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May 2018

Ibrahim and The Ambulance Visit

Learning goals​:They feel comfortable with the routines, customs and regular events

Ibrahim is a very energetic boy. He enjoys playing with

his friends and running around. Because he is so full of
energy, sometimes it is hard for him to sit and
concentrate during mat time.

This term theme is Community, people and places. We

decided to invite the ambulance to do a special mat
time, explaining about what they do and their
contribution towards the community. This will help the
children to learn about different roles within the
community and value their contributions. MashaAllah, I
was very impressed on how focused and engaged you
were in this mat time. The lady asked if any of the
children have been on the ambulance before. Excitedly,
you put your hands up and told us about the experience
of your father and mother going on the ambulance. You
were able to use the memory of your previous
experience with your family to relate with the ambulance

What’s next?
I realised if you are interested on something, you are more focus and engage. InsyaAllah we will
use your interests to help build your confidence in writing and reading.
By:Teacher Nur

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