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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Vol:7, No:4, 2013

Process Parameters Optimization for Pulsed TIG

Welding of 70/30 Cu-Ni Alloy Welds Using Taguchi
M. P. Chakravarthy, N. Ramanaiah, B. S. K.Sundara Siva Rao

improved bead contours, greater tolerance to heat sink

Abstract—Taguchi approach was applied to determine the most variations, lower heat input requirements, reduced residual
influential control factors which will yield better tensile strength of stresses and distortion, refinement of fusion zone
the joints of pulse TIG welded 70/30 Cu-Ni alloy. In order to microstructure, and reduced width of HAZ. There are four
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:4, 2013

evaluate the effect of process parameters such as pulse frequency, independent parameters that influence the process are peak
peak current, base current and welding speed on tensile strength of
current, base current, pulse frequency, and welding speed [7],
Pulsed current TIG welded 70/30 Cu-Ni alloy of 5 mm thickness,
Taguchi parametric design and optimization approach was used. [8].
Through the Taguchi parametric design approach, the optimum levels Earlier Pulse current was used to weld aluminum and
of process parameters were determined at 95% confidence level. The magnesium alloy only. But recent study revealed that, PC
results indicate that the Pulse frequency, peak current, welding speed GTAW can be used for welding of 70/30 Cu-Ni alloy to
and base current are the significant parameters in deciding the tensile greater effect. Grain refinement in 70/30 Cu-Ni alloy was
strength of the joint. The predicted optimal values of tensile strength
stronger in PC GTAW than CC GTAW However; no thorough
of Pulsed current Gas tungsten arc welding (PC GTAW) of 70/30
study has been reported so far on PC GTAW of 70/30 Cu-Ni
Cu-Ni alloy welds are 368.8MPa.
alloys and hence the present investigation was carried out.
Keywords—70/30 Cu-Ni alloy, pulsed current GTAW, The effect of some important parameters such as pulse
mechanical properties, Taguchi technique, analysis of variance. frequency, peak current, base current and welding speed on
weld properties is major topics for researchers [9], [10]. In
I. INTRODUCTION order to study the effect of PC GTAW process parameters,
most workers follow the traditional experimental techniques,
F USION welding generally involves joining of metals by
application of heat for melting of metals to be joined.
Almost all the conventional arc welding processes offers high
i.e. varying one parameter at a time while keeping others
constant. This conventional parametric design of experiment
heat input, which in turn leads to various problems such as approach is time consuming and calls for enormous resources.
burn-through or melt through, distortion, porosity, buckling, Taguchi statistical design is a powerful tool to identify
grain coarsening and joint gap variation during welding etc. significant factor from many by conducting relatively less
Use of the proper welding process, procedure and technique is number of experiments. However, this design fundamentally
one tool to address this issue [1]-[5]. GTAW is a good process does not account for the interaction among processing
for joining 70/30 Cu-Ni alloy plates but it suffers with low parameters. In view of cost and time saving, occasionally
mechanical properties. these interactions can be neglected. If mandatory, the missing
Pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding (PC GTAW), is a interactions can be analyzed by further running the required
variation of GTAW process that involves cycling the welding experiments.
current at a selected regular frequency. The maximum current Though research work applying Taguchi methods on
is selected to give adequate penetration and bead contour, casting methods and fusion welding processes have been
while the minimum is set at a level sufficient to maintain a reported in literature [9]-[14], it appears that the optimization
stable arc [6], [7]. This permit arc energy is used efficiently to of PC GTAW process parameters of 70/30 Cu-Ni alloy using
fuse a spot of controlled dimensions in a short time producing Taguchi method has not been reported yet. Considering the
the weld as a series of overlapping nuggets. By contrast, in above facts, the Taguchi L16 method is adopted to analyze the
constant current welding, the heat required to melt the base effect of each processing parameters (i.e. pulse frequency
material is supplied only during the peak current pulses (PF), peak current (PC), base current (BC), and welding speed
allowing the heat to dissipate into the base material leading to (WS) for optimum tensile strength of PC GTAW of 70/30 Cu-
a narrower heat affected zone (HAZ) [8]. Advantages include Ni alloy welds.


