Nutritional Healing For Multiple Sclerosis

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$ million coples soldl

Re yisea

A Prmctical A*r**Z Rof*rence to

Drug-Free Remed,ies Us ing Vitamins,
Minermls, Herbs & Food, Supplements

c,yciizine (Marezine), dimenhydrinate (Dramamine), and cular stiifness; slurred speech; tremors; or bort ei and blad-
meclizine (Antir.ert, Bonine). These drugs are not alr^".ays der dvsfunction. Secondarv svmptoms, r,vhich are probiems
effectir,e, hor,r,evet and can cause side effects, especiallv that arise because of the primary svmptoms rather thar-r be-
drowsiness. Motion sickness medication should not be cause of the underlying ilJness itself, may include bone 1oss,
taken n ith alcohol, sleep aids, or anv type of tranquilizers. muscle r,n,asting, paralvsis, sexuai dvsfunction, urinarl,
It is important to use extreme caution and carefullv foilou, tract infections, and weak respiration. Manv of these sec-
the ciosage instructions for chiidren. ondarv conditions occur as a result of decreased mobilitv if
the d isease progresses.
[l If motion sickness is debiiitating, and herbal, homeo-
pathic, and over-the-counter medications do not bring re- The disease typicallv follon's a pattern of periodic flare-
1ief, a ph,vsician can prescribe scopolamlne (urhich is a ups, called exncerbatiotts, followed by periods in u.hich symp-
component of the herb belladonna) to be applled in a patch toms diminish or even disappear called remissiori,s. MS is
('Iransderm Scop) that delivers the drug through the skin variable in its rate of prog;ression. It can be reiativelv be-
for up to three da,vs. Possible side effects of scopolamine nign, w,ith only a fer,t, minor attacks spread over decades,
include drv mouth, dror,r'siness, blurred r.ision, ancl a di- or it can be rapidly and completelv disabling. Most com-
Iated pupil on t1-re side on lthich the patch is w-orn. This mon1y, it progresses s1oi,r,1y, disappearing for periods of
drug should rrot be used by anvone r,r,ith glaucoma, as it time but returning intermittentiy, often in progressiveiv
raises pressure rvjthin the eve. If you are pregnant or nurs- more se\rere attacks.
ing, talk to 1rqs1 doctor before using scopolamine. It is not The underl,ving cause of MS is not knolr'n, but it is
recommended for use b-v childrerr. r,r.,idel,v believed to be an autoimmune disease in r,r''hich
lvhite blood cells attack the myelin sheaths as if they r,l,ere
[l fo a certain extent, motion sickness is psvchological. In a foreign substance. Stress and malnutrition, whether from
manv cases. it can be prer-ented if you consciously tell
poor absorption or poor diet, often precede the onset of the
,votrrself that vou iuill not get sick. If you travel frequentlv disease. Some experts suspect that an as-yet-unidentified
and are prone to motion sickness, yoll may benefit from
virus mav be jnvoh.,ed. Heredity mav also be a factor. An-
psvchotherapv or counselir-Lg.
other theorr'' is that th:is condition may be caused by food
intolerances or allergies, especially allergies to dairy prod-
MOUTH AND GUM DISEASE ucts and gluten.
Chemical poisoning of the nerr.ous svstem by pesticides,
Sre HRLttosts; pERTODoNTAL DISEASE. See also BLEEDING GUMS industrial chemicals, and heavy metais may also play a part
rurder pRrcruANCy-RELATED pRoBLEtvs. in the deveiopment of MS. Environmental torins can cause
disturbances in the body's normal metabolic pathu'ays that
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS result ilr damage to the nerves' protectir.e mvelin sheaths.
Even substances that are not necessarilv toxic to everyone
Multiple sclerosis (NIS) is a progressir.e, degenerative disor- can be a problem for susceptible indir.iduals. Toxins sttch as
der of the central nervous svstem, including the brain, the those produced bv bacteria and fungi in the bod1, have been
optic nerve, and ti-re spinal cord. It is characterized by manv knox,n to produce symptoms like those of MS,
areas of lnflammation and scarring of the myelin sheaths in Final1y., diet may play a key role in the der.elopment of
the brain and spinal cord. These are w'rappings, composed MS. This is suggested by the fact that MS is fairlv common
of a fatfir substance, that insulate the nerve flbers through- in the United States and Europe and almost unheard-of in
out the bodv. Scirrosis means hardening of tissuei multiple some other countries, such as Japan, Korea, and China. The
simplv indicates many regions of tissue hardening. It seems consumption of saturated fats, choiesterol, and a1cohol, so
that the body's immune system malfunctions arrd produces common in Western countries, promotes the inflammatory
antibodies that attack the myelin sheaths. Consequentl,v, the response and u.,orsens s,vmptoms of multiple sclerosis.
sheaths are damaged, and the damaged areas deveiop scar- People in Asian countries tvpicallv consume much less fat
ring that leads to either distorted con.rmunication or lack of than people in North America and northern Europe do.
communicatior-i between the ner've endings. This mav pro- Their diets are also rich in marine foods, seeds, and Iruit oils,
duce a mr-rltipllcitv of symptoms, from slurred speech to vi- u,irich are high in essential fatty acids, including the omega-3
sion prcrlriems to loss of rnobilit,rl. essential fatty acids, rvhich have an ilhibitori, effect on the
At least 400,000 peopie in the United States have multi- intlarnmatory response. Our American diet in contrast is
ple sclerosis. Symptoms vary from individual to individ- ricl-r in oils from grains that promote inflammation.
ua}, depending on which portion or portions oI the nen,ous MS is usuailv diagnosed betr,r,een the ages of twenty
svstem are most affected. In the earlier stages, the primary and fifty Women are affected trvo to three times more than
svmptoms r.nav include episodes of dlzziness; ertreme fa- men; the rate is higher in vounger \\-omen compared to
tigr-re; eve probiems such as blurred or double vision; a men (3.2 to 1). 1\,IS is rarelv diagnosed in children and in
teelir-Lg of tingling and/or numbness, especiallv in the people sixty years of age. In the United States, MS oc-
:.:nds .rnd feet; loss of baiance and/or coordination; mus- curs much more often in states north of the thirtv-seventh

