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Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

We have declared that this project also our works and has been submitted to WOLLO university,
KOMBOLCHA institute of technology. We here by affirm that this project titled design of pedal
operated maize threshing machine is an original work and has never been submitted anywhere
else before, neither has it been wholly or partially presented for our first degree. All sources of
information have been duly acknowledged by means of reference.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Maize threshing is the most important aspect of post-harvest operation of maize. It involves
detaching of the maize from its cobs. Many farmers grow maize but could not afford the cost of
acquiring some of the imported threshing machines because of their cost. Such people resort to
manual means of threshing which results into low efficiency, high level of wastage and exerting
of much labour. This machine was constructed to shell maize and separate the cob from the
grains. The tractor power take off operated Sheller are the most efficient but there is post
challenge for adoption by the rural farmer because of the high costs involved in either hiring their
services or purchasing the machine but this pedal operated maize Sheller was designed,
developed and it was constructed from locally available materials and its cost is very low and
affordable. The design objective is to come up with a portable, durable, easy to operate and
maintain. This is achieved by means of a system of flat belt pulleys with minimal slip effect;
collapsible blades to reduce the common problem of damaging of grains.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

First we would like to great thanks for our God for support everything to finish this project
properly and secondly we would like to a great thanks for our advisor Mr. YIGEZU
BANTEYIRGA for support to advice for our project design in each phases and thirdly we would
like to thanks for KIOT librarian for giving us materials like books and computers.
Candidate’s Information
ITR/952/03, ITR/725/03, ITR/0068/03 and ITR/0224/03
BSC, mechanical engineering, design
KOMBOLCHA institute of technology, 2015

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Table of Contents Page

DECLARATION.......................................................................................................................................... I
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................. II
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................................... III
LIST OF TABLE ....................................................................................................................................... VI
LIST OF FIGURE .................................................................................................................................... VII
LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................... VIII
Chapter one: Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
History of Maize Sheller .......................................................................................................................1
Background ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Statement of the Problem .....................................................................................................................2
Objectives of the Study ........................................................................................................................2
General Objective .........................................................................................................................2
Specific Objective .........................................................................................................................2
1.5-Significance of the Project ...................................................................................................................3
1.6-Scope of the Project .............................................................................................................................3
Design Methodology ............................................................................................................................3
Organization of the Paper ....................................................................................................................3
Chapter two: Literature Review .................................................................................................................4
Definition of maize Sheller’s ...............................................................................................................4
Maize Shelling Techniques ..................................................................................................................4
Hand Shelling............................................................................................................................... 4
Maize Shelling with Rotary Equipment ....................................................................................... 5
Maize Threshing With Motorized Equipment ............................................................................. 5
The Link in the Maize Shelling Techniques ....................................................................................... 6
Chapter three: Design Analysis ..................................................................................................................7
Analysis Method .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Design of Pedal Operated Mechanical Maize Sheller..........................................................................7
Design Consideration ....................................................................................................................7
Working Principle of the Machine ............................................................................................... 7
Design Specifications....................................................................................................................8
Geometric Analysis ..............................................................................................................................8
Overall Dimensions .......................................................................................................................8
Design Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 10
Determination of Power, Force and Torque on the Pedal Powered Unit .................................... 10

Design of Hopper ....................................................................................................................... 12

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Selection of Flywheel................................................................................................................. 13
Design of Pulley ......................................................................................................................... 15
Design of Threshing Unit ........................................................................................................... 17
Shaft Design ............................................................................................................................... 21
Design of Axle ........................................................................................................................... 29
Design of Mainframe ................................................................................................................. 35
Selection of Bearing ................................................................................................................... 37
Selection of Belt Drive ............................................................................................................. 40
Proportion of Key..................................................................................................................... 41
Spring Design........................................................................................................................... 42
Design of Collector .................................................................................................................. 44
Design of Wheel ...................................................................................................................... 45
Determination of Threshing Force .................................................................................................... 46
Determination of Threshing Power at Different Pedal Speed ........................................................... 46
Cost Estimation ................................................................................................................................. 47
Assembly Drawing of the Machine Designed................................................................................... 49
Chapter Four: Discussion and Results .................................................................................................... 50
Chapter Five: Conclusion and Recommendation .................................................................................. 52
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 52
Recommendation .............................................................................................................................. 53
References .................................................................................................................................................. 54
Appendices ................................................................................................................................................. 55

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Table 3.1 Parts and quantity of machine ................................................................................ 10
Table 3.2 most adopted maize grain size ................................................................................ 18
Table 3.3 Threshing power at different pedal speed .............................................................. 47
Table 3.4 Cost estimation of machine design ......................................................................... 47
Table 3.5 Result ...................................................................................................................... 50

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Figure 2.1 Antique maize Sheller’s ................................................................................................. 5
Figure 2.2 Hand operated maize threshing machine ....................................................................... 5
Figure 2.3 Motorized Maize Threshing Machine ............................................................................ 6
Figure 2.4 Problem of Motorized Threshing Machine .................................................................... 6
Figure 2.5 Different sizes of maize ................................................................................................. 6
Figure 3.1 Mechanism of pedal operated maize threshing machine ............................................... 8
Figure 3.2 Geometric diagram of pedal operated maize threshing machine ................................... 9
Figure 3.3 Belt and Pulley ............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 3.4 Belt and pulley in tension ............................................................................................ 11
Figure 3.5 Hopper ......................................................................................................................... 12
Figure3.6Flywheel ........................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 3.7 Pulley ........................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 3.8 Threshing unit .............................................................................................................. 18
Figure 3.9 Threshing disc and bolt (wire) ..................................................................................... 19
Figure 3.10 Threshing Disc ........................................................................................................... 19
Figure 3.11 Shaft ........................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 3.12 Pulley, threshing disc and flywheel on the shaft ........................................................ 21
Figure 3.13 All loads on the shaft ................................................................................................. 22
Figure 3.14 Torque, shear and bending moment diagram ............................................................. 26
Figure 3.15 Load acts on the axle .................................................................................................. 31
Figure 3.16 Bending and shear force diagram of axle .................................................................. 33
Figure 3.17 Main Frame ................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 3.18 Roller (Radial) ball bearing ....................................................................................... 38
Figure 3.19 Sectional view of flat belt .......................................................................................... 40
Figure 3.20 Sunk key .................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3.21 Collector ..................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 3.22 Wheel ......................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 3.23 Assembly drawing of pedal operated maize threshing machine ................................ 49

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015


ASME-American society mechanical engineering
Ct-Torque Factor
FAO -Food and Agriculture Organization
HP- HOURSE power
Kb-Size factor
Kc-loading factor
Kd- Temperature factor
Ke- Reliability factor
Kf- Miscellaneous effect factor
RPM -revolutions per minute (rpm)

Se-Endurance limit modifying

Td- Threshing disc

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Chapter one: Introduction

History of Maize Sheller

The invention of the modern pedal operated maize Sheller is widely attributed to Mr. Lester E.
Denison from Middlesex country, Connecticut. Denison was issued a patent on August 12/1839,
for a free standing, hand operated machine that removed individual kernels of maize by pulling
the cob through a series of metal toothed cylinders which stripped the kernels off the cob. [5]
During that same century, dozens of American patents were field for maize sellers made of
wood, iron or a combination of the two, including one in 1845 by Joseph Briggs of Saratoga
country, New York. His Sheller produced similar results to that of the Denison Sheller but was
compact unit, designed to be supported on a bench or chair. [5]
In the early 1900’s a number of engine powered maize sellers were developed which provided
the foundation for modern commercial and agricultural sellers.
These large stream powered machines have now been mostly replaced with the use of the modern
combine harvester that strips the kernels from the maize cob while the maize is being harvested
in the field.
Since the introduction of the modern maize Sheller in the 1800’s, the basic design and function
of this machine has remained the same with most modern day maize sellers bearing a strong
resemblance to the original models designed by inventors like Denison and Briggs.[5]

To come in this design project the maize’s with its cob are feel into the hopper and then go to
the cylindrical drum it is called as threshing disc which threshed the maize that gained from
rotational motion of pedal and by rotating and detaching the maize with its cobs. The rate of
threshing will depend on the cycling speed of the person. The pedal (attached to the crank) is that
part that gives effort (energy) for motion to take place. The means of motion transmission is
through a belt and then through a belt mounted on a pulley which is mounted on the transmission
shaft supported by bearings and a flywheel at one end to restore energy.

