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Running head: TRAINING PLAN 1

Training Plan Description

Change your thoughts, change your organization’s culture: how to use the power of the

mind and positive thinking to change an organization’s culture. The ABC organization is a small

family owned green products organization. For the past year, it has been struggling with negative

attitudes of staff members. This has affected the culture and morale of staff members. Management

is very concerned that the negative attitudes will soon take a toll with all staff members. This can

impact the organization negatively. According to Gould (2015), “Every workplace has negative

people who erode morale. They’re not always easy to pick out of a crowd, but they can do an

amazing amount of damage over time.” That is why management has decided to bring a training

program to help boost the morale of the ABC organization’s staff members. An internal consultant

suggested this training program after carefully analyzing what was happening within the


The training program will teach the staff members of the ABC organization the benefits of

how to use the power of the mind and positive thinking in order to help shift the organizational

culture. Staff members will learn skills that are needed to motivate them and give them a sense of

growth. Doing their work is not the issue; it is the organizational culture that staff members need to

shift. They will learn why changing the way they think can change how they view the organization’s

culture. The training program will give the adult learners step-by-step instructions and techniques

so staff members can achieve the best results. The staff will learn empowerment tools such as, how

to use the power of the mind to change perception, how to use affirmations, how to shift negative

thoughts to positive thoughts, how to manifest desired outcomes, how to use failure as an

advantage, how to successfully navigate through challenges, and how to achieve desired goals.

Taking these steps will produce a positive impact on adult learning with the ABC organization’s

staff members.

The Scope

This training program will give staff members the skills that are needed to successfully

change the their perception of the organization’s culture in an effective way. It is imperative that

these skills are learned because if staff members are given the necessary tools, they will grow. This

will cause the beginning of an internal shift and a successful positive culture will flourish.

The Intended Audience

The training program is specifically designed for the staff members of the ABC organization.

Given the recent demise of a positive organizational culture, the internal consultant made specific

notes about what the main issue was with staff members. The materials that will be utilized will be

easy to understand and easy to apply as well.

The Program Goals. The main goal of the training program is to help shift the company

culture by educating staff members. Staff members will learn to shift negative attitudes to positive

attitudes. Other intended goals are staff growth and positive morale.

The Program Objectives. The objective of the training is to give all staff members the

opportunity to utilize the tools that are necessary for a successful shift in organizational culture

and morale.

 This will provided staff with strong and effective positive change skills with 75% accuracy

 Staff will understand how positive thinking skills can impact the organization as a whole,

and demonstrate it with 75% accuracy

 Staff will be able to build on the new skills through collaborative activities among

themselves with 75% accuracy

 Staff will gain understanding through successful motivation from themselves as well as

their peers with 75% accuracy

 Staff will also develop a foundation for trust and confidence with management, peers and

at personal level with 75% accuracy

 Staff will know how to change their behavior while removing barriers that have created

negative morale with 75% accuracy

Part II - Gap and Needs Assessment

Currently, the ABC organization’s staff members are not receiving any training, education,

mentoring or support to guide them through the problems with a negative company culture. The

problem began about a year ago and since then it has slowly escalated to the point that

management needs to take actions or the organization will suffer major consequences. The ABC

organization’s mission statement is: To help inspire consumer awareness that will help the planet

by reducing environmental hazards. The staff member’s currently do not reflect company’s

mission statement, they are reflecting the opposite. This year, the staff’s work has not decreased

but output has begun to be affected. Output has decreased by 15% and the staff is not putting out

their best work either.

Management has expressed their concerns in regards to taking the necessary steps in the

form of a training plan. This will help support the transition in order to create a positive

organizational culture. This will help struggling staff members reach the organization’s set goals.

Management has identified the necessity for new staff training and mentoring via observations,

performance reviews, and questionnaires. In order address the recognized deficiencies; the ABC

organization will conduct a needs assessment via questionnaires, observations, and collected data

from staff performance reviews. The data that is collected will be analyzed and utilized for

designing and developing the staff-training program. This will support a positive impact on adult

learning by assessing the current situation, identifying the current deficiencies and taking the

appropriate measures to ensure they are corrected. Staff will be able to begin to shift their

attitudes with this training and they will be supported along each step.


