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Ava Perock 9/6/1615


Galileo Galilei was the first out of 6 children. He was born in Pisa, Italy in 1564.
His father Vincenzo Galilei was a musician and a scholar. Galilei was very fond of Mathe-
matics. He entered the University of Pisa in 1581 originally for medicine, but later got
distracted by his fascination with math. A few years later in 1583, Galileo described the
rules of a pendulums motion, which was his first big discovery of science.

Galileo made his most his most significant contributions to physics during the
years of 1589-1610. In these years he was chairman of Mathematics at the University of
Pisa and later at Padua. For his experiments he tested falling bodies to help change phys-
ics forever.

Later he built his first telescope and found that the universe was not geocentric
meaning all the planets revolve around the earth, rather that the universe is heliocentric
meaning all the planets revolve around the sun. This heliocentric theory was not accepted
by scientists for a long time, but eventually became accepted as a scientific fact. All of his
inventions from the compass and balances to the telescope and microscopes, revolution-
ized astronomy and biology to what the word has today.


Where were you born?

• I was born in Torun, Poland SPECIAL POINTS OF

When you were younger, and your father passed away, who was a parental
figure to you? • Obituary for the beloved
Issac Newton
• My uncle acted as a father figure to my siblings and I. he made sure that I got the best possible
• Q&A with Nicolaus Coperni-
education while I was with him.
Where did you go to college? What did you study?
• Biography of Rene Descartes
• I entered the university of Cracow. There I studied mathematics and painting

What would you say is your biggest accomplishment? Why?

• I would have to say my biggest accomplishment was when I made my own model of the universe
being heliocentric because it made people think about the universe more.

What was you written work Commentariolus about?

• it is basically one big geometry proof. It is a 40 page manuscript which summarizes my views
and thoughts on the heliocentric planetary system. It also includes some mathematical formulas.
We all know and love Isaac prism to discover that white light is made
Newton. Most of us know him for the up of many different colors. Others might
apple falling on his head story and so on. refer to him as the most influential scien-
But there was so much more than that. tist in the 17th century.
Newton died on March 20th, 1726 at the
age of 83. he was one of 4 children. He
studied law at Trinity College Cambridge.
He kept many journals about the ideas he
had. He got interested in mathematics and
physics when he first got a book and didn't
understand it. he then went back to col-
lege to get his Bachelors degree. Then he
created what we all know and love, New-
ton’s Three Laws of Motion. In his later
years, he studied the diffraction of light.
Some people might know that he used a

"I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of
people." ~Isaac Newton

Descartes was known as one of the greatest philosophers in the world.

He was one of three children. His mother died a year after his birth during

childbirth. Descartes was raised by his grandmother and his great-uncle. When

he was about 10, he was deemed healthy enough to go to school. He went to a

Jesuit school in Anjou. There, he learned logic, theology, philosophy, Latin and

Greek. In his final years there, he studied physics and mathematics as well.

One afternoon, while Descartes was dozing off, he had dreams about

what he believed were ultimate ways that would change how a scientist worked.

He believed a spirit from God sent him new ideas. Such as, the scientific meth-

od, analytical geometry, and philosophy. He said that he thought everything

should be doubted until it could be proven. Another revolutionary discovery

Descartes made was that he could solve problems in geometry by changing

them into algebra problems.

Rene Descartes died at the age of 53. he had one daughter with one of

his servants, but he never married. He is buried at Adolf Fredriks Church in

Dear The History Gazette,
My name is Johannes Kepler, and I am writing this letter to you
and your team because I wanted to thank you for all the hard work you
have put into spreading stories about history. This next issue, I hear
you are planning on writing about famous scientists and philosophers, I
myself am a scientist as well! Your past issues have inspired me in ways
unimaginable. I am glad to have you and your team writing this paper.
Here’s a little about myself. I just recently discovered the three
major laws of planetary motion. I have been told that my physical as-
tronomy has fixed a new problematic for other important 17th century
figures! Don’t know if that’s good or bad but I’ll take it. I was also told
that I provided a new and correct account of how human vision works.
Well, thank you for giving the world this newspaper. It is very
educational and I have learned very much just from reading this every
weekend. I think you should spread this news to other parts of the
~ Johannes Kepler

WORKS CITED Staff. “Galileo Galilei.”, A&E Television Networks, 2010,
“Nicolaus Copernicus.”, A&E Networks Television, 28 Apr. 2017,
Staff, Live Science. “Isaac Newton Biography.” LiveScience, Purch, 24 Mar. 2016,
“Home.” Famous Scientists,
The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Johannes Kepler.” Encyclopædia Britannica,
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 12 Jan. 2017,

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