Climate Change, Impact and It's Adaptation in Agricultural Sector in Bandung Regency

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Lecturer : Rukuh Setiadi, ST, MEM, PhD

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In Indonesia, changing rainfall patterns is the greatest threat, because so many farmers
rely directly on rain for agricultural activities and their livelihoods, any change in precipitation
causes great risks. Rainfed agriculture is particularly vulnerable to climate change. Higher
temperatures will challenge the farming system. Plants are very sensitive to high temperatures
during critical stages, such as flowering and seed development. High temperatures are often the
cause of drought, resulting in poor agricultural productivity.
Extreme climate events such as El Nino and La Nina in Indonesia have an effect on the
development of food crop production. The strong influence of ENSO can be proved by looking
at the incidence of droughts in various parts of Indonesia that coincide with the El Nino incident
(Yasin et al., 2002 in Ruminta, 2016). The incident has a very significant influence on the
productivity and production of rice and maize crops in Indonesia, including in Bandung regency.
Bandung Regency has land for cultivation of food crops include 54.261,67 ha or 24.38%
of the total area of Bandung regency. Agricultural land consists of wetland (rice field) area of
37,033.59 ha and dry land (fields) of 12,577.74 ha. However, non-technical irrigation paddy field
is the most dominant rice field type cultivated by farmers in Bandung regency. The productivity
of rainfed lowland in Bandung district is correlated with rainfall pattern because the water source
depends entirely on the rain water. The average annual rainfall varies according to season and
region (Ruminta, 2016).
Based on these data, agricultural activity in Bandung Regency, has a high vulnerability
value to changes in temperature and rainfall. Based on research conducted by Ruminta (2016),
the decrease of yield and harvested area in Bandung Regency caused by climate change. An
increase in average temperature causes a decrease in agricultural output, while changes in
rainfall affect will decrease in harvested area. It can be concluded that climate change in
Bandung regency causes a decrease in water supply for agricultural activities, or it can be called
also the cause of drought disaster.

Plants need more water when there is an increase in temperature, but the availability of
water is also thinning due to climate change. The rise in global temperatures causes a disruption
of the water cycle (Utina, 2008). Drought is one of the causes of reduced productive agricultural
land, because without adequate irrigation, agricultural activity can not be run smoothly.
According to projections made by Ruminta (2016), up to 2030 rice production in Bandung
Regency will average decrease by 6,706 tons or 479 tons per year. In accordance with the trend,
it can be estimated that agricultural land in Bandung regency will decrease drastically. A total of
3,421,429 ha or about 6% of agricultural land will be reduced within the next 50 years, with an
estimated per ha of agricultural land producing 7 tons of rice.
Reduced agricultural productivity will threaten the stability of food security in Bandung
regency and national food security. This is because agriculture in Bandung Regency has
contributed to national food security. In the agricultural sector, climate change is very influential
on the life of farmers. As the fourth most populous country in the world and one of the largest
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producers and consumers of rice, Indonesia is characterized by a poor rural population dependent
on rice production for their livelihoods (Rasmikayati & Djuwendah, 2015). Economically, the
impact is reduced farmers' income. It is noted that farmers' income is reduced by USD 10-17
annually due to climate change. Moreover, 43,000 peasants / workers in Subang lost their jobs
due to the decline in agricultural land area (Grisvia Agustin and Ro'ufah Inayati, 2015). Most
farmers have a very limited knowledge of climate change, so that adaptation and mitigation
efforts are not optimally implemented.
One form of adaptation done by farmers is to increase the area of their agricultural land.
Farmers in West Java averaged add 3.1 ha of land area to minimize risks from climate change on
rice production decline (Rasmikayati & Djuwendah, 2015). This step is quite effective in
maintaining the stability of the production amount, but has many shortcomings. With the
growing land area, the work will be done will also increase. This will affect the increase in the
number of workers / farmers, while agricultural production is not increased. The addition of land
area also affects the amount of expenditure that must be done to conduct agricultural activities.
Thus, while effective in maintaining the stability of production quantities, this step is not
efficient in the economic aspect.
To overcome these problems, several steps that can be done related to the adaptation of
the agricultural sector to climate change are: First, the development of irrigation facilities.
Irrigation facilities need to be increased in capacity, not only to irrigate irrigated rice fields, but
also to irrigate rainfed rice fields. Increased irrigation facilities also need to be equipped with the
construction of dams, so that rain water can still be utilized (Ruminta, 2016). Second, the use of
superior seeds such as low-emission superior varieties, drought tolerant, flood, salinity, pest
resistant (Haryono & Las, 2011). In addition to resistance to drought, low emission seeds also
potentially reduce the contribution to global warming from. Third, the adjustment of cropping
and land management patterns, especially food crops, and agricultural diversification. By
knowing the pattern of the rainy season, the drought conditions can be minimized. This is done
to facilitate the arrangement of the water system, assistance by field officers and facilitate the
control of pests that may arise (Ruminta, 2016). Fourthly, by increasing adaptive capacity of
farmers (Stoorvogel, 2009). It is very important for agricultural actors to be adaptive to the
changes that occur. This can be done by strengthening the farmers' institutions so that they can
exchange information easily, providing information to farmers on adaptive measures including
the application of new technology, as well as protection, protection and assistance for the
farmers in the form of subsidies, insurance, capital, etc. (Haryono & Las, 2011).
The process of adaptation to climate change in the agricultural sector must be undertaken
by all relevant stakeholders. Farmers will not be able to take adaptation steps independently due
to various limitations. The government should act as a leading sector, since food security issues
are the responsibility of the Government. Dam construction and irrigation facilities can be done
by the Public Works Department, related to the development of agricultural infrastructure.
Development of varieties of superior seeds conducted by Agriculture Research Agency. The
Agriculture Office has responsibility for information dissemination and dissemination related to
climate change, adjustment of cropping patterns, and strengthening adaptive capacity of farmers.
Banking also has an important role, especially in providing capital assurance to farmers so that

