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Zion Davis


Plus 2


Annotated Bibliography

Gearon, Alinka. “How trafficked children are being hidden behind a focus on modern slavery”

The Conversation,



Gearon explained the difference between modern day slavery and human trafficking. He

discussed the legal actions being taken against modern day slavery, and how they affect the

situation. He delved into what life is like for some of the children who are trafficked, and how it

can result in legal matter against them. Gearon talked about how some victims are given

trafficking charges despite being abused themselves.

Gray, Alex. “The shocking numbers behind the modern slave trade” World Economic Forum,

12 Oct 2017


Gray touched on the Victims of the modern slave trade, and spoke in numbers and

statistics. He talked about the various forms of modern slavery; going into forced labour and
forced marriage. Gray then showed a graph showing how women and children are the worst

affected. He talked about regional differences and how modern slavery is more likely to occur in

some areas. He closed with information on ending slavery and what needs to be done by the

government and the public.

Nottingham, university. “Making communities more resilient to modern slavery” Phys, 9 Nov


The article talks about how bringing agencies together to combat crime can make

communities more resilient to modern slavery. Discusses project in which groups of

organizations come together to address slavery locally and regionally. Solution to slavery

involves working together with multiple partners, but finding the right information to fight the

true problems that keep slavery alive.

Parry, Chris. “Modern slavery: what it seems, more or less” Risk, 2017


Parry starts out by going into the definition of modern day slavery, and what constitutes

servitude. He then dives into action to deal with modern slavery, finding the difference between

illegal and morally unacceptable practices. Parry continues by discussing compliance with

legislation and expectations of legitimacy; explaining how companies avoid exposure of their

supply chains. The article concludes with an underlying message of spreading awareness

regarding this topic.

Mungo, Brianna. Personal Interview. 17 May 2018

I asked Brianna about her thoughts on using Slam Poetry to fight issues, and she agreed

that it is great for communicating those passions. I proceeded to ask Brianna about the Spring

2016 All Academy Project, in which her group won. She provided great insight on how she

managed to lead a group of young poets to victory. It provided great information regarding my

workshop aspect of my project.

Roberts, Marcus. “Modern day slavery” Mercatornet, 17 Aug 2017

Roberts opens with how he got passionate about the subject; explaining how he

discovered that not only did slavery still exist, but it was thriving. He then mentioned how found

out that slavery was doing better today than it even way is the 18th and 19th century. Roberts

states that twice as many people live in slavery today than in the 19th century. He shows how

this means that millions are to be made off the slave trade. UN representatives blame the

increased number of slaves on global conflict.

Benham, Chase. Personal Interview. 17 May 2018

I asked Chase about poetry expressing intense emotions and passion, he agreed and used

great songwriters as an example. Chase told me about the two solo poems he wrote for the

Poetry Slam, and his process of writing them. For one, he went to a hallway alone to write in

peace, for the second, he had a friend with him giving moral support. Chase reflected how he

uses nature as inspiration to create new art.

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