sluaLualddns osaq] lo ouo asn 'sieou^ ',(lrep seLurl g .10
-lluB pUE 'loqel u0 palcorp adpr!
'0lqelre^E ]0u sr vl0 ]i laqel u0 po]carp sv ir0 p00sxell
lueplxollue lnpet',tod Y sV +cp.llxo paos
sl l l0
'u0rlcun] urErq rodord lo] qlrrn aldoed ur uourLuoo
popoou slu0r.rlnu lo uorldrosqe 'sleau uaa,tqaq',{lrep plcE sr sLuoidLu,4s
aarl ^cuarcUoC
lorluoc 01 popaau sleoLu rllr,4 ',{lrep saLurl 0 (Vlg)
poo0 urelurEi.Li o] sdloH s0urr] e lsqBl u0 p0]c0.rp sv 0urLUe ul.roi
prce ,{pe1 lprluasss uV loqel uo poloo.rp sV proe oru0l0url-euixe!
'0s0p p0pu0LxLU0c0-r
'ruols,{s eunuLur
aLll paacxo lou o6 ssacord
o] sloupr)l sLl] roi llnci]lrp oLll ]sooq pue ',{poq aq1 iuorl
']erp pocuelEq P Lllr^ surxo] enourai 's1ei ssacord
sr qSrq/ '0ururleoj3
',{0reue asearcur'anDrle1
uorleurqixos ur posn 0q sacnpo.rd uolleUiqu,roc srLli
pue uorssardap oseo ue3
plnoLls uortoldop olcsnur se'ocrn[ ]rnrl q]rA o)js] ]ou
'sacuelsq ns snore0uep,{ueu ser0olouqcal
icEro]unoc dleq {ey1 0c 'laqel u0 pa]3a.rp sv 0urlearS
1O Uoiles Jrxo]ap s,u:alsIs y-eLr[zuao3
'sqleoqs ullo^tx qceuols ,{1dLue ue uo ounLr..rur or.ll sUoddnS loqpl uo pa]oarp sV ruorl y aulzueo3
',{lrep ecrml eurc,{10-1
'ua1s,{s aunLuut aql snld
sql 0ur].roddns ur sprV 0u 969
( auO sn
suaqlSuerlg' uorleuo0,/,xo
led 1d
anssrl pu9 u0rlBlnc.lrs
ut SCTOV 0NtruVaa5)
'solcsnul penordurr ro] popeoN ,{lrep 0u 96 otp our^zuao3
eq1 Iq slueulnu
10 ASn Ur prP r.lsrLIA 'SprCe 'u0rlEUrp]003
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0Ll} ]0 u0rleurquloc v ue uo '[;rep acrml ds17 u_r0r1 llA-0urLrv uo ldrosqe Lunrcleo rol popaaN ou.r 00S't*000'L unrsau0eu
'u 0rlelru rssP ^lrep pue
'uroi furepuou
perepmod e esp 'uorlseOrp spre
]s0q r0+ Lu.r01 0]Pleqc
as1 '91,11 0urdolerrep
pu€ 'siuoulnu 1o uoudrosqe (e0eun1em
o] uorlrsodsrpa.rd
sscuPLlu0's0cuelsqns 'qceiuols [lduro uoLl snlrqdo6
e IELU ,{cuarcilog Itrep 0Lu 000't-000'z Lr-rntcleS
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-0,,(y) snlrqdoprcy
stN3nwoc :t9vsoo o:lrs3cens J-Nf nf 'tddns
uorldrosqe urnrcleo ur sprv nt oo8 c urrxPlr^
rx0rl sr{lE0tis 'JunorLre papuau:uo)al aL{} JauEnb-auo asn'xrs yo a8e
urle[u oqg 0ur]ca]ord r
ur pre pue mols{s snonLeu PUE
aq+ rapLm uarpllil roJ pue'asop papuaurluof,ar aLI] Jleq-auo
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'uro1 puE
-Luolal aLIl slauPnb-aaJll] o] asop aqi af,npar'uaatrua,ras pue
ro oouezol E osn
'sUleaUS urla^Lu a,\la,!\l;o saSe a{i uaar{laQ uarplt{l roJ 'slppP Jo, arP arall
eq1 0ururelureu ,(q oOeuep papuauluoJar sa8esop oql 'perprads asrAa.Jaetro ssalun
en:ou ]uolord o1 sdleq pue 'asEasrp aq+ Io uorssarSord aql dols ua,ra Jo r\o{s sluaur
,[rne0uol Jelnllac ur sprV '[lrep acrir,rl 0cur
000'L zrB utLr]elt^
'suosrad alqrldecsns ur puE -alddns JfarJo) aq] ]eq] pur; detu suroldlu,(s yqrqxa o1 8ur
Sn esnEc ,{eLr ,4cuercr1a6 -1.re1s 1sn[ o]p or{r\ alcioad .ra8uno,{ }nq /LIrnLu se }I}auaq lolr
'u0rlcun] 0unuur
.,(eru gry ro sraraJlns r"u;a1-3uo1 'pydlaq
aq ol umoqs uaaq
pue u:ois,{s snorueu
eq1 spre luortcnpord (au rxopu,{d ) aApL{ rroTlf,as srq} u} paur[]no stue.rSo.rd d;relarp pue ]uaru
',{pep sauri g 0Lu
98 utuelt^
ll03 p00lq poJ s0]0rxord -aiddns aql lnq'aseasrp sn{} roJ arn) umouT ou sI araqJ
'(tuen erlxe snld
'su[xE]rA B 0r.l] ll8 r01 '(S],\.trl^t
segnurol crue0ralleod{q xe;dLroc e ur suruetrrA
esg serueu ,{q11eeq lenprnlpur 1o slunoLre)
aldoad ur leu.rrou uelll rar{o{s aq deur srql) Ia^eJl saslndtur
sureluleu] pue uorlcunl ,{1iep saLurl g urure}rl B alJau LIJTLITII le aleJ aLF aJnsealu leql slsal rrls..ruBerpo,r1
uels[s eunururr spry .loleLu qces 1o OLu gg; xaldLuoc g urLlelrl
-)a1a pup lurE.rq aql ur suolsal]la]ap ol diaq,{eu qrtq,rt'1sa1
'elnuil0] ]ueprxoriuE sci0oyorg ueouoLxV 14ty) lerluatod paTo^a orpne uE lurerq oql Jo paru ienst^
luuouutnu ]uelod V
'laqEl u0 palcairp sV Lr-ior] sU0l 0009-^x0 ar{l puE elrr}al aql uaa.M}aq uorlfsuuo) arl} ssasse ol auop
'sll0c 'lsat (dAA) 1e4tra1od paTo/\a lpnsrA e lprng letrrdso.rqa.rar
nneu fq1eeq ppnq o1 [poq oq1 or.{} ur suraiord tualsAs aunururr ro/puE slla) poolq alIL{^{
,{q pesn sr 'C urue}r^ q}rM
'1no ,u011[pedord o] surxo] Io sla^al aul ul saj]llEurrouqe ]lalap ol '(de1 purds) arnl
puE selsEl 0urA ollB pue slloc
-rund leqwnl lsuorsal ro sanbeld;o su8rs roy Tool ol '(tUW)
olur rtno11 [1eer1 o1 s]uau]nu SurBeun a)uelrosar :rlau8eur apnilu aseasrp aql l)alap
pue roleru\ 0urno1le 'elquaurad (nsn) aueLlteLu
ol pasn 3q uP) leql slsal 'alurl aruos .ro1 pasouSerpun saoS
slle^ lloc daal o1 sdleg 'laqel u0 poisarrp sv -1,{u o}ln s lIL]tai
uago ssaullr aLil os 'ISel aldrurs e lou sI g1atr Sursou8uiq
rnl ns (e0eun1eg 'orLlo'uol
]o acrnos luollo3xo uV ,{lrep saLurl g selnsdec Z iloli ctl0^)) 3tUe5
le3 pup lsrouql /and aC 1:-Pxal'ose4 1E Surpnllur sareld
'sleoLU qlr/,\ '^lrPp soLurl
t xeldLroc prce [ge1 ur sJalsnif, ut s;eadcle oslp U ',ir1uno:, aql Jo sl"red ;raqlcl
l0qEl u0 palcarp sv luiluassa g-e0eLro
'slPai-u qlil '^lrep soL|r] 0 .10
ur ueql (EruroJrTEJ'znr) ulueg o1 'erui8;q1 's,\\aN lrod,rtaNl
'sprce,{}je} 1ro asorLuud uro;ry
lpr}} laqel u0 poica.l 0 sV dleleturrordde Surqrlarls ourl dreur8er-ur ue) leilered
stsoE:tls:ldlrlnn SE]CEOS]C ]Hf OMIUEd

