FCM Newsletter 2007 - V1 (Jan-Mar 07)

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Quarterly Newsletter 2007/1 (Jan – Mar)

churches were started through the

Christian Worship family worship. It clearly reminds us of
(Part II) God’s presence everywhere at any one
time. We can therefore worship Him
acceptably in spirit and in truth in our
homes and at every workplace.

Kian Sing As much as family worship is

important, public congregational
worship is still a necessity. Please do
not say that it would suffice us to have
family worship and therefore there is no
PRIVATE FAMILY WORSHIP need for believers to go to church to
participate in the worship of God in a
During the New Testament time church environment. Family worship
family worship was also a common does not replace public worship.
practice. In Acts 16:34 we read – “And Neither does public worship replace
when he had brought them into his family worship. They complement each
house, he set meat before them, and other.
rejoiced, believing in God with all his
house.” This is the case of the When Israel became a nation the style
Philippian jailor who was marvellously of worship was fixed and regulated. But
converted and the Apostle Paul then it does not mean that Moses had
conducted a family worship in the introduced an entirely new system of
jailor’s home. worship. The system of worship
practised by the patriarchs, like Job and
Also in many private homes, Abraham, were still in place. It is just
worship in a Christian home that now the worship system is more
environment is evident in the New complete comprising the priesthood, the
Testament. As a result many house sacrifices and the Tabernacle.

Distinctly, God gave precise directions And that their children, which have not
as to the place of worship, that is, the known any thing, may hear, and learn
Tabernacle. It is an indication of His to fear the LORD your God, as long as
presence with His own chosen people. ye live in the land whither ye go o

The Lord God commanded that the In the New Testament, worship in
whole nation, including men, women, the temple continued as a practice. The
children, servants, and foreigners, were saints always gathered at the temple in
required to assemble for worship at Jerusalem to worship, praising and
God’s appointed place. In Deuteronomy blessing God. Jesus Himself held the
16:11 we read: “And thou shalt rejoice temple in high honor. He loved to
before the LORD thy God, thou, and thy frequent it as His Father’s house. Our
son, and thy daughter, and thy Lord also visited the temple to teach the
manservant, and thy maidservant, and Scriptures (Matt 21:23 – “And when he
the Levite that is within thy gates, and was come into the temple, the chief
the priests and the elders of the people
came unto him as he was teaching”).

Our public Christian worship

today is developed along the lines of
the synagogue and not the temple
worship, since the whole sacrificial and
ceremonial system terminated for
Christianity with the life, death and
resurrection of the Lord Jesus.

