Crim Soc

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1. Refers to professional shoplifters who filch with the intention of selling the merchandize at half the price of pawing
a) Booster b) Churning
c) Heels d) Predation

2. A condition which is a direct result of total disregard for norms and rules due to rapid changes to moral values.
a) anomie b) arousal theory
c) atavism d) atavism anomalies

3. Also know as rate crime, it refers to violent act directed against a particular member of a group due to the victim ’s
ethnic, radical, religious or gender characteristic.
a) biosocial theory b) blue collar theory
c) authority conflict pathway d) bias crimes

4. A person has the when he or she has painful memories associated with some shocking experiences which are
repressed and cannot be recalled.
a) Anxiety b) Defusions
c) Amnesia d) Phobia

5. Are persons who violated criminal law because of the impulse of the moment, fit of passion or anger or spell of
extreme jealousy.
a) actus reus b) adolescent offender
c) active precipitation d) acute criminal

6. Are those crime committed by ordinary professional criminal to maintain there livelihood.
a) blue collar crimes b) commercial theft
c) chronic criminal d) chronic victimization

7. A single act constitutes two or more grave felonies or when an offense is a necessary means for committing the other
a) concentration effect b) complex crime
c) corporate crime d) crime typology

8. Based on Lombroso’s work he classified criminal as the born criminal the habitual the passionate and the criminoloid.
Which of the following statements describe a criminoloid?
A) the moral insane and hysteric criminal
B) the impulsive and cruel criminal
C) the “weak natures” susceptible to bad examples
D) the primitive and atavist

9. Criminals are said not to be responsible for their acts hence, they should not be punish is one of the major theories
A) Classical School B) Modern School
C) Positive School D) Sociological School
E) Neo-classical School

10. Refers to the extent to which a person can learn from his past experience especially his one mistake, as well as to
extent to which he can evaluate accurately the present attitude one foresee the consequence of his present action in
relation to his future.
A) constructive position B) continuing crimes
C) contact with reality D) criminal ecology

11. It is the study of human society as origin structure, function and direction
A) Psychological B) Criminology
C) Sociology D) Anthropology

12. Know as the Father of Criminology. He was the most ancient proponent of positive criminology
A) Cesare Lombroso B) Cesare Baccaria
C) Raffaele Garofalo D) Hanse Gros

13. Criminals who acted under the impulse of uncontrolled emotion on occasion during otherwise moral lives.
A) seasional Criminals B) Criminals of Passion
C) Occasional Criminals D) Som Criminal

14. Refers to the study of perception reality and or mental processes required to understand the world we live in.
A) cognitive theory B) cohort
C) closure D) churning

15. Refers to the study or attempt as scientific analysis of the causes of crimes
A) criminal etiology B) criminal psychiatry
C) criminal psycho-dynamics D) criminal statistics

16. Some claim that the science study of crime and criminality started with the study of human an the head as causing
criminal behavior. What is the science called?
a) Cartography b) Sociology
c) Psychology d) Phrenology

17. Study of criminality in relation to special distribution in a community.

a) Criminal Epidiomology b) Criminal demography
c) Criminal Psychology d) Criminal Ecology

18. The analysis of criminal behavior involving research on the different types of crimes and criminals
a) crime typology b) criminal career
c) criminal epidiomology d) criminal exploitation

19. The Criminologist which developed a concept of the nature of crime and defined is as a violation of the prevalent
sentences of pity and probity was-
a) W. A. Bonger b) C. Baccaria
c) R. Garofalo d) C Lombroso

20. The differential Association Theory provides a good illustration of a social learning approach perspective in
Criminology Criminal Behavior according to this theory is
A) a result of a emotional disturbance B) an inmate quality goodness and badness
C) learned and not inherited D) an excess of wisdom

21. The Freuden theory emphasizes-

A) Delinquency is formed in the few years of a child ’s life
B) On frustration and unconsciousness
C) Bad neighborhood
D) Ecological and sociological determinants

22. The one who originated a system of classifying criminals according to bodily measurement based on the concept
that human skeleton us unchangeable and that no two individual are same in dimension was-
A. Alphonse Bertilion B. Charles Deckins
C. Cesare Baccaria D. Charles Goring

