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The page numbering of references in this index was taken from

the original Gollancz and Harper & Row editions. As other
editions (such as that produced by the Krishnamurti Foundation
India) may have different page numbering, chapter and
paragraph numbers have also been provided. References that
have been underlined are those in which the entire chapter or
question & answer is devoted to that subject.


C = Chapter number
Q = Question & Answer number
P = Paragraph number
pp = Page number(s)

Index to 'The First and Last Freedom' by J. Krishnamurti

Acceptance: definition of, C10 P10 pp 86-87 Capacity: and pleasure and pain, C12 P3 pp 95; and
Accumulation: as bringing pain, C10 P5-6 pp 84-85 understanding oneself, C12 P3-6 pp 95-96
Action: and idea, C5 pp 50-56; without idea, Q25 pp Centre: dissolution of, C9 P7-14 pp 78-81; Q27 P6 pp
243-45; as creating the actor, C5 P4 pp 50; without 250-51; as the word, Q27 P6-7 pp 250-51
ideation, C5 P16-20 pp 53-56; reward and Change, C21 P1-6 pp 136-38; as beyond the conscious
punishment as basis of, Q25 P2 pp 243; as thought, mind, C21 P10 pp 139; and conflict, C21 P5-6 pp
C5 P2 pp 50; understanding fundamental nature of, 137-38; versus conformity to a pattern, C21 P1 pp
C5 P9 pp 52 136; as essential, C21 P6 pp 137-38; and image of
Actor: created by action with an end in view, C5 P4-5 reality, C21 P8-9 pp 138-39
pp 50-51 Chastity: as not of the mind, Q21 P5 pp 229-30
Actor, action and result: as our daily existence, C5 P6 Choice: as confusion, C12 P10 pp 97-98; between
pp 51; as process of becoming, C5 P6 pp 51; as essentials and non-essentials, Q32 P3-4 pp 271-72
unitary process, C5 P5 pp 51 Communication, C1 P1 pp 19; and affection, C1 P1 pp
Affection: and communication, C1 P1 pp 19 19; using simple words, C1 P2 pp 19
Alone: as extraordinarily difficult to be, Q6 P4 pp 166 Communion, C1 P1-2 pp 19; real, C1 P1 pp 19
Analyser: as the analysed, Q24 P6-8 pp 239-40; as part Completion: of every thought and feeling, Q26 P3-6 pp
of the background, Q20 P8 pp 225 246-48
Analyser and the analysed: as joint phenomenon, Q24 Concentration, Q19 P5-6 pp 217-18
P6-8 pp 239-40 Condemnation: as not understanding, C12 P4 pp 95; as
Analysis: and change, C21 P5 pp 137; process of, Q24 purposive, C12 P4 pp 95
P6-10 pp 239-41 Conditioning: freedom from, Q20 P6-10 pp 224-26
Approximation: and contradiction, Q29 P10 pp 260-61 Conflict: between superficial and deeper layers of the
Architects: of a new society, C3 P11 pp 39 mind, C21 P4 pp 137; and change, C21 P5 pp 137
Armed forces: reason for, C10 P5 pp 84 Conformity: and insensitivity, C11 P6 pp 90; and
Assertion: and denial, C8 P1 pp 71 simplicity, C11 P6 pp 90
Authority: as preventing the understanding of oneself, Confusion: cause of, C1 P11-13 pp 23-24; ending, C1
C4 P11 pp 47-48 P16 pp 25; of the mind, Q37 pp 282-84; of the
Awareness, C12 pp 94-98; of the activities of the self, world, C1 P7 pp 21
C16 P6 pp 113; without choice, C12 P10 pp 97-98; Conscience: as formed by conditioning, C10 P2 pp 83
of everything as it arises, Q8 P4 pp 173-74; how is Conscious: and unconscious, C6 P11 pp 63-64; Q20 pp
one to be aware? C12 P2 pp 94; and interest, Q8 222-26
P3-4 pp 173-74; and introspection, Q8 pp 172-76; Conscious and unconscious, C6 P11 pp 63-64; Q20 pp
without justification, C12 P4 pp 95; to meet life as 222-26; conflict between, Q20 P2 pp 222-23; as
a whole, C12 P1 pp 94; from moment to moment, unitary state, Q20 P3 pp 223
C12 P11-12 pp 98; as observation without Consciousness, C21 P2-3 pp 136-37; as action, C5 P3