M. P. Chakravarthy, PhD Scholar is with the Mechanical Eng. Dept.
Andhra University Visakhapatnam, A.P., India (Phone: +91 9493792564, e- Taguchi method is an efficient problem solving tool, which
mail: can upgrade/improve the performance of the product, process,
N. Ramanaiah, Associate Professor, B. S. K. Sundara Siva Rao, Professor design and system with a significant slash in experimental
are with the Andhra University, Mechanical Eng. Dept. Visakhapatnam, A.P.,
India (e-mail:, time and cost [15]. This method that combines the

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(4) 2013 763
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:7, No:4, 2013

exxperimental design
d theory and quality looss function concept
c A. Important Parameters
haas been applieed for carryinng out robust design of prrocesses From [7]-[100], the predom
minant factors of pulse freqquency,
annd products and solvingg several com mplex probleems in peak current, weelding speed aand base curreent which havve great
manufacturing industries. Further, this teechnique deteermines inffluence on thhe tensile sttrength of pu ulsed currentt GTA
thhe most influential parameeters in the overall
o perforrmance. weelded joints were identified.
Thhe optimum process
p parammeters obtaineed from the Taguchi
method are innsensitive to the variation in environnmental B. Working Limits of Param meters
coondition and other noisee factors [166]. The num mber of The composiition and meechanical prop perties of the base
exxperiments inccreases with thhe increase off process paraameters. meetal are listedd in Tables I and II, respectively. A large
Too solve this complexity,
c thhe Taguchi method
m uses a special nuumber of trial runs were caarried out usin ng 5mm thickk rolled
deesign of orthhogonal arraay to study the entire process plaates of 70/30 Cu-Ni alloy too find out feaasible working g limits
paarameter spacce with a sm mall number ofo experimentts only. of pulsed currennt GTAW paarameters. Diffferent combinnations
Taaguchi definees three categgories of quality characteriistics in of pulsed currennt parameterss were used to o carry out thhe trial
thhe analysis off (Signal/Noisse) ratio, i.e. the lower-thee-better, runns. The beadd contour, beaad appearancce and weld quality
thhe larger-the-bbetter and the nominal -the--better. The S//N ratio weere inspected to identify thhe working lim mits of the welding
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:4, 2013

foor each of prrocess param meter is comp puted based on o S/N parrameters, leadding to the ffollowing obsservations. 1) If the
annalysis. Regardless of the categorry of the quality peak current wasw less than 200 A, therre were incomplete
chharacteristics, a larger S/N ratio correspoonds to better quality pennetration and lack of fusioon. For peak current greateer than
chharacteristics. Therefore, the optimall level of process p 230 A, undercuut and spatter were observeed on the weld bead
paarameter is thhe level of hhighest S/N ratio. Furtherm more, a surrface. 2) If thhe base currennt was lowerr than 95 A, the t arc
statistical analyysis of variancce (ANOVA) can be perforrmed to lenngth was founnd to be short. For base currrent greater thhan 125
seee which proceess parameterr is statistically
y significant for
f each A, the arc beccomes unstabble and the arc a wanderinng was
quuality characteeristics. obbserved due too increased arcc length. 3) Iff the pulse freqquency
waas lower than 0.5 Hz, the beead appearancce and contourrs were
METERS comparable to thhose of constaant current weeld beads. Whhen the
An Ishikawaa diagram (caause and effect diagram)[1 17] was freequency was greater than 5 Hz, moree arc glare and a arc
coonstructed as shown in Figg. 1 to identiffy the Pulsed current spaatter were obbserved. 4) IIf the weldin ng speed deccreases
TIIG process parameters
p thhat may influuence the quaality of beyyond 140mm//min, the pennetration also will w decrease due to
Puulsed TIG joiints. From Figg. 1, Pulsed TIGT welding process thee pressure off the large ammount of welld pool beneaath the
paarameters such h as pulse freqquency, peak current, base current eleectrode, whichh will cushioon the arc pennetrating force were
annd welding sppeed play a major role inn deciding thhe weld obbserved [18]. If welding sppeed was incrreasing beyonnd 170
quuality. In thhe present innvestigation, four level process mm m/min, width of weld beadd reduced, deccreasing peneetration
paarameters i.e. pulse frequenncy (PF), peaak current (PC C), base of the weld and the weld beadd formation wasw not smoothh [19].
cuurrent (BC) an nd welding sppeed (WS) weere consideredd. Trail
exxperiments weere carried outt using 5 mm thick rolled plates
700/30 Cu-Ni alloy
a to fix thhe working raange of Pulseed TIG Material Ni Fe Mn Pb Z
Zn others Cu
welding processs parameterss. The chemiccal compositiion and 70/30 Cu-Ni 32.50
3 0.50 0.10
0 0.02 0..50 0.1 REST
mechanical prooperties of the base metal 700/30 Cu-Ni alloy and
filller wire (70//30 ER CuNii ) used in thhis investigattion are TA
giiven in Tabless I-III respectivvely. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF 770/30 CU-NI (BASSE MATERIAL (BM))
Ultimate T
Tensile Elonggation
Sll. No. Materiaal Harddness
Strength (N
N/mm2) (%
Numbeer (HN)
70/30 140 412
2.3 1220

