Sukti-See: -Mukta-sukti
Sugandhipala, 619-See:-
- Pala (varieties) Sulanasan, 537
Sugandhwala, 1259 Sulay-bottu-gida, 925
Sugar-See: -Sugar-cane; Sulegi, 926
Milk-sugar Sulphate-See: -Iron sulphate

Sulphate & Carbonate of Zinc Sulphur sublimed-See:-

See:-Zinc sulphate & JCar- Sublimed sulphur
bonate Sultana champa, 23~ee:-,
Sulphate ferreux, M/64 Champa (varieties)
Sulphate of alumina-See: - Sultan champa, 236
Aluminous Sulphate -See :-Champa (varieties)
Sulphate of Alumina & potash, Sultani, 1286
M/2-See: -Alumina & Sumach, 1061
potash sulphate Sumak, 1061; 1062
Sulphate of Aluminium & Am- Sumali, 235
monium, M/2 Sumana, 704
. Sulphate of Calcium-See: - Sumandarsaka, 1095-See:-
Exsiccated calcium sulphate Saka (varieties)
Sulphate nf Soda, M/101-See: Sumatra camphor-See:--
-Soda sulphate Camphor (varieties)
Sulphate of Zinc, M/133-See: Sumbra-See: -Mus-sumbra
-Zinc Sulphate Sumbul, 542-See: -Ferula
Sulphates of Iron, M/63- sumbul
See: -:-: -Iron ,sulphate Sum-bula-theeb, 840
Sulphide-See:-Black sul- Sumbul-i-asfar, 1260
phide Sumbulkhar, M/lS-See:-
Sulphide ash-See:-Red Khar (varieties)
sulphide ash; Hingul Sumul-ut-teeb, 1260
bhasma Sumi, 800; 1161
Sulphide of Antimony, M/13 Sumlu, 187
-See: -Antimony sulphide Sumok, 1061
Sulphide of Iron, M/6S-See: Sumpura, 38
-Iron sulphide Sumsum, 1126
Sulphide of Lead, M/87-See: Sumula-himara, 848
-Lead sulphide Sun, 392-See: -Ghore-sun
Sulphide of Mercury--See: - Sunanda, 139
Black sulphide of mer- Sunbuluttib, 840
cury; Mercuric sulphide; Sunda, 76~ee:-Hasti-
Insoluble sulphide of mer- sunda; Kolsunda
cury Sundara-Bandinika, 1277-
Sulphur-See: -Vegetable See: -Bandinika
I sulphur; Arsen-sulphur Sundariguna ll60
Sulphur rouged ~rsenic,. 1'.~/19 • Sundawa, Mi91
~ -See:-Arsemc. (v.arletIes) S d k '
S up f
uret 0 Arsemc,
i. M/45
un ay- lray,
847 S
- ee:--
Kiray (varieties) .
See: ---:-Yellow . sulph~re.t of Sundew-See: -Round leaf
arsemc; Arsemc (vanetIes) sundew' Leaf Sundew
Sulphuret of barium, M/45- Sundhan~~ee:-Hathi-
See: -Barium sulphuret sundhana
Sulphuret of Sodium, 1\'1/45- $undras, 1265
See:-Sodium sulphur:_! Sunflower, 614-Russian
Sulphuric acid, M/1l9·..... sun-flower

Sungadha-muricha, 400-See: Surajmukhi, 614

-Muricha Suraj-sang, M/86-See:-
Sungal, 1197 Sang
Sungam-chedi, 165 Surakaya, 722
Sungmisri, 519 Sural, 1031
Sung-misrie, 519 Suran, 94-See: -:-.I angli-
Sunkhali, 106-See:-Nani- suran; Wild suran
sunkhali Surana, 1190
Sunna, M!42; M/44 Surangi, 236-See:-
Sunnam, M/44 Lalisurangi
Sunnamu-See: -Ralla-sun- Surantaeil, 600
namu Surapadi, 732
Sundi-See: -Sota-sundi Surapoona, 861
Sunn Hemp, 392-See:.- Surasa, 1281-See:-
Hemp (varieties) Shwetasurasa; Svetasurasa
Sunnunjon, 545 Surasaruni, 949
Sunonjhar, 545 Surashtraja, M/2
Sunsung, 1046 -Surate-cheka, 1266
Sunt, 1309-See: -Balsunt Surati-SIOnamukhi, 288-See::
Sunta, 1308 - -Sonamukhi
Sunthia khad, 10S-See:- Surbuli, 610-See: -Buli
Khad (varieties) Surchi,890
Suntra, 339 Surguja, 595
Sunwar, 1056 Suria-mukhi, 614
Suparashvaka, 629 Suringana, 622
Supari, 130-See: -Malabari- Suringi, 861
supari . Surinjan, 369
Suparsva, 551 eSurinjan-i-talk, 622
Superb Lily, 579-See: -Lily Surkh-See: -Ratisurkh;
( varieties) Sandale Surkh; Shakisurkh;
Superna, 469 Todisurkh; Zumeik-surkh;
Suphadiekhus, 1ll6-See:- Fiffie surkh; Gilesurkh;
Khus Gulisurkh
Supheda-See:-Kangari- Surkha-See: - Yavanikhee
supheda surkha; Hanzal-i-Surkha
Supooja, 700 Surkhei-kursali-See: -
Surabhinimba, 195-See:-- Kursali
Nimba (varieties) Surma, M/13; M/87-See:-
Suradaru, 295-See: -Daru Krishnasurma; Sagl-surmah
( varieties) Surmainil, 677
Suragavo, 811-Suragavo Surmaka-patthar, M/13
Surahonnae, 236-See:- Surmav, M/13
Honne or Honnae Surme, M/13
(varieties) Surmoyi, A/215 i
Surai, 267; 1318 Surngar, 1060
Suraing, 861 Surpan, 236-See: -Pan
Surajmaki, 614 (varieties)
Surajmukh, 614 Surpanaka, 561


Surpano-Chero, 729-See:- Sveta-basanta, 17-See:-

Ch~o I Basanta
Surpunka, 236 Sveta-gotubhi, 719-See:-
Sursha-See: -Swet-sursha Gotubhi
Survalu, 106-See:-Alu Svetakamala, 844-See:-
(varieties) Kamala (varieties)
Surva-nu-bi, 935 Svetakamini, 624-See:-
Suryakamal, 614-See: ._- Kamini
Kamal (varieties) Svetakanchan, 183-See:-
Suryakanti, 614 Kanchan (varieties)
Surya-pattra, 237 Sveta-murga, 90-See:-
Surya-phul, 614 Murga (varieties)
Suryavarta, 599; 617 Sveta pushpa, 847
Susa-See: -Kubas-susa Svetasarisha, 213-See:-
Sushavi, 805 Sarisha (varieties)
Sussholz, 582 Svetashalmali, S05-See:-
Sut-See: -Pajanku-sut Shalmali (varieties)
Sutha, 418 Svetasurasa, 127S-See:-
Sutki fish, A/21S-See:- Surasa (varieties)
Fish (varieties) Svetberela, '1137-See:-
Sutranabi, 1050 Berela (varieties)
Sutra-sowa, 83S-See: -Sowa Swada masha, 580-See:-
(v~ieties) Masha (varieties)
Sutre Sowa, 838-See:-Sowa Swadu, 555
(v~ieties) 'Swadu-naringa, 339-See:-
Suva-See: -Phattar-suva N aringa (varieties)
Suvali-amli, 485-See: -Amli Swallow, A/155 .
(v~ieties) Swallowwort-See: -Gigantic
Suv~na, M/32; 794 swallowwort; Vomitting
Suvarna gadde, 94-See:- swallowwort
Gadde (varieties) Swami-mara, 1161
Suvarna Gairika, M/42-See: Swanjan, 1278
-Gairika Swanjera, 811
Suvarnaka, 285 Swarjikaksh~a, M/78
Svadukantaka, 555-See:- Swarnakshira, 350-See:-
Kantaka (varieties) Kshira
Svarasana, 524 Swarna-kshiri, .. 133-See :-.
Svarnajui, 702-See:-Jui Kshiri (varieties)
(varieties) Sweeta-sima, 254-See:-
Svarnajuthica, 702 Sima
Svarnamakshika-See: - Sweet Basii, 861-See:-
Makshika (v~ieties' Basil (varieties)
Svarnamaksika, M/66 Sweet bay laurels, 729-See:-
-See:-Makshika (vari- Bay laurels
eties) Sweet chestnuts, 293-See:-
Svarnavanga, M/ll~$ee: - Chestnut (varieties)
Vanga (varieties) .'_- Sweet or Chinese orange, 3m
Sveta, 425 -See:-Orange (varieties)
INDF.x 937

Sweet cloves, 1239-See:- Sword Bean, 254-See:-

Cloves Beans (varieties)
Sweet com-See: -Evergreen Syamdhan, 897
sweet corn; Corn Syandan, 432
Sweet fennel, 1955-See:- Syrian dhurra, 1305-See:-
Indian sweet-fennel; Fennel Dhurra
(varieties) SY,rian Rue, 927-See: -Rue
Sweetfiag, 35 \varieties)
Sweet Indrajao, 1296-See:-
Indrajao (varieties)
Sweet lime-See:-True
sweet-lime; Lime (varieties) Taagambharee, 392-See:-
Sweet melon, 402--See:- Gambharee
Melon (varieties) Tabac, 850
Sweet orange-See:- Tabasheer, 172
Orange (varieties) Tabashira, 172
Sweet Pellitory, 1037-See:- Table salt, M/I09-See:-
Pellitory Salt (varieties)
Sweet potato, 684-See:- Tabu-See: -Mitha-tabu
Potato (varieties) Tad, 209
Sweet-rush, 104-See: ---"Rush Tadachit, 593
Sweet-scented oleander, 847- Tadagunny, 459
See: -Oleander ( varieties) Tadamiri, 4()Q-See: -Min
Sweet-sop, 115-See: -Sop (varieties)
(varieties) Taddo, 1027
Sweet Sop -of America, 116- Tam, 1203
See:-Sop (varieties) Tadrelu, 174
Sweet Tangle, 724--See:-- Taed,691
Tangle Taen, A/191
Sweetwood, 582 'raenmazhacu, A/lSI
Taenu, A/191
Sweet Yam, 449-See:-Yam Tag, 392
(varieties) Taga, 291-See: -Philli-taga
'Sweta-maricha', 811-See:- Tagache, 29I-See: -Dodda-
Maricha (varieties) tagache
Sweta mica, M/129-See:- Tagar, 1189; 1259; 1260
Mica (varieties) Tagara, 1189; 1260-See:-
Swetapoorna, 203 Pinda-tagara; Shakara-
Swet chandan, 1098-See;- tagara
Chandan (varieties) Tagarai, 291-See:-
Swet Gulab, 1071-See:- Ushittagarai
Gulab Tagaram, M/1l6
Swetmurgha, 297-See:-- Tagarappu-See: -Gandhi-
Murgha (varieties) tagarappu
Swet padma, 844--See:- Tagar-ganthoda, 1260-See:-
Padma Ganthoda
Swimming bladder, A /135- Tagar sammi, 476-See:-
See:-Bladder Sammi