condemnation, Q8 P3 pp 173; of the present, C8 pp 50; as challenge and response, C5 P3 pp 50; and
P10-11 pp 74-75; of the present without choice, C8 change, C21 P2 pp 136; as experiencing, naming,
P11 pp 75; of response to a stimulus, C12 P2 pp 94; and recording, C5 P3 pp 50; many layers of, Q24
of what one is, C1 P5 pp 20; who is aware? Q8 P6 P4 pp 239; as movement of the past to the future,
pp 174-75 Q20 P3-4 pp 223-24; as thinking process, C21 P3
Becoming: as cause of contradiction, C8 P7 pp 73; pp 137
reasons for, C7 P11 pp 69; as strife, C5 P6 pp 51; Contentment: definition of true, C7 P5 pp 67
C7 P10 pp 68-69 Contradiction, C8 pp 71-75; how to be free of, C8 P11
Being nothing: and co-operation, C18 P10 pp 123-24; pp 75; as impetus to live, C8 P9 pp 74; reason for,
and freedom from deception, C18 P7 pp 122 C8 P3-12 pp 72-75. See also Self-contradiction
Belief(s), C6 pp 57-65; as desire to be secure, C6 P5-6 Co-operation, C18 P8-12 pp 122-24; and being
pp 59-61; and fear, C6 P3 pp 57-58; in God, Q16 nothing, C18 P10 pp 123-24; versus belief, C18
pp 205-8; as not uniting people, C6 P11 pp 63-64; P12 pp 124; versus identification, C18 P10-11 pp
as preventing psychological pain, C10 P3 pp 83-84; 123-24; without seeking a result, C18 P9 pp 123
as process of isolation, C6 P4-5 pp 59-60; reasons Creation: as cessation of effort, C7 P8 pp 68; as not an
for, C6 P3 pp 57-58; as separating people, C6 P2 experience of the self, C9 P11 pp 80; as not
pp 57 sensation, C13 P8 pp 102
Belief and knowledge: as structure of the mind, C6 Creativeness, C4 P12-14 pp 48-49; C7 P9-10 pp 68-69;
P12 pp 64-65 and capacity, C4 P12 pp 48; definition of, C4 P12
Blank mind: as state of stupor, idiocy, C16 P9 pp 114 pp 48
Boredom: and interest, Q12 pp 190-92

Creativity: and freedom from the past, Q4 P6 pp strengthening the self, C9 P2-14 pp 76-81; as way
155-56; moment of, C19 P10 pp 129 of deception, C18 P13 pp 124
Crisis: world, Q1 pp 145-47 Experiencer: as gathering or denying, C15 P1 pp 108
Criticism, Q15 pp 201-204 Experiencer and the experience: neither exist when
Death, Q23 pp 235-37; finding truth of, C18 P4-5 pp there is experiencing, C5 P8 pp 51-52; Q8 P6 pp
121; known while living, Q23 P4-6 pp 235-37 174-5
Defence: seed of, brings offence, C10 P5 pp 84 Experiencing: moment of, C5 P8 pp 51-52; Q8 P6 pp
Delusions: of the mind, C18 P1 pp 120 174-75
Denial: and assertion, C8 P1 pp 71 Exploitation, Q30 P3-4 pp 263-64
Desire, C13 pp 99-103; as endless struggle, C13 P1 pp Family: and relationship, Q9 P3 pp 177-78
99; as perception, sensation, and contact, C13 P4 Fear, C10 pp 83-87; Q11 pp 186-189; of death, C10 P1
pp 100; permanent versus impermanent, C8 P4-6 pp 83; Q11 P5 pp 187; and desire to be in a pattern,
pp 72-73; relationship to belief and knowledge, C6 C10 P7 pp 85; exists as long as there is
P1 pp 57; as resistance and yielding, C13 P3 pp accumulation, C10 P4 pp 84; of fact or idea? Q11
100; for security, C6 P5-6 pp 59-61; for silence of P5-9 pp 187-89; as incomplete comprehension of
the mind, C9 P5 pp 77; as symbol and its sensation, relationship, Q11 P2 pp 186; of loneliness, Q11
C13 P2-3 pp 99-100 P6-7 pp 187-88; of losing, C10 P4 pp 84; as non-
Desires: as of no fixed point, C8 P6 pp 72-73; acceptance of what is, C10 P10 pp 86; of not being,
opposing, C8 P3-6 pp 72-73; projection of, C9 P4-6 becoming, Q11 P4 pp 186-87; as outcome of
pp 77-78; as transient, C8 P6 pp 72-73 naming, Q11 P6-9 pp 187-89; as reason for belief,
Direct experience: prevention of, C11 P7 pp 90-91; C6 P3 pp 57-58; as always in relation to the known,
and simplicity, C11 P10 pp 91-92 C10 P1-2 pp 83; of pain, C10 P3 pp 83-84;
