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Tag Team Game

For each person to share with the group their individual strengths and positive traits that
contribute to the overall success of the group.

 Large sheet of paper
 Writing paper
 Pens or pencils
 Marking pens

Break the group into smaller groups of four to eight. Give each team one large sheet of paper,
some writing paper, marking pens and a pen or pencil. Instruct the groups to make the "ultimate
team member" by combining all of their best traits into one imaginary person. They need to give
this "person" a name and draw a picture of him/her on the large sheet of paper with different
attributes labeled. Then the group needs to write a story about this person. The story should
highlight all of the amazing things their imaginary person can do with all of the awesome
characteristics he/she has been given. Allow time at the end of the group time for each team to
share their person and to read their story.

4. Learning: how to work in a team

5. Relationship with topic

Lighthouse Game

For each person to take on different roles in a single teamwork activity in order to support his/her

 Various obstacles

 Blindfolds

 Pieces Of wrapped candy

Blindfold one person and put him/her at one end of a room or outdoor area that has various
obstacles in it (i.e. rocks, cones, chairs, trees, etc.). Select at least three of the remaining group
members to be "lighthouses" and ask them to stand in various places along the obstacle course.
Give the blindfolded person a handful of candy (one piece for each lighthouse). The job of the
lighthouse is to guide the cargo ship (blindfolded person) through the rough waters (obstacle
course) safely so that the cargo (candy) can be delivered to each lighthouse.
The first lighthouse must verbally guide the cargo ship through the obstacles and directly to the
lighthouse, if this is done successfully the ship will deliver one piece of candy to that person.
The only lighthouse allowed to give directions at a given time is the one that the ship is headed
for, but he or she may give support and encouragement after the person has gone past him/her.
Any lighthouse whose area the ship has not come to yet must remain quiet until the ship reaches
his/her area.
If the ship is put in danger by crashing into an obstacle the guiding lighthouse does not get any
candy. Or, if the lighthouse is unable to guide the person successfully to him/her and the ship
passes on by, then this person receives no candy and the next lighthouse takes over.
Allow the group members to take turns in the different positions. For large groups, you may have
more then one obstacle course going at once.

4. Learning: how to work in a team

5. Relationship with topic

Rope Knots Game

For each person to contribute to the overall success of the group by doing his/her individual part and by
helping others when they need it.

One long climbing rope

This is a fun variation to the popular game Knots, where people grab each other's hands and try to get
untangled. In this game there is less human contact, so it is less threatening but still a challenge.
Tie one overhand knot in the rope for each person that is in the group. Space the knots about two feet
apart. Instruct group members to select a knot on the rope and stand by it on either side of the rope. Then
tell them to grab the rope on either side of the knot with one hand. Some people will grab further out from
their knot than others, but that is OK. Now challenge the group to untie all of the knots without anyone
letting go of the rope or without moving the hand that is on the rope. Participants may use only their free
hand to untie knots.
You may set this activity up by having the group think of things that are "knots" for the group that need to
be "untied," or have the knots represent problems for the group that need to be straightened out.

4. Learning: how to work in a team

5. Relationship with topic

Word game

For group members to work together to accomplish a goal.

 3x5 index cards
 Marking pens

Divide the group into teams of four to ten and give each team the same number of 3x5 index
cards. Ask them to divide the cards evenly among their group members. Give each person a
marking pen and instruct them to write down any five letters of the alphabet on the cards (one
per card) and to not show these letters to the other members of their team. After everyone has
done this, have each team put all their cards into a pile.
Set a time limit (five to ten minutes) and challenge the teams to use their cards to make as many
words as possible, using each card only once. You may give points according to how many
words they come up with, extra points for longer words, etc. The team with the most points at the
end wins.

4. Learning: how to work in a team

5. Relationship with topic

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