C. Accrual / Rate of Interest Specified. (Not Specified)

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When bill of exchange contains an order to

pay, except;
1. A feature or characteristic of a bill of a. Words equivalent to an order to pay
exchange not found in a promissory note: b. Mere request to pay
a. Promise to pay c. Liability of drawer
b. Order to pay d. None of the above
c. Promise in writing to pay
d. Unconditional promise in writing SECTION 4

2. An instrument to be negotiable must 10. When instrument payable at determinable

conform to the following requirements, future time, except:
except: a. Payable at a fixed period after sight.
a. It must be in writing and signed by the b. Payable at a fixed time.
maker. c. Payable on or before a fixed time.
b. It must be payable to order or bearer. d. None of the above
c. It must contain a conditional promise
or order. ( unconditional) 11. S1: Under Sec. 4, which is expressed to be
d. It must be payable on demand or at payable at fixed period after the occurrence
fixed or determinable future time. of an unspecified event which is certain to
happen, though the time of happening to be
3. Which of the following is not a promise to uncertain.
pay, and thus will make an instrument non-
negotiable? S2: Under Sec. 4, which is expressed to be
a. "I agree to pay P" payable on or before a fixed or determinable
b. "I bind myself to pay P" future time specified therein.
c. "I oblige myself to pay P"
d. "I acknowledge my debt to P" a. Only statement I is true
b. Only statement II is true
c. Statement I and II are true
SECTION 2 d. Statement I and II are false

4. The sum to be paid with interest, except: 12. Sec. 4 of negotiable instruments Act. No.
a. Interest at fixed rate. 2031 deals with.
b. Interest at increased or reduced rate. a. Certainty of sum payable
c. Accrual / rate of interest specified. b. When instrument payable on demand
(not specified) c. Act in addition to payment of money
d. Both A and B d. None of the above

5. Sec. 2 of negotiable instrument Act. No -CALUB, Gina

2031 deals with.
a. Commercial paper SECTION 5
b. Effect of omission date
c. Standardized words of negotiable 13. Which of the following makes an instrument
d. None of the above non-negotiable?
a. It contains a provision for the
6. An instrument in writing containing an performance of any act in addition to
unconditional undertaking signed by the the payment of money.
maker to pay certain sum of money to, or to b. It contains a provision authorizing the
the order of, a certain person or to the sale of collateral securities.
bearer of the instrument.
c. It contains a provision where the holder
a. Promissory Note
is given an election to require something
b. Bill of exchange
c. Check to be done in lieu of payment of money.
d. None of the above d. None of the above

SECTION 3 14. An instrument is non-negotiable under the

Negotiable Instruments Law if it states:
7. Is a written document containing the a. The amount is payable out of a
signature of the creator that makes an particular fund.
unconditional promise or order to pay a sum
b. There is a stipulation that interest shall
certain at either a time certain or on
be paid.
a. Contract c. Designates the account where the
b. Promissory estoppel amount payable shall be debited.
c. Negotiable instruments d. None of the above.
d. Negotiable estoppel
15. Which of the following provisions does not
8. Sec. 3 of negotiable instrument Act. No affect the negotiability of an instrument?
2031 deals with. a. Waives the benefit of any law intended for
a. When promissory note contains a the advantage or protection of the obligor.
promise to pay. b. Gives the holder an election to require
b. When instrument payable to bearer. something to be done in lieu of the payment
c. Certainty of time of payment.
of money.
d. None of the above
c. A and B
d. None of the above
SECTION 6 d. “Pay to P or his agent 10,000.”

16. The validity and negotiable character of an 23. Which of the following is payable to the
instrument are not affected by the fact that: order of several payees:
I. It is not dated. STATEMENT 1: “Pay to the order of yourself
II. Does not specify the value given, or 10,000.”
that any value has been given STATEMENT 2: “Pay to the order of P and
therefore. A 10,000.”
III. The acceptance must be shown to STATEMENT 3: “Pay to the order of P, A or
the person to whom the instrument B 10,000.”
is negotiated.
a. Statements 1 and 2
a. I, II and III
b. Statements 1, 2 and 3
b. I and II
c. Statement 3 only.
c. I only
d. Statement 2 only.
d. II only
24. When payable to order. The instrument is
17. Which of the following is/are true.
payable to the order of:
a. The date in the bill or note is
a. The drawer
generally not necessary.
b. The drawee
b. The omission of the date will not
c. A payee who is not maker or drawer, or
make the instrument non-negotiable
c. If there is a date stated, but there is
d. All of the above
no such date in the calendar, the
law will deem the nearest date of -GAHID, Kelly
the month the date intended.
d. All of the above SECTION 9

25. The instrument is payable to bearer, except:

18. If there is no place specified. a. When the only or last indorsement is
a. The instrument is not negotiable a special indorsement.
b. It is presumed to be at the b. When it is expressed to be so payable
principal place. c. When it is payable to a person named
c. No valid consideration is presumed. therein or bearer.
d. The instrument is payable on d. When it is payable to the order or a
demand. fictitious or non-existing person