Discipline, Q5 pp 157-64; as a course of action understanding v conquering, Q11 P3 pp 186
promising a reward, Q5 P5 pp 158; and decay, Q5 Following: every thought, C4 P6 pp 45
P10 pp 160; as escape from conflict, Q5 P16 pp Frame: breaking, C10 P7 pp 85. See also Pattern
162-3; and fear, Q5 P18 pp 163-4; versus freedom, Freedom: from belief, C6 P10-12 pp 62-65; from all
Q5 P14 pp 162; and imitation, Q5 P12 pp 160-61; conditioning, Q20 P6-10 pp 224-26; from desire to
and intelligence, Q5 P5 pp 158; as process of be secure, C6 P6 pp 60-61; from desire and
strengthening the self, C17 P7 pp 117-18 sensation, C13 P8 pp 102; from knowledge, C6
Disciplining process: as thought process, C17 P7 pp P10-12 pp 62-65
117-18 Frontier(s) : as preventing peace, C14 P4 pp 105-6
Dissolution: of the centre of desire, C13 P4 pp 100 Fulfilment: desire for, C7 P10-11 pp 68-69. See also
Disturbance: importance of, Q13 P3-10 pp 193-96 Self-fulfilment
Dualistic action: as experiencing, becoming, C15 P2 God, Q30 pp 263-66; cannot be experienced, C21 P16
pp 108 pp 142; knowing, Q16 P7 pp 207; as not given by
Ecstasy: and the immediate present, C20 P2 pp 131-32 someone else, C2 P8 pp 30-31; as permanent
Education: task of, C3 P4 pp 35 gratification, C8 P6 pp 72-73; trying to imagine,
Effort, C7 pp 66-70; to achieve result, C7 P2 pp 66; as Q4 P3 pp 154-55
distraction from what is, C7 P7 pp 68; and division Good and evil, Q1 P2 pp 145-46
into the experiencer and the experience, C15 P2 pp Gossip, Q14 P2 pp 197-200
108; our life as based on, C7 P1 pp 66; maker of, Gratification: is there permanent gratification? C2 P6-7
and object, as the same, C15 P7 pp 110; as pp 30; and relationship, C14 P4 pp 105
producing conflict, C7 P3 pp 66; reasons for, C7 P2 Greed: and the observer, C15 P6-7 pp 109-110; and
pp 66; C7 P11-12 pp 69; as self-centred, C7 P3 pp resistance, Q5 P6-7 pp 158-59
66; as struggle to change what is into what should Guru(s), Q3 pp 150-53; and confusion, Q3 P3-5 pp
be, C7 P5-7 pp 67-68; as struggle to become 150-51; and gratification, Q3 P3-4 pp 150-51; and
something, C7 P10 pp 68-69; as struggle to fulfil lack of self-understanding, Q3 P5 pp 151
oneself, C7 P10 pp 68-69 Happiness: as not result of effort, C7 P4 pp 66-67; as
Emptiness: attempting to fill, Q6 P4-5 pp 166; of the not of yesterday, C20 P2 pp 131-32; only when
mind, C21 P13-14 pp 141; superficial, C21 P13 pp activity from the centre ceases, C19 P1 pp 126;
141 seeking, C20 P1 pp 131
Ending: unconscious activity, C12 P3 pp 95 Hate, Q13 pp 193-96
Envy: as basis of society, C3 P7 pp 36-37; as Honesty: as necessary in finding truth, C8 P6 pp 72-73
destructive factor in relationship, C3 P7 pp 36-37 Humility: and simplicity, C11 P13 pp 93
Escape: as basis of our culture, Q6 P3 pp 165-66 Idea(s): and action, C5 pp 50-56; as distorting the
Existence: as relationship, C14 P2 pp 104 mind, C3 P9 pp 37-38; nature of, C5 P12-20 pp
Experience: definition of, C9 P3 pp 76-77; as dividing 53-56; as not solving any human problem, C16
factor in relationship, C18 P13 pp 124; to be P1-2 pp 111; as not truth, C5 P20 pp 55; as
entrenched in, C9 P7 pp 78; and naming process, outcome of thought process, C5 P13 pp 53
C9 P3 pp 76-77; as reaction, C9 P3 pp 76-77; as

Identification: as escape, C10 P8 pp 85-86; as process Listening: art of, C1 P3 pp 19; through a screen of
of self-forgetfulness, C10 P8 pp 85-86; as search prejudice, C1 P3 pp 19; without opposition, C1 P4
for power, C14 P8 pp 107; and self-centredness, pp 20
C19 P2 pp 126-27; and way to dissolve the self, C9 Living: without belief, C6 P2 pp 57