Maize is one of the most important staple crops in the world. According to the D-Labe corn
Sheller writing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology maize accounts for 43% of the Latin
American diet. In Asia, maize production is over 200 billion kilograms a year and it is expected
that the total maize production in developing countries will eventually overtake production in
industrialized countries. Maize is the importance cereal, grain in the world, after wheat and rice,
providing nutrients for humans and animals and serving as a basic raw material for the
production of starch, oil and protein, alcoholic beverages, food sweeteners and more recently,
fuel. Shelling is a necessary process subsequent to harvesting because the maize kernels when
harvested are firmly attached to the hard cob. The difficulty of the process depends on the
varieties grown, the moisture content and the degree of maturity of the crop .[6] Maize shelling is
difficult at a moisture level content above 25%, with this moisture content, grain stripping
efficiency is very poor with high operational energy and causing mechanical damage to the seed.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
A more efficient shelling is achieved when the grain has been suitably dry to 13 to 14% moisture

The major steps involved in the processing of maize are harvesting, drying, de-husking, shelling,
storing and milling. All this process is costly and for the rural farmers to maximize profit on the
produce, maize processing not only prolongs its useful life but also increases the net profit
farmers make from mechanization technologies. It is in this line that one of the most important
processing operations done to bring out the quality of maize shelling or threshing of maize.Now a
day, few motorized, tractor/power tiller operated machines have come into the market but the
prices of these machines are not affordable to the peasant farmers. Also some designs of hand
operated maize sellers have been developed but they shell only one cob at a time and have
limitations to use it continuously for a longer period of time. Therefore, it was the aim of this
investigation to develop and built maize Sheller using locally available material so that the
machine will be operated continuously for a longer period of time with high rate of shelling
without causing damage to the kernels and evaluate the performance of developed machine for
shelling rate, shelling efficiency, kernel damage, kernel collection efficiency and the rate of
throughput. [6], [7]

Statement of the Problem

Traditional shelling methods do not support large scale shelling of maize, especially for
commercial purposes. Hand shelling takes a lot of times, tedious and a mind cracking process
especially to the many small scale farmers that means in undeveloped country that basically
practice substance maize farming. Before this most mechanized maize sellers designed, but their
own disadvantages, like modern maize threshing machine that works by machine. This motorized
maize threshing machine has very high cost and cause great damage to the maize seeds besides
breaking the cob to pieces by this cause all farmers doesn’t purchase according to their low
economy and therefore call for the need of a relatively low cost maize shelling mechanism that
will be affordable to such farmers.

Objectives of the Study

General Objective
The general objective of this project is to design modified pedal operated maize threshing

Specific Objective
The specific objective including the following

 To identify simple and suited mechanism of threshing machine.

 To analyze the geometric and distribution of force of a machine.
 To design and draw the components and assembly of a machine.
 To determine the threshing power, force and design parameter of the machine.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
1.5-Significance of the Project
The significance of the project is to minimize the energy requirement for threshing of maize in
rural and urban area of our country as well as to minimize the cost of the machine by using local

1.6-Scope of the Project

The scope of this project is to design pedal operated maize threshing machine which solve the
problem of that detaching of the maize or grains from its cobs in rural and urban area of our
country .This project is starts with literature review and design specification in order to satisfy
the project objective. The design includes material selection, working principle, dimension
analysis, power and force requirement for threshing of the maize, part design, component
selection and modeling of each parts by using 3-d cad design.

Design Methodology
The methods used in this design are in three phases; the first involves by gathering information
about maize Sheller creating before the previous year, modified by special mechanism, by
numerical and analytical method.

Organization of the Paper

Chapter One: This chapter includes the history of maize Sheller, background, statement of the
problem that we initiate to design this machine, objectives, Significance of the Project and scope
of the project.

Chapter two: This chapter talks about literature review of before threshing machines and it talks
about different threshing mechanisms of maize that are hand shelling, maize shelling with rotary
equipment, maize threshing with motorized equipment , theoretical frame work of the machine
that design.
Chapter three: This chapter includes the design methodology of the machine, analysis method,
design consideration of the machine, working principle of the machine to be designed, design
specification, geometrical analysis of the machine that means over all dimensions of the machine,
design analysis of each components, determination of threshing force and threshing power at
different pedal speed, cost estimation and assembly drawing of the machine to be design.
Chapter four: This chapter talks the discussion and result or the final results that come up with
the design analysis in chapter three.
Chapter five: This chapter also talks about the conclusion and recommendation of the project.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Chapter two: Literature Review

Definition of maize Sheller’s

Maize shelling is a post harvest operation that is the removal of maize seeds from the cob. This
operation can be carried out in the field or at the storage environment.Maize shelling is an
important step towards the processing of maize to its various finished products like flour. The
different methods of maize shelling can be categorized based on various mechanization
technology used. These includes: hand-tool-technology, animal technology, and engine power
technology [2]. Hand technology involves the use of hand tools in shelling, while as observed
animals were used in threshing on the field by marching on the maize. Engine powered
technology involves the use of mechanical assistance in threshing or shelling the maize. To
facilitate speedy shelling of maize in order to reduce post harvest deterioration, mechanical
Sheller’s are recommended, because hand shelling methods cannot support commercialized
shelling. An average moisture content of 15% to 18% must be necessary for maize that was to be
threshed. Moisture content seriously affects the thresh ability of maize. Another factor that affect
the thresh ability of maize in a mechanized system is the size of the maize cob. The mechanical
Sheller was needed to be adjusted in the various sizes of cobs. According to [6] the various sizes
of maize cob range from 50mm to 85mm depending on variety. There are also engineering
design factor that affect the design of mechanical Sheller’s. These factors are the design of the
power transmission shaft, selection of the prime mover, type of pulley, appropriate belt design,
key and selection of appropriate bearings support.Threshing or shelling operations of maize
follow the harvest and whatever pre drying of the crop is undertaken. This operation can be
carried out in the filled or at the storage environment. [7]

Maize Shelling Techniques

Depending on the influence of agronomic, economic and social factors threshing or shelling is
done in different ways.

 Threshing or shelling by hand, with simple tools.

 Mechanical threshing or shelling, with simple machines operated manually.
 Mechanical threshing or shelling with motorized equipment.

