Standard For Safety UL A

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standard for Safety U L 651 A

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Northbrook, Illinois *(708) 272-8800
Melville, New York *(516) 271-6200
Sar ạ Clara, California • (408) 985-241
, . Resnarch Triangle Park,
U n d e rw rite rs L a b o ra to rie s Inc. .,, Norm Carolina * (919) 549-1400
Cnrtms, Washington*(300) 817-5500

Underwriters Laboratories Inc., founded in 1894, is chartered as a not-for-profit

organisation without capital stock, under the laws of the state of Delaware, to
establish, maintain, and operate laboratories for the examination and testing
of devices, systems and materials to determine their relation to hazards to life
and property, and to ascertain, define and publish standards, classifications
and specifications for materials, devices, products, equipment, constructions,
methods, and-systems affecting such hazards.

UL Standards for Safety are.developed under a procedure which provides for

participation and comment from the affected public as well as industry. The
procedure takes into consideration a survey of known existing standards and
the needs and opinions of a wide variety of interests concerned with the subject
matter of the standard. Thus manufacturers, consumers, individuals associated
with consumer-oriented organizations, academicians, government officials,
industrial and commercial users, inspection authorities, insurance interests
and others provide input to UL in the formulating of ƯL Standards for Safety,
to keep them consonant with social and technological advances.

A not-for-profit organization
dedicated to public satety and
committed to quality service

AUGUST 24, 1995

UL 651A

Standard for

TYPE EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit and HDPE Conduit

First Edition - May, 1981

Second Edition-August, 1989

Prior to the first edition, the requirements for the products covered by this standard
were included in the first, second, and third editions of the Standard for Rigid
Nonmetallic Conduit, UL 651.

Third Edition

August 24, 1995 ).

An effective date included as a note immediately following certain requirements is

one established by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

The Department of Defense (DoD) has adopted UL651A on October 11,1989. The
publication of revised pages or a new edition of this standard will not invalidate the
DoD adoption.

Revisions of this standard will be made by issuing revised or additional pages

bearing their date of issue. A UL Standard is current only if it incorporates the
most recently adopted revisions, all of which are itemized on the transmittal notice
that accompanies the latest published set of revision pages.

ISBN 1-55989-868-2


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1 Scope : ............................................................................. 5
2 General ................................................................................... 6


3 General ....................................................................................................................... 6
4 PE Conduit and Fittings Other ThanBends ................................................................... 13
5 PVC and High-Density PE Bends....................................................... 15


6 General ................................................... '............................ ................................... 16

7 Tensile Strength of PVC and High-Density PE Conduit.................................................. 1f t ,
8 Deflection of Type A PVC Conduit and High-Density PE Conduit Under Heat and Load . . 2 ^*^
9 Extrusion-Process Test on PVC Conduit ...................................................................... 25
10 Low-Temperature Handling of PVC and High-Density PE Conduit................................ 26
11 Low-Temperature Handling of High-Density PE Couplings............................................ 26
12 Water Absorption ................................................. 26
13 Resistance of Type A PVC and High-Density PE Conduit to Crushing ................... 27 «
14 Stiffness of Type EB PVC Conduit............................................................................. 28
15 Resistance of PVC and High-Density PE Conduit to Impact.......................................... 29
16 Identification of PVC and High-Density PE Compounds................................................ 30
17 Dimensional Stability and Crushing Strength of High-Density PE Couplings for
High-Density PE Conduit............................................. 30
18 Bending Test of Joints in High-Density PE Conduit'...................................................... 31
19 Tests on Integral Couplings................: ..................................................................... 32
20 Axial-Pull Test on Joints in High-Density PE Conduit.................................................... 32


21 Details ..................................................................................................................... 33


SA1 Scope ....................................................................................................................SA1

SA2 Glossary ........................................................................................ SA1
SA3 Manufacturer’s Program................................................................................. .. • • • SA2
SA4 Manufacturer’s Follow-Up Control Requirements for Type EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit
and HDPE Conduit, Elbows, and Bends .............. SA3
SA5 Sample Selection Procedure................................................ SA6
SAp Follow-Up Inspection Program ............................................ SA9
SA7 Follow-Up Test Program 7.......................................................................................SA13
SA8 Markings .............................................................................................................. SA14


A. This Standard contains basic requirements for products covered by

Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) under its Follow-Up Service for this category
within the limitations given below and in the Scope section of this Standard. These
requirements are based upon sound engineering principles, research, records of
tests and field experience, and an appreciation of the problems of manufacture,
installation, and use derived from consultation with and information obtained from
manufacturers, users, inspection authorities, and others having specialized
experience. They are subject to revision as further experience and investigation
may show is necessary or desirable.

B. The observance of the requirements of this Standard by a manufacturer is

one of the conditions of the continued coverage of the manufacturer’s product.

c. A product which complies with the text of this Standard will not necessarily
be judged to comply with the Standard if, when examined and tested, It is found
to have other features which impair the level of safety contemplated by these

D. A product employing materials or having forms of construction differing from

those detailed in the requirements of this Standard may be examined and tested
according to the intent of the requirements and, if found to be substantially
equivalent, may be judged to comply with the Standard.

E. UL, in performing its functions in accordance with its objectives, does not
assume or undertake to discharge any responsibility of the manufacturer or any
other party. The opinions and findings of UL represent its professional judgment
given with due consideration to the necessary limitations of practical operation and
state of the art at the time the Standard is processed. UL shall not be responsible
to anyone for the use of or reliance upon this Standard by anyone. UL shall not
incur any obligation or liability for damages, including consequential damages,
arising out of or in connection with the use, interpretation of, or reliance upon this

F. Many tests required by the Standards of UL are inherently hazardous and

adequate safeguards for personnel and property shall be employed in conducting
such tests.


1 Scope

1.1 These requirements cover:

a) , Type EB and Type A extruded rigid PVC (polyvinyl chloride) electrical conduit and fittings
consisting of elbows and other bends made from and for use with these types of conduit.

b) Extruded rigid Schedule 40 high-density PE (polyethylene) electrical conduit and the following

1) Elbows and other bends from and for use with this conduit and

2) Rigid high-density PE couplings for use with this conduit.

The designations Type EB", 'Type A”, and "Schedule 40" refer to USA trade sizes of conduit having iron-pipe
size outside diameters and specific wall thicknesses.

1.2 The PVCand PE conduit and fittings mentioned in 1.1 are intended for i:cn at 5 0°c (122°F) and lower
ambient temperatures. Type A PVC conduit and fittings and Schedule 40 PE conduit and fittings are intended
for use with 75°c (167°F) wiring. Type A and Type EB PVC conduit and fittings, where encased in concrete
in trenches outside of buildings, may be used with 90°c (194°F) wiring. Schedule 40 PE conduit and fittings,
where directly buried or encased in concrete in trenches outside of buildings, may be used with 90°c
(194° F) wiring.

1.3 The conduit and fittings covered in these requirements are intended for use as rigid nonmetallic
raceway for wires and cables in accordance with the National Electrical Code.

1.4 Type EB (encased burial) PVC conduit is intended for encasement in concrete in trenches outside
of buildings. Type A PVC conduit is intended for encasement in concrete in any location.

1.5 Unless the wording of a requirement that applies to PVC conduit and fittings specifically limits the
requirement to Type EB or to Type A, each such requirement in this standard applies to both types.

1.6 Outlet boxes and covers that are rigid PVC or of another nonmetallic material and are for use with
the rigid PVC conduit and fittings covered in these requirements are covered separately in the Standard for
Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes, Flush-Device Boxes, and Covers, UL 514C.

1.7 Couplings, adapters, and similar fittings that are of rigid PVC and are for use with the rigid conduit
and fittings covered in these requirements are covered separately in the Standard for Conduit and Outlet
Boxes, UL 514A.

1.8 Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 rigid PVC electrical conduit and fittings consisting of elbows and other
bends made from and for use with this conduit are covered separately in the Standard for Schedule *.0 and
80 Rigid PVC Conduit, UL 651.

1.9 Irppregnated-fiber electrical conduit and fittings are covered separately in the Standard for
Impregnated-Fiber Conduit, U L 543.

1.10 The rigid PVC conduit and fittings covered in these requirements are intended to be joined to rigid
PVC boxes and fittings in the field by means of a cement that is or contains a solvent for polyvinyl chloride.

1.11 Schedule 40 high-density PE conduit is for aboveground use where encased in not less than
2 inches or 50 mm of concrete and for underground use by direct burial or encasement in concrete.

1.12 When using a sleeve window gauge, the end of the conduit shall be visible between the two scribed
marks when the conduit is inserted into the gauge.

1.13 A product that contains features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems new or different
from those covered by the requirements in this standard, and that involve a risk of fire, electric shock, or
injury to persons shall be evaluated using the appropriate additional component and end-product
requirements as determined necessary to maintain the acceptable level of safety as originally anticipated
by the intent of this standard. A product whose features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems
conflict with specific requirements or provisions of this standard cannot be judged to comply with this
standard. Where considered appropriate, revision of requirements shall be proposed and adopted in
conformance with the methods employed for development, revision, and implementation of this standard.

2 General

2.1 Units of measurement

2.1.1 If a value for measurement is followed by a value in other units, the use or recognition of either
value can be expected to provide equivalent results in the application of such requirements.

2.1.2 Unless otherwise indicated, all voltage and current values mentioned in this standard are root-mean-
square (rms).

2.2 Undated references

2.2.1 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in the requirements of this standard shall
be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard.


3 General

3.1 The compound of which rigid PVC conduit and fittings are made shall equal or exceed the cell
classification 12123 as described in Standard Specification for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds
and Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC Compounds), ASTM D 1784-31. The compound of which rigid
high-density PE conduit and couplings and other fittings are made shall equal or exceed the cell
classification PE 336620C as described in Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings
Materials, ASTM D 3350-84. All conduit and fittings shall be made and furnished with the degree of uniformity
and quality of workmanship that are practicable in a well-equipped factory.

3.2 Conduit and fittings shall provide a smooth raceway for the pulling in of wires and cables. They shall
not have any features that can abrade or otherwise damage wires and cables. The outside surfaces of
conduit and fittings shall be smooth and without any chips, blister, cracks, or other defects. There shall not
be any tendency for conduit or fittings to peel, scale, flake chalk, or crumble.

3.3 Both ends of each length of conduit shall be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the conduit.

3.4 PVC conduit and elbows and other bends shall not be threaded. There shall not be any taper to the
conduit or bend unless one end is formed as an integral coupling. In that case, only the interior surface of
the Integral coupling may be tapered.

3.5 For specific applications or uses lengths of PVC conduit may be shipped from the factory with or
without PVC couplings or with a PVC adapter instead of a coupling, and a PVC coupling with a center stop
need not be cemented to the conduit when the conduit is shipped but may be separately packaged.

3.6 For general use, a PVC coupling or similar fitting shall be cemented, heat-fused, or molded (see 3.24)
to one end of each length of PVC conduit before the conduit Is shipped from the factory. If a stopless
coupling is used, the end of the conduit shall be within 1/8 inch or 3 mm of the center of the coupling.

3.7 Limits on the wall thickness and outside diameter of pvc and PE conduit are specified in inches in
Table 3.1 and in millimeters in Table 3.2.

3.8 Each length of conduit on which measurements are made is to be finished, smooth and clean
wherever it is to touch any part of a measuring device or tool. While measurements are being made, the
conduit and the air around it are to be in thermal equilibrium with one another at a temperature of
23.0 ±2.0°c (73.4 ±3.6°F). All of the average and individual outside diameter measurements are to be
performed at the center and at least one end of the conduit.