P8 pp 78 Loneliness, Q6 pp 165-67; definition of, Q6 P2 pp
Idolatry: and imitation, C17 P10 pp 119 165; escape from, Q6 P3 pp 165-66; transformation
Incentives: as divisive, Q16 P5 pp 206 of, Q6 P6 pp 166-67
Individual: as mere instrument of society, C3 P1-2 pp Love, Q22 pp 232-34; as action without idea, C5
34; and society, C3 pp 34-41 P17-18 pp 55; cannot be acquired, C16 P7 pp 113;
Individual and society, C3 pp 34-41 and co-operation, C17 P9-10 pp 119; door to, C19
Individual salvation, C17 P4 pp 116-17 P11 pp 129; as eternally new, C19 P12 pp 129;
Inner: and outer, C11 P5-6 pp 89-90 versus the intellect, C17 P9 pp 119; need for
Inner and outer, C11 P5-6 pp 89-90 negative approach to, Q22 P2 pp 232; as not an
Insecurity: as essential for understanding, Q13 P9-10 experience, C5 P17 pp 55; as not the result of strife,
pp 195-96 C7 P4 pp 66-67; as not of the self, C9 P16 pp 82; as
Intellect: worship of, C17 P4 pp 116-17 not thinking of yourself, C17 P9 pp 119; as only
Intellectual understanding: as no understanding, Q13 reformation that can change the world, C9 P16 pp
P2 pp 193 82; as only solution, C16 P10 pp 114; and
Intelligence: as being without the self, C9 P9 pp 78-79; relationship, Q9 P7-9 pp 178-81; and social
how it comes into being, C16 P8 pp 113-14; partial problems, C16 P7 pp 113; versus vested interests,
versus integral, C9 P9 pp 78-79; and specialization, C17 P9 pp 119
C12 P7 pp 96 Lying, Q29 P2-9 pp 258-260
Interest: and boredom, Q12 pp 190-92 Materialist: position on the self, C9 P12 pp 80
Interval: between two thoughts, Q17 P4 pp 210-11; ‘Me’: as an activity through recognition, C19 P10 pp
Q20 P10 pp 226 129; as beyond the physical needs, C13 P9 pp
Introspection: and awareness, Q8 pp 172-76; and 102-3; as destructive force, C9 P9 pp 78-79;
depression, Q8 P2 pp 172; as self-expansive, Q8 P5 expansion of, versus forgetting, Q21 P5 pp 229-30;
pp 174/P9 pp 76; and self-improvement, Q8 P2-4/9 functioning at different levels, C9 P14 pp 81; and
pp 172-74/76 seeking a result, C16 P6 pp 113
Inward poverty, C7 P11 pp 69 Meaning: of life, Q36 pp 280-81
Inward insufficiency: living with, C7 P14 pp 70 Meaning of life, Q36 pp 280-81
Isolation: as process of thought, C17 P3-8 pp 115-118; Meanness: dealing with, Q13 P8 pp 195
no such thing as living in, C4 P3 pp 43; as search Meditation: and self-knowledge, Q19 P10-11 pp
for power, C14 P5 pp 106 219-221; as understanding, Q19 P8-9 pp 218-19
Joy: as when there is no hindrance, C10 P10 pp 86-87; Meeting life: as a whole, C12 P1 pp 94
and the immediate present, C20 P2 pp 131-32; as Memory (-ies), Q17 pp 209-13; as hindrance to
not the result of control and suppression, C7 P4 pp understanding what is, Q17 P4 pp 210-11; as
66-67; as absence of self, C10 P10 pp 86-87 incomplete understanding, Q17 P2-4 pp 209-11;
Knowledge, Q4 pp 154-56; and ambition, C6 P8 pp and living in the present, Q17 P4 pp 210-11; and
61-62; and belief, C6 P9-13 pp 62-65; and meeting new challenge, Q17 P2-3 pp 209-10;
creativity, Q4 P2 pp 154; as hindrance, Q4 P4-6 pp retention of, Q17 P2 pp 209-10; as strengthening
155-56; and learning, Q4 pp 154-56; versus the the ‘me’, Q17 P4 pp 210-11; as time, C20 P2 pp
new, Q4 P2 pp 154; as not reality, C6 P10 pp 131-32; Q17 P5 pp 211; two facets of, Q17 P2 pp
61-62; as not able to solve problems, C11 P9 pp 91; 209-10
and understanding truth, C6 P7 pp 61 Metaphysics: as of no significance in understanding
Knowledge and belief: as structure of the mind, C6 what is, C8 P2 pp 71
P12 pp 64-65 Mind: as action, belief, knowledge, and experience,
Known: and unknown, Q4 P4 pp 155; Q28 pp 255-57 C17 P3 pp 115-16; as belief and knowledge, C6
