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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Rakesh Narayanan V
Ph.D. Scholar, P.G. Department of Sharir Rachana, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India

The proper understanding role of route in administration of any drug is of primary
importance in the management of any disease. Along with drug, selection of its administra-
tion route frames an outline for the whole treatment. Panchkarma therapy includes the dif-di
ferent routes of drug administration in Ayurveda. Among these five, Nasyakarma (inhala-
tion therapy) is one of them and Nasa is the closest route for the elimination of dosha in re-
gion of shira and greeva. Nasya is considered to be effective in disease of Urdhvajatrugat
pradesh (supraclavicualr region) as well as in other systemic disease like Raktapitta(
condition charactesied by bleeding from different parts of body, Kustha(Obstinate
Obstinate skin dis-
eses including leprosy), Visham jvar (Intermittent fever),Apsammar (Epilapsy).
Effectiveness of Nasyakarma also depends upon the therapeutic form of the drug. Different
therapeutics forms like Churna,, (Fine
(Fine Powder) Decoction, Medicated oil, Extracts are used
in Nasyakarma and specific selection of any form is required the proper understanding of
rog (disease) and rogi bala (immunityof
immunityof an individual).
For the different
fferent administration, various mode of preparation of any drug is mentioned in
our classics. Around 140 type of different preparation are given in our text but now a day’s
only 30- 40 types of preparation are used.
Key words: Nasya,, its indication.

“In a path of achieving the ultimate apy is one of them. These procedu
procedures of
salvation, as a primary step of preservation Panchakarma are based upon the principl
as well as promotion of highest health in a that, easy elimination of dosha (from the
safe, effective, holistic, natural, and scien-
scie kostha) can be possible if it is removed by
tific manner is best practiced through the shortest route. So primarily for the di
Panchakarma.”[1] Among the all trea treat- eases of head and neck, Nasya is con-
ment therapies, mentioned in Ayurveda sideredthebest
best one treatment
treatment; as said by
samhita (Original literature),Panchakarma
),Panchakarma the aacharya Charaka:
Eradication process of causative factor of For the treatment of the disease of Shira-
disease) is one of the best. Besides this, pradesh (Head region), the experts physphysi-
Ayurveda describes also the schedule of cian should administer Nastakarma (Inha-
Sadvritta (Good ethics),, Swasth- lation therapy), because the nose is the
vritta(Health regime),which
which is coined as gateway tothethe head region If inhala-
method of prevention of disease.Five
disease ma- tiontherapy is given through the nasal pas-
jor therapeutics techniques come under the sage, it spreads to the different parts of
gross word Panchakarma and Nasya ther- head and cures the located disease here.
here [2]
Rakesh Narayanan V: Different Therapeutic Formulations Of Nasya In Charak Samhita
If the instillation is done with proper pro- Following this saying, this paper involves
cedure then only it is named as the Nasya all references of Nasya karma which are
karma (Inhalation therapy) and this in- mentioned in Charak samhita.
volves the purvakarma (pre procedural Material and methods:
act), and followed by the paschat karma  Charak Samhita has been taken as a
(post procedural act).It is believed that that source material to review about Nasya
the Nasya karama (Inhalation therapy) in and its indication, formulation.
only indicted in the disease of head and  Review has been done of main com-
neck, but if one goes through the whole mentaries of Charak Samhita
Charak samhita, then can be found that  Relevant literature of Panckkarma has
there arevarieties of indication for the been consulted for comparative study
Nasya karma. It is not only mentioned for and drawing inferences and justifica-
the disease of head and neck but also for tion.
the various systemic diseases. It is based  All concepts available in Samhita have
upon the principlethat theshira (head is been analysed and presented here.
proper seat of kapha dosha [3] and chief Literary review of Nasya karma:-
action place of vata (prana vayu).[4] As Indication of Nasyakarama:
normalcy of the Head region is only due to The text word “yathouktam”[9]can be con-
the normal function of vata in the sidered as specific indication of Nasya
kaphasthana (region) so mainly disease karma. It can be divided into fraction as
which are affected to head region is vata- follow here:
kapha nature[5] the correction of these 1. For the disease of Urdhvajatrugata
causative only can be done by method of Diseases relating to head and neck do not
Nasya karma(inhalation therapy ). Prepa- attack the person allof a sudden.These dis-
ration of fatty substance as taila, ghee etc. eases like torticol-
proceed with the various specific medicine lis,headache,facialparalysis,lock
is commonly used for the Nasya karma jaw,rhinitis,hemicranias and tremors of the
(inhalation therapy) because oil alleviates head are cured by the use of inhalation
vata. It does not, however aggravate therapy. [10]
kapha. [6] Thus for the treatment of the For the other Systemic disease:
disease of the head, the expert physician Indication of Nasya karma other than the
should administer Nasya karma (inhalation Urdhvajatru roga (diseases of head and
therapy) [7] Collection of various indica- neck) is not mentioned in collectively in
tion of Nasya karma either for the disease one reference. It is scattered in the whole
of head and neck or other from the Charak Chikitsita sthana and mentioned in specif-
samhitawas done because it is well said ic type of Nasya in the treatment of specif-
that ““Chikitsate to Charake shreshtha”[8]. ic disease which is as follow:
Disease Specific Type of Nasya Reference in (Charak
1. Vishama jwara Shodhna navan Nasya Ch. Chik.3/305
2.Raktapitta Avapeed sthambana Nasya Ch. Chik.4/99, 4/100,
3.Kushta DhamapanaNasya of katu rasadravya Ch. Chik 7/48
4.Rajyakshmana Tarpana Nasya with medicated milk and Ch. Chik.8/90