stranger, and the fatherless, and the In place of the sacrifices of animals and
widow, that are among you, in the place rituals, today we gather to worship God
which the LORD thy God hath chosen in spirit and in truth. Nevertheless our
to place his name there.” order of worship that we use is similar
to the Jew’s synagogue worship which
And when they gathered at the place of our Lord participated in Luke 4:16 –
worship which God had ordained, they “And he came to Nazareth, where he
were to worship God in the reading and had been brought up: and, as his
hearing of the law that they might learn custom was, he went into the
and fear the Lord their God and to do synagogue on
what that is instructed in the law (Deut the sabbath day,
31:11-13: “When all Israel is come to and stood up for
appear before the LORD thy God in the to read.”
place which he shall choose, thou shalt
read this law before all Israel in their PREACHING IN
hearing. Gather the people together, WORSHIP
men, and women, and children, and thy
stranger that is within thy gates, that Note that in our
they may hear, and that they may learn, worship of God, attendance must be
and fear the LORD your God, and given to reading, to exhortation, and to
observe to do all the words of this law: the doctrine of the Word of God. The
Lord Jesus “preached in their Now, since the preaching of the
synagogues throughout all Galilee” (Mk Word of God is essential in public
1:39). worship, how is it then that there are
some churches that claim worship of
The Word of God was to be God but do not expound the Word of
preached when the people came to God to the congregation? Instead of the
worship in the house of God. The Lord faithful expository preaching of God’s
instructed Jeremiah in Jeremiah 26:2 – Word they replace the exhortation from
“Thus saith the LORD; Stand in the the Word of God with entertaining and
court of the LORD's house, and speak humorous stories. Many of these stories
unto all the cities of Judah, which come or testimonies, as they claim, are
to worship in the LORD's house, all the centred on the creature than the
words that I command thee to speak Creator who is rightly the focus of
unto them; diminish not a word.” worship. Instead of the expository
preaching of the Word, the emphasis is
The Apostle Paul exhorts on loud and noisy singing, dancing,
believers in Hebrews 10:24-25 – “And magic shows, and man-centred stage
let us consider one another to provoke presentations.
unto love and to good works: Not
forsaking the assembling of ourselves Once while as a student in FEBC,
together, as the manner of some is; but I was to do an assignment to critique a
exhorting one another: and so much the sermon preached by a charismatic
more, as ye see the day approaching.” preacher. As I listened to the message,
So let us always assemble ourselves very quickly it became obvious that the
together that we may be taught the preaching was full of testimonies and
precious Word of God through the illustrations. There was not much of the
preaching at worship services and exposition of the Bible. As the preacher
Sunday School lessons. shared the testimonies, he went into
great details. At one point, he was
We need to make all conscious telling so much about how he and his
efforts to come to the house of worship wife were preparing for another child.
to worship the Lord and to receive the And he went on and on relating about it
Word of God that we may grow in the just to illustrate a point. It might be
grace and knowledge of the Lord and interesting storytelling to some, but it
Saviour Jesus Christ. Do not stay away definitely was not spiritually edifying.
from corporate worship. It is God’s will
that Christian MUSIC IN WORSHIP
brethren should
gather as often as
they can to come
and worship Him,
to have the Word
preached to them
that they may know
the precepts of
God and live a life
that is God-fearing.
Singing has a place in holy said, “Music is next to Theology,” not
worship of God. It was very much part “Music is Theology.”
of worship in OT times, especially in the
Temple worship. The function of the music during
the sacrificial ritual was therefore not to
The music of the Temple owed its overshadow or replace the sacrifice
origin to King David, who was not only a itself, but to enlist the involvement of
poet and a musical composer, but who the congregation at certain designated
also invented musical instruments. moments during the service. In other
From the Book of Chronicles we know words, the Israelites did not go to the
how fully this part of the service by the Temple to hear the Levite bands of
Levites, other than the service of singers performing in sacred concert.
sacrifices by the priests, in the Temple Instead, they went to the Temple to
was cultivated. witness and experience God’s
atonement for their sins. The music that
The music ministry in the Temple accompanied the atoning sacrifice
was carefully organised and rigidly invited them to accept and celebrate
controlled. And this is true not only of God’s gracious provision of salvation.
the Temple but true also of the
synagogue and the early church later. Now in the New Testament, the
Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:19 and
The Book of Chronicles describes Colossians 3:16 have clearly taught the
with considerable details how David ministry of music in our worship. In
