Abraham Maslow Timeline

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Abraham Maslow Bio

Ed 304, Katelyn Hartley

Timeline Family Life Career

1908- Born in Brooklyn, New York - First of seven children -“Maslow felt that all of
1925- Enrolled at the City College of New York Enrolled in evening Parents were Jewish psychology pessimistically
classes at the Brooklyn Law School immigrants from Russia portrayed humans
1926- Transferred to Cornell University - Dysfunctional family because it centered on
1928- Transferred to the University of Wisconsin; marries Bertha - His father pushed him to their negative and
Goodman do well in areas that animalistic aspects. But
1930- Received his BA from the University of Wisconsin Abraham did not resonate Maslow was optimistic
1931- Received his MA from the University of Wisconsin with. that he could formulate an
1934- Received his PhD from the University of Wisconsin and - His father “loved inclusive theory of human
continues to teach there whiskey, women, and motivation. He desired a
1935- Moved to Columbia University to work with Edward fighting, and regarded his theory that would include
Thorndike; began his Research on human sexuality son as ugly and stupid” both the positive and
1937- Moved to Old Brooklyn College - His father publicly negative aspects of human
1947- Suffered a heart attack “announced that his son dispositions.”
1949- Returned to Brooklyn College was repulsively ugly”
1951- Moved to Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts to - His mom had a lock on
serve as chairman of Psychology department the fridge door.
1954- Motivation and Personality is published - Parents showed no
1962- Established the American Association of Humanistic affection
Psychology; went to Non- Linear Systems, Inc., as a visiting fellow;
Toward a Psychology of Being is published - Married Bertha
1964- Religions, Values, and Peak Experiences is published Goodman, his first cousin
1965- Eupsychian Management is published - They had two daughters
1966- The Psychology of Science: A Reconnaissance is published - Shared that “his
1967- American Humanist Association Humanist of the Year marriage to Bertha was
1968- Toward a Psychology of Being is published; offered a the true beginning of his
fellowship by the Saga Administration Corporation life”
1970- Died in Menlo Park, California
1971- The Farther Reaches of Human Nature is published; received
Abraham Maslow Bio
Ed 304, Katelyn Hartley
the American Psychological Foundation's Gold Medal Award
Source: http://www.muskingum.edu/~psych/psycweb/history/maslow.htm

Interesting facts to do further research on:

- Theory of motivation on the hierarchy of needs
- Characteristics of those who reach actualization (only 1% of entire pop)
o Perceived reality accurately and fairly
o Accepted themselves, others, and nature
o Spontaneous, simplistic, and natural
o Concerned with problems, not themselves
o Have a need for privacy and are able to detach from others and are autonomous
o Experience wonder and awe throughout their lives while they also have periodic peak experiences
o Deeply concerned with all cultures throughout the world
o Form deep friendships with only a few select people
o Adopt democratic values and do not judge anyone on the basis of race, religion, or culture
o Ethically strong
o Well-developed sense of humor that is not aggressive
o Creative
o Do not conform to the standards of anyone or anything.
o Suborn
o Irritability
o Boring
o Temper outbursts,
o cold and calculating
o Being Values (B-values) also called metamotives
 17 meta-needs (goodness, perfection, beauty, truth, simplicity..)
 mtapathology results when a meta-need is not satisfied.
 insecurity, disbelief, depression, fatigue, and feelings of incompleteness.
Abraham Maslow Bio
Ed 304, Katelyn Hartley

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