2017 Taiwan WHO Simulation Invitation Package

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2017 Taiwan World Health

Organization Simulation
WHY WHO Simulation?
HOW is Taiwan?
All about Taiwan
Reasons for Its Existence

WHY Taiwan?
HOW to Join us?
I nvitation Letter from Our Experiences
Registration Fee and
Taiwan WHO Simulation Timeline
Operation Committee
HOW to Simulate?
Activities Explanation and Agenda
To Explore real Taiwan
W elcome Letter from
Head Chair WHAT is FMS-TW?
Introduction to FMS-Taiwan
WHO Support us?
Meet our Sponsors

To every companion of medicine:

你好(Ni Hao) Hello there! Are you a fan of MUN (Model Taiwan WHO Simulation will be held in January 17th~21st, 2017

United Nations)? Do you feel the strong sense of at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Tainan, Taiwan. It

mission and responsibility to make the globe a better is the first international-scaled conference modeling the WHA

world? Are you affected to engage in memorable and its regional meetings in Asia. This conference is aiming for a

historic occasions? Do you enjoy recognizing new wider students’ participations and realizations toward

acquaintance, interacting with others’ track of fate? Are international health-related issues, the WHO and some other

you ready to achieve greatness? If so, Taiwan WHO non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Since human society

Simulation Operation Committee is glad to announce become more and more connected as our civilization progress

the exciting event, WHO Simulation 2017 in Taiwan and that any tiny factor may cast intense impact and result in

(abbreviated as “Taiwan WHO Simulation” later on). We severe controversies, the world requires more medical experts

welcome everyone from around the world to join us. engaged in and equipped with full knowledge of global health.

There isn’t any special qualification needed. If you are Therefore, we, Taiwan WHO Simulation Operation Committee,

interested in our event, just sign up and book your designed the Taiwan WHO Simulation in order to combat this

airplane ticket to Taiwan! problem.

I nvitation Letter
During the assembly, there will be 5 plenaries and 2 regional
meeting sessions. During the conferences, delegates will speak
for the position of the country they represent, work with regional
blocs to compose Regional Drafts, and negotiate with delegates
from other blocs to consolidate opinions and create a
comprehensive Draft Resolution. Press conference simulations
will also be held after regional meetings. Moreover, renowned
experts established in related fields will deliver keynote speeches,

from Taiwan WHO Simulation Operation Committee and different NGOs will also be invited to hold an official fair to
raise and promote awareness on current issues.

What topics will delegates tackle? Who will be the

savior of tomorrow? The least number of 70
Ta i wa n

international medical students and 140 local medical

students will be assigned with their positions into 194
member states’ delegate representing the actual
nations, press delegates to be the voice of each specific
Taiwan WHO Operation Committee look forward to our
region, and NGO delegates with distinctive
encounters in the near future. We hold the strongest wishes of
perspectives. In additional, pharmaceutical
you attaining better selves together with us. Let us work hard and
corporations including Pfizer, Novartis, and Sanofi are
play! For more information, please check out our invitation
expected to state their stances in the conferences. The
package or our website below.
academic topic of Taiwan WHO Simulation is The Era
of Global Partnership -- Health as the basic human
Website: http://www.taiwanwho.org/
right. According to the topic and other extensive
concepts, two issues were set to addressed,
Best regards,
International Humanitarian Aids and Combating the
Taiwan WHO Simulation Operation Committee 2016.7.14
Outbreak of Emerging Infectious Disease.
Distinguished delegates,
It is my honour to welcome all of you to the WHA
plenary. This year, along with twelve chairpersons
and seven secretariats, I, Ben Z. Lee, will serve as
the head chair of the conference this year.
Targeting at humanitarian assistance and the
outbreak of merging infectious diseases, 2017
Taiwan WHO Simulation is a catalyst for Besides the plenary sessions, delegates will also
cooperation and opportunity for all delegates to fuel participate in regional conferences with the
our collective mission of advancing the progress of guidance of chairs in each regional meetings
health issues around the globe. and special agendas. On the other hand, I
would like to also introduce secretariats coping
In the four-day sessions, delegates will lobby, merge, with administrative affairs in conferences.
and debate with each other, and end up with the
passing of a resolution. Last but not least, I sincerely welcome all the
delegates and I am expecting the fruitful
conferences with all of you.