Hence, the range

r of proocess parameeters such as pulse
freequency was selected as 00.5 – 5.0 Hzz, Peak currennt was
sellected as 200 – 230 A, Basee current was selected as 955 – 125
A and welding speed was seelected as 1400 -170 mm/miin, The
PCC GTAW proocess parametters along wiith their rangges are
givven in Table IV.

Fig. 1 Cause and effect diaggram

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(4) 2013 764
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:7, No:4, 2013

Material Ni Fe Mn Pb P Si Ti others Cu
Filler ERCuNi
29.31 0.40 0.65 0.015 0.001 0.058 0.28 0.1 REST
(70/30 Cu-Ni)

Level Peak current (A) Base current (A) Pulse frequency (Hz) Welding speed (%)
Range 200 – 230 A 95 – 125 A 0.5 -5.0 Hz 140-150 mm/min
Level 1 200 95 0.5 140
Level 2 210 105 1.0 150
Level 3 220 115 3.0 160
Level 4 230 125 5.0 170

International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:4, 2013

Sl. Input parameter Response

No. Peak Base Pulse WS (mm/ S/N
T1 T2 T3 Mean
current (A) current (A) frequency(Hz) min) ratio
1 200 95 0.5 140 325.0 318 330 324.3 50.21
2 200 105 1 150 340.0 349.5 345.5 345.0 50.75
3 200 115 3 160 360.0 350 340 350.0 50.88
4 200 125 5 170 299.0 298 288 295.0 49.39
5 210 95 1 160 335.0 340 345 340.0 50.62
6 210 105 0.5 170 336.0 339 345 340.0 50.62
7 210 115 5 140 330.0 334 320 328.0 50.31
8 210 125 3 150 355.0 360 341 352.0 50.93
9 220 95 3 170 330.0 330 339 330.0 50.37
10 220 105 5 160 332.0 314 320 322.0 50.15
11 220 115 0.5 150 345.0 340 329 338.0 50.57
12 220 125 1 140 330.0 342 327 330.0 50.37
13 230 95 5 150 320.0 325 315 320.0 50.10
14 230 105 3 140 340.0 350 330 340.0 50.62
15 230 115 1 170 318.0 315 327 319.0 50.07
16 230 125 0.5 160 309.0 308.7 300 305.9 49.71

IV. SELECTION OF ORTHOGONAL ARRAY (OA) configuration was obtained by securing the plates in position
Before selecting a particular OA to be used as a matrix for using mechanical clamps. The direction of welding was
conducting the experiments, the following two points must be normal to the rolling direction. Single pass welding procedure
considered: 1) The number of parameters and interactions of was used to fabricate the joints by M/s Miller syncrowave 350
interest; 2) The number of levels for the parameters of interest. LX, CC-AC/DC square wave power source TIG welding
The non-linear behavior, if exists among the process machine. The welded joints were sliced shown in Fig. 2 (a))
parameters, can only be studied if more than two levels of the using a power hacksaw and then machined to the required
parameters are used. Therefore, each parameter was analyzed dimensions as shown in Fig. 2 (b). The American Society for
at four levels. To limit the study, it was decided not to study Testing of Materials (ASTM E8) guidelines was followed for
the second order interaction among the parameters. Each four preparing the test specimens. The smooth tensile specimens
level parameter has 3 degrees of freedom (DOF=number of were prepared to evaluate ultimate tensile strength. At each
levels−1), the total DOF required for 4 parameters each at four experimental level three specimens were prepared to minimize
levels is 12 (=4× (4−1)). As per Taguchi’s method, the total the noise factor. Tensile test was carried out in 100 KN,
DOF of selected OA must be greater than or equal to the total computer controlled Universal Testing Machine.
DOF required for the experiment. So an L16 OA having
15(=16−1) degrees of freedom were selected for the present

The investigations were carried out on 70/30 Cu-Ni (5 mm
thick) rolled plate. The rolled plates of 70/30 Cu-Ni alloy of 5
mm in thickness were cut into the required size (100 mm× 55
mm) by power hacksaw cutting and milling. The initial joint