Questionnaires will be used to analyze staff member’s perception of how the organization

can help support and develop a better organizational culture. The questionnaires will include

building ideas for creating positive collaborative activities between staff members. These ideas will

be favorable to the adult learners in the organization. The information collected will give the ABC

stakeholders pertinent data. Learning what the ABC staff members want to learn is an important

part of the training. The ABC organization desires to focus the training on the specific needs of

the staff/adult learners in a custom-built way.

Performance reviews

Performance reviews are beneficial tools that help collect and analyze data. Performance

reviews demonstrate where the strengths and weaknesses of staff members are. This information

will help to specifically pinpoint what the training needs to focus on. The performance reviews

main goal is to serve as a leaning and instructional element of the training program.

Observations. Staff observations enables important data to be discovered which can be used to

develop the training program. Observing staff performance will provide objective behavioral

feedback. The observations will be based on the following: observable behaviors, accurate actions,

and working relationships and results. Effective feedback helps the staff members obtain new

skills, develop and improve performance. The training program positively affects the staff

member’s skills, motivation and knowledge.

Part III: Budget

The goal of the ABC organization is to increase awareness among staff members in order to

establish a positive company culture again. This will also give ABC a competitive advantage in the

adult education sector among our competitors. ABC will be gaining a huge competitive advantage

if the organization invests in education for staff members. Focusing on knowledge, new

experiences, better performance and new skills. We valued our staff members therefore, ABC is

committed to implementing a special training and mentoring program. This program will assist

staff members to develop a positive organizational culture and it will enhance them on a personal

level with knowledge, support, and new skills.

Expense Cost Estimate Amount needed Total cost

$70 per hour at 2 Training program
Personnel (training facilitator) hours per week course $700.00
5 weeks
Fringe Benefits (promotional gifts) $25.00 100 participants $2,500.00
External Staff (assistants) $12.00 1 $120.00
$50.00 100 participants $5,000.00
(Textbooks & other materials)
Technical Support $20.00 100 participants $2,000.00
Classroom instructional equipment
$4,000.00 3 $4,000.00
(monitor, projector & computer)
2 per week
Travel $45.00 courses $450.00
5 weeks
Facility on site of organization 2 per week
(technical support, lighting, air conditioning, $200.00 courses $2,000.00
& security) 5 weeks
Instructional Supplies (White board, dry 2 purchases
$400.00 $800.00
erase pens & binders) needed
The ABC organization will receive the green planet grant for green organizations to help with 
Total $17,570.00

Philanthropic Donations $2,500.00
Grants (Federal and state grant – (The green planet grant) $ 5,000.00
(Government subsidies)
Miscellaneous (funds allocated from the general funds) $ 2,000.00
TOTAL $11,000.00

Balance Sheet
Training program cost $17,570.00
Income $11,000.00
Balance difference $6,570.00

Part IV – Staffing Plan

The staffing plan addresses the required qualifications, skills, knowledge, and abilities for

each person assigned to the project. The available internal and external resources will be identified

and additional resource needed. A plan to fill the resource gap will be discussed and a method of

evaluating the performance of the staff. The training program will bring together education,

reflection, improved communication and professional growth. The staffing plan is broken down by

functions, which person is in charge of what, and the importance of each role. The following is a

staffing plan that outlines the program staffing and the staff management plan.


The facilitator is responsible for training and the facilitating of the course for staff members.

The facilitator will give a weekly two-hour training program module for five weeks. The

facilitator will be responsible that everyone has a clear understanding of each section of the

training module. The facilitator will also follow-up with staff to ensure each staff member from

management to team leads are adapting to the new behavior. Also, the facilitator must offer

support for questions and concerns that might arise during and after the training module. After the

training class has concluded, it is imperative that the facilitator is constantly following up. This is

to ensure that there was sufficient support for each of one of the managers. This will also serves

to find any existing gaps. The facilitator will be available for follow up training for the next two

months and will be available to answer questions or concerns.

Management. Managers will be attending the training class modules, learning the new

behavior, strategies, participating and begin implementing changes with the new information.

Also, managers must ensure the understanding of the material prior to implementing it.