IVlultienzyme complex As directed on abel. For proper breakdourn of Kyo-Green from l tsp in liquid A good source of organic
0r Take with meals. food s. Waku naga 3 times daily. chlorophyll, live enzymes.
lnf-zyme Foi'te from As directed on abel. To reduce inf lammation vrtamrns, and minerals plus
American Bioiogics and aid digestron. amino acids.

Multiglandular As directed on label Needed {or the endocrine. Lecithin granules I tbsp 3 times daily, Protects the cells, Needed
complex hormonal. and enzyme 0l' before meals. lor normal brain
SystemS, (See GLANDULAR capsules 1,200 mg 3-4 times daily.
THERAPY in Part Three.) be{ore meals.

Nicotinamide adenine As directed on label. lmpodant in the creation Man ganese 5-.10 mg da ly. Take An impofiant m neral often
dinucleotide (NADH) and transfer oi chem cal separately irom calcrum. def iclent in people with

energy, especrally durng

breath i ng.
Multimineral As directed on label. Needed for ali enzyme
lex systems in the body and
Parasltin from Vaxa As drrected on labei To detoxlfy the body of com p

parasites. to supply needed nutrients.

I nte rnational
Use a high-potency

Potassium 300-1 ,000 mg da ly Needed for nornia muscle lormula.

function, Check w th your
Phospho ru s 900 mg dally Needed for transter of eneroy
health care prov der before
withln cells.
taking these amounts.

Rar,v thymus 500 mg twice dai1y. Enhances rmmune function.