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(4) 2013 765
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:7, No:4, 2013

thee influence on n the deviatioons from the sensitiveness of the

expperiment outp put to the nooise factors. The
T appropriaate S/N
rattio must be chhosen using prrevious knowlledge, expertise, and
unnderstanding of o the process. When the target is fixeed and
theere is trivial or absent signal factor (static
( design)), it is
poossible to choose the signaal-to-noise (S//N) ratio depending
onn the goal of thhe design [20]. In this studdy, the S/N rattio was
chosen accordin ng to the critterion of the larger-the-bettter, in
ord der to maximmize the respoonse. In the Taguchi
T methood, the
siggnal to noise ratio is used tto determine the deviation of the
quuality characteeristics from thhe desired vallue. The S/N ratio
r ηj
(laarger-the-betteer) in the jth exxperiment can
n be expressed
d as
ηj = - 10*Lo
og10 (sum (1/Y
Yijk**2)/n) (1)
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:4, 2013

whhere n is the number of teests and Yijk is the experiimental

value of the ith quality charaacteristics in th he jth experim
ment at
thee kth test.
In the presentt study, the teensile strength
h data were annalyzed
to determine thee effect of pullsed current TIGT welding process
parrameters. Thee experimentaal results werre then transfformed
intto means and d signal-to-noiise (S/N) ratiio. In this wo ork, 16
(b) meeans and 16 S/N ratios were calculated d and the esttimated
Fig. 2 (a) Scheeme of welding with respect to rolling directioon and tennsile strength
h, means andd signal-to-no oise (S/N) rattio are
extraction of teensile specimenns, (b) ASTM- E8E dimensions of flat givven in Tablee V. The anaalysis of meaan for each of the
smooth teensile specimenn expperiments wiill give the bbetter combinaation of paraameters
levvels that ensurres a high level of tensile strength accord ding to
VI. RESULTTS AND DISCUSSSION thee experimentaal set of data. The mean reesponse referss to the
A. Signal to Noise
N Ratio average value of perform mance characcteristics forr each
parrameter at diifferent levelss. The mean for one leveel was
Tensile strenngth is the maiin characteristtic consideredd in this
he average of all responsess that were ob
callculated as th btained
nvestigation describing
in d thee quality of Pulsed current TIG
wiith that level. The mean ressponse of raw w data and S/NN ratio
welded joints. In
I order to asssess the influeence of factorss on the
of tensile strenggth for each parameter at level 1, 2, 3 and 4
reesponse; the means
m and Siggnal-to-Noise ratios (S/N) forf each
weere calculated and are givenn in Table VI.
coontrol factor can
c be calculaated. The sign nals are indicaators of
he effect on av verage responsses and the no oises are meassures of

Means S/N raatio
Process paarameter Leveel
L1 328.6 3
328.6 327.0 330.6 50.31 50.33 50.28 50.38
Averagee value L2 340.0 3
336.8 333.5 338.8 50.63 50.54 50.46 50.59
L3 330.0 3
333.8 343.0 329.5 50.37 50.46 50.70 50.34
L4 321.2 3
320.7 316.3 321.0 50.13 50.10 49.99 50.12
Deltta 18.8 16.0 26.8 17.8 0.5
50 0.44 0.71 0.47
RANNK 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3

Sourcee DF Seeq SS MS F % of contribution
PC 3 716.6 238.85 4.94 19.90
BC 3 591.2 197.06 4.08 16.41
PF 3 516.3
15 505.44 10.46 42.10
PT 3 632.6 210.87 4.36 17.56
Residual Error
E 3 145
1 48.33 4.03
Totall 15 36
601.7 100.00

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(4) 2013 766
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:7, No:4, 2013

Source DF Seq SS MS F % of contribution
PC 3 0.5059 0.168664 4.78 19.61
BC 3 0.4464 0.148779 4.22 17.30
PF 3 1.0693 0.356443 10.11 41.44
PT 3 0.4530 0.150999 4.28 17.56
Residual Errror 3 0
0.106 0.035226 4.10
Total 15 2.5803 100.00
DF─ Degrees of o freedom, Seq q SS─ Sequenciaal sum of squarres, Adj SS─Adjjusted sum of square, Adj MS─ ─Adjusted mean square, F─Fish
her ratio,
─probability that exceeds the 95 % confidence
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:4, 2013

