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CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL END-OF-YEAR EXAMINATION 2007 PRIMARY ONE ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER 2 Name: Class: Primary One. 50 QUESTIONS (55 MARKS) TOTAL TIME FOR BOOKLET: 1 HOUR INSTRUCTIONS: Do not turn over this page until you are told to do so. Follow all instructions carefully. Answer all questions. Parent’s Signature: Section A: Vocabulary — Part 4 (5 marks) Look at the pictures carefully. Fill in each blank with the most suitable word from the box. Use each worg once only. 1. Eric caught a but released it when his father told him to set it free. 2. Cindy wore a beautiful tothe party yesterday. 3. Ababy kangaroo is called a 4. My classmates and | took turns to spin a during our National Day Celebratiorr. 5. Jane filled her with heavy groceries. Section B: Vocabulary ~ Part 2 (10 marks} Read each sentence carefully. Choose the most suitable answer, Write ts number in the brackets provided. Do not fill in the blanks. 6. Mrs Edward borrowed a book from the te (1) library (2) cinema (3) post office (4) supermarket (9 7. Mrs Tan her scooter to work. (1) rides (2) takes (3) drives (4) cycles Etta 8. Mrs Kim's face was as. as charcoal when she heard that her expensive vase was broken. (1) red (2) black (3) white (4) yellow ( ' 9. The hen (1) moos (2),, crows (3) bleats (4) clucks (7 10. Itisa day. It is great for drying clothes. (1) rainy (2) sunny (3) cloudy (4) stormy (aseietes| 15. figiiters use a hose to __ water on the burning shop, (1) give (2) spray (3). throw (4) sprinkle ( ) A delivers my letters at 4 p.m. punctuallyevery day except on Sundays. (1) singer (2). soldier (3) postman (4) policeman ( ) David's turned red when he was teased about his new haircut. (1) hands (2) elbows (3) cheeks (4) eyebrows (eataEy . Sandra cannot read this book as she is Her eyes were injured in an accident when she was young (1) deaf 2) blind 3) mute (4) dumb (2) leata of bread for breakfast every morning. (1) cup (2) slice (3) sheet (4) carton (Eee) Read each sentence carefully, Choose the most suitable answer, Write its number in the brackets provided. Do not fill in the blank. 16. Look at a lovely ressesin the showcase over there! (1) this (2) that (3) these (4) those ( ) 17. dim and Timothy brought grandmother to the cinema for ie Treat. (1) his (2) her (3) their (4) them ( } 18. Hurry!(we waiting for you at the bus stopinow (1) is (2) are (3) was (4) were ( y 19. The boys their classroom before leaving schoo! everyday. (1) tidy (2) tidied (3) tidies (4) tidying (HEY 20. Nigel used\tq, z five goldfish in his fish tank. (1). had (2) has (3) . have (4) having ( ) 21 22. 23. 24. 25. They meet for dinner tommorrow (1) are (2) will (3) were (4) shall ( ) there many people at the party\ast night? (1) Are (2) Did (3) Was (4) Were ( ) are you going home later? (1) Who (2) How (3) What (4) Where ( ) There are only photographs in this album. (1) afew (2) alittle (3) many (4) much ( J Mrs Li told the children, “Please help to the cookies.” (1) myself (2) ourselves (3) yourselves (4) themselves (Getecn mmar — Part 2 (5 marks) Fit! in the blanks with the correct form of the wortls in the brackets 26. The two _ (goose) in the pond belong to Farmer Kent. 27. Milly is the (tall) amongst theAhree children. 28. The zoo only (has) two lions before a cubwas 29. 30. born this year. ‘Pa ci (go) to NTUG Supermarket nova” Mother told James. Mike _ (obey) his parents’ instructions and tayeq at home. Section E: Grammar — Part 3 (5 marks) Read each sentence carefully. Choose the most suitable answer from the box below and write it in the blank provided. Use each word once only. Ee 31. 32. 