SECTION 7 26. STATEMENT 1: Once a bearer instrument,

always a bearer instrument.
19. When is the instrument payable on STATEMENT 2: A bearer instrument
demand? becomes an order instrument if it has been
a. When the place is specified. specially indorsed.
b. When the instrument is not negotiable.
c. When it is a particular kind of money. a. Only statement I is true
d. When it is expressed to be so b. Both statements are true
payable c. Only statement 2 is true
d. Both statements are false
20. When no time for payment is expressed: 27. STATEMENT 1: An instrument that fails to
a. “ Pay to P or order 10,000 on August qualify as an order instrument is
20,2016” nonetheless negotiable if it is payable to
b. “ Pay to P or order 10,000 on August bearer.
20,2017” STATEMENT 2: Bearer means the person in
c. “Pay to P or order 10,000.” possession of a bill or note which is payable
d. None of the above. to bearer.
a. Only statement I is true
21. Where an instrument is indorsed when b. Both statements are true
overdue: c. Only statement 2 is true
a. The liability in the instrument is d. Both statements are false
discharged. SECTION 10
b. It is as regards that the person
indorsing it, payable on demand. 28. Assuming all the other requisites of
c. A and B negotiability are present, which of the
d. None of the above. following instruments is not payable to
SECTION 8 a. “Pay to the order of cash”
b. “Pay to the order of Jose Rizal, national
22. Which of the following is not payable to hero”
order? c. “Pay to Pedro Penduko, bearer.”
a. “ I promise to pay 10,000 to the order of d. “Pay to Pedro Penduko or bearer.”
b. “Pay to the order of P 10,000”
c. “Pay to the order of myself of 10,000.”
29. STATEMENT 1: The substance of the SECTION 13
transaction rather than its form is the
criterion of negotiability. 37. The insertion of a wrong date does not avoid
STATEMENT 2: Instead of using “promise” the instrument in the hands of a subsequent
the words “bind myself” may be used. a. Holder in due course
a. Only statement I is true b. Holder
b. Both statements are true c. Holder for value
c. Only statement 2 is true d. Maker
d. Both statements are false
38. Where an instrument expressed to be
30. STATEMENT 1: It is advisable in most payable at a fixed period after date is issued
cases to conform to the forms prescribed by undated, or where the acceptance of an
law in order to avoid uncertainty. instrument payable at a fixed period after
STATEMENT 2: It is required to use the sight is undated.
exact words of the law to make it negotiable. a. Any holder may insert therein the
a. Only statement I is true true date of issuance or acceptance
b. Both statements are true b. Any holder may not insert therein the
c. Only statement 2 is true true date of issuance or acceptance
d. Both statements are false c. Any holder in due course may insert
therein the true date of issuance or
SECTION 11 acceptance
d. Any holder in due course may not insert
31. STATEMENT 1: Generally, a date is not therein the true date of issuance or
essential to make the instrument negotiable. acceptance
STATEMENT 2: If the instrument bears a
date, it is presumed that said date is the 39. “I promise to pay P (no date) or order
date when it was made by the maker, drawn P10,000 30 days after date. (Sgd.) M
by the drawer, accepted by the drawee, or a. The true date may be inserted only by P
indorsed by the payee of holder. b. The true date may be inserted not
a. Only statement I is true only P but also by any holder after
b. Both statements are true him.
c. Only statement 2 is true c. The true date may be inserted not only
d. Both statements are false P but also by any holder in due course
after him.
32. I promise to pay P or his order the sum of d. The true date may be inserted only by M
10,000 30 days after the death of X, this
instrument is payable: SECTION 14
a. At a determinable future time
b. On Demand 40. The defense that the instrument had not
c. Upon the fulfilment of a condition been filled up in accordance with the
d. At an indefinite time, hence, non- authority given and within a reasonable time
negotiable is not available as against a holder in due
33. STATEMENT 1: The date is necessary to a. Right of holder in due course
determine the maturity. b. Right of holder for value
STATEMENT 2: The date is necessary to c. Right of a holder
determine negotiability. d. Right of the maker
a. Only statement I is true
b. Both statements are true 41. It may be defined as any particular proper to
c. Only statement 2 is true be inserted in a negotiable instrument to
d. Both statements are false make it complete, and the power to fill in the
blanks extends, therefore, to every complete
- LABONETE, Freddielyn B. feature of the instrument.
a. Instrument particular
SECTION 12 b. Completion of negotiable instrument
c. Material particular
34. An instrument issued on August 30, 2017
d. Power of negotiable instrument
but is dated August 15, 2017.
a. Post-dated
42. Suppose M issue a note to P with the space
b. Ante-dated
for the date left blank in payment for goods
c. Pre-dated purchased by M from P.
d. Past-dated a. This gives M the authority to fill up the
35. An instrument was issued on August 15, b. This gives P prima facie authority to
2017, but bears a date of August 30, 2017. fill up the blank
a. Post-dated
c. This gives M prima facie authority to fill
b. Ante-dated up the blank
c. Pre-dated
