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vacancy would te promptly filled. Al- AFTEB DEATH. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. eitv He is charat-- with einbezzline owooooo,ooooooooo,;ckxioooooooooooooo HHlftO00MH00cVM.0000X)i)MOX000'KX0U'
MEMPHIS APPEAL though Mr. Fish had intimated his wish two thousand dollars froui tliene pack ouoenoooo'MXKKXXjoeooo oouoooooo oouooooooo
ages. What evidence the company has 000 Vol. V 18r7. ooo Manafaetaxen of the Celebrated
to retire at the end of the present Ad- The New York Methodist Preachers Popular Vote by States, Compared with against him has not been developed ooo
hoped he
FRIDAY MORMNG, JA1T. 10, 1872.
ministration, the President
would modify his desire by consenting
Excited oa the Subject of Fatare the Vote in 1868. He deuiet the srime.
Secretary Fish is reported to have ooo
l BCOTTO" TKA1 AK) I P to remain as Secretary of .State until the
In the following table is given the ac-
said yesterday that the Cuban
tionists, not having gained any
ooy The heit Illustrated Home Journal in ooo
CHARTS. questions growing out of the Treaty of tual vote for Grant and Greeley Presi- ground than they possessed three years ooo
World, Full of ttood ThlngH tor ooo

We are now arrived at the part of the Washington were entirely settled.
cotton season when about oue-ha- lf the


The question of future punishuieut is dential
be quite an interesting one Union. The highest
Electors in all the States of the ago, are uot any more enmieu 10 uemg-eren- t ooo &11 the Vaunily; with a tint rut' Dv ooo
vote cast on each risrhts novr than then. He said
ooo partment for the Young Folks
by Mr, ooo
tkibi'kc 1.1 bel. srtrs. ticket has been taken wherever obtain- our Government has no scheme of an- Ceaaeat, Piaster, Tiles
ro Is USU&liv Mi. !l " lUCICIVir O livi among Methodists, several prominent able.
improper period for the cotton dealer to It is well known to the reading public ministers of that denomination being In Georgia and a few other States nexation in the sending of a naval force 000 Mary E. Hapefl Dodge, und a thrilling S
the averaged vote is given. Under the to the Sandwich Islands. ooo 310 and 312 FBOSfT MTBEET, Memphi
ooo Fire Brick and Clay, Hay, Cera, Btaa.
l.x.k back a far n septemuer me nrei, that both before and since the
elections known and others suspected of holding head of "scattering" are included the OOO VKW KTOY OOO
The report of the Btate Comptroller of OOO
and glancing over the course of the the New Y'ork Tribune has
been the views on the subject which,
to the orthodoxy of the majority of the straightout
misrepresentation by Church, are heretical.
vote of O'Conor and Black, the New York shows that the expenses of ooo
Democratic and Temper- canals last year were three hundred and ooo
We invite the attention of merchant to our stock of Foreign
Order promptly Oiled and satisfaction guaranteed.
and DomeaUc Hardware
41 South Court St,
market since then, ask himself hether subject of gross Yesterday the
ance candidates. The vote, however, fourteen thousand three hundred and metropolisvixle agents for Deerlng Hon Kaglae, .ullette 61a, aad Xachinery i. en era; I.
that course, and the prospect as it stands several of its contemporaries, and that question
came before
cre- has not been returned from all the seventy-thre- e dollars in excess of re- ooo by Edward Eggleston, aatlinr ol "The 224 MAIN STREET. -- 224
one of them (the Timet) has antago-
at present, are all he could wiah it to be? States. Iu the case of Louisiana the ceipts. He recommends prompt legis- OOO
busi ated quite a breee not to say tumult. vote is given as declared by the "The End of m WHOLESALE HARDWARE- - IMPORTANT TO MERCHANTS
In the first place, more cotton has been nised it not onlv jxlitiealiy, but In a lation for enlarging the capacity of the ooo Noosler
for discussiou was the
The question
this bmsou than was raised last ness wav, and. by gross perversions of doctrine of the "Annihilation of the ures as declared by Warnioth's Return-i- n Returning Board. The fig-
brie canal, m older to retain tne traiis- - OOO
ooo the World," etc. All will enjoy It. m
Western products ;md suc

Allison Brotners,
nortation of
vear. Taking last year's production aH facts, has 'ought to damage it iu public Wicked,"Rev. and the opening paper was
Mr. Terry, of Poughkeep-sie- , 5S.2-52-; Board, were: For Grant
Electors, cessfully compete with Canadian canals. ooo ooo Though equaling In vile :ind beauty r, ooo
read by
one hundred, Tennessee has this year by esteem, to reduce its circulation and
who took the commonly accepted Greeley Electors, 66,267.
Virginia is the happiest of all the late OOO ooo
ooo the a Illustrated Journal. aoo
comparison 110. Arkansas 115, Missis- fluence its advertising business. This Methodistic view and used the ordinary 18K. IMS.
reliel States, and perhaps the most pros- - ooo
sippi 112, and Alabama 111. According has been carried to an extent when Methodist arguments. Urteleu. Nmt. Omni Scym'r. i?rous. A irood deal of this state of ooo ooo Il. arth and Home In supplied at the
T2,ta affuire is owing to thes toleration and ooo to. '.owing low ooo
to this statement, which is official, ceases to be a virtue. The When Mr. Terry concluded his paper
Rev. Dr. Truce was called for bv many
a.ixi IVJWJt
conservatism of her prftjs. It is a slight ooo
every condition.
of Ool i and aUyeartialaaia
where our receipts in Memphis were 100 Tribune, unable longer to endure voices. Dr. Truce is one of the most 40,748 l,tSX 51,92 54,078
47JKM thing but characteristic to hnd the ooo Tersaa : H a year; Four topic, j,,
last year, they should le ttS this year so unjust and un journalistic a
thoroughly educated and highly culti-
42S aU.WH
I!y l.ciiinUt'p
1VS0 papers of praising Beuator ooo L ooo ;