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Rakesh Narayanan V: Different Therapeutic Formulations Of Nasya In Charak Samhita

5.Unmaad NavanShodhana Nasya Ch. Chik 9/64
6. Apasmaamr dhmapanNasya Ch. Chik10/41
7.ShiroShotha Shirovirechanik Nasya by katu rasa dravya Ch. Chik 12/17
8. Hikka NavanNasya Ch. Chik.17/131,
17/132, 17/134
9. Vataj Kasa Navan Nasya with rasnadi ghrittam Ch. Chik. 18/45
10.Kshtaja Kasa NavanNasya of Ksheer ghritta Ch. Chik.18/142
11. Trishna roga Tarapan Nasya with extract of madhur, Ch. Chik 22/33
sheeta veerya medicine like ikshu
12. Visha In the fifth vega of visha (Avapeed Nasya) Ch.chik .23/49
Specially mentioned in Sarpa visha Ch. Chik 23/194
13. Pratishyay NavanNasya with Anu taila (if nasa shosha Ch. Chik 26/139-140
is there)
Choorna(pradhman) Nasya of katu drvya
in nutan pratishyay (which belongs to now Ch. Chik.26/138-139
or juvenile )
14. karna shola NavanNasya Ch. Chik26/221
15.kaphaj shiroroga Pradhamna Nasya Ch. Chik.26/180
16. Palitya NavanNasya Ch. Chik 26/168-165
Khalitya NavanNasya Ch.Chik26/263
17. Vata vyadhi NavanNasya Ch. Chik 27/98
Specially mentioned if vata is situated in
Tarpan Nasya of vasa(fat)
In nanatamak vatik disorder Ch.Chik.27/129
18. Anantvata (type Tarpan Nasya Ch. Sid. 9/87
of shiroroga)
Types of Nasya:- ferent groups of medicine according to re-
A. According to kalpana (preparations) of quire action.
Dravya which used in Nasya:- Shamana (sneha) can be further divided
Choorna, Kalka, Ksheera, Sneha, into types depending upon the instilled
Mamsa, Majja, Vasa, Dhooma, amount of medicate ghritaor taila and
Madya. both have completely different action and
Use of these different substances depends effect. Aacharya Charakhas not men-
on individual disease, in level of disease tioned the name of types but in other lit-
and at what extent effect should be erature it is defined as marsha and prati-
needed. According to different forms of marsha.
drvaya the potency of drug gradually Avapeeda Nasya: Shodhana, Sthambana
changes. Instilled form of medicine used as an ex-
B. According to karma tract form. Herbs are pounded into a paste
NavanaNasya: Sneha, shodhana and then are squeezed to extract the juice.
Tail or ghrita is used as a base which is This unique procedure of administering
processed (prepared on fire) with the dif-