3.9 The dimensions of an integral coupling on Type EB PVC conduit shall comply with Table 3.3 (Inches)
or Table 3.4 (mms) when measured with a machinist’s inside micrometer caliper (socket diameter) having
a ratchet, a machinist’s inside depth gauge (socket depth), and the machinist’s micrometer caliper (socket
wall thickness) mentioned in 3.10. Each instrument is to be calibrated to'read directly to at least 0.001 Inch
or 0.01 mm.

3.10 The measurements from which the average outside diameters of a length of finished conduit are to
be determined for comparison with the limits specified in inches in Table 3.1 or in millimeters in Table 3.2
are to be made by means of a:

a) Machinist’s micrometer caliper that has a flat-ended spindle, a flat anvil and is calibrated to
read directly to at least 0.001 inch or 0.01 mm;

b) Vernier caliper calibrated to read directly to at least 0.001 inch or 0.01 mm;

c) Vernier wrap tape, calibrated to read directly to at least 0.001 inch or 0.01 mm;

d) Tapered sleeve gauge accurate to ±1 percent of its taper and ±0.001 inch (±0.01 mm) of its
diameter; or

e) Sleeve window gauge accurate to within ±1 percent of its tape and ±0.001 inch of its

3.11 In disputes that may arise between measurng techniques, the vernier wrap tape is to act as the
referee iq determining compliance with the requirements for average outside diameters.

3.12 When employing a tapered sleeve gauge, the entrance and exit diameters of the gauge shall
correspond to the maximum and minimum outside diameters for the trade size of conduit being measured.

Table 3.1
Outside diameter and wall thickness of PVC and high-density PE conduit in inches


Outside diameters Wall thicknesses


size of Type A High-density Type EB High-density Type A Type EBb
conduit PVC conduit PE conduit PVC conduit PE conduit PVC conduit PVC conduit
inches Average Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum

1 /2 0.840 ±0.004 0.848 0.832 0.855 0.825 a a 0.129 0.109 0.080 0.060 a a

3/4 1.050 +0.004 1.060 1.040 1.070 1.030 a a 0.133 0.113 0.080 0.060 a a

1 1.315 ±0.005 1.325 1.305 1.340 1.290 a a 0.153 0.133 0.080 0.060 a a

1-1/4 1.660 ±0.005 1.672 1.648 1.685 1.635 a a 0.160 0.140 0.090 0.070 a a

1- 1 /2 1.900 ±0.006 1.912 Ị .888 1.930 1.870 a a 0.165 0.145 0.100 0.080 a a

2 2.375 ±0.006 2.387. 2.363 2.410 2.340 2.405 2.345 0.174 0.154 0.120 0.100 0.094 0.060

2 - 1 /2 2.875 ±0.007 2.890 2.860 2.910 2.840 a a 0.227 0.203 0.130 0.110 a a

3 3.500 ±0.008 3.515 3.485 3.540 3.460 3.530 3.470 0.242 0.216 0.145 0.125 0.109 0.061

3-1/2 4.000 ±0.008 4.050 3.950 4.045 3.955 4.050 3.950 0.253 0.226 0.165 0.145 0.124 0.072

4 4.500 ±0.009 4.550 4.450 4.550 4.540 4.550 4.450 0.265 0.237 0.170 0.150 0.129 0.082

5 5.563 ±0.010 5.613 5.513 5.618 5.508 5.613 5.513 0.289 0.258 a a 0.144 0.103

6 6.625 ±0.011 6.675 6.575 6.690 6.560 6.675 6.575 0.314 0.280 a a 0.164 0.125

a Additional requirements will be added as these sizes are determined to be acceptable.

b Length - Standard lengths are 10 feet and 20 feet. Other lengths may be shipped for specific applications.

AUGUST 24, 1995
Table 3.2
Limits on outside diameters and wall thicknesses of PVC and high-density PE conduit in millimeters


Outside diameters Wall thicknesses.
size of Type A High-density Type EB High-density Type A Type EBb
conduit PVC conduit PE conduit PVC conduit PE conduit PVC conduit PVC conduit
inches Average Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum

1 /2 21.34 ±0.10 21.54 21.13 21.72 20.96 a a 3.28 2.77 2.03 1.52 a a

3/4 26.67 ±0.10 26.92 26.42 27.18 26.16 a a 3.38 2.87 2.03 1.52 a a

1 33.40 ±0.13 33.66 33.15 34.04 32.77 a a 3.89 3.38 2.03 1.52 a a

1-1/4 42.16 ±0.13 42.47 41.86 42.80 41.53 a a 4.06 3.56 2.29 1.78 a a

1- 1 /2 48.26 ±0.15 48.56 47.96 4°.02 47.50 a a 4.20 3.68 2.54 2.03 ạ a

2 60.32 ±0.15 60.63 60.02 61.21 59.44 61.09 59.56 4.42 3.91 3.05 2.54 2.39 1.52

2 - 1 /2 73.02 ±0.18 73.41 72.64 73.91 72.14 a a 5.57 5.16 3.30 2.80 a a

3 88.90 ±0.20 89.28 88.52 89.92 87.88 89.60 88.14 6.15 5.49 3.68 3.18 2.77 1.55

3-1/2 101.60 ±0.20 102.87 100.33 102.74 100.46 102.87 100.33 6.43 5.74 4.20 3.68 3.15 1.83

4 114.30 ±0.23 115.57 113.03 115.57 113.03 115.57 113.03 6.73 6.02 4.32 3.80 3.28 2.08

5 141.30 ±0.25 142.57 140.03 142.70 139.90 142.57 140.03 7.34 6.55 a a 3.66 2.62

6 168.28 ±0.28 169.54 167.00 169.93 166.62 169.54 167.00 7.98 7.11 a a 4.17 3.18

a Additional requirements will be added as these sizes are determined to be acceptable.

b Length - Standard lengths are 10 feet and 20 feet. Other lengths may be shipped for specific applications.



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Table 3.3
Dimensions in inches of integral couplings for type EB PVC conduit

size of Inside diameter at inner end of socket Inside diameter at entrance to socket Minimum
conduit thickness at
in socket any point
Inches Average Maximum Minimum Average Maximum Minimum depth3 of socket

2 2.378 ±.008 2.408 2.348 2.396 ±.009 2.426 2.366 1.750 0.060

3 3.503 ±.010 3.533 3.473 3.529 ±.014 3.559 3.499 2.875 0.061

3-1/2 4.003 ±.011 4.053 3.953 4.031 ±.015 4.081 3.981 3.125 0.72

4 4.502 ±.012 4.552 4.452 4.533 ±.016 4.583 4.483 3.375 0.082

5 5.565 ±.013 5.615 5.515 5.601 ±.018 5.651 5.551 4.000 0.103

6 6.627 ±.014 6.677 6.577 6.669 ±.023 6.719 6.619 5.000 0.125

a Socket depth shall be measured from the entrance edge to the shoulder stop. Tests are not needed on sockets complying with these minlmums.

UL 651A
AUGUST 24, 1995
24, 1995
Table 3.4


Dimensions in millimeters of integral couplings for type EB PVC conduit

size of Inside diameter at inner end of socket Inside diameter at entrance to socket Minimum
conduit thickness at
in socket any point
Inches Average Maximum Minimum Average Maximum Minimum depth3 of socket

2 60.40 ±0.20 61.16 59.64 60.86 ±0.23 61.62 60.10 44.45 1.52

3 88.98 ±0.25 89.74 88.21 89.64 ±0.36 90.40 88.87 73.02 1.55

3-1/2 101.68 ±0.28 102.95 100.40 102.39 ±0.38 103.66 101.12 79.38 1.83

4 114.35 ±0.30 115.62 113.08 115.14 i0.41 116.40 113.87 85.72 2.08

5 141.35 ±0.33 142.62 140.08 142.27 ±0.46 143.54 141.00 101.60 2.62

6 168.33 ±0.36 169.60 167.06 168.40 ±0.58 170.66 168.12 127.00 3.18

3 Socket depth shall be measured trom the entrance edge to the shoulder stop. Tests are not needed on sockets complying with these minimums.


3.13 When employing a sleeve window gauge, the window shall extend beyond the two scribed marks
which shall represent the minimum and maximum permitted diameters.

3.14 The measurements from which the minimum and maximum outside diameters (ovality or out-of-
roundness) of a length of finished conduit are to be determined for comparison with the limits specified in
inches in Table 3.1 or in millimeters in Table 3.2, are to be made by means of a:

a) Machinist’s micrometer caliper that has a flat-ended spindle, a flat anvil, and is calibrated to
read directly to at least 0.001 inch or 0.01 mm;

b) Vernier caliper calibrated to read directly to at least 0.001 inch or 0.01 mm; or

c) Out-of-roundness gauge accurate to ±0.001 inch or ±0.01 mm.

3.15 In disputes that may arise between measuring techniques, the vernier caliper is to act as the referee
in determining compliance with the requirements for minimum and maximum outside diameters.

3.16 The measurements from which the wall thicknesses of a length of finished conduit are to be
determined for comparison with the limits specified in inches in Table 3.1, or in millimeters in Table 3.2, are
to be made by means of a machinist’s micrometer caliper that has a ratchet, a flat-ended spindle, and a
hemispherical anvil and is calibrated to read directly to at least 0.001 inches or 0.01 mm.

3.17 If desired, equivalent methods, tools, and measurement techniques may be employed to determine
compliance with the above dimensional requirements provided they are accurate to within ±0.001 inch
(±0.01 mm).

3.18 To determine the average outside diameter when using a micrometer caliper or vernier caliper, at
least four measurements (every 45 degrees) are necessary at each place to make certain that the largest
and smallest diameters are found. The average of all the recorded diameters is to be determined and
compared with the average diameter in inches in Table 3.1 or in millimeters in Table 3.2 for the trade size
of conduit involved. The average of the recorded diameters shall not differ from the average diameter in the
applicable table by more than the specified tolerances.

3.19 To determine the average outside diameter when using vernier wrap tape, place the vernier wrap
tape around the conduit making sure that it is at right angles to the conduit axis and is flat against the
conduit surface. The observed reading is to be compared with the average diameter in inches In Table 3.1
or in millimeters in Table 3.2 for the trade size of conduit involved. The observed reading shall not differ from
the average diameter in the applicable table by more than the specified tolerances.

3.20 To determine the average outside diameter when using a tapered sleeve gauge or sleeve window
gauge, cut the end of the conduit square and remove burrs. Insert the conduit into the sleeve gauge and
observe the position of the end with respect to the ends of the tapered sleeve gauge or the position of the
end with respect to the minimum and maximum scribed marks of the sleeve window gauge.

3.21 When using a tapered sleeve gauge, the end of the conduit shall enter the largest end of the gauge
and shall not pass through the smaller end of the gauge

3.22 When using a sleeve window gauge, the end of the conduit shall be visible between the two scribed
marks when the conduit is inserted into the gauge.

3.23 The average of the recorded diameters mentioned in 3.18 - 3.20 is to be determined and compared
with the average diameter in inches in Table 3.1 or in millimeters in Table 3.2 for the size of conduit involved.
The average of the recorded diameters shall not differ from the average diameter in the applicable table by
more than the specified tolerances.

3.24 The wall thickness is to be measured at one or both ends of the conduit by means of the caliper
with the hemispherical anvil. At least four measurements are necessary at each end, measured to make
certain that the thickest and thinnest parts of the wall are found. The maximum and minimum of all the
recorded thicknesses are to be compared with the maximum and minimum wall thicknesses in inches in
Table 3.1 or in millimeters in Table 3.2 for the size of conduit involved. Neither limit shall be exceeded.

