Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome: A Review: Jai Shankar, DM, MSC, Jillian Banfield, PHD

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Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 68 (2017) 147e153

Neuroradiology / Neuroradiologie

Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome: A Review

Jai Shankar, DM, MSc*, Jillian Banfield, PhD
Department of Diagnostic Imaging, QE II Health Sciences Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Radiologists may be the first to suggest the diagnosis of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES). PRES is associated with
many diverse clinical entities, the most common of which are eclampsia, hypertension, and immunosuppressive treatment. Radiologists
should be aware of the spectrum of imaging findings in PRES. When promptly recognized and treated, the symptoms and radiological
abnormalities can be completely reversed. When unrecognized, patients can progress to ischemia, massive infarction, and death. In this
review, we present an overview of the unique signs observed on computed tomography and magnetic resonance images in PRES that can help
in the early diagnosis and treatment that is highly effective in this syndrome.

Les radiologistes peuvent ^etre les premiers a lancer la piste du diagnostic de syndrome d’encephalopathie posterieure reversible (SEPR).
Le SEPR est associe a tout un eventail d’entites cliniques, les plus courantes etant l’eclampsie, l’hypertension et la therapie immunosup-
pressive. Les radiologistes doivent ^etre au fait de toute la gamme de resultats d’imagerie associes au SEPR. Lorsqu’ils sont detectes et traites
rapidement, les sympt^omes et les anomalies radiologiques peuvent dispara^ıtre completement. S’ils ne sont pas detectes, ils peuvent evoluer
vers une ischemie, un infarctus massif et le deces du patient. La presente revue fait le survol des signes uniques observes sur des images
obtenues par tomodensitometrie et resonance magnetique en presence du SEPR et qui peuvent faciliter le diagnostic et le traitement precoces,
tres efficaces pour ce syndrome.
Ó 2016 Canadian Association of Radiologists. All rights reserved.

Key Words: Eclampsia; Hypertension; Immunosuppression; Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome

Patients with acute symptoms of headache, altered mental hypertension, and immunosuppressive treatment [1,3,4].
functions, seizures, and loss of vision associated with findings PRES is infrequently suspected by clinicians, so radiologists
indicating predominantly posterior leukoencephalopathy on may be the first to suggest the diagnosis. As this diagnosis has
imaging studies are not uncommon. This syndrome was called important therapeutic and prognostic implications, radiolo-
reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy in 1996 by Hinchey gists should be aware of the spectrum of imaging findings in
et al [1], as it was thought that only white matter is involved in PRES. When promptly recognized and treated, the symptoms
this syndrome. However, later it was seen that the grey matter and radiological abnormalities can be completely reversed.
is involved in this syndrome and the term posterior reversible When unrecognized, patients’ condition can progress to
encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) was coined [2]. ischemia, massive infarction, and death. In this review, we
The syndrome has myriad imaging findings that are typical present an overview of the unique signs observed on computed
in many cases, but also can be confused with other entities. The tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) images in
prompt diagnosis of the cause is critical for the immediate PRES that can help in the early diagnosis and treatment that is
initiation of the appropriate therapy, which varies with the highly effective in this syndrome.
etiology. PRES is associated with a multitude of diverse
clinical entities, the most common of which are eclampsia, Etiopathogenesis of PRES

The diseases and conditions associated with PRES are

* Address for correspondence: Jai Shankar, DM, MSc, Department of
Diagnostic Imaging, QEII Health Sciences Centre, 1796 Summer St, Room listed in Table 1. Most common of these are hypertensive
3305A, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3A7, Canada. encephalopathy, eclampsia, and use of immunosuppressive
E-mail address: (J. Shankar). drugs.