Tagasana, 392-See: -Sana TalanlUli, 41l-See: -Muli

(varieties) (varieties)
Tagate-mara, 809 Talamulika, 411-See:--
Taggar, 150; 1260 Mulika (varieties)
Taggar-ganthoda, 1260--S~:-- Talanili, 892'-See: -Nili
Ganthoda (varieties)
Tagirisa, 291 Talatmad, 209
Tagra-See: -Bala-tagra Talatmaddo, 209; 384-See: .
Tagramu, M/64 Maddo (varieties)
Taikilo-See:-Hodu-taikilo Talavaranaballi, 430
Tailapaka, A/141 Talc, M/96-See:-Blacktalc;
Tailpepper, 400-See:- Powderedtalc; Purified talc
Pepper (varieties) Redtalc; Whitetalc; Yello"
Taindu, 452; 801 talc
Tainpuchli, 595 Tale, 209
Taivela, 599 Talee, 384
Taj,328 Taleesaptram, 3
Taje khuras, 89 TaleeSPlltra, 554
Tak, 784 Tali, 384-See: -Nagtali;
Takada-singi, 1062-See: -, Shreetali; WaHa-tali
Singi (varieties) '\-, Talibin, 1032-See: -Bin
Takali, 353-See: -Malukuta- ( varieties)
kali Taliennoe, 600
Takali-pullum-See: - Talimakhana, 667
Munna-takalipullum Talimara, 209
'Takapan, 976-See: -Pan Talim-khana, 667
( varieties) Talipana, 384-See:-Pana
Takara, 291-See: -Natrum- (varieties)
takara; Ponnantakara Talipanai, 384
Takkile, 1010-See: -Naitak- TalipQt, 384
kilay .
J Talisa£edar, 432
Takkali-See: -Milagu Talisapatram, 3
Takkali; Manattakkali Talis£ar, 1060
Takmak, 402 Talisha, 554
Takmaki, 405 Talispatr, 1196
Takoli,431 Talispatra, 3; 1196
Takpoedrick, 892 Talispatram, 554
Takratrani, 104 Talispatri, 3; ..554
Takshakha, A/165 Talk, M/123-See: -Zaban-
Tal, 209; 1126-See:-Ram- gungishk-i-t§.lk
tal; Ashadi-tal; Hin-bin-tal Talkh-See: -Kavishtetalkh
Talla, 425-See::_:_Vadatalla
Tala, 209 Tallapal, 849-See: -Pal
Talaibodam, 746 (varieties)
Tala-kuch~, 300-See:- Tallatil, 1127-See:-Til
Kucha (varieties) (varieties)
Talam,209 Talmakhana, 667
Talamchedi, 994 . ,.." Talmakhana-ka-pair, 667

Talmorang, 876-See:- Tambad gota, 691~ee:­

Rang (varieties) Gota (varieties)
Taloora, 1132 Tambaga, M/~7
Taltar, 209-See: -Tar 'Tambaga-putch, M/130-
Talum, 894 See:-Putch
Talutama, 203-See:- Tambaku, M/130; 850-See:-
Tama Bontamaku
Tam, M/47 Tambat, 130; 554; 555
Tama, M/47-See:- Tambay, M/47 .
Talutama Tambda Bhopla, 407-See:-
Tamabin, 776-See: -Bin Bhopla (varieties)
(varieties) Tambda math, 88-See:.-
Tamak, 850 Math (varieties)
Tamakhu, 850 Tambde-khaskhasache-jhad,
Tamaku-See:-Bon-tamaku; 901-See: -Khaskhasache-
Gidar-tamaku jhad .
Tamal, 333; 565; 568 Tambdi Chitraka, 989-See:-
Tamala, 565-See: -Nakta- Chitraka (varieties)
mala Tambdi dupari, 932-See:-
Tamalamu, 568-See:- Dupari
Memadi-tamalamu "Tambdi kel", 822-See:-
Tamalapaku, 961 Kel (varieties)
Tamalapatra, 331 v Tambdi-savaru, 20&c-See:-
Tamaria, 723 Savarn
Tamanya, 1285 Tamberam, M/47
Tamarai, 844-See: -Anatara Tambia, M/62
atamara; Erra tamara Tambit, 698
Kondatamara; Krishna- Tambol, 960-See:-
tamara; Malaittamara Oloktambol
Tamarai, 844-See: -Shivappu Tamboli-See: -Pan-tamboli
tamarai; Agasa-tamarai; Tambra, M/47
Alli-tamarai Tambrut, 111; 698
Tamarang, 163-See: -Rang Tambul, 1'30; 1302; 1303
(varieties) Tambula, 960
Tamaratamu, 164 Tambuta, 756
Tamaratta, 164-=-See: -Ratta Tamdo.,kudo, 849-See:-
or Rattai (varieties) Kudo (varieties)
TamarattaiJ 164-See: -Ratta Tamida, 476
or Rattai (varieties) Tamidalu, 477
Tamara-valli, 949 Tamilama, 203
Tamar-i-hind, 1191 Tamkai, 1203-See: Kai or
Tamarindi, 1191 Kayi (varieties)
Tamarind Tree, 1191 Tammachettu, 739
Tamarind Stone, 1191 Tamra, M/47
Tamarinier, 1191 Tamrakuta, 850
.Tamba, M/47; 739 Tamra Nagkesara, 861-See:-
Tambada math, 87-See:- Nagakesara (varieties)
Math Tamrapushpi, 1295

Tamravalli, 1075 Tankana, M/103

Tamruj,473 Tankan-khar, M/103-~:­
Tamthar, 594 Khar (varieties)
Tamtoli-See: -Maru- Tankari, 951-See:-Kari
tamtoli . (varieties)
Tan, 209 Tank fish, A/214-See:-Fish
Tana, 362-See: -Dintana (varieties)
Tanach,432 Tanki-See:-Muchi-tanki
Tanakumaram, 362 Tankrikkai, 1203-See:-Kai or
Tanba, 363 Kayi (varieties)
Tanbak,850 Tanmori, 951
Tanbol, 961-See:-Barge- Tanner's cassia, 284-See:-
tanbol Cassia (varieties)
Tandala, 486 Tanni, 1203
T~ndhari, 522 Tannikai, 1203-See:-Kai or
Tandi, 1203 Kayi (varieties)
Tandi-chatomarak, 890-See:- (varieties)
Chatomarak Tannirvittang, 151
Tandi-JhapIli, 1319-See:- Tannirvittan Kizhangu, 153;
Jhapni 154-See:-Kizhangu (varie-
Tandikaya, 1203 ties)
Tandi-tonda, 1203 Tanrikai, 1203-See:-Kai or
Tando Chatoonarak, 890 Kayi (varieties)
Tandrakaya, 1203 Tanrik-kay, 1203
Tandul,877 . Tansapal, 674-See:-Pal
Tandula, 877-See:-Chitra- (varieties)
tandula; Tikshna-tandula Tansoopaurn, 1173
Tanduliya, 91 Tanternu, 291-""':See:-Konda-
Tandulja, 89; 90 tanternu
Tandur, 338 Tanti-yarnu, 191
Tangahullu, 428 Tapasataruvu, 1205
Tangam, M/32 Tapaswini, 840
Tangay-See:-Kadala- Tapata-See:-Nallatapata
tan,gay Tapery Beans, 937-See:-
Tangedu, 284-See:-- N eltan- Beans (varieties)
gedu; Saidi-tangaedu; See- Taph-jhad, 804
ma-tangedu. Tapia, 387 50

Tangle-See:-Sweet Tangle. Tapichha, 565-See:-Chha

Tapinja, 565
Tangra fish, A/215-See:- Tapkote, 1256
Fish (varieties)
Tani, 1203-See:-Koditani' Tara, M/13; 923-See:-
Tanikoi, 1293-See:-Koi Shortara
Tankal,377 Tarabatta, M/55
Tankala, 29l-See:-Ran-.. T~ragashee, 291
tankala; Kala (varieties)_ Taral,1173

Tarali, 1307 Tavakeera, 413-See:-Keera

Taramakshika, M/66-See:- ( varieties)
Makshika (varieties) Tavakhir, 634
Taramashia-See:-Mishk-i- Tavakshiri, 172; 413-See:-
t.lramashia Kshiri
Taramira, 506 Tavaray, M/116-See:-Bile-
Taramiri, 50~See:-Miri tavaray .
(varieties) Tavare, 844-See:'-Bile-
Taramshi-See:-Mishk-i- tavaray
taramshi Tavir, 563
Tarasi-See:-Verricha-tarasi Tavkil, 770
Taravada, 284-See:-Vada Tawas, M/2
Taravada-gida, 284 Tay-lak-youk, M/13
Tarbuj, 338 Tazaktsum, 1060
Tarbuz, 338 Tea-See:-Tea plant
Tari, 209; 1203; 1300 (varieties)
Tarakakdi,406-See:-Kakdi Teak-See:-Bastard teak
Tarkhah-See:-Spirah Tar- Teak Tree, 1197-See:-
khah Bastard teak
Tarmuj,338 Tea plant, 247; l213-See:-
Tarnelly, 331 Java tea; Mature tea-tree;
Taro, 923 . Mexican tea
Tarota, 291 , Techinya, 433
Tarse kotap, 594-See:- Tedlapala, 1296-See:-Pala
Kotap (varieties)
Tartar-See:-Salt of Tartar Teedadhudaka, 753
Tartiha, 141 Teel, 1126
Tartrate of Potassium, M/89- Teeta, 576-See:-Mahateeta
See:-Potassium tartrate Teff grass-See:-Red teff
Tarulata, 690 grass
Tarwad-See:-Bhui-tarwad Tegada, 691
Tarwar, 284 Tegu, 1197
Tasu, 222 Teherg, 433
Tatara, 717 Tein, M/l6
Tatichettu, 209 Tejbal, 1302-See:-Bal
Tatpalang 876-See:- (varieties)
Palang (varieties) Tejbala, 532-See:-Bala
Tatrak, 1061 (varieties)
Tejmal, 1302
Tatri, 1061 Tejpat, 331; 333-See:-Pat
Tattaniaram, 1181 (varieties)
Tattu, dattura, 440-See:- Tejpath, 332
Dattura (varieties) Tejpatra, 331
Tattunua, 876 Tekar-See:-Kala-tekar;
Tattur, 434 Safed-tekar
'Patulah, 434 Teka-raham, 471-See:-
Tatwen, 144 Raham

Tekka, 1197 . Tella manga, 569-See:-

Tekk~li, 75~See:-Seemay I Manga (varieties)
tekkali Tella~oolaka, 1149-See:-
Tekkoo, 1197 Moolaka
'l'ekku, 1197 Tella-motuku, 432; 890-See:-
Tekku-maram, 1197 Motuku .
Tella tumma, 16-See:-
Tektasak, 387-See:-Sak Tumma (varieties)
( varieties) Tella-upi, 165-See:-Upi
Tel, 1126 - See:- Hora-tel' Tella-varinka, 548-See:-
Krishna-tel; Machhi-ka-tel:
Mitha-tel; Mifho-tel' Tilka~
tel ' Tellavavili, 1278-See:-Vavili
Telaga pindi, 126-See:-Pindi Tellia-See: -Meetha tellia
( varieties) Tellicherry bark, 634-See:-
Telakucha, 355-See:-Kucha Conessi or Tellicherry bark
( varieties) .
Tela pashanum, M/16-See:- mara
Pashanum (varieties)
Telni-mashi, A/206
Telenimakhi, A/206; A/207 Teltuppi, 890
Telescope-fish, A/214-See:- Telugu potato, 94-See:-
Fish (varieties) Potato (varieties)
Teli-garjan, 456-See:-Garjan Telugu potato or Elephant's
( varieties) foot, 94-See:-Potato (va-
Telini fly, A/206; A/207 rieties); See also:-Prickly
Telinipoka, A/206-See:-Poka leaves elephant's foot, 474
Teliyenni, 617 Temburani, 452
Telkata, 617-See:-Kata Temru, 452; 453
(varieties) Ten, 363
Tel-Kodukki, 617 ~ Tendu, 452; 453
Tella-damaru, 1265-See:- Tene armani, M/94:-See:-
Damaru (varieties) Armani
Telladu maramu, 1265 Tene-atti. 545-See:-Atti
Telladu:radagondi, 1226-See:- ( varieties)
Gondi (varieties) Teng, 1082
Tellagadda, 65-S~e:-Gadda Tenga-See :-Chengeri-tenga
(varieties); Adavi-tellagada Tenginamara, 363
Tella-galijeru, 1229-See:- Tengu, 363
Galijeru Tenkayichettu, 36_i}
Tennai, 1131 .
Tellaghalijeroo, 1228-S~e:­
Ghalijeroo Tentul, 1191
Tella-jonna, 1160-See:-Jonna Tentul'i, 1191
(varieties) Teora; 726
Tellakaluva, 859-See:- Teori, 691
Kaluva " Teparee, 9~1
Tella-madoi, 1198-See:- ,_ - Tephrosia-See:-Purple
Madoi ,'_' tephrosia

