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Individual Assignment 1 (2.

5 %)
BFC 32403
Environmental Engineering

1. Using atomic weights given in the periodic table, calculate the molecular and equivalent
weights of (a) alum [Al2(SO4)3.14.3H2O], (b) lime [CaO], and (c) ferrous sufate

2. If water contains 40 mg/L of Ca2+ and 10 mg/L of Mg2+, what is the hardness expressed in
mg/L as CaCO3?

3. If water contains 175 mg/L of calcium hardness and 40 mg/L of magnesium hardness,
what is the concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions?

4. The alkalinity of water consists of 12 mg/L of CO32- and 100 mg/L of HCO3-. Calculate the
alkalinity in miligrams per litre as CaCO3.

5. If water contains 6.0 mg/L of CO32- and 45 mg/L of HCO3-, what is the alkalinity as CaCO3?

6. A brackish groundwater in an arid region has the following chemical characteristics:

Ca2+ = 108 mg/L

Mg2+ = 44 mg/L
Na+ = 138 mg/L
HCO3- = 146 mg/L
SO42- = 110 mg/L
Cl- = 366 mg/L

Draw a milliequivalent-per-liter bar graph. Calculate the carbonate hardness (CH), non-
carbonate hardness (NCH), total hardness and alkalinity.

7. A seeded BOD test is to be conducted on meat-processing wastewater with an estimated

strength of 800 mg/L. The seed is supernatant from aged, settled, domestic wastewater
with BOD of about 150 mg/L. Calculate the BOD value for the industrial wastewater if the
initial DO in both seed and sample bottles is 8.5 mg/L and the 5-day DOs are 4.5 mg/L
and 3.5 mg/L for the seed test bottle and seeded waste water samples respectively.

8. Calculate the percentage of total solid and percentage of volatile solids in the sample and
percentage of total solid that are volatile from the following laboratory analysis of a
wastewater sludge.

Weight of empty dish on analytical balance = 50.160 g

Weight of empty dish plus sludge sample = 90.8 g
Weight of empty dish plus dry sludge = 52.783 g
Weight of empty dish plus ignited solids = 50.969 g

Due date: 16/4/2018 (Monday) before 5 pm to MA-202-02 Blok Akademia 3, FKAAS

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