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By Walter Stick Díaz Arias

Technical English
Universidad Piloto de Colombia

David: Good morning Mr. Diaz my name is David Gomez.

Walter: Good morning Mr. Gomez nice to meet you,

David: Nice to meet you too. Mr. Díaz, please, tell me about you.

Walter: I’m Walter Díaz and I’m 21 years old, I live with my parents and
at this moment I am finishing the career of mechatronic engineering at
universidad piloto de colombia, although I do not have any work
experience during my career I have been able to demonstrate my
ability to develop projects like “Virtualization of linear mathematical
models in LabView for control and supervision applications with
Arduino” with this project with my partner we had the opportunity to
present it in an international gathering of seedbeds.

David : do you have siblings?

Walter: yes, Ia have 1 brother and 3 sisters.

David: how old are they?

Walter: my brother is 20 yeras old and my siters are 9,7 and 5 years

David: with whom you live?

Walter: I live with my parents and my siblings

David: how is your relationship with your parents?

Walter: with my parents I have an excellent relationship, I even tell

them everything

David: ok, how is your relationship with your brother?

Walter: we are very close, because each of our lives we have shared
everything up to our room

David: Ok, Why are you interested in our company?

Walter: because I've always wanted to positively impact my country

and I love technology, and what better space to develop these dreams
than here.

David: What is your biggest flaw?

Walter: my biggest defect is be messy, but monthly I set goals to

mitigate the consequences that this leads for example two month ago I
proposed myself do my bed every morning, the last month bring
clothes to the laundry every night.

David: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Walter: I am really excited about the position in your company

because in five years, I am sure that I will have a much deeper and
broader knowledge about this sector and I know it is something that I
could only achieve through my experience with you. In the coming
years, I would like to take, little by little, greater responsibilities and,
why not? direct even some projects.

David: What is your main strength?

Walter: my main strength is to be a proactive person, I do not like to

complain about things if I can propose a solution.

David: Are you willing to work overtime?

Walter: Monday to Friday I don’t have any problem, but on weekend I

would do it twice a month

David: do you want to have wife and children?

Walter: yes, but in 7 years

David: tell me about your university’s partne?

Walter: in my university I met very valuable people,

David: thank you, tomorrow we call you and we give you your results

Walter: ok thank you for this oportunity.

David: bye

Walter: bye

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