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Overview of Portfolio

My name is Tina Tep. I am currently taking Health Sciences as my focus program at

Century High School, and I plan to study at Pacific University for a Bachelor’s degree in

Chemistry to pursue a career in Optometry once I graduate.

For the past two years, Health Sciences has been challenging but also a lot of fun. I truly

feel like this class has helped me change in every aspect in ways that I have improved my

interpersonal communication skills, study habits, and knowledge on my future and educational

goals. In this focus program, I have studied an overview of health-related occupations and

anatomy and physiology in which I have taken to earn college credit. I have put together a digital

portfolio documenting my work that I have completed over the course of this school year. This

would include; my education plan and profile (e.g. resume, professional goals, college

applications, and etc.), 24-hour internship, service learning project, and a research paper that is

roughly ten-pages long.

Fun Facts

❖ My full name is Tina Tavrie Tep. Some people call me: TT, Bubble-T(ea), or T-Cubed.

❖ I am extremely detailed-oriented and a perfectionist.

❖ I broke my left ankle bone tripping over an old rug, playing a game with my older sister

and sprained my right ankle running downstairs because my mom got my attention that

she brought home food from Costco.

❖ In 2009, I met Michelle Kwan at Fred Meyer after using the restroom.

❖ I have worn small, gold hoop earrings for more than a decade without ever taking them

off until my freshman year for basketball tryouts.

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