3.25 A PVC coupling shall be capable of being secured to PVC conduit by means of the type of cement
mentioned in 1.10. When assembled to conduit to which solvent cement is freshly applied the coupling shall
comply with both of the following:

a) The coupling shall be hand-tight on the conduit when the end of the conduit is against the
stop or, in the case of a stopless coupling, within 1/8 inch or 3 mm of the center of the coupling.
The coupling shall not be loose nor shall anything other than a person’s hands be needed to
assemble the coupling to the conduit and

b) Around the junction of the coupling socket and the conduit circumference to which the
coupling is attached, there shall not be any void that is not essentially filled by cement.

4 PE Conduit and Fittings other Than Bends

4.1 Limits on the wall thickness and outside diameter of high-density PE conduit are specified in Inches
in Table 3.1 and in millimeters in Table 3.2.

4.2 For specific applications or uses, lengths may be shipped with or without couplings.

4.3 Depending upon the availability of compatible couplings and other joining methods, the ends of each
length of high-density PE conduit shall both be threaded (see 4.8 and 4.9) or shall both be plain.

4.4 The taper of threads shall be 3/4 inch per foot of length or 25 mm per 400 mm of length. The perfect
thread shall be tapered for its entire length (if solid threading dies are used and the threads are cut too far
on the conduit, the taper does not appear on the entire length of the perfect thread).

4.5 The pitch of threads shall comply to the Standard for Pipe Threads (Except Dryseal), ANSI/ASME
B2.1-1968. The other dimensions of threads shall be as indicated in Table 4.1 and illustrated in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1

- 1 _ 2 E F F E C T I V E L E N G T H O F T H R E A D S '




4.6 Couplings for high-density PE conduit shall be of the drive-on or threaded type. The threads in the
threaded type shall match the threads on the conduit (see 4.4 and 4.5).

4.7 The wall thickness, over-all length, socket diameters and depth, and other dimensions of couplings
and other fittings for high-density PE conduit shall result in joints that exclude dirt, debris, and fresh concrete
and are acceptable in the Bending Test of Joints in High-Density PE Conduit, Section 18.

4.8 A threaded coupling shall be attached to one end of each threaded length of high-density PE conduit
before the conduit is shipped from the factory. See 4.2.

4.9 Exposed threads on high-density PE conduit shall be protected against mechanical damage during
shipping and handling.

Table 4.1
Dimensions of threads

total length 1 effective length of EQ pitch diameter

of threads3, ^ threads, at end of conduit,
Trade size Number
of conduit of threads
In Inches per Inch Inches mm Inches mm Inches *5 mmc

1 /2 14 0.78 19.8 0.53 13.5 0.758 19.3

3/4 14 0.79 20.1 0.55 14.0 0.968 24.6

1 11 - 1 /2 038 24.9 0.68 17.3 1.124 30.8

1-1/4 11 - 1 /2 1.01 25.7 . 0.71 18.0 1.557 39.5

1- 1 /2 11 - 1 /2 1.03 26.2 0.72 18.3 1.796 45.6

2 11 - 1 /2 1.06 26.9 0.76 19.3 2.269 57.6

2 - 1 /2 8 1.57 39.9 1.14 29.0 2.720 69.1

3 8 1.63 41.4 1.20 30.5 3.341 84.9

3-1/2 8 1.68 42.7 1.25 31.8 3.838 97.5

4 8 1.73 43.9 1.30 33.0 4.334 110.1

5 8 1.84 46.7 1.41 35.8 5.391 136.9

6 8 1.95 49.5 1.51 38.4 6.446 163.7

a A minus tolerance of one thread applies to the total length of threads L4.

k Tolerances of +0.005 inch apply to the pitch diameter EQ in inches.

c Tolerances of +0.1 mm apply to the pitch diameter EQ in mm.


5 PVC and High-Density PE Bends

5.1 Elbows and other bends for use with PVC or high-density PE conduit shall be formed from lengths
of straight PVC and high-density PE conduit that are of any convenient length (see 5.2) but otherwise
comply with the requirements in this standard. The axial length of a finished bend shall not exceed 10 feet
or 3.05 m. Each finished bend shall not have any kinks or creases. A coupling need not be attached to an
elbow or other bend before the bend is shipped from the factory.

5.2 If the lengths of conduit from which elbows and other bends are formed are longer or shorter than
10 feet or 3.05 m, and are shipped to another of the conduit manufacturer’s factories, or to a second
manufacturer, each length or bundle of lengths shall be tagged or otherwise marked to indicate that the
conduit is intended for further processing.

5.3 Examples of PVC and high-density PE bends are illustrated in Figure 5.1. No bend other than at the
end curve of a gooseneck shall be sharper than 90 degrees. The sharpest end curve shall not be more than
135 degrees. No bend shall be shallower than 15 degrees. The length Ls of the straight portions at the ends
r 1 bend and the radius R of a bend shall not be smaller than indicated in Table 5.1 for each size of
conduit. The straight end portions of elbows and other bends shall comply with the dimensions specified
in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1
Minimum dimensions pf PVC and high-density PE bends

Length Ls of straight
Radius R of bend to center line of conduit, end portion,
Trade size of conduit
Inches mm Inches mm
In Inches

1 /2 4 100 1- 1 /2 38

3/4 4-1/2 114 1- 1 /2 38

1 5-3/4 146 1-7/8 48

1-1/4 7-1/4 184 2 50

1- 1 /2 8-1/4 210 2 50

2 9-1/2 241 2 50

2 - 1 /2 10- 1 /2 267 3 76

' 3 13 330 3-1/8 79

3-1 /2 15 380 3-1/4 83

4 16 400 3-3/8 86

5 24 600 3-5/8 92

6 30 760 3-3/4 95

Figure 5.1


Ĩ 0
6 General
' J ^

6.1 In accordangewith 1.13,,modified tests or tests in addition to those ified in Sections 7 -2 0 may
be necessary. Amonphe pc^ssibilifi^ are installation of wires, resistance to nd dimensional stability.

6.2 Unless specified otherwise in the description of the test, all specimens for each of the performance
tests in this standard shall be preconditioned for at least 24 hours in still air at a temperature of 23.0 ± 2.0°c
(73.4 ±3.6°F).

7 Tensile Strength of PVC and High-Density PE Conduit

7.1 General

7.1.1 The average tensile strength of three aged specimens of finished conduit shall equal or exceed
95 percent of the average tensile strength of three unaged specimens of conduit. The average tensile
strength of the unaged specimens shall comply with the limit established for the compound used but, in any
case, shall not be less than 4000 lbf/in2 or 27.6 MN/m2 or 2.76 kN/cm2 or 2812 gf/mm2 for PVC conduit

and for high-density PE conduit. The procedures (similar to those described in the Standard Test Method
for Tensile Properties of Plastics, ASTM D 638-84) for preparing and conditioning the specimens, for making
the measurements, and for calculating the average tensile strengths are indicated in 7.2.1 - 7.4.1.

7.2 Preparation of specimens

7.2.1 Six complete tubes are to be cut from sample lengths of the finished conduit. Each tube of PE and
Type A PVC conduit is to be 15 inches or 380 mm long. Each tube of Type EB PVC conduit is to be
8-1 /2 inches or 216 mm long. Each cut is to be made in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of
the conduit.

7.2.2 Measurements are to be made by means of two machinist’s micrometer calipers, each with a
ratchet and a flat-ended spindle. The anvil is to be hemispherical on the caliper used for measurements of
thickness on each tube of PE, Type A, and Type EB conduit and is to be flat on the caliper used for
measurements of diameter on each tube of PE and Type A conduit. The calibration of the scale on each
caliper is to facilitate estimation of each measurement to 0.0001 inch or 0.001 mm.

/.2.3 Each tube is to be smooth and clean wherever it is touched by a spindle or anvil. While
measurements are being made, each tube and the air around it are to be in thermal equilibrium with one
another at a temperature of 23.0 ±2.0°c (73.4 ±3.6°F).

7.2.4 The wall thickness is to be measured at each end of each tube by means of the caliper with the
hemispherical anvil. At least four measurements are necessary at each end to make certain that the thickest
and thinnest parts of the wall are found. Each measurement is to be estimated to the nearest 0.0001 inch
or 0.001 mm and recorded. The average of all of the recorded thicknesses is to be determined to the nearest
0.001 inch or 0.01 mm for .each tube and recorded as T.

7.2.5 The outside diameter is to be measured at the center and each end of each tube of PE and Type
A PVC conduit by means of the caliper with the flat anvil. At least four measurements (every 45 degrees)
are necessary at each location to make certain that the largest and smallest diameters are found. Each
measurement is to be estimated to the nearest 0.0001 inch or 0.001 mm and recorded. The average of all
of the recorded diameters is to be determined to the nearest 0.001 inch or 0.01 mm for each tube and
recorded as D.

7.2.6 The center 2-1/4-inch or 57-mm section of each tube of PE and Type A PVC conduit is to be
reduced in diameter as illustrated in Figure 7.1. The diameter Dr to which the section is to be reduced is to
be determined from the expression:

Dr = D - 0.87

in which:

D is the average outside diameter as determined in 7.2.5 and

T is the average thickness as determined in 7.2.4.

D is to be recorded to the nearest 0.001 inch or 0.01 mm. With care being taken to maintain concentricity,
a lathe is to be used to reduce the center section of each tube of PE and Type A PVC conduit approximately
to D . As indicated in Figure 7.1, each end of the reduced-diameter section is to be joined to the outside
diameter D by a transition section having a radius in the neighborhood of 3 inches or 76 mm. The transition
and reduced-diameter sections are to be tangent to one another. Any marks left by the machining operation

are to be removed by light sanding with No. 00 or finer abrasive paper. The direction of sanding is to be
parallel to the longitudinal axis of the resulting specimen. On each specimen, the finished surface of the
reduced-diameter section is to be smooth and is not to have any scratches or other visible imperfections.
The diameter measured at any point in the straight 2-1/4-inch or 57-mm portion of the reduced-diameter
section of any specimen is not to deviate more than 0.001 inch or 0.01 mm from the diameter measured at
any other point of the straight portion of the reduced-diameter section. The diameter of the straight portion
of the reduced-diameter section is to be measured in the manner indicated in 7.2.5 and is to be recorded
as Dr for each specimen.

Figure 7.1
Specimen of PE conduit or PVC conduit other than type EB

7.2.7 A longitudinal strip 3/4 inch or 19 mm wide is to be cut from each tube of Type EB PVC conduit.
Each cut is not to be made radially but is to be made in a plane parallel to the longitudinal axis of the tube.
The center 2-1 /4-jnch or 57-mm section of each strip is to be reduced in width to 1/2 inch or 13 mm as
indicated in Figure 7.2. As indicated in Figure 7.2, each end of the reduced-width section is to be joined to
the wider end section by a transition section having a radius in the neighborhood of 3 inches or 76 mm. The
transition and reduced-width sections are to be tangent to one another. As indicated in Section A-A of

Figure 7.2, each edge of the reduced-width section is to be in a plane parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
resulting specimen. Any marks left by the machinery operation are to be removed by light sanding with
No. 00 or finer abrasive paper. The direction of sanding is to be parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
specimen. On each specimen, the finished surface of each edge of the reduced-width section is to be
smooth and without any scratches or other visible imperfections. The width measured at any point in the
straight 2-1 /4-inch or 57-mm portion of the reduced-width section of any specimen is not to deviate more
than 0.001 inch or 0.01 mm from the width measured at any other point of the straight portion of the
reduced-width section.