Best regards,
Ben Z. Lee
Head Chair of 2017 Taiwan WHO Simulation

W elcome Letter
from Head Chair
A single flap of a butterfly may cause a
storm thousand miles away. Human society Goals of Taiwan WHO:
become more and more connected as our

gobalization progresses, thus, any tiny factor 1. We will submit two draft resolutions directly to

may cast intense impact and results in severe the World Health Assembly.

controversies including famine, war, and

epidemic. 2. Taiwan WHO is the first WHO Simulation in

WHY WHO In response to this situation we are facing, the the Asia-Pacific region. We have heard medical

students of neighboring countries, like Japan,

world requires more medical experts engaged

in and equipped with full knowledge of global China, Thailand and Malaysia, want to hold WHO

Simulation as well. Therefore, our academic team

REASONS FOR ITS EXTENCE health. However, most medical students are

not aware of the importance of WHO and can also help coach their organization committee.

other international organizations have on

World Health Organization (WHO) 3. After Taiwan WHO, there would be 210 more
global healthcare.
Simulation 2017 in Taiwan is the individuals who possess comprehensive
Therefore, we, Taiwan WHO team, designed
simulation of WHA and its regional knowledge of our two topics: “International
the Taiwan WHO Simulation in order to
meetings. Listing international health Humanitarian Aid” and “Combating the Outbreak
combat this problem.This role-played
issues on the agenda, this conference is of Emerging Infectious Diseases”. They would
academic activity trains participants to learn
aiming for a wider students’ also learn how the World Health Assembly works.
and practice diplomacy skills in negotiation,
participations and realizations toward
lobbying and networking, aiming to foster
international health-related issues and
medical students’ awareness of how global
Reason for existence of
organizations including the WHO , the
health policy can make influence on health of
Taiwan WHO:
MSF, the ICRC, and some other
humanity. It may take a long time until Taiwan can become a
non-governmental organizations
Our goal is to train more medical students to full-member of WHO. Therefore, Taiwan WHO
not only possess comprehensive knowledge of will continuously develop and encourage talents

international health issues, but also to be for Taiwan. We will make any efforts we can so

capable of debating and negotiating on an that Taiwan’s voice can be heard on the global

international platform. stage!

First WHO Simulation in Taiwan

In January, 2015, FMS-TW held the very first domestic

WHO Simulation conference in Taiwan, our motherland.

100 students gathered to discuss two topics: "Global

Partnership for Essential Medicine in Developing Coun-

tries" and " Unequally Distributed Humanitarian Aids."

We t r a i n e d n u m e r o u s m e d i c a l s t u d e n t s t o n o t o n l y

possess comprehensive knowledge of international health

issues, but also entitle them the ability to convey, debate

and negotiate with others on a platform. Through this act,

we h o l d t h e b e s t w i s h e s t h a t p a r t i c i p a n t s g a i n m o r e

profound recognition and rich in experience, Taiwan’s

voice can be spread.

Not only did we promote the ideal FMS-TW, but also

Our Experiences raised the community's awareness. The very first WHO

Simulation is a hit, and it motivated us to devote

ourselves more to global affairs.

The WHO Simulation session
The WHO Simulation session in March
in East-Asian Medical Students’ Conference
Meeting 16 ( MM16) Malta
(EAMSC) 2016 in Taiwan

In the IFMSA's 2016 March Meeting in Malta, the

As host of this annual event, FMS-TW combined the WHO
ch a i r i n t h e fi r s t Ta i wa n W H O S i m u l a t i o n , G e m Wu ,
Simulation with the conference.
hold the "WHO Simulation " session. In this session,
Since 1970s, there has been a near consensus that the key to
she not only
achieving healthcare for all lies at the core of Universal
shared the experience of holding the very first domes-
Health Coverage (UHC). However, statistics showed that over
tic WHO Simulation in Asia-Pacific, but also fostered
400 million people cannot obtain the most basic health care
participants’ awareness of how global health policy
s e r v i c e s, a n d 1 5 0 m i l l i o n p e o p l e a r e s u b j e c t e d t o fi n a n c i a l
can make influence on health of humanity.
catastrophe every year worldwide.
"It was a great pleasure to see medical students from
As a matter of fact, the topic was " Promoting universal
all over the world were inspired by our activity. After
health coverage in the post-2015 development agenda ."Over
fully engaging themselves in the session, many partici-
150 medical students from 12 countries participants in the
pants even started to think about holding their own
discussion, and summed up an official draft resolution that
WHO Simulation." said the organizer, Gem Wu.
represented our consensus.
I n Ta i w a n W H O S i m u l a t i o n , t h e r e a r e t w o t y p e s o f