Hand Shelling
Hand operated rotary maize Sheller is manually operated equipment consisting of a flywheel, a
frame, a hopper and three shelling gears. With one hand a person operates the equipment by hand
cranking whereas with the other hand he feeds the cobs into the machine one by one. The shelled
cobs come out through the port on opposite side. Since hand operated rotary maize Sheller is a
manually operated machine its work output depends on the machine as well as on the operator.
The operator performs the maize shelling operation by rotating a crank handle and therefore,
proper crankshaft height and crank length is necessary for efficient operation of the machine.
Improper crankshaft height and crank length results in discomfort to the operator and difficulties
in the smooth operation of the equipment, which results in lower work efficiency.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
The easiest traditional system for shelling maize is to press the thumbs on the grains in order to
detach from the ears. Another simple and common shelling method is to ears of maize against
each other. These methods however require a lot of labor. Small tools, often made by local
artisans, are sometimes used to hand shell maize with this tools a worker can shell 8 to 15 kg of
Maize per an hour. [5]

Maize Shelling with Rotary Equipment

Manual Sheller which is relatively common and sometimes made by local artisans permits easier
and faster shelling of ears of maize. These come in several models, some of them equipped to
take a motor, they are generally requires only one handle or pedal. Use of manual Sheller
requires only one worker. A good example is the antique maize sellers. The major problem with
these sellers is that their threshing capacities are low and most of them require to be fixed on
benches before operations is too cumber some from the fact that the crank handle is directly
connected to the threshing chamber there port the effect of friction is too vigorous during the
threshing process. [5]

Fig 2.1 Antique maize Sheller’s

Fig 2.2 Hand operated maize threshing machine

Maize Threshing With Motorized Equipment

Now days many small maize sellers equipped with a rotating cylinder of the peg or bar type are
available on the market, their output ranges between 500 and 2000kg per hour, and they may be
driven from the tractor power take of or have their own engine, power requirements vary between

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
5 and 15hp according to the equipment involved. So this machine is cost and it doesn’t purchase
by small scale farmers.[7]

Fig 2.3 Motorized Maize Threshing Machine

Fig 2.4Problem of Motorized Threshing Machine

Fig 2.5 Different sizes of maize

The Link in the Maize Shelling Techniques

Although the existing maize shelling techniques has its own short comings which in general
call for the design of this different mechanized maize threshing Sheller. These draw backs
include tediousness involved in manually operated hand held maize shelling devices, the cost of
buying motorized maize shelling equipment is unaffordable to the small scale maize farmers,
existing hand operated rotary seller specially those constructed by the local artisans require too
much energy to shell very little maize.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Chapter three: Design Analysis

Analysis Method
This pedal operated maize Sheller is to be manually operated equipment.
 Its work output will depend on the operator’s as well as on the machine itself.
This design therefore focuses on energy considerations to improve man-machine System
The energy parameters analyzed are Force, Torque and Power requirements in operating the

Design of Pedal Operated Mechanical Maize Sheller

Design Consideration
The parameters considered in this pedal operated maize Sheller design include the following

 Dried cobs with maize moisture content of 15% to 18% to ease the removal of the seeds
from the cob.
 Overall height of the machine to facilitate ease of operation by rural farmer of average
 Overall width breadth of the machine for purposes of storage space in the rural farmers
 Weight of equipment for portability
 High productivity
 Ability to produce and provide required accuracy of shape and size and also necessary
surface finish.
 Simplicity of design
 Safety and convenience of control
 Low Cost
 Good Appearance

Working Principle of the Machine

Uniqueness of this design is that is works on a different principle of threshing as compared to
other designs which work on the principle impact force; this design works on the principle of
abrasion, an application of force tangentially on a surface. The machine is to be operated by
applying force to rotate the pedal. Motion of the pedal provides an angular velocity to the pulley
system by using belt. so when the pulley rotate the threshing disc also rotate, and then the
threshing disc which pull and shell the maize cobs by friction and shearing action against out
throughout the cobs out let opening and are thrown out by the force of rotation of the shelling
discs and the grains will spread out the grain out let.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Fig 3.1Mechanism of pedal operated maize threshing machine

Design Specifications
The design of this maize Sheller is based on consideration of design specification whose chose
based on a number factors that include the availability of construction materials needed for a
further fabrication of the work presented in this paper, cost of such materials, desired size of the
machine for ergonomics of using it, machenability factor which include installation,
simplification, and durability as well as the prolonged life of using the machine. Allover
specification of the machine is as follows:
 Overall machine dimension (l x w x h) 1200mm x 800mm x 1500mm by considering
average height of the person that used this machine and by considering of the cost of the
 Shaft of at least 950mm in length by considering the length of the machine and the
components that hinged or fixed on it.
 Hopper of Overall Height 500mm inlet allowance of 500mm by 50mm by considering the
portability in operation time.
 Steel bars of 1.5” 1.5” and 2mm thickness for frame by considering easily available, less
in cost and better strength.

Geometric Analysis
The geometric analysis considered as the theoretical frame work that means numerical analysis,
modeling and considering the overall dimensions of the machine.

Overall Dimensions
The overall dimensions include length, width and height of the machine.

To determine the length of the machine that are considered as length of threshing disc, width of
the pulley, width of the flywheel, thickness of the frame and the clearance between the above
such components.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
To determine the width of the machine by considering the diameter of the threshing disc, the
width of the threshing bar, the thickness of the housing and the clearance between the above
components of the machine.

To determine the height of the machine, that must be considered the average rural farmer
height to facilitate the operations. So by considering the above all cases the overall dimension of
this machine is. =L*W*H =1200mm*800mm*1500mm

Geometric Diagram of the Machine

Fig 3.2 Geometric diagram of pedal operated maize threshing machine

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Parts of the Machine and Quantity
Table 3.1 Parts and quantity of the machine

No Part name Quantity

1 Hopper 1

2 Threshing disc 1

3 Flywheel 1

4 Cob out let 1

5 Grain collector 1

6 Axle 2

7 Grain out let 1

8 Wheel 4

9 Sterilizer 1

10 Pulley 1

11 Threshing disc 1

12 Main frame 1

3.4 Design Analysis

Determination of Power, Force and Torque on the Pedal Powered Unit

The cycling force is determined by the average cycling force of human being. So the average
cycling force is taken as 150 N and to know the torque that acts on the bicycle shaft the following
given parameters have used.

Given parameters are

D1= diameter of tℎe cycle ℎub .

N1= tℎe speed of tℎe cycle ℎub tℎat delieverby ℎuman leg.
So by selecting large diameter cycle hub to get high rotational motion on the pulley that is

D1= 750mm, standard diameter for Pℎonex biyscle.

N1= 60rpm for tℎis design tℎe average speed for ℎigℎ and efficient tℎresℎing.
That is

1min = 60 rev, 60sec = 60 rev, 1sec = 1rev

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Tℎe maximium speed of human cycling speed is 60 rpm and

p = power delivered by human.

p = FV, where

F = average force by human being that is F = 150Nand

v1 = nd1N1⁄60

V1 = n ∗ 0.75 ∗ 60rpm⁄60 = 2. 35m⁄s

P = 150N × 2.35m⁄s = 353.5watt

Fig 3.3 Belt and Pulley

Fig 3.4 belt and pulley in tension

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
The above figure as shown that the force that exerted by human on pedal rotates the cycle hub so
the pulley also rotates by means of pulley so by this rotational motion of pulley the shaft also
rotates and it creates torque.

So it can find the torque transmitted by bicycle shaft as follows

Tav =p ∗ 60/2nn1………………………………………………………..equation 3.1

= 353.5 *60 /2π*60

= 56.26 N.m


Design of Hopper
The hopper is design to be fed in a horizontal position .The materials used for the construction
is mild steel sheet metal which is readily available in the market and relatively affordable. The
hopper has the shape of upper and lower rectangular. The upper rectangular is greater than the
lower rectangular.

Fig 3.5Hopper

Assumed that the dimension of the hopper by the following consideration.