Fig. 3 Comparison
C of mean
m effect andd S/N ratio of teensile strength

The means and

a S/N ratio of the variou us process parrameters proocess parameter has a siignificant efffect on the quality
when they chaanged from th
w he lower to higher
h levels are also chaaracteristics, when F is large. The results
giiven in Table VI. It is clear that a larger S/N
S ratio corrresponds inddicate that thhe consideredd process parrameters are highly
o better qualityy characteristiics. Thereforee, the optimal level of signnificant factoors affecting the tensile strength of Pulsed
prrocess parameeter is the levvel of highestt S/N ratio [2 21]. The currrent TIG welding joints iin the order of pulse freqquency,
mean effect an
nd S/N ratio (Fig. 3) for tensile
t streng
gth were peaak current, weelding speed annd base curren
caalculated by statistical so oftware [22], indicating thatt the
C. Interpretatiion of Experim
mental Resultss
tensile strengthh was at maxim mum when pu ulse frequency y at level
3,, peak currentt at level 2, base current att level 2 and welding 11. Percentage of Contributioon
peed at level 2,2 i.e. pulse frrequency at 3..0 Hz, peak cu urrent at TThe percentag ge of contribution is the portion
p of th
he total
2110 A, base current
c at 10 05 A and weelding speed at 150 varriation observ ved in the experiment attributed to o each
mm/min. The comparison of o mean effecct and S/N ratior are signnificant facto
ors and/or interaction whicch is reflected. The
prresented in Figg. 3. perrcentage of co ontribution iss a function ofo the sequen ntial of
B. Analysis of Variance (A ANOVA) uares for each significant iteem; it indicatees the relative power
of a factor to reduce
r the vaariation. If th
he factor leveels are
Analysis off variance (A ANOVA) testt was perforrmed to
conntrolled precissely, then the total variatio
on could be reeduced
dentify the proocess parameteers that are sttatistically sign
by the amount in ndicated by thhe percentage of contributio on. The
Th he purpose of the ANO OVA test iss to investig gate the
perrcentage of contribution of tthe pulse freq
quency, peak current,
siggnificance off the process pparameters wh hich affect thee tensile
wellding speed an nd base currennt are shown ini Fig. 4.
strrength of Pullsed current T TIG welding joints. The ANOVA
reesults for tensiile strength off means and S/N
S ratio are given
g in
Taables VII and d VIII respectiively. In addittion, the F-test named
affter Fisher cann also be used d to determinee which proceess has a
siggnificant effect on tensile strength.
s Usuaally, the changge of the

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International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:7, No:4, 2013

2. Estimation of Optimum Performance Characteristics tensile strength at second level of base current, 105 A and WS
L2 is the average tensile strength at second level of welding
speed 150 mm/min. Substituting the values of various terms in
(2), then

Tensile strength = 340.0 +336.8 +343.0 +338.8 – 3 x330.0 =

368.8 MPa
D. Confirmation Test
For confirmation, experiments were conducting at the
optimum setting of process parameters namely pulse frequency
at level 3 (3 Hz), peak current at level 2 (210 A), base current
at level 2(105 A) and welding speed at level 2 (150 mm/min)
and the experimental average value of the three tensile test
samples readings of PC GTAW of 70/30 Cu-Ni alloy welds
International Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:4, 2013

was found ((363.8+362.2+363)/3=) 363.0MPa. By Taguchi

method, the predicted optimal tensile strength value at 95%
Fig. 4 Percentage of contribution of factors (Means) confidence level was 368.8MPa.

The methods described in this paper for tensile strength VII. CONCLUSIONS
prediction and optimization can eliminate the need for
1) The percentage of contribution of PC GTAW process
performing experiments on the basis of the conventional trial
parameters was evaluated. It is found that the pulse
and error method which is time consuming and economically
frequency (Hz) has 42.10 % contribution, peak current (A)
not justifiable. The present study is aimed at to identify the
has 19.90 % contribution; welding speed (mm/min) has
most influencing significant parameter and percentage
17.56 % and base current (A) has 16.41% contribution to
contribution of each parameter on tensile strength of PC
tensile strength of welded joints.
GTAW of 70/30 Cu-Ni alloys joints by conducting minimum
2) The optimum value of process parameters such as pulse
number of experiments using Taguchi orthogonal array. Based
frequency , peak current, base current and welding speed
on the highest values of the S/N ratio and mean levels (Fig. 3)
are found to be 3.0 Hz, 210 A, 105 A and 150 mm/min
for the significant factors PC, BC, PF and WS the overall
optimum condition thus obtained were PC L2, BC L2, PF L3
and WS L2. No reports were available on optimization of
pulsed TIG welding process parameters on Cupronickel (Cu-
Ni) alloys by using Taguchi analysis. [1] G. Madhusudhan Reddy, Proceedings of ISTE Summer School on Recent
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