conferences on the agenda, General Assembly and

Activities Explanation and Agenda

Regional Meetings.
Based on the main idea of the IFMSA,

“Think Globally, Act Locally,” Taiwan WHO

Simulation not only tackles international

affairs but also keep an eye on local Plenary is the simulation of annual World Health Assem-
health issues in the hosting city. With The special logistical design of Taiwan
b l y ( W H A ) . Fo c u s i n g o n g l o b a l h e a l t h i s s u e s, W H A
different scopes of viewpoints and WHO Simulation requires participants to
consists of all WHO member states, observing states,
participants, delegates may evaluate convey their ideas to other by lobbying,
press members, and invited NGOs. Delegates are expected
situations through local governing to merging, debating, and some diplomat-
to debate, lobby, cooperate, merge, compose draft resolu-
regional cooperation and world-wide ic manners, which including two confer-
relationship. On the other hand, acting tions and, eventually, pass one resolution as the final
ence modes and different types of
as the national health officer s of consensus of the House.
member states or the ambassadors of

NGOs, participants are required to cope

with the problems and negotiate with

other s by alter ing their positions to an

unfamiliar character.

P r e s s d e l e g a t e s a r e a l s o m e m b e r s o f Ta i w a n
As the WHO divides the world into several
WHO simulation, these press delegates are
regions and set regional offices based on
expected to compose press releases during
their geographic neighborhood and the

similar development of health care system, Activities Explanation and Agenda t h e c o n f e r e n c e . Ta i w a n W H O S i m u l a t i o n

plans currently to set several press dele-

RMs serve as the pre-plenary conferences
gates of commercial media including Leut e r s,
a i m i n g f o r r e g i o n a l c o o p e r a t i o n . I n Ta i w a n

A s s o c i a t e d P r e s s , L’ A g e n c e Fr a n c e - P r e s s e
WHO simulation, there are five RMs includ-
(AFP), and Al Jazeera; official press deleg a t e s
i n g : A f r i c a , A m e r i c a s , A s i a Pa c i fi c ,

for each region. Each of them is expected

Europe, a n d E a s t - M e d i t e r r a n e a n . I n
to be the voice of the specific region.
R M s, d e l e g a t e s a r e e x p e c t e d t o p a s s

regional draft as the official

agreement and consensus in each I n Ta i w a n W H O S i m u l a t i o n , t h e r e a r e t h r e e

region. The policy and stance stated types of delegates in both plenary and RM,
There are 194 countries posses s thorough
in these regional drafts may thus i n c l u d i n g m e m b e r s t a t e s ’ d e l e g a t e, p r e s s
m e m b e r s h i p o f t h e W H O. S o m e o f fi c i a l
be taken as references in plenary d e l e g a t e, a n d i n v i t e d N G O d e l e g a t e. P l e a s e
o b s e r v i n g s t a t e s i n c l u d i n g Pa l e s t i n e, C h i -
w h e n c o m p o s i n g d r a f t r e s o l u t i o n s. give us your priority of the type of delegate
n e s e Ta i p e i , a n d Va t i c a n C i t y w i l l a l s o b e
i n t h e a p p l i c a t i o n f o r m . We w i l l a s s i g n t h e
p r e s e n t i n g i n Ta i w a n W H O s i m u l a t i o n . O n
type of delegation to you. Please mind that
t h e o t h e r h a n d , H o n g Ko n g a n d M a c a o a l s o
y o u w i l l n o t r e p r e s e n t y o u r o w n c o u n t r y.
take a seat in this conference for their

l i m i t e d m e m b e r s h i p i n We s t e r n A s i a R e g i o n .
N G O, a c t i n g a n i m p o r t a n t r o l e i n

international health policies establish-

ment, is another component of this

c o n f e r e n c e. T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o m m i t -

tee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the

I n t e r n a t i o n a l Fe d e r a t i o n o f R e d C r o s s
and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) are
two official observing members of the

W H O. G i v e n t h a t d i f f e r e n t N G O s m a y
A n n u a l a c a d e m i c t o p i c o f Ta i w a n
provide various advice to the confere n c e,
Based on the academic topic and
WHO Simulation 2017 will be The
Ta i w a n W H O s i m u l a t i o n a l s o s e t t h e
the extended concepts of this
E r a o f G l o b a l Pa r t n e r s h i p - - H e a l t h
U N I C E F, W F P, M S F, a n d I F M S A a s t h e
conference, we have determined
as the basic human right. Inviting
i n v i t e d N G O i n i t s c o n f e r e n c e. O n t h e
the two issues being discussed
medical students from every nation
other hand, pharmaceutical corporat i o n s
i n Ta i w a n W H O S i m u l a t i o n 2 0 1 7 .
and local students of all professional
i n c l u d i n g P fi z e r, N o v a r t i s , a n d S a n o fi
fields, cross-field cooperation is
are expected to state their stances in
one of key concepts this year. Participants
t h e c o n f e r e n c e s.
may need to do research on medical,

legal, political, and economic knowl-

edge to reach better discussion

q u a l i t y during the conferences.