1144 IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 4; April- 2015

Rakesh Narayanan V: Different Therapeutic Formulations Of Nasya In Charak Samhita
the medicines is known as Avapeeda and thereby remove the same outside
Nasya[11] through the nose.
Sthambana: - This type of Nasya is used Drugs that are for this having qualities of
in raktapitaand other pitta disease. Drugs Laghu, Teekshna, Shushka,Ushna in
which having properties of laghu, shuska guna,Katu(pungent )in rasa, Ushna virya
guna, madhur and kshayarasa,sheeta (hot in potency ) some examples of which
virya like ikshu rasa,ksheera, doorva rasa are listed here:-(Cha.Su 2,3,4,5) Apamarga
etc can be used for Avapeeda Nasya ( Achyranthus aspera), Ajaji, Ajmokda,
Shodhana type of Avapeeda must be given Arka (Calatropis procera),Kushtha (Saus-
in snake bite. surea lapa), Gavakshi(Citrullus colocyn-
DhmapanaNasya: Here drugs used in the this),Tejowati(zanthoxylum alatum), Pip-
fine powder form and this blown into the pli(Piper nigrum)
nostril at some distance [12]. This form of Disease in which RechanaNasya is effec-
Nasya (inhalation therapy) is mainly bene- tive areTandra, Kushtha, Unmaad, Supti
ficial in eliminating the morbid dosha.The etc.
medicinal powder that is picked up thrice ShamanaNasya:It is mentioned specially
between the thumb and index finger is in the disease where the shaman action re-
dose of dhmapana nasya[13] It is effective quires decreasing the elevated dosha in
especially in Manasika roga like un- their specific sthana. Instillation of proc-
maad(insanity) and apsmaar(epilepsy). essed taila or ghrita used for in disease
DhoomNasya:Prayogika, Vaire- like the nanatmaka vata vyadhi.
chenika,Snehika Formulations indicated for the
Smoke emitting from burning the herbal Nasya:(according to disease)
medicine is inhaled through the nostril is  Anutaila : (Ch. Su. 5/57) used as in
known as dhoomaNasya. [14] daily regime to avoid the all disease of
Pratimarsha Nasya: Medicated oil,or urdhvajatrugata roga and also for the
ghrita)is used for the instillation in spe- nourishment to all the indriya (sense or-
cific dose. It can be done either as shod- gans).
hana or snehana.  Vyaghri vasa along with Hingu and
Besides on above mentioned classifica- Saindhava (Ch.Chik.3/ 305) in vishama
tion, other one is explained on the basis of jwar
effect of medicine used as bhavana drvya.  Ikshu rasa , ksheer, Durva swaras,
(Ch. Chik. 9/ 92) Dadim pushpa rasa (Ch.Chik. 4/100) in
1. TarpanaNasya: - Type of Nasya which raktapitta
is used in Ksheenata of dhatus and doshas  Fresh Urine of cow or goat (Ch. Chik
especiallyto re-nourished them. 9/71) in unmaad
Drugs that are used for TarpanNasya hav-  Rasnagritam (Ch. Chik.18/45) in vataj
ing Guru guna, Madhur rasa, Sheetavirya, kasa
Balya in nature. Oil base preparation is  Kakandika yoga(Ch. Chik. 23/53) in
prepared with these kinds of drugs. In Ar- snake bite
ditta,Shirah kampa,vataja shiro roga this  Pathadi tailam(Ch. Chik. 26/145) in
type of Nasya is effective. pakva peenas
RechanaNasya: It is defined as those
which causes the Sthanachyuti of doshas

1145 IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 4; April- 2015

Rakesh Narayanan V: Different Therapeutic Formulations Of Nasya In Charak Samhita