75 each Ten or more Coplex, tl ooo
Hi ooo 17 Union Street, Memphis, Tennt Y.D.SCALES U.W.MUR1H J. W. WEB
By ascertaining how our receipts stand mode of warfare, has retaliated. vated men in his church, and was for Lewis honesty,
(Republican! for his
76,27k 4,000 57,131
25eStt 19S.143 advising the young men of the State to ooo
31 Every Subscriber will be PHE-- JJo Having changed onr ale, we now offer, to merchant only, SCALES, MURPHY & CO.
in relation to this number, we shall find But not through vituperative newspaper many years aProfessor with
in Wesleyan Uni-
evident reluc-
184,7711 .",068
16,!W0 sink their pride aud go to work, and ooo SENTED WITH ooo arge and complete ntnck o rdware. We Invite an Inspection of off
versity. He rose 163,637 1,417 176,552
whether our business has this year been articles or rejoinder. It has recourse to
tance at the call of his brethren, and
71,ll-- 202 iaoj 71,040
inviting immigration, all in one day A SPtE.VDlD
tock. and solicit the na'-- bnying goods In oar market.
Successor to Sealex, Richard ou A BB)
A dispatch yesterday in- said 32,fi;o 721 . 81,046 14,01 2 Special xfixnilo art Yen to Prlllaui Orders.
advancing or not; and if it has, whether the courts. that he had an essay on the subject 11,2W 2,374 11 ,9 In the Tennessee Legislature the ooo ooo
in the proportion it ought to do or not. forms us that all the papers in the suits which he had been requested to publish Main
The total receipts at Memphis this time of the Tribune
last year, from the first of September, Brooklyn Union have been served, and as a fairthe
against the Time and in
the Methodist Quarterly
editor had read and approved
Review, and 61,422
I2;)6 Democrats, although in a majority, are
dividinl into Bourbons and
latter rieiug Union men of the Andrew ooo
Liberals, O
TBL "Bit
1842. ooo
Established 1842.
was 219,583 bales; adding the twelve per the Tribune will press for trial as early many on the subject; but it had been
presentation of the views of
24 i
t .
Johnson slrine. and eenerallv his per ooo
$20 pt im m ooo

ooo V i

& CO.,
sonal friends and supporters. The ooo
ceut. by which our receipts up to the as possible, and proposes to meet the thought liest, on mature consideration,
name date this year ought to exceed that libels, first, by proving that the
number to keep us up to the ratio of the tion of the Tribune is nearly or quite troversy. He would not read the essay,
circula- not to publish it, lest it
uniwofitable, and
perhaps, to

Bourbons refuse to frateruize with their ooo
more progressive breathen,
"1,224 calling loudly for a "generation of the ooo .so
and are
ooo if taken at the office, unmounted; or ooo
it will
bo sent
; or,
cents it will be finely Monnted on ooo
A. J.
, un- - ooo
for ooo
76 .SO! 00! 80,121 sheep from the goats." The eoiiseijiien ooo heavy
increased crop, we have a total of 245,987 ijouble what they assert, and that it has but would give a summary of his opin-
Binder' board and varnished, ooo
bales that ought to have been received not been for many years anywhere
near ions on the subject. He was not an
.187 .27M
1,655 4 19,:: 429,883
m&6 81,090 ces may yet be of national importance ooo ready
ooo for use with or without frame, ooo
and be em securely packed and pt-- oon
as Jll,o l,4 2tU,I3t -- ''18,700 and interest. ooo paid ('JO rent lea if taaeu at the office ooo
figures they name, enormous but a destrucl.ionist.
here up to this day. The real amount the low
Mr. Corbet asked: "What is the dif-
21 ,901
1U.967 11,125
313,182 It was discovered yesterday that a ooo ooo or sent by express). New subscribers ooo 400 Front Street,
received is 202,788 bales, which is 16,79ti these would nevertheless be to most ference?"
8,548 Mr. Kidd,-- twine merchant in Murray ooo now received for 1873 get, free of ooo
5,129 12,803
charge, the back numbers, or an ex- - ooo
bales lot than we received last year in- newspapers, even in New Y'ork; second, The Speaker Annihilation is the de-
JL'l 62,301
street, hud a train of fuses connecting ooo Ira, containing the first chapter of ooo MEMPHIS, -
his premises with the adjoining prop- ooo Mr. Kggleston's fine story. ooo
stead of 26,352 bales more, or 43,148 by putting Mr. Wm. Orton on the stand struction of the material of which man 66,5011 2,580
10,926 553
No vote. ooo Hearth
erty, whereby they could be set on fire. ooo A irricullurist, one year, and a splendid ooo and Home, with American ooo Liberal AdTinces lade on Cotton.
bales leas than it should have la testify whether the story concerning is
14,167 12,045
made, and would require the Virginia 91,421 43 N u vote. Kidd was arrested, and his office-bo- y
ooo with If taken at the ooo HAVE INCREASED OCR CAPITAL,
!een according to the increase him is true or false, or whether there is pan anie exertion

of power on the W. Vtr
Almighty as the crea-
86,477 834
testified to seeing him making the fuses. ooo office unmounted, for SI. Both Chro- - ooo
post- - ooo T:::

I 1 o WE sufficient to enable ns to poreba i.ur

of the crop in those districts from a shadow of a shade of foundation for
which the Memphis supply of cotton is utivtbing resembling it; and third, if the IH'ualty of the incorrigibly wicked Mnjv... 759,137
tion of matter. I believe that the Totals. 3.592,984 2,833,847 ,33J; 3,013,188 2,703,600
Three large warehouses were involved ooo paid, for 75 cent. ooo
in this attempt, and but for this discov- 000 ORANGE JCDD CO., Publishers, 9?
hum, mountd, etc, and sent,
ooo PS
o coods for cash, and 10 tlve our custo ultra an
liberal terms as any honse in th rtty.
Respectfully soliciting our f rtenu and ta
u vill be the destruction of his conscious
. 300,588
ery, heavy loss would have ensued, as I"'; 243 Broadway, Hew York. j
m H public to give u a trial. des
drawn. This calculation is based on tne jhjiui can oe properij urougui iuu. H
supposition that Memphis does only the suit, by proving that the notorious
same oroDortion of business she did last w ay speculator referred to never loaned forever. He was naturally immortal;
year; but she ought to do a larger pro-- , a
rail- - existence, a total cessation of all his
functions. Man was designed to live
directly or indirectly, either the penalty of the law was the destruc-
the trains were nearly all laid in the 001 loooooonooooooooooooo OOOOOOO 1IOOOOOOOOO
upper stories and from roof to roof.
A number of bills relating to Terri 00000KXXX0000000000 OOOOOOO
tories were reiiorted and disposed of
111 KjfHJ-- -
tat O
The, Servian militia is being armed.
iH.rtion. If she does not she is falling hen or ever in his life, to the gentlemen tion of this immortality. There were iu the United States Senate yesterday. DISSOLUTION. -- t