Label(s): different from feeling? Q27 P8 pp 252; as P12 pp 64-65; as dead centre, C13 P5 pp 100-101;
more important than the substance, Q27 P6-9 pp divides itself as high and low, C15 P7 pp 110; as
250-252 fear, C10 P7 pp 85; as frame, pattern, C10 P7 pp
Legislation: as of little significance, C11 P4 pp 89 85; function of, C17 pp 115-19; as instrument of
Life: as becoming more complex, C11 P2 pp 88-89; as sensation, C13 P5 pp 100-101; C13 P9 pp 102-3; as
challenge and response, Q26 P2 pp 246; as memory, Q17 P2 pp 209-10; any movement of,
experience in relationship, C14 P1 pp 104; as a strengthens the ‘me’, C9 P11 pp 80; as the past,
matter of relationship, C12 P12 pp 98; as opposing Q24 P4 pp 239; as the problem, Q21 P3 pp 228;
fleeting desires, C8 P5 pp 72; as a process of and process of thinking, C17 P2 pp 115; as process
becoming, C5 P2 pp 50; as process of isolation, of isolation, C17 P3-4 pp 115-16; as product of
C14 P4 pp 105; as relationship to the whole, C12 time, C8 P7 pp 73
P1 pp 94; as a series of actions, C5 P6 pp 51 Misery: stopping, C1 P15 pp 25

Murder: and justification, Q1 P2 pp 145-46 the solution, C4 P1-2 pp 42-43; understanding, C3

Naming, Q27 pp 249-54; and experience, C9 P3 pp P5 pp 35; of the world, C4 P1 pp 42
76-77; and identification, Q27 P2 pp 249; versus Psychological security: seeking destroys physical
looking anew, Q27 P3 pp 249/P7 pp 251-52; and security, Q10 P6 pp 182-83
the observer, thinker, Q27 P10-11 pp 252-53; as a Psychological time: as the product of the mind, C20 P2
way of disposing of things, Q27 P3 pp 249-50 pp 131-32
Nationalism, Q2 pp 148-9; and division, Q2 P3 pp Purpose: of existence, Q37 P7 pp 284; of life, Q36
148-49; versus intelligence, Q2 P3 pp 148-49; as P2-3 pp 280-81; of our daily existence now, Q37
process of isolation, C14 P6 pp 106; and self- P3 pp 282-83
expansion, Q2 P3 pp 148-49 Quiet mind: as bringing transformation, C20 P5 pp
Nationalist: as a curse, C14 P6 pp 106 134; as not a result, C16 P9-10 pp 114; versus time,
Needs: physical, C13 P9 pp 102-3 C20 P5 pp 134; and understanding, Q5 P8 pp
New: desire to experience, C21 P15 pp 142; and 159-60; and understanding problems, C16 P9 pp
emptiness, C21 P15 pp 142; versus knowledge, Q4 114; C20 P5 pp 134
P6-7 pp 155-56; and the old, Q26 pp 246-48; as Quietness: on seeing the whole movement of the mind,
something beyond sensation, C13 P9-10 pp 102-3; C9 P15 pp 81
and transformation, C21 P15 pp 141-42 Radical change, C21 P1-6 pp 136-38. See also Change
New society, creating, Q1 P4 pp 147 Reaction: as action as we know it, C7 P14 pp 70; as
Non-violence: practice of indicates conflict, C20 P4 pp experience, C9 P3 pp 76-77; as form of
133-34 conditioning giving continuity to the self, C17 P8
Observer and the observed: as result of naming, Q8 P7 pp 118
pp 175-76 Real, the: nearness of, C1 P13 pp 24
Observing oneself: through action, C7 P14 pp 70 Realization: immediate, Q31 pp 267-70
Occupation: as based on envy, C3 P7 pp 36-37 Realized man, Q30 P2-4 pp 263-64; being with, Q30
Occupation of the mind, Q34 pp 275-76 P3 pp 263
Old and new, Q26 pp 246-48 Redemption: of mankind, C18 P1 pp 120
Pain: cause of psychological, C10 P3 pp 83-84; and Regeneration: of the individual, Q1 P3 pp 146-47; as
suffering, Q7 pp 168-171 today not tomorrow, C20 P6-7 pp 134-35
Passive awareness, C12 P6-12 pp 96-98; and Reincarnation: reason for belief in, C10 P6 pp 84-85
relationship, Q15 P5 pp 203-4; of the whole Relationship, Q9 pp 177-81; basis of, C3 P8 pp 37; Q9
process of consciousness, C12 P9 pp 96-97 P2 pp 177; as challenge and response, Q9 P2 pp
