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32. DEFINITIONS, asic Wid Speed, V—Uhe 3- gost Wi SPER st 10 m (33) shove the ground associed wih a SO-yr men recurrence inera, Design Wind Pressure, P—The pressure exerted on member or attachment by wind. The pressure is caeulated using "appropriate design values fo all variables in the wind pressure equation, Drag Coeffciem, CA dimensionless coefficient that adjusts the effective velocity pressure, xp, forthe elfects of the ‘geometry ofthe clement and the Reynolds number. Eqjecrive Velocity Pressure xp-—The pressure exerted hy the effects ofthe wind assuming tat the importance Factor, fy and the drag coefficient. Ca, are both equal 0 1.0 Fastest-Mile Wind Speed —The peak wind speed averaged over 1.6 km (I mi) of wind passing a point. Gust Effect Factor, G—A dimensiones cosficient tht adjusts the wind pressure to account for the dynamic interaction of the wind and the structure Height and Exposure Factor, KA dimensionless cocticient that corrects the magnitude of wind pressure referenced toa teght above the ground of 10 (33 8) forthe varason of wind sped with eight. Importance Factor, fA facto that convens wind pressures associated with 2 50-yr mean recurenee interval wind pressures associated with other mean recurence intervals Mean Recurrence Interv, r—The inverse ofthe probably of occurence ofa specific event ina T-yr period. (fam event has 40,02 prohabily of occurrence in | yr it has a mean recurrence interval of $0 yr= 14.02.)

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