Tera, 691 Thanat-dau, 563-See :-Dau

Terada, 676-See :-Bhuya- Thandra, 1203
terada Thandukkirai, 88-See:-Kirai
Terebinth, 975 ( varieties)
Teregam, 235-See :-Gam Thanella, 569
rerrichcha, 432 Thaner, 1196
Tersulphide of antimony, M/13 Thanetkha, 821
-See:-Antimony (varieties) Thani, 1203
Teshira-monsha, 522-See:- Thanu-wen, 418--See:-Wer
Monsha Thao,571
1'essul, 1303 Tharra, 594
Testa-See :-Ovi Testa Thartuvel, 1162
Testicles of a sheep or goat, Thasaung, 524
A/143 - See:-Devil's tes- Thatch grass, 1088
ticle Thathara, 211
Tesu, 222 Thau-ba-ya, 339
Tetan-kottai, 1181-See:- Thagwabo, 1105
Kottai (varieties) Thayet, 764
Teti, 402-See :-Sakkar-teti Thazavn-mina, 524-See:-
Tetraborate Sodium, M/103- Mina
See :-Sodium tetraborate Thazhai, 894
Tettian, 118.1 The, 1213
Tetu, 876 Thechhi, 698
Teumani-chettu, 1317 Thee, 1213
Tezab, M/119 Thegi, 426
Tezpur, 568 Thelkodulkukkai, 771-72-See:
Thada, 594 -Kukkai
Thaddo, 1027 Thelu-kodi, 817-See :-Kodi
Thadsal, 594-See:-Sal (varieties)
(varieties) Themg-dan-hsa, M/109
Tha-du-wa, 708 Thendarmani, 799
Thagara-See:-Pindithagara Thengan, 653
Thagarai-See :-Usi-thagarai Thenkayamanu, 363
Thagarai-verai, 291-See:- 'Then-muswe, M/46
Verai (varieties)
Thagara-padika, 568--See:- Thenthe-See :-Kava-
Thalai-See :-Parangithalai Thespesia afeuilles de peuplier,
Thalanji, 353 629
Thalma, 946 Theyto-See:-Thora-theyto
Thamattan, 254 Thick-leaved lavender, 113-
Tliambaon, 1211 See:-Lavender (varieties)
Thambati, 130 Thikam-daridah, 980-See:-
Thamma, 254 Daridah
Tham-wen, 1095 Thikri, 202
Than, M/54 Thiksnamanu, 863-See:-
Thana, 1203 Manu (varieties)

Thimai-Velvelam, 16-See:- Thottal shurungi, 799-See:-

Velvelam Shurungi
Thirr, 1126 1 Thottal-vadi, 799
Thistle-See :-Camel's thistle; Thottamvati, 799
Globe thistle; East Indian Thottasiningi, 799
Globe-thistle; Sow thistle; Thotti-See:-Kurunthotti
Yellow thistle; Indian Globe ''I'hottiar' dates, 944-See:-
thistle Dates (varieties)
Thit-ka-du, 294-See :-Kadu Thracham, 328
(varieties) Three-leaved caper, 387-S~:
Thitsi, 776 -Caper .
nitto, 1097 Thulasi, 863
Thivati, 1218 Thul-kurhi, 299-See:-Kuri
Thiya-kandha, 94-See:- (varieties)
Kandha Thurn, 65
Thohar, 522; 524-See:-Barki- Thumbhul, 673
thohar Thumbi-See:-Karithumbi
Thohur,'524 Thumbo-See :-Kalo-thumbo
Tholkuri, . 662-See :-Kuri Thummittikai, 405-See:-Kai
(varieties) or Kayi (varieties)
Thomul,877 Thuneer, 1196
Thona, l],96 Thuner, 1196
Thondi-See :-Marithondi Thungtu, 1274
Thon-phiyu, M/42-See:- Thuno, 1196
Phiyu Thurai, 230-See:-Rai
Thonri-See:-Maruthonri (varieties)
Thonthapala, 1297-See:-Pala Thurbud, 691
(varieties) Thuringi, 60; 797
Thoonia loth, 373 Thuteribenda, 8-See:-
Thor, 524 Benda
Thora, 52~ee:-Khurasani­ Thuthulai, 1153
thora; Netarioth~a Thuti, 518
Thora danadalio, 529-See:- Thwak,328
Danadalio Thyme-See :-Garden thyme;
Thorapimpli, 1117-See:- Wild thyme
Pimpli Thyme-leaved gratiola, 624-
Thora-they-to, 872-See:- See:-Gratiola,.>thyme-
They to . leaved
Thoree-See:-J ang-thoree 11a, 1\/216 _
Thorinjal, l106-See:-Injal Tibet musk, A/197-See.:-
Thorla-limbu, 346-See:- Musk (varieties)
Limbu (varieties) Tibilti, 978
Thorli-guDj,39-See:-Gunj Tid-danda. 1307-See :-Danda
Thornapple, 434-See:-Apple
( varieties) Tidhara, 522
Thotalpadi; 799 Tigade, 691
Thotha-See:-Nila-thotha - Tigamushadi, 1220

Tiga-5ee:-Dondatiga; Gila- Tikul, 565-See:-Kul

tiga; N ellatiga; Pachitiga; (varieties)
Putatiga; Murial-tiga Til, 1126 - ~: - Barik-til;
Tige--See:-Miryala tige; Na- Chadu-til; Kala-til; Krishna-
la-tige; Petlitige; Tippatige; . tilj Rakta-tilj Ramtil; Sariki-
. Tippatige-sattu; Tippatige- til; Tallatil
veru; Kadep-tige Tila, 1126
Tiger, A/ISI Tilaha, 1126
Tiger's Claw, 771 Tilaka, 332
Tiger's Milk Tree, 532-See:- Tilanaka, 1087
Milk-tree Tila-taila, 1126
Tihiri-See :-Kinai tihiri Tilavana, 599-See :-Kattila-
Tihya-garjan, 456-See:- van; Mhoti tilavana; Mohti-·
Garjan (varieties) tilavana
Tikatasij, 522-See:-Sij Tile-milahul-gile, MI101
(varieties) Tili, 1126
Tikchana, 728-See :-Chana Tiliakora, 1220-See:-Kora
(varieties) (varieties) .
Tikhi, 33I-See:-Ran-tikhi Tilivana-See:-Pivla-tilivana
Tikhur, 634 Til-ka-tel, 1126-See:-Tel
Tikkari, 949-See:-Kari (varieties)
Tikke, 332 . Tilla-chedi, 532
Tikkor,770 Tillachettu, 532
Tikkur. 413-See :-Kur Tillaka, 1186
( varieties) Tilla-kada, 523
Tikora, 413-See:-Kora Tilmin, 1126-See:-lVlin
(varieties,) (varieties)
Tikoshak. 387 THora, 154
Tikri, 334 Tilparni, 351-See:-Parni
Tikshna iron, M/56-See:- (varieties) ,
Iron (varieties) Tilvan, 351-See :-Kattilavan;:
Tikshnam. M/55 Tilavana; M 0 h t i -tilavana;
Tikshnatandula, 965-See:- Mhoti-tilavana
Tandula (varieties) Timah, M/116
Tikta-See :-Anaryatikta; Ma- Timaputih, Mj85
hatiktaj Vanatikta; Kirata- Timar, 165; 452
tikta Timbotikyobo, 328
Tiktadugdha, 891-See:- Timi, A/144
Dugdha Timtima, 1061
Tikta-koshataki, 752-See:- Timukhia, 266
Koshataki (varieties) Timur, 1303-See :-Purpuray'
Tiktalana, 722 timur
Tiktarah 94 Tin, N(/ll6-See:-Impure tin;,
Tikta-tumbi, 721-See:- Pure tin
Tumbi (varieties) Tina, 897-See:-Valutina;
Tiktika - See:- Vanatiktika; Velvottuvalutina
Vanitiktika Tinaburu, 1303

Tin bisulphurette:-See:- Tirikon, 522-See :-Kon

Bisulphurette of tin (varieties)
Tineal, M/103 Tirippi-See:-Vattatirippi
'Tindisha, 1 Tirnut-patchi, 862-See:-
Tinduka, 452; 454; 1175-See; Patchi
-Kakatinduka Tirugu-kalli,529-See:-Kalli
Tine-gazur, M/101-See:- ( varieties)
Gazur Tirukalli, 529-See :-Kalli
'Tingalavaray, 942-See:-- (varieties)
Avaray Tirunirupachai, 862
Tinis, 890 Tirullitri, 862
Tinisa-segandun, .8oo-See:- Tirunitri-Pachcha, 141
Segandun Tiru-nitru, 861
Tinkal, M/103 Tiruvatti, 183
Tinkar, M/103 Tiryakphala, 924
Tinkar-tankar, M/103 Tisi, 743
Tinmani, 351 Tismahitam, M/83
Tinnai,897 Tissi, 1089
Tinnevelly Senna, 286-See:- Tita, 376 - See:-Bakah-tita;
Senna (varieties) Maha-tita; Mishamitita;
Tinpani, 842 Zara-tita
'Tins a, 432 Titabli, 433
Tintidi, 1191 Tita-illdrajao, 634-See;-
Tintil, 1191 Illdrajao (varieties)
'Tintili, 1191 Titakunga, 465
'Tintiri, 1191 Titaliya, 1159
Tintralli, 1191 Tita-Pat, 377-See:-Pat
Tinyri, 959 (varieties)
'Tipari, 951 Titir, A/141; A/1S2
'Tippali, 965-See:-Katu- Titm-ber, 131S-See :-Ber
tippali; Anaitippali (varieties)
'Tippatega, 356 Titteriphala, 396
Tippatige, 1220-See:-Tige Tittiri, A/l~2
( varieties) Titt-taval, 360
'Tippa-tige-sattu, 1220-See:- Tivar, 165; 1160
Tige (varieties) Tivatigai-See:-Kattivatigai
'Tippatige-veru, 1220-See:- Tiwas, 890
Tige (varieties) Tobacco, 850 ".
Tippili, 965-See:-Attitippili Todali, 1318-See :-Kadatodali
Tippilli, 965 Todami-See:-Pathmapu-
, 'Tippli, 965 todami - -
'Tiprikayi, 752-See :-Kai lor Todda-maram, 423
Kayi (varieties) Toddapana, 422-See-Pana
'Tir, 1126 (varieties)
Tirat, 392 Toddy, 1300
'Tireer, 1239 Toddy Palm, 946-See:-Palm
'Tiri, 955; 956 (varieties)