organised the music ministry of the Ephesians 5:19, Paul writes: “Speaking
Levites. To ensure that there would be to yourselves in psalms and hymns and
no confusion or spiritual songs, singing and making
conflict between the melody in your heart to the Lord;” and in
sacrificial ministry of Colossians 3:16, “Let the word of Christ
the priests and the dwell in you richly in all wisdom;
music ministry of the teaching and admonishing one another
Levites, David in psalms and hymns and spiritual
carefully delineated songs, singing with grace in your hearts
the position, rank and to the Lord.”
scope of the ministry
of the musicians. The “Speaking to yourselves” does
purpose of their not mean talking to oneself but
ministry was to thank speaking one to another. Also “singing”
and praise the Lord. They announced and “making melody” means “psalming”
the Lord’s presence to His assembled and “choral singing”. Paul is exhorting
people Christians to admonish and edify one
another through the ministry of music
The performance of the ministry even in worship like the preacher would
of music was subordinate to the priests. admonish and edify the congregation
Just like our music ministry today is with the preaching of God’s Word.
secondary to the preaching ministry or Hence there is a place for the service of
the ministry of the Word. Martin Luther the choir and congregational singing in
worship. The psalmist says in Psalm
149:1 – “Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto HEAVENLY WORSHIP
the LORD a new song, and his praise in
the congregation of saints.” Do we sing John in writing the
our hearts out in praise and adoration of book of Revelation
the Almighty when we worship? There portrays heavenly
are some who keep quiet rather than to realities and the
praise God through singing. Instead of final triumph of
singing, they are scrutinising the lyrics Church just as that
and looking for theological flaws in the of the service of
hymn. These are legalistic Christians praise in the Temple
who are always finding fault with the of Solomon. In
church. Revelation 5:8, we read, “And when he
had taken the book, the four beasts and
So music is indeed important in four and twenty elders fell down before
worship. How is it then that there are the Lamb, having every one of them
churches which disallow the ministry of harps, and golden vials full of odours,
instrumental and choir in worship? which are the prayers of saints.” Also in
Revelation 14:2-3, the apostle writes,
“And I heard a voice from heaven, as
the voice of many waters, and as the
voice of a great thunder: and I heard
the voice of harpers harping with their
harps: And they sung as it were a new
song before the throne, and before the
These churches allow only the singing four beasts, and the elders: and no man
of the Psalter without the could learn that song but the hundred
accompaniment of even the piano. If we and forty and four thousand, which
were to look carefully at the Psalter, we were redeemed from the earth.”
will realise that it does not mention the
name of our Lord. The Psalms do Yes, in heaven, the saints who
depict the Lord and His redemptive have gone before us are singing day
work of salvation, but only as a shadow. and night in worship to the Almighty
It is in some sense concealed. God’s with choral singing and harping with
plan of salvation is perfectly revealed in harps. And one day we will join them to
the Lord Jesus Christ only in the NT do the same in worshipping, singing
(Heb 1:1-2). Based on the teachings of and praising God in the beauty of
the NT, many men and women of God holiness day and night.
had been illuminated by the Holy Ghost
to write wonderful hymns and spiritual Our worship here on earth is a
songs concerning the Lord Jesus and replica of how the Almighty receives in
His ministry. If we sing only the Psalter heaven. So let us learn how we should
and not those hymns and spiritual worship God and let us worship Him
songs written by men, will we not miss always – in our family, together with our
out greatly on singing of the Lord’s fellow brethren as a large scale church
name and of the Gospel of Jesus family, for in heaven we will be
Christ? worshipping the Lord day and night.
John saw in heaven in Revelation 4:8-
11: “And the four beasts had each of
them six wings about him; and they
were full of eyes within: and they rest CONCLUSION
not day and night, saying, Holy, holy,
holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, Truly the Scripture, beginning in
and is, and is to come. And when those Genesis and all the way through to
beasts give glory and honour and Revelation, is so full of worship. And as
thanks to him that sat on the throne, John has written, we are created for
who liveth for ever and ever, The four God’s pleasure to worship our Creator
and twenty elders fall down before him day and night, so let us heed the
that sat on the throne, and worship him exhortation of the psalmist: “O come, let
that liveth for ever and ever, and cast us worship and bow down: let us kneel
their crowns before the throne, saying, before the LORD our maker. For he is
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive our God; and we are the people of his
glory and honour and power: for thou pasture, and the sheep of his hand.” Let
hast created all things, and for thy us worship Him always in the beauty of
pleasure they are and were created.” holiness.