Figure 7.2
Shape and dimensions of curved-strip specimen of type EB PVC conduit

- inch
-* -4 OR

2 1 -IN C H OR
Y * — S-—


580601-2 C - —----------

The transition and reduced sections are to be mutually tangent

7.2.8 The curved dimension s (see Figure 7.2) of the reduced-width section of each specimen of Type
EB PVC conduit is to be measured by means of a flexible measuring tape. The measurement is to be made
at the ceqter of the reduced-width section and is to be recorded as s for each section.

7.2.9 The cross-sectional area of the straight portion of the reduced section is to be calculated and
recorded in square inches or mm2 for each tubular specimen of PE and Type A PVC conduit from the

A = 0.7854(Dr - D 2 - 4T2 + 4D7)

in which:

Dr is the reduced diameter as determined in 7.2.6,

D is the average outside diameter as determined in 7.2.5, and

T is the average thickness as determined in 7.2.4.

7.2.10 The cross-sectional area of the straight portion of the reduced-width section is to be calculated
and recorded in square inches or mm2 for each curved-strip specimen of Type EB PVC conduit from the

A = ST

in which:

The curved dimension s is as determined in 7.2.8 and

T is as defined previously.

7.2.11 The area in m2 can be obtained by multiplying the area calculated in mm2 by 10'6. The area in cm2
can be obtained by multiplying the area calculated in mm2 by 10*4.

7.2.12 Three specimens are to be supported in a full-draft circulating-air oven preheated at full draft ter
113.0 ±1.0°c (235.4 ±1 ,8°F). The arrangement and manner of support of the specimens is to make certain
that the specimens do not touch one another or the walls of the oven. An acceptable method is to space
the specimens on an open-mesh shelf about 2 inches or 50 mm above the floor of the oven to maintain the
full circulation of air around and through the specimens. The oven is to be operated at full draft for
168 hours at 113.0 ±1.0°c (235.4 ±1.8°F). The specimens are then to be removed from the oven and given
time to cool in still air.

. 7.3 Conduct of the test

7.3.1 No sooner than 16 hours and no later than 96 hours after the three specimens mentioned in 7.2.12
are removed from the oven, all six specimens are to be tested in succession. While the testing is in progress,
the specimens, the test equipment, and the surrounding air are to be in thermal equilibrium with one another
at a temperature of,23.0 ± 2 .0 °c (73.4 ±3.6°F).

7.3.2 A right-circular metal plug is to be inserted in each end of each tubular specimen, if necessary, to
keep the tubular specimens from being crushed by the grips on the testing machine. Each plug is to fit
snugly for its entire length and is to extend 1 inch or 25 mm farther into the tubular specimen than the end
of the grips.

7.3.3 Each tubular and curved-strip specimen is to be tested until it parts on a power-driven machine on
which the grips separate at the rate of 1/2 ±1/8 inch per minute or 10.0 ±2.5 ram per minute. The maximum
load L observed for each specimen is to be recorded in Ibf or N or gf. . /

7.4 Results

7.4.1 The tensile strength of each specimen in psi or N/m2 or N/cm2 or gf/mm2 is to be calculated by
dividing the maximum load L in Ibf or N or gf by the cross-sectional area A in m* or cm2 or mm2. The
average tensile strengths of the three conditioned specimens and of the three unaged specimens are to be
determined and recorded for comparison with the requirements in 7.1.1.

8 Deflection of Type A PVC Conduit and High-Density PE Conduit Under Heat and Load

8.1 General

8.1.1 The average temperature at which simply supported center-loaded bar specimens machined from
nished Type A PVC conduit and from finished high-density PE conduit deflect 0.010 inch or 0.25 mm shall
not be lower than 70.0°c (158.0°F) at a stress of 66 psi or 455 Kn/m2 or 45.5 N/cm2 or 46.4 gf/mm2 and,
for Type A PVC only, shall not be lower than 62.0°c (143.6°F) at a stress of 264 psi or 1.82 MN/m2 or
182 N/cm2 or 186 gf/mm2. The specimens are to be prepared and the test conducted as indicated in
8.2.1 - 8.4.6. These procedures are similar to those described in the Standard Test Method for Deflection
Temperature of Plastics Under Flexural Load, ASTM D 648-86.

8.2 Preparation of specimens

8.2.1 At least six rectangular specimens that are of any convenient but uniform thickness, 0.50 inch or
13 mm high, and 5.0 inches or 127 mm long are to be machined from sample lengths of finished Type A
PVC conduit of the 4-inch or larger trade size. Three specimens of the same dimensions are to be prepared
from high-density PE conduit of the 4-inch or a larger trade size. All adjacent surfaces of each specimen are
to be mutually perpendicular and smooth, flat, and without any visible imperfections such as scratches.

8.3 Apparatus

8.3.1 The apparatus is to consist of a container in which a specimen can be supported and loaded as
shown in Figure 8.1 while immersed in a liquid heat-transfer medium as shown in Figure 8.2. The coefficients
of linear thermal expansion of the rod through which the load is applied and of the vertical members that
connect the specimen supports to the upper plate are to be equal. A dial micrometer, on whose scale the
smallest division represents 0.0005 inch or 0.01 mm, is to be coupled to the loading rod for the purpose of
measuring the deflection at the center of the specimen.

8.3.2 The liquid used as the heat-transfer medium is to be one that does not affect the rigidity of the
specimen at room or elevated temperatures.

8.3.3 An immersion or other heater whose output is adjusted by a means such as a rheostat or variable
transformer is to be provided for heating the liquid at the rate of 2.00 ±0.20°c (3.60 ±0.36°F) per minute.
A means is to be provided for stirring or otherwise circulating the liquid continuously during the heating

8.3.4 An accurate mercury or other thermometer covering a range of at least 20 - 75°G (68 - 167°F) is
to be mounted where its bulb is close to but not touching the top surface of a specimen whenever a
specimen is in place. The bulb is not to be farther away from a specimen than 1/8 inch or 3 mm.
^ ^ .y ? \á á W .g ;g a -vU.-,l,-llJiv-^IJ-&ivk-.r.--i.;.W vt.sye»^Wq


Figure 8.1

All dimensions are in inches with mm tabulated below

Dimension In drawing In Inches Dimension In mm

1 /8 3

1/4 6.5

1 /2 13

0.50 13

2 51

8.3.5 A device that does not affect the load on a specimen may be included in the apparatus to
disconnect the heater and energize a lamp, bell, or other indicator when a deflection of 0.010 inch or
0.25 mm occurs.

8.4 Conduct of the test

8.4.1 A specimen is to be put in place as indicated in Figures 8.1 and 8.2 with the presser foot not
touching the specimen. The liquid is to be admitted to the container to a depth that covers the thermometer
to the level specified in its calibration. The stirring or circulating device is to be started and the temperature
is to be noted. The apparatus, specimen, and liquid are to be in thermal equilibrium with one another and
with the surrounding air at a temperature of 23.0 ±2.0°C'(73.4 ±3.6°F) before proceeding further.

Figure 8.2

8.4.2 The total force F to be exerted by the presser foot on a specimen of PE or Type A PVC conduit is
to be determined from whichever of the following formulas is applicable. In each case, the weight w that
is to be added to the loading rod to make the presser foot bear on a specimen with force F is equal to F
minus the weight of the loading road minus the force of the spring in the dial micrometer.

grams F6Bpsi = 19,958

L in

in which:

F66psi is the force in grams to stress the specimen to 66 psi,

T- is the measured thickness of the specimen in inches,

H.n is the m e a s u re d h e ig h t o f the s p e c im e n in in c h e s , a n d

the measured distance between the centers of the specimen supports in inches.
.Ị,...^ .., «. ^ 1 | | r - ______ a ............... .. . - . . . . . . . . . ........ .....................-----------------------------------


newtons F

in which:

F455 kN/m2 is the force in newtons to stress the specimen to 455 Kn/m 2 or 45.5 N /cm 2,

Tmm is the measured thickness of the specimen in mm,

Hmm is the measured height of the specimen in mm, and

Lm is the measured distance between the centers of the specimen supports in mm.

grams F

in which:

F464 ^ 2 is the force in grams to stress the specimen to 46.4 gf/m m 2 and
46.4 gf/mm'

r mm’, /-/mm’, and L mm are as explained


8.4.3 The presser foot is to be lowered gently and left to bear on the specimen for 5 minutes (no waiting
period is necessary if it is known that the material of which the specimen is made does not creep
appreciably in 5 minutes). The scale on the dial micrometer is then to be adjusted to zero and the heater
is to be energized to raise the temperature of the liquid at the rate of 2.00 ±0.20°c (3.60 ±0.36°F) per
minute. The heating is to continue until the micrometer indicates that the specimen is deflected 0.010 inches
or 0.25 mm, at which point the temperature is to be noted and recorded.

8.4.4 The procedure in 8.4.1 - 8.4.3 is to be repeated on two more specimens of PE or Type A PVC
conduit. The average of the three temperatures shall not be lower than 70.0°c (158.0°F).

8.4.5 After the apparatus has cooled, the procedure in 8.4.1 - 8.4.3 is to be repeated on the second sel
of three specimens of Type A PVC conduit but with the presser foot bearing on a specimen with a force thai
stresses the specimen to 264 psi or 1.82 MN/m2 or 182 N/cm2 or 1856 gf/mm2. The total force F264 to bt
exerted by the presser foot is to be determined from whichever of the following formulas is applicable:

J.M 2.
grams F26Apsj = 79,832 j - — -

in which:

F264 ■is the force in grams to stress the specimen to 264 psi,

T. is the measured thickness of the specimen in inches,


Hin is the measured height of the specimen in inches, and

Ljn is the measured distance between the centers of the specimen supports in inches.

n e w to n s F MN/rns -
' L-mm

In which:

F1 g2 MN/m2 IS f° rce m newtons to stress the specimen to 1.82 M N/m 2 or 182 N /cm 2,

Tmm is the measured thickness of the specimen in mm,

Hmm is the measured height of the specimen in mm, and

Lmm is the measured distance between the centers of the specimen supports in mm.

T H 2,
r- _ 1 0 0 -7 mmn mm
w 1856 gf mm* / _

in which:

F1856 gf/mm2 is the force in grams to stress the specimen to 1856 gf/m m 2 and

Tmmể H mm, and Lmm are gf/mm2 are as explained above.

18.4.6 For type A PVC conduit the average of the three temperatures shall not be lower than
2.0°c (143.6°F).

9 Extrusion-Process Test on p v c Conduit

9.1 I 'TI]egprocesses of extrusion shall result in finished Type A and EB PVC whose surfaces do not exhibit
any evidence of incomplete%âonafter immersion of the conduit in anhycirbus acetone. Specimens are to
be prepared and tested as indicated in 9.2 and 9.3. These procedures are similar to those described in the
Standard Test Method for Degree of Fusion of Extruded Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Molded Fittings
by Acetone Immersion, ASTM D2152-80 (1986). , 0

9^2 ^-Acetone (dimethyl ketone (CH3)2CỌ]-j6f an extremely volatile liquid whoserv^gors form explosiye ,
mixtures with air. Hence, open flames, glcfwfrig cigarettes, and other sources of ignition must be kept away. J
Acetone and acetone-PVC products are toxic, damaging to clothing, and rapidly absorb moisture from air,
th^sldn, and other sources. They should not touch the skin, nor should the vapors of these substances be
inrafecl. Because acetone with moisture in it is not effective in this test, the test is to be conducted with each
specimen in its own covered container. Acetone can be dehydrated by filtering it through anhydrous calcium
sulphate (CaS04).
AUGUST 24 1995

9.3 A sample 1 inch or 25 mm long is to be cut from a length of finished conduit and, with prudent
attention to the risks to health and, to Jthe risk of fire (see 9.2), is to be immersed in anhydrous acetone of
the American Chemical Society reagefit grade for 20 minutes at a temperature of 23.0 ±2.0°c (73.4 ±3.6°F)
and is then to be examined. For conduit having a nominal wall thickness greater than 0.125 inch or 3.18 mm,
a portion of the wall at one location ^balt^be removed so that approximately 1/16 inch or 1.5 mm remains.
Removal shall be effected by'fiiing, lancing or other means at a rate that does not result in localized heating
ofthe surface. There shall not be any evraefice/bf flafeng"on most^>te|ny surface (interior exterior, or that
expoấeố^y material removal) of the sample. Flaking on the cut Mges is to be điềỉế^arờéơ.

