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‘The Douiedey Natal Hisry Prem, palate for The Ameen Seth and Ruth Leacock Spirits of the Deep A Study of an Afro-Brazilian Cult @ Published for ‘The Amedzan Mascom of Neural History Doubleday Newral History Press ‘Gade Ciy, New York wn € wees, 15424 720003629 AU MUSEU NACICNAL DEP DE ANTROPOLOGIA| aiatioreca Luks of Congress Caton Cd Ne 7-18802 Copa © 197 by Ss Leacock so Rah Leno A ee red Contents Pretace CChaper FA Batoque Chapter The Seting Chapter 1M The Beit System Chapter The Belew Chapter V The Speke Chapter VI Rosson Chapter VIE Organization Chapter VIN Coving Chapter 1X Rina Chapter X—Conelasions Appendlc A Songs ofthe Batuque Appenits Ble History of « Batague Medi Gioesary ibtograpty ayer no far anotgbos 0 gos Stra 0 aps rst putcaya0 By 1 ns 218 250) 2a 216) 82 a5 sat 00 Preface “This book is intended to be 4 compsheneve dsepion of the aague, » contemporary non-Chrsian rious set foand in “BEIGA Bema, The Batugue sone of large numberof closely eluted religions groups, ll stesing spi pssesion, that are foushing (lay ia every orn comer a Baal ad in many pert of the inti Usslly reed to ab “Alto Brazilian” nd sometimes studied ae sundial of x religion Froud om ‘Attia hese lions ses ave ip fet become well adapted ‘B contemporry Tallan cilture/ Tis book is consequenty fot about some. exo religon of the past but is concerned ih fable and promsoca spect of modern Baan religions — SP te nthors, respectively ap amhcoplogt and a historian, the undestanting of se) region requires some consideration of its store, soli, end pyshslogial dimensions. This very ‘ron spicech has leds fit fo explore de egins of BAMA? iass sad ely to the exeot tt this i pouble, and 10 TDasulne about some ofthe process inelved fa it develop- ent, Bot we hive abo ted tently the members of ci ‘lgon a eons ot ass alsin, ccomomie tts, and othe Social chases. And Sal, wie oor book dies most. {oar carer studies Tein the emgsis we bare placed on te

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