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Jeffrey Yu

Period 36
Spring 2018
17-18 NMS Portfolio Reflection Script

Introduction Paragraph
Good morning, I am Jeffrey Yu and I am a seventh grader at Nightingale’s STEM
Magnet. While at Nightingale STEM, I have learned to cooperate and listen to my
teammates so my team could finish a projects quicker and more efficient. Today, I
will show you some of the best work I have completed over the last two years.
These include my Universal Playground from my Design and Modeling class and my
Journey To The Center of the Earth’s Core and my Change of States presentation
from my Science Class.

Pathway Outcome Paragraph

Which assignment will you present?
What year (sixth, seventh or eighth) did you complete it?
What did you need to know to complete this assignment?
What did you have to do to complete this assignment?
Which pathway outcome does this assignment demonstrate?
How does this assignment demonstrate that pathway outcome?

The first assignment I’ve selected to present is Universal Playground. I completed

this project in seventh grade. In order to complete this project I needed to know
about how hard it is to be in a wheelchair. I also needed to know how to make my
parts of the playground wheelchair accessible. My project demonstrates the
pathway outcome of critical thinking. I demonstrated the pathway outcome by
considering how a wheelchair could go on a bridge, a swing and a slide.

Academic Growth Paragraph

What key skill(s) have you developed while at STEM?
What assignment will you present as the first example of your academic growth?
What class is it for?
What did you need to know to complete this assignment?
What were you capable of doing on this assignment?
What assignment will you present as your second example of your academic
What did you do differently on this assignment than the first example?
What led to the changes in your skill ability?
How will you use this skill in high school and beyond?

A key skill I developed while at Nightingale STEM has been the ability to present
without getting kind of nevervous.My first project in my science class demonstrates
what I was capable of before. In order to complete this assignment, I needed to
know about the mantle, the two crust and the core because if I didn't know about
those things then I would get a F for a grade because that is the rubic.In
comparison, my second project in my science class demonstrates what I am capable
of now. I can now find more reliable sources.My academic growth resulted from
being told to don’t trust every source that you see.I will use the skill of finding
reliable sources to get the best and trustworthy information in highschool and
beyond to write an essay.

College & Career Paragraph

How has STEM prepared you for college and/or career?
Which assignment will you present?
What class was it for?
What did you need to know to complete this assignment?
What did you have to do to complete this assignment?
How will you use what you’ve learned from this assignment in high school and

STEM has prepared me for college by making me study about the Colleges I want to
go to.The assignment I would like to present is my College and Career. I completed
this assignment in my seventh grade in my Green Architecture Class class. In order
to complete the College and Career project, I needed to know about the cost of the
college if I attended for 5 years and if they had the subject I wanted to learn. I also
needed to know how to get into the college by seeing what grades need to get in. I
will use what I’ve learned from this assignment when I’m older to find a scholarship
so I don’t have to pay as much money for college.

Conclusion Paragraph
What is one academic goal you have for yourself in the coming year?
What will you need to achieve it?
Which do you plan to pursue first, college or career?
How did you make the decision to pursue college or career first?
What is a long-term goal you have set for yourself?
How has the work you’ve done at STEM helped you prepare to achieve that goal?
Anything else you’d like to share with the panel?

In closing, an academic goal I have set for myself in the coming year is to earn at
least 4 A’s in total.In order to achieve this, I will need to do all my homework, get A’s
on my test.In regard to my future, I plan to pursue The Academy of arts first. I have
decided to do that because I want to be a famous actor one day.A goal I have set
for myself to accomplish by the time I am twenty is to be famous.The work I have
done at Nightingale STEM has prepared me to achieve this goal by making me
present in front of people so I won get that nervous.Thank you for your time and
consideration. Any questions?

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