Passivity: as direct action, C12 P4 pp 95 177; and the family, Q9 P3 pp 177-78; and
Past: definition of, psychologically, Q24 P3 pp 238 isolation, C14 pp 104-7; and love, Q9 P7-9 pp
Peace: bringing about in the world, Q10 P7-8 pp 178-81; as means of gratification, C14 P4 pp 105;
184-85 Q9 P4-5 pp 178-79; as mirror in which you
Perception: direct, C1 P4 pp 20; in the present, C1 P15 discover yourself, C14 P2-3 pp 104-5; as the only
pp 25 problem, C12 P9 pp 96-97; as process of building
Persuasion: in resisting self-centred activities, C19 P1 resistance, C14 P4 pp 105-6; as process of self-
pp 126 revelation, C14 P9 pp 107; Q9 P6 pp 179/P9 pp
Poor: necessity to be, in belief and knowledge, C9 P16 180-81; real, Q9 P4 pp 178; understanding, Q3 P6
pp 82 pp 151-52; used as means of achievement,
Positive action, C9 P8 pp 78 becoming, C14 P3 pp 104-5
Power: and fundamental change, C21 P11 pp 140; and Religious man: and simplicity, C11 P11 pp 92
isolation, C14 P5 pp 106; and realization, C14 pp Research: meaning of, C1 P1 pp 20
136-42; as what each one wants, C14 P5 pp 106 Responsibility: for transformation, C4 P2 pp 43
Practice: and the piano, Q5 P11 pp 160 Revolution: bringing about, C1 P16 pp 25-6; C21 P7
Prayer, Q19 P2-4 pp 216-17; and ‘inner voice’, Q19 pp 138; need for radical, Q38 P2-3 pp 285; as now,
P4 pp 217; and meditation, Q19 pp 216-221 not tomorrow, C1 P18 pp 27; C20 P6 pp 134-35;
Present: as passage of the past to the future, C20 P2 pp versus process of time, C19 P8-9 pp 128-29; real,
131 C4 P3 pp 43; in society, C3 P10-14 pp 38-41; in
Present crisis: Q1 pp 145-47; as the result of ideation, thinking, Q1 P4 pp 147; urgency of inward, C3 P5
the intellect, Q1 P2 pp 145-46; and sensate values, pp 35-36
Q1 P3 pp 145; as without precedent, Q1 P2 pp Right relationship: lack of, leads to conflict, C4 P3 pp
145-46 43
Problem(s): as always new, C12 P9 pp 96-97; due to Salvation: See Individual salvation
fixed point of view, Q21 P2 pp 227-28; due to Security: through isolation, C14 P4 pp 105-6; search
superficiality, Q21 P2 pp 227-28; looking at for, C18 P4-6 pp 121-22; seeking, C1 P9 pp 22-23
dispassionately, C12 P9 pp 96-97; need to approach Seeing: the activity of the self, C16 P4 pp 112-13
simply, C4 P1 pp 42; C11 P11 pp 92; as only Seeker: and deception, C18 P6 pp 122; understanding,
soluble through simplicity, C11 P7 pp 90-91; and C2 P7 pp 30

Seeking, C2 pp 28-33 Specialist(s): mentality of, C12 P8 pp 96; and the

Self, C9 pp 76-82; absence of, C9 P10 pp 79; realization of truth, C12 P8 pp 96
definition of, C9 P1 pp 76; as evil, C9 P1 pp 76; Specialization: and intelligence, C12 P7 pp 96
destroying, C17 P7 pp 117-18; forcing into a Spectator: to be merely a, C1 P8-9 pp 22
corner, C9 P13 pp 80; freedom from, C10 P11 pp Starvation: problem of, C18 P12 pp 124
87; materialist position on, C9 P12 pp 80; as Spiritual entity: and dissolving the self, C9 P12-14 pp
problem that thought cannot resolve, C16 P6 pp 80-81
113; religious people’s position on, C9 P12 pp 80; Spiritual teacher(s), Q3 pp 150-53
seeing the whole process of, C9 P15 pp 81; as Still mind, Q35 pp 277-79; as having no power to
strengthened by experience, C9-14 P2 pp 76-81; create, C9 P15 pp 81; as the most active mind, Q35
understanding, C8 P12 pp 75; C9 P10 pp 79; C16 P6 pp 278-79; as necessary for understanding, Q35
P4 pp 112-13; unfoldment of, Q15 P3 pp 202-3 P2-4 pp 277-78; as not isolation, Q35 P6 pp
Self-centred activity, C19 pp 126-130; consciousness 278-79; versus systems, Q35 P3 pp 277-78. See
of, C19 P5 pp 127-28; freedom from, C19 P7 pp also Stillness
128; as movement of time, C19 P6 pp 128; as only Stillness: of the mind, Q35 pp 277-79