land lar
g u
Selenium 150-300 mcg daily. An antioxidant and lmmune
system stimulant. [l Alfalfa is a good source of rritamin K. It can be taken in
liquid or tablet form.
7-Keio DHEA As directed on label. Slows overa i body deterrora-
tion. Enhances fat ioss and lean [l Burdock, dandelion, echinacea, goldenseal, pau d'arco,
m[rsc e mass deve opment. red St. Jol-in's rvort, sarsaparilla, and )rarrolv are ef-
Preferab e to ord nary Dl-1EA
fectir.e detoxifiers.
because it is not conveded
into sex hormones in the CntLtions: Do not take echilacea for longer than three
months. It should not be used b,v peopie who are allergic to
Ultra Osteo Synergy As directed on label. To prov de nutritional ragr,r.eed. Do not take goldenseal internallv on a daily basis
suppotl for bone renetvai.
from American
for more t1-ran one rveek at a time. Do not tise it during
pregnancy or if 1.or-r are breast-feeding, and use r,r,ith cau-
Vrtamin A 25,000 lU daily. lf you impodant antroxiclants. are tion if r.on are allelgic to ragrveed. If you have a history of
pregnant. d0 n0t exceed Use enrulsion forms lor
plus 10,C00 U dai1y.
easier assimr ation
cardiovasctilar disease, diabetes, or glaucoma, use it onlr.
carotenoid complex As d rected on label. under a doctor's superr.ision. St. John's wort ma)/ cause
( Betaiene) increased to sunlight. It may also produce anri-
Vltamin C 3,000-5,000 rng daily. Promotes production of the ety, gastrointestinal svmptoms, and headaches. It can inter-
irrith antiviral prctern lnterferon act r,r,ith some clrllgs including antidepressants, birtl-r
bioflavonoids ln the lrody. AIso an
antioxrdant and rmmune system
control pi11s, and antlcoagulants.
stlmulant. Use buffered
ascorbic acrd or an
fl Cordyceps is a Chinese herb that memor\-,
esteflfied lorm,
helps vou assimilate ntitrients more efficientlr., and in-
creases energv.
Vitarnin E 200 lU da ly or 400 lU lmpoftant for circuiat on.
every other day. destroys free radicals. and [l Lobelia, skul1cap, and rralerian root relax the nervous
protects the nervous svstem. Taken at bedtime, they ni6l in preventing insomnia.
system. Use d-alpha-
Lobelia is good for davtime tlse a1so.
tocopherol form. Emulsion
form is recommended for Cstttion: Lobelia is to be taken onlr,, under strpervisirrn rrl
easier assimi ation and
a health care professional, as it is potentiallv toxic. Peopie
greater safety at high
doses. tvith high biood pressure, irearrt disease, disease,
kidney disease, seizure disorders, or shortness of breath
Vitamin K 200 mcg 3 times daily, Helps to prevent nausea
0r with meals. and vomiting.
should not take lobe1ia. Pregnant and lactating wonter:
alfalfa See underHerbs, below. should avoid lobelia as n.el1.
.:r::i : ilii r::i::.ri ri':it;:,..:::::::::r::r::;:;: ;:::-1rj:j*:.:ai ii::i:::t_:.::.i:: . ir.::i',::r;:. Ir:::,ri:ir:ri:i......:
,,, ,ffs..1P4{{i,'
Brewels yeast Starl with tsp daily and 7o lmproves blood sugar
slowly increase to 2 tsp
metabolism when taken
with chromium. Aids in
El gat onlv organicaily foods with no chemica,
lowering cholesterol treatments or, inciuding eggs, fruits, gluten-frec
and improving HDULDL grains, rar,l, nuts and seeds, vegetables, and cold-presset.
vegetable oils. The best diet for people n ith this disorder r=