Safe in operation.
Safe holding capacity of maize.
By considering the upper rectangular dimensions
Upper length= UL= 600mm= 0.6m
Upper width= UW= 300mm= 0.3m.
By considering the lower rectangular dimension
Lower Length= LL=300mm= 0.3m
Lower width=LW= 100mm= 0.1m.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
The height of the hopper= H= 500mm= 0.5m.
The volume of the hopper is calculated as follows.

V = 1 / 3h[((UL)2xUW)– ((LL)2xLw)⁄UL– Ll)] ……………………..equation 3.2

= 1⁄3x0.5[((0.6)2x(0.30) — ((0.3)2x0.1)⁄0.6 — 0.3)]

= 0.2178m³

Selection of Flywheel
A fly wheel used in machines serves as a reservoir which stores energy during the period when
the supply of energy is more than the requirement and releases it during the period when the
requirement of energy is more than supply. One of the biggest issues with regard to flywheels is
balancing. Because they are, by intention, devices with large inertias, balancing them to remove
eccentric loading and thus lower the loading on bearings and other components is very important.
Flywheels develop large stresses at their inter hub connection due to dynamic forces caused by
the spinning. These stresses can lead to failure. Careful design is required to avoid catastrophic

Fig 3.6 flywheel

In general, the flywheel disc is fit to provide continuous energy source is discontinuous in such
cases the flywheel stores energy when torque is applied by the energy source and it releases
stored energy when the energy source is not applying torque to it . [1], p, 776

Determination of Flywheel Dimensions

m = b × t × π ×di × ρ .................................................................................equation 3.20


m= mass of the flywheel

Di=internal diameter of the fly wheel

t1=Thickness of the flywheel rim

b = Breadth of the flywheel rim=2 t

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Do=mean or outer diameter of the fly wheel

The internal diameter of fly wheel is greater by the clearance of 2mm that of shaft diameter so
Di=25mm +2mm=27mm and Do=200mm.




t=7.67 say 10mm or safe design.

So the breadth of the flywheel



The weight of the fly wheel

The material for pulley is cast iron of density 7800 kg/m3 because of cast iron have the
following properties.
 High Tensile strength
 High Compressive strength
 Better Shear strength
To find the weight of the fly wheel

Wf = mf × g
where: mf =mass of fly wheel

But mass of the fly wheel

Mf = volume × density

Mf = 2 ∗ n. A ∗ q

A = 2t × t
From the selection of the fly wheel the thickness of the rim is
So the mass of the fly wheel

Mf = 2 ∗ n. A ∗ q,
A = 2t ∗ t
Where t=is thickness of the rim

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
A = 2 ∗ 0.01 ∗ 0.01 = 2 ∗ 10^ − 4
Mf = v ∗ q
= 2n ∗ 2 ∗ 10–4 ∗ 7800
= 9.8kg
By approximates to 10 kg it will be designed because it used as a factor of safety.
So the weight of the fly wheel

3.4.4 Design of Pulley

The pulley are used to transmit power from one shaft to another by means of flat belt ,v belt,
ropes, the velocity ratio is the inverse ratio of the diameter of driving and drive pulley ,
Therefore the pulley diameter should be carefully selected in order to have designed velocity. [1],
page, 715

Fig 3.7Pulley

The best material for pulley is steel because of steel pulley is the following good properties.
 Have good friction
 Good wear resistance
 Have great strength
 High durability Determination of the Dimension of Pulley

1. The diameter of the pulley will be obtained from velocity ratio considerations or
centrifugal stress induced in the rim of the pulley.

…………………………………..equation 3.18
where = Density of the rim material
= 7200 kg/m3 for cast iron
 = Velocity of the rim = πdn / 60 ..................................................equation 3.19
D being the diameter of pulley and N is speed of the pulley.
So to determine the diameter of the pulley
Given parameters from pedal threshing unit
V1= 2.35 m/s

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
N1=60 rpm
Assume the speed of the bicycle hub is 1:4 (N1:N2) to the speed of the pulley
SO N1/N2=1/4
N2=60×4=240 rpm
D 2=60×V2/π×N2
So substituting to the above equation
From the standard pulley diameter
D2=180mm is appropriate diameter of pulley
2. If the width of the belt is known, then the width of the pulley is taken 25% greater than
width of the belt.

Belt width in belt design has gained 40mm. so width of pulley is



3. The thickness of the pulley rim(t) various from

+ 2mmto d + 3mmfor single belt so 200 + 2mmto 200 + 3mm = 3 to 4 mm
200 200 200 200
so the maximum thickness of pulley t=40mm. weight of the pulley

The material for pulley is cast iron of grade 7200 kg/m3 because of cast iron have the following
 High Tensile strength = 100 to 200 MPa
 High Compressive strength = 400 to 1000 MPa
 Better Shear strength = 120 MPa

To find the mass of the pulley

M=× ………………………………………………….equation 3.3

Given parameters from pulley design



But to find the volume

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015


V=volume of the pulley

A=area of the pulley

Wp=weight of the pulley


=π×(0.18) ²/4×0.053

=1.017×10-3 m3=0.001148m3

So substituting to in equation 3.3



So in the manufacturing process by turning method it will be reduced to 8kg by considering safe
operation of the machine.
Wp=mp *g
Where mp=mass of pulley

So the weight of the pulley is

Wp = 8*9.81=78.48 N

3.4.5 Design of Threshing Unit

The threshing unit for this design consists of the threshing disc (drum) and the threshing bar or
concave. The discs are connected facing each other and rotate as a block and their surface is to
be grooved and rasp bars so as to provide a rough contact on the maize cob against the spiked
rigid metallic surface .Hence this forced friction results to the threshing of maize kernels from the

Below the threshing unit a collector and spot metallic member is to be fitted and is designed to
incline towards its central longitudinal axis where an opening is allowed for grain collection as
the cobs pass over the member surface towards the exit where they are collected below the

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Fig3.8 Threshing Unit

The threshing disc with the vibrating concave component could increase the shelling
effectiveness and reduce grain damage and the threshing disc is also made with the edge of the
shelling teeth were not made so sharp to avoid the damage of the maize grain.

This was due to low impact on maize being shelled by using the vibrating concave component
that was attached with a carbon steel spring .in addition ,the viscous elastic properties of the
carbon steel used for hanging the vibrating concave component resulted in more evenly
distributed friction on maize cobs during the shelling process.

Determination of the threshing teeth or wire dimensions

Most adapted maize grain sizes in mm

Table 3.2 most adopted maize grain size

Measured Grain size in mm


1 3

2 3.5

3 4

4 4.5

5 5

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
The diameter of threshing teeth

So by considering the above maize sizes the diameter of threshing wire is

D=5 mm

Determination of length of threshing wire

To determine the length of threshing wire

Dt=400 mm for large scale of operation system

L=diameter of threshing disc-diameter of shaft/2


The threshing disc also contains a number of wires and the teeth arranged by considering the
dimension of the maize. So it is the best that the wire is arranged with a 5mm gap.

Fig 3.9 Threshing disc and bolt (wire)

Fig 3.10Threshing Disc

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
The weight of the threshing disc
The proper material for threshing disc is mild steel with density of 7860 kg/m3.Because of mild
steel have the following properties.

High tensile strength

High strength
Best toughness

So the weight of the threshing disc calculated as follows


Vtd=volume of the threshing disc
ῥ=density of the threshing disc material

Vtd= π∗ d2*L
Where d=diameter of the threshing disc
L=length of the threshing disc

From the design analysis of threshing disc the diameter of the threshing disc is 400mm by
considering the manufacturing and operation condition.

v = n ∗ (0.4)² ∗ 0.5

= 2.51 ∗ 10 − ³ m³
And the weight of the threshing disc also

Wtd = 0.00251x7860x9.81

= 193.79N
The mass of the threshing disc

m = qu

= 7860Nx0.00251m = 20kg

Determination of the Dimension of Concave Bar

The concave is designed with 25mm by 15mm hole and 10mm gap holes to deliver the maize
grain and the to concave the concave bar it will be consider the length of threshing wire, the
maximum maze grain size and the clearance between the bar and concave metal.

