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FOURTH EDITION Applied Statistics . and the SAS Programming Language Ronald P. Cody Jeffrey K. Smith PRENTICE HALL, Upper Sate Pet, New Jersey O58 ‘edison AS psn gu Red? ob te Sth the roesing 1. Sith ty KI Tle eed SIssuaSsi na Acgstonetise on Het Fe eb Mn oe Te Bask Ee i eae Ot Aste sty ecg Do Ri Edin ae Ne aad, see agile Se Side ine Stef mee TPs eg asite Pa (ese dior Fl Mann erm sty eee Sond Sei Vc Cay (pee et Nw Ait meer 4 ta, Cretan Argh see. No putt rk ma Be epee nay rosary ant eh prs =e abe Covi Fn be map Lad Dai piel by (Charis Ravan nn, SP 803. Bac cover pono Ran Cay Bas Cy re inte Unie etl ISOM: O-53-74BBWE-Y rei ners (OR) itd Lande Price Hall Py Lined Frew ald ot ese Hal prensa A Mas Pew Halt a ane ee et Pea Halt pa Tabs Sen Ste A PLA Sepp Ed Fei Ha ead i dec Roh and Boi Sth and Phi and Margaret Cady ‘haptrt Chapter 2 ‘chapter Contents Applied Staite and SAS Sofware Asis Total 1 leon Cngugwi SAS Sofa Aaluche ample 2 Eh ie Progam 7 SaSProceies 10 vere oftie SAS Sep 13 Syme SASProeder 15 Comet Semen 5 Rete 18 Desebing Data 22 Iowoduion 2 DssnbingDss 2 ate Desire Sis 26 Dare Sitti ken Doe by Sabon 2 que Distros 36 irGngs 38 Png Das 2 H. Cli Sunn Daa Sesibccomasndioctananare 45 1. urate Other Tat ese $2 1 Cleans Summa Du St Contig Metin St eameaee ‘Anaiing Categorical Dea 58 A. Inrtatinn $8 B. Quesoanre Deg andAnss 59 Adding aril Late DD. Adige Label Fama) 66 E ReodngDan 0 F Usigs Fl Rese Vai 7 Gos Fegeny le 15 H. AShreurWiyofReposing Maes 78 Compu C sunt om Fagus Cons 19 ‘flora Muh Cag MaemusTatorPeé Da 8 (die Rais 3 Rie Rik 8 Ghsgune Ta oid 8 “Check That Ap Ouesions 2 Chapter 4 Wrtng wih Date ard Longutnl ets 101 Inve 1. Preesng Dstt 0h Longe 1. Mo Reesor Lister Pie 108 Computing egunceton LagtiiDeuse 10 (Chapter 8 Corelion nd Regression 15 A. tain 115 1 Carine 5 Spica os Garelion Citic 118 1D. Howto nee CneonCetcet 119 E Pil Carlion 10 Lear Rgreson 21 « 4 t 1 k L Pong he Tol Saou. 124 Poting te Pinot Reyes ine 12 Poti Res nC Lins 136 Ag+ OuateTem ote ReesionEeton 125 Tassorming Dats 13 Cmping Wain st Sepes 33 [Chapter 6 Tests and Norparameti Conparons 18 A Iniscion 38 Tee Tsing Dierens bw To Mets 138 Random AsignesttSubpes Mt D. Twolndpndent Sump Deibnn FeeTes 3 E. Onetalerem Toot Ts, Pesos (Rete Samp) 46 ‘Chapter 7 Anas ot erance 180 A Ioan 19 B. Onewsy Amat Varane 150 Mone iets Cue Sil he ag Met Arle 8 © Comping Canes 18 . 1. Aut Varns To Indeed Vries 158 Inari Snes eras 16 Noa sto Dsas 70 . Usha Degas mace 17 HH AmipisefCoerana 18 chapter 8 Repeated Measures Designs 161 Iavodoon 181 petit Expres 12 Using be nea Sttemesolnocsnovs 168 Th ice Egret wah Repecd Mesure oo Oe Fo 18) “wo Experiments wh Repeed Messe Boh Fos. 17 ‘re foo Experiments wih Repeat Measure onthe Ls Racor 22 » 6 Ths ar Expeinent wih Repu Meuron Wo Fics 29 Chapter. MutiploRegrestion Als 21 tnd 21 SeetRere 2 Somme Rpee 2 Ste en Oe i Scion eto Cen ig Dany ute 2 Ing ope 8 Chapter 10 FactorAnast 250 Ince 250 ‘pel Recor Anis 20 ‘nepal Compose Anas 251 Onlge Roatins 253 Using Gieeuraltes eran Ove 239 Hon Rees em Ss Chapter 11. Pajchomotis, 285 res esas 3 Chapter 12 chapter 14 Chapter 15 SAS Programming TheSASINPUT Silent 280 A. oducna 20 1 UstDiece put Daa espa byes 28 1 Cont erica 81 D. Usiag on wah Lit Died Date 282 Cote put 28 F Pesesenaomss 28 Reng Mee Onna 5 L 1 K L (Chang te Oder and Reo Cleon Mote Tan On 2 InkermstLite 28, olin Li Sope- a Dooling e297 Seperesing te Ere Megs vi Daa 28 Readag"Unsraues" Dat 29 ‘xarnal Fle: Reding a Wing Raw and Sytem Fs, 256 