Core D&D Pantheon: Deity Align Portfolio Domains Favored Weapon Holy Day Feast Day

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Deity Align Portfolio Domains Favored Weapon Holy Day Feast Day

Core D&D Pantheon

Boccob N Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Balance, Forethought Knowledge, Magic, Trickery Quarterstaff Pelodas 13th of Moon Reign
Dalla-Thuan CN Halflings, Shadows, Thieves, Protection, Lies, Half-Truths Chaos, Greed, Trickery Dagger Oliddas 6th of Firesky
Ehlonna NG Forests, Woodlands, Flora and Fauna, Fertility Animal, Good, Plant, Sun Longsword Ehlodas 5th of First Bloom
Erythnul CE Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Ugliness, Slaughter Chaos, Evil, Trickery, War Morningstar Heirodas 21st of Wolf's Run
Farlanghn N Horizons, Distance, Travel, Roads Luck, Protection, Travel Quarterstaff None/All 14th of Sun's Dawn
Garl Glittergold NG Gnomes, Humor, Wit, Illusion, Gem/Jewel Craft Good, Protection, Trickery Battleaxe Ehlodas 11th of Reedsong
Gruumsh CE Orcs, War, Territory Chaos, Evil, Strength, War Spear Oliddas 2nd of Firesky
Heironeous LG War, Valor, Chilvalry, Honor, Justice, Daring Good, Law, War Longsword Heirodas 3rd of Stormcall
Hextor LE War, Strength, Tyranny Evil, Law, Destruction, War Flail Ehlodas 5th of Hart's Dance
Kord CG Strength, Athletics, Brawling, Courage, Sports Chaos, Good, Luck, Strength Greatsword Heirodas 15th of Moon Reign
Kurtulmak LE Kobolds, Traps, Mining, War Evil, law, Luck, Trickery Spear Obaddas 17th of First Harvest
Moradin LG Dwarves, Smithing, Engineering, Creation, War Earth, Good, Law, Protection Warhammer Heirodas 15th of Frostfall
Nerull NE Death, Darkness, Murder, Underworld Death, Evil, Trickery Scythe Obaddas 28th of Final Harvest
Obad-Hai N Nature, Freedom, Hunting, Woodlands, Beast Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant Water Quarterstaff Obaddas 16th of Sun's Dawn
Olidammara CN Wine, Women, Songs, Revelrie, Rogues Chaos, Luck, Trickery Rapier Oliddas 6th of Firesky
Pelor NG Sun, Light, Strength, Healing Good, Healing, Strength, Sun Mace Pelodas 13th of Sun Reign
Saint Cuthbert LN Retribution, Common Sense, Wisdom, Zeal, Truth, Honesty Destruction, Law, Protection, Strength Mace Pelodas 13th of Wolf's Run
Vecna NE Secrets, Intrigue Evil, Knowledge, Magic Dagger Oliddas 30 of The Changing
Wee-Jas LN Law, Magic, Death, Vanity Death, Law, Magic Dagger Pelodas 25th of Frostfall
Yondalla LG Halflings, Family, Protection, Fertility Good, Law, Protection Short Sword Ehlodas 29th of Sun's Dusk
Draconic Pantheon
Bahamut LG Good Dragons, Wisdom, and Wind Air, Good, Dragon, Luck, Protection Bite/Heavy Pick Heirodas 3rd of Frostfall
Aasterinian CN Learning, Invention, Pleasure Chaos, Dragon, Luck, Travel, Trickery Claw/Scimitar Oliddas 12th of Reedsong
Astilabor N Acquisitiveness, Status, Wealth Dragon, Protection, Wealth Claw/Scimitar Obaddas 28th of Sun's Dawn
Chronepsis N Fate, Death, Judgement Death, Dragon, Knowledge Claw/Scythe Heirodas 28th of Autumn Evenstar
Faluzure NE Decay, Undeath, Exhaustion Death, Dragon, Evil Claw/Scimitar Ehlodas 11th of Wolf's Run
Garyx CE Fire, Destruction, Renewal Chaos, Destruction, Dragon, Evil, Fire Claw/Sickle Oliddas 18th of Last Seed
Hlal CG Humor, Storytelling, Inspiration Chaos, Dragon, Good, Trickery Claw/Short Sword Oliddas 18th of Lifewalk
Io N Dragonkind Dragon, Knowledge, Strength, Travel, Wealth Claw/Scimitar Obaddas 4th of Sun's Dawn
Lendys LN Balance, Justice Destruction, Dragon, Law, Protection Claw/Longsword Heirodas 21st of Moon Reign
Tamara NG Light, Love, Mercy Dragon, good, Healing, Strength, Sun Claw/Scimitar Ehlodas 17th of Lifewalk
Tiamat LE Evil Dragons, Conquest, Greed, Cruelty Dragon, Law, Evil, Destruction, Greed, Trickery Bite/Heavy Pick Heirodas 21st of Sun Reign
Elven Pantheon
Corellon Larethian CG Elves, Music, Magic, Arts Chaos, Good, Protection, War Longsword Oliddas 30th of Spring Evenstar
Lolth LG Elves, Magic, Fertility, Justice Law, Good, Magic, War Bow Heirodas 27th of Autumn Evenstar
Alobal Lorfiril CG Hedonism, Mirth, Magic, revelry Chaos, Good, Magic, Trickery Dagger Ehlodas 17th of Reedsong