Rev Tan is pastor of Berean Bible-Presbyterian Church and lecturer

in biblical studies in the Far Eastern Bible College

(John Calvin’s Introduction to the highest knowledge in the first three chapters of
“An Abridgement of Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion”)

By Rev (Dr) Timothy Tow

Chapter I – The Connection

Between the Knowledge of God
and the Knowledge of Ourselves

1. True wisdom principally consists of

two parts – the knowledge of God,
and the knowledge of ourselves.
Which of these two branches of
knowledge comes first, it is hard to
determine. They are intimately
bound together. For, our very
existence is nothing but a
subsistence in God.
We begin to discover God when we ashes” (Gen 18:27), are some of the
are plunged into misery. Our poverty expressions of the patriarchs who
and woes, caused by Adam’s sin, saw God. Elijah “wrapped his face in
compel us to seek God’s help. This his mantle” (1 Kgs 19:13), as he
is the first step towards knowing came into the presence of the
God. Our poverty, infirmity, and Almighty.
depravity lead us to perceive and
acknowledge that God is all In showing up man’s pollution and
strength, wisdom, goodness. impotence, Job brings him to the
Through our imperfections we are presence of the Divine purity, power
made to realise His perfections. and wisdom.

A self-complacent man, content with Thus, we perceive

his own endowment but blind to his man knows not his
wretched conditions, does not aspire own meanness
to God. until he comes into
God’s majesty.
2. When we are self-satisfied in our
own goodness by a natural Not only man
proneness to hypocrisy, and becomes humbled
compare ourselves with our before God, the
neighbours, we tend to think cherubim, in holy
ourselves holy and righteous. We awe, veil their
judge ourselves by our own faces too (Isa 6:2). Isaiah, indeed,
standards. Such judgment is as puts down the whole universe under
erroneous as by those who, being His feet – “the moon shall be
accustomed to seeing nothing but confounded, and the sun ashamed,
black, would call brown white. Such when the LORD of hosts shall reign”
judgment is like the false confidence (Isa 24:23).
one has in one’s eyes who is
accustomed merely to an earthward In conclusion, we see that the
vision until dazzled by the noonday knowledge of God and the
sun. Thus, being satisfied with our knowledge of ourselves are
own goodness, we flatter ourselves. intimately connected. The proper
We fancy we are demigods. A true order of instruction requires us,
vision of God and His perfections, however, to treat the subject of the
however, casts us flat to the ground. knowledge of God first.
We begin then to see our
hypocritical righteousness and Chapter II – The Nature and
loathe it as the greatest iniquity. Tendency of the Knowledge of
3. The Bible consistently records the
awe that overwhelms the souls of 1. By the knowledge of God is not
saints, upon every discovery of meant merely a notion that there is
God’s presence. “We shall surely such a Being. The knowledge of
die, because we have seen God: God should tend to bring us into
(Judg 13:22), “I … am but dust and pious and religious communication
with God. We perceive in such a praise. Our knowledge of God
relationship a two-fold knowledge – should inspire and personal devotion
1) of Him as Author of Salvation and and submission to His rule and
Redeemer through the person of authority. Our knowledge of God
Jesus Christ; 2) of Him as Creator. should lead us to revere Him as
Judge, rewarding the pious and
In this preliminary study, we punishing the wicked.
shall see what our We should therefore
knowledge of God as Creator restrain ourselves from
results. As we discover Him sin, not merely from a
to be not only our Creator of dread of vengeance, but
the universe, but also its rather from loving
Provider and Governor, with consecration. Because
infinite power, wisdom and we love Him as our
goodness; and that He rules Father and Lord, even
over the affairs of men with though there were no
righteousness and judgment, hell, we should shudder
we should give Him our at the thought of
worship. This knowledge offending Him. We fear
should tend to lead us into a not so much His hurting
life entirely dependent on Him – the us as our hurting Him. We give Him,
fountain of all goodness. This as a result of such enlightened
knowledge should tend to produce a knowledge, heart-worship which is
life of constant communion with Him, that pure religion so hard to find.
in supplication and thanksgiving. In For, what we see mostly in worship
short, we should have a reverential is formality and great ostentation in
love of God arising from such a ceremonies.
knowledge. For, till men come to
such enlightened senses that they Chapter III – The Human Mind
owe everything to God, in life and Naturally Endued with the
death, in great and small, they will Knowledge of God
not voluntarily serve Him.
1. Without controversy, the human
2. Cold speculations merely on the mind is naturally endued with the
essence of God without warm knowledge of God. According to
understanding of God’s benign Romans 1:20, God the Creator has
character, whatever they may be, given to all some knowledge of His
are therefore refuted. For example, existence through the things He has
there is the doctrine of Epicurus, of a made. Cicero observes, that there is
God not concerned about the world, no nation so barbarous, no race so
who remains in a state of perpetual savage, as not to be firmly
inactivity, as if He went to sleep. persuaded of the being of God. Such
What benefit to mankind does such knowledge should induce men to
doctrine bring? Our knowledge of worship God, and consecrate their
God should rather inspire fear and lives to His service. Thus those who
reverence, reliance upon His loving are endued with such knowledge,
care, with rendering of thanks and
but do not serve Him, are despised. This phenomenon of fear
condemned by their own testimony! of the Almighty by the ungodly must
be traced to God’s vengeance,
That man is naturally endued with smiting their consciences the more
the knowledge is amply proved by as they seek to fly away from Him.
the retention of some religious sense These hauntings from God upon the
in the most barbarous who, in other harassed consciences of the
aspects, appear to differ little from impious is further proof that the idea
brutes. That man is naturally endued of God is never lost in the human
with the knowledge of God is also mind.
amply proved by idolatry. Though a
corrupted form of worship of the 3. By way of recapitulation, the idea of
Deity, it nevertheless evinces a God impressed on the human mind
strong impression of the knowledge is indelible. This, it has been
of God upon the human mind. observed, is evidenced by the futile
struggle of the wicked mind to rid
2. It is, therefore, a most absurd itself of it. Thus, Dionysius’ scoff at
assertion, that religion was the the judgment of Heaven is but forced
invention of a few cunning men, a laughter; while the worm of a guilty
political machine to confine the conscience gnaws within. I,
common people to their duty, while therefore, cannot agree with Cicero
these inventors of religion that religion is getting better and
disbelieved the existence of God. It better, for the world, as we shall
is true that cunning men have soon discover, uses every method to
introduced many inventions into corrupt this worship.
religion to overawe the simple, that
they might control their minds. But The knowledge of God, far from
such craftiness could not have been being learnt in the schools, is self-
practised, if the minds of men had taught from birth. Nature permits no
not previously been possessed with one to forget it. Now, the knowledge
a firm persuasion of the existence of of God that we should have is: We
God. are born to know Him, and live for
Him. Unless our understanding has
Under such circumstances, it is reached this point, it is uncertain and
incredible to say that the cunning useless. This truth is reflected in
minds, who have used religion for Plato’s teaching, that the chief good
their own ends, are themselves of the soul consists in similitude to
devoid of any knowledge of God. God, when the soul, having a clear
The case of Caligula should prove knowledge of Him, is wholly
our diagnosis. The Roman Emperor transformed into His likeness.
was notorious for his audacious
contempt of the Deity. Yet, no man The knowledge of God, that induces
trembled with greater distress at any men to worship the Creator, is what
occasion of Divine judgment, for he renders men superior to beasts. It
became ultimately fearful of the makes them aspire to immortality.
Divine Power, whom he earlier

Rev (Dr) Timothy Tow is pastor of True Life Bible-Presbyterian
Church and principal of the Far Eastern Bible College

Get a copy of “An Abridgement of Calvin’s Institutes

of the Christian Religion” by Rev Timothy Tow at the
FEBC Bookroom in FEBC, 9A, Gilstead Road