23. The principle which states that a man by nature always tr

A. B) Hedonism
C. Socialism D) Atavism

24. The relation of criminality to the physical constitution of man

A. Criminal Physical Anthropology B) Criminal Sociology
C. Habitual delinquency D) Criminal Psychology

25. The school of thought denied individual responsibility and

A. Classical School B) Positivist School
C. Neo-classical School D)
26. Under the social controlled theory there are factors of attachment, commitment, involvement and belief. These are
called and the strongest these are the likelihood of delinquency
A. Social Learning B) Subculture
C. D) Social friends

27. that man is said to have surrendered same of their natural liberties
A. Social contract theory B) Social conflict theory
C. Social Contract theory D) Strain theory
E. Anomie theory

28. What nature of Criminology regard it as changing which social condition change.
A. B) it is an social science
C. It is dynamics D) it is naturalist
E. It is varying

29. Who institute the theory of social contract theory as cause of crime?
A. Beccaria B) Voltaire
C. Bentham D) Sutherland

30. Who was the famous Criminologist who advocated the Positivist Theory which sates that crime is essentially a social
A. Cesare Lombroso B) Jeremy Bentham
C. Emile Durkeim D. Mark Angel


31. Are disciplinary reminders of the importance propitious conducts and are importance measures on the development
of personality
A. address B) attention
C. act of courtesy D) ceremony

32. An important of agency for social control promulgated for all professions and prescribed the duties of an individuals
towards others.
A. code of ethics B) community relation
C. commitment to public interest D) citizen relation

33. A political community relation programs must provide opportunities for the police and citizens to_______
A. talk with each other B. talk through each other
C. talk for each other D. talk to each other

34. A police officer or person acting and or conducting himself according to his professional and ethic standard is
A. An Ethical Person B. A discipline person
C. An ideal Professional D. A mortal passion

35. A police uniform unit performing its job efficiency and effectively will
A. require minimal PRC program B. require more intense program
C. require off and on program D. need no program at all

36. An activity attended in celebration of a significant day or event

A. reception B. public service
C. repetition D. public office

37. As a police officer, you find out that you have unjustly reprimanded police officer Dela Cruz the bad thing for you to
do, a doctrine by ethical standard
A. Justify the reprimand
C. Make an apology but do not tolerate any misbehavior

38. A virtue that regulates those actions that involve the right that exist between one individual and others
A. conduct B. conflict interest
C. community relation D. commutative justice

39. Consist of the police officer duties toward the court when appearing as witness and the honesty .
A. Judicial B. Loyalty
C. Morality D. Humility

40. Failure of a police officer to observe the PNP Code of Ethics sometimes result to non-feasance of the following which
one not considered non-feasance?
A. PO2 Gibson failed to record the evidence received by his office
B. P/Insp forgot to make a progress report regarding the ongoing crisis in his station
C. PO3 Cros in appropriately filled up the police blotter
D. SPO1 Gary did not accomplish the monthly report for his unit

41. In the study of human motivation what specific drive is referred to by his statement an athtete buying bottle of
A. Sex B. Hunger
C. Thirst D. Water

42. Is the usual greeting rendered by uniform acts establish by customs or authority persons entitled to a salute
A. Secracy disciplined B. Responsibility
C. Salute D. Strong sense of responsibility

43. It is an excellent manifestation of “esprit de corps ” and is a powerful factor in creating public
A. Orderliness B. Police dignity
C. Professional ethics D. Patience

44. Refers to the ability to proceed and go on despite of opposition or obstacles

A. Perseverance B. Police ethics
C. Personal dignity D. Patriotism

45. Higher levels of professional police service is on demand nowadays, in view of ______
A. The changing role of police B. The changing economic environment
C. Higher pay scale due to standardization D. More applicant to the police job

46. It is a manifestation of sportsmanship of good manners, and an exposition of gentility and culture.
A. Courtesy B. Discipline
C. Loyalty D. Morale

47. It is the society is prime instrument for making known what acts crimes and what sanction may be applied to those
who commit acts defined as crime. This refers to.
A. Ethics B. Law
C. Conduct D. Justice

48. It refers to the commitment dignity and attitude of an individual toward work and his integrity and his practice of the
core moral value principles
A. Conduct B. Morality
B. Professionalism D. Ethics

49. Policy laid down to exercise utmost restraint and self control in the performance of official function.
A. Maximum tolerance B. Human right
C. Judicial relation D. Maximum overdrive

50. PO1 Verano recorded in the log five (5) bricks of dried marijuana leaves instead of six (6) bricks. The act of the police
officers is an example of
A. Nonfeasance B. Misfeasance
C. Dishonesty D. Distortion facts