J. C EDWARDS & CO., Prop'ra,


three great men at three great epochs HeNapoleon is suffering fearful pains. The following bills were passed: To re--I
!ehind, for as soon as a city becomes of the Tribune staff who regained the of

stationary it has done advancing, and control. Judeiuc from this, there is will was given to man Adam, Moses,
the next changv is retrogradation, end- - a prospect for a lively row among and Christ. With the law the penalty ductions in expenses.
the world through whom the Divine will die shortly.
The army bill of Denmark makes re- territory; transferring to tne center
adjust the western boundary of Dakota
certain Territorial penitentiaries in the T dissolved hy mutnal consent. M.J.Rox- -
Arm of M. J. Rossel A Co. is ihix day
I Jhi
s a
9a z .M. :. ail. 913 and
st. ton-- . 3. FUtti Mtsveet.
ing iu commercial extinction. On look- - the newspapers in the next few if violating the law should be given, Bazine's trial will be postponed until several Territories in which they are lo- sel is authorized to settle all business con-
nected with the Arm. M. J. RU8SEL. THE PUBLIC 9. S. Grant and sons are no longer
penalty cated; disapproving certain legislation
in;; further into this matter we find that weeks. The Tribune and World are and if you do not find the of the Germans evacuate
eternal punishment given by either of The pioneer Protestant Church of iu the Territory of Washington; regu-
France. December 21, 1872. J. L. VERIER.
jo. 234 Front St., Hem phi m,Tenn. employed by
horse and mule trad..--
Jas. C. Edwards a Co. Iu t."
Mr. Joseph us Irvtne
the shipments have fallen off in even making
greater projKJrtiou than the receipts, Times, and savage compliments are ex
common cause against the
I'lL'tires of speech, or the meaning
law the penalty
ihese in direct terms, do not look to par-- Koine was consecrated yesterday.
Count von Beust will be retained in
lating the compensation of members at. Xa.
and officers of the various legislative
VERSER, Orders from Country Merchants Promptly Attended to. ness,
We are
now assuclattd
a amemoeruf said firm.
prepared to continue the busi-
and pay cash for all good horses and
brought to thl- marker
i :
tig sixteen thousand six hundred and changed daily. The Herald is not in of words. With the God say to Adam, service by the Austrian Government. COTTON FACTOR and sell on commissi. ;n, at the i

seventy-seve- n bales behind those of last the fight at present, but will probably was given. What did While Charles Dilke was speaking on rates. Liberal ernsti advances made un
hit representative? "In the day that The Pennsylvania Legislature is in the subject ot land and people in Lou-
year. These figures tell their own story i.ike a hand on the side of the Tribune thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely i ion, and Goverm ( Jeary has sent in don on Tuesday night, a mob attempted AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,
j NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS A good assortment of moles and horses al-
ways, on hand aud tor si e.
w far more eloquent seech than any and World. The Journal of Commerce lie," and so death entered the world. his message. to disperse the meeting. The adher- 363 Front Street, JaS J. C. ED1VaYBr.s ' O- -
we could use, so we shall leave the .11 proves the Tribum's course in bring Adam was not damned. This is not a Coopers wood-mouldi-
factory in ents of Dilkc resisted and a severe strug- Between Union and Uayoso.
d mined world in which we Methodist Philadelphia was burned Tuesday-thi- rty gle ensued. Several iersons were in- a wuKstLIT. w. H. . wjmai.
ier to draw his own inferences. But inir these libel suits, and intimates sxV will continue business on my own ac-
preachers live and preacn repentance
there is another thing we should be re-- that it has suffered severely from md remission of sins. But physical

mi- - in our duty if we failed to call atten-taa- a stories similar to that which causes death entered the world and passedupon day for Europe,
thousand dollars.
Hoffman sailed yester- lighting lasted more than an hour.
jured and many windows broken, the count, and solicit consignments of Cotton
prevailed, but order
and other produce. J. L. F. D. BARN
where he will probably Great excitement
to: What is the cause or causes that the present row. The era of news-pape- r all men, because all have sinned. I can't remain a couple of years.
oe objected to thus far in my theology.
was at last restored and the meeting
brought to a large crowd REMOVAL. A5D COMMISSION MERCHANTS,
have produced tne state of things the fig-
ures of the Chamber of Commerce and
blackguardism and ml9repre- -
has passed away. Here- Billy Corbet 'interrupting)
can lie objected to wonderfully. No one
Y'es you
The old soldiers of 1812 to the num- rived with sticks and bludgeons aud es-
of a bhort dozen met in Philadelphia
close. A ar-
WA1 CHMAKERS. so. 3 i ! r Ki.r.r. MKmrmiH.
yesterday and had a drink. corted the speaker and his wife to their
of the Agricultural Department at Wash- - after it will be fashionable, at least here will allow such ecclesiastical
ii ton so sharply lay before us? We iti New Y'ork, to "sue and be sued' in
hum-trumper- y.