Todri-safed, 773-See:-Safed- Tori, 231-See:-Kali-tori; Ca-

todri lartori; Galartor:i; Pittori
Todrisurkh, 304-See:- Tarki, 680
Surkh (varieties) . Tormatti, 1199-See:-Matti
'Togari, 231 .- ( varieties)
Toka-miriyalu, 400-See:- Totalvadi, 799
Miriyalu (varieties) Totilla, 876
Tokka, A/155 Totonopak, 518
'Tokmalanga, 724-See:- Touchwood, 50; 51
Malanga (varieties) Tounghpyu, M/41
Toli-See :-Karuntoli Toung-than-gyee, 1010
Tolib-ul-khubza, 1028 Towel Gourd, 751-See:-
'Toluene-See-Derivatives of Gourd (varieties)
toluene Towshay, 403
"Toluk-petta, A/162 Toyapippali, 1l04-See:-
'Tomato, 756-Strawberry Pippali (varieties)
~omato ) Tragacanth-See:-Gum
"Tondala-See :-Ran-tondala tragacanth
'Tonde~kayee, 300-See:-Kai Trambo, M/47
or Kayee or Kayi (varieties) Tranaraj, 363
Tonde-konde, 300-See:- Trapu, M/1l6
Konde Trapusha, 403
'Tondi, 235-See:-Meritondi Traveller's Tree, 1054
Tondli,300 Trayamana, 550; 1213
Tonkin musk, A/197-See:- Tree-cotton - See:- Cotton
Musk (varieties) Trayamana (varieties); In-
Tooda, 816 dian tree-cotton
Too-fup, 1143 Tree-Turmeric, 187; 384-See:
Toola, 816 -Turmeric (varieties)
Toon, 295-See :-Red toon Tree Spurge-See :-Indian
Toona, 294; 295 tree-spurge; Spurge (varie-
Toon-maram, 295 ties)
Toora-ellay, 805 Trepatra, 1239
Toorshi, M/52 Trevalchinippal, 565-See:-
Tooth Brush Tree, 1092-See: Chinipal (varieties)
-Brush tree Triangular spurge, 522-See:-
Toppi, 481 Spurge (varieties)
Tor, 231-See :-Koh-tor Trichosanthes contourne, 1236
Tora, 291 Trichosanthes du Malabar, 1235
Torai, 751-See:-Ram-torai Trichosnathes lacinie, 1237
Tridhari, 522
Taralaga, 742 Trifolio, 842
Toran. 1318 , Trikala-mulla, 763-See:-
Torathi, 656 Mulla
Torbanna, 1278 Trikana, 965
Torch tree, 699 Trikantah, 1229
Torematto-madi, 1211 Trikanta-juti, 165-See:-Juti

Trikantaka, 529-See:- Tudavalam, 1152-See:-

Kantaka (varieties) Valam (varieties)
Trikundri, 1229 Tudavullay, 1153
Trhriburu, 1302 . Tue, 548
Trimen, 1230 Tugakshiri, 172-See :-Kshiri
Trinadwajab, 172 (varieties)
Trinisha, 432 Tuka-See :-Pindi:'tuka
Trinpali, 770 Tukamerian, 864
Tripakshee, 371 Tukati-khareti, 1138-See:-
Tripungkee, 371 Khareti
Triputa, 475; 691; 726 Tukham-i-rihana, 864-See:-
Trishirmonsa, 522 Rihana
Triticum, 56 Tukhm-e-abi, 1038-See:-Abi
Triti-sukshmam, 475 Tukhm-e-kasani, 313-See:-
Trivrit, 691 Kasani
Troja, 1071 Tukhm-ferungmishk,464-
Trona, M/10l See :-Ferungmishk; Mishk
Tropical Duckweed, 976-See: ( varieties)
Duckweed Tukhm-i-balangu, 724-See:-
Trottoo, 430 Balangu
True Barberry, 191-See:- Tukhm-i-bikh~-hayata, 354-
Barberry (va~ieties) See:-Bikhe-hayata
True Custard Apple of Ame- Tukhm-i-kasusa, 420-See:-
rica, 115 - See:-Bullock's Kasusa
heart (Custard apple) Tukhm-i-nil, 688; 689-See:-
True Indigo, 680-See :-Indigo Nil (varieties)
(varieties) Tukhm-i-sanopara, 957-See:
True lemon grass, 104-See:- Sanobara (varieties)
Lemon grass Tukhmiza-ghira, 743 .
True Sweet lime, 346-See:- Tukhmiza-ghira- See :-Ghira
Sweet-lime; Lime (varieties) Tukhm-malanga, 1093-See:-
True valerian, 1259-See:- Malanga (varieties)
Valerian (varieties) Tukim-i-baratunga, 986-
Truffle douce, 684-See:- See~-Baratunga
Douce Tukm-e-khitame, 84-See:-
Truti, 475 Khitame
Tsallogadda, 151-See:~adda Tukm-i-gandna, 855-See:-
(varieties) Gandna '"
Tsallu, 1061 Tukm-i-kahu, 719-See:-
Tsalsuma, 1061 Kahu ~
Tsiagri-nuren, 452 Tula, 587-See:-Kapas-tula;
Tsuing, M/46 Vartula
Tu-ak, 1300 Tula ambor; 816-See:-Ambor
Tualiqun, M/48 Tulasi, 865
Tubah.,445 Tulasi, 863; 865-See:-Ban-
Tuberika, 231 tulasi; Bhu-tulasi; Bisva:-
Tudaivachi, 389 ,"'_; tulasi; Dhala-tulasi; Elumi-

cham tulasi; Gandha-tulasi; Tumma-See:-Nugatumma;

Gola-tulasi; Kala-tulasij Ka- Nallatuma; Tellatumma
ri-tulasi; Kattarama-tulasi; Tummatti-See:-Paedikari
Katturamtulasi; Krishnatula- attutummaW; Vasitummatti;,
si; Kukkatulasi; Kuppatula- Atti (varieties)
si; Nai-tulasi; Nayitulasi; Tumni, 739
Nimma-tulasi; Ram-tulasi; Tumpa-See:-Karitumpa
Ran-tulasi; Shiva-tulasi; Tumra, 1302
Van-tulasi; Sukla-tulasi Tumru,1302
Tulatipati, 951 Tumvuru, 453
Tulep tree, 629 Tun, 294
Tulgonri, 611 'luna, 294
Tulidun, 1151 Tunaon, 809
'Tulka-pyre, 937-See:-Pyre Tunavu, 809
(varieties) Tundakesi, 587
'Tuna-See: -Madura-tulIa Tundika, 300
Tulsamudra, 733 Tung, 1196; 1197-See:-
Tulse, 130 Rai-tung
Tulsi, 861; 863-See:-Kala- Tunga-See:-Kala tunga
tulshi; Babui-tulsi; Bhui- Tunga-gaddai, 428-See:-
tulsi Gaddai
Tultuli, 652 Tunga-musthalu, 428
"fuma, 9 Tungamusti, 428-See:-
'Tumal,454 Mushti (varieties)
Tumala, 454 Tungrukung, 1302
Tumatti- See :-Hatt-ttumatti; Tuni, 294
Kattu tumatti; Peyt-tumatti Tunkana, M/103
Tumba, 739-See:-Gatta- Tunth-See:-Nepal tunth
tumba; Peetumba Tunumaram, 294
Tumbade-See:-Kadwi- Tupi,713
tumbade Tupkada-See:-Ran-tupkada
'Tumbai-See:-Kazuthai- Tupkadi, 8; 1138; 1251
tumbai Tupkaria, 1134-See:-Karia
'Tumbai-cheddi, 739-See:- ( varieties)
Cheddi (varieties) Tuppa-See:-Jaentuppa
'Tumbay-keere, 739 Tur, 231
Tumbekonji, 254 Tura, 561
Tumbi, 335; 453-See:-Katu- Turai, 751-See:-Karvi-
tumbi; Tikta-tumbi Turai; Ramturai; Ran-turai
'Tumbilik-kay, 453 Turaka-bevu, 784
Turnbo, 739 Turan, 1318
Tumbugai-pishin, 1133 Turanj,348
Tumburu, 1302 Turanjabin, 61l-See:-Bin
Tumika, 452 (varieties)
'Tumiki-See:-Chilta-tumiki Turanji-See:-Katturanji
'Tumikich0ttU, 453 Turapauli, 1276
'Tumil, 453 Turarimannu, M/100

Turati, M/2 Tutri,816

Turband, 691 Tutta, 8; M/52-See:-
Turbe, 1049 Mortutta
Turbeda, 691 Tuttha-See:-Hiranya-tuttha;
Turbith Vegetal, 691-See.:- Kharparatuttha
Vegetal Tuttam-turichi, M/52
Turbuch, 402 Tuttam or Tuttham, M/52-
Turi, M/52, 751; 752 See:-Mayid-tuttam;
Turia, 751; 75Z Mayilu-tuttam; Mayura-
"Turkish Wheat'" 1305-See:- tuttham
Wheat (varieties) Tutti, 8-See:~Ottuttutti;
Turmas, 755 Paniyar-tutti; Peruntutti
Turmeric, 414~See:­ Tuttinaga, M/130-See:-Naga
Cochin-turmeric Tree- (varieties)
turmeric; Wild turmeric Tuttu-See:-Mayil-tuttu
Turmuz, 755 Tuttunagam, M/130-See:-
Turnip, 214 N agam (varieties)
Turpentine-tree:-See:- Tutturabenda, 1134-See:-
Chian turpentine-tree Benda (varieties)
Turpeth root, 691 Tuvara, 231 .
Turpeth-Trichterwinde, 691 Tuvarai, 231-See:-Rai
Turphylla-See:- (varieties)
Unaniturphylla Tuvaraka, 658
Tursak, 105S-rSee:-Sak Tuvari, M/2; 231
(varieties) Tuver, 231
Turshah, 1079 Twitch,56
Turtle, A/I54 Two-flowered Indian Madder,
Turtles, A/202 869-See:-Indian Madder;
Turu, 561 Madder (varieties)
Turukageru, 96-See:-Geru Tyib,537
Turukavepa, 784-See:-
Vepa (varieties)
Tut, 816; 817
Tuta, 817-See:-Nila-tuta Ubdie-narikaylum, 749
Tutanagam, M/130-See:- Ubha-gokhru, 926-See:-
N agam (varieties) Gokhru (varieties)
Tutenague, M/130 Ubhi ringani, 1149-See:-
Tutham, 369 Ringani (varieties)
Tuthanjana, 369-See:- Ubkir, M/91
Anjana (varieties) U chchhe, 805
Tuti, 403; 816 U chchinta, 1153_:_See:-
Tutia, M/52; M/132-See:- Chinta (varieties)
Haran-tutiya; Hara-tutia; Uchellu, 595-See:-Ellu
Hura-tutia; Nella tutia (varieties)
Tutiri-chettu, 8 Uda-See:-Narkya-uda
Tutiya-saba, M/64-See:- Udajati, 467-See:-Jati
Haratutia (varieties)
" ...