33. Se Ababy bird is waiting anxiously its nest for its mother to return. Sanfthrew the wrapper the rubbish bin after he ‘had finished the chocolate. tam home now. Do you want to come over to play? 34. Th vooped and caught a mouse in the 35. If | Rave to choose _ the two shirts, | would choose the one with floral prints, Section F: Comprehension Cloze (5 marks Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with the most suitable word from the box below. Use each word once only. ee oes myeS*S*CSSCM ea | bbe Bde _ abbas Gil sé __tprgle | Myra wanted to learn to swim. Yesterday was Myra’s first visit to the (36) . She went there with her father and brought along a (37) to keep herself afloat in the water. She looked around the poot and waited for a while before entering the pool ‘She was holding on to her father’s hands tightly. As her feet touched the water, she started to (38) in fear. Her father asked, ‘What's wrong, Myra?” She said with a quivering voice, “I'm (39)___ Wil I drown?” Her father patted her on her head and said gently, “You-will not drown. I'll bé here to watch over you. Be a: (40) girl” Section G: Comprehension MCQ (5 inarks) Read this piece of instruction carefully and answ » follow. . x€ questions that Growing a Tomato Plant You will need: ® some tomato seeds 3 a bag of soil ® a pot with drainage holes (to allow excess water to be drained) ® apotplate 1, Fillthe pot with soil up to 5 centimetres from the top. 2. Scatter the tomato seeds onthe surface of the soil 3. Place the pot on a pot plate (to collect drained water but ensure that it is emptied daily to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes). 4, Water the soil daily. 5. When shoots appear, place the'pot under the sun as tomato plants need plenty of suntight to grow well. 6. Harvest the fruit of your labour when it turns red on the plant. Tend the plant with tender loving care and it will reward you abundantly. For each question, choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. 41. Beside tomato seeds, | need items before | can start growing the tomato plant. : (1) one (2) two (3) three (4) six cy 42. 43. 45, A pot plate is used to contain excess _ (1) water . (2) seeds (3) tomato (4) sunlight (Heeey The pot plate has to be emptied daily to prevent (1) the collection of soil (2) the growing of weeds (3) the breeding of mosquitoes (4) the growth of the plant roots. ( The soil has to be watered once a_ (1) day (2) year (3) week (4) month ae The can be harvested when it turns red on the plant. (1) leaf (2) stem (3) flower (4) tomato (ey ion H: Comprehension Open-ended (19 marks) Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow. On Susan’s seventh birthday, she received a bicycle from her parents. Even though she had hoped to receive a puppy, she was still overjoyed with the bicycle. Every evening, she rode her bicycle in the park near her house. One day, when Susan was in school, her younger brother, Tony, rode on her bicycle without her permission. As he was riding around the park, the front wheel of the bicycle hit a huge rock. Tony fell off the bicycle” clumsily and started to scream for help. A kind stranger heard Tony. He helped him to get home Susan returned home from school and saw Tony holding her dented bicycle. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and frowned Tony promised her that he would not take anything without permission in future. 46. What did Susan receive on her birthday? She received 47. Where did Susan ride her bicycle? She. 410 48. What did Tony do immediately after his fall? He. 49. Who brought Tony home? A 50. How did Susan feel when she saw Tony holding her dented bicycle? THE END. PLEASE CHECK YOUR WORK! Ke ANSWER SHEEP CATHOLIC HIGH PRIMARY SCHOOL - PRIMARY 1 ENGLISH 2007 SEMESTRAL ASSESSMENT (2) 1. butterfly 2. dress 3. joey 4. top 5. trolley 6.1 Ta 8.2 9.4 10. 2 ql. 2 12.53 13. 3 14. 2 15.2 16. 4 17.53: 18. 2 19. 1 20. 3 21. 2 22. 4 23. 2 24. 1 25. 3 26. geese 27. tallest 28. had 29. is going 30. obeyed 31) in 36) pool 32) into 37) float 33)at 38) tremble 34) down 39) afraid 35) between 40) brave 41)3 42)1 43)3 44)1 45)4 46)She received a bicycle from her parents. 47)She rode her bicycle in the park. 48)He screamed fro help. 49)A stranger brought Tony home. 50)Susan felt upset when she saw Tony holding her dented bicycle.

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