0846-5371/$ - see front matter Ó 2016 Canadian Association of Radiologists. All rights reserved.
148 J. Shankar, J. Banfield / Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 68 (2017) 147e153

The pathogenesis of PRES is not precisely known. Two brain perfusion caused by endothelial dysfunction from
diametrically opposed hypotheses have been proposed. The systemic toxic effects. However, this theory would not
original hypothesis that severe hypertension leads to cerebral explain the pattern of hypertension usually preceding the
autoregulatory vasoconstriction, cerebral ischemia, and sub- development of symptoms of PRES [8].
sequent cytotoxic brain oedema [5e7]. has largely fallen out The current, more popular theory suggests that severe
of favor because of the reversibility of the pathologic hypertension leads to cerebral autoregulatory failure and
changes. Moreover, 15%-20% of patients with PRES are breakthrough vasodilatation with interstitial extravasation of
normotensive or hypotensive [8]. Even among hypertensive fluid and subsequent vasogenic brain oedema and petechial
patients, less than half have a mean arterial pressure above hemorrhage [4,12e14]. These findings resolve rapidly when
the typical upper limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation blood pressure is lowered [13,15e18].
(140-150 mm Hg) [9,10]. In some susceptible patients, In pre-eclampsia, the cause of PRES is considered to be
acute hypertension could cause endothelial dysfunction and endothelial activation and injury [19]. However, renal
breakdown of the bloodebrain barrier, even if hypertension decompensation may play a role, especially in eclampsia
is not greater than the typical autoregulation range [11]. associated with puerperium [1]. Altered vascular reactivity
Alternatively, hypertension could result from insufficient from an increased sensitivity to normally circulating pressure
agents, a deficiency of vasodilating prostaglandins, and
Table 1 endothelial cell dysfunction have also been proposed [20,21].
Diseases and conditions associated with posterior reversible encephalopathy
The proposed mechanisms of PRES associated with
immunosuppressive therapy, especially for cyclosporine, are
Hypertensive encephalopathy
hypercholesterolemia, hypomagnesaemia, aluminum
Eclampsia overload, and drug levels above the therapeutic range
[14,22e26]. Other possible mechanisms include direct toxic
Renal failure effects on vascular endothelial cells causing release of
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome endothelin, prostacyclin, and thromboxane A2 [27e29].
Immunosuppressive drugs Nephrotoxicity from cyclosporine may lead to fluid overload,
Cyclosporin A ultimately exacerbating hypertension and the altered blood-
brain barrier [12]. The mechanism for tacrolimus and inter-
Cisplatin feron alpha is likely similar to that of cyclosporine [1].
IVIg Up to 75% of patients present with seizures [30]. How-
Erythropoietin ever, seizures are likely a manifestation, rather than a cause,
Interleukin of PRES [2].
Antiretroviral therapy in HIV
Relative lack of sympathetic supply to the posterior cir-
Granulocytic stimulating factor
Drug withdrawal: clonidine culation is thought to be responsible for dominant involve-
Other rare causes ment of the posterior circulation and therefore inefficient
Collagen vascular disorders autoregulation [3].
SLE The controversy regarding the pathophysiology of vaso-
genic oedema is due to findings such as PRES in normo-
Behcet’s disease
TTP tensives and less brain oedema in severe hypertensives [19].
Acute porphyria Additionally, hyperperfusion has not been conclusively
Post organ transplantation demonstrated in patients [19].
Post carotid endarterctomy with reperfusion syndrome-unilateral
GBS with autonomic hyperactivity
Endocrine disorders Imaging Features
Acute porphyria
Pheochromocytoma PRES has been described as having focal or confluent
Pheochromocytoma vasogenic oedema with classic posterior parietal and occip-
Primary aldosteronism
ital lobe involvement [31]. Calcarine and paramedian oc-
Thermal injury
Scorpion envenomation cipital lobe is spared. Subcortical white matter is usually
Hypercalcemia involved, but even cortical grey matter can be involved,
Blood transfusion depending upon the severity of the disease.
Stimulant drugs Three distinct imaging patterns of PRES have been
described [31]: dominant parietal-occipital pattern
Pseudoephedrine (Figure 1A); superior frontal sulcus pattern, with more iso-
lated involvement of mid and posterior aspect of superior
GBS ¼ Guillain-Barre syndrome; HIV ¼ human immunodeficiency virus;
IFN ¼ interferon; IVIg ¼ intravenous immunoglobulin; PAN ¼ polyarteritis frontal sulcus (Figure 1B), and holohemispheric watershed
nodosa; SLE ¼ systemic lupus erythematosus; TTP ¼ thrombotic throm- pattern, a linear pattern of involvement of frontal, parietal,
bocytopenic purpura. and occipital lobes at the watershed zone between medial
PRES review / Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 68 (2017) 147e153 149

Figure 1. The different patterns of involvement in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome: (A) dominant parietal-occipital pattern and (B) superior
frontal sulcus pattern. Holohemispheric watershed pattern has a combination of panels A and B.