51. Refers to set of norms and standard practiced by members during social and other function.
A. Social decorum B. Tradition
C. Camaraderie D. Public relation officer

52. The doing either brought ignorance inattention or malice of that which polices officer had no legal right to do at all
as where he acts without any authority whatsoever or exceeds, ignores or abuses his power
A. Incompetence B. Dishonesty
C. Misconduct D. Neglect of duty

53. The involvement of PNP member deep and the families in religious, social and civic activities enhances which will
work and for the image of the organization.
A. Social decorum B. Effectiveness
C. Camaraderie D. responsiveness

54. Refers to the application of case-based reasoning to applied ethics.

A. Casuistry B. Creed
C. Pocudence D. Temperance

55. The omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty, which is the officer ’s legal obligation to
A. Incompetence B. Misconduct
C. Neglect of duty D. Misconduct

56. The science of classifying human physical characteristics.

A. Determinism B. Somatology
C. Positivism D. Atavism

57. This is generally premeditated obstinate or intentional purpose. It usually refers to transgression of some established
and definite rule of action, where no discretion is left except that necessity may demand. It does not necessarily mean
corruption or criminal intention but implies wrongful intention and not mere error judgment.
A. Police Brutality B. Misconduct
C. Abuse Authority D. Violation of Law

58. Under the ethical standard, the PNP member shall take legitimate to achieve goals not with standing internal and
external difficulties.
A. Integrity B. Orderliness
C. Humility D. Perseverance

59. What seek to insure that the person shall be deprived of life, liberty and property without notice of changes
assistance from legal counsel a heading and an opportunity to confront.
A. Due process B. Booking
C. Plea bargaining D. Criminal law

60. Which of the following refers to the set of conducts and behavior governing a group, a class of organization?
A. Ethical standard B. Professional standard
C. Code of conduct D. Group ethic
E. Social ethic


61. A child whose basic needs have been deliberately unattended

A. Neglected child B. Abandoned child
C. Dependent child D. Abusive child

62. A legal relationship between two people not biological related, usually terminating the rights or biological parents
and usually with the “live in” period. Once it is finalized, the records are sealed and only the most compelling related
with enable disclosure of document.
A. Adoption B. Foster parenting
C. D. Brotherhood

63. Refers to a 24-hour child caring institution which gives short term resident care for youthful offenders awaiting court
A. Shelter care institution B. Nursery
C. Foster D. Detention home

64. A youth who is committed a crime shall be dealt with in accordance with
A. Child and Youth Welfare Code B. Probation Code
C. Juvenile justice act D. Revised Penal Code

65. Children that area regarded as mentally immature and incompetent in terms of their social relationship are
considered as
A. Mentally ill B. Emotional disturbed
C. Mentally retracted D. Physically handicapped

66. Delinquency prevention programs are intended primarily to

A. Streamline juvenile court process
B. Prevent young people from getting into trouble with the law
C. Make the people more effective in dealing with juveniles
D. Rehabilitate young people who are drug users

67. If the youth offender is ________while inside the training institution or administration office, he is brought to court
for the pronouncement of his sentence.
A. Helpful B. Disobedient
C. Physical disable D. Incorrigible

68. It is known as the act establishing a comprehensive juvenile justice and welfare system, create the juvenile justice
and welfare council under the Department of Justice, approaching funds thereof and for other purpose.
A. RA 603 B. PD 603
C. RA 9344 D. RA 9434
E. RA 9443

69. Known as spontaneous remission, it is the manner by which an individual reduce the rate of their aberrant behavior
as they grow old.
A. Aging out B. Anti-social behavior
C. At-risk D. Culture conflict

70. Maltreatment of a child is considered

A. Child B. Child delinquency
C. Child defect D. Child abuse’

71. Parental Discipline appears relation to delinquency. Harsh discipline is the home may result in more delinquencies
that consistent and reasoning forms of discipline. Aside from this, screaming at the child, calling the child insulting
names, excessive criticizing or generally ignoring the child is also contributory to delinquency. These actions simply
refers to-
A. Physical abuse B. Emotional abuse
C. Unfair parent D. Parental neglect

72. Refers generally to any anti act or behavior which deviates from norms and standards of society attributed to
A. Early childhood B. Diversion
C. Juvenile delinquency D. Late adciescent

73. Refers to not attending classes without any reasonable cause for more than 20 school days
A. Social development model B. Restorative justice
C. Status offense D. Youth rehabilitation centers