H uideli

1 . G
e n es Issu
s u In the past
Model United Nations (MUN) About a

c o n f e r e n c e s wo r l dw i d e, q u e s t i o n o f decade ago, the WHO firstly

humanitarian aids has always been a big issue.

r I

received a challenge from global

This year, Taiwan WHO Simulation set this issue on the o u t b r e a k o f a n i n f e c t i o u s d i s e a s e, k n o w n

agenda not only for following the trends but also looking

nter ation
a s Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
forward to broadening the contents of this topic.In October, First captured in 2002 and defeated in 2003, SARS

b a t i ng t he
2015, d o c t o r s wo r k i n g w i t h M e d i c i n s S a n s Fr o n t i e r e s ( M S F ) r e m i n d e d t h e wo r l d o f t h e u r g e n c y a n d n e c e s s i t y o f
we r e murdered in Afghanistan. This tragedy soon spread

constructing a more efficient reporting system. Unfortunately,

around the w o r l d a n d p o i n t e d o u t a c r u e l t r u t h t h a t Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2012 and Zika

t h o s e a l t r u i s t i c organizations providing necessary assistance virus in 2016 both brought about severe international health

in resource-lacking regions, warzones, and disaster-affected crises. The cooperation among WHO headquarters, regional

c t
regions are under poor p r o t e c t i o n s. T h e g l o b a l s o c i e t y i s offices, and each local government has not reached expect-

s t e p p i n g t owa r d a n ew p h a s e w i t h m o r e f r e q u e n t ed efficiency thus failed to control the outbreak. The

n a t u r a l d i s a s t e r s a n d w i t h enlarging regional

global society is asking for the modifications on


gaps. Humanitarian aids aiming for the unity reporting systems and the guideline for

of the world are faced with more g tb

epidemics control.
s challenges, yet
um gi n rea
i d ani k o f e me r
tarian A
Press conferences Simulation will be held
after regional meetings, each region may
In Taiwan WHO Simulation, there will be have at least one group of delegates hosting
five plenaries and two regional meetings the press conference, reporting progress
sessions. During these sessions, delegates and decisions made in respective regional
will take diplomatic manners and aiming meetings. On the other hand, NGO dele-
for the passing of the resolution. gates are welcomed to seize the chance
hosting press conferences as a methods to
deliver their opinions and further influ-
ence member states’ policies.
Press delegates will also be presenting in
conference sessions, they are expected to
do some reports about the debate process.
In Taiwan WHO Simulation 2017, there
In press conferences, press delegates are
will be several social events held. With
authorized to raise questions to delegates
different themes and interesting activi-
on floor. Official press delegates of each
ties, participants may take a temporary
region and press delegates of commercial
rest from tiring negotiations and diplo-
media are expected to deliver different
matic relationship and enjoy the nights.
cut-points of information. With these
press release, all the participants may
easily summarize some conclusions in the
Le g e n d h a s it t h a t seve ra l G o d s a n d G o d d e sse s w it h

1 W E L C O M E PA R T Y
d ist in g u ish in g c h a ra c te rist ic s live d a t t h e to p o f M t . O lym -
p u s. In t h e w in te r 2017, G o d s a n d G o d d e sse s a re g o in g to

c o o p e ra te w it h v ig o ro u s p a ssio n fro m riva l g a m in g s a n d
Ha ve yo u eve r se e n Ta iw a n e se t ra d it io n a l p e rfo rm a n c - c o m p e t it ive d a n c in g in a fa b u lo u s b a ll. We p re se n t to yo u
e s w h ile e n joyin g t h e ta b le fille d w it h Ta iw a n e se a n ig h t fille d w it h myt h o lo g ic a l ext ra va g a n c e, a s w e b rin g

c u isin e ? Th e o p e n in g c e re m o ny a n d w e lc o m e p a rt y yo u b a c k to A n c ie n t G re e c e t h ro u g h c o c kta ils, d u o d a n c e,
w ill n o t o n ly sh ow yo u t h e Ta iw a n e se t ra d it io n a l
g a m in g s, a n d p e rfo rm a n c e s.
c u lt u re, b u t g ive yo u a n o p p o rt u n it y to kn ow m o re
Dre ss C o d e : No Sp e c ific .

a b o u t Ta iw a n. Th is w o n d e rfu l n ig h t w ill su re ly le a ve yo u
w it h a m a zin g m e m o rie s. It’s t im e fo r a n a ll-n ew
exp e rie n c e a n d to fin d yo u rse lf m o re frie n d s.
Dre ss C o d e : Tra d it io n a l c o st u m e s.