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agricultural activities can be done simultaneously. In addition, farmers as agricultural actors
must cooperate actively in conducting adaptation activities to climate change.
Financing of this adaptation step is not only done by the Ministry of Agriculture, but also
required support from the Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Transportation, and support
from the Banking sector. The private sector is also required to provide financing support to the
agricultural sector in the form of CSR (Community Social Responsibility). The vulnerability of
the agricultural sector to climate change is also due to industrial activity, as a carbon emitter that
affects the quality of the earth's atmosphere.
Based on the projection of reduced agricultural land and the decline in food production, it
can be considered that agricultural sector adaptation to climate change is necessary. Rice crops
as the main source of food in Indonesia are very susceptible to an increase in average
temperature from the sun, so as much as possible the drought conditions can be overcome.
Mitigation measures are important, but their impacts can only be seen for long periods of time.
So it is indispensable adaptive measures to reduce the level of vulnerability to climate change.
Technically, drought can be overcome by engineering the available water resources, both
groundwater and rainwater. The construction of dams and irrigation can have a very significant
impact on the water needs of agricultural crops. This development does require substantial funds,
but if assessed from the benefits to be gained, the construction of dams and irrigation channels is
a priority in overcoming drought.
Agricultural R & D agencies have developed a variety of superior varieties, so this
adaptive step will be very easy to do. Adjustment of cropping and land management patterns will
have an impact on improving the efficiency of the agricultural sector. Various examples of
success can be used as a guide in addressing climate change, as is done in Bandung regency.
Farmers are the most important actors in carrying out agricultural activities, so that adaptive
capacity building of farmers will have a direct impact on the sustainability of agriculture.
Although it should be done simultaneously, this step is a very important point, because the
production of the agricultural sector depends entirely on the farmers.
To maintain national food security, adaptive measures are needed in the face of climate
change. Because if adaptive measures are not taken, then the decline in agricultural production
will worsen, not only in Bandung regency, but also in Indonesia. This will adversely affect the
national food needs as one of the basic human needs. Food shortages are a serious threat that
must be taken into account in maintaining survival. In the economic sector, there will be a
significant decrease in GDP, given the agricultural sector is one of the leading sectors in
Indonesia. Not only that, the number of unemployed will increase along with the decline of
agricultural land, which also affects the increase of poverty level in Indonesia.

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Grisvia Agustin and Ro’ufah Inayati. (2015). Analysis of Climate Change for Agriculture in
Indonesia. Economics and Development Studies., 7(2), 85–89.
Haryono, & Las, I. (2011). Agricultural mitigation and adaptation strategies on the impacts of
global climate change. Proceedings of the National Seminar on "The New Era of
Agricultural Development: A Strategy to Address Food Problems, Bioenergy And Climate
Change, 1-10.
Rasmikayati, E., & Djuwendah, and E. (2015). The Impact of Climate Change to Farmers’
Behavior and Revenue). Jurnal Manusia Dan Lingkungan, 22(3), 372.
Ruminta. (2016). Analysis of decreased rice production due to climate change in Bandung
regency West Java, 15 (1), 37-45.
Stoorvogel, J. J. (2009). Adapting Dutch agriculture to climate change Adapting Dutch
agriculture to climate change.
Utina, R. (2008). GLOBAL WARMING: Impact and Effort to Minimize, 36.

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