Ioauion 8 Danie Prgms 2% Reading ASCI Dusen an External Fle 30) prs Ontons 2 ‘Wig ASC or ax Dato ae Estee le st Cesena Permzen SAS Dan Set 5 Reaing Memanet ASD Ses 307 Hon o Demin the Caen SAS Data et. 308 emanen SAS Dats Seth oat 309 Working wih La Dat Ss Dal Set Suseting Contesting, Magn, ns Upestng 319 A. Indi sI9 Seeing 318 C Conbini Sil Dis fm Maple SAS DataSet 321 D. Cong erent Dat fm Mug SAS DataSet 21 E “The ont up” te F_Upaing Maser Data Set fom piste Dat Set 306 Wesing wih aay 20 A. lnvataion 329 Setting Oe Vise or Ander fra Seis fies 29 Extending Expl Cone Al Name Ve of 9819 sig 81 DD. Comentg te We oN (ot Api) Chace Ming vive 32. ‘chapter 6 ‘chapter 17 Chapter 18 Comet ih sd Meh ” Tempra Arey Ganga Tenpesy Ara toSome Tet 34 Spon Ary Boon 38 1. Tempo Araeand Ary Bounds 38 2 Imp Sabo Ara 39 ong Mec Us Resructring SAS Data Ses Using Arays 42 A. Intacina 38 1h Geng Now Dats Set ih Sera Oban Sao Dit Stith One Oeerabon erst (Cuter Example of renting Mule Osram Sing (Obaeation MS 1, Gig rn On bseration pe Sabet May Oberon per Sabet Ueing lena Ars 7 ,Ceting sat Sw One Ose er Sa fom Dust ‘Seti Mui Oberatns persue 18 Ceings Dit et weh One ObseratoneSibe fom ais. ‘Stil Oberon per Ste Ung Mul dines ‘ray 38) Review of 45 Futons Pt, Funeons er than character neon 253 Inradasion 385 Arti d Mitel ints 3 Rind Nanber Fens 5. Teed Dee Funsion 86 ‘Ter end rer Function Covering Nunes Coane an (Carter toNners Vira 156 Tiewso ton Furi 30 ARovew 0 SAS Functor Pat. ChuraclerFunctons 64 A. lta 64 How Lena of Chater Vrs Ar Sin SAS Daa Sep Woking Blk 367 1. HowtoRemote Chistes om Stig. 38 Chace Da Veeaon 368 F Stamping 3) Using the nse uti onthe Let hie oe Ege Sn Sw Doing te Pevs Example AatberWay 7 Unpacing Sig_572 Paring ne T3 Laing tino On Shin wa Aner Sig 313 Gans Change Lover Cet UperCaseaadVss Vee 4 M. Subtating One Cheertr Ante 3S Setting Oe Wedfor Antena Sing. 56 © Conceaig (ig Stings S77 . SmniesConeion 8 ‘Chapter19. Seed PropanmingExanpies 382 A tndion 0 8 ei Dt iso Fen Gd Men Exe ies enna Gaga 3. tennis eg Noite Casi FE. Coane fee eh Cony Contd Feu ica 89 A. Coping Noe rege 1 Scampi Osernte S 1 Compete or t)inaDaa ep Chapter 20 sytaxExanpes 985 4 flee 38 pct A rrocanava 396 MM. moc Meas ‘o, © cure 3 ON mca D moon ye em E meceomor iF money (mcm 37 mac a wmecocacn on mee He meen 8 © pare 1 pocrame 98 Emcee oF tens ay & can 9 Probl Solutions 404 Index 439 ‘Wen we begin creting sort edition sve ats woe clear Fst, SAS ot sare continues to eva ad inprove, Second, or programming echnigoes hve {ho improve. Thi several sata echigues (ch slopes) have econ popular and eqited eran his edition, ‘Wehavemet iy faders of eter edions at meetings and references and ‘ete delighted os god thins ad constuctve criss te bok These we hive taken to ea aod stenped to iprote old material an ad teleran Dew toc Tsou eins th self such eader ection Mas researchers re ithenly mor interasted inthe substance of thet re search endeavors than inate! aaj or eompter programming Ye, con cng uh anaes a iter aki the retearh chain too requeny ih ‘weak nk This condition is paral te when there is ores for the p- ple research oer tor asstancei runing compster programs fo sai fal analyse Applied Sn andthe SAS Programing Langue is intend to roid th ppl searcher wth the capac to perfor statistical analyes wth SAS oftrare without wading hough pages fecha documetatin, The reader is provided withthe necessary SS ttermens to run popams for ost common wed tai explanations ofthe eampue cup. nerpeatons of eal and examples of how constr ables and