74. Refer to one whose behavior brings him to repeated conflict with the law.
A. Delinquency B. Desist
C. Detention home D. Dependent child

75. Refers to one with no proper parental care or guardianship, whose abandonment is for a period of at least six
A. Babyhood B. Abandoned child
C. Adulthood abandonment D. Best interest of the child

76. Refers to not attending classes without any reasonable cause for more than twenty school days.
A. Aging out B. Decadence
C. Latency D. Truancy

77. Refers to persons and individuals who are effective deterrents to crime an delinquency such as police or watchful
and concerned neighbors.
A. Child abuse B. Child at risk
C. Capable guardians D. Child caring institution

78. Refers to the employment, hiring persuasion or inducement of coercion of a child to perform in indecent shows,
obscene exhibitions and publications or pornographic materials for selling and distribution.
A. Elder abuse B. Economic abuse
C. Diversion program D. Exploitation

79. Refers to the youth and young adults who lack skills and education necessary to be in demand in modern society.
A. At-risk B. Victim less crime
C. White collar crimes D. Best interest of child

80. Sellin’s study which assert that it is a condition which result from rules and norms of an individuals sub-culture
affiliation disagreement with the role demands of conformist society.
A. Culture conflict B. Decadence
C. Chronic offender D. Detention home

81. The abortion of a conceived child whether such act be intentional or not shall be governance the pertinent provision
of the
A. Civil Code B. Child and Youth Welfare Code
C. Revised Penal Code D. None of these

82. The act of being responsible for enforcing child support obligations is known as
A. Child’s Care B. Parental guidance
C. Child at risk D. Child support

83. The goal of any juvenile justice system is

A. Punish the children
B. Save the children becoming criminals
C. Remove children from the street
D. Ensure the children that in the school

84. The independence of a minor from his or parents before reaching age majority is known as
A. Enlightenment B. Recognizance
C. Emancipation D. Freedom from parental obligation

85 The process in which a child is given the same status and right as a legitimate child, both in relation to the parent
stand to the relative of the latter is called-
A. Adoption B. Legitimate
C. Marriage D. Emancipation

86. This is utilized as a temporary home for the one who are waiting for final disposition of their cases by the court.
A. Detention home B. Child placement agency
C. Rehabilitation center D. Receiving home

87. This may indicate the presence of both parents but who are irresponsible that children experience constant in the
A. Separated home B. Delinquent home
C. Broken home D. United home
E. Separated home

88. What social institution has the responsibility in the augmentation of spiritual and moral development of children?
A. TV and other forms of media B. School
C. Church D. Police

89. Which of the following should not be released to the press by the police officer?
A. Juvenile name B. Length of investigation
C. Juvenile age D. Youthful offender

90. Which one is used to described a large number of disapproved behavior of the children and youth?
A. Anti-social behavior B. Juvenile delinquency
C. Young offender D. Youthful offender
E. Delinquent behavior


91. A component or pillar of the criminal justice system which involve in the administration of appropriate sanctions in
keeping with the sentence handed down.
A. Corrections B. Prosecution
C. Law enforcement D. Court

92. Acts that are deemed illegal because they challenge accepted moral principles and threaten the general well-being
of society.
A. Public order crimes B. Social harm
C. Social altruism D. Social reality of crime

93. A law enforcement function in order to preserve social and public order
A. Protection B. Crowd control
C. Order maintenance D. Crime prevention

94. A person temporary detained while his case is pending in court and awaiting final judgment
A. Detention prisoner B. Diversion program
C. Crime deterrence D. Crime control

95. A practice in which members of the minority receives harsher punishment in some instance
A. Correctionalism B. Consenus view of crime
C. Contextual discrimination D. Diversion program

96. A social norm providing guidance for people in their dealing with one another, as a standards against which action
are evaluated and as a prescription or requirement that people act justly.
A. Law B. Justice
C. Ethics D. Conduct
97. Means stand by decided cases.
A. Gateway B. Case law
C. Marginalization D. Stare of Decisis

98. Judicial decision published precedents which is considered as a fixed of a body legal rule.
A. Civil society B. Cleared crime
C. Contract law D. Case law

99. In the court handling the represent the stain and the people
A. Prosecutor B. District attorney
C. Judge D. Fiscal

100. In the criminal factor process which comes immediately before pre-trial?
A. Warrant of the arrest B. Arraignment
C. Preliminary conference D. Preliminary investigation
E. Judgment