Udala, 61-See:-Ala Umari, 145-See :-Ari

(varieties) Umatai, 434; 440-See:-Karu-
Udalai, 302; 70S-See:-Alai umattai
~ Udayan, 868 Umathan, 434-See :-Marul-
Uddu, 940 umathan
Uddulu, 940 Umatta-vrikshaha, 434-See:-
Ud-el-juj, 120 Vrikshaha (varieties)
Ude-salam, 894-See:-Salam Umbar, 548
(varieties) Umbar-gular, 548-See:-
Udi,236 Gular (varieties)
Udid, 940 Umbaro, 548
Udimaram, 868 Umbelia, 478
Udis,71 Umbro-See :-Dhed-umbro)
Udrikchettu, 595 Umbu, 829
Ud-salam,893-See:-Salam Umbuti,890
. (varieties) Umde-See:-Vede-umde
U d-salap, 893; 894-See:- Umetta, 434
Salap (varieties) Ummam, 434
Uduga-chettu, 58 Ummatha, 434
Udumara, 548 Ummatta-See:-Arasina-·
Udumber, 548 ummatta
Uerangyum, M/23 Ummattay, 434
UfIes,1041 Ummatum, 434
Ugaru, 532 Ummettodumbara, 550
Ughaiputtai, 1091; 1092 Ummughilam, 9
Ugragandha,65-See:- Umul-kuchi, 229
Gandha (varieties) Una, 172
Ugragranthi, 35-See:- Unamanigida, 1255
Granthi (varieties) Unaniturphylla, 519-See:-
Ujar-kanta, 133-See:- Turphylla
Kanta (varieties) Undag, 236
Ukamaram, 273 Undal, 803
Ukra, 1164 Undana, 861-8ee :-Dana
Ukshi, 247 (varieties)
Ulatchandal, 579 Undee-phal, 236
Ulavalu, 458 Undera-cha-kan, 719
Ulinja, 271 Underbibi, 706
Ulisi, 595 Underkani, 690
Ullegaddi, 63-See:-Gaddi Undi, 235; 236
Ulli-poondu, 65-See:-Poondu
UlooRa, Aj144 Undi-Mandare, 997-See:-
Ulpalabheda, 113 Mandare
Ululgyan bullu, 449 Undrachekan, 1196
Ulundu, 940 Undri, 662
Ulunnu, 940 Unhali, 561
Uluva. 1240-See:-Uva Unmatta - See:-A r s h a -.
Uma, 743 unmatta; Krishnaunmatta
Um'ar, 548 Unnab, 1318

Unprepared honey, A/193- Urla kalangu, 1154-See:-

See:-Honeywild; Honey Gadda (varieties)
(varietes) ~ Urla kalanga, 1154-See:-
Unslaked lime, M/45-See:- Kalangu (varieties)'
Lime (varieties) Urni, 353; 384
Untakatara, 468 Urohi-mahor-pat, 459-Pat
Untoali, 561 (varieties)
Upachakra, A/138 U rsanigu, M/21
Mandare Urti-poorti, 1221
Upadyki, 1007 Uruellu, 1126-See:-Ellu
Upakunchika, 854-See:- (varieties)
Kunchika (varieties) Uruk--es-suff, 415
Upalet, 1108 Urula, A/196
Upana, 150 Uru-laikkizhangu, 1154--See:
Uparanthi, 623 -Ki7.hangu (varieties)
-Upas tree, 128 Urumatti, 387-See:-Matti
Upavishaka, 25-See:- (varieties)
Vishaka Uruvalu, 141
-Upercao, 619 Uruvanjik-kaya, 1103
Upersari, 619 Urziz, M/116
Upi-See :-Tella-upi Usana, 988
Upland Georgian, 587 Userekee-See:-Nala-
Uplia-kamal, 859-See:- userekee
Kamal ( varieties) Ushadhana, 110-See:-
Upperiparanki, 268--See:- Dhana (vrieties)
Paranki Ushak,463
Uppoo-See:-Patlu-uppoo Ushaka, 542
Uppu, M/109-See:-Ana- Ushaklan, 1183
shuppu; Kozhuppu; Droni- U shanah, 964
uppu; Indu-uppu; Intu- Ushbah-See:-J angli-ushbah
uppu; Kadluppu; Marada- Ushbahindi, 619-See:-
uppu; Mara-uppu; Moongil- Hindi (varieties)
uppu; Panniruppu; Pappa-
Ushchi-usirika, 949-See:-
tak-mora-uppu; Patluppu; Usirika (varieties)
Pottil-uppu; Vederuppu; U sheera, 109
Mannu-uppu; Mindiripar-
uppu; Sambal-uppu; Par- U sherihe-See:-Racha
upu; Ketiuppu usherihe ...
Uppupona, 1060-See:-Pona Ushittagarai, 291-See:-
Uppu-Sanaga, 388--See:- Tagarai
Sanaga Ushna Ooshak, 54~-See:":'"
Ur, A/146 Ooshak
Uram,8 Usiri, 481-See:-Nela-usiri
Urid,940 U sirika-See:-Ne[a-usiri
Urigattige, 141 ka; Ushchi~usirika
Urines of sheep; goat; 'Cow; Usi-thagarai, 530-See:-
she-buffolo; elephant;' carp.el; Thagarai
horse; ass; ox; humaIl:! 1\./232 Uskia, 387
INDEX. 953

.Usrikayi, 481-See:-Kai or Vada, 543-See:-Taravada

Kayi or Kayee (varieties) Vadaganneru, 993-See:-
Ussareh-i-revanda, 565 Ganneru (varieties)
Ustarkhar, 533-See: -Khar Vadam-kottai,96; 1011-See:-
(varieties) Kottai (varieties)
Uste, 1153 Vadatalla, 798-See:-Talla
Ustra, A/146 Vadencarni, 1169
Ustukhudus,219 V'adha, 1137
Ustukhudusa,730 Vadlayarala, 634-See:-
U sturak, 1183 Yarala
Ut, A/146 Vadlikarmal, 448-See:-
Utakantaka, 468-See:- Karma! (varieties)
Kantaka (varieties) Vadlikharaikapus, 630-See:-
Utakanto, 468 Kharaikapus; Kapus
Utakatara, 1234 Vadli Kharwant, 550-See:-
Utanjan, 200-See:-Anjan Kharvant; Kharwant
(varieties) Vadli namdit, 1189-See:-
Utarni, 430-See: -Arni Namdit
(varieties) Vadlo, 543
Uthamujeerun,980 Vadulan, A/230
Utichettu, 352 Vadumai-See: -Nattuvadu-
Utigun,725 mai
Utkara, 821-See:-Kara Vaelapalam, 402
(varieties) Vaellarai, 662-See:-Rai
Utpalam, 1108 (varieties)
Utran,430 . Vaema-See: -Naepal-
Utranajutuka,430 vaema
U ttamani, 430 Vaepamu-See: -Karivae-
Uttaraene, 21 pamu
Uttaranee, 21 Vaepu-See: -Karivaepu
U ttarani, 430 Vaerkadalai, 121-See:-
Uttatti,943-See:--Atti Kadalai (varieties)
(varieties) Vaerushanagalu, 121
Uukh,1083 Vagai-See: -Nilavagai
Uus, 1083 Vaganankta, 579
Uva, 448-See:-Uluva Vagata, 1048
Uzomut, 1188 Vaghai,60
Vaarshiki, 704 Vagharni, 537-See: -Ami
Vaghayani, 537
Vaghe-See: -Konda vaghe;
Vabboola, 9 Kotvaghe
Vabbula,9 Vaghnoru, 929
Vabkuchi, 1020 Vahassa, 807
Vach,35 Vahi'sa, 807
Vacha, 35-See: -Sugandha- Vaidehikana, 965
vacha Vairam, Mil
Vad,543 Vaishnavi, 172

Vaivarang, 478 Valakaka, A/213-See: -Kak.

Vaividangam, 478-See:- Valam, 396-See: -Koovalam
Vidanga Naervalam; Tuda-valam
Vaividungalu,478 Valambiri, 615-See: -Biri
Vajaram-See: -Minvaja- (varieties)
ram; Cheppuvajaram Valari, 457-See:-Kattu-
Vajji-turki, 25 valari
Vajra, Mil; 522; 524 Valavarai, 254-See: --Varai
Vajradanti, 175-See:-Danti (varieties)
(varieties) Valei, 822
Vajradruma, 529 Valerandu, 705
Vajrakanda, 1188-See:- Valerian-See:-See: -
Kanda (varieties) Indian valerian; True
Vajrakantaka, 522-See:- valerian
Kantaka (varieties) Valermani, 586
Vajramtundi, 522 Valesulu, 595
Vajrangi, 614 Vali, 177; 1164-See:-
Vajravalli, 1284 Kirvali; Naruvali; Shatavali
Vaj-turki, 25 Vallabhom, 271
Vaka, 52; 760-See:-Brihat- Vallaimurdu, 1203
vaka; Nila-vaka Vallaipundu, 65-See:-
Vakai-See: -Nila-vakai Pundu (varieties)
Vakapuslipi, 1263 Vallai-Sharunnai, 1228-
Vakavraksha, 375 See: -Sharunnai
Vakerichebhat,229-See:- Vallarai, 299-See:-Rai
Bhat (varieties)
Vakeri-mul, 229 Vallari, 485; 662-See:-Ari
Vakeri-mula, 229-See:- (varieties)
Mula (varieties) Valliharuhi, 690-See:-
Vakha-khaparo, 203-See:- Haruhi
Khaparo (varieties) Vallikalangu-See: - Kattu-
Vakhandi-See:-Vilayati- vallikalangu; Kalangu
vakhandi ( varieties)
Vakkali, 117-See:-Kali Valli-kanjiram, 1172; 1173-
(varieties) See:-Kanjiram
Vakra, 994 Vallil, 827
Vakragra, 618 Valli pal, 150-See: -Pal
Vakuchi, 1019; 1267 (varieties)
Vakudu, 1150 Valliyam, 969.::...See:-Yam
Vakulam, 801 (varieties)
Vakumbha, 273 Val-milaku, 400
Val, 39; 461-See:-Nagneval; Valo, 109-See:---Bhanavalo
Paharval Kalo-valo; Pilo-valo
Vala, 109; 822-See:- Valrphul, 1266
Ajavala; Kadvala; Kala-vala; Valta-Epiila, 1256-See:-
Mudivala; Nanrala; Nirvala; Epala
Pivalavala; Parvala pr-avala Valuchi-bhaji, 578-See:-
Valaka, 130 _ Bhaji (varieties)

Valuk,402 Vanari, 818-See: -Ari

Valuk, 578-See:-Him- (varieties) .
valuka Vanashempaga, 531-See:-
Valuluwai, 296 Shempaga
Vaumbari, 61S-See: -Bari Vanatikta, 1168-See: - Tikta
(varieties) . (vaiZieties)
Valumbirikai, 615-See:- Vanatiktika, 362-See:-
Birikai; Kai (varieties) Tiktika (varieties)
Valuru, '1281 Vanayamam, 1130-See:-
Valutina, 1151-See:-Tina; Yamam
Velvottuvalutina , Vanayamani, 1130-See:-
Valutta polatali, 389-See:- Yamani
Polatali Vanchi-See:-Kadavanchi;
Vaminta, 599-See: -Kukka- Kallurvanchi; Nirvanchi
vaminta; Naela-vaminta Vanchi Kanto, 17
Vamnsa-lavanum, 172- Vandaka, 1263
See: -Lavanam (varieties) Vandehindi-See: -Zaravan-
Van, A/146 dehindi; Hindi (varieties)
Vana-See: -Karivana Vanga, Mlll6; 1151-See;-
Vana-ardraka, 130B-See:- Hrasvangaj Svarnavanga
Ardraka Vangamaram, 876
Vana-bhenda, 1256--See: ,_ Vangan-See: - Vilaiti-
Bhenda' (varieties) vangan
Vanaharidra, 413-See:- Vanhiruchi, 296-See:-
Haridra (varieties) Hiruchi
Vanajai, 352-See:-Jai Vanilla pods, 1264
(varieties) Vanitiktika, 333-See:-
Vana Laxmi, 822 Tiktika (varieties)
Vanamadhusnahi, 1145-See: Vankaya, 1151
-MadhusUl.,l.hi Vankayi, 1151-See:-Kai
Vanamalliga, 703-See:- Kayi or Kayee (varieties)
Malligai; Mallige Vankuda, 1156-See: -Kuda
. (varieties) (varieties)
anamalti, 700-See: -Malti 'Vanpakyundates, 944-See:-
Vanamethi, 557-See:-Methi Dates (varieties)
(varieties) Vansa, 40; 172
Vana-methika, 1239-See:- Vansalavana, Ml96-See:-
Methika; Methica Lavana (varieties)
(varieties) Vansapatri haritala, M/21-
Vanamimbuka, 581-See:- See:-Haritala (varieties)
Mimbuka yantulasi, 863-See:-Tulasi
Vanamudga, 942-See:- (varieties)
Mudga (varieties) Vapala, 753-See:-Pala
Vana-mugali, 1163; 1164- (varieties)
See:-Mugali Vara, 899-See: -Bahuvara;
Vana-palandam, 1256-See:- Katu-vara; Rana-vara;
Palandam Varavara