wrt press fr reps and journal aris Examples have been sles rom bsness medi, fc ion pscholog, an ote pines SAS sofware isa combinstion of» tata pukage, a at-ase manage nent system, and high ee programming langage. Like SPSS BMF, ys, ‘nd other sais packages SAS software canbe used to deere a clleton of data and produce a vary of satis] analyses Homever, SAS software i ch more than jut ati package Many cmpuies and edcainalinsi tations use SAS softrce bigh-leve dat-maragement tem and rogram ing language. [canbe wed to organize ad tasfrm dats and to create ‘pons af all Kind Al, depeatng on which portions of the SAS system you ‘ve installed io your computer and what ype of compar system youre run sing), you maybe wing the SAS syste fr interactive data etry or anomie sysem for ode entry or ei ‘Thisbok concerts coe we ofthe SAS stem farthest anass of ta ad the programing capabilities of SAS sofware mst fen sein et cational and esearch pics, ‘The SAS sem acoso of products alae frm the SAS ln in ary Nor Caroli, The rr peoduets aaa from te SAS Insite ae he Betas SSweSAS® The main SAS motu which pve some dla mail on and programming capably and see cemenay de Serpe satis SASSTAT® The SAS poate atti programs ptt leary ons sapped with se pokage SASGRAPIH® A package that proves heh aay gars alma Noe ‘hats raph” (the grata chars tht ae pads ty tormal carats los) a aaa inte tase and SASSTAT packgss SASGRAPH sid the ailty to pox ih yy camero-edy graphs mas and car, SASASFO These il snd forth Fal Saten Mt Ts aca allows you teach, modi. or ete ecards Gel fons ‘SAS dt file abo roi fr data ent nih opined ta checking epi Poses aval wth ere 'SBROWSE sto sm, and TER SASAF® AF sands forthe SAS Appts Fay Th prof is ‘sed by dts proces profesicel to cet “tun keer ‘eta stems fo thes wer It abo ted to eae ist ‘ima modes relating tothe SAS syste, SASIETS © The Ezoometies Tine Sri pack Thi pcg on: ‘ans pci’ programs othe anal of ime ste ond conometridta, SASOR® A seis of operations esearch programs SASIQCD A seriss of pron fr git cote SASIML® The Interactive Matis Language made. The facies of IML ised to be incadedn roc wart in he vec Sr leases Thi ver specialize package allows fr comenien ms, ‘rismanipulatoo forte adeno satin SAS SASSTAT, SASIGRAPH, SASF. SASIAR SASIETS, SASIOR. SASIOG and SASIML ae registered trademas or tadenatls of SAS totes Then the USA and ther counties indies USA rept, SS state now rus on vty of compute, om persona compuesto tne mio dolar aisanes The el von ofthe SAS open ny ‘rena combination of PL and IBM aseably lingua Toy, SAS ttn, {fis une Wadows an Windows 95 on BM compa miscomputs oy eae sr mde viernes ey gui ein of SAS sens oe coast tah amish ke "man panes has hh el Wyn aie cto na ke Ss gs mr Og te i pr ‘ng serps ou ih a pr lene ine dae He ss you can. We wish you happy programming, pes on pou steeper ee hemmed yom eel tao efee On t er (ot Bow Ree er tc Rater et Ks Nts Our ince th itor for statistics at Prentice et ae as too an Het ein Pe Thtforhe compe spin oN Roa ah tig pas gol ces we Rox Conv Jee Sr A SAS Tutorial A. last Camping Wi SAS Sota An strate xa Eating he Pops D. SAS Pcie . Ones ofthe SASDATA Sep Sync SAS Pree 6. Conmen Sanens Helens AL Inaroduction Forte novice enapng in statis anasf data can seem as appa aging tothe dents If that prety much desis your vation ptlas you ca take emf. the ct that ths the foarte ofthis book rearing he fest thre dios eld prety wlan his time we may gti Ou purpose fo this {utalisto gery stared wig SAS eltvare The key ojo ge one pro- iri torn secs If