In Taiwan WHO Simulation 2017,

there will be several social events

held. With different themes and

interesting activities, participants

may take a temporary rest from

tiring negotiations and diplomat-
ic relationship and enjoy the
Tim e flie s, t h is is o u r la st n ig h t o f WHO Sim u la t io n. Do n’t yo u
h a ve e n o u g h t im e to m a ke w o n d e rfu l m e m o rie s? A re yo u
re lu c ta n t to sa y g o o d b ye ? Do n 't w o rry! We h a ve p re p a re d
a n o u t d o o r live b a n d in t h e la st n ig h t to h a ve a n u n fo rg e t -

M O V I E T H E M E D PA R T Y 2 ta b le n ig h t . C o m e a n d e n joy t h e n ig h t w it h b e e rs a n d
b u ffe t w it h frie n d s in t h is c o zy w in te r n ig h t . Frie n d s n eve r
sa y g o o d b ye, b u t “ se e yo u a g a in”. Le t 's c re a te so m e
Ha ve yo u eve r w o n d e re d w h a t it w o u ld b e like if c h a ra c -
eve rla st in g m e m o ry!
te rs fro m 80’s w e re a t t h e sa m e n ig h t c lu b a s Sta r Wa r?
Dre ss C o d e : No Sp e c ific .
Th in k u p a c h a ra c te r a n d b rin g t h e e le m e n t s t h a t yo u like
a n d w o u ld b e fu n to b e d ru n k a s in to t h e d e sig n o f yo u r
We d n e sd a y n ig h t . Le t’s m a ke n ow h e re n e a r t h e w e e ke n d
w ild a n d e n e rg e t ic like a Sa t u rd a y. Do w h a t yo u g o t ta d o
to m a ke yo u rse lf lo o k a u t h e n t ic . A NY M OVIE! C a n’t w a it to
se e w h a t eve ryo n e c o m e s u p w it h !
Dre ss C o d e : A ny e le m e n t o f yo u r fa vo rite c h a ra c te r.
2017.01.17 2017.01.18 2017.01.19 2017.01.20 2017.01.21



12:00-13:30 A R R I VA L LUNCH

13:00-16:30 PLENARY 2 ( UNTIL 15:00 )

( 15:00 START )


Fe d e ra t i o n o f M e d i c a l
Wh a t h a ve w e d o n e so fa r? FM S-Ta i-
St u d e n t s- Ta i w a n ( FM S- Ta i w a n )
w a n i s e x t re m e l y a c t i v e b o t h

d o m e st i c a l l y a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y.
In 1 9 9 5 , FM S- Ta i w a n w a s a d m i t t e d FM S- Ta i w a n p o sse ss e v e n m o r e
D o m e st i c a c t i v i t i e s a i m e d t o

a s a f u l l m e m b e r o f IFM SA d u ri n g a b u n d a n t e xp e rie n c e in g lo b a l
i n c re a se a sso c i a t i o n i n c l u d e
t h e A u g u st M e e t i n g i n Ba rc e l o n a , a f fa irs. To n a m e a fe w, A sia n M e d i-
A n n u a l M e d ic in e C u p h e ld fo r
Sp a i n ; t h u s j o i n e d t h e b i g f a m i l y ! c a l St u d e n t C o n f e re n c e i n 1 9 8 8 ,
a t h l e t i c m e d i c a l st u d e n t s t o l i g h t

IS FM S- Ta i w a n h a s t a k e n v a r i o u s

n a m e s b e fo re 2 0 0 7 a n d h a s u n d e r-

g o n e se v e ra l re f o r m d u e t o t h e
u p yo u t h a n d sh ow o ff b o d y st re n g t h ;

Ve r y c o m p e t it iv e FM S- TW Lit e ra t u re

Pri ze . O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , FM S- Ta i -
1 9 9 3 , a n d 2 0 0 9 ; Ea s t e r n A s i a n

M e d i c a l St u d e n t C o n f e re n c e i n

1999, 2000, 2004, 2007, a n d 2016;

FM STW? a i m o f re a c h h i g h . Fo u n d e d i n

1988, it wa s t h e f i rst eve r

c ro ss- sc h o o l st u d e n t o rg a n i za t i o n
w a n m a in t a in s h ig h - le v e l o f a w a re -

n e ss re g a rd i n g m u l t i p l e t o p i c s,
A u g u st M e e t i n g i n 2 0 0 2 a n d 2 0 1 4 ;

A si a Pa c i f i c Re g i o n a l M e e t i n g i n

2008; Ac t io n in 2012 a n d 2015;