Management will be responsible for reporting back to the stakeholders of ABC with relevant

evaluation of staff members in order to demonstrate what has changed and what has not changed

since the training program has taken place. Number of managers eight, hours required per week


Team leads. Team leads will be chosen to help run the team with the managers. Managers

should prepare the team leads for the new responsibilities so they can be prepared to delegate in

the absence of a manager. They need to posses the skills to take the role of manager and run the

team. They will make sure to oversee of what needs to be taken care of. Number of team leads

16, hours required per week 14.

The ABC organization is going to utilize resources via donations in order to save on costs.

An external consultant will be an extra cost; he will come up with training materials and decide

which modules will be utilized. To be able to fill the resource gaps, there will be a skills and

knowledge test during the training class. This is to ensure all the pertinent material is being

covered. There will be scheduled follow-ups with the managers and individual staff member’s

through interviews. This is to see what changes have been made since implementation has

occurred. Performance evaluations can be delivered to each manager after that point. This will

ensure that a positive impact on adult learning has occurred

Part V: Stakeholders and Goals

5 stakeholders Partner goals Build support to produce a
positive impact on adult
Staff members -Invite staff input -Encourages and develops
-Provide program value for their opinions
development -Provides continuous
feedback opportunities for
-Provide them with improvement and growth
samples of program

ABC owners -Provide a strong support -Encourages and values
and guidance system to staff opinions for
build positive staff morale. continuous improvement
-This supports staff and -Designs a professional
management achievement learning network
-With the intention of it
becoming an opportunity to
-With continuing education,
guest-speakers, training
opportunities and growth
Consumers -Hire qualified and quality -Industry professional staff
staff members provide relevant industry
-Staff members that standards and practices
produce products to -This builds a connection to
industry standards and the concepts of adult
practices learning and real world
-This allows the adult
learner to apply new
concepts and skills to form
new experiences and

The community -Hire qualified and quality -Industry professional staff

staff members provide relevant industry
-Staff members that standards and practices
produce products to -This builds a connection to
industry standards and the concepts of adult
practices learning and real world
-This allows the adult
learner to apply new
concepts and skills to form
new experiences and

Management -Improve communication -Early involvement in the

within organization training program
-Reduce staff turnover development
-Decrease negative
attitudes -Encourage input
-Improve staff
satisfaction and morale -Check in
-Improve staff output during training program
goals development to obtain

-Improve customer feedback


Part VI: Communication Plan

Marketing message:

Slogan. “Develop a plan, give guidance, educate and support staff”

 Develop- Taking responsibility for staff learning and developing

 Guidance- Encouraging all staff members to learn and practice different methods of
 Educate- Empowering staff members to explore, reflect, correct
mistakes and teach peers
 Support- Helping staff reach their goals through a shared vision of positive thinking

Fact sheet

Negative is defined as “thinking about the bad qualities of someone or something, thinking

that a bad result will happen, not hopeful or optimistic.” (Merriam, 2016). Positive is defined as

thinking about the good qualities of someone or something thinking that a good result will

happen, hopeful or optimistic.” (Merriam, 2016).

How can we change our company culture?

By learning how to shift negative thinking to positive thinking

 Listening

 Learning

 Thinking

 Practicing

 Changing

 Doing it

Strategy. To generate interest among staff members, the marketing strategy will promote

the training program within the ABC organization via meetings, flyers and social media accounts

in order to motivate staff members to participate. ABC will post flyers visibly within the

organization, send e-mails and host 10-minute discussions to promote awareness, the benefits, and

support of the training program.

Benefits. The main benefit the training program holds is the staff of ABC will get the

opportunity to learn, grow and evolve. The ABC organization will grow as well and become more

successful because staff members have gained new knowledge. This new knowledge will bring a

new chapter to the ABC organization. The organizational culture will shift from a negative one to

a positive one. Therefore, the staff will be happier, output will increase and the ABC

organization’s revenue will increase. The training program’s instructional strategies will produce a

positive impact on adult learning. This is based on that the training program will benefit adult

learners (ABC staff) by providing a platform for a social learning environment.

