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Koehler 1

First Name Malie Last Name Koehler

UH Email Date 02/17/2015
Semester Spring (2) Year 2015

Grade First Grade/ 45 Minutes

Level/Subject Mathematics Lesson Duration
Title Counting by Twos

Lesson Overview

In this lesson, students will be given word problems pertaining to counting by two and
asked to solve given an option set of drawing it, acting it out, or building it. Example of a
problem: How many eyes are there in a group of five fish?

Central Focus (Enduring Understandings)

The focus of this lesson will be centered on helping the children learn how to count by
two’s through use of word problems and learn how to use their bodies, art, and/or
manipulatives to solve problems and express their mathematical thinking and
processes. They will not be told how to solve, but rather presented with alternative ways
to find out how to solve (problem-based instruction).

Essential Questions

- Can we count by twos to solve mathematical problems/equations?

- How does counting by twos make solving mathematical problems/equations
- How can we use our bodies, art, and/or manipulatives to solve mathematical
problems and show our work?

Content Standard(s)/Benchmark

Operations and Algebraic Thinking

Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.

Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of
adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in
all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the
unknown number to represent the problem.

Relate counting to addition and subtraction (e.g., by counting on 2 to add 2).
Koehler 2

Prior Academic Knowledge and Student Assets

Students are familiar with the layout of the lesson- whole group, sharing ideas, then
breaking off into groups (or independently) to solve word problems using the different
media. Students are currently learning about animals during reading block, so their word
problems will include animals in them to continue with that theme.

Academic Language Demands

Children will need to use words to express their ideas on how to solve (and how they
did solve) mathematical problems/equations (what manipulatives did you use? Did you
count by two? Etc.) Teacher will be looking for mathematical vocabulary like addition,
adding, brought together, counted by twos, patterns, doubles, skip counted, etc. Once
they solve each problem, they will need to create word sentences to restate the
question from the problem including the answer within and write a number sentence that
corresponds to their question (i.e. There are 10 eyes in a group of five fish;
2+2+2+2+2=10). Teacher will also incorporate the concept of multiplication, just as an
introduction, as per my mentor teacher’s suggestion (“Another way to write this is 5 x 2
= 10. This is multiplication- a mathematical operation you will use in later grades”).

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Class will sit together on the “ABC Rug” as a whole group.
Teacher will play a song about counting by twos (Counting by 2’s By Maria Small,
School Time Bop Vol.1). Teacher will lead class in skip counting on the 100-Chart to
familiarize students with the pattern. Teacher will present a simple word problem and
ask them to solve (How many legs are in a group of 3 birds?). Teacher will ask open-
ended, thought-provoking questions to engage learners in the process of solving
mathematical problems- How did you come up with that? Why do you think that? Is
there another way to solve? Can you show me? How many legs are on one bird? Can
we count by two to solve? Teacher will then present the students with another word
problem, but present them with the option to draw to solve, act out to solve, or build to
solve (How many legs are in a group of 4 cows?). Teacher will ask students how we can
use each tool/media to help us solve the problem. How can you act this out? How can
you draw this? How can you build this? How did you decide what to do? How did you
decide whether your answer was right? Can something you did in this problem help you
to solve other problems? (EMSM p.43).
Koehler 3

Students will be separated into heterogeneous groups and given different word
problems. Each group must solve their problem, write a number sentence to represent
their problem, restate their answer in a complete sentence, and may choose one or
more of the three options (draw it (pictures, number line, etc.), act it, build it) to solve
and display their thought processes.

“You guys will each be given a word problem. Your task is to solve it as a group, but you
will each have your own worksheet to fill in. You may solve it however you can, but you
need to show your work. When the timer goes off, each group will share. Each group
needs to have a number sentence that goes with the problem they are given, their
answer restated in a complete sentence, and at least one way to show the class how
you solved it. You can either act it out, using drama like we learned before to show how
you count by twos, draw it, with pictures or a number line to show how you count by
twos, or you can build it using the blocks to show how you count by twos. If your group
comes up with another way to show how to solve and show this, you may as long as
you get my approval first. Who can tell me what we’re doing?”

Group 1 Teyon, Kamalani, Jazzy, TJ
Group 2 Zackary, Brody, Lilinoe, David
Group 3 Hi’e, Rowelyn, Nos, Sadie
Group 4 Luukia, Devon, Tasha, Eddie
Group 5 Noda, Kai, Ale’a, Joshua
Group 6 Sayli, Danika, Jeremiah, Keola

Word Problems:
1. How many eyes are in a group of 5 snakes? 4. How many eyes are in a group of 9 dragons?
2. How many legs are in a group of 3 cows? 5. How many ears are in a group of 7 horses?
3. How many ears are in a group of 8 cats? 6. How many elbows are in a group of 6 kangaroos?