In t ro d u c t i o n t o FM S- Ta i w a n su c h a s G l o b a l W a r m i n g , L G B TI
i n Ta i w a n . A f t e r 2 8 ye a rs o f d e v e l - W H O Si m u l a t i o n i n 2 0 1 5 … a l l o f
b a si c h u m a n ri g h t s, m e d i c a l e d u -
o p m e n t , i t i s c o m p o se d o f 1 8 t h e m w e re h e ld in Ta iw a n.
c a t io n, f u t u re w o rk in g e n v iro n m e n t
d e p a r t m e n t s f ro m 1 3 m e d i c a l
i n t h e h o sp i t a l , c o l l a b o ra t i o n
u n i v e r si t i e s t h ro u g h o u t Ta i w a n ,
b e t we e n m e d ic ine a nd p ha rm a c y … e t c .
i n c l u d i n g We st e r n M e d i c i n e a n d
A s f o r i n t e r n a t i o n a l a sp e c t ,
Tra d i t i o n a l C h i n e se M e d i c i n e .
Ta i w a n h a s a p o p u l a t i o n o f 2 3

million. The larger part of the

c o u n t r y ’s i n h a b i t a n t s i s t h e

descendants of immigrants from

the various provinces of main-

land China, and now also fused

with immigrants from southeast

Thus, though 98% of the popula-

t i o n o f Ta i w a n s p e a k C h i n e s e ,

there are still many different

l a n g u a g e s u s e d i n Ta i w a n ,

including: Chinese(Mandarin),

H a k k a , Ta i w a n e s e , a n d a b o r i g i -
Asia. Therefore, you can say that
nal languages, etc.
Ta i w a n i s a d i v e r s e c o u n t r y

mixed with different cultures.


CLIMATE Wi-Fi is a widely-provided free

s e r v i c e s t o u s e i n Ta i w a n . T h e r e

are some ways for you to access

The weather is usually warm to
free Wi-Fi as following:
h o t a n d h u m i d . D u r i n g w i n t e r, 3.Buy SIM card with internet in
the average temperature in the airport in advance ( such as
1 . i Ta i w a n , a f r e e W i - F i n e t w o r k
s o u t h Ta i w a n i s u p 1 9 ℃ t o 2 0 e m o m e , F a r E a s To n e )
project launched by government,
℃ . B e f o r e y o u r t r i p t o Ta i w a n ,
chiefly available in the indoor
you can check the official web- 4.Just ask for passwords if any
public area of local tourism
s i t e s o f C e n t r a l We a t h e r B u r e a u network is available in all cafes
attractions, transportation
o f Ta i w a n f o r m o r e d e t a i l e d or restaurants nearby
nodes, and government offices.
weather information.

h t t p : / / w w w. c w b . g o v. t w / e n g /
2 . Fr e e W i - F i o f f e r e d b y N a t i o n a l

C h e n g K u n g U n i v e r s i t y.

To Make a choice based on your need

In Taiwan, we have a healthy transportation

system, and there are FOUR main public

transportation available in Taiwan:

1. Metro
(only available in Taipei and Kaohsiung)

(Taichung has the best offer) TRANSPORTATION
3. Public U-bike Ta i w a n u s e s e l e c t r i c c u r r e n t o f

(Taipei,Tainan,Taichung or Kaohsiung) Frankly, taxis will be very useful provided voltage between 220V to 110V

4. Taxies that you have little to wait. Here are the and frequency is 60Hz, please
taxi number that you can dial to call a taxi bring your own voltage converter
: and also a d a p t e r. Currency in
1. 0800-055-850 (telephone) Ta i w a n i s N e w Ta i w a n
55850 (cell phone) Dollar(NT$).
(valid in Taipei and Keelung)

2. 0800-011-765 or 1999

(valid in Kaohsiung)

3. 55178 or 55688 (in all the country)

1. The nationals of the following countries

are eligible for the visa exemption program, 2.The nationals of the following countries
which permits a duration of stay up to are eligible for the visa exemption program,
90 days:Andorra, Australia (Effective from which permits a duration of stay up to
January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016) , 30 days:Malaysia, Singapore. DELICACIES
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile 3.Here is the online Visa application form
(diplomatic, official/service passports excluded), for your reference (not applicable to Hong There are an amount of recom-
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Kong, Macau, and PRC passport holders), mended foods, as well as common
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, please fill out the form if needed: https://vi- s t r e e t s n a c k s i n Ta i w a n . H e r e w e
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, sawebapp.boca.gov.tw/BOCA_MRVWeb/ take some of them for example
Republic of Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, 4.For information please check out the b e l o w.
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the website of the Taiwan Bureau of Consular
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Affairs: http://www.boca.gov.tw/np.asp?ct-
Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Node=776&mp=2
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K.,

U.S.A. and Vatican City State.