The coal-o- il market at Titusville,

The Missouri Republican is no
WE as at the above stand,
the eomr.txsioi
The Chairman called Mr. Corbet to Pennsylvania, is quiet. The Refiners' a Democratic, but an independent paper. to all of i.
n.iirht allege facts that we know, and ilefence of character. have served for twen:y years wi
order, and said the speaker should not Association control the market. Here is what it says of the Louisiana WHOLESALE and now again pla e ou r ssrrloe
draw our inferences from them, but a be interrupted, and certainly not iu A cable telegram announces the death business: "It is by such hard lessons 265 MAIN STREET, CORNER COURT. their command.
in.'.tter as grave as the one we are now FOB THE BUMP. mania of Cotton, assuring Uiem oi uu

OLD f OMFUKT such a manner. of Dean Ramsay, of Edinburgh, widely that we are coming to understand at efforts as heretofore to serve them
isidering is too important to be dis nder this heading the Mobile Regis-
I Dr. Curry arose, and protested against known as au author and churchman.
last that we are a natiou, and while we faithfully, and to guard, with aealocs cart.,
missed on so suirficial an examination, Wil- - the assumption on the part of Dr. True The party of the Left in France accuse do not undertake to pronounce for or their Interests. supplies furnished, ano
gjyg tuat Attorney-Gener- al
that either the Church or the meeting We are Direct Importers of SWISS WATCHES of some of the liberal advances msdt- on eortslgnaaai o:
h:r Chamber of Commerce should have Haras has made another invention. His agreed with the sentiments he had ut- the Supreme Council of Education as against the decision of Judge Durell on
most celebrated makers, and dealers in all grades Cotton. AU Cotton unless, otherwise
being unpatriotically attached to Rome. its merits, it must be recognized as the Instructed.
a ommittee especially charged with ,; ..t, applied to Alabama, was his patent tered. COTTON FACTORS of the AMERICAS WATCH. oc2Hdw KA1.PH W'lKMELEY a CO.
the oversight of all that belongs to the ;:,iuster. Now he has applied for (and t.'orbet again rising excitedly, and Ontario The second session of Parliament in law of the Lousisiaua case until it is
was opened yesterday with a reversed or modified by a high tribunal.
trade of the city. This commit- - obtained from the President) letters gesticulating like a windmill) I say I speech from the Lieutenant-Governo- r. As to the persoual merits of Warmoth, And Dealers in Foreign and Domestic LOCEEART
te. should have correspondents in every patent for an instautaneous cut-of- f.
am in order, and understand what I am
This about. The doctrine just enunciated The steamer Pladda sunk off the coast and the possibly equally bad men they who OFFER A 8TOCK OE FEDCHT&
are opposed tohim in the liti'atou, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc.,
x mty throughout that portion of the he experiments with upon the Rump, by Dr. True originated in hell, and of Northumberland while en route from HAVE REOPENED AT
ec. ton belt from which cotton comes, or Well, fiat ejperimcntum in corporcxiN. ought to be crammed hack there again, Loudon to Dundee. No lives were lost. are entirely aside from the question." GOLD, DIAMOND AND CORAL JEWELRY
During the year just there 326 FROST ST., : MEMPHIS.
kg effort could be induced to come to h, nas kicked the Rump out of the and the preacher who would give utter-
M mphis for a market. From these I
The United States steam frigate Hart-
ance to such heresy ought to be turned ford has left Malta, where she was re- rived at New York, five thousand six
nited States Courtroom at Montcom- - neck and heels out of the Church. 1 will paired, for Chiuese waters, via the Suez hundred and nineteen vessels from HAVING N (i, J'i Front street, with onr en-
closed ar-
CHAINS, 328 Front Street,
(Fargasoh A Clay's Old Stasd,)
correspondents should be elicited these cry, dispatching to tne united states iiioiest against it here and everywnere. canal. foreign ports, nine hundred and ten larged facilities and Increased stock, we are DE1LKKS m
prepared to offer to our friends and customers FRENCH CLOCKS and STERLING SILVERWARE
farts that will make known, aurely and Maohal not to let that "secret, black and if I have to stand alone I will stand being steamers, four hundred and thirty-on- e speciiil inducements, both in quality and price.
The General Assembly of Illinois
iiumistakeably, why there is less cotton aiid midnight" body perform longer tirmlv for the truth, like Luther at convened yesterday. The House elected dred and eighteen
ships, and one thousand six hun-
barks. Of sail vessels to tuon-sne- a
rals nx will receive

of insurance; and all Cotton consigned
wiin lowest
I'nsurpaaaed by any in he South. BRANDIES,WINES
e .ming to Memphis from the neighbor- rein its "deed without a name." Ti is teraixirary officers and adjourned until for foreign voyages, the bark rig seems
Dr. Currv again protested against Dr. del da ROUAN, SELDEN CO.
hood of each one of them this year )iiof the Attorney-Gener- al reflect- True's last assumption. to be the favorite there being a greater AMD
At the Democratic any
Dana last. Is it owing to new ing, of course, the sentimeut of the The Chairman The proper time will New
ru roads penetrating the country to L'e vernment as it doe9 begins to look as come to answer, and that time is not V' ton was nominated for Governor on other
Hampshire, yesterday, James A.
Convention of number of arrivals
class of vessels.
voyages, however, the schooner rig is
barks than
For coastwise
team boats ceasing to run iu certain if the pressure of public opinion was

directions or commencing trips iu new really influencing the action of the Fed-or- men when it does come.
A voice And we'll answer like gentle- the first illot.
Bot). ...inches of the Wisconsin Legis-- sand and sixteen of this class of vessels
the favorite no less than three thou- COTTON FACTOR THANKING past OCR CUSTOMERS AND
favors, we hope fcr a con-
directions are commodities once ob- The Chairman Enough of this. I lslature organized at Madison yesterdav. having arrived at New York during AND tinuance or the same, aw All orders prompt-
Executive. It would seem to indi-
tained in Memphis now obtained else- cate that the Washington government don't want to be misunderstood.
Dr. Curry I don't think you are mis- livered
Tl.. .
x lie uuvuuui - message win !l I
e j last year from domestic porta.
Another phase of the case in which C ommiK.Hioii Merchant, WHOLESALE GROCERS, ly filled as heretofore dfcWT

where, thus carrying the cotton where means to let the Alabama conspirators understood, and perhaps you will have The New Y'ork Herald is always ask Miss Carlotta F. Shotwell charged Geo. IMPORTANT NOTICE.
the other trading is done; if so, why? severely alone and to keep them out in to have more of it. I think you are ing conundrums, it wants to know- A. Lverett with attracting valuable Pearl
These and other questions, put in the the cold, away from the light of its wrong. now, "What will the Republicans do bonds and papers from ber trunk in P. 0. Box 3909, : : SEW TORE. Memphis Buildin? and Savings Aaao-cialio-

