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Emily Wilson

PO box 153
Rose, NY 14542

March 27, 2018

To Whom It May Concern:

It is a true pleasure to recommend Mareasa Severson for the position of elementary teacher in your
school. I have known Mareasa for two years now and had the honor of being the special education teacher
to her general education teacher in a co-taught classroom last year. I have watched her professionalism,
attention to the NYS standards, and most of all attention to her students (and their learning) made into
her priority every day. Her rapport with her students, their parents and the other personnel in the school
was (and is) exceptional.

Mareasa’s first goal in any teaching situation is to make sure all of her students are learning and to
address their needs. Mareasa uses any and all time throughout the school day to work with students
regardless of whether they are students with disabilities, average learners or those with high functioning
capabilities. Her design of lessons is to address multiple modalities and levels of learning. I observed her
fluency with the Cafe strategies, Daily 5, science and social studies standards as well as the NYS learning
modules in ELA and math. Mareasa comes prepared each week, having created interactive lessons that
engross her students in learning. Oftentimes her lessons move the students around the room, whether by
cafe strategy, centers or basic change of placement. Her lessons also frequently involve the use of
technology and utilizing it to help all learners gain access to the curriculum.

I have also witnessed Mareasa’s professionalism both in the classroom and in the school with other staff
members. She was chosen by our Director of Curriculum and Instruction to demonstrate the use of Cafe
Strategies and Daily 5 in the classroom during breakout sessions on a Superintendent’s Conference Day. I
have observed her actively participating in grade level planning as well as planning with several
committees in the school. Mareasa is respectful in all situations and has excellent ideas to propose. As a
co-teacher Mareasa is an excellent collaborator with mutual respect for our positions in the classroom,
always willing to plan together as well as be flexible when flexibility was needed.

I would highly recommend Mareasa Severson to any school. You will truly be lucky to have her!


Emily Wilson
Special Education Teacher
Red Creek Central School District

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