('aa.qt +red ur dV pue saurcu rog 'lroddns leuo4oura Jo saJrnos +no >laas pue
-E=Hl Nle Xo otuvEU=dAH aa5) 'ser;4unoJ ral1+o auros ur srs
'aseasrp aLI+ lnoqe lprue; ;rnod pue gas.rnol aleJnpfl
-oraps ald4pru q+yrt aidoad "ro; ssarrns q+I,rt pasn uaaq seq E
'T)Eue p1tu E dols uego uer sn{J .}sar paq alalduror
dderaql ue8dxo cr"ieq.raddrl ,sa1e1g patlun ar{+ uI suEplsdqd
dueur dq Iersralor+uoJ paraprsuof, sr asn s+r q8noqlly ;o sdep oMl +seal te a>l€+'sur8eq uorleqJaJexa ue uaq14 f
f 'papaau
'luelnurqs rualsls aunurur pue droleruuregur-rluE ue sE
spe dllua.redde uroua,r oag 'Luoual eeqdauoq Sursn dq sruol uaryo sr dderaq+ prrslg4 'sarnlrerluor alf,snlu 1ua,ra.rd o1
dlaq sasroraxa Surgola;r1g 'raleM aLI+ dq pal.roddns sr 1q8re.u.
-duds ]o ;arlar paruar.radxe a^erl SIAI q+rar' aldoad auos l-l
s,dpoq arp pue ra^ ol ]da{ sr arnle"radrual dpoq asneJaq
'9tr1 Suqlrura.r-Bursdelar q1i.rt
sluarled ur ali+ralJa dlale.repour aq ol u,l,tor{s uaaq seLI }aIp IIaM se poo8 sr rale^r Ioof, ur sasrJraxa raq+o BuIo61 dtrr,t4ce
/+EJ-Mol ]saq aql sr Surlutur,r,ts 'asrom sruolduds aleur pue pa^lo^
Io-qsi+-q8rq V 's+uala ,ttau ;o dcuanba.r; aqt af,npar -uI salJau aq+ Jo Lror+f,un; aq+ asEar)ap uer a.in1e;adrual
o1 pue Sr l ]ear1 o] uorleluauralddns pr;e d1tre;
Ie4uassa Jo dpoq asea;rrur deu leql sosrJraxa taaa,rtoll .sruolduds
asn aql paTpnls 3r"ro1
a,req Erneurpue)S ur srolllreasali
E Jo uorssrluar lnoqe Sur8urJq pue uorlJunJ allsmu Sururel
'sluepr€eor4ue pue's1pd lo.quor Llurq,s+uessardap4tre 8ur -uleur ur alqpnle^ dlaua;r1xa are asaqJ .aAr])E .,(11e1uaru
-pnlrul s8n.rp atuos tprm +)eralur uer lJ .saq)ppear{ pup /suro+ daal pue 'asr);axa ;re1n8a.r pue sa8esseru rrpoirad +aD E
-diuds Ieurlsa+uror+se8 'dlarxue arnpord oqe deur 11 .lq8rpms
'sruoldurds uasJom ro >lJelle
o1 dli,rqrsues paseaJlur asnet leru 1ro,u. s,uqo{ .+S:uotlrLa)
ue ra33u] deru asaq+ Jo IIV 'suoqJalui Ierrl pue uoqsneq
'Surnu4uoc sr rIf,Jeasal pue -xa pro^V'Sursrc.raxa ;ro,ta uaqM paleai{;a,to Surruor
'1ua8e 8ur1t18ry-aseasrp e se asrr.uo.rd umor{s seq urtr;edlll -aq pro^e pue 's8urpunoJrns ruJEM d1.ra,ro pue ,Surqlequns
'iri8q ol pasodxe uaLIM silat raf,ueJ pue sasnrra do;i1s 'sraa.toils 'sqleq ]oLI sE rl)ns '1eaq o1 arnsodxa plo^v
-ap o+ /Uo,,l,r. s,uqol'+g ur d1p-rnleu punoJ IeJrluaq) p ,urJ E
'ssarlsrp porrad e ro eurner+ e lq palelrdro
-rraddq;o dl1i1qe aql uo pa+Erlua)uo) lpnls luara.r auo E Ieuorloura 1o
-a;rd uel;o are SI Jo s))e+lv dlarxue pue ssarls p1o^y E
'a8er.uep raq+JnJ pro,re nod dlaq pue aseasrp
e 1ou '9tr41 Jo ]insar e se^ srq+ +Eql aq deu 11) .dnor8 dpnls
rraql ul slua4ed SW ile ur punoJ atew aotultunaud'7 ryql aq+ Io uorssa;r8o;rd atp u detu larp rnod uro;y spoo;
palrodar sraLpreasar '/i8o1o,may1{o slbuLLV Jo anssr 666I hr'l Surpuego 8urtreurrur1l 'lElrl^^olsaroJararll sI uo4ralap ,{1reg
'paJJnJJo seq a8euep aAJou olers.ralaJJr
