Inside NYC Subway Centenary - Glossary

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NYC subway centenary – Glossary

anniversary noun [count] feat noun [count]
a date when you celebrate something that happened in a something that someone does that is impressive
previous year that is important to you:
the 10th anniversary of the end of the war host verb [transitive]
to arrange a special event and provide the area,
birth noun [singular] equipment, or services needed for it
the beginning of something:
the birth of a new era in British politics level noun [count]
the height of something in a container or on a surface:
borough noun [count] The river is at its highest level for several years.
a town, or a district in a big city
line noun [count]
carry verb [transitive] a part of a railway system: the London to Essex line
to transport someone or something from one place to
another: mark verb [transitive]
to celebrate something: A ceremony was held to mark
celebration noun [uncount] the occasion.
the activity of celebrating something:
It was a night of dancing and celebration. network noun [count]
a system of things such as roads, rivers, or wires that are
centenary noun [count] connected to each other: a network of canals
a day or year that people celebrate exactly 100 years
after an important event plan verb [intransitive or transitive]
to think carefully about a series of actions that you need
cent noun [count] to take in order to achieve something: They had been
a small unit of money used in many countries, for planning their trip to Africa for months.
example the US, Canada, and Australia. There are 100
cents in a dollar. raise verb [transitive]
to increase a number, amount, or level:
currently adverb They had raised their prices to unreasonable levels.
at the present time: Davis is currently appearing in a
play at the National Theatre. remain verb [intransitive]
to stay in a place or position and not leave it:
design verb [transitive] You must remain in bed for three days after surgery.
to decide how something will be made, how it will work,
or what it will look like, and often to make drawings of station noun [count]
it: a building or place where trains or buses stop so that
The bride wore a dress that she designed herself. passengers can get on or off

document verb [transitive] stretch noun [count]

to record something in writing or on film: an area of land or water: a narrow stretch of water
Her report documents the effects of climate change.
subway noun [count] AMERICAN
effort noun [count] a railway that goes under the ground
the activities of people who are working together to
achieve a particular aim: international relief efforts track noun [count or uncount]
a railway line: a long stretch of track
employee noun [count]
someone who is paid regularly to work for a person or underground adjective
organization: part-time employees below the surface of the ground

engineering noun [uncount] unlimited adjective

the activity of designing things such as roads, railways, with no limits
or machines
urban adjective
fare noun [count] relating to towns and cities:
the money that you pay for a journey People moved to the urban areas for jobs.

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