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The Future of Jobs in the American Energy Industry

The primary focus of my project is an internship with Portland General Electric,

where I am mentored with the lead project manager engineer, Mr. Ezra Richards, on a

Substation backup project serving downtown Portland. The following is an outline of

needs and expectations of the project. I have blacked out the actual budget number for

confidentiality purposes. After the project outline is my continued research into a broader

look at jobs in the American Energy Industry.

Project Information and Description

Project Information

Project Name: Marquam Substation Total Project $

Approved Budget:

Project #: PXXXXX Total Actual Cost $

(through Sept 2017):
Current Approved Revision # and 87 (201702) PGE Board Total Forecasted Project Cost: $
Forecast Version: Approved Multi-year

Project Manager: Ezra Richards

Current Year Approved Budget $

Project Start Date: January 2014 Current Year Actual Cost (YTD $
through Sept 2017):
AFR Project End Date: April 2019 Current Year Forecasted Cost $
Forecasted Project End Date:

On Schedule (AFR Project End Yes On Budget (2017 Forecast vs Yes

Date vs Forecasted Project End 2017 Current Year Approved):
Project Description

Why is the project necessary?

Currently, there is no adequate Substation backup plan for the Portland downtown core
network distribution systems sourced from Stephens and Canyon Substations. In
addition, much of the equipment at Stephens Substation – which currently serves
approximately 25 MVA of the load in the downtown core area – is antiquated and/or
non-standard and PGE does not carry an inventory of system spares to replace this

The Marquam Substation project will mitigate the reliability concerns associated with
Stephens Substation serving the Portland downtown core area; will provide adequate
capacity for back-up service to the existing core area network systems served from
Canyon Substation, and will provide future capacity to align with the growth of the South
Waterfront District (currently served from Urban Substation).

Construction of Marquam Substation will also improve efficiencies by removing non-

standard 11kV feeders from the PGE system; thus, increasing T&D system reliability in
the Portland core area. Currently, the core area is partially served by several 11kV
underwater cables crossing under the Willamette River from Stephens Substation.
Testing of these underwater cables has determined that due to their age, a failure of
one or more cables could take place within five to ten years. The replacement schedule
for any of the underwater cables could take up to two years.

The Marquam Substation project spans beyond design and construction of the
Marquam site. Other substations and transmission lines will be interconnected with
Marquam Substation, including Eastport, Harrison, and Urban substations. PacifiCorp
Substation's, Harrison PACW and Lincoln PACW, will also be affected by the Marquam
project. The project duration will span four-five years and is anticipated to be complete
in spring 2019.

What is the physical description of work?

The designs for Marquam Substation and the Substation 13kV underground feeder get-
a-ways were completed and the construction contract was awarded to Black & Veatch
Construction Inc. Harrison Substation and the gas insulated switchgear was completed
and energized in 2016. Permitting activities for Marquam and Eastport Substation were
completed in 2016. All major equipment for Marquam Substation has been ordered and
will be receipted in 2017. Engineering designs for the new Harrison-Marquam 115kV
transmission line are complete and have been sent out to bid in 2016. The design for
core area distribution system cutover from Stephens to Marquam is near completion.

In 2017, the work associated with building Marquam Substation and the 13kV feeder
get-a-ways sourced from Marquam will continue. The new Harrison-Marquam 115kV
transmission line pathway under the I-5 freeway will be constructed to the Marquam site
with the installation of the transmission cable occurring in mid-late 2017.

Construction will take place to route the Marquam 13kV distribution feeders from the
Marquam site to the downtown core area beginning in early 2017 with completion in

What will this project accomplish?

The new Marquam 115/13kV GIS Substation in downtown Portland will complete in
2018 and will relocate the downtown core area network distribution system from
Stephens Substation on the east side of the Willamette River to the new Marquam site
on the west side of the river. The project will increase T&D reliability in the Portland
downtown core by standardizing to a13kV distribution system which will provide service
redundancy for the core area network as well as provide future capacity and
redundancy to the South Waterfront District.

To support the construction of Marquam Substation, improvements at five other PGE

substations and two PacifiCorp substations will be performed. These improvements will
bring the systems at these substations to current PGE standards, improving overall T&D
system reliability in the Portland downtown core area.

Project Accounting Work Orders (AWOs)

AWO Description Status

1000003486 Marquam Permitting In Progress - Complete 6-30-2018

1000003487 Marquam Substation Construction In Progress - Complete 4-30-2018

1000003488 Stephens Network Split Complete 2-28-2016

1000003489 Marquam UG Getaway Infrastructure In Progress - Complete 6-15-2018

1000003490 Lincoln - Urban 115kV Line Conversion In Progress - Complete 12-31-2017

1000003492 Harrison - Marquam 115kV Line Construction In Progress - Complete 4-30-2018

1000003493 Stephens South Network Conversion In Progress - Complete 12-31-2018

1000003494 Stephens North Network Cutover In Progress - Complete 12-31-2018

1000003495 Marquam 3 Network Infrastructure In Progress - Complete 12-31-2018

1000003496 Marquam Environmental Cleanup Complete 12-31-2014

1000003497 Marquam Fiber Installation In Progress - Complete 4-30-2018

1000003591 Eastport Substation Replace Motor Operators In Progress - Complete 9-30-2017

1000003592 Urban Substation Relay Upgrades In Progress - Complete 12-31-17

1000003593 Marquam Substation Communication Equipment In Progress - Complete 04-30-2018

1000003594 Harrison Substation Construction Complete 3-31-2016

1000003595 Harrison Substation UG Getaways Complete 3-31-2016

1000003596 Harrison Substation Communications Complete 4-30-2016

1000003619 Stephens Network Transformer Replacement Complete 12-31-2014

1000003681 Eastport Substation Communications Equipment In Progress - Complete 12-30-2017

1000003682 Urban Substation Communications In Progress - Complete 12-31-2017

1000003876 Harrision Substation Transmission Drops Complete 12-31-2016

PACW Related Work (Harrison PACW & Lincoln

1000003877 In Progress - Complete 5-29-2017

1000003878 Lincoln PACW - Urban Fiber Installation In Progress - Complete 12-31-2017

1000003879 Eastport Substation Getaways In Progress - Complete 12-31-2017

1000005700 Alder Substation Communications Complete 3-31-2016

1000006572 Marquam Radial Sub Construction In Progress - Complete 4-30-2019

1000006573 Marquam Radial Distribution Lines (Feeder) In Progress - Complete 4-30-2019

1000006691 Purchase 115-kV T-Line for PacifiCorp Complete 2-28-2017

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