Deep Sashelas CG Aquatic Elves, Creation, Knowledge Good, Chaos, Knowledge, Ocean, Water Trident Oliddas 18th of Oceansong
Elebrin Liothiel CG Nature, Gardens, Orchards, Harvest Chaos, Good, Plant, Sun Quarterstaff Pelodas 19th of First Bloom
Hanali Celanil CG Love, Romance, Beauty, Artifice, Fine Arts, Artist Chaos, Good, Magic, Protection Dagger Ehlodas 17th of First Rain
Sehanine Moonbow CG Dreams, Death, Journeys, Transcendence, Astrology Chaos, Good, Knowledge, Travel Quarterstaff Pelodas 25th of Moon Reign
Vandria Gilmadrith LN War, Tactics, Justice, Grief, Vigilance Good, Law, Protection longbow Heirodas 15th of Stormcall
"Lolth" The Spider Queen CE Drow, Spiders, Darkness Destruction, Evil, Trickery Whip Pelodas 13th of Firesky
Dwarven Pantheon
Moradin LG Dwarves, Smithing, Engineering, Creation, War Earth, Good, Law, Protection Warhammer Heirodas 15th of Frostfall
Hanseath CN War, Carousing, Alcohol Chaos, Strength, Travel, War Greataxe Oliddas 24th of Oceansong
Laduguer LE Magic Weapons, Artisans, Magic, Duergar Evil, Law, Magic, Protection Warhammer Obaddas 4th of Last Seed
Mya NG Clan, Family, Wisdom Good, Healing, Knowledge Morningstar Ehlodas 12th of First Harvest
Roknar NE Greed, Intrigue, Lies, Earth Destruction, Earth, Evil, Trickery Dagger Farlandas 26th of First Rain
Tharmekhul N Forge, Fire, Warfare Destruction, Fire, War Warhammer Obaddas 16th of Frostfall
Thautam N Magic, Darkness Earth, Luck, Magic Heavy Pick Farlandas 14th of Heart's Dance
Valkauna LN Oaths, Death, Births Death, Law, Water Heavy Flail Heirodas
Sea-Farers Pantheon
Aventernus LG Aventi, Fair Mercantile, Navel Endeavors, Justice Good, Law, Ocean, Seafolk, Strngth Spear Heirodas 3rd of First Bloom
Blipdoolpoolp NE Koa-Toa, Maritime Disasters, Sacrifice Blackwater, Destruction, Evil, Water Pincer/Staff Obaddas 4th of Wolf's Run
Deep Sashelas CG Aquatic Elves, Creation, Knowledge Good, Chaos, Knowledge, Ocean, Water Trident Oliddas 18th of Oceansong
Eadro N Seafolk (Merfolk, Triton, Locathah), Protection, Seafolk, Water Longspear Pelodas 13th of Firesky
Geshtai N Lakes, Rivers, Ponds, Streams Plant, Travel, Water Spear Ehlodas 11th of First Rain
Ishtishia N Water, Transition, Mutability Destruction, Ocean, Storm, Travel, Water Warhammer Obaddas 28th of Stormcall
The Mockery NE Sahuagin, Maritime Disasters, Storms, Seas Destruction, Evil, Storm, Water Trident Pelodas 25th of Stormcall
Procan CN Storms, Wind, Waves, Sea Life Chaos, Storm, Travel, Water Longspear Oliddas 12th of Spring Evenstar
Sekolah LE Sahuagin, Maritime Trade, Sacrifice, Wealth Blackwater, Law, Evil, Strength, War Trident Heirodas 9th of The Changing
Umberlee CE Chaos, Tidal Waves, Storms, Vengeance Chaos, Evil, Destruction, Ocean, Storm Dagger Oliddas 12th of Sun's Dusk
Valkur CG Sailors, favorable winds, storms Chaos, Good, Air, Ocean, Protection Cutlass Oliddas 30th of Sun's Dawn
Whale Mother LG Marine Mammals, Darfellans, Currents, Storms Law, Good, Animal, Ocean, Seafolk Paddle/Greatclub Pelodas 1st of Lifewalk
Yeathan NE Malevolent Seas, Drownings, Darkness, Spite Evil, Blackwater, Destruction Trident Obaddas 28th of Frostfall
Arch-Devils of Baator*
Bel LE Wrath, Tyranny, Slaughter Law, Evil, War (Blood) Spear N/A 15th of Each Month
Dispater LE Destruction, Lies, Greed Law, Evil, Earth (Metal) Rapier N/A 15th of Each Month
Mammon LE Greed, Lust, Lies Law, Evil, Trickery (Greed, Innuendo) Rapier N/A 15th of Each Month
Belial LE Lust, Torement, Deception Law, Evil, Trickery (Innuendo) Destruction (Torture) Whip N/A 15th of Each Month
Levistus LE Hate, Spite, Malice Law, Evil, Trickery (Deception), Destruction (Hatred) Longsword N/A 15th of Each Month
Glasya LE Treachery, Vanity, Lies Law, Evil, Trickery Whip N/A 15th of Each Month
Baalzebub LE Sloth, Lies, Gluttony Law, Evil, Strength, Trickery Flail N/A 15th of Each Month
Mephistopheles LE Wrath, Pride, Hate Law, Evil, Fire, Destruction Longspear N/A 15th of Each Month
Asmodeus LE Sin Law, Evil, War, Destruction (Tyranny, Torture) Greatsword N/A 15th of Each Month

* Each Month, on the 15th, the Devils of the Nine Hells require the sacrifice of a sentient being in the name of an individual devil.

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