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Case 2:17-cv-01105-JMA-ARL Document 22-6 Filed 05/29/18 Page 1 of 5 PageID #: 471

Case 2:17-cv-01105-JMA-ARL Document 22-6 Filed 05/29/18 Page 2 of 5 PageID #: 472



This document records the Profit Distribution Agreement of the Electric Train Consortium concluded by:

Constructora Norberto Odebrecht S.A. Sucursal del Perú (hereinafter CNO), identified with RUC
(Registro Único de Contribuyente [Taxpayer Registration Number]) No. 20509656607 and with registered
office at Av. Víctor Andrés Belaúnde N° 280, Of, 502, San Isidro - Lima, duly represented by its Legal
Representatives, Mr. Raymundo Nonato Trindade Serra, a Brazilian national, identified with the Alien
Registration Card No. 000071156 and Antonio Carlos Nostre Junior, a Brazilian national, identified with
Alien Registration Card No. 000482377, both according to the powers of attorney registered in Entry
A00021 of Heading 11686833, of the Registry of Legal Persons of Lima of the SUNARP
(Superintendencia Nacional de los Registros Públicos [National Public Records Oversight Agency]); and,

Graña y Montero S.A. (hereinafter GYM), identified with RUC No. 20100154057 and registered at Av.
Paseo de la República No. 4657, Surquillo - Lima, duly represented by its Legal Representatives, Mr. Juan
Manuel Lambarri Hierro, a Peruvian national, bearer of DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad [National
Identity Card]) No. 08249293 and Mr. Hernando Graña Acuña, a Peruvian national, bearer of DNI No.
07806723, both according to powers of attorney registered in the electronic heading No. 11006796 of the
Registry of Legal Persons of Lima of the SUNARP.

The parties may be referred to individually as a Party or a Consortium Member and jointly as Parties or
Consortium Members, respectively.

The Consortium Members, having analyzed the profit and loss account obtained by the Consortium based
on the Financial Statements approved by the Administrative Technical Committee (CTA, Comité Técnico
Administrativo), which in turn approved the Profit or Loss Sharing, by means of the minutes dated
February 29, 2012, agree as follows:

i. The Consortium Members recognize that, as of December 31, 2011, the cumulative profit of the
Electric Train Consortium amount to S/. 128,317,540.66 (One Hundred and Twenty-Eight Million
Three Hundred and Seventeen Thousand Thousand Five Hundred and Forty-Six, and 66/100
Nuevos Soles),

ii. Additionally, the Parties recognize that Constructora Norberto Odebrecht S.A. Sucursal del Perú
has assumed additional risks to those it would be responsible for due to its participation in the
Consortium, in the execution of the Construction Works entrusted to the Consortium.

iii. In this sense, considering that the role of Constructora Norberto Odebrecht S.A. Sucursal del Perú
has been instrumental in obtaining the profit of the Consortium, assuming even additional risks, it
is appropriate that it receives a higher percentage than its share of the profits of the Consortium as
of December 31, 2011.

[initials] [initials] [initials]

Case 2:17-cv-01105-JMA-ARL Document 22-6 Filed 05/29/18 Page 3 of 5 PageID #: 473

iv. Pursuant to the foregoing, the Consortium Members agree to approve the partial distribution of the
profits of the Electric Train Consortium calculated as of December 31, 2011, in an amount totaling
S/. 97,381,813.30 (Ninety-seven Million Three Hundred and Eighty-One Thousand Eight Hundred
and Thirteen and 30/100 Nuevos Soles).

v. Distributing the profit indicated in the preceding point as follows:

Consortium Member Profits to be distributed (S/.)

Constructora Norberto Odebrecht S.A. 68,654,178.37
Sucursal del Perú
Grana y Montero S.A 28,727,634.93
TOTAL 97,381,813.30

Lima, February 29, 2012



[signature] [signature]
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Raymundo Nonato Trindade Serra Juan Manuel Lambarri Hierro

[signature] [signature]
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Antonio Carlos Junior Juan Manuel Lambarri Hierro

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