rip tit quarters and intelligently an-- - countenance. And this action, taken The Chairman again decided that it w un tneir victory Chicago was developed y.
It ap-
red, would bring the whole facts of together with the last two decisions in was out of orderDr. raise
that point, and
to an argument at The Fuller and Judsou blocks
True w as allowed to at Oswego, New Y ork, vesterday burned
peals that the bonds were sent to Frank JAMES
V. Brooks, President of the Seal Lock
H W. FARLEY, (late or New Orleans. La.,)
A FARLEY, 9 No. UNION STREET, litmphis, Tennessee.
morn Special. monthly payment of one dollar
the case before ns. We should be able reterence to Louisiana, would indicate proceed. ing. Loss about one huhdred and Company of this city. Miss Shotwell
of Montgomery, Alabama,) THE first share of stock in th - Association
t.. discover which of these inimical the adoption of a general hands-of- l He continued: God said to Adam, "in thirty-fiv- e yesterday applied for a warrant for the Have 8000 Barrels of Salt on the Levee. on or betrra Mondav nexi. Januar sih.
thousand dollars. granted. lONSION'MENTS of Cotton solicited. Or- a' Tp m.. at the sjretarp s o. 41
cauana was of a preventable or remov- - ,licy on statt. warranta. the day thou sinnest thou shalt surely arrest of Brooks, which was derg for purchase and sale contracts lor

ison street, basement. Failure V pay prompt-

The Georgia Legislature met yester The bonds were uot found with him. V
ab!e character, then we could energeti- - i
die." If OM had meant "Thou
.jdition to this gratifving infor- - continue to live through endless ages in day. Mr. S. N. Trammell was elected shalt
he delivered them
future delivery promptly exeented. - T7C1TJ TO MERCHANTS ONLY . ly will cause fine of 1 cent per share.
Q. II. JCDAH, President.
rally set to work accordingly. Are these lnution, too, we have a dispatch sin and misery and despair," then was President of the Senate, and Mr. A. O aIt few days that
8. Stvwm. Secretary. jal
since to Superintendent New Orleans by Messrs. Farley, Bright A Co
causes temporary and ready to die out W&shingtou which tells us the time to say it In such words that Bacon Speaker of the House. Kelso, saying he was requested to do so Mod igomery, Ala., bywm. E. II. Morrison A Co.
.- 'ore another season arrives, or are they
,i,ai Representative Buckley has there could be no mistake; but he did and The Kentucky State Legislature met by some unknown parfy. Besides the Memphis, Tenn., by Bowles A 8011.
permanent in their nature and such as, if ,,.lllded to Attorney-Gener- not say so. Come to the time of Moses organized at Frankfort yesterday bonds Miss Shotwell lost a number of aar Tate undersigned, Age&ts of the above
al Williams Again a law was given, and a lienalty morning. The Governor's message was valuable papers, and these have not yet house, solicit consignments, and orders toi
utended to, will spread and strength-- , jmportaut communications from the po--e " lest they die," "I set before you life read reviewing tr e State hnances. been recovered. Brooks gave five thou- re base and sale of contracts for future on Monday, Beeesaber 34,
with every new cotton season? This iltical leaders of AlaUma respecting the and death." Here was the time to have The new charter for iNew York, pre- sand dollars' bail for his appearance to-
of cotton. WE shall, onr
p.Hstton is a most momentous one to our ,lirneui,ieH fa that State. Both Legisla lifeTnnd death defined beyond all cavil. pared under the Auspices of the Repub- morrow.
interests, and there is not a business tures, after a partial compliance with Rev. George L. Taylor interrupting) lican General Committee, will" be
Do you mean that the same death, in presented to the Legislature
Only a few of the more ultra Georgia
19. Maaraiolla Block, Kemphla.

in in Memphis that ought to allow the terms of compromise presented bv the first passage, was applied to both
paper want Hon. A. H. Stephens for In connection with
The Swiss Federal Council has L'nited States Senator. General Gordon
the subject to rest until a full and com- - " Attorllev-Geuer- Williams, have taken men and beasts?
True Y'es, just the same; physi- ened
to use vigorous measures against is the favorite, of whom the Atlanta MANHATTAN BANE WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS MEAT MAZIKST,
pi- te investigation shows where we thirteenth instant. calDr. canton of Vilais because Jesuit mas- Herald speaks approvingly as one
receas uutiI the
death. I agfee with all the Church ters have been tolerated in the schools. who "belongs to the New Era which be- Corner of Vance and Hernando Streets,
t nd. A continuation and increase of
-- ,
nmni,.. on the
th" state of things we are calling atten-i- i lion and proceed with business.
ii to, means a deserted wharf, empty
condition of the righteous and
It is the wicked up to the time of the judg- goColonelNorthwestern
McCreeuy reports the Chica- gan in
railroad in good facts ; "Theol politicsyears
1861." It also recognized
of y
are not
OF MEMPHIS, TENN., HAVE REMOVED TO and will be enabled to furnish onr customers
probable that the recent election of ment, and am only heretical (as my running the politics thirty ago. Georgia SpKreriba, BKcksMtwe. Tewlei-Ilw- all
st- res, and a lost commerce. At a late spencer, by the Republican wing, as Brother Corbet calls me) iu my views of
of the Chamber of Commerce, l'nited States Senator, will be the future beyond that time. I beard sixty miles.
thirty-si- x and the South need lilerty; they
the restoration of those rights which
call for No. 17 MADISON STREET 360 Front street, eor. Gayoso and Clinton Perk taxnssKge aud Pnre af lvrd.
as well aa an asortrr.i; of Meats, rtmltry.
Dr. Warren, President of the Boston
disre-garde- d, hours. they once enjoyed, and they will never DEALS IN Oysters, Oame, Vegetables, etc., generally kept
a committee was appointed to carry out and another election ordered, Theological Seminary, say in a sermon The New Hampshire Legislature yes- ONE SiJl"AKK SOUTH OF OLD ST4ND, : MEMPHIS. by as.
obtain this save uuder the lend of new FOKEItrX AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE
an engagement the hamber made last The Legislature, as uow composed, has that up to the time of the "Sermon on terday, by resolution, deplored the death men fresh from the people, whose minds OPPESHEISER jc HOCHSTADTKB,
ye it to institute a Cotton Department of ti ve Republican majority on joint ballot. the Mount" there was only a faint of Horace Greeley, and denounced the are iu unison with the minds of the STOCKS, BONDS, SCRIPS COIN,
the C'bamtter for the purpose of gather atid it is doubtful if Spencer will be able whisper iu all the Scriptures of a state 'surpations of the President and the present generation; men whose skirts
ing statistics, regulating cotton grades, to secure a majority a second of eternal punishment.
time. So that there is not a whisper either before
and carrying out Buch other objects as we may conclude, with our contempo- or after that time. If vou will find it Y'ork who said he was kidnappedof from men
I would add Credit Mobilier scandal.
A boy was found on the streets New
are untainted with political failure;
who can grasp the problem of our General Banting and Collection Business
MEMPHIS CITY FIRE a and IS4 H ernando
reet. ear.