That is

Concaved bar dimension= length of threshing wire+ maximum maze grain size+ clearance

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015


So the concave bar is concaved by the radius of 287.5mm.

3.4.6 Shaft Design

A shaft is a rotating or stationary member, usually of cross-sectional of circular having such
elements as gears, pulleys, flywheel, cranks, sprockets and other machine elements mounted on
it. [1], p, 509.
In this design project comprises of three shafts. The one is to be fitted to the flywheel, threshing
disc and the pulley. The other two shafts are used to for wheel system as an axle.

Fig 3.11 shaft

In designing shafts on the basis of strength the following case will be considered.

 Shaft subjected to twisting moment or torque only

 Shaft subjected to shear force
 Shaft subjected to bending moment
 Shaft subjected to combined torsion in addition to axial loads.[1],p,509.

Fig 3.12pulley, threshing disc and flywheel on the shaft

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Fig 3.13 all loads on the shaft

All loads act on the shaft

Wtd = weight of the threshing disc
Wp = weight of the pulley
Wf = weight of the flywheel
F= t1-t2 = the difference in tension on the tight side and slack side of the belt.
The material used for shaft should have the following properties.

 It should have high strength.

 It should have good mach inability.
 It should have low notch sensitivity
 It should have high wear resistance.
The material used for ordinary shaft is carbon steel grade 40c8, 45c8, 50c4 and 50c18.

The mechanical properties of those grades of carbon steel are given in the appendix A2 table.

The material selected is carbon steel 40c8 and with yield strength of 320Mpa and σu= 560Mpa

 Determination of torque transmitted by the shaft as follows

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
P = FxV2 ……………………….equation 3.4

V2 = nD2N2 ∕ 60 = 2.35m ∕ s

N1 ∕ N2 = D1 ∕ D2

N2 = 0.75 × 60 ∕ 0.2

N2 = 225rpm

P = FV2

P = 150N × 2.35 = 353.4 watt

And T = P60 ∕ 2nN2 = 353400x60 ∕ 2n225 = 15000N − mm

 The maximum shear stress on the shaft

vmax = 1⁄2√oY2 + 4v2 … … … … … … … … . . equation3.5

Given values from material selection

ob = 320N ∕ mm²

val = 24N/mm²
By Substitute the value in eqn ............................................................ 1

vmax = 1/2J3202 + 4(24)² = 161.78N/mm²

So it can be find the distribution force acted on the shaft as follows

Wtd=191.8 N
Distribution load =191.8N/550mm=0.348 N/mm

To convert distributed load into single load

Wtd=0.348 N/mm×550mm=193.8N

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
So the reaction forces calculated as follows

Total up ward force= total down ward force

RA + RB = 228.48 + 193.8 + 98.1

RA + RB = 520.20 … … … … … … … … … . equation 3.6

And taking moment about B

Σ MB = 0

RAx0.55 + 98.1x0.2 − (228.48x0.75)₋(193.8x0.75) = 0

0.55RA + 19.62 = 171.37 + 53.29

RA = 372. 8N
Substitute in to equation ---3.6

RA + RB = 520.4

RB = 147. 6N
To Determine the Bending Momentum and Shear Force of Shaft

We know that bending moment at o and p is equal to zero that is

MO =MP= o
Shear force at o = 0
Bending moment at A

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

BMA= 228.48× 0.2= 45.696Nm= 45696Nmm

 Upward force +ve

 Downward force –ve
Upward force = Downward force
Shear force at A=+RA=+372.8 N

Shear force at C=-228.48+372.8-193.8=-49.48N

BMB bending moment and shear force at B

BMB =98.1×0.2 19.62Nm= 19620Nmm

Shear force at B=-228.48+372.8-193.8+RB

Bending moment at p

B.M @P= 228.48× 0.475– 372.8× 0.275

= 6.008N. m
Shear force at P=-228.48+372.8-193.8+147.6-98.1=0

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Torque, shear and bending moment diagram

Fig 3.14Torque, shear and bending moment diagram

Where A= Load diagram

B= Torque diagram
C=Shear force diagram
D=Bending moment diagram

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
 Primarily of the determination of the correct shaft diameter to ensure satisfactory strength
and rigidity when the shaft is transmitting power under various operating and loading

The shaft diameter is calculated using the ASME code for rotating shaft
The ASME code equation for shaft is given by

D = {5.1 ∕ vd[cmxMax)² + ((ctxT²)1 ∕ 2)]}1 ∕ 3……………………….equation 3.7

Definition of the above equation terms
D= diameter of the shaft
τd=allowable shear stress
ct= torque factory
Mmax= maximum bending moment.
σY= yield stress of shaft the value of .

If the presence of key sit on the shaft allowance for the key way it is reduce the value of τd by
σy =320Mpa and τd=0.3σy or 0.18σu.the smaller value of the two is choose as τd= 0.3x 320=
96N∕mm ² and τd=0.18X560=100.8N/mm².

D = {[(5.1/24 ∗ (1.5 ∗ 45696)² + (1x15000)²]½}1/3

D =25mm

Determination of Factor of Safety for Shaft

 Checking of the factor of safety by using SODERBERG equation

1/n = va/se + vm/sy………………………………………….equation 3.10

For machined or cold drawn
Endurance limit modifying factor (se)

Se = ka ∗ kb ∗ kc ∗ kd ∗ ke ∗ kf ∗ se’’………………………....equation 3.11
Surface factor (Ka)

Ka = a Sut^b…………………………………………………..equation 3.12
Sut = minimum tensile strength

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Parameters for Marin surface modification factor
For machined or cold drawn

Ka = a Sut^b……………………………………….…………equation 3.13
From the material selection sut =560 Mpa
So substituting from the above eqn

Ka = 4.51 × (560)^ − 465

Ka = 0.845
Size factor (Kb)

For shaft diameter 2.79 ≤ d ≤ 51mm

Kb = (d/7.62)^ − 0.107………………………………………..equation 3.14

= (25/7.62)^ − 0.107

= 1.13
Loading factor (Kc)

For torsion take Kc = 0.59

Temperature factor (Kd)

Kd = ST/SRT where ST = tensile strength at operating Temperature
SRT = tensile strength at room Temperature
Table 7: Effect of operating temperature strength of steel

For room Temperature Kd = 1

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Reliability factor (Ke)

Reliability factor Ke corresponding to 8% standard deviation of the endurance limit

Take 99% reliability Ke = 0.814

Miscellaneous effects factor (Kf)
For the material has no sensitivity to notches at all Kf = 1
Endurance limit (Se')

Generally for sut <or= 1400 Mpa


Se= ka*kb*kc*kd*ke*kf*se’’
Se =195.86
So factor of safety


so the design of shaft is safe

3.4.7 Design of Axle

In this design an axle is used as the supporter of all the machine component without wheel
though it is similar in shape as the shaft but it is different only by moment that means in this
design an axle act a stationary not act as rotational moment and it is subjected to bending
moment only

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
The load that on axle is
So the total mass of that act on axle is

Mt = MP + MF + Mtd + Mcb + MHo + Ms + Mc + Mm + Msℎ + Mfr + Motℎ

MP=mass of the pulley.
MF=mass of the fly wheel.
Mtd=mass of the threshing disc.
Mcb=mass of the concave bar.
Mho= mass of the hopper.
Ms =mass of the sterilizer.
Mc=mass of the collector.
Mm=mass of the maize.
Msh= mass of the shaft.
Mfr=mass of the frame.
Moth=other mass.