Each group will present their word problem, their restate sentence, and the media they
chose to show their processes. After each presentation, the teacher will prompt class
discussion about their methods of solving and compare/contrast their methods to others
previously learned, or presented by another group. How did you decide what to do?
(“We chose to ___, because ___.”) How did you decide whether your answer was right?
(“We checked our work by ___.”) Can something you did in this problem help you to
solve other problems? (“I know that I can count by twos to find answers faster.” “I know
how to act out, build, or draw to solve problems.”) (EMSM p.43).
Koehler 4


Formative assessment- Teacher will assess students during the Before phase through
question-asking and listening to see if students can understand what they are being
asked to do (count by twos, use different media to solve- act it, draw it, build it). Teacher
will assess students in the During phase by roaming the room and observing the
students interactions and mathematical discussions, looking/listening for mathematical
thinking and understanding in solving. Does the student understand what to do? Can
the student count by twos? Can the student use their media to help solve? Does the
student understand that they are not just counting animals? Does the student
understand that there are more than one eyes/ears/elbows/legs, etc. on each animal?

Summative assessment- Teacher will assess students during the After phase by
observing and listening to the group presentations. Teacher will be looking/listening for
students’ participation, methods in solving, student’s understanding of counting by twos.
Can the students clearly explain their mathematics? How did they solve? Can they
count by twos? Did they find the value in counting by twos to solve problems?

RUBRIC Well Below Developing Meets Proficiency Meets with

Proficiency Excellence

Participation Student needed Student Student MP + Student

reminding to participated, but participated and helped classmates
participate got distracted was engaged to be engaged

Skill- Counting by Student did not Student tried to Student solved the Student solved
Twos know how to count solve by counting problem using using counting by
by twos; could not by twos, but did so counting by twos twos and helped
solve inaccurately another students to

Group Completion Completed 0-1 of Completed 2 of the Completed all parts Completed all parts
the group tasks group tasks of the group task of the group task
and shared more
than one strategy
for solving
Koehler 5

Data Gathering Assessment Tool:

Name Proble Restate Number Media Used Skill- Other Notes
m Sentence (Acting, Counti
Solve Drawing, ng by
d Building) 2’s
Ex. Group X #1 There are 6 eyes in 2+2+2=6 Drew 3 fish and 2 Mary needed
a group of 3 fish. √ counted the reminding as to
√ eyes by 2’s what counting by
twos meant,
Bobby picked up
right away.

Group 1 #1

Group 2 #2

Group 3 #3

Group 4 #4

Group 5 #5

Group 6 #6
Koehler 6

Differentiation and Accommodations

We have several ELL, Struggling, Accelerated, and 504/IEP students in our class.
Accommodations are listed below.

List the type of accommodation or differentiation (learning

TYPE OF LEARNER environment, content, process, or performance task) and
describe how you will differentiate.
Options to draw out, act out, or build problems to solve

Options to draw out, act out, or build problems to solve; paired

Struggling in heterogeneous groups in During & After phases

Paired with ELL/Struggling/504/IEP students for aid and

Accelerated encouragement

Personal Space to work (teacher’s desk/ carpet)

504/IEP Have a break/ take a lap/ come back when you're ready
Paired with accelerated students for aid and encouragement

Others (describe)

Materials (Optional)

- “Counting by 2’s” By Maria Small (School Time Bop, Vol.1)

- 100-Chart (in classroom)
- Mini White Boards & Dry Erase Pens (in classroom)
- Pen/Pencil
- Problem Sheets (provided)
- Blocks
Koehler 7

Example Worksheet (Each student will have a copy of their

group’s worksheet to fill out & turn in):

Name____________________________ Date _______________

Group #1
How many eyes are in a group of 5 snakes?

How did you solve? Circle one.

Act it out Draw it Build it Other


Number Sentence-
Koehler 8

Lesson Plan Reflection

An analysis of what worked, what could be changed, and the next steps for teaching.

edTPA Rubric 10 – Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness: The candidate uses

evidence to evaluate and change teaching practice to meet students’ varied learning

edTPA Rubric 15 – Using Assessment to Inform Instruction: The candidate uses

the analysis of what students know and are able to do to plan next steps in

InTASC Standard 9. Professional Learnin

g and Ethical Practice

 What changes would you make to your instruction—for the whole class and/or
for students who need greater support or challenge—to better support student
learning of the central focus (e.g., missed opportunities)?
 Based on your reflection and your assessment of student learning, describe the
next steps to support students’ learning related to the central focus and student
learning objectives.

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