political difficiflties and show us how-t- Hackett Manufacturi'er Company's

arc usually accomplished by the com-n-
rary of the Huntsville Democrat, that fthere
ut I will receive it, but it isn't there. Barbadoes a year ago and taken to Can- solve it. In this class of men we be- V Taxes Paid for ts and others, AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY,
tees charged with this business And if it were promulgated there for ada and given to a family who brought lieve General Gordon stands, and it is and the necessary Scrips furnished at Marblelxed, Enameled and Plain
the " trouble clouds ' have passed away, first time it would be unjust, for it him to New York and abandoned him. because of this sincere and honest
cotton mar- and the era of " peace and prosperity " the the lowest market rates."
in every important
ket in the United (States, es-- 1 - u u ,i 1 mi ...
niim ti Hnvn limn Ala. expressions
1 1
would he au ex post facto law. All the 'Yhe works of the Commercial Coliery,. belief that we hope tosee him sent to the
referring to future punish- at New Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, l'nited States Senate by the Legislature mrlized Drafts for Sale on all Parts of the Civi-
Globe, in sums to suit purchasers.
Office, No. MADISON STREET, Memphis, Tenn. IRON MANTELS,
Memphis. The Appeal, as is hama. ment denote final destruction, rapid and operated by the Philadelphia and Read which convenes here next month." Hackett Patent O rates. Hackett Patent Frank-

l nown, is no ad vocate of au organ- -
lion having for its object ends incon-- - HELL.
asssssassH complete. The worm may not die and ing coal and iron
the fire be unquenchable and eternal, burned Tuesday night. Loss, fifty thou- Golden Age, are to have their professions
company, were Our Republican friends, says the J. LETT, President.
lin Stoves, Plain so.d Enameled Orates,

- -- tit
with, or antagonistic to the st
but each victim is utterly consumed.
We are not particularly interested in John Wesley a wise man for a hundred sand dollars. to the fair put fairlv to the test. The no
S. BOBG. Cashier
of the cotton grower, and for it" hell or in hell fire, but there are no doubt years ago, but not so wise as Dr. Curry, Stokes was remanded to the custody National Woman Suffrage Association No. S42 Second St., Memphis Teaneasee
of 8heriff Brennan
ill people in the world who are and we nor so Wise as I am laughter with the diately placed deputies in charge of the Wellington, January lth, and Mist
who imme- isannounced to hold its annual session at

instrument that enemy of all sound E. M. APPERSON, President. A. VACCARO. Vioe-Prealde- st.

advantages of a century of research be-

commerce, gambling in cotton. Hut eipiiose ever will be. ror their benefit lieved that the fire of hell was material prisoner, who may be removed to the aAnthony, Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Gage, and HENKT J. LYNN. Cashier. DISSOLUTION.
the Appeal has always favored organi- - if any such there be who read the Ap- - fire, and you say he was wrong. I say
a'.ion for the collection and dissemina-- 1 i ::ai we elsewhere publish a report of he was right, but be made the mistake fore his sentenee.
cell occupied by him be- score of greater and lesser lights, are
to he there, and make a demand upon THOMAS EITHER,
tion of information resjecting the sta- - a recent debate on the subject by the of thinking that fire would not burn. tary On motion of Senator Cole the Secre- Congress for "Citizen Suffrage." These HAVE SECURED THE AGENCY OP W. O. HARVEY, NAPOLWW HILL, M. OA VIII. firm of ROOTKS A CO. Is this day dls- -

pie product of the country around us, M'thodist ministers of New Y'ork. A Christ do we hear of everlasting punish- dire, ted to communicate
Neither through Adam, nor Moses, nor of the Interior was yesterday women are in earnest. .MisswasAlimony EE
this unrivaled Piano, and can
so far as the quality of our
F. F. BO WEN Surveyor and Adjuster.
E. . r . ROUTES, Sr.
any in- says the Philadelphia plank Instruments is concemel, not. surpassed by liKu ROUTES, Je.
and the advantages it offers to the cot- di natch from New York on Wednesday ment. The Apostles nowhere teach the formation in his possession touching a splinter, but it i the end of the wedge- any line
noose In the Norti- or elsewhere. Our
January 1, 175. W. M. ROOT6J9.
means to drive home. The Bcpub-
ton buyer, spinner ap.d exporter. It tell us that this discussion was con- doctrine. The fathers of the first cen- the difficulties with the Medoc and she will find that Miss Anthony is
saw The undersigned ewlil continue aiu!
neither taught nor lielieved it. It other Indians iu California and Oregon. licans
calls loudly, therefore, for the establish- tinued on Tuesday night last with tury
ment of a cotton department of the unusual excitement, und before ad- the year 131. The early Christians had
was neither advanced nor suggested till Mr. Garfield, from the Committee on that "respectful consideration" with
not a woman to be trifled with, and CHICKASAW IRON WORKS, carry on the ousiaesa under the name and
style of ROUTES CO., at No.
Union and Front street. Geo. F. fcootes. St..
, cornar cf

Appropriations, in Congress yesterday will remain with us aud uper.ntnd the Cot-
Chamber of Commerce, at this crisis. journment the following questions been daily looking for the advent of asked leave to report a bill ap her means nothing short of the ballot ton Department, and is lulig authorized by
women. They have given her an inTTn- - firm mat.