you an do tha you can brarch oo file it at aime Your experi wl gow The SAS Sytem ix combation of roprms orignal esi to perform static analysis dt. Other progr you may hve heard of are SPSS.BMDP fr SYSTAT yo ok a pers emputer apne yourighrue actos other ogra primarily designed orn oo penal compar Sic is pepion the SxS stem as grown fo whet ican prom fit impesve ayo ort ‘htc funcions Well eno tof hat in ater chaps For no we wat 0 Tear the mst asicruimenisf the SAS tem you skipped overt the Preface tothe fourth edn contains some hsry of SAS sofware development and 9 more complete overiw ofthe apbiiies of SAS software "To begin SAS software run on 2 wie varity of computers and operating systems (computer people cll thse platforms), and we dont know wich one $souhave You may avean TBM compatible personal computer russing Windows ‘perhaps Windows 95. You may have a Macitosh compute, or You may be ‘octet toa network or mitre computer by wa of amodem or network 2 cnr / AAS a eamection. You my only have a sophisticated VCR, which you tik ia com Pate I yo reuse of what platform you ate wo what version of SAS Sofware you are using. as someone. Asa mater of eth Sow mold be» fod tine tonite the Bes compute person You Kow och Hae tha pe {on arve a your of sbout an hou before heh So you ago over see {asi clement of your system. You ned to find ou wht aeesary on your omputr 1 get the SAS sytem runing What we ca teach you ere ho to ‘sete SAS syste, and how a adap to your computer stem, youareruasing ona muitrame, ou may web sbiting wha are called tc jobs When Journ buch jobs, you sed oar program (ow phone {nor network from your personal computer or emia tothe eompe The emputer rns you program ania it util you as fori prints oat hes ‘use highspeed pater. Yumay even ned t lear sae Job Cont Lan see (hich you have o get rom your lal compe fl) and ten yousoo roses "you are running ns persondl compute, orrunsiogin wba nea tire sode on miicompuer or manfrans the ou need earn how tans the ‘SASDispla Manage The lc and el of SAS once yout inte ply Man et pretty mich he same whatever platform you ate wing If you ne on aust, tke a exp breath ang plunge ito he el conten inthe ens Tt You ate akeady daunted take 2 mine an get that ach sched, hen eons tue is Computing with SAS Software: An sraive Example ‘SAS programs commusiate wih the computer by SAS “tems” Thee are Seve ins of SAS statement but they shea crim etare—they end ina semicolon A semicolon na SAS propam slike a pero in Enis Probl te ‘esi corms enor oun ia SAS programs the omison fhe emcnon The ison cases the computer to ea tw sateen auton sacment od arial fouls things up, ‘SAS progam are comprised of SAS statements Some ofthese atetents rove formation othe ste show many ins to pit ons page and hat til to rn athe op ofthe page. Oe semen a togte fo rene SASdata ss while ote $AS sateen act toete oun predefined us {Slorother routines Gropsof SAS satemens that deft our data ad cee + SAS dataset atecalled a DATA step SAS statements tha reais pedeined ou tne arc a PROC (prooounced“prok”) sep DATA stg tl SAS pro. grams about your data. The are ued to inate where te variables ar 0 Ste lines what you wat to cal the ables how te tate new variates fom ease ing vases ad several ote facies we mention ler PROC or for PRO. CEDURE) steps iniste wat kind otis anaes to ein and poise ‘pelts for ths ates Let ok ata example Coser thi spe dase Setond / Cnparguen ase Aue ame 3 super Gexnen a a Sewn “r) —pxawtn _ex Foo ® : eh esis SUBECT NUBER GENDER EXAM ERAN st HONOR ADD ca gen Te