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Minutes of the management meeting

Date: 22 April
Venue: Library, Universidad EAN
Present: Camilo Niño, David Agudelo, Estefanía Muñoz, Liliana Batán, Sandra García

1. Staff disagreements.

Well, due to the nonconformities that have people at companies, we realized it is essential to do training for people in
order to know ¿which functions are going to be delivered to people? Do a survey to know what they think about the
new changes and then make decitions according to that.

Action IP
By 24 April

2. Mistakes that is committing the new management making.

The result is due to high rotation of people make less productive them in each area, handling English language is not
a priority for them. There are not training in the new system that it has already implemented at the company. Lay aside
Chinese identity without make a synergy between China and Australia. People think that we aren´t taking into account
that they're humans beings, then we're just taking into account the results.

Action IP
By 25 April

3. Practical actions taken to improve the situation.

It's going to re-organize the whole structure of the company, for example we will open middle-charge tournaments.
This decision agreed with both parts Australian and Chinese, all of this in order to proof all the leaders, to realized if
they are the perfect matches for the different roles at company to be more efficient and change the people if is
necessary. We will make trainings to the whole people working at the company in order to improve English language
and in the new computing system. Also, all these decisions to the company will grow up and become more efficient. It
will appear new problems, this is normal but our managers have a Chinese culture comprehension, which is Australian
food will implemented step by step, obviously Chinese food won't be apart. Also, we'll import many Australian movies,
those movies will be match able with Asian public. Our people will know that it is possible make a Chinese-Australian
mix, we’re not just think about results, also employer wellness because they are our soul, our base of the company.
To do all of this is important make a reunion explaining each phase and making an emphasis.

Action BB
By 23 April

4. Disclosure to new management staff.

It is easy learn that first of all is mandatory do guidelines before making decisions because it is negative do a low
transition from the old management to the new one. ¿How can the company manage the mineral effectively in the
future? Having the employees happy in order to generate new expectations because they are more efficient and they
can generate new ideas, those ideas will help us to make the company stable and take it to the highest qualify standards
getting good results, happy customers and the most important, efficient employees.

Action IP
By 22 may

Next meeting: 23 May, 08:00

Venue: To be Confirmed

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