action we know, C19 P1 pp 126; as recognition, Strength of character: cause of, C9 P7 pp 78
C19 P6 pp 128; understanding, C19 P2-4 pp Struggle: reasons for, C7 P10 pp 68-69
126-27 Stupidity: definition of, C3 P9 pp 38
Self-contradiction: ending, Q29 P8-13 pp 260-62; Substitution: as a form of ignorance, Q2 P3 pp 148-49;
reasons for, Q29 P8-13 pp 260-62 versus intelligence, Q2 P2-3 pp 148-49
Self-criticism, Q15 P3 pp 202-3 Suffering, Q7 pp 168-171; as always in relation to
Self-deception, C18 pp 120-25; and desire to be, C18 something, Q7 P6 pp 170; as disturbance, Q7 P3 pp
P4 pp 121; fundamental factor of, C18 P6 pp 122; 168; ending of, Q7 P7 pp 170-71; escape from, Q7
interactive process of, C18 P3 pp 120-21; as P2-5 pp 168-70; as ‘me’, Q7 P5 pp 169-70; and the
preventing love, C18 P8 pp 122-23 observer, Q7 P6-7 pp 170-71; significance of, Q7
Self-fulfilment: as constant battle, struggle, C7 P10 pp P2-7 pp 168-171; word or actuality? Q7 P6 pp 170
68-69; seeking, C7 P10 pp 68-69 Superficiality, Q33 pp 273-74, and dependence, Q33
Self-knowledge, C2 P8-14 pp 30-33; C4 pp 42-49; C8 P2 pp 273
P11-12 pp 75 Surrender: to what is, Q18 pp 214-15; to the ‘will of
Sensate values: and world crisis, Q1 P3 pp 146-47 God’, Q18 P2 pp 214
Sensation: mechanical pursuit of, C13 P6 pp 101 Survival: psychological, Q34 P3 pp 275-76
Sensitivity: versus compulsion, Q5 P17 pp 163; and Symbol(s): and sensation, C13 P5 pp 100-101
simplicity, C11 P1-2 pp 88-89; C11 P6 pp 90; C11 System(s): for knowing oneself, C4 P9-10 pp 46-47; as
P8 pp 91 more important than man, C1 P10 pp 23
Separation: versus co-operation, C17 P5 pp 117; as Thinker: as the old, Q26 P3 pp 246-47; and the
function of the mind, C17 P5 pp 117; as our whole thought, C15 pp 108-110; tries to alter his thoughts,
tendency, C17 P4 pp 116-17 C15 P4 pp 109
Sex, Q21 pp 227-31; as escape, Q21 P4 pp 228-29; as Thinker and the thought, C15 pp 108-110; division
only way of forgetting oneself, Q21 P4 pp 228-29; between, C15 P4 pp 109; as false process, C15
is the problem the act or the thought? Q21 P4-5 pp P1-4 pp 108-9; and fundamental change, C21
228-30 P10-11 pp 139-41
Shallow mind: ending of, Q33 P3-4 pp 273-74; as Thinking: and isolation, C17 P3 pp 115-16; as leading
escaping from what is, Q33 P3 pp 273 nowhere, C16 P8 pp 113-14; and problem solving,
Silence: experience of, Q16 P8 pp 207-8 C16 pp 111-114; and reactions, C17 P3 pp 115-16;
Simplicity, C11 pp 88-93; Q32 pp 271-72; and as reaction, C16 P3 pp 111-112; as verbalization,
conformity, C11 P6 pp 90; as freedom from beliefs, Q27 P5 pp 250
C11 P4 pp 89; and humility, C11 P13 pp 93; as Thinking out: every thought and feeling, Q26 P3-46 pp
inward freedom, C11 P3 pp 89; as not adjustment 246-48
to a pattern, C11 P2 pp 88-89; as not merely Thought: as action, C5 P2 pp 50; versus awareness of a
outward expression, C11 P1-2 pp 88-89; and the fact in the present, C8 P10 pp 74-75; as
religious man, C11 P11 pp 92; through self contradiction, C8 P8 pp 73-74; as distraction, C16
knowledge, C11 P7 pp 90-91; and sensitivity, C11 P9 pp 114; and ending itself, C17 P6-7 pp 117-18;
P1-2 pp 88-89; C11 P6 pp 90; C11 P8 pp 91; in the ending of, C16 P3 pp 111-112; C17 P7 pp 117-18;
total process of consciousness, C11 P8 pp 91 as idea, opinion, judgement, comparison, C16 P9
Society: defining, C1 P16 pp 26; as expression of what pp 114; as process of search, C18 P4 pp 121; as
I am, C1 P16-17 pp 26; as projection of ourselves, reaction, C17 P6 pp 117; as response of memory,
C11 P4 pp 89 C5 P13-14 pp 53-54; as the result of time, C20 P2
