Tasks 9 12 Thornbury S Beyond The Sentence Introducing Discourse Analys

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Task 9: Genre analysis Phoiocopiable xasks 4 Read these four texts and identify the features they have in common. Describe the similarities in thelr overall organisation, grammar, and vocabulary. The texts are all abstracts for conference presentations as printed in a conference programme. Explain how this context determines the features of the texts. Think about the following. + Function + Relationship of writer and reader Topic Mode 1 Hugh Dellar ‘The empty whiteboard: problems and possibilities when teaching skills Talk ‘The idea of teaching receptive skills is widely accepted, yet neither research, classroom experience, nor student needs offer much support tothe concept of skills training. I will argue that we need to reconsider the content of texts as materials forthe classroom and reconnect them more explicitly to the teaching of language. Iwill suggest that students come to class as skilful readers and that second language acquisition research shows that the route fo better skills in L2 is caring more language. will give practical examples of language-focused tasks and of texts and questions that generate student talking. 2 Gillian Lazar Food for thought: metaphorsin the ELT elassroom Workshop We use metaphorical language all the tine when we speak or write in English yeti is often neglected in the teaching of English, This workshop wil begin by considering some of the features of metaphorical language relevant to the classroom teacher. We wll then focus on a range of practical activities and materials that enable learners of English to explore ‘metaphors in the classroom, These activities eam be used fo improve students’ vocabulary, particularly their knowledge of idioms and collocations, and 10 develop creativity and eross-cultural awareness. 3 Sheelagh Deller Self-esteem Workshop Many leamers suffer from low self-esteem and & consequent feeling of guilt and inadequacy. This is also true for many teachers. Low self-esteem leads to low motivation. In this workshop we will be working, on our own confidence and self-esteem, using techniques that could casily be transferred to use ‘with our students. We will also consider how t0 create a classroom atmosphere where students respect and understand each other 4 Pete Sharma ‘The Internet in Business English Publisher's presentation Many teachers underuse bol the Intervet and the World Wide Web, sometimes due to under. confidence with technology. However, many Business English learners expect technology to be integrated into their course work. This presentation ‘will exploce a range of activities involving the use of the Web in Business English to enhance: Leamer training Listening and reading skills Vocabulary: collocations Grammar: noticing and consciousness-raising Business skills: presentations English for Special Purposes While offering a pedagogical rationale for the tasks described, the session aims to be of practical value to Business English teachers, ‘© Scott Thornibury and Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2005, This page may be photocopied for use in class Photocopiable tasks Task 12: Learner texts Below are two learner texts written in response to the following task: Write a letter to a friend explaining that you have recently moved house. Describe your new place, its advantages over your last place, and invite your friend to the party that you will be having to celebrate this event. Read the texts and evaluate them according to the following criteria. content: does the text cover a sufficient range of points, according to the task instructions? organization and cohesion: is the text appropriately organized, laid out, and linked? range: is there a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures? register: is the style appropriate to the topic, text type, purpose, and intended reader? target reader: has the writer kept the reader in mind?; would the text achieve the desired effect on the reader? accuracy of language: is the text accurate in its use of vocabulary, grammer, discourse features, etc? How do the two texts compare? Dear Paul, I'm writting to you for telling that I've recently moved house, now | lve in 23 Street Road near the post office, do you know? I'm very happy because for me this house has been my dream during all my live, the main advantage, it's new and the other hand, there ise garden where we can play, eat and stay in our fre time. For me there are a lot of advantages than my first house. My neighbours are very kind with me and the area is very quite I would like that you'll come to my house next month to celebrate the new house, with my parents and friends, please come in, |'Il wait you. If you couldn't come, tell me, my telephone number is 309524. 'm looking forward to seeing you next month, ‘Tim writting to you as I have just finished moving to a new house, tt was very tiring days. I left my old ‘house because there were come things I didn’t like, such as it had quite so little rooms. Not only were there Ils and dark rooms but there wers also litle sunlight, tt was always in the shads. Moreover, T asked to ‘the ower of the house to paint tt, as tt was very dirty, but he tuned down what I had asked, So T deotded to leave the house. ‘have moved to a brand-new bullding so there are no problems with the painting and other things at all. ‘That house is very comfortable and it also has lange windows to pass through the sunlight, By the way, my new neighbours are very alce, they helped me with moving my furniture and all my things. Thave moved to an area near lots of parks, tt 1s 6 beautiful place ‘Well, to sum up 14 lke you to come to my house-warming party to open that pretty plsoo T've got. So Wishing to hear from you aoon. ‘Yours sincerely, Pilar

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