Varagogu, 1092-See; -Gogu Vasa, 35-See: -NaWatj-

(varieties) vasa
Varaha-kranta, 799--See: ___ I Vasaka, 40j 746
Kranta Vasanapulla, 104
Varahikand, 1190-See:-- Vasanavalli, 362
Kand (varieties) Vasanepillu, llO-See:-
Varai-See: -Nila-varai; Pillu (varieties)
Ponnavarai Vasanubhl, 23
Varam, 1309-See:- Vasanvel, 362
Chandllvaram; Sindhu- Vasare, 761
varam Vasavasi, 830
Varanga, 633 Vasha, 822
Varangam, 328 Vashambu, 35
Varataka, A/15S Vashanavi, 23; 28
Varatika, A/15S Vashanuppulla, 104
Varattangi, 230 I Vashira, 746
Varavara, 861-{ ,ee: - Vara Vasi-tummatti, 335-See:-
(varieties) Atti Tummatti (varieties)
Varayi, 897 Vaslakire, 177-See:-
Varda abyaza, 704-See:- Shivappu-vaslakire
Abyaza Vaso, 172
Vardara, 1075-See:-Dara Vasole-keray, 1164-See:.J...
Varech vesiculeux, 560 Keray
Vargalum, 1056 Vastuk, 305
Varhadi, 590 Vasu, 203
Vari, 898; 899-See: -Dudha- Vasuka, 678
vari; H alvi-vari; Kilavari; Vata, 543
Peddavarij Sadavari; Shata- Vata-dalla, 1315-See: -Dalla
varij Hatavari; Satavari; Vata-ghin, 353-See: -Ghin
Shimai-shadavari Vat am, 543
Vari-gudhi, 899-See:- Vatamba, 565-See:-Amba
Gudhi ( varieties)
Vari:'mahan, 899, See:- Vatana, 976; 977
Mahan Vatano,977
Varinka-See: -Tella- Vatari, 1{)65
varinka Vatatirupie, 334
V ariv~ttu, 1056 Vatavraksha, 543
Varkati, 615 Vathathiruppi, 1134
Varnavat, 414 Vatoli, 360 '" .
Vatasanabha, 23
Varni, 475 Vatsanabhi, 2~ee: -Nabhi
Varnish tree-See: -Black (varieties)
varnish tree Vatsika, 634
Varshikand-See: -Kand Vatta-killu Killuppai, 394
. (varieties) Vattampu-See: -Nandia
Varlula, 977-See:-Tula vattampuj N anthia-vattampu
Varuna,387-See:- Vattatirippi, 1134-See:-
Ajapa-varuna Tirippi


Vattekanni, 759-See:- Vegetable rennet, 1291-See:

Kanni (varieties) Rennet
Vattilai-kasturi, 627-See:- Vegetable Sulphur, 758-See:
Kasturi (varieties) '-Sulphur (varieties)
Vavadinga, 478 Vegetal-See: -Turbith
Vavala, 651-See:-Ala vegetul
(varieties) Vegisa-See: -Erra-vegisa
Vavili, 1278-See: -Nalla- Vegtangel, 433
vavili; Niruvavili; Shiru- Veila, 792
vavili; Tellavavili Veilltta-champakam, 792-
Vavut, Ml103 See: -Champakam
Vayakkavalai, 1198 (varieties)
Vayalculli, 667 Vekhand, 35
Vayambhu, 35 Vekhario, 682; 683
Vayaram, MIl Vekhariyo, 679
Vayastha, 480; 1205 Vekkan, 746
Vayavarna, 387 Vekkuditege, 271
Vayilethe, 1275 Velaga, 535
Vayilettu, 1275 Velai, 599-See: -Nayi-velai
Vayingana, 1151 Velakkai, 1296-See: -Kai or
Vayinge, 1151 Kayi (varieties)
Vayinivadunga, 524-See:- Velakura, 589-See:-Kura
Nivadunga (varieties)
Vayni, 996 Velam-pasi, 1262--.-See: -Pasi
Vayru-See:-Paputta vayru Velati kachur, 608-See:-
Vayubaliga, 478 Kachur (varieties)
Vayu-vilamgam, 478-See:- Velati-mung, 121-See: - .
Vilamgam Mung (varieties)
Vayz-'-See·:-Munnil-vayz Velaty erandi, 706-Erandi
Vazhapazhathi, 374 ~ (varieties) .
Vazhukkaipillu, 422-See:- Velayti, Mhendi, 838-See:-
Pillu (varieties) Mhendi or Mehndi
Vazhutina-See: - Vellothu- (varieties)
vazhutina Velbondi, 177
V chkali, 978 . Velchi-See: -Lal velchi;
Vebudipatri, 862 Safed-velchi
Vedankike, 1264 Veldode, 92; 475--See:-
Vederuppu, 172-See:- Mote-veldode
Uppu (varieties) Velenge, 1027
Vede umde, 550-See:- Velgond,177-See:-Gond
Umde ... (varieties)
Vedi-halad, 414-See:- Veliki, 1264
Halad (varieties) Velipandu,402-See:-
Veduru,l72 Pandu
Vedurubeeam, 172 Veliparitte, 430
Veelum-See: -Kariveelum Veliparutti, 430-See:-
Veeranam, 109 Parutti (varieties)
Veesaj, M/96 Velivi, 225


Vella-ellay, 827 I Vellari-verai, 402-See:-

Vellai-damar, 1265-See:- Verai
Damar (varieties) Velleinyarel, 516
Vellai-Kungiliyam, 1265- Velleri-See: -Katu-velleri
See: -Kungiliyam Vellerku, 242
(varieties) " Velley-putali, 1170-See:-
Vellai-kunrikam, 1265-See:- Putali
Kunrikam Velli, M/l4-See:-Nagvelli
Vellai-maruda mart-m, 1198-- Velligaram, M/103
See: -Maruda-maram Velli-kundricum, 1265-See:
Vellai-noch-chi, 1278--See: ..,.... -Kundrikam
Nochchi (varieties) Vellil, 535
Vellaippa-polam, 170-See:- Vellila, 827
Polam Velli-Iothi, 1186-See:-
Vellai-sar~i, 1229-See:- Lothi
Saranai Velliyya, M/85
Vellajung, 969-See:-Jung Vellothu-vazhutina, 1149-
Vella-Kadamba, 118--See:- See:-Vazhutina
Kadamba (varieties) Vellu-See:-Vetti-vellu
Vella-kadugu, 213-See:- Velluli, 65
Kadugu (varieties) Vellulli, 65
Vella-Kondrikam, 1265-See: Velluram, 1135; 1138
-Kondrikam Velluta modela mukku, 999
Vellakotuveri, 990-See:- Velupparutti-See: -Parutti
Kotuveri (varieties) (varieties) .
Vella-Kundurukkam, 1265- Velutharali, 993
See: -Kundurukkam Velvelam, 16-See:-Thimai-
Vella Kurunji, 1022-See:- velvelam
Kurunji Velvet-leaf, 334
Vellal, 478 Velvottuvalutina, 1150-See:
Vellallay, 827 -Valutina;; Tina
Vehbaka, 776
Vellalothi, 446 Vembu, 776-See:-Kari-
Vella-marda, 1198--See:- vembu; Malai-vembu; Nila-
Marda vembu; Sivanarvembu;
Vellambal, 859-See:- Shivanarvembu
Ambal Vempadon, 1266 ..
Vellanaga, 375-See: -Naga Vempali, 561
(varieties) Vempaval Erimapasf!, 807
Vellanangu, 156 Vempu-See: -",-Mullay- -
Vellanpal, 859-See: -Pal vempu
(varieties) Vemu-See: -:r.:relavemu; .
Vella pashanum, M/l6-See: Nila-vemu; Ven-inelavemu
-Pashanum (varieties) Venangu, 1027
Vellapundu, 65-See:-Pundu Venda, 1
(varieties) " Vendai, 629 .
Vellari-See-: Mullanvellar-i;- Vendaikkay, 1
Mulluvellari Vendakaya, 1

Vendapa, 655 Verrmelavemu, 869-See:-

Vendayam, 1240 Nelavemu; Vemu
Vendi, M/14; M/l'16 (varieties)
Vendischer kummel, 408 Verri-pala, 150; 1252--See:-
Vendukolli, 283 Pala (varieties)
Vengai-See: -Mullu- Verri-puchcha, 355-See:-
vengai Puchcha (varieties)
Vengai maram, 1025 Verse-atti-pandhlu, 550
Vengan, 1151 Vetasa, 233--See:-
Vengaram, M/103 Amlavetasa
Vengayam, 63-See:-Nari- Vetch-See: -Chickling-
vengayam; Shirunari- vetch; Field vetch
vengayam Vethra, 234
Venivel, 333; 334 Veti-uppu, M/91-See:-
. Venivit, 334 Uppu (varieties)
Veni-waela, 334 Vetpalai, 129B-See: -Palai
Veniwel, 994 ( varieties)
Venkaram, M/103 Vetpalarisi, 1296-See:-
Venkurunji, 174-See:- Kashappu-Vetpalaishi
Kurunji (varieties) Vetpala-verai, 1296--See:-
Venney, Aj178 Verai (varieties)
Venom-See: -=-Snake venom; Vetteku, 230
Cobra venom Vettil, 130
Ventakkaya, 1 Vettila, 961
Ventayam, 1240 Vettilai, 961
Venti, 148 Vetti-veUu, 109--See:-VeUu
Ventiyam-See: -Kattu- Vettiver, 109
ventiram Vetti-veru, 109
Ventom, 579 Vettuvalli, 385
Venu, 172 Veturu, 798
Vepa, 776-See:-Konda- Vhaneri, 725
vepa; Turukav€pa Vhekal, 1011
Veppalai, 634; 1296 Vibhitaka, 1202
Veppan, 776 Vibhitaki, 1202
Veppu,776 Vichchida, 771
Vepu-See: -Nila-vepu Vichitrah, 1104
V erai-See:-Thagarai-verai; Victor's laurels, 729-See:-
Vellari-verai; Vetpala-verai Laurel; Alexandrian
Verali-See: -Hippal-verali laurel
Verdigris, M/52 Vidanga, 478--See:-Vaivi-
Verenda, 1065 dangam
Vidara vishvasarka, 872-See:
Veritelnep, 1298 - Vishvasarka
Vermilion, M/72 •
\1'idari, 686
Verri-beera, 753-See:- Vidpune, 394
Beera Vidruma, A/156
Verricha-tarasi, 805-See:- Vidyachi Pan, 960-See:-
Tarasi Pan (varieties)

Vielblutige Blattblume, 947 Vilayati Kama, 153---See:-

Vigne-Cultive, 1285 I Karua (varieties)
Vijapura, 346 Vilayati kikar, 14-See:-
Vijaya, 256; 1205 Kikar (varieties)
Vijramula, 1188-See:- Vilayati Mehndi, 838-See:-
Mula (varieties) Mehndi (varieties)
Vijri, 524 Vilayati Mhendi, 927-Mhendi
Vikankar, 606-See: -Kar (varieties)
(varieties) Vilayati-nim, 784-See:-Nim
Vikarigata. 555 (varieties)
Vikhari, 978 Vilayati-vakhandi, 400---See:-
Vila, 535-See: -Kapa-vila Vakhandi
Vilaithi nevarung, 873-See:- Vilayeti-jhatamanshi, 1260-
Neverang See: -Jhatamanski or Jhata-
Vilaiti-nil, 677-See: -Nil manshi
(varieties) Vilimbi, 163
Vilaiti vangan, 756-See:- Villayadelay, 961
Vangan Viluttu, 225
Vilaiyte sem, 942-See: -Sem Vilvam,45
Vilakpittam, 535 Vilva-pazham, 45-See:-
Vilam-See: -Nelavilam Pazham ( varieties)
Vilamgam-See: - Vayu- Vimbaja, 300
vilamgam , Vimboshta, 300
Vilandi-See: -Kuri-vilandi Vimbu-See: -Nilavimbu
Vinayi-See: -Kada-vinay.i
Vilaphalam, 535 Vinchhu, 771
Vilastha animals, A/139 Vine---See: -Balloon..;vine;
Vilatiamli, 563---See:- Indian Wild vine; Wild vine
Amli Vingar, 606 ,>