Sorrow: in the process of accumulating, C10 P3 pp pp 131; and seeing partially, C16 P4 pp 112;
83-84 understanding process of, C5 P13-14 pp 53-54

Thought process: as based on becoming, C7 P14 pp projection of our daily life, Q10 P2 pp 182; and
70; as process of isolation, C17 P3 pp 115-16; C17 secondary benefits, Q1 P2 pp 145-46
P6-7 pp 117-18 Watchfulness: and fundamental change, C21 P11 pp
Time, C20 pp 131-35; Q24 pp 238-42; chronological 140; and recording process, Q5 P16 pp 162-3
and psychological, C20 P2 pp 131-32; creation of, Watching: oneself, C12 P3 pp 95; the unconscious,
C20 P2 pp 131-32; as defence mechanism, C20 P6 C17 P1 pp 115
pp 134-35; and psychological memory, C20 P2 pp What is: as not static, C1 P6 pp 21; reasons for wanting
131; and transformation, C20 pp 131-35; and to change, C20 P3 pp 132-33
transforming what is, C20 P3 pp 132-33; two types Wife: as prostitute, Q21 P5 pp 229-30
of, C20 P2 pp 131-32 Will: of action, C15 P2-3 pp 108; as action towards a
Timeless: and understanding time, C20 P1 pp 131 result, C5 P5 pp 51. See also Will of action; Will to
To be: is to be related, C4 P3 pp 43; Q9 P2 pp 177 be
Tomorrow: and the lazy mind, C1 P17 pp 26; as Will of action, C15 P2-3 pp 108; as always dualistic,
process of disintegration, Q1 P3 pp 146-47 C15 P3 pp 108
Transformation, Q38 pp 285-88; beginning of, C14 P8 Will to be: as the will to become, C5 P6 pp 51
pp 107; as love, Q38 P8-9 pp 287-88; as not an Word: going beyond, C18 P1 pp 120
end, a result, Q38 P7 pp 287; and time, C20 pp Words: repetition of, C1 P8 pp 22; using simple, C1 P2
131-35; ultimate versus moment-to-moment, Q38 pp 19
P4-6 pp 285-87; of the world through the World: catastrophe, C1 P7 pp 21; crisis, Q1 pp 145-47;
transformation of oneself, C4 P3-4 pp 43-44; C4 as relationship, C4 P3 pp 43
P14 pp 49 World peace: prevention of, C18 P14 pp 124-25
Triviality, Q34 pp 275-76 You are the world, C3 P7 pp 36-37; C4 P2 pp 42-43
Truth, Q3 P7-8 pp 152-53; cannot be experienced, C21
P16 pp 142; definition of, C6 P2 pp 57; and lie,
Q29 pp 258-62; man of, C9 P16 pp 82; perceiving
instantly, C1 P16 pp 25; projection of, C9 P6 pp
77-78; and the quiet mind, C18 P15 pp 125; and
recognition, C9 P6 pp 77-78; C9 P16 pp 82; and
self-projection, Q3 P7 pp 152; as uncharted sea, Q4
P7 pp 156
Unconscious, C17 P3 pp 115-16
Understanding: definition of, Q19 P9 pp 219; desire,
C13 P7 pp 101-2; fear of, C20 P6 pp 134-35; as not
of time, C1 P17 pp 26; problems, Q31 P2-7 pp
267-69; process of, Q15 P2 pp 201-2; relationship,
Q3 P6 pp 151-52; Q15 P2 pp 201-2/P4-5 pp 203-4;
as requiring passive mood, C12 P5 pp 95-96; state
of mind required for, Q24 P11 pp 241-42; truth,
Q31 P2-7 pp 267-69; of what is, C1 P6 pp 21; C4
P6-7 pp 45-46; C7 P5 pp 67; Q18 P3-4 pp 214-15
Understanding oneself, C2 P8-14 pp 30-33; C4 P2-14
pp 42-49; belief as hindrance to, C6 P3 pp 57-58;
and the deeper layers of consciousness, C12 P6 pp
96; as moment to moment, C4 P8 pp 46; C4 P14 pp
49; need for the intention to, C4 P3 pp 43-44; as
not a technique, C12 P3 pp 95
United Nations, C4 P2 pp 42
Unknown: and the known, Q4 P4 pp 155; Q28 pp
255-57; search for, Q28 P2-8 pp 255-57
Values: sensual, C1 P12-13 pp 24; true, C4 P3 pp 43
Virtue, C4 P5 pp 44-45; beginning of, C4 P5 pp 44-45;
conscious pursuit of, C19 P5 pp 127-28; as escape
from the self, C10 P9 pp 86; as freedom, Q5 P13
pp 161
Virtuous man: definition of, C9 P16 pp 82
Void: filling as process of our existence, C7 P11 pp 69;
of loneliness, Q6 P4 pp 166
War, Q10 pp 182-85; cannot bring peace, Q1 P2 pp
145-46; causes of, Q10 P5-6 pp 183-84; as

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