aql q al)Iue u€ uI 'Sr I Jo asner alqrssod e su palro uaaq seLI ]rlun paJalo)srp
'erralreq ;o addl uoruuoc &a,r e' aalull.Ltnaud ary liu.La143 lou are sai3"ra1p aql uaryo ool ip 'l1a1elm1;royu11 .srsoralJs
f, aldqpr-u;o uorssar8ord pue luarudola^ap aip ur ropel .ro[er.u
('o.rt1 1re4 ur fsvfstc ars) .srsoraps eldr]pru
=y\,,tt e are sar8.ra11e pooJ +Bql a^arlaq ar11 ('oar1 lred ur slteH3ttv
Jo asorp rrlunrr detu aseasrp arudl;o sruoldruds aqJ E aa5) 'sar8.rai1e pooJ alqrssod roJ palsal ;ias.rno,{ aaeg
('o,rr,r.1 1re4 ur STSVtCtC
'uor1e;ra3r.rlar lnor{}lm paro+s uaaq aleq leq+ spo ;ro ,(8ur
-ruvc aag) 'SIN.l+I* aldoad dueru dq pacuauadxa an3ile; aq+
->loor ur ro Surssoro.rd ur Jaqlra) leal{ o} pagralqns uaaq aAeLI
aJnpal o+ puno; uaaq a,req dlrnq)e eprpuEJ a)npar ol s+uaur
-lea{ 'srsorops aldrqpu r{llm aldoad yo qurcldruo) uour +erll spo 'spo passaro;rd's1e; palern+es arunsuoJ JaAaN E
-uroJ lsour aLI+ Jo auo osle sr 1r pue'srserprpueJ,o uroldruls ('aa;q; ued ur svLllrNr pue e NrsNvrrc Notoc aag) 'uor1
e sr an8rlel )ruon{J taq+JnC .srserprpuef, }o )r}srra})eJeqf, -JunI alf,snlu q+I-^ SulraJra+u uro{ a+s€,lt Jrxo+ Surdaal ro;
sr r{)It{^^ /prou IaMoq pa]ueluqr.m Jo aJuapr^a Moqs sr{ truel.rodwr sr uoloJ uealJ V 'uoual qsaq E ;o aorn[ aq] q]1.l
iillm aldoad ;o uo4.rodord luerr;ru8rs 'uoq)arur eprpue)
v seluaua Sursueap ruJel a>lel dleorporla4 'uorledilsuor 3ur
pue SW uaamtaq Turl elqrssod e o1 lutod sarpnls luaoag -pro^€ ro; luelrodur sr raqrd 'luaualddns Jaqg e aTeI
f E
'shl ol alq 'spooJ uazorJ Jo ,pauuef, ,passaro,rd ro
-qdarsns a;our uosrad e a>ier.u detu acueralolur ua1n13 '1eaq,tr.'oJJeqo+ 'rB8ns 'sarrds '11es ,ad; ,spooy paur;a;l ,s1eo
'1eaur 'spooy pauoseas dU8lq /spooJ pau, ,slrnpo.rd drrep
'uatuo^ ui sJapJosrp aunururrolne ," 'aagoo /aleloroi{) 'dalreq'ior.IoJIE due arunsuo) }ou oG E
araql's;eal aaqcnpo.rdar aql SuIrnC .qlrlqplqJ 8ur,rto11oy 'salJsnlu ar{+ uI dnpgnq rrxo} lua.tard oq lep
sqluoul xrs ar{+
Sur-rnp ;ntto sdn-arelJ aJour d1lq311s ,pur LIJEa Ja+e^ dlqenb yo sasselS a)uno-g uatr +seal ]e {uu6
-Turru aq ol uraas doueu8ard uo
Shtr Jo
sltaJlo aql aprl6 E
') urlie+r^ Jo
'aseasrp srq+
ro lasuo aql sapatard saf,rnos poo8 a;e asaqJ 'suaar8 d;ea1 >lrep Jo d1ua1d ieg E
ua+ro r4rrqm 'uor}raJur pro,ru lpoq aq+ Surdlaq dq srsoralcs
'ldqdo.rogr;o d1ua1d ueluo) lEr{+ ,,$lurrp uaal8,, poo8
aldrlpru luaaa.rd o1 d1aq,,(eur
r.ualsls aunruur 3uo.4s y
f oqy'sepprd Up pue lnEDIranES se qJns ,prte rqoel ureluo)
suotletoPtsuol ]eqt spool snld 'e;p;p pue qno;ds ,rr,l,er Io dlua1d lef, E
'uoqrpuo) rnol .,(po p,,rt sluarr+nu 1equassa uo
'xrpuaddy aql ur suoqezrwe?tg IeJrpaIN lno 3ussr1rtr 'slre+ua larp uerrela8al paJuuleq-1a.,r,r e Suratol
puE qlleaH aas 'dlaq u€l leq] ,o sassarppe -lo, lerlM uo dn dprys nod arns a>letrAl 'uer;re1a8aa dge1o1
stsoultls =tdtrtn,/! SU:CUOSIC f HI IOMIUEd