 Bharangyadi tailam (Ch. Chik.26/159)  Cow milk or medicated milk cooked

in pratishyay where kapha resembles with above medicines
like meda (thick and more sticky) 2. In Rajyakshma(tuberculosis): - In the
 Rasnadi tailam : (Ch. Chik. 26/160) in context of this disease, treatment of
shira shoola swarbheda(harshness of voice) (Navan
 Baladi tailam (Ch. Chik.26/162) in nasya or ghrita nasya) is mentioned.
vata-pitta janya urdhvajatrugta dis- Ghrita is cooked with drugs vidari, bala or
ease. yastimadhu can use for the nourishment of
 Vidarigandhadi tailam (Ch. Chik. swara vaha strotas.
26/264) in khalitya-palitya 3. In Hikka(Hiccough)–swasha: An attack
 Sahcharadi tailam(Ch. Chik. 26/266) in of hikka can be stopped by using the
palitya avapeed nasya of Lashun, palandu or hu-
 .Mahaneel tailam(Ch. Chik. 26/275) man milk mix with chandana.
for the palitya 4. In Trishna rog (Thirst): Nasya with hu-
 .Baladi ghritam (Ch. Chik 28/124) for man milk or camel milk or juice of ikshu.
the murdha gata vataroga. 5. In context of Vatavyadhi (Nervous dis-
 Matsya Vasa (Ch. Chik 28/128) in orders): Navan nasya with Dashamuladi
vatavyadhi majja specifically mentioned for the condi-
Besides these named formulations some tion of decrease ojas and shukra.
other formulation are also mentioned in 6. In Unmaad(Insanity): - Nasya with ex-
tract of lashuna, hingu, vacha, tagar
Charak Samhita according to disease
1. In Raktapitta: - If bleeding occurs from mixed with cow urine.
nose medicine should be used having as-
tringent property to coagulate the bleeding
Nasya therapy is one of the procedures of
point. Avpeed nasya can be given to
panchkarma in which instillation of drug
achieve sthambha result. For this purpose
is done through the nasal route. Even
following drugs give better results.
though itis mainly indicated for the dis-
 Gairik , shankh bhasm, chandan mix eases located in supraclaviclar region,its
with sugar water indication in other systemic diseases
 Lodhra,Dhataki, Samanga, Mocharasa shows if region of head is effected in any
mix with sugar water disease then Nasya should be given there
 Any one of extract among all are drak- because Nasa(nose) is the only route for
sha, ikshu, durva, palandu root, the delivery of drug into head region.
Raktapitta Bleeding occur from the Instant effect achieve by the avapeed
nose nasya to stop bleeding locally
Rajayakshma In condition of swarbhed To provide nourishment to swarvahi sro-
Unmaad and Unconsciousness occur Irritative effect achieved by the dhma-
apsmaar pan nasya
Sarpa visha vega Unconsciousness occur Instant effect achieve (for removal for
visha when it is reached in sira of shira
pardesh)by the avapeed nasya
Vatavyadhi  Removal of any obstruc-  Use of katu drayva in form of oil

1146 IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 4; April- 2015

Rakesh Narayanan V: Different Therapeutic Formulations Of Nasya In Charak Samhita

tion in sira snayu of head based preparation(navan nasya)