This helps by motivating the adult learner with the notion of sharing of ideas, knowledge

and experiences. This type of learning strengthens the adult learner (ABC staff) through peer

interaction. The positive impact that the training program will have on adult learning is the adult

learner (ABC staff) will receive new knowledge in different modalities in order to improve

learning. Meaning, the training class will be composed of different teaching techniques and

strategies. This will address the distinct necessities and learning styles of the adult learner (ABC

staff). The social learning experience is where adult learners engage and interact with other

learners. The coursework includes: journaling, mentoring, self-reflection, observations, peer

evaluation, and performance reviews. The adult learners will use projects that inspire collaborative

activities. These projects will be carefully planned and designed in order to achieve the main goals

and objectives of the training plan.

Communication Plan. The courses are specifically designed for the adult learner in a 

self­paced method. The training coursework will flow in the following way: adult learners will 

complete their coursework through motivation and peer interaction. Methods such as 

instructional strategies, planning and development will promote critical thinking and 

collaboration activities. The mentors that are assigned will evaluate, observe and provide 

valuable constructive feedback for staff members in attendance.  

Mentoring. Mentoring provides support, guidance and assistance to staff members. Staff 

will have continuous access to mentors while attending the modules and after as well.

Journaling. Participating staff members will be required to maintain a journal. The

purpose of journaling is to collect thoughts, reflections, notes, instructional strategies,

constructive feedback, information and informative resources that reflect the new knowledge that

was acquired.

Self-Reflection. This log will be completed within each module at the end of each

instructional period. This will give the adult learner an opportunity to synthesize their thoughts,

identify their own strengths and weaknesses. This self-assessment will help to provide the basis for

continuous self-improvement.

Peer Evaluations. Peer evaluations provide staff members with constructive feedback,

which leads to self-reflection, self-improvement and self-assessment.

Performance Reviews/Observations. Faculty will perform reviews and management will

conduct observations. This team of advisors will conduct staff evaluations and observations. They

will be able to provide guidance based on performance evaluations.

Part VII: Program Evaluation

Performing a complete program evaluation is a key method to be able to measure the

training program’s effectiveness and to find where the program needs improvement. Senior

managers and the training program coordinators will lead the training program evaluation. The

facilitator, training manager, managers and staff members will all be part of the evaluation process.

The purpose of the evaluation is to produce a positive impact on adult learning through a

reflective opportunity for growth, learning, personal and professional development of staff

members. It will help staff achieve awareness and knowledge through the training. The evaluation

process holds stakeholders accountable and they share the responsibility with management. The

main metric that will be utilized is if the company morale shifts and productivity goes up (staff

output), then training program was a success. After the completion of the training course, the

training manager and facilitator will conduct interviews with the managers and staff members.

The Evaluation Process.

The evaluation process will include surveys, data analysis and evaluation of the facilitator

performance. Staff surveys will be conducted for honest feedback and suggestions. This will give

ABC information of what staff members think and feel about the training program. This will let

management know what worked and what did not work. This will lead management to make

pertinent changes to the training program. Staff will also be asked what they would like to see in

the future for the organization and for themselves. Before and after surveys of the training will be

utilized so the facilitator can view what was learned and what can be changed. The information

will be given to key stakeholders of ABC, in order to demonstrate the accomplishments of the

training program and what mangers have achieved.

The Evaluation Models. The program evaluation will utilize of Kirkpatrick’s evaluation

model (Kirkpatrick, 2008). This model will support and assist ABC’s program evaluation of staff

members by:

 The reaction to the training (Level One)

 Learning of the material (Level Two)

 Behavior in applying what they learned (Level Three)

 The results obtained for the staff members benefit and the organization

The only way an organization will know if it has succeeded in its training plan is by measuring

the results of the outcome. Performing a thorough program evaluation, which is the main source

everyone involved in the program’s design and implementation can

measure the program’s effectiveness and success.



Gould, T. (2015). Dealing with acidic attitudes: Help for your managers. Retrieved from

Kirkpatrick, D. L. (2008). Section VI: Measuring and evaluating impact - luminary perspective:

Evaluating training programs. Alexandria: Association for Talent Development.

Retrieved from

Kristiansen, N. (2008). Section VI: Measuring and evaluating impact - chapter 28: Level 1

: Reaction evaluation. Alexandria: Association for Talent Development. Retrieved from


Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (2016). Definition of negative. Retrieved from

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (2016). Definition of positive. Retrieved from

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