101. Is the faithful performance of a duty not with standing the absence of the commander or a superior.
A. Strong sense of responsibility B. Straight shooter
C. Temperance D. Responsibility
102. It is concerned with and operates as society ’s primary formal dispenses of punishment.
A. Court B. Prosecution
C. Community D. Police
E. Correction

103. It is the stage of which the public Prosecutor evaluates the findings of the Police to determined if Prosecutions of
the suspect in courts is warranted.
A. Preliminary investigation B. Finding of probable cause
C. Arraignment D. Criminal action

104. Out of Lupon, whenever cases anses, a pangat Tagapagkasundo is created with a composed of how many
A. 3 B. 5
C. 7 D. 9

105. Pertains to all government and non- governmental activities or programs designed to thwart, deter preempt, and
stop the crime from happening.
A. Crime prevention B. Crime of repression
C. Crackdown D. Diversion program

106. Refers to the damages awarded to the offended party in reparation for a crime
A. Victim compensation B. Statute of limitation
C. Stare decisis D. Admission summary

107. Refers to the human dignity and mans in alienable right to life, and property
A. Human right B. Humility
C. Judicial relation D. Moral character

108. Rehabilitation of the convicted offenders who are incarcerated in jail is called
A. Institutional treatment B. Community based treatment
C. Parole D. Probation

109. The formal judicial decision that end a proceeding by a judgment of conviction acquittal or dismissal a judgment or
decision on the case sentence the process of settling the case judicially which is done by judging and pronouncing the
decision upon a certain case is called-
A. Accusation B. Adjudication
C. Charging D. Respondent

110. The introduction of police reforms and professionalization of the police service was started with the passage of the
A. DILG act 1990 B. RA 8551
C. Comprehension act No. 89 D. Police act 1966

111. The machinery of the State designed to enforce the law by arresting, prosecuting and adjudication those accused of
violating and by applying the proper sanctions to those found guilty. This refers to-
A. Court B. Government
C. Criminal Justice System D. Due Process law

112. The major function of the PROSECUTION component of the criminal justice system
C. To represent the government in criminal case

113. The pillar of criminal justice system concerned with the custody, supervision and rehabilitation of convicted
offender is the-
A. Community pillar B. Correction pillar
C. Police pillar D. The court

114. The supreme law of the land

A. Bible B. Constitution
B. PNP law D. Common law

115. The totally all the concerned efforts and activities of all agencies involved in the prevention reduction and control of
A. Crime deterrence B. Crime displacement
C. Crime prevention D. Correction

116. This is a criminal Justice process by which the means of questioning otherwise deprived of his freedom of action.
A. Custodial investigation B. Preliminary investigation
C. Custodial investigation D. Pre-charge investigation

117. What is equivalent military rank PChief Superintendent?

A. Major General C. Lautenant General
C. Colornel D. Brigadier General

118. What is the doctrine that requires a process of resolving conflict with the maximum involvement of the victim the
offender and the community?
A. Proactive Justice B. Restorative Justice
C. Reactive Justice D. All of these

119. What is so called “ forgotten person” in the criminal justice system?

A. Police B. Criminal
C. Crime victim D. Community

120. Who has the ultimate of judicial to interpret the constitution and to declare any legislative or executive act invalid
because it is conflict with the fundamental law?
A. Congress B. Senate
C. Court of appeal D. Supreme court


121. Refers to a man’s sense of touch

A. Anddrogen B. Cutaneous
C. Gustotorm D. Sublimation

122. A character disorder characterized by the inability of the person to form social relationship and lack of interest to
express his or her feelings is a personality dysfunction known as -
A. Paranoid personality B. Schizoid personality
C. Schizatypal personality D. Borderline personality

123. Ana and Roberto were known to be the brother and sister. By reason of blood relation, they cannot legally marry.
However they were seen to have been together in the house leaving as husband and wife. This case of relationship in
the study of criminal behavior is property termed as-
A. Sexual anesthesia B. Libido satisfaction
C. Incestuous D. Fetishism

124. An aggressive reaction which is characterized by blaming others of his failures.

A. Scapegoating B. Sublimation
C. Voyeurism D. Visual

125. An attribute of human behavior which determines how long in terms of time.
A. Duration B. Ego
C. Ego ideal D. Denial reality