d. P does not have the authority to fill up
d. Past-dated
the blank
36. If the ante-dating or post-dating is done for SECTION 15
an illegal or fraudulent purpose.
a. The instrument is void 43. The fact that an incomplete instrument,
b. The instrument is voidable completed without authority, had not been
c. The instrument is enforceable delivered.
d. The instrument is rendered invalid
a. Is a defense even against a holder in 60. In order that an agent who signs a
due course negotiable instrument may escape personal
b. Is not a defense against a holder in due liability, which of the following is true?
course a. He is duly authorized
c. Is a defense even against a holder for b. He adds words to his signature
value indicating that he signs as an agent, that
d. Is not a defense even against a holder
is, for or on behalf of a principal, or in a
for value
representative capacity
44. Where an incomplete instrument has not c. He discloses his principal
been delivered it will not, if completed and d. All of the above
negotiated without authority.
a. Be a valid contract in the hands of
any holder, as against any person SECTION 21
whose signature was placed thereon
before delivery 61. It is the act by which a principal gives power
b. Not be a valid contract in the hands of to another to act in his place as he could
any holder himself?
c. Be a valid contract in the hands of any a. Procuration
holder in due course b. Allonge
d. Not be a valid contract in the hands of c. Forgery
any holder in due course d. Issuance
45. Suppose M makes a note for P10,000 with
62. What is the special and technical meaning
the name of the payee in blank and keeps it
in his drawer. P steals the note and inserts has the term “procuration”?
his name as payee and then indorses the a. It gives a warning that the agent has
note to A, A to B, B to C, and C to D, a but a limited authority
holder in due course. b. It gives a warning that the agent has but
a. D can enforce the note against M a unlimited authority
b. D cannot enforce the note against M c. It gives a warning that the agent has no
c. D can enforce the note against P authority
d. D can enforce the note against the d. None of the above
subsequent parties
-NOVEDA, Sydrick 63. What if the agent has exceeded the actual
limits of his authority?
SECTION 20 a. The principal is bound
b. The principal is not bound
58. If the agent signs a note or bill in his own c. The principal and the agent are bound
name and discloses no principal. d. None of the above
a. He is personally bound, and evidence
to the contrary may not be admitted SECTION 22
to relieve him from personal liability.
b. He is not personally bound, and 64. The contracts entered into by a minor are?
evidence to the contrary may not be a. Voidable
admitted to relieve him from personal b. Unavoidable
liability. c. Considered
c. He is personally bound, and evidence to d. Excluded
the contrary may be admitted to relieve
him from personal liability. 65. M issues a negotiable instrument payable to
d. He is not personally bound, and the order of P, a minor. P indorses the
evidence to the contrary may be instrument to A. M becomes liable to A
admitted to relieve him from personal because the indorsement by P passes title
liability. to A. But if M cannot pay and A sues P.
What may the latter do?
59. Where an officer of a corporation or other a. The latter may raise the defense of
organization signs for the latter, his minority to escape liability. And P
representative capacity is sufficiently shown may even disaffirm his indorsement
by? and recover the instrument from A.
a. Signature only b. The latter may not raise the defense of
b. Signature followed by the title of his minority to escape liability. And P may
office and the name of the of the even disaffirm his indorsement and
corporation or organization recover the instrument from A.
c. Signature followed by his contact c. The latter may raise the defense of
number minority to escape liability. And P may
d. Signature followed by the title of his even affirm his indorsement and recover
office and the name of the of the the instrument from A.
corporation or organization not d. The latter may not raise the defense of
necessary minority to escape liability. And P may
even affirm his indorsement and recover
the instrument from A.
66. What is the act of indorsement or
assignment of minor or corporation
a. Bona fide
b. Ulta vires
c. Procuration
d. Forgery


67. It is the counterfeit- making or fraudulent

alteration of any writing, and may consist in
the signing of another’s name or the
alteration of an instrument in the name,
amount, description of the person and the
like, with intent thereby to defraud
a. Forgery
b. Bona fide
c. Procuration
d. Genuine

68. Where the payee’s signature is forged,

payments made by the drawee bank to
collecting bank is?
a. Effective
b. Ineffective
c. Operative
d. Capable

69. When the rule on forgery under Section 23

does applies only?
a. To a signature that is forged or made
with the authority of the person whose
signature it purports to be
b. To a signature that is forged or made
without the authority of the maker
c. To a signature that is forged or made
without the authority of the person
whose signature it purports to be
d. To a signature that is forged or made
with the authority of the maker

-VALDEZ, Loren Kate S.

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