Vilati Chemeli, 1046-See:- Violet-See:-Wild violet

Chameli (varieties) Vipitakaha, 1202
Vilati-chuna, M/4l-See:- Vippundu-See: -Kuri-
Chuna (varieties) vippundu
Vilati Kachu, 715---See:- Vira-See: -Katuvira;
Kachu (varieties) Sauvira
Vilav, 535 Viradhar, 419
Vilayathi Afsantin, 141-See: Virai-8ee: -Kasini-virai;
-Afsantin Kasturi-vencI'aikkayvirai;
Vilayati-agati, 283-See:- Kakkaykollivirai; Ishappu-
Agati kolvirai; Kuluppalai-virai;
Vilayati-babul, 14-See:- Mulaippalavirai;- Nilavirai
Babul Paeravirai; Punnaivirai;
• Vilayatigavat, 774-See:- Shatakupivirai; Shatlatu-
Gavat virai; Shimaimadalailvirai
Vilayatihullu, 774---See:- Virali, 457
Hullu (varieties) ; Viranga, 478
Vilayati-kangai, 763-See~- Viravriksha, 798-See:-
Kangai J"" Vrikshaha (varieties)

Virohi, 1170 Vishnugandhi, 531-See:-

Virusampenga, 997-See:- Gandhi (varieties)
Sampenga (varieties) Vishnu-karandai, 1162-See:
Virushanaga-kaya, 121- -Karandai
See:--Shanaga-kaya Vishnukarandi f 531--See:-
Visagul, M/97; M/161--See:- Karandi
Gu! (varieties) Vishnu-krant, 690-See:-
Visaltvak, 80 Krant
Visalyakrit, 468 Vishnu-kranta, 354; 531-
Vish-See: -Mithavish See:-Kranta (varieties)
Visha, 23; 25; 28--See:- Vishnukranti, 531--See:-
Athivisha; Ativisha; Nir- Kranti
visha; Sankhavisha; Sarpa- Vishnu-priya, S65--See:-
visha Priya (varieties)
Visha boddi, 1134 Vishtindu, 1175
Vishaka--See: -Upavishaka Vishvasarka-See:-
Visha-kallu, M/97--See:- Vidara vishvasarka
Kallu (varieties) Visikilamu, 1264
Vishakantakalu, 1268-See:- Vismogri, 704--See:-
Kantakalu Magri (varieties)
Visha khaddi, 1134--See:- Visoushada, 308
Khaddi· Vitchie, 698
Vishaka-See: -Upavishaka Vitellus--See:-Ovivitellus
Vishala, 335; 405 Vitriol-See: -Blue vitriol;
Vishalakarani, 443--See:- Green vitriol; Roman-
Karani vitriol; White vitriol
Vishamandala, 389-See: Vittulu--See: -Bogi-vittulu;
Mandala • Jeedivittulu; Kolli-vttulu
Vishamavi, 23--See: -Mavi Mushtivittulu; Nepala-
Vishamoongil, 389-See:- vitholu; Nir8di-vittulu;
Moongil Ponna-vittulu; Shatakupi-
Vishammoonguli, 389-See:- vittulu; Shimagoranti vit-
Moonguli tulu; Badam-vittulu;
Vishamula, 389--See:- Bhavanchi-vittulu; Chanu-
Mula (varieties)" pala-vittulu; Kasini-vittulu;
Vishamushti, :n75-See:- Kasturibenda-vittulu; Kupi-
Mushti (varieties) vittulu; Gorantivittulu;
Visha-shodhani, 677--See:- Kapivittulu
Shodhani Vitusi, 387
Vishaya, 177 Vizhaip-pazhrun, 822
Vishesha-dhoop, 211- Vizhamungal, 389
See:-Dhoop VoadaIam, 11
Visheshdhup, 211--See:-,
Dhup (varieties) Vodaruku, 543
Vishkhapra, 1228--See:- VodIe khatkutli, 818--See:-
Khapra . Khatkutli
Vishkira birds, A/140 Vola, 170
Vishnanuir, 23-See: -Nuir Volkameria, 352

Vollay-menasu, 969-See:- Vurkatee, 615

Menasu (varieties) , Vurthingi, 230
Voma, 1028 Vurtuli, 798
Vomiting swallow-wort, 1;>0- Vusayley-keeray, ll64
See:-Swallow-wort (varie- Vuttei-Khilloo-Killupai, 392
Vona, 587
Vona-Shunti, 1309-See:-
Shunti (varieties) Wa,94
V ondelaga, 662 Wacha, 1143
Vor, 543 Wacholderbeeren, 710
Vova, 1028 Wacholder-beerol, 710
Vovaliruku, 801 Wacholderob, 710
Vovo,1028 Wael-buraenda, 352
Vrahali, 1150 Wagad, 587
Vranashodhakari, 776-See:-
Shodhakari Wagati, 1290
Vrashavalli, 686 Wagdau-Bhendi, 1256-See;-
Vratakosha, 753 Bhendi (varieties)
Vriddha-daraka, 136-See:- Wageti-See :-Kariwageti
Daraka Wagtail-See:-Common
Vriddhakarnika, 334-See:- wagtail
Karnika Wah,588
Vriddhi, 756 Wahitl, 176
Vridhadarak, 685-See:- Wahres ohrakraut, 609
Darak "Wakadia" Gowar, 420-See:-
Vrihati, 1149 Gowar i v~rieties)
Vrihatpushpi, 392-See:- Wakandi. 596
Pushpi (varieties) Wakeri, 1075; 1290
Vrihi, 877 Wakkwooganapan, 392-See:-
V rikashapa, 295 Pan (varieties)
Vrikshaha, 1278; 1281-See:- Wal-aha11a, 286-See:-Ahalla
Nila-vriksha; Umatta-vrik- Wal-kidaran, 137-See:-
shaha; Vira-vriksha Kidaran
Vrinlaka-See:-Krishna- Wallnussbaum, 709
vrinlaka Wall-Rue, 156-See:-Rue
Vrinta-See :-Krishna- (varieties) '"
vrinta Walnut, 70~See :-Indian
Vrishanasana, 478 walnut
Vrisha Sinhamuki, 40-See:- Wal papri, 461-See:-Papri
Sinhamukhi Wal-pat-paadagam, 869
Vrishi-kali, 1226-See:_;Kali Wal-ratdugalabu, 1285
(varieties) Walsura, 1233; 1290
Vuchnag, 23-See:-Nag Walurrsi, 1233
Vuir, 1089 Walu Sapu, 796-See :-Sapu
(varieties) Wampara, 448-See:-Para,
Vummaay,309 . "....,... Wander-roti, 857-See:-Roti

VVandschldflechte, 922 Watkana, 199

Wandurbasingh, 466 Watpan, 1251-See':-Pan
Wangan, 1151-See:-Wan- (varieties)
wangan Watta-tali,17-See:-Tali
Wangi, 1151-See:-Wel wangi (varieties)
Wangru-See:-Mattisa- Wawa-See :-Zanza-ba-wawa
wangru Wawrung, 478 .
Wangum-See:-Mirch- Wax, A/151
wangum Wax-flower Plant, 1189
Wans, 172 Wax gourd, A/203-See:-
Wara-gudu, 423-See :-Godu Gow:d (varieties)
Warangan, M/19 Way-Bread, 986-See :-Bread
Waran-ganpulih, M/l6-See:- Weak-fish, A/135-See:-Fish
Ganpulih (varieties)
INarella, 457 Weeds-See:-Snake-weed,
Warialli, 557-See:-Alli Bishop's weed; Seaweeds;
(varieties) Squaw weed; Hog-weed;
Wari-kaha, 787-See :-Kaha Spreading Hogweed
(varieties) (varieties)
Warjippe, 508 Weeping Nyctanthes, 857-
Wann.farn, 467 See:-Nyctanthes
Warmfarnwarzal, 467-See:- Weichaariger stechapfel, 434
Farnwarzel Weisse Blatt-blume, 947
Warras, 626 Weisser Santelbaum, 1098
"Wars", 760 Weisser-senf, 213
Warumba, 1156 Welchi, 823
Washing Soda, MjlOl-See:- Well-water fish, Aj214-See:-
Soda (varieties) , Fish (varieties)
Wash-sponge, 752-See:- WeI wangi, 756-See:-Wangj.
Sponge Wen-See: -Thanu-wen
Waso-See :-Kalawaso Wena, 1056
Wassermalone, 338 West Indian Arrowroot, 770-
Watana-See:-Kala-watana See:-Arrowroot; Indian
Water Chestnut-See:-Indian arrowroot
Water Chestnut"etc. Whale, A/144; A/154
Water-cress, 736; 843-See:- Wheat, 12.44-See:-Beardless
Cress (varieties) wheat; Buck-wheat; Spelta
'Water Germander, 1212-See: wheat; Turkish wheat
-Germander Whey (Kanjika) Mj104; Aj176
Water-hauf, 522-See :---Hauf White adulsa, 714--See:-
Water Hyacinth, 472-See:- . Adulsa, (varieties)
Water-lily, 859-See:-Lily White Ag~ric, 50; 100l-See:-
(varieties) Agaric
Watermelon, 338--See:-Melon White arsenic, M/l5-See:-
( varieties) Arsenic (varieties)
Water mollusk, A/166-See:- White birch bark, 19B-See:-
Mollusk Birch bark

White copperas, M/133-See:- White Sandalwood tree, 1098-

Copperas (vari~ties). . ! See:- Sandalwood (vari<:
White cowries, A/158-See:- ties) i
Cowri (varieties) White Shark, A/214; 231-See
White Dammer Tree, 12S;i-- Shark
See:-Dammer tree White Silajit, M/23-See:-
White ,felspar-See:-Native Shilajit or Silajit (varieties
white felspar; Felspar White silk cotton tree, 505-
(varieties) See:-Silk cotton tree (varit:
White fish, M/216-See:-Fish ties)
(varieties) White talc, M/123-See:-Tal
White gourd-See:-Long (varieties)
white gourd; Gourd (varie- White vitriol, M/133-See:-
ties) Vitriol (varieties)
White Gourd Melon, 18S-See: White Waterlily, 858-See:-
--Gourd melon Waterlily; Lily (varieties)
White horn-hound, 771-See:- White zinc, M/132-See :-Zin
Horn-hound (varieties)
White lead, M/8S-See:-Lead Wild Almond, 1170-8ee:-
(varieties) Almond (varieties)
White Leadwort, 990-see:- Wild Carrot, 935-See:-
Leadwort (varieties) Carrot
White Mangrove, 16S-See:- Wild Celery, 119-See:-
Mangrove Celery
White meat, A/141-See:- Wild chicory, 313--See:-
Meat Chicory
White mica, M/129-See:- Wild cinchona, 118-See,:-
Mica (varieties) Cinchona
White Mulberry, 816--See:- Wild cowrie fruit, 281-See:-
Mulberry (varieties) Cowrie fruit
White mustard, 213-See:- Wild Date, 946-See :-Dates
Mustard (varieties) - ( varieties)
White of Egg, A/164-See:- Wild or Dog Mustard, 351-
Egg (varieties) See:-Dog mustard; Mustar,
White oxide of arsenic, M/lS- Wild Eggs Plant, 1150-See:-
,See:- Oxide of arsenic; Egg plant
Arsenic oxide Wild Ginger, l308-See:-
White peas--See :-Pea Ginger (vari~ties)
(varieties). Wild Gourd~e :-Gourd
White pepper, 960-See:- ( varieties)
Pepper (varieties) Wild honey, A/193-See:-
Honey (varieties)
White Poppy, 901-See:- Wild ipecacuanha, l5l-See:-
poppy (varieties) . Ipecacuanha (varieties)
White pumpkin, 185; 722-See: Wild lime. 160-See :-Lime
-Pumpkin (varieties) ( varieties)
White rose-See :-~o.se; - In- Wild liquorice, 5-See:- .
dian White Rose" Liquorice (varieties)