“Quid est veritas?” so asked the
great and powerful Roman procurator VERITAS?
Pontius Pilate of a lowly Galilean by
carpenter named Jesus. This famous
question runs like an irresistible Jason Liew
undercurrent throughout the course of
human history and remains relevant
even for postmoderns today. When
translated into English, this unanswered
question found in John 18:38 of the
Latin Vulgate literally asks, “What is
truth?” what is true from what is untrue? Is
humankind any better equipped to
This seemingly simple question provide an answer now, at the end of
had long agitated the world. Many have the second millennium, than we were at
spent an entire lifetime searching and the beginning of the first? And why
yearning for the truth. Some eventually should we, as Christians, be concerned
found it, but some never did. Some are about the answer?
“ever learning, and never able to come
to the knowledge of the truth” (2
Timothy 3:7). Today, the world
desperately cries out for an answer.
What is truth? How do we discriminate
THE DEFINITION OF TRUTH Mass for example, i.e. “matter cannot
be created or destroyed; it just changed
To give a thoughtful response to from one form into another”. This truth
these questions requires us to separate is dependant of earth’s existence.
the different senses of the word. “Truth” Matter will be destroyed when the earth
is used in different ways. We know, of is destroyed. What a stark difference
course, that Jesus declared himself to when compared to the words of God –
be the truth – “I am the way, the truth “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but
and the life” (John 14:6). Moreover, my words shall not pass away”
when he prayed on behalf of his (Matthew 24:35, Mark 13:31, Luke
followers, he not only identified truth 21:33)!!! God’s Word is absolute truth. It
with himself but also with the Scriptures is an objective truth. It is also a truth
– “Sanctify them through thy truth; thy which a lot of people objects; or rather,
word is truth” (John 17:17). From the rejects. How did these people end up
Christian’s standpoint, these two rejecting or denying the truth? What
Johannine verses reveal to us that should we, as Christians, do to avoid
the Word of God, both living and this path of foolishness?
written, is GOD’S TRUTH.
However, the word “truth” has
other uses too. When we say “He is a Like many of us, Pontius Pilate
true friend”, we mean that the person in wanted to know the truth. Incidentally,
question is really a friend, not someone he accomplished something that few
who merely pretends to be one. “She were able to do. He asked the right
was true to her word” means that she person at the right time and at the
kept her word. We also say statements right place. Wow! What a privilege!
that are factually true: “What you just Surely this person must have found the
said is true”; “Truer words were never truth… but sadly, he didn’t.
spoken”; “Do you swear that the
testimony you are about to give is the Let’s take a look at this scene
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but recorded in John 18:33-38, “… 33Then
the truth?” Pilate entered into the judgment hall
again, and called Jesus, and said unto
him, Art thou the King of the Jews?
Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this
thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee
of me? 35Pilate answered, Am I a Jew?
Thine own nation and the chief priests
have delivered thee unto me: what hast
thou done? 36Jesus answered, My
kingdom is not of this world: if my
kingdom were of this world, then would
my servants fight, that I should not be
delivered to the Jews: but now is my
It is important for one to realise kingdom not from hence. 37Pilate
that such statements are relative truth. therefore said unto him, Art thou a king
Take the Law of the Conservation of then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest
that I am a king. To this end was I born, and die in darkness and in error. All
and for this cause came I into the world, might find truth if they would seek it;
that I should bear witness unto the none ever will find it if they do not apply
truth. Every one that is of the truth for it to the great source of light--the
heareth my voice. 38Pilate saith unto God of truth, and seek it patiently in the
him, What is truth? And when he had way in which he has chosen to
said this, he went out again unto the communicate it to mankind.” [Emphasis
Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him added--Albert Barnes’ Notes on the
no fault at all.” New Testament, SwordSearcher 4.2]