[l Drugs that are commonl,v used for multipie sclerosis nary tract infections, and vertigo-it is advisable to read
include: the sections that correr these individual conditions in this
o section of this book. Consult the Table of Contents to look
Corticosteroids. The most common treatment for multi-
for sections that mav be relevant for you.
ple sclerosis, corticosteroids reduce the inflammation
that spikes during a relapse. Examples include oral
prednisolle and intravenous methylprednisolone. Side
effccts may include mood swings and rveight gairL.
. Interferons. These tvpes of drugs-Betaseton, Avot-iex, Before the routine vaccination program r,t'as introduced ir
and Rebif-appear to slorv the rate at rvhich multiple the Unitecl States, mumps \vas a common vlral illness
sclerosis symptoms \\'orsen over time. But interferons mostly of childhood, caused by a type of virus knorvn as ;'
can cause serious liver damage. paramvxor.irus that ilfects the parotid glands-the salir''arr
. Glatiramer (Copaxone). Doctors bellei'e that glatiramer glands located at the jaw' angles below the ears. Mumps vac-
rt,orks b.v blocking the immune system's attack on mv- cine (usually MMR) is the best n'ay to prevent mumps. Chti-
e1in. This drug must be injected subcutaneouslv otlce dren should be given the first dose of MMR vaccine at ti'l'elvr
daily-. Side effects may include flushing and shortness of
to fifteen months of age. The second dose is recommende'i
breath after injection. before the start of kindergarten. One dose of mumps r-accin'
prevents approximatelv 80 percent of mumps and two dose'
r Mitoxantrone (Novantrone). This immunosuppressant abotit 90 percent of cases. Although mumps a:re rare in t1'''
drug can be harmful to the heart, so it's usuaily used United States, smal1 outbreaks do occur; the first recent case'
oniy in people r,vho have advanced multipie sclerosis' of rnumps-like illness lvere reported from Iowa in Decembe:
. Natalizumab (Tvsabri). This drug is designed to work 2005. More cases have been occurring since then in Iorv':
b-v interfering r,r'ith the movement of potentiallv damag- and in several other states. There are on average 265 mumr-
ir-rg immune ce1ls from the bloodstream to the brain and cases reported each vear in the United States.
spinal cord. Tt'sabrl is generally reserved for peopie Of those people who do get mumps, up to half h'rr '
r.vho see no results from or can't tolerate other tvpes of very mild or no s,vmptoms, ancl therefore do not knolv the
treatments. This is because Tysabri increases the risk of rt ere infected r,vith mulnps. The most common sympton- '
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy-a brain include slvelling of one or both glands plus headache' i''
infection that is usuallY fata1. vet chi11s, decreased appetite, sore throat, and pain rt'he :'
sr,r,allor'ving or chelving, especially lt''hen slt'allort'ing aciti -
1-l A1u avs ask your phvsician about all available medica-
substances such as citrus iuices. Often, one of the parol '-
tions, and especiallv about possible sicle effects, so that vou
glands s-,r''ells before the other, and as swelling in one glai'--
can make i.nformed decisions about rt'hich (if any) to take'
subsides, the rtther begins to slr-e1l.
fl tr", one studv men rt'ith relapsing-remitting NIS r'r'ho Sr.mpioms typically apPear sirteen to eighteen davs ":-
r,vere glven 100 milligrams of testosterone shorved im- ter infection, but this periocl can range from tr'velve .
proved cognition and sio-,ved brain atrophv Thev also had tr,,,entv-fir.e dat,s after infection. Mumps is transmiite'-
increased lean bod,v mass, and there rt'ere no side effects' from person to person b,v means of infected droplets oi ='''
f Epidemiological data suggests that there ls a link be- liva or direct cor-rtact r'r,ith contaminated materials. It calr .- '
tlr.een vi.tamin D deficiencl' and ilcreased prel'alence rates of contracted through sneezing, coup;hing, kissing, talkir''
MS. In one study, the use of orai calcitriol (1,25-dihvdroxv breaihing, drinking out of the same glass as an infec:t-
r-it,rmin D3), in combination rvith a diet that provided 800 person, and sharing utensils. A person r'r'ith murnPs i's c''