So by considering all the above mass that act on the axle is must be not greater than 78 kg by the
following reason.

 By considering of rural farmer energy consideration that is easily to move one place
to another place.
 Simple in installation and in operation.
MF=10kg before calculated that is known.
So the total mass act on the axle is
Then the total weight or force on the axle of the machine is (Wt)
Wt=78*9.81 =765.18 N
This total mass divided in to two that is in front axle and back axle.
So, =78∕2=39kg and the weight is.
Wt= 39 kgx9.81= 382.6N

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
So this weight is divided in to two legs of the frame and act on axle so
WFL1 and WFL2 are the weight that acted on the frame leg one and leg 2.


Fig 3.15 load acts on the axle

So to find both the reaction forces

Total up ward force= Total the down ward force

RWA + RWB = 382.6 N … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . equation 3.15

And by taking moment about B

Σ MB = 0

(RWA ∗ 1.1)– (191.3x 0.825)– (191.3x0.275) = 0.11Rwa

= 210.43

RWA = 191.3N and substituting in equation 3.15

RWA + RWB = 382.26 N

193.3 + RWB = 382.6N

RWB = 191.3

SO, Rwa = Rwb = 191.3N

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
 Determination of bending moment and shear force of axle shaft
To determine the bending moment at A and B is equal to zero that is MA= MB=0.
The force that acts on the back axle is 382.6 N.
So divide the above forces into two legs of frame that is
L1=382.6/2=191.3 N

 Shear force
Upward force =+ve
Downward force= –ve
So upward force =downward force
Shear force at A=+191.3N
Bending moment at o

B.M.@O=191.3*0.275=52.6 N-m
Shear force at O =191.3-191.3=0

Bending moment at p

Bending moment at p
B.M.P= 191.3 x0.275 =52.6N-m

Shear force at P=191.3-191.3-191.3=-191.3N

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Shear force at B=191.3-191.3-191.3+191.3=0
So bending moment at O and P is equal .And the torque is equal to zero, because there is no any
moment it is simply act as a support for some rotating body such as car wheel and hoisting drum.
So the bending moment diagram is as follows.

Bending and shear force diagram of axle

Fig 3.16 Bending and shear force diagram of axle

Where A= Load diagram

B=Shear force diagram
C=Bending moment diagram

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
The maximum bending moment on the axle is
Max B.M= 52607.5+52607.5 =105215Nmm.
To determine the equivalent twisting moment

Te =ƒMmax² + T² ,But T = 0 because axle has not subjected to torsion moment

The shear stress is determined by
τd=0.3σyor 0.18σu

Determination of diameter of an axle according to equivalent twisting moment

Te=gτdXd² …………………………………………………….equation 3.17

From strength analysis Te= 105215Nmm and τ=24N/mm²the same as on shaft

So 105215=gτd³

d= √22327.3
d=28.15mm we have says 30mm.

Checking the Factor of Safety of Axle by Using SODERBERG Theory

1/n = va/se + vm/sy ……………………………………………………equation 3.18

For machined or cold drawn
Endurance limit modifying factor (se)

All the above parameters are equal without kb and kc because of the material of axle and shaft is
the same carbon steel 40c8 and with yield strength of 320Mpa and σu= 560Mpa Surface factor

Ka = a Sut^b
Size factor (Kb)

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Loading factor (Kc)

For bending take Kc = 1

For room Temperature Kd = 1

Reliability factor (Ke)

Take 99% reliability Ke = 0.814

Miscellaneous effects factor (Kf)
For the material has no sensitivity to notches at all Kf = 1

Se= ka*kb*kc*kd*ke*kf*se’’
Se =221.48
So factor of safety
so the design of axle is safe

Design of Mainframe
The metal frames used are angle iron bars. This type of frame is used for various purposes in
engineering industry; it is also known as L-shaped frame. The material used for the frame is mild
steel. It has carbon ranging from 0.10-0.20%, Tensile strength is 420 N/mm2. The frame is used

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
as the main structure, which supports the magnetic assembly. It also supports the collector and
the shaft having pulley, fly wheel and threshing disc. The metal plate-carrying shaft is welded to
the frame. The metal frame is cut as per the requirements and then they are welded. The two
design factors will be considered in determining the material required for the frame is weight and

Design of Angles:- Due to the load of plate, job and filing force, the angle-link may buckle in
two planes at right angle to each other. For buckling in the vertical plane ( the plane of the
links), the links are considered As hinged at the middles and for buckling in a plane
perpendicular to the vertical plane, it is considered as fixed at the middle and the both the ends.
Here, The maximum load due to above factors = 78kg (including friction) F= 78 x 9.81 = 765.18
N. We know that the load on each link, F1 = 765.18/4 = 191.295N. Assuming a factor of safety
as 4, the links must be designed for Crippling load of Wcr = 191.295 x 4 = 768N Let t1=
Thickness of the link b1= width of the link So, cross sectional area of the link = A = t1x b1
Assuming the width of the link is three times the thickness of the link, i.e.b1= 3 x t1 Therefore
A= t1x 3 t1 = 3 t1² and moment of inertia of the cross section of the link, I = 1/12 t1b1³ =

We know that I = AK², where k = radius of gyration.

K² = I/A = 3.08t1⁴ / 3 t1² = 1.02t1²Since for the buckling of the link in the vertical plane and the
ends are considered as hinged.
Therefore, the equivalent length of the link L = l = 1000 mm. And Rankin’s constant, a = 1/ 7500
Now using the relation, F and A
Wcr = 1 + a (L / K) ²
Wcr = Crippling load
L=length of bar
K=radius of gyration
a=rankine constant
By substituting from the above equation
768= 1 + (1 /7500) (800/1.02t1)²
b1=3×t1=3×4.08=12.25.But the standard angle available of 35x 35 x 5 mm. Hence considering
the safety aspect it has been selected. This can bear the impact loading. Hence the design is safe.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Fig 3.17 Main Frame

Selection of Bearing
A bearing is a machine element which supports another moving machine element (known as
journal). It permits a relative motion between the contact surfaces of the members, while carrying
the load.To select the bearing for this design that is considered the diameter of shaft.
All the dimensions have been standard on an international basis. Radial ball bearing has been
selected because by considering the following advantages.

 Accuracy of shaft alignment.

 Easy to mount and erect.
 Reliability of in service.
 Cleanliness.
 Small in overall dimensions.
 Low cost of maintenance
 No lubrication is required while in service
 Ability to with stand momentarily shock loads

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Fig 3.18 Roller (Radial) ball bearing

The following table shows the principle dimensions of radial ball bearing number

From the table A5 the dimensions of the bearing selected by considering the diameter of shaft is
as follows

Bearing number: 205

Bore diameter (mm) :26mm because by considering shaft diameter

Outside diameter: 52mm

Width (mm):15mm

Determination of static load and dynamic load on the bearing

The static load is calculated in the design of shaft that is



The Dynamic Loads

Fcp = mprpwp²
Fcd=mdrdwd² and

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Where Fcp= Centrifugal force on the pulley
Fcd= Centrifugal force on the disc
Fcf= Centrifugal force on the flywheel
mp =mass of the pulley
md= mass of the threshing disc
mf= mass of the flywheel
w=angular velocity in rpm which is N2=225rpm
The dynamic reaction is
Ra¹+Rb¹= Fcp + Fcd + Fcf =36.4+202.5+50.62
Ra¹+Rb¹=289.52KN ………………………..eqn a