Wild Mango, 1166-See:- Wolf's bane, 28-See:-Bane

Mango ( varieties) (varieties)
Wild mangosteen, 452-See:- Wolf's milk der Alten, 522
Mangosteen (varieties) Wonderflower-See:- Mexi-
Wild Marjoram, 875-See:- can wonderflowers
Marjoram (varieties) Wood-apple-See:-Apple
Wild mint, 790-See:-Mint (varieties)
( varieties) Wood charcoal, Mj46-See:-
Wild mustard-See:-Mustard Charcoal (varieties)
(varieties) Wood oil tree, 456-See:-
Wild pepper-See :-Indian Oil tree
Wild Pepper; Pepper Woodooga, 61
(varieties) Wood-tree-See:-Iron wood-
Wild saffron, 27S-See:- tree; Moochy wood-tree
Saffron (varieties) Woody Nightshade, .1150-See :
Wild sarsaparilla, 1145-See:- -Nightshade ( varieties)
Sarsaparilla (varieties) Wool-fat-See:-Anhydrous
Wild snakegourd, 1236-See:- wool-fat; Hydrous wool-fat
Snakegourd Wooly Butt, 512-See:-~utt
Wild squill-See:-Small wild W ormkiller, .138
squill; Squill (varieties) Worm Mushroom, 1001-See:-
Wild Suran, 118S-See:- Mushroom (varieties)
Suran (varieties) Worm seed, 142-See:-Ameri-
Wild Thyme, 1219; 1315-See: can worm seed
-Thyme '(varieties) Worm-wood, 141-See:-Mad-
Wild tu~ric, 413-See:- ras worm-wood
Turmeric (varieties) Wort-See:-Sneezwort; Soap-
Wild vine-See:-Indian wild fort; Perfoliate soapwort
vine; Vine (varieties) Wothalay, 11
Wild Violet, 1274-See:- Wound-herb--See :-Heathen
Violet wound-herb .
Willow~bark, 1089
• Wrought Iron, M/55-See:-
Winged insects, a group of, Iron (varieties)
A/166 Wucherndu Hundzahn, 425
Winged-leaved Clitoria, 354- Wu-Iou-tzu, 423
See:-Clitoria Wumb, 846
Winri,384 Wun-wangan, 994-See:-
Winter Cherry, 271; 950; 1292 Wang an
-See :-Cherry (varieties) "Wuras"'. 761
Wintergreen-See :-Indian
Witton root, 519
Yabis-See:-Zulah yabis
Wodrasi,80 Yaga-See :-Nayit-yaga
Wohlriechende Michelie, 794; Yahava- See:-Laghu,-yahava
795 Yahud-See:-Faqurul yahud
WohLnechender, 847 Yakada-Kittam, M/62-See:-
Wolf Claw, 758-See:-Claw Kittam

Yaccaduvel, 1266 Yebruj, 160

Yalakhi, 226 Yehela behada, 120a-&€:-
Yalakkiballi, 822-See:- Behada
Doddayalakki Yetkada, M/54
Yahudi-See:-Ral-yahudi Yekdi, 978
Yam, 449; 450-See:-Chinese Yekka-madu, 335-See:-
yam; Globose-yam; Red yam; Madu (varieties)
Sweet yam; Valli-yam Yek-kisum-ka-bachla, 1284-
Yamam-See:-Vanayamam See :-Bachla
Yamanai. 584 Yel, 1203
Yamani, 280; 1028-See:- Yelakay-See :-Periya
Kurasani-yamani; Vana- yelakay
yamani Yella, 1203
Yandzeing, M/9l Yellamuddi, 375-See:-
Yang, 537 Muddi
Yangtsai, 571-See:-Sai Ye11ayball, 822-See:-Bali
(varieties) . (varieties)
Yan-zin, M/9l Yellikud pashanam, Mj21-
Ya-pin, 902 See :-Pashanam or Pasha-
Yarala-See:-Vadlayarala num (varieties)
Yaranikhee Surkha, M/19- Yellow' Arsenic tri-sulphide,
See:-Surkha (varieties) M/20 - See:-Arsenic tri-
Yasasvini, 444 sulphide, yellow
Yashada, M/130 Yellow barleria, 1137-See:-
Yashti-madhu, 582-See:- Barleria '
Madhu (varieties) Yellow Champa, 794-See:-
Yashti-madhukam, 582-See: Champa (v~rieties)
-Madhukam Yellow cowries, A/15S-
Yashto-madhu, 582-See:- See:-Cowrie (varieties)
Madhu (varieties) Yellow dock, 1079-See:-
Yasmine barrio 619-See:- . Dock (vaqeties)
Barri (varieties) Yellow-earth aluminium-
Yac-thi-Ian, 822 See:-Aluminium Yellow-
Yava, 653; 1244-See:- earth
Indrayava Yellow flowered cotton, 362-
Yavacharam, M/88; M/90 See: -Flowered cotton;
Yavakshara, M/88; M/90 Cotton (varieties)
Yavan, 1028 Yellow Lichen, .922-See: -
Yavanala, 1304 Lichen
Yavana parpata, 560-See;- Yellow ochre, M,L95-See:-
Parpata (varieties) Ochre; :Sole yellow ochre
Yavani, 670 Yellow Oleander, 121S-See:
Yavanika, 1028 -Oleander (varieties)
Yavasa, 611' Yellow or Pale Ochre, M/I0-
Yavulu-See:-Pachcha- See:-Ochre (varieties)
yavulu Yellow sulphuret of arsenic,
Yeast, 1299 M/20-See: -Sulphuret of
Yeast plant, 303 arsenic; Arsenic (varieties)

Yellow talc, M/123-See:- Yuthika, 701

Talc (varieties) Yuthikapurni, 1059
Yellow thistle, 133-See:-
Thistle (varieties)
Yellow Zedoary, 413-See:-
Zedoary (varieties) Zaban-i-gungishk-i-talk, 634-
Yellu, 1126 See:-Talk
Yellu-cheddie, 1126; 1127- Zabrahe-gaw, A/161
See:-Cheddi (varieties) Zadi-phu, 830
Yen, 1211-See!-Shih-yen Zadi-phu-apoen, 830
Yennai, 455 Zafal, 830
Yennar,("456 Zaffran, 390
Yenne, 607 Zafrah.390
Yenzi-See:-Munniyenzi Zaghira-See: -Roghani
Yepi,607 zaghira
Veranda-See: -Parvata- Zaghu, 743
yeranda , Zahab, M/32
Yel'cum, 237 Zahar-See: -Mithazahar
Yerkoli, 264 Zaharasa, 80S-See: -Rasa
Yermaddi, 1198-See:- Zaiyana, 619
Maddi (varieties) Zaj, M/2
Yerra-chairatali, 1266-See:- Zaje-asfara, M/64-See:-
Chairatali Asfara
Yerra-chittamulam, 989- Zajul-akhzar, M/52-See:-
See: -Chitramulam Akhzar
.>. Yerragadda, 63-See:- Zakebilor, M/2-See:-
Gadda (varieties) .Bilor
Yerrajuvi, 545; 553-See:- Zake-sabz, M/52-See:-
Juvi (varieties) Sahz
Y:errasenduramu, M/86- Zake-safed, M/2-See:-
See: -Senduramu Safed Zake
Yesmana, 704 Zakhimi-i-hyat, 1162
Yet gbas, 893 -See:-Hyat
Yetti, 658; 960; 1175 Zakhm hyat, 717-See:-Hyat
Yetti-kottai, 1175-See:- Zakhmi,457
Kottai (varieties) Zalai-See: - Y oung-zalai
Yew-See: ":""'Himalayan Zaloka, A/16?
Yew Zambak, 704
Yippali, 965 Zamb chule, 10I6-See:-
Yomam-See: -Kurasani- Chule
yomam Zamin-kand, 450-See:-
Yop-See:-Na yap Kand (varieties)
Y oranna, 730 Zanda-bidastara, A/147--See:
Y oung-zalai, 563--,-See: -Zalai -Bidastara
Youn-padi-si, l-See:-Padi Zanf-e-ahana, M/62-See:-
Ysjudemaram, 714 Ahana
Yuh or Juh, 328 Zangihar, 1205-See:~Har
Yur, 1091 (varieties)

Zanjabil, 1309-See: -Bil Zinc-See: -Flowers of Zinc;

Zankurmadni, M/64-See: - Impure corrunercial zinc;
Madni White zinc
Zanun, A/147 Zinc carbonate, M/131-See:-
Zanza-ba-wawa, 830-See:- Carbonate of Zinc
Wawa Zinc ore, M/130-See:-Ore
Zarasa, M/ll (varieties)
Zara Tita, M/32-See: -Tita Zinc subcarbonate, M/131-
(varieties) See:-Subcarbonate of Zinc
Zaravandehindi, 139-See:- Zinc sulphate, M/l33/See:-
Hindi (varieties) Sulphate of Zinc
Vand€hlndi (varieties) ,Zinc sulphate & carbonate,
Zarbuti, 4l9-See: -Buti M/131-See:-Sulphate &
Zardak, 441-See: -Dak Carbonate of Zinc
Zard-chobah, 415-See:- Zinian, 280
Chobah Zinianas-Nankhvah, 1028-
Zard halela, 1205-See:- See:-Nankhvah
Halela Zini bathi, 127--8ee: -Batlii
Zarishk, 187 Zinjru, 679
Zamal, 554 Zinjvo, 103
Zarneik-zard, M/21 Zinzma, 103
Zarwand-i-gird, 140 Zinzvo, 111
Zarwand-i-tawil, 140 Zipharana, 390
Zatakasturika, 626-See: - Zip-hiyu-si, 481
Kasturika Zir, 545; 786; 1239
Zawad-bander, A/234-See: - Zira, 408
Bander Zirishk, 189; 191
Zebu, A/202 Zimubbirmi, 1196-See:-
Zedoary-See:-Round Birmi
zedoary; Yellow-zedoary Zirsud, 415
Zeebaq, M/68 Zonnalu-See: -Makka-
Zeera, 408 zonnalu
Zehar-mohra, A/161-See: - Zuddulbaher kafdarya, A/210
Mohra (varieties) . -See: -Kafdarya
Zehere, 360 Zue-Fierapfel, 116-See:-
Zende baladahullu, 308-See: Kerafel
-Baladahullu Zufa, 845
Zera Mohra, M/97-See: - Zufah-yabis, 673-See:-
Mohra (varieties) Yabis ."
.Zergul,234 Zupha, 673; 674
Zero, 408 Zurneik surkh, M/l9=-See:-
Zetton, 1017 Surkh (varieties)
Zhadvar,443 Zurtum, 278
Zharas, 805 Zuz-ul-kuch, 1047:_gee:-
Zibakh, M/67 Zweigerbse, 311
Zimeh, 1183 Zwillingsp-blaume, 846
Zirrunt, 328. ,\t'AU CENllC'\t Ll~R"Jt. y
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