for ns to transact all business
What is the committee doing that has ere proposed for discussion at the next Christ and the utter destruction of their propriating two million five hundred inch, and it shall go hard with them If '
the matter in its hands': A Cotton le- - meeting: "Shall the wicked be finally enemies, and when it failed to come thousand dollars for the purchase
they made up for the delay by intensi- of an addition to the site of the postotTice they do not grant her" an ell.'feminine She is PETERS, WEBB & 00. ja w.'.M. k.m.'Vs.. '

partment w ill cost something, of course, destroyed? " " Will the wicked in bell fying their punishment
but does it cost nothing to lie receiving finally become extinct?" " Are the ru come. Soon after came Popery, and
when it should building at Boston.
Senator Logan introduced a bill au done up in silk or poplin, and we shall
the most splendid piece
impracticability and intractability ever
88, 100, 102, 104 and 106 Second Street, BUY TOUR
les cotton this year tiutn last, ture punishments of the wicked perma- things got mixed up, and when a purer thorizing the Attornev-
when we ought to be receiving, nent'."' "Are the conscious punish- church arose some of the traditions - General to re
secondary evidence in support of mem ber who opposes her demand.
neither pity nor envy tne itepumieau THE MAT-HU-SHE- K
come to tie accepted as truths. Even ceive the claims of the judicial officers at Chi
at the least, twelve per cent, more? ments of the wicked endless, or are the Wesley, your founder, was wrong, you OF THE FIRST HAND.
Does it cost nothing to allow New Or- punishments ofotiie wicked in hell par- say; but 1 say only partially wrong.
leans, Mobile, Savannah, and other cot- allel to the eternal bliss of the righteous After Dr. T rue concluded his remarks,
cago, for fees due and services rendered,
prior to October iith, 1871. Referred to And we take great pride and pleasure In being
able to offer to our customers such
Manufacturers of Machinery, steam Knglnes,
Saw-Mill- Horse-Power- Unatine, Coupling BRAIDS, CHU.M s. CURLS,
ton markets, to issue their monthly sta- in heaven?" Efforts were made to post-lon- e some routine business was transacted, the Judiciary Committee. Pulleys, Hangers, Boxes, etc., and also manufacturers and proprietors of Heath's CHATELAINES, FSIZZES, ETC.,
tistics to the world, while Memphis has these questions indefinitely, or for was postponed.
and further discussion of the subject Senator Morrill ( Vermont had bills Late of, and successor to, Cassldy A Miller,
passed for the erection of public build-
Splendid Instruments AGRICULTURAL
Patent Well Anger. Courty and State Rights for sale.
Cotton Presses, Oin Gearing, Pinions, Segments, dudgeons. Bolts, etc AT THE HAIR STORE OF
not a word te say for itself? When mer- a long period, and also to exclude
chants clone their stores because rent when the discussion took place. John J. Patterson, who is the United bill c
ings at Kvansville and Grand Rapids,
Michigan. The motion containing the
for additional terms in the
Our friends In purchasing from us can rely
amount of money can buy.
the very best which a given HOUSEWORK Columns, Lintels, Sills, u rat tugs. Ventilators, Bash Weights, etc.
Ail kinds of Steamboat. Railroad and general repairs done on short notlee Orders for bras-an- F: LAVIGrlNTE,
costs something stop their business be- Roth motions were lost, and it was de- states .Senator-ele-
from South Caro- AND iron eastings, aud all kinds of wrought Iron work solicited. Cash paid
United States Circuit Court iu the South- for old brass, copper and scrap rn nv 'iS9i MAtt STREET.
cause drays, porters and clerks cost some- termined to have a discussion next legislature, is false, and was manufac- ern district of New Y'ork. Bays the story that he bribed the COTTON DUCK AGENT, MERMAN & WILLCOX,
We make a specialty of our business, and defy
thing cease to ship goods because the Monday. Several prom inest clergymen tured in the interest of his irsonal
freight costs something they may con- are preparing to speak on the subject, enemies. According to his statement, vailed yesterday over the Northwest,
The heaviest storm of the season pre- NEW ORLEANS, . LOUISIANA, ' 2731 Main Street.
eompetltion. dAS

was more severe in Minnesota than MANUFACTURER OE ALL BIZES AND

sistently refuse to establish a Cotton De- and great interest is manifested among a Harrisburg paper says " that he went but Wisconsin.
partment of the Chamber of Commerce Methodists. As the spiritualists are the as a before the people in nis adopted State in Reports from St. Paul HUGH TORRANCE & SON, CURTIS & CO.,
candidate for l'nited States .Senator say that trains on the Milwaukee and
liecause that, also, will cost something. ouly persons who can get news from the on the broad principle of protection to St. Paul and Lake Superior and Missis- Every description of A wnings, wiicdow and
To come to the gist of this part of the other side, we should like to hear from home industry; that he addressed both sippi railroads are suspended. Some DookSh
Teste, Tarpaulins, Wagon-Corer- s,