10 Low-Temperature Handling of FVC and High-Density PE Conduit

10.1 PVC and high-density PE conduit shall not shatter, chip, or crack when handled at low temperature
as indicated in 10.2.

10.2 One 30-inch or 760-mm specimen is to be cut from sample lengths of each size of finished PVC and
high-density PE conduit. The ends of each specimen are to be smooth and perpendicular to the longitudinal
axis of the conduit. The specimens are to be cooled in circulating air for five hours to a temperature of
minus 20.0 ± 1 .0 ° c (minus 4.0 ±1.8°F). While still at the low temperature, each specimen is to be dropped
onto a concrete floor twice in quick succession from a height of 60 inches or 1525 mm. During the first drop,
the specimen is to make an angle of approximately 45 degrees with the floor so that one end of it reaches
the floor first. During the second drop, the specimen is to fall parallel to the floor. The conduit shall not
shatter, chip, or crack.

11 Low-Temperature Handling of High-Density PE Couplings

11.1 There shall be no cracking, chipping, or shattering of a high-density PE coupling for use with high-
density PE conduit when samples of the coupling are tested as described in 11.2 and 11.3.

11 .2k/ 9amples of each type of high-density PE coupling for use with high-density PE conduit are ea^h^e
be asieirfbled to a 30-inch or 760-mm length of the applicable size of high-density PE conduit in the'tffenner
imer^íeâ by the manufacturer. The assemblies are to be exposed for five hours to circulating air that is
maintained at a temperature of minus 20.0 ±1.0°c (minus 4.0 ±1.8°F).

11.3 Each assembly is to be dropped to a concrete floor twice in rapid succession from a height ol
approximately 60 inches or 1525 mm immediately after removal from the cold chamber. For the first drop,
the conduit is to be parallel to the floor. For the second drop, the conduit is to be at an angle ol
approximately 45 degrees to the floor and the coupling is to strike the floor first. Couplings shall not crack,
chip, or shatter.

12 Water Absorption

12.1 Finished conduit shall not absorb any more water than indicated in Table 12.1 while immersed for
24 hours in distilled water. The test is to be made as indicated in 12.2 - 12.4 (similar to the method
described as Procedure A in the Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics, ASTM D 570-81).

12.2 Specimens are to be preconditioned by drying in a full-draft circulating-air oven at a temperature

of 50.0 ± 3 .0 ° c (122.0 ±5.4°F) for 24 hours, after which they are to remain inches still air at a temperature
of 23.0 ± 2 .0 ° c (73.4 ±3.6°F) for 24 hours.

Table 12.1
Maximum water absorption

Material of which conduit Is made Maximum W2/W1

PVC 1.0050

High-density PE 1.0001

12.3 A clean, dry specimen of finished conduit at least 6 inches or 150 mm long is to be preconditioned
as Indicated in 12.1, is to be weighed (W^ to within 5 mg of balance, and then immersed for 24 hours in
distilled water that is at a temperature of 23.0 ± 2 .0 °c (73.4 ±3.6°F). The specimen is then to be removed
from the water, dried quickly inside and out with a clean piece of soft lintless cloth, and immediately
reweighed (W2) to within 5 mg of balance. W2/W 1 shall not be larger than indicated in Table 12.1.

12.4- If a sample is known to contain or is suspected of containing appreciable amounts of water-soluble

material, two specimens are to be preconditioned by drying in a full-draft circulating-air oven at a
temperature of 50.0 ±3.0°c (122.0 ±5.4°F) for 24 hours, cooled in a desiccator for 24 hours, and
immediately weighed (W^. The specimens are then to be immersed in distilled water for 24 hours with the
water at a temperature of 23.0 ±2.0°c (73.4 ±3.6°F). Immediately following this immersion, the specimens
are to be reconditioned for 24 hours in the oven at 50.0 ±3.0°c (122.0 ±5.4°F), cooled in a desiccator for
24 hours, and immediately reweighed (W2). The conduit is to be made the subject of an investigation if W2
is less than w r

13 Resistance of Type A PVC and High-Density PE Conduit to Crushing

13.1 Six-inch or 150-mm specimens of finished PVC and high-density PE conduit shall not flatten under the
load indicated in Table 13.1 to the point that they buckle. The minor axis measured inside each loaded
specimen shall not be less than the Table 13.1 percentage of the inside diameter of the specimen measured
before loading. The test is to be made as indicated in 13.2 (similar to the procedure described in the
Standard Test Method for Determination of External Loading Characteristics of Plastic Pipe by Parallel-Plate
Loading, ASTM D 2412-87).

I J.2 Three 6-inch or 150-mm specimens are to be cut from finished lengths of each size of PVC and high-
density PE conduit. The specimens, the testing machine, and the surrounding air are to be in the thermal
equTiibriufri"with one another at a temperature of 23.0 ±2.0°c (73.4 ±3.6°F) during the test. .The
inside diameter of each specimen is to lee measured. The specimens are then to be testedI separately
between a^aiirfof rigid, flat, steel plates that are at least 6 'inches or 150 mm long and are horizontal and
ị)ẵrMỹ\ to one another. One plate is to be moved toward the other at the rate of 1/2 ±1/8 inch per minute
or 10.0 ±2.5 mm per minute until the load specified in Table 13.1 is applied as indicated on the dial on the
machine. All specimens shall comply with the following:
kxZ r * ^
a) The surface shall not pull away from contact with either plate during or after application of the
load (buckle) and

b) The minor axis measured inside any flattened specimen shall not be less than the Table 13.1
percentage of the inside diameter of that specimen measured before loading.

Table 13.1
Load for crushing test

Trade Load for 6 -Inch or 150-mm specimen

size of
conduit Type A PVC conduit High-density PE conduit
Inches Percentage3 Ibf N kgf Percentage3 Ibf N kgf

1 /2 70 300 1334 136 70 950 4225 431

3/4 70 300 1334 136 70 750 3336 340

1 70 300 1334 136 70 650 2890 295

1-1/4 70 300 1334 136 75 500 2224 227

1- 1 /2 70 350 1557 159 75 400 1780 181

7 2 - 1 /2








3 70 450 2000 204 75 500 2224 227

3-1/2 70 550 2446 249 b b b b

4 70 525 2335 238 75 350 1557 159

5 b b b b b b b b

6 b b b b b b b b

a The figure in this column is the percentage of its original length to which the minor axis of the loaded specimen can be
reduced by the load.

k These requirements will be added as these sizes are determined to be acceptable._________________________________

14 Stiffness of Type EB PVC Conduit

4.1 Type EB PVC conduit shall have a stiffness of at least 20 psi or 89 N/m2 or 357 gf/mm2 when tested
Ìs described in 14.2 and 14.3, 240 hours or more after manufacture. This test is similar to the procedure
escribed in the Standard Test Method for Determination of External Loading Characteristics of Plastic Pipe
by Parallel-Plate Loading, ASTM D 2412-87.

14.2 Three specimens of the finished conduit that are 6 inches or 150 mm long are to be tested
separately by compression between a pair of rigid, flat, steel plates that are at least 6 inches or 150 mm
long, horizontal, and parallel to one another. One plate is to be moved toward the other at a rate of
1/2 ±1 /8 inch per minute or 10.0 ±2.5 mm per minute until the vertical deflection is equal to 5 percent of
the diameter measured vertically inside the conduit before the compression was begun. At this point, the
compression load js to be noted in Ibf, N, or gf.

14.3 The load F per unit of specimen length is to be calculated by one of the following methods:

a) Dividing the load in pounds force by 6 Inches to yield F inch pounds force per inch of length;

b) Dividing the load in N by 6 X 0.0254, or 0.1524, to yield F in newtons per meter of length; or

c) Dividing the load in grams force by 6 X 25.4, or 152.4, to yield F in grams force per millimeter
of length.

14.4 The stiffness s of the conduit at 5 percent deflection Is to be determined by means of the formula

>n which:
F is calculated in 14.3 and
V is the vertical deflection of the inside diameter in inches, m, or mm. 1’

15 Resistance of PVC and High-Density PE Conduit to Impact

15.1 No crack or tear longer than 1/32 inch or 0.8 mm shall appear in seven out of ten 6-inch or.150-mm
specimens of finished PVC and high-density PE conduit as the result of the impact described in 15.2.

15.2 Ten 6-inch or 150-mm specimens with no cracks, tears, or other imperfections are to be cut from
finished lengths of each trade size of PVC and high-density PE conduit. The specimens, the test apparatus,
and the surrounding air are to be in thermal equilibrium with one another at a temperature of 23.0 ±2 .0 °c
(73.4 ±3.6°F) during the test. The specimens are to be tested separately while resting on a solid, flat, steel
plate that is at least 1/2 inch or 13 mm thick and is firmly anchored with its upper surface horizontal. À
protective cage is to surround the plates and specimen to reduce the risk of injury from pieces of broken
conduit in the event that the conduit flies apart. A steel weight of 20 lb or 9.7 kg in the form of a solid right-
circular cylinder, with a diameter of 2 inches or 51 mm and a flat impact face having rounded edges, is to
.all freely through a vertical guide from the height indicated in Table 15.1. The flat face of the weight is to
strike the center of the specimen across the diameter and along the longitudinal axis once (provision is to
be made for keeping the weight from striking the specimen more than once). Following the drop there shall
be no cracking or tearing greater than 1/32 inch or 0.8 mm on the outer surface of more than three of the
ten specimens.

Table 15.1

size of Height of the face of the weight above the specimen before the weight Is released
Inches Hlgh-densIty PE conduit Type A PVC conduit Type EB PVC conduit

1 /2 2 - 1 /2 ft 762 mm 1- 1 /2 ft 457 mm a a

3/4 4 1.22 m 2 610 a a

1 5 1.52 4 1.22 m a a

1-1/4 6 1.83 6 1.83 a a

1- 1 /2 7-1/2 2.29 7-1/2 2.29 a a

2 9-1/2 2.90 9-1/2 2.90 2 - 1 /2 ft 762 mm

2 - 1 /2 10- 1 /2 3.20 10 - 1 /2 3.20 2 - 1 /2 762

3 -6 11 3.35 11 3.35 2 - 1 /2 762

a These requirements will be added as these sizes are investigated and determined to be acceptable.

16 Identification of PVC and High-Density PE Compounds

16.1 The specific Cjrav1ty,measured using specimens of finished PVC and high-density PE conduit shall
be within the limits estaỂĩiỂ^ed for the compound used.

17 Dimensional Stability and Crushing Strength of High-Density PE Couplings for

High-Density PE Conduit

17.1 Finished high-density PE couplings for high-density PE conduit shall not change more than
5.0 percent in any dimension as a result of the aging described in 17.2. Specimens of finished high-density
PE couplings that have been aged as indicated in 17.2 shall not buckle under any load that is lighter than
the load at which similar unaged specimens buckle. The minor axis measured inside each aged specimen
loaded to the point of buckling shall not be smaller than the minor axis measured inside similar unaged
specimens loaded to the point of buckling.