milligrams of calcium, reduced t1-re svmptoms in about one- tagious anv time from fortv-eight hours before the onsei
third of the patients u'ith MS. ln another study, high doses of symptoms to six days after the svmptoms have starte:
vitamin D-bevond the Upper Limits of Safetv-and calcium This illness is not as contagiotts as measles or chickenpc
reducecl number of lesions in patients rvith NIS. This sort and one attack usualll' affords lifetime immunitv. Mut.t-':'
of treatment requires regular blood monitoring and close is most coilrLlt1o11 in children betlveen the ages of three ;:-'
phr.sician supervision, but these earlv restilts seem promis- ten, although it can occur tirrough teenage years anti ..
ing in terms of slort'ing the progression of the disease. rare cases, in adulthood. If it does occur aiter pubertr', ::-'
[l According to the Neilr JerseY College of Medicine, or-aries or testes mav Lrecome invoh-ed and sterilitt' n'-'
X-rav ilradiation to the 1-vmph glands and the spleen ma,v resttlt. 1f the testjcles are affected, they becorne slvollen "':' '.
halt the progress of MS in some cases. Holver-er, radiation painful; if tire clvaries or pancreas is affected, abdomr'
exposrlre depresses the immune svstem. pain results. Other organs that can be affected in rare' '-
Because there are so manv conditions that can occur vere cases include the brain, and kidnevs-possiblv r" -'
[l time wjth NfS-including bou'e1 and bladder prob- serious complications.
lems, chronic fatigue, depression, headaches, impotence, Unless otherw-lse specified, the dosages r€co111111€1lt: ' '
pairr, problems r,r'ith r.'isicln and hearing 1oss, seizures, uri- here are ior adults. For children between the ages of trr-e '


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