Dta; also, Flacs of am. Natio.ns,
etc. Wholesale dealers COTTON FACTORS
subject, what does it signify how mucb them touching this warm country called houses of the Legislature iu favor of trains are jXos. 160 and 174 Adams Street, Memphis, Tennessee, 346 Main St., lemptala, Trnnf,
snow-boun- d.
in Manilla akD Tauked Ropk, all sixes,
the Cotton Department will cost if it hell. manufacturing the cotton grown in the When Carl Schurz lectured In Hart- from the Plymouth Cordage Company, Ply-
on ready
pays? What need every merchant of
State at: home, instead r.f sending it ford, the other night, he was the guest shipment, a large stock of all the above arti-
of Governor Jewell, and at an enter- cles. All orders can be filled by return mall.
mouth, Mass. We keep hand, for
Manufacturers of aXaoblxLerv, Chaadier & Co.'s Old Stand.
Memphis care if he was paying men to TlRNtK, colored, Representative in stte immense wntVr.niiwer i,tltainment given in his honor General .1.
107 Poydkas Street, near Camp,
C. MILLER, Commtasion merchants Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Grist M1H !
Shaft ag. Couplings, Pulleys, Hangers, Boxes, ev
sbovel gold out of his store-do- or
into the Congress from the Mobile district, Ala- - which could be successfully used for Hawley was present, and joined in the m New Orleans, Louisiana. AGRICULTURAL. HOUSE WORK. Dealer-- Goods, ! in Drug
lol .t
street, provided it would flow back agaii. hama, in the present House, will con manufacturing prirposes, and that all chorus of the Watch on the Rhine.
tb cotton now raised the State These are 'gentlemen in politics," but
10 Jefferson Street, Cotton Presses, Cotton Glu Gearing, Pinions, Columns, Lintels, Wis, Gratings and Verr
Segments, Gudgeons, Bolts, etc. tators, etc. Prescriptions accural led, d.iy
through the window and bring more test the seat in the next House of bis could be manufacturedwithin into cloth at would ordinary politicians act thus? ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. Titus Block, opp. Commercial Hotel
or night, by c- mpeten: .le!
with it? It the Cotton Department of successor, Bromberg, formerly tutor m Uome whereas it is now sent to New
'lie Chamber of Commerce be estab- Harvard College, who was elected by England and Great Britain, and that steamer j An Aspiirwall letter states that the CSIOUMemphis,
Edgar Stuart, which had re-
Tenn., December 12, lsTi. j PHIK... ..TKKWKMSEE.
All klstcta of is tn boat Work
Orders for Brass and Iron Castlsa? and al kinds of w muem- -
dose promptly.
o Work solicited.
cloth there
lished, and set to work without delay, the Democrats and
the manufactured
4me back to South Carolina. He also sailed
would ceived a new crew from New Y'ork, STOCKHOLDERS be held at this Hank, on JNO. W. THOMPSON JNO. W.T4FALKNEB are hereby notified that
at we have indicated, and it will not be illustrated the prosperity of his native
for Cuba with her large cargo of MONDAY, January Vi, 1K73, for the purpose ot
choosing Fifteen Directors to serve for the en- WASHINGTON AND LEE weIfcan In need ol an E'evatorof any ir- - r;i ion,
au expense, but a means of prosperity Tut people, the voters cf the country, (Pennsylvania, to them, remark- - arms and She ammunition for the revolu- suing year, s. P. READ. Cashier
THOMPSON & FALKNER, rarulsh It an-- : guarantee satisf u .:..
We can make them to b. un, , n
North as well as South, should hty this ing that South Carolina might become tionists. is under the command of ... m
special E trine, or by
and advancement.
to heart: It is their interests that Con-- ; great a State as she was if the raw Geueral ty, forty
M. Aguers. Of the crew of six-
are recruits for t tu Cuban army. NERVOUS DEBILITY. ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, A Splendid Cotton Plantation
Ing by a
where there are water L. HA1. KN . i
address JAr.
s-- iU ord--cr- .

the Upper Arkansas River, twenty miles circulars, .

gress and the several Legislatures should tnawnai was manunuaure.1 i,y tiiem, "a Ja7 '. - Clnrinnati. Ohio.
ruBiuisi.1 m an interview aubserve, and not the ambitious of so- - thus giving their own citizens ample dred In Savannah, a match for. five hun- HUMPHREYS Vo. 2S. Ripley. Mississippi. below Van Buren, containing
dollars has been made between 800ACBKsiF LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA Meeting of Stockholders.
withtho Washington correspondent ofoalled leaders or mere political place-th- e emplovment, gration to the State."
and also inviting immi-
Dandy, entered by P. A. Standard, and The most successful n m.'Uy known. Price oi'Ki'IAL and prompt attention given to
collections lu
ani adjoining over too acres In cultivation, with good build-
New York Tribune, INicK King, entered by lieorge itussey. tl single box. Package live Doses and one counttea.
recently. hunters.
said there was no present inten-- ! g The reontantzed Tamilian v Hull take Tbe race wiil take tilate at the Fair eases, aa. Bent hy mall o receipt yf price. Dlllard.
comfort in tbe fo't that the President Grounds, thirty days from the twenty-
large pliiat of Powder necessar in aerloaa
- Address Humphreys xpeciflc Homeopathic
Refer to Colonel R. A. Plnson, Colonel T.B ings.
Southworth. 1 barer o.. Mempbl
For further particular, address D. C.
William. Van Bnren, or
Tho Second Half .Hussion of the Univer-
sity will SIHE
stockliolders of th German
of M- - mphis will please
regular annual meeting will be helu.
tion on his part or on that of In twenty years we have more than one a Democrat, that Governor nrtn ol letjennr. uaud y iia goae to Mtdlclna Co , Ai Broadway. New York. jaT rfo Little Rock. Arkansas. at tbe baukl JSS Main street, in
members of the Cabinet to make quadrupled our wealth. Here are the Dix heloogt-f- i to tbe same party, and the ground to undergo a course of train-
Garden Land for Sale.
NOTICE. Open on the First of February ttttsetiy.ou
any changes. If, however, Mr. Bout-- 1 figures: In 18S0 our aggregate wealth that It onoe elected Mr. Uavemeycr ing for the oonteat. To whom It msf concern : OPIUM AMI MORPHINE TMdax, Jaauan 14, 109.
At R i s. in high state of cultivation, on Is hereby given that I will mai Speeisl arrangements are made for students
well should be ejected to the Senate of was $7,000,000,000; in 1860 it Was $18,-th- e Mayor of New York. Tammany, there- The Adams Express Company caused 'pKV X poplar iwi tumpiEe, ,one mile from cliv NOTICE settlement as nrdlan of Charles HABIT CTRED LMMIBUTELY to enter classes at this time.
fore, think It will support all thew tbe arrest of one of Us employes y ester kuo.n I'lilller lTlaoe. ." for rent for one mall tu"V deceased) w!tn tie Clerk of tho only kt)wn and between tne bourn oflds--
the DUrpoteof eJecUngThlrT-- .
-- m
Cnlted SUtes, and in that eweot 0(M,(ioft,(inn: in 1870 It win 3fl,0fJ0,0no,-4lg- u gentlemen in hs One half the regular fee is charged.
thalr "honest efforts for day in Cincinnati whose bualnesn tt y.-- r nr a term of ears. Apply to rc imdiev fonnty Court, at Ills office, on the itd day of fr treeunent utitll c Per further panicalars apply to
his present position, of course the 00". leforuV whlcii is kind of Tammany. was to distribute uiuury packages in thu i& Friiwr, "o 7Mm'i-on.- l'oof, No. January. WrTaflo'! on or sddress Dll J.C. RECK 11 J
WM. DOLi), Clerk ot racotty. MARTIH GBIFFI.V. Caatuci.
r lout slieel. jAcksON HALtfl'LAD, Giutrdlau. Clnclrruati, Ohio Jat deli

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