Satisfied with Jesus’ reply that he THE DISCOVERY OF TRUTH

was not a king in the sense in which the
Jews accused In this world of smoke and
him and hence mirrors, is the truth closer than we
of no threat to think? It may surprise you that medieval
the Roman theologians rejoiced in the observation
government that when Pilate asked “what is truth”,
(vv36-37), the answer was contained in an
Pilate sought anagram in Latin of the words he
to release the uttered. The letters in “quid est
forlorn figure veritas” can be rearranged to form “vir
before him. He est qui adest”, i.e. “it is the man before
probably thee” (Michael Curl, The Wordsworth
regarded Dictionary of Anagrams, p11). As in the
Jesus as a fanatic -- poor, ignorant, and case of the Roman governor, is the
deluded; but harmless and innocent. In answer right in front of us?
derision, he asked him this question
(v38), and immediately went out, not According to Jesus, we should be
expecting an answer. By his closer to the truth now than we were
contempt, Pilate had denied the before Pentecost, because He
truth. Had the question been sincere, promised the presence
just as Nicodemus had done in John of a Comforter, the
chapter 3, Jesus would not have Spirit of truth. John
hesitated to reveal the truth to him. 14:16-17, “And I will
pray the Father, and he
Barnes rightly identified men’s shall give you another
response with Pilate’s plight when he Comforter, that he may
wrote, “Had he patiently waited in abide with you for ever;
sincerity, Jesus would have told him Even the Spirit of truth;
what it was. Thousands ask the whom the world cannot receive,
question in the same way. They have because it seeth him not, neither
a fixed contempt for the Bible; they knoweth him: but ye know him; for he
deride the instructions of religion; dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”
they are unwilling to investigate and This is consistent with the words of
to wait at the gates of wisdom; and Christ in John 18:37b, “Every one that
hence, like Pilate, they remain is of the truth heareth my voice”. “My
ignorant of the great Source of truth, sheep hear my voice” (John 10:27) is
the lesson. Where is God’s voice life; and they shall never perish, neither
today? HIS VOICE IS HIS WORDS. Are shall any man [ALWAYS] pluck them
we still able to hear God’s voice if we out of my hand.” Has the meaning
do not have all of God’s words today?? changed? Man can now pluck believers
According to some seminary scholars, out of the hand of God. “Once saved,
the answer is in the affirmative. “Has always saved” can no longer be true.
God perfectly preserved His Word so How frightening!
that no words have been lost? The
evidence from the OT Text suggests Thank God that this is not the
that such is not the case. They opined case. His Word is divinely inspired,
that we might have lost a few words inerrant and infallible, perfectly
through negligence, but the amount preserved for us down through the ages
that has been lost is so that we might have it
minimal that it has no in our hands today.
effect on overall doctrine God is Truth. We
and little, if any, on discover the truth
historical or other details.” by reading the Word
(Roy E Beacham and of Truth with
Kevin T Bauder, One humility. The result?
Bible Only?, p121) Glorious salvation!
[Emphasis mine] However, it is
lamentable to note
If some words are that those without the
lost, will not the voice of truth will suffer the
the Almighty God be eternal torment of
distorted? If it is distorted, hellfire. The truth
how can Christians obey? hurts, but I speak the
And how can Christians truth in love (Eph
be blessed by obeying, if 4:15). The Lord has
they can’t obey because shown us the truth, by
the message is distorted? showing us His love,
It is hilarious how these people insist through the redemptive work of Christ.
that there is no effect on overall Truth and love are inseparable.
doctrine at all. Those who line up and
play the game of passing down the THE DEFENCE OF TRUTH
message will know that the slightest
change or omission (albeit through Some Christians believe “Love
negligence!) will have a huge effect on Unites, Truth Divides”. They eschew
the overall result. Allow me to illustrate bitter doctrines such as “Biblical
with John 10:28, “And I give unto them Separation” and embrace sweet ones
eternal life; and they shall never perish, like “Loving One Another”. The late Dr
neither shall any man pluck them out of Carl McIntire (1906-2002), founding
my hand”, which speaks of the father of the American BP movement
believer’s assurance of salvation. and previously president of the ICCC,
Suppose I tell you the word “ALWAYS” had this to say regarding the
had been added, the verse would then relationship between truth and unity –
read -- “And I give unto them eternal “If there is to be unity, it has to be on
the basis of truth, nothing more, Once to every man and nation, comes
nothing less - not a semblance of the moment to decide,
truth, not a compromise of truth. To In the strife of truth with falsehood, for
seek unity on any other basis does the good or evil side;
not produce real unity; in fact, it can Some great cause, some great
never produce unity. It produces decision, offering each the bloom or
only confusion. ... the International blight,
Council of Christian Churches, started And the choice goes by forever, ’twixt
with truth; the other, the World Council that darkness and that light.
of Churches, with unity” (quoted in
Timothy Tow, McIntire Maxims, p41). Then to side with truth is noble, when
we share her wretched crust,
Today, we see a great effort Ere her cause bring fame and profit,
made by church leaders around the and ’tis prosperous to be just;
world to attack the truth. These Then it is the brave man chooses while
multitudes attack the Word of God with the coward stands aside,
their long strings of qualifications and Till the multitude make virtue of the faith
hide behind the name of love to they had denied.
promote an ungodly unity. Only a small
band remains adhering to the truth By the light of burning martyrs, Christ,
where churches capitulate on a global Thy bleeding feet we track,
scale. The time has come “when they Toiling up new Calv’ries ever with the
will not endure sound doctrine; but after cross that turns not back;
their own lusts shall they heap to New occasions teach new duties, time
themselves teachers, having itching makes ancient good uncouth,
ears; And they shall turn away their They must upward still and onward,
ears from the truth, and shall be turned who would keep abreast of truth.
unto fables” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Now the
battle rages relentlessly into the 21st Though the cause of evil prosper, yet
Century, in the defence of the the truth alone is strong;
preserved Word of God and against the Though her portion be the scaffold, and
liberal, ecumenical, occultic and cultic upon the throne be wrong;
influences of our time. Dearly beloved, Yet that scaffold sways the future, and
what will you do after you have behind the dim unknown,
discovered the truth? Will you defend Standeth God within the shadow,
it? The choice is yours. Choose well. keeping watch above His own.

Cowardice is not an option. There CONCLUSION

will come a time when every man and
nation would have to make a choice. “What is truth?” The living and
May the lyrics of the following hymn, written Word is truth. The contempt will
“Once To Every Man and Nation”, deny, but truth stands forever with the
penned by James R Lowell (1819- earnest and humble. All truth is
1891), bring you much enlightenment summed up in God for God is truth, and
and encouragement. He has manifested truth to us through
His Son, Jesus Christ, and has shown
us His love in showing us the truth by
making His Son the propitiation for our the light and the truth. May Psalm
sins, who is the embodiment of all truth. 43:3 be the heart’s cry of every man
and woman who desires the truth – “O
We killed truth, but truth lives send out thy light and thy truth: let
because Christ rose. Thus we pursue them lead me; let them bring me unto
Christ. 3 John 4, “I have no greater joy thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles”!
than to hear that my children walk in AMEN.
truth.” Children of Light are to walk in