126. A person who is held as a security for the fulfillment of certain demands or terms.
A. Victim B. Hostage
C. Negotiator D. Coordinator

127. A psychological condition in which youth face inner confusion and uncertainty and about life roles
A. Identity crisis B. Habitual human behavior
C. Histrionic personality D. Homophobia

128. A psychological state characterized by repeated and serve episodes of anti social behavior
A. Conduct norms B. Compulsive personality
C. Conduct disorder D. Compulsive neurosis

129. Crisis management has four (4) P’s. This first P stands for.
A. Prepare B. Performance
C. Plain D. Predict

130. Generally, the specific act of delinquency is

A. A symptom a more complex problem B. Unrelated to child ’s delinquency
C. A problem to be ignored D. A beginning of a criminal career

131. Human interaction which is characterized by dependence, demands, impatience being rebellious and emotional
A. Child ego state B. Commitment to conformity
C. Compensation D. Complex human behavior

132. It is the behavior pattern where an individual return to a state of form adjustment and attempt to experience them
again in memory
A. Frustration B. Anger
C. Regressive D. Phobia

133. It is also called as operant behavior which involves cognitive adaptation that enhances the human being ’s ability to
cope with changes in the environment and to manipulate the environment
A. Inherited B. Economic
C. Learned D. Biological
E. Social environment

134. It is a personality disorder characterized by a lac of interest in social relationship a tendency towards a solitary
lifestyle, secretiveness, and emotional coldness.
A. Schizoid Personality Disorder B. Dependent Personality Disorder
C. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder D. Avoidant Personality Disorder

135. It is an situation that set of circumstances wherein a suspected law violator holding a person in captive by the use
of force or threat of violence
A. Hostage taking B. Operation
C. Hostage D. Hostage taker
E. Hostage crisis

136. It is a expert handling of a situation to reduce or eliminate danger or destruction

A. Crisis operation B. Operation
C. Crisis management D. Crisis planning
E. Management
137. Its refer to psychological activity which is according to man ’s experience and interpretation of stimuli or object.
A. Behavior modeling B. Behaviorism
C. Attitude survey D. Awareness

138. Means controlling and stabilizing the situation and area wherein crisis occurs.
A. Containment B. Conscience
C. Conflict view D. Contagion effect

139. Phenomena in a hostage situation where the hostage became sympathetic to the hostage takers.
A. Osio syndrome B. Stockholm syndrome
C. Hostage syndrome D. Helsinki syndrome

140. Refers to daydreams which is form of physical flight as a temporary escape from frustration from reality.
A. Exhibitionism B. Extensity
C. Fetishism D. Functional

141. Refers to sexual intercourse between closely related persons whose marriage prohibited by law.
A. Incest B. Inferiority complex
C. Masochism D. Impact phase
142. Sexually deviant behavior is that activity by a person which affords him sexual pleasure which is deemed
inappropriate socially. For instance. Ted receives sexual satisfaction on having sexual relation with his female dog rather
than his girlfriend. Such example is referred
A. Necrophelia B. Bestiality
C. Fetishism D. Voyuerism

143. Sexual gratification by means of intercourse with dead body.

A. Necrophelia B. Maniac
C. Melancholia D. Megalomania

144. The one who determines personality to existence of probable cause in the issuance search warrant
A. Fiscal B. Police officer
C. Judge D. Victim

145. The process by which we use or manipulate representation

A. Intuition B. Perceiving
C. Thinking D. memory

146. The 2nd stage in the reactive phase of crisis management is

A. Initial stage B. Action phase
C. Prepare D. Proactive phase
E. Post action phase

147. This type of crisis occurs when there is failure to sustain and direct behavior toward attainment of goal or the
psychological external stimuli.
A. Motivation crisis B. Physical crisis
C. Moral crisis D. Social crisis

148. Two 18-year-old youth went to visit a teenager at her home. Finding no one there, they into the house, damaged
a number of valuable paintings and other furnishing , and stole a quality of liquor and a television set. Upon their
apprehension, they first denied the entire venture and insisted that it was all a “practical joke ”. This incident shows a
clinical picture of-
A. Antisocial behavior B. Schizoid behavior
C. Borderline behavior D. Dependent delinquency behavior
149. What is the most important element of hostage negotiation?
A. Hostage negotiator B. Command post
C. Time D. Hostage taker

150. Which of the following has the nearest meaning of the heredity?
A. Generation to generation B. Genetic influence
C. Environmental factor D. Parent to offspring.

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