17.2 Six finished high-density PE couplings in each trade size are to be selected for test. The inside and
outside diameters, the wall thickness, and the length of each coupling are to be measured while the
couplings are in thermal equilibrium with the surroundings air^t a temperature of 23.0 ±2.0°C (73.4 ±3.6°F).
Three of the couplings in each trade size are to be supporter? in a full-draft circulating-air oven preheated
at full draft to 113.0 ±1.0°c (235.4 ±1.8°F). The arrangement and manner of support of the couplings is to
keep the couplings from touching one another or the walls of the oven during the aging and is to maintain
full air flow around and through the couplings during the aging. The oven is to be operated at full draft for
168 hours a1 113.0 ±1.0°c (235.4 ±1.8°F). The couplings are then to be removed from the oven and given
time to cool in still air. The measurements are to be repeated and the results after aging are to be compared
with the results before aging. Couplings shall not experience more than a 5.0-percent change in any

17.3 Both the aged and unaged couplings are to be tested 1 6 - 9 6 hours after the aged couplings are
removed from the oven. The six couplings are to be tested in close succession while they, the test
equipment, and the surrounding air are in thermal equilibrium with one another at a temperature of
23.0 ± 2 .0 ° c (73.4 ±3.6°F). The couplings are to be tested separately between a pair of rigid, flat, steel plates
that are horizontal and parallel to one another and at least as long as the longest coupling. One plate is to
be moved toward the other at the rate of 1/2 ±1/8 inch per minute or 10.0 ±2.5 mm per minute until the
coupling starts to buckle - that is, until the surface of the coupling begins to pull away from contact with
either plate. At the point of buckling, the load being applied by the machine and the length of the minor axis
inside the coupling are to be noted and recorded. Aged couplings shall not buckle under a lighter load than
that of any of the unaged couplings. The minor axis of any of the aged couplings shall not bè shorter than
that of any of the unaged couplings. '

18 Bending Test of Joints in High-Density PE Conduit

18.1 Each method of joining lengths of high-density PE conduit shall result in a connection that is not
damaged or separated in the test described In 18.2.

18.2 Two 18-inch or 460-mm lengths of each size of finished high-densrty PE conduit are to be joined
by each of the methods recommended by the manufacturer. Each assembly is to be placed on supports
30 inches or 760 mm apart as illustrated in Figure 18.1, with the joint centered between the supports. The
load indicated in Table 18.1 corresponding to the trade size of the conduit is to be suspended from the joint
and the assembly is to be rolled at an even rate through one complete revolution, 60 seconds being taken
to make the rếVổldííòcốThe joint shall not be damaged ọr comẹ apart during the test. The conduit may
break or buckle before the joint is damaged or comes apart, or without the joint being damaged or coming

Table 18.1
Load for bending test on high-density PE conduit joints

Bending load
Trade size of conduit In
Inches Ibf N kgf

1 /2 20 90 9

3/4 35 156 16

1 50 222 22.7

1-1/4 75 334 34

1- 1 /2 85 378 38.6

2 110 490 50

2 - 1/ 2 - 6 a a a

a These requirements will be added as these sizes are investigated and determined to be acceptable.
...... ....... ...................*


Figure 18.1
ig-test arrangement
arran /
V__ z>

Coupling, other fitting, o r box

( Ỷ

S B 0 8 8 6

19 Tests on Integral Couplings

19.1 EXTRUSION PROCESS - One complete integral coupling of each trade size of Type EB PVC conduit
shall be subjected to the extrusion-molding process test as described in the Extrusion-Process Test on PVC
Conduit, Section 9.

19.2 LOW-TEMPERATURE HANDLING - One integral coupling of each trade size of Type EB PVC conduit
shall be subjected to the Low-Temperature Handling of PVC and High-Density PE Conduit, Section 10. Each
tested coupling shall be integral with a length of Type EB PVC conduit so that the total length of coupling
and conduit is 2-1 /2 feet or 760 mm. When the integral coupling and conduit are dropped at the 45 degree
angle, the coupling shall hit the concrete floor first. The integral coupling shall not crack or shatter.

20 Axial-Pull Test on Joints in High-Density PE Conduit

20.1 Each method of joining lengths of high-density PE conduit shall result in a connection that is not
damaged or separated In the test described in 20.2.

20.2 Two 18-inch or 457-mm lengths of each trade size of high-density PE conduit are to be joined by
each of the methods recommended by the manufacturer. Each assembly is to be tested separatel^-with
right-circular plugs of metal, or other, hard material, inserted in its ends^to kegp the conduit from coìlapểng.
Each plug is to fit ấmíốỉy for its erafre length. Each assembly is to be secured in the jaws of a power-driven
testing machine on which the grips separate at a rate of 1/2 ±1/8 inch per minute or 10.0 ±2.5 mm per
minute. The load applied to the assembly by the machine is to be increased to the level indicated in
Table 20.1 and is then to be held for 60 seconds. The joint shall not be damaged or come apart during test.
The conduit may break or split before the joint is damaged or comes apart or without the joint being
damaged or coming apart.

Table 20.1
Axial load for pull test on high-density PE conduit joints

Axial load
Trade size of conduit
Type of coupling In Inches Ibf N kgf

1/2 300 1334 136

3/4 450 2000 204

1 600 2670 272

Threaded 1-1/4 700 3115 317.5

1-1/2 BOO 3560 363


2 -4 1000 4450 V 453.5

5 and 6 a a a

Drive-on All 60 265 27

a These requirements will be added as these sizes are determined to be acceptable.


21 Details

21.1 All of the markings mentioned in 21.2 - 21.4 shall be clearly legible and shall stay legible on the
outer surface of the conduit or fitting at least until the conduit or fitting is installed. Additional markings are
acceptable if they do not conflict with and cannot be confused with the markings covered in 21.2 - 21.4.

21.2 The outer surface of every straight length of rigid PVC conduit and high-density PE conduit, and
every elbow and other bend made from and for use with such conduit, shall be marked to indicate the type
of material. PVC and PE conduit, elbows and bends shall be marked:

a) Either "rigid PVC conduit" or "rigid high-density conduit" as applicable;

b) The trade size of the conduit;

c) The name or trademark of the manufacturer, or any other distinctive marking which readily
identifies the organization responsible for the product;

d) The date, or other dating period, of manufacture not exceeding any three consecutive

PVC conduit and PVC elbows and other bends shall in addition be marked "underground only - encase in
concrete." All markings shall be repeated at uniform intervals and shall appear at least every 10 feet or 3 m,
but not less than once, on each straight length of PVC and high-density PE conduit. If the organization that
is responsible for the product is different from the actual manufacturer, both the responsible organization

and the actual manufacturer shall be identified by name or by acceptable coding such as by trade name,
trademark, or the assigned electrical reference number. The meaning of any coded identification shall be
made available. A private labeler may also be identified. For an elbow or bend the date of manufacture is
to be the date the elbow or bend was formed.

Exception: The date of manufacture may be abbreviated; or may be in a nationally accepted conventional
code or In a code affirmed by the manufacturer, provided that the code:

a) Does not repeat in less than 20 years and

b) Does not require reference to the production records of the manufacturer to determine when
the product was manufactured.

21.3 The outer surface of each high-density PE coupling for use with high-density PE conduit shall be
marked with the name of the coupling manufacturer, an identification of the factory (see 21.4), and the
catalog designation.

21.4 If the manufacturer produces conduit or elbows and other bends or couplings at more than one
factory, the outer surface of each finished straight length of conduit, each finished elbow and other bend,
and each finished coupling shall be marked with a distinctive designation - which may be in code - by
means of which the conduit or fitting can be identified as the product of a particular factory.


SA1 Scope

SA1.1 This Supplement describes the manufacturer’s production program, and the responsibilities of a
third party independent certification organization or their representative to verify that the product continues
to be in compliance with the requirements in this Standard and with the findings of the initial investigation.
S A 1 .1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 . 1 9 9 5

SA1.2 Recognizing that manufacturers are required to have quality assurance systems in place for the
control of their product’s production processes, sampling inspections, tests, and other measures considered
to be minimum requirements; such processes, inspections, tests and measures shall be counter checked
on a follow-up basis by a third party independent certification organization via an audit of the means that
the manufacturer exercises to determine compliance of products with the requirements in this Standard and
the findings of the initial investigation. /
S A 1 .2 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA1.3 The third party independent certification organization shall have additional authority specified in
legally binding agreements, signed by both the certification organization and the manufacturing organization,
to control the use and application of the certification organization’s registered Mark(s) to the product, to its
packaging, advertising, and associated literature. The legal agreements shall cover the control methods to
be used by the certification organization and the manufacturing organization's options for appeal. Any
additional inspections, tests or other measures deemed necessary by the certification organization but to
be taken by the manufacturing organization are to be applied in order to control the use and application of
the certification organization’s registered Mark(s).
S A 1 .3 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 .1 9 9 5

SA1.4 Any paragraph, Section, Table or Figure numbers referenced in this Supplement that are not
prefixed by SA refer to the requirements in the Standard for Type EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit and HDPE
Conduit, UL 651A. Any references to the term "Standard" also apply to UL 651A.
S A 1 .4 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 .1 9 9 5

SA2 Glossary

SA2.1 For the purposes of this Supplement, the following definitions apply.
S A 2 .1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 . 1 9 9 5

SA2.2 BATCH - Products of a specific type, grade, class, trade size and composition, manufactured
during a single production shift under essentially the same conditions, and during a single continuous
production run.
S A 2 .2 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 ,1 9 9 5

SA2.3 CERTIFICATION ORGANIZATION - A third party organization independent of the manufacturer

and/or the manufacturer's suppliers who, under a legally binding contract with the manufacturer, provides
continuing follow-up services at the manufacturing facility(ies) to verify that production continues to comply
with the requirements in this Standard, the Procedure description (if any) and the findings of the initial
• SA2.3 added August 24, 1995

SA2.4 FIELD REPRESENTATIVE - Authorized representative of the certification organization who makes
periodic unannounced visits to manufacturer's facilities for purposes of conducting inspections and
monitoring the manufacturer’s production program.
S A 2 .4 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA2.5 INSPECTION REPORT - The report generated by the field representative summarizing the results
of the inspection visit.
S A 2 .5 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA2.6 LISTED - A product that has been determined to comply with the appropriate standards by a
certification organization concerned with product evaluation and that maintains periodic inspection of
production of Listed products.
S A 2 .6 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 . 1 9 9 5

SA2.7 LISTING MARK - A distinctive registered mark of the certification organization (that Includes the
product name, a control number, and the word "Listed") that the manufacturer is authorized to apply to
Listed products as the manufacturer’s declaration that the products under the program described in this
Supplement comply with the requirements In the standard.
S A 2 .7 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA2.8 LOT - All Listed conduit (or conduit intended to be Listed) of each trade size produced and
selected since the field representative’s last inspection of that trade size is considered to be a lot.
S A 2 ;0 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA2.9 MANUFACTURER - The party who maintains and operates the facilities where a Listed product
is fabricated, processed, finished, or stored and where the product is inspected and/or tested as described
in this Supplement.
’ S A 2 .9 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA2.10 MANUFACTURER’S TEST PROGRAM - The tests described in this Supplement that are
conducted by the manufacturer on a periodic or 100 percent basis and for which the manufacturer may be
required to keep records.
S A 2 .1 0 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA2.11 PROCEDURE - The document issued by the certification organization, upon determination that
a product is eligible for Listing, for use by the manufacturer and the field representative. The document
contains requirements and other provisions and conditions regarding the Listed product and provides the
authorization for the manufacturer to use the Listing Mark on products fulfilling those requirements.
S A 2 .1 1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA2.12 VARIATION NOTICE (VN) - A document used to record observed differences between a product
or manufacturing process and the description of that product or process in the Procedure and/or Standard,
or to record other discrepant features such as noncomplying test results.
S A 2 .1 2 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA3 Manufacturer's Program

SA3.1 It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to restrict the use of the Listing Mark to those products which

a) Specifically authorized by the Procedure and

b) Determined by the manufacturer’s own quality assurance program to comply with the
requirements in the Standard and the Procedure description, if any.

