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What is ROV?

- From what I recall on our discussion about this is that ROV are Remote Operated Vehicles which
are used to do tasks in which a person couldn’t do because of the different risks that may occur.
And also according to my research A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) is an unoccupied
underwater robot that is connected to a ship by a series of cables. These cables transmit
command and control signals between the operator and the ROV, allowing remote navigation of
the vehicle.

What is the use of ROV?

 Diver Observation–act as a dive buddy to ensure diver safety and provide assistance.
 Platform Inspection–from visual inspection to using instruments to monitor the effects of
corrosion, fouling, locating cracks, estimating biologic fouling, etc.
 Pipeline Inspection–follow underwater pipelines to check for leaks, determine overall health of
the pipeline and insure the installation is acceptable.
 Surveys–both visual and acoustic surveys are necessary prior to installing pipelines, cables and
most offshore installations.
 Drilling Support–everything from visual inspection, monitoring installation, operational support
and repair when necessary using multiple manipulators.
 Construction Support–a natural follow-on to drilling support. The tasks here can become more
complex with the use of manipulators and powered tools and cutters.
 Debris Removal–offshore platforms can become a "trash dump" underwater. ROVs provide a
cost effective method of keeping the area clean and safe.
 Call Out Work–support in many of the previous areas, however, the tasks are usually for one or
several days for systems not permanently assigned to offshore platforms or drill ships.
 Platform Cleaning–one of the most sophisticated tasks using manipulators and suction cups for
positioning and 100-horsepower systems driving brushes, water jets and other abrasive devices.
 Subsea Installations–as capability has increased, vehicles have begun to support the
construction, operation, inspection, maintenance and repair of subsea installations, especially in
deep water.
 Telecommunications Support — Inspection, Burial or Repair–from towed plows that bury cables
for protection from trawlers and anchors to sophisticated vehicles that can locate, follow,
retrieve and rebury subsea telecommunication cables.
 Object Location and Recovery–ROVs may have received their highest level of recognition from
tragedies such as passenger jet crashes and the space shuttle disaster. Search, location, and
recovery of lost objects has become routine.(

What are the different types of vessels that uses ROV?

- Diving support and ROV support vessels

- Drill ships
- Offshore support vessel
- Cable lay and repair vessels

- Pipe laying ships

- Rock dumping vessels
- Semi submersible Heavy lift vessels
- Mobile offshore drilling units
- FPSO Ships

What is DP?

- Dynamic positioning (DP) is a computer-controlled system to automatically maintain a

vessel's positionand heading by using its own propellers and thrusters. ... There are currently
more than 1800 DP ships.

What are the different types of Vessels that use DP?

- Drill ships
- Cable-laying vessels
- Crane vessels
- Cruise ships
- Diving support vessels
- Dredging
- FPSO's
- Flotels
- Maritime research vessels
- Mega yachts
- Mine sweepers
- Pipe laying vessels
- Platform supply vessels
- Rock dumping vessels
- Survey ships
- Supply vessels
- Shuttle tankers

What are the uses of DP?

- Dynamic Positioning is generally used in research ships and drilling vessels which have to
venture into the deepest parts of the ocean and sea where winds and waves tend to be
perpetually altering. In situations like this, it could prove very tedious for a ship’s crew to lay the
anchors. A ship enabled with Dynamic Positioning can get to know about the changes in the
wind and the waves and thus alter its course suitably without having to compromise on its main
purpose. (

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