fr tis al cl an ran AS eri cma rcs pela wc ‘ction Before Sy we need to assign a variable name to ‘Erte wea rou SAS pra essen che ettnsotr ec aap on fom at Seong rn se tec rs hey msi wither ont eet a Chetan tn gee cement Janae SiSecneeen ced nme nmr ee foot can eas SUBIECT NUMBER: "EXAM ” SAS rab anes Lapel SAS ele as aeons vob smoect come EU EME opi te me tipo remeber sch os oh oa ae on a ARENA ‘YARe nd VARS tt we al hen eo ener at VAR st “SUniECT NUMER soe aoe canes yah inti etn tet try wor wings oer Serpe compen gr wt long peace progr por bolic 12 ooom fe G8 DH? @ cers 1 Asis a Weft fares makeup the DATA sep Intsetampls the DATA wep he swith wor DATA and end withthe word DATALINES, Older venons of ‘SAS sofware eed he em CARDS insead of DATALINES Fither tr stil ‘ald (UFyou dost know hat a compatercard ask ao person) Lie ts ‘he posi th we wnt to cee a SAS dt tale TEST The pest ones © show an INPUT satement wich nes the rogram vo pce of intonation ‘alto cl he vals and where oid them the dats ie Noe ht ths Sole SAS stent oxapes woes The SAS sem understand thsi single SASsatent eau theresa ig emicon at heen oft The veri 'SSUBIECT snd cane oui columns nd of he dita ne. The eon var Ati is GENDER and ante foun inclu 4 The dl sin after GENDER ‘ans tht GENDER ia character (lphanametc) varie that a varable that i not at), ‘PROC MEANS wl print coy tht sats: Therefore ion desde to cnet ‘ten defaults nd request an adtna sai you mst pete ll Asse sarapl.o a standard ero tothe det st we woul we PROC AES PATA eA oro Ya HA sTOERR; C. More Descriptive Statistics "oa woud amor exten sof saisisncingesonmaliystem- defo abr plos PROC UNIVARLATE st way pn Thee ‘sel osedue can compa among th tgs 16 Woody, ouse 17, 1596 10 Seton e | Me DepieSutses 27 Lemar brain is 2a 4 Sed dion iene $ Sime ‘Xe {Untamed Neocon ‘Soentnee 1h Aten aca 1 str a) 1 Mima eae) tae 1 Mn add got 1S eon teat . sh, Sh a pel 1 non cee sot ele) 15 Ds sch al se 3 Senantp 2h asa . 2: Ro pti omg jr ‘oem HT, we ‘oun PROC UNIVARIATE frou variables HEIGHT and WEIG woud we: ave een ditbuion roars miners ‘mefenhare Dvcigive statins ‘an coe mE) aH sy te it Ite a ina ef sry ene land aon 0 ‘options NORMAL and PLOT salons: ‘potion of te opt rome eget boi stowa nex: ore outsripive staan Univariate Procedure ‘Variable vee . sm ee Bln face Seren ‘ats ges aw Ngee SF Og ante ma Pies te eM sass “emt Mi) 33 P82, Sree Witornel o.sstrat Frc utente tm nag int ay me Oe aR Mange 2 * oe vote aa a Yeowest Ob igheat a 26.1 6 Yomar ore bescripeive stattetice Univariate Proceare ‘erlablectton Sean tant me me se 56 & fs ae a2 ea. 16.0571 sie series 15s ‘ooo e086 ocase ome ne a3 a {Comin orm Probebihey Plot | oe ae tee ere pescrgtive statiotice Uivaiate Procedare ‘arlanleoman? 7 amare 1 1s.s1 om as A5.i9615 Wariance —2057.206 Sais Rurcorie “1.4623 iea0ol ca SET 29.19) Se0 am 17.0531 faerea peo tel 6.0001 7 30 7 ab eve ial 6.0156 ie tevelal 6.0156 o.geuss Fear GST asi stom ada TAQ MS SSN Hewes 5330200 ous Ree nO age a oat * ‘eae ” lowest cb lghest ob i nse 3) a85C BC asc 2) 05 ov 5) 30 Owe? Deeg (Contos Be ws ie eo MS as os 5 seam tat Nore Descriptive sratsetice Univariate Provesuce virlabesintonr | smaeipy Semead by soe 20 me ‘Theres slotofinoemation na “Moments” yoa wll ee a ner Hereisa is wihexpaations x Seas ee Sim Sev Mesiace Stevaes ares uss cs ow sean ormal Probabitity Flot OC UARIATE ope in tsa tn ea reprint Saas, iy or em = mean iomieauedemeciceey eo) Sep ceeeeeea reoatennineat ieee mote fal then USS) =“ ae a a Sein / Mee cesie sues 38 “TM Suharto sing te press te