[ ]
DELICACIES 3.Stinky Tofu:

1.Bubble milk tea: While many people are put off by the smell, those who take the plunge are
Also known as “Pearl Milk Tea,” bubble milk tea
usually won over by this distinctively treat. Stinky tofu is made of large squares
originates from Taichung and is made of a mixture of
of fermented tofu fried in oil and then cut into four smaller pieces and served
black tea, milk, and sago pearls. The combination of
fragrant tea and chewy sago has made this beverage with a garnish of pickled cabbage. The crispy skin of the tofu and the soft

popular not only in Taiwan but in other countries as inside are the best parts of its charm.
4.Coffin bread:
2.Danzai noodle:
In retrospect most would agree that Coffin Bread Toast is actually a spinoff of a
Unlike other noodles, danzai noodles are intended to
be nibbled at. These yellow noodles are smooth and starchy chowder served in a bread bowl, unlike those found typically in West-
chewy, and the dish’s broth, brewed with fresh ern cuisine. Instead of individual round bread loaves, thick slices of loaf bread
shrimp heads and shells, appears as clear as a tea
aka “Pain de Mie” which was baked in a Pullman tin was used instead.
infusion and has a fresh, sweet flavor. The noodles are
usually served with a piece of marinated pork, a Because of its shape, it was named “coffin board” in the Taiwanese colloquial

shrimp or a marinated boiled egg. tongue, a probable marketing gimmick which proved to be very successful.
This is the link to our Tourism Bureau, there are lots of recommended tours: 3.Jiufen

http://www.welcome2taiwan.net/index.php?lang=en . Here we provide some Jiufen used to be the center of gold mining. You can feel the prosperous old

must-go scenic spots for your reference: streets, buildings, mines and the glamorous gold digging days flashing before our

eyes when you are walking on its streets. Now, there are many unique teahouses

1.Tainan Confucius Temple in Jiufen. These teahouses and the “Jiufen Old Street” are best stops during visit

As the first Confucius Temple, before the end of Manchu Dynasty, it was the loca- to this mountain village. Also, there is the beautiful ocean view of Keelung outer

tion of the highest official institute of higher learning in Taiwan. The Taiwan sea. The trip to Jiufen is full of fun and delights. If you were not in a hurry, you

Palace of "Confucianism Study", it owned the incompatible position of culture may want to pick a nice inn and stay for the starlight and fishing lights at night.

and education, and was called "The Highest Institute".

4.Taipei 101

2.Tainan Ancient Capital Historical Site Tour Taiwan’s premier international shopping destination, featuring luxury goods,

There are “Official God of War Temple (Sacrificial Rites Martial Temple)”, “Great fashions, and fine dining. It has gathered the finest in fashion and refined dining

Queen of Heaven Temple (Datianhou Temple)”, “Chikanlou (The Chamber of Red from around the world. Customers’ wishes are thoughtfully catered to in a

Hill)”, “Anping Old Street E.Anping Fort (Deji Firm)”, “Eternal Fortress (Yizai world-class space that brings together sensory delights, a wonderful atmosphere,

Golden Castle)” and “Anping Old Street” in this erea. Anping Fort and the Eter- and architectural aesthetics, giving form to limitless imagination. Here, you can

nal Fortress are all parts of Tainan's rich history. There are also plenty of local enjoy your shopping experience in comfort and total relaxation.

foods that will satisfy each and every visitor.




Location: Campus of National Cheng Kung University

Note: We offer shuttle buses from the airport to the
meeting place, as well as from academic room to parties.
All the transportation has been well-planned.
D elegates who wish to extend their stay and to visit a few
more of our cultural and natural wonders will find that there are
some options for you (at an extra cost). These days give you the
opportunity to discover the hidden gems and to enjoy the amazing

surprises that lie beneath the surface. Together with the coming
lunar New Year, the most significant festival, the celebrations starts
on lunar New Year’s Eve, on Jan 27. Hence the best time to visit is
couple weeks before, when festivity is high but hotel and airfare WHO
rates take a slight dip. You will see all traditional and creative
decorations and displays stay up generally through celebrations.
Worth to spend days!
The post conference tour will extend over 2 days and 1 night in
Tainan then extra 3 days and 2 nights in Taipei. We will book the J A N 2 1 S T ~ 2 4 T H . 2 0 1 7
accommodations for you plus the recommend routes of exploring.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further inquiries or
Duration: 1 nights, 2days
(1/21 17:00-1/22 17:00)
Tainan is the oldest city in Taiwan and
also one of Taiwan's cultural capitals, for WHAT
its rich folk cultures including the famous
local snack food, extensively preserved
Taoist rites and other living local tradi-
tions covering everything from child birth
to funerals.