SA3.1 added August 24 1995


SA3.2 The manufacturer shall confine all Listing Marks to the location(s) authorized in the Procedure.
S A 3 .2 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA3.3 During the hours in which the manufacturer’s facilities are In operation, the manufacturer shall
permit the field representative free access to any portion of the premises where the product or components
thereof are being fabricated, processed, finished or stored, and to the test area assigned for the field
representative’s use. The field representative shall be permitted to inspect, and to verify the results of the
prescribed tests on any product bearing or intended to bear the markings indicated ỉn SA3.1.1 prior to
S A 3 .3 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 . 1 9 9 5

SA3.4 The manufacturer shall provide (at a convenient location) all required test equipment and
accommodations and any required personnel for conducting all tests that are to be performed at the
manufacturer’s facilities. These shall be available when needed so that the inspection work can proceed
without undue delay.
S A 3 .4 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5 1

SA3.5 The manufacturer shall determine that the test equipment is functioning properly and shall have
the equipment calibrated at regular intervals, not less than once annually, or whenever it has been subject
to abuse (such as being dropped or struck with an object) or its accuracy is questionable. Calibration may
be by the manufacturer or by an outside laboratory. In either case, it shall be calibrated by comparison with
a standard that is traceable to the applicable u.s. or foreign national standard. Calibration records shall be
maintained by the manufacturer until the next succeeding calibration, and shall be readily available for review
by the field representative.
S A 3 .5 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5
SA3.6 A product determined to have features which do not comply with the requirements of the
Procedure and/or the Standard shall be corrected by the manufacturer if application and use of the Listing *
Mark on the product is to continue. If the noncomplying feature was the result of a manufacturing or testing
process, the manufacturer shall check subsequent production until it is certain that the feature will not recur.
SA3.6 added August 24, 1995

SA4 Manufacturer’s Follow-Up Control Requirements for Type EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit
and HDPE Conduit, Elbows, and Bends

SA4.1 The manufacturer shall have a manufacturing and quality control system which will ensure that
production is monitored for the parameters covered by Table SA4.1.
S A 4 .1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA4.2 Table SA4.1 outlines the manufacturer’s follow-up control requirements for testing and examination
of type EB and A rigid PVC conduit and HDPE conduit, elbows, bends, and other fittings. Samples for
testing, listed in Table SA5.1, shall be selected from the same inspection batch.
S A 4 ,2 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5


Table SA4.1
Manufacturers’s follow-up control requirements for
type EB and A rigid PVC conduit and HDPE conduit, elbows, and bends

Reference paragraph In
Elbows & Test/lnspectlon standard and notes & tables
Conduit Integral coupling bends parameters herein

Group I —Detailed examination

(See note d)

X - X Outside diameter 3.1 -3 .1 5

(See notes a' 0 and b)

X - - Wall thickness Tables 3.1 and 3.2

(See notes c and b)

• - X - Socket diameter 3 .1 ,3 .7 -3 .1 5
(See notes c and c*)

X - Socket depth Tables 3.3 and 3.4

(See notes c and b)

- X - Socket wall thickness Tables 3.3 and 3.4

(See notes c and b)

X Radius of bend 5.1 - 5.3

Figure 5.1
Table 5.1
(See notes c and b)

X Length of straight end 5.1 - 5.3

Figure 5.1
Table 5.1
(See notes c and d)

X X X Condition of outer 3.2, 3.4


Group I - Detailed examination

(See note e)

X X X Ends cut perpendicular 3.3 (See note *)

to longitudinal axis

X X X Condition of inner 3.2, 3.4, 3.6


X - Coupling or adapter 3.5, 3.6, 3.15 (See note b)

* applied correctly

X X X Marking 21.1 -2 1 .4

AUGUST 24, 1995 P IP E EB a n d a r ig id PVC c o n d u it a n d HDPE c o n d u it _ UL 651A S A 5

Table SA4.1 (Cont’d)

Manufacturers’s follow-up control requirements for
type EB and A rigid PVC conduit and HDPE conduit, elbows, and bends

Reference paragraph In
Integral Elbows & Test/lnspectlon Standard and notes & tables
Conduit coupling bends parameters herein

Group II - Mechanical testing

(See notes£*’ e and 9)

X - - Crush 13.1 and 13.2

X - - Impact 15.1 and 15.2

a The outside diameter of an elbow or bend is to be measured at a point not more than 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) from its end.
The O.D. shall comply with the dimensions given in Table 3.1 of the Standard.

k A coupling with a center stop need not be cemented to the conduit when it is shipped. If not cemented in place it shall be
separately packaged and shipped with the conduit.

c The temperature mentioned in 3.8 is a referee temperature. At the factory, measurements of dimensions can be made at
any temperature.

^ In situations where test measurement or inspection results are contested due to uncertainty of the temperature of test
specimens, as a referee test method, additional samples are to be selected and remeasured or retested (as appropriate)
after conditioning for a minimum of 24 hours at the temperature specified in 3.8.

e Sampling programs are described in SA5.1.1 and SA5.2.1.

Note: The Crush Test is to be performed on trade sizes of conduit that are larger than 2 inches.

* Visual check only.

9 For the impact test, the use of a flat plate with a shallow positioning groove [approximately 1/8 inch (3.2 mm) in depth
with the edges rounded to a radius of approximately 1/16 inch (1.6 mm)] during the required factory testing is permitted.
However, if questionable test results are obtained, the plate as specified in the standard shall be used for retest of the
product. _______________________________________________________

T a b le S A 4 .1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA4.3 The manufacturer shall maintain the following records of the control program:

a) Trade sizes and Type (EB, A, HDPE):

b)' Product type (for example, conduit, elbow, bend);

c) Number of specimens tested and inspected;

d) Types of tests and inspections;


e) Dates, shift, and level of inspection;

f) Results of tests and inspections;

g) Number of noncomplying specimens;

h) Analysis of noncomplying specimens; and

I) Corrective action.

S A 4 .3 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 . 1 9 9 5

SA4.4 The above records shall be kept on file, and be available for review by the certification organization
or their representative for the current 6 month time period.
S A 4 .4 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 . 1 9 9 5

SA5 Sample Selection Procedure

SA5.1 General

SA5.1.1 In accordance with Table SA5.1, the manufacturer shall start the control program on normal
inspection: select a sample consisting of 3 full lengths of conduit for detailed examination and a length (or
lengths) of conduit sufficient to prepare 13 test specimens, twice during each shift. The first sample is to
be selected at the start of the shift and the second sample after a four hour interval. The switching
procedure specified below requires changing the sample frequency to 1 sample for reduced Inspection or
4 samples for tightened inspection. For reduced inspection, select a sample of 3 full lengths and 13 test
specimens once each shift, preferably at the start of the shift. For tightened inspection select a sample of
3 full lengths and 13 test specimens four times each shift. The first sample is to be selected at the start of
the shift and 1 sample after each of the next three two-hour intervals. The tests are to be conducted on
each specimen of the sample and preferably in the order shown in Table SA4.1. If a specimen of the test
sample is observed to contain a defect, but remains intact and usable, it shall remain a testable specimen
of the sample. The switching procedures shall be applied to each construction style independently.
S A 5 .1 .1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA5.2 Specimen preparation

SA5.2.1 For the detailed examination, each full length of conduit in a sample is considered to be a
specimen. The detailed examination is to be conducted on each full length of conduit selected. The
specimens for the crush test and the impact test are to be taken from a length (or lengths) of conduit which
is sufficient to prepare 13 specimens [3 six inch (152.4 mm) specimens for the crush test and 10 six inch
(152.4 mm) specimens for the impact test],
5 A 5 .2 .1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 . 1 9 9 5

SA5.3 Switching procedures

SA5.3.1 Inspection procedures are to be switched based on the following guidelines:

a) Normal to Tightened - When normal inspection is in effect, tightened inspection shall be

instituted when two out of five consecutive batches have been rejected on original (1St and 2nd
samples combined) inspection (excluding the results of resubmitted batches for this procedure).

b) Tightened to Normal - When tightened inspection is in effect, normal inspection shall be

instituted when five consecutive batches have been considere on original (1St and 2nd
samples combined) inspection.

c) Normal to Reduced - Normal inspection shall be changed to reduced inspection when five
consecutive batches have been acceptable on original (1St and 2nd samples combined) inspection.

d) Reduced to Normal - Reduced inspection shall be changed to normal inspection if any of the
following conditions occur:

1) A "second sample" is required or

2) Production becomes irregular or delayed, or

3) Other conditions warrant that normal inspection be applied.

NOTE: In addition to the switching procedures described above, the manufacturer is required to switch
to the next highest inspection level when the field representative’s auditing program requires switching to
a higher inspection level. Thereafter the switching procedures outlined in SA5.3.1 are to be followed.
S A 5 .3 .1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA5.4 Procedure for selecting second sample

SA5.4.1 When the number of nonconforming test specimens in a first sample is such that Table SA5.1
indicates that a second sample is to be selected, the procedure detailed below shall be followed:

a) Segregate and hold products produced since last acceptable sample. Identify this as the
"batch on hold”. Make notation in records detailing type of nonconformance; results may be
entered as conform/non-conform.

b) A second sample is to be randomly selected from the held batch and tested/examined only
for the parameter(s) for which a nonconformance was noted in the first sample.

c) If a crush test and/or detailed examination nonconformance is involved, select three

specimens. If an impact test nonconformance is involved, select ten specimens. If an impact test
and crush test and/or detailed examination nonconformance are involved, the second sample is to
consist of 13 specimens.

S A 5 .4 .1 A u g u s t 2 4 . 1 9 9 5
Table SA5.1
Sampling plan

No. of test


specimens first
sample Number of nonconforming*3 test specimens for acceptance or rejection per test or inspection

Crush test and detailed exam Impact test*

test & Select1^ 2nd 1st & 2nd Select^ 2nd 1st & 2nd
Inspection Sampling detailed Impact 2nd sample combined 2nd sample combined
level3 freq/shift exam test Ac0 sample Ree size Ac® Re8 Ac0 sample Re® size Ac® Re®

Normal 2 3 10 0 1 2 3 1 2 0 to 2 3 4 10 3 to 6 7

Tightened 4 3 10 0 1 2 3 1 2 0 to 2 3 4 10 3 to 6 7

Reduced 1 3 10 0 1 2 3 1 2 Oto 2 3 4 10 3 to 6 7

3 Switching to a different inspection level is covered In SA5.3.1.

k For the detailed examination, a nonconforming test specimen may have more than one defect, i.e. may not comply with wall thickness and outer diameter
requirements. However, this is still to be considered as one nonconforming test specimen.

0 Ac - Number of nonconforming test specimens for acceptance of batch.

** If the number of nonconforming test specimens In the first sample exceeds the acceptance number, but does not exceed the number in this column, a second

UL 651A
sample is to be selected. See SA5.4.1 for details on selecting the second sample.

® Re - Number of nonconforming test specimens for rejection of batch (see SA5.5.1).

* For the impact test, the number of nonconforming samples shall not be greater than 3 per set of 10 specimens.