pps mea sm ProioT| hepa hess (ore) Spanish Thon nein am aly se fees ses) Pais) hepa arth Sap Rk test Non'=0 Neer sme eran WRomal Sapo WS sai ates foray SAS [DNama) wpa lange D Norm ts whet pth 20) Probe Poole tig the hptiess tht he {BbeD) popason oral tbe (wn he Nora tise, he fies Reb>D)| ‘Looking further tthe uu wend under the ang “Quant Det= two st of stl information. The eftand set ts quant shown the igh tee (00%) the soe the hid quar 15%) the median (0) the cre at the fest quar andthe los se (0%) We point ut tat ths tony le ‘nc ow of whee you can compute a mean. (Woukha median beanie option {or PROC MEANS? The Def inthe beading indicates hat SAS isting dir ion Sse inthe SAS Proedues manual This non sib as an “e- pial dstitin fenton wth averaging” We refer thse interested inthe ube, et iting ferences ofthe ve avaable definitions o ex the SAS Pro ‘ures manal under PROC UNIVARIATE. Forte athe 94% of reader, sn reoamend DEF. “Te ight hand cluma fs ober percentiles tat eon of interes (9%, 58%). ‘Belo thse two columns you wifi the ange, inerquarile ange (O3- (and the mode "Ft of Exteme wich oes next extremely set (oy, od pa, ut an ecelnt eon) This ao ames without ur pecaly sking foci I Tits the fie lowest and le ist asin the dataset Wen hs etl fo ata esdng Obvin incre vals can be ped easy. Next ocak xtene tales he coresondng oseation umber. Ti cn te made more wef fan {Dstatementis ted with PROC UNIVARIATE The ID vanatie (ually sate! uber pnd fo ah xem val ised of he observation mbt, ‘Tt way. when aha enor sspoted, ts easeroloate he iene ae in dha by een to th 1 vale We can ke ur vail SUBJECT as a 1D ‘rele demons this Oucompse PROC UNIVARIATE request wok be: Roe ORTVAIASE AEAGEDIE WORM Fr gen “The nex portion ofthe cup fom PROC UNIVARIATE 8 a et ofthe PLOT option we wed The ef siete page Tukey andl po ‘Thscanbe tought ofa sideways histogram. However, tend of wsingX'10 167 resent th Dar th ext dt ofthe umber after te “tenis used. For exam ‘he mast eights 724 Next tothe stem aloof, weseea' bites Foie / oes oee Ssetn0 | Casas Sees Bete DomtyStgags 39 oly ister aval iy sther vale between 72 and buh he acta aloe 2 ‘enaiisgonpute shownte esting tpt ov blow gu 08.6. Th ye a ering the rut of ak ‘Mos SAS prcedutes allow you incu BY statement tht asthe proce ae for easel the BY vrble Remember oalaysso the dataset fist by the same BY rata (or kno in advance thal he dta st ialendy sted). Same: certian inten rant michc pce aa en ey angle mean ad andar deviation Basal. th sore (because you srtdit eae and forgot that you di) SAS versions 608 cee ee ee ‘he sort lot be performed td you willbe otedinthe SASLOG that data ive way ise te a ett ten seta lea sod in he oder nie. “An alnatve to wing BY stent with PROC MEANS isibe we of 2 D. Descriptive Statistics Broke CLASS stent f you ue 3 CLASS statement instead of» BY statement the ten Down by Subgroups Prine uta ile sna, yoo can sein the ouput blow whee a CLASS statement sued Ise ig da ps ‘paola dc eno yr Sines oer tetra oi tpn a ECT ad GH esac saree oe single Decriptine Statiaticn ays Fin, we can sort the dat san accompli Sinuor ex mttedly Gehan | ene eee teste man tt "oo mils mahatnn ‘oma ole de a ‘The aang of wg CLASS sate! stato doo anos te daa eg! BEE ion" Mt SHES AE cre at sei For age dt el icon ana vig of oes tin (a pos : tiy mney) On te dom sie eos CLASS satemet eis coseaby mre i remo than 2 BY statement, psi hte are several CLASS vari and ray eve of ah general ying a CLASS sateen is and eso. seo

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