Jason Liew (FCM Poly, 2003-2006) is currently serving the Lord as a

member in Truth Bible-Presbyterian Church Youth Fellowship

1. In the Bible, who lived for the most number of years and how many years was that?
2. What is the name of Abraham’s wife before God changed her name to Sarah?
3. Where did Moses die and how old was he when he died?
4. What was the accusation Satan laid against Job when God commended Job?
5. Where did the prophet Micah prophesy that the Lord Jesus Christ would be born in?
6. How many souls were converted when Peter preached Christ and the need of
forgiveness at Jerusalem in the day of Pentecost? (Acts 2:14)
7. Where was the Apostle Paul when he received a vision in the night to go to
Macedonia instead of Bithynia?
8. Why did the barbarous people of Melita say that “Paul was a god”? (Acts 28:6)
9. In which book of the Bible is this verse taken from?
“For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men,
I should not be the servant of Christ.”
10. What reward will God give to those who love His appearing?

1st FCM Combined Meeting 2007!!!

Message: Evangelism: The Biblical Separation Perspective
Speaker: Rev. Prabhudas Koshy
Date: 23 Feb 2007 (Fri)
Time: 6.45pm (Dinner), 7.30pm (Message)
Venue: Calvary Pandan B-P Church, AV Studio, Level 2
Contact Joseph at 96611548 for more details or if you need dinner!

“Let my mouth be filled with thy some has gone through or are going
praise and with thy honour all through similar situations and
the day.” Psalm 71: 8 difficulties. Thus we are better able to
help one another and encourage one
FCM has been a wonderful another in the Lord. Furthermore, when
blessing to me and I praise the I first joined FCM during the
Lord for this ministry. FCM 2004 camp, I was
My three and a half blessed by the
and coming four years messages and the
in university has been warm and sweet
fulfilling with the help fellowship of like-
and minded brethren.
encouragement Graduating
from like-minded Testimonies! I thank
Christian brethren God that through
and from the study FCM, I have learnt
of God’s Word. I to trust in the Lord
thank God for the and grown to live a life
faithful preaching of His of faith. FCM has also
Word and I must admit given me the opportunity
that I enjoy the Bible study to serve the Lord and through
and look forward to every FCM serving I have learnt to depend
meeting. FCM is a haven of spiritual and rely on the Lord. Truly, it is the
rest each week Lord who sustains
and a time of His work and I pray
spiritual that FCM will
refreshment. It continue to remain as
is also a time a God-honouring and
of reflection faithful ministry to the
and reminder tertiary students. It is
to retreat from my prayer that
my busyness FCMers will also
of school to grow in faith and trust
seek the Lord. in the Lord.
At times, school can be discouraging or
difficult but I thank God that I have “Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
always drawn much strength and Just to take Him at His word,
comfort from the study of God’s Word Just to rest upon His promise,
and the encouragement and prayers of Just to know, ‘Thus saith the Lord’.
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
the Christian brethren in FCM.
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er!
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
When I first attended FCM, I was O for grace to trust Him more!”
very encouraged by the testimonies of - Louisa M.R.Stead.
the FCM brethren; their love for the
Word of God and how they strive to live Lee Yu Jie
out God’s Word in their lives. It is a FCM Science (NUS)
ministry to tertiary students of which Calvary Pandan BP Church
“The LORD hath done great co-labour with me,
things for us; whereof we are to fulfill and do of
glad” His good pleasure.
Psalm 126:3 The most
remarkable thing is
I sincerely praise the Lord for that He graciously
every thing He has done in my life! One bestows His joy
of which is to place me in the FCM unspeakable
where I am thoroughly blessed and through every
have learnt and grown so much in moment of service despite all the
the Word of God. Thank God difficulties. This is something which I
also for the wonderful privilege am deeply thankful for.
to be enlisted in His
service. Praise God also
for blessing the FCM
Service in the with such sweet
FCM is not without fellowship! Honestly,
much struggle, before I came to
sweat and FCM, I had
labour, Graduating always thought
especially when Testimonies! that the life in
school work heaven will be
becomes hectic rather boring or dull.
with numerous However, after I joined
assignment deadlines the FCM and especially
to meet. There were after my first FCM
times I had to stay up camp, my perspective of
late to complete my duties heaven changed. The
for the Lord; there were times tremendous blessedness and joy of
when I had forgotten about a certain Christian fellowship in the FCM has
deadline or task due to my headaches, made me long for heaven! It still does
negligence, busyness and the cares of even today! The only regret I have
the world; there were times whereby leaving the FCM camp then and the
certain tasks were beyond my own FCM after I graduate (God-willing) is
ability to accomplish. Yet despite all my the sweet fellowship I am going to miss.
weaknesses and faithlessness, the Lord Truly no matter how sweet Christian
proved Himself faithful and merciful fellowship on earth may be, there will
time and time always be a parting cry. But thanks be
again. The to God the blessed fellowship in heaven
Lord never will continue for eternity without end. =)
ceases to be
gracious. Not I would like to express my
only does He heartfelt thanks especially to Elder
give strength Boaz Boon, Rev Wee Eng Moh (BS
to carry me leader for NTU/NIE FCM) and Auntie
through each step of the way, He also Helen (Rev Wee’s wife). Thank God for
sends brothers and sisters in Christ to Elder Boon for all his advice with regard
to serving our matchless King and for “O come, let us sing unto the
his love and patience. Praise God also LORD: let us make a joyful
for Rev Wee and Auntie Helen for their noise to the rock of our
kindness, guidance and instruction on salvation.
the precious Word of God. Without a Let us come before his presence
doubt, the selfless love of Christ is with thanksgiving, and
reflected by their lives and received make a joyful noise unto
warmly and gratefully into the heart of him with psalms.
this person. Really praise and thank the For the LORD is a great God,
Lord for their example and testimony for and a great King above all
our Lord Jesus Christ! gods.”