region  Vasa(fat substance)of different ani-
 For the purpose of nour- mals for enhancing directly the
ishment of these structure kapha(navan nasya)
Shirogatavyadhi Removal of any obstruction Use of katu drayva in form of oil based
in sira snayu of head region preparation(navan nasya)
Different types of Nasya are men- necting structure strotas is formed and fur-
tioned which are classified based on the ther it is converted into sira and Sanyu
therapeutic preparation form. Navan and through the different type of Paka kriya
Pratimarsh are sneha (fat based medicine) (either mrudupaka or kharpaka). 1Only
pardhan whereas avapeedis extract (water amount of Sneh increase in their transfor-
based medicine) based. In dhmapan fine mation process and afterwards this sneh is
choorna (micro particles solid based medi- nourished by kapha(Tarpaka kapha). This
cine) is used for Nasya. On the basis of is reasonwhy Navan Nasya type (sneh
mainly three therapeutics forms,the time pradhan preparation) is indicated for the
required for the action of drug make the daily regime (Ch.Su.5/58).
main difference among them. These differ- Potency of instilled drugs depends upon
ent forms is indicated in different systemic their different therapeutics of forms like
disease based upon the specific effect choorna, extract form etc. According to
Mode of action has not been directly men- the potency, required specific time for
tioned in Charak Samhita while in the their action vary from each other.
other textbooks, Shringatak marma is the Potency of different types of Nasya is
point believed to be the site for the action summarized as follows in different disease
of Nasyakarma and from where the effect Dhma-
of medicine (instilled by Nasya) can be pan>Avpeed>Navan>Dhoom>Pratimarsh
explained. As it is marma point and works Choorna> Extract > Fat based
as bridge from where the sira spreads in all That’s why the comparative instant action
four indiriya to nourish them. Although in is more in dhamapan type of Nasya
the Charak Samhita Shira is counted in Tri (choorna form used) than the prati-
marma, but location of any other specific marsh(oil based form used) because fine
marma is not explained Being nourished particles of drug (choorna form) along
by the inhalation, veins, joints,ligaments with the vapour tail reaches up to
and the tendons of head and neck region sira(vein) leads to lekhanana (scrapping)
gain greater strength.[15] function (irritation followed by scrapping
Sira, (veins) Snayu (ligaments) and kan- of any obstruction) so it is indicated in
dara (tendons)are the main connecting Unmand and Apasmaar where conscious-
channels which connect all the indriya ness is required.
(placed in Shira pradesh) with each other Besides this, nature of used drugs also
and Nasa is the only route, to reaches up to has their own importance to maintain the
the indriyas. These structures are linked potency of instilled medicine. This nature
with each other in their development. of drug finally decides the action of action
These all are having hollow space and of drug in Nasya karma it would be re-
hencethey can be termed as strotas. In the chana(for elimination of dosha), tarpan
development of garbha the primarily con-

1147 IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 4; April- 2015

Rakesh Narayanan V: Different Therapeutic Formulations Of Nasya In Charak Samhita
(for nourishment the sira snayu and kan-
dara) or shmana (decrees the enhanced 4. Prof. K.R.Srikanthha Murthy : BHA-
dosha). Based upon the required action VAPRAKASHA OF BHAVAM-
potency of Nasya is summarized as fol- ISHRA (text with English translation,
lows: notes, appendeces and index), pub-
Rechan> tarpan>shmana lished by Chaukhamba Krishnadas
Use of any katu dravya instillation in academy, Varanasi
nose as in the form of taila, choorna (fine 5. Dr.G Shrinivasa Acharya : Panch-
powder) or extract juice (depending upon karma Illustrated , published by
the severity of dosha can be seen by the Chaukhmba Sanskrit Pratishthan,
rog bala) will shed off Aavran (obstruction Delhi
due to vitiated kapha) and re-established 6. Dr.G Shrinivasa Acharya : Panch-
the flow of vata(prana vayu) karma Illustrated , published by
Use of any sheeta(cold), madhura(sweet) Chaukhmba Sanskrit Pratishthan,
dravya as in form of milk, grita, extract Delhi
juice will provide the soothing effect and
nourishes the avayava (component of CORRESPONDING AUTHOR
body) and enhance the power of their nor- Dr. Rakesh Narayanan V
mal function. Ph.d Scholar, email
Based upon the degree of vitiation of
dosha, specific potency of drug is required P.G. Department of Sharir Rachana,
for the instillation. So choorna is more ef- National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Ra-
fective than pratimarsh in case of more jasthan, India
vitiation of dosha as in Unmaad (insanity).
So it can be concluded that specific Nasya
is mentioned for specific diseases. Navan
nasya is only indicated in shiroga-
tavyadhies(disese of head) and
vatavyadhi(nervous disorders), whereas
use of other Nasyadepends upon the roga

2. Dr.Rampraksh Sharma& VaidhyaB-
hagwan Dash: Agnivesha’s Charak
Samhita Text with English translation
and critical exposition based on Chak-
rapani Datta’s, Ayurveda dipika. Source of support: Nil
3. Dr. Rampraksh Sharma& VaidhyaB- Conflict of interest: None Declared
hagwan Dash: Agnivesha’s Charak
Samhita Text with English translation
and critical exposition based on Chak-
rapani Datta’s, Ayurvedadipika.

1148 IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 4; April- 2015

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