+ve ƩM B=0

Ra=132.4KN so by substituting in to eqn a
Therefore the dynamic loads are

The maximum and minimum loads on the bearing; And will be determined when the line of
action of the dynamic load coincides with that of the static loads.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

The maximum load on bearing A:

= Ra + Ra¹=0.37+132.4=132.77KN
The minimum load on bearing A:
The maximum load on bearing B
The minimum load on bearing B

Selection of Belt Drive

The belt is used to transmit power from one shaft to another or one pulley to another pulley by
means of pulleys which rotates at the same speed or at different speed we have select the belt
drive according to the following importance factors :

1. Speed of driving and driven shaft

2. Power to be transmitted by shaft
3. Center distance between the shaft
4. Positive drive requirement
5. Shafts layout
6. Service condition
We have select a flat belt because flat belt has a moderate amount of to be transmitted
from one pulley to another when the two pulley are not more than 8 meters apart

Fig 3.19 Sectional view of flat belt

The material used for flat is leather .the flat belt has two sides the hair side and the flesh
side, the hair side of the leather is smoother and harder than the flesh .
The dimension of the belt is calculated as follows:

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
The length of the belt

L=2c+π/2(D1+D2) _D2–D1 ……………………………………………equation 3.21

Where, c=center of distance
C=(D1+D2)+D1 ………..………………………………………………equation 3.22
D1=diameter of the cycle s
D2=diameter of the pulley
So D1=750mm
L=2(1225)+n (750 + 200) − 200–750
2 4(1225)
L=3942.36mm approximately can take 3950mm

 And the width of the belt

The standard flat belt thickness is 5,6.5,8, 10 and 12mm.the preferred values of thickness
are as follows.
A,5 mm for nominal belt width of 35 to 63mm
B, 6.5mm for nominal belt width of 50 to 140mm
So we have select 5mm thickness and width of 40mm by considering the cost and safe in

Proportion of Key
For a good design result the width of the key is made one-quarter of the diameter of the shaft and
the length of the shaft is made half of the diameter of the shaft .The thickness of the a key for
equal strength of the key in failure by shearing of the key and compression on the key may
shearing is determined by the corresponding allowable stresses in shear and compressions.[1]
The length of the key can be calculated as
L=d =1.57d………………………………………equation 3.23
Where, d =diameter of the shaft
The forces on the top and bottom of the key resist tipping of the key, and the force F
between the side of the key and the key way in the hub is due to the resisting torque.
T’=Fd………………………………………………….equation 3.24
Where T’=resisting of torque
F=resisting force
d=diameter of shaft
L=length of key
We have select rectangular sunk key for safe in operation. The sunk key are provided half in the
key way of the shaft and half in the hub or boss of the pulley.
Usual proportion of the sunk key
1 .The width of the sunk key

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
W = d …………………………………………….equation 3.25
where, d=diameter of the shaft and t =2w=D/6
The key has tapper 1 in 100 on top side only

Fig 3.20 sunk key

The dimensions are calculated as follows

 The length of the sunk key

L=d = 25mm = 12.5mm

2 2

The width of the sunk key


The thickness of the sunk key = t =2w/3 =d/6=25/6=4.16mm

Spring Design
A spring is an elastic body ,whose functions is to distort when loaded and to recovery its original
shape when the load is removed but, in this design project this spring used adjust the concave in
to different size of maize diameter by the help of adjustable screw . The material of the spring
should have high fatigue strength, high ductility, high resilience and it should be creep resistant.
It largely depends upon the service for which they are used i.e. severe service, average service or
light service. Though there are many types of the springs, but e have select helical type spring
because of it is appropriate for the machine in the time of operation and it satisfies the
mechanism that in the threshing unit by compressing and enlarging.
A. Helical springs
The helical springs are made up of a wire coiled in the form of a helix and are primarily intended
for compressive or tensile loads. The cross-section of the wire from which the spring is made
may be circular, square or rectangular.
The helical springs have the following advantages:
 These are easy to manufacture.
 These are available in wide range.
 These are reliable.
 These have constant spring rate.
 Their performance can be predicted more accurately.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
 Their characteristics can be varied by changing dimension of Spring Length, Mean Diameter Number of Turns of the Coils

In the above table the appropriate material for spring is carbon steel with severe service of 252

The spring mostly used in machinery have spring index (c) above 3 so in this machine design
take 4

Take Wahl’s factor, K =4c-1/4c-4+0.615/c .....................................equation 3.26

Where C = spring index

The maximum load (W) exerted on this spring is 400 N that is designed by maximum human

The maximum deflection (δ) is 50 because the maximum diameter of maize cob minus the
minimum diameter of the maize cob that is 80-30=50mm

And in the above table the following values have taken


G=80 kn/m2

So it can be find the following un known parameters

1. Mean diameter of the spring coil

Let D = Mean diameter of the spring coil, and
d = Diameter of the spring wire.
We know that Wahl’s stress factor
K =4c-1/4c-4+0.615/c
and maximum shear stress (τ)
τ=k*8wc/πd^2 ...........................................................................................equation 3.27



Mean diameter of the spring coil,

D = C.d = 4d=4×4.5=18mm

And outer diameter of the spring coil



Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
2. Number of turns of the coils

Let n = Number of active turns of the coils

We know that compression of the spring (δ),

δ =8WC³n/G.d ...................................................................................equation 3.28

30mm=8*400*4³*n/80×10^3 n/m2 ∗4.5

n=52.73 say 53

For squared and ground ends, the total number of turns

n' = n + 2


3. Free length of the spring

We know that free length of the spring

LF = n' + δmax + 0.15 δmax .......................................................equation 3.29

LF=89.5 say 90 mm
4. Pitch of the coil
We know that pitch of the coil
=Free length/ n'-1 ...........................................................................equation 3.30
=1.66 say 1.7mm

Design of Collector
A collector or a spot is made with available material within the environment like sheet metal by
welding process. The main purpose of this collector is to collect all the grains that deliver in to
collector chamber and out with a small hole for safe operation. The determination of the
dimension is based on the frame dimension.

Fig 3.21 Collector

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
For safe operation the dimension will give as follows by considering the dimension of the



L= 1200mm



Design of Wheel
The wheel is used in this design project to move all the body of the machine one place to another
place .The wheel must be designed or select by considering the following parameter:-

 It must be resist total load of the machine

 It must have high strength
 It must have low friction

Fig 3.22 Wheel Determination of wheel dimension

The dimension of the wheel is determined by considering the diameter of shaft and by
considering the height of the machine that means the height of the machine is not greater than
1500 mm and by considering appropriate or safe transportation of the machine. So by
considering those:


d=internal diameter

D=outer diameter

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Internal diameter

The internal diameter is determined by the diameter of the shaft. So it is only greater than by
minimum clearance of 1mm both sides.



Outer diameter

Let assume the outer diameter is five times the inner diameter.