1. Amazing Handbook: with infor-

mation and transformation of
attractions, delicacy nearby, maps
and suggested routes.
CITY#2 2. Three nights of staying.
Duration: 2 nights, 3 days 4. Ticket for Taiwan Railway from
(1/22 19:00-1/24 17:00)
Tainan to Taipei.
Taipei is the political, economic, educa-
tional, and cultural center of Taiwan. It is
also home to various world-famous archi-
tectural or cultural landmarks which
include Taipei 101, Chiang Kai-shek
Memorial Hall, National Palace Museum, Fee: USD 120 (a bed in youth hostel)
and several night markets dispersing over
the city.
=安平 Anping= National Palace
As the very first developed city in Taiwan,
Anping still reserved sites of history. Are you fascinated by the magnificent
Aside from enjoying the historical culture of ancient China? If yes, this is a
surrounding, you can also explore the place you wouldn't want to miss. Located
magnificent Anping-Old-Castle, which on the hillside of Yang Ming Mountain,
was built by Holland military. Don't forget the building mimics the ancient palace of
to stop to taste awesome local delicacy of Qing dynasty and possesses a rich collec-
Tainan style! tion of treasures. You can take a close look
at the prosperous and luxury life of the
royal family through those delicate handi-

=奇美博物館= =九份 Juifen=

Chimei Museum
Have you ever seen the movie Spirited
Ready to be surprised by the astonishing Away? The mysterious village located in
building which featured Ancient Greece the mountain area in the Ruifang District.
style and dazzled with exquisite pieces of The alleys swirling through the village
arts? Than you must visit Chimei Museum! were built by stones and covered with
Its exhibits includes fossils, arms and moss. Don't forget to try the famous sweet
armour, meteorites and all kinds of musi- called U-Yuan which is made from taro.
cal instruments. There are still quiet streets with mysteri-
ous atmosphere for people to slow down
the pace and escape from the hustle and
bustle of the city.
Ta i p e i 1 0 1 TO
In Taipei 101, one of the tallest buildings
in the world, you can take in the city view
of Taipei. And enjoy your night by explor-
ing the Xinyi District, the most prosper-
ous and best-arranged area in Taipei.
US R e g i s t r a t i o n Fe e
and Timeline
1. Fill in the application form.
2. Further information will then be sent in an email. The email will include
instruction about transferring the fee and other details of registration.
3. Transfer the fee.
4. Reply the email with the following: your name, your country, the number
We welcome everyone from around the world to of the account used to transfer the fee, and if you are going to post-WHO
join us. There isn’t any special qualification needed. or not. If you are going to register as a group, please list the names of all
If you are interested in our event, just sign up and applicants.
book your airplane ticket to Taiwan! 5. Wait for our confirmation email.
If you are currently studying in Taiwan, please 6. Done!
sign up via national registration. If you are from
other countries, please sign up via international #SPECIAL DISCOUNT
registration. If you want to sign up for WHO Simulation with your friends, we offer a
special discount for group registration.
1. International delegates: If 4 or more delegates register together, the fee
If you also want to go to the post-WHO we offer, please don’t forget to transfer
will be 300 USD per person.
the fee of post-WHO to us together, and :
2. National delegates: If 4 or more delegates register together, the fee will
be 5300 NTD per person.
Timeline (GMT Time): 3. Please mind that group discount is only available during early bird
Registration Type Fee Time

2016/09/01 00:00 ~ #ACCOMMODATION:

International Early 320 USD
2016/10/01 23:59
1. For international delegates, accommodation is included in the fee.
2016/10/02 00:00 ~ 2. For Local delegates, accommodation is not included in the fee. If you
International Late 400 USD
2016/10/15 23:59
need accommodation during WHO Simulation, we can book the hotel for
2016/10/02 00:00 ~ you. Further information regarding accommodation for Taiwanese dele-
National Early 5500 NTD
2016/10/21 23:59 gates will be released soon.
2016/10/22 00:00 ~ 3. For those who want to stay with friends or family during the whole
National Late 6000 NTD
2016/10/31 23:59 event, please feel free :)

WHO 台安藥局 Dialogue Neighborhood

SUPPORT 醫勞盟 Taiwan Medical Alliance for Labor Justice and Patient Safety

US 生達化學製藥股份有限公司 STANDARD CHEM. & PHARM. CO., LTD.


Meet Our Sponsers 財團法人成杏醫學文教基金會


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