All in all, praise the Lord for the May God’s name alone be praised and
FCM! May the Lord continue to exalted! Soli DEO Gloria!
preserve and keep this ministry faithful,
fruitful and fervent for His own praise Herbert Goh
and glory! Indeed, no amount of words FCM NTU/NIE
could express the bubbling and True Life BP Church
overflowing joy and gratitude I have
within me. What else can I say but to
echo the words of the Psalmist in Psalm

Bible Baffle

1. Methuselah; He lived for 969 years (Gen 5:27)

2. Sarai (Gen 17:15)
3. Moses died in the land of Moab at the age of 120 years old (Deu 34:5,7)
4. “Doth Job fear God for nought?” (Job 1:9)
5. Bethlehem Ephratah, Judah (Mic 5:2)
6. 3000 souls (Acts 2:41)
7. Troas (Acts 16:7-9)
8. Paul was bitten by a venomous viper and yet did not die (Acts 28:1-6)
9. Galatians (Gal 1:10)
10. A crown of righteousness (2 Tim 4:8)

Overall FCM Coordinator:
Elder Boaz Boon (Calvary Tengah BP Church)
Tel: 9824 7681 (HP)
E-mail: boaz.boon@capitaland.com.sg

Nanyang Technological University/ National Institute of Education

1. NTU/NIE Group
Comprising students in all the faculties of NTU & NIE

Bible Study Leader : Rev Wee Eng Moh (Pastor of Berith B-P Church)
E-mail: emwee@singnet.com.sg
Student Coordinator : Low Boon Siang [9183 1750 (HP)]
E-mail: lbs83@yahoo.com
Meeting Place : North Spine, N3, Level 5, TR 1-10 (any of the rooms)
Meeting Time : Every Wednesday, 6.30pm
Dinner : Canteen A, 5.30pm

National University of Singapore

2. Science Group
Comprising students of the Science, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Information
& Computer Science Faculties

Bible Study Leader : Bro. Ko Lingkang (Calvary Pandan BP Church)

Email: kolingkang@gmail.com
Student Coordinator : Lee Yujie [9107 7470 (HP)]
E-mail: yujie05@gmail.com
Meeting Place : Science Blk 13, 5th Floor, one of the Tutorial Rooms,
NUS Science Faculty
Meeting Time : Every Wednesday, 5.15pm

3. Arts/ Engineering Group

Comprising students from the Arts, Engineering, Architecture, Building & Real
Estate, Law & Business Administration Faculties

Bible Study Leader : Rev Ronny Khoo [9411 1120 (PG)]
Student Coordinator : Joseph Ng [9661 1548 (HP)]
E-mail: nwsjoseph@yahoo.com.sg
Meeting Place : Engineering Block E1, Level 6th, NUS Eng. Faculty
(E1-06 tutorial room)
Meeting Time : Every Friday, 6.15pm


4. Comprising students from Ngee Ann, Singapore, Nanyang and Temasek


Bible Study Leaders : Pr. Ho Chee Lai (Gospel Light BP Church)

E-mail: cheelai@starhub.net.sg
Dn Peter Phoa (Calvary Tengah BP Church)
E-mail: Peter_PHOA@NYP.gov.sg
Student Coordinator : Clarice Lim [9363 6276 (HP)]
E-mail: mon_amie1986@hotmail.com
Meeting Place : Life B-P Church (Alternate Friday) or
Ngee Ann Polytechnic (Alternate Thursday)
Meeting Time : 6.30pm (Dinner), 7.20pm (Bible Study)

Singapore Management University

5. Comprising students from Accounting, Business Administration & Arts Faculties

Bible Study Leaders : Bro. Wee Hian Kok (Berean BP Church)

E-mail: wee8k@yahoo.com.sg
Student Coordinator : Esther Huang [92383015 (HP)]
E-mail: esther.huang.2003@business.smu.edu.sg
Meeting Place : School of Economic and Social Sciences, Group Study
Room to be confirmed though Email or SMS
Meeting Time : Every Tuesday 5.00pm

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto
salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For
therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The
just shall live by faith.” Romans 1:16-17


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