AUGUST 2 4 ,1S
T a b le S A 5 .1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA5.5 Procedure in the event of batch rejection

SA5.5.1 When the number of nonconforming test specimens in a first sample, or first and second sample
combined, equals or exceeds the number in the Rejection columns of Table SA5.1, the procedure detailed
below shall be followed:

a) Segregate and hold products produced since last acceptable sample. Identify this as a
rejected batch. Make notation in records detailing type of nonconformance; results may be entered
as conform/non-conform.

b) Perform an analysis to determine cause of nonconformance, corrective action to be taken and

portion of segregated products affected.

1) If the rejection is due to nonconformance with the crush or impact test requirements;
the Listing Marks are to be removed from the entire batch. At the manufacturer’s option,
the rejected batch may be divided into smaller sub-batches and sampled in accordance
with Table SA5.1 for the nonconforming parameter. Listing Marks shall then be removed
from nonconforming products.

2) If the rejection is due to nonconformance of detailed examination Items only, the

manufacturer may cull the batch through 100 percent inspection and remove the Listing
Mark from all noncomplying specimens.

c) Implement corrective action on current production.

SA5.5.1 added August 24. 1995

SA6 Follow-Up Inspection Program

SA6.1 General

SA6.1.1 The field representative's primary function will be that of auditing (counter-checking), as outlined
herein, the products submitted by the manufacturer as suitable for labeling.

a) On each visit to the factory the field representative will perform the following:

1) Inspect the records of the manufacturer's Quality Assurance Department to assure

that required records are maintained (see SA4.3 and SA4.4).

2) Witness the required tests and inspections.

3) Verify that the instruments provided by the manufacturer have been calibrated
annually with test equipment that is traceable to the applicable u.s. or foreign national
standards, and that they are in good working order.

b) Periodically, the field representative shall secure samples as indicated in SA7.1 - SA7.4.

SA6.1.1 added A ugust 24.1995


SA6.1.2 At each visit to the factory, the field representative shall see conduit (with couplings attached),
elbows and other bends which bear or are intended to bear the Listing Mark. During any one Inspection,
the field representative is to randomly select samples from one type of at least one, but not more than three
conduit trade sizes. These samples shall not be taken from a lot from which other samples of the same size
have previously been taken, unless the lot was rejected previously. In making a determination with regard
to the samples to be selected, the field representative shall consider the types and trade sizes of conduit,
elbows and other bends that were produced since the last inspection. The field representative must also
consider the manufacturer’s future production schedule so that all of the products are tested during one
year. The actual number of samples to be taken in individual cases may vary somewhat according to
conditions, but the field representative shall follow as closely as possible to the outline given in Table SA6.1.
S A 6 .1 .2 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA6.1.3 The field representative shall check the performance requirements and construction details of
Type EB and A rigid PVC conduit and HDPE conduit (with the coupling and adapters attached), elbows,
bends and other fittings. The usefulness of factory inspection work depends to a great extent on the care
and attention given to construction details. The field representative should not underrate the importance
and usefulness of this phase of the work because of the prominence given in many instances to
performance requirements.
S A 6 .1 .3 A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA6.1.4 The field representative is required to inspect andTeport upon samples which are selected to be
representative of the output of the factory and which, as far as the styles, types, and trade sizes are
concerned, would normally be proportional to the amount of Type EB and A rigid PVC conduit and HDPE
conduit, elbows, bends and other fittings passed by the manufacturer as suitable for Listing. The actual
number of samples to be taken will depend on past performance history. In order to concentrate inspections
on areas of greatest concern, a normal, tightened, or reduced inspection, depending on the circumstances,
is conducted on each lot selected (see SA6.4.1 - SA6.6.2).
S A 6 .1 .4 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA6.2 Detailed examination

SA6.2.1 The field representative shall perform the detailed examination as outlined in the Manufacturer’s
Program, Table SA4.1, and in accordance with the Sampling Program below (see SA6.4.1 - SA6.6.2).
S A 6 .2 .1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA6.2.2 When specifically authorized, the manufacturer and field representative may use go and no-go
gauges in determining compliance with the dimensional requirements for integral couplings. When
nonconformances occur while using these gauges, and there is a question of lot rejection, the measurement
techniques described in the standard shall be used as a referee method to determine if lot rejection is
S A 6 .2 .2 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA6.3 Mechanical testing

SA6.3.1 The field representative shall witness the performance of the mechanical tests as described in
the Manufacturer’s Program, Table SA4.1, and in accordance with the Sampling Program below (see SA6.4.1
- SA6.6.2).
SA6.3.1 added August 24.1995
AUGUST 24,1995
T a b le S A 6 .1
S a m p lin g p la n

No. of test specimens Number of nonconforming*3 test specimens for acceptance

or rejection per test or Inspection


first sample

Crush test and detailed exam Impact test*

Crush test & Select** 1st & 2nd Select 1st & 2nd
Inspection detailed Impact 2nd combined 2nd combined


exam test

level3 sample Ree Ac® Re® sample Ree Acc Ree

Normal 6 10 0 1 2 1 2 0 to 2 3 4 3 to 6 7

Tightened 12 20 0 1 2 1 2 0 to 4 5 to 7 8 5 to 12 13

Reduced 3 . 5 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 to 3 4 1 to 3 4

a Switching to a different inspection level Is covered in SA6.5.1.

k For the detailed examination, a nonconforming test specimen may have more than one defect, i.e. may not comply with wall thickness
and outer diameter requirements. However, this is still to be considered as one nonconforming test specimen.

c Ac - Number of nonconforming test specimens for acceptance of lot.

d If the number of nonconforming test specimens in the first sample exceeds the acceptance number, but does not exceed the number In
this column, a second sample is to be selected. See SA6.6.1 for details on selecting the second sample.

8 Re - Number of nonconforming test specimens for rejection of lot (see SA6.6.1 and SA6.6.2).

UL 651A
* For the impact test, the number of nonconforming samples shall not be greater than 3 per set of 10 specimens.

T a b le S A 6 .1 added A u g u s t 24, 1 9 9 5


SA6.4 Sample selection procedure

SA6.4.1 The field representative shall select samples as indicated in SA6.1.2, SA6.1.4 and Table SA6.1.
For the detailed examination, each full length of conduit Is considered to be a test specimen. For the crush
and impact tests, 6-inch (152.4-mm) pieces of conduit are considered to be test specimens. The specimens
for the crush and impact tests should be taken from any one of the lengths of conduit selected for the
detailed examination. When on tightened inspection, two lengths of conduit selected may be used for the
crush and impact test specimens.
S A 6 .4 .1 A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA6.5 Switching procedures

SA6.5.1 Normal inspection shall be used at the start of inspection service. Switching from normal, to
tightened, or reduced inspection shall be instituted in accordance with the procedure outlined below. The
switching procedures shall be applied to each construction style independently. The switching procedures
are as follows:

a) Normal to Tightened3 - When normal inspection is in effect, tightened inspection shall be

instituted when two out of five consecutive lots have been rejected on original inspection (i.e.,
ignoring resubmitted lots for this procedure).

b) Tightened to Normal - When tightened inspection is in effect, normal inspection shall be

instituted when five consecutive lots have been considered acceptable on original inspection.

c) Normal to ReducedWhen normal inspection is in effect, reduced inspection shall be

instituted provided that the preceding ten lots have been on normal inspection and none has been
rejected on original inspection.

d) Reduced to Normal3 - When reduced inspection is in effect, normal inspection shall be

instituted if any of the following occur on original inspection: a lot is rejected; or production
becomes irregular or delayed; or other conditions warrant that normal inspection shall be instituted.

e) Discontinuance of Inspection Service - In the event that ten consecutive lots of a particular
style or construction remain or would remain on tightened inspection, inspection service for the style
or construction shall be discontinued. After inspection has been discontinued, application of the
Listing Mark to the style or construction is not permitted. Corrective action by the manufacturer
determined to be acceptable by the certification organization is required to reinstate inspection
service and resumed use of the Listing Mark.

3 When the field representative’s auditing program requires switching to a higher inspection level, the field
representative shall notify the manufacturer to immediately switch the manufacturer’s sampling program to
the next higher inspection level. Thereafter the manufacturer is to follow the switching procedures outlined
in SA5.3.1.
S A 6 .5 .1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA6.6 Procedure in the event of lot rejection

SA6.6.1 If the ngmber of nonconformances found in the first sample is equal to or less than the
acceptance number, the lot may be considered acceptable. If the number of nonconformances is equal to
the number for selection of a second sample, select at random a second duplicate sample and retest the
parameter for which the nonconformance was noted. If the number of nonconformances in the second
sample is less than the rejection number for first and second samples combined, the lot may be considered

acceptable. If the number of nonconformances in the first and second sample combined is equal to or
greater than the rejection number the lot shall be rejected. If a lot is rejected, the manufacturer may make
a thorough review of the lot by following the procedure described in SA5.5.1, culling all products which do
not comply with the requirements, after which the remainder of the lot may be resubmitted for inspection
and Listing. Inspection of a resubmitted lot shall be conducted under tightened inspection for those items
previously noted as nonconforming in the lot. Inspection of conforming features need not be repeated.
S A 6 .6 .1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA6.6.2 The field representative shall require that the manufacturer remove Listing Marks from all
Individual products in rejected lots, as defined in SA6.6.1 except for culled and resubmitted portions
determined to be acceptable.
S A 6 .6 .2 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA7 Follow-Up Test Program

~^7.1 Annually the field representative shall select and forward samples as shown in Table SA7.1 to certification organization test facility. A complete set of samples shall be furnished for each compound
authorized for the manufacturer.
S A 7 .1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 . 1 9 9 5

SA7.2 Stock samples shall be marked for identification with tags furnished to the field representative
for this purpose. A record shall be made on the inspection report form regarding the selection of stock
S A 7 .2 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA7.3 If Other samples are forwarded for special review or tests, a letter shall be written by the field
representative describing the samples and explaining in full the reason for sending them.
S A 7 .3 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 3 5

SA7.4 When received at the certification organization test facility, the stock samples are reviewed as may
be directed by the certification organization test facility. The investigation is to include all of the items
mentioned in Table SA7.1. The test methods employed shall be those described in the requirements section
of the Standard for Type EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit and HDPE Conduit, 651 A. Test results are to ,be
reported to the manufacturer.
SA7.4 added August 24,1995

Table SA7.1
Stock samples for follow-up test

Applicable paragraphs In the

Test standard Description of samples

Tensile strength 7.1.1 -7.4.1 Six. 15-inch (381 mm) length machined
as indicated in 6.2a

Deflection under heat and load 8.1.1 -8 .4 .6 Six, 5-inch (127 mm) strips machined as
indicated in 7.2

Compound identification 16.1 One, 6-inch (152.4 mm) length conduit,

elbow or bend any trade size

Low temperature handling*3) 10.2, 11.2 One, 2-1/2 foot (76.2 cm) length of each
trade size

a Use the 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) trade size whenever possible, but In no case use a size larger than 1 inch (25.4 mm).

b If conduit integral couplings are produced, samples should include the integral coupling.

T a b le S A 7 .1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5

SA8 Markings

SA8.1 Required markings.

SA8.1.1 Required Markings shall be clearly legible and shall comply with the requirements in the
S A G .1.1 a d d e d A u g u s t 2 4 , 1 9 9 5 ^

SA8.2 Listing mark

SA8.2.1 At least one Listing Mark is to be applied for every 10 feet (305.0 cm) of length of conduit or
fraction thereof, with a maximum tolerance of one foot (30.5 cm) - for example, one Listing Mark for an
11 foot (335.5 cm) nominal length, two Listing Marks for 12 feet (366.0 cm). One Listing Mark is to be
applied to each conduit, elbow, bend and other fitting.
SA8.2.1 added August 24. 1995

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