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Music Career Project

Name: Devin Period:​ (​ example: 6A5)

Checklist to Complete Assignment Music Career Jump Grading

Read​ the article
_____​Individual Participation During Project
❏ 3 on task, involved all the time
Complete ​From the Source​ ​Section #1 ❏ 2 on task, involved most of the time
❏ 1 off task, wasting time, teacher reminders to
Complete ​In Your Own Words​ Section #2 work needed/not on task, ignores teacher
Complete ​Your Final Job Description​ Section #3 reminders

Complete ​Best Fact to Share​ Section #4 _____​Completed Project

Complete ​Think About It​ ​Section #5 ❏ 3 all tasks complete, in detail, neat, and
Complete the ​Career Jump Activity ​Section #6 ❏ 2 all tasks complete, satisfactory answers,
and legible, most tasks complete, answers are
Is my work ​nea​t, in ​complete sentences​, and ​each brief and not detailed, work is sloppy
section is completed​. ❏ 1 few tasks complete, answers are incomplete,
and little effort is shown

Fill out this information based on the information on the ​Music Careers Website​. Don’t use other sources!

#1 From the Source #2 In Your Own Words

Job Title: Video Jockey Job Title: Video Jockey

Career Overview:​ ​Video Jockeys create video Career Overview: ​ V

​ ideo Jockeys create video
content and curate video playlists for content and curate video playlists for
concert performances, DJ nights, and live concert performances, DJ nights, and live
events. events.

About this Music Career ​(Career Description) About this Music Career ​(Career Description)

1. Video Jockeys create video content and curate 1. They create videos for concerts, performances, live
video playlists for concert performances, DJ events and DJ nights.
nights, and live events.

2. The term Video Jockey may initially conjure 2. Video Jockeys were most popular in the 90’s
up memories of the ‘90s

3. When VJs hosted music video shows on MTV 3. Video Jockeys hosted music videos on certain radio
and VH1. stations.

4. These days, however, the term is used much 4. Video Jockey is a term that is used to describe
more often to describe someone who creates people who make videos for music industries.
videos and/or curates video playlists for live
music events

5. “Though the VJ culture is garnering a 5. Being A Video Jockey, you need to have a special
reputation as a culture of its own type of personality.
Music Career Project
Salary Salary

1. 25,000 1. Video Jockeys can make a minimal of $25,000

2. 250,000 2. Video Jockeys can make $250,000 or more

Employment Employment

1. Landing a VJing gig is a similar process to 1. Like DJs or Bands booking a gig is very similar to a
booking work as a Club DJ or band. Video Jockey.

2. Those just starting off in their careers can find 2. When starting a career as a Video Jockey it is
opportunities by reaching out to easiest to find gigs at nightclubs.
up-and-coming bands, DJ nights, or other
nightlife events.

Advancement Advancement

1​ In turn, their reputation will increase and
1. If you succeed in being a Video Jockey you can
increase your pay.
they’ll be able to charge more for their work.

2​. ​For a VJ, career advancement means performing and  2. Video Jockey’s are labeled as VJs which means they
creating videos for more well-known artists who may  create videos.
have a bigger budget and the ability to book them on 
more dates.

Education and Training Education and Training

1. A VJ doesn’t necessarily need a college degree 1. Video Jockeys don’t need college degrees because
if they are able to take classes or teach the can teach themselves.
themselves the essential skills for the work.

2. However, many do come from an academic 2.Video Jockeys most common academic backgrounds
film, graphic design, or arts background. are film, graphic design or arts.

Experience, Skills, and Personality Experience, Skills, and Personality

1.People skills are important for a VJ. 1. You need to be good with people to be a Video

2.Obviously, video making skills are also 2. You need to know and be good at making videos
essential and all the other skills that come aside wit it.

3.To be successful as a VJ, Kushida advises “you 3. To be a successful VJ you should be flexible,
should be creative, curious, flexible, and have a creative and be curious.
good creative vision.

Unions and Associations Unions and Associations

1., VJing is still an untouched field. 1. VJing is not very popular.

2.It’s difficult to find those organizations. 2. It is hard to find organizations that include VJing.
Music Career Project
Suggestions for Getting Started Suggestions for Getting Started

1. When creating your first video go to 1. Go to somewhere casual to present your first
nightclubs or somewhere casual to first video
present it.

2. Use mentor or guidence 2 .Have someone help

#3 Your Final Job Description:​ ​Convince someone this is the best job in the music
industry! Write in complete thoughts and sentences IYOW. When you read this out loud, it
should be about 30 seconds.

Being a Video Jockey is very enjoying. If you like making videos this is a job for you. Video
Jockeys usually have a very unique personality. They are good with people, have a creative
mind and have to be flexible. As a video jockey you can have many choices of what you do. If
you have the right mindset for making a video, you can make it very pleasing to the human
eye. Being a Video Jockey can do what you put your mind to.

#4 Best Fact to Share: ​Write one sentence summarizing and highlighting the best part
about this job.

A VJ doesn’t necessarily need a college degree if they are able to take classes or teach themselves the
essential skills for the work.To be successful as a VJ, Kushida advises “you should be creative, curious,
flexible, and have a good creative vision.

#5 Think About It
-List 3 school subjects that would be useful to know to perform this job.
1. Music
2. C.M.A
3. E.L.A
-Would this job be a good fit for you? Why or why not? Support your opinion in complete

Yes, i think this job would be good for me because I like creating videos. I am good at using
technology, I have Social skills and I’m pretty flexible. If I need to be really creative I can be.
I also have been using Imovie to create videos.
Music Career Project
#6 Career Jump Activity:​ ​Quickly write down the job title and one interesting thing
about each job as you rotate through the career jump.
1. Personal Manager - Max - Work with Famous People
2. Music Producer - Ethan - Record and Make Songs
3. Dj - Jake - Perform at Nightclubs
4. Lyricist - Matt - Write Songs
5. NightClub Manager - Alex - Hire people to sing
6. Choreographer - Ben - Meet Celebrities
7. SongWriter - Annika - Be creative
8. Rock Star - Anika - Get recognized
9. Sound Technician - Tyler B. - Control Sound
10. Radio Dj - Asher - Dj the Radio
11. SInger - Tia - Sing Songs
12. Personal Director - Ethan G. - Interview interesting people
13. Music Photographer - Zoe - Take Pics

Best Job:Night Club DJ Worst Job: Singer

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