=150 mm

Determination of Threshing Force

To aid the rotary motion the better disc or threshing unit the force to be applied to move the pedal
tangentially is calculated while putting in to consideration the mass of the fly wheel (mf) ,mass of
pulley (mp),mass of threshing disc (mtd),and mass of the shaft and other consideration of mass

For our design those components of mass are estimated as follows:

Mf=10kg ,Mp=8kg ,mtd =20kg ,Ms=5kg ,Mo=2kg so that the total mass act on threshing unit
is :-Mt=10+8+20+5+2=40kg

The threshing force is calculated as follows:-

F = Mm22r,where w=speed of the threshing disc,r=radius of threshing disc

dN2 3.14 ∗ 0.4 ∗ 225
m=n = = 4.71rad/sec
60 60

F = 45 × 4.71²x0.4

F = 399.7N

Determination of Threshing Power at Different Pedal Speed

If the average pedal speed is considered to be below of above 60 rpm and all other design
parameters kept constant, the table below the expected pedal force and torque from iteration at
speed of 40,50,60and 70 rpm is as follows.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Table 3.3 Threshing Power at Different Pedal Speed

Pedal speed in W1=2πn/60 in F=Mω²R in (N) T=F×R P=F×V

rpm rad/s
(NM) watt

40 4.18 157.25 31.45 26.34

50 5.23 246.176 49.23 51.55

60 6.28 355 71 89.22

70 7.3 479.61 95.92 140.6

Cost Estimation
Cost estimation may be defined as the process of forecasting the expenses that must be incurred
to manufacture a product. These expenses take into a consideration all expenditure involved in a
design & manufacturing with all related service facilities such as pattern making, tool, making as
well as a portion of the General Administrative & selling costs.
The following table shows the name of component, quantity, unit cost in birr and total cost in
birr of the machine.
Table 3.4 cost estimation of the machine design Name of components Quantity Unit cost in (birr) Total cost in (birr)

1. Hopper 1 300 300

2. Main frame 1 900 900

3. Axle 2 150 300

4. Shaft 1 150 150

5. Pulley 3 150 450

6. Flywheel 1 200 200

7. Bearing 6 80 480

8. Belt 1 120 120

9. Spring 6 50 300

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
10. Threshing unit 1 2000 2000

11. Collector 1 300 300

12. Wheel 4 150 600

13. Pedal with hub 1 3000 3000

14. Bolt and nut 20 20 400

15. Ink - 300 300

16. Utility cost (electric 3 1000 3000

city, skilled labor)

Total 12,800

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Assembly Drawing of the Machine Designed

Fig 3.23 assembly drawing of pedal operated maize threshing machine

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Chapter Four: Discussion and Results

Since this modified pedal operated maize Sheller is to be a manually operated machine
requiring at most two subjects, its work out put will depend on the machine as well as on the
operator. One operator will perform the maize shelling operation by rotating the pedal crank
while the other one person feeds the cobs and therefore, proper dimension of cranks height and
crank length is necessary for efficient operation of the machine.

An average pedal speed of 60 rpm generates an initial torque of 56.26 Nm as obtained from
the calculated results which is sufficient to initiate rotation of the threshing discs in the shelling
chamber at speed of 6.28 m/s .this generates a potential of 399 N of the centripetal force required
to initiate shelling in the threshing unit.

Since the threshing discs will gain more rotational momentum from the fly wheel the variation
in feed rates might largely depend on the subjects operating the machine, speed of operation and
torque applied to thresh the maize.

Hence, generally the threshing efficiency of the machine will depend on the ability of the
cycling speed of the person.

Table 3.5 results

No Components name Dimensions in (mm) In (mm)³

length width height diameter thickness volume

1 Hopper UL=600 UW=300 500 - 3 0.217

LL=300 LW=100

2 Main frame 1200 800 1000 4

3 Axle 1200 30

4 Shaft 950 25

5 Pulley 53 180 40 0.0011

6 Flywheel 20 200 10 0.0012

7 Bearing 15 Do=52


Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
8 Belt 3950 40 5

9 Spring 90 Di=18

10 Collector 1200 800 600 3

11 Wheel Di=32

12 Threshing disc 500 Wd=5 40 0.0025

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

Chapter Five: Conclusion and Recommendation

This machine has been designed to be fabricated with the use of locally available materials. The
machine is simple, less bulky in the design would be allow for its comfortable use in standing or
sitting posture for it can easily be operated by either male or female. This is justified by an
overall height of 1.5 m of the machine as well the low energy requirement at an average of 150 N
and an initial average torque of 56.26 N-M. The machine can help to substantially reduce human
labor involved in threshing at an affordable cost and also reduce the time used for threshing
operation on small farms considering energy requirement depend on the pedal crank speed of
operating the machine.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
We have recommended that to decrease the damaging of maize it is best to that the maize is dried
with maize moisture content of 15% to 18% to ease the removal of the seeds from the cob and in
the time of threshing the maize stack with in threshing unit so at this time it will be reduce the
cycling speed and move the pedal clockwise and counter clockwise direction slowly and adjust it
the back and front adjustment to increase the thresh ability of maize.

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015

[1.] R.S.KHURMI and J.K.GUPTA (2005), Text book of machine design, RAMNAGAR, NEW

[2.] HANNAH, J, and STEPHENS, R.C.1970, Mechanics of Machines: Elementary theory and

[3.] R.S.KHURMI and J.K GUPTA (2005), Theory of machines, (CHNDA) & COLTD, New
Delhi, India: 377-383

[4.] Dr, JAGDISHWARSAHAY, Elements of agricultural Engineering, 4thedition, LOMUS

offset press, 2004.

[5.] OLOGUNAGBA, F.O. (2008). Personal Communication, Crop Processing and Handling
Equipment: Department of Agricultural Engineering: Rufus GIWA Polytechnic, OWO.

[6.] ADEGBULUGBE, T.A. (2000). Design and Construction of a maize Sheller: Proceedings of
the 5th annual conference, Nigerian Institute of Agricultural Engineers. Pg. 60

[7.] ADESUYI, J. (1983) Design and Construction of a Maize Thresher: University of Ibadan,
Nigeria. ADEWALE, A.T., ADELOWO, A.P and SOLAGBADE, F.O. (2002) Design of a Corn

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Appendix A

Table A1: Standard width of pulley

Belt width in(mm) Width of pulley to be greater than belt

width by (mm)

Up to 125 13

125-250 25

250-375 38

475-500 50

TableA2: standard diameter of pulleys in (mm)

Standard diameter of pulleys in (mm)

Standard diameter of pulley for 20, 22, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40, 45, 50, 56, 63, 71, 80, 90, 100,
flat belt and v-belt 112, 125, 140, 160, 180, 200, 224,250, 280, 315, 355, 400,
450, 500, 560, 630, 710, 800, 900, 1000, 1120, 1250, 1400,
1600, 1800,2000, 2240, 2500, 2800, 3150, 3550, 4000,
5000, 5400.

Table A3: Mechanical properties of carbon steel

Indian standard design Ultimate tensile strength Yield strength Mpa


40c8 560….670 320

45c8 610…..700 350

50c4 640……760 370

50c12 700 390

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
Table A4: Values of crushing stress (σc) and Rankine’s constant (a ) for various materials.

Table A5: Values of allowable shear stress modules of elasticity and modules of rigidity for various spring
materials. [1]

Materials MPa MPa Mpa Modules of Modules of

elasticity rigidity
Allowable Allowable Allowable
Shear stress shear stress shear stress KN/mm2 KN/m2
Average Light service

1.Carbon 420 525 651 210 80

A. up to
2.125mm dia.
B. 2.125 up to 385 483 595 210 80
4.625 mm dia
C.4.65upto 336 420 525 210 80
D.8 upto 294 364 455 210 80
13.25 mm
E.13.25 up 252 315 392 210 80

F. 24.25 up to 224 280 350 210 80

38 mm
Table A6: Principal dimensions for radial ball bearing [1]

Bearing number Bore(mm) Outside diameter Width(mm)

200 10 30 9

300 10 35 11

Design of pedal operated maize threshing machine 2015
201 12 32 10

301 12 37 12

202 15 35 11

203 17 40 12

303 17 47 14

403 17 62 17

204 20 47 14

205 25 52 15

305 25 62 17

405 25 80 21

206 30 62 16

306 30 72 19


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