hemispheric and lateral hemispheric arterial supply (combi- PRES may progress to infarction or hemorrhage. Brainstem
nation of Figure 1, A and B). involvement and intracranial hemorrhage are associated with
Other atypical distributions are temporal lobes, cerebellar poor prognosis [3,4].
hemispheres, brainstem, basal ganglia, deep white matter,
and splenium [31]. Knowledge of the variation in patterns is CT
important for recognizing PRES.
The most important feature is the reversibility of the CT is less sensitive than MR imaging (MRI) in detecting
imaging findings, which may take days to weeks following the initial findings. Initial CT was normal in up to 22% of
initiation of treatment. If treatment is not promptly initiated, cases in 1 study (Figure 2) [31]. Even in cases when initial

Figure 2. Computed tomography (A) done 5 hours before the magnetic resonance imaging. (B) The computed tomography scan appears normal, whereas the
fluid-attenuated inversion recovery images show extensive parieto-occiptal lobe hyperintensity, as well as some in the frontal and temporal lobes bilaterally.
150 J. Shankar, J. Banfield / Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 68 (2017) 147e153

Figure 3. (A) The T2-weighted image and (B) fluid-attenuated inversion recovery axial image of the same patient. The hyperintense signal on fluid-attenuated
inversion recovery is not very obvious on T2-weighted images.

CT scan showed the lesion, the subsequent MRI has shown detecting subcortical and cortical lesions in PRES, as
more lesions [31]. compared with proton density and T2-weighted spin echo
images (Figure 3) [2].
Diffusion-Weighted Images
MRI shows small, focal abnormalities beyond what is
visible on CT [1]. Among the routine MRI sequences, fluid- Diffusion-weighted (DWI) MRI reliably distinguishes
attenuated inversion recovery is the most sensitive in vasogenic oedema in PRES from cytotoxic oedema in the

Figure 4. Three different cases of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome showing (A, B) predominately free diffusion with small area of restricted
diffusion, T2 shine-through effect (C, D), and (E, F) predominantly restricted diffusion with peripherally free diffusion. (Arrows) point to the areas of
hyperintensity on diffusion-weighted images.
PRES review / Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 68 (2017) 147e153 151

Figure 5. Reversibility of the lesions. (A, B) Complete reversibility of the lesion in 1 week and (C, D) no reversibility of the lesion even after 4 weeks.

setting of cerebral ischemia [3,32e34]. DWI can be used to Ay et al [32], increased tissue pressure may impair the
monitor for ischemia as a complication of PRES [3]. On DWI, microcirculation in areas of massive oedema, eventually
the hallmark of PRES lesions is a pattern of vasogenic oedema leading to ischemia. DWI can help predict conversion to
(Figure 4, A and B), but it may show T2 shine-through effect or infarction and irreversible tissue damage.
pattern of ischemia (Figure 4, C and D). Quantitative assess-
ment of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps may show Angiography
subtle involvement with PRES, which may go unnoticed on
conventional MRI [3]. Foci of high signal intensity in the Both conventional catheter and MR angiograms have been
cortex suggest that either it is undergoing infarction or already reported to show focal vasoconstriction, focal vasodilatation,
infarcted (Figure 4, A, B, E, and F). and string of bead appearance of medium and small arteries
The extent of involvement has prognostic implications [36]. These findings are reversible on follow up. However,
[3], and helps identify patients who need more aggressive angiograms may show normal appearance of the vessels and
treatment. Patient outcome correlates with the extent of is important in differentiating PRES from arterial infarcts.
combined T2 and DWI signal abnormalities [3]. High DWI
signal intensity and low or normal ADC values are associ- Perfusion Studies
ated with cerebral infarction and may give the earliest
warning of nonreversibility as vasogenic oedema progresses MR perfusion has been reported to show decreased cerebral
to cytotoxic oedema (Figure 4, E and F) [3]. blood volume and cerebral blood flow in PRES [37]. This
The mechanism for progression of severe vasogenic pattern supports the autoregulatory arterial vasoconstriction
oedema to cytotoxic oedema is unclear [3,35]. According to hypothesis. However, no change in permeability has been
152 J. Shankar, J. Banfield / Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 68 (2017) 147e153

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