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NUEVAS COMPUTADORAS. Reyna y Jimmy conversan acerca de una nueva

computadora que va a ser lanzada al mercado. Aclaramos que el diálogo tiene
"algunos años" de antigüedad. Otra conversación para practicar inglés en forma
entretenida.Descárgala a tu reproductor portátil y practica inglés mientras
Un glosario bilingüe, ubicado al final de la transcripción del audio, contiene las
palabras y expresiones resaltadas en el texto. Pulsa la palabra "AUDIO" para
escuchar. Para descargar acerca la flecha del ratón a "AUDIO" y con botón
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Reyna: Have you heard about the new computer they're coming out with?
It'll be able to recognize any voice command, so you won't ever
need to use the keyboard.
Jimmy: Yeah, and soon everyone will be using computers that fit into the
palm of your hand.
Reyna: Within 20 years, I bet all our news and information will be coming
through computers.
Jimmy: By then, maybe even newspapers will have disappeared!
Reyna: Wow! Computers are going to take over our lives one of these
Jimmy: Yeah! Isn't it great!
Reyna: You know what else I think? In a few years, you won't need to go to
a university campus to get a university degree.
Jimmy: How will you do it?
Reyna: They'll have found a way for you to take all your courses on the
computer over the Internet. When you want to talk to a professor,
you'll just tap into his or her web site and find out anything you
need to know.
Jimmy: That would be great. No need to get up in the morning for early
classes! And I bet libraries will probably disappear, too.
Reyna: What'll you do when you need something to read?
Jimmy: Everything will be on CD-ROM, and you'll be able to access
everything you want from your home over the computer. There will
be no need to have huge buildings full of books. No need to waste
all that paper.
Reyna: Gee, I don't like the sound of that. There's nothing better than
curling up with a book. I can't quite picture "curling up" with a
GLOSSARY: coming out with: lanzando a la venta; it'll be able to: podrá, será
capaz de; recognize: reconocer; voice command: instrucción de voz
humana;keyboard: teclado; fit: caber; palm: palma; Within: dentro de (tiempo); I
bet:apuesto a que; by then: para entonces; take over: reemplazar; what
else: que más, que otra cosa; university campus: ciudad
universitaria; degree: título, grado; tap into: conectarse a; find out: consultar,
averiguar; libraries: las bibliotecas; huge: enormes; to
waste: desperdiciar; gee!: ¡oh!; curling up: ubicarse cómodamente (para leer un